Three Ages (1923) Movie Script

If you let your mind wander back through
History you will find that the only thing,
That has not changed since the world began
is - LOVE. Love is the unchanging axis
on which the World revolves.
There is no better way to prove this
than by comparing the love stories of three
widely separated periods of Time.
As appropriate examples we have selected the
Stone Age, the Roman Age, and the Modern Age.
The Stone Age.
Beauty is a part of Yesterday, Today,
and Forever.
(... Miss Margaret Leahy)
In every age Beauty is
sought by the Adventurer.
(... Mr. Wallace Beery)
Through every age there is the faithful
worshiper at Beauty's shrine.
(... Buster Keaton)
Youth is eternally protected by the
sheltering wing of devoted parents.
(... Miss Lillian Lawrence & Mr. Joseph Roberts)
From the beginning of time parents have found
different methods of choosing their daughter's mate.
A troubled heart ever yearns
to know the future.
"My card!"
"I want to ask the Wee-gee
if she loves only me."
ROME in all Her Glory.
No Parking.
"Thou rankest high
in the Roman army ..."
"... and thou art the rankest!."
"Wise Soothsayer... Canst thou tell me
if yon fair wench loveth me alone?"
Of Speed, Need, and Greed.
"I want you boys to know that I am master of my own home,
and the choice of my daughter's husband rests entirely with ..."
"... my wife!"
"Of course, you gentlemen understand
that my daughter's happiness hangs
in the balance."
Again turning back to the
prehistoric days.
A man's attempt to arouse
jealousy is as old as time.
Get rid of that big fool and meet me
outside. I am sitting behind you
pretending to be asleep.
"We will fight this out at sunrise!"
"I think, I had better dictate
my will before sunrise."
WEATHER FORECAS -------------------------
"Thou art challenged to a chariot race in
yon arena at high noon tomorrow...
when I shall drag thy name down to disgrace!"
High Noon.
"He doesn't play --- he's just
the coach for the other team."
The Game.
Mr. Wallace Beery of this city and Miss Margaret Leahy
will be married at Grace Church at 12 o'clock tomorrow.
The ceremony will take place at exactly high ...
In the Meantime, the prehistoric young man
returns to the city from a sightseeing tour.
"Take yon maid to my domicile."
Somehow he vaguely remembered that
somewhere ... sometime ... somebody made friends with
some lion by doing something to some of its paws.
After a delightful ride in
the patrol wagon ...
Let's go back to the church.
... and if anything more were needed to
show that love has not changed ......