Those Who Walk Away (2022) Movie Script

[pensive instrumental music]
[liquid sloshing]
[soft explosion booming]
continue softly booming]
[pensive instrumental
music continues]
[sparks whooshing]
[electricity whirring]
instrumental music continues]
[liquid sloshing]
[liquid continues sloshing]
[soft explosion booming]
[color whooshing]
[pensive instrumental
music continues]
[liquid sloshing]
instrumental music continues]
[eerie dramatic music]
[insects chittering]
[eerie dramatic music continues]
[baby coos]
[eerie dramatic music continues]
[children chattering
in the distance]
[suspenseful dramatic music]
Hey! [chuckles]
Hey, man,
it's just me callin' you back.
[clears throat]
[Dave] Hey,
I was just checkin' in,
and seein' how your date
with what's-her-face went?
- Oh, no, that's actually today.
- Oh!
Yeah, all suited up
in a nonchalant way
that signals my complete
and total sexual disinterest.
Are you for real with that?
Of course not. [laughs]
I actually think I'm on
the verge of a heart attack.
Probably 'cause I haven't
gotten laid in, what, months?
You mean, years?
Shut up!
But I mean, definitely
since my mom got really sick.
Oh, no, no, this is an exciting
time for me, all right?
I get to have some excitement
- in my life.
- YOLO. Man, that's fine to say to me,
but don't let the Boomers hear
you say shit like that, okay?
[scoffs] You know what I mean.
[chuckles lightly]
Man, you ever have it happen when
you feel like life is going one way,
and then all of
a sudden, without blinking,
just like everything changes?
To a degree.
I feel like
I'm losing my grip on reality,
and might do
something terrible today.
So that's why
you're packing the Magnums?
Or I mean, the Micros?
Yeah, Magnums for me, and I'll
be mailing you those Micros.
[mumbles] Really, like,
I don't have to restrict myself
to bare emotional
necessities anymore.
she needs your help, okay?
You were doin'
what you had to do.
Eason is watching over her now.
I get it, but it doesn't mean
that you can't still
call her and check in.
Hey, who called who here?
You think this
has been easy for me?
What do you wanna
talk about, Magnums again?
Just a sec, my mother
needs help with the printer.
[engine whirring
in the distance]
[soft dramatic music]
[Dave] Okay, I'm back.
You still there?
What age?
[Dave] What?
What age does life start
staring you in the face?
You know, I'm,
I'm by a river right now,
and there's this
bald eagle landing.
You know, eagles mate for life.
[chuckles] And I thought
you wanted talk about
getting your rocks off,
and blowin' off some steam tonight?
I'm serious, man.
Oh, in their nest,
they also clench their fists,
so they don't hurt their young.
It doesn't always work out.
Anyways, why don't you tell me
about this date, hmm?
No red flags so far?
[groans] Red...
No, no red flags.
Actually, she seems amazing,
which is scary.
Eager, which is, you know,
something that I get used to.
Oh, oh, dude,
get this [chuckles].
Though, it has
not been addressed yet,
- she... No, wait, wait.
- Oh, no!
She is an English
and rhetoric major.
- Oh, dear God!
- [Max speaks indistinctly]
But it's cool, though, dude.
- No, no.
- Don't be academically prejudiced,
- all right?
- Whatever!
- It's your life, okay?
- [laughs] Okay.
But if you break her heart,
just expect
countless tones, sighs,
social media essays
about how you both shattered
and nurtured
her personal growth.
I am looking to keep
things light, thank you.
Well, bottom line is,
come out swinging
with your guns loaded.
You have
absolutely nothing to prove,
so don't give some girl control
over your cortisol level.
Jesus! [chuckles]
All right, but
here's a serious question.
What if I actually
start to fall for her?
That's terrifying.
[Max laughs]
Oh, shit!
She just text me.
She's here.
- What, like right now?
- Uh...
- Yes, right now, actually.
- Okay.
I'll ferry
you over the other side.
How nervous are you?
Nervous? [sighs]
On a scale of 1 to 10,
I could use Pep Talk 5.1.
[both laughing]
You're really
overthinking this.
I know.
I know I am.
- That's exactly why I need you.
- Fine.
You're a tiger, okay?
You're a lion!
- I'm not gonna roar.
- You are Hercules,
and your slashin' Minotaurs,
like they're
dollar store discounts.
[imitates slashing]
Okay? [Max laughs]
- Okay.
- You're Hulk Hogan
getting a settlement
for his sex tape.
You got this shit, Max!
- Okay, I believe in you.
- [Max scoffs]
Now, get out there,
show her the jackpot she scored
when she swiped right!
[chuckles] Thank you.
Tony Robbins doesn't
get me fired up like that.
[Dave] Who?
Forget it.
You're on your own from here.
[gentle instrumental music]
[chuckles nervously] Hi.
[Max] How are you?
Well, I'm alive, so.
[Max] The same, yep, same.
Like my car?
[Max] It's a nice color, yeah.
I'm just kidding.
My brother just dropped me off.
[Max] [laughs] Oh, Jesus.
All right, all right,
this is how we're gonna kick things off?
Had you goin'
for a second, didn't I?
Can you imagine if
that's how I showed up?
- I was gonna say...
- Red flag city.
[Max] No, then again,
like I don't even have a car,
so, like, who am I to speak?
Taking care of your mom
the last year, was it?
[Max] Yeah. Yeah, it didn't
leave me much time to make money.
Not about to
hold that against you.
Come on! We'll walk over to the theater.
It's not far.
Cool, cool.
you're not catfishing me,
that's a good start.
[chuckles nervously]
Likewise. You, um...
You look amazing.
Thank you.
Whatever happens,
can we both agree that,
as far as
the world is concerned,
we did not meet on a dating app?
Yeah, that's totally fine,
but it's not like we met
on Mormon Mingle or anything.
You're not wrong.
That would, that would
definitely be weird.
[laughs] I agree.
But, I mean, trust me,
like, I totally get it.
Like, I know
it can be a bit of like
a Petri dish for wounded egos
and male awkwardness.
But honestly,
if it wasn't for the internet,
I don't know how
I'd meet anybody, so.
I was talking to my brother
about that exact thing.
- Oh, yeah?
- He said to me,
"Avery, I don't know
if you're aware of this,
but there are people
in this world, all around us,
who venture to public places,
go to people
they've never met before,
and you become friends
with them right there,
right on the spot."
Well, no, that's like
science fiction to me.
I don't know. [laughs]
I mean, I know
that's like what a normal,
healthy, average person
is supposed to be doing,
or so the world tells me.
- And yet...
- Here we both are.
Exactly, here we are.
So if you think about it,
I really should blame you
for enabling me.
- Yeah, I was happy you could meet so soon.
- [laughs] Yeah.
I was lucky to
have the night off.
When I'm looking to have fun,
I'm definitely an enabler,
so look forward to the worst
decisions of your life.
- Oh, okay! All right.
- I mean in a... good,
girlfriend material kinda way.
[laughs] Who said
I was looking for a girlfriend?
- [continues laughing]
- Um...
- You know, I was...
- Oh, no, don't worry.
No, no, no. [stutters]
I'm sorry to spook you.
- That was not graceful.
- No, no, no, no, are you kidding?
No, I'm actually sorry.
That whole...
The whole foot in mouth thing is
kinda like my bread and butter,
and thank god you get it.
[chuckles nervously] Right?
If you ever wanna exchange techniques,
you know, just please let me know.
I kind of have a black belt in
conversational self-sabotage. Yeah.
You're pretty honest.
I do like that.
Not many guys would open a date
with confessions of self-sabotage.
[chuckles nervously]
So this is a date then?
I don't know.
Do you want it to be?
I admit,
I'm not picketing the idea.
I'm also cool with this not
labeling anything too quickly.
You know, you can't
trust someone you just met.
Never know who's out there,
or what their motivations are.
I mean, we are going
to a movie tonight, right?
- Yes, sir.
- Okay.
And no, like,
BTK Dungeons, no underground,
- and cell [mumbles]?
- Oh, no!
- [Max continues mumbling]
- BTK dungeons are after-movie destinations only.
Right! Good.
I just wanted to make sure
we weren't, like,
moving too fast, right?
- [Avery laughs]
- You know?
[Max laughs]
But you were saying,
you study, like,
English and rhetoric, right?
- Yeah, I do.
- Okay.
I'm in the throes of
regretting it, actually,
- My dissertation...
- Really? melting,
like the width of the West.
I found this
Le Guin's story called,
"The Ones Who Walk
Away from Omelas"
Oh, wow!
You gotta meet my buddy, Dave.
You two would get along
like fireworks. [laughs]
[Avery nervously chuckles]
I just...
I didn't mean it [mumbles].
That's... Sorry.
- Yes.
- Oh.
- Yes.
- Okay.
- [Max laughs]
- So...
- [Max continues laughing]
- Um...
- In Omelas...
- [clears throat] Mm-hmm.
...every possible thing
that could ever make you happy
is available on tap
every second of every day.
No war, no crime, no poverty.
- Well mandatory puppies, of course.
- Exactly.
- Right.
- Paradise.
Except there's
this kid locked in a cage
deep in a dungeon, tortured.
Nobody talks about it.
Everybody just accepts that
the boy needs to
be tortured endlessly
in order to maintain
the divinity of their paradise.
[Max] Wow! A very positive
life-affirming story you got there.
You could say that,
but you can't say that's more messed up
than the world we live in now.
I guess.
So anyway, there are people
who refuse to take part
in that whole system of living.
- Right.
- And?
Uh, they walk away
from the Omelas.
- Yeah. Yeah, exactly.
- [Max chuckles nervously]
- So...
- [Max clears throat]
You know, it's easy to side
with the people who walk away,
but the two groups are
really doing the same thing.
I mean, at the end, the kid is
still there being tortured, right?
Okay, a totally
nonjudgmental question.
What would you do?
What would I do?
Yeah, if you had
that choice to make,
what would, uh,
what would you choose?
I think if I didn't
grapple with the answer,
I wouldn't like
the story so much.
Why? What about you?
What would you do?
Well, I, I guess I just did it.
What do you mean?
Walked away.
I mean, I just left
my mom on her death bed,
'cause it got to be
too much for me.
I read up on
Huntington's disease
when you told me about it.
That's no easy thing.
Yeah, I mean, it was...
There were just
like only so many days
I could watch her get sick.
You know, it's like all
her memories together, fading,
despite her still
being alive in front of me.
I mean, like,
I was her lifeline.
She honestly really
was like my best friend.
I just got to like
a certain point where I just,
I guess I just felt
like I gave, gave, and gave,
until, like,
I felt as sick as she was.
It's kinda like it was trading
in all her good memories for...
something terrible.
I mean, I still
don't know why, like,
I chose to be her lifeline,
or, like, why I chose to leave.
Maybe there's just something
I haven't forgiven her for?
I'm sorry.
- I'm sorry, that was...
- That's okay.
Yeah, I don't write, so.
What would
your thesis say about that?
[dramatic instrumental music]
Is it just me, or does this look
really uninviting all of a sudden?
[Avery] Yeah.
What is going on?
I mean, I know
you kind of do have
the school
shooter vibe going on.
Maybe they heard
you were coming, and thought,
- hey, you know, just in case.
- Oh, that's funny,
- now that I know about the whole self-sabotage?
- Oh. [laughs]
I'm actually the manager here.
Oh. [laughs]
- Nice.
- In fact,
if you ever want free
tickets, I'm you're gal.
Oh, no, that's too much.
It's no trouble.
God, it's like being on
a date with a Hollywood agent.
Well, I don't know about that.
I've got the white tickets,
not the green ones.
Well, not yet.
That's the spirit.
Come on!
[Max] Oh, be careful.
[footsteps pattering]
Hey, you can't go any further!
- Oh, I work here. What happened?
- Avery!
Hey! What the hell?
What's going on in there?
I was just
talking to Lucy about it.
The phone rings, she picks up,
there's a guy
on the phone saying,
"There's a bomb under
the seat in Theater Three".
We had to cancel
the whole "Evil Dead" screening.
No postponement,
it's just not happening.
[Max] That's crazy!
That's what we were gonna go see!
- Yeah.
- Yeah, I was in the lobby
when they cleared us out.
Look at my hands.
I'm shaking!
Oh, Jake, this is Max.
All right then, salutations.
[Max] Nice to meet you too.
- [Max chuckles nervously]
- How do you two
know each other?
He's, uh...
- Oh, I see!
- What?
- [Jake chuckles]
- [laughs] What?
Still haven't given up
on the whole manager routine?
You're talking too much.
It's not like
I don't already know
that this shit is a Tinder date.
We didn't meet on Tinder.
Listen, your name's Max, right?
[Max] As far as I'm concerned.
You seem nice.
You're really cute,
not gonna lie.
I've had a couple.
The pre-game's starting
to hit like a drunken stepdad.
And I have to tell you,
this girl here,
smart, funny, humble, sweet.
- Do not buy it for a second.
- Jake?
Does this same routine
step for step, note for note,
that she tried on the last guy,
and the guy before that,
- and the guy before that.
- Jake!
She picks him up in the car,
swings by the movie theater.
Oh, what do you know?
I can get you in for free!
Turns up the volume
on the sad girl shit,
like it fools anybody.
This girl dips her pen like she's
William fucking Shakespeare.
- [slap thuds]
- What the hell, dude?
- [Max] Oh, my god!
- Max, he's plastered.
- Don't listen to him.
- I'm not plastered. I'm just being real.
[Avery] No, I need you to be gone.
That's what you need to be right now.
No, look.
- I love you.
- Jake?
Okay, I love you.
This girl, man.
Max, I'm sorry.
I'm full of shit.
This girl will take you places.
I've never seen someone so
committed to those she loves.
A true family gal.
[Avery] Yeah, okay.
I love you.
I love you too, Jake.
Just, um,
get the hell away from me.
We're gonna go
have fun somewhere else,
and you're gonna go
puke in the bushes, okay?
That sounds awesome.
- I won't let you down.
- Okay.
Wish me luck.
Bye, Max.
Bye, Jake.
[exhales loudly]
[both laughing]
Sure was somethin'.
That was so embarrassing.
Yeah, so...
how's it being the manager?
I'm sorry.
Yeah. Why...
Why would you lie about that?
Can I just be honest?
Yeah, I mean, you could've
been honest earlier too.
So, we're on Humber, we match,
and I was...
I just felt
a strong connection to you.
Your past,
what you've been through,
it's not that different
from what I've been through,
- or I'm going through.
- Okay.
So I didn't think
you'd wanna meet me
if I told you I was some girl
employed at a movie theater.
[Max scoffs]
So, what, you thought
manager of a movie theater
is a huge step up?
- Point taken.
- [Max laughs]
So here we are.
[clears throat]
Yeah, I'm sorry.
No, it's totally okay.
All right? I mean, I guess
it just looks like this
self-sabotage thing
is a two-way street.
And, you know, by the way,
there's, like,
nothing uncool about
working in a movie theater.
Ginsburg, Friday,
movie theater rat at night,
that is totally cool.
I feel a little
boneheaded right now.
I guess you'll just
have to make it up to me.
Drinks on me.
You said, "You were looking
to have a wild night out."
I'll get us a bottle of Inferno.
Inferno? I have never
had that. [chuckles]
You've never had it?
No, nope.
Okay, well, it's a bit
of a college bro drink,
- to be honest...
- Okay, okay.
...but it is
always an experience.
Gets the night moving.
It's good.
Is it like actually good?
Like I'll enjoy
drinking it good,
or is it burning
my stomach lining good?
The best of both worlds, really.
All right.
All right,
you had me at Inferno.
- [Max giggles]
- Great!
Let's find a bar.
Right now?
Yeah, why not?
"Evil Dead" screening is dead,
- and the evening is young.
- Yes.
Okay. [clears throat]
Interesting order
we've got going on here.
It's just usually handholding
is a bit later in the game.
Oh, I'm sorry,
I got a little excited.
Usually after
someone says that, they let go.
True! My bad.
I just...
I mean, usually handholding
is preceded by kissing, yeah?
Very persuasive.
[dramatic orchestral music]
Now who's moving too quickly?
[laughs] Come on!
Uh, just wait here, okay?
- [Max] What?
- It'll just be a moment.
- Who's that?
- I will be right back.
Okay. [footsteps departing]
[ominous dramatic music]
[box clanking open]
[insects chittering]
dramatic music continues]
[door thuds open]
dramatic music continues]
- Hey! You all right?
- Uh...
- Yeah, I'm sure, yeah.
- You're bleeding.
- I'm what?
- [intense ringing]
[Avery] Yeah, um...
- No, no, no!
- I got it.
It's okay, I got it.
I'm sorry.
- It's...
- No, it's okay.
- Who was that in there?
- Oh, don't worry about it.
Come on.
- Let's get a drink.
- [Max grunts]
[Bartender] Hey
what can I get for you?
[Avery] Two shots of Inferno.
[Bartender] Shots.
[glasses clanking]
[glasses thudding]
[upbeat slow rock music]
Here we go.
Oh. [chuckles nervously]
Oh, it looks
like a caramel apple.
[laughs] There's already
been way too much anticipation.
I take it back.
You're gonna hate it.
- Cheers.
- [glasses clanking]
- [liquid sloshing]
- [Max grunts]
- Yes!
- [both laughing]
Okay, you are right.
I actually hate it.
- I'm done.
- Have some more!
Don't you wanna
lose your inhibitions?
[upbeat slow
rock music continues]
Feel okay?
- Mm-hmm.
- Yeah?
[both laughing]
[upbeat slow
rock music continues]
You want some more?
It's kinda loud,
and do you wanna take this outside?
Uh, we'll do the bottle.
It'll be $35.
Thank you.
[money rustling]
[Avery] Thank you.
[door clatters open]
[Avery] Let's find
somewhere to go drink this.
[Max stutters, chuckles]
I think I've had enough.
Is something wrong?
Okay, yeah, it's just...
before I came out here,
I made this list of,
like, resolutions.
One of them was just to
be more direct with people.
Do you have a boyfriend?
It's just when you paid,
you opened your wallet,
there was a picture of that same goth guy
you ran off to go flirt with
a few seconds okay,
- and I just wanted to...
- Okay, I see.
Yeah, who is he?
Oh, he's handsome, right?
[Max] [scoffs] What?
Should I just call it a night?
What? You don't think
that we look good together?
Okay, what the hell
kind of question is that?
- Stop, stop!
- What?
Do you notice any...
- [Avery laughs]
- Oh! Shit.
[Avery continues laughing]
Yeah, uh, he's my brother.
Oh, God!
- [Max mumbles]
- [Avery continues laughing]
No, no, no!
- Okay.
- [Avery giggles]
I am so sorry!
I, I truly hate that guy.
I do not wanna be that guy.
- I hate when guys are like--I mean,
if you wanna just call a night,
- then that's what we'll do?
- No, no, no, no, no!
- No, I am...
- No free movie ticket,
and she has a brother,
so you might as well
cut your losses, right?
It's just funny.
I mean, yes,
I jump to conclusions,
but who keeps a picture of
their brother in their wallet?
Family is
really important to me.
There's nothing
I wouldn't do for my brother.
Unexpectedly wholesome.
Well, anyway...
[both laughing]
I feel stupid.
[Max laughs]
[groans] Oh, my gosh.
[laughs] What?
It is...
[laughs] Every time
is like the first time.
[sighs] Okay, well,
I got the car off my brother.
And I think that we need
a little change of pace.
[eerie instrumental music]
[both laughing]
What do you have in mind?
Do you believe in ghosts?
- Oh, ghosts, no.
- Oh, okay.
So I assume haunted houses
are no different?
That's right,
but I don't wanna go around
kicking the hornet's
nest either.
What if I told you, I know of a
haunted house not too far from here?
Would you wanna check it out?
Right now?
Why not?
[Max chuckles]
I don't know.
- You know, it's...
- All right, think of it this way.
- [chuckles nervously] Okay.
- Why settle for a horror movie
when we can go
and see the real thing?
- So...
- [light clicks on]
Is that a yes?
[Max] I don't know. Um...
What if...
I mean, there
could be squatters.
Don't you like surprises?
Yeah, I do,
and I am looking to
have a wild night tonight,
just... you know,
as long as it's calculated.
I see.
Glove box.
Glove box, open it.
- Okay. [laughs]
- Open it!
- [Avery laughs]
- Okay, okay!
[Max clears throat]
This is yours?
[Avery] Pick it up.
Careful, it's loaded.
[gun clatters]
[Max] Why do you have this?
[Avery] Protection from ghosts.
Point it at me.
Hold it with both hands
and point it at me.
You... Avery, I'm sorry,
that's really weird to ask someone.
I wanna prove
something to you.
[chuckles nervously]
[Max] Okay.
[Max clears throat]
Now, cock it.
Pull the hammer back
until you hear it click.
Okay, I'm not so sure
Inferno was the best idea.
Come on! [laughs]
[gun chamber clicks open]
[bullets jingling]
[Max exhales loudly]
[chamber clicks shut]
[lever cocks]
Okay, loaded,
but nothing in the chamber.
Do you trust me again?
- [gun clicks]
- [Max gasps]
[heavy breathing] My God!
Come on, cock it!
[ominous dramatic music]
[Max] Okay.
[chuckles nervously]
[gun cocks]
[Avery softly giggles]
Nothin' to worry about.
I know you'd
never shoot me, right?
Of course,
I would not shoot you.
[Avery] You see?
Calculated, but safe.
[gun clatters]
- [engine turns on]
- [sighs] I guess.
Okay, but really, like why...
Why do you have this?
[Avery] Protection?
[Max] You know what I mean.
[Avery] Well, [sniffs loudly]
I once walked away too,
or rather, as you put it, ran.
Both me and my brother.
That's why we're so close.
I guess I have it to feel safe.
[Max] I see.
Wanna play the question game?
[Max] The question game?
- Uh...
- [both laughing]
I would say,
it is a bit childish,
but considering
we are already on the way
to a haunted house, yes!
[Avery] [laughs] Okay.
You can go first.
Oh, no, you.
I insist.
[Avery] Alright, um...
How many girls
have you slept with?
Oh, all right,
starting there, are we?
Okay. [laughs]
[continues laughing]
Okay, I know the general
rule is you divide by two
and say that answer.
But for me, it's probably
better if I multiply.
[Avery] Is that right?
So... four.
[Avery] Seriously?
Swear to God.
[Avery] Were you hoping
make that five tonight,
or should I slow down?
You don't have to slow down.
[Avery] Noted.
All right, it is my...
[clears throat] my turn to ask.
[Avery] Shoot.
What's the scariest thing
that's ever happened to you?
Oh, interesting.
Well, it has to be when my
brother and I tried to not run,
but to fight back.
Can I ask from what?
See, my brother has,
um, a stalker.
- [Max] Oh!
- Well, the stalker's not alive anymore.
[Max] Oh, had a stalker?
When he was alive, though,
we had a lot of problems
of getting anyone to listen
or believe us
about what was going on.
When it involves believing a
boy, they say, "Be a man",
so we just gave up
and resorted to
our own means of survival.
But that was a scary
thing coming forward like that.
[Max] Oh, it's like...
It's really interesting.
It's like I find
that true for myself too.
It's wild, like, that the
scariest part is coming forward.
[Avery] I don't usually tell
people about all that stuff.
Also, I shouldn't have,
because it was
your second question.
- [Avery laughs]
- Yes, it was!
I am sorry.
That's my bad.
But I am actually...
I'm glad that you told me.
[Avery] Alright, next game.
- Car dance off.
- What?
[Avery] Something
about talking with you,
I'm wonderfully possessed.
[laughs] Car dance off?
[Avery giggles]
[up-tempo mellow music]
You give me
Right when I
Need it
Even though
I really
[Max] I take it we are here?
[Avery] I think we are.
[gearshift clanks]
[Max] Grippin' that steering
wheel pretty tight.
You sure
you don't want your gun?
[Avery] No, you can keep it.
[seatbelt latch clatters]
Look, we don't have to...
We don't have
to go in, you know?
I mean, I would be
more than happy
just taking a walk by the river,
getting to know you better.
That's sweet, and I know.
No one ever made memories
by playing it safe.
- [ignition clicks]
- [keys jingling]
There's an upstairs
room I wanna show you.
[Max] [sighs] All right,
I will bring the gun.
- [gun clatters]
- [glove box clicks shut]
[car doors slam shut]
[insects chirping]
This place is pretty
boarded and chained up, huh?
[Avery] It's to prevent
an infestation.
[chain rattling]
[Max] All right,
talked a lot of shit earlier,
I will go in first.
You don't have to do that.
[Max] Nothing to
be afraid of, right?
- [Avery] Thank you.
- [chain rattling]
[chain continues rattling]
[insects chirping]
[door creaks open]
[eerie suspenseful music]
Max, this isn't funny.
- Ha!
- [Avery screams]
- [Max laughs]
- Oh, my God!
What the hell?
[Max] That was awesome!
- Sorry. [laughs]
- [Avery speaks indistinctly]
Don't do shit like that.
[Avery groans]
- [Max] Oh, sorry. [clears throat]
- [door thuds shut]
Really old and creepy.
So I'm doin' all right
for our first date?
You could say that.
It's been abandoned
for half a decade.
For the town,
it's a place to be ignored.
What's the story behind it?
A ghost story?
You wanna hear the ghost story?
Well, I got my
white tickets, right?
Okay, but shots first.
Makes the story
more entertaining.
Don't build
it up too much now.
- [Max grunts]
- [Avery softly giggles]
All right,
so they him Rotcreep.
Stephen King doesn't write
small town urban legends.
That's just what
he's called, okay?
That's actually exactly
what Stephen King writes,
but okay, please continue.
Okay, so story goes...
Once a year,
his hunger must be satisfied,
one victim, or he'll act out
beyond these walls.
You don't
actually believe this, right?
Of course I do.
I'll show you upstairs
where they say it all started.
That's where Rotcreep
claimed his very first victims.
[glass shattering]
[object clattering]
What the hell was that?
Raccoon, maybe?
Yeah, so much
for preventing an infestation.
Let's go up.
You have the gun, don't you?
All right.
All right, Avery,
you officially got me
out of my comfort zone.
Well, it feels good to feel
something every once in a while.
- [footsteps ascending]
- [stairs creaking]
[eerie suspenseful music]
[Max] Not much different from
my room growing up, actually.
[Avery] Oh, yeah?
[Max] Yeah, I mean, minus
all these wrestling posters.
Who really up
and leaves all this stuff?
You mean,
the fancy wrestling posters?
[Max] True. [chuckles]
[eerie suspenseful music]
Come look at these.
Kids who lost their mom.
Why are you showing me it?
My buddy, Dave, would sure
approve of you guilt tripping me.
Certainly not my motive.
Sometimes there's more
reality than what's farfetched.
Have a look.
[eerie suspenseful music]
Told you I didn't
make up the name.
Looks like this kid's
got more demons than the house.
The house is just a vessel.
[Max] What do you mean?
Rotcreep is bound to the house,
as long as it's fed.
Right, right,
once a year, you mentioned.
Now you're qualified
to give the ghost tour.
[chuckles] Yeah, next,
you're gonna tell me,
well, we both know exactly
what you're going to say,
tonight, he is needing
to feed [chuckles], right?
All good ghost stories
escalate quickly?
Come sit on the bed with me.
[Max] Okay, um, look.
You know, I know I said,
I don't believe in ghosts,
but I'm starting to think whether I believe
doesn't matter all that much to the ghost.
Just sit for one moment,
then we'll go. I promise.
[bottle cap softly clattering]
- I'm good.
- You sure?
Yeah, I'm just...
having second thoughts.
I know, there's just
something that I wanna say.
[Avery exhales loudly]
I think I'm really
starting to like you.
You're a good guy, Max.
You're a good guy.
Thank you for saying so.
I haven't really
heard that in a while,
as you could imagine.
Are you...
- Are you all right?
- Yeah.
There's just something
that I haven't told you,
and it's a lot worse
than not being the manager
of that movie theater.
You remember my paper on "The
Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas"?
[Max] Yeah, yeah.
Well, a number of years ago,
I had a similar
decision to make,
my family versus a stranger.
I think that my paper has always
been a way of justifying my guilt.
I guess you could say,
I decided not to walk away.
[Max] Okay.
You're really
starting to weird me out.
But you understand,
because of what you went through
with your mom, don't you?
Because of your past?
Whatever happens, don't
think that this is easy for me.
See, Max, this
isn't just any home.
This is my childhood home.
[eerie suspenseful music]
- [blow thuds]
- [Max grunts]
[Avery] I thought you said
he'd go down!
- Sorry, Max.
- [Phillip] I thought he would.
[Max] Whoa, don't!
You get out of my way!
Out of my way!
I'm leaving right now!
- That's not gonna happen, Max.
- We told you all this to prepare you, Max.
You asked about the scariest
thing that's ever happened to me.
I'm afraid it's still happening.
We ran from this place
as soon as we could,
as far as we could,
as fast as we could,
but it didn't matter.
Rotcreep always came for us,
until we realized
that someone could take Phillip's
place here in this house,
and be his new... interest.
I use the word stalker earlier to
put it in terms you'd understand.
He died, but that didn't stop
him from coming after Philip.
The same habits
in life as in death.
We dropped a kid
here just last week,
and thought
Phillip would be safe again,
but it seems
Rotcreep it still hungry.
And when he doesn't
get what he wants,
he comes for me, wherever I am.
[ominous dramatic music]
Happened this morning.
I barely got away.
Just one touch
rots you from the outside in.
For what it's worth,
it's not personal, man.
We're just trying to stay alive.
Stop, stop!
Stop, stop! [stutters]
You step out of
the way right now,
- and I'm...
- [gunshot blasting]
[Max pants heavily]
[eerie ominous music]
Blanks, so you'd feel safe.
In case her nice tits
weren't enough.
- [Max] Avery?
- I'm sorry, Max.
Sorry, Max.
- [blow thuds]
- [glass shattering]
- [objects clattering]
- [Max grunts]
[ominous dramatic music]
[blow thuds]
[Phillip] See,
I told you he'd go down.
[Phillip pants heavily]
[Avery] I'll get his legs.
[Phillip grunts
and pants heavily]
Zip ties.
Pull him closer.
[zip ties tightening]
[cell phone clatters shut]
Don't get too turned on now.
[Avery] Shut up, Phillip!
[pants thudding]
Broke ass mother fucker!
[Avery] It's not working!
[ominous dramatic music]
[Phillip sighs]
- Sorry, Max.
- Avery, come on!
[ominous dramatic
music continues]
[bottle clanks]
When you wake up, drink this.
It'll make things easier,
trust me.
I assure you, it'll be a hell
of a lot shorter than Phillip's,
and maybe mine.
You're about to
understand it all.
[electricity clinking]
[ominous dramatic
music continues]
[electricity clinking]
dramatic music continues]
- [bed creaking]
- [Max grunts]
[breathes heavily] Help!
[continues grunting]
[grunts painfully]
[ominous dramatic music]
[tool clatters]
[grunts loudly]
[hooves clomping]
[boar snorting]
[hooves continue thudding]
[boar growling]
[pants heavily]
[door slams shut]
[door clatters open]
[eerie ominous music]
Hey, just stay back!
[boy yells]
[gun clatters]
[eerie ominous music continues]
I'm not gonna hurt you.
All right?
You just come out.
You come out.
That's right.
Whoa, whoa, hey, hey, hey.
I'm not gonna
hurt you, that's...
My name's Max.
[eerie ominous music continues]
[object clatters]
[eerie ominous music continues]
This is yours?
Okay, okay, who are you, kid?
Who are you?
Like I said, my name is Max.
How long
you been hiding in there?
I don't know.
All right, well,
how did you get here?
That girl.
Avery, she brought you here?
[feet shuffling]
All right, listen.
- [wood clattering]
- [Max grunts]
- [Max mumbling]
- I already tried that!
[footsteps pattering]
No, no, no, don't open it!
He'll get you!
- [ominous dramatic music]
- [Max breathes heavily]
- I'm just gonna make sure the coast is clear, okay?
- No, no, no, no.
[door gently thuds]
[Max pants heavily]
dramatic music continues]
[Max] [pants heavily]
The hallway's empty.
It's okay.
[continues panting heavily]
- [intense dramatic music]
- What the hell was that?
[footsteps pattering]
You think I didn't
try to open the door already?
I told you.
You didn't listen!
It doesn't care
if you believe in it or not.
[wood creaking loudly]
[paper rustling]
Do you have anything to drink?
Only this.
[Max grunts]
That's for adults!
[coughs] Ew!
What is that, gasoline?
[bottle clanks]
[Max] You weren't
supposed to drink that.
[Rudy coughs]
Taste like... burning.
[Rudy continues coughing]
Okay, how the hell
do I get outta here?
We don't!
[door slams shut]
[suspenseful ominous music]
[Max] Hey!
Hey, I'm sorry. Okay?
Clearly, you weren't
supposed to be here,
but you still are.
All right?
You're doing something right.
I'm sorry.
All right?
My dad has to pour drinks...
So what do we do?
Out there,
it's all boarded up.
Every window, every door!
There's not enough room
for both of us to hide.
You've been hiding in there
this whole time?
I tried to go in the kitchen,
but that was a bad idea
going down there.
- What happened?
- You don't wanna find out.
But whatever happens,
stay away from his bedroom!
Never go into his room.
- [suspenseful ominous music]
- [intense thudding]
[breathes shakily] Okay.
Okay, well, I'm glad
that you're able to get away.
Even my house cat plays
with mice before it kills them.
Remember, you're here now.
Hey, you never
told me your name.
It's Rudy.
- Rudy, son of Sam Quincy.
- Mm-hmm.
I lost my bike.
Avery said
she knew where it was.
And now, I'm here.
- All right, Rudy.
- [bottle clanks]
Okay, let's get you back
up on your feet, all right?
And let's try to
get out of this together.
You think we can do this?
Put out your hand.
Little fingers can't break open
windows and doors.
however, along with these,
we got a chance!
My mom said when you're down
you have to have faith.
[Max] All right.
All right, I guess
it's not such bad advice.
So you're with me?
All right.
Hey, that doesn't work.
Hey, trust me.
- Okay?
- Okay.
Okay, Rudy.
All right, when I open it,
no hesitations, okay?
We're walking straight out
and down the stairs.
- You got it?
- Got it.
I guess we're supposed to be tied
up and not running around together?
That's right.
[Rudy] The hallway's empty.
On three.
One, two...
[Max] Go, go, go, go!
[ominous dramatic music]
[Rudy grunts]
[Rudy] Help me with this one!
[Rudy continues grunting]
[Max] That's on too tight.
It's way too tight.
Now, you cover
your ears, all right?
- [gunshot blasting]
- [Max groans]
[gun clatters]
- [Max grunts]
- [Rudy] Wow!
[Max] Just a few more,
and then we push it.
Come on!
Squeeze through, Rudy!
[Rudy grunts]
- Come on!
- More!
Not goin' in!
[Max] Squeeze through!
- Come on, push!
- You!
[Max] Push!
Come on!
[Rudy groans] [door creaks]
[Rudy] I'm coming!
[Max yells indistinctly]
[Max] Run! Run!
- [chain rattling]
- [Avery] The hell?
Rudy? What are you doing?
Oh, my!
Phillip, get him!
Max, you should not have
let the boy take your place.
Avery, Avery,
you let me
- outta here right now.
- There's still no way out of this!
- Please, Avery, please.
- I'm sorry. I wish it were that easy!
- I'm begging you! I'm begging you, please!
- I can't, Max!
- [chain rattling]
- [spitting]
[Avery pants heavily]
I'm not gonna act
like I didn't deserve that.
I'm gonna make sure
to get Rudy back for you.
- [chain rattling]
- [door shuffles]
- [Avery whimpers]
- [door slams shut]
[Max pants heavily]
[dark ominous music]
[dark ominous music continues]
[intense eerie music]
[Max pants heavily]
[dark ominous music]
[Max continues panting heavily]
[Max] Wait, wait!
Wait, wait!
No, no, no, no!
[yells] No, no!
[pants heavily] No!
[continues panting heavily]
[intense eerie music]
[curtains rustling]
[Max pants heavily]
[intense eerie music continues]
[wood creaking]
[footsteps pattering]
[yells indistinctly]
- [grunts]
- [glass rattling]
[continues grunting]
[door creaks open]
[flashlight clatters]
[eerie suspenseful music]
[Max breathes shakily]
[wood creaking]
[dark ominous music]
[switch clicks]
[Father] Go on. Why don't you
tell Daddy what you're doing?
[Young Phillip]
It's just Oscar, Daddy.
I'm teaching him how to swim.
I'm not sure
if robots know how to swim,
but I just wanted
to win the race.
[Father] That's cute.
Are you gonna win your swim
meet tomorrow, Phillip?
How 'bout you come
teach Daddy how to swim?
I'll make a change
to my swimsuit, Phillip.
[Young Avery] Daddy, Phillip,
are you two down there?
[ominous dark music]
[ominous dark music continues]
[video camera clatters]
[feet shuffling]
[eerie ominous music]
[Max breathes shakily]
[flashlight clatters]
[Max grunts]
[bat continues thudding]
[chain rattles]
Go on! [bat clatters]
[feet shuffling]
- Remember, Max...
- [water splashing]
...Rotcreep only needs
one of you!
[door slams shut]
[chain rattling]
[footsteps pattering]
- [door thuds]
- [Rudy] I'm sorry, Max!
- [Max groans angrily]
- I'm sorry!
I really tried to
get away and get help.
[pants heavily]
[eerie suspenseful music]
[continues panting heavily]
I know, buddy.
I know.
I really tried.
I know, but you remember
what I told you earlier?
The same goes
for your legs, all right?
How are you supposed to
outrun someone twice your size?
Because I'm smarter.
[pants heavily]
That may be true,
but there's two of them.
Two people twice your size.
So you're still alive?
What's that supposed to mean?
I'm happy
you're still alive, truly.
[object creaking
in the distance]
[Max exhales loudly]
Okay, come on.
Let's get you
cleaned up, all right?
[flashlight clatters]
[Max grunts]
[Rudy] I'm worried
about my mom right now.
Hey, you be
strong for me, okay?
Take this off.
[Max mumbles]
[Rudy] Do you think
your mom is worried about you?
Can you stop asking me
so many questions, please?
Can you do that for me?
- Okay.
- Thank you, buddy.
[Max clears throat]
[Max groans painfully]
[Rudy] Are you okay, Max?
I'm fine.
Rudy, I'm fine. her net too!
I said, "I'm fine"!
[wood creaking]
Hey, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to snap at you.
[Rudy] It's okay.
I knew when you said
you were fine, you weren't.
Just because you're grown doesn't
mean that you don't need help too.
I think you're right about that.
It's just me... trying
to be stoic, till I'm not.
[Rudy] Stoic?
It doesn't matter.
[Rudy] It matters to me, Max.
[wood creaking]
[dark ominous music]
[Max] All right.
All right.
Come on!
[Max grunts]
What you did for me...
I should go back
to the hiding place.
[Max] Yeah, I hear ya.
[Rudy] What is all this stuff?
It's the dad's video camera.
You mean, Rotcreep's?
[Max] You know, too?
I may have little fingers
and short legs,
but like I told you, I'm smart.
I know you are, buddy.
- Hey, I need to go check out this last room.
- No, no, no!
- Don't leave me, Max!
- [Max shushing]
Can you hide until I get back?
I'll just be a moment.
Can you do that for me?
Like I said,
I'm an expert hider.
Show me, come on!
[Rudy] Do you see me?
Not at all.
[Rudy] See?
Told you.
You stay there, all right?
[dark eerie music]
[chain rattling]
[tool clatters]
[dark eerie music continues]
[intense dramatic music]
- Wait! [screams]
- [Max] Wait!
- Wait!
- [Rudy] Run, Max!
- [Max] Rudy!
- [Rudy screams]
- [Rudy] Wait!
- [Max] Rudy!
- Max!
- [glass shattering]
No, please!
[Max pants heavily]
[Rudy] Max!
[Rudy screaming in the distance]
[eerie suspenseful music]
[eerie suspenseful
music continues]
- [tool thuds]
- [grunts]
[continues grunting]
[wood clatters]
[tool clangs]
[wood clattering]
[continues grunting]
[wood clatters]
[Max speaks indistinctly]
[wood clatters]
[tool clangs]
[Max pants heavily]
[Rudy] Max!
[Max pants heavily]
Please, help!
Please, Max!
[continues panting heavily]
[male yells indistinctly]
[Max hyperventilates]
[male continues
yelling indistinctly]
[Max groans loudly]
[continues groaning]
[Max] Get off of him!
Get the fuck away from him!
- [door lock clatters]
- [grunts]
[pants heavily]
[Max grunts loudly]
[pants heavily]
[eerie ominous music]
[liquid sloshing]
[eerie ominous music continues]
[Max pants heavily]
[eerie ominous music continues]
[dark suspenseful music]
[quietly] Rudy?
[sobs gently] Rudy?
Where were you?
[mumbles] I know.
Rudy, Rudy, I'm sorry.
Hey, we're
gonna get out of this.
[Max pants heavily]
[liquid sloshing]
[Max pants heavily]
[dark ominous music]
[box clatters]
[continues sobbing]
[somber instrumental music]
[pants heavily]
[somber instrumental
music continues]
[feet shuffling]
[up-tempo lively music]
[TV Announcer] And now a word from
our fine sponsor, Ken-L Ration.
[Male Voice On TV]
Yes, there's no other
dog in the world like yours,
and no other dog
food like Ken-L Ration,
America's favorite dog food.
Dog's grow strong
and healthy Ken-L Ration.
It's so good and wholesome.
Ken-L Ration is packed
with lean red meat.
It contains
wholesome steaks, chops,
and roasts of US government
inspected horse meat,
plus other nutrients
a dog is known to need.
The kind of protein rich
food today's dogs require.
[chuckles heartily] Yes,
there's no other dog
in the world like yours,
and no other dog food
like Ken-L Ration.
Put your trust in Ken-L Ration
with lean red meat.
More people do.
[TV Announcer] Lowe's Company,
makers of fine foods
for the whole family,
presents America's
favorite family, the Rotcreeps.
Max, Avery, their charming
children, and Phillip.
"The Adventures of
the Rotcreep Family".
[TV Avery] Did I tell
you what happened today, Max?
[TV Max] No, you didn't.
The Woman's Club is
having a dinner next week,
and we don't know who
the speaker's going to be yet,
but Martha
accidentally bought tickets
to last year's dinner.
[TV Max] Well, how about that?
[TV Avery] I ran
into Sally Dotter today.
She said she bought a new car.
[TV Max] Oh, really?
Well, what kind?
- [Max laughs]
- Well, I don't know,
but payment's
going to be $62 a month.
[TV Max] Oh, gee!
Well, that sounds like a good car.
- [Max continues laughing]
- [TV Avery] Dinner's ready.
Would you mind fetching
Uncle Phillip and the kids?
- [Max continues laughing]
- Kids?
Good evening, Phillip.
[TV Phillip]
Good evening, Max.
Please have a seat.
- [TV Max sighs]
- [Max continues laughing]
Dinner sure smells great, Mom.
It sure does.
Thanks, Mom.
[TV Avery] The family that
prays together stays together.
[whimsical instrumental music]
[electronic static humming]
[electronic static hissing]
[object clatters]
[softly sobs]
[bottle clatters]
[object clatters]
[lighter clanks]
[flame flicking]
[lighter clanks shut]
[curtain rustling]
[board rustling]
[dark eerie music]
[board shuffling]
[dark eerie music continues]
[Phillip] How many cigarettes
do you have?
[Avery whispers indistinctly]
- Huh?
- [Avery] A pack.
How much longer?
Not until we know for sure
it's done this time.
[Phillip sniffs loudly]
We should have cameras
inside to watch it unfold.
I don't like that idea.
I just don't.
[Avery softly sighs]
[Phillip sighs loudly]
I wonder if Max
is gonna survive this?
How much
do you really like this guy?
I told you, I didn't wanna do this
shit with him in the first place.
We really have
something between us.
Well, if that were the case,
you wouldn't have
locked him in there to die.
Like you gave me much choice?
What, you think that it's easy
dating with a brother like you?
- Fuck you!
- I'm just saying.
Well, there's a whole
big world on Ember, Avery.
So suck it up,
and swipe right again!
Max can't make it out alive.
You know that, right?
Fuck you!
Our secret can't get out.
You know that, right?
- I know!
- What?
I said, "I know", Phil!
[object thuds loudly]
What the hell was that?
Come on!
[both breathing heavily]
[Avery] He did it.
- He's out.
- Shit.
Where is he?
[pants heavily]
[Phillip] Rudy?
It's done!
We're safe again!
I'm safe!
Where is Max?
[Phillip] Can you come and
help me with the fucking body?
Then we can worry
about your damn boyfriend!
- [Avery] His face.
- [Phillip] If it bothers you that much
put something over it.
- [Phillip breathes heavily]
- [Avery] That's better.
[Phillip] Come on.
[Max grunts]
- [chain rattling]
- [Avery] Max?
- [chain continues rattling]
- Max, let us out!
Max? Max, open the door!
[chain crunching]
[Max] This is for Rudy.
Max, you know, we really were
supposed to go to the movie tonight.
The only thing that I was hiding was that
I wished it was a date the whole time.
Phillip called
in the bomb threat
only when he realized
that he was still in danger.
It was supposed to only involve
Rudy from the start, Max.
[Max] Is that supposed
to make me feel better?
I'm saying sorry, Max.
Now, what started between us
really means something to me.
[Phillip] She wants your dick, Max!
Isn't that enough?
- Just let us out!
- Please, I'm begging you!
Max! We can keep
this secret together.
It's the only thing that Philip and
I could do to keep sane to survive.
[Max] Avery?
Yeah, what is it, Max?
Tell me, please.
I'm here to listen.
[Max] You realize
what you've become, don't you?
[Phillip] Shut up, Max,
and just let us out!
Max, take my hand, please.
I swear I'm not gonna hurt you again.
- [Avery pants heavily]
- [Phillip] I don't think
there's gonna be
a second date, Avery!
[Avery] Relax.
Max, come on.
Come on, Max.
[Avery and Phillip pant heavily]
I've been thinking about your
little writing project, your paper.
In Omelas, you said,
"There's only two options",
running, looking the other way,
but there's a third way
to stop this one.
[Avery] What is it, Max?
Tell me, please!
Just let us out!
- [Phillip] Just open the damn door!
- Come on, Max.
[Avery] Max, just open it, please.
I am begging you!
Max, don't do this.
Don't do this, Max. Max, Max!
- Max, wait!
- [Phillip] Let us out!
- [Avery] Open the door!
- [Phillip] I'm sorry!
- [Avery] Max, please, Max!
- [Phillip] Please open the chain!
[Avery] Max!
What are you doing?
- Max!
- Max, open it!
- Max!
- Max!
[both screaming]
- Max, don't leave me here!
- [door rattling]
- Max, please!
- Come on!
- Max!
- Max, come back!
- [Phillip] No!
- [Avery] Max, open it!
- Max!
- [Phillip] Open the damn door!
- [Avery] Max, please!
- Max!
- Max!
- [Avery] Max, let us out!
- [Avery] Max!
- [Phillip] Somebody help us!
- [Avery] Let us out!
- [banging on door]
- Max!
- Come on!
- Why?
- Open it!
Open it, Max!
[Phillip] Open the damn door!
- Max!
- [Avery] Max, let us out!
- [Phillip] Why?
- [Avery] Max, please!
- [Phillip] Help!
- [Avery] Please, Max!
Max, don't
leave me here, please!
[Phillip] Max!
[Avery and Phillip
continue screaming]
- [Avery] Max, please!
- [Phillip] Help!
[Avery yells indistinctly]
[Phillip] Open the damn door!
- [lighter clanks]
- [Phillip yells]
[Avery yells] Max, open it!
- [Phillip] Help!
- [banging on door]
- [Phillip yells]
- [Avery] Max, what are you doing?
Burning it all down.
- [Phillip] Max!
- [Avery] No! Let us out!
- [Phillip yells indistinctly]
- [Avery] Max, please!
- [Phillip] Help!
- [Avery] Please, Max!
- [Phillip] Max!
- [Avery] Open the door!
- [Phillip] Help me!
- [Avery] Max, please!
[both continue yelling]
- [fire crackling]
- [Phillip screams]
[Avery screams]
[Phillip continues screaming]
[indistinct yelling]
[both screaming]
- [banging on door]
- [Avery yells indistinctly]
[both continue
yelling indistinctly]
[fire crackling]
[dramatic instrumental music]
- [Phillip] Help!
- [Avery] Max!
[Phillip] Somebody help us!
[dramatic instrumental
music continues]
Mom, it's...
It's me.
[Max's Mom] Oh, thank God.
How are you?
- Mom, I...
- Yes.
I've been worried sick!
[gently sobs]
You're what, honey?
What is it?
[Max continues gently sobbing]
[Max] It's just, there's
a lot I have to tell you.
You don't have to tell me.
I already know.
[continues sobbing]
I'm so sorry.
I love you.
[fire crackling in the distance]
[fire continues crackling]
[fire whooshing]
[glass shattering]
[glass shattering]
[fire crackling]
[glass shattering]
[fire crackling]
[Director] Cut!
[up-tempo instrumental music]