Thunderbird (2022) Movie Script

Hey, Tae-min!
You know who youre paying back
with this car, right?
God damn it.
Of course I do.
So who is it?
Isnt it for Jun-mos uncle...
Not Jun-mo. Its...
Ugh. Never mind, punk.
Hey, isnt this my car though?
We cant pay with this.
I won a shit ton of cash
on the Wheel of Fortune.
Ive got it right here...
Dont bother!
Go back to sleep!
God damn it...
Youd be blown away
by how much I won...
Your call cannot be connected.
Leave a message after...
Hey Tae-gyun!
Youve got a customer!
You didnt ask where were going.
Arent you going to the casino?
Theres nothing else around here.
Huh. You know this area well.
Of course.
I know it very well.
Excuse me!
Audi A4.
Registration, 2642.
The receipts in your pocket.
How much did we get?
Five grand.
Five fucking grand? Ask for more!
Its worth way more than that.
Whered he go...
Excuse me!
I left something in my car.
Can you open up so I can grab it?
Mister, just let me get my car out.
Hey, Jun-mo!
The money?
I can pay you back right away!
I actually just won tons of money
at the casino. Its in my car.
But I dont know where my car is.
Of course Im at home!
Nice place you have here!
Your phone.
Give it to me.
The money really is in my car.
Fatso, you know my car!
Its in the fucking car!
The god damn car!
Hey, where are you?
When can you get me my money?
Hey. We finally sit down for a meal,
and youre glued to your phone?
Hey. Please...
Do you do that while driving too?
A guy called to complain earlier!
He said their driver kept looking
at his phone instead of the road!
So, which girl is this, huh?
Instead of wasting money on her,
spend some time with In-sook!
Hey, get her to check the cut
on your hand.
You were a nurse before.
Right, In-sook?
I knew it!
Shes very experienced.
Shes worked in Seoul and abroad too.
And shes not just
an experienced worker.
Shes got lots of experience
with guys too!
Shes even been married before!
Hey, shes sitting right there.
No, its okay.
Am I not allowed to talk?
Hes always acting like hes the
only honest one here.
Im a divorcee too!
You keep talking about quitting
your driving job to go to Seoul.
Then you should settle down
and focus on saving, no?
Anyway, what happened to your hand?
Doesnt it get in the way
of your driving?
How did you hurt it?
I just cut it on something, so...
The phone is turned off.
Leave a message...
Youre not picking up?
Call me when you get this.
Hows the hand?
Oh. Its fine.
Just let me know if you need me
to take a look. Really.
Its okay.
Are you really leaving for Seoul?
Yeah, I guess.
Theres no point in staying here.
Why not?
Dont they take care of you here?
Still, I should go.
You live alone, right?
Thats right.
Would you like to come to my place
for dinner some time?
Ill text you my address.
Sorry. Excuse me.
Bro. Im fucked.
- Why? Whats up?
- This is a collect call.
Itll cost two cents per second.
If youd like to continue,
please press any number.
If youd like to continue,
please press any number.
Where are you right now?
- Hey, Tae-min!
- Oh. You came.
What are you doing here?
- Im really fucked.
- What do you mean youre fucked?
Ive lost my phone.
And my shoes.
Hey, wheres your shirt?
My shirt?
Its drying over there.
Lets get your shirt back on first.
Tae-min, whos got you in this state?
Who else, besides those
money collector assholes?
They came to collect money?
Do you know their names?
Shit, its all wet.
Hey, what are their names?
Why? Just help me find my shoe.
I think its around here somewhere.
Well never find it!
Just come out of there for now.
We have to find it!
Were never going to!
Bro, Ive got one right here.
So wheres the other?
You think its back at the house?
Youre not even trying.
I bet you we find it!
Im not betting! Just come out!
It probably floated downstream.
Oh! Here it is!
I told you it was here!
And you didnt even help me look.
Ugh. Still not dry yet.
See? We found it all.
One thing at a time.
Found the shoes, found the phone.
Just need to find the car now.
Fine, but lets head home for now.
What time is it?
I dont know.
Its probably not seven yet.
We cant go home.
- Why not?
- Gotta pay Jun-mo back tonight.
By the way, whats that smell?
What do you mean smell?
I play soccer in that.
Then you wear this
and Ill wear what you have on!
You can pretend youre going
to go play soccer.
What are you gonna do now?
I have to find my car. Shit.
- What kind of car is it?
- Youve never seen my car?
I might have if you ever
picked up my calls, punk.
Youll recognize it. Its an Audi A4
with a thunderbird sticker.
Whered you get the money for that?
You dont buy cars with money.
You buy cars with guts!
Also, that's the kind of ride
that gets you paid.
I hit it big again.
But the moneys in the car.
If I lose that, Im really fucked.
You sure your car is here?
What? Is that it?
How would I know if its here?
My car was pawned!
You asked for my help!
What am I doing here then!
Why would they pawn your car?
They took it,
so they must have pawned it.
Then cant we just go to the pawnshop?
I dont have the cash to buy it back!
The moneys in the car!
For someone who studied in Seoul,
youre pretty clueless.
Whered he go?
Damn it. Then Ill just...
Why didn't I think of this earlier.
It's my car anyway.
I just need to get the key back.
Do you have any money?
How much do you need?
Five grand?
Damn it, that car is worth way more.
Why would I have that kind of money?
Cant you borrow it from someone?
Youve got a lot of friends.
Friends? Yeah, Ive got friends.
Lots of friends!
Lets take your car, bro.
Hey, then what about my money?
When are you gonna pay me back?
As soon as we find the car!
Lets go!
You know Ki-cheols auto shop?
Lets head there.
Want me to come in?
You grab the clothes from the trunk.
- Hey, Tae-min.
- Yeah?
Im sorry, this is all I can give you.
Id give you more if I had it,
but its been crazy with the kid.
Oh, man!
Thank you! For real, thank you.
Ill pay you back when I get my car.
No rush.
Its the least I can do.
Right, Tae-gyun?
I heard you were back from Seoul.
You couldve called me.
Why didn't you give me a call?
Yeah, but Ill be heading back.
How have you been?
How have you been?
Son of a bitch.
You talk just the same!
I heard you're a taxi driver now?
You drive cars, and I fix them.
Similar lines of work, huh?
Tae-min, come over here.
You should know that car
is worth more than five grand.
I put a lot of effort into
tuning that car up!
Those fuckers have no idea!
Like, say its worth eight grand.
You only need to pay off two grand.
Why? Because you should be
getting three grand back!
Oh, youre right!
Now I think of it... Yeah!
I cant go with you,
but I'll write you a valuation.
What did you say
this place was called?
- Century Pawnshop!
- Century Pawnshop, right.
Your valuation will really
add some weight!
Of course!
Eight thousand dollars!
- Its worth at least this much!
- Exactly!
Im AHN Ki-cheol, punk!
Thank you so much!
Hey, Tae-gyun.
You bastard, whatre you doing?
Heres my card.
Call me if you ever break down.
- Ill run straight out.
- Okay...
You little son of a bitch...
Why did you just stand there?
We need to head to the casino, right?
Do you have any comp points?
Ill buy your points.
Do you have any comp points?
Do you have any comp points?
How long do you plan on doing this?
Im stuck doing it,
but its not like
youve got gambling debts.
Then again, a young thing doing
this is better off than me.
Why the sudden rambling?
Did something happen?
Hey, your boyfriend is here.
Is this all youre wearing?
Whats that smell?
Hey, whats that smell?
I wear this to play soccer.
Hey, Mi-young, do you have
any money right now?
Did you make anything today?
Mr. KIM Min-jae?
I'm the one who asked for the money
to be collected from KIM Tae-min.
If you haven't started yet,
can I call it off?
This is KIM Tae-gyun.
You already met up with him?
You said youd call me
before you did it.
What about the money?
You already transferred it?
Hey, how about that guy?
Do your thing.
Whats up with you today?
Hurry up! Or are you too busy?
Mister, do you have any comp points?
Oh, these?
My picture came out weird...
No, it looks good.
How much is on there?
Im not sure.
How much do you need?
- Whats she doing?
- Making money.
If you dont know, we can go check.
There's a motel I know in town.
We can go there together.
Let me make a quick call.
Mi-young, how much does he have?
He doesnt know,
so we need to go check.
- You get half the commission?
- Its me. Are you at the hotel?
I might not come back tonight.
Long time no see, Mi-young.
Theyre everywhere.
Even in the parking lot.
You know the comp points?
She said thatll do. Im serious.
Sir! Lets hurry, theres no time.
- Are we all going together?
- Yes, we have a taxi ready.
- We can head straight over.
- A taxi?
Yes, go ahead.
- Driver? Lets go.
- Where...?
Im bringing a customer over.
Get out here, mister.
Ill park and be right in.
Yes, sir.
Is there two grand on there?
What about eighteen hundred?
It went through.
Half of eighteen hundred
is... nine hundred.
And then half of my share is...
four fifty.
Maam, can you give us the rest?
Ill pay you back on the 31st.
Hey, what is this?
Just this once? Please?
Oh, fine!
Thank you!
Half of eighteen hundred is
nine hundred. You can count it.
What is this?
Arent we going together?
Arent we going up together?
Mister, could we have this?
Once we find my car,
Ill pay you back with interest.
If youre nervous,
you can come with us.
You came here to blow some money,
why not take in the sights too?
You dont have anything better to do!
Hey! Spin your bullshit
somewhere else!
You think youd get by without
these people, you piece of shit?
Were off now.
What the hell...
God damn it.
Get over here. Now.
Fuck you.
What do you think youre...
Get off!
You crazy motherfucker.
Are you out of your mind?
Leave it.
Lets just go!
Get off!
Hold on!
Whats going on?
Get off me!
Fucking crazy piece of shit.
Lets get out of here.
Hurry up.
Get in.
You okay?
What took you so long?
Hey, I think theyre following us.
Does he want another beating?
Hey, where are we headed?
Pull over.
- What do you mean pull over?
- Do it! Theyre a bunch of pussies.
Theyre gaining on us!
- What happened?
- Whered they go?
Whatre you doing?
Are they gone?
Were good. Lets go.
Someone needs to get out and push...
One, two, three!
One, two, three!
Cant you push a bit harder?
You come push then!
- No planks of wood lying around?
- No!
- Anything you can put under the tire?
- You look! Im done.
What if you two switched?
Since its sunken on this side.
- How about you and I switch?
- Or Tae-min could...
Jeez, its really stuck in there.
Its me, Tae-gyun.
Thirty seven, thirty eight...
Hey, whats 38 times 50?
Nineteen hundred.
As expected, the ex-dealer
with the quick calculations...
Hey, didnt you get
something from that guy?
Shes got quick hands too, huh?
When are you going to pay me back?
As soon as we find my car.
Oh, yeah?
So wheres your car?
At the pawnshop.
Why is it at the pawnshop?
Hey, whod you say left you
like that at the river?
Its nothing that concerns you.
Oh, how much do you have in here?
- Wait, dont...
- Im gonna put it right back.
I have to hand that in!
Its the companys money.
Ill put it right back.
No, I have to hand it in.
Stop it!
What is it about that idiot
that you like so much?
Thats my business.
Hes here.
This asshole gets my card
and immediately gets into trouble.
Laughable son of a bitch.
Gloats about going to Seoul,
but cant find a job.
Goes on about driving a taxi here,
but cant even get settled.
- Ki-cheol, whend you get here?
- Hey, Tae-min.
This guy, he boasts a lot,
but he never seems to succeed.
Hes good with his words though.
Ill be heading back soon. Bullshit!
Arent you here to get the car out?
Then why are you talking shit?
I said, why the shit talking?
Of course fucking you!
Come on then, you piece of shit!
- What did you just say, you bastard?
- He was being an asshole earlier too!
Sorry about this.
Im so sorry.
No, hold on.
Does he have a death wish? Hey!
Hurry up!
Get in there!
That bastard wants to die!
Whats wrong with him?
Hes drunk.
That son of a bitch.
Even if hes drunk!
He needs to learn a lesson.
- Get out, you son of a bitch.
- Please, just leave.
You stay out of it, sweetie.
Come out, you bastard!
Sir, hes really drunk.
Alright, here I am.
- Stop! Damn it.
- Come over here.
Just get back in!
Im really sorry.
Tae-min is just drunk.
Just get in there!
He cant pull that shit with me.
If he gets back out,
I could do some real damage.
Hes really drunk.
Im very sorry.
Hey, tell your brother to act right.
I'll send you your fee right away.
If it wasnt for you,
hed be a dead man.
- I'm sorry.
- Fuck...
I'm off then.
- Send my fee right away.
- Yes. Ill call when Ive sent it.
Drive safe!
Why are you picking fights
with everyone, huh?
Its better than just being
a doormat, like you.
What about it?
Im still not as lowly as you.
Gambling all the time.
Building up debts.
Howre you ever gonna make it
by watching from the sidelines?
You think youre gonna succeed
in Seoul acting like that?
Hey, Mi-young.
Should I move to Seoul too?
Why would you go to Seoul?
My friend works in finance there.
He bought a Mercedes in six months!
Youre completely unprepared
to move to Seoul.
Whats to prepare?
You just up and go!
Whatever, I wont go then!
They can just cut off my finger.
Whats all this about
them cutting off your finger?
Why are you getting mad?
Im just saying, watch your mouth.
How much more do we need?
About twenty five hundred to go.
For what?
If I can get you the money,
how much can you give me?
If you get me the money,
I'll buy you whatever you...
No bullshit.
Tell me how much you can give me.
Are you serious?
Whats going on?
- Theres fifty thousand in my car.
- What?
If I can find my car,
Ill give you half.
Fifty thousand what?
Where did you get fifty grand?
- Just hold on.
- Whats going on?
Ill give you twenty five hundred.
Lets go find your car.
Are you serious?
- For real?
- Why would I lie?
See, Mi-young?
Theres nothing like family!
I wont be needing this then.
Hey! You rat!
I put it back!
As soon as I take my eyes off you.
Please take your cash.
Please check that you have everything.
Thank you for using our service.
I'm sending you a thousand first.
I'll pay the rest back soon.
Turn left here.
Remember to take my cut out
before you split it.
Its right here.
Maam! Please open up!
Open the door, please.
You know the Audi A4 from earlier?
Registration 2642? You remember?
I brought the money.
That car is worth way more
than five grand though.
I brought this from an expert.
Please, take a look.
What about the receipt?
What receipt?
Who brought the car in?
And he didnt give you a receipt?
So well organized.
This doesnt say five thousand.
What do you mean?
Six thousand?
No way...
But Min-jae said it was five grand.
Words are worthless.
Bring the receipt, or bring more cash.
You sure you didnt get a receipt?
- Wait...
- It isnt this part up here?
Im sure I didnt get one...
I must have left it back there.
Lets go back to the auto shop.
Well be back in 30, maam.
Its 11 now,
so well be back by 11:30, okay?
Dont go anywhere, alright?
Lets go.
Shit, where is he?
Fucking hell...
Did you find it?
Whats this?
I dont know.
Its too wet to read.
Whatd you say?
Give it to me.
You can see a little bit.
Couldnt it still work?
Let me see...
Mi-young, you wont be able to
forge it.
Im almost done...
Whered you get that?
Lets use some of this!
Theres not even that much here!
But I have to at least show
that Im serious!
Jun-mos uncle will actually kill me!
Take it, you son of a bitch!
- It looks closed.
- Maam!
- You said we had until midnight!
- Hey, stop. Theres a number here!
Its going smoothly as usual, huh?
Are you sure this place
closes at midnight?
- I asked if youre sure...
- Get off!
Did she pick up?
I dont think theres anyone here.
For fucks sake...
You said wed get it done today...
- What are you doing?
- Hey!
- Hey!
- Tae-min!
What dyou think youre doing?
Im just getting my key.
How could you break in though?
Im just getting whats mine!
Look, its right here.
You little bastards!
Lets use our words!
Who's this bitch?
Fuck this... Seriously.
Hey, what are you doing?
Where dyou think youre going?
I asked where youre going.
What more am I supposed to fucking do?
Hey, lets go.
How can you leave?
Shes unconscious.
Lets just go...
Maam, are you okay?
You. Come here.
Pick her up.
What do we do...
Be careful of her head.
Tae-min, open the door.
Watch her head!
Maam, are you okay?
Hold her head!
I told you to hold her head!
What are you doing?
Can you even drive?
What the...
Move over! Hurry!
- What were you doing?
- Move!
What do you think?
The evidence!
We have to get rid of the evidence.
How is she?
- Where do we go?
- The hospital.
No! Ill get caught
if we go to the hospital.
- Where then? Hurry up.
- I said go to the hospital.
Cant we just leave her?
What are we waiting for!
- Which floor?
- Second floor.
Lets take the stairs.
We're here.
Ring the bell.
In-sook. Its me, Tae-gyun.
Theres been an accident...
Can you open the door?
How is she?
Its not serious.
But she still needs a hospital.
This phone is turned off.
Leave a message after the beep.
This phone is turned off...
Why didnt you go to the hospital?
She hates the smell of hospitals...
What about your hand?
Is it okay?
Its fine.
Dont worry about it.
Whos the girl who came with you?
Shes the womans granddaughter.
That doesnt seem right.
Sorry to bother you so late.
Ill explain everything later.
You bastards...
Where am I?
Could you give us a moment to talk?
Im very sorry, maam.
What are you going to do now?
You cant kill me or let me live.
We left everything but the car key.
As soon as we find the car,
well pay for everything.
Theres a large sum of money
in the car.
Well pay for the car, plus your
medical bills and the damage.
That bastard will pay for those.
How much will you give me?
What do you want from me?
Match what he gives me.
I already owe someone.
But as soon as I pay them off...
Here we go again.
Would you like some tangerines?
Am I supposed to trust a gambler
who can't even pay the debts?
And the little bitch?
Shes the one who saved you...
And she wont get any of the money.
Then whats she doing here?
Shes not here for you...
Somethings going on, right?
Have you been gambling?
Arent you only here temporarily?
Since youre saving to go to Seoul.
Ill worry about that.
Dont concern yourself.
Please dont gamble.
Ill help you.
Dont touch me you creep!
Excuse me.
Wheres the child?
He doesnt live with me.
Your seal.
Thats it, then?
Bring the five thousand first.
I need collateral
before I give you the key.
There are two keys missing.
Did you leave them in the car?
No, I brought everything.
Did you leave them at the house?
Not in there, right?
Where did Tae-min go?
Give me the five grand we collected.
Lets give her that first.
Find Tae-min, okay?
Hes got the key.
Hey, Tae-min!
Why are you going off alone?
I have to find my car soon...
Well find it together.
Whats my brother doing?
Hes always late!
Lets just take it slow...
Tae-min, fancy seeing you again!
Why so surprised?
- Jun-mo...
- Come here.
- Hey, Tae-min!
- You son of a bitch!
Thats enough, right?
Plus, five thousand for car one,
and seven thousand for car two.
Either bring me the missing keys
or bring twelve thousand more.
Where are you going?
How can I sleep here?
Ill need somewhere to stay
until this place is fixed.
Somewhere nice.
Nothing cheap.
Lets go then.
Are you all right?
You son of a bitch.
Why are you
always running off by yourself?
- Fuck you!
- Sorry! Im sorry!
Mi-young, do you remember him?
- Who?
- That clumsy kid, Jun-mo.
He went to our high school.
You never spoke to him?
Why don't you hang out with him
for a couple of hours?
Ill come get you
as soon as I find my car.
You want me to hang with some freak
while you look for your car?
- Yeah.
- Why?
Hes been wanting to talk to you.
Youre scared of that little prick?
You coward!
- Hey! What are you looking at?
- Just hold on.
His uncle is deadass scary.
Hell really fuck me up.
So what?
And Jun-mo is a real nutcase.
He sets people on fire. For real.
But you still want me
to hang out with him?
Im just saying to chat with him!
Is that so hard?
When you were a dealer,
youd hang out with your clients.
Itll only be a couple of hours.
Seriously, Ill be right back.
Ill be right back!
Jun-mo, shell hang with you
for a couple of hours.
- Ill be right back, okay?
- Alright, run! Run!
Why arent you leaving?
Do you work with Hyo-joon,
the private lender?
I dont work with anyone.
They just bring me stuff to sell.
Do you owe him too?
Such a rat race in this town.
You all should just take it easy.
You can go now.
Where are you?
With Jun-mo?
Why are you there?
What about Tae-min?
Isnt he picking up?
I dont know...
Ill text you the address.
Drink up.
So we went to school together?
What have you been doing since?
Working for my uncle.
Im a debt collector.
Thats cool.
It sounds like challenging work.
So Tae-min borrowed money
from your uncle?
I cant choose not to collect it.
I dont have a choice.
Want to see something cool?
Awesome, huh?
Do you remember me from school?
I was probably invisible to you.
I was a real little bitch.
Tae-min would beat me up every day.
Tae-min would?
Are you surprised?
He was a real devil.
Thats why I jump them with this
and smash their heads in.
I have to be heartless.
Come on!
Come on!
Hurry up!
- Hey! Who are you?
- Stop!
- Who the hell...?
- Stop!
Who the fuck are you?
Where are you going?
Stop it!
Are you fucking crazy?
Just get out!
Whyd you have to hit
that little guy so much?
Thats what I get
for coming all the way here?
Thank you.
Really. Thank you.
What about Tae-min?
Did he run off with the money
or something?
No, he didnt.
You still trust him?
Even after all this?
Watch your mouth.
Heres his key!
Take it.
Are you going to keep
living like this?
- Come with me.
- Where?
Seoul? Anywhere!
We dont have to live together.
But lets split the money in the car
and go somewhere new!
And what will you do there?
I dont know. Set up a shop or
drive a taxi or go into finance.
And what about Tae-min?
What about him? Huh?
Why do people like him so much?
What does he have?
All he does is drink and gamble.
And you dont gamble?
Its not gambling.
Then what is it you do?
I invested in some crypto.
If he had only paid me back. Shit...
But then there was a huge dip...
Is that why you hired people
to beat him up?
Is that why
you stabbed him in the back?
There really is nothing like family.
Then lets get going.
With our shares of the money.
Ill call you after I take care
of some stuff and find the car.
Ill see you later.
Who is it?
Its me, Tae-gyun.
Please leave.
I have something to tell you.
Did something happen?
Could I have some water please?
Im really sorry about yesterday.
Ive been busy with the old woman
and her granddaughter all night.
What I said yesterday
was a slip of the tongue.
Let me get you that water.
What are you doing?
Have you seen any car keys?
There should be two sets...
Heres your water.
No, wait!
Thats not...
Im sorry. Im really sorry.
Ill leave as soon as I find the keys.
Please, Im begging you!
Hows business?
How do you think it is?
Look, theres no one here.
Oh, I saw your boyfriend earlier.
He was passed out drunk
by the station. Didnt you see him?
Why didnt you...
What if he freezes to death?
Why are you getting mad at me?
Get up.
I said get up!
Im almost done.
Ill see you in an hour.
Get out.
- You went to Sabuk High School?
- Who are you?
What year?
Son of a bitch!
Get out here!
Is this him?
Is this the guy?
So what are you going to do about it?
Do I have to do it?
Are you going back to
how you were in high school?
How will you take care
of your dad then?
Im not going to be around forever.
- Jun-mo!
- Yes...
You have to be heartless.
Thats enough!
Well done.
Tae-min, you fucker!
Fucking Tae-min!
God damn it!
Where the fuck are you?
I knew youd be here.
So come out, you son of a bitch!
Oh, youre here.
I was about to call
and tell you I found your car.
You think youre still my brother?
After what you did?
What? Why?
She told me everything, asshole.
What did she say?
Anyway, what about this?
- What?
- You said there was fifty grand.
Its not fifty grand?
Then how much is there?
Five grand, you bastard.
Five thousand!
Is that nothing?
You call that a small amount?
Thats not the point!
Didnt you ask Min-jae
to collect your money?
Didnt you ask people
to beat up your own brother?
Hey, Tae-min!
- You trust someone like her?
- What did you just say?
You believe the words of a thief?
You fucker.
Talk shit about her one more time!
None of this would have happened
if youd just fucking paid me back.
Damn it, everything would be fine
if youd just paid me back!
Whatever. Lets go get the money.
Where is it? Ill drive.
Dont fuck with me.
Give me the key.
Damn it.
So wheres the money?
Give me the key.
Lets go talk where the money is!
Ill give it to you there.
What do you think youre doing?
You mean this? Lets talk
where the money is.
Wheres the money?
- Wheres the money?
- Stop fucking around!
No! Lets go where the money is.
Ill give it to you there.
Let's go! Just tell me
where the money is!
Stop it and give me the key!
Well talk where the fucking money is!
- Give it!
- What, this?
Here, you fucker!
- Where the fuck are you going?
- Let go, you son of a bitch!
You piece of shit!
Wheres the money?
Wheres the fucking money!
Wheres the money?!
Hey! Are you getting the money?
Wait, Ill come too!
Hey! Lets get Mi-young and
the money and head to Seoul!
Hey, just follow your gut!
Lets go! To the moon!
You said wed fucking split it!
Give me my share!
Im off duty.
What do you mean off duty?
Taxis still need to run.
This isnt enough.
You lied to me. You said youd
send the money right away.
And did you?
No, you didnt.
Thats why Im here.
Mr. KIM.
You dont own a house.
This taxi isnt even yours.
Now youve lost your credibility.
What do you even have?
Such a nuisance.
No choice but to take a finger.
Wait! Stop!
Keep still!
Ill get the money.
I just need 30 minutes!
I know where the money is!
Why you little... I already
gave you a month, didnt I?
But you think Id still trust you?
What have you been doing
for the last month?
Whatever, come here.
One thing at a time...
Who are you?
One thing at a time...
Hey, Tae-gyun!
What happened to your face?
Did you get into a fight?
Get in! There's a
year-end party today.
Hurry and get in!
Everyones here already!
Yeah, drink up!
Why are you so late?
Here, have a drink!
We should drink on a day like this!
Bottoms up!
- Great work, everyone!
- Down the hatch!
Tae-gyun is thirsty!
Here, have another!
What a party!
You can really drink!
Thanks to you all,
Ive had a great year.
I hope that we stay
like this for a long time.
Sing us a song, In-sook!
Great work, everyone.
Lets keep it up next year.
In my dream again tonight
Ill go where you are
Like a butterfly, seeking
the scent of a flower
Hey, Tae-gyun!
Are you awake?