Thumbelina (1994) Movie Script

La, la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la
If you follow your heart
Ho, ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho
When you follow your heart
Hello. Welcome to Paris, city of love.
Who am I? I am Jacquimo...
...swallow extraordinaire
and lover of beautiful things.
You're sure to do impossible things
If you follow your heart
You're sure to fly on magical wings
When you follow your heart
Oh, that is very nice, n'est-ce pas?
And I like what it is saying.
It is saying, "Follow your heart
and nothing is impossible!"
You're sure to do impossible things
Ha, ha! I love the sound of my voice!
When you follow your heart
When you follow
Your heart
I love great romances.
I myself am a swallow
of great passion.
These are stories about people
with impossible problems.
Samson loved Delilah.
Oh, that was really impossible.
Romeo et Juliet, oh, impossible.
But the most impossible of all
the stories is impossibly small.
The story of Thumbelina.
Once upon a time,
there was a lonely woman...
...who longed to have a child
to call her own.
One day she paid a visit
to a good witch...
...who gave her a tiny barleycorn.
"Plant it in a flowerpot," she says,
"and see what happens."
The woman did as she was told...
...and by and by it began growing.
Until at last....
Oh, what a pretty flower!
Hello, Mother.
I will call you "Thumbelina."
But can you imagine the troubles
for a little girl... bigger than your thumb, hmm?
Who is the girl no bigger
Than a bumblebee?
Who is the angel
With a funny name?
We don't know where she's from
Or how she came to be
But happy was the day she came
She's a funny little squirt
Tiny angel in a skirt
First she's mending, then baking
Pretending, she's making things up
Who would believe the wonder
Of the world I see?
Each little minute brings a new surprise
There's only one peculiar thing
That bothers me
Seems I'm the only one my size
Think of all you'll save on meals
Maybe if you had high heels
If you stay here forever
We know that we'll never be glum
By gum
She is always in the thick
But I get out in the nick
Fortune sometimes
Has tricked us
But this time it's picked us
Oh, a plum's so big
- A plum
And a fig's so big
And they call it a twig
But a twig's so big
It's a great big world
That's me!
Now, here's a story
about the noble dog...
...who saved the king
from the wicked wizard.
Once upon a time--
- Oh, Mother, please.
Are there any stories
about little people?
Well, as a matter of fact
there are, Thumbelina. Look.
They are little, just like me.
But what are those?
They're wings, Thumbelina.
These are fairies, and fairies
have wings so they can fly.
Mother, have you ever seen a fairy?
Well, I thought I did once.
- Yes.
And here, the fairy prince
and princess are having a wedding.
And they live happily ever after.
Oh, usually, dear.
Hmm. I suppose it works best...
...if two people are
about the same size.
Yes, of course.
Well, that's not fair.
I must be the only little person
in the whole world.
I wish I were big.
Oh, no, Thumbelina. No.
Don't ever wish to be anything
but what you are.
Bedtime, my dear.
It's been a long day.
You must go to sleep now.
Sleep tight.
Would you please leave
the book open?
Of course, dear.
I wanna look
at the pictures while I go to sleep.
Good night, Mother.
Good night, Thumbelina.
You take good care of her, Hero.
I know there's someone
Who's sure to find me
After the rain goes
There are rainbows
I'll find my rainbow
Soon it won't be just pretend
Soon a happy ending
Love, can you hear me?
If you're near me
Sing your song
Sure and strong
And soon
I wonder if there really are
such things as fairies.
Oh, my dear.
Don't look now, dear husband...
...but our son is missing again.
So he is.
I think he feels a bit silly, riding
that white butterfly we gave him.
Why should he feel silly?
It makes the wrong impression
on the young ladies.
What about the impression
on the court?
Colbert, it is the autumn today and
we've begun the golding of the leaves.
He should be here.
He'll hurt himself.
I hope he's not out buzzing
the vales on that wretched bee.
He is the crown prince,
for heaven's sake.
Tabitha, dear, have you
forgotten what it's like to be 16?
Oh! Hello! What a beautiful voice.
I wonder who she is.
Stay here, boy.
I'll check this out.
Oh. You have to go now? I see.
You are a wonderful dancer.
Will I ever see you again?
May I cut in?
No. Wait, wait. Come back.
I apologize.
I didn't mean to frighten you.
There. See?
No more sword.
Now, will you come out?
Wait a minute.
What are you staring at?
Well, say something, will you?
You're.... Oh!
You're one of them.
I beg your pardon?
I thought I was the only one
my size in the whole world.
Hero, no.
No, he's a friend. Look.
Hello, my name is Thumbelina.
How do you do, sir?
Uh, thank you for coming to visit.
Uh.... Oh. Oh.
No trouble at all.
The pleasure is mine.
Sorry about that.
It's a lovely name.
Thank you.
I'm Cornelius.
Well, that's a funny name.
I mean it's perfect.
Tell me about the fairy court.
Is there a prince?
He must be terribly handsome.
He is.
Strong and brave.
None like him.
I would love to meet the prince.
I'll tell him.
Thank you.
Oh, you're welcome.
What was that?
That's Buzzby, my bumble.
I left him on the sill.
He doesn't like staying
in one place too long.
Why didn't you say something?
Come on!
Oh, my!
He's amazing!
Hey, would you like to go for a spin?
Come on, let's go.
I wish I had wings.
Maybe someday you will.
Hold on tight. Whoa!
Let me be your wings
Let me be your only love
Let me take you far beyond the stars
Let me be your wings
Let me lift you high above
Everything we're dreaming of
Will soon be ours
Anything that you desire
Anything at all
Every day I'll take you higher
And I'll never let you fall
Let me be your wings
Leave behind the world you know
For another world of wondrous things
We'll see the universe
And dance on Saturn's rings
Fly with me and I will be your wings
She's gonna marry
the prince, huh, Mom?
Well, perhaps.
Anything that you desire
Anything at all
Anything at all
Every day I'll take you higher
And I'll never let you fall
You will be my wings
Let me be your wings
You will be my only love
Get ready for another world
Of wondrous things
Wondrous things are sure to happen
We'll see the universe
We'll see the universe
And dance on Saturn's rings
And dance on Saturn's rings
Heaven isn't too far
Heaven is where you are
Stay with me, I'll let you be my
Stay with me and let me be your
This voice is fantstica!
Mama, I love her.
Oh, Thumbelina.
Oh, wow. Something....
I don't know....
Something happened to me tonight.
Something I never wanna forget.
Me too.
Do not forget me.
I'll never forget you. Never.
Never, never.
- Cornelius.
Oh, Mother.
What--? Mother!
- Cornelius, come now.
- Who are those people?
It's no time to explain. That's the
queen of the fairies, my mother.
Your mother?
Yeah. Look, I must go now, but....
Can I see you tomorrow?
Your mother?
Then you're the....
You are the....
Yes, tomorrow.
Yes, I'm the prince.
The prince?
Yeah. Will you meet my parents?
Say you will.
I will.
You will?
I will.
I will, Prince Cornelius, yes.
- Cornelius.
- Cornelius.
I've gotta go.
Will they like me?
Get down.
Yes, they'll love you.
But let me talk to them first.
And then I'll be back for you
in the morning.
Then you can meet my mother.
Well, great.
But, well, wait here.
And then...
...we'll live happily ever after.
Oh, much longer.
Ooh! Goodbye.
You won't forget to come back,
will you?
I promise.
Oh, Cornelius.
Hey! Help!
Help, Hero! Let me out of here.
Oh, oh! Hero, help. Help me!
A dog!
Get away from me.
Thumbelina. Oh....
Thumbelina. Thumbelina. Oops.
Got it.
Thumbelina, it's me.
Where are you?
Where is she?
What? What happened?
She was stolen away?
Out the window?
Who did it?
A toad?
Good dog.
I'll find her.
No, Hero. You stay here
and take care of Thumbelina's mother.
Let her know
everything will be all right.
I hope you sleep very, very good.
Huh? Who are you?
We are the very happy
Family Singers de Espaa.
Mozo, Gringo and Grundel.
We are very rich and famous.
Rich and famous?
I bring you here to become
famous singer like me.
Goodbye. My mother will
be very worried.
Mama no worry. Mama proud.
When you are a star,
she make big fiesta...
...and invite all the neighbors to see her
little nia who have become very big.
You mean big?
I mean important.
And loved by everyone.
But Cornelius
loves me already.
I think I'm gonna marry him.
Marry him?
That will be a very big mistake.
It'll get in the way of your career in show
business, doing those things domsticos.
What things?
The scrubbings and the washings
And the noses with the drippings
And the sopas always boiling
The panes of windows falling
With the diapers changing
With the roof, she's leaking
And the enchiladas spoiling
Do you know how to do these things
Like you will have to do these things?
Or does the very thought of it
Make you wince?
I thought so
Then don't marry the prince
Oh, dear....
You see?
You become big star, like me.
We make big moneys together.
You make Mama rich.
You're important person.
You are famous. You are a star!
A star? Well, I suppose.
Now, repeat after me.
We are the Singers de Espaa
The original cast
And there hasn't been a town
We haven't played
We are the Singers de Espaa
And we sing very fast
We get on
We get off
We get paid
Could you say that a little slower?
Slower? We don't do ballads.
Maybe I can take notes.
We are free and independent
We go everywhere
We gotcha-gotcha goochee all the way
We gonna teach you how to samba
And to rumba y La Bamba
Every number, Thumbelina, say, "ol"!
Come on the road
My little castanet
Come on the road
And famous you will get
I'll make you star
Get you small guitar
You'll be hot muchacha
Once I gotcha on the road
No one could be sweeter
Sing with mamacita
We go on the road
Now we sing
We open Monday in Medina
Then we do Babylon
Then we hop to Barcelona for a week
Then for a month in Athens
At the Parthenon
Where they love us
'Cause we do the show in Greek
We are the finest in the business
It's a well-known fact
And you'll forgive us
If we have to blow the horn
Because this isn't any ordinary animal act
And today a star is born
Go on the road
You'll hear the peoples roar
You're not a toad
But that's what makeup's for
Just sing on pitch
We'll get very rich
Wait until they see the Thumbelina
On the road
Singing Thumbelina
Dancing Thumbelina
Something Thumbelina
Now I make her sing
You got it.
Come on the road
We make you big success
Come on the road
You're in the union, yes?
The life, she's sweet
Lots of flies to eat
So why be a little fish in little pond
When you can go so far beyond?
I think perhaps we make you blond
When we get on the road
On the road
Let's hit the road, ol!
you give her to me...
...I marry her.
Very well. You can marry la nia.
We can keep the money she earns
in the family.
Thank you, Mrs. Toad. Thank you.
They really like me.
Am I a star?
Yes, and you can call me Mama.
You're going to marry my son Grundel.
I'm what?
I love Thumbelina.
We'll be right back with the Padre.
Oh, no, no.
I love Cornelius.
Today, you marry my son.
Oh, no. No, no.
No, I'm not marrying--
Come back here!
Wait a second.
Where are you going?
Doesn't anybody care what I think?
Whoa! Help?
Who is saying "help"?
- Mr. Bird, over here.
Oh! Little one,
are you having a bad day?
I was sleeping on the windowsill,
waiting for Prince Cornelius to come.
He said he'd come
because he loves me and--
He loves you?
Thanks. But, well....
But I was stolen away
by Mrs. Toad...
...who says I have to marry her son.
A toad? That is a very bad day,
Thumbelina, I am Jacquimo.
How can I be of service to you?
Well, I must get off this lily pad...
...but that's impossible.
Nothing is impossible.
Oh, my. Well, that was easy.
Now if I can just reach the shore
before those awful toads come back.
Do you mean if you can reach the shore
before you go over the waterfall?
What waterfall?
That one!
Is it bad?
I am slipping!
Don't let go!
Can you swim?
No, I can't swim. I can't even float.
Help! Help, please!
Somebody help!
Help! Somebody help!
- Help!
Jitterbugs, help!
Pull, mes amis, pull!
That is it. Higher, higher.
What is it?
Yeah. Who is it?
Look, Mama, she's waking up.
Are you feeling better, little one?
Yes, I think so.
Who are you?
these are the jitterbugs.
The jitterbugs?
How do you do?
Are you really gonna marry
the fairy prince?
If he asks me.
He will call for me at my house.
That's why I wanna go home.
Besides, mother will be terribly worried.
If only I could find my way home.
We'll help you, Thumbelina.
Nobody will hurt you.
Not with us on the job, right?
You are all very brave. Thank you.
But I'm afraid I'll never see
my home again.
Oh. Do you love the prince?
Then follow your heart.
It will lead you home.
Now, where does the prince live?
He lives in the Vale of the Fairies.
But I don't know where that is either.
Do not worry. I, Jacquimo, will
find it and bring him home to you.
It's impossible.
Impossible? Nothing is impossible.
You're sure to do impossible things
If you follow your heart
Ha, ha!
Your dreams will fly on magical wings
When you follow your heart
If you have to journey far
Here's a little trick
You don't need a guiding star
Trust your ticker, get there quicker
Ha, ha!
You're sure to do impossible things
If you follow your heart
Come on, Thumbelina!
You are going home!
Your mother is waiting!
Get up, get up!
You're sure to do impossible things
If you follow your heart
Your dreams will fly on magical wings
Sing, my little chickadees!
When you follow your heart
North or south or east or west
Where to point your shoes?
Which direction is the best?
If the choosing gets confusing
Maybe it's the math you're using
You don't need a chart to guide you
Close your eyes and look inside you
Ha, ha!
You're sure to do impossible things
If you know where to start
Ha, ha!
Your dreams will fly on magical wings
When you follow
Just trust the swallow
And always follow
Your heart
Bon voyage, Thumbelina!
Never fear, I will find the prince.
He's wonderful.
And I'm going home.
Cornelius, my sunshine, first you buzzed
in here on that wretched thing...
...and announced before the court that
you'd found the girl of your dreams.
And now you come back to say
she's vanished?
Kidnapped. She's been kidnapped!
You're joking!
Please delay the winter frost
as long as you can.
I need time to find Thumbelina.
- Cornelius!
Don't worry, Mother, I'll be back.
I'll find her!
Oh, my poor boy.
Colbert, my love, we can't delay
the frost for more than a day.
Hey, bro?
Go away.
Pond talk says Thumbelina
gave you the slip...
...and is gonna marry a fairy prince.
What fairy prince?
You not be able to show
your ugly face on-stage no more.
Everybody laugh at you.
Nobody laugh.
I said, nobody laughs!
I go get Thumbelina
and bring her back.
I marry her!
Look out!
Ha, ha!
Hi, toots. Beetle's my name
and razzmatazz is my game.
How do you do? Everything okay?
I'm not your toots.
Where do you come from?
Up there.
I'm a connoisseur of sweet nectars,
a designer of rare threads...
...and a judge of beautiful women.
And you are beautiful, Miss...?
Thumbelina. And I'm going home.
What's your hurry, toots?
Relax. Take a load off.
I wish you wouldn't do that.
Perhaps you'd prefer this?
Mr. Beetle! I don't even know you.
Would you stop?
Stop? How can I stop?
I'm crazy about you, toots.
You're gorgeous.
You're exciting. Delicious.
I am?
And I love the sound of your voice.
My voice?
Don't talk! Sing. Sing to me.
I have an idea
Can you fly me up there?
Um, why should I, toots?
From the tree I could see my house.
I'd know if I'm traveling
in the right direction to get home.
Gee, I don't know. That would be
a big, big, oh, very big favor.
I'll sing, I'll sing for you
No, no. You'll sing
at the Beetle Ball. And dance.
We are gonna be
the talk of the town, toots.
I'm not your toots,
and I don't even look like a beetle.
Come on, let's get help.
Ladies and gentlebugs...
...Berkley Beetle proudly presents
Baby, it's the Beetle ball
And bugs are crawling to get in
When they hear that beetle beat
Those beetle feet'll start to spin
And how to cheer
For you, my dear
You're beautiful, baby
Oh, my little butterfly
You flutter by at each romance
Every chance to dance with you
Puts the ants back in my pants
Let's cut a rug
My ladybug
You're beautiful, baby
I get a buzz when I have you on my wing
You tie my antennae in a knot
Now the room's reelin'
And I'm feelin' so
Hot to trot
Let's dance, baby!
Isn't she beautiful?
Just adorable, darling.
What a piece of work.
Will you look at her?
Okay, toots, let's wing it.
I can't wing it.
I don't have any wings.
I'm getting dizzy!
She, she, she, she's
So, so, so, so
Hey, that bug is a dog
- My, my!
- Unattractive.
The word, my dear, is ugly.
She's so ugly it hurts my feelers.
I hope it ain't catching.
Would you look at that
She ain't got no wings
Good gracious, me
What are those things?
She ain't got no feelers
No feelers?
She ain't got no shell
Do tell
She's got scrawny legs and knobby knees
For all we know, the gal's got fleas
She can't even fly
No, that won't do
So say goodbye
She's not for you
Sorry, toots,
I guess you're too... ugly!
Don't worry, you'll get over me.
I'm ugly?
Hey, wait for me.
Hurry, Thumbelina needs help.
Do I hear one of you say
Thumbelina needs help?
The beetle took her
and flew way up there.
Be quiet.
The beetle? I want her back!
Come on, let's go!
You big, ugly wart-face.
Now we see about this beetle.
You're sure to do impossible things
If you follow your heart
You're sure to fly on magical wings
If you follow your heart
What is the matter, Thumbelina?
I'm cold. I'm lost. And I'm hungry.
And the beetle says I'm ugly.
The beetle?
Do you love the beetle?
Then never mind the beetle.
Good riddance to the beetle.
And good riddance to the toad!
Does Prince Cornelius
think you are ugly?
No, he thinks I'm beautiful.
And so you are, mon amie. Look.
I'm going home.
Will you find the Vale of the Fairies?
I promise.
I promise. But now we must sleep.
Thank you, Jacquimo.
Thank you.
Tomorrow is a new day.
And I will go to the forest and see
if I can find your Prince Cornelius.
A nice sunny day, huh?
It's sunny, all right,
but I'm not too sure about the nice.
I am looking for
the Vale of the Fairies.
Fairies? Beats the heck out of me.
Why don't you ask a fairy?
You know one?
No, but he might.
I am looking for the Vale of--
I can see you are a very busy fox,
so I will be brief.
Buzz off, buster!
Look. Look what I do.
I have a thorn in my wing.
This is bad, very bad.
Mon Dieu, I hope I still can fly.
I fly.
It only stings a little.
Now, where was I?
Autumn. It is Autumn.
I must hurry to find the fairy prince.
Winter is almost here.
Thumbelina, where are you?
Whoa. Whoa!
I'm looking for
a beautiful young woman.
Her name is Thumbelina.
Are you the fairy prince?
I am.
Thumbelina's gone.
Gone? Where did she go?
The beetle took her away.
They're out there. Somewhere.
She's out there? In that?
There's a big toad after her.
Oh, no.
I've got to find her.
Winter's almost here.
Hurry, Buzz! My father can't
hold back the frost much longer.
Okay, okay!
Can I explain something?
I don't know where she is.
We didn't hit it off too good.
So I let her go. She's not my type.
She's an ugly type.
I don't like ugly.
She is beautiful!
Whatever you say.
Look, I got an idea.
I hear that she loves
the fairy prince, right?
I crush fairy prince!
Okay, shut up and listen.
Why don't you just nab this prince
and set up a trap for the girl...
...using him as the bait.
You know, get her to come to you.
Nab the prince?
And set up a trap.
Nab the prince.
Yes. And set up a trap.
Do you speak English?
Try to keep up, Grundel, okay?
Don't shout!
You're making me very nervous.
You go capture prince.
You took my wings!
You can't do that!
Yeah? I keep wings
until you nab prince.
Listen, pal, this harassment has gone
far enough, and I know my rights.
I'll report you to the pond patrol.
Okay, okay. Cool it, cool it.
Where's your sense of humor?
All right, I'll nab the prince.
Come on, guys.
Mind the wings. I'll be back.
Excusez-moi, Monsieur Bear?
I am looking for
the Vale of the Fairies.
I don't want no berries.
No, no, no. Fairies, not berries.
Wake up, you fat lummox!
I said, wake up!
I am having a very bad day.
Mon Dieu, it is so cold.
Winter! Winter is here.
This thorn.... It hurts to fly.
Don't worry, Buzz.
We're gonna make it.
Thumbelina! Oh.
He takes my wings away.
Now I have to walk to find the prince.
If he let me keep my wings,
I could fly after the prince.
Hey, Beetle, this guy's the prince.
The prince? Ah! The prince!
Somebody up there loves me!
Okay, you pick him up.
Let's get out of this stinking weather
before we're statistics.
I can't even feel anything
in my feelers anymore.
A guy with my brains,
I gotta talk to a toad.
What kind of conversation
can you have with a toad?
What? They're toads.
Jacquimo was wrong.
I will never find my way home.
It's impossible.
Oh, Mother, where can you be?
I know there's someone
Who's sure to find her
After the rain goes
There are rainbows
She'll find the rainbow
Soon my breaking heart will mend
Soon a happy ending
Troubles behind her
I will find her
Homeward bound
Safe and sound
And soon
Feeling better, my dear?
Where am I?
In my kitchen.
I'm Ms. Fieldmouse
and we are snug and safe underground.
I'm underground?
Yes, dearie, three feet under.
I dug it myself
with my own two hands.
Here, drink this.
At least that toad
won't find me down here.
There's something
I don't understand.
Did you really think you could
survive the winter in that old shoe?
Ha, ha! Honestly!
I wanna go home.
Well, I'm afraid you'll just have
to wait here till spring, Thumbelina.
You know my name!
Oh, that was easy.
I know much more. Like, you were
engaged to the fairy prince.
Cornelius, I believe?
Well, almost.
That is so sad.
That he was found stone-cold
frozen dead in the snow.
But of course you knew that?
No. Cornelius, no!
- That is so sad.
- No, it's not true. No!
Oh, Thumbelina.
Forgive me. Sometimes I just
blurt things out without thinking.
You're still young, though.
There'll be another.
He was perfect.
Nobody's perfect.
Cornelius was the only one--
Now, put this on. We'll take
these corn cakes to Mr. Mole.
He lives just down the tunnel.
I'd rather not.
I saved your life this very day
and you'd rather not?
Very well.
One more thing... it true that you have
a beautiful voice?
I don't feel much like singing.
You must sing for Mr. Mole.
He loves sweet things.
Come on.
Mr. Mole loves his corn cakes.
Cornelius was looking for me.
That's what must have happened.
Good afternoon, Mr. Mole.
Oh, yes.
Ms. Fieldmouse?
Good afternoon. Lovely day.
I want you to meet a new friend
of mine, Thumbelina.
She just came down from up there.
"Up there"?
Up there.
Terrible place.
How do you do, Miss Thumbelina?
Pleased to make your acquaintance.
How do you do, Mr. Mole?
Come in. Don't touch anything.
These are my things.
We brought some corn cakes for you.
Just you try one, Mr. Mole.
Ooh. Mmm.
Very nice.
Well, tell us about up there.
I went up once. Nearly blinded me.
Hurried as fast as I could
back down where it's dark and decent.
Oh. Uh, but....
I love the light.
I hate it. End of story.
Story. Thumbelina,
tell Mr. Mole a story.
A lovely, sad story.
Stand right there,
where I can see you.
Oh, I love love stories,
don't you?
Once upon a time,
there was the sun.
Sing it, Thumbelina. Sing.
She sings?
Oh. Um....
Once there was the sun
Bright and warm and wonderful
Shining like the love within my heart
Now there's no more sun
Winter has killed everything
And although it's dark December
I'll remember sun
Winter has killed everything,
even the sun.
Wonderful story.
Dreadful thing, the sun.
And now,
I have a story to tell you.
Just this morning, as I was
out for my early morning stroll...
...I found the most extraordinary
thing in my tunnel:
A dead bird.
- No!
Yes. How do you suppose
a dead bird got into my tunnel?
Well, I'm certainly glad
I'm not a bird.
Bothering the world with endless
twittering, twittering, twittering....
My, yes. Oh, there it is!
Whatever do you suppose
happened to him?
Well, there's one less bird
to twitter, twitter, twitter up there.
Oh, Jacquimo. Jacquimo.
My dear, dear friend.
Tender little thing.
Yes, quite lovely.
Ms. Fieldmouse, could I have
a word with you?
I wish you would.
You know I have been meaning
to take a wife for some time now.
What a lovely idea.
I find myself sometimes, you know...
...lonely for companionship.
What could be more natural?
And I wonder if--
If I could ask you to help me
persuade Miss Thumbelina... be my wife?
She could keep me company
and tell me stories.
And for your service in helping
to arrange this match...
...I will reward you handsomely.
Oh! I will. I will!
Dear Ms. Fieldmouse.
Leave the arrangements to me.
I hear your heart.
You're not dead, no.
Jacquimo. Jacquimo.
I'll come back. Tonight.
- Thumbelina?
One ice-cold prince coming up.
Where do you want him?
There. He looks dead.
Dead? Dead, schmed!
What difference does it make?
You killed him.
Okay, okay, have it your way.
I killed him.
There, you satisfied?
Forget the prince, all right?
What if I were to tell you
I know where Thumbelina is right now?
What if I told you that?
Would you give me my wings?
I'm glad you kill prince.
It's a deal.
Good. My sources tell me...
...she's buried alive with the mole.
Mole? What mole?
If I were you, I'd get my tail
over there and save her.
Go. Get hopping.
Oh, and give me my wings.
Where does mole live?
I go kick down his door.
Ooh! Ooh! Stop! Stop!
What's going on? Where are we going?
We go rescue Thumbelina
from the mole.
Mole? Are you out of your mind?
I'm not going down there.
Do you know what he does to beetles?
Do you have any idea?
He stuffs them. He stuffs them
and he pins them on his walls.
Why don't you just marry a toad?
Ever think about that?
Find a pretty toad with warts
and marry her.
Toads. I gotta be stuck with toads.
They've got the fairy prince.
We've gotta help him.
Come on, guys, let's build a fire.
All the same,
we'll make it a thrilling wedding.
Why, it's a wonderful match! Mr. Mole
is the richest rodent for miles around.
Educated, well-dressed,
highly thought of....
Never mind that he can't see.
That's all the better.
How can I possibly marry Mr. Mole?
I don't love him.
Love? Love is what we read about
in books, my dear.
"Here Comes the Bride"
Is a lovely little ditty
But marrying for love
Is a foolish thing to do
'Cause love won't pay the mortgage
Or put porridge in your bowl
Dearie, marry the mole
True, it's a fact that he's not exactly witty
He's blinder than a bat
But at least his eyes are blue
His breath may be alarming
But he's charming for a troll
Dearie, marry the mole
Romeo and Juliet
Were very much in love
When they were wed
They honored every vow
So where are they now?
They're dead, dead
Very, very dead
Poor Thumbelina
Your brain's so itty-bitty
I hate to seem a pest
But I know what's best for you
Just think of all the ways
That you can decorate a hole
Take my advice
I'll bring the rice
Dearie, marry the mole
Marry the mole
Marry that mole
M is for money
Please be warm, dear friend.
Please live.
Poor little swallow. I'm sorry
for all the trouble I've caused you.
I know now...
...there's no place in this big world
for little people.
We cannot do impossible things.
Perhaps I should marry the mole.
He could take care of me.
He could.
I will.
I will marry the mole.
You are joking?
Marry the prince.
Jacquimo, you're awake!
Oh, Jacquimo!
Ow! Ow.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I have a thorn in my wing.
A thorn? Well, let me see.
Oh, my goodness.
Hold still.
Now it will get better.
Don't get up.
No, no, I go to find the Vale
of the Fairies and the prince.
You silly bird, don't you understand?
Get on my back.
I will take you to the green forest.
Be realistic. Cornelius is gone.
I will find him. Remember....
Jacquimo, don't.
You're sure to do impossible things
Stop! Stop it, Jacquimo!
--your heart
Bon voyage, mon amie.
Bon voyage!
No. Jacquimo.
Oh, Jacquimo, stop torturing me.
Cornelius is dead.
Does he know Mr. Mole
is gonna marry Thumbelina?
We'll find out when the ice melts.
Then we'll tell him.
Look, he's waking up.
Let me be your wings
Let me be your only love
Let me take you
Far beyond the stars
Mr. Mole, do you take this
woman to be your lawful wedded wife?
Let me be your wings
Let me lift you high above
Everything we're dreaming of
Will soon be ours
I do.
Anything that you desire
Anything at all
And, Thumbelina,
do you take this mole... be your lawful wedded husband?
Do not forget me.
I'll never forget you. Never.
Never, never.
Speak up.
I beg your pardon?
I cannot marry Mr. Mole.
I don't love him.
I marry her!
No, I no marry you. I go home!
Go away!
After her!
Ha, ha! Hi, toots.
I'm not your toots.
Hey, wait.
My wings. My wings.
Whoa! Ah.
She marry me!
That's the toad we told you about.
We meet at last, Mr. Toad.
Fairy prince?
No. You killed him.
The sun. The sun is shining again.
Come on, show me what you got.
Let me go!
Thumbelina, come back.
Ah, the sun!
And always follow
Your heart
Jacquimo, it's you.
Of course, c'est moi.
Thumbelina, I have found it.
I found the Vale of the Fairies!
Oh. Jacquimo.
It is true.
I talked to the rabbit,
who talked to the fox...
...who talked to the deer,
who know for sure.
I show you. Jump on. Hang on!
We go find the fairy prince.
That's impossible.
You are wrong.
I nearly made the biggest mistake
of my life.
I nearly said yes to the mole.
That mountain looks like a turtle.
But I don't love the mole.
Ah. We are here, we are here!
Hello, hello, hello. Fairies?
This is it.
It just looks like
a patch of ordinary weeds.
Sing, Thumbelina, sing.
Jacquimo, please,
can you take me home?
You will be my wings
You will be my only love
You will take me far beyond the stars
Jacquimo, this is silly.
This is a weed patch.
This is the Vale of the Fairies!
Take me home. Please.
Let me be your wings
Like that. Sing, like that.
You will lift me high above
Everything we're dreaming of
Will soon be ours
Anything that we desire
Anything at all
Every day you'll take me higher
Let's be practical.
This isn't the Vale of the Fairies...
...and Cornelius is never coming back.
And I'll never let you fall
You. It's you. Cornelius, you're alive!
Thumbelina, will you marry me?
I will.
Wings. I have wings.
My very own wings!
Anything that you desire
Hello, Mother!
Anything at all
Every day I'll take you higher
And I'll never let you fall
And always
Follow your heart
And of course...
...they lived happily ever after.
You're sure to do impossible things
If you follow your heart
Ha, ha!
Your dreams will fly on magical wings
When you follow your heart
If you have to journey far
Here's a little trick
You don't need a guiding star
Trust your ticker, get there quicker
Ha, ha!
You're sure to do impossible things
If you follow your heart
Come on, Thumbelina!
You are going home!
Your mother is waiting!
Get up, get up!
You're sure to do impossible things
If you follow your heart
Your dreams will fly on magical wings
Sing, my little chickadees!
When you follow your heart
North or south or east or west
Where to point your shoes?
Which direction is the best?
If the choosing gets confusing
Maybe it's the math you're using
You don't need a chart to guide you
Close your eyes and look inside you
Ha, ha!
You're sure to do impossible things
If you know where to start
Ha, ha!
Your dreams will fly on magical wings
When you follow
Just trust the swallow
And always follow
Your heart
Let me be your wings
Let me be your only love
Let me take you far beyond the stars
Let me be your wings
Let me lift you high above
Everything we're dreaming of
Everything we're dreaming of
Will soon be ours
Will soon be ours
Anything that you desire
Anything at all
Every day I'll take you higher
And I'll never let you fall
Let me be your wings
Leave behind the world you know
For another world of wondrous things
Wondrous things are sure to happen
We'll see the universe
And dance on Saturn's rings
Fly with me and I will be
Fly with me and I will be
Your wings
Oh, your wings
Oh, anything that you desire
Anything at all
Every day I'll take you higher
And I'll never let you fall
Let me be your wings
Let me be your wings
Let me be your only love
Get ready for another world
Of wondrous things
Wondrous things
We'll see the universe
And dance on Saturn's rings
Heaven isn't too far
Heaven is where you are
Stay with me and let me
Let me
Be your wings
Be your wings
Be your wings
Be your wings