Threads of Destiny (2014) Movie Script

94 Years after the battle of mentors
the death of Emperor Palpatin,
the Republic regained her powers.
The Order of the Jedi restored again
Freedom and justice and continues
educate young Jedi knights in Giavin 4.
But galaxy far from being secure.
The ancient empire of SKenvi is now,
free from imperial control
and has expanded drammatika.
Officers and soldiers of genteel
Empire joined the Skenvi
and their systems proliferate.
Officers and soldiers of genteel
Empire joined the Skenvi
and their systems proliferate.
Only the new Galactic Republic
prevents them from Skenvi get full
control of the galaxy, and as' THE
battling for power constantly.
Only the new Galactic Republic
prevents them from Skenvi get full
control of the galaxy, and as' THE
battling for power constantly.
The Emperor Giles withdrew the
strong ambassador, Lord Sitges,
that is already on the way,
of Skenvi mother planet, the Zarras...
Lord Sitges,
- Emperor awaits your arrival at the palace.
- I know, Major.
What are the desires?
"Approaches to warship of the Republic"
"Lord Sitges has entered the
Imperial command center"
"Lost Imperial Destroyer..."
Who is the new target our
I realize that this meeting
consistent in your mind with martial enterprise, Sitges,
but not called you here,
having something in my mind.
I hope to see things through
from many perspectives,
a critical situation like this.
- The war can be won mepollous ways.
- As diplomacy?
know. I do not doubt that you see
obvious in a diversion like this,
even though I have not shared with you
no information so far.
- I guess you know the planet Korina?
- Of course, my lord.
Is a planet run by a
popular monarch. The Korina always been in favor of peace
And democracy, but the word "force"
there... in the dictionary.
I heard rumors that the Republic will
negotiate with them a treaty consolidation.
And you thought
to win on this?
The ore is caused
interest for this planet?
This ore is regenerative,
The Republic believes that the acquisition of,
is that tipped the scales in their favor
And innocent as it is,
will undoubtedly send a
representatives Jedi, to the charmed
King and Queen to sign the treaty.
- Jedi?
- Natural.
I have the luxury to send
charming people in their lap,
but I certainly have the ability to send a warrior
white flag.
I would like to go and the pressure
situation to our advantage.
- I'm sick of stagnation King Tzaster.
- When do I start?
Immediately . We do not want to stop us nothing
, achieving this goal.
Very good sire,
will depart.
I know that quite contended, Raven.
But despite your mistakes,
actually went pretty well
- Proved that you do it in a dogfight.
- I Thank you, master Sorana.
If you keep so well,
then it will not take much
until they're ready for the
If you keep so well,
then it will not take much
until they're ready for the
Your future is with me.
Your future is with me.
Raven, are you okay?
Looks somewhat dazed.
- I'm fine, Seth.
- Well, why Sorana wants to see you.
Okay, thank you.
The Council has called
here to present you a mission.
Recently, the Republic approached
planet Corrine,
with an offer for consolidation.
Unfortunately, however, approached the
and the Empire Skenvi,
with an offer for consolidation.
Unfortunately, however, approached the
and the Empire Skenvi,
with an own offer.
Is most likely to be interested
for the planet's resources,
The unique ore,
than for their people.
The only reason we approach the
Corrine now we,
- is for the ore.
- Remember what's at stake here.
acquire exclusive rights to ore Corrine,
then the Republic is closer
in losing this war.
Do not remind me.
I have gone from vanguard.
Barely keep this moment,
such things.
Let the Force be with you.
Even a mission, Master?
This is excessive.
I must admit that I felt something in Force
just returned, so I suggest rest.
- But I intend to continue my lessons.
- Even you can do.
I must admit that I felt something in Force
just returned, so I suggest rest.
- But I intend to continue my lessons.
- Even you can do.
A steady diplomacy can often
is the greater good of a Jedi.
To have the strength and
ability to win a battle,
is less important than
able to avoid it on ' authority.
Now go collect your stuff,
and just go get ready.
You two should be
the Jedi will convey.
I am the carrots Reg I'll be your pilot
in this mission.
'm Sorana Dar.
This is my apprentice, the Raven Ntarkam.
I am the carrots Reg I'll be your pilot
in this mission.
'm Sorana Dar.
This is my apprentice, the Raven Ntarkam.
Nice to meet you. If you follow me
we can launch.
You look beautiful today, Arianna.
- You call every day, mother.
- Why look gorgeous every day.
Something wrong, dear?
Going to become Queen of Corrine.
Will marry a beautiful young,
from a noble House.
It's not that I do not like this
I like.
I want to say that everything about the
My future is already pre-determined.
Do you want to become something,
beyond what I was given.
I know that feeling.
I married your father.
I had in my mind that you will fall in love
someone and then marry him,
Regardless of ,
what my parents wanted.
I had in my mind that you will fall in love
someone and then marry him,
Regardless of ,
what my parents wanted.
- Your parents forced me to marry?
- No.
They gave me all the time to think about it,
and dad flirted with
for almost a year.
And in the end, I realized that I did not even give
a chance Tzaster.
Sometimes Arianna, age
cherish the roles given to us.
- To employ something else?
- Yeah... You know the feeling you got
- when someone is watching you?
- Yes, why?
Ambassador of the Empire of Skenvi,
is here to see you, Your Highness.
Perhaps should you handle
this issue, dear. As Queen,
should treat such people,
whether you like it or not.
And maybe bothered to His Excellency, discovered that when
I did not have time to see him.
And maybe bothered to His Excellency, discovered that when
I did not have time to see him.
'll Be fine.
- You will see him in the main hall.
- Natural.
Welcome, Ambassador.
I am the Princess Arianna.
- You asked for a hearing...
- With the King and the Queen, my child.
're Both busy or the
my rank does not bring anything more,
- computable from insults?
- My parents will meet with
Jedi New Galactic Republic,
to discuss the integration of Corrine
- computable from insults?
- My parents will meet with
Jedi New Galactic Republic,
to discuss the integration of Corrine
- if this happens...
- The notorious freedoms of the Republic!
I see however, that the sovereignty,
is not one of ' them.
The Empire on the other, encourage all
profitable trade relations,
if our systems put
- First all interests Skenvi.
- The Republic has the best,
intentions for us...
While, from far as I can tell, the Skenvi,
- Only interested in our minerals.
- Backbite us. We worry about health
your economy. The Republic is small,
and simply can not provide you
- Only interested in our minerals.
- Backbite us. We worry about health
your economy. The Republic is small,
and simply can not provide you
Buying you need.
The Empire can,
but if you join the Republic, and you are
compelled to do our embargo,
the consequences will be devastating.
But of course, I have faith that the family
you will make the wisest choice.
compelled to do our embargo,
the consequences will be devastating.
But of course, I have faith that the family
you will make the wisest choice.
Besides, the king and queen have
above all the interests of their people.
The your skills with the lightsaber
progressing quite well.
"Arrives in Corrine.
Will leave"
"Hyperspace in a few seconds."
Master, now that I finished my courses
I want to discuss something with you.
Master, now that I finished my courses
I want to discuss something with you.
Earlier I had a dream.
Was clear, vivid,
- not like my other dreams...
- A Vision?
Maybe, I do not know.
A Jedi must always be
, knowledgeable
Maybe, I do not know.
A Jedi must always be
, knowledgeable
dream, Raven.
Especially when they are not
Think about what you saw,
concentrate on it.
'll Talk about it, just
Settle in Corrine.
For air traffic center of
Corrine here
lightweight transport "Starstrim",
ask permission for landing.
ambassadors of the Republic.
"Control center here, thank you.
Permission to land."
ambassadors of the Republic.
"Control center here, thank you.
Permission to land."
I am the captain of terbium
Royal Guard.
Me and my men will escort
Hear that the king and queen,
is much loved by the world.
It is indeed.
Fovame But that will not meet
with them right now.
- No?
- No, will be available for listening later.
But have called
first meet with their daughter, Princess Arianna.
Of course.
future queen needs undoubtedly
Exert its diplomatic skills
Of course.
future queen needs undoubtedly
Exert its diplomatic skills
Follow me, young Jedi.
The princess is in the throne room.
You need to be a Jedi is
to meet it.
- I'm Princess Arianna.
- The...
You need to be a Jedi is
to meet it.
- I'm Princess Arianna.
- The...
My name is Raven Ntarkam.
- You're so edgy.
- I must admit, that
I have never met before my princess.
I confess something to you.
I have never met before a Jedi.
Basic Majesty, still have not.
I'm not a Jedi yet,
- Just a student.
- If you are a student, then that is your teacher?
Is somewhere around here.
entrusted to handle the matter myself.
You can come sit next to me
, Raven Ntarkam.
Do not worry, my parents will not be bothered
we use the
Well, what exactly does
a Jedi?
"We are guardians of peace and
- They seem to be doing well.
- Yes, I must admit.
I am very pleased to see that
our Democracy considers
Significant enough to send
two Jedi as ambassadors.
I am very pleased to see that
our Democracy considers
Significant enough to send
two Jedi as ambassadors.
- Each system is important for the Republic.
- But some more than others, right?
What would be the Republic instead this fits in Skenvi
lamb and access your
ore in us?
If you want to join the
Empire Skenvi,
Is your right to do so.
If I want to do a ride,
outside that window,
is also my right.
A fine estimate of the situation.
Are you and the fleet also?
What can I say?
We are Jedi... versatile.
Are you and the fleet also?
What can I say?
We are Jedi... versatile.
Not to mention,
unbearably egocentric.
And somewhere here, trying to
discuss important issues with you.
Very well then. Why Corrine
wants to join the Republic?
There are rumors of some invasion,
if we do not work.
The Republic could defend us,
as we do not have
forces or resources
defend ourselves.
Plus he is good to have
a Jedi with us.
I think this completes our work.
I will pass on your answers,
- In the Senate.
- Thank you. And now without work
on our feet,
like to see the Royal Gardens?
'll Retire there now and I would like
escort a Jedi.
After you, Your Majesty.
And here is where I practice my fencing.
What is so funny?
I'm sorry but I can not imagine a princess
Would you like to see? Would you like a...
- friendly duel?
- I accept.
Juvenile sex.
Touching, is not it?
Know Grace,
what does the philosophy of the Jedi
- For relationships?
- Perhaps you could enlighten us,
- Lord Sitges.
- Says that a Jedi must abandon
any relationship
can serve better strength.
That ' that candidates for the Academy
taken at such a young age,
and for it is forbidden to love
And yet,
the teacher throws
apprentice of recklessly
romance in your trap,
knowing very well what will be the outcome.
Perhaps Excellency,
made good to remember this as a lesson.
- A lesson on what?
- The hasty judgment on a man, can
Often prove the most
and more distant from the truth.
I think my judgments about you and the
Empire Skenvi,
Often prove the most
and more distant from the truth.
I think my judgments about you and the
Empire Skenvi,
sound quite right.
Is little different from that a lightsaber
but I will.
- Are you ready?
- So ready as ever, my Princess.
Remember, express freely.
I see and learn.
If you think
spouting platitudes...
But if I were you, I would consider carefully
- my new allies.
- Just for that,
The pins will never,
to join the Skenvi.
Nothing less than expected.
When the end comes,
Excellency, maybe reviews
Your words, although it is
too late.
- Threaten us?
- When the War of Skenvi,
trajectories understand your
when your cities plymmyrisoun in flames,
When find yourself,
a king of anything, except
ashes and memories, perhaps
look back and wish you had picked
A position of strength,
instead of a weakness.
The Korina is simply an object
in this war, a resource
A position of strength,
instead of a weakness.
The Korina is simply an object
in this war, a resource
why you do battle.
Banish away the tissue of lies,
And declare that
feels about the same as us.
And what happens when it becomes a burden
for your new allies,
For your new friends?
The Korina is weak.
And in this galaxy, Grace,
failure causes betrayal.
're Really good.
This though was the show!
're Very talented, Princess.
I'm sure Sorana and his apprentice
is exhausted
from their trip here
could rest a bit.
Arianna, you're kind enough to drive
- in guest rooms?
- Natural father.
Arianna, you're kind enough to drive
- in guest rooms?
- Natural father.
Follow me please, gentlemen.
Princess, your parents
say that you are very insightful,
to the feelings of others.
I feel strongly the feelings of others,
Only with their presence, or perhaps you know
when close,
- but before they hear or see?
- All the time. My mother says,
Is a gift, which I have been blessed
Here is your room, gentlemen.
You can rest for as long as you wish.
My parents will then meet
To finalize the negotiations.
Greatly appreciate your hospitality.
- Rest well.
- I will.
- The Force is strong within her.
- I know, I felt,
When xifomachousame.
But it is too late for this,
begin training.
The Council has in
exceptions in the past.
'll Talk to Master York Corn
back soon.
You like young,
is not it?
I'm glad for you,
but you should know one thing.
The Jedi... the members of the Order,
may not be involved, emotionally.
Maybe it is better for you,
not to attend the finalization
Your father and I,
we can handle ourselves.
My dear, forgot him.
Can you remind me
for the meeting? Directed,
- To the rooms of the princess.
- Yes, Your Grace.
Raven, what do you think the escort?
You will lose nothing here.
True Master.
Raven, what do you think the escort?
You will lose nothing here.
True Master.
Stay here.
Go and fetch the
My Teacher!
The Queen is dead and
Princess ignored!
- Raven, stop!
- Why? We do not have time for this!
Jedi scum!
Do not touch the Princess.
I know your tricks, Sith.
You and outdated Jedi Order
not know anything!
Your time expired!
The Arianna always been possible.
If one could,
Survive than This, then is this
Will do everything we can to return
But Grace, please
do not let this affect
You take requirements,
Empire Skenvi.
But please... do not listen to them.
We will refund you,
- your daughter back.
- I swear that
Will return.
And kill humans,
who did this.
He wanted called,
Lord Sitges. It is a
Ambassador Empire Skenvi.
I wish to you both,
good luck and please...
bring my daughter back,
safe. It is the only
I have now.
The worst is that the
faced in Corrine,
and discovered that it is trained,
in the ways of the Force.
You are a lone
Dark Jedi
- At best.
- But do not you think, though?
No. Disguised himself so well and
Fight with very skillfully.
- It's a Sith.
- This really is a terrible news.
'll Discuss this with the Council,
but you should do whatever you can,
to learn more about him.
Pursue him and save the Princess,
If not already sold or
is dead.
to learn more about him.
Pursue him and save the Princess,
If not already sold or
is dead.
Above all, be careful. Maybe you
at greater risk than imagine that.
Above all, be careful. Maybe you
at greater risk than imagine that.
- What else is in trouble?
- Is Raven.
... emotionally.
Then to watch him, in person.
The engagement with this,
can be addressed later.
For now, you should make sure that this the
search, you will not become an instrument of revenge,
- about him.
- I agree.
- Contact me when find out more.
- Okay.
Chancellor Ntoren,
what can I do for you?
The Queen Corrine murdered
and her daughter has been kidnapped by
Ambassador Skenvil,
The Queen Corrine murdered
and her daughter has been kidnapped by
Ambassador Skenvil,
Lord Sitges.
I like the Guild
Responsible for this destruction
- Chancellor Ntoren...
- And I order a,
unit impact, to search for Princess
and return to her father.
Your people to remain in Korina
and let that
the Republic.
Can gagged again?
The howling is
Enough to even baffled
Not yet. I would like first to have
few words with the Princess.
I see that in order to "break",
will need much more than just physical pain.
The force can do terrible things so
In mind and in the flesh.
pervert like you can not imagine.
But for now we'll leave you,
with the threat of suspense.
Tell me, princess...
If released from your shackles,
- what would you do?
- I'll kill you.
Such violence... such hatred.
And if you say that
you can do this,
without even lift
A finger?
kill me while still being bound,
in this chair? Princess
're strong in strength, very strong.
With adequate training,
even for me it was difficult,
- to put it together yourself.
- This is what you want?
- To turn me into a Sith?
- In time, yes.
But I think you will find the options you rather
limited than this view.
Not even your precious friends
- can not save you now.
- Liar! The Raven,
limited than this view.
Not even your precious friends
- can not save you now.
- Liar! The Raven,
- Will come to me!
- Of course it will come!
And when it does, we will try really limits
- Will come to me!
- Of course it will come!
And when it does, we will try really limits
- of your endurance.
- What are you talking about?
How do you think I feel,
Where to watch
to the "break it"?
When you witness as
abstract of one to one, all layers
of logic,
leave him a no-nonsense shell
- Than that once was?
- No, I will not touch it!
What if you convert it,
instead of you?
You already suffered betrayal me,
and the subsequent death of your mother
may suffer its own?
Can you endure the betrayal,
from the one you love the most?
Now you
to squelch Sa'Tilk.
When the time comes, I will
my enemies,
in the palm of my hand.
Why are you still with
haunting Wheel?
I am no longer the man who knew
This is the ship you are looking for.
The computer is
90% sure,
there is directed,
Judging from their orbit.
A space station?
In which system?
Seems that our boy goes to Princess
's experience.
Is a space station that operates
the black market.
And more specifically,
in sweatshops.
You must go there immediately!
In Thank carrots.
Keep it up.
No need to worry.
Blurs and distracts the mind.
I tried to bury these
feelings, but...
With overcome.
- Then you must stay outside the mission.
- I will not sit down to stare!
Sorry, Master.
I did not want to cry.
Raven, I fear for you.
The feeling you know about this girl
Has blurred your judgment.
Your only concern should be
is in what could help,
to bring the Korina
in the Republic.
But you you make it a
personal quest for revenge.
You scared the girl and angry
for your weakness
to save her directly.
You hate Lord Sitges,
so what we do
on it with you!
Hate him with such passion,
- in that threatens to consume.
- I've heard all this before.
Because ask for justice '
are doing and drive,
- the dark side?
- It is not righteousness that you want!
's Revenge!
And there is a difference!
're A great student,
Has progressed,
much since I
I like protected.
But still seems like not having
wiser than all of them!
out soon from hyperspace."
'll Continue this conversation later
Welcome to this experience, Master Jedi.
Nowhere will find such
Shabby nest
scum and scoundrels.
Not least, this
side space.
For station EXPERIENCE,
here lightweight transport "Starstrim", I
permission for docking.
"Welcome to this experience.
We hope you enjoy your stay."
The I meant what I said before, Raven. If to recognize
positions would endanger the lives of Arianna
The thing is, that I will
Persons are
quite recognizable, you see.
While you on the other,
're a total stranger,
's experience.
You get involved with scum like
a normal resident.
're a total stranger,
's experience.
You get involved with scum like
a normal resident.
I say "IF" try to throw
Princess marketed as a slave,
Here funds will satisfy every
ordinary smuggler.
Will return with the Princess.
- I swear.
- Try not to get noticed,
On you.
And plaid... be careful.
- What you pleased, sir?
- I'll take a strong drink.
And a counselor selling slaves,
whoever is available.
Selling Tips slave?
I think you came to the wrong place, sir.
This f truth is very ugly.
I just love the smell of a,
distraught young, chained girl.
Not you?
This f truth is very ugly.
I just love the smell of a,
distraught young, chained girl.
Not you?
Hello, dear sir.
There is a sale and you're invited.
- I do not want anything.
- Do not disappoint the ol ' Jimbo Ka'l.
Has good thing, very good thing.
Take this!
Another good FK-9... FK-89.
Works without a body!
- Now, what do you think?
- I do not want one,
- Android Protocol.
- Everyone needs one.
- You will get off my hump?
- Yes. Give me 9 points.
The consultant will accept now.
- What is it looking for?
- Something specific.
I have business interests
pay many units, if
Satisfy certain... needs.
Female, definitely.
- Attractive.
- You and everyone else
together, my friend.
I found a simple smuggler
like you
Currencies such as,
if you do not mind me asking?
Let's say that I have done to some people
some favors.
And yes, mind.
I have many girls that deserve
So many units.
How can I be sure that
will not get into trouble in trouble?
... I guess that should be
Follow me.
Is none of these
your taste?
Not bad, but not
the right age I'm looking for.
Meet me later at the restaurant.
We were looking for you, carrots Reg
do not owe the boss anything.
Not you man, but you know who
Yes, and you can find yourself
So little interest to your sister?
This is... sad.
Had a contract,
debts to pay.
Debts that are not mine.
Can not appreciate
family... man,
- but that yes.
- Okay, we'll just...
There is no need to be violent,
will come quietly.
'll Join us!
We would not want to hurt you,
but our master did not specify,
in what situation he wanted.
As I said,
is not my debt.
Is now.
- Yes, carrots?
- Sorana,
Things do not go as smoothly
out here.
I am sure it is on this platform
Things do not go as smoothly
out here.
I am sure it is on this platform
"It's horrible, I know.
We can only hope."
With the greatest respect...
but it does not start,
no meaning My Lord.
Did you Princess of pins,
a slave auction.
What would happen if
xeglystrisei from our hands?
Kneeling !
What would happen if
xeglystrisei from our hands?
Kneeling !
The auction is staged. I used
to make the Jedi
to come to me.
Get out of here.
The next time, I will not be so forgiving
This is the Sa'Tilk.
Has what you are looking...
- And what exactly is it?
- An indomitable slave.
Search Go elsewhere then.
The girl I have is... special.
- Go to annoy anyone else.
- And the 'special', you mean precisely?
- Do not touch her again!
- Why is 'special'?
- Go to annoy anyone else.
- And the 'special', you mean precisely?
- Do not touch her again!
- Why is 'special'?
This girl
senses strength.
Then the price is not an issue.
I have clients that will...
sell even their children,
for something like this.
Is attractive?
New, but...
- not a child?
- All this and more.
You must be kidding me.
Meet me at port 12,
in half an hour.
I'll have to wait for the girl.
"I find the Princess.
I will meet with Skenvi"
"Half an hour for the receipt and payment
"I find the Princess.
I will meet with Skenvi"
"Half an hour for the receipt and payment
Be careful, Lord Sitges
will be located nearby.
And if you discover the true,
thoughts and your intentions,
- Then it was all over.
- I'll do my best.
And if you discover the true,
thoughts and your intentions,
- Then it was all over.
- I'll do my best.
- This is the girl?
- Yes.
These are electrical handcuffs.
Not exactly the smartest.
Insisted on trying to escape.
- How many do?
- Fifty thousand.
Not paid even half from these,
for my first boat.
- How many do?
- Fifty thousand.
Not paid even half from these,
for my first boat.
- Fifteen.
- The girl is
User Force.
You can find
a pile of "junk" such as,
Most of the ships docked virtual
- Forty.
- An untrained user of the Force.
- Twenty-five.
- If you were...
trained, and the two of us will be dead
until now.
Give me thirty thousand units,
and this is my final offer.
I can agree with this.
I'll call her.
I was glad I did
work with you.
Buy Princess.
I watch position,
tracking device planted on it.
Buy Princess.
I watch position,
tracking device planted on it.
"Okay, just let me know
reach the point where have tie".
Princess Arianna,
to say carrots Reg
accompanied by the Jedi,
and I am here to save you.
- My Lord, in port 61.
- Perfect, lock all
- Ships in this port immediately.
- Yes, my Lord.
Now keep them.
Sir, I see them!
Stop right there!
- Unit 5 follow me, 4 to port 61.
- Yes, sir.
Stop, you're under...
Hurry up, princess!
"What are the orders, sir?"
"Stop them before take off!
Open fire!"
"Sir, fleeing from
sector 14."
"Defensive systems were activated.
Loading 80%."
"90% The cannon is ready. Fire!"
"Objective escaped Threat Level 0."
"Failed with the young, is not it?"
"Good, I forgot it."
Save me...
Are you okay?
- With a little sting.
- Just need to know,
Be distracting yourself from this.
When you can ignore the pain,
all seem to pass.
I can not imagine a Jedi like you
Like a child as I,
for such a trivial thing.
The Jedi do years of training,
to ignore the pain.
But between us, even
a small cut can lead
And powerful Jedi
mad sometimes.
Your parents,
should be very proud of you.
In fact,
do not know much about me.
I got from my hometown when I was
three years, to become
a Jedi knight.
I have not seen my parents since then
three years, to become
a Jedi knight.
I have not seen my parents since then
I intend to go back to my planet,
when I become a full Jedi Knight.
I can not imagine myself
away from my parents,
for such period.
I can not imagine myself
away from my parents,
for such period.
This beast
... He murdered my mother.
Torture me... She said she would...
is ok... miss.
Never going to see him again
Never again...
No... comes.
What was that?
Our friends returned,
and not so happy,
we brought them.
Faster, should
to reach them!
Why we did not even
at lightning speed?
I have to work on the
coordinates, a little more.
- Can you escape?
- Maybe.
There is a field of asteroids hitting the front.
May be covered there.
"You can not escape, Jedi.
Sacrificing the lives of the Princess,"
"and your friend, just
have a chance to save yourselves?"
Never would have
Princess, Sith.
If you want one, you should
first pass from me!
This may shake us.
Leave it to me!
What are you doing?
- Okay, let's go over the speed of light.
- Not yet.
The boy again.
Always the boy...
I have the feeling that you fly a plane, Raven.
This was... what happens?
The Sitges... is dead.
All finished and even
I saw him.
Revenge is never,
so good as we think
that is Raven.
Think ending a conflict that
counterbalancing the scores,
But in reality, only
Listen to my advice and forget it.
If you do not, you will continue
To hate him, within
dark corners of your mind, simply because
- I refused to meet.
- Yes, Master.
I'll try not to dwell on this
- Where's Korina?
- I do not know.
The ship just came out the
U perdiastima by itself.
Seems hasty to rejoice.
We still have a day off
from planet.
At the conflict in asteroids hitting,
be destroyed the hyperdrive.
- You can do something about it?
- Not before we reach
Corrine. I have spare
to fix it.
Simply would have to wait.
To control center pins,
here lightweight truck "Starr Stream".
We have urgent matters with the King
and need space docking directly.
Corrine Control Center?
This is strange,
not found.
'll Stay on board and wait.
I doubt that you will feel
so comfortable in a palace surrounded by
But if you could ask
King for a new
hyperdrive but
will really appreciate it.
'll Ask.
hyperdrive but
will really appreciate it.
'll Ask.
Not seem to want us dead
Will not win this time,
- Sitges.
- But I already have.
With a single blow
got this planet,
through hands
the Republic.
When King signed the Treaty us
the Republic will be
anympori act,
Empire would have the advantage
It takes to win this war
which brings me to
point I wanted to find myself,
for some time.
It takes to win this war
which brings me to
point I wanted to find myself,
for some time.
Now that I have the King,
I do not need anymore the Princess.
- Ochii!
- Raven, no!
Get her out of here! Now!
I knew simply used anesthetic laser.
You'll be fine.
Landing boat,
must help them!
- Landing this junk!
- If you're going to come back,
I suggest you to sneak
from the back of the palace?
Assuming that the Royal Guards,
is still alive.
- Landing behind Palace!
- Yes, Your Majesty.
- Have you seen the new Spinter, 0513?
- Yes, I see. I heard that...
Stupid armor...
Take this.
Come on, is after the corner!
- This can be a problem.
- Is the Princess, hold it!
Get down!
Where did he go, stop this
My hand!
"Attacking the captain!"
"Thermal detonator
Gotcha now.
You might need this.
Seal prisoners in their cells.
"Hey, watch it!"
And so ends a little boy.
Or maybe... so starts.
My Lord!
I just want to be the best for her
This is exactly why you did
The Council discussed the issue.
I would be honored if our
Princess Arianna came back to us Giavin,
to start
training as a Jedi.
Feel your emotions.
Can not push you to do,
but we believe that it will be in the interest
and their
and the Republic.
My wife always had the feeling that
intended for larger,
things from the crown.
But I always pass it as
No need to get
the decision yet.
If the Council believes that
is her destiny,
become a great Jedi,
who am I to refuse?
Their is the future, and if
Arianna wants to
accept the challenge, then
will have my full acceptance.
But when the time comes for me to leave
Arianna should return,
to take my place.
With the power that I have given,
and on behalf of the Senate,
Welcome planet Corrine in
New Galactic Republic.
I hope everything will be
like you imagined.
Is already very important,
from I could have wished.
Thanks to Republic,
my daughter is safe,
Is already very important,
from I could have wished.
Thanks to Republic,
my daughter is safe,
and people's pins,
need not fear
another era of tyranny.
This concludes the ceremony.
We wish
Corrine people, a bright future
but remind them that the present time
is dark.
Must all stand fast,
against the oncoming wave of evil.
What would happen if
My father agreed,
- with the Council's request?
- Will be trained as a Jedi,
The Temple of Giavin.
With you?
With me. I promise,
that will never let
anything happen to you.
What happens?
I thought you wanted this.
I am a Jedi, and soon will become
Arianna, I want more than
' anything else in the galaxy,
but you're the only thing that I
I have ever had.
Arianna, I want more than
' anything else in the galaxy,
but you're the only thing that I
I have ever had.
What would happen if a xanachaso?
You know what I would do,
to call you back?
But I do not know what is the destiny
guarded for us.
Only time will tell.