Thr3e (2007) Movie Script

Please. Where is he?
Where's Roy?
"He lives, but without a life.
"He lives in a closet.
An antisocial loner
with a love of gadgets. "
I wasn't writing about you!
"Society doesn't notice him because
he's invisible, normal and ordinary. "
You're not ordinary.
You're gifted, intelligent and-
Huh! And you're just trying
to butter me up.
Look. If you're angry at what
I wrote, let's- let's talk.
But leave Roy out of it.
- Did you come alone?
- No backup.
Good. Chapter six.
You have 90 seconds.
- No! Please!
- How do you raise an attack dog?
The answer is
right in front of you.
I'm a cop. I'm looking for
anything about my brother.
Yeah. You're that lady
on the book cover.
Some guy brought this by for you.
He said you'd understand.
Chapter six.
"You raise an attack dog
alone as a puppy.
You give it a biscuit... when it bites. "
I think I've seen you on TV.
You're a bad cop
and you wrote a bad book.
- Roy!
- You don't know how it feels to kill.
I'm gonna give you deeper insight.
Go away!
One door is wired to explode and one is not.
You can save your brother
or kill him trying.
- Do you know?
- No!
Twelve seconds to read my mind.
Which door would the killer in your
book pick? Nine seconds, Jennifer.
- Get out!
- No!
Peters, get out now!
No! No!
We got a cop down!
Get an ambulance now. Get it!
Get an ambulance!
The early Christian
philosophers borrowed from Plato...
when writing
about evil, but, uh...
St. Augustine...
changed this from an objective...
to a more subjective creation.
Uh, for instance,
St. Augustine believed...
that evil was
beyond the reach of no man.
So did Freud.
Yeah, well-
Freud isn't exactly
my favorite moral philosopher.
Man's struggle against
evil started in the Garden...
and continues unabated...
because of the fall.
Who once said,
"Evil is the blemish of our species...
that will not spare
even the best man"?
- Yeah, Kevin.
- Kant.
Very good. The 19th century
German philosopher Immanuel Kant.
Actually, it's the 18th century.
Kant died in 1804, but wrote
his major works in the 18th century.
Thank you, Kevin.
The devil is in the details.
I stand corrected.
You hardly speak up...
but when you do,
it's worth the wait.
You have a first-rate mind, Kevin.
But about your thesis-
I'm still waiting on
that prodigal first draft.
I have hit a wall.
Well, search along the wall...
till you find a door.
Hey, genius.
Nice call on Kant.
And another piece of advice.
If you're blocked,
take a day off.
Get out into the fresh air
while you still can.
Before you end up
an old dried-up professor like me.
That'd be an honor, sir.
But I do need to see an outline
before the end of next week.
No shirking.
You know what I'm capable of.
- Hello?
You have three minutes...
to confess your sin
before I blow your car up.
Someone must have left
this phone in the car. It's not-
Kevin Parson, you can't hide in the
seminary. You can't drive away from your past.
- Who is this?
- Don't you remember me, Kevin?
I'm hanging up.
You're passing into
the Harbor Tunnel.
Your clock reads 2:57.
And you don't remember
what to confess.
Here's a clue.
What falls but never breaks?
What breaks but never falls?
- What falls- Is this a joke?
- Don't believe and die.
Get back!
Don't you remember me, Kevin?
You remember everything.
I thought he had
the wrong person.
- Then he said my name.
- Mm-hmm.
What falls but never breaks?
What breaks but never falls?
- What does that mean to you?
- What does it mean?
Nothing. It's nonsense.
Kevin, we didn't
find a cell phone.
Maybe it burned up
in the blast.
So he called you some names...
gives you a riddle,
tells you your car's gonna blow.
That's it.
Nothing else?
You heard of R.K., right?
The Riddle Killer.
You must have been
living in a box not to have.
R.K. 's been making
all the press.
And why would someone like this
come after me?
Have you done anything to,
uh, call attention to yourself?
Made any enemies?
- Who is he?
- It's Kevin Parson.
Seminary student.
R.K. Tends to pick on those
he perceives as rising up above the herd.
Both parents died
in a car accident.
Raised by his aunt.
No siblings.
- How does he make a living?
- He lives off his parents' life insurance.
He has a B.S. In engineering...
an M.A. In English lit...
and he's working on
his Ph. D. In theology.
A professional student.
It's too early.
Way too early.
I haven't cleared you yet.
This is R.K.
We can get him.
Yes, I know.
If he gets a whiff you're on this...
he may come after you again.
Oh, don't worry about me.
The question
we should be asking is:
Why is Kevin Parson still alive?
- What's over here?
- Watch your step. Watch your step.
That's a lot of books.
You read 'em all?
Not yet.
So, I got something
for you here. Um-
Here we are.
It's, uh, an alarm beeper.
Just press the button
and we'll come running.
And it also has
a tracking device on it.
It's a pretty cool toy.
- Hmm.
- Good-bye.
Come on. Get out.
So keep it on you.
And don't worry. There's, uh-
There's never been a second attack.
Well, technically,
no one's ever survived the first attack.
The car explosion
that happened earlier today...
is linked to the Commerce Street
explosion that killed Roy Peters...
the brother of noted police profiler
Dr. Jennifer Peters.
Now the police are currently speaking with
the owner of the vehicle, Kevin Parson.
But we don't believe
he was injured.
Hello, Kevin.
Did you tell the police everything,
or did you leave out the best parts?
No police!
- Or I may tell them what you did.
- Who are you?
Who are you, Kevin? Are you still
the lonely boy in a blue house...
taking comfort from your pain
with a black puppy?
Don't answer that!
We're not finished yet.
Kevin, it's Sam. I just saw the news.
- I wanna make sure you're okay.
I'm gonna come over.
Sam! Sam!
- You swore that you
would never go back there.
- Why are you doing this?
- Would you go back to save Damon?
You have 60 minutes
to save a life you value...
but no police.
That's my number one rule.
Here it comes, sweetie.
Hi, Kevin.
Oh. Hey, Bobby.
L- I have a new computer.
Y- You wanna see it?
That's really cool, man.
Hey, I'm gonna go
say hi to Damon, okay?
Damon misses you.
Where'd you go?
Shut the door!
And don't talk to strangers.
Ah, i-it's Kevin.
He came back home.
That's not Kevin, pumpkin.
That's a stranger.
Look, Balinda,
I just came to check on Damon...
then I'm gonna get out of here.
Oh, you turned running away
into an art form, huh?
Hey, buddy. You okay?
Kevin, is that you, old boy?
- Hey, Eugene.
- Kevin, where you been? Huh?
Damon! Do not play
with strangers! He's poison.
Eugene, just don't stand there.
Control your animal!
- If you don't, I will.
- Damon, back in your house.
No! You have to growl at that dog.
You have to use more authority,
more discipline!
I say there, canine. To
the kennel with you...
- or it shall be the whip for your blasted hide.
- Firmer!
- Come here, beast.
- More English.
Stay! Stay, I say.
Put him in the house.
Very good!
Very good!
Ke-Kevin, I have a new computer.
You wanna see it?
- Stay!
- It's a brand-new computer.
- Princess gave it to me. You wanna see it?
- Yeah.
- Stay in your place.
- It's so great.
I can play with it
up till 10:00 at night.
- Then it's bedtime.
- Very good!
- No!
- No, no, no, no, no. You wait. You wait here.
Damon! Damon!
Damon! Damon!
- What did I do?
- It wasn't you!
- Where's Damon?
- I know who.
It was you.
You did this! Why?
Why? To hurt me again? Huh?
- No.
- Puppy!
Someone's trying to kill me.
Shut your lying, filthy mouth.
We hate you!
That's right, traitor.
You go! Go!
Who's there?
I missed you.
You look good.
So do you.
There's some dirt on your face.
I love this place.
You okay?
I don't know.
- You know, you shouldn't be here.
- Of course I should.
- No, Sam. Someone's stalking me.
- I'm not leaving.
They blew up my car.
They killed Damon.
I just don't want you near this.
- Look, I'm near criminals every single day.
- I know.
You know, I've got a cop
right across the street.
Yeah. He's asleep.
I have no idea what he meant.
What falls but never breaks?
What breaks but never falls?
Night falls and day breaks.
The answer could be
day and night.
Meaning what though?
I don't know yet.
I'm gonna take this and give
it to a friend at the lab.
- Take it.
- Do you have a bag or something?
Yeah, probably in the kitchen.
I should probably
check into a motel.
Just stay here.
I mean-
You know what I mean.
I'll stay on the couch.
- This okay?
- Yeah.
I'm gonna need your spoon...
so I can get a control sample
and exclude your prints.
Staying here... probably
wouldn't be the best idea.
Probably stay up talking all night,
and you need to rest.
Hey, we can't talk
to the police.
Okay, but we might have to.
I just don't want you to get hurt.
Kevin? Hi, Kevin.
- Hi, Sam.
- Let's go.
I can't.
Balinda won't let me.
- I can't.
- Why not?
- We could take the bus together.
- I know, but my mom likes teaching me.
She's not your mom.
She's your aunt.
So, do you have
a boyfriend at school?
I have a boyfriend,
but he doesn't go to my school.
- Who is he?
- It's a secret.
He's my knight in shining armor.
Come closer and I'll tell you.
What benefit did you get from
those things which you are now ashamed?
For the end of those things
is death.
- What's going on?
- We're trying to get into the club.
- Yeah, sure. Go home.
- I don't have-
Hey! You girls are 15.
Hey, sorry. Sorry.
We're both 21. Can you not just let us in?
We were here the other day.
- No chance. Just go. Please.
- What do you mean, "Just go"?
I could lose my job.
Let me help you.
Kevin Parson?
I want to ask you a question
about the Riddle Killer.
- I understand you've been talking to him.
- Get a real job.
I got a real job.
And that's private property.
Yeah, well, this could trigger
a repeat attack.
We need to talk.
Hope you take it with milk.
Sorry about your brother.
- You look like you've been up all night.
- I have been.
Is this the only way
in and out?
There's a fire escape.
Close to your brother?
Who was the visitor?
Someone I grew up with.
Samantha Sheer. She, uh- She saw
what happened to me in the news.
She's an insurance investigator.
What, and she came by
to check your life insurance?
She's a friend.
Anyone else?
He was in here.
He left a cell phone in a book.
What did he say?
Nothing. Hejust-
Hejust called me names again.
Well, show me the cell.
It's gone. I think he
came back in here and took it.
- Well, can you show me the book?
- Sam has it.
Do you know who
we're dealing with?
Three people have died.
I need that book.
So call your friend. From now on,
make sure I see everything first.
You ever play chess?
What does that have to do
with any of this?
He made a move
and you countered and he liked it.
He'll move again.
He'll be watching
and listening to everything.
- What? You mean, like now?
- Shh!
He said no police.
You're a cop.
He said no police. You're a cop.
Kevin always was a nasty little tattletale.
Help me. Help me.
Please help me. Help me.
You'll need to get this together right away.
to be here at 9:00.
I don't wanna die!
Get it off me!
Two questions:
How did he choose you?
And why did he choose you?
How did he choose your brother?
Oh, Roy was a means
at getting... at me.
L- I wrote a book
he didn't find very authentic.
He didn't like me going on
talk shows, promoting it.
Yeah, maybe I did get
a little too full of myself.
Pride comes before a fall.
Writing a book is no sin.
Well, neither is going
to a seminary.
So let's start yesterday
and work back as far as you can...
every place you ever went.
You wanna hear
my whole life story?
I have a full tank.
It won't take a full tank.
A guy just walked into precinct
headquarters with a bomb strapped on him.
Hold still!
- "Wages of sin"!
- What?
The wages of sin.
He left a message. The wages of sin.
The wages of sin is-
- Death.
- It's a Bible verse.
Your stalker doesn't like seminary students.
He went after one of your classmates-
- HenryJameson.
- Henry? Oh!
- Give me the book and verse number.
- It's from Romans.
Look in Romans.
- Where's the bomb squad?
- They won't make it in time.
- Maybe we should just move him.
- What?
- Keep it clear. Keep it clear.
- Wait here!
- Let's go! Let's go!
- Okay, now!
- Get out!
- Okay.
Okay. Here it is right here.
Romans 6:23.
"The wages of sin"-
- Kevin! Kevin!
- Get him.
Help me! Help me! Help me.
"What benefit did you get from the things
which you are now ashamed?
- "For the end of those things is-
- Help me.
Death. "
Help me!
What's the third number?
We need a third number.
Okay. There's six letters
in "Romans. "Let's try 6-6-23.
Get out! Everybody out!
What are you doing here?
Get out! Out!
- Everybody out!
- Clear the building!
- Get it off me!
- Come on!
- Your stalker went after someone else?
- Please hurry.
- What happened?
- It's my fault if he dies.
- You can't blame yourself for this.
- Six.
- Six.
- Get it off him!
Hey, you! And you!
Out now! Go!
- Get it off!
- Okay. Let's go. Let's go, Kevin.
- Twenty-three.
- Hurry, please!
Go, go.
Go, go. Go!
Okay. Okay.
I hate the way you pukes look.
The way you speak.
The way you smell. Liar.
You're all rotten to the core.
You remember everything.
It's the boy.
- What boy?
- The boy in the park.
- When we were kids and used to sneak out together.
- Yeah, okay. I remember.
I'd see this boy.
He liked watching us.
- Kevin, I don't know what you're getting-
- At your window.
I told you about him.
I remember one night
I caught him at your window.
He was looking at you,
watching you.
Hey, you!
What are you looking at, puke?
Run, puke!
He chased me...
through the park.
- I thought he was going to kill me.
- No!
He warned me not to tell you.
- No!
- You tell anybody about me-
I won't.
And I'll kill you next time.
Well, thank goodness you did.
My dad chased him away.
He didn't live in our neighborhood.
My dad won't let me out.
We never saw him again.
I saw him again.
You never told me.
I never told anyone.
You're gonna die!
Run, you little moron!
He chased me...
- into this old warehouse.
- No!
Nice tomb.
Nice and quiet.
Thanks for bringing us
down here.
- No!
- Go ahead.
No one's gonna hear you
down here, snitch.
You know what
I'm gonna make you do?
You're gonna bite off
your own tongue, puke!
Bite it, tattletale!
Then I'm gonna visit
your stuck-up girlfriend.
I'm gonna kill you!
I'm gonna kill both of you!
I stood there...
thinking ifhe got out,
he might hurt you.
What did you do?
I left him to die.
I never went back.
Never told anyone.
That's my sin.
I tried to forget
it ever happened.
Maybe going to the seminary
was my act of penitence.
He must've gotten out.
Someone would have
found his body.
- We live nearby. It would have been in the news.
- He got out.
And now he's stalking me.
It's pretty far-fetched
to think that after all these years...
someone would plan to get even with us for
something that happened when we were kids.
He tried to kill Henry.
Maybe he setJennifer up...
to get her into our game.
Well, forget the game.
We're leaving town.
- Where?
- My place for starters and then we'll go from there. Okay?
That's my thesis!
Sam, grab it!
Kevin, be careful.
It's him!
I'm calling the cops.
Stay away from the window.
- No, we can't!
- You can't. I can.
You know,
I couldn't really see him.
When you turned around,
were his eyes at your eye level?
- I didn't see his eyes.
- So you don't know if he was tall, short, fat, thin?
- Kevin Parson left when we cleared the building.
- Well, bring him back.
Calm down with the orders.
I never put you on this.
I'm on this.
Phone call for you.
Samantha Sheer.
- Hello?
- Yeah, I'm a friend of Kevin Parson's.
- Right. Insurance. Where's Kevin?
- We're at his place.
We may just have seen his stalker
at his window. He had a camera.
He was taking pictures of Kevin.
Josh, send units to cordon off a
Look for a guy with a camera.
Listen. It's not safe.
I want you and Kevin out of there.
- I want you back here now.
- It's all right. I'm armed.
I don't care if you're armed. This isn't an
insurance claim. I want you and Kevin out.
- That's an order.
- Okay, okay, I hear you.
Hang on.
Let me out.
Why did you leave me, Kevin?
- Let me out ofhere!
- Let me out!
- A TVjust went off in Kevin's refrigerator.
- Wait, let me hear him.
Quick. Record this!
Let me out.
It's so dark in here.
Let me out. The cockroach
has not confessed his sin...
so we must play on to the end.
The trigger is pulled.
The trigger is pulled.
Only 30 minutes tick before
the to-and-fro drones are blown to bits.
Confess what sin?
What takes you there
but takes you nowhere, Kevin?
And remember, no cops.
Get down!
Send Emergency Response
to Parson's place.
You got it.
Stand back.
The trigger is pulled. The trigger is pulled.
Only 30 minutes tick before
the to-and-fro drones are blown to bits.
You know, he seems to
be obsessed with threes.
The 30 minutes to act.
Ninety seconds to save Roy.
Get down!
- Kevin Parson,
the seminary student...
Whose car was allegedly destroyed
by the Riddle Killer yesterday...
is on our Action Phone live
to discuss important matters...
- about the case.
- Parson's on TV.
When I was 14...
I got into a fight with this boy
from our neighborhood.
He chased me into
this warehouse, and...
we fought.
I ran out and locked him in.
I left him to die.
I'm a fake and a hypocrite.
What's he doing?
He's confessing.
I'm a sinner.
If he's-
If he's listening...
I just want to say I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
Poor Kevin.
Samantha Sheer calling back
on line one.
Put Kevin on.
Look, he's pretty upset. He thinks the
killer is this kid who used to bully us.
- Yeah, I heard. Can you give me a name?
- I don't know.
Kevin locked him in
a storage warehouse.
- Where? What's the address?
- Off Carmine Street.
Look, this kid didn't live
in our neighborhood...
and he didn't go to
our school or anything.
We're talking 15 years back,
so it's all pretty hazy.
My dad,
he chased him away.
He was a cop. Maybe he left a name
in a case file or something?
Your dad's retired?
He died five years ago.
Sam Sheer.
All right.
Send a team to a warehouse on Carmine,
and check all police reports...
filed by an officer Sam Sheer dealing with
juvie offenders, starting 20 years back.
- Are you and Kevin okay?
- Yeah.
Sam. Come on.
I confessed. It's over.
Kevin, I can't bet on his forgiveness,
and he said, "The trigger is pulled. "
No, it's over. Everybody knows what a
terrible person I am. That's all he wanted.
Okay. It's over.
But let me ask you something.
When he said...
"What takes you there
but takes you nowhere"-
What does that mean to you?
What takes you there
but takes you nowhere? I have no idea.
A bus.
All they do is go back and forth.
There and nowhere.
The bus that went by
our old neighborhood was number 33.
They think he might
hit bus 33.
There are three number 33 buses...
running simultaneously
on a 12-mile route.
- So, we clear all three.
- Nah, our black and whites will pull 'em over.
No, he said no cops
- at least none in uniform, or he might blow before the deadline.
- Hey, how you doing?
- Not so good. Can't complain.
Come on. Everybody out!
What did the boy look like?
Can you remember
any characteristics...
like a scar or a tattoo?
He bragged about
being in juvenile detention.
Juvenile records are often wiped clean,
but it's worth a shot.
Well, that narrows it down to a couple
of thousand suspects. Where are you?
- We're looking for the bus.
- Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop...
stop, stop, stop, stop!
Sam! That was
the 3rd Avenue bus.
The three on your refrigerator.
Pull over! Stop the bus!
Stop the bus!
- Pull over! There's a bomb!
- Are you crazy?
- Stop the bus! You gotta pull the bus over!
- Pull over!
Pull over! You got something on the bus!
Stop! Pull over.
Get everybody out of the bus!
Get out! Open the door!
- Open the door!
- Get off the bus!
- Get everybody out of the bus.
- What are you talking about?
There's a bomb on the bus.
Get off of the bus! Come on!
Come on. Get out of here.
- Help her.
- Get out of the way!
Get off!
- Sam! Phone!
- Grab it. It's probablyJennifer.
He's crazy! The man is a lunatic.
- Hello?
- You broke the rules, Kevin. I said no cops.
- Hey, I didn't call the cops.
- Samantha did. Break the rules, I break my word.
No. No. I confessed.
That's what you wanted, isn't it?
- You confessed nothing!
- What?
- Everybody's off!
- Cover your ears, puke.
Sam! Sam!
- Hey, you okay?
- How?
How did he get my number?
Anybody hurt?
He's gonna kill me.
Hey. No, he's not.
I promise.
My dad's stuff! S in storage.
There's gotta be something on this guy.
I'm gonna go there.
You get a ride home with Jennifer, okay?
Talk to me.
Sam talked to you,
and he blew it early.
You should've told me
about the kid...
'cause I can't help you
if I'm playing catch-up.
Just don't help me.
Just don't.
He's here.
I know he is.
What do I do?
I want you to walk away...
and meet me in the Grand Hotel Bar
in five minutes.
- Liar. Cheater.
- Kevin Parson-
You confessed nothing.
- I shut the door, and I left him to die. I'm sorry.
- Liar!
Liar! Liar! Liar!
- I left him to die.
- You're the sick one, Kevin.
This is Darrylin Goodman
with Action Team live...
and behind me is a Red Line city bus that
was destroyed at close to 3:00 p. m. Today...
by what the police are now calling
a combustible device.
Darrylin, have the police
made any statement yet?
They're not labeling it a terrorist
attack yet, nor are they linking it...
to the explosions that killed Roy Peters
and destroyed the vehicle of Kevin Parson.
Where's Samantha?
She went to check out
her dad's stuff.
Here we go.
May I get you something?
No, I'm good.
Kevin, it's not you.
It's him.
He's twisted beyond your capacity
to understand his sickness.
These people enjoy holding
life and death authority.
Absolute power,
absolute control.
If R.K. Is this kid from your past...
we will find him.
You have to trust me-
that I won't let him hurt you.
So, I better get to it.
I'll help you
in any way I can.
Then take a drive with me through your old
neighborhood. Stop by your aunt's house.
- See if that jogs your memory.
- I can't do that.
- Kevin-
- I can't.
My name is Jennifer Peters.
I'd like to come in and ask you
a few questions about your nephew.
- Certainly not.
- Ma'am.
Your nephew is in serious danger.
- Do you have a search warrant?
- Do I need one?
We all make mistakes, deary.
If I get a search warrant...
it will be the sworn duty of the police
to turn your home inside out.
Don't touch anything.
Ask your questions.
Do you like to play?
Bobby! Hush!
I have a new computer.
It's real. You wanna see?
Bobby, go to your room.
She's pretty, Mom.
She's a dog, Bobby.
You wanna get fleas?
That's what you'll get
if you play with her- fleas.
Go to your room,
read your books...
and sleep.
Eugene, don't just sit down. Where are
your manners? Get our... guest a chair.
Yes, of course, Princess.
Uh, um-
Your chair, my lady.
When was the last time
you left this house?
Why would I leave the house?
Do you know who the president is?
Eisenhower is
the only worthy president.
We don't go in for pretenders.
How long have you
been doing this?
Doing what?
You've created
your own world in here...
cutting away what you
don't like, keeping the rest.
What do you do
with the clippings?
You burn them.
What we do in our home
is our business. We're safe here.
What about Kevin?
Was he safe here?
Bobby. Back! Bobby!
Oh, my sister's boy...
always thought he was
too smart for us.
Bobby was the poor little dummy.
That Kevin...
thought he was God's gift...
sent to cast light
on us poor idiots.
Do you even wanna know
what kind of trouble he's in?
It all started when he was sneaking out
at night with that girl.
She's the one
that led him astray.
You mean Samantha Sheer?
He didn't think I knew,
but I knew.
She's the one that put
those nasty little thoughts in his head...
by wanting me to send him
to the same high school as her.
Instead of you teaching him?
The only way to raise a child...
is to isolate them with the truth.
Then they shine like stars.
You let a boy
walk out of this house...
with no idea the real world
he'd be facing.
It's a wonder
he survived at all.
Your time is up.
Someone's been threatening Kevin...
someone who may have known him
and bullied him as a teenager.
Do you remember
anything about that?
He came home one night
with a bloody nose and a black eye.
But that's what's outside-
blood and chaos.
What are you looking for, Jennifer?
What will you find?
Don't come too close
to the lonely boy, Jennifer...
or you won't walk away
this time.
We went over every one of
Sam Sheer's written reports...
at his old precinct.
Nothing about a Peeping Tom juvenile.
Where are you?
- I'm at the warehouse.
- You're gonna need a flashlight.
Those, uh, old Carmine Street
have been closed down for years.
Stand back.
That looks like a jacket.
- What do you got?
- Definitely blood.
Give me eight hours. I'll have
a full D.N.A. Analysis ready for you.
Blood positive.
Oh. Looks like a weapon.
Any skeletons in the closet?
Nope. But we found
a bloodyjacket.
Well, this backs up
Kevin's story...
that a fight took place.
The kid must have crawled out...
through there.
Search all the rooms.
Maybe Kevin killed the kid, hid the body.
Look, man, that girl crazy.
No, man.
- Hey, where the brew at?
- That's true.
Oh, snap.
You know where I can get a gun?
- Here you go. It's sweet.
- There you go.
Yeah, beautiful.
Just like that.
Pack it up, you guys. That's it.
Yeah. That's a day. Let's get out ofhere.
We may have a problem.
There's a group of, uh, reporters
camped outside Parson's loft.
Oh, I put him in a hotel
to keep him out of the spotlight.
Good. Which one?
Come on, Sam.
Naked is safer.
You, uh-
You hide a key witness...
and you don't bother telling
your superior officer about it?
I'm not officially
on this case.
Got a thing for him, don't you?
The fact of the matter is, you don't
even know who Kevin Parson is.
Kevin, it's me, Sam.
Jennifer called.
She told me you were here.
You're not...
keeping anything from me?
How can I? You know me better
than I know myself.
This isn't a good idea.
We've never kept secrets from each other.
This isn't a good time to start.
Remember when you told me
about your secret boyfriend?
Why didn't we ever become
something more?
I went to school
and moved away.
And you got busy with college.
I'm here now.
I'm so tired.
I know.
I want you to be careful
around Jennifer Peters.
Her stalker has all
the skills of a cop...
and he called me right after
I gave her my cell number.
What are you saying?
It's notJennifer.
I'm not saying it is.
Trust her.
But trust me first, okay?
If he's listening, I
just wanna say I'm sorry.
You confessed nothing.
I'm a fake and a hypocrite.
- Tonight I'm gonna take
everything from you- - I'm a sinner.
Until there is nothing left.
I shut the door
and I left him to die.
Tonight you get to kill
for real, Kevin.
- Hello?
- Samantha, it's Jennifer Peters.
- How's Kevin?
- He's sleeping.
I took the adjoining room
so I could keep an eye on him.
I need to talk to Kevin.
I'm on my way.
Okay. We'll be here.
Hang on.
There's someone at the door.
- Careful. Nobody knows you're there.
- Hello?
- Hello?
- Let me out.
- Samantha?
- Why did you leave me, Kevin?
- Hello?
- Let me out.
It's so dark in here.
Let me out.
It's so dark in here.
You confessed nothing.
Tonight I'm gonna take everything
from you until there is nothing left.
The cockroach has
not confessed his sin.
And so it's time to play
the riddle game again.
- I confessed!
- There are sins...
Kevin thinks he would never do,
fears waiting to come true.
Confess the rest, Kevin!
Ma'am, you can't park here.
- Let me out.
- Kevin! Samantha!
Why did you leave me, Kevin?
Let me out. It's so dark in here.
Let me out.
It's so dark in here.
The cockroach has not
confessed his sin.
Let's go.
Time to play. You have one hour.
Hey! Kevin! Stop!
Maybe we should at least
tell her where we're going.
If she's smart,
she'll figure it out.
Then we don't break his rules.
What wants to be filled
but will always be empty?
The city fathers gave it a number-
You followed me?
Yeah, well, uh, I wouldn't have to
if you weren't sneaking around...
operating behind my back.
Where's Parson?
He just left with Samantha Sheer.
What've you got?
Another message with a timed riddle
and a threat of body parts.
Time to play.
You have one hour.
What wants to be filled
but will always be empty?
The city fathers
gave it a number-
The storage warehouse.
How did you know that?
I told you.
I put my dad's stuff in storage.
This is the place.
I have an access key.
He knew that.
We shouldn't be here.
You sure you don't know
what else he wants you to confess?
What could be worse
than what I did?
Sam! There's no reason for us
to go into this building!
Look, this is gonna blow
any minute.
We didn't break his cop rule,
so we should have 17 minutes.
If we don't figure this out,
other people are gonna die.
Wait here.
I'll be back, okay?
No, you're not going
in there by yourself.
This is a bad idea.
Just feels wrong.
- I better get my cell.
- I got it.
Sam! Sam!
Who's there?
I said, who's there?
Who's there?
Hey! Hey!
Hey! Let me out!
Hey, let me out of here!
"There's three natures to every human being:
The good, the bad and the soul
struggling in between. "
"Radical evil is the deep
blemish of our species. "
"God has preordained
a system of good and evil. "
"Where there is light,
there is shadow. "
"Where there is light, there is shadow. "
That's one of
your better lines, Kevin.
Where'd you steal it?
Sam! Sam?
Kevin, I'm here!
- There's another bomb.
- Try to get the door open.
All right.
Are you looking for the key to
escape your living death, Kevin?
You won't find it
in your books.
- You let her go!
- Kevin, no!
You gotta get out ofhere.
I see the pathetic book grub
got himself a gun.
- Let her go or I'll kill you!
- You tried that once, Kevin.
Didn't work out so well, did it?
C- C-Catch.
Come on.
Can't save her this time.
And in the end,
everyone will blame you.
Kevin! Hey!
I need the flashlight!
Give me the light!
- Kevin! What are you doing?
- Up here! Here, Sam!
Kevin, listen to me.
You have to get out ofhere. Kevin!
Get out! Get out!
Get out! Get out!
- Can't believe I missed.
- Don't worry about that.
These are all lines
from your thesis?
It's pretty dark stuff.
You pay money to study this?
"Radical evil is the deep blemish
of our species. "
He didn't find it very original.
I didn't write this.
- You mean, "Your house is afire"?
- That's not mine.
Wait. What's this?
He's not done with us yet.
"Your house is afire. "
- How many places have you lived?
- Just my loft.
And your aunt's place.
Balinda won't let you in.
She might not even
let me in.
You know, you get this look
every time you talk about her.
What look?
That look.
She just tried to get me
to see things the way she sees things.
Midnight. We have two hours.
I'm gonna take a cab to your loft.
You take my car to Balinda's place
and call me.
- Kevin, what happened?
- It blew.
Yeah, I can see that.
Why didn't you answer your phone?
Because he said, "No cops"?
You know,
you have to trust me.
He left another riddle.
What's the timeline?
Do you see this?
I quit.
I quit.
I swear to you, I'm never setting foot
in the station again, okay?
I'm done.
I'm no longer a cop.
I'm not a cop.
I'm Roy's sister.
Go read the wall.
Kevin? It's- It's Uncle Eugene.
They stole Princess.
Princess. Where's Princess?
Where's Princess?
Hiding like a roach
in the dark.
Princess is gone!
She's gone!
- What?
- She never leaves home without telling me.
- You have to find her.
- Where's Bobby?
- Inside.
- We gotta get you guys outta here.
- Why?
- 'Cause the house isn't safe!
Princess. Princess.
- Bobby?
- Kevin, can you help me find Princess?
- She's hiding.
- Okay. Okay.
At first, I thought that Princess
went out to get dog food.
And then I remembered
we burned the dog.
I need you to go with Eugene
to the Gas 'n'Go.
Buy some cookies and pop. And when
Princess gets back, we'll have a big party.
Okay? Okay? Can you do that for me?
- Okay.
- Okay. Come on.
Kevin, I have a new computer.
You wanna see it?
That's really awesome. I really need you
to do this for me right now, okay?
You stay there
till I come for you.
Come on, Bobby.
Come on.
Come on, Bobby. Come on.
- Who are you, Kevin?
- No!
Liar! Liar! Liar!
Are you still the lonely boy in a blue house?
- Liar! Confess the rest, Kevin.
- You're a liar!
Where there's light, there's shadow.
You swore that you'd never go back there.
You stay in your room.
You're not coming out for a week.
Be nice to Princess.
I'm doing this because I love you.
I hate you.
Isolate them with the truth.
- What are you doing?
- Nothing.
Are you sneaking out?
I'm gonna wash
the dirt and lies off.
You dirty, filthy, filthy boy!
I'll show you what happens
to liars. Dirty liar!
Dirty, dirty liar!
Don't you dare, puke!
Who are you?
Where is she?
Where the worms hide
their secrets.
What have you done to her?
Don't tell anyone you've been punished.
It's our little secret.
Where are you?
Hi. I'm calling from Channel 22.
I'm looking for a Kevin Parson-
Kevin, it's Dr. Francis. I was worried
and I was calling to see if you were okay.
If you need to talk-
You left this number.
This is Phil at the lab.
That book on St. Augustine
that you had me dust...
I was able to pull about six dozen prints,
but all of them matched the control sample.
Call me.
Kevin! Kevin! It's- It's Uncle Eugene.
They stole Princess.
They stole Princess.
Bobby is so worried.
Hejust keeps going from room to room
calling for her, "Princess. Princess. "
Let's see what we got here.
Hey, we got some. 38 shell casings
over here and some footprints.
Looks like a struggle.
Parson tell you anything
about a shoot-out?
No. All he said
was there was a clue...
to another bomb riddle
somewhere in here.
The guy's playing you.
You know, there's something
not consistent about all this.
With Kevin, the clues tend to be
metaphoric opposites, like light and shadow.
With Roy and me, R.K. Tended
to be more like a tour guide.
He wasn't into this kind
of symbolism.
Maybe he changes personality
with each victim.
Hey, could you back up?
- Jennifer, it's Sam.
- Where are you?
I'm at Kevin's loft.
I don't think
the Riddle Killer is the boy.
I was just thinking
the same thing.
- He could have copycatted R.K.
- No.
I mean, I don't even think
the boy is the boy.
Kevin's stalker only appeared
when he was finishing his thesis.
It's all about good and evil,
light and dark.
So what if Kevin...
and his stalker are opposites...
in the same person?
Hey, Mike. How many sets
of footprints you got?
It's hard to say.
But what I am seeing is one set
of distinct tread pattern...
a man's tennis shoe,
size 11 or 12.
But the boy exists.
You saw him.
No. I thought I had, but I
realized I never really did.
I just thought I did because
Kevin talked about him all the time.
But someone left a cassette player
outside your hotel room door.
- Wasn't Kevin with you?
- I thought he was sleeping.
And the person outside his window
could have been a- a news reporter.
The boy doesn't exist.
Kevin's personality's split.
I don't know. You're the psychologist.
Does this make any sense to you?
When Kevin locked the boy
in the basement 15 years ago...
he was actually locking away
an alter ego in his own head.
Then when Kevin's thesis
forced him to fully examine...
the nature of good
and evil in himself-
The boy resurfaced.
Like a latent virus, he would have
returned and fought back for survival.
One personality hating the other,
trying to kill the other.
And kill the person who caused
the split in the first place.
Balinda's missing.
I'm going there now.
- W-Wait. I'll meet you.
- Okay, but no screaming cop cars or-
I know.
Kevin might kill himself.
Hello, Kevin.
Put down the gun.
- Who are you?
- Put down the gun!
- Let her go.
- Put it down now!
- Let her go!
- Put it down!
Put down the gun,
or I blow her head off!
We've been expecting you.
I don't think we've been
officially introduced.
You can call me Slater.
Welcome to my house.
I should say "our house. "
You know, Kevin, they think
you're crazy as a loon.
They think you're me-
the Riddle Killer.
And tomorrow in the headlines,
it's gonna say...
your mommy dearest
drove you to kill her.
Shut up or I'll staple
your lips together!
I'm here.
My car's parked outside.
I'm gonna go in.
Look, I'm five minutes behind you.
Can you keep your phone on?
Yeah, I'll try.
The house is dark.
I don't see anyone.
Wait. "Where the worms hide
their secrets. "
"Where the worms hide their secrets"?
What is that?
I'm at the garden shed.
Nothing yet.
You confessed nothing!
- Wait.
- I don't know what you're talking about.
The steps go down into a basement.
I hear voices.
More than one?
You mean Kevin and Balinda.
- Kevin got himself a gun.
- I'm putting you on mute.
- Why? You wanna kill somebody?
- W-W-Wait!
Is that what you want?
You'll never get away with this.
You're sick. You're crazy.
Huh? You wanna taste it?
Well, stick out your tongue.
Why are you doing this, huh?
I confessed.
I told everyone
what I did to you.
You confessed nothing!
Your pathetic confession revealed nothing!
But tomorrow's headlines are gonna reveal
the true nature of Kevin Parson.
- My plan is perfect.
- Oh, this is your perfect plan?
- You're sick.
- Yeah. Oh, I'm the sick one?
You're the sick one, Kevin.
You don't even know how sick you are.
At least I'm not a hypocrite.
They think you and I are the same.
Well, guess what?
Tonight you're gonna prove them right!
Jennifer, I was wrong.
- I just saw him.
- Saw who? Who do you mean? Kevin?
Yeah. No. Both of them.
He's real.
Kevin's stalker's real.
- Who is he?
- He's-
Samantha can't talk now.
Wake up.
Wake up, sleepyhead.
Come on. Come on.
Just like old times
in the neighborhood.
Except this time Kevin's gonna kill for real.
- Never.
- Kevin.
- And he's gonna take the blame for everything.
- You're sick.
Sticks and stones.
She calls me sick.
He calls me an animal.
At least I'm not a hypocrite, sitting
in a church pew every Sunday...
swearing to God that I'll be good,
just like Kevin here...
even though he knows
he's disgusting.
Even though he knows
he tried to kill and hide it.
You're worse than me.
Hi, Princess.
How you doing?
Good? Almost midnight.
The cockroach has yet
to confess his sin...
and so it's time
to play out the game...
- to the end.
- No!
Get her. Get her!
Get down!
You hate her.
Look. You've been thinking about it.
Come on. Take it.
Take it!
Take it!
It's all the witch's fault.
Pain, the loneliness,
and all your torment.
You hate her!
Take it!
Leave him alone!
Kill her! Kill her now!
Do it!
- No, Kevin, it's not Balinda you want to kill.
- That's right.
- Kevin, don't!
- Do it. That's right.
- Fiend.
- Don't do it, Kevin.
- Shoot her!
- I should've never put you through this, Sam.
Oh, true love. How touching.
Don't do it, Kevin, please!
Do it or I'm gonna spit roast your
true love right in front of you. Do it!
He's gonna kill us all anyway.
He has to. No witnesses!
Then he's gonna burn up all trace that
we were even here. And you take the fall!
- Do it now!
- Kevin, don't! He's gonna kill us all anyway!
- He's gonna kill us all anyway! He-
- Police! Freeze!
You move and they die.
Are you okay?
Stay back.
Jennifer, listen to Sam.
Shut up! You two are driving me crazy!
Drop the gun or we all go.
Slater shot Sam.
Kevin, look at me.
Kevin, there's no one in here
except you, me and Balinda.
Samantha and Slater aren't real.
Why are you saying that?
- She must have a plan. Go along.
- No, Sam.
The truth is
I don't have a plan.
The truth is
you were half right.
Slater is Kevin, but so are you.
He created you both
when he was a little boy...
locked in that house.
You were created from all the good things
he wanted in a friend.
But you saw Sam...
at the hotel
and at the police station.
Hey, you! And you! Out!
- Now!
- I never saw Sam.
And outside the hotel,
it was you in the car.
- I never actually saw her.
- Let's go.
But it's not true.
I'm bleeding.
- Are you?
- Yes.
- Yeah, she's real.
- And Kevin's bleeding and he-
Wait. Why are you bleeding?
You didn't get shot!
That's a bunch of psycho crap.
Your book is crap.
You couldn't even figure out
who the Riddle Killer was...
and he's right in front of you.
- Kevin, listen to me.
- They're real. It doesn't-
It's not true. It's- It's-
I believe they are real.
Time's up. Kill her.
Kill her now!
But I confessed. I confessed that
I locked you in that closet.
You confessed nothing!
All right, Kevin. Empty the trash.
Do it.
Kill her. Kill her now!
No, Kevin. It's not Balinda
you want to kill. It's him.
You want to kill the evil inside yourself.
Do it!
The sin is that you're him. What falls but
never breaks, what breaks but never falls?
It's night and day.
It's you.
She's the one that locked you in the room.
She filled your head with a bunch of trash.
Kevin, he can't pull
the trigger unless you do.
Shut up!
Kevin, in your thesis you wrote about
the three natures of every human being:
The good, the bad-
And the soul struggling in between.
I'll kill you all!
You also wrote that we're powerless to win
the struggle on our own.
We could take the bus together.
I love you.
Me- Me too.
Stop it!
Kill her now!
I'll kill you!
You can't.
You're me, Kevin.
Confess it!
Confess it, Kevin!
You're me! Kevin, you're me!
I hope you lock him up
and throw away the key!
Let's get out of here.
Kevin studied the Riddle Killer.
He copied his techniques.
- "He's right in front of you. "
- He's holding a camera.
We should have noticed someone
taking photos of the crime scene.
L- I'm looking for anything
about my brother.
Hey, you're that lady
on the book cover.
- Some guy brought this by for you.
- Roy!
- Go, go, go, go!
- Freeze!
- Freeze!
- Don't move!
Hands where I can see 'em!
- Freeze!
- Keep your hands where they are.
Careful. Careful.
Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk.
You clean up pretty nicely.
I see they got all
the bits of Roy off.
You took pictures of Kevin Parson.
I intended to pay him a little visit.
I can't stand copycats.
Get him out of here.
You got it.
Get him out ofhere.
That's it.
Another couple ofhours
and we would have caught on...
that Sam Sheer never had a daughter,
that Kevin rented Samantha's car.
There's so many holes
he couldn't have kept plugged.
And since it was Slater
who caused the bus explosion, not Kevin...
will the court take that
into consideration?
I hope. I mean, a place
like this is better than prison.
How long will he be here?
It's up to the courts to decide.
And the person that caused it
all goes scot-free.
Kevin grew up in a world...
of shifting realities...
with no absolutes.
He created good and evil.
Samantha and Slater.
It's a battle we all
have to struggle with.
It's a battle we're powerless
to win on our own.
You mean, we need the power
of a Samantha?
We need the power of God.
How are you feeling?
I'll talk to you later, Sam.
I'm just kidding.
I'm good.