Throwdown (2014) Movie Script

Ladies and gentlemen,
let me ask you
a very important question.
Are you ready
to pass judgment
on one of your peers?
And today, you must do
what you think is right
to find true justice.
Now, the prosecution has
painted a picture of my client,
and they've told some very
very interesting stories.
But I'm not here
to paint any pictures
and I'm not here
to tell you any stories.
Because my client
is not made of canvas,
and my client
is not made of paper.
He is made of flesh and blood.
And he has a heart
and he has a soul.
And right now he has a future.
You have the power
to change all of that,
so what I need you to do
is I need you to be strong,
to feel with your heart,
to feel with your soul
and to do what's right.
Not what's popular,
but what is good.
His life...
His life is
what's on the line here.
He's innocent.
You know it. I know it.
Let's set him free.
Have you reached a verdict?
"We, the jurors
in the above-titled case,
find the defendant
ramon rios
not guilty
of murder in the first degree."
Do you know if court's
let out yet?
You know what?
I'm not sure.
All right, thank you.
Alberto, how are we doing,
buddy? Doing all right?
- Doing fine, my friend.
- Good good, man.
Good good. How's the wife?
How's the kids?
- Doing great, sir.
- Awesome, man.
Justice prevails,
as always, right?
Mr. Stone? Mr. Stone.
My name is megan smith.
I work for k.T.A.C.
I was wondering if I could
get an exclusive interview.
- Megan smith, absolutely.
- After the miracle in there,
you're sure
to be at the top
of everyone's list.
- Ah ha, I don't...
- Do you have anything
- that you'd like to share
with the viewers at home?
- Absolutely.
It's not about
being on top of the list,
it's not about a miracle.
It's about our justice system
setting a man free
- who was wrongly
accused of a murder...
is one of the greatest
things in the world.
And tonight, a free man
will get to go home
and reunite with
his daughter, and...
Let me tell you something,
that's an amazing feeling.
Go u.S.A., god bless america,
and the right man won tonight.
- I need to talk
to you, mr. Stone.
- Excuse me.
Sir, if you don't
get your hands off me,
I'm calling security.
- We're in the middle
of an interview.
- Hey hey, sir!
- Guard! Guard.
- I have to talk to you.
Make sure you're
getting this on camera.
- Whatever the problem is...
- He was my son!
- Hey, please!
Please, stop! Sir!
He has a gun.
Shut up, girl.
Oh, you... no!
Where are we?
Where are we?
Where are we going?
No. Let me go, let me go.
You stay over there.
Here's 75.
- Wait a minute,
I thought it was...
- 75.
I'll see you tomorrow.
I'm so sorry.
Just promise to get
out of here, okay?
If you get a chance,
okay, just run.
Don't think about me
in here. Just run.
If you can get out
of here, okay? Go.
- I need water, please.
- Shh shh shh.
- Shh shh shh.
- Ah!
Olivia, run! Go! Now!
Run! Get out, olivia!
Don't hurt her!
Okay okay okay okay okay.
You don't listen
to her anymore.
Do you understand?
- Yes.
- Please, she's only 12.
She's just 12.
She's just a baby.
- Please.
- Okay, now you just stay right there.
And you.
You'd better start
praying to god right now,
'cause you're dealing
with the devil.
Please don't hurt her.
I'll do whatever you want.
Please. No, she's my family.
I'm your family.
I own you.
- Every bit of you.
- You own me?
- Now, do you love
your little sister?
- Yeah.
Do you wanna see her get hurt?
No, please, no.
All right, then you will
do everything I say.
Okay. Okay okay.
- I love her.
- Be quiet, be quiet.
She'll be all right.
Please, olivia, no.
Is that your name, olivia?
Do you love your sister?
You don't want
to see her get hurt?
- No.
- You will do
everything I say.
Do you understand?
If I tell you
to be nice to somebody...
- Olivia, don't.
- ...You'll be nice to 'em.
You have to do
everything I say...
Or I'll kill your sister.
No, don't listen to him.
It's okay.
Don't worry about me.
I'll be fine. Oh god.
It's gonna be okay, olivia.
- What can I get ya?
- Uh, you know what?
I would love
some kind of a shot.
You look like...
A johnny walker black.
Yeah? How's that?
It's smooth...
deep... and bold.
- Not a lot of people
can take it.
You see, that's
definitely not me,
because I'm clumsy,
shallow and I can
take just about anything.
- Ryan?
- Huh?
Sorry. Are you ryan?
Why, are you looking
for a ryan?
- Yeah.
- There's a guy
that actually was
sitting right there,
his name might've been ryan.
What's your name?
- Amanda.
- Amanda, I am jaxon stone.
It's really nice to meet you.
- To ryan...
- Absolutely.
- ...not being here.
- To ryan.
Here's my card.
Give me a call.
I'll be up all night.
Do you have
a driver's license?
Ms. Torres, is this
your correct address?
Yeah. It's my current address.
How much have you had
to drink tonight?
Well, I went in, like,
a couple hours ago.
I had one drink.
I think you've had more
than just one drink.
I smell alcohol
very strongly
on your breath.
- Very strongly?
- Mm-hmm.
- Officer hill.
- Jaxon stone.
How are you, sir?
...Help her out a little...
Ms. Torres,
looks like
this is your lucky day.
Jaxon's going to buy you
a cab to take you home.
You have a nice evening
and be safe.
You know, drinking and driving
can get you a year
in prison, right?
Thank you.
Probably shouldn't do that.
So if you're an attorney,
can I ask you something?
- Well...
- I need my brother
out of jail.
What's your brother
in jail for?
Murder. He didn't do it.
I'm a good person,
but it does take money.
We're talking 50, 75 grand.
I can find you $50,000.
I'll talk to your brother.
I'll talk to the prosecutor.
I'll find out some facts,
and I'll see
what I can do to help.
Don't worry about payment.
- We'll figure something out.
- That's not a problem.
My cab's here.
Would you like
to take that, or...
yeah, 'cause I'm sick
of hearing you talk.
Prisoner to the front.
Prisoner to the back.
Back up.
Thank you, sir.
Ah, mr. Torres.
What's going on?
I am jaxon stone
and I am your attorney.
First of all,
anything you tell me
is covered under
attorney-client privilege,
meaning that
nothing we talk about
can go further than this room
and it's not
admissible in court.
Do you understand? Okay?
Now let's start off
with a few basics.
Um, what is your official
birth name for the record?
I didn't hire an attorney.
Okay, mr. Torres,
you don't know me,
I don't know you,
but let's come to some sort
of agreement here, okay?
I'm pleading guilty.
Your sister hired me
to help you out,
to keep the needle
out of your arm.
I'm good. That's what I do.
I need you to trust me.
Now... let's talk about
the night of the murder.
Can you tell me
exactly what happened?
I killed a man
with these hands.
If that's the case, we need
to talk about a plea deal.
Can maybe get you 15...
I don't know...
maybe even 12 years.
Are you listening?
- All right.
- Hey, guard?
I'm done.
I'm pleading guilty.
That's all you need to know.
Your brother's not
telling me anything.
I mean, he's knows
I'm here to help him, right?
Sometimes he can be
a little difficult.
Difficult I get.
Difficult I even understand.
But what I don't understand
is why a guy that
I'm trying to get out of jail
is withholding
crucial information.
I'm on his team.
Look, I don't know.
If he doesn't help me,
I'm gonna have to dig up
the information
by myself and build
a case without him.
Got it.
Let me tell both of you guys...
we've got a lot
of work ahead of us.
I mean, this is
some serious shit.
You have to have a plan
or something though, right?
Yeah, of course
I've got a plan.
We're gonna review
the documentation.
I'm gonna talk to some people
that know your brother,
talk to some people
that knew the victim,
find out some information
on the wife
and we're gonna
prepare for trial.
Okay, we're gonna
get your brother out.
I'm here to help, okay?
Maybe you can talk to him.
All right.
I should really head back.
I mean, you don't
have to head back.
Why do you want to leave?
Why don't you...
- wanna just hang
for a little bit?
- Look, I just...
I just need some time to think,
and you should really
get to work, anyway, so...
all right.
I'll talk to my brother.
I'll get you an update
in a couple of days.
Okay. That'll work.
Mr. Vincent de la cruz
is insisting on
meeting with you today.
Yeah, thanks.
Gentlemen, come on in.
What's good? Mr. Stone,
mr. Vincent de la cruz.
- Mr. De la cruz.
- Salvadore.
Salvadore, you wanna
pull up that chair?
Okay, standing is fine.
What can I help
you fine gentlemen with?
I need an attorney
for a civil case.
What... what kind of case
are we talking about?
I wanna sue a gun shop.
- Okay. For what?
- Negligence.
What kind of negligence?
Recently, I lost a son,
and he bought the gun
from mountain sport.
I'm sorry for
the loss of your child.
I know that's tough,
but I have to tell you...
negligence is something
that's very hard to prove.
- My sources tell me that...
- Your sources?
That's correct.
The owner of the gun shop
is notorious
for not following protocol.
Didn't follow
the proper protocol?
Well, he just sells guns
straight out the back.
Okay, well, mr. De la cruz,
why don't we get started with
what exactly is it
that you do for a living?
I own a chain of jewelers.
You might've seen one
down on olympia.
Yeah, I'm familiar
with one or two
of those.
Are they both you guys?
All right, well,
um, I don't have
to tell you then,
you know there's
a cost, obviously,
to run a business,
and that's what
I'm doing here.
So, you know, a case like this
could get really
expensive and fast.
What do you estimate?
I'd say 75 to 100 grand
for a retainer.
I think we have a good case.
And that's just
getting us started.
550 an hour is my billing rate.
So, just wanna let you know.
Can I borrow your pen?
Yes, you can.
You can keep the pen.
I presume we can
get started today.
- Just like that?
- Just like that.
I don't like
wasting people's time.
I don't like my time
being wasted.
All right. I think
we can make this happen.
I've just got
one more question.
A guy like you
could obviously afford
any attorney he wants.
- Why me?
- Quite simple.
My sources tell me
you're the best in this field.
Oh, I don't know
about the best...
I only hire the best.
I was just bumped up
to felony division last month.
Lisa, congratulations.
Rios assigned it to me
this morning.
You've never
handled a first-degree
murder case before.
Well, jaxon,
there's a first time
for everything.
Are you sure
that you wanna dance
with me on this one?
I think the real
question here is
are you ready
to put one in your "l" column?
This is a clear-cut case.
Okay. Let's talk about a deal.
- 30.
- 30? Whoa whoa,
you're dreaming.
- 15.
- I'll take your 15.
You've got a deal.
Walter. It's good
to see you, buddy.
Listen, I need
a huge favor, okay?
I have a piece
of paper to give you.
All right,
all right, all right.
I'll call kelly
at the clerk of courts
right away,
see what I can do, okay?
All right. Thank you.
- Mr. Stone,
can we have a chat?
- I insist.
- Okay, sir, but...
get in.
So where are you headed?
I'm actually going
to the courthouse
right up the road, sir.
You got that, salvadore?
So where have you
got to on my case?
Well, sir, I was actually
gonna have my assistant
call you tomorrow.
You know, there's some
information we need
to find out like, uh...
well, maybe I'll make
another appointment
and bring you up to speed
with all the details.
You're just
probably overwhelmed
the first time we met.
Yes sir,
and I'm sorry about that.
You see, I'm trying
a big murder case right now,
and we've got a lot
of other things going on.
You know how it is, just...
my son's been murdered
by his wife's lover.
Now I'm hearing that you intend
to take the case
and represent him.
Wait a minute.
Wait a minute,
your son...
are you trying to tell me
that your son is
alberto lopez?
One step behind,
aren't you, counselor?
Okay, well, sir,
then we've got
a big problem,
because I can't represent you
and ms. Torres
at the same time.
You know that.
Well, a well-prepared man
is always two steps ahead.
I think you should read this.
It might be of interest.
You're waiving
conflict of interest.
Okay, well, you know what?
Let's make this simple.
I don't accept.
Can you open the door
for me please?
Look, sir...
no, you look, sir.
It's come to my attention
that you plan
on taking a plea for torres
and that is unacceptable.
I think you're still messed up
with seeing mr. Harper
take his own life
in front of you.
Okay, look, mr. Harper has
nothing to do with this.
And second,
we are taking the plea,
so let's just
let things happen.
No. He's interrupted
my bloodline
and that's unacceptable.
I wanna meet him in person.
Okay, so what,
you want me to defend him,
set him free and then what?
Deliver him to you?
Yeah, and I'll handle the rest.
Okay, and what if I refuse?
What if I say no?
If you refuse?
I'm not a murderer. Fuck no.
Well, that's easy.
Two choices...
your law license or your life.
Now, mr. Stone,
let's get this straight.
We're both
on the road to justice.
I suggest we try
and meet in the middle.
What do you say? Huh?
Do I have a choice?
Salvadore, open the door.
We're done here.
Your file, sir.
State of california
versus torres.
Lisa thomas,
assistant state attorney,
appears on behalf
of the state of california.
Thank you, counselor.
Mr. Torres,
do you speak english?
When you're asked
a question in my courtroom,
the response is "yes sir,"
or "no sir,"
or "yes, your honor"
or "no, your honor."
- Understood?
- Yes sir.
I speak english.
Did you hire a lawyer,
or do we need
to appoint one for you?
I... I thought I had one, sir.
You can appoint me.
You are charged with murder
in the first degree
and sexual assault.
Not guilty on all counts,
your honor.
And, uh, if I could have it
noted for the record,
we are planning
on requesting a trial
by jury.
Nice to see you, mr. Stone.
It's my pleasure, your honor.
You represent mr. Torres?
- Yes, your honor, I do.
- Excellent.
What are you doing?
I thought we had a deal.
We did have a deal,
but I had time
to think about it
and you know what they say,
"if the glove doesn't fit..."
What the hell
are you doing here?
Just look forward, okay?
Trust me.
The longer we hold out,
the better deal you get.
Based on the allegations
contained in
the arrest affidavit,
and the fact that the defendant
resides near the alleged victim
and has ties in other states
and other countries,
the court denies bail
and sets this matter
for a pre-trial hearing.
The court clerk will
notify you of the date.
- Oh, and mr. Stone.
- Yes, your honor?
I expect you
to show up on time.
I apologize.
I'll be in touch, okay?
Jesus fucking christ, jax!
I could've fucking
killed you, man.
Come on, you know better
than to just bust
the fuck in here.
- You alone?
- Yes, I'm fucking alone, man.
- God, you need to watch
where you point that gun.
- Fuck. Jeez.
- You want a drink?
- No, man, I'm good.
Oh, glad you got your head
finally screwed on, huh?
- Yeah.
- What the fuck are you doing
over this side of town?
I haven't seen you
in months, man.
I need some
background work done.
Not a problem. Who's the mark?
His name is vincent de la cruz.
This is the check
he gave me. It's got all
the account numbers on there.
This is gonna help.
Think you can find something?
Come on, jax, remember who
you're talking to, okay?
With this kind of shit,
I can access anyone's
fucking life.
It's all electronic now, man.
You just gotta know
where to look.
Okay, let's cast out
that fucking net
and reel the shit in, right?
- Look at this.
- What am I looking at?
Right here...
multiple large
fucking transactions.
All of the same amount.
It's bullshit.
Look at this.
All recipients are ghosts,
just like the companies.
They don't exist,
either domestically
or internationally.
Okay. And you know that
for a fact?
It's right there, man.
- Okay. Okay.
That's a good start.
- Uh-huh.
Do me one more favor, okay?
- Uh-huh.
- Selena lopez.
She is the key witness
for the prosecution.
I need to find out
some information on her
before she hits the stand.
- You hear me?
- I'll get it.
I can't talk to her
myself, man,
so if you can do this,
this would be huge.
- You got it.
- Thank you, sir.
- I'll call you.
- Perfect.
- Hey, stone.
- Yeah?
Be fucking careful, okay?
You need to lay off
the whiskey too, all right?
Okay, so, what we have here
is we have a full print
and a partial print.
Full print meaning 100%
partial print meaning...
I don't know...
somewhere around 10 to 15%.
Now, don't get me wrong.
I've won a case before
with a full print.
But in that situation,
I had the client's help.
And in yours,
your brother's not helping me.
Okay, so what we need to do
is we need to find a way
to... I don't know...
place someone else
at the crime during
the time of the murder.
Okay, so I need you
to tell me what you know
- about alberto lopez.
- Nothing.
- No?
- No, I mean,
I've seen him around.
He kept to himself.
We didn't really
talk that much.
Okay, well,
what about the wife?
You know anything about her?
You guys ever... I don't know...
have dinner, lunch, breakfast?
- No, same thing.
- Okay, so you've never met her?
No, I mean, I met her.
I saw her, but we didn't...
Talk. I mean,
we're not friends.
Okay, so you weren't friends.
You were more like
- Right?
- Yeah.
Okay. Sure. Okay.
On to the next thing.
Back to work.
So what we're
getting ready to look at
is actual photos.
Beware, they are gruesome.
call your first witness.
Your honor,
the state calls
officer tucker to the stand.
Do you swear to speak
the truth, the whole truth
and nothing but the truth,
so help you god?
I do.
Can you introduce yourself
to the jury?
I'm officer byron tucker.
I am an officer
with the los angeles
police department.
Now, officer tucker,
on february 13th,
you were called
to 1155 tenth street,
the scene of an alleged
rape and homicide.
And when you arrived,
did you make contact
with anyone?
Yes, there was
a deceased adult male
and a distressed adult female.
Did you ascertain the identity
of these individuals?
The female was
selena lopez,
and the male was alberto lopez.
Can you describe
mrs. Lopez's demeanor?
The female was
wrapped in a blanket,
laying in
the fetal position
on her couch.
Was she injured?
She had bruising on her face,
which appeared recent.
She was very upset as well.
Did you speak
with this mrs. Lopez?
- - Yes, the victim said
that her neighbor juan
broke into her place,
physically assaulted her,
raped her,
stole her wallet, her rings,
and shot her husband
when he caught him
raping her.
Thank you.
No further questions.
Your witness, mr. Stone.
Officer tucker,
you did not process
the alleged
crime scene, did you?
- No.
- So it's safe to say
that you are not
an investigator,
are you, officer tucker?
Well, what about
the bruising you said
you saw?
Do you know exactly
when that happened?
- They were recent.
- Officer, that is not
what I asked you.
I said, do you know
- exactly when
that happened?
- An exact time? No.
Well, what about some pictures?
Do you have pictures
of these so-called bruises
- that the jury can see?
- Pictures?
- I didn't take any pictures.
- You didn't take any pictures
of the bruises. Okay.
Well, what about
the alleged point of entry?
Obviously, you took pictures
of those, correct?
- No.
- You were the first
law enforcement agent
to arrive on the scene
at the first point in time
after the alleged crime.
Yet you're telling me
that these fine people here
have no evidence
other than your word
so they can make
their decision.
Is that correct?
Yeah, I... I guess so.
Officer tucker,
do you believe that
the truth today
- is the same
that it was yesterday?
- Objection. Badgering.
- Sustained.
- Officer tucker,
you did write a report
in this case, right?
I see that you have it
in front of you.
Can you do me a favor?
Can you look at it and...
Find the place where you
talked about the bruises?
It's not there.
Are you sure it's not there?
- You wanna
take another look?
- It's not there.
Is it not there
because it disappeared,
- or is it not there
because it never existed?
- Sergeant smith...
sergeant smith is not here,
sergeant smith
is not on the stand,
and sergeant smith
was not there
when you saw
what you said you did.
Officer tucker,
I wanna ask you
one final question.
Were you suspended
for falsifying evidence
during your training?
- Hey, wait a minute...
that's sealed!
- Objection.
Your honor, officer tucker
is not the one on trial here.
I request that the jury
disregard that last question.
This objection is
overruled, ms. Thomas.
You sponsored this witness.
You should have known
his professional background.
Mr. Stone, you may ask
your question again.
Thank you, your honor.
I'd like to ask you
one more time,
officer tucker.
Did you get suspended
for falsifying evidence
during training?
- Yes.
- Can you say that
a little louder, please,
so the jury can hear you?
- Yes.
- "Yes. Yes."
No further questions,
your honor.
I'm probably completely making
an ass out of myself right now.
Maybe I am a little drunk.
I think it's really
really cool too,
that you can be as calm
and relaxed as you are,
especially in
the situation you're in.
I admire that.
I'm being serious.
You see, that's what's
crazy about life.
I mean, life, luck,
everything... it just...
The guys that are trying
to do the right thing are
catching the shaft.
The guys that are
doing the wrong thing are
getting away with it.
It's luck. You know what?
You can have
the best luck in the world,
or you can have the worst.
And it seems like the guys
that are trying hard
and, you know,
you try to do things...
you know,
that's when your luck's
at its absolute worst.
It's that bad luck
that just keeps
following you around
over and over and over,
and you keep pushing
and pushing and pushing.
It just...
life... life keeps
knocking you down.
It sucks. It's bad luck.
Bad luck. Bad luck.
Fuck it, let's just
get drunk. God damn.
You are very sexy.
You see that pool?
We can go swim.
It's too late
for me and you, baby
I wanted to love you...
But you said no way...
hey, jaxon,
it's walter calling.
Listen, I got
that discovery file
you asked about.
I'm gonna leave it
in my mailbox... 12-m.
I really got
to get out of town.
It's about the torres case.
All right, I'm gonna
leave the key under my mat.
Just go there and pick it up.
Call me if you have
any questions.
All right.
'cause that's what
city means
the people so removed
so wake up, everybody
and see those city lights
how they shining on
for that downtown city jive
hell yeah
yes, we're living, oh baby
living in the city
so if you're in my city
lay down for a taste...
Yes, we're living
living in the city
in the city
but if you've been there
you know what I mean
living in the city
can really be a groove
'cause I am there
and see if it's real
yes, we're living...
law offices of jaxon stone.
This is vanessa.
How may I assist you?
Hey, vanessa,
can you do me a favor?
Cancel all my clients
for the day. Okay?
- Okay.
- 'Cause I'm gonna
be incognito.
- I'm playing hooky.
- I'll take care of it.
All right, thanks. Bye.
The rhythm's kinda funky
the people doing the funk
'cause that's
what sets the mood
the people set the groove
so wake up, everybody
and see those city lights
how they shining on
- for that
downtown city jive...
Now I hear you have
a friend that's a lawyer.
I haven't said anything.
What was that?
I haven't said anything.
You'd better not have.
You got something for me?
Sorry to keep you waiting, man.
I just had to make sure
I got everything straight.
- No worries.
- First things first, man.
There's no selena before 2001.
What do you mean "no selena"?
There's no birth certificate.
There's no social.
There's no driver's license.
No bank accounts.
There's nothing before
she married lopez.
Check out the folder, man.
A picture of lopez in there
two days before he died...
With another woman.
That look like
a happily-married man to you?
That's not all, man.
I've been doing
some digging around
on the fake companies
de la cruz has been
giving money to.
It turns out there's
this little souvenir shop
right outside of t.J.,
on the border...
been on the c.I.A.'S radar
now for a while
for both drug
and human trafficking.
- God.
- Spoke to my guy in t.J.,
he said
it's fucking ugly, stone.
I mean real fucking ugly.
They've been going
to these border towns,
getting these poor girls,
tellin' their parents
they'll give them
an advance
on the work they'll do
in these textile factories.
Same bullshit, man, as always.
Then they smuggle 'em
across the fucking border.
This is not
a small operation, man.
My guy told me they got
everyone from border patrol
to fucking
government officials
in their pocket.
We gotta take this
motherfucker down, man.
How can we take this dude down?
- No way.
- We got to, man.
Look, seriously...
okay, we've been friends awhile,
but no fucking way.
- This is a bad fucking idea.
It's a big no.
- Listen.
Listen to me, man.
There is no other way, okay?
- Trust me.
- They will kill you
dead, stone.
This is not a fucking game.
All right.
Now, let's just
make this easy on us.
Especially on you, all right?
Don't try to run
- and definitely
don't try to scream.
We've just got a couple
of questions to ask you.
Let's go.
How quickly they grow up.
Come on. Come on.
Come on.
I don't think
he's gonna like this one bit.
I really don't give a damn.
Listen to me.
Your bravery is misplaced,
and it really turns me on.
Now I'd hate
to be the one to have
to cut that gorgeous body
into little pieces.
You're gonna be a good
playdate for somebody.
Yeah, spike knows.
He might even fall
in love with ya.
But I doubt it.
You a dirty thing.
Get all that sludge off of you.
You've got the wrong
fucking guy.
- I'm sending
you to hell.
Fuck going to hell.
How's that?
You want to fuck with us?
I didn't fuck with anybody.
You've got the wrong...
Up. Up. Up up up up.
Yeah yeah yeah. Fuck you.
You know who you were
playing with, huh?!
- Yeah?
- Boss.
The jewelry needs cleaning.
Which one?
The other diamond.
There's a blemish.
I can't seem to clean it.
Can it be fixed?
I've tried.
Any hope for repair?
I think it's a permanent stain.
Take care of it.
You think
you're in a bad spot now?
Gonna get worse.
Who have you been talking to?
Think we're playing games?
Wanna mess my day up? Eh?!
Who have you been talking to?
Who you been talking to?!
- No.
- You know the payment
for protection.
- No.
- It's time to ante up.
- I don't need
your protection.
Please, don't!
She didn't do
anything to you.
Who's going to protect you?
She looks so sweet.
Give me some
of that candy.
No no no no
no no no no.
Hey! Hey!
So you check
your messages, huh?
Yeah, I came
as soon as I could.
You know,
this is not working.
This is not gonna work.
- You're lying to me.
- I never lied.
You don't know the lopezes.
You just met 'em once, right?
I just spent two hours
digging for information,
trying to do you a favor.
Now, stop playing games.
Don't talk to me like that.
I need to get back to work.
I'll defend your brother.
I'll do my job.
There's a lot of things
you don't understand.
Just... I want you
out of here now, please.
Detective pritchard.
Did you make contact
with an individual
named juan torres?
Yes, I did.
Where was he when
you made contact?
Well, based on
the victim's
of the perpetrator,
sergeant smith
and myself traveled
to 1148 pierce street.
While at that location,
we made contact
with an individual
who identified himself
as juan torres.
Do you see that person
in the courtroom today?
Yes, I do.
Can you please identify him
for the record?
He is the individual
seated at the table
next to counsel
wearing dark pants
and with dark hair.
Your honor,
let the record reflect
that the sergeant
has pointed out
the defendant.
It will so reflect.
Sergeant, when you
contacted the defendant,
did you search his person
and his residence?
- Yes, I did.
- And before you
made contact
with the defendant,
did the victim,
mrs. Lopez, identify
any missing items
that were forcibly
removed from her home?
Yes, it was reported to us
by the victim that
a number of items
had been taken...
a couple of rings,
a knife and a wallet...
the knife,
more specifically,
being the knife that
was held to her during
the time of the crime.
That was taken as well.
And did you ever recover
any of these items?
Yes, I did.
Upon searching him,
I found two rings
and a pocket knife,
both of which
were consistent with
the victim's statement
as to what was taken.
And upon searching
the defendant's bedroom,
we found a wallet.
The contents of this wallet
contained the victim's
personal identification.
So it was at that time that
we placed him under arrest
and transported him
to the law enforcement center.
Thank you.
No further questions.
Your witness, mr. Stone.
Thank you,
your honor.
Sergeant pritchard.
Would you say that
it is your responsibility
to do a thorough
and complete job
of every investigation?
Yes, of course. I always do.
And you always do.
You see, that's what
I'm interested in.
I... I'm interested
in how you do
such an incredible job
and such a complete job.
What I'm really interested in
is your theory on how my client
made it through
the alleged point
of entry,
especially considering
that alleged point of entry
was a 9x16 hole
next to a window
with an air conditioning
unit in it.
Now, detective pritchard,
was that air conditioning unit
still in the window
when you arrived?
- Yes, it was.
- It was.
And, um, had anyone called
and, you know,
complained and said
the air conditioner
had been stolen
or maybe removed?
Not to the best
of my knowledge, no.
Not to the best
of your knowledge, no.
Okay, so it's your theory
that my client...
a six-foot, 225-lb grown man...
fit through a 9x16 hole.
Now how do you think
that's possible?
What do you mean?
He crawled through it.
He crawled through it.
That's really
really interesting,
'cause... this
is a 9x16 hole.
And as you can see,
it is physically impossible...
- For my client...
- Objection, your honor.
This exhibit
was not introduced
to the state in discovery
or properly introduced.
It's inappropriate.
Your honor, please please,
if I could just speak...
no. Objection sustained.
No further questions,
your honor.
Dear god.
Law offices of jaxon stone.
This is vanessa.
How may I assist you?
Hey, it's me. Listen, um...
hang on a minute.
Can you hear me?
I'm in an elevator.
I'm losing service.
- Mm-hmm.
- Look, I need a huge favor.
I need you to find out
what hospital
selena lopez went to
and what doctor
she saw, okay?
We need to get ahold
of this rape kit.
I am getting my ass
kicked right now,
and if we don't do something,
I'm gonna lose
this fucking trial.
All right, um,
give me a few minutes.
I will see what
I can dig up, all right?
Whatever you can do, okay?
You can call anybody.
Just figure
something out, okay?
Yes sir.
Look what the cat drags in.
Yeah, get over here.
What's going on, man?
I thought our terms were clear,
- but obviously they're not.
- All right, look,
I'm withdrawing, okay?
I'm not his attorney anymore,
and this shit's
over with, okay?
- You need to leave
their family alone.
- This is non-negotiable.
What do you mean,
Let me tell you
what is negotiable.
What if I go to the feds
and tell them all about
your little operation?
Can we negotiate then,
or do you wanna negotiate now?
I'll negotiate now.
I suggest that
you'd better do
what you're good at
- and get this fucker off!
- Okay.
'Cause I don't think
you can fly, motherfucker.
We'll let ourselves out.
What's going on?
So what's going on?
Why are you here?
If you answer
one question for me,
then I'll answer
whatever you ask.
Okay, shoot, ask the question.
- What happened?
- What do you mean,
"what happened?"
"What happened?" Is
a very vague question.
Who was that guy
who shot himself on tv?
That guy...
That guy was tom harper, okay?
And my client raymond ramos
killed his wife and his son.
And you want me to tell you
the worst part of all of it?
I knew he did it.
I knew he was guilty.
I fucking knew he was guilty
since the first day I met him.
You know why?
He confessed to me.
But hey, you know
what I was interested in?
I wanted to fucking win.
I wanted the money.
You know why?
'Cause I'm a goddamn winner!
That's why I'm here right now!
I win!
And you know what?
I might as well have sold
my fucking soul that day too,
'cause that guy
might be alive right now.
But hey, you know what?
That's life.
Let's take
a fucking shot to it.
Now, what do you have to say?
There's my confession.
Please. I need you
to tell me what's going on.
If you tell me, I can help you.
If you don't tell me,
I can't do anything.
This entire thing
with you and your brother...
it doesn't make sense.
It hasn't made sense.
Like, he tells me one thing,
you tell me something else.
You guys are hiding something,
and if you don't come clean,
I can't help you.
Now, do I look like a toy?
Do I look like something you
just fucking sit on the ground
and play with?
I'm not a fucking toy.
Now please, god,
tell me what's going on.
De la cruz.
Bitch, get in the car.
Fuck. No.
I don't know. I don't know.
Let me go. Please let me go.
Please let me go.
We can stop this.
Please. No no. No!
This is melissa applegate,
reporting live
from downtown los angeles.
According to
a statement released
by police chief rob green,
metcalf was due
to return from vacation
to try several cases
in both criminal
and the civil courts.
- Authorities were notified
when the normally...
prompt defense attorney
failed to report
to a pre-trial hearing.
Authorities are asking anybody
with any information
to contact the number
on the screen.
This is melissa applegate.
Detective pritchard.
I can come in 45 minutes.
Text me the address.
I'll be there.
That's page one.
That's how he looked
last night.
Page two. That's how
he looked this morning.
- Give me something.
- Give you what?
Give me something that
helps me get to de la cruz.
You know, in the real world
all of us can't wear a gun
and hide behind
a badge, you know?
- Let me help you, stone.
- You can't help me.
Maybe I can get to him
before he gets to you.
I think that sounds like
a pretty sweet deal.
I'm a dead man walking.
- You jake?
- You a cop?
No, I'm not.
How would I know if you are?
Why would I be here
if I was a fucking cop?
- Come on, man.
- What, are you looking
for trouble?
I don't wanna cause
any problems. I'm here
to handle some problems.
I'm looking to solve
my own trouble.
Well, that's too bad,
'cause I got plenty of trouble.
It just depends.
I got big trouble.
Something smaller.
Something like this?
Anything with
a little less flash?
But if I was a suggestion man,
which oftentimes I am...
I'd say this is something
you're looking for.
De la cruz says
do your fucking job,
or you end up like your friend.
Now I know this is hard,
mrs. Lopez, but please,
can you tell the jury
what you were doing
- before you were attacked?
- I was sleeping,
and I woke up,
and he had a knife
to my throat.
I screamed...
But he didn't stop.
It's okay. You're doing good.
He told me if I screamed,
that he would kill me.
And what happened next?
I told him,
"please don't kill me.
- I don't wanna die."
- And what did he do?
He took off my clothes.
It's okay. He can't hurt you.
No further questions.
Court will recess for lunch.
When we return, we will resume
with your cross-examination
of this witness, mr. Stone.
Oh, for the love of god,
please tell me
you got something.
Am I the best or am I the best?
Hey, you are the best.
Now tell me,
what am I looking at here?
The smoking gun.
The silver bullet.
The nail in the coffin.
Or actually, it's more like
the crowbar that
pulls the nails out
of the coffin.
Okay okay, I get it,
I get it, I get it.
What exactly am I looking at?
Incident report, rape kit,
hospital records...
it's all right there.
You are the best.
No trauma.
Perfect. Thank you so much.
- Hello?
- Mr. Stone.
To ensure that you
fulfill your obligations,
I decided to provide you
with a little motivation.
When the verdict is read,
proceed to your residence
with mr. Torres.
If any law enforcement
is involved,
your precious friend here
will suffer the consequences.
When will you get a conscience
and start doing
the right thing?
Not now, sergeant pritchard.
- Not now, huh?
- Not now!
- Did you not hear me?
- Oh, I heard you.
Boy, hope that day comes soon.
Sergeant pritchard.
326 market street.
You may proceed, mr. Stone.
Thank you, your honor.
Mrs. Lopez, were there any cuts
found on you
the night of the murder?
I don't remember.
There was no blood
that was found
in the bed either.
Now if you had been cut,
or he put a knife
up to your throat,
wouldn't there be some blood
that was found
in the bed, mrs. Lopez?
How is it that
if he put the knife
up to your throat,
and it didn't scratch you,
it didn't cut you,
how is it that you woke up?
I'm a light sleeper.
So you expect
this jury to believe
that you're
such a light sleeper
that you slept through
an intruder trying
to break in to your home,
but when a guy
gets close to you,
puts a knife up to your throat
that doesn't cause a scratch,
that doesn't draw
any blood or anything
you just woke up?
Where was your wallet,
mrs. Lopez?
I don't remember.
What about your jewelry?
Your rings? Your earrings?
I don't remember.
Then why is it
that he only took...
One diamond earring?
With all that jewelry,
all that money,
- why not take more?
- I don't know.
Let's talk about the rape kit.
Why weren't there
any signs of trauma
found on the rape kit?
I don't know.
It sounds to me like a story...
From a woman without a way out.
Mrs. Lopez...
It's gotta be tough
to stay that strong.
It's gotta be tough
to wake up every morning
and to lie to yourself,
to tell yourself
that it's gonna be okay,
things are gonna be all right.
The truth is, mrs. Lopez,
your husband beat on you.
Your husband physically
and mentally abused you
over and over and over again.
And every day you woke up,
you took it. Am I correct?
- No.
- So your husband
never laid a hand on you?
He never physically
abused you?
- Never.
- Did your husband
- physically abuse you?
- Never.
I'd like to present
to the court exhibit 4.
Mrs. Lopez, is it true
that on june 22nd
at 9:23 p.M. You called 911,
and you said that your husband
had assaulted you...
hit you in the head,
kicked you in the stomach
- and used deadly force?
- That's not true.
- Your husband beat you.
- He abused you.
He raped you over and over.
He went in night after night
and you had no choice
but to give it to him!
You killed your husband.
You were trying
to protect yourself.
It's okay, you don't have
to fight it anymore.
You did what you had to do.
And now you have to do
something else...
you have to tell the truth.
You have to, so my client...
so my client can be free.
And so the world
can know that justice...
That justice was
served here today.
Please, tell the truth.
- You killed
alberto lopez.
No, that's wrong!
Okay, that's not the truth.
I did it! I did it!
I fuckin' raped her!
I fucking killed him!
I fucking killed him!
I fucking killed him!
- Order!
- I killed him!
I did it, okay?
I fucking killed him
and I'd do it again!
No further questions,
your honor.
You got everything packed?
I don't know
if we should do this.
Well, do you trust me? Okay?
But you don't know him.
You're with me.
When is he coming home?
Tomorrow morning.
- I love you.
- Love you too.
- "Alberto" what, bitch?
- It's not what you think!
You're sucking
somebody else's dick
in my bed.
What the fuck do you think
I'm supposed to think, huh?
The fuck are you
gonna do, motherfucker?
Get up. Get up, motherfucker.
- Please please, I beg of you.
- You stupid fucking bitch.
Fuckin' bitch!
- Die, motherfucker!
- Alberto!
I'm not your property.
You gonna shoot me, bitch?
I'm not your property.
- I'm not your property!
- Come here. Come here.
I'm not your property!
It's over, okay?
Now I need you
to do everything that
I tell you to do, okay?
- Okay?
- Okay, baby.
- You got it?
- God, I love you.
- I love you too.
- I love you.
Has the jury reached a verdict?
Yes, we have, your honor.
The bailiff
will take the verdict.
What say the jury?
"In the case of the people
of the state of california
versus torres, on count one,
the charge of rape,
we, the jury,
find the defendant
juan torres not guilty.
On count two,
for the charge of murder
in the first degree,
we, the jury,
find the defendant
juan torres not guilty."
Ladies and gentlemen
of the jury, I want
to thank you
for your very hard
and diligent work.
We appreciate it.
Mr. Torres...
You are free.
This proceeding is ended.
Hey, jaxon,
glad I got you, man.
You headed to the house?
And torres?
Yeah, he's... he's being
released anytime.
Okay, good, looks like
everything's going to plan.
Hey, did you get that stuff
we talked about?
Hey, look, man,
you sure you wanna
go through with this?
- No other way?
- I don't see any
other way, man.
You have a better plan?
See, I didn't think so.
I don't do this, they kill her.
What choice do I have, okay?
Hey, look, stone,
be careful out there, okay?
The feds have been
trying put something
on this de la cruz
for some time now.
I mean, they just
can't get anything
to stick on this fucker,
that's all.
Okay. Look, if for some reason
I don't, y'know,
I don't come out of this...
hey, listen, man,
you will. Okay?
I need you to get
an envelope ready
for lisa thomas.
I need you to put
the things we talked about
in that envelope
and make sure
it gets to her safely.
Can you do that?
- Will do, man.
- Okay.
I'll see you soon.
All right, later.
You sure you wanna do this?
Do we have a choice?
Does anybody have a choice?
Let's do it.
Look at me.
Shut the fuck up, bitch.
- You think you can fu...
- Hey!
You guys have
a chance to walk away...
- Screw you.
- ...And leave this alone.
This doesn't have
to happen, okay? Look.
It's not too late.
Please, please listen to me.
- We can work something out!
I'm telling you, please!
- Look who's here, bitch.
Look, it doesn't have
to end like this, okay?
It's not too late.
Okay, look.
I brought you
what you wanted,
so nobody's gotta die tonight.
You let her go, okay?
I'm sorry.
You're fucking wrong,
I promise you
someone will die today.
We'll make it
You get to choose.
This fucking bitch...
or this piece of shit.
- Choose.
- You want to float?
Can you float? Oh no, baby?
How about if I try to do this?
You can't. Well, try it then.
Get over here.
Get on your fucking knees.
- Fuck you.
- You motherfucker.
I'll blow you to fucking hell.
- Look, I'm going
to do this.
You motherfucking
piece of shit.
Hey, asshole.
Remember this pen?
Come and get it.
How about this one?
- Get him.
- Ah!
Does this hurt?
Get up!
Pick this motherfucker up.
You got no more pistol, do you?
- Get over there.
- Come over here,
you asshole.
You want to play? Huh?
I'm going to fucking show you
who is the man.
Here you go.
How about I going to...
Oh my god, no.
You need your ears?
I'm going...
Clean this shit up.
Piece of shit.
Lawyer my ass.
Whoa whoa, stop!
Let her go.
You want her to die?
It's up to you.
Don't be stupid.
You can walk out of here
or in a body bag.
Your choice. Let her go.
Tat, come on.
Don't be fucking stupid.
Drop it.
On your knees. Slowly.
Hands behind your head
and lock your fingers.
- Clear?
- Clear!
Hands behind your back.
Oh man.
It's over.
This way.
This is for you.
What is it?
He hid it here for you.
We received a recording
of de la cruz shooting
your brother.
Where's selena?
Witness protection.
Do you wanna join her?
I'll be fine.
Good luck.
- ...Over at 60 first avenue.
Six-zero first avenue.
Received a complaint
in apartment 18-c,
like in charlie.