Thunderstruck (2012) Movie Script

- Come on! Come on!
- Give it.
Give it up!
- Get in there. Hustle!
- Move it cut, man.
I'm open.
Trap him.
- Don't hug it, play it.
- Trap him.
- Come on, come on.
Jesus! Time cut!
Time cut! Come on, come on, come on.
The score, ladies and gentlemen, is Rams, 45...
- Come on, come on. Hustle, hustle.
-...with our own Eagles at 23.
Okay. Listen up.
This is a basketball team...
not a golf team, correct?
- Coach, is this a basketball or a golf team?
- Basketball team.
Basketball team.
And unlike golf, a law scare is bad.
Now, so far, the only person
that seems to understand...
...what that little circular thingy is,
you know, with the little net an it... Connor here. Now, come on.
Get out there, put some pressure an,
put some jelly in that doughnut.
- Scare some baskets.
Now, hit it.
- Let's go. Come on. Let's go.
- Let's do it. Come on.
- Come on,spirit going here.get spirit! -Hey,Hang time
Nice catch.
What? Out of my way, out of my way.
Sit dawn.
- Coach.
- Yeah?
- What's that kid's name?
- Manager.
Sit dawn.
Ya, face up. Alley-cap. Crunch time.
That's another-
Cross left, cross right, cross-
Oh, you don't know what's happening.
Whoa! Basket.
Dunk. He's so good.
You can't guard him.
You can't guard KD.
Oh, beam, that's another dunk.
Yes. And the crowd goes crazy.
Uh, let's see that one again.
Get up there. Baum!
I can do that.
I'm ready.
Ow! Ah.
You're dead.
- Ashley!
- Aah!
Once again,
Thunder fans, thanks for coming cut.
Our final score is 103-101.
Kevin Durant,
another amazing game tonight.
Thirty-two paints, 11 boards, 8 assists.
You're leading the league
in scaring again...
...not to mention on pace to set
a number of personal best records.
- What's your secret?
- Na secret. It's just haw I work.
Haw did you get open
for that game winner?
- Now, that's a secret. We gotta go.
- Agents.
Agents. Yeah, well, the secret
worked tonight, guys. Back to you.
Hey, KD!
Ya, KD.
- You save them an autograph?
It's all good. He's gonna sign all this.
- He's gonna sign your balls.
- Sign the baby!
A baby? You want him to sign a baby?
- Na. I'll take a picture. Rather take a picture.
- He can't sign the baby.
Don't forget. You promised to ref
the bays and girls basketball game, 50...
Na. Na numbers. We don't take numbers.
Uh-uh. Mm-mm.
Kevin, before you go...
Hey, man. Sc I hacked the web-vite
for Stacy King's party and we're in.
You're kidding me.
Well, I put us dawn for a "maybe"
so it wasn't obvious.
You actually hacked
into somebody's web-vite'?
Well, would you rather sit home Saturday?
No, no. I mean, I'd rather just--
I think it's-- Where will we--?
Her name is Isabel Sanchez.
Oh, yeah. She just moved here from Denver.
Her dad is some engineer
working an a project...
...over at Gallagher Communications.
How did you--?
Did you actually talk to her?
She's the hottest new girl that's moved here
since Cindy Wilson in the sixth grade.
Everybody in my "World of Warcraft" guild
was texting about it after we saw her.
Although, I could have
a couple facts wrong.
She could be visiting from Los Angeles
with her mom...
who's a flight attendant.
Her name is definitely Isabel.
Nat sure about the Sanchez, though.
Do you want me to try to hack
into the school server to find out for sure?
I'm a nerd, Bri.
I'm okay with that. I embrace it.
I'm gonna talk to her.
Goad. You have three years
to keep that dream alive.
Just like making the basketball team.
And like I said,
I admire your optimism, I do, but--
Whoa! Wait. Now?
Look, she's new. She doesn't know
anything about me. I have a clean slate.
Hey, hey, everybody, watch this.
Why are we doing this again?
- Because I wanna dunk like KD.
All right, ready?
Hang time, baby. Whoo!
That hurt.
- Aww.
- Help.
Ashley, get that camera out of my face.
Hang Time! Hang Time! Hang Time!
Hey, Josie, wait up.
Connor is a jerk.
You're not gonna tell me
to ignore him, are you?
What? Na way. I would say give him hell.
You know, if you were bigger,
or richer, or more talented.
- But, well, he's a jerk.
- Thanks.
- Heard you had a rough day.
- Yep.
- Can I try to cheer you up?
- Doubtful.
That's tan bad. I was gonna see
if you wanted to go to the Thunder game.
- Really?
- Really.
T-shirts! Souvenirs! T-shirts! Souvenirs!
You know, this whale "cheer me up" thing
just might work.
I kind of hoped it might.
Get 'em, get 'em
Get 'em, get 'em, get 'em
Get 'em, get 'em, get 'em
Get 'em, get 'em, get 'em
And my team gonna ride tonight
Okay, 13 and 14. This is us.
This is all they had left.
- They're perfect. Thanks, Dad.
- You're welcome.
- Oh, yes!
- Oh! Ha-ha-ha!
- Yes! Yes! Yes!
- Oh, yeah! Whoa!
KD for two.
Dawn in front, kid. Came an.
Yes! Kevin Durant
an an absolute tear tonight.
Unbelievable, Marv. He's in a great groove,
playing with so much confidence.
I don't know
if we've seen him play better.
What's impressed me is haw he continues
to improve every part of his game...
...bath offensively and defensively.
Something I'm sure that opponents
of the Thunder are not very happy to see.
Yeah. Like tonight.
That's the end
of the first half with our scare...
...the Thunder, 51,
the Detroit Pistons, 31.
You see the crossover move when he went
around the guy with eight minutes left?
That was just sick.
See, Dad, that's his counter 52 move.
You pay this much attention
to your math class?
Because if you did, we'd be talking
academic scholarship to Harvard.
Dad, Kevin Durant doesn't teach
my math class.
Goad paint.
Thunder fans, get out your ticket stubs.
It's time for one lucky
Oklahoma City fan... take our MidFirst Bank
half-court shot.
Section 305.
Raw F.
- Wow.
- That's our raw.
Seat 14.
Oh, yes! Whoa! Yeah!
Hey. You wan. Came an, Brian.
- You won.
- Yeah! I won. I won.
- Yeah!
- I wan. I gotta go. I need to go.
I'm gonna go.
There he is, Thunder fans.
Came an dawn.
Couldn't have gut anybody closer?
All right! Whoa! Brian!
All right, Thunder fans. Here he is.
I think we're ready for tonight's
MidFirst Bank half-court shot contest.
What's your name, buddy?
Brian Newall.
Brian. Where are you from?
Uh, I'm from Oklahoma.
- Haw old are you?
- Sixteen.
Sixteen years old, ladies and gentlemen.
Brian, here's what's gonna happen.
If you can make a half-court shat...
you're leaving here with $20,000.
Oh, hang an.
- The halftime contest isn't aver yet.
- Okay. Coal.
This is a one-of-a-kind
commemorative Thunder basketball.
- You ready?
- Yeah, I think so.
All right. He says he's ready.
All right, Brian!
Hey, Hang Time!
Drumroll. Give me a drumroll, please.
Thunder fans, make some noise!
Ladies and gentlemen,
that certainly concludes...
our halftime contest tonight.
- I think the mascot is also glad it's aver.
- Dc you have a pen?
Jain us again at our next game...
...when another lucky Thunder fan
will get chance to win the big prize.
Okay. All right. Nice try, Brian! Nice try!
Hey, kid, hold up, hold up.
Oh, my Gad, you're Kevin Durant.
Hey, take this, man.
You're gonna make that next shat.
- I wish I had your talent.
- I wish I could give it to you.
Hard work beats talent
when talent fails to work hard.
Yeah. Thanks, man. I'm a huge fan.
- This is an honor.
- Thank you. I appreciate that.
- Gotta get going. We gut a game.
- Yeah. Goad luck.
Let's get you back to your seat.
Just right up here.
See you, Kev.
Ugly loss for the Thunder
last night. They lose 109 to 84.
Kevin Durant absolutely on fire
in the first half...
...totally stinks it up in the second,
going 0 for 13, he-
Right below the lungs is the liver.
So just reach in there
and remove the liver.
Ga ahead, get in there. Don't be shy.
Take it cut, examine it.
Sc you saw the halftime shat?
- Um, I think a lat of people saw it.
- Really?
Connor kind of sort of posted it online
this morning.
- San of a-- Seriously?
- Two thousand hits already this morning.
Haw can one person be
such a complete and total jack hale?
I know. It's amazing. Even--
That's add.
Now, I want you to find the stomach.
Rejected. As usual.
Mam and Dad said
you're taking me to the carnival.
- Na, I'm nut. I'm going with Mitch.
- Yes, you are.
- Na, I'm nut.
- Yes, you are.
- Nope
Yeah, I know. Shut up.
Please, this is more humiliating for me.
Reagan? Reagan! Wait up!
Oh, wait.
- Later, lasers.
- Thank Gad.
- I thought she was never gonna leave.
- Your sister's so awesome.
Oh, yeah, that's funny.
Yeah, haw she always makes you play
in her little tea parties?
Oh, that's so coal, man. Like, I lave it.
Wait. One more time.
All right? Let's do it.
He wants to win something
for the beautiful lady.
- I am gonna win one for her.
- Which one do you want, little lady?
Uh, that one.
Ooh, the panda.
A lat of pressure.
Think you can do it, my man?
- Really, it's okay. It's fine.
- Na, I can do this.
You know I can do this, right?
Came an. I'll do it.
These rims aren't regulation
and you know it.
Man, this is so beautiful.
Oh, the Lard works in mysterious ways.
Seriously, I don't want you
to waste money.
- It's fine.
- Na, my family has plenty of money.
This is fine, it doesn't even matter.
Came an.
Think you could do better, Hang Time?
Why don't you give it a try?
Just make sure there's no mascots around.
Man, he's not even worth it.
You're right.
That was luck.
Why don't you do it again?
Oh, my Gad. Oh, my Gad. Oh, my Gad.
Haw about another?
Let's go.
Give it up.
Thank you. I can't believe it.
You're welcome. And me neither.
- My name's Brian.
- Oh, Isabel. Sanchez.
Can I help you?
Sure. Yeah.
- All right.
- Thank you.
You're welcome.
- Are you messing with me?
- What do you mean?
Just give me the ball.
What are you talking about?
- Seriously?
- Just give me the rack, man.
Lack, are you--?
You want out of your contract, huh?
Is it the team? You mad at the coach?
You want me to talk to the owner?
I can't help you if you don't tell me
what the problem is.
It's none of that, man. Give me the rack,
get out of the way so I can shunt.
Wait. Is it me?
It's me, isn't it?
- Sending me a message?
- I'm not sending you a message.
- I'm in a slump. That's all it is.
- A slump?
You seen a slump before?
That's where I'm at right now.
- Okay. Slump.
- Yeah.
All right, a slump. A slump.
- I'm sure Kobe has went O for 17 too
- I was one for 17.
Correction, one for 11. One.
Although the one counts as a miss
because it bounced off Perkins' forehead.
"Bounced off Perkins'--"
Stop being funny.
Na, I'm not being funny.
Nothing funny about this.
I'm gonna get this, though, watch.
Yes. Yes. Yes.
You're back. You're back.
Almost. Work in progress.
Work in progress.
Holy crap.
I can dunk.
I can dunk'?
Oh, I can dunk.
I can dunk! I can dunk!
Oh, guys! Guys, I can dunk!
Dad, I can dunk!
- Let's run it. Came an, Connor. In.
- Watch the pick.
Nader. Nader, hey.
Dc you want to guard him?
The answer is yes,
you want to guard him.
Because you're a basketball player.
All right. If Conner here
goes around off the pick...
...I need you to switch, pap cut,
and deny the ball at all casts.
But if he gets the pick,
then I need you to get up in his grill...
...farce him dawn to the baseline,
and trap him in the corner.
Gut it?
- Oh, I gut it, coach.
- All right.
Now, let's run it again.
And this time, don't suck.
- Yeah, don't suck.
- Play to your potential.
- Keep it crisp.
- Pick him up.
Yeah, I'm an him.
- A little harder with that pass.
Ball! Ball! Ball!
You're late.
- What are you doing in uniform?
- I wanna try out for the team again.
No, no, no. Tryouts are over, Billy.
- Name's Brian.
That sums up
why he didn't make the team.
If we lose our towel boy,
who's gonna pick up my jockstrap'?
- Knock it off, Connor.
- You wear a jockstrap'?
But I've gotten a lat better.
- Well, good for you, Billy. Really.
- Brian.
- Brian.
I really lack forward
to seeing your improvements next year.
- Get your clipboard, Billy.
- The name's Brian.
Lack, this isn't the carnival.
People actually guard you out here.
- Think you can guard me?
- Came an, really.
All right, big shat. All right, big shat.
Ga ahead.
He's gut a handle.
- Think you can play with us?
- Yeah.
- Na, he didn't.
- Yes, he did.
Hold an a second.
Let's do it.
Na roam, huh?
Different when you're up against
a Henry Ford Community College...
...honorable mention
all-conference guard, huh'?
Came an. Came an.
I dig that. Okay.
The name's Brian.
Came here.
You hate being videotaped, remember?
- Things have changed.
- Haw?
Back, back, back.
I don't know. They just have, all right?
I guess it's all that practice.
That's good, that's good.
Somehow things just clicked.
What--? Clicked, huh?
Dc your parents know?
Na, they're taking Ashley for a bike ride.
Brian, lack, I lave you
like the brother I never wanted...
so let me go on record as saying
this is a really, really...
...really bad idea.
- You saw me at the carnival, right?
- Yes, that was at the carnival.
- This is a car.
- You gonna record me or not?
Thank you.
Why don't we do this at my house?
We live closer to the hospital.
Mitch, Mitch, came an.
Brian, you already have enough
YouTube infamy.
You don't have to jump over-
Hang time!
Oh, wait. Let me turn an my camera.
If this falls through,
I'm gonna be mad, Alan.
I know and that's why it's not gonna
fall through. Let's get money.
- That's what we do here. We get--
- Hey, what up, Candace?
I'm gonna meet you in the lobby,
when y'all finished.
- No, no, no, Candace was just leaving
- Oh, no, I'm not.
I'm gonna tell him
what I've been telling you.
- Tell me what?
- Alan put together this marketing push...
-...selling me as the female Kevin Durant.
- That's coal, right there.
But the only problem is, you're terrible.
You wanna mess with your future, that's
one thing. Now you're messing with mine.
- I been in the gym--
- I don't wanna hear it. I'm not dune.
Your mechanics are terrible,
your farm is awful...
...and you can't shunt a BB in the ocean.
KD, you're better than that.
Get in the gym.
- Get buckets again.
- Okay.
- Are you good?
- I'm good.
- Are we good?
- We're great.
- Came here.
- Hug it cut. Get these buckets.
But don't mess with my money
I won't.
And you neither.
Nobody comes into our house
and beats us.
- Anymore.
- Anymore.
Winning isn't everything,
but lasing is nothing.
- In here. One, two, three. Eagles!
- Eagles!
- Came an.
- Came an, let's go.
- Get out there. Get out there, Brian.
- Came an, Eagles!
Oh. Sorry, man. Just habit.
Let's go, Eastview!
- You think he threw that on purpose?
- His shot's getting better.
Ga get them, Eagles!
- Came an, Brian! You can do it!
- Ga get them, son!
- Yes!
- Get dawn. Get dawn. Get dawn.
Stop it. Everybody's looking at us
Stop it. Get down. Get down.
- Be happy for your brother.
- Never started before.
We're excited.
- Let's go.
- Came an.
- We start with possession, that's a first.
- Goad one.
- That's good.
- Came an, bring it dawn. Bring it dawn.
- That's it.
- Hey, ball. Ball.
- All right! Way to go, Eagles!
- Quiet! Dawn!
Came an, move it. One. One.
Connor. Ball, ball, Connor.
Pass it, I'm open.
Get an it. Rebound.
- Double teamed.
- Connor, I was open.
Eight of our last 10.
I think I gut this, man.
- Watch him.
- Watch the corner!
Two. Two. Two.
- Ball!
- Open man! Open man!
Shut. Connor.
What are you doing?
Get over here. Pass Brian that ball
or you'll be on jockstrap duty.
- The kid's a towel bay.
- Pass the ball or I'll choke you.
He will. He chokes me.
Chokes me clean out. You should pass.
- Three.
- Right there.
- Three.
- Ball. Ball.
Pass it. That's it
- Came an, Brian.
- Ga.
That's it. Whoa!
Aah! Oh, my Gad!
What was that?
- Aah!
- What was that?
- Did you teach him that?
- I don't think so.
Who is that kid?
- Brian Newall.
- Brian Newall?
- Nice jab!
- Whoa! That was...
- Watch cut!
- Whoa!
Haw does he get up that high?
He's short.
I don't know.
Charge, number five.
Yeah! Let's go!
- Yeah!
- Whoa! Yes!
- Yeah.
- Baum!
Brian Newall!
Brian! Brian! Brian!
Back up, y'all.
All right. All right, back up.
Now, lack, Mr. Newall
has biology class in five minutes.
Mitch, you're tan much.
Well, then I probably
shouldn't sell these at lunch, then?
Time cut, time cut.
- Yes!
Brian Newall with the three!
- Grab it. Ga! Ga! Ga!
- Yeah! Yeah!
Brian Newall!
All right. Second team, go in.
Except you. Brian stays.
Sit dawn. Sit dawn.
Go for it.
Hang Time! Hang Time! Hang Time!
So, what is wrong with Kevin Durant?
I can't tell you what's wrong,
He's terrible. Absolutely terrible tonight.
As a matter of fact,
it reminds me of Chuck playing golf.
- That's bad.
- Well, hold on.
- That's an insult to my gulf game.
- Well, it's true.
Well, it not might be as funny
as you wanna be, but it's true.
It might be uncool, but it's true.
Guy's supposed to be the best player
in the league and he's playing like garbage.
So tell me this, specifically,
what is he doing wrong?
Where's his mechanics?
- No, he's hasn't been caring.
I don't think it's mechanics.
He's playing like a mechanic.
He's hanging out tan much.
- Hanging out with that backpack?
Something's wrong with him.
If it's not mechanics, he's not focused,
he's not concentrating.
Lacks like we might be running
a little lung.
I'm telling you.
Why do you keep
coming to the gym with a suit an... you're gonna help me rebound?
My practice is your practice.
- It's nut. I've gut coaches here.
- It's cur practice.
KD! KD! You're the best
All you need's a little rest
You might stink, but you will see
Things will work out eventually
Go, Kevin!
Ma, what is that you have an?
I came to cheer you up.
I brought you some soup.
What are you doing here?
I know you've been struggling, so I brought
you some of Grandma's chicken soup.
- Is Grandma here tan?
- She's not here.
But it made everything better
when you were a kid.
Ma, that's when I had the flu.
Lack, Kevin,
Alan called me and said it was important.
Sc I came right an aver.
Don't get it twisted, okay?
Yes, ma'am.
Desperate times
calls for desperate measures.
You better hurry up
and walk out that dour.
Kevin, you gut something to say to me?
I appreciate the soup, Ma. Thanks.
You're welcome.
Give your mama a hug.
Attention, drivers...
- Okay, so here's what you gut.
You gut invited to bath Ken Nolan's party
and Monica Janakawski's party.
Now, since Monica Janakawski
is the reigning homecoming queen...
...I put you dawn plus one.
Oh, plus one?
Well, you know, in case you want
to invite someone. I don't know.
Mitch, do you wanna be my plus one?
Me? Man, I hadn't even thought about it.
Yeah, sure.
Now, I also registered you a domain name.
Now, Sunday, you have a charity event.
Brian, hey!
I promised you would be there.
Lack, it's 20 minutes.
Ladies and gentlemen,
absolutely no bumping is allowed.
Brian? Hey.
Haw are those stuffed animals
treating you?
Really good. Oh, watch cut!
- Didn't your mam ever tell you?
- What?
Never flirt an a go-kart track.
I'm not flirting.
- Then let's race.
- Let's go.
Whoa, they have snow canes
at the snack bar here?
Yeah, I think so. Why?
Laser buys.
Fine! Get ready ta-- Whoa! Whoa!
Whoa! Whoa! Aw!
My new KD IVs...
...the best basketball shoe ever made.
I can cut like never before.
- What's up?
- I don't know.
Let's do something else, okay?
Something you can stay an your feet.
- Lack, I gotta go.
- Sit dawn.
- Sit dawn. You're not going anywhere.
- Sorry.
My new KD IVs.
I can do spin moves like never before.
Kevin Durant Nike commercial. Take 41!
In my new KD IVs,
I can jump higher than ever before.
Print! We'll fix it in past.
All right.
Your guy sucks.
- He doesn't suck, he--
Okay, guys, that's a wrap.
You want me to drive you home?
Na. I'm just gonna stay here and practice.
Goad idea.
I'm in a slump.
Oh, yeah. Slump.
It's a slump.
Kevin Durant having his problems. Yeah.
"Dad, when I grow up, I wanna play
basketball just like Kevin Durant. "
Today, I said
"Son, you just passed him "
Fellas, check this out.
Kevin Durant goes up and he goes down.
Wow, the Round Mound gut
a new nickname for Kevin Durant.
- The Sprawl and Fall of Basketball.
- Well, you've been working an that.
Ooh! Now, he's gonna see a chiropractor
after that one.
He would have made it
if the basket was 8 feet instead of 10.
- Make it 1.
- Watch this, watch this.
Can't even make a free throw.
That's embarrassing.
You've been working with him,
haven't you, big fella?
Listen, Shaq was not that bad.
Thank you, Kenny.
A local player from right here in Oklahoma
City could be the next Kevin Durant.
You can do it!
He looks like the old Kevin Durant, not the
current KD. Nobody knows who that guy is.
And it's hard to believe this is the same kid
who tried this halftime shot... the Thunder game a couple weeks ago.
Run, Rumble! Save your mascot life.
- What was that?
- Looks like it hurt.
He must have stolen
Kevin Durant's talent.
Fans hope he gives it back.
Oh, KD. Where is he, right?
That's it! Go! Go!
Came an!
Let's go! Let's go!
- I finally figured out who he reminds me cf.
- Who?
- Me.
- Let's go.
- Time cut.
Hustle in.
All right, guys. All right.
Just keep doing what you're doing.
Put it in!
- One, two, three!
- Hard work!
You thought she was waving at you, huh?
Shut up.
Okay. Great. Let's go.
Let's go. Pick it up.
- Came an, move it.
Ball. Ball.
Here you go. Coal.
- Hey. Ya, KD.
- What up?
Sit. Sit dawn.
Sit dawn, let me talk to you.
- You've known me a long time, right?
- Yeah.
And I've always told you the truth.
Goad, bad, no matter what.
I know this is gonna sound crazy.
I mean, this is gonna sound crazy--
Just tell me. Just tell me.
Look, I think I know
where your game has gone.
- Huh?
- Somebody tank it.
Somebody tank it?
Remember the kid
who tank the shat at the Thunder game?
- Yeah.
- Uh-huh.
And he drilled Rumble.
And you autographed a ball for him.
Yeah, I remember.
He's the best player in Oklahoma.
All right, so?
Sc before meeting you,
the kid used to suck.
He used to suck so bad
he wasn't an the high school team.
He was a towel bay.
I went to his game, right?
He lit it up 52 paints.
Fifty-two paints
against the second-best team in the district.
I mean, it was like watching you play
if you was 14 years old.
Sn, what are you trying to say, man?
I don't know.
Somehow, this kid got, stole, found--
I don't haw this happened,
but this kid has your talent.
Yeah, and your sanity. You're tripping.
- Really?
- Yeah, really.
KD, came an, man.
Came an, KD. Seriously, man.
Lack, I know this sounds crazy.
- Oh, do you?
- Yes, I dc.
You're telling me this kid swapped talents
with me?
Swapping would mean you gut something
in return.
I mean, this was a one-sided deal.
I mean, this kid was bad, okay?
But he can't be as bad as you are now.
Na offense.
Lack, Alan, man, I lave you, man.
You do a lat for me.
You even gut some good ideas sometimes.
But if you put this idea cut,
I guarantee you're fired.
- Heh. Dropping an F-bomb?
- I'm not laughing.
Real-- The F-bomb?
Look, I'm trying to help you out, man
This is--
My baby likes to rock it
Every night when the sun goes down
Yeah, my baby likes to rock it
Every night when the sun goes down
Sc you don't know him?
Just met him after our last game.
Same senior.
If you don't know him,
why did he drive us here?
He's a really big basketball fan.
Does that happen a lat in Oklahoma?
I don't think so.
You know,
this is all kind of new to me tan.
You're comfortable with this?
Yeah, see,
school hasn't always been fun for me.
This is kind of fun.
- I'm having fun tan.
- Yeah?
Little secret?
Denver was not always fun for me.
You? I find that hard to believe.
Na, seriously. I was more an the cuts
with the in crowd, you know.
Once again, hard to believe.
I think you were the in crowd.
- Mm-mm. No, no, no. l wish.
- Wow.
- Damn.
- Na.
See, I knew I hated Denver for a reason
besides those Broncos.
- Thanks.
- Mm-hm.
Sn, uh, what happened?
It's a long story. It was a soccer thing.
Oh, okay. Nice and cryptic.
Brian Newall. Ha, ha!
- What--?
- Yeah?
- I knew that was you.
- Okay.
- I've been seeing you all aver the news.
Man, incredible basketball talent
you possess.
Thank you, sir.
I mean, you just burst out an the scene.
- I guess, yeah.
- I mean, l just never heard of you before.
Excuse me.
I don't mean to be rude, but we're, uh...
- We're kind of--
- On a date.
- We are, officially?
- Yeah.
Oh, an a date. I'm sorry.
I just-- You know, I really know talent
when I see it. I'm Kevin Durant's agent.
No way! Kevin Durant's agent'?
- Yes way.
- That's awesome.
He's Kevin Durant's agent.
I thought you said this was
some community outreach program...
...far underprivileged schools?
Lack, this is all relative. All right?
Think of it as a way to get your mind
off things, know what I'm saying?
Give back to the kids.
You might get something back in return.
Came an. Let's go. Let's go.
Young man, stay in school.
- Hey, that's Kevin Durant.
- Who?
If AX-squared...
plus BX plus C equals zero...
Who wants to came up here
and salve for X?
Uh, Miss Hall, we have some visitors.
Uh, students, we have a special guest today.
Hello, kids. Haw y'all doing?
We're here
with the community outreach program.
Oh, really? Which one?
The new one.
And-- Which is why Kevin Durant is here
to talk about math.
- I am?
- Yeah.
But I was just asking
if someone wanted to come up...
...and salve this quadratic formula.
- Yeah.
Man, we lave quadratics.
You lave quadratics, right?
Let's-- Ya, haw about him?
- Yeah, Brian.
That's the kid who shat the halftime shat
a few weeks ago.
- Uh, is it?
- Came an up.
Wow. I guess it is. That's crazy.
Hey, Kevin--
Oh, I mean, Brian, this is Kevin Durant.
I remember you. Halftime.
Haw you doing?
Hey, Kev-- Mr. Durant.
Lack at that. Old friends. Old friends.
- Old friends.
- Yeah.
I really appreciated the autographed ball
you gave me.
- Na problem. My pleasure.
- My pleasure, right?
High five. Ah!
I gut rid of all the pictures
of me and my family.
Sc it's the only thing an my shelf.
My Uncle J did the same thing.
That's a law five, right there.
Family deserves a law five.
- Family deserves a law five.
- What are you doing?
- Fist bump?
- I'll fist bump you.
Okay. Na-- Hey, KD, could you toss that away
for me real quick?
All right. You know what?
You lack underprivileged.
- You know, you two should hang cut.
- Really?
Man, we had the same nasty joes
at my high school.
Think this is bad? Goad thing you're
not here an Meatless Wednesdays.
I can't even, uh...
Hey, do you ever really get used
to all this?
Na, not really.
It's just weird.
Everyone wants to watch you.
What's worse, the dudes asking
for my autograph in the men's room.
- Na way.
- Yeah. Midstream.
And then your rookie season,
me and my dad went to five games.
I saw the one where you scared 35
against the T-wolves.
- Yeah, I remember that.
- Yeah. Isn't he great?
- He's great, right?
- Yeah.
Yeah, but I think my favorite game
I've ever seen you play...
...was you were dawn 12--
Hey, what's up, Brian?
What's going an, man?
Hey, Brian. Hey, Brian.
- Brian! Hey, man.
- And you didn't miss.
That was insane.
Appreciate that. It was nice meeting you,
but I gotta get going.
- I gut a game tonight.
- Oh, okay.
Wait, wait. Ha, whoa, ha, ha.
- What about the free shoes?
- What free shoes?
New kicks. New shoes.
A pair of black monsters of destruction.
He's talking about his shoes there.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, I gut that.
You know, I remember...
I remember my last pair of new shoes.
Lang time ago.
It was right before I scared 21 paints.
- Twenty-one?
- It was a great game...
...against Wayne County
Dance and Technical.
- Never knew what hit them.
- I'm telling you.
- Na footage an it though, unfortunately.
- They only had film.
You know, I'm primarily known
as a high school coach...
...but as you can see,
the way I elevated Brian's play...
-...I think my skill set translates to NBA.
- Oh, is that right?
Sc if there's any tips you need,
you all right?
I'm good. But I'll keep you in mind.
Are you stretching?
Are you stretching before the game?
You've been stinking up the court
I thought-
- You guys should take a picture.
- Sure, of course. You don't mind, do you?
- Na. Bri, why don't you be in the middle?
- Okay.
Yeah, nu, right there.
There you go, beam.
All right, guys-
Wait, wait.
All right, guys, smile.
- Coach.
- There we go.
Listen, do you think
you could sign this for me?
Yeah. What's your name?
Coach Z.
Can you put "ta my best buddy"?
You're not my-- But all right.
- I can spell.
- Yeah, of course, of course, of course.
- There you go.
- Hey, thanks.
- All right.
Hey, that's your coach?
Goad luck with that.
Haw do you--?
Haw do you feel after being around him?
Dc you feel, like, different?
You know, like the old you?
I feel pissed at my agent because he got me
at a school knowing I got a game tonight.
I just thought if you guys
were around each other...
...things would go back
to the way they were.
This kid has something to do
with what happened.
Think this isn't hard an me?
Think I don't hear what they're saying an TV?
In the newspapers? In the locker roam?
I hear it.
- I know.
- The players tan, they're trash talking.
- It's been tough an me tan, man.
- I know. I know.
You dc? This isn't helping.
Being here isn't helping.
- Or sticking needles in my back.
- What about calling your mam?
Definitely not helping.
You keep smiling like it's funny.
You're not helping the situation at all.
- KD.
- Hey, I'm driving myself home.
All right, Brian, bring it up.
- Yeah!
- Ga, Brian!
Ga, Brian! Whoa!
Come on.
- Bring it dawn.
- Ga!
Take it in
- Brian.
- Open up. He's open.
- Brian.
- Open.
- Brian.
Over here, Brian.
Brian. What's he doing, coach?
What's he trying to dc?
What he's doing, man? Came an.
Oh! What?
What the hell are you doing, dude?
Trying to make me lack like an idiot, man?
- Whoa!
- Knack it off. Knack it off.
- What's he doing?
- On the bench. Grab somebody.
- What's your name?
- Del Negraw.
Del Negraw, came an, check in.
He couldn't make
our freshmen team before.
Hey, you still get an assist, right?
You made an assist.
Now, pass around.
Let's have some fun out there.
Shoat it!
Yeah! Whoa!
That's my bay out there.
Hey, man, I know haw you feel.
When I was playing
high school basketball...
...I was the one making the baskets.
And then Michael Jordan transferred
into our high school.
He was the one making the baskets.
I had to pass to Mike. I had to stomach it.
- Really?
- Na, but it's a good story.
- Meaningful.
- Coaching is about inspiration.
With the Thunder
an the verge of missing the playoffs...
...due to the total collapse of Kevin Durant.
It's unbelievable. But, Reggie, you were
one of the great shooters of all time...
...but you had a slump like this
new and then.
Don't go there, Steve.
First of all, I've never shat the ball this bad.
Wait. Never in your entire career?
Blindfold, in this tie, in this suit...
-...I can shunt better than this kid.
- Oh, man.
Call up everybody, it's a party over here
Got my ladies
We sexy, our hands up in the air
Yeah. Oh!
Oh! Did I tell you about the time
I did the fake pass...
...between-the-legs dribble
and pulled up with the three?
Dude, that was awesome. You rack.
Is it normal for one player
to take all the shots?
If he's the best player an the team,
why not?
Yeah. Whoa!
Isabel. Came an. What's wrung?
- Don't be like that.
- Like what?
Let's get out of here. Ga and talk.
Like you said you wanted at the go-kart track.
I've been talking all night.
- I know. Just not to me.
- Brian.
Oh, ha, ha!
- Yeah!
- Yeah!
Brian! Brian! Brian!
Hey, Bri, it's me. Again.
Just trying to see where you are.
You know, we're supposed to go
to Monica Janakowski's party tonight.
Wait. You're probably in the shower.
Lack, it's okay.
Just please give me a call, all right?
Give me a call. Coal.
Oh, these are nice.
Brian! Brian! Brian!
I am a basketball god!
- Has anybody seen Isabel?
- I think she went home.
- She did?
- Mm-hm.
Parent! Somebody's dad's coming!
Out of the way.
Excuse me. Thank you. Nice shorts.
- Lack, you need to give it back.
- Mr. Garrett?
You have Kevin Durant's talent.
Well, thank you.
I'm not even saying you did it on purpose,
or you even know...
...but I'm telling you and new you know.
Know what?
Because I'm pretty confused.
You stole Kevin Durant's talent.
Oh, he's Kevin Durant's agent,
not somebody's dad.
- Dad. What?
- He's not a parent! It's coal!
A parent, really?
Sn, what do you want?
You stole Kevin Durant's talent!
- Let's talk.
- Yeah.
Lack, Mr. Garrett--
Sir, that's crazy, okay? It's nuts.
Don't you think this is all kind of strange?
Your talent? Your sudden talent?
I blossomed.
You know, Michael Jordan got cut
from his high school team sophomore year.
Every kid who's ever sucked
hangs an to that story.
Look, when MJ gut cut from varsity...
...he then tare up JV
with a bunch of 40-paint games.
Haw many paints did you scare before
meeting Kevin at halftime that night?
None. I didn't play.
Fine. The game before that?
None. I wasn't an the team yet.
Freshman year, last year,
what was your scaring average?
- I didn't make the freshman team.
- New what's your scaring average?
Forty-eight paints a game.
Exactly my paint. Kevin Durant hasn't
missed a layup since he was your age.
New he can't even make one?
Why? Why are you trying
to ruin everything?
I know this is important to you, I dc.
But that talent you new have is not yours.
Na, you're wrung, okay?
You're wrung. It's not magic
or whatever you think it is, okay?
- I worked for this.
- Na, you wished for it.
And you know what the worst thing is?
You let down this entire community.
All of Oklahoma City.
Everybody who loves the Thunder
and Kevin.
Every fan who cheer each win
and ache each lass.
Just like you did with your dad.
Make it
I'm gonna make it, make it
Make it out there
I'm gonna make it, make it
Make it out there
I know I'm gonna get
Get far away
I believe!
I believe!
I believe that!
I believe that!
I believe that we!
I believe that we!
I believe that we will!
I believe that we will!
I believe that we will win!
I believe that we will win!
I believe that we will win!
I believe that we will win!
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
I think you've noticed some changes
around here, haven't you?
Like a winning basketball team?
Well, let me tell you.
Let me tell you something.
There's one thing that won't change.
And that's what Coach Dan and I
are wearing.
We are going to wear our game day suits
till we win the state championship.
All right. We are one game away.
One game!
That's right. One game.
One game away...
...ta the state playoffs for the first time--
First time!
Hey, let me have this.
I'm the coach, okay? Can I have this?
For the first time
since I scared nine paints...
...ripped three boards
against South Gate...
...32 years ago.
- That was a great game.
- Yeah. I wasn't barn yet.
Now, are you ready to meet our Eagles?
Are you ready?
Let's bring them cut.
- Connor O'Brien!
- Whoa!
Derek Nader!
Isabel, hey.
Hey, listen, I've been trying ta...
- You're not staying for the pep rally?
- I'm going to the library.
Well, I've been trying to call you.
Why'd you leave the party the other night?
- I didn't think you'd notice.
- I did.
Lack, maybe after basketball season,
we can hang but.
Why would you say that?
Brian, when I first met you-
And now for the star of our team
--you were--
- Brian Newall!
- Yeah!
Goad luck, Brian.
Oh, came an. Lack, before this,
you wouldn't even have noticed me.
- Basketball is the only reason you did.
- Brian Newall.
I noticed you the first day
when I walked dawn the hallway.
By your locker, talking to Mitch.
And it definitely wasn't
because of basketball.
Well, maybe we're not cheering
laud enough for Brian.
Brian Newall!
Brian! Brian! Brian!
Ga an. Your fans need you.
Brian! Brian! Brian!
Came an dawn, Brian.
Brian! Brian! Brian!
Brian Newall!
What are you still doing here?
Coach, haw close was I
to making the team?
What, the first time?
Well, a lot closer than Pete Stickney.
Isn't he legally blind in one eye?
You see, I don't judge like that, Brian.
You see a disability,
I see a weak paint guard.
That's all.
Lack, Brian, I'm not one of those
touchy-feely kind of coaches, you know.
- I'm really uncomfortable with it--
- Yeah, I've noticed that.
You think Bobby Knight
would be in the hall of fame...
...if he tossed around compliments
instead of chairs?
- I don't even know who that is.
- Okay, I'm gonna forget you even said that.
Here's the paint.
It doesn't matter haw you gut here.
You gut here.
You know, my dad,
he thought I was a weak athlete.
He wanted to strengthen me up
a little bit.
Sc he did a code red an me.
Wake me up at 3 a.m. every day,
made me do extra laps.
- Your dad did that to you?
- Might have been a movie I saw.
Paint is, I still got that juco scholarship.
I'm just glad that whatever you did,
you did.
The whale school is.
- If I had your talent, bay--
- My talent.
What? What?
One more game,
we'll be in the state playoffs.
- Haw good does that sound?
- Tan good to be true.
Tan good to be true.
Hey, I'm proud of you.
Thanks, coach.
You did good. You did good for all of us.
And I'm glad of what
you brought to me tan.
- Yeah.
- Okay.
- We've had our talk?
- Yeah.
You're coal?
All right. Eat well, hydrate.
I'm counting an you.
Hey, it's me.
- Sc, what do we dc?
- You'll see.
Haw long has he been here?
Almost three hours.
And he isn't getting any better.
Came an.
Ya, KD!
Man, what's he doing here?
- I wanna give your talent back.
- You gut him believing this nonsense tan?
That's it. I told you
it wasn't helping in the first place.
After the season,
we gonna sit dawn to have a talk.
Show him.
- Show me what?
Watch this. Get out there and play.
Show him the counter 52.
Okay, okay. He got some skills. So what?
He's watching my YouTube videos.
He's right. But you see, when I used to try
to do those moves, I'd hurt myself.
Hurt myself a lat.
And messed up the garage.
All right. All right. Crossover.
You ain't going nowhere.
- Okay, maybe he's a prodigy.
- Na.
Na, nu.
Listen, show him the KD 35 live special.
Nobody can do that.
I can't do that anymore.
Came an, man.
What you gut?
- Whoa.
- That kid's good.
- You convinced?
- Yeah.
Sn, what are we gonna do now?
Say what y'all said before.
I wish I had your talent.
Hard work beats talent
when talent fails to work hard.
I felt it. You felt--
You feel it? I felt it. It was here.
Let's take a shat. Came an.
Faster, faster. We need a spark.
Okay. Yeah. Rub--
Rub the feet. Rub the feet.
- New say it.
- I wish I had your talent.
Hard work beats talent
when talent fails to work hard.
Keep rubbing. Keep rubbing.
Keep rubbing.
Okay, new touch fingers.
- Felt that?
- Duh.
All right, let's try it. Came an.
Let's make a wish.
- I wish I could give your talent back.
- I wish to get my talent back.
Alan, this is not working.
- It's not working.
- Well, just-
Trust me. Touch the ball...
-...and just say what you said before.
- I wish I had your talent.
Hard works beats talent
when talent fails to work hard.
- Whoa!
- Oh! Ah!
Now, that worked.
That worked. That had to work.
Take a shat. Take a shat. Watch this.
I like haw you did that. Give it back.
- Okay, okay. All right, all right.
- Give it back.
We tried.
I didn't do it an purpose.
I know, Brian.
I guess I gotta start all aver
as a basketball player.
A new KD.
It isn't gonna be easy.
Or in time for the season.
Yeah, yeah, yeah
--needing a win at home
in their final regular season game...
...just to make the playoffs.
Are you guys watching
the same thing I'm watching?
He can't buy a shat out there.
Judging by these warm-ups,
he's not gonna be any good to anyone.
Reggie, I hate to say this,
but this has gone an tan lung.
He's played so pearly
for the last month or so.
You sit him dawn.
Take him out of the lineup.
Pretty dramatic, to take a superstar
out of the lineup at this paint.
- Bench him completely?
- Yeah. Bench him.
Look, I know I was a jerk
and really self-centered...
...but mast of all, I'm sorry.
- Ga an.
- I was kind of hoping that covered it all.
- You can do better.
- Maybe.
But you're not gonna believe it.
Try me.
- Could I came inside and show you?
- Sure.
Well, thank you.
Sc this basketball player--
Kevin Durant.
--His talent switched to you?
And your talent became his talent?
See, I told you
you wouldn't believe me.
Well, I'm not stupid, Brian.
Isabel, lack, my basketball coach...
...he didn't even know my name
before all this.
And I was the team manager, okay'?
I was that bad.
Just watch this shat, okay?
Watch this shat.
That is one bad shat.
Yeah, I know, okay?
Wait. We're gonna watch that again,
all right?
There. Did you see that?
Did you see that?
- What?
- That's it.
Haw did I not think of it?
That's it. That's it.
He left.
And at the end of the half,
Thunder, 31, New Orleans Hornets, 53.
Hey! Hey, kid!
Came back here!
I gut a kid an the louse dawn here.
- Move, move, move!
- Hey, kid, come back.
Watch cut.
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Stop him!
- Ya! Hey, kid, where you going?
What are you doing? Get back--
Hey. What are you doing?
Kevin. Kevin.
Hey, Kevin, look, look, l figured it out.
I know why it didn't work last time.
- I gotta hit Rumble with the ball first.
- Well, there he is.
Okay. I put my hands an the ball
and you say:
-"I wish I had your talent."
- I wish I had your talent.
Hard work beats talent
when talent fails to work hard.
- Brian.
- We gotta get you out of here.
Oh, he's with me, he's coal.
He's coal. He's coal.
New you know.
Yes! Kevin Durant drills it.
He's hit his last three shuts.
Are you kidding me?
He's making those shots?
I don't know what happened,
but suddenly, everything's changed.
More importantly,
he's making those shuts.
Kevin Durant is back.
Kevin Durant!
Finally, it's a good day
to be a Thunder fan here in Oklahoma City... last night, Kevin Durant
just broke out of his slump...
...scoring 32 big points
in the second half...
...hitting a three-pointer at the buzzer
as the Thunder come back in grand style...
...and beat the Hornets-
Let's go.
Hey, that's my "Warcraft" card.
You can't use it.
That spell doesn't do more damage.
This damage...
- Goad game tonight, Brian.
- What's up, Bri?
All right.
So when we charge Admiral Ripsnarl... Heroic Deadmines for the achievement,
I'll run in and grab the agro...
...and the mage can work
on rounding up the Vapors.
I hope Smite's Reaver drops.
Hey, what are our chances?
Uh, I'm getting about 32.33, repeating,
of course, percentage of survival.
- It's risky.
- Yeah, well, I think it's bald.
The other way to go
is Steve uses his dwarf paladin.
Fine. Ignore me.
I know what I did was the jerkiest thing...
...since Leeroy Jenkins screwed his guild
by running in without them.
So I hope you-.
You had me at Leeroy Jenkins.
- Ha!
Can we talk?
I kind of just sat dawn.
Yeah? Thanks.
Isabel, wait up.
The hat new girl
and the star of the basketball team...
at our "Wow" meeting?
That's cooler than when Mitch
solo-tanked Yogg-Saron in Ulduar... his Tier 12 armor set. Han!
I was watching the basketball game
with my dad last night, and I saw you.
Then all the announcers talked about
was haw Kevin suddenly caught fire.
Sn, what you told me was true?
Yeah, but I don't have his talent
- Well, what are you gonna dc?
- I don't know.
- I'm gonna be awful.
- Na, you won't.
Yeah, I will.
You'll figure something cut.
This is it. This your moment.
Our moment.
Out in that gym tonight.
Dc you hear that? That's for you.
And you. And me.
Tonight is why I turned down
an opportunity... be an assistant manager at Walmart
six years ago...
...ta be a high school basketball coach
And then I turned down a marketing job
at Cisco.
That one I regretted for a while,
but not now.
Nat tonight.
This is what we play far.
- A chance to go to state!
- Yeah!
Brian, wanna say something
to the team?
- Ga ahead.
- Me?
You were the key to our turnaround, kid.
Ga ahead.
Well, let's go out there...
...and let's give it our best, okay?
If we win, great. But if we lose, we tried.
We tried.
Yeah, but we're gonna win.
- All right. Bring it in. Bring it in.
Yeah, but if we don't, for some reason...
.sometimes, just going out there
and trying your best is enough.
And getting really, really close,
pretty darn satisfying.
- But we're gonna win.
- Yeah.
- One, two, three. Eagles!
- Eagles!
Let's go, let's go.
All right!
- Ga, Eagles!
- Came an, Eagles!
Shoot it!
Put it up!
What's going an?
Shunt it, Brian. Brian, shunt, shunt!
- Pick it up.
- Shunt it.
Okay. Bad pass. Bad pass.
Dude, just don't pass to me, all right?
I'm covered.
- You were wide open.
- The dude's guarding me.
I don't know.
It's like he read our playback.
That's it, press him. Come on, Brian.
Shunt it, baby! Shunt it, Brian! Shunt it!
- Grab it!
- What's he doing?
Let's go, let's go.
Oh, nu, nu. Time cut. Time cut.
Get in here. Bring it in. Bring it in.
Came an, came an.
Yeah, yeah, it's a championship.
He's nervous.
Bring it in. Bring it in. Bring it in.
Newall, came here. What's going an?
What's going an?
You're not playing like yourself.
- Coach, who's he playing like?
- Nat himself.
- Nat yourself.
- Yeah, actually, I am.
Na, you're nut.
- I'd bench me.
- What, are you nuts?
You're the best player an this team.
You're the horse that got us here
and we're gonna ride you home.
All right?
Now, go out there
and do anything that doesn't suck.
All in.
- One, two, three. Don't suck!
- Don't suck!
Come on. Loosen up.
You'll be fine. You'll be fine.
- Goad speech.
- Than ks.
All right, hold them, guys, hold them.
Came an. Black it. Black it.
Hold them up. Hold them up. Hey!
Take it, take it, take it.
It's all right. Pull it together, guys.
Pull it together. Let's go.
D-up, now, D-up.
All right, bring it back. Let's go.
Ga, take it.
Hustle. Hustle.
Ga an. Ga an.
Move it around. Move it around.
Came an. That's it.
- Yeah!
- Stuff it in!
And at the end of the
third quarter, the scare is the Drillers, 41...
...and our own Eastview Eagles, 35.
I don't know what to say.
- Coach, you gut something to say?
- Yeah.
Forget about the crowds...
...the size of the school,
their fancy uniforms.
Remember what gut you here.
Focus an the fundamentals
that we've gone aver time and time again.
Coach, is that from Hoosiers?
Yeah. You guys see that?
Well, then I've gut nothing. Ahem.
Okay, came an. Let's go out there now.
And be good, don't be bad.
- One, two, three. Don't suck!
- Don't suck!
All right, let's go.
Listen, now, this is your time here,
all right?
If you can't play what you had,
play what you got.
Your time, not mine.
Hey. guys, bring it in.
You just saw Hoosiers?
- Is it Old'?
I thought Gene Hackman
looked younger.
- Lack, we can still do this.
- Haw?
- You're having the worst game of your life.
- He's right. I'm not an my game.
You can't do it by yourself. All right,
so why don't we do it together as a team?
All right, we full-court press the rest
of the game and dive for every louse ball.
Five guys go up for every rebound.
They may have more talent tonight,
but you know what we got? We gut more heart.
All right, so let's bring it here and let's go.
Eagles an three. One, two, three. Eagles!
Get into press!
- Let's do it.
- Let's go.
- Pick him up, pick him up.
- What's he doing out there?
- He's taken leadership.
- All right, pressure the ball.
Trap it right there.
Trap it, trap it.
Grab it. Grab it
- Ga, go!
- Yeah!
- Yeah!
- Jerome! All right!
Full-court press!
That's it!
Good shot, Connor.
- We're in this. We're in this.
- Came an. Came an.
- Where's the defense?
- Stay an the man. Stay an the man.
Put it up, put it up, put it up!
Pass him that ball. Pass him the ball.
- Pass it around. Pass it around.
- Came an.
Pressure, pressure.
- He's going up.
- Yes! Yes!
- Very good!
Get it, Brian! Get it!
Pressure an that ball.
Pressure an that ball.
Let's go, Brian!
Put it up!
Defense! Defense! Defense!
- Brian!
- Came an, 15 seconds!
Fifteen seconds, move it, move it!
Let's go, let's go.
Ten, nine, eight, seven, six...
Shoat it!
- Yeah!
- Yeah!
All right, Brian!
- Yeah!
- Yeah!
Yeah, Bri! Yeah, Bri!
Yeah, Bri.
- Oh, my Gad, he did it!
- Ga, go, go!
- Yes!
- All right, Brian!
Brian! Brian! Brian!
- That Hoosiers speech worked.
- Yeah.
Brian! Brian! Brian!
- Nice shouting.
- B, what up?
- What's up?
- Big game for you this weekend.
- Big game for you.
- Can I barrow some of your talent?
Kevin, Kevin, Kevin, haw many times
do I have to tell you...
...talent's not something you get,
it's something you earn.
- Check you cut. You cocky now?
- Yep.
- Came an. Let's go.
- Let's go.
- I gut a little better since last time.
- Let me see.
- Where you going?
- Yeah. I didn't get that much better.
My ball.
- I'll let you have that one.
- I gut it back, right?
- It's a confidence booster, you see?
- Yeah.
Na, you ain't gonna shunt.
- Hey, where did you get that from?
- You showed me that one.
My new KD IVs,
the best basketball shoe ever made.
I can cut like never before.
My new KD IVs.
I can do spin moves like never before.
With my new KD IVs,
I can jump higher than ever before.
I'm back.