Three Way (2004) Movie Script

How was that, baby?
I don't wanna be
in this anymore, Lew.
I love you.
Well, I don't love you.
You know what else I don't love?
I don't love moving from one shitty
motel to another. Or being broke!
I don't love the fact that
you're continually on parole.
I really don't love...
...that you leer at every
passing skank in a thong.
- Come on.
- Okay, I'm out of here.
Oh, God.
- We just made love, for chrissakes.
- Correction: We just fucked.
And it was the last time.
- Janice.
- Let me go, Lew!
SubRip by
I know, I'm still worried that
Ida might get the police involved...
...after you ask for the ransom.
Honey, it just scares me, is all.
What if she doesn't pay after
you tell her what's happened?
The woman's insane.
Trust me, she'll pay.
And there's no chance that...
- What is that?
- That's my cock, babe.
It's definitely my cock.
Baby, I just wanna make sure
that she won't suspect you.
Later, after they find the body.
The only body I wanna discuss
right now is yours.
Honey, I... Hey.
I won't do anything to her until we
have the money. It's gonna be all right.
- Shit.
- What's wrong?
- What's wrong?
- I can't get your bra off.
- I can't...
- Here, here. Relax.
You like that, baby?
It's a new tie too.
She's gonna wonder where you are.
I guess you're right.
God, I hate hiding out here like this.
A car for a bedroom.
I mean, everything's a fucking secret.
I thought you'd be used
to it by now.
You know what the problem
with secrets is?
Most people have a real hard time
when it comes to keeping them.
Well, I'm not most people,
and neither are you.
Which is why
this will work out just fine.
- Jesus.
- Not exactly.
- Is this your vehicle?
- Yeah.
Damn good barbecue.
Those honey-baked ones
are my personal favorites.
Life's short. Why not eat well?
All right, look. No harm, no foul.
But when I see an abandoned vehicle
and some nutjob running up a hill...
...acting like a mental patient, I gotta
check that out, you understand?
Yes, sir.
People get ideas, you know.
That they can do things.
Go out in the middle of the night,
middle of nowhere...
Pull something off.
Somebody always sees them, though.
It never fails.
You're right about that.
Oh, yeah, I know I'm right about
that. I'm right as rain about that.
- Hey, Al. What's up?
- Hey, Lew.
How are you? What's doing?
Not much.
Pack of smokes and vodka.
Pack of smokes.
Bottle of vodka.
All right, anything else?
This too.
Christ. They figure if you don't
get it right the first time... sure as shit don't
deserve a second time.
Figuring's flawed, then.
Sometimes the second time's got
nothing to do with what you deserve.
- Nobody's perfect, Lew.
- Keep the change.
Hey, thanks. You made my day, Lew.
All right.
- Hey.
- Hey, babe.
I missed you last night.
You didn't come by.
Got caught up. It was late.
Didn't wanna wake you.
Well, in the future,
you can wake me, I don't mind.
Down. Dangerous.
What's up?
This guy came into
my office yesterday...
...and said he's interested
in buying a gas station.
He saw it on his way
into Carpinteria...
...and I started to look
into who owns it...
If you sell the gas station,
where am I gonna live?
You can always live with me.
What about your brother?
Your aunt?
Oh, yeah, and that hairless thing
you call a cat.
No, thanks.
Lew, you're always complaining
about money and your debt.
I just thought if we moved in together,
we can share the rent. Save up.
I got a better idea.
- What? Make signs faster?
- Nope.
A business opportunity
that came up last night.
What kind of business opportunity?
One that's gonna get us
out of debt faster...
...than sharing the rent
and painting signs.
Is it legal?
"Is it legal?"
You wanna know more?
I'm gonna make us rich, baby.
You don't even know
who these people are.
Not yet.
But I did see this bumper sticker
on their car.
I'm guessing the owner's probably an
antique or art restorer, something.
I'm not getting the flow
of this, baby.
There aren't that many galleries
or antique shops in Carpinteria.
Good, it'll make my search
that much quicker.
Look, I find the car,
I find the couple.
Fate put me on that road last night.
It's like payback for all the crap
I've been through in my life.
- What's it called? Karma?
- Desperation.
Grasping at straws.
Well, you hold on to that last straw.
To keep from drowning.
- Hey, man. You do restoration?
- No.
Pappy's place.
Two doors down, they restore.
You know anyone else?
The only other one nearby
is Lexi's place.
She's got a bunch of crap,
but she does restoration in the back.
Got an address?
Don't worry about it. I'll see you
at the house in just one thin minute.
I gotta go, honey.
Hi. I'm Lew.
- Lew Brookbank.
- What are you looking for, Lew?
Not here for any restoration,
but I do have a proposition for you.
My business is signs.
Signs. Really? What, like in
astrological or something?
I'm a sign maker.
- Where?
- Outside town.
Just off Bates Road.
Well, whatever you're selling,
there's not much I can do for you.
It would be Lexi's decision and she's
just about as cheap as they come.
You need my signs.
- And you're the expert on this?
- Well, yeah.
Years of study,
practice and experience.
- Experience being the key, of course.
- I'm sure it is.
That and the practice, I'm guessing.
I don't think that we
need your signs.
It may not seem like it, but we have all
the business that we can handle.
In my personal opinion,
you can never have too much.
Now, why doesn't that surprise me?
You can leave your card if you want.
I'll pass it along.
But I wouldn't get my hopes up
if I were you.
Too late. When I'm
in the presence of beauty... hopes are always raised.
- Raised.
Look, I have a lot of work
to get done here today, so...
Okay, here's one of my signs.
I've done some sketches for you.
Only mockups,
but I think you'll be impressed.
Why do I suddenly not believe you?
Here's the deal. I come by Friday.
Show you the mockups.
If you don't wanna buy them...
...I walk. No pressure.
Pressure-free salesman. That's rare.
I do what I can for my customers.
I'm sure you do.
...what do you say?
- Bring them by.
- Great, great. And your name?
Isobel what?
- DeLarno.
- DeLarno.
- Okay. See you Friday.
- All right.
I have a baseball bat in my pants.
Bedroom, now.
- Why are guys in such a hurry?
- Because we know women like it fast.
That is such a crock of shit!
- That is such a crock of shit.
- You're not horny?
I'm not arguing the specifics,
just the details.
Shit, we never should've
come back here!
Do you want me to leave?
I'll leave.
No, baby.
Come on, baby.
- Wait, wait.
- Come here.
Oh, God.
Oh, God.
I want you to come inside me.
Good game.
We should go.
You ready for Friday night?
- I got goose bumps, you saying that.
- I can feel them.
So taking her
to the Possession is safe?
Yeah. It's perfect.
Harbor's empty that time of night...
...the only people who go on
the boat are me and Florence.
Just gotta keep emotions out of it.
- Worry about your own emotion.
- That's not a problem for me.
- I hate her.
- Jesus, Ralph, that's emotion.
Hate's the antithesis of love,
not the absence of it.
Hey, come on, dude,
don't get all deep on me.
I can tell you still
have feelings for her.
Isobel, I love you.
Would you just, you know...?
I just get worried that
you're gonna tip our hand or...
...give something away
so they might suspect.
Never happen. The woman's a dope.
Florence is many things,
but a dope isn't one of them.
Who's married to her?
Trust me, she's a dope.
We'll have a million dollars
to start a new life with!
All right.
Okay, so we are sure...
...that Ida will pay the ransom
without calling the police?
I can keep her out of it
till the exchange.
- After that, it won't matter, because...
- Florence will be dead.
- You ready?
- Let's do it.
One million fucking dollars.
You Lewis Brookbank?
- Who are you?
- Herbert Clairmont.
I didn't mean to spook you.
I'm interested in buying
the gas station.
I mean the entire property,
house and everything.
I thought I'd poke around.
It's my nature.
I hope you don't mind.
I mind. It's my nature.
I spoke to a Mrs. Caswell
over at Crookston Realty.
Told her I was interested.
She said talk to the owner, and...
I was a little impatient.
I'm not the owner.
- Really?
- Really.
- Maybe you could talk to him for me.
- Like I said, the place is not for sale.
Everything's for sale.
- It just takes the right offer.
- Yeah, well, not this place.
Well, if you talk to him,
he changes his mind...
You know.
Nice. New client?
I found them. Both of them.
- Who are they?
- Isobel DeLarno and Ralph Hagen.
- Ralph Hagen?
- Yeah.
What, you know him?
Well, yeah. I mean,
everyone does around here.
He runs DeCroix Shoes.
I don't go there.
Their stuff is way overpriced.
Forget the shoes.
What do you know about him?
He's married to Florence DeCroix.
- Who the fuck's that?
- Of the Santa Barbara DeCroixs?
They're, like, the Kennedys
of Santa Barbara County. So rich.
He married into the family?
But the story is her mother
didn't really like him very much.
- Why?
- She thought he was white trash...
...which he is.
But trash that fine-looking must've
smelled awfully good to Florence.
But not as fine as you, honey.
- How do you know all this?
- I sell houses to rich people...
...and they talk a lot.
Rich people always
have so much drama.
It makes me feel better
about poor little Rita.
Wait a minute. Are you saying that
Ralph is gonna kidnap his own wife?
It's Friday night.
- And what are you gonna do about it?
- Fuck it up. Plus save her life.
They're gonna kill Florence.
- You gotta go to the police, Lew.
- No.
Look, me and the police don't mix.
Besides, this is one particular straw
I'm not gonna let go of.
Or should I say one million?
A million dollars?
- That's crazy.
- Yeah.
And speaking of crazy,
your client was here today.
- Who?
- You know, the guy with the Benz?
Mr. Clairmont?
- He's very Beverly Hills.
- Whatever.
I don't want you talking to him again.
He's bad news.
He sure as hell wasn't here to buy
this place either. Hand me the chisel.
You're so paranoid. You think every
stranger you meet is out to get you.
You don't have my past.
Including a wife you're still
in love with and won't talk about?
- Closed subject.
- You consider that closed?
I call it closed.
You think breaking
a picture makes it okay?
She's still between us!
You know what? You need
to get your fucking heart...
...out of the past if you expect us
to have a fucking future!
And your mom said
I was white trash.
No, she said you were brain-dead
and beneath me.
Remind me again,
why did we get married?
Because I'm hung
like a fucking horse, baby.
- In your fucking dreams, pal.
- Yeah. Okay.
You know, it wouldn't kill you
to clean this pool.
Where were you?
What did you do all day?
Did you work really hard?
Play with that little game...
...and not talk to me?
In fact, what are you, 8 years old?
Those are for 8-year-olds.
What are you, a moron?
I'm asking you a question.
I called the store. You were gone.
Where were you?
I was out trying to get a loan for your
mother's fucking shithole store.
The only women that go there
are older than your mother.
Let's face it, that's pretty old.
I can't believe you ran
my mother's store into the ground.
It's unbelievable. So that's why
you want my mother to come over?
So you can pry
more money from her.
You are a real charmer.
You're a real fucking charmer.
- Where are you going?
- I'm going to my mother's... I can get some money
for you, as usual.
- Tell her you need Botox.
- Oh, my God.
- That is the funniest thing I've heard.
- You know it is.
I can't believe
you're not a comedian.
It's not a bad idea.
I'll ask her for money... I can get some liposuction.
Get rid of 170 pounds
of unwanted fat.
I'm 160. And I'm in better shape
than you, bitch.
I hope that fucking parrot dies.
Hey. Where you going?
Can I come along?
That neighborhood looked like it was
a little out of your price range.
- Unless you were casing it.
- Go fuck yourself.
That ain't nice.
Easy. Come on. How you doing?
You all right?
So gas stations aren't your
main line of business?
What gave that away? Turn off
up here. That palm tree. Turn left.
Right there.
So where's that sexy wife
of yours, Janice?
Fuck you.
What do you know about
a guy named Deke Clarkson?
Fuck you.
How about a boat
called The Black Wake?
- Fuck you.
- All right.
Who the fuck are you?
Here's how this is gonna work.
I ask the questions...
...and you fucking answer them.
You understand me?
About 4 months ago, that boat turned
up drifting down near Ensenada.
- And there was nobody onboard.
- So?
Deke and your wife Janice
should have been onboard.
She's missing, by the way.
Which isn't news.
- We haven't talked since she left me.
- Now, that's a lie.
See this?
It's registered to you.
You know where it was found?
Up your ass?
Hanging on the bottom of that boat.
You know what I think?
I think you caught Deke fucking
your wife, you went a little nuts.
And oops, you killed him.
If you believe that story,
why not take it to the police?
Because I don't work for the police.
They can have you
after I get what I need.
- Which is?
- A body. Deke Clarkson's.
Man, I didn't kill him.
She left me, I left San Diego.
You give me Deke's body,
I'll give you your gun back.
The police will never know about it.
Come on. Take me back to my car.
And get your story straight.
We'll talk about this again
tomorrow night.
Hey, baby.
What happened to your head?
I kind of ran into something.
Are you in trouble?
This is courtesy of your client.
Herbert Clairmont.
Fucker thinks I killed Janice
and a guy called Deke Clarkson.
Who's that?
Guy she was having an affair with.
And why is he saying all this?
Well, asshole found my gun... the boat they were
supposedly killed on.
I didn't kill my wife.
No, no. I didn't kill my wife.
Then I panicked.
Then I dumped the bodies.
Oh, okay. Well, that's cool.
That's not as bad as killing them
and then dumping the bodies.
There's no way in hell I don't
get blamed for that. With my past?
Plus the fact she was screwing
Deke Clarkson. There's motive.
I thought the gun was gone, though.
Why hasn't he gone to the police?
I'm not sure, hon.
But the next time he smashes
the other side of my head...
...I'll be sure to ask him.
So now what? You're always
the man with the plan.
What's your plan now?
I got one. I do.
But I can't do this without you.
You should go to the police
and tell them.
Look, I can fix this.
And it's just you and me,
I promise.
Rita, I trust you
with what I just told you.
You know that, right?
So, what do I have to do?
Do what you do best, baby.
- What's that?
- Sell real estate.
I can get the million bucks,
but not with Clairmont...
...breathing down my back.
I need you to keep him distracted.
I take that as a yes.
- Don't look at me like that.
- What?
- With that smile.
- What smile?
- That "I'm so sexy" smile.
- Well, it's only for you, baby.
- And don't you ever forget it.
- I won't.
- Hey, baby.
- Hey.
I gotta get up.
Looks like you already are.
Plenty of time for that.
On a sunny island far away from here.
- What island?
- Any one you want.
I love you.
I love you.
- What's the verdict?
- These are pretty good.
I'm thinking this one by the door...
...this one...
- What do those mean?
- These?
- Yeah.
Alchemist symbols.
This one's mercury, this one's sulfur.
Both primal elements.
One's burning. One's volatile.
A little on the nose?
I was young and stupid.
Sulfur and mercury.
You gotta start with them
to make gold, right?
I gotta go.
Keep the mockups.
Oh, tell your boss to give me a call.
- Hey. Fuck!
- Drag?
- Don't do that.
- Fuck you.
You're uncomfortable?
I'm uncomfortable now, asshole.
I can't breathe.
Sure you can.
Watch my finger.
Tell me, why do you wanna
know where Deke's body is?
Deke was my brother.
My name's Clarkson, not Clairmont.
Well. And you're upset about
not being able to bury him.
Keep going.
Our mother died. Left a big estate.
Deke got it all.
Money, property, everything.
He forged the will.
- Cocksucker.
- Yeah, but he's dead.
- So it's mine now.
- I get it.
You need his body to prove his death.
Which means probate.
Until Deke shows up, of course.
Deke's not showing up.
He's dead.
You know that.
You killed him.
I didn't kill your brother.
Or my wife.
You were on the boat.
Here's a theory.
Maybe you were on the boat and
killed your brother to get the estate...
...and Janice got in the way
of your revenge.
I've got your gun.
So go fuck yourself.
- Okay! Okay!
- Okay, what?
I don't give a shit who killed him.
I just need the body.
And you need your gun.
No deal.
- What do you mean, no deal?
- No deal.
Without a gun, without a body,
it's meaningless.
Fuck! Why do you complicate shit?
Have you thought about that?
How you complicate everything?
From the whores you fuck to
your poor decision-making skills.
Okay. No fucking deal.
- Christ!
- So how do you like "no fucking deal"?
Listen to me, motherfucker. I don't
give a shit about The Black Wake...
...your gun, my dead brother
or your bitch fucking wife.
But you're up to something.
And it's probably illegal.
Your imagination's
getting the better of you.
I've seen your rap sheet, Lew.
There's a lot of ways to fuck you.
You're smart enough
to know that.
So do yourself a favor.
One time, take the easy way.
You got till morning to tell me
where Deke's body is.
And if not, well, you think
about what I'm gonna do.
Look at this fucking car.
Get the fuck out of my car!
Did you get the stuff?
Nice to see you too.
- What's this?
- You said to get a ski mask.
It's a smiley face.
I know. It's cute.
Baby, it's a kidnapping.
"Cute" doesn't come into the equation.
But it's on the back.
You can't even see it.
You gotta put it on her backward
so she can't...
- Yeah.
- Look...
...we're gonna need till the afternoon
to get the money.
- Stall Herbert for at least that long.
- Okay.
One of the properties I'm
showing is an hour away.
Baby, be careful.
This guy's dangerous.
Kind of freaks me out.
I'll stake Ralph's house
till he makes his move...
...and takes Florence to the boat.
I don't know the exact time yet,
so I'll just have to sit and wait.
Shouldn't be hard to figure out
when things start turning hinky.
I understand, but it's the only time
the owner can show the property.
It's just a big chunk of empty land.
Why can't we go out
anytime and look?
Well, he keeps it gated and secure.
So can I pick you up, then?
Like, 7:00?
Mr. Clarkson?
What did you just call me?
I think you should meet with me.
Maybe there's someone else who
knows where your brother's body is.
Stay calm.
I'm not gonna hurt you.
Sorry you gotta wear that,
but you can't see me.
If it stays that way,
you'll live, which is...
...a better deal than if your husband
was still in charge.
His plan was to kill you, Ms. Hagen.
Now, if I take your mask off,
I can trust you to keep quiet?
- Not real gentle, are you?
- Here's a drink.
Open up. Open up.
Come on.
- What?
- It's beer.
Where am I?
Who are you?
Obviously not my knight
in shining armor.
Let's just say my armor
is a little tarnished.
Just let me go.
I can't do that. Not yet.
The less you know, the better.
Ralph's an idiot to think
this would work.
He and his stupid whore, Isobel.
She's not too bright either.
Gee, they make
such a winning couple.
So where do you fit in all this?
I don't. I'm the proverbial wrench.
A fly in the ointment.
It's me, honey.
No! Please don't put that on.
Please. I'll be as quiet as a mouse.
I've heard your squeak.
- Hey.
- What are you doing here?
- I think we have a problem.
- What?
Is she okay?
Yeah, she's fine.
What's going on?
I was waiting for you in my car.
I saw you bring her in, right?
- Yeah?
- And I saw a guy hiding by the garage.
- What guy?
- Clairmont!
You know, Clarkson? Herbert?
- Are you sure?
- Yeah. I'd know that freak anywhere.
Fuck. Jesus Christ, it's like
every minute's a "Fuck Lew" day.
You meeting him
tomorrow morning?
- Yeah. He agreed to meet me.
- Okay. Good.
What now? What are you
gonna do now?
We stick to the plan. I'm gonna need
till at least 2 to get the money.
Stall Herbert for at least that long.
When do you call Ralph?
Early, around 6.
Where's my fucking light?
- What if he doesn't call back?
- He has to.
If he doesn't, Ralph and Isobel
go to jail, we let Florence go...
...we walk away.
We're covered no matter what.
Hey, hey.
It's the last straw.
- Okay?
- Okay.
Go! Go.
Beats the hell out of a coffin.
Hang in there.
It won't be for long.
- Hello?
- Ralph Hagen?
- Who's this?
- I have your wife.
- Who is this?
- You kidnapped your wife...
...and put her on your boat,
The Possession.
She's no longer on that boat.
So to you, I'm as close to God
a man can get.
Do I have your attention?
Has your mother-in-law been asked
for the $ 1 million yet?
- How did you know...?
- I thought we just covered this, Ralph.
She's getting the money.
I'll have it tonight.
Too late. Get it by noon.
- I can't. L...
- Noon, Ralph.
- What do you want?
- Well, it ain't your wife.
I want the money. You play fair,
there's an incentive for you.
This is bullshit.
No, Ralph. This is your fate.
Yours and mine.
This is how we play the game.
Put the cash in a black duffle bag.
Take it to Marina Bay Harbor.
Dock box A- 1.
Then leave.
He's gonna be at the pay phone
at Willoughby and Bascomb by 3.
Everything's cool, I get the money,
tell him where Florence is.
Along with the $500,000.
His split. The rest is up to him.
- Why are you giving the money back?
- I'm not.
- Don't worry about it, baby.
- Is all this safe?
Nothing's safe anymore, Rita.
But it's all good.
All right. I have to go.
Well, Ms. Caswell,
you're a surprise.
You know what Lew did
with my brother's body?
Yeah. There's a price, though.
I'm not looking for money.
- Jesus.
- Don't! Please...
...give me a minute! Please!
Why am I calling? Because we're
seriously fucked, is why!
Just calm down
and tell me what happened.
Is, if you're double-crossing me,
I swear I'll fucking burn you.
- It's not me.
- Then who?
We're the only two
who knew about this.
Let's just take a second
and think this through, okay?
Shit. Maybe...
Maybe Ida caught on.
Ida? The woman's a loon!
She hums "Memories" to herself...
...while that parrot sings backup.
You believe she's blackmailing us?
Don't underestimate her, Ralph.
And it's a macaw, not a parrot.
Great. Maybe the fucking bird's
behind it, then.
- So, what did he sound like?
- Like a fucking parrot!
- The guy on the phone, genius.
- Oh, the guy on the phone?
He sounded like
a fucking nail in our coffin.
Please, don't. I've seen your face.
What's the point?
Please, please.
Just for a second. Please.
Just for a second.
I feel like I'm dying in that thing.
If you could take it off for a second.
I'm so uncomfortable.
I can't even feel my feet.
If you could take it off for a second.
I'm not gonna go anywhere.
I can't even walk.
Okay, a second.
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
- So, what should we do?
- We do what he wants...
...till I figure something else out.
- Which will be when?
- "Which will be when?"
When a macaw flies out
of my fucking ass!
If you have any ideas, right now
would be a great time to offer them up!
You have really nice hands.
That feels really good.
I mean, it hurts, but...
I like the way you're rubbing me.
That feels amazing. I kind of have
that pins-and-needles thing.
You know, when that happens?
You remind me of those little boys...
...whose hands get stuck
in a cookie jar.
I'm not a boy.
But you like your cookies, don't you?
You're sweet.
You've got that weird combination...
...of being sweet and dangerous
all at the same time.
I really like dangerous men.
Ralph used to be dangerous...
...if you could believe that.
Now he's just...
Just a guy who works
at the shoe store.
Your hands are so big.
Big hands...
...big shoes.
I say we make a bad situation
just a little bit better.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
Oh, Janice.
Hold me, baby. Hold me.
- No. No.
- What?
- I can't.
- Yes, you can.
No, it's okay, baby. Just hold me
the way you held her, please.
Just for a second.
Just for a second.
Please. It would be really nice.
Just for a second.
Yeah. Come on.
What happened?
Rita! No!
No! Get the fucking tape, now!
The tape. Shut up!
- What the hell's going on?
- Your worst nightmare, honey.
- Shut up.
- Your man's a good fuck.
- You've gotta suck his dick...
- I said, shut up!
She's lying, baby.
- Baby, she's lying.
- You must think I'm stupid.
- Rita, please.
- Fuck you!
- Hey, baby.
- Get off of me!
I'm sorry. I am so sorry.
Forgive me. Please.
How the fuck can I forgive you
if I can't even look at you?
...get the meeting with Clarkson?
Wouldn't you like to know.
Yeah, that's kind of why I asked.
Well, I met him
and I did what I do best:
I showed him properties.
Where is he now?
I left him in Santa Barbara
talking to landowners.
What are you gonna do now?
What are you gonna do?
She saw you and me.
- What are you gonna do?
- Come here.
Look, I can fix this. I can.
- We can still end the day millionaires.
- What are you gonna do, kill her?
- I thought you weren't a murderer.
- I'm not, but...
Look, we stop now, we're fucked.
Look, what happened
with her was we...
We kissed. That was it.
I don't know. It was just fucking stupid.
It was just, like, an end to something.
So I could start with you again.
I swear.
We'll get her back, Ida.
I know, but things
have changed now... that's how it has to be or no deal.
Okay? I'll call you later. Bye.
- Any word from Clarkson?
- No.
Okay, good. I go.
- Lewis?
- Yeah?
I think I should go
get the money instead.
- What?
- It might be safer.
Look, check this out.
He knows a man's involved
because you called him.
No one's gonna suspect a woman.
Not even the police.
- The police?
- Yeah, the police.
You don't know
if he called them or not.
If I see them,
I'll just leave the money...
...and no one will know anything.
No, no. It's too dangerous.
I'm not having you out there.
Baby, it's more dangerous if you go.
You stay here. Make sure
she doesn't go anywhere, okay?
That way you can start thinking
about what you wanna do with her.
Babe, listen.
I'm in this. I got it.
I can do it.
- I can do it.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah.
- Call me the second you get it.
- Okay.
- And, Rita, be careful.
I will.
Last straw?
Last straw.
I still hate you.
What are you looking for?
Now, let go of that.
You just keep losing that gun,
don't you, Lew?
Come on, Lewis.
I guess somebody wants to talk to you.
- Yeah?
- I got it.
Good. Are you okay?
Yeah. Everything's fine.
Everything's fine.
Finish covering that up.
Jesus, what a rat's nest.
Look at this fucking suit.
Three days chasing around
after your ass.
You think Ralph's gonna miss her?
Told you there's a lot
of ways to fuck you, Lew.
What is it with you
and shooting people in the throat?
- What is that?
- See...
...when you were on that boat...
...saw your old lady,
my brother laying on top of her.
That couldn't have been easy for you.
Now, where the fuck's Deke?
In hell, I hope.
Why'd you kill her?
It doesn't matter.
Let me use your phone.
Where the fuck is Deke?
Let him go.
Goddamn, where the fuck's Deke?
- Let him go.
- What are you doing?
Let him go!
You're just full of surprises.
- Is he dead?
- Yeah.
I hope so.
Hey, it was self-defense. Myself.
Still worth it though, right?
We gotta go.
- What about the bodies?
- Don't worry about that.
I'm ready to say goodbye
to this dump forever.
Goddamn it.
What's this?
The fuck is this?
It's blank paper.
I thought you checked this!
I did check it. I did.
I checked underneath the...
Hey, hey, hey! You wanted this
to be over, well now it's over.
Goddamn it.
I'm sorry.
How did a dumbshit like Hagen
get one on me?
Maybe they're smarter
than we thought.
What did you say?
What do we do? We got no money.
There's bodies in the garage.
What did you say?
You said, "They're smarter."
- Where are you going?
- To find Isobel.
- Why?
- I find her, I find Ralph.
I find Ralph, I find the money.
Besides, they don't know
that I know that she's in on it.
Can you say that again?
- The last part.
- Look.
Go to Ralph's place.
Call me if you see anything. Anything.
Can you do that for me? For us?
Sit down!
Let's take this slowly, shall we?
You and Ralph Hagen
kidnapped his wife.
You got the money from her mother.
I fucked your plan. You fucked me.
- It isn't done.
- What? Ralph gave the money... the guy that called him.
- He lied.
The bag was significantly short
of the 1 million.
How do I know you're not lying?
Listen, princess, I wouldn't be here
if I was lying, would I?
- How did you know our plan?
- Right place, right time.
Plus the fact you two talk too loud.
- But I'd say fate, mostly.
- I don't have the money.
You're waiting for him, aren't you?
Fine. We'll just wait here together.
Either you have the money
or Ralph has the money.
Either way, I'm gonna get it.
Don't ask me how, I just know.
I don't know. I figured it out.
Look, I need to see you first.
Look, there's more to all this.
We have to meet tonight.
There's no other way.
Any sign of the cops?
No. No one.
Good. Keep watching. Call me if you
see anything strange. Police, anything.
What's happening?
Did you find Isobel?
We're gonna fix this.
Go to Ralphie's boat, The Possession.
- Why? What for?
- Call me later.
- Izzy.
- Hey.
Welcome aboard.
- Who the fuck are you?
- I'm the guy. She'll fill you in later.
Something to take note of, both of you:
You make really bad kidnappers.
Now, where's the money?
- What are you talking about?
- Sit the fuck down!
I'm the one asking the questions
around here. Where's the money?
- I gave it to you.
- No!
You gave me blank paper
and a lot of grief.
Where's the goddamn fucking money?
- Tell him where the money is!
- I don't have it! He does!
- I knew you were in on this!
- He forced me here.
Hey, hey, hey!
Let's cut a deal.
Where's the fucking money?
- Where's my wife?
- Dead.
What? You killed her?
Fuck this.
No more twists. No more...
Yeah? Hi, baby.
- Where's the fucking money?
- I don't have it!
Not a lot going on up there, huh?
You never complained
when I was fucking you!
Hey, you two shut the fuck up!
You're giving me a goddamn head...
Jesus Christ!
Freeze! Everybody freeze!
Drop your weapon!
Get on the ground!
- Everybody on the ground!
- Off the couch and get on the ground!
Hey, Lew. Isn't that your baby looking
all chummy with her cop friends?
I guess we're all fucked now.
They say you have to choose:
Love or money.
I always thought
you could have both.
- I didn't hire an attorney.
- I've been hired for you.
Privately. You know those people?
I have a statement from Rita Caswell
detailing the events...
...leading to your arrest
on The Possession.
Seeing as Miss Caswell's version
is somewhat particular and exact... assumption is that yours
will corroborate hers.
Nasty group of people
you stumbled upon.
Herbert Clarkson, a.k.a. Clairmont...
...had a history of blackmailing
otherwise decent citizens.
Not to mention being wanted
for murder. Specifically, his brother's.
I'm not supposed
to be reading this, am I?
- How are your memorization skills?
- I've got the alphabet down pat.
What's Ralph and Isobel's version?
Ralph Hagen and Isobel DeLarno
are kidnappers.
Juries tend not to believe adulterers
who plot to kidnap and kill their wives.
Whereas Miss Caswell
has no reason to lie.
So they never found the money.
Not a cent. So...
...let's get started, shall we?
Rita got us a clean slate.
And a million straws.