Three Faces West (1940) Movie Script

Oh, that
we the people now present.
Dr. William Thorpe, head of the
International Medical Association.
Dr. Thorpe,
Thank you.
I speak for the Association's Committee
for Refugee Doctors.
Our purpose is to find
professional openings in this country.
For those physicians and surgeons who have
been driven from their own countries.
However, these gentlemen
have no wish to compete
with our own doctors in the medically
well serviced metropolitan areas.
But there are hundreds of towns
and communities
throughout rural America entirely
without medical service.
It is through such towns and hamlets
that I am expressing this message.
These men grateful for the sanctuary
that America has afforded them
in their hour of need, are prepared
to accept posts in just these places
and ask nothing beyond their actual living
needs and the chance to be of service.
The next voice you hear will be
Dr. Rudolf Prysner, formerly of Prague.
Dr. Prysner,
You people out there
Want two things to know.
First, what kind of a doctor is this?
Whose voice we hear.
And second, is he a good doctor?
The first question I answer quickly.
I am a specialist in obstetrics.
Eight years I do nothing but this.
And very good success with a stroke.
And the second question.
Is he a good doctor?
Can I answer that? Yes.
Since I have great pride in my profession,
I can't. Yes,
I am a good doctor.
I hope you will somewhere.
Let me prove
That I do not boast.
Thank you, Dr. Prysner
Now I present to you
our most eminent specialist,
Dr. Carl Braun of Vienna
There's so much that
I would like to tell you about,
Dr. Braun, that I honestly
don't know where to begin.
Perhaps I'd better just sum it all up
by saying that 20 years ago,
like many other American doctors,
I journeyed to Vienna for the express
purpose of taking post-graduate work
under him and his famous clinic there.
Dr. Braun,
Ladies and gentlemen,
I am more used to the stethoscope
and ether cone
than I am to the microphone.
But it is not ethical
that I expect you to buy me
like a cat in a bag.
Yes. No.
So I tell you about myself.
I am over 60.
That is not very young.
But it is not too old.
Only last week
I had to complete examination,
which everyone should have
at least twice a year.
And they tell me I am sound.
Yet in the more important parts.
If one can believe doctors.
For many years in Vienna,
Diseases of the Bone and
I worked most successfully, with children
it has been my privilege to help
many little cripples to walk again.
Oh, yes, I forget. I am will fine Father.
I must warn you, there are two of us.
That means to expenses if you send for me.
Naturally, we cannot separate.
My daughter Linda and I, after all
we have gone through together in Vienna.
She was very gay.
When Vienna was gay.
But now she settles down
to work by my side.
She is studying to be a nurse
and learning very fast
and such a musician.
You should hear her once
play a Brahms concerto.
Every note is like a kiss.
What a beautiful country.
So lovely.
We are lucky to.
Thousand miles. We travel.
No soldiers, do we see?
No frontiers, do we cross?
No custom house, no guards?
Yes. And we are lucky, too,
that we go to such small village.
Large dirty cities, i don't like.
The long land, turns at last.
Here at last we find peace. Yes.
How are you doing, folks?
Fine. Fine.
Beautiful scenery.
What hour do we arrive at Ashville Fox.
Still 9.40.
and I have time to take a little nap.
Yes, sure. Loads of it.
We may not be on time anyway.
I thought in America,
everything is on time.
This is not the super cheap buddy.
This is just a branch line.
Take one.
No, not without a little gin on the side.
Oh, you put your feet up here.
I'll just put this over you.
Thank little Braun hand you personal,
will you all, Papa,
until it gets dark.
I study it with my books. That is good.
That chapter
about to post operating technique. Mm.
But it's hard to study when such
a wonderful country runs past your window.
What is not good, Lenchen.
I know!
He is gone.
The world you knew together is gone.
It is better not to look back.
Look instead ahead
Whit the eyes yes, but
always the heart looks back.
If only he could know how.
All through my life I loved him.
Never do I forget who sacrificed for us.
Except for that,
we would not be here.
And he wouldn't be dead.
We have each other, Lenchen.
Our life begins again
In a happy land, with happy people.
Try to remember that. Also.
Nice cozy night to work with strangers.
There's. You're going to like it here.
I'll bet you $10 it don't stay a week.
Not that I got $10 or anybody else.
This darn gas,
just shut up.
Remember the last one?
I'll just get a good night's
sleep, gentlemen,
and start my rounds in the morning.
How was the morning? Where is he?
Over the hills and far away.
I got to stay.
It's a lot of sick people.
And you keep your traps shut
when they get here.
None of your bellyaching.
30 years I've been telling this community.
All of a sudden I'm not good enough.
No. And d got to send for some burn
pill dispenser
with an empty PDQ
with no back of his name.
You're a vet knock, and you're okay
with cows and horses
and ordinary human ills.
Things have been piling up around here
that need real doctoring.
Does pneumonia, fracture cases?
My little girl and a pianist
sit down and play drums
like a kiss at.
You call that doctoring?
I don't mind.
Here comes the train.
Now, remember, keep your mouth shut
and let me handle this.
Go right ahead. But it's your picnic.
Well, aren't you going to help me?
Sure, sure.
Well, I'm
going out there and crank up the jalopy.
I'm John Phillips.
I sent the telegram
not a very pleasant night.
Bit of a storm.
I think it is a whole big storm.
Is it like this all the time?
No. This is very unusual.
Well, I hope so.
Well, this is my daughter, Lee.
How do you do?
She's a bloody son.
Okay, Now,
I'm Dr. Atterbury.
He's a local vet.
So may I call you my colleague?
His colleague?
Oh, yeah.
I've been called worse than that. My time.
Well, come on, folks.
You better get your handkerchief.
The whole town
planed to turn out to give you a weapon.
The wind kept them home. Insulation.
But in many cases, only an epidemic.
Well, we fixed up the house.
Hope you like it.
On the way of the cabins place
He and his missus and two kids are laying up.
I thought that was.
Should be taken out of the bed.
She's got you in the kitchen.
Doctor, Are we...
and hot picks on the stove.
Doctor, But don't.
Don't bother with me,
my little girl.
Best thing I can do for her,
is get her mama well.
Spine, a very serious dislocation.
But we fixed it.
We put you on the table.
No, no, no, no, no.
You must not move.
We fixed
Another table, Please.
What do you want another table for?
He ain't that long.
No, you take yourself.
Please. He can't stand any.
Just one more. Stop.
So you have settled every house.
Well, I haven't heard him complain.
You know, these are all emergency cases.
He is Grand old man,
not a whole hospital staff.
He'll never complain.
He's a doctor. He can't say no,
But his daughter can.
And I'm ordering you to take this home.
But Lee.
No, no, This is too much.
Each hous he take us to, is dirtier
and badder than the last.
Don't get excited, Leni.
Who lives here?
You, your brother.
This is your house.
Dirtier and badder than the last.
Who do you think
has the Empress of Russia?
Not much of a house, I'll admit.
We tried to fix it up for you.
Werden wir hier leben?
Er der her vi skal bo?
das is ein hund for schimheit.
det er en hund til at skamme sig over
What she's squawking about.
Excuseble, she's very tired.
I know you're both fall in,
but this show, your what's what,
and then we'll leave you.
Now, get the stuff out of the car.
Put it away.
She's put right now, son.
I'm not going to break
my arm. Crank it up again.
You live near here, too?
This is my house.
But don't worry. We've moved upstairs.
Got our own private entrance
and everything from by your bed.
This is all yours.
Here, I'll show you the layout.
Find the beds are made up all nice
and fresh.
And there's plenty of clean towels
in the bathroom, Lady.
And the women both fixed up
some food and stuff. It
Little dusty?
but milk, that's one thing.
We have nothing else out
here is good milk.
How would you like a nice glass of
Well, anyway, we got good running water
Have to strain it
through a towel or something.
That's what we do.
Be all right in a couple of days.
I'll show you how this stove works.
Oh, no, no, please. Not tonight.
I've seen too much already.
Don Gaston.
He's my age.
A bellhop for farmers.
All right.
Now, hit the hay. You're dying to.
So long, folks.
Before I turn in.
There's something I'd like to say.
It's been a tough night for
you and your both swell.
I'll mighty thankful.
Can you see what we're up against, Doc?
Yes. Yes.
Things are very bad.
Oh, this is hard.
How can people live in such filth?
Oh, you're going to be all right
when we get this dust cleared away.
It isn't going to be as hard as you think.
I guess we don't notice it so much.
We're kind of used to it.
You'll feel better after a night's rest.
Sleep works wonders, doesn't it, doc?
What dit she say?
Forgive her, please.
She's very tired.
I know you understand.
We speak about it tomorrow.
Yes, I know. She's had a tough night, but.
No, no, no.
You've been very,
very kind and thoughtful.
Good night
Good night, doc.
Oh, what are you listening for,
not Santa Claus.
Well, what did they tell you?
They're going to pull out tomorrow.
I tell you, I heard them say so.
They are down there now.
Oh, come away from there.
It's mostly that that foreign double talk
But now
and then a slip in a word of English.
They'll be gone tomorrow.
My name ain't Albury.
The old geezer is willing to give it a go,
but the Empress of Russia said
don't take
what I'm up the jalopy knock.
I'll see if they're ready for church.
They ain't listening for no church
bells, son.
They're getting ready for the choo choo.
Good morning!
Good morning.
Ready for church?
I am sorry, Mr. Phillips,
But we think it more better
that we do not even go to church with you.
Oh, but everybody's waiting to meet you.
The whole town's turned out
to see the new doctor.
I know.
Don't think too bad of us.
We are not going to stay, we can't
ah but Leni.
Today we go.
But doctor.
It's hardly fair
to judge us by last night.
You know it won't always be like that.
Please, Mr. Phillips,
Do not plead with him.
He would gladly kill himself or others.
But I will not let him.
We would like to do what is right. But.
Well, we can't chain you here.
It's a free country.
He is right Leni.
It is where we should remember.
Goodmorning, folks.
As she blows pop.
I do.
Now, come on, son.
Let's you and I listen to the sermon
after that storm.
The minister always preaches
a rip slaughter.
It is settled.
After all, it is just a courtesy.
Yeah. We go to church and we try to explain
to the good people here
why we cannot remain.
It is inscrutable
wisdom that Lord has seen fit
to strike us, terrible storm.
It is not from us to complain.
He moves in mysterious ways,
his wonders to perform.
The Lord may have said this tribulation
applies to test your faith.
And there are some among us who feel that
we have a superabundance of these testing.
But after what we went through last year.
And be that as it
may, faith alone will not take root of it.
We will need courage in our hearts
and shovels in your heart.
Today on this Black Sabbath,
our sun is shining.
Well, the storm blown itself out.
Let us pray that we likewise
may have the vision that and sorrow
from our hearts.
Blown away last night came into our midst.
A stranger.
And if we need an example of true
courage and helpfulness,
it has already been said by him.
I, brethren, the Lord, do prayers.
We ask for a doctor.
And He sent us not only a doctor,
but a man.
Last night, when the storm was holding,
he came into our midst,
tired and worn out by a trip
across the continent.
And we are waiting
even for a good desired.
He probably gave succor to those
who were shall our bishop.
I speak of Dr.
Carl Braun,
who sits among you and old Omen
subversives of all over
you are all an impartial.
We give thanks to the law that he sent us
such a man
and these fine young doctors to help us.
May they remain with us always honored
by all and blessed by God.
Amen, amen..
When the minister is alone,
you tell him yet.
Please listen to me.
Papa, do you want me to tell him.
What, I am glad to see you.
you sure are hitting on all cylinders
Dr. Brown.
Good morning,
Dr. Brown.
I heard you was a great surgeon.
If you could just take a look at my boy.
Don't want no more doctors.
Look at me no more.
Hey, Nunk, wait for me.
Hey, Nunk.
What is it, old timer?
He don't have to limp like that.
all he's life? is he doctor?
He could be made to walk good again.
I would have to examine him first.
It is possible that an operation.
It is possible, Doctor. I know.
I had him to a clinic once
and the fellow said
that he could be cured by an operation.
And why didn't you take?
We didn't have the money for
the hospital's doctor.
We ain't got none now.
But you could look at him
and you could do it.
You said over the radio that she was
put near always successful with children.
I found you was coming here.
I felt it was an answer to my prayers.
I already told Billy
that you could fix him up,
But I haven't even examined him yet.
But you will, Doctor.
Oh, poor little fella.
He's scared of doctors.
There's been a couple of them
that fooled around and hurt him.
And didn't do no good.
But I had told him
you was a great surgeon.
Come all the way from Vienna
just to make him well.
But you could operate on him, Doctor.
You can make him good again.
You can do it easy.
Oh. Oh.
All right, all right.
I will look him over.
Thank you, Doctor.
And nothing be done about this
terrible dust.
No, Just wait till the wind lets up
and dig ourselves
out like they're all doing.
Are we ready to go now?
I'll have a look at the boy.
It'll only take a hour.
But you said,
What can I do, the mother begged me?
I'll only be an hour.
- All right.
Shall I wait here?
Perhaps you drive Leni home?
Sure. Glad to.
Thank you very much.
I don't mind.
Your father,
like to have me drive you around a bit
so I get your bearings.
I'm afraid there wouldn't be time.
I still have some packing to do.
Havent change your mind, huh?
You're heard what the minister
said about your father.
I didn't cut any ice either.
I didn't know what you mean.
I mean, that didn't make any difference.
I'm sorry. It's
no use, really. We are going.
What was the name of that radio program?
You were?
Oh, you mean "We the people"?
"We the people".
left holding the bag.
Skip it.
You are angry with us?
Oh, I don't blame you.
But look, let's not talk about it, so.
But I want you to understand.
You need here
a younger man than my father.
There was a younger man on the air
just ahead of you.
A lot of folks around here
figured we ought to send for him.
But I said send for the older man
with his daughter.
I guess you might be some help.
Forget it.
I'm not going to try and sales talk you.
I'm staying.
I'll even help you pack up.
What kind of a car is this?
Jalopy? Jalopy an Italian car.
First cousin John, this other friend,
she was.
That is the kind of automobile
we have in Vienna.
Can you drive?
Oh, no. We have a chauffeur.
Oh, fritzy, hva'..
No, his name was Fritz.
Oh. Oh, I say something funny.
Yeah, Yeah.
I used to like.
Oh, I almost passed.
I wish that my father would not be late.
Just can't wait to beat it.
Can you.
Beat it?
You're going to stick around.
I teach you the American language.
What's the use?
You're going to scram anyway.
You can only take it like the old gent.
See that?
But she's sweet.
Who is she?
My grandmother.
She came out here in 61.
By covered wagon.
Our indians divide then
and dangers and famine, to me.
Little dust couldn't run her out.
She could take it.
She was a pioneer.
Yes, but when you are a refugee,
it is different.
The pioneers have everything to gain.
We have lost everything.
Well, I figured you stopped being a
refugee when you came through Ellis Island.
There's no reason why you can't start
being a pioneer now, even in a dust bowl
and used to be topsoil,
good, rich,
earth, fine stuff to have your roots in.
If you had any roots.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I know how you must feel.
I don't altogether
blame you for wanting to pull out,
but I wish you'd give it a try.
For maybe a week or ten days.
You've no idea.
Not a week.
Not ten days.
Not even one day. We go.
If you only...
It is no use to argue
That you're asking me.
I'm not asking you.
You see, my friend,
the surgery is very cute,
But underlying the paralysis,
there's a definite psychosis.
You don't say psychosis.
Now where would a kid
pick up a foreign disease like that?
Papa, you are ready to go now, yes?
Please Lenchen at one moment.
Now, Dr. Atterbury.
I will need all the things on this list
by 8:00 tomorrow morning.
Today, it's Sunday, brother.
Drug store is a shut like a clam.
I am certain all doors will be
opened to you, Dr. Atterbury.
Well, if that's the way you feel about it,
Colleague, leave it to me.
It is a very interesting case.
A little crippled boy.
I have a case exactly like him in 23.
The prognosis is identical.
It is a partial paralysis.
All right, Papa,
you tell me all about it on the train.
Yes, yes. You see...
What train?
Papa, We are leaving today.
No, we are not leaving today.
I promised the mother I operate tomorrow.
But that means we have to stay.
For how long?
Oh, perhaps a week. Ten days.
It is no use to argue.
I said something funny, Perhaps.
No, doctor.
Must be an echo in this room.
Easy Now, doctor, Easy.
Oh, don't worry. He came through. Fine.
Keep him well covered.
You may be a foreigner,
but he sure knows he's onions.
You help me like a nurse
of ten years experience.
He will walk again, Yes?
Of course I do this many times.
He will walk again soon.
And without a brace.
I would like to see that.
Well, perhaps, as Mr. Phillips says,
we stick around.
And maybe we see him walk,
And there are ways to look
at this thing, man.
ditches, windbreaks contour plowing.
Others have done it and saved their land.
And so can we.
And there's no guesswork about it.
It's all right here in black and white
from the Department of Agriculture.
Listen, John, I ain't got nothing again.
All them pamphlets.
But what I want to know is this.
Can the Department of Agriculture
bring us maybe six inches of rain?
I wish they could,
But if we did what they told us,
We might learn how to use
what little rain we do get.
These plans have been drawn up by experts.
They know our problems.
There no college professors are going
to teach me how to farm my land.
How much land you got left
that hasn't blown away
Look man.
Let's quit arguing and kidding ourselves.
We're all in the same boat.
We're all going to sink
unless we stick together.
Every one of us has been served
with a dispossess notice.
Not by Uncle Sam or a bank or some
mortgage company, but by a little old gal.
We've been kicking in the teeth.
Mother Nature.
Oh, we've had enough talk.
How about getting some work done?
Are you going to pitch in and help?
Well, we can try it.
Oh, count me in to.
Me first,
Mary. We're all digging ditches,
like you said,
but I'd feel better if it cloud up some.
We'll have rain.
We've got to have rain.
Oh, take a year to plow this under.
Unless we can borrow some tractors.
Well, what do you think?
I'm going to Harrisburg for?
To see the movies.
Don't let the heat get down collerbuttom.
Attaboy. Nunk.
Every little drop helps
Tell a Department of Agriculture
not to send us any more bullet.
No, no more bull.
Get at them.
Panthers are raining on us.
Ain't got no moisture.
Good morning.
Morning, Leni.
Gees, You're up kind of early, aren't you?
- Oh look out, sir?
- What is that?
You have long. Drive ahead of you.
So I fixed you
something to eat on the way.
Oh, that's very nice of you. Thanks.
Today will be another,
how do you say.. a scorcher.
Fright, So.
There is a God of rain.
So I try and pray to him.
Send it special delivery,
will you Leni?
Here's what we tryed
on the side of that hill.
Yes, I know.
I got a report on it
from one of our field men.
Yeah, but according to your pamphlet,
Now look Phillip.
Perhaps the trouble with you farmers
is that you're always too late.
I'd say in your case, about 20 years too
Well, now, I don't doubt that
you've all been sweating blood,
But all this isn't
going to help.
Now look Mr..
Our land means a lot to us.
Your land is located in this sector,
which the government considers doomd.
I didn't hear. Not even what Safe
What do you mean?
Well, doomd, man doomd.
That's plain, english isn't it?
I mean, it's worn out, worked out, buried.
The next dust storm will blow
whatever topsoil is left,
even on the best of these farms. Clear
out of the country.
That's what you think?
Is the considered opinion of our experts.
There's just one thing
that you fellows can do if you're smart.
What, for instance, breaking your backs
and your heart's trying to hold back
a desert. Move off the land. Look here.
There is an enormous dam
being built right here.
There are great tracts of fertile soil
just waiting for settlers.
There'll be cheap power.
Yeah, I know all about the dam,
but that's in Oregon.
We're 1500 miles from there.
We'll help you. We'll see. Now.
Are you crazy, Mr..
You think you're talking
to a sharecropper?
We're farmers.
We own our own land
like our fathers and grandfathers.
You can't shove us around a match.
Pretty pins on your maps.
We're not Swivel chair farmers,
and we're not like Chet
Same thing?
You're of Nashville folks, aint you?
Aren't you fellas pretty bad down there?
Hey, fellas!
Winds blown up again ain't.
You, Ain't able to drive back to
your apartment, mister. Are you?
Sure, in about 2 hours.
Why not?
Same time as they staying put,
Let the wind blow your power back to you.
Oh, HA, HA, HA.
Anybody else think it's funny?
Did you hurt yourself?
No, I'm all right.
But the barn
It that much easier for the wind,
to blow down.
If you want to see my father.
He's out with Atterbury.
I make curtains for the kitchen.
I'll be a sucker.
Don't waste your time.
Why don't you pack
your things and clear out?
You and your old man
had the right hunch
When you first got here,
you want to pull out the same day?
Well, I'm sorry.
I ever talked you in to staying?
I will make you some very hot,
very strong and very black. Coffee.
I'm not so drunk.
I don't know what I'm saying.
They showed me maps and
charts of our land today.
It isn't worth saving,
I do not believe that.
Well, I do.
I know when I'm late.
Move off the land, the fellas
said, it's dead.
And, it is dead.
We're all dieing on our feet and
haven't got sense enough to know it.
Why don't you clear out while
the clearance good?
We will be following you,
pretty soon anyway.
It is you talk like a refugee now.
That's right.
That's what they want us to be.
I want to move us to Oregon.
You are ordered to go.
It is a law.
No, We can stay here and..
Starve, I guess.
Can you not stay and go on fighting for
your land like you've been doing?
I haven't seen you like this before.
You didn't talk like this
when you told me about the Pioneers.
I was giving you a pep talk.
You know what that means?
Yes, I have learned that.
And I give you one now.
And it is better for you
even than black coffee.
You are the leader here.
All these farmers,
they look to you to do what you say.
They feel what you feel.
Now, if there is no law
which makes you move.
Our law is written by the wind.
The dust.
It's rain.
It's rain.
It's rain.
Lightning. Honest to God.
You feel it?
I don't like the colors of
the Stupid charts.
It feels like rain. It's sweating. Cool.
I cried.
Listen, Leni, I can almost hear the earth
drinking it up.
I don't hear anything
with my heart beating.
Oh, you're getting drenched,
you better go in.
It fells good, I like it.
So do I.
Who is that Rain god, Leni?
Stupid, obvious.
Yeah, that's a fella.
Keep her goin to pour boy. Keep her going.
It will be all right Now
this will save our land.
Our land.
As you say, I have begone to take root.
I've done some stacking in my time,
but gosh darn it,
I always had sense enough
to coming out of the rain.
This is wonderful.
What the rain or, the foolishness,
the both.
And it isn't foolishness, is it?
I guess I'm going to find out
what happens to a fellow.
When he's kissed a girl right
under her father's nose.
Better find out what happens when
you kiss the girl under her own nose.
You were surprised to see
us kissing in the rain.
Kissing no..
In the rain? Yes.
You want to start out with pneumonia?
You don't think he'll catch cold?
If I know anything about my
colleague Dr. Atterbury -
He has by now prescribed
for him a large...
What is it?
Oh, yes, a large lug of rye.
Oh, Papa he's so...
He's so...
Yes, yes, I know.
He is so wonderful.
You are so wonderful.
It is also wonderful.
And now I tell you my wonderful news.
It is from one of the
greatest clinics in America.
They want me to join their staff.
But this came a week ago.
I remember it.
Why didn't you tell me?
Because then I was not certain.
If you want to live here. Now,
I am certain you want to remain.
You are not going to refuse
such a splendid chance.
No, no.
But there is no hurry.
They give me 90 days to consider.
So I wait until you are married. Yes.
It is nice listen to that rain?
I think it sounds so beautiful.
I say come again
The rain, you hear it.
A Symphony Orchestra, -
- Couldn't make sweeter
music than that.
What say?
I said the rain on the
roof is lovely to hear.
Can't hear a word you say
in the kind of the thing it rain.
Oh, oh I'm glad,
I'm not in love..
Good day.
Good day, Dr. how are you?
Good morning.
Don't worry.
I ran 15 ball 40 years ago.
Oh, yeah?
Yes, sir. I.
Hello, doc?
Glad to see you.
- Have a glass of beer.
- Yeah, sounds good.
Hey, Nunk, your shot.
Hold your horses will yeah.
Doc, come on over here.
Go up a chair and learn something.
Yes, sir. They are laying
prety for you. Nunk.
Oh, nothing to it.
Huh? Huh?
Oh. Oh.
Huh? Why not make both balls.
Both balls?
Well, maybe Doc thinks he can make it.
I said all right.
They are all your brother.
Then I'll try.
Hey, you don't hold a cue.
You'll never make it that way.
You know what?...
I'll be darn.
Well, my father,
he all right about that
boy around?
I didn't well hit him.
Put it in that corner.
Sorry, boy.
I haven't played in several years.
Doc, when did you ever find
time to study medicine?
Well, doc, when's the
wedding going to be?
Two weeks from Sunday.
Your daughter's got
a fine young fella.
- They don't come any better than John.
- We're very happy about.
Oh, hi doc. that saves me a trip.
Got a letter for you.
Thank you.
A lot of foreign stamps on it, too.
If I could have them, maybe.
My kid he collect it.
Not much of a hobby on
my way of thinking.
But if it's good enough for Roosevelt.
Well, it's good enough, my kid.
Hey, doc, it's you're shot.
Will you finish for me, please?
I have to go home.
But how can we be sure that is true?
They told us Eric was killed.
But it is true, Lenchen.
You read in the letter.
Dr. Tubb. saw him in Russia.
He escaped. Thank God.
We owe him our lives, Lenchen.
I know,
I too say thank God.
But I feel wicked and horrible for in
my heart I cannot be happy.
What should I do, Papa?
How shall I tell John?
He knows, I told him.
He understands.
- But you don't understand...
- But Lenchen.
You loved Eric.
You were to have been married.
I know, but that was two years ago.
In another life
in another world.
I know how you feel, Lenchen.
It is not easy to know where loyalty ends
and love begins.
It's like someone returns
from the grave.
They cannot help you.
Perhaps when Eric
comes to America.
he will understand.
He risked everything for us.
We owe him our lives.
I will always remember that.
And try not to get
Lenchen: I had to go out on a late call.
Do not wait up for me. Papa.
Don't do that, Leni.
Don't cry.
Was sitting at my room for hours
trying to figure this thing out.
It still seems all wrong.
I know, but try to understand.
We'd be a lot better off, you and I,
Leni, without so much understanding.
We got all tangled up in
other people's feelings.
But duties and obligations.
We know where our happiness lies.
Why don't we take it?
Perhaps because we know it's
not altogether ours.
yeah, well, just something like a fight.
But I can't.
It's like that storm outside.
How long before he gets here?
His boat gets to San Francisco next month.
Send him a cable.
Tell him you've changed your mind.
Tell him it's too late. Tell him
we're already married. Tell him anything.
How can I?
Go ahead, Leni. You want to?
He'll never know.
No, John, we would.
Please, go on up.
Please don't stay anymore.
Oh, Leni?
You are not kind,
you are not fair.
- I beg you to go.
- I only want to.
Oh, you want to comfort me?
I know, but you cannot.
We only make each
other more unhappy.
Darling, please,
Please go.
I make no secret that I love you.
And I cannot fight against you
any more than you can fight against him
or the wind
and go both crazy
to let a ghost come between us.
He's not a ghost.
Look, this is Eric.
He's alive.
What a comfort you to hear that
I hate him.
It would be a lie,
it's my fianc. I loved him.
He's fine and brave.
And without him,
my father would have been dead.
You will.
You're a lucky guy.
And ladies and gentlemen,
this is coming to you directly from the
very heart of the stricken area.
I'm looking down the main street
of Asheville Parks
where the storm hit the hardest.
And believe me,
it looks like an earthquake hit this place
rather than just a dust storm.
In a few moments, I'll let you hear
some of the actual voices
of the people who lived through these past
few days of devastation.
You will hear history in the making.
Asheville porters packing up lock, stock
and barrel and moving on up into Oregon.
How about you, sir?
Would you say a few words
for listening audience about this
great trek that you're contemplating?
I ain't no Charlie McCarthy.
I ain't got time.
It'll only take a moment.
Just tell us, in your own words
about your experiences
during this calamity,
In my own words, yes.
All right. You ask for it, brother.
Well, the wind was howling like a......
Thank you very much.
That's very graphic indeed.
I call him as I see him, Brother,
Quiet, What if we don't feel like
hitting the trail for Oregon?
What if we figure our land
here is still good?
Happy to look at it, James,
but I aim to grow on it.
Well, we can.
We can always stay here and go on relief.
Why not? Other people are doing it.
That's right. You can do that.
There's no compulsion in this.
But as long as we have to move off
the land,
let's move like an army
and not like gravel.
Let's make it an advance, not a retreat.
I don't want to go any more
than the rest of you.
Only a few months ago was I
that argued that we stay here and fight.
Well, we fought and lost.
That patch on the map is Oregon.
That's 1500 miles from here.
And that's a long haul
in any man's country, but it's new land.
And if we got together, stick together
and work
together and pull our moneys and supplies,
we can make it.
That's fine, John.
But what about our livestock?
What are we going to put trackers?
We it up to Oregon.
And how much land do they give us
and what are we going to use for money?
So we've got to take your word
for it, John,
that this year Oregon is a land flown
with milk and honey, huh?
There's no land anywhere worth a hoot.
Let's float with good, honest sweat.
That's telling them Bob.
I would like to say a few
words, if you will permit me.
Go ahead Doc.
I'm speaking as one who knows
what it means to be a refugee.
Ain't no fair
and are going to tell me where to go.
I'm Higgins. You've got a short memory.
You didn't talk that way
the night you come out of the house.
How's your kid's appendix bursted?
No, sir, it was.
Please, then, won't you come Doc?
And he did come in
the middle of the night.
Please, please.
I do not know your farm problems.
So well as John,
but I do know that he is right.
I think it is wiser for you to argue less
and start packing.
It's no skin off his nose.
He ain't going..
Out of my way, colleague.
Let me spit these high on a spit.
Who's not
I blabbermouth know everything, don't you?
Ain't no secret, Nunk.
Now we all know he's
joining up with a big clinic back east.
he is in a pigs eye for that storm hit us.
He was going to take that job,
but now he says no.
So he's willing to go with us to Oregon.
That don't sound like
any foreigner to me.
All those in favor are going to Oregon.
Say I
You got to have note when you call me.
Hey, Joe,
All, mighty God.
All the relevant mercy.
We beseeks speed of bless and
guide this caravan of life, people.
checking out on a long journey
to a promised land.
Now lord knows that many
of the cars that are -
in a deplorable condition. Afflict
not they people further with -
Blow out, Burnt bearings,
a broken aksel,
Prosper them all lord
on their new lands.
Then they along they may send for us
who are remaining here.
Sending thy goodwill.
And here comes our brave leader.
I hope he knows what he's doing.
All this refugees when we were leaving
Vienna, our future was greater.
We were coming to America.
For these people, there must be
a more tragic word, wretched.
Take a look at that line of
cars and trucks with you.
These are the day number one.
Next oldest brother
that moses himself,
could not don any better.
Did he have to worry about two cars?
Spare tire, gasoline? No, sir.
He had a sense compared to John.
He's doing a fine job.
He's carrying a great load on
his shoulders. Yep.
Needs all the help he can get to.
Eat his heart out about.
Well, something none of my business.
Please, Nunk.
Oh, I was thinking of
another young fella.
He had a big job,
threw it up.
Said he could make the grade
without the help of the woman he loved.
Sure. Hope John don't abdicate.
Leave this outfit in a heck of a shape.
Are you going to ride with us
most of the way, Nunk?
I can take hint sister
drop me off the next stop.
I ride one of the other cars.
Well, sir, I started in
a subtitle like way.
I gave her the wink and I said,
Let me drive the bus, Leni.
Why don't you go forward and ride
with John for a while?
She never batted a nightlife.
And I started to warm up and
I gave her a great sale to talk about you.
A lollapalooza, but still no dice.
Why don't you mind your own business?
Leave her alone cant ya?
I can take it or leave it,
but can you?
No female worth grieving over?
Well, who's grieving over?
Shut up!
To think of anything else to talk about.
Yes, plenty.
I was writing with Higgins
in the outfit today,
That fellow's doing a lot of talking.
Whats eating him now.
Same old thing.
The land of the golden sunshine.
He's telling them all
he ought to head west instead of north.
Well, he's
welcome to go, and good riddance. Yep.
But the trouble is he and Amy
did go by himself.
He's trying to split up this outfit.
But if you and I said to him,
I said, You'll have to record my nephew
John, purse his kit, the prune juice
and a bigger weasel than you
That held him.
Heard you wanted to talk to me.
When I ask you to quit making trouble.
Listen, Mr..
Just because you're in the lead car, don't
prove you're running the whole shebang
as a lot of fellows think. The way do.
Now, what do you know about that?
I know the one rotten apple
can spoil a barrel.
I'll just stay in line and quit
shooting off your mouth.
And when camp tonight, if you've got
anything to say, I'll listen to you.
I don't have to take orders from you.
You're a fool, Higgins.
And this isn't my show.
It's ours.
I didn't ask to run it,
but as long as I am runing it, you're going
to take orders from me and like it
Anyways, in California,
they don't freeze to death.
There's sunshine out there, -
and miles of orchards and orange groves
and plenty of work picking fruit.
His wife's cousin sat in
a big orange once.
And ever since that had been yapping.
California, California.
What do you know about it?
And you ain't never been there?
No, but I have.
Sure, there's miles of
groves and orchards,
but there's also about two
or 300,000 migratory workers there.
There isn't enough fruit for them
to pick to make a living wage.
Sure, we can go to California,
but what good let do us?
We'll just become migrants to.
Drift up and down the state
following the crops.
We're not fruit pickers,
man. We're farmers.
And up in Oregon, where we're heading for
there's land for us.
Land we can own and farm
There is a road due west
from here, Higgins.
To your oranges and sunshine.
Take it any time you want to,
but quit stirring these people up.
You ain't going to bulldoze me
without high and mighty talk.
We're getting out of here.
But not before you hand over that dough,
we chipped in.
One dime, Higgins.
You know what that money's for?
I suppose it wouldn't
be for that little foreign dish
that strutting around your back.
A bull's eye.
That was built right on his kisser.
It stubborn, stupid fools.
Come my impetuous young Moses..
If you know your Bible,
you will remember.
The children of his few had trouble
in the wilderness 40 centuries ago.
Then they worship the golden calf.
Now they worship a golden
orange or a golden mirage.
Well, if I remember correctly, Doc.
Moses got good and sore at them too.
Yes. And he was punished.
He was allowed to see the promised land,
but he never set foot in it.
Well, that'll be okay with me too, Doc.
My heart won't be hurt.
One minute a guy freezes and
another minute he frie,
which is very generous to California.
He won, I think.
I think they just cockeyed.
They got all that snow up
there, the hills where they don't need it.
Why don't they send them
down here to desert,
where to be as welcome
as gravy and potatoes.
This is the worst stretch yet.
They better be.
We've run out of money
and we go out further.
Now. I got a right to stay here.
We're going to settle this
right now, Mr. Phillips.
No stalling.
We want our dough and our supplies.
And we don't want no part of Oregon.
We sure don't.
How about it, man?
Right now, listen, man,
We've driven all day through a furnace.
We've only just made camp.
You're hot and tired and hungry.
Go on back to your tents and
let the women feed you.
Take a swim, cool off.
We can get there.
All right, Higgins, you win.
You lead them.
Lead them wher're not wantd, lead them
where they all starve.
Lead them into the middle of Death Valley
and let them rot for all I care.
Where's our dough?
Your'll get it.
Keep their hands off of that
and ain't all yours.
You're not going to give
this to them, son.
You're not going to quit us now.
I've taken all I can stomach.
That's the money.
Do what you like with it,
What's the matter?
What is happening?
That Promised Land is on that Fred Doc..
And I don't want to see it.
This money belongs to all of us
and everybody to get the share.
If you give me a chance,
Hang on this Joe.
Bill, get them trucks.
Say, buddy, it's going to take us
a couple of hours sort this stuff.
We ain't going sort it.
We'll take it the way it is.
Hold on a minute.
This ain't all ours.
We can't do that.
Oh, time's up.
I'm running this outfit, brother.
But anybody here doesn't like it.
Just let me know.
Is anything wrong?
No, everything's just dandy.
- I was just taking a walk,
- And I was just taking a powder.
Small world, isn't it?
I don't know what you mean.
I mean, I'm clearing out.
- I'm quitting.
- I'm through
- Is that clear?
- Yes.
Where are you going?
What difference does that make?
We don't take the same road.
San Francisco is less than
200 miles from here.
It's a clear day, Leni.
Maybe you can see the Golden Gate.
It's not a clear day for me, John.
I'm seeing things through a mist.
What are we kidding ourselves for?
Why don't you quit, too?
There's a lot of things
stronger than duty,
and we're both crazy
if we don't realize it.
I want to run away, John,
but I can't any more than you.
It's easy to run away.
I just found that out.
I It'll be easy for you, too.
It's time we started thinking about
ourselves for a change and not others.
Grab this chance to be free Leni.
It'll never come again.
Turn that car back, you
yellow livered coot.
Higgins has turnd the
camp wide open.
That's okay with me and the lady,
Let them stew in your own juice,
we're calling it a day.
You let him talk like this Leni.
Answer me.
Perhaps it is you who make
him act and talk so.
You're all wrong, Doc
It's the other way around.
I'm trying to sell her
a bill of goods.
How about your people, John.
They don't mean a thing to me.
You have no right
to say that John.
Back there are 200 men,
women and children,
whose lives are just as much
your sacred responsibility,
as a patient on the operating table.
Maybe that patient isn't worth saving
Is not true, John.
But even if it were, doctors don't
tell their patients there is no hope.
No, a doctor does not
always skib out.
I am tired..
I will call it a day.
He does not quit. He fights.
That is telling him, colleague.
Yes.. you could run away,
but you could not escape.
You could shout I am free.
But even the echo
would know you were lying
Leni knows that?
Look at her, John.
She knows that duty is sometimes
bitter and hard and cruel.
She knows that better than you, John.
You look into her eyes,
You have a job to finish, John.
So, has Leni.
All right, I'll catch him.
John. Catch him.
You just sing that song.
He gave me the kiss.
Did it? Stop your talking.
That looks like George car.
Don't look back, son.
She's just...
There's plenty to look ahead
for the all them hills Lies Oregon.
Auf Wiedersehen, auf Wiedersehen.
Here we are
Saint George Hotel.
Do you think this is
the right place Papa?
That's what the council said.
But I didn't expect to find Eric
such affluence.
Good afternoon.
Good afternoon, Hr. Doctor.
Good afternoon, My fraulein.
Is this Dr. Eric Von Scherer apartment?
Yeah. Yeah, that's right.
Bitte schn.
Where is Dr. Von Scherer?
I will tell him that you are here.
And Doctor!
Hello. It's so good to see you.
You haven't changed a bit.
Nor, you.
It's good to see you, Eric.
Setzen, Lenchen.
Oh, but maybe to present
my assistant, Hr. Schmidt.
Oh, uh,
do sit down, Eric, and,
uh, tell us about your escape.
But I didn't escape, Lenchen.
But we heard that you
had escaped to Russia.
I was in Russia, yes.
On a mission for the state.
Dr. Tauber said in his
letter that you..
I regret to say that
Dr. Tauber is a traitor.
He will write no more letters.
But Eric.
Dr. Tauber was one of our oldest friends.
How is he a traitor?
To the Reich doctor,
of which I am now an official servant.
But you risk your life,
But we could escape.
Two years ago,
I too had soft and sentimental ideas.
As you will remember hr. doctor.
Now I have learned a different ideology.
I hardly know you, Eric.
I have important business here
for two weeks.
Then I return to Berlin.
The Reich is acquiring new
territory hr. doctor.
There's work for us to do.
I've made arrangements for you and Leni.
Us? Have no fear.
I have influence in the party.
I have arranged this,
little difficulty of yours is forgotten.
And then we will return to the Reich.
No, Eric!
You are mistaken.
Our home is now in America.
Does the fatherland not
mean nothing to you?
The fatherland? Yes.
But you are Reich, No!
It is incredible, Eric.
You look so perfectly healthy,
and yet you have become
infected with the disease.
More horrible and malignant than cancer.
The disease that would be fatal to you,
and millions of
your countrymen,
and to the whole Reich.
Don't waste your sympathy
on the Reich, hr. Doctor.
For doomd patient.
We are not doing so badly.
How many times have you
sat by a sickbed, Eric.
and seen such an outburst of energy,
just before the death rattle.
Come Leni?
We will go on to Oregon.
You cannot leave like this.
We have traveled
half across the world to meet here.
Yes, Eric.
And now that we meet,
we do not even speak the same language.
Almighty God.
In the shelter of this,
thy tree or temporary tempel
We ask thy bleshing,
and thy mercy.
We ain't had time to build
a church, Lord.
Now understand is was
more important.
to build barns, silos and homes.
But in our hearts, our grateful
heart is thy Eternal temple.
We thank you for this rich soil,
which you has led us,
and for the strong and willing arms.
And she news we which it shall be
made fruitful and productive.
And now our Lord.
The stand before the,
two of thy servants.
this man and this woman,
who in thy sight and in the
presence of this congregation,
As I perform this sacred matrimony.