Tian jiang xiong shi (Dragon Blade) (2015) Movie Script

In 2015 an American archeologic company
bought a military manuscript
from the Han Dynasty
It said Roman soldiers went
to China 2000 year ago
and the ancient city of Regum was build
The archeological community
believed it was fake
but the company decided to explorer further
James says they'll float a stock offering
on the market the minute we find Regum.
Then we can axcavate wherever we want.
You know most of the diary documents of
how General Huo established
the Protection Squad.
How is he related to Regum?
And why did they name
this ancient city Regum?
That's what we're gona find out.
Another intersection ahead.
Which road do we take.
Let's split into three groups
and keep each other updated.
Look sharp gentlement.
It's real
It's real
- Commencing virtual scanning.
- Oke.
- We all set?
- Ya.
Don't forget the music
Wait, wait, wait, I know Tchaikovsky
No, this setting call for Mozart
Adagio Mozart, nice
Oke, I changed my mind
- Opera.
- You're so indensive
Oh my dear father
I like him, he is very handsome
I want to go to Porta Rossa
To buy the ring
Yes, I want to go there
- This gotta be him.
- Let's scan it
48 BC, the Silk Road at
China's western border
Thirty-six nations are
embroiled in a struggle
for the survival of the fittest.
Duck, Duck.
- Which nations.
- Don't know
"Silk Road Protection Squad"
Quick, who?
Those in white are the White Indians
- The Chief is Alisijiang.
- Right.
Those in black area the Huns.
Chief Tache.
Huns normally live in the South
What are they doing up
here causing trouble?
The South has been suffering
from severe drought
So they've come here to
grab more territory, Oke.
You know the drill, Oke, Quick.
One last chance
Are you going to return our food or not?
If you White Indians don't want to submit
Then we'll settle this according
to the rule of the Silk Road
Let God decide who's right and who's wrong.
You've already lost.
You Savage
Silk Road Protection Squad
Stop fighting!
Fight them!
We'll handle it
Brother stop fighting
I beg you all
My Hun brother, I came
with peaceful intentions
Silk Road Protection Squad
What's this got to do with you
Our motto has always been
turn foes into friends
and peace for all races
Whatever our friends on the Silk Road need
It's our responsibility to help
Survival of the fittest is
the only truth on the Silk Road
With your pathetic little band
You want to control all
thirty-six nations here
Besides he has already lost
He even called me a savage
Success depends not on
how many people you have
but on how determined you are
Hands off
Hands off
Lady, Sorry that wasn't intentional
Use your sword
We'll go by the rules
Our Protection Squad goes
by the laws of our country
We don't fight
- Come here.
- No I won't.
Lady Cold Moon
I didn't mean to remove your veil
You dropped it yourself
I know
That was fate
Actually I came because..,
I'm ready
I just want to return the veil to you
I didn't see anythink
Nothing happened between us
Stop laughing. Haven't been back
home for a long time, hurry.
Kids look
Who's here
Sit down there's enough for everyone
Commodity prices at the
borders have shot up
I hope the Prefecture
can adjust the wages of our fellow comrades
Every month
- Twenty more coins.
- Forty coins.
For the past few months,
I've given my wages
to my injured brothers
I know
You take really good care of your men
We can manage.
I know people laugh at you
for marrying a Huns man Here you go again
I like you because we're the same
We believe in equality for all racers
You preach peace amongst the
different races on the Silk Road
and I teach peace to kids from
different tribes at school
We're bound to succeed
- Captain.
- Yin Po.
Our Protection Squad is in trouble
Today the Prefecture Chief's army
found four boxes of gold
coins outside the borders
There is
a Custom Clearance document inside
Who signed it
The Protection Squad
What crime have we committed
Why have you locked up my men
Who gave you the right
to lock up our people
The Protection Squad is under
the Prefecture Chief's supervision
Don't move
This has nothing to do with them
I'll go with you
order from the Prefcture's Chief
Huo An and his Protection Squad
are all under arrest for smuggling gold
Send them all to Wild Geese Gate tomorrow
morning to work on rebuilding the City
What a crook
sending us all to the borders
so they can hang the blame
on us for the gold coins
- We have to investigate ourselves.
- How?
We're all in exile
Wild Geese Gate is where
prisoners serve live sentences
Once you go in there is no way out
We've worked so hard
and this is what we get
Don't ask what we can gain
Just ask what more we can do
But that's so unfair
So what are you going to do about it
Look Brothers
I know you all feel betrayed
But I believe there is
justice in this world
We were all rescued by General Huo
from the Wild Geese Gate
We should take this opportunity
to go back pay respect to him
The gold smuggling
is a complicated case
Once I get more evidance from Ying Po
I'll know what to do
You lot, keep up Move, next.
1, 2
Han Dynasty General Huo Qubing's Shrine
Kill them
Stay back
You have the courage to kill
But do you have the courage
to help those
who really need rescuing
1, 2
Faster, Help the injured
What an idiot
- Captain, are you alright.
- I'm fine.
Help them
It's all their fault, beat them
Come here They're fighting
What are you doing?
Stop fighting!
Stop fighting!
Who are you
Silk Road Protection Squad
Watch out!
Stop it!
You guys stop fighting!
Go back to work!
Stop now!
The Protection Squad come over here
I don't care about your Protection Squad
This is the Wild Geese Gate
And I'm Commander here
Everyone call him the Geese Commander
So you're Huo An?
I heard you're good with swords
But I doubt you can take me
Huo An You think that you're
skilled in martial arts
But, I can take you down in just ten moves
I think five is sufficient
Dare to try?
Dare you?
Come on!
Are you nuts?
Do you know why we want them here?
Under the Prefecture Chief's order
We have to finish rebuilding the city.
So you bunch of losers hurry up
Come back here
I'm not finished with you.
We stop
What do you think General?
What is our current condition?
Close to 800 soldiers
3000 bows and crossbow altogether
- Horses are thirsty and near exhaustion.
- Yes.
if we gonna have a chance,
we need to take them as soon as possible
- Lucius.
- Yes, I'm here.
Falco said that you are to take the city
But their Captain is very weak
and he doesn't look too bright
So it won't take long
Let's have a drink
I'll wait for your good
news when you return
We're at a new city, a place to rest
Huo An
Have you seen them before?
Can't tell if they're our
enemies, hold your forces
Attack before they get too close
- Brothers
- Yes
- Shoot!
- No.
Bunch of useless cowards
Brothers Let's kill them all
You can't do that
That's their tactic
They just want you to open the gate
You think you know the Art
of War better than me
Stay down!
We don't have enough men
Who's in charge now?
Me No one? Then I am
Listen to me if you want to live
This way
Take it!
Beat the drums
That scared them Counter attack
I am Lucius, Commander General
Black Eagle Corps Roman Empire.
Huo An
Is there anyway no fight
Return my people You go.
We go there
General Lucius is fighting
like a real demy gods today
I don't think there is a man alive
that can stand against mighty General
Huo An you can do it
Captain, what are we going to do?
What else can I do?
Hey, Listen to me
- Stop.
- What?
Sandstorm coming
Stop fighting
Drop your weapon
- I let you in.
- Or..
we bury here together
The boy too
We need food and water for my men
Medicine for a child
And I need a place to think
- Lucius
- Lucius here
I am here
Did you win the battle
against the Chinese Warrior?
He won
Yes, I knew you would win
Because you said the Chinese
Captain is terrible
and he even looks stupid
Huo An
I did your a favour this time
Now translate this to them
- You drink
- Of course
You ever met a soldier who doesn't drink?
Yes It's lovely.
Where you go tomorrow?
This is a question I've been
thinking about constantly
In Rome
We are trained to obey
to serve since we where very young
When you finally get the opportunity
to chose your own path
you realise there's no where to go
Do Chinese soldiers feel the same way?
- No, we different.
- Why.
You train kill people
We train save people
I make Silk Road peace
Peace is a dream
We live a world that treats
the dead better than the living
I just want to look at it
I've never seen a Chinese sword.
It's heavy
What's the Chinese word for revenge?
If someone hurts you or your family
You kill them
Vengeance is..,
Vengeance, Baochou.
Why you want baochou?
This is not your business
Anything happen in Silk Road
is my busness
Revenge make more hate
Today we meet
We are friend
I want to help you
When we leave tomorrow
I may never see you again.
You make a friend today
you lose one tomorrow.
Is it worth it?
We're all doomed this time
I just got the order from
the Prefecture Chief
We have to finish restoring
Wild Geese Gate in 15 days
Otherwise we're all going to be executed
Even if everyone works at full speed
it'll still take half a year to complete
Aren't you close to the thirty-six nations?
Please help me hire more people
This one's always upset
We can rebuild the city in within 15 days
They said they can
complete it within 15 days
It'll take a long time gathering the stones
and even longer to transport them
There's a lot of big stone,
difficult to move, move up
You have plenty of gravel outside the city
- What?
- Small stones.
Do you understand?
He said there are a lot of
small stones outside the city
How do you build a city wall with gravel?
Huo An listen to me
It'll be a mistake to listen to them
He trust you
Thank you
You must promise me one thing in return
Find man to guide my deputies
to the Parthian Empire
Ok, look We're here right now
And the Panthian Empire is here
Oom St@R
What are you traying to do
No, slowly
Be gentle, what are you doing.
15 days Is it possible?
Men, stop it
Good, go.
See much easier
Slow down, one at a time
Leave after you grab them
Everything is on schedule
Haven't you eaten yet?
You fatty don't get in my way
Lower, a bit more, that's it.
Tell me what kind a city is this
From where you are standing now
You can see the entire famous Silk Road
The great artery of trade and culture
that connects the West
to the great kingdoms of the East
When the sun sets
the entire Silk Road
even the city walls become very, very warm.
I want to touch the city wall
I can see it
I can see them all
I can see our own city gate
And the place you taught
me how to use a sword
I can hear mother play her harp
when we're practising
Do you miss her?
- Let's go.
- Training.
- What happening?
- Watching the Protection Squad training.
You never watch my training
Let's go over there
I bet on the Roman to win
Bet on the Protection Squad
If you win, take all my liquor
Bet on the Protection Squad
Come on
- Be careful, don't get anyone injured.
- I know.
Well done
Let's get our liquor
Are you blind
This Roman soldier is not bad
Thank you for the match
That was a great fight
Right, check again.
Hey someone has collapsed
- Come over and help.
- Help.
Are you alright?
- No problem.
- Let's keep going.
I'm fine.
I General Huo swear to God
I will see the flags all
of thirty-six nations
flying high together
at the Wild Geese Gate
My brothers on the Silk Road
Let's draw our own flag
What are you drawing?
Excelent, young master.
How do you write "School"?
I served under Consul Marcus
Licinius Crassus Dives
He moved his troops to the Parthian Empire
and formed and alliance with the Queen
who is the sister of our Lady Crassus
Consul Marsus' eldest son
Tiberius is a vicious and treacherous man
The consul was planning on
naming his youngest son
Publius to be his heir and successor
He entrusted me to keep the child alive
The young lord started
having problem with his eyes
The Parthian Queen kindly sent
medicine to heal his vision
Tiberius laced it with poison
blinding his brother so he
could never become Consul
and killed his father
I had no choice
but to take my soldiers and the child
become a fugitive
Until I reached the Wild Geese Gate
I've been a man without a country
marked for death
The deputy I sent told the Parthian Empire
is mean to restore the peace treaty
and prove Tiberius' vicious intentions
I'm orphan Han race
My parents kill by enemy
Me and my sister run away
and she cry
I use my hand cover her mouth
She die
General Huo save my life
He said war destroy family
Only peace can save Silk Road
We are same
Decimus has returned
I think Tiberius know about us
My Mum says however beautiful the sunset is
it will always go dark
I know my sunset will end soon
But don't worry about me
I can't see anyway
As for my brother
let me handle it on my own
You're very brave
- We will meet him.
- Yes, General.
Lucius, no
Huo An
If you stand with us you will be butchered
The City we built is a dream
It'll only last 15 days
I cannot be further in your debt
If Tiberius want to catch you
Why he need a hundred thousand men?
He can take over the entire
Silk Road even China
I think Tiberius working with the Chief
It's our duty to protect Silk Road
I can borrow soldiers from my friend Yin Po
Hopefully we can stop them
Captain Huo
- Falco.
- Young Master.
On behalf of the Roman Empire
I commission you
First Centurion of the Legion
My deepest honor
Is there something on your mind?
Perhaps we have come too far
From Rome?
From all the things I've
always tried to teach you
You taught me the road to be
a great lord is predestined
I didn't teach you to kill your own father
That was fate
I dream of it
when I was young
I shared that dream with my father
before I took his last breath
General Lucius, our reinforcement is here.
General Lucius
Where is Huo An?
- Lucius
- General.
- Captured them alive.
- Yes.
Lucius, don't worry about me
Please go
I order you to go
Go Please Go.
What crime have I committed?
Huo An is a traitor and all his
family members are to be executed.
How can you hit little children
Shut up
Release me
Don't push me
Take the kids
Kids hurry up and go, Go.
Batu hurry up and go.
Thank you for rescuing us,
My I ask your name?
My name is Moon, Huo An's wife.
- It's not true Duck.
- Get down.
Duck, don't move.
Hurry, take the kids to the second floor.
- Doon't be scared, run to the second floor.
- Hurry up and go to the second floor.
Send the kids down
Quick, Quick.
- Don't be affraid.
- Book.
My books.
Come quickly
Help together
Hurry, Go.
Hurry, Go.
Kids hurry up and go.
This way quick
After them
- Hurry up.
- Hurry.
- Take the kids first.
- Oke.
- Listen to your teacher
- I know.
Thank you.
I came only for my sister
Hurry up.
My books
Look out
- Teacher.
- Don't be afraid, Alijiang.
- Go.
- Go.
Rest in Peace
All of you come over here
Promise me
Look after our kids
Look after yourself
It wasn't easy for us to be together
And it won't be easy for us to be apart
Welcome home
So nice to have you hanging around again
Everyone in Rome
including my father
thought you were the finest
warrior in the Empire
I think of you more as a chess piece
Think about it Lucius
If I hadn't purposely let you escape
Do you really think you and
Publius would get this far?
Who could blame me for pursuing you
I mean
Thank you
For the perfect excuse
to bring my troops here
I had already plotted this
wiith Huo's subordinate, Yin Po.
Yin Po gave me the customs clearance
document and the Commander's Seal.
As soon as my army settle in at the borders
the entire Silk Road region
belongs to Roman Empire.
And all I have to give him
is an insignificant title
Prefecture Chief
You throw a bone and you get a dog.
What a fantastic deal.
Spare the child
He is no further threat to your ambitions
Show mercy
Let me tell you
No one felt the pain more than I did.
when I had to blind my own brother
I beg of you
Spare him
He has committed no crime
Of course he has committed a crime
His crime
His crime
is that he took the place in your heart
that belonged to me.
You will never hurt my
young master ever again.
Falco will take you home.
Don't be afraid, It's alright.
With my brother dead
There really is no more cause
for conflict between you and I
I will tell you a secret
When I look at my reflection
I see you
It does get boring
when everything is so predictable.
Huo An
We fell for Yin Po trap
Captain Something happened
before you returned this morning
Our great General Tiberius has enacted
a plan to unify the Silk Road
I've already asked him to acquiesce
He said no
All of the thirty-six
nations have acquiesced
And you are the last.
We need you to do one thing
What did they want you to do?
They want us
to hand over Captain Huo
What did you say?
Huo An
This was never our business to start
off with Why should we get involved?
Captain Huo
We are not as heroic as you are
How do you expect us to protect this place
When we can't even protect ourselves?
The Romans are right
We all have a families
Now we can all just take
the gold and go home
Huo An, If you don't go with them
then we'll die because of you.
We've been slaves all our lives
This time we should have the right
to make our own decision.
Gfo with them
Huo An, Is it worth it.
for these people?
We should leave.
They need me now more than ever
I won't leave
You're not going?
Thanks for being so good to me
If you like me
you need to get to know me.
When I was young, my sister and I
were running away from the wars
on the Silk Road.
I wanted to save her
but I killed her instead
I kept on asking myself
Why her?
Why me?
General Huo said
We can't change the past
but the future is firmly in our hands
He said everyone has the their misfortunes
but we need to contain
the pain and turn it into motivation.
A person who only laments
the past is a coward
where as a person who can
change the future is a true hero.
He said heroes are not afraid to die
Nonetheless, I have to admit
that the fate of the Silk Road can't be
changed by the Protection Squad alone.
Still, I'm truly thankful.
I thank you all
for joining me in rebuilding this city
Together we proved
that harmony can be achieve
between the races.
During that precious time
we were giving birth to
a newborn child of hope
But his life
is cut so short
that I won't have the
chance to see him grow up.
My brothers on the Silk Road
I have already given my all.
People are rarely satisfied with the truth
If I can satisfy you all with my life
Than I shall die with no regrets
But I do have one last request
Please raise the memorial
flag that we made together.
Raise it up for me.
So I can take one last look at our child
Huo An will be forever indebted to you.
I promise to repay you in my next life.
I am the mighty Rat, a hero
What am I going to do with
these coins, buy a coffin?
Whoever dares to invade Wild
Geese Gate, I'll kill him
I'll fight him
With my last breath.
Tiberius and his hundred thousand men
are all camped up at Kroran
My friend is responsible for
supplying food to them.
He says that there is one prison
which has really tight security.
No one can get close to it.
Huo An
I'm not sure why
but I've always liked those who've hated me
because through our hatred
Our real selves are revealed
You see humans
become bit more prectical
as they reach their end.
Now Huo An
Pledge your allegiance to me
and I will let you live.
How can you so blind
Dare to speak about truth.
I'm Huo An work so hard in the Silk Road
I'm the one who should be a
Chief What are you doing
Get back here.
How can you give Yin Po the Chief position?
You think he will hand
over the border to you
Just so he can be a chief?
So you're saying there's
a problem with Yin Po?
Yin Po will arrive soon
How many men is he bringing with him?
At least ten thousand soldiers.
- And weapons?
- All fully armed.
Commander Seal
Ma Chuang
Is there something wrong?
On his right side, can you see the keys?
Yes, I'm going to get them now.
Get in there
Get in,
I'll let you know when it's unlocked
Don't worry I'll go help them.
Give us.
Go home
- How can you not live up to your words?
- Move!
I got the key
You also got caught,
how are you going to help the others.
- So what now?
- Unlock me first.
General Tiberius
Yin Po
I have completed all your instructions.
As long as you give me the
Prefecture Chief seal
in exchange I will surrender
the Commander Seal.
How well do you know Huo An?
Everyone understand?
- Hey!
- Stop!
Hey, Huo An.
Give us thr key.
They're coming, faster.
Take care of yourself.
Get back
Now kill them all
Who shoot that arrow?
Ready armed
Yes, General.
Sound the attack.
Kill them.
We have no reason to initiate this fight
Kill him
and the Prefecture Chief
title belongs to you.
Ma Chuang
Good throw
The jail has been breached.
Huo An
Well then send more people there
Open the gate
Huo An Is that you?
Huo An
Huo An
It's you
You have no business in
Roman family quarrels
This is not your business
It's my duty
Listen to me
Huo An
Listen to me, listen.
The city we built
A city without
When the raze
that city
Rebuild it
Whoever shares that city with me
is forever my friend
Huo An
Huo An
First Centurion
I entrust my troops to you
Or they will die here with you
Huo An
Take me home
We shall meet again
Here they come
Get ready
Get back, Move back.
Get back
Grab the stone
- Go
- Get out of here.
Soldier, let's leave.
Hurry move
They're coming, position.
To the right
Hold the line
Hold the line
Company hold
Statius We are all Romans
A true Roman
Never surrenders
To arms
Form ranks
Use the shield
- Slide the rock
- Yes, sir.
Slide the rock
Follow me
Go, go
Take the hill
Huo An
My God they are like locusts
We're trapped
Well brother, we die together
Die together!
Moon go rescue Huo An
Close your eyes
Kill them!
Fight them
About face!
Move down
What are you doing here?
Hurry now
I want to die with you
Disengage the army
The criminal who killed
Crassus and blinded Publius
stands here before you
This is an outrage
A conspiracy
Consul Crassus and I
signed this peace treaty
So as to guarantee the
safety of your brother
Because your father knew of your evil plan
So let me ask you on behalf
of your father and your brother
What was on your mind
when you ended their lives
It's never too late to turn back
Give me your sword
A real hero remains accountable
until the end
I did it
Let's resolve this
If I made a mistake in this game of chess
It'd be that I looked down upon you
You look down on human
Why are you so eager to end your story?
Not for me For my friend.
What a good friend you are
But this is a Roman matter
You have no right challenge me to a duel
Master Publius made Huo An a Roman warrior
General Lucius put us under his command
He's one of us now
Let's resolve this
You and I
Well then
We should give you a proper burial
Huo An
Come on
You're wearing a headband of a dead man.
I'd say that's a bad omen
God will bless us all
Huo An
Huo An......
The show is over
Don't worry
You'll be with him soon enough
Huo An..
Power is a conceit
which reveals our limitations
A real hero
remains accountable
to the end
Land of my forefathers
Forever brimming with glory
A land of beauty
Home of the courageous
Our Eternal Rome
The might of enemy ships
Threatens us in vain
It is a hopeless quest
Emperor Hanyuan declares
In appreciation for the
bravery the Roman soldiers
they were granted the right
to build a city on the Silk Road.
Since Master Publius was an aristocrat
the city was named Regum
a symbol for royalty,
in Chinese "Li Gan"
Wild Geese Gate was granted it's wish
The Survivors were allowed to join Huo An
to form a new corps to
protect the Western Region.
Soldiers salute
Turn foes into friends
For the trumpets of War
Will call our Legions soon
And across the fatherland
A victory song will ring
And across the fatherland
Our song will resonate
A time of joy and pride
For Eternal Rome
First Centurion
You make a friend today
you lose one tommorow
Is it worth it?
Thank you
I'm really happy we can do this together
At least we ended on a good note
There's no ancient city here
Did you guys find anything?
No, We haven't found anything either
I told you that book was fictitious
It's an enthralling fairytale
Peace and harmony one
Greed and ambition zero
This land remains ours alone
What do you say
We let him shine for another 2000 years.