Thor: Love and Thunder (2022) Movie Script

Oh, great and mighty Rapu...
we pray to you for water and sustenance.
I pray to you, not for me,
but for my daughter.
I'm tired.
You have suffered.
Come to me.
Come to me.
You have suffered.
Come to me.
You have suffered.
What do we have here?
Look at it.
It's gobbling up all my fruit.
Bringer of Light.
Oh, it's one of mine.
I am Gorr, the last of your disciples.
We have lost everything, my lord.
The land is dry.
All life is lost.
But our faith in you never wavered
and now we await the promise...
of the eternal reward.
Is this why you celebrate?
He thinks there's an eternal reward.
No. No, sorry.
There's no eternal reward for you, dog!
What we're celebrating is a fresh kill.
We just vanquished
the holder of the Necrosword...
- You have suffered.
- ...before he could harm...
- any other gods with that cursed blade.
- If it's revenge you seek.
He threatened to end my entire empire.
But, my lord...
your empire has already ended.
There's no one left to worship you.
There'll be more followers to replace you.
There always are.
We have suffered...
and we have starved.
My daughter died...
- in your name.
- And well you should.
Suffering for your gods is your
only purpose.
There's nothing for you after death.
Except death.
You are no god.
I renounce you.
Now your meaningless life
finally does have a purpose.
To sacrifice yourself to me.
If it's revenge you seek...
...kill all the gods.
Go to Eternity.
If it's revenge you seek...
summon the Bifrost.
Go to Eternity.
- Kill all the gods.
- Summon the Bifrost.
Go to Eternity.
Kill all the gods. Kill all the gods.
Kill all the gods.
The sword chose you.
You are now cursed!
It doesn't feel like a curse.
Feels like a promise.
So, this is my vow.
All gods will die.
Come, come, gather round.
And listen to the legend of the
Space Viking.
AKA the God of Thunder.
AKA Thor Odinson.
Raised in the way of the warrior...
Thor was taught to help win battles...
fighting the good fight
for those who can't fight good.
He grew and he grew and he grew.
He was sensitive, like a smile.
And his loving nature did not discriminate.
He once loved a swashbuckling Passionista.
Another time, he loved a Wolf Woman...
on a Woman Wolf.
But Thor's one true love was an
Earth woman named Jane Fonda.
Wait. No. Jane Foster.
But sadly, in the battle for love,
Thor lost.
In fact, he lost a lot of people
in those days.
His mum.
His dad.
And that guy.
And that guy.
And whoever that is.
And Heimdall.
And his brother.
And his brother, again.
And again.
Poor Thor had to watch his planet explode.
And then he said, "What have I done?"
It seemed that everything
and everyone he loved, he lost.
And so he hid his heart
behind a big, fleshy bod...
so it could never be broken again.
But just because he was done loving,
didn't mean he was done fighting.
He teamed up
with the Guardians of the Galaxy...
and set off on some classic
Thor adventures.
He got in shape.
Putting in the hard yards.
Turning pains into gains,
and never skipping leg day.
He went from Dad Bod to God Bod.
But beneath his God Bod,
there was still a Sad Bod...
just trying to get out.
Because all of the bods
that Thor had worn over the years...
couldn't hide the pain
that he was feeling on the inside.
So he gave up his search for love...
accepting that he was only good
for one thing...
Waiting in quiet contemplation
for someone to say...
"Thor, we need your
help to win this battle."
We need your help to win this battle.
Let's go.
Okay. Come on, Storm breaker.
Back to work.
We must hurry, okay?
People are dying.
See you down there.
Hurry up!
Give me those.
You're gonna break 'em.
I am Groot!
You got sap all over it.
- Hello, everybody.
- Well, well, look who it is.
How are we doing, guys?
We're all about to die.
You said this planet
would be a relaxing holiday.
I said it was going to be,
"Like a relaxing holiday."
But look at that resplendent skyscape.
Three suns of Saturn.
What could be more relaxing than that?
An actual holiday!
Die Booskan scum!
God of Thunder.
King Yakan.
You have finally joined our fight.
Well, as they say,
"Better late than not at all."
Yes, it's very nice.
As you know,
we used to live in a peaceful oasis.
- But then our gods were murdered.
- Murdered?
And now our sacred temple
has been left unguarded...
and Habooska's hordes
took control of its power.
It is our most sacred shrine
and he desecrates it.
Not for long.
King Yakan, tell them
what happened here today.
Tell of the time that Thor...
and his ragtag, motley crew
of misfit desperados...
turned the tide of the battle...
and etched their names in history.
For the odds may be against us,
but I'll tell you this for free...
Here it comes.
This ends here and now!
He's not going to go into
the temple, is he? No.
Well done, everybody.
We can collectively take credit for that
because we worked as a team.
We used our hearts and our minds
to defeat the enemy...
with minimal loss or damage.
What a classic Thor adventure!
Good book?
I wrote it.
Wait. You're Dr. Jane Foster?
I am.
- Hi.
- Hi.
How's the Einstein-Rosen Bridge?
It's tough.
- Yeah.
- Really tough.
It's... You need a 3D model.
You ever see Event Horizon?
- Interstellar?
- No.
That movie explains everything
really clearly.
All right. The Einstein-Rosen Bridge...
folds space, so that point A and
point B...
coexist in space and time.
Like that.
You just ruined your own book.
Yeah, but now you understand wormholes.
Watch those movies.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Saw the Hot Cheetos, had to get it.
So, how's it going?
It's going amazing.
Have you told anyone else besides me?
When people find out they start
acting weird. They're just different.
I don't need that in my life right now.
Anyway, it's not that serious.
Jane, it's Stage Four.
Out of, like, how many stages?
That we know about.
Oh, you have somewhere else
you gotta be right now...
that's more important than chemo?
You're trying to get back to the lab,
aren't you?
I have a few ideas I'm trying.
Okay, no, time out.
I know you think your lab work is
something you have to do...
otherwise you're letting down
all of civilization...
but you're not getting what the universe
is actually trying to tell you...
so let me translate.
Slow down.
You need your energy to fight this thing.
I'll fight it my way, okay?
Well, FYI...
"my way" does not have to equal
alone in a lab.
Maybe it's time to
play the Space Viking card.
It's not a card.
Yes, it is.
- There's no card.
- There's a card.
It's tall, it's blond, and it's gorgeous.
It's a handsome card.
- Jane, are you sure?
- Look, Darcy...
I will figure this out by myself.
Results are still coming back the same.
I'm afraid the chemo has
very little effect.
I'm so sorry, Jane.
If there's anything I can do,
or if you just wanna talk, call me.
Smell like a king, because you're worthy.
Old Spice.
Look at this place.
It's beautiful.
Yes, home, Father.
We're here to take you home.
Yes. To planet Asgard.
Asgard is not a planet, my sons.
It is people.
It is you!
And now, it is time for me
to pass on to the spirit realm.
I will take my place...
in the great banqueting hall
of Valhalla...
the resting place of the gods.
Oh, one more thing.
You have a sister.
And so now, I turn into godly stardust...
and say farewell.
Oh, look.
Do you see? It's happening.
I'm disappearing.
But wait! Brother!
An ominous portal hath appeared behind us.
I am Hela, Goddess of Death.
Now, I return to Asgard to stake my claim
as the rightful heir to the throne...
and no one will stop me!
Join me or die!
We will never join you, witch!
I broke your hammer!
Time to die!
You can almost feel the power...
of these magnificent and immovable stones.
Okay. Let's head back to the village...
where we can drink
some real Asgardian mead.
Come on.
God of Disaster...
we thank you.
We feared we would be at war forever
without the protection of our gods...
but now, peace shall reign.
In return for your service,
please accept these gifts.
As is tradition, the protectors of our
world are bestowed with great beasts.
Giant goats!
Look at those! They are wonderful.
Korg, look at that.
Those things are beautiful.
King Yakan, thank you so much.
Listen, about the temple...
I don't wanna talk about the temple.
I know, but if we were to talk about it,
I think it's important...
- It's making me sad.
- life and material objects...
- And mad.
- Okay, I'll stop talking.
Don't forget the goats.
Which you accepted,
and now must take with you.
No backsies.
- They are beautiful.
- Yes, they are beautiful.
They also scream quite a lot.
They'll be fine.
I am Groot.
We need to find the damn remote
so we can download the distress signal!
Retrace your steps.
Where did you put the remote?
One of your goats probably ate it!
Goats didn't eat the remote.
Don't be ridiculous.
Well, I ain't digging through their crap.
I love them!
They should live with us forever!
Found the remote!
I'm putting them down.
- Me too.
- Is it working or not?
No, it's not workin'. It's not charged.
- Well, maybe you need to find a charger...
- Get out of my way!
Hey, hey! Whoa, whoa, whoa! Whoa, whoa!
- Korg, you okay?
- Yeah, bro. All good.
All right. Everybody, just relax.
The goats are gonna be fine.
If not, we can just use them
for meat...
...ting people.
Meeting people.
They're a great conversation starter.
And I've been told you can summon them
with a special whistle...
that goes something like this...
No, that's not it.
No, that's not it.
No, that's not it.
You have a go.
No, that's not it.
- Oh, hey, guys.
- Kraglin!
No, that's not it.
- You been here this whole time?
- Yeah, you said to stay with the ship.
This is Glenda. We're married.
I am Groot.
What did we tell you
about jumpin' into new relationships?
That I shouldn't be doing that.
Yeah, you can't get married
on every single planet we land on.
I am Groot.
All right, here we go. Distress calls.
Please help us!
The God Butcher has found us!
God Butcher?
He left them hanging as a warning.
Look at all of these gods, murdered.
Our greatest champions,
now laid to waste.
The horror.
Who could have done something like this?
Thor, where are you?
Wait, wait, wait. What was that? Go back.
Play that one.
- Thor, where are you?
- Sif?
We need you here.
My friend is in danger.
We must go at once.
Start the ship, my friends.
I don't know,
maybe we should split up.
So many people to save,
I mean, look at all of these distress...
You gonna be okay?
I admire your commitment to each other.
It's a beautiful thing.
Alas, it's something I'll never have.
Buddy, if I may...
You may.
After thousands of years of living, you
don't seem to know who the hell you are.
I've been lost before.
But then I found meaning, I found love.
And yeah, it got taken from me,
and god, that hurts.
But that shitty feeling
is better than feeling empty.
My hope for you is that
one day you will find something...
to make you feel this shitty.
I have loved before. It didn't work out.
They either die a grismal death
or they dump you with a handwritten letter.
I don't know which is worse, but it's why
I keep everyone at arm's length.
You've grown too attached.
Damn it, I knew this would happen.
You must go. I'll find Sif.
You answer the other calls.
The galaxy needs its Guardians.
- Cool, yeah. We were just leaving...
- I know it hurts.
But it's better this way.
You have to trust me.
To ease the pain, why don't you...
take this ship here
as a parting farewell gift?
You're giving me my ship?
Yes, she's yours.
May you make as many memories with her
as I have.
She's a temperamental old lass.
Will serve you well in a tight pickle.
- I'll start the ship.
- Thank you.
Goodbye, old friend.
A human handshake...
to the Asgardian shake.
Into the snake that you cannot trust.
You're really dragging this out.
And finish with the classic
Asgardian high one.
Let's go.
Take care of my crew.
This is gonna be hard for them.
Hurry up!
Not her.
Remember what I told you.
You ever feel lost...
just look into the eyes
of the people that you love.
They'll tell you exactly who you are.
All right. Bye.
For what it's worth,
let's cling to the good memories.
We Asgardians say, "May you travel
with the speed of Odin's ravens.
"I'll see you in Valhalla
where we shall drink mead and..."
- They're gone.
- Alone again. Just me and you.
Storm breaker!
Watch out, you frickin' crazy axe!
So what do we do now, bro?
Let's go get Sif!
Who or what is that?
Falligar, God of the Falligarians.
One of the nicest gods you'll ever meet.
Oh, no.
Sif, it's me, Thor.
You're missing an arm.
I'm gonna get you home.
No! Leave me here.
I want to die a warrior's death.
On the battlefield. In battle.
And then I can claim my place in Valhalla.
Oh, I hate to break it to you...
but for a warrior to get into Valhalla,
you have to die in the battle.
- You survived.
- Oh, shit.
Maybe your arm is in Valhalla.
What happened here?
I've been hunting a madman.
I followed him here, but it was a trap.
Who is this madman?
The God Butcher is coming.
He seeks the extinction of the gods.
Asgard is next.
Look, it's Thor!
- Thor!
- Take Sif to the infirmary.
Who'd you piss off now?
This is not my fault.
I've never even seen these things...
whatever the hell they are.
Welcome back.
Who's the new guy?
That guy? You're gonna love that guy.
Mjolnir! Mjolnir!
It's me, Thor.
Have you seen my hammer?
Mjolnir, here, boy.
You're back!
Excuse me.
Hello. That's my hammer you've got there.
And that's my look.
Enough tomfoolery.
Why don't you take off that mask
and reveal yourself?
Come on.
Let me tell you the
legend of Thor and Jane.
He was a God of Thunder
and she, a woman of science.
And although
they were from different worlds...
somehow, it just made sense.
And together they embarked
on a journey of love.
Thor taught Jane the way of the warrior...
And Jane taught Thor the way of the people.
And as time passed,
their love grew deeper and deeper.
She's incredible, isn't she, Mjolnir?
I need you to promise me
you'll always protect her.
I love you too, buddy.
And love that deep
has a way of becoming magical.
Thor set his sights toward a future...
and all it might hold.
But the more he pondered a life with Jane,
the more he feared losing that life.
And although Jane
didn't want to admit it...
she was scared of loss as well.
And so, they built walls between them.
Thor got busy saving humanity.
And Jane got busy doing the same.
Real busy.
And eventually, the space between them grew
and grew until it became too wide to bear.
Something had to give.
I have to stay up all night
to go through this data. Okay?
And I have to stay up all night
and clean all of this up.
- There's two plates!
- It's two plates and two forks!
And then, one night, it did give.
Jane wrote a note.
And Thor read that note.
And their legend suddenly became myth.
Or so they thought.
You okay?
Yeah, it's a little hot in...
Startin' to feel...
It's claustrophobic with the helmet.
Can we talk about this later?
Yeah, sure.
Great seeing you.
Kill all the gods.
Hey. Is that the Necrosword?
That's cool.
I've only ever read about it in stories.
Then you know this is going to hurt.
What is pain but a construct
invented by the weak?
Okay, that's very sharp!
Don't touch my things.
Yeah, you better run, you coward.
The children. They're taking the children!
Shadow monsters. Disgusting.
Flew around the world twice.
Cowards must have run away.
We'll find them.
- Quite a reunion, huh?
- You're telling me.
What's it been?
Like, three, four years?
Eight years, seven months, and six days.
I haven't forgotten...
the last time I saw you, or didn't see you,
because you left.
It's kind of an oversimplification
to say that I left.
No, you left.
You did.
You wrote me a beautiful
handwritten letter.
I should know, I was there.
- You weren't there, actually, hence the note.
- I was.
And if you weren't there to see me leave,
then maybe it was you that left.
Fair point.
Not that it matters.
- Like, who's keeping track, right?
- No, yeah.
I suppose we both left and both got left.
Now you're leaving again.
Miek, we need detailed accounts
from all the witnesses.
Darryl, get me all the names of
the children who have been lost.
Your Majesty, my daughter has been taken,
and I don't know where she is.
And she'll be found.
Guys, they're bleeding.
Get them to the infirmary. Now!
Majesty, should we start working
on a performance of this entire debacle?
The people need entertainment.
Particularly now, in times of crisis.
I did not hear a, "No."
Nor did I.
- Asgard. Night.
- Yes!
We open on some sleeping children.
So, that's the ex-girlfriend, is it?
The old ex-girlfriend.
Jodie Foster.
Jane Foster.
The one that got away.
The one that got away.
That means escaped.
Yeah. Yeah... Yeah.
Must be hard for you
to see your ex-girlfriend...
and your ex-hammer hangin' out,
and getting on so well.
What you up to, bro?
Come on.
Come to daddy.
Come on. Mjolnir.
Hey! There you are.
- Do you know what I think we should do?
- I was just calling you.
- Start an army!
- With what? Half our soldiers are dead!
Half our soldiers are always dead!
- Everyone, please...
- Where are the children?
...go home.
I promise you we'll have news soon.
Someone needs to tell us what happened.
We shall find them.
- I just don't understand.
- You know what?
This is all our fault.
Stop it!
My friends, we must not quarrel.
In times like this, we need to unite,
come together.
I see what's happening here.
You're afraid.
If we are to find the children,
we must first look within ourselves.
I'm sorry. Miek, it's very hard
to give a rousing speech with the... noise.
- What are you doing?
- She's taking minutes.
Precious minutes we don't have.
You want the kids back?
I'll be back in a minute.
You can write that down, Miek.
Storm breaker, what are you doing?
Is this about Mjolnir?
Everyone, out!
Didn't find them.
Bae, your cape's on fire.
It's fine. It'll grow back.
I'm invoicing you for this.
What do we know about this guy?
- He travels through shadows.
- And he creates monsters with them.
Absolutely freaky monsters.
He also wields the Necrosword.
How do I know that?
Because he almost speared me
in the face with it.
What's a Necrosword?
It's an ancient weapon that's been passed
through hands since the dawn of time.
It has the ability to slay gods...
but it slowly corrupts and kills
whoever wields it, which means...
- So, it infected him.
- It's infecting him. Yes. It must be.
So basically, we're up against a cursed,
shadow-zombie kidnapper.
Awesome. When do we leave?
Can you see me?
Floating head alert.
It's Astrid. Heimdall's son.
Astrid, are you okay?
I no longer go by the name Astrid.
I'm now known as Axl.
He's a singer from a popular band
I heard on Earth.
- G N' R.
- Astrid...
your father gave you
a very tough Viking name...
and I intend to honor his wishes.
- Axl.
- Astrid.
- I said Axl.
- Astrid.
- Axl!
- It's asshole. Now listen to him!
All right, fine, Axl. Where are you?
I'm not sure. I don't know how to use
my magic eyes yet.
Your father taught me
and I'm gonna teach you.
I need you to focus and hold out your hand.
Okay, good. Now focus.
Close your eyes.
Hey, how's it going, kids?
"How's it going?" Look where we are.
We're in a cage made of spikes.
Yes, right. Not good. Yeah.
Are you gonna do something?
Yes. Yes, I am, but just not right now.
I'm the vision ghost. Look.
- See?
- What will happen to us?
Who can tell? I mean,
this is a very, very bad situation.
You know,
the good news is you're Asgardians.
So, if you die, you'll end up in Valhalla.
Oh, my God. Go away.
Wait, wait. Listen.
Okay. It's all right, children.
Don't cry. Don't cry. It's okay.
Listen, I've got a plan, okay? I'm putting
together a really, really good team.
We've got Uncle Korg, King Valkyrie...
my ex-girlfriend, Jane, which is a whole
other story I won't bore you with, okay?
But it is a top-notch team...
and we're gonna have you home
before you know it.
I know where you are.
I'm gonna get you out of here.
I'm scared. We all are.
Thor! Thor! Save us.
Get me out of here.
You take care, okay?
Take care. I'll see you soon.
All right?
Axl, get me out of here!
They're in the Shadow Realm.
How do you know?
The heavy atmosphere there
has a darkness like no other.
It's as if color fears to tread.
It's unmistakable.
Well then, if it's color we need...
let's bring the rainbow.
"Bring the rainbow"?
Is that a catchphrase or something?
She's only been a Thor for a minute.
I mean, saving lives, she's quite good at.
But the rest of it, she needs work.
- How many catchphrases have there been?
- A lot.
Yep. Jumped the gun.
Hang on, he moves through shadows
and he's going to the Shadow Realm...
it seems like that's where
he's going to be the most powerful.
You're right. We can't just go
marching in there. It could be a trap.
We'd be endangering the children.
We need reinforcements.
We must raise an army.
Are you thinking
what I think you're thinking?
- I'm thinking it.
- What are we thinking?
- Thinking what?
- I'm thinking it too.
Omnipotence City.
What's Omnipotence City?
It's the home of the most powerful gods
in the universe.
We could pull together
the greatest team ever.
We could recruit Ra, Hercules...
Quetzalcoatl, maybe. And Zeus,
the oldest and wisest of them all.
Did you say Zeus?
Yeah, Zeus.
Like, the Zeus. Zeus-Zeus?
I'm not sure if he has a second name.
Do you think my god will be there,
Ninny of the Nonny?
You never know, Korg. But if they are,
we'll ask them to join our team.
Storm breaker.
All right. Calm down. Relax.
No, no, no, mate, we are not traveling
in Stormbreaker's janky Bifrost.
Look what just happened.
We can't exactly go in your tiny, little,
flying portal horse, can we?
We won't all fit.
What are you talking about?
Warsong's awesome.
Stormbreaker's awesome too.
Storm breaker just needs a conduit.
Anything that can handle space travel.
I love it when she talks shop.
It has the power to get us there...
it just needs something to focus
that energy so it's not so unpredictable.
You know, if we had a ship
we could harness it...
and use Storm breaker as a power source.
- Oh, like an engine.
- Like an engine.
You need a ship?
I've got a ship.
Get rid of all those seats.
And you guys,
go tie those goats to the front.
We leave in 15 minutes.
Essentials only, everyone.
That's essential.
Fifteen minutes to departure!
Well, you moved on quick, didn't you?
You're some piece of work.
- Oh, hey!
- Hey.
- Just catching up with an old friend.
- Yeah.
I've been meaning to apologize.
Sorta acting a little weird before.
I just haven't really been myself lately.
You know, kind of...
Trying to figure out who I am,
and just felt a little bit lost.
And then, all of a sudden,
I see you dressed as me...
and it was kind of...
It's a lot for me, too.
So, how did you guys get together?
How did this happen?
I swear I heard Mjolnir call to me.
Ah, did it?
And so I came here to investigate...
and its pieces started
glowing and swirling, and then...
Well, you know what,
it looks good on you, it works, so...
Just checking.
See you later.
Five minutes to departure!
We were just talking.
Mommy, don't leave me.
Don't be afraid.
Even when I'm gone, honey...
You won't be alone.
And whatever happens...
never stop fighting.
Never stop fighting.
Hey. You all right?
The sink would say otherwise.
You think I really should be coming?
I'm not getting any better.
You're a Thor. Of course, you should come.
Besides, what else are you gonna do?
You're a Viking now.
Means you pretty much
have to die in battle...
and it needs to be devastatingly painful.
Otherwise, you don't get into Valhalla.
That's my plan.
What about, you know, kinging and stuff?
I love being king.
I love my people...
but it's all meetings and raven-mail...
and meetings that could've been raven-mail.
I miss fighting.
I miss my sisters.
Which is why you need to come,
'cause I need one.
Okay, we should go.
You packed?
Are you packed?
A hand grenade?
No. It's a portable speaker.
Let's go.
If you don't mind keeping
the sink thing under wraps?
I got you.
My fellow Asgardians...
Wish us well, for we shall travel
with the speed of Odin's ravens.
We will return with children.
Many children.
And then we shall feast!
Not on the children.
We do not do that anymore.
Those were dark times. Shameful times.
Okay, we should go.
So, you still rollerblading?
No. No. You?
Oh, yeah. Every weekend.
Once you blade, you never fade.
Right, Korg?
Skate mates for life!
- Hey, can I run something by you?
- Yeah.
So, I was thinking...
when we get to the bad guy, what about
if I had, like, a cool catchphrase?
Like, "Eat this hammer!"
Or, like, "Check out my hammer."
Like, what about...
I'm work shopping it.
No, they are all really good.
Mine is...
"This ends here and now."
Oh, that's such a good one.
Took me a long time to perfect it.
You'll get there.
You just need to practice.
Just my first bad guy.
You never forget your first.
So, you got a girlfriend?
No, no. Too busy, don't have time,
you know?
Just the work and everything.
Cool. Gonna check this place out.
So cool.
Who's so cool?
The buildings are cool.
- What's happening there?
- Where?
Am I sensing feelings?
Feelings? What, for Jane?
No, don't be ridiculous. Feelings.
The last time we had feelings were...
long time ago. Long, long gone.
I think you...
- Maybe you have feelings.
- Right.
- Mate, relax. We're on the same team.
- I don't know.
Know exactly what team we're on, okay?
Team Jane.
Thing about Thor
is that he always bounces back.
- Yeah.
- Like when Hela stole his hammer...
he went and built an axe which was forged
in the heart of a dying star.
And the same axe was used
to cut off Thanos' head.
That's a good one.
What a neat story!
With all this talk
about chopping off heads...
I wanna have a go.
What's this?
This is Octy.
Hello, Octy.
How are you?
You know what Octy loves?
Having his head ripped off!
You liked it a second ago.
All right, all right, all right.
Octy's gone.
Come on.
I'm scared.
Look at you.
I knew a little girl just like you.
And she was brave,
and she was smart...
and funny and she liked to draw.
Let me ask you a question...
about gods.
They're meant to protect you, right?
Well, where are they?
- Thor is on his way.
- Yeah!
Yes. I'm counting on that.
That's why you're here.
It's invitation only, so we're gonna have
to keep a low profile and blend in.
Luckily, disguises are my specialty.
Greek philosopher?
Got us these.
What are those?
Actual disguises.
They're the cloaks of the emotion gods.
Every color signifies a different emotion.
Where are the emotion gods?
Don't ask.
Holy shit.
Welcome to the Golden Temple, kids.
This is where the most powerful
creator gods in the universe hang out.
There's the god of magic,
the god of dreams...
the god of carpentry.
Look at that one.
Oh, yes. That's Bao, god of dumplings.
- Hey, Bao!
- Bao.
Look up there, guys!
That's the Kronan god, Ninny of the Nonny.
Hey, Ninny Nonny!
Zeus! Zeus! Zeus!
Zeus! Zeus! Zeus!
I am Zeus!
There he is!
The man, the myth, the legend.
I don't know if you know this...
but I base a lot of what I do
on this guy.
He's the god of lightning,
I'm the god of thunder.
- Huge source of inspiration.
- That's really good.
You should lead with that
when you ask him for an army.
How do we get up there?
Do we just, like, fly?
No, we can't interrupt him
in the middle of an entrance.
He's famous for his entrances.
Thunderbolt! Thunderbolt!
Yes! Thunderbolt!
Silence! Silence!
I hereby open...
this holy council of the god.
Where we have many, many serious matter
to be talk about.
Such as...
where are we going
to hold this year's orgy?
Is this guy for real?
Honestly, I'm not mad at it.
Yeah, I'm sure he has a point, okay?
So now we're going to
announce the winner...
of the, "Most human souls sacrificed
in the name of a god."
Okay, maybe he's not that great.
Oh, no, not good.
No, I don't think it's gonna get
any better than this.
Look, these gods aren't gonna help.
But that thunderbolt,
I think that might be of use.
Jane, you go right.
Thor, you go left.
We bum-rush him, take the bolt,
- All right, let's go get it!
- No, no, no, wait!
There's no ding-donging or bum-rushing.
Especially not Zeus' bum.
When the time is right,
I'm gonna talk to him.
The time is right now.
Time is not right now.
Who is talking?
Who is talking?
- These guys.
- Korg, shut up.
Do you have something to say to the group?
I'm bashing heads in 60 seconds,
so speak fast.
Literally, heads will roll.
Who are you two?
Let me be the first to say it is an honor
and a privilege to be...
No, I can't hear you.
Why don't you take the stage?
The stage down there?
Well, yes. You see the area
that looks very much like a stage?
Got ya.
Coming through.
Oops. Sorry.
Good luck, bro.
Mighty Zeus!
Gods of the universe...
I come here to ask for your help,
to raise an army.
There's a maniac called the God Butcher
who seeks to end us all.
His destruction is everywhere.
Entire planets, realms...
have been left completely unprotected.
He's left nothing but chaos in his wake.
But I know where he is...
and with your help we can crush him
before he kills anyone else.
That guy...
he killed a couple of low-level god.
If that's all...
pretty boy...
you go back to your seat
and you be quiet.
Yeah, I'm sorry.
Did you not hear any of what I just said?
He's murdering en masse.
I tell you one time...
now, you shut up.
You be quiet.
Because you are this close
to being uninvited to the orgy.
Zeus, we must do something.
You cannot come to the orgy!
- You have to listen to us!
- That's it!
Your Highness, whenever you're ready,
you just tell me.
- We go on my signal.
- Mm-hmm.
What is the signal?
It'll be, "Go."
Let's see who you are.
I take off your disguise.
And flick!
You flicked too hard, damn it!
Should we help him?
I mean, eventually.
Looks like a shy courgette.
And what about the others?
We take off their disguise too.
Oh, no. No. Don't flick us.
It's cool.
Disguise gone!
Disguise off. Cool?
I thought we'd seen the last of you
when Odin died.
You are Thor...
the God of Thunder.
But is not thunder
just the sound of lightning?
Good one, Dad.
Zeus, this is bigger than us.
He's taken Asgardian children.
Who do you think we are?
The god police?
Every god watches over their own peoples.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Asgardian problems...
are Asgardian problems.
How the mighty have fallen.
My hero, Zeus...
Couple of thing.
One, yes, I am scared.
Gorr has the Necrosword...
which means he could kill us.
Not good. Two...
I know you're trying
to do the right thing.
I understand.
But all you do is cause a panic.
Panic is not good.
We are safe here.
You, my friend. You are safe here.
So, chill, baby cake.
Have some wine, have some grape.
Anything goes here...
in Omnipotence City.
Three, don't talk back to Zeus.
I flicked too hard.
I put your clothes back on.
Now I put your clothes back on!
Flick, flick.
For this is the Golden Temple of the god.
It's not a rudie-nudie festival.
If you're not gonna help us,
then at least let us use your weapon.
We need your lightning bolt.
My lightning bolt is called Thunderbolt.
So, I think to use
somebody's secret weapon like this...
that you should at least get the name right
when you ask.
Can I borrow Thunderbolt?
Do not worry.
The God Butcher...
he will not reach Eternity.
What does he mean, reach Eternity?
Oh, shit.
Eternity is a very powerful being
at the center of the universe.
It will grant the desire
of the first person who reaches it.
So, it's like a wishing well?
What do you think a guy called
the God Butcher would wish for?
If he seeks the Altar of Eternity,
that means he could wipe us out at once.
Zeus, we must act now.
He's not going to make it.
He doesn't have the key.
Is this the purpose of the gods?
To hide away in a golden
palace like cowards?
Maybe we have lost our way.
You know what?
We'll stop him ourselves.
I am afraid I cannot allow that.
This is a secret place...
known only to the gods.
You know where we are.
The God Butcher could use you
to find us.
This is no good.
So now...
you must stay.
Can we do my plan now?
Yes. Rush his bum.
Hell, yeah!
You didn't say, "Go."
Coming, guys!
Thor, catch!
Val, duck!
Oh, no. No. Korg!
Thor, I'm perishing!
You're next, Odinson!
That's the sound of lightning.
Korgi. Korgi!
- Korgi?
- I'm down here.
Where? Where are you?
I'm gonna get you out. It's okay.
- Korg. Korgi!
- Here I am!
I didn't die!
Oh, my God.
Yes! You're alive!
Turns out the only part of a Kronan
that's alive is his mouth.
Korgi, listen.
I need you to call the goats.
I'll do my best.
Guard him with your life.
I will.
Ready to go for a ride?
Now you've got my six.
Eight o'clock, Val.
I can do this, damn it.
No, that's not it. No, that's not it.
Come on, Korg, purse those lips.
I did it!
And then the goat boat came in,
rescued us...
and we flew out the window.
The end.
Another classic Thor adventure.
I can't believe you killed Zeus.
Well, you know what they say,
never meet your heroes.
But what's important is
we are on our way to you right now.
How are you guys doing?
Are you okay?
We're all right. A little scared.
Well, listen, I know
what it's like to be scared.
And I'll tell you,
when I was your age...
I don't think I would have been
as brave as you.
In fact, might just be
the bravest Asgardians that I've ever met.
All of you.
So I need you to
keep being brave, all right?
And take care of each other.
You're a team now.
Team Kids in a Cage.
Can you do that?
Yeah. I think we can do that.
I know you can.
- Thor?
- Yeah.
I'm glad I met my hero.
Oh, thanks, buddy.
How are the children?
As you can imagine, they're a little bit
scared because they're kids...
but I told them that
everything is going to plan.
Oh, so you lied to them?
We still have a plan?
- Yes, there's a plan.
- There's no plan.
- There is a plan.
- No. There's no plan.
We failed to raise a god army...
Korg is dead.
- He's not dead.
- I'm not dead.
Well, he's a head. And you...
you got properly humiliated.
No, I got properly naked,
which I am okay with.
- Jane?
- I was okay with it.
- Korg?
- I loved it.
The point is,
we are going into the Shadow Realm...
weaker than we were before.
I mean, we're gonna die.
- No one's gonna die, okay?
- Really?
Everything is fine.
We did great back there.
- We killed Zeus!
- You killed Zeus.
I mean, that may or may not be catastrophic
for the whole universe...
and, sure, the entire god kingdom
is probably going...
to hunt us down
for the rest of our days...
but listen, you stole
this beautiful weapon.
All right? This is the army right here.
It's sleek, it's slender,
it's powerful, it's beautiful...
For you. I love it for you, Valkyrie.
I mean, it's not really what I'm into...
'cause I've got my weapon out there.
Can I borrow that for a second?
There you are, old friend.
That was quite an entrance back there.
are we good?
I mean, I know it's a little weird
having my ex-weapon around...
but come on, Mjolnir, in the past.
It's you and me now, buddy.
You know what?
I think it's time for your first beer.
What do you say?
I'm sorry we've been fighting lately.
Oh, hey.
It's quite the view, huh?
Yeah. Beautiful.
I just want to say that was very, very
impressive what you did back there.
You and Mjolnir, you know.
- Space dolphins.
- What?
You should see some space dolphins...
- Wow.
- Yeah.
So beautiful. So rare.
Very loyal creatures.
They mate for life, in packs of six.
Just love.
With a hey ninny-nonny
and a fair finny-fonny
Ooh, brother man, you look so hot
I wanna get in your rocks
When we get together
We're gonna get it on
And we're all gonna make some babies
That is the song that my dad sang
to my other dad when they were courting.
When two Kronans wanna make a baby,
they get together inside a mountain...
and they go down to a little lava pool,
and they hold hands over the hot lava...
and then, after a month,
they pull their hands apart...
and they find they've created
a beautiful new Kronan baby boy.
Fascinating. And hot.
Did you ever have a special someone?
I've had so many special someones.
But I don't know...
I don't know if I want that again.
Is that because you lost your girlfriend
in battle and never forgave yourself?
And now, you're just trying to find answers
in the bottom of a bottle...
or some meaningless dalliance,
which only serves to numb the pain...
instead of bringing you real happiness
or satisfaction?
Yeah. Something like that.
Beautiful. Beautiful things.
I wanna feel shitty about you.
I wanna feel shitty about something
and I think that's you.
Not really getting any better.
It's not, is it? Damn it.
My friend, he told me
that it's better to feel shitty...
from losing love
than it is to never experience love...
and to feel nothing at all,
to feel empty...
and I think he was right...
which is how I've been feeling
for a long time.
I've pushed people away,
kept them at a distance...
because of the fear of that loss...
but I don't wanna do that anymore.
I don't wanna live like that.
Better to close off your heart
than feel the pain.
That's what I did, yes.
I closed off my heart...
and I meditated.
Did you meditate?
No. It's so boring.
It actually made me more angry.
But I'm tired of giving myself over
to the idea of fate...
and trying to figure out
what the universe wants from me.
I wanna live in the moment,
I wanna live like there's no tomorrow...
throw caution to the wind.
I wanna be with you, Jane.
What do you say?
I have cancer.
I'm sorry. What?
I'm sick.
- Wait. What's happening?
- Bye.
No, no, no. Jane, Jane, Jane.
Wait, wait, wait. Jane.
What did I say? I didn't mean that.
Just kidding.
I don't have cancer.
Let's go smash something.
Jane, I'm so sorry.
Don't be sorry for me.
When did you find out?
Like six months ago.
I was just feeling tired,
and then they told me I have Stage Four.
Get my affairs in order.
And then I heard Mjolnir calling me...
so I thought maybe,
if science isn't working...
maybe Viking space magic.
That's why you came to New Asgard.
Yeah, I thought the hammer
maybe could cure me...
and I think it's getting better.
Maybe not.
Jane, none of us know how long we have.
We don't know what tomorrow holds.
And Mjolnir...
Mjolnir chose you.
And it chose you because you're worthy.
And that's something.
When I first met you...
I was unworthy.
I was unable to pick up that hammer.
But you taught me...
there is no greater purpose
than to help those in need.
You made me worthy.
So whatever you wanna do,
we can do together.
Now what do you wanna do?
I wanna get those children
back to their families.
I wanna finish that mission.
Spoken like a true Thor.
How do you feel now?
So scared.
How are you feeling?
How shitty?
- Really shitty.
- Well, then...
I wonder what those two are talking about
out there.
Yeah, they're not talking.
Do you think those two will ever hold hands
over a hot lava pool and make a Thor baby?
It's unlikely, sadly.
That's too bad.
I think Thor would make a great dad.
Hey. We're here.
Where did all the color go?
They're not here.
Where are they?
What the hell is this place?
Bifrost is the key?
It's a trap!
You wanna tell me why you just threw
Storm breaker out the window?
He needs it to open the Gates of Eternity.
We really have to stop meeting like this.
Call the axe.
I'll call the axe when
you call the dentist.
Call the axe.
Tell me where the children are
or I'm gonna kill you.
Call the axe.
Some god you are.
You know nothing of being a god.
You went to the gods for help,
and they did nothing.
We're alike in that sense.
He's nothing like you.
What was that?
I said he's nothing like you.
That's right.
I'm not a hypocrite.
I'm truly creating peace.
Peace? You're murdering innocent gods.
Are you a Valkyrie?
How exciting!
Oh, the gods failed you, too...
when your sisterhood was led to slaughter.
Don't you dare speak...
Did you pray to the gods...
when the women you loved
laid dying on the battlefield?
Did you beg them for help...
as your family was massacred?
Good chat.
This one.
You're interesting.
You're different.
You're dying.
I'm sorry.
We're on the same path.
Just as the sword empowered me...
the hammer empowered you.
But it did nothing
to change your fate.
The gods will use you...
but they will not help you.
There is no eternal reward for us.
She'll be gone soon.
And you know who won't help her?
I'll give you one guess.
I know your pain.
Love is pain.
I had a daughter once.
I put my faith in a higher power...
hoping it would save her...
and she...
Now I understand.
My daughter is the lucky one.
She does not have to grow up
in a world of suffering...
and pain...
run by wicked gods.
Choose love.
Call the axe.
the axe.
You okay?
I wanna kill this guy.
So do I, but we have to take him alive.
He's our only link to
finding those children.
Thank you, Mr. Goat.
We gotta get her out of here!
Hey. I got you.
Hey, guys, we're here.
Come on, let's go.
Storm breaker, take us home. a rate that
none of us have seen before.
Look, there are other more aggressive forms
of treatment we can try...
but something's affecting her
body's ability to fight the cancer.
I'm sorry, Thor.
There you are. Okay.
What's goin' on out there?
Some moron made a fridge without a door.
Can you believe it?
Not to worry. Got it open
and got you all sorts of goodies.
How's Val?
She's in a lot of pain,
but she is stable.
Okay, good.
Now you just gotta get this out of my...
No, no, no.
That's gotta stay in there.
That's all the magic potions
and elixirs doing their thing, so...
I'm just gonna pop out for a moment,
pick up the kids, kill the bad guy...
and then I'll come straight back.
You're going without me?
What happened to, like,
doing everything together?
He's gonna use those kids to distract you.
You need me.
I do need you, Jane. I need you alive.
It'd be great to have you on the
battlefield, fighting Gorr side by side...
but that hammer is killing you.
Every time you use it, it's
draining all of your mortal strength...
leaving your body
unable to fight the cancer.
What happened to,
"Live like there's no tomorrow"?
Well, that's before I knew
you might not have one.
Why not have one more adventure?
Jane, if there's a chance to live,
you have to take it.
Spoken like a true Thor
who does not have cancer.
I know I seem like some cool astrophysicist
from New Mexico...
just living the dream,
but look at me.
I wanna keep fighting.
I'm the Mighty Thor.
And you want me not to do that?
What's the point of more time of this?
Because I love you.
I've always loved you.
And this is a chance for us.
But if you pick up that damn hammer again,
then that chance is gone.
It's your choice, Jane.
But I'd regret it every single day
if I didn't ask you to stay here...
so we could try and
figure this out together.
You better come back to me.
I'm coming back as soon as I can.
- Break a leg.
- I'll break all his legs.
Remember that the Gate to Eternity
is at the literal center...
- of the universe.
- Universe. Yes.
If you go past the cluster of comets...
Yes, yes, I know. We've been over this.
I'm not gonna get lost.
So how you feeling with the old stab wound?
I think I lost my kidney.
Gone completely?
I wish I could join you...
but I'd probably die,
and that won't help get the kids back...
so you'll have to go alone.
All you have to do is destroy that sword.
It's his source of power.
He won't survive long without it.
Hey. Don't die.
Yeah, I know.
Come on.
Hey, kids.
I knew he'd come.
Go, kids!
Everyone okay? All right, gather round.
Gather round.
Good to see you in person, buddy.
Good to see you.
All right, listen up.
Here's the plan.
We're gonna sneak our way
towards Storm breaker...
being very careful not to bump into
any of those big shadow monsters.
They're behind me, aren't they?
Does anyone here have battle experience?
Battle experience?
Well, no time to learn
like the present.
We're not strong like you. We're just kids.
Hey, don't forget you're Asgardian kids.
I'm not. I'm just a Lycan kid.
And I'm a Midassian kid.
- I'm Falligarian.
- Okay, okay.
But today you're Asgardians.
Now collect your weapons.
Go and find anything you can pick up.
Bring it back here.
Hurry, hurry!
Okay, cool. Come on!
They're getting closer.
Hurry up!
Come on!
Today is a day that
will go down in history.
Today is the day they will talk about
for generations to come.
Today we are Space Vikings!
Present arms!
Whosoever holds these weapons,
and believes in getting home...
if they be true of heart
is therefore worthy...
and shall possess...
for limited time only...
the power of Thor!
General Axl...
lead your army to that axe.
We shall do our worst.
For Asgard.
We destroy that sword and he's dead.
The gateway's almost open.
You gotta stop Storm breaker.
It's okay. I got him.
Storm breaker, stop this!
Get a hold of yourself.
Look what you're doing!
I'm gonna get you out of there.
Come on. Come on, buddy.
Let go of my friend.
You've lost, Lady Thor.
First off...
the name is Mighty Thor.
And secondly...
if you can't say Mighty Thor...
I'll accept Doctor Jane Foster.
And thirdly...
Eat my hammer!
Storm breaker!
I knew you could do it.
Axl! Get them home!
I'm okay.
You have to stop him.
Gorr! Stop!
What kind of father would I be...
if I stopped?
I know your pain,
but this isn't the way.
It's not death or revenge that you seek.
What do I seek?
You seek love.
Why should I seek love?
Because it's all any of us want.
dare you turn your back on me?
You've won, Gorr.
Why would I spend
my last moments with you...
when I can be with her?
I choose love.
You can, too. You can bring her back.
Make your wish.
I'm dying.
She would have no one.
She would be alone.
She won't be alone.
My love.
I've missed you so much.
I missed you too.
I'm so sorry.
It's okay.
Ever since I picked up that hammer...
it's like...
I've gotten an extra life.
And it was...
Not too bad for a human.
Not too bad for a god.
Hey. I think I figured out my catchphrase.
- Oh, yeah? What is it?
- Come close...
It's perfect.
It's the best one yet.
Keep your heart open.
I love you.
I love you, too.
Protect her.
Protect my love.
Let me tell you
the legend of the Space Viking...
AKA the Mighty Thor,
AKA Dr. Jane Foster.
Her sacrifice saved the universe...
and taught us all
what it means to be worthy.
She helped the children of the gods...
who laser-beamed
their way back home...
to their dozy little fishing village
turned tourist destination.
I missed you.
- Are you okay?
- I'm fine. I'm okay.
- Are you sure?
- I'm okay.
The kids were safe to be kids again.
Louder, three!
Widen your stance.
Especially after their king made them
all go to self-defense classes.
Look at all those budding Space Vikings.
And the most important part.
The war cry!
Even Heimdall's son...
Axl Heimdall son...
who could now do
his dad's freaky eye magic...
was becoming quite the warrior.
The future of Asgard was secure.
Speaking of futures,
I was forging one of my own...
now that my body's grown back...
with a dude I met called Dwayne.
And what about Thor, you ask?
He embarked on a new journey...
because he had found something to live for,
something to love for.
A little someone who turned him
from Sad God into Dad God.
Breakfast is served.
Hello. There you go.
Hey. Breakfast.
Excuse me.
What is that?
They're pan-flaps. From Earth.
I don't think I like pan-flaps.
- You love them.
- No, I don't.
- Yes, you do.
- I've never had that in my life.
Come on. Eat up. We have to go.
We're gonna be late.
Now where are your boots?
I'm wearing them.
You're not wearing those.
- Yes, I am.
- No, you're not.
Yes, I am.
No. You're not.
Go to hell, demon!
Brand new, now destroyed.
Thank you very much.
You know what? You wear what you want.
Don't come complaining to me
when your feet get sore, all right?
You'll get no sympathy here from me.
Fine, I'll wear the boots.
Thank you.
Remember what my mother used to tell me.
Listen to the grown-ups...
and if you see anyone scared
or being picked on...
- you look after them, okay?
- Okay.
And most of all, have fun.
- Gotcha.
- Gotcha.
Now where is Mjolnir?
Where did I put him?
Over there. Sleeping in the bed.
In the bed.
Oh, wow.
That is not coming off.
What did you do?
She looked boring before.
Yeah. Suppose it did.
I love it.
Very creative.
Now, you see the aliens down there?
- The stripy ones?
- They look nice.
Yeah, they are nice.
That's why we have to look after them.
Got it. Protect the nice ones.
I love you, sweetie.
Love you, Uncle Thor.
They will always be there for us.
The Space Viking
and his girl, born from Eternity.
With the powers of a god.
Two warriors...
fighting the good fight
for those who can't fight good.
They have traveled far,
and have been given many names.
But to those who know them best...
they are simply known...
as Love and Thunder.
It used to be that being a god,
it meant something.
People would whisper your name...
before sharing
their deepest hopes and dreams.
They begged you for mercy...
without ever knowing if you were
actually listening.
you know, they look to the sky...
they don't ask us for lightning.
They don't ask us for rain.
They just want to see
one of their so-called superheroes.
When did we become the joke?
No more.
They will fear us again...
when Thor Odinson falls from the sky.
Do you understand me, Hercules?
Do you understand me, my son?
Yes, Father.
Jane Foster.
I see you're dead now.
Thank you for looking after my son.
You are very welcome here,
to the land of the gods.
Welcome to Valhalla.