Thunderheart (1992) Movie Script

WWEN Weather Watch says temperatures
will remain in the mid-90s...
...with high humidity readings...
Continuing with Talk Radio,
this is Roger. Who's this?
Next Tuesday night is
Fan Appreciation Night...
870 on your AM dial.
And now stay tuned for more...
The inbound commute from Virginia
is quite congested...
...from Morton Avenue.
The reason...
The sky was orange and could be seen
from as far away as 10 miles...
Your name popped up
this morning, Raymond.
Impressive background.
Two years street work.
Three years underground.
You've done some fine deep-cover work.
Thank you, sir.
How's the colonel?
My father's fine, sir.
He sends his regards.
He's a good man.
I was just looking over
your family tree here.
It's quite a mixture.
...and American Indian.
Sioux Indian, is it?
- I don't know.
- Sioux.
Your real father was half,
isn't that right?
I didn't know my father.
He died when I was a baby.
He died when you were 7.
I'm pulling you out of your province.
Sensitive Operations Unit.
Two-man team.
You'll work under Coutelle.
ASAC, Denver.
Frank Coutelle?
- You know Cooch?
- No, sir, but I've...
His career is fantastic.
He's a legend.
Legendary pain in the ass.
There's an old dog
who doesn't like new tricks...
...or new agents on his block.
But he's top-shelf.
Thank you for the assignment, sir.
Where is his block?
The Badlands. South Dakota.
There was a homicide on Indian land.
Several in recent years.
There's a militant group
operating on the reservation.
They call themselves ARM.
Aboriginal Rights Movement.
Extremely violent.
They want to defend
the traditional natives...
...against the pro-government natives.
It's turned into a civil conflict.
Indian against Indian.
Whole place is a tinderbox.
Now, this is a murder investigation.
But it's also about
helping the people.
Helping people caught
in the illusions of the past...
...come to terms with
the realities of the present.
Any questions?
My assignment, sir.
What's my cover?
No cover.
You're going in there
as who you are... American Indian federal officer.
I believe, with a Native American
representative there...
...that we can diffuse the tension
and improve relations.
As long as PR is
disseminating information...
...that we're sending the Indians
one of their own...
...nobody will be asking you
to weave any baskets or make it rain.
Sensitive Operations Unit.
I want it closed in three days.
How do you say it?
- Mr. Coutelle.
- Cooch.
Actually, we met before
in '76 at Quantico.
I heard your speech on the Hobbs Act,
labour relations. Very interesting.
We got 87 miles to the res.
We better hit it.
How many agents do we have there?
It's just you and me, pal,
and the lone prairie.
Who found the DB?
We need to know.
The Aboriginal Rights Movement
seems to be pretty active...
Turn your head to the right
for a second.
In the right light,
with your head turned... kind of remind me of Sal Mineo
in Arrows on the Prairie.
Did you ever see that one?
Other than that, your coming here
is like pissing in the wind.
So drop the questions. Stick
to the assignment. Want a smoke?
- I don't smoke.
- Good. That's good.
Those things will kill you.
Look at this.
Third World, slap-dab
in the middle of America.
It's hard to believe, huh?
Used to be all theirs,
clear on up into Canada.
This is what they got left.
- They just left the body out here?
- FBI jurisdiction.
Body belongs to us.
Ripe one.
Leo Fast Elk.
Not fast enough, I guess.
- Raised on the reservation.
- Key.
Thirty-seven. Single.
Resident of Community 3 housing.
It's penny-ante stuff, Sal.
Fifth member of the tribal council.
What do you make of the damages?
Automatic. M1, M16...
...223, high velocity.
Soft tip, maybe.
Very clinical.
Not that fancy.
It's a 30-30 lever action.
No frills.
Five times.
Maybe five feet away.
In a spiral. We want casings.
Here you go.
Eagle feather inside a circle.
That's the ARM symbol.
Federal officer!
Hands on your head! Do it!
Come back to cover your tracks?
Leo's been here too long.
I'm taking him to burial.
- Restricted area, Geronimo.
- This is Indian land.
What's your name?
Easy, Sal.
Sure ain't Geronimo, chief.
You guys got off the wrong exit, yeah?
You looking for Mount Rushmore?
What's your name?
I'm a full-blooded Oglala Sioux,
born and raised here.
You're a murder suspect.
Now answer my question. Who are you?
He's a fucking cop, is what he is.
Fucking cop?
Walter Crow Horse.
Tribal Police.
- Shit.
- Sorry about that, Walter.
He's new on the block.
Kind of gung-ho.
We got wind you was coming.
This your Indian official, yeah?
This is Ray, here.
Ray Little Weasel.
Little Weasel?
Leo's gotta get to ceremony.
He's gotta make the journey.
What journey?
Oh, the journey. Right.
It's time.
Look, "Crow Foot," the only journey
Leo is gonna make... to the medical examiner
in Rapid City.
In case you didn't know,
violation of the...
- Major Crimes Act on an Indian
reservation is in the jurisdiction...
...of the Federal Bureau
of Intimidation.
That's very good. Now vamoose.
Yeah, right.
I said...
...when can Leo be taken to ceremony?
We'll let you know.
Have you known Leo long?
Nice shades.
There's more homicide here
than the whole rest of South Dakota.
Over what?
Civil war.
You got the so-called Traditionalists
mixed up with outside agitators.
They want to go back to the tepee
and the buffalo hunt...
...against the pro-government Indians.
- Like Leo Fast Elk.
- Right.
He was a council member... offing him would be
a major coup...
...for these militant Traditionalists.
That's right.
They want to overthrow the council
and reinstate the old chief system...
...then reclaim the Americas,
from Alaska...
...clear on down to Argentina,
or some damn thing.
If they wanna do some good...
...they should clean up the garbage
in their front yards first.
Nothing to be ashamed of.
They're your people.
They are not my people.
Don't go overboard
trying to prove that point.
I thought you were gonna snuff
old Crow Horse back there.
Easy, now. Just take it easy.
Stay calm, chief.
It's just a road inspection.
Found your way back.
Ray, this is Jack Milton,
tribal president.
You're the Indian official
they sent us.
- This is Ray Little...
- Ray Levoi.
Mr. Milton.
What's going on?
They're supporters of ARM.
We're looking for some people.
ARM left their mark
at the body site.
I know. It's gone too far out here.
I'll catch these murderers
and take care of them.
Indian way.
Know what I mean, kola?
It's gotta be taken care of
the legal way. You know that.
Federal jurisdiction.
Are these tribal cops?
- Guardians of the Oglala Nation.
- "Goons" for short.
Tribal Rangers, auxiliary security.
They're here to run these so-called
warriors off before more people die.
Hands on the hood!
Tell them to put the guns away, Jack.
There's been enough shooting
here already.
If the Federals don't
get rid of them, we will.
The ARM is gonna be
the busted ARM!
Hey, Lewis!
Where the hell did they send us?
Long way from home, Ray.
Now, here's the deal.
ARM's on its last legs, Ray.
Most of their leaders are either
in jail or dead.
We got two key extremists left.
Maggie Eagle Bear,
local schoolteacher.
Central. Propensity for
armed protest, inflammatory acts...
...openly advocates
systematic violence.
Then we got...
James Looks Twice.
The last messiah of the movement.
National leader.
Felony record?
He burned the American flag 3 weeks ago
in front of the council offices...
...then pledged to overthrow
Milton's goons.
We got a data match
between him and Leo Fast Elk.
Two assaults in the last month.
He's my doer, Ray.
What's gonna happen is... we'll move into
one of their guerrilla camps...
...and bust his ass.
Two assaults on Leo?
Well, three.
- What the hell is that?
- Sweat meeting.
On the ground.
FBI. Come out easy.
Come on, grandpa. Move it.
Let's go.
Okay, gentlemen...
FBI agent.
We'll do the talking.
Go on.
Come on. Move it, move it.
Nice haircut, Jimmy.
- This is a spiritual ceremony.
- You're under arrest.
Get away from me!
You resist, it all gets
real simple, real fast.
Subject resisted. Subject is dead.
You get it?
It was an Inipi ceremony. You drag
people from churches during prayer?
Get your damn clothes on.
Go on home.
Keep your mouth shut!
- You got nothing on me.
- Don't be so sure, Jimmy.
Hanging that flag upside down's
a federal offense.
I was in the service.
- Decorated.
- Me too, Jimmy. You're not alone.
Then you know an upside-down
flag's a distress signal.
Cut the militant bullshit.
- I'm not a militant. I'm a warrior.
- And I'm John Wayne.
It's a 500-year resistance.
You can't break the connection.
- It's a 500-year-old voice.
- Have you got a key?
All right.
Levoi, the federal master key.
No, don't. The goons
just busted my door Sunday.
It's in the can.
The key. Use the key.
It's in the coffee can.
Coffee can?
Yeah. The key's in
the coffee can, in the hole.
Issue a fugitive alert. Assault
on an officer. One officer down!
Has the officer been shot?
The officer's been bit
by a fucking badger!
I said, hold it!
Go through everything!
Turn around,
keep your hands on the wall.
We know Jimmy's here.
You're hiding him!
Goddamn goons. Get the fuck
off my property!
What do you think you're doing?
This is a school. Knock it off!
- Jimmy have any kids?
- Yeah. Three, as far as we know.
Get over here. Get over here!
- Line up.
- Leave them alone!
Get your hands off! I'm going inside.
I gotta get some things.
Raymond Levoi Little Wiener,
Federal Bureau of Interpretation!
You snuck up on me
just like a real city Indian.
- You don't listen so good, do you?
- Watch it! You're stepping on sign.
Leo wasn't killed here.
He was dumped here...
...out of a car.
Bald tread, muffler held on
with baling wire.
1960 Chevrolet, blue and white.
Leo's own car.
It's still missing.
The man you want
dragged Leo out on his back...
...turned him face down...
...made a circle in the earth
with a large pole pine bough.
He dusted his prints with it
back to Leo's vehicle.
But he missed one.
Whoever killed Leo walks heel-toe.
Like a white man. Jimmy has
a real serious Indian walk.
Carries about 140 pounds.
This guy was a big son of a buck.
Based on the depth of that print,
pressure releases, I'd say 210, 215.
You gonna tell me
how much change he had?
Sixty-three cents.
You're out of your jurisdiction.
Let's go.
Jurisdiction's the only thing you got.
You gotta listen to the trees, Hoss.
You gotta stop
and listen to the wind.
It'll tell you things, kola.
Crow Horse, I flew in here
from a place called the 20th century.
I don't need to listen to the trees...
...or talk to the sand to get answers.
Go back to the ME and take
a good look inside Leo's wounds.
And you tell me how he got
red limestone in there.
You'll only find that
at the Little Walking River.
That's where he was killed...
...where she crosses Maggie
Eagle Bear's place, in Mato Ska.
Tell 007 when he's finished
getting stitched up...
Watch your mouth. You couldn't
dust Frank Coutelle's badge.
Or his badger, for that matter.
You weigh 173, yeah?
You're not a beer drinker.
You're a tofu-and-pilaf character.
You wear your gun on your right hip,
but you got a backup.
A little. 32,.38 maybe.
In an ankle holster.
Gives you a left-foot drag.
You're wearing brand-new shoes
that are a little tight...
...but they look cool,
and that's what counts.
Am I right?
Crow Horse...
...fuck you.
You'd love to.
Ma'am, wait!
I'd like to talk to you for a moment.
We're unarmed!
- Everything's fine.
- Grandma?
Grandma, you all right?
I gave her a little start.
She's fine.
Don't worry, Grandma.
Well, well, well.
It's the Washington Redskin.
You must be the Indian FBI.
That's right.
- You looking for Jimmy?
- Why? Have you seen him?
Okay, Yellow Hawk. Easy.
I think so.
He crossed the road in front of me
about two miles back.
Then he flew away.
He flew away?
Yeah. Well, he can shape-shift.
Into different animals.
You know. Deer, elk, porcupine.
Crow, sometimes.
Is that a hereditary thing,
or can one take classes?
Get off.
Take her in. Take her in.
- You live here?
- Why?
No, he doesn't.
Where were you two days ago,
6:30 in the morning?
You got a warrant?
You wanna take a drive...
...or tell me where you were
at 6:30 a. m. Two days ago?
I was in Rapid City.
I had an 8:00 interview
with a TV reporter.
Desecration of tribal burial grounds.
Go inside.
He's not gonna hurt you.
The children were with me.
We stocked up on drinking water
and drove back to the res around noon.
And the old woman was with you?
- Why?
- I'd like to talk to her.
No, she's afraid of the FBls.
I have reason to believe a murder
was committed on your property.
Now, if you just
explain to her that...
...we're here as a service
to the community, she'll cooperate.
She doesn't talk to wasi'cus.
But then, you're Indian.
That's correct.
What nation?
The United States.
I'm a Sioux.
Who do you get your blood from?
Who's your father?
This really doesn't matter, does it?
Grandma's very, very traditional.
I don't think she'll understand.
I'm traditional too.
Why not bring her out?
She can explain shape-shifting,
and I'll explain the aeroplane.
You're from the reservation...
You asshole. I'm from Minneapolis.
I spent four years at Dartmouth
before I came back here.
I know my rights
and I know your world!
She's not coming out
unless you've got a warrant.
And you're trespassing on my property,
so hit the road, chief.
"Coutelle and Levoi apprehended
Looks Twice at militant rally...
...but were attacked with a... "
- Ambushed.
- Ambushed, that's good.
"Ambushed by five, six, maybe three...
...unidentified Indian males.
S.A. Coutelle was... "
"Stabbed in the arm during the ambush.
Looks Twice assaulted Levoi,
then took flight to avoid prosecution.
Coutelle issued
an all points bulletin, et cetera. "
I wanna nail this guy before
that 302 reaches Dawes' desk.
Our three days aren't up yet, Ray.
Did you get anything?
- It's time we got you home.
- I want one more drink.
.223 M16.
Where'd you get this?
Property of Maggie Eagle Bear's.
- Get your hands off me!
- Substantial evidence indi...
Let's go.
There's evidence to indicate
that's the murder site.
This Looks Twice fellow
is very sloppy.
How'd you get this?
- Fraternizing.
- Who?
The Indian cop. Crow Horse.
You're barking up the wrong tree.
He plays with FBI heads.
That's his m. o.
He's got no jurisdiction.
But it happened there.
The DB was transported in his own
vehicle, a Chevy that's still missing.
If we find that vehicle,
we'll have the evidence we need.
Was anybody at her camp?
She was.
Six kids, two of them are hers...
Thank you.
An old lady she called "Grandma"...
...and an ARM member.
Richard, last name unknown.
Richard Yellow Hawk.
Yellow Hawk?
Let's hear the tape on Maggie.
I didn't get tape.
We're trying to build a case here.
Get tape, all right?
If we don't nail this guy in 24 hours,
this is no longer an in-and-out.
You'll be eating fried bread
and dog soup for many moons to come.
Now get out there and get them
talking. They're hiding him.
How about a real job?
Nobody's gonna talk to me.
Goddamn prairie niggers!
Somebody's trying to tell us
it's checkout time.
You gotta be kidding me.
License and registration, please.
Kiss my ass.
This is my jurisdiction.
And you were doing 59 in a 55.
Let me see the radar.
- I don't need no radar, I can tell.
- You're full of shit.
I listened to the wind
when you went by.
It said, "59. Nail him. "
Before the Traditionals do.
You know, you guys are just...
...the second coming
of the same old cavalry.
They don't want you here,
and nobody gonna talk to you.
Except for the Wica'sa Wakan,
and I don't know why.
The who?
The man who sent me to find you.
Says he has some...
...information for the FBI.
Where is he?
You can mail that in
or appear at tribal court...
...if you wish to contest it.
Follow me.
Grandpa Samuel Reaches.
Heavy-duty medicine.
What do you mean, medicine?
Like, medicine man?
- Did you bring some tobacco?
- What?
When you go and visit an elder,
you always bring tobacco. As a gift.
I knew that.
Yeah, right.
What did he say?
He wants to know
if you ever watch Mr. Magoo.
He says he's not to be trusted.
He's crazy.
He says Magoo needs to go up on
the mountain and get himself focused.
Grandpa likes to trade.
Nobody stops by here without getting
stuck in the old "Indian barter. "
Know what I mean?
He likes your eyeglasses.
He says you stopped
the Inipi two days ago.
He's not unhappy with you,
because he says he knows you.
He knows me?
He says he saw you
in a vision sometime back.
He says you come from
a wasi'cu city in the east.
But your people, way back,
are the Miniconjou Sioux.
But you don't know that...
...because you're as far from yourself
as a hawk from the moon.
He was told you were coming here.
Who told him?
The spirits.
It's their will that you come here.
We will smoke the pipe,
and there will be no lies between us.
Don't worry.
It ain't no Mexican agriculture.
Tobacco offering,
to carry your prayers up.
If you don't smoke, he'll think
you're hiding something.
Very sacred, he says.
500-years-old turtle-shell rattle.
Handed down from four grandfathers.
I see a man. leska.
Half Indian. He's in
dirty clothes, bad teeth.
He's standing near a mission.
No, a school.
He's waiting for somebody.
A boy...
...leaves a school.
Other wasi'cu boys playing,
like boys do.
The boy sees the Indian man waiting.
But the other boys are laughing
and making names at the Indian man.
And this boy pretends
his eyes do not see him.
And he runs past him.
The Indian man stands alone...
This Indian man with the dirty clothes
and bad teeth, somewhere else.
He's on a floor.
Yeah, on a floor.
He can't breathe.
He cannot...
Does he have any information or not?
He gave it to you.
Ask him...
...if he knows anything
about the murder.
He said, "I don't know. "
He recited the Gettysburg Address
in there. What did he say?
The old man saw an owl last week.
So what?
The owl is a messenger.
It means somebody's gonna die.
The owl told him about Leo.
The owl told him about Leo?
He also said, "Listen to the water. "
"Listen to the water. "
"Listen to the owl. "
He also said, "Don't trust Mr. Magoo. "
He said you're chasing the wrong man.
Jimmy didn't do it.
He said we should follow this.
Follow this.
The best part of his life,
a medicine man.
Communion with the earth.
He can read you like
last month's Sears catalog, kola.
You can't be serious.
Reaches says you come
from heavy Indian blood.
You manipulating an old man now?
It's the other way around.
These are for you.
She wants to know if you'd like
to come in for a cup of wakalapi?
Love one.
There's been a lot of trouble here...
Yes, I hear the gunshot.
Every night I just sit in my chair...
...and pray Tunkasila will help us.
But it's the water.
The children getting sick.
That's terrible.
What's wrong with the water?
It's contaminated.
Ranchers are finding
stillborn calves all over.
Grandma, do you remember the last time
you saw Leo Fast Elk?
I've got something.
Just leave her alone.
She didn't see anything.
A man was murdered.
It's my job.
All right.
Do your job.
61 Traditionals and ARM supporters
murdered and never investigated.
You don't want this one.
This is a suicide.
He managed to shoot himself
in the back of the head.
I'll look into it. I promise.
And find out what happens to tribal
funds that don't get past Milton.
Just stop pretending
you don't know what's going on!
I know what's going on.
You're trying to use your degree
in education to help your people.
First you organized
the local control of schools.
Then you cofounded
the Oglala Battered Women's Shelter...
...a few months after you were raped.
You're one of the most effective
representatives of ARM...
...even though you consistently vote
against violent action.
That must be hard.
You do a lot of good work.
You're very brave.
You want to keep doing it?
She says she made that for you.
She said Grandpa Reaches told her
you come from...
...brave people.
What do you think you're doing?
Get off of me!
Get down!
Get down!
Everybody, get down!
- Mommy, Mommy!
- Stay down!
Get down!
Oh, God! Hobart, Hobart!
Oh, my God! He's been shot!
He's been shot!
They shot him. Help me!
All right, let me take him.
Take his head.
Take his head.
Where's the hospital?
Quick! Main village!
Shooting at Eagle Bear
residence in Mato Ska.
He won't stop bleeding!
He won't stop bleeding!
Wrap that around him,
and don't put it on too tight.
I have an injured child en route
to the reservation health clinic.
He's gonna be all right.
Stay awake with me now.
That's a good boy.
- Somebody's been shot!
- We need a table!
- There isn't one.
- We need a table!
Hold on.
Hold his head. Hold his head.
- He's lost a lot of blood.
- Be right there.
He's not gonna die.
He's all right.
- He'll be all right.
- Let me take a look.
What happened?
He's been shot.
- What's his name?
- Hobart.
Hobart, can you hear me?
Now breathe in and out
as big as you can.
All right. That's good.
He's gonna be all right.
- Were you hit?
- No.
Are you crazy?
Eagle Bear was key,
and you just screwed it up.
- Now ARM thinks she's an informant.
- That wasn't ARM.
Keep your boy on a leash!
You need the fucking leash!
Pull yourself together.
These guys are on our team, okay?
You set off a powder keg here.
I told you not to go there.
You getting horny? Shooting for rank?
I don't care what went on between
you and Dawes in some office in D.C.
This is the battlefield right here,
and this is my case, okay?
Get in the fucking car.
Let's get out of here.
We got a lab report on that eagle
feather you found in Jimmy's trailer.
It's a genetic ditto to the one
found at the DB site.
- Stick to the assignment.
- Sensitive Operations Unit.
Very good.
Let's catch this Tonto
and get out of here.
They filled out a 302 this morning.
Indian male, elderly. Samuel Reaches.
He ain't elderly, Cooch.
It's just bullshit.
Not exactly. The old man's
a spiritual leader of ARM.
They go to him to get
their semiautomatics blessed.
I want you in a Code 5
out at his residence.
- Look, this old buzzard, he...
- Let's get back on track here.
The heat's coming down on Jimmy,
so he goes to get holy, get it?
Now get yourself a cold shower
and get on over there.
James Looks Twice...'re under arrest.
You can have some milk.
Just checking.
No, no, come on.
Get out.
Hang on, Jimmy.
That's a nice truck.
Where'd you steal it?
- Thought you might want to see this.
- What's going on?
It's a powwow.
That feather you found
gave you a little chub.
We all have feathers
from the same eagle.
We share everything on the res.
Those are my sunglasses.
I traded Grandpa.
I'll trade with you.
That's a rock. You nuts?
These are Ray-Bans.
You ain't got nothing on Jimmy.
You're no cop.
Fleeing justice,
assault with a weapon...
...assault with intent to kill,
is nothing?
That scum is an enemy
of the United States.
You know, when we were kids,
we used to play cowboys and Indians.
I was always Gary Cooper.
I didn't want to be an Indian.
The government boarding school
made sure of that.
They cut off my hair...
...washed my mouth out with soap
when I spoke my own language.
My own language, Ray.
When the ARM warriors came here,
it was an awakening.
Got the people proud of their
heritage, their elders, language.
And you call them "enemies. "
Tough call all the way around,
isn't it?
Now, you just keep on doing that.
Tomorrow morning I'll have Leo's
murderer in the Bear Creek Tribal Jail.
Screw your jurisdiction.
You withhold evidence,
you're in deep shit.
So sue me.
I'd like to thank
all the adult dancers.
In the junior categories...
You're a big boy.
I'd like to have all the women
dancers, the traditional dancers...
- Nice to run into you, Washi...
- The Washington Redskin.
How are you, Yellow Hawk?
You better watch yourself.
Around here, I'm the FBI.
Full-blooded Indian.
He wants to trade.
He likes your watch.
No. Impossible.
My grandmother gave it to me
when she was dying.
No way.
He says you need to go on Indian time.
White-man time will
give you stomach cancer.
No deal.
I don't know about you,
but I'm not looking for a white guy.
Good, because neither am I.
Lakotas believe
if you turn a dead man facedown...
...his spirit won't come back.
That's a Sioux thing
a white man wouldn't know.
If you know something, tell me.
I can help you.
Just tell me what you know.
I won't know till tonight.
They're coming to Grandpa's.
- Who's "they"?
- They are.
You can either come to Grandpa's
and find out for yourself...
...or you can go and chase Jimmy.
He says back behind Red Deer Table...
...there are strange beings
from another world...
...who eat stones and the dirt...
...and who will kill anyone
who crosses into this place.
This is what the spirits say.
He says they saw you going
into the land beyond Red Deer Table.
I was with you.
But that's all they tell. He doesn't
know if you were killed or not.
He thinks you probably were,
but it was a good day to die.
"Go to Red Deer Table.
Go to the land where
the Elk People used to live.
But you must go as two.
This is the vision I've received.
I have spoken.
And it is so. "
Get away from him, Raymond.
Come here to me.
He's drunk. Get away from him!
Let go of him!
Come on. Come here.
Let go!
Easy, Hoss! Where you going?
Red Deer Table. We have to go.
That's his vision.
You can't mess with the visions.
- Someone was supposed to talk.
- They did.
No, you're bullshit!
It's okay.
Look, I know you're scared.
Just don't be scared.
You're fighting it, man.
Just don't fight it.
Okay, Raymond?
Get out of my face.
Knock it off!
Knock it off!
You remind me of
a couple of old women.
He speaks English.
Only when he's really pissed off.
Come on up and watch TV.
Jesus, you gave me a scare.
You okay?
- Hold it right there.
- Stop it!
Don't move!
Get him out of there.
- Get out.
- FBI.
Fed! Let him through!
I can hear you.
Can you hear me?
Pretty soon, I think.
- How'd it go at Reaches'?
- Nothing.
What? No, I'm losing you.
Talk louder.
Are you locking
the garage door at night?
Something happen?
Field support from Rapid.
We're setting up a net.
Not the mudroom door.
No, the overhead. Yeah, I know.
It's easier for somebody to break in
if they got a remote.
We blew our three-day, Ray.
Yeah, look...
Okay, honey.
I gotta run.
Yeah, real soon.
Me too.
Where'd you get this?
I had him.
I had his ass over at
a Traditional's place in Red Crow.
But he just slipped out
before I could move in.
He left that.
That's the animal.
Pin test?
You bet. The whole works.
We'll send it off
to Rapid in a minute.
We got something hard on him now.
You did a good job.
Your name's on the 302.
Hey, Brian? Get that to D.C.
You okay?
You don't look so hot.
Come on, let's go get some air.
You want a soda?
You got a dog in your truck.
That's Jimmy.
I fed it. Can't get rid of it.
Look like you've seen a fucking ghost.
Seen things out here, Cooch.
This place will do that to you.
Have you...
I passed a roadblock
on the way in here.
Goons were armed like the Marines.
Fugitive alert.
What's really going on?
I mean, we're here
to do a mop-up, right?
We're doing a mop-up.
We're mopping up a homicide.
These people can't take care
of their own messes.
Internal civil conflict.
They've been at each other's
throats for 100 years.
We can't get suckered into that.
We're here to get our man.
All right?
This Milton, does he check out?
Situation like this, it's hard to tell
the good guys from the bad guys.
I mean, they're all Indians.
It's a mess.
I've been studying
this field for nine years.
I know more about the law and history
out here than the people themselves.
I feel for them, I really do.
They're a proud people.
But they're also a conquered people.
Their future is dictated
by the nation that conquered them.
Right or wrong, that's the way
it works, through history.
I've seen some field agents
break the rules out here.
I've seen excess and error.
But I've also seen two agents... men, laying belly down
in the grass out there...
...with their heads blown off.
And they were just doing their job.
Idealistic agents,
like all the rest of us.
Protecting the integrity
of the American dream.
Looks Twice... an enemy of the United States.
That's all there is to it.
Sensitive Operations Unit.
You better believe it.
Get in the chute. Put your vest on.
Let's get ready to take him.
- You okay about this?
- Sure.
Put your game face on
and get out there to the old man's.
16 a. m.
Samuel Reaches' residence.
Subject is...
Oh, Christ!
Shooting at Sam Reaches' residence.
- Shot came from over here!
- Gonna take this place apart!
Got a bunker over here.
Let's check it out.
I want casings! Let's spread out
and find some casings!
Found something over here!
You gotta give me those reports.
I need to see them...
I heard you the first time!
Looks like Jimmy's playing
Crazy Horse with us again.
Whatever you say, chief.
Just go inside.
Federal issue.
No, no, no! Hard evidence!
Physical evidence!
What did the old man want?
Just some money.
Come on, let's take a ride.
You know, if either one
of us gets hit...'ll be all she wrote.
We'll have a full-scale war
on our hands.
Oh, shit.
Chief Pain-in-the-Ass.
I don't mean to step
all over your jurisdiction...
...but can I borrow your radio
to report a found vehicle?
A 1960 Chevrolet, blue and white,
registered to one Leo Fast Elk.
How about that?
Yeah, how about that?
Fucking hubcap.
Definitely a city Indian.
Reservation Indian
would've considered drought.
- That's about par for the course.
- Brilliant.
- How are you making out?
- Got a few partials.
Killer looks like a real big guy.
Hey, Ken. Bag it.
I'll do it.
Is that a warrant for Grandma?
She's gone.
I sent her away with the children,
where they'll be safe.
How's your son?
He's healing.
Thanks for asking.
And thanks.
What are you doing?
Taking samples for testing.
- More people are getting sick.
- Sorry I got your family involved.
My family's been involved
since Columbus landed.
My partner is creating an
airtight case. Jimmy has no chance.
Except for this evidence.
Now, if this were to fall
into the wrong hands... might destroy this case.
Crow Horse told me that
a couple of months ago... held a raffle
at a benefit concert.
- Did you keep any records?
- I can't do that.
This evidence is the only power
we have to build a case.
That's not power. That's paper.
Power is a rainstorm.
Power is that river right there.
And that's what I have to protect.
Not the white law.
If Jimmy goes to prison
for being a warrior...
...that is something he accepts.
That's his way. That's our way.
It's the Indian way
to let Jimmy go down?
You can't understand.
You're not Indian.
My father was an Indian.
- You never knew him.
- I knew my father. He was crazy.
He built bridges and skyscrapers...
...without a safety harness,
in his bare feet.
I knew my father.
I was always afraid he'd fall...
...and he'd say,
"Don't worry, washi. I can fly. "
That's what he called me.
He called me washi.
But he couldn't fly.
He tried, but...
He drank himself to death
in front of me and my mother.
I was ashamed of him.
So I buried him...
...till my own people dug him back up.
My own people.
Do you know what that means?
He said it meant "good boy. "
It's the lard we put in stew.
I think he was calling you
a chubby boy.
Whoever bought this ticket
killed Leo Fast Elk.
I gotta go.
Listen, there's roadblocks everywhere.
It's not safe.
I'll be okay.
Where you going?
To the source.
The source?
You're gonna have to do the same...
Grandpa, speak English, please.
I need to understand
what's happening to me. L...
- You gotta get out of here.
- I belong here.
Why aren't you at Red Deer Table,
like old man says?
What is the big deal
about that place?
Can't I get a straight answer?
It's a power deal. Fast Elk
found out, so they killed him.
They'll kill you if you stay here.
Come on, let's go.
Sometimes they have to kill us.
They have to kill us...
...because they can't
break our spirit.
Look, I don't have to do this.
You don't have any choice.
I'm trying to help you people.
Why won't you accept that?
It's in our DNA. You have
to do what old man says.
What makes you such a threat?
We choose the right
to be who we are.
We know the difference
between reality of freedom...
...and the illusion of freedom.
There's a way to live with earth
and a way not to.
We choose the way of earth.
It's about power.
Get 'em up, Jimmy.
Get 'em up!
- Get 'em up, Jimmy!
- Get 'em in the air!
Son of a bitch!
Grandpa, let's go.
You're in a lot of trouble.
Up, up, up! Come on!
Take your hands off!
Get him in there.
- Move, move, move!
- Get him in the chopper.
- Get him out of here. Move it!
- He knows nothing!
You been teaching them
about the Great Red Spirit?
- Check him for peyote.
- He's got a knife.
What is this?
What is that, Sam?
Magic rattle?
What'll you do with that?
Do a rain dance? End this drought?
I said he doesn't know anything.
Leave him alone!
Hey, take it easy!
Take it easy, damn it!
We got him, didn't we?
Just calm down and
take it easy, all right?
It's all over.
We nailed him, Jack.
I knew he'd come back
to Grandpa's sooner or later.
Ray made the collar. Good work!
The ARM is busted. Maybe now
we'll have peace around here again.
No more agitators stirring up trouble.
Good, kola.
Let's close this thing out.
Drinks are on me at the Buffalo Butte.
We'll see you over there.
Make a collect call to Dawes.
Tell him his Indian did all right.
We'll be out of here tomorrow.
I'll see you later.
...I'm not who you think I am.
I'm sorry.
Back that way... a place called Wounded Knee.
I was 1 year old there...
...when they came
and shot our people down...
...because they were Ghost Dancing.
They believed...
...this dance would stop
the white man from coming...
...and bring back the buffalo.
They shot 300 of us.
One of those killed was a holy man...
...called Wakiyan Cante.
He was killed...
...while running for the Stronghold.
It is his blood...
...the same blood...
...that was spilled in the grass
and snow at Wounded Knee...
...runs through your heart,
like a buffalo.
...has come.
Sent here to a troubled place
to help his people.
That's what I'm told.
Run for the Stronghold, Thunderheart.
The soldiers are coming.
They broke my TV.
Yellow Hawk.
The Washington Redskin.
Thought you'd be gone by now.
I'd like to be, Richard.
Like to be.
But you're in a lot of trouble.
What do you want?
That must be a bitch.
How long you been in it?
Since I got an iron pipe
put across my knees, man.
Fight with three wasi'cus, you know?
Oh, yeah. That was
at Sioux Falls Pen, wasn't it?
No, that was Leavenworth.
This is Sioux Falls.
What do you want?
Leavenworth's a tough joint,
isn't it?
- Ever try isolation unit?
- No, I don't think I have.
You know why I'm here?
D.C. Sent you.
- I know that.
- That's right.
D.C. Sent me.
D.C. Sent me because
this whole thing has been fucked.
You know what I mean when I say
this thing has been fucked?
An arrangement was made
between you and us.
You remember that arrangement,
don't you?
I'm here, ain't I?
No, you're gone.
You received early parole...
...contingent on not
violating parole conditions.
Right. I didn't violate parole.
We'll go out the back door and go
real slow. Get up out of the chair.
What is it with you people, man?
I get thrown in an isolation unit until
I don't know my own fucking name.
Then you people tell me
I can beat 20 years if I helped you.
Well, I helped you.
The ARM is gone.
Get up!
They said I'd never see FBI again...
...and I'm living
with you fucking scum.
What is it you want now?
If I don't feed you information,
it's back to the pen.
If I don't get the boys to make
trouble, it's back to the pen.
It's your word against my word.
Against the Indian's word.
You violated parole, Richard.
What the fuck?
What do you people want?
I did what you said to do.
You blew it.
I blew his back out
with your hardware.
I'm not going back.
All right.
The men that approached you.
What are their names?
Maybe I can do a deal.
I don't know.
Three suits.
That's all I know them as.
Talk to Frank. He set it up.
Right. Frank Coutelle was there.
Yeah, Frank Coutelle was there.
Hey, wait a minute. Wait.
You're not FBI.
I want to see Frank.
You're not the fucking law.
I'm the fucking law!
Stay here.
Just straight ahead a few more miles.
And you thought he was some crazy
old coot talking myths and bullshit.
Let me tell you something, Hoss.
His visions are strong.
Do they come in dreams,
these visions?
Dreams, sometimes during sickness,
sweat lodge, vision quest.
You never know when.
Just before they caught Jimmy,
I had a dream.
I was being run down.
I was running with other Indians.
I was shot in the back.
Then last night I drove past it.
The place it happened. I saw it.
Saw what?
Wounded Knee Memorial.
You were running with
the Old Ones at the Knee?
It was just a dream.
Who the hell are you?
What do you mean?
You had yourself a vision.
Man waits a long time
to have a vision.
Might go his whole lifetime
and never have one.
And along comes
some "instant" Indian...
...with a fucking Rolex
and a new pair of shoes.
Goddamn FBI to top it all off.
Has himself a vision.
I'm sorry.
Maybe it was just one of them,
what do you call them, fitful dreams.
Yeah, fitful dreams.
Fitful dreams, horseshit!
You had a vision.
What do you want me to do?
There it is, man.
Red Deer Table.
What the hell is this?
Goddamn. Test drilling for uranium.
Look at that.
It's sealant.
Our people been voting against
this mining thing for years.
National security.
Does Milton own this land?
He'd like to.
He just gets kickbacks
off the damn leases.
How could no one know?
Because your government pushed
our people off this land years ago.
And Milton and his goons are
making sure that we don't come back.
Leo found out and didn't like it.
That's why he went to Maggie.
So they zapped him and pinned it
on Jimmy to destroy ARM.
You're the only people
who'd do anything about it.
And your people supplied
Milton and his goons.
They're not my people.
Goddamn it, Ray, the source.
The Little Walking starts here.
That's what's contaminated the water.
They go ahead with this strip-mining
and this reservation's a dead zone.
We gotta get you off the res.
We gotta get Richard Yellow Hawk
off the res.
Milton's boys have been here.
Hold your fire!
I want him alive!
Ray, you listening to me?
This is insubordination
and it's futile.
You're under duress.
I understand that.
Just pull over
and we'll talk about it.
That's all I'm asking.
Just stop the car.
Better get the Rapid City federals
back out here. Marshals.
We don't want a goddamn media event.
Contain all reservation exits.
It's under control.
Yellow Hawk is going to sing.
Yellow Hawk committed suicide
at 3:06 this morning.
Just stop the car, Ray.
You blew it, Richard.
I blew his back out with your
hardware. I'm not going back.
All right.
The men that approached you.
What are their names?
Maybe I can do a deal.
I don't know.
Suits. Three suits.
That's all I know them as.
Talk to Frank. He set it up.
Right. Frank Coutelle was there.
Yeah, Frank Coutelle was there.
Frank. He set it up.
Right. Frank Coutelle was there.
Yeah, Frank Coutelle was there.
Always get tape, Frank. Thanks.
Put your seat belt on.
- Where the hell...?
- Come on, let's go!
He's going native on us.
Jesus Christ!
If he gets off the res,
we've got complications.
He's not getting off the res.
They've got us sealed in!
Where the hell are you going?
- Stronghold.
- What?
- We're heading for the Stronghold.
- Oh, shit!
Where the hell's he going?
It's a wall.
- Is that it?
- Yeah, yeah.
Easy, easy!
Let's talk, Ray.
Let's talk about Red Deer Table!
I don't know what you mean.
Why did we kill Leo Fast Elk?
Why Maggie's lying up there dead!
Do you know what he's doing
to your land?!
What are you doing to yourself?
What's happened to you?
They're drilling uranium up there.
- That's restricted. Give me the tape.
- It's contaminated material.
Your deal goes through,
this whole reservation is dead!
He's lying!
- It's in the river!
- Look.
We came to apprehend a murderer.
We did. Now it's all over.
You came here to broker a land deal...
...and eliminate anyone who knows.
Even the schoolteacher.
A schoolteacher, Frank?
What do you want?
What do you want?
An advisory position, grade 10?
- I can arrange it.
- "Sensitive Operations Unit. "
- What do you want?
- People know.
You can't kill all of us.
People know.
I can either help you...
...or send you back to your ancestors.
What's it gonna be?
Come on, let's get out of here.
This land is not for sale!
She should've been there.
She was, Ray.
She was there.
So what happens to Cooch now?
Internal Security investigation.
You mean "whitewash. "
"Do Not File. "
But I'm going to...
...get ahold of
Maggie's media contacts.
We'll see what kind of a story
we can tell.
So now that you're unemployed,
Little Weasel...
...where you gonna go?
- I don't know.
Have to see what they say
about that.
Who's "they"?
You know.
You didn't have another vision,
did you?
Take care of yourself, Crow Horse.
If you ever need a place
to come back to... know, listen to the wind...
...we'll be here.
Ain't no word in Sioux
for goodbye.
Look after yourself, Ray.