Three Wise Men and a Baby (2022) Movie Script

This program is rated G
and is suitable for
general audiences.
Merry Christmas, now
to one and all
Look to the sky
and see the snowflakes fall
Ooh, it's Christmas time
Hello, handsome.
You are strong. Capable.
A warrior.
There is no obstacle
you can't overcome,
no mountain you can't climb.
Lucas James Brenner, you are...
you're going to be late!
Coming, Mom!
Good morning.
Good morning.
Your breakfast is ready.
Mom, you're too good to me.
What's... what's all this?
Do you remember how hard it was
to get the three of you
to smile at the same time?
It was like wrangling cats.
Anyway, your Aunt Louise
is coming down
for Christmas this year,
and it's the first one
without Robert,
so it's going to be
tough on her,
and I was really hoping
you and your brothers
would help me
spruce this place up,
make it extra special.
A team effort.
Yeah, no, yeah.
I'll take care of it.
- Yeah.
- Okay.
I gotta run.
Okay, well, be safe out there.
Oh, big day, Mr. Brenner.
We're revealing the key art.
Oh, I see you chose to ignore
today's festive dress code.
It doesn't exactly scream
Christmas cheer,
but it's close.
Neither does 9:15
in the morning.
Well, it saves on alcohol.
Smart. Very smart.
Cranberry fizzle pop?
I'm okay.
Thank you.
You look nice.
Thank you.
That's a nice pin.
Is that the one my mom gave you
for Christmas last year?
Two years ago.
Lasted longer than we did.
Cranberry fizzle pop?
Oh, I'm good.
Hey, I took a sneak peek
at the new artwork
for the game this morning.
Before you flip out...
Okay, attention,
Elves and Elfettes!
If I could
get your attention over here?
Okay, well,
with Limitless Horizons
mere days from completion,
thanks to the best in the biz,
Taylor Brenner and his team,
it is my absolute pleasure
to reveal the key art,
which will most certainly be
a cosmic success!
- Question.
- Yep.
What is that?
That white thing. What is it?
It's a snowman.
Happy little fella, isn't he?
He's happy. I can see it.
A snowman...
in a game about
intergalactic time travel?
Marketing suggested that
we put some Christmas stuff in
to tie in with the launch.
Is there an issue?
I spent 18 months coding
an industry-defining interface.
You've slapped
a snowman on it,
and it looks like
a handful of marshmallows
that somebody stuffed
in their pocket.
That's unfair.
Well, we've been
down this road before.
We're a team here...
a team that I think maybe
you're no longer a good fit for.
Not a good fit?
Come on, David,
I am Funnen Games.
What you are...
is fired.
All right, David,
I'm fired, you're fired.
We're all fired.
You're serious?
I'm taking the game.
No. You're not.
A laptop, then.
Also no.
It's time for you to go.
Thanks, David.
Ha ha.
Funnen Games, huh?
Who's having fun now?
Because I... I quit.
I just fired you. Just now.
No, a moment ago,
right in there.
No, no, you guys
heard it here first.
I just quit.
You heard it.
Who here is coming with me?
Nobody likes you!
Steven! Hi!
I'm early. I hope that's okay.
Or is it Stefan?
Is this your place?
Ooh, it's really nice.
Oh, of course it's your place.
Good one, Susie.
Shoes on or off?
I could just--
I'll could take them off.
I made a fruitcake.
Ooh, is that from India?
Well, okay.
Of course, as we mature,
it's not uncommon
to begin losing interest
in things
that once brought us joy.
So insightful.
But from the looks of it,
he seems to be
in pretty good spirits.
So what seems
to be the issue with him?
Right. The issue... is... um...
I think he might be... lonely.
Can be.
I mean, who isn't,
around the holidays, right?
But, um,
when I met you,
when he met you
at the dog park the other day,
I thought that
you seemed
like just the kind of guy
who could help us. Him.
With this.
What's that? Oh!
I didn't know
you were also an author.
Oh, and very photogenic.
That's not
the best photo.
So, so it's just the two of you
at home?
Yep. Single as a snowman.
I meant in terms of other pets.
Oh! Right. Of course. Yes.
I mean no. To other pets.
It's just us.
You do housecalls, right?
Well, well, well.
If it isn't Little Red
Walking Hood.
Not today, Mark.
Nice flower.
Did it come with a walker
and some fuzzy slippers?
Nice truck.
Did it come with an unearned
sense of self-confidence?
No. It came with a snowmobile.
Cool. You've got a bulb out.
I'm not talking
about your lights.
Third false alarm at
that beauty salon this month.
So weird.
And somehow always when
Mr. January is on shift.
I do one calendar...
Did one of them
ask for your number?
911, emergency hunk line.
She wanted info
on the charity event
for this Friday, okay?
Oh, mm-hmm.
Just a humble civil servant
bringing joy to the attractive
women of Spruce Grove.
Oh, so humble.
Somebody's gotta work
around here.
- Oh, yeah.
- Yeah.
What's going on
in that head of yours, old boy?
All right. One more time.
Go get it!
Not feeling it today,
huh, Arnold?
I get it.
Sometimes you want to be left
completely and utterly alone.
Thought I was the only one
who knew about this spot.
William. So did I.
Hey, would you be willing
to come down someday
and do a talk
at the animal shelter?
A talk?
Well, we get
so many impulse buyers,
especially at this time of year.
Pets as gifts.
Half of them come back
the next day.
It only hurts
the animals, you know?
It would mean the world
if you could just come down
and do a little seminar
on responsible adoption.
I'd have to check my...
I would need to...
Maybe after Christmas, then?
Oh, too many people, Arnold.
Too many people.
Oh, come on.
I don't like surprises.
Well, look, Tim,
you're 12 years old.
If you want to get out of
the friend zone with Stacey,
you might have to take her out
somewhere nice.
But it pays to be mature.
Hold on.
I gotta go.
My mom's calling me.
Nice meeting you.
Hi, honey. It's me!
I know. I can see your face.
Sort of.
Oh. I thought this was a call.
Oh. That's better! Hi.
How was your day?
Good. Nothing to report.
Okay, so I was wondering
if you had plans for dinner.
Oh, uh...
Luke has got a shift tonight,
and I was wondering if
I should set an extra pl--
What did I do?
You paused me.
What did I-- can you hear me?
I can hear you perfectly, Ma.
Can you hear me?
I can hear you.
I can hear you perfectly.
I wanted to know
if I should set an extra place.
- We're done here.
- I think I--
Ma! I'll be up in five!
Thirsty little fella.
Enjoy, Mom.
Thank you.
Oh! Thank you.
Are you free tomorrow?
'Cause I was talking
to your brother
about decorating the tree.
Uh, I'm going
to check my--
Schedule. Yeah, I know.
I know.
Funny how busy everybody gets
as soon as I mention Christmas.
Ma, uh...
I'll do it myself.
- You're not doing it yourself.
- Well, then who?
Who? We're six days
away from Christmas.
We're the only house on the
block without any decorations.
Mark's house--
Looks like a Vegas casino.
A very festive casino.
Oh, it's your brother.
Just in time for dinner.
What are the chances?
Ooh. Just in time for dinner.
What are the chances?
For you.
Oh, well, that's
a lovely thing to do.
Quick question.
Why do you come
to the front door
like you don't live
in the back yard?
Because I do not live
in the back yard.
That is an independent
single-family dwelling
with private access
that happens to be situated
at the rear of the property.
So the back yard.
It's better than the basement.
- That's temporary.
- Oh, yeah?
Is that why you were home
at 11:00 this morning?
Because you were house hunting?
00? What is the matter?
Are you sick?
I'm not sick. I'm not sick.
Hey, it's none of my business
if you want to ditch work
and play video games.
I wasn't ditching.
- Well, if he's home sick...
- I don't know...
I quit.
There that is. Enjoy.
Quit, or...?
What? We were all
thinking it.
It's a great job for you.
Why would you quit?
It wasn't a great job.
It wasn't a good fit.
Just going to
leave it there, okay?
Oh... kay.
That'll free you up
to decorate the tree.
Sure does.
Luke, you're up!
All right.
What is it? A fire alarm?
It's a door bell.
For the new place.
Ah, if you ever finish it.
You're going on, what,
five, six years now?
Eight months.
- Ten.
- There you go.
Look, it's a process.
There's lots of...
decisions, you know?
Colors, and textures...
Where to put the gym.
Oh, no, that goes
next to the pool table.
Are you building a home
or a frathouse?
Are you jealous, Chief?
No way. Being a grandpa
is the best.
I'll take one of these
over a thousand pool tables.
This is pure joy.
And diapers.
Oh, yeah, diapers.
And diapers.
Lots of diapers.
I'll stick
with the pool table.
- Yeah.
- To each, his own.
Yeah. That's a good choice.
Good idea.
So, is this, um...
is she a new client?
And she's very intense.
Says the guy who arranges
his socks by color gradient.
Okay, Dungeons and Dragons.
Okay, Pet Detective.
I am a pet therapist,
not a pet detective.
All righty, then.
I think it is
a very nice gesture.
A little Christmas spirit
is something we could use
a lot more of around here.
Speaking of which, Stephan,
are you free tomorrow?
I'm a few weeks late
swapping in the flannel bedding,
but otherwise...
Then you can help
decorate the tree.
I want one more Christmas
the way that it was
when you were little.
With everybody participating.
Music. Decorations.
Baking cookies,
the whole thing.
It's the first time
in as long
as I can remember
that we've all been
under the same roof.
Two roofs.
One roof. That's fine.
Could we...
Could we please try?
Ask Taylor.
He's the one who
makes everything impossible.
You're Mission: Impossible.
I'm what?
I'm Mission: Impossible?
What kind of comeback is that?
Oh, my...
you're both just impossible.
I'm sorry I brought it up.
- Proud of yourself?
- See that?
"Luke, I have no one else
to turn to.
Please take care
of Thomas for me.
I'll be back by Christmas.
I promise."
Who leaves a baby
at a firehall?
Well, someone who knew
you'd be here.
Looks like you're turning
that home gym
into a nursery, Daddy-o.
Okay, like I said ten times,
he's not mine.
- Yeah.
- Chief?
This is a first for me.
I mean, normally I'd say
call Child Services,
but at this time of night?
And your name is on the note.
Hey? Yeah.
What if the baby is yours?
What else could I do?
Are you sure he isn't yours?
Yes. Yes, I'm sure.
'Cause it would be all right.
I mean, some people might
actually be... excited about it.
Mom, Mom, Mom,
I am so sure. Okay?
Yeah, well, it's the middle
of the night.
Um, uh, he can stay here.
And we'll figure out
what to do in the morning.
Yeah, he can...
he can stay here with you?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
Thank you, Mom.
You did the right thing.
It's good. It's okay.
Thanks, Mom.
Oh, my. Hello.
Hopefully you get some sleep.
That's my mom.
Do you have a baby?
How long was I asleep?
I don't have a baby.
Someone left him
at the firehall last night.
It had my name
on the note, so...
You do have a baby.
Who has a baby?
Luke's got a baby.
I'm an uncle?
Well, isn't this shaping up
to be an unexpected Christmas?
How did that even happen?
Well, you see, Stephan,
when two people
love each other very much...
His name is Thomas.
And he is not your brother's.
Well, he does have your hair.
And your physique. Spongy.
He's a baby. He's not a toy.
Do you guys mind
letting the grown ups
talk for a second?
Mom, help?
Well, the right thing to do
would be to call Child Services,
but he is just so little,
and his mom trusted him
with you for a reason.
As one would the father.
I think this is
an act of desperation.
I have been there.
Single mom of three young sons,
there were plenty of times
I thought I just couldn't do it,
but I... I had family.
If it wasn't for
your Aunt Louise,
I don't know
what would have happened.
So it's five days
before Christmas.
He'll stay here,
and then if mom
doesn't come back as promised,
then we will go through
the proper channels.
Let's give her a chance.
There's a good boy.
Just a minute. It's my phone.
Yes, this is she.
Is she all right?
Um... yes.
Uh, thank you.
Louise is in Emergency
at Mount Royal.
She's had a fall.
Mom, go. You have to go.
Yeah, I know,
but there's... a baby.
Mom, Luke
saves lives for a living...
as far as I know.
A day of diapers
is not going to kill him.
You should go. You have to.
You gotta go, Mom.
well, every time he cries,
and then a good burp, yeah,
but check his diaper,
because sometimes
that is what it is.
And pick him up.
Hold him.
Babies need a lot of contact.
You hear this?
Lots of contact.
The bottle has to be checked,
because it should be warm,
but not too hot,
so you have to...
you have to test it.
What's this? Test it?
Honey, I know, it's a lot,
but you'll do okay.
Luckily, you have help.
- That's right.
- Yeah.
- Us?!
- What did we do?
We're family.
If it happens to one,
it happens to us all.
Look, it's just one day.
Take shifts.
Put that down and help.
And hopefully, you can
put up the tree, too.
- I love you.
- Love you, Ma.
- Thank you.
- Drive safe.
- Yes.
- Give Aunt Louise a hug, okay?
- I will.
- Okay, bye, Mom.
- Bye, Mom.
- Bye, Mom.
- All right, good luck with that.
- Good luck, pal.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
wait, guys, no, no, no, no.
I got work today.
I have a meeting I can't miss.
I need your help.
Mom said.
- I have a client.
- Good luck.
Taylor's free.
What? Why are you doing that?
- Well, what do you got?
- Yeah, what do you have?
- I have things.
- You have things?
My whole afternoon
is filled with things.
- Things?
- Yup.
Did you get fired again?
I don't know what that is.
Well, you're going
to figure it out.
So, you're a baby. That's cool.
How's that going?
What do babies do?
They do, uh...
probably what
you're doing right now.
Okay, so...
You like music?
What kind of music
you listen to?
I got some music for you.
Here you go.
Yeah, I'm not
that impressed myself.
Everybody loves magic.
See these?
I'm gonna make them disappear.
Pay attention.
Hold on, now.
You game?
Are you a gamer?
My man!
Now you're speaking my language.
I got the game for you, pal.
You ready for this?
This is high quality.
You're going to love this.
Buckle up.
Okay, you don't like that.
I'm so sorry. What have I done?
Turned on me quick, pal. Um...
No, no, no. That's not good.
What's happening? You hungry?
I got some food here.
There's food somewhere.
Here we go. This will do it.
Don't need
to turn the volume up.
I can hear you fine from here.
Thank you.
This will do it.
I know what this is.
Let's go to the store.
Yeah, I am
at the pickup spot.
Where are you?
20 minutes?
How does that even work?
You know what? Forget it.
Thank you.
How would you like
get on Santa's "nice list"
by lending me that wagon?
Sure. 50 bucks.
That's good. That's good.
Every generation's different.
On behalf of the entire
First Responders
Children's Foundation,
we can't thank you enough
for all the work you're
putting into this event.
Well, we lost one of our own
a few years ago.
I know his family has really
appreciated the support.
I'm just trying
to pay it forward.
So it's true,
not all heroes wear capes.
So this year,
the goal is 25,000.
In addition
to private donations,
we've got a truckload
of toys coming in,
and, of course,
the fan-favorite auction
to win dinner
with a firefighter.
Baby stuff?
Aisle one.
Oh, look at the little bubbie.
Wow. He's really
strapped in there.
How old is he?
That many years old?
You know anything
about baby food?
Oh, yeah. Depends
on what you're looking for.
Ready-to-feed, liquid
concentrate, or powdered?
Do you need calcium-fortified,
lactose-free, anti-reflux...
I'm gonna get them all.
Hey. Ooh. Uh...
Ahem. I think, uh...
I think he needs
a little diaper change.
Oh, no.
We may have
to evacuate the store.
Here it is! The home!
The homestead.
Where I reside.
Are you in fashion?
Uh, seamstress.
I have my own little company.
Sew Sue Me.
Oh, I wasn't judging.
Oh, no, that's
the name of the company.
Like, um, sew...
Ah, Susie.
So, I guess
you're eager to get started.
Would you like a footstool?
Is... anything else
I can get you?
Uh... Marcel?
Right! Of course!
Ooh, there's my baby!
Oh, there he is.
Hello, good sir.
So, where
would you like me to sit?
Uh... typically
I find it's best
if the client isn't aware
of the owner's presence.
It helps put them at ease.
Uh-huh. Uh-huh.
I'll just... be over here.
maybe a little further?
Oh, even just a shade more.
Like in the next room?
More like in the next house.
Say no more.
That's better.
Sir, we require customers
to pay for items
before using them,
so they don't...
So they don't what?
Take off
in their... getaway wagon?
I'm paying, okay?
Forgot my wallet.
I must have dropped it
when that other child
was robbing me.
Can I interest you
in a watch?
You look possessed.
What are you--
- Shh, shh, shh.
You have no idea
what I've seen today.
Okay, I think
you're being a little...
I have been sneezed on,
cried on,
spit up on,
as well as several other things
that I don't care to relive.
I was extorted
by a 10-year-old,
out of two different stores,
accused wrongfully of theft...
It's been, like, two hours.
Well, it feels like a lifetime,
If you'll excuse me, I've got
to go retrieve my watch.
- Your watch...
- Don't ask.
There's formula
in the cupboards.
He eats, like,
every seven seconds.
Okay, Mommy Dearest.
I think we'll be just fine.
Uncle Taylor is a little
dramatic, isn't he?
Come to me. Yes.
You come to me.
There he is.
Uncle Stephan's got you now.
What shall we do?
Zee world
is your little oyster, huh?
What shall we do?
Shall we bake
some Christmas cookies?
I have not attempted zis before
with a baby,
but how difficult
can it be, huh?
Well, I'm permanently
banned from that store.
I just wanted
to make some cookies.
And then he started crying,
and so I gave him
a bottle, and...
What are you
listening to?
It's the only thing that
would make him stop crying.
Well, the cookies are done.
- You gotta support the head.
- I am supporting the head.
If you weren't an actual giant,
there might be room for me.
- I have to support--
- Okay, okay, too close.
You're too close.
You're too close right now.
Tell you what,
you rinse, I support.
Okay. Oof.
There you go.
- You're doing good.
- There you go.
All right,
just check the temperature.
It's the same as it was before.
Just check the temperature!
Make sure
you check the temperature.
How's this?
Is that good?
Right temperature for you?
Grow up.
I am grown.
Oh, how did you get it
between your toes?
I leave you for one second
with this maniac.
"Maniac," says the guy
banned from the supermarket.
That's not my fault.
Children shouldn't be allowed
in grocery stores.
And by "children,"
you're referring to yourself?
You're so superior, huh?
My whole life.
You just think
you're better than me.
Yeah, at not getting banned
from grocery stores? Yeah.
Let's just... get him out.
Good, there we go.
- You ready?
- Yeah.
- You ready?
- Yes.
Okay. One, two, three.
There we go.
Nice and easy, buddy.
Nice and easy.
Don't worry about the floors.
All clean.
That wasn't so bad.
I mean, for you.
It looked like
you were struggling,
but I had a great time.
There you go.
What are you talking about,
You do the cleanup.
We'll be over here.
Come on.
This one? You want that?
Good. Great.
How does somebody abandon
a child at Christmas?
Dad would know.
We don't talk about that
in this house, do we?
We don't talk about anything.
We don't know
the whole story.
You imagine trying to do this
on your own day in, day out?
I'm exhausted.
You're exhausted?
I can't remember
the last time that I ate.
I don't think
I've showered today.
Or sat down, or...
Clean, feed, clean,
it's like the Twilight Zone.
Just one minute of me time,
just to get in touch
with myself.
Is that too much to ask?
These clothes
need to be incinerated.
Uhh! Aw!
Aw, I can taste it!
Uh... no.
Uh, why?
No more.
Are you okay?
That's not natural.
There's something wrong.
Did you buy adult diapers?
Probably. Yeah.
...people just fill their houses
with all sorts of absolute...
I agree.
I wholeheartedly agree.
Baby's First Ornament?
It's not really my thing.
No, it's not my thing.
It is his first Christmas.
It's not like it's not cute.
It's not not cute.
There we go.
There it is.
Does that feel okay?
Pull it away... oh...
That's your foot?
I didn't know
they made 'em that size.
That's your foot
that's so cute.
- Whose is this small?
- So cute.
Fiona. Hi.
- Hi.
- Hi.
We're just, uh,
making Christmas ornaments.
I can see that.
Do you want to introduce me
to your baby, or...?
Oh, that's not mine.
No, it's, uh...
we're actually not sure.
You know you can't
take those, right?
There are... laws.
It's Luke's.
May... maybe?
Luke, uh, maybe has a baby.
Hey, so, yesterday.
That was crazy.
I had to quit, right?
I mean, come on.
Is that how
we're describing it?
Now your team is left scrambling
to fill the hole you left.
Thanks for blowing that up.
You always do manage
to find a way.
Anyhoo, enjoy your crafting.
She's so cool.
Remind me
why you dumped her again?
I didn't.
Ah. Yeah, that makes sense.
This thing is awesome.
- Uh-huh.
- No hands!
What's up, ding-dongs?
Nice job with the lights!
There's no...
there's no lights up.
That's--that's the joke!
Yeah, thanks, Mark.
Good one.
That's all I came to say,
so I'm going to get going.
- Okay.
- Great.
- Ma, hi.
- Is that Mom?
- How's Aunt Louise?
- When's she coming home?
Will you please back up?
Well, put it on speaker.
Personal space.
Hold on, wait.
- What?
- What?
- No.
- What?
They took it well. Ish.
You do not have
to spend the night.
The doctors
are just being cautious.
You have a concussion.
And you have a baby
to look after.
They're three grown men.
Sort of.
When I called, Stephan
and Taylor were together,
which is... rare.
This might be good for them.
They were so close when they
were little, the three of them.
And then Gary left,
everything changed.
They just closed off
from each other.
Sometimes we forget
how much we need one another.
Thank you for being here.
It's what we do.
Imagine having
no one to turn to,
and your only option
is a fire station.
It's heartbreaking.
I want to be
that someone for her,
so that she knows
she's not alone.
We all deserve second chances.
Especially at Christmas.
We do.
It says right here.
Insert hex bolt A
into socket C.
Oh, insert hex...
oh, that's the lower C tube.
Okay. Upper C tube.
Wait a minute.
You have a degree.
How are you struggling
to read simple instructions
that are...
I don't like this.
It's like they want you
to throw things.
Where's Luke?
He said that he would...
He's asleep!
What do we do?
I don't know.
Honeys, I'm home!
What a day!
Baby's crying.
Hours we spent
trying to get
this baby to sleep...
And you come waltzing in
from who knows where,
at all hours of the night...
It's 7:30.
I had a... a thing.
Oh, you had a thing.
- Oh.
- He had a thing.
He had a thing.
He had a thing.
Interesting. What was her name?
- What?
- You heard us.
What was her name?
Okay, where's Mom?
Oh, she's with
Aunt Louise for the night.
Doctor's orders.
Which you would know
if you responded to a single
text message from us, ever.
They're just usually
annoying cat GIFs.
How dare you?
Those are absolutely adorable.
Don't let him get to you.
I know.
Why don't you two
take a breather before you,
I dunno, evaporate?
It's just a baby.
- Just a baby.
- Just a baby.
Hear that? He's just a baby.
Just a baby.
-"Just a baby," he says.
You'll see.
Jingle bells
Jingle bells, jingle bells
There we are. Perfect. Hey!
What's happening here?
...put these in here...
What is this?
Are you baking?
And singing?
I had a little time after
my workout this morning,
so I figured
I'd whip up some cookies.
Well, well, well,
I can't wait to see what...
What's happening here?
Did you bake? Did he bake?
Did you bake?
Why aren't they burnt?
Why isn't the baby crying?
Why aren't you crying?
We warmed him up for you.
Talk to us after
you've changed a--
Already have.
Well, good luck with--
Bottled, burped,
and bathed, boys.
Oh, and I assembled
that swing.
I'm going to run these
down to the station.
Spread a little
Christmas cheer.
You guys just relax.
Isn't that right?
We're going to go down there
and say hi to everyone?
Give them some cookies?
Let's get you
nice and safe in here.
That's right.
Uncle Luke's got this.
Everything okay?
Oh, it's just...
I thought it might be
about the baby.
The baby?
Oh, uh... not mine.
I'm... we're just looking after
him for a few days until...
Is this one of your methods?
Should I hide too?
Uh, no. No, it's not...
No, I'm hoping that that man
over there won't see me.
Trouble with the IRS?
One time, my sister...
What? No.
No, he works
at the local animal rescue.
He wants me to do a talk
on responsible pet adoption.
Oh. Well, you should!
You'd be great.
No, I wouldn't...
be great.
I'm not, I'm not good
with, uh, people.
Or person, singular.
People are very unpredictable,
and I'm not a big fan
of surprises.
Sorry, I'm not laughing at you.
It's just nice to know
that I'm not
the only one who...
I know I can be a lot sometimes.
Um, I talk a lot
when I'm nervous,
happy, or sad.
All the time, really.
When I was younger, they
called me jittering Susie,
because I would never sit still,
and my mom was always telling me
to be quiet,
but nope, I was just
talk, talk, talk, talk,
like... like what I'm doing
right now.
Yeah, we're not, uh,
anything alike.
Yeah. Nope. I guess not.
Ah! He's back!
Have you had a chance
to think about my offer?
You work with animals, right?
Well, I have
a question for you.
Do you know anything
about flea control?
'Cause I know this labradoodle
who is so itchy...
And all this time,
I imagined you'd be
in this big old house
all by yourself.
Oh, he's... he's not...
Looks like his papa!
There's no baby.
He's not... I'm just...
I'm looking after him
for someone.
I see.
Yeah. What do you think?
What do you think? Huh?
Imagine a tree
right there.
Stockings hung.
Blazing fire.
Laughter. Music. Family.
Yeah, makes a big house
not seem so small.
It's good to see you, man.
You guys are crushing it
over at Funnen.
- Oh...
- Word on the street
is Limitless Horizon
is gonna blow the doors off.
- Oh.
- Did you do the interface?
Who else?
Humble too.
We could use
a homerun like you.
How do I clone you? Hmm?
Well, it's funny
you mention that, Christian,
because, uh...
you may not have to.
Yeah, if you're looking...
Uh, no, it's nothing.
It's, um...
If I bring you on board,
it's a little like
tossing a brick
in a washing machine.
It throws off the balance,
is all.
Yeah, of course.
But more specifically?
Moire specifically, um,
you are...
a wrecking ball.
I mean, I love you, man, I do,
but you know
how you are.
Yeah. Mm-hmm. I know me.
- You know you. Yeah.
- Yeah.
I'll get the beers, though. Definitely.
- Thank you. I appreciate that.
- Mm-hmm.
All right,
well, that's everything.
We're honored
to be helping out
the fundraiser again.
If there's
anything else you need,
just say the word.
Oh, this is perfect.
Thanks so much.
Oh, boy.
Some people really gotta keep
a better eye on their kids.
All right. Well, thanks again.
Okay, bye.
All right, bud.
- Finally!
- Where were you?
- Did something happen to...
- Shh!
You're like two old ladies.
Well, when you don't hear
from somebody all day...
We were worried.
We had no idea...
We were worried. No idea.
Okay, okay.
We went to the house.
Picked up some toys.
Got some groceries.
You feel like Greek?
I'm cooking.
Like I said,
Uncle Luke's got this.
Who is this guy?
How's little Thomas doing?
Uh... Luke?
Yes, Stephan?
Whose baby is this?
Ha ha.
Don't you think that
that joke's a little played out?
No, for real.
Whose baby is this?
that's not ours.
Again, I am so sorry
for the mixup.
Could have happened
to anyone, right?
No. This is a first.
Relax, boys.
Uncle Luke's got this one.
Oh, come on,
you're just chapped
because you couldn't hack it
for two hours on your own.
I make one little mistake--
You lost a baby.
Kinda like you, but with jobs.
Could you guys
knock it off?
It could be very traumatic
for babies to hear
mom and dad argue.
Or dad and dad.
Or dad and dad and dad.
He started it.
Do that again.
Oh, like this?
Ooh, yeah,
you're a firefighter.
Oh, super!
Mom's favorite decoration.
What did you do?
I didn't do that.
- You did that.
- No, you did that.
You half-Nelsoned me.
Hi, Mom!
- Hi, Mom!
- Oh, hey, Mom!
Hi! Oh...
This is a lovely surprise.
is that the baby?
What's wrong?
Were you fighting?
Can I... can I see him?
Nope, we're not fighting.
No, no, no.
No, no, the baby's fine.
Yep. That's definitely him
and not some random baby
Luke grabbed from the toy store.
Mom, so, how are the roads?
Doesn't look
like you're in a car.
How's Aunt Louise?
She's getting better.
Hi, sweetheart.
I'm afraid she won't
be joining us this year,
and I don't know
how to say this,
but the pass is closed,
so I'm... stuck here too.
We're here, Mom.
I'm sorry.
I just wanted this Christmas
to be special for once,
but I don't know
if we'll be back in time
to celebrate at all,
and you're alone
with a baby.
This is a disaster.
Mom, no, no, no, no, no.
Mom, Mom, Mom.
Don't do this.
Okay? Don't do this.
We'll figure it out.
We got this.
Right? We got this.
- Yep.
- We got it.
Yeah, we got this.
Well, just, um...
try to get along.
Call me if you need anything.
I'll keep the phone nearby.
All right?
Love you, Mom.
- Love you, Ma.
- Yeah, love you.
Bye, Mom. Love you.
This is bad.
This is so bad.
Oh, come on.
What do you care?
I'll be handling everything.
As usual.
As usual?
Yes, as usual.
We've been looking
after him the whole day.
Guys! Guys! Hey!
Look at this guy.
Look at this baby.
Look at this boy.
He's all alone.
He's got nobody.
On Christmas!
We're all he has,
and you guys are arguing
about... I don't even know what.
None of us
have done a good job
of looking after this little guy
on our own.
None of us.
So, new plan.
Starting tomorrow
until Mom gets back,
it's all hands on deck.
Okay? We're doing this together.
For baby.
Got it?
I remember this
being a lot cooler
when I was a kid.
Everything was cooler
when we were kids.
That's 'cause
there's nothing here...
except for homemade
cranberry sauce
and parents
looking for the exit.
I didn't hear
any better ideas.
Trampoline park
was not a better idea.
Neither was
ride in a firetruck.
Oh, says you.
What do people
even do with babies?
They're like
potatoes with arms.
We're here to replace
the statue you guys broke.
Look, guys...
it's still here.
No. No.
We're not taking this baby
ice skating.
Come on.
We gotta at least
check it out.
Fi. Fiona. Hey.
- Hey.
- Hey, what's up?
Twice in two days.
What luck.
You here alone?
Actually, I'm on a date.
With my niece.
Well, it looks like you've got
a whole hockey team now.
It's tough to get the skates
on his little feet,
but once you do... Gretzky.
Did you go skating already?
Uh, no.
I forgot my gloves, actually.
Take mine.
Oh... no. That's okay.
Come on.
You drove all the way here.
Paid a dollar for parking.
Just take 'em.
Uh, thank you.
I guess I will
get these back to you somehow.
It's no problem.
Have fun.
- Don't.
- Yeah, no.
It's just, you know,
you guys were good together.
You ever think about
patching things up?
She thinks I'm a loudmouth,
self-centered, with no regard
for anybody but myself.
This is where we're
supposed to disagree?
Wouldn't hurt.
Wouldn't hurt.
Don't be so hard
on yourself, man.
You got a lot
of good qualities too.
I appreciate that.
You're going to be able
to jump like that one day.
You won't be smiling
like that
when all your teeth fall out.
You're right.
I'll be smiling like this.
Oh, man.
You guys remember doing this
when we were kids?
Mom still talks about that day.
Ah, I remember it
like it was yesterday.
It was freezing out.
What sizes do these come in?
...parked at the far end
of the parking lot...
For baby.
...gymnastics, and I'm, like,
limping along,
trying to get here,
Mom's hustling us along,
Taylor's crying...
Merry Christmas, baby
You should have seen me now
I said Merry Christmas, baby
You should have seen me now
Buy me a tambourine
for Christmas
You know, today was...
It was kind of nice.
I wouldn't go that far.
Maybe he'll go to bed.
Come here. Come here, bud.
You know, you guys aren't
half bad to hang out with.
Maybe we could do it again.
I mean,
not the Christmas Market.
That was actually
a pretty great idea.
Oh, hey, Tay.
Feeling the Christmas.
I mean, yeah.
Why not?
Maybe this year.
For baby.
Of course, yeah.
- For baby.
- For baby.
It's not. It's called sterilization.
No, you don't need to boil it.
You have to boil it.
You're going to burn
the baby's lips.
I'm not going to burn the baby.
What, do you boil your hands
before you hold the baby?
- If I could...
- Oh, I know you would.
I didn't even know
we were supposed to wash it.
- Aw...
- Aw...
- Oh...
- Come on.
How did Mom even do it?
There's three of us,
and we're lost.
Yeah, she had three.
She still has three.
She cooks, she cleans...
Not all the time.
And not one complaint.
That's true. Never.
And what have we
ever given her in return?
But we can.
What do you say
we finally give Mom
the Christmas she deserves?
Starting with a better tree.
Oh, that's a good one.
Look at the structure, coverage.
Absolutely not.
That's like volunteering
to bring wine
to Christmas dinner
and then showing up
with a zinfandel blend.
Okay, well, then, why don't
you tell us which one,
Mr. Christmas?
The noble fir, my noble sirs,
is the noblest of noble...
fir sure.
Did you just make that up?
Yeah, we're not doing that.
You guys remember
that fake tree
Mom used to haul out every year?
And the time we made
Taylor wear it for Halloween.
What ever happened
to that tree?
You rolled down the hill
behind the school.
You snapped all the branches.
You remember
jamming it back into the box,
and then Mom pulling it out
that Christmas
and then losing her mind on us?
No, it was Dad.
- It was Mom.
- No, it was Dad.
It was the year he left.
It was Mom.
Yeah, he's right.
Hey, why don't we
let Thomas decide?
Okay, buddy?
Blink once for fir,
twice for spruce.
11 times for pine.
Yeah. Yeah.
What up, nerds?
If it isn't
the three Scrooges.
If you need any decorating tips,
let me know.
Channel 7's three-time champ,
Spirit of Christmas.
What's up?
No big deal.
Spirit of what?
What, do you live under a rock?
Every year, they pick
five houses
to decide what's most festive.
This year, the prize
is a cruise.
That's rad.
Looks like I'll be
in Turks and Caicos
sunnin' my buns off.
You turkeys will be here
freezing your baubles off.
Is that it? We done?
Yeah, that was it.
That guy was
bad enough in high school.
For once, I would love
to shove him in a locker.
Or worse.
Maybe we can.
You know who's never
been on a cruise before?
It's a little too busy. Right?
Yeah, there's too much
going on.
Gaudy. It's too much.
That's nice. Classy.
Understated. Tells a story.
White. Predominantly white.
This is everything I got.
We're decorating a house,
not re-enacting
the fall of Rome.
- Okay, okay. Easy, now.
- Whoa. Whoa.
Okay, easy.
This is a safe creative space.
All ideas welcome.
All right? I say
we start with a theme.
Medieval Christmas.
Anyone? Theme?
Medieval Christmas.
Anyone? Anyone at all?
Medieval Christmas.
Christmas Christmas?
- Oh...
- What are you doing here?
- Hi.
- Hi.
Uh, I just
was in the neighborhood,
so I came to return your gloves.
I don't want to disturb
your battle
for Middle Earth.
We're plotting
to overthrow Mark
in a Christmas
decorating competition
to win our mother a cruise.
Hmm. Mark?
From high school?
Wasn't he the one
who was constantly
shoving you into lockers?
if you got any
cool decorating ideas,
Medieval Christmas
is being strongly considered.
Oh. Yeah,
I just really just came to...
Okay. That's okay.
Have you ever seen
those dancing light displays?
I have.
My mom has one.
So just for fun, last year,
I re-wrote the software,
and I could come in
and quickly...
create one for you.
Please. Yes.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Is, uh... Stephan here,
by any chance?
Yes, he is.
Come on in!
- Okay.
I love your helmet.
Thank you.
Stephan, you got company.
- Okay.
- Hi, Fi.
Hi. Um...
- What are you...
- Oh, I was in the neighborhood,
and I remember you saying that
you were looking after a baby,
and I know how hard that can be,
well, I don't know personally.
I mean, I don't have children.
Not that I'm
not interested in kids.
I have a friend
that has two sets of twins,
and I thought
you might be hungry,
so I made this casserole.
- Oh.
You weren't home,
the door was open,
so I... I came over,
and I just made my...
Is that a noble fir?
The noblest of firs...
fir sure.
Ha! Clever.
- He's...
- Were you saying something?
We were just about to decorate.
I'll put this in the oven.
In the oven.
I love casserole.
Okay, everybody.
Drumroll, please...
Ooh, drumroll...
Three... two... one!
Let the celebration commence!
You hear that, fellas?
- You know what this means.
- No, that's not what it means.
- What's happening?
- Let's do this.
- No.
- Oh, yes, it is.
It's been 30 years.
Can't do it without you, pal.
What's happening?
I hate you guys.
Oh! Mm.
Star jump!
Oh, well done. Yes.
I mean...
- We still got it.
- I apologize.
To the right,
to the right, actually.
A little more.
Little... little... little more.
A little bit to the left.
Little more.
Just a tad more.
That's good.
Hey, sport.
You looking for someone?
Uh... is Mike here?
No, he's out on a call.
Can I help you with something?
I just needed to talk to him.
It's okay.
Wait a sec. Adam?
Man! It's been a few years.
you look just like your dad.
He was a legend.
Just hang tight, okay?
I'm going to give Mike a call,
see if I can get an ETA.
Come in and sit down.
So much for 10 a.m. sharp.
Yeah, I bet that's him.
"Running behind.
You guys start without me."
Well, he better catch up quick.
Why, in case
security spots you?
That and we need his truck.
For what?
'Cause we're buying that.
Someone left
a baby here for me,
and in between diaper changes,
I baked.
So that's kind of
where I'm at these days.
So, you have a baby?
Well... sort of.
He's not mine.
Someone left you a baby,
and it's not yours?
What is this, 20 questions?
Whose is it, then?
We're still trying
to figure that one out.
I thought my life was hard.
It's true.
The little guy's
been through a lot already.
It just doesn't seem fair.
You know, what he doesn't know
is the extraordinary impact
he's made
on everyone around him.
How he's changed
the way I see things.
You know, sometimes
the hard things in life,
they open doors
to something beautiful.
Maybe that's... that's
the silver lining to pain.
On the other side of it
is immense joy...
and you can't have one
without the other.
I don't like
my mom's new boyfriend.
And I miss my dad.
Me too.
But I guess I could
give him a chance.
He can't be any worse
than these cookies.
I don't know.
Maybe he got pulled
into some sort of...
Don't make excuses.
We just hauled a nativity
all the way home
on the top of a cab.
I'm aware, but...
Aw, guys, I'm so sorry
I'm late. I know.
Late? You've been
gone the whole day.
Isn't your fundraiser
in an hour?
Why even come home?
I had a... I had a...
A what, man? A what?
A kid came to the firehall,
and I had to drive him home.
You know what?
Save it. Save it.
Everybody else
is always more important.
As usual, your family
is just an afterthought.
- An afterthought?
- Yup.
Are you kidding me?
Since the day Dad left,
who stepped up
to fill his shoes?
Who did mom rely on
to pick up the groceries?
To mow the lawn.
To make sure you
got home safe from school?
It wasn't Stephan.
He locked himself
in his bedroom.
And it sure wasn't you.
You were too busy
getting into trouble
with your little friends.
Who picked you up
from the principal's office
and helped with your homework?
Who packed your lunch
when Mom was under water?
And she was always under water.
I show up for everyone.
For Mom.
For you. For the community.
For this baby.
The only one
I don't show up for is me.
I do nothing for me.
I can't even
finish a house for me!
It's always for everybody else.
You two included.
You're right.
Yep, you're right.
This is stupid.
Stupid to think that
you and I could work together.
- Come on.
- Go play your video games.
- I'm out.
- Come on.
Go play video games?
Yeah, I might.
Go ahead. Check out.
That's what you do
when things get real.
- Sometimes. Cheers, guys.
- Just walk away.
- Good luck.
- Tay, come--
Was that really necessary?
I gotta go get ready.
We got 23, now, now, now 25.
Come on, now,
let's dig deep now.
We've got Hernandez.
He's lean and mean.
He's a firefighting machine!
Come on, now. Do we got $2,500?
$2,500 going once.
To the lady in the front row!
Make sure he's home by midnight.
The good news, sir,
is that...
you are...
And don't you
let anybody tell you...
What is that?
What's on your chest?
What have I done to you?
Oh, um...
I just don't think
this is going to work out.
I wrote the code,
I stayed after hours,
and I risked my job
letting you back in here,
and now you've bailed
on the whole thing?
Why did you even come?
I'm sorry.
The guy is impossible.
What else was I supposed to do?
This whole thing
was supposed to be for your mom,
and now somehow
you've made it all about you.
I have a team working
every day until New Year's
because I'm one short.
It's the lights, it's the game,
it's everything.
You wonder why
you and I never worked out?
It's because
you're the impossible one.
It's you.
I'm sorry.
- I gotta go.
- Yeah.
I'm sorry. I know.
I gotta go.
We have raised over $27,000.
Before we resume,
I'd like to take the time
to acknowledge the man
who put this all together
and made this all possible,
Luke Brenner.
Come on up here. Come on! Yes!
Good job, Luke!
This man is
a real-life superhero.
So, in conjunction with
the township of Spruce Grove,
we would like to honor you
with an award
for your extraordinary service
and contributions.
Thank you.
Maybe a few words
from the man himself?
Thank you, Alison.
Thank you, everybody. Wow.
This is, uh...
This is...
this is special.
Um... I'm so sorry.
I... I have to go.
Apologies. I'm so sorry.
Uh, thank you.
Thank you, everybody.
Luke Brenner, everyone!
Hey, where is he?
Is he with a doctor?
Did they say anything?
What did they say?
Uh, I don't know.
He... he had a rash,
and it started spreading,
and I...
Well, I'm afraid
I have some bad news.
This baby is in need...
of a serious diaper change.
He's... perfectly healthy.
It's just a tooth!
- Yeah.
- Oh!
How does that
even work? A tooth?
Yeah, it happens all the time.
So, which one of you
is the... father?
Uh... none of us.
We're just taking care of him
for a friend.
Just for a few days.
- Yeah.
- Yep.
Wow. Three grown men
and a baby, huh?
You can't write this stuff,
can you?
Well, he looks like
he's in good hands.
Merry Christmas.
Thank you, Doctor.
Merry Christmas.
Oh, and good luck
nailing that Mark guy
to the wall.
He seems like
a real piece of work.
Well, she was very thorough.
A tooth!
- You're okay.
- You got a tooth.
Sorry for the... for the scare.
I saw the rash, and I...
and I panicked.
Hey, yo, man,
you did the right thing.
I don't know what
I would have done if...
in that situation.
Yeah, me either.
I'm just glad
the little man's okay.
Guys, I, uh...
I said some things earlier.
Don't... yeah, don't.
You were right.
I'm no good. I, uh...
when things get real,
I do, I blow it up.
It's true.
Who am I to judge,
though, you know?
I spend so much time
trying to please everybody else,
I just... I become resentful,
and... and lash out.
I'm sorry.
I want to be there
for you guys.
You are. You are there.
And you were.
Yeah, hey... yeah.
You stepped up
when you never
should have had to.
And I, um...
I think I took it out on you
because suddenly
you were the closest thing
that we had...
to him...
and, um... um...
I do have a tendency to
put my anger in the wrong place,
and for that, I'm truly sorry.
You know, we all cope
in our own ways.
You said it. I hid.
I'm still hiding.
I'm not proud of that.
But, you know, you needed
a brother, and not--
We needed a dad.
- Yup.
- We needed a dad,
and I'm so mad
that we didn't have that.
We've got so much
to be thankful for.
You know that.
We've got the best mom.
- Yeah.
- True.
- The best.
- The best. Yeah.
And we have each other.
Maybe that's all we need.
This contest is tomorrow.
Do we, uh...
we still think we have a shot
at this thing, or what?
But we got a lot of work to do.
Are you guys in?
Make way for his majesty,
King Thomas the fragrant!
- Bottle!
- Bottle!
Thank you, sir.
There we go.
Wow, boys,
this is looking great.
Not bad.
You know, at the risk
of sounding corny...
- No, no, no.
- Don't. Don't do it.
...I missed you guys,
and, uh, I love you.
All right, I love you too.
I love you three.
To teamwork.
- To the Brenner boys...
- To the boys.
- ...back together.
- Again.
And to kicking Mark's
annoying little...
Hold that thought.
The contest ends tonight,
and it looks like Mark
is going next level.
We're going to need
to call in some favors.
There's a lot
of people out there!
And by "a lot," I mean...
Don't look outside.
Okay, this is
the best I could do
in little time,
but I hope something fits.
Oh, you're a lifesaver. Okay.
I want to thank you again
for, uh...
doing this.
I'm doing this for your mom.
Fair. Fair.
Are you sure
the panel can handle this?
Mike? Where are you?
10? Okay. Great.
We'll see you soon.
Yeah, we're here. Ready.
Okay, kids.
It's almost show time.
Hello and welcome
to the Channel 7 news
annual "Spirit of Christmas"
We're here
at our final stop of the week
to see if Mark LaClark
can defend his Channel 7
Spirit of Christmas crown
for a fourth time,
and there he is now.
Oh, he's motioned for quiet.
Let's see what
he has up his sleeve.
Welcome, everybody!
It's awesome, isn't it?
Look at this!
Humble or not,
I'd say this competition
is officially...
The truck is here.
Uh... uh...
I don't know, guys.
I don't know.
I don't think I can do this.
I think maybe I...
I think I need to...
We do this together,
or we don't do it at all.
Yup, he's right.
Not doing it without you.
We just have
to stand there, right?
Looks like we have
a last-minute entry
into the competition...
out of the dark
to challenge LaClark.
Will they miss the mark
or hit it out of the park?
Hit it.
- What happened?
- Do something!
Sorry, guys. I...
I'm gonna try and fix it.
Yeah. Yeah.
Get it on. Yeah.
We are the three wise men,
who have come to visit
mother Mary
...Joseph. It's Joseph.
I got you.
- Joseph.
We don't have
a Joseph, do we?
Who is away,
tending to his sheep.
We got gifts for the boy...
King. He's a king.
He's a king.
Yes, we have! Gold...
and some other gifts...
And, um...
Any time you want
to jump in here, Stephan.
We are three kings!
Aren't we wise men?
Oh... oh.
- It's okay.
- And, uh...
You got this. Yes.
Feel it.
And we have come to Bethlehem
from afar.
Under the light...
of this star!
Wow! pay homage
to the king.
And unto this child
we offer gifts: gold,
frankincense, and myrrh.
And we shall kneel before him...
Kneel. Give me the baby.
...and we shall rejoice
in the glory...
of the king!
And a Merry Christmas to all,
and to all a good night!
Yeah, that's worse.
Silent night
Holy night
All is calm
All is bright
Sleep in heavenly peace
Well, folks, safe to say
we have a clear winner here.
Let's hear it for...
Mark LaClark!
By an absolute country mile!
Hey, LaClark.
It was really good.
Yeah, thanks.
Yours was kinda confusing.
But the performances...
were sick.
Appreciate that.
Tell you what,
I'm going to go get my prize.
talk to my fans.
I got a keg of eggnog.
Imma go crush some pints.
What do you say?
Yeah, we'll do that.
Thanks, man.
Yeah. Yeah, man, we're in.
I'm going on a cruise!
What you guys have done...
this is a beautiful
Christmas Eve gift.
Well, just happy
to have you back, Mom.
- Aw.
- Yeah.
This is amazing.
Thomas! My baby.
Oh, my baby.
Oh, I love you so much.
Oh, I missed you.
I know what you must
think of me.
I moved here right before
Thomas was born.
I have no one.
Trying to find work
has been so difficult.
I was terrified
I might lose my apartment.
I've been upside down.
I panicked.
I just needed a few days
to sort out my life.
And I did.
You have nothing
to be ashamed about.
You needed help,
you asked for it,
and we are so glad that you did.
Can I...
Can I ask you... why me?
You were the first to arrive
when I went into labor.
I was home alone,
and baby was coming fast...
Of course I remember you.
I guess we both look a little
different at the moment.
You were so incredible.
So calm and gentle.
You didn't leave my side.
You were so brave.
You know, I've thought about
that day a thousand times.
About you, about the baby.
That boy brought something
beautiful into this house.
We should get going.
All right.
Do you... do you mind if...
if we say goodbye?
Of course.
Hey, little buddy.
We had so much fun with you.
It's been good
getting to know you.
Hope to see you later, pal.
Don't forget to write.
You want this outfit?
I'm going to miss you, bud.
Yeah. Hi.
Come visit, okay?
We love you.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, we feel the exact same.
Oh, this is so...
this is just...
this is an extraordinary gift.
I just love it.
Thank you.
It was Luke's idea.
No, no, no, no, no, it's...
it was all of ours.
No. I mean, you...
the costumes was him,
and that was pretty genius.
Well, it's, um...
it's not just the photo,
which is extraordinary,
but it's all of this.
This... this is the gift.
It's Christmas morning...
and you're not fighting.
It was never
about the decorations
or the cookies, or the music.
It was about us
feeling whole again.
I am very blessed
in my sons.
Thank you.
It's a very merry Christmas.
Aw, come here.
Merry Christmas, Mom.
Come here.
- Everybody get in.
- Get up.
Merry Christmas, Mom.
Merry Christmas.
Love you.
Merry Christmas.
Happy almost New Year.
Uh, I finally did that talk
at the animal shelter.
Wow! That's great!
Well, come in!
Tell me about it.
Uh, well, I thought
after my triumph
with the nativity thing
the other night,
that I was healed.
Uh, turns out I am not.
I, uh, sort of passed out
midway through.
Oh, my gosh.
Are you all right?
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah... ish.
I hit the ground pretty hard.
Um, anyway,
what I realized
is that maybe
some things never heal,
and maybe that's all right.
Maybe we just
need to find the right people
to walk through them with.
The other day, I said that
you and I were nothing alike,
and that's not true.
I... I find myself...
completely enraptured by you.
after a morning like I had,
I would go home and hide,
bury my head,
but today, all I could think of
was I just wanted to see you.
You make me
not want to hide away.
In fact, you make me--
Well, then.
It's hopeless.
There's no way we're going
to be ready in time for launch.
Not if you
keep getting sidelined
helping people
who don't deserve it.
People like me
who are rude, selfish...
- Thank you, Kevin.
- Mm-hmm.
Kevin's right.
I have not been a good teammate,
and for that, I am truly sorry.
To all of you.
Somehow when things
are going really well,
I find a way to sabotage it.
I think it's because I'm scared
of being let down, or left.
I don't know.
I'm still working it out,
but I do know
I don't want to do that anymore,
because it's cost me
the one person
I've ever truly loved.
Fiona, I don't deserve you.
But if you'll let me,
I would like
to help you finish this game
and then take you
out for dinner.
I think I can afford it.
I do have my job back.
I will not
make the same mistake again.
I promise you this.
I was, um...
I thought you might...
you might want this.
Thomas might want this.
Thank you.
You didn't have to--
I wanted to.
Look, if you ever need
any help with Thomas,
I'd love to--
- Thank you.
I know what it's like
to carry the world.
Constantly feeling like
you're falling short
or letting someone down.
I can't even imagine
the added pressure
of trying to be a mother.
I just want you to know that...
you're not alone.
Would you like
to come in and see him?
Yeah, I'd like that.
Not bad.
You made it!
- I did.
- Come on in.
You finally
got your house done.
Wine time!
- Madam?
- Thank you.
Look who's here,
I brought something.
Well, not for you.
What's up, bro?
Oh, man!
Soph! Come check this out!
- Come on. Come on.
- That is too cute.
- Can I see that?
- Look at this.
- Bring him in here.
- All right.
- Ready for this, Thomas?
- Oh, wow.
- Get ready.
- Okay, you ready?
- Aw!
- There you go.
Now it's official, bud.
Thank you. It's perfect.
Oh, you hear that, fellas?
I think you know
what that means.
Can't wait.
Just don't make
direct eye contact.