Those Who Call (2021) Movie Script

[music playing]
[glasses clink]
[car driving]
[whispering voices]
[phone ringing]
Hey, Nick.
Hey, how's the trip?
How far are you from the house?
It's OK, I'm still cruising.
I'm about six hours away still?
Holy shit.
You know this is
why they invented
the thing called planes, right?
So we don't have to
drive everywhere?
Oh, whatever.
It's not that bad.
I enjoy the solitude.
How's Scott been
since he got there?
Not bad, besides thinking I was
one of Mom's old boyfriends.
Or that I was coming
to rob the damn house!
And He's all right.
He's still our old man.
I feel bad for laughing at him.
It breaks Mom's heart.
We just got to--
[static noise]
Sorry, you're cutting up.
[static noise]
Promise you--
[call ends]
Well, I guess I'll see you soon.
Damn it.
Of course, this
would happen to me.
[music playing]
[owl hooting]
[crickets chirping]
[girl struggling]
[ominous music]
[drums pounding]
[whispering voices]
[fire crackling]
[girl screams]
[music playing]
(soundtrack) Thinking of better
days when summer was endless.
Dreaming of our escape,
because I can't help it.
It's only me, to stay with me.
Someday I'll be under the way.
This is my dream,
and it's you and me.
I can feel the cheering now.
Holding onto heaven, love.
I'll take this time,
while we know we'll rise.
Heaven, love.
Is it something due if
it's something for in life.
[instrumental music]
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.
[instrumental playing]
[upbeat music]
This is going to be good for
the both of us, you know?
The woods, the hiking,
getting away from everything.
Just your heads.
I guess you're right.
We definitely needed this.
Hey, it's going to be OK.
Just try not to think
about it, all right?
I know.
Thanks for bringing me along.
Oh, don't mention it.
Besides, I can't drive
18 hours on my own.
That's what little
sisters are for.
Hey, so what's the place in
Colorado you told me about,
the one with the waterfall?
Seven Falls?
Yeah, that one.
Oh, it's beautiful.
You're going to love it there.
It's so peaceful
and quiet, and I
know you're going to love
taking pictures there.
That sounds like a lot of fun.
And there's this park
called Inspirational Point.
You got to hike a long
way, but from what I hear,
it's definitely worth it.
Yeah, I don't know about that.
I think I'll pass.
On what, the hiking?
Yeah, it sounds
like a lot of work.
Come on, we'll do it together.
I don't know.
Plus, I'm definitely
out of shape.
Well, just so you know,
to get to the falls
you have to go up these
stairs, and they're huge.
There's a lot of steps.
Why do y'all have to
pick the hardest places?
I didn't, everyone goes there.
You can definitely do it.
Come on, cheer up.
OK, what else is there?
Well, there's this place
called Garden of the gods.
That one's a little
easier to get to.
No, no.
Something other than hiking.
Well, there's weed farms.
OK, we can do that instead.
Just try to enjoy
it and have fun, OK?
After all, this is the bonding
time you've been asking for.
Yes, I know.
I know I've been busy with
work and we haven't really
had a lot of time
to be together,
but it'll be like
the good old times.
Just the two of us, I promise.
Ah, just, it sucks that this
had to happen in order for us
to hang out.
Hey, come on, don't say that.
You know how things are.
Say what?
That your business is
more important than I am?
And that you haven't seen
me in over three years?
Sandra, that's not it at all.
You know this.
I have worked.
I-- Look, I understand that
this is a tough time for you,
but it's tough for me too.
I know.
I'm sorry.
[music playing]
Dang, look at this place?
Not a house in sight,
not even a gas station.
Nothing but empty roads.
Well, good thing we have gas.
It's not a lot, but
it'll do for now.
So where are we?
Well, if you hadn't been asleep
the whole way over, you'd know.
We're in Texas somewhere.
OK, well, this place
is definitely creepy.
Yeah, tell me about it.
I can't remember the
last time I saw anything.
It's like people
don't even live here.
Well, I do remember seeing some
abandoned houses back there,
in that weird town?
Oh, that old creepy town?
Oh, god, that's true.
Yeah, it was like a ghost town.
Not a single person
was in sight.
Well, maybe people just got
tired of this place and left.
OK, but do you wonder why?
That I don't know.
[whispering voices]
[ominous sounds]
Hip, what are you doing?
I don't know I think I
heard someone talking.
I didn't hear anything.
Maybe I'm just hearing things.
This place is just weird.
If I was superstitious, I'd be
really freaked out right now.
Well, let's not
stay here for long
and get the hell out of here.
Come on, it's your turn.
So how long do we have?
Oh, just shut up and drive.
[whispering voices]
I want to do this for him.
The reason why we're going,
I want to do this for him.
Inspirational Point
was on his bucket list.
Yeah, but he never had a
chance to go, and I figured,
we'd go for him.
Ana, he had a great life, and
he went to a lot of places.
Trust me, you don't have to do
any of this to proof for him.
I know that.
I just-- I figured we could
do something in his honor.
Isn't that a little
too late for that?
You should have been there
for him when he was alive.
I have a busy life.
I have things to take care of.
No, I know.
You've always been too busy
for the people that you love.
And it's just too
late for remorse.
What the fuck is your problem?
I'm here doing this for us,
and you want to say that to me?
Like I was the
worst person Dad--
Do not.
Like I didn't take care of him?
You're not doing this for us.
This is for you!
I'm doing this for
the both of us!
You are back online.
You will reach your
destination by 3:45--
GPS is back on.
About time.
See, what did I tell you?
There's nothing to worry about.
Just follow the GPS
and we'll be fine.
Hey, I think that's
a gas station!
What, where?
I didn't see it.
Sandra, turn around.
What are you doing?
I don't know.
Do you think it's
safe to stop there?
We need gas.
Don't we have gas in the back?
That was our last one.
We haven't filled any of
them up since this morning.
Ugh, about time we
find a gas station.
Clearly this place doesn't
have a lot of them.
OK, guess we'll do that.
Speaking of creepy places.
[ominous sounds]
Stay close, OK?
[ominous sounds]
[birds chirping]
Can I help you ladies?
We're just looking for
some gas or something.
Are you the owner?
I guess you could say that.
Looking for gas, you said?
Me and my sister were just
traveling to Colorado,
and we're just
looking for some gas.
I could tell you girls
aren't from around town.
No, no, we're just passing by.
You girls shouldn't be here.
I think we should go.
Look, sir, we're just looking
for some gas or something.
That's all.
There's no gas for
50 miles around here.
There's not enough to
go around for everybody.
We don't give gas to strangers.
Excuse me, what do you mean?
There's no other gas
station around here?
Look, we will pay
whatever you ask for, OK?
We just really need gas.
You say you'll pay.
Look, it's not about money.
It's about them.
They see me talking to you.
If who sees you?
Look, I said too much.
You shouldn't be
here, just please go!
If who sees you?
What are you talking about?
I can't help you.
Sandra, let's go, go, go!
See you soon.
[ominous sounds]
OK, what the fuck just happened?
I have no idea.
But what is wrong
with these people!
They looked psycho.
And that one little girl.
Don't talk about the girl,
she gave me the creeps.
We need to get the
hell out of this town.
Everything's been weird
since we got here.
How much gas do we have?
We don't have a lot.
OK, let's not panic.
We can just search around
for another gas station.
Ana, that was the only
place we had near us,
and look at what happened?
There's got to be
something else around here.
There has to be.
Oh, shit.
I'm not getting any signal.
OK, worst case scenario,
we can just call Theo
and he'd come bring some gas.
No, we're not calling Theo!
I'm just saying,
worst case scenario.
What is he going to do,
drive all the way over here
to drop off some gas?
This trip was a mistake.
You agreed to this.
Yeah, that's before
we got stranded.
We are not stranded.
We just need to find some gas.
Just calm down.
What if we don't find anything?
I don't know, Sandra,
but we'll find a way.
There's got to be
something else around here.
Just, give me your phone.
No frickin' signal.
OK, just keep driving down.
We'll find another
gas station somewhere.
There has to be something
else around here.
We'll be OK.
[instrumental music]
GPS signal lost.
Hey, Ana.
Hey, wake up.
I think we're lost.
What do you mean we're lost?
I don't know what happened.
I accidentally
missed an exit, and I
tried to leave to go
back, but now we're
in the middle of the woods.
OK, OK, OK, OK, just calm down.
I'm sure we haven't
gone too far.
We'll find our way out.
Just keep driving.
Sandra, Sandra, I can't
leave you alone, can I?
Stop playing.
We don't even know
where we're at.
We'll be all right.
Stop being such a drama queen.
Ana, look.
[ominous sounds]
What the hell?
[flies buzzing]
I know that's some
weird shit right there.
[flies buzzing]
It's fucking creepy.
[ominous sounds]
So are we?
Just keep driving.
Keep your eyes on the road.
I'm sure we're not too
far from the main road.
It doesn't look like it.
We're surrounded by woods.
Should we stop and go back?
To get more lost!
No, thank you.
What the fuck?
Is that the same
thing as before?
What the hell?
That's not supposed to be there.
That's just weird, the GPS
shows a straight road ahead.
What do you mean?
I don't know, OK?
That's what it shows!
Let me see.
[ominous music]
That's wrong.
This is wrong.
Maybe it's just because
of the signal, OK?
Just keep going.
Maybe there was two of them.
[heavy breathing]
Ana, we're going
in fucking circles.
We're going in circles!
I know, OK?
I just-- OK, just--
Fuck off.
I think we ran out of gas.
Try to start it up again!
Ana, I'm trying, OK?
How about I just trying,
like I can't turn it on!
Hey, it's OK.
Look at me.
Look at me.
It's OK.
Let's call Theo.
We're not calling Theo,
Ana, we-- he's already
been through a lot!
It's OK!
It's OK, I'm sure
he'll understand.
You said for emergencies only.
Look around, Sandra!
We ran out of gas in
the middle of nowhere.
This is an emergency.
What are you even
going to tell him?
We don't even know
where we're at.
I don't know.
I can somewhat redirect
him here, give him
road signs or something.
Ana, we're both lost.
How is he even
going to get to us?
Let me at least try, OK?
Just do whatever--
Just let me try!
Do whatever you want!
Come on.
[wolves howling]
Come on, come on, come on.
I'm not getting any signal.
I'm not getting any signal.
I can't call him.
You try.
Well, I still don't
have any service.
So what now?
[night sounds]
We spend the night here.
Are you fucking crazy?
It's too dark out
to go anywhere.
We'll try calling again
if we get some signal.
We're just a little lost.
In the morning, we
can go get help.
I'm not spending
a night here, Ana.
What other choice do we have?
Look, the nearest road is
probably not too far from here.
I'm sure we'll be fine.
Tomorrow, we can go get help.
What about the creepy vibes
that we get from this place?
And everything that's
been happening?
And that gas station guy?
We'll be fine.
We've just been
driving for a while.
We're both tired.
We just need some rest.
We're going to be OK, I promise.
Just don't want to spend
the night here, Ana.
Look at this damn place.
It's pitch dark!
I'm just trying to
be positive, OK?
What other choice do we have?
Look, we'll spend
the night here,
and as soon as
the sun comes out,
we can go look for gas, OK?
[speaking spanish]
[door slams shut]
[night sounds]
I have a bad feeling
about this place.
Don't stress.
It's just a couple more
hours till sunrise, anyway.
Yes, and a lot can
happen till then.
What's the worst
that can happen?
We haven't seen anyone all day.
No animal can get inside.
As long as we stay
here, we'll be fine.
Do we have enough
water and food?
And there're plenty
of snacks too.
We can take it tomorrow
and we can leave early.
Did you bring your knife?
All right here.
And if anyone tries to get near
you, I'll slice them up, OK?
Now go to sleep.
[crickets chirping]
[voices whispering]
Hey, what's wrong?
Nothing, nothing.
Go back to sleep.
What's wrong?
I think I heard someone talking.
Someone talking?
Yeah, like whispering.
What do you think it was?
I don't know.
Maybe an owl or something?
An owl?
Yes, an owl.
Give me your flashlight.
For what?
I'm going to see what it is.
Are you stupid?
Why would you go out there?
It could have been
someone walking by.
They could help us.
From a stranger?
In the middle of the night?
Do you have any better ideas?
Yeah, I thought so.
Be careful, OK?
Stay in the car.
[car door sliding open]
[wolves howling in the distance]
[ominous sounds]
[ominous sounds]
My sister and I are stranded.
We need gas?
[ominous music]
[whispering voices]
[crunching footsteps]
Ana, is that you?
[crunching footsteps]
Ana, where are you?
[crunching footsteps]
[crunching footsteps]
[speaking non-english]
[speaking non-english]
[ominous beat]
What happened?
What happened?
I saw someone.
There was someone out there.
Lock the door!
Are you sure?
There was someone out there!
I saw a figure!
I don't see anything.
Ana, I'm not seeing things.
There was someone out there!
It was right there.
I don't know!
OK, OK, OK, calm down.
I believe you, OK?
I believe you.
Let's just stay in here, OK?
And we'll keep an eye out.
Whatever it is, it
can't get in, OK?
Just calm down, calm down,
calm down, calm down.
It's OK, it's OK.
[ominous instrumental sounds]
I don't see or here anything.
I know what I saw, Ana.
Maybe it was like a tree,
like a shadow of a tree?
No, it looked like a person.
It was an actual person
standing right there.
Well, whatever it is,
it's not here anymore.
I don't see anything anymore.
Hey, it's OK.
We're going to be OK.
Just try to get some rest.
I'll keep watch.
Don't worry.
Well, I'll try.
I'm right here.
Don't worry about it, OK?
[night sounds]
Sandra, wake up.
Wake up!
What is that?
What's going on?
Come on, let's go.
Let's go!
[ominous music]
[running footsteps]
[forest sounds]
[ominous music]
[heavy breathing]
What the hell just happened?
I don't know.
We woke up.
We were in the woods,
underneath-- in front of that,
that thing there.
But where are we?
Where's the car?
I have no idea.
We're deep in the woods.
[birds chirping]
This is some evil shit
we got ourselves into.
Don't touch it.
Those things in the trees?
I know what they are,
I saw them on my trip
to Cuba in a small village.
It's brujeria.
They're made to guard
against intruders.
What does that mean?
It's a warning.
It means we're not
supposed to be here.
Where are we?
I don't-- I don't know.
This whole forest
just seems off.
Maybe we wandered off.
What was that back there?
I don't know, OK?
I woke up just like you did.
I don't know what's happening.
Can you remember anything?
I just remember us being
in the car last night,
and just going to sleep.
But that's all.
Me too.
This whole thing is
fricking, fricking weird.
I feel like we're being watched.
Ana, I told you.
I told you, we should
just turned back.
And go fucking where?
There's nowhere to go!
Ana, I just wanted to
get away for a while
and enjoy a good time.
Just forget about
this past week.
I didn't ask for any of this!
Oh, and you think I did?
Look, whatever is going on,
we need to figure it out.
I'm just as confused as you are!
OK, but we shouldn't
have stayed here.
We shouldn't have
spent the night here.
We should have seen this coming.
I told you I had a bad
feeling about this place!
Calm down!
Just calm down, OK?
Look, look, we still
have our supplies, right?
Neither of us are hurt.
You're not hurt, right?
We just need to figure out
how to get out of this forest
and try to find the car.
[ominous music]
[whispering voices]
[ominous sounds]
Is anyone there?
Sandra, is everything OK?
I just, I thought
I heard something.
I thought I heard
someone whispering, but--
I didn't hear anything.
Come on, let's move.
[ominous music]
You're joking with me.
OK, we're going to
need more water.
You know, I had a
dream about this once.
I remember that I
got lost in the woods
and I was trying to
look for you or Dad,
but I couldn't find
any of you guys.
And then, I just felt
like I was being followed
so I just started to run.
And then, I just ran and I ran.
And I was running in circles,
just like last night.
I'm not going to
leave your side.
That's what Dad used to say.
So do you want to cremate him,
or do you want to bury him?
We're obviously burying him.
That's what he would want!
But cremating him
is so much cheaper.
Yes, but no, we're
not going to do that.
Are you going to
be paying for it?
I don't think so, right?
Do you really not
care about anything?
It's not that I
don't care, Sandra.
Like I said, are you going
to be paying for this?
I don't think so, huh?
You know our situation.
Oh, so now it's my
fault, like always.
Because I'm never here, right?
You never were.
The only reason why you
came was because of Dad.
You know I tried my best.
I don't know what your
definition of best
is because that's not it.
Here we go.
Ana, seriously, when did
you ever give me a call?
Texting me at least, hey,
sister, are you doing OK?
Are you-- is anything-- is
everything good at home?
You never texted me, Ana!
You're thinking
about your business
right now, how much money
you're going to make right now,
instead of thinking about
what's going to happen with me!
You never fucking
cared about me, Ana!
Phones work both ways.
So we're going to
bury him, and I guess
that's what it's going to be.
I'll talk to David and
we'll figure it out somehow.
Now about the house.
We're staying with the house.
We're staying with that, we're
not-- we're staying here.
We're not doing
anything to the house.
Are you stupid?
Do you know how much this
house would sell on the market?
Is that really what you're
thinking about right now?
What else are we
going to do, Sandra?
Dad is dead.
What are we going to do?
What else are we going
to do with this house?
Live in this house?
We're not going to
sell this house, Ana.
I'm not living here.
I can literally
get so many people
to buy this house right now.
Are you fucking serious?
We're still talking about that?
What else do you
want to talk about?
What else is there to say?
You already said you
want to bury him.
Now what?
We're not selling this
house, and that's it.
If we sell this house, we can--
We're not selling this house!
We can easily split it
between the two of us.
I don't want the money.
OK, then what's your plan?
We don't sell the
house, then what?
We'll figure it out!
What are you going to do?
We'll figure it out.
No, no, no, no,
No, no, no, no, no.
Not we, I said, what
are you going to do?
What do you mean me?
We're in this together.
I have my own life, Sandra.
I have a business to run.
So my question is, what
are you going to do?
So you're leaving?
I can't stay here.
You know that.
Why not?
I have my own life with David!
OK, but you can be
here with David!
You can come here and we can
figure it out here, all of us
Clearly, you don't know
shit about anything.
Ana, really, I know you
have a life over there,
and I know that you're happy.
But, Ana, I need you.
I need you to be here with me!
Who gives a shit?
I'm the one that knows how
to put this house for sale,
and I'm going to do it
whether you like it or not.
So you need to figure
out what the hell to do,
because you're not staying here.
We're selling this house.
[birds chirping]
He loved you very, very much.
He would never leave you behind.
You know that's
not what happened.
If you say so.
He had to grow.
You know Dad couldn't be still,
and he just had things to do.
After mom died, he just--
he wasn't the same.
So what, she just decided to
take off and leave me behind?
She didn't leave you behind.
Ana, I was on my own, trying
to survive for four months.
And where were you?
Too stupid to take care of me?
I'm sorry, OK?
I'm sorry.
I was scared too.
Dad left both of us, remember?
Not just you.
I could take it
all back, I would.
But I can't, and you know that.
Yeah, I know.
I'm not going to
leave your side.
I promise.
He wouldn't like to see you
suffering as much, especially
not for him.
Yeah, I know.
Everything's going to be fine.
We're going to find
our way out, OK?
Now, come on.
Let's go.
We need to find a river
or a lake or something.
We need to find water and--
[whispering voices]
And water?
[whispering voices]
I'm scared.
What is it?
We keep hearing this
whispering sounds.
What Is it?
It's just the wind.
The wind in the trees.
Come on, let's go.
It's not the trees.
Keep moving.
Keep moving.
It's not the trees,
you know it's not.
Ana, they sounded like people.
Like a lot of people
were in there.
And there's no one in
this forest but us.
I know.
I know, OK?
But we just have to keep moving.
Come on.
[birds chirping loudly]
The weird cross thing.
The whispering.
Just the weird
sensation of this place.
Everything is going to be fine.
We just have to
find the car and--
Just give it up!
Just give it up.
We both know we're not
going to find the car.
We've been walking
for hours, Ana,
and if there was
something nearby,
we would have found it by now.
You're right.
We're not going to find the car.
Well, at least for now, we just
have to find some water, OK?
We need it really bad.
[water sounds]
Ana, are you sure this is safe?
It's the only other
option we have.
It's either this or
we die of thirst.
[whispering voices]
What the hell?
[whispering voices]
[ominous music]
[whispering voices]
[soft crying]
Hey, are you OK?
It's blood!
Well, put some pressure on it.
No, it's not mine!
It's blood!
Did you get it anywhere else?
No, it's just my hands.
[ominous beating]
[ominous music]
What the fuck?
So what happened, exactly?
I don't know.
I was just putting water,
and out of nowhere, blood
started coming down the river.
I saw the amount of blood it
was, and it was a lot, Ana.
What was it from?
A dead animal?
OK, well, several animals.
All the scalps that
we've been seeing around.
Maybe it was something else.
You're not trying to say
it was human blood, right?
I don't know.
It could have been
a million things.
Just try to stay positive, OK?
I don't want you to worry.
I'm really trying to.
[forest sounds]
Let's just follow the trail.
And maybe there's some
water down by the river
and we can find a safe spot.
OK, well, you said
that this trail's going
to lead us somewhere, right?
But what if it leads us on what
we're not supposed to find?
Like what?
I don't know, Ana.
You said it yourself,
it could be anything!
Yeah, but this trail
is our only option.
If there's a trail, that means
people have been walking on it.
So that means somewhere
in this woods,
there's got to be a
person around here.
Now, if only they're
willing to help.
That symbol.
We've seen it before.
[music playing]
On Dad's things.
[sad music]
It's just weird.
One day, he's calling
us and telling us
of his adventurous life, and
now he's gone out of nowhere.
It's really weird.
Dad was not the
type to get lost.
He was hiking for so many years,
and you know he was so safe.
None of this makes sense to me.
It really doesn't.
Plus, with his
military training,
I doubt he wouldn't be able to
do something to defend himself.
Look, we might not ever
know what happened to him.
So let's just let the
police do their job,
and if something comes
up, they'll let us know.
But some of these
things are just odd.
It's like Dad had a
whole other life that he
didn't want anybody to know.
Ana, we all have secrets.
And he traveled a lot.
So all that is memories.
Well, look at this.
Maybe it's not even
him in this picture.
Probably someone gave it to him,
or he found it to collect it.
Woe to those who call
evil good, good, evil.
Isaiah: 520.
What does that even mean?
Well, it's from the Bible.
Do you know how
religious he was?
Yeah, but Dad liked those
weird parts of the Bible.
Those are the best parts.
It makes you think.
This is a weird ring.
Where did he get it from?
I really don't know.
Maybe from his travels?
What is it?
It looks like a circle
with some wavy lines.
Let me see.
Well, looks like a tree, and
these could be the branches.
I don't know.
What do you think it means?
I don't know, but if
Dad had it his stuff,
it must be important to him.
This looks too small
to belong to Dad.
What do you mean?
It looks small.
Dad's fingers were
way bigger than this.
Yeah, this definitely
belonged to someone else.
Maybe a woman.
Maybe it's Mom's.
No I don't think so.
Mom would definitely not
wear something like that.
Then maybe not hers, the whose?
I don't know.
The ring.
The ring had that same symbol.
Maybe it just looks like it.
Ana, who you're trying to
convince, me or yourself?
I'm just saying, it
doesn't necessarily
mean it's the same symbol.
Ana, look at it!
It's the same damn symbol!
It's weird, but maybe it
can help us figure out
what happened to Dad.
What, are you crazy?
Dad got lost, plain and simple.
The police said it themselves.
Is that why he had
holes on his wrist?
And is that why he
was begging for help
on the side of the road?
You don't have to do this.
Sandra, this has
nothing to do with Dad!
I just want answers.
I want to know what
happened to him!
I want them too, OK?
But we're not going to
find any by creating them
in our own damn head!
How much water do we have left?
Just my bottle.
I hope we can find
more water soon.
[crickets chirping loudly]
[flies buzzing]
[bird caws]
[ominous sounds]
What the hell?
It's not--
It's a dead body.
[ominous music]
That's the gas station guy.
What is he doing here?
Why is he here?
They did this.
Remember, he was scared
of someone seeing him.
That's why he wouldn't help us.
Whoever it was, they
did this to him.
But I don't understand.
Why him?
He was from here.
He told us about them.
They didn't want us to know
So we're next.
We're going to get-- we're
going to get killed next!
No, no, no, I don't think so.
Think about it.
If they wanted to kill us,
they would have done it by now.
Why didn't they do
it at the cross?
Why wait this entire day?
Why didn't they
kill us at the car?
They're waiting for
something from us.
They've been watching us.
This entire time, they've
been one step ahead of us.
They knew we were
going to cross here.
They knew we were
going to walk under it.
But how did they know?
OK, well, maybe they're
trying to send a message.
Well, what message?
If they wanted to kill us, they
would have killed us already!
Maybe they're not allowed to.
The blood.
The blood in the river,
it was human blood.
And the symbol, the ring.
Do you believe me now?
This is definitely about Dad.
Maybe we're not
dead because of him.
But who are these people?
What do they want?
OK, let's just-- let's
just follow the trip.
Come on.
What if we get lost?
Look around, Sandra.
We've been lost all day!
[birds chirping]
[flies buzzing]
Come on, you need
to walk faster.
I'm trying, Ana, but
I'm tired, I'm thirsty,
and, Ana, it's so hot.
I wish I had my phone.
Yeah, I bet calling
Theo now doesn't sound
like such a bad idea, does it?
I'm sorry, OK?
I know we should have called
when we had the chance.
And now we're stuck here.
We don't even know if we're
going to make it out alive.
Sandra, you didn't know
this was going to happen.
Don't blame yourself.
OK, but what if we
never make it out?
Don't say that!
There's got to be a way out.
We just have to keep searching.
But for what?
Ana, you said it yourself,
they're watching us.
They're watching our every move!
But they don't know
that we're here!
How do you know that?
I don't know, I just--
Because I'm sure they wouldn't
have wanted us to find that.
What is it?
It looks like a house.
Like one of their houses?
I don't-- I don't know.
It's the only one around.
So what do you want to do?
We have to go inside.
You're crazy.
We're not going in there, Ana.
Sandra, you said
you wanted answers.
No, we're not going in there!
You said you wanted answers.
This is our only chance.
Come on.
[ominous sounds]
[ominous music]
Ana, stop.
Stay here.
I'll be quick, OK?
[ominous music]
[wood boards creaking]
I think it's abandoned.
Yeah, looks like it's been
like that for a while.
We'll just search
around for supplies.
Anything we can take.
Ana, come see this.
What happened?
Are these missing people?
That's what they look like.
What kind of lunatic
will have posters
of missing girls on the wall?
I don't know.
Whoever lived here must have
had some fucked up mind.
Ana, they're so young.
And they're all women.
Maybe that's what they like.
Who knows, maybe they're
out there looking for them.
And for what?
Some kind of sick self-reward?
For all we know, maybe they're
missing because of them.
You know what?
You were right.
This place gives me the creeps.
Maybe we should go.
I don't-- What the fuck?
What the hell is this?
Is this some kind of sick joke?
What's going on?
Why would they have
pictures of us?
Ana, I want to go home!
I don't want to be here.
I want to go home!
This can't be happening.
This can't be happening.
I want to go home, Ana.
This can't be happening!
Ana, I want to go home.
I want to go home.
I don't want to die.
I don't want to be here, Ana!
I don't want to be here!
This can't be happening.
I want to go home!
I don't want to die!
What's happening!
I don't want to die here, Ana.
I don't want to die.
Ana, Ana, they're killing us.
They're here, they're here, Ana.
They're here, they're here.
I don't want to die.
Get up!
We're not going to die.
We are going to get
the fuck out of here.
Come on!
[drums beating]
[rapid music]
[drum beating once]
I'm scared.
Just keep going.
Come on.
Sandra, come here.
Come here.
Come here.
I want to go home.
Hey, hey, hey, shh.
I want to go--
I don't want to be here.
Look at me.
Look at me, Sandra.
Sandra, you need to
get this together, OK?
We are stronger than this.
I don't want to die here.
I don't want to die.
Sandra, Sandra,
I'm scared too, OK?
I'm scared.
I don't want to die.
We are not going to die.
Sandra, Sandra, we are
not going to die, OK?
We will get through this.
Whatever's going
on, it's not fair.
We didn't do anything.
Whatever is going on,
it's really fucked up.
It's fucked up.
But this is what they want.
This is what they want.
Whoever's doing this, they
want to see us like this.
They want us weak and scared.
We can't let them in, OK?
I don't want--
Don't give in.
And where are they?
I mean, we--
I don't know.
They didn't follow us, OK?
They didn't follow us.
It doesn't make sense.
Why wouldn't they follow us?
I don't know!
There was three of them,
and they didn't even move!
I want to go home.
Sandra, Sandra, we
can do this, OK?
We can get out of here.
You have got this, OK?
, Now come on, let's go.
If I'm right, we'll
be out of here soon.
Come on.
Follow the trail, remember?
[flies buzzing]
[owl hooting]
[crickets chirping]
[night sounds]
It's really dark.
Ana, who's doing this to us?
Just try to stay focused.
Let's not worry
about that right now.
So how big do you
think this place is?
And when are we going
to get out of here?
You said we'd be
out of here soon!
I don't know!
We should have seen
something by now!
Maybe we're not too far.
There has to be some
reasoning for this.
Dad's pictures, the ring?
It's probably from
his fucking religion.
Something like that.
Or some other evil shit.
Maybe some sort of
cult. It's just,
it doesn't make any sense.
Out of all places,
we end up here.
I just don't want
to be here, Ana.
We just have to keep moving.
Come on, come on.
[ominous music]
[wind blowing]
I'm not going through there.
We have to keep moving.
No, I'm done listening
to you and to your plans.
Stay here then.
I'll go first.
Are you joking?
I can't stay here alone.
Sandra, we have to keep moving.
Follow the trail, remember?
[ominous music]
How do you think this got here?
My guess is as good as yours.
This is definitely witchcraft!
Come on, we have to keep moving.
What was that verse that Dad
liked to say about the Bible?
About these things.
You know it.
They have mouths but
you cannot speak.
Yeah, that one.
Say it, say it, say it.
Eyes but they cannot see.
They have mouths but
the cannot breathe.
Keep on, keep on, keep on.
They have ears but
they cannot hear.
And where's the fucking liver?
Sh, sh, sh.
Sh, sh, sh.
Don't talk.
Don't talk.
That's all.
I think I heard something.
[ominous sounds]
They're here.
They're here, Ana!
They're here!
[ominous banging]
[ominous crescendo building]
Ow, Ana!
They got me!
Ana, help me!
Ana, help me, Ana!
Ana, don't leave me!
Ana, come and help me!
[scary night sounds]
[ominous music]
[crickets chirping]
Where are you?
Help me!
Ana, help me.
Who are you?
Who are you?
Tell me!
[music building]
[ominous drums and music]
[whispering voices]
Go away.
I can't see.
[whispering voices]
I can't hear.
I cannot hear.
Lord, [inaudible].
[music crescendo building up]
[drums beating]
[gurgling sounds]
[whispering voices]
[dragging sounds]
[drums beating]
[ominous crescendo building]
[whispering voices]
[crickets chirping]
[fire crackling]
[ominous music]
Help me!
[sobbing] Please, help me.
Help me.
Wakey, wakey.
What the eff?
Help me.
You have no idea
how long I've been
wanting to see that look on
your face as you bleed to death.
Help me.
You don't make it easy on me.
But, I see you let me
drive at some point.
And finding this
place without a GPS?
Help me!
Don't cry.
You'll be OK.
I don't know.
Follow the trails, really?
You're so predictable.
I knew exactly what
you were going to say.
Help me.
Help me.
Because Dad showed
you that, right?
Untie me.
You know, I bet you had
great time with Dad,
while I was in an
orphanage, crying alone!
And that gas station, did we
really have to stop there?
His blood is on your hands.
And to think that our
plan was almost ruined.
What was it, Larry?
Sinners get punished.
Help me!
And I'm about to finish
what Dad didn't do.
Something he was so weak to do.
Sandra, please.
Let us begin.
[speaking latin]
Sandra, help me.
[speaking latin]
Please, somebody, help me.
[speaking latin]
Help me!
[speaking latin]
[speaking latin]
Great, great, Yeezus.
We thank you for this vessel,
and for bringing us blessings.
May the sacrifice be
deemed worthy in your eyes.
And with this act, may
our curse be lifted,
and prosperity shine bright
in our glorious lives!
Please, please.
Sandra, I'm sorry!
I'm sorry, please.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Do you like my ring?
Now it's me leaving you behind.
I love you.
[ominous music]
Help me!
Sandra, stop.
This is sick!
[music playing]