Through the Glass Darkly (2020) Movie Script

Through the Glass Darkly (2020)
They say that time is relative.
"MISSING Lily Glass"
When you have kids time speeds up.
They're born, they grow up,
then you blink,
and they're gone.
- You know me so well.
- You all right?
I'm fine, just a little tired is all.
Live like tomorrow ain't coming
and yesterday ain't happened.
- That's my motto.
- Hell yeah.
Hey Cricket, turn that up.
Elodie Carmichael, granddaughter of
Mama's Whiskey founder,
Sherry "Mama" Carmichael,
has officially been
declared a missing person.
The young teen was last
seen on Ridgewood Road,
..near Elrod Lake late yesterday.
It's happening again.
Hey, where is she?
Anyone with information, please
contact the sheriff's department.
- Sorry about that.
- You're all right, sugar.
Hey Cricket, gimme another.
I better go. Don't
worry about the change.
Excuse me, I just
had a situation walk in.
I need to see the sheriff.
Look, Charlie, I already
told you we'd contact you
if something new comes in, all right?
Excuse me.
Jennings County Sheriff's Office.
I'm done waiting.
Alright Charlie, let me
see what I can do, all right?
Excuse me.
She's back again.
- Oh, Christ, no.
- Hey, Walker.
- Another girl missing.
- Look, I'm sorry.
And you still don't wanna
- talk to me?
- Ma'am, ma'am.
Oh, I see.
- I bet if my name.
- Ma'am, excuse me.
Was Carmichael, you'd be
looking for my daughter,
- right?
- Please lower your voice.
- Calm down.
- Why won't you people help me?
Listen, I'm trying, if you-
Don't touch me!
I got this, I got this.
Let's not lose sight of
what matters here, Hank.
"Ridgewood Rd"
Sometimes the things
you don't want to remember
are the hardest to forget.
And just like that, she's home.
Hey, sweetheart.
Come find me, bear.
Where's Lily,
where's Lily?
Where is she? Where'd she go?
Where'd she go? Whoa, whoa,
there you are.
Let me see you.
Oh, I see you're wearing that
pretty necklace I gave you.
Mm-hmm, I never take it off.
You've been drinking again.
Don't be upset.
I just don't want us to be
to show our faces around town,
you know?
You drinking with the town
isn't gonna make things any
You're right. I'm sorry.
Set the table please.
What are we having?
Pork chops and apple sauce.
Mm, this is delicious.
I think over cooked 'em a little bit.
I don't know, I kinda gotten used
to having 'em extra crispy.
I don't burn 'em every time, do I?
All right, well, I know
when to give up the ghost.
- Who wants dessert?
- I do, mama.
I love it when you call Angela mama.
But I need you to do me a favor, okay?
At home, you can always call her mama.
That'll be your special inside name.
But when we're not home, say,
at the store or at school,
I need you to call her Ms. Angela.
- Okay?
- Okay.
Well baby, some people don't
like that we're a family,
makes 'em mad and those
people are just looking
for any reason to take you away from us.
Hey, come here.
Listen to me, we're
always gonna be together.
Even if it means we have to
have inside and outside names,
you understand?
So what's your inside name?
What do you want it to be?
I think it should be bear.
Well then, bear it is.
Please answer me!
Lily, sweetheart, can you hear me?
It's time to come home, baby.
Come find me, bear.
Please, Lily.
Sweetheart, I see you.
Come find me, bear.
Where are you?
Lily, please answer me.
Oh, jeez.
Oh, jeez.
Elodie Carmichael,
granddaughter of Mama's Whiskey
founder, Sherry "Mama" Carmichael,
has officially been
declared a missing person.
The young teen was last seen
on Ridgewood Road
near Elrod Lake late yesterday.
Authorities are asking
anyone with information
to please contact the
sheriff's department.
Elodie's father, Trip Carmichael,
president of Mama's Whiskey
is expected to make
a statement later tonight.
That girl's only a couple
years older than Lily.
The entire Carmichael family
is working with the sheriff's
as they search for clues
as to Elodie's whereabouts.
They aren't even
looking for Lily anymore.
It's been more than 48 hours
since Elodie Carmichael
has gone missing.
It's happening again,
I have to remember, I can't
forget, I can't remember,
I have to forget, I can't
remember, I have to forget.
Be home after work, honey.
Everyone always says time is relative.
Morning, Charlie.
You spend an hour with a pretty girl,
it feels like a minute.
Touch a hot stove, it feels like an hour.
Trouble is, feels like I've had my hand
on that damn stove for days now.
"LX-7 ALPHA 400"
Small towns are all the same.
They never change.
Lived here all my life
and I still feel like I'm
on the outside looking in.
Hell, some days I don't
even recognize myself.
"Elrod Pinecone"
Oh shit.
Sorry boss, I didn't mean to
scare you.
You shouldn't sneak up
on people like that, kid.
How can I help you?
I'm here for work.
Sorry, I'm not hiring.
I know, you hired me
last week, remember?
Right, right, I was just
giving you a hard time is all.
How are you with the automated prints?
You said I was a natural, boss.
What are we doing today?
You're gonna
need some more envelopes.
Charlie, we need to have a
little chat.
That's funny, didn't seem
like you wanted to talk
the other morning.
Well, a couple of things have come up.
About Lily?
I can tell you more down at the station.
Fine, I'll stop by on my way
home from work.
Now'd be better.
Well, I'm obviously
on your timeline, Hank.
- Hey, kid.
- Yeah, boss?
- I need you to watch the store for me.
- Sure, boss.
Two girls missing. Lily, Elodie,
there has to be a connection.
There has to be a connection.
This damn town, they all think I'm crazy.
The thing is, everybody
stares, but nobody sees.
- I'll set up the interview room, sir.
- I got this one handled.
All due respect,
sir, this is protocol.
Especially with a case like this-
- lay off the energy drinks, rookie,
you ain't in Chicago anymore.
Somebody sure wants your attention.
What happened to your hand?
Cut it on a piece of glass.
Doing what?
Broke a mirror.
- Bad luck.
- What?
Bad luck, breaking a mirror.
But I guess you hit your
limit on that already.
Listen, I wanna know what
you're doing to find my daughter.
Funny you should mention that.
Seen this before?
Yeah, of course, it's one
of the best on the market.
So you sell it?
No, I haven't for years,
I just keep something for
my personal collection.
You wanna tell me what
this has to do with Lily?
I'm gonna give you three guesses to
which type of film these were shot on.
Now, I searched far and
wide trying to find stores
that sell LX-7.
You right, damn near impossible to find.
Except, say, in someone's
personal collection.
Where were you two nights ago?
Probably at Cricket's.
Or at home.
- You got witnesses back that up?
- I didn't know I needed 'em.
Listen, I think you need to
be looking for the person
who wants to hurt little girls.
I believe I am.
Well, you're looking in the wrong place.
You know, Charlie, it ain't
highly unusual for a kidnapper
to take a special interest in a case,
kinda like what you're doing here.
Listen, the only thing
that I'm interested in
is finding my daughter!
We'll see about that.
Wanna know the best part
about being sheriff in this town?
I ain't gotta be there
to keep an eye on you.
Everybody's watching.
You'd do best to remember that.
- There she is.
- There she is.
She's right there.
Why did the sheriff bring
her in for questioning?
Has the sheriff
made a statement yet?
Are you gonna
make a public statement?
Keep going.
Why won't you
answer any of our questions?
Why was Charlie-
- no comment, guys, no comment,
- make some room, please.
- Why isn't Trip Carmichael
being questioned, or is sheriff Walker
too busy fund raising?
- Amy, now's not the time.
- Answer the question, Braden.
I'll tell you what I think.
I think there's a conspiracy
going on, that's right.
My daughter, Lily, is still missing,
and the sheriff won't do
a damn thing about it.
Walker won't even consider
that the two cases are linked.
But I know
- what really happened.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, you all right?
No comment.
Thank you, sweetheart.
Mo comment,
there are no other suspects,
we have no information right now.
- Anymore questions?
- Where was Trip Carmichael
the night Elodie disappeared?
- You won't look at me.
- Nobody even cares,
how do you think that makes me feel?
I don't even know what
we're arguing about?
I can't do this anymore.
- You can't do what anymore?
- This.
How can you say that?
The whole town thinks we're perverts,
that you hurt our baby.
Nobody's accused me of anything.
But I know what really happened.
What are you talking about?
You know exactly what I'm
talking about.
Say it!
Say it.
If it wasn't for you,
she would still be here.
Angela, Angela, Angela,
listen, please, listen,
we're gonna find her, I promise!
- I promise, we're gonna find her!
- Don't make promises you can't keep.
Oh god.
I'm gonna find her. I have to
find her.
"You broke your promise"
- Hey, Cricket.
- Hey, long time no see.
Hey, was I in here the other night?
Let me check my day planner.
We want to thank the whole
town for all your prayers
- during this difficult time.
- Lord almighty.
There she is, Mama Carmichael
in the flesh.
My son has been dealing with
a parent's worst nightmare,
but our family is staying strong,
and we are determined to
find the person responsible.
I'll let Elodie's father
say a few words, son.
My whole world has been taken
from me,
but I'm putting my faith in
the sheriff's department.
And I also wanna tell my sweet Elodie
that I'm coming for you, baby.
You don't worry, I'll
have you home real soon.
And to whoever's behind all this,
I want you to know, I will find you.
You better believe, you're
gonna get what's coming to you.
Something creepy about a grown ass man
still living with his
mama, don't you think?
Yeah, I guess.
I'm just saying, I watched "Psycho",
and I see a resemblance.
Plus, it's always the daddy, right?
- This seat taken?
- No, go ahead.
Excuse me.
We'll be hearing
from sheriff Walker again.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
How can I help you?
Two of whatever she's having, please.
Thank you.
All the locals as sweet as her?
She's all right.
Why, thank you.
Hey, Cricket, let me
get two more whiskeys.
Hey, Cricket, wait one second.
I don't drink, that shit'll
kill you.
Thanks for the words of wisdom.
Cricket, can I talk to you real quick?
Yeah, sugar, you know what?
I was about to take my
break, meet me outside.
All right.
I need to ask you
for a favor. A big one.
Okay, I'm listening.
Listen, I was wondering
if you might be willing
to tell Walker I was here
the night Elodie Carmichael went
If I had an alibi, maybe
he'd get off my back
and I could find out
who's really responsible.
You, what are you, a
detective all of a sudden?
Hey, Cricket, how's it going?
Hey, you want me to bartend
- for ya?
- Look, Walker's
got it in for me, all right?
And the thing is, I think my
Lily is tied up in this mess,
and that the kidnappings
are related somehow,
and I don't have any proof yet.
I can feel it in my gut.
I am damn sorry about that, sugar.
But I just can't stick
my neck out that far.
That's how you get it
chopped off around here.
I understand, I'd never
wanna put you in harm's way,
so, it's all right, I'll
figure something else out.
Hold on.
You gotta go and get all noble on me.
Going on about 20 years ago now,
I was working down at Rebels,
I remember this girl came in,
she was beaten, just broken.
She musta been about 16, at most.
She seemed like a real sweet girl.
one night this guy comes in
hollering to see her, I
mean, he was in a rage.
I ain't never seen a man's
veins pop out like that.
It was Trip Carmichael.
Holy shit.
He grabbed that girl, he damn
near drug her off the stage,
and I never did see her again.
Rumor has it, that she was
run outta town on a rail
by Mama Carmichael herself,
'cause her and Trip were having
an affair.
Him being old enough to be her daddy,
it didn't look too good.
Do you remember her name?
Or if she still works there?
I'm sorry, I can't help you there.
All right. All right.
Thank you, Cricket.
Hey, just,
you mention my name and
Rebels in the same breath,
I'll have you drowned in the lake.
Ain't nobody think twice about
a hate crime in these parts.
Yeah, that's the truth.
Thank you.
Go on.
Hey, be safe.
I see her.
These boys, Saturday night at Rebels,
Sunday morning at church
with the wife and kids.
I'm sure they're gonna welcome me
with open arms.
I don't wanna be here.
But what choice do I have?
Can I help you?
I just came to get a drink.
Five bucks.
Don't say I didn't warn ya.
Give me a whiskey.
- Hey, sweet thing, you wanna dance?
- No, I'm good, I'm good.
Wanna watch?
Hey, can we talk?
Hey, what's your name?
Well, what do you want it to be?
Will you sit down and talk to me?
You're no fun.
I need to ask you about somebody
who used to work here awhile back.
What are you like 5-0 or something?
I just wanna see an old friend.
You got a crush on somebody?
I'm in trouble.
And I think she may be the
only person I can talk to.
Who is she?
She woulda worked here a
long time ago, 20 years or so.
Maybe had a run in
with Trip Carmichael.
You're freaking me out.
Hey, get her ass outta here!
I know you know what I'm
talking about.
Right, time to go.
Hey, hey, don't you walk away from me,
you damn whore.
- Think you can just rub up.
- Hey.
On dick all night?
Hey, hey!
You stupid, slut. Get up.
Boy, I suggest you
listen to this young lady.
Get the fuck outta here.
You get the fuck outta here.
Make me, cunt.
I ain't gonna say it twice, Bo.
You crazy bitch.
I love you.
You okay?
He gets crazy when he drinks,
I shouldn't of come outside.
It's my fault really.
You listen to me. It's
nobody's fault but his.
I guess.
Hey, can I give you a ride?
Yeah, yeah.
Come on, I'll take you.
Can I ask you a question?
What's a nice girl like you
doing in a place like that?
Why? You here to save me?
No, I just thought maybe, you
if you told your family what was
going on,
maybe they could help you out.
Doubt it. Mama got me my job at Rebels.
What about your father?
Never met him.
You find him, you let me know.
- Can I ask you a question?
- Sure.
You think it's a good idea,
you going a strip club around here?
I mean, I wasn't there
to participate...
I mean, I'm looking for this woman
who used to work there a long time ago.
She got into some trouble
with the Mama Whiskey guy.
What? You know her?
I shouldn't say anything,
I'm in enough trouble already.
Please, I just need to ask her
some questions, it's about my daughter,
I never met her, but, some of
the other girls, they work for her.
She moved up to whoring
near some trailer park,
up around Tennessee.
Belinda something, that's all I know.
You can turn here.
- Thanks again.
- It's no problem.
I didn't do much, you really
took care of it yourself.
You better go, Bo's gonna spitting mad
by the time he gets back.
Hey, I can take you somewhere else.
Got no place else to go.
Be careful.
You too.
Poor thing never stood a chance.
Come find me, bear.
My baby.
I love you.
I don't understand,
It's okay.
It's okay, I just have to find her,
just have to find her.
These damn pills!
Angela, please call me back.
I've been seeing strange
things, things I shouldn't.
Please call me when you get this,
I just need to hear your voice.
They're just trying to mess with
my mind.
These damn nightmares.
Oh, shit.
What are you doing here?
Oh, and here I thought we were friends,
bought you a drink and everything.
Somebody got tanked, not
smart with all the driving
you were doing last night.
You spying on me?
I just wanna find out what
happened to Elodie Carmichael.
Get off my property.
You can tell sheriff
Walker he can shove it
- where the sun-
- I'm not a damn cop. I'm a reporter.
Oh, so you were hoping
I'd lead you right to her, is that it?
Stay the hell away from me.
You probably didn't do it.
I saw what you did for that
girl last night at Rebels.
So unless you're a child
kidnapper by day
and a stripper bodyguard by night,
I'd say they have the wrong person.
You should tell that to the town.
Kinda my plan, if I can get the story.
Wanna grab a cup of coffee?
You sure you wanna have coffee
with a suspected kidnapper?
We'll take separate cars.
"MISSING Lily Glass
Last seen at Lake Elrod beach area"
Surprise, surprise, no
coffee. What a shit hole.
- Where did you get these?
- Helps to have a police contact.
- Walker didn't show me this photo.
- Who says they're from Walker?
This proves that the
cases are connected.
Or that you're connected
to Elodie's disappearance.
I gotta go.
There's more. You should see this.
When I was doing research
on the Carmichaels,
I realized I met Sylvia years
ago, right before her death.
Rumor has it, she went crazy.
That's what the Carmichaels
want you to think.
I met her when I was
taking care of my mom.
They were at the same institution.
My mom needed to be there.
Sylvia definitely didn't.
I think Trip had her committed
on purpose.
Why would anybody want
their wife committed?
That's what I wanna find out.
When Trip was at Georgia u
he was star of the football
team for his first three years.
Then right before his
senior year, he drops out.
Not a single word. Just this article.
Then he starts working for
Mama's Whiskey.
So? So nothing, so maybe something.
He wasn't drafted or injured,
that's suspicious to me.
Maybe it really was personal reasons.
And maybe those personal
reasons weren't so innocent.
Sure would make your
life a whole lot easier.
Seeing as it's not
looking so good for you.
Why are you really here?
I just want to find out the truth.
You're just in it for the best headline.
You're right, I want this
story, hell, I need this story.
My career hasn't exactly taken off.
Well, that's not my concern.
I believe you, when you say
that these cases are connected
and that there's some sort
of conspiracy going on
in this town, I think you're
right, and I can help.
Why would you do that?
Because I'm tired of
men doing fucked up shit
and getting away with it.
Oh, so that's it? You
just on a little crusade.
Aren't you? We both want the
same thing.
The truth about what happened.
That's Belinda Jones' address.
- How did you find this?
- I told you, I have a source.
The way I see it, you got
a target on your back.
You need me.
All due respect, sweetheart,
nobody in this town will even
talk to you.
- It sounds more like you need me.
- Fine. Deal.
But don't you ever call
me sweetheart again.
I don't do the misogynist bullshit,
even if you are a woman.
Whatever you say, darlin'.
My car or yours?
"Serenity Point"
You take me to the nicest places.
Can I help you?
Yeah, you can go, I'll
come find you later.
We're looking for Belinda Jones.
What for?
We have some questions
about Trip Carmichael.
The police were already here,
told 'em everything I know,
which ain't much.
We're not with the police.
I know you, surprised
we never met in person.
I reckon I know just
about everyone in Elrod.
Well, the men, at least, they
don't seem to mind the commute.
We're not here for that.
Course you're not.
Y'all get in here,
no sense shoutin' it from the rooftops.
We know you
had an affair with Trip
several years ago.
It wasn't several years ago,
it was 18 years ago.
Although, I would argue,
the relationship didn't exactly
start out as consensual.
He had a way of getting what he wanted,
if you know what I mean.
Love between a man and a
woman is war, you know,
guess who won.
So what happened?
Trip and Mama Carmichael
did their damn best
to run me outta town.
So I had to take matters
into my own hands.
When you get scorned by the sinners,
might as well make a dime off 'em.
- Some might see that as a motive.
- Sure might.
Too bad I was with my best customer
the night Elodie Carmichael gone missing.
- He works for the sheriff's department.
- That's convenient.
A good relationship with law enforcement
can be so helpful, wouldn't you agree?
You must have quite the technique.
I'm flattered.
But I gave up the dirty work years ago.
The other girls fuck, I just collect.
So why are you here then?
Someone's trying to pin
Elodie's kidnapping on me.
Well, you must be the most
unlikely suspect I ever saw.
Walker must be shitting his pants.
He's been paid off by Mama Carmichael
just like the rest of that town.
Everyone except me.
That'd piss me off, I'd want revenge.
Nah, water under the bridge.
I do feel bad for that child
though, Elodie is her name,
she looks like a good
girl on TV, real sweet.
I used to be sweet too.
- How 'bout you?
- I was never sweet.
I bet 'fore a man got a hold o' you,
you was just as sweet as pie.
- Takes one to know one, sweetheart.
- You don't know anything about me.
"But then shall I know,
as even also I am known."
Corinthians 13:12.
- Mm, wouldn't taken you for a believer.
- I'm not.
But then, I haven't met many
religious whores either.
I'm sorry, she didn't mean that.
I absolutely fucking did.
Guess I scared her off.
- Thank you for your time.
- Wish I coulda been more help to you.
Hey, let me leave you my number,
in case you think of anything.
Truly am sorry about
your daughter, Charlie.
I appreciate that.
I'm not giving up, my Lily
deserves that.
I'll see ya.
Mary Ann Childers, that's
who you need to go see.
She's got dirt on
Trip and Mama Carmichael.
Thank you for that.
Better watch yourself in this mud.
It's been a stormy week, hate
to see you get stuck out here.
- Don't ever speak for me again.
- That woman has been through a lot.
Fuck that, she's not the
helpless victim
she pretends to be, even
with all the Bible talk.
You seem to know your fair share.
Not by choice, my mom went through a
creepy religious phase when she lost it.
Wanna talk about it?
- Damn, we going the right way?
- Hell, if I know.
Hand me that map.
- Wanna talk about it?
- Mind your business.
You may not like her, but
Belinda did give us a name.
Glad it was a name and not a disease.
I don't mean to be rude, but, what
magazine did y'all say you were from?
Actually, we're here to
talk about Trip Carmichael.
She knows something.
I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't help you.
I think it may be time for y'all
to leave.
listen, I'm sure you've heard
Elodie Carmichael is missing,
but, so is my daughter, Lily,
and I think the same person
might be responsible.
And if there's any chance
Trip could be that person,
I have to know, please.
I will deny all of this
if you repeat it to anyone.
You have my word.
I was a freshman, young for my year,
he was an upperclassmen.
It was very flattering
to have him ask me out.
So when it happened, well,
no one believed me.
- What did happen?
- We went to a formal together.
I had a few sips of my drink,
and then next thing I knew, Trip was.
On top of me.
I was pretty out of it,
but I know I kept asking
him to stop, begging him to.
Just seemed like the more upset I got,
the more he enjoyed it.
He must have slipped
something in my drink,
I realize that now.
But it was different in those days,
they blamed the woman.
It's not that different these days.
I suppose you're right.
I told a teacher I trusted and
she encouraged me to file a report.
I did, but then Mama Carmichael
called my father,
and that was the end of that.
- She threatened your family?
- Worse, she gave my father a job.
And daddy accepted.
I can't blame him.
It's lifelong security, an
incredible bargain, really.
You should know, Trip thinks
he can get away with anything.
- Because he's rich?
- That's a big part, of course.
But it's really because he
knows the value of a secret.
The longer you keep it,
the more it's worth.
Time passes and it becomes part of you.
And you're just as guilty
because you kept quiet.
Trip knows that better than anyone.
I heard about other girls.
Several, actually. One
of them was only 14.
So sick of hearing the same thing,
"disgusting man does disgusting
thing and gets away with it."
Guess that goes for women too.
Not all men are like Trip.
I'm not some crazy man hater.
After seeing the things I've seen,
you learn not to trust anyone.
So you don't trust me?
Nope, and you shouldn't trust
me either.
Our relationship is based
solely on our mutual goal.
Catching the kidnapper.
Which is looking more and more
like Trip Carmichael himself.
Yeah, but Trip being a predator
doesn't mean he kidnapped his daughter.
Charlie, he raped a 14-year-old girl.
You really think that sick fuck
doesn't have anything to do with this?
What I'm saying, is that we need proof.
So, what's your plan?
Sit him down and talk to him
about all the women he raped?
I don't wanna talk to the guy.
I wanna see where he sleeps.
People say I'm crazy.
Well, this might be the
craziest thing I've ever done.
Everybody knows the
Carmichaels own this damn town.
- Why in the hell do you have that?
- Protection.
- From who?
- Guys like him.
Come on, let's go.
- You okay?
- Quit asking me that.
What are those?
My picks, my crazy
mom used to lock herself
in her room a lot, got sick of
kicking the door down, okay?
- You go that way, I'll go this way.
- Okay.
You can tell a lot about people
by the way that they live.
Carmichael house isn't a home.
It's cold, like a museum.
You have to wonder, when everything
looks perfect on the outside,
what's hiding underneath?
I wish I knew what I was looking for.
Sometimes it's hard to tell
what's real
and what's just the pills
messing with my mind.
Why are they here?
Charlie, I found something.
Check this out.
- Where did you find this?
- In the dead animal room.
"You can't run from your past"
I was just in there. Not in
the desk drawers, obviously. Shit, go.
Next time when I ask
you, now, I only want this.
Join me for just five minutes,
- take a little bit.
- Go, go, go, go.
- Of responsibility.
- I don't know how
to be in two places in one time.
What, you don't think I
have enough to worry about
here at the house, answering
the same damn questions,
- phone's ringing constantly?
- Don't take that
- tone with me, young man.
- Hey, go over there.
I don't know why we're wasting our time.
- We all know who's responsible.
- Oh, I feel so sorry for you.
So just tell Walker to arrest
- the crazy old dyke.
- Come on, over here.
And call it a day.
I have been leaning on
Henry as much as I can,
but you can't just throw a woman
in jail,
even that kinda woman.
What the hell are we paying for then?
I'm working on it, they
don't have the evidence yet.
Oh, evidence, my ass,
we all know her past,
you think this is just some
If we lock up the wrong person,
Elodie could be gone forever.
Big picture, son, we gotta
get that baby girl back safe.
This is just all a play for
money, you know that, right?
- Has someone tried to contact you?
- No, of course not.
Good, because I expect
you to keep me in the loop
so I can protect you.
Our family comes first,
son, never forget that.
Yeah, here I thought the
company came first, boss.
Son, I have spent the last 30 years
cleaning up your messes
because you are my child.
But I'll be damned if I'm gonna
let you destroy my legacy.
- Mom, okay, I'm not destroy-
- I tell you what,
it's getting harder and
harder to find a reason
to keep covering for your smart ass.
We will do whatever it takes
to get my granddaughter home safe.
You hear me?
Let's go, let's go.
No, they'll see us.
- Sorry, mommy.
- I need a damn drink.
No, Charlie wait.
Come on.
Hurry, hurry, hurry.
- Shit.
- Go, go, go, go, go!
Are you expecting someone?
Son of a bitch.
Come on.
All right, son.
That's enough.
- Ow.
- Stop being such a baby.
- Hell, I've never been shot before.
- The bullet didn't even hit you.
Why didn't Trip just pay up?
Probably the same reason he
didn't tell Mama Carmichael.
What are y'all doing here?
I could ask you the same question, kid.
Oh, I was just driving home from
Cricket's, I saw the lights on
thought there might be trouble, boss.
Well, I'm just showing
our outta town guest around.
Nothing to worry about.
- Y'all should be more careful.
- Excuse me?
Your neck, boss, it looks like
it hurts.
It's just a scratch.
Little hunting accident.
Hey, kid, come on, why
don't you get on home now?
What the hell?
Y'all know there's a storm coming,
don't get caught in it.
- What are these?
- Ah, damn, put in the wrong roll.
- Musta mixed up the film.
- How'd that happened?
I use the same kind.
You use the same film
as the blackmailer?
- You can't smoke in here.
- Do you wanna explain that?
- Smoking's bad for ya.
- Thanks. I wasn't aware.
- Happy to help.
- Quite a coincidence.
Or maybe somebody's trying to make
Trip think I'm the blackmailer.
Slash, kidnapper.
Where did you say you
found that film again?
- Let's go.
- What about the film?
We can develop it at my place, come on.
"You can't run from your past"
Developing film is a job done in
the dark.
You let in the light too soon,
everything will be exposed.
Come find me, bear.
I love you, bear.
Come find me, bear.
- You okay?
- What were you doing?
Trying to call my editor,
your phone doesn't work.
This is a mess.
Why don't we call it a night?
Thanks for letting me crash.
The Marble Motel isn't exactly
hospitable for a single woman.
Yeah, I kinda got that vibe
when they asked me to pay by the hour.
Sorry, this isn't exactly the Ritz,
I don't normally do the house keepin'.
No, it's fine.
When did your partner,
what was her name again?
When did Angela leave?
A couple days ago.
It's been hard on her
without Lily this past year.
Why do you ask?
No reason, I'm a
reporter, I ask questions.
Nobody ever asks me about my family.
So is Lily yours or hers biologically?
She's mine.
That's not what I expected.
Well, it certainly came
as a surprise to me too.
Was it a onetime
thing, being with a guy?
- Is there any question you won't ask?
- No.
All right then, it
was a one night thing,
but I was married to my best friend.
It wasn't romantic or anything.
Jackson was a good man.
If you can't be in love,
at least you don't have to be lonely.
We both felt that way.
So he knew you were gay?
Yeah, of course, I
mean, we had an agreement.
And one night after we'd
been married awhile,
we got drunk and gave
it the old college try,
and it did not go so well.
I mean, I never thought in a
million years
I'd be able to get pregnant at that age.
But when he found out I was,
he was the happiest I'd ever seen him.
He dropped dead of a heart attack
six weeks before Lily was born.
Losing a best friend is
about the loneliest thing
anybody can ever go through.
Or so I thought.
But, it did introduce me
to the love of my life.
- Angela is Jackson's sister.
- No shit.
She moved in to help me with Lily.
I never thought something so beautiful
could come from something so tragic.
It musta been a blast being
the only gay couple in 100 mile radius.
I'm kidding.
I should've done so many
things differently.
Charlie, you're still searching.
The stats, after all this time,
anyone else would have given
up hope a long time ago.
I see you, through your bullshit.
You're a good person.
You don't know me that well.
I know you shouldn't blame yourself
for things you can't control,
like a parent's mental illness.
Goodnight, Charlie.
Goodnight, sweetheart.
Charlie, open the door, I
just wanna talk to you, now.
Cover that up.
I know you're in there.
- Just a minute!
- Open the damn door!
- A bit early for a house call.
- Well, we got a complaint.
There was an intruder at
the Carmichael's last night,
you wouldn't know anything
about that, would you?
- Mind if I look around?
- Now is not really a good time.
- Why is that?
- Not really in the mood for company.
And who the hell are you?
Happy to answer that,
once you have a warrant.
I'm warning you, it's just a
matter of time.
You fucked with the Carmichaels,
You're gonna regret it.
Get off my property, Hank.
Let's get that film developed.
It's just the one image on the role.
You know that place?
Hell, that could be anywhere.
I have an idea.
"Last chance to pay
for our silence"
- Find anything yet?
- Not yet.
The local press coverage
is offensively light.
I may need some caffeine.
"Angela Glass commits suicide
after niece goes missing"
- What is it?
- Coffee would be great, grab me a cup?
"Alzares - Indicated
for memory loss and dementia"
Hey, I didn't mean to scare you.
- What are you doing?
- Nothing.
Can't drink those in here.
Definitely learned my lesson.
Then she went to call him back.
Charlie, I need to talk
to you about something.
I don't wanna send you over the edge,
but I just read something
and it explains a lot about
- what's been going on.
- I'll be damned.
- What?
- Come here, look at this.
I know where we're going.
Oh shit.
- I'll be right back.
- Seriously?
- You gave me coffee.
- Hurry.
Charlie, I don't think
we should go in there.
What are you talking about?
Both of you need to hold it
right there.
- Braden, I told you I had this handled.
- Amy, you're working with him?
Look, put your hands
up and walk towards me.
Back off, let me talk to her.
- I trusted you.
- You can still trust me.
- Look, Amy, let me do my job.
- Shut up, Braden.
Charlie, there's
something you should know.
- You're scaring her.
- The situation's gotten outta control.
Just let me talk to her alone,
I'll bring her back out, I promise.
Five minutes.
Dispatch, 742, we got two
females, one white, one black,
entering the distillery.
Charlie, Charlie,
I think there's some
fucked up shit going on
and you're in the middle of it.
Yeah, no kidding, sweetheart.
You told me
Angela left you last week.
Do not bring my family into
this, Amy, I swear to god.
I have to Charlie, I'm
worried you're confused
and Elodie's kidnappers
are using Lily against you.
Come find me, bear.
Did you hear that?
Son of a bitch! Goddammit, Braden.
Charlie! Wait, just wait.
Okay. Lily?
Come find me, bear.
She's alive, she's here.
I knew it, I found her.
It's okay, I got you.
You're safe now, sweetheart.
You're safe.
You okay?
She was just here.
What is it?
Oh god. Don't look.
Come on boys, it's in here.
Leave her alone!
Hands up.
Get the hell outta the way.
Lily, Lily!
Calm the hell down, let's go!
- Charlie, it's gonna be okay.
- Lily, Lily.
Take her the hell outta here.
- No, no, no, no.
- Come on, let's go.
- Don't fight me, now.
- No, no, Lily, Lily!
- No, let go, don't!
- Come on, let's go, hey!
Lily, no!
Let go!
Holy shit.
Boys, we got a body.
Some say time is relative.
Some say time is an illusion.
Well, they're both right.
It's her.
How about you start
telling me the truth.
I know that I've been messed up lately,
and I've been seen some strange things,
but, I'm not a killer.
I would never hurt Elodie Carmichael.
It wasn't Elodie Carmichael.
Sue you first.
Are you kidding me?
If you had done your fucking job.
What the fuck?
How in the hell did she get back here?
Where did you get this?
What is wrong with you people,
where is my daughter?
Let me speak to her,
or I swear, I'm calling CNN.
Get these off of me!
You got two minutes,
then I want some damn answers.
Excuse you.
Get these damn restraints off of her.
And close the door after you.
Hey Charlie.
I'm not saying another
word until I talk to Angela.
I'm afraid that can't happen.
I'm gonna show you Lily's case file.
But I just want to warn you, some
things may not make sense right now.
"Lily Glass still missing
after several months"
Hey, I'll be right back.
Hey, where is she?
Where's Lily?
I just saw her.
Do you know what year it is?
- Do you know how old you are?
- 43.
I don't know.
Look in the mirror.
Oh my god.
Oh my god.
Elodie's kidnapping triggered
something called lucid mania.
It's a symptom of your
Alzheimer's disease.
A symptom of my disease?
Finding out my family is dead
is a symptom of my disease?
I'm sorry.
Time's up.
I'll be right outside.
You know, you may have a
lot of these people fooled,
but I've been around awhile.
It's time for you to start
telling me what you know.
It does seem like
these crimes are connected,
if you'd be willing to cooperate
- with us-
- I'm not gonna ask you again.
Am I under arrest?
Not yet.
Then you can all go to hell.
Look at this place.
All this time.
I couldn't see what was
right in front of me.
I couldn't see the truth.
All this time.
What was the point of it all?
Bear, come help me finish my Dollhouse.
- Not tonight, sweetheart.
- But you said that last night.
We'll finish it tomorrow, promise.
My baby.
Hey, hey, where is she?
Where's Lily?
She was just here.
Lily, sweetheart, can you hear me?
It's time to come home,
baby, please answer me, Lily.
It's too late.
I can't do this anymore,
I can't take it.
'Cause I look at you and I see
you sleeping on that beach.
She was my baby too.
- I'm her mom.
- I know!
And you won't talk to me.
And you won't look at me.
Nobody even cares.
How do you think that makes me feel?
I don't know.
Well, I can't take
it, this is killing me,
this is killing me.
Oh my god,
oh my god.
No, no, no.
No, no, Angela, no, no,
my Angela, no.
God, Angela.
I brought you some breakfast.
Where did you find this?
Don't worry, you forgot to load it.
I'm a democrat, Charlie, I
just use it to scare people.
You ever try something like that again,
I'm gonna kill you with
my bare hands, got it?
- What do you care? You got your story.
- Not yet, Elodie's still missing.
And the kidnapper knows
what happened to Lily.
Don't you care about the truth?
The truth is they're gone
and they're never coming back.
What about saving a little girl?
I can't save her, I couldn't
even say my own family.
Fine, go ahead, waste your life away,
what's left of it anyway.
There's nothing left.
That's the point.
I never told you the whole story
about how I met Sylvia Carmichael.
I met her at The Metropolitan
Psychiatric Center.
That's the state hospital
for crazy people.
Sylvia didn't belong there,
she wasn't crazy or poor,
but it's all my mom could afford.
I know what it's like to
lose your family, Charlie.
We're not the same.
Don't you think I know that?
This isn't about you, or
me, or my mom, or Sylvia,
or all the people who fucked up
our lives,
it's about what we can do to save one.
That girl, Charlie, she has a chance.
- I told you, I can't.
- No, you won't.
Fine, I won't.
Someone once told me
you can't blame yourself
for things that are out of your control.
Well, we can't control the past,
Charlie, we both know that.
But, this isn't the past, this is now,
and we can change what happens.
Charlie, please.
They say time is relative.
Maybe it's been long enough.
Maybe it's time to let go.
You really want help
from a crazy old lady?
Crazy's all I know.
Okay, sweetheart, but
we're taking your car.
Take a shower first, Jesus.
And stop calling me sweetheart.
Suspect-wise, there's Belinda.
Who has an alibi.
Plus, the timing doesn't add up.
If he ran her outta town two
decades ago, why make 'em pay now?
- What about Walker?
- It's possible.
But, I don't know, he seemed
just a little too determined
to lock me up, you know?
Like he really believed I had
something to do with all this.
Maybe he was trying to frame you.
You really think he could
pull off something like that?
Poor guy doesn't know his ass
from a hole in the ground.
Fair point.
What about that bartender?
Cricket, nah, she wouldn't hurt a fly,
she's just nosy as hell.
Yeah, I didn't think so.
It's just, who could it be then?
Elodie didn't just get up
and walk off on her own.
Dammit, I feel like we're so close.
Hand me that folder.
- Holy shit.
- What?
Oh my god, it's her.
She's at Serenity Point,
she's been there the whole time.
How did we miss that?
Belinda must've been hiding her there
and obviously got that past
the sheriff's department.
- What are you doing?
- We're going to Serenity Point.
Don't you think we need
to let the police handle it?
Why, because they done such
a great job of it so far?
Listen, I have waited long enough to
find out the truth, don't you think?
We'll take my car.
So what's the plan?
Bust in and rescue Elodie?
Yeah, sounds good to me.
You do know how old you are now, right?
Let's go.
18 years later,
he's gonna finally pay for his sins.
Well, you know what
you're doing, don't you?
You'll be fine.
Okay, mama.
Don't worry about it, not a big deal.
Get him here, lure him in.
- Make mama real proud.
- Okay, I will.
Is that?
Corinthians 13:12,
"for now we see through a glass
darkly, but then face to face."
I'm sorry about all this, boss.
Mama said better safe than stupid.
So Elodie wasn't kidnapped?
What about Charlie's daughter?
Y'all are too nosy
for your own damn good.
This one, I don't like the mouth on her.
Shut her up.
You got it.
Hey, what are you doing?
That's not necessary, you don't have to-
- no.
- Don't.
- Hold still.
Come on, you didn't have to
- do that, all right.
- Sorry.
Listen, we just wanna know what
my daughter has to do with all this.
I mean, you're a parent,
you must understand.
Honest to Jesus, I just want
Trip to pay for what he done
to his own flesh and blood,
his daughter.
And well, everybody in this town.
I'm sorry you had to find
out the truth like this.
What are you talking
about? What is the truth?
Y'all gonna know soon enough.
Y'all know how this is
gonna go down, right?
Yes, ma'am.
Sure you're up for this?
Just remember what we talked about,
and everything will be just fine.
They're here, mama.
Matthew 10:26 "So have no fear
of them, for nothing is covered
that will not be revealed,
or hidden that will not be known."
Hey, remember what he did to you.
Thank you.
For everything.
Wasn't just me, honey.
There are still some
good people in this town.
Sorry, boss, here, is that better?
- All right, showtime boys and girls.
- We're up.
- You gonna pay for this, bitch.
- Let the girl go, Belinda.
All you had to do was keep your promise.
Shut your mouth, cunt.
Everybody just calm down.
I told you to stay in the car.
And I told you to handle this, Henry.
Well, well, hey there, Mama Carmichael,
didn't know you was coming.
Woulda put on something nicer.
All right Belinda, I'm sure
we can work something out.
You had your chance, do your usual,
write a check, make it go away.
Didn't y'all read my note?
- What is she talking about, son?
- I don't know.
Hmm, shoulda known your snake
of a child wouldn't tell ya.
She's just a stupid whore, mother.
Well, I may be a whore,
but at least I'm honest.
I just want what was promised
for our son.
Oh, I'm sorry, how rude of me?
You haven't met your grandson
yet, have you mama Carmichael?
This is Troy.
This is bullshit. She's lying.
How much?
Oh, well, Carmichael sins are expensive,
and the price just went up,
gonna cost you everything,
'cause last I heard,
there ain't no statute
of limitations on murder.
Ain't that right, sheriff?
Go on now, you gonna tell
'em about what you did
to Charlie's little girl.
- What?
- That was an accident.
What is she talking about?
- What is she talking about?
- It was no accident.
Your pervert of a son had his way
with that poor little girl.
Is that true?
Before tossing her body into one
- of your whiskey barrels.
- Shut up.
And then went running to you for help.
Shut your mouth, whore.
You ain't got no proof of that.
You'd risk your own daughter's
life just to shut me up?
Everybody just put your damn
guns down.
Son, put that pistol away.
- She's a goddamn liar, mama.
- Wait, wait.
I know that she's telling you the truth.
I can prove it.
What are you doing, Elodie?
Put your fucking clothes back on!
Hey, they didn't give me these bruises.
My father did.
He's been ra...
It's all right, sweetheart.
He can't hurt you now, go on and
tell 'em.
Why are you doing this to me?
He's been raping me
since I was nine-years-old.
Damn Trip, first Charlie's
daughter, now your own.
Shut up.
Mama, wake up.
Mama, mama.
- Mama, wake up.
- Elodie,
everything's gonna be
okay, just come here.
You lying son of a bitch.
Come here.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!
Put the gun down, boy.
- Elodie, everything's gonna be okay.
- I would rather die than go with you.
Oh, is that right?
No, Trip, no!
Get an ambulance down here, now!
Charlie, it's okay, it's okay.
Mama, mama.
It's okay, that
son of a bitch shot at you.
I'm taking you to the
hospital this time.
History repeats itself.
- So what do you think?
- I think you got your story.
There's so many things I
wish I could say to them.
They were lucky to have you.
Some people spend their whole lives
looking for what you had,
and they never find it.
Don't try and get sappy with me.
Come inside, something I wanna show you.
I think it's time we finish
this thing, don't you?
Yeah, it's time.
There's my sweet girl.
They say that time is relative.
When you have kids, time speeds up.
They're born,
they grow up, then you blink.
And they're gone.