Tid Noi: More Than True Love (2023) Movie Script

Don't you worry.
I promised your mother
that I would love and take care of you
because I love you.
I used to be the guy next door.
But from now on,
we will live under the same roof.
Tid Noi!
My dear Mak
Where did you take my beloved?
Stop, Yong.
Those are just words
claiming that she's your lover.
- Anybody can say that.
- I don't understand
why he hung himself.
I want to know what he was thinking.
The story is getting really intense.
In this scene,
you'll see our beautiful protagonist,
sweet as honey.
Give it up for Pawana!
I pray that she is beautiful.
Alright, then.
Damn, she's a shortie!
Oh, wow.
She is so pretty.
I don't think she's prettier than me.
Look at the guy she's with.
His face looks like dog poop.
Nak, let's find a spot.
Come on. Go with him!
- Hey.
- Hey.
Can we sit here?
Payak, what are you doing?
Pee Yong is my lover.
Hold on, Mayom.
Between a shoddy temple boy
and a chieftain's son,
who will you choose?
Fine. If you want me to choose,
I choose Pee Yong.
come and sit here.
Mayom, don't be afraid.
- Tid Noi.
- Don't give in.
Can you move up there?
Whatever you want,
I'll always do it for you.
- I choose Yong. I don't want you.
- Fine.
Although he is poor, I love him.
You two are so much in love,
just go to hell together!
The story is getting exciting.
Who will get Mayom as his wife?
Continue watching.
Here we go.
Why did you make me vow
that I wouldn't remarry?
Why did you make me vow?
Even after you die,
you still ruin my life.
Damn you! Damn you!
They always fight at every festival.
- This way.
- This way.
Mak, I'm scared of ghosts.
It's just a corpse, not a ghost.
It's the same. I'm scared.
You are scared of a corpse this much.
When you see a real ghost,
won't you drop dead, Nak?
Oi, Mak.
I saw that you ran away first.
Nak, from now on,
I give you my word,
that no matter what happens,
I will never leave you.
Me too.
Oh, damn!
Let's go!
You said you wouldn't leave me?
It's so cute.
Damn, this is spooky. Wait for me.
Here we are.
Thank you, Tid Noi.
Pee Mak.
I should go inside.
- Yes.
- Yes.
If you want to talk about Nak,
we can talk tomorrow. I'm sleepy.
Gotta go.
I surely talk to you about Nak,
but there is also something important.
Can you walk me home?
Where is your house?
There it is.
Right here?
Whoa, a ghoul!
A ghoul, my ass! A gay!
why are you here so late?
I caught some eels.
I will make you soup tomorrow.
Next time you come around,
better give a shout-out.
Can I stay here tonight?
Well, you brought your pillow.
Alright, then.
But don't be naughty.
Put the lantern there.
So hot in here.
Get some sleep.
Ah, so hot.
I said don't be naughty!
No, Duang.
Eel soup.
- Ma'am.
- Hey, Tid Noi.
I made you eel soup.
Thank you, darling.
You brought us this soup,
but why do you have a long face like that?
I'm worried it won't taste good.
I'm sure it will.
It's Nak's favorite.
So, you woke up early to find eels.
You were just running away
from a ghost last night.
Nah, I was just pretending
that I was scared.
If I was scared,
I wouldn't go out to catch an eel for you.
You really work hard, Tid Noi.
You get up early to cook.
It's really hard to find someone like you.
Anyone who lives with me
will have such a good life.
I'm wondering if someone around here
wants to have a good life at all.
Of course,
everybody wants to have a good life.
She won't have to paddle
to the market herself.
Isn't that right, Mom?
How is it going? Caught a lot of fish?
Not bad.
Where are you off to?
I'm taking my sweetheart to the market.
Where are you going, Tid Noi?
I'm taking Nak to the market.
Are you jealous?
Hey, Nak. Why are you rushing?
- Okay.
- Wow.
Be careful.
- What do you have for sale?
- Fermented fish.
- I make it myself.
- You made this?
- That's right.
- Would you like some?
I know how to make it.
Want some noodles?
It smells so nice.
We can come back later.
do you know how to pick fresh fish?
It's easy.
Shiny scales,
clear eyes,
and pink gills.
Which one should I get?
Only aphrodisiac stuff,
nothing for a wife beater?
This freeloader.
- Hey.
- Oh,
you are almost sold out today.
Nah, I drank almost all of it.
Do you want some?
Not for me.
- No?
- Nope.
- Abdul.
- Oi.
- Women know.
- I do.
- Men know.
- I do.
Some may be skeptical.
You don't believe?
- What's this kid's hairstyle?
- Top knot.
Abdul knows everything
because of...
the enchantment potion.
Women fall in love, men fall in love,
enemies become friends.
Here are the last ten bottles.
Hey, I'll take them all.
Ten tamleung.
Is it sold out?
I want some.
Someone may fall in love with me.
Here, here, alright.
Here are the last ten bottles, really.
Have you chosen?
Not yet.
I am not talking about the fish.
What is it, then?
I'm talking about your man.
Is it Tid Noi?
Silly you.
- Hey. Hey. Hey.
- Hey. Hey. Hey.
- Hey!
- Be careful.
Don't fight.
Kratom leaves! Every single leave
gives you energy. Want some?
- Not for me.
- Get lost, then.
Kratom leaves!
Good for sunlight resistance.
- Hey.
Hell. My name is Mak.
This is Nak.
Oh! Amazing.
Photo! Camera! It's a camera.
What is a camera?
Here. Here. Here. Come here.
Stand here.
And smile.
One more time.
Honey, please watch the shop.
I'll take a shit.
- Pee Mak.
- Yes.
I'll be back.
Where are you off to?
Take a shit.
What did she say? Something about shit?
Tid Noi, it's the southern dialect.
Take a dump, take a shit.
You don't know anything.
Is Nak a southerner?
Where are you going?
- No! Let me go! Let me go.
- Don't move.
You want to take a dump?
Before you pull out,
how about you put it in?
Help. Mak.
- Nak!
- I'm here!
- What are you doing?
- You all know that Nak is my woman.
Hey, there is a rumor
that Nak is Mak's wife, isn't she?
Don't say that. You bring disgrace to Nak.
How about when you said Nak is your wife?
You didn't bring her disgrace?
I don't care who she is with,
but today, she has to be my wife.
Mak, take Nak home.
- Go.
- Go. Go.
- Come on.
- He must be an ex-boxer.
Quick feet Noi.
Hurry up, Nak. Come in.
We are safe now.
How about Tid Noi?
So girly.
Don't worry about him.
He knows boxing.
Thank you for saving me, Mak.
Did you get hurt anywhere?
It doesn't hurt.
You are here.
How could I feel pain?
So girly, son of a gun!
- Take him!
- Hey!
Tid Noi!
Are you alright?
Thank you so much.
Are you hurt?
Not at all.
Worth it.
Poor you.
Tid Noi.
Thank you so much.
If it weren't for you,
Nak would be violated.
She is already violated, Mom.
What do you mean?
Nak and I got intimate.
I'm bringing flowers
and incense to apologize.
When did it happen?
Thank you so much.
It must have been for my good deed,
- Are you hurt?
- that's why she hugged me.
Well, since it already happened,
you will have to ask for my blessing.
What do you think about the dowry?
Hundred tamleung, then.
I will have to go to Bangkok
to earn money for the dowry.
- Thank you.
- Right.
By the way, where is Nak?
She said she'll pick mushrooms
behind the haystack.
- I have to go now.
- Yes.
- No, people will see us.
- Nobody will see us.
Do this.
I love you, Nak.
This ring represents my love.
Keep it with you.
I will keep it until the day I die.
Nak. Where is she?
Where is she?
What the hell?
Can he really not see us?
Can't he really?
I wonder.
We were just here. How couldn't he see us?
No, not in front of the buffaloes.
They don't know anything.
Tid Noi, what are you doing here?
I'm here to tell you
that I will go to Pranakorn tomorrow.
Why do you have to go?
- To work, for the future.
- That's great.
Don't forget us Prakanongs
when you get rich.
I won't forget even when I'm poor.
Did it take you the whole day
to pick mushrooms?
Are you free tomorrow?
I want you to go to the temple with me.
I'm busy tomorrow.
Why are you smiling?
Nak is busy tomorrow.
Why is that?
She must be sending me off.
Why don't you know anything?
Tid Noi, will you go now?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
You didn't come to send me off
because you were afraid you'd cry, right?
Let's go.
Be careful.
\N \N \N \N \N \N \N
Where are you going?
Going home, I guess.
To the temple.
Get on, please.
Thank you, young man.
You earn good karma.
Luang Por, I don't want good karma,
I want a wife.
Will you pay me, please?
All right.
To Bangkok Noi, please.
Alright, get on.
Bless you.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
- Here we are.
- Stop. Stop. Stop.
Hey, bro, you are really smooth.
Hey, if you are not in a rush,
- wait for me.
- Yes.
I'm here to pick up my wife.
She works up there.
- There she is.
- There you are, Somchai.
Yes, honey.
- Are you tired?
- Not at all.
Shall we head home?
Just one more customer, honey.
I see. One more.
Let's go.
- Gotta go to work.
- Yes, keep it up.
I'll wait for you.
That's my wife.
She works here.
I'm still so proud of myself
that I have a good wife,
a good married life.
She works hard.
Rough, gentle,
small, big, short, long, work.
She takes it all.
I don't want to brag
that I am doing quite well
because of my wife.
You have to find a wife like mine.
That you can show off to anyone.
- I see.
- Yeah.
It seems to be taking a long time.
You can go back now.
Keep the change. Take it.
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
Hey, brother.
Oh, you can speak Thai.
Of course I can.
Where are you from?
I see. Have you been here long?
- Two
- Two years?
Two days.
You learned to speak Thai in two days?
I'm well educated.
- Do you have a car?
- Of course.
- Bicycle?
- Yes.
- Snake?
- I do.
Slither or walk?
Fly, I guess?
In my homeland, I have everything.
- The only thing I don't have
- What is it?
My homeland doesn't have a guy like you.
- Where do you want to go?
- To the brothel.
Oh, I see.
Here we are.
Why didn't you tell me it's here,
only two steps away?
If I told you, how would I make money?
That's why I told you
that I have everything in my homeland,
and the only thing that I don't have
is someone like you.
Greedy bastard.
And stay away from me or I'll kick you.
To Golden Mountain, please.
Please, get on.
Keep it up!
For Nak!
Nak, help me!
Your dad is very handsome?
Will our son be handsome like his dad?
Do you want some?
Poor Tid Noi.
It's too late now.
I feel sorry for you.
Mak made her moves quickly.
Hundred tamleung.
- Hey.
- Oh.
Do you want a lot of money?
I don't want a lot of money,
I want lots of money.
Damn, it's the same.
I don't like a lot of money.
I like lots of money.
Yeah, lots then.
If you want lots of money,
why don't you do what I do?
Let your wife work.
You stay home and take the money.
That's a man's ultimate happiness.
Why are you saving lots of money?
- To marry a woman.
- I see.
Are you crazy?
Why do you want to marry a woman?
How did you come up with this idea?
Getting married is only a waste of money.
Get married, then spend
a lifetime being afraid of her.
If you were my brother,
I'd kick you in the face.
What a moron.
Come on. Take me. I'll pick up my wife.
Getting married? You moron.
What a tool.
Please be mine.
Yes, Tid Noi.
Let me kiss you.
So refreshing.
Can you sound sweeter?
What the hell is this?
I don't know Nak.
Will you screw me?
If you won't screw me, then buzz off.
Yeah. I'll screw you.
That hurts!
My name means small,
but my thing is quite big.
Idiot, that's my butthole.
Try again.
- Ouch. Same hole.
- Dammit.
Come on.
Allow me. Go.
- Lie down.
- What the hell?
Come here.
Such a waste of my time.
- What is it?
- I like it.
Now you are talking.
Let's continue then.
- That's enough.
- Just one more.
No. No more.
- Stay still.
- No more.
Here, it's for free.
I finished.
Here is your money. I'm leaving.
Man, she's scary.
Please come back.
It's done.
Luang Por, is this a tattoo or surgery?
Of course, it's a tattoo.
Oh, it's you.
What tattoo do you want?
Yantra of Eight Directions,
nine stupas,
or enchantment?
None of those.
What is it?
This must be your wedding, Nak.
Why did you hug me that day?
The 100 tamleung is useless.
Tid Noi.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I'm back.
Tid Noi.
Do you have painkillers?
Get me some.
Don't worry.
I promised your mother
that I would love you
and take care of you because I love you.
If you don't believe me, Nak,
look at this.
Back then, I was the guy next door.
From now on,
we will live under the same roof.
Tid Noi, I love Mak.
Nak, say that again.
I love Mak.
I love you much, Nak.
Tid Noi.
Listen carefully. \N \N
\N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N
I love Mak!
How flattering.
You love me much,
and I love you much. \N
\N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N
Nak, whose ring is this?
The ceremony is about to begin. Let's go.
You remember this.
From now on, you'll never leave Nak.
And one more thing.
If she doesn't want something, never force
it on her. \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N
Don't you want to join the ceremony?
I've been to many ceremonies already.
Let's go.
And another thing.
She likes eel soup.
She has breakfast at 5:30.
Remember that.
I take your silence
as a promise you give me, Mak.
Now, you can go.
Please accept the blessing.
Listen to the blessing.
Days and nights have passed
Lives must go on
Time might have changed hearts
It keeps us apart \N \N
\N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N
I never blame anyone
It's just the nature of time
\N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N
Our old days can't be returned
But I want you to know
That I still care
I still think of you
Like I always have
Even though you left me
I'm still watching over you
And I want to know how you are
Because I've always loved you
Next. Mr. Maen.
How old are you?
Twenty-one years old.
You look as old as I am.
- Very well.
- Oh, lucky time, lucky time!
Survive, survive, survive!
Red. Red. Red!
Red. Red. Red!
Next. Mr. Payak.
Hey, it's the military draft.
Wives stay out of this.
- Get down there.
- It's Payak.
You are a man?
Yes, sir.
Very well.
Red. Red. Red!
Red. Red. Red!
Good hand, honey.
Don't be the country's soldier.
You only need to be my soldier. Let's go.
Mr. Mak.
Red. Red. Red!
Black! Black!
Red. Red. Red!
It's late at night. You startled me.
Listen, Tid Noi.
Seeing you like this worries me.
Mark my words, \N \N
\N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N
secretly, love will...
always hurt.
But if you truly love them,
when you see that they are happy,
you should be happy for them.
Accept them for who they are.
Now, that's love.
But one day, \N \N \N
\N \N \N \N \N \N \N
if they see our good deeds,
they might turn around and look at us.
They are always together. \N
\N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N
When will she see me? \N
\N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N
Mak will join the military soon.
Mak? Join the military? \N
\N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N
Yes. \N \N \N \N
\N \N \N \N \N \N
Can you see it? \N \N
\N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N
Yes, you are naughty. \N
\N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N
Mak will join the military.
Duang, listen to me. \N
\N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N
My whole life,
I've only loved Nak.
What's wrong with you? \N
\N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N
What are you looking at? \N
\N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N
The stars. \N \N \N
\N \N \N \N \N \N \N
They look like Nak's face.
\N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N
The stars are beautiful.
What is that one called?
It's called a poking star.
- Mak.
- Don't worry.
Listen to me. Listen to me.
I promise that I'll come back to you.
Don't cry.
Nak, listen to me.
- Mak.
- I will be okay. I promise.
What did you do to her?
Mak, what did you do to her?
Mak, you are dead!
You are dead!
Don't worry, Nak.
I promise that I'll be back.
Mak, where are you going?
Tid Noi, please take care of Nak.
I must go to war. \N \N
\N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N
I'll take care of her. \N
\N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N
Don't worry. Don't worry. \N
\N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N
Don't cry, please.
I'll come back.
I have to go now. I have to leave.
\N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N
Don't worry. Don't worry.
I'll come back, alright?
Tid Noi, take care of her.
Alright, don't worry. \N
\N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N
Nak, don't worry about me.
\N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N
I'll come back.
Why are you smiling? \N
\N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N
I'm proud of him.
He sacrifices himself, \N
\N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N
leaving his wife to serve his country.
\N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N
He is a real man. \N \N
\N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N
Please take care of our baby.
No matter how much time has passed
\N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N
I'm satisfied with everything as
it is \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N
Don't want to see you tired
Don't want to see you suffer
I will always support you from afar
Hoping that you have someone beautiful
Tid Noi, are you tired?
No, burns.
Want to drink it now?
- No.
- Oh.
Then, why did you ask me to pick them?
I have morning sickness.
I just want to see it.
Oh dear. \N \N \N
\N \N \N \N \N \N \N
Nak. Here. They're huge.
What's the matter?
Tid Noi, I miss Mak.
I wasn't gone that long. \N
\N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N
I'm joking. \N \N \N
\N \N \N \N \N \N \N
I just want to see you smile, Nak.
\N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N
I'll make fish curry. \N
\N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N
You've had enough chicken.
\N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N
Don't you want to eat, Nak?
With this letter,
I hope you can eat something now.
A villager brought it for you.
It's from Mak.
Nak, it's me, Mak.
This war is tough.
I was sent to the front line
and might not make it back
to you and our baby.
Please forget about me.
Don't wait for me.
Be well.
Tell Tid Noi to take care
of you and our baby.
What did he say?
Hey, hey, hey.
Luckily, she didn't have a miscarriage
or she would have been dead.
Damn the moron who gave her the letter.
How thoughtless.
She is pregnant, goddammit!
Nak misses her husband.
She hasn't eaten in days.
Being like this,
she might have a miscarriage.
Poor thing.
- Mak.
- Nak.
If Mak were here, you wouldn't be sad.
I'll bring Mak back to you.
- Old Pun.
- Hmm?
- Please take care of Nak.
- Yes.
And remember, it's important.
If she doesn't want something,
never force it on her.
Yeah, yeah.
She likes eel soup.
- Eel soup, yeah.
- And
- She has breakfast at 5:30.
- Yeah, right.
- And not overly wet rice.
- Dammit, Noi.
Just leave me some time
to gamble, alright?
Dammit. Don't go, then.
Just stay here to take care of her.
Dammit, Noi.
In two months, Nak,
I'll bring Mak back to you.
Why is it not coming out?
Wait a minute. Wait.
you are beautiful up there and down here.
Come on. Try again. Push! Push!
One more time.
Why is it so stubborn?
Tid Noi!
Pee Mak!
Nak. Nak.
Mak, get up.
Mak, are you hurt?
Tid Noi.
Am I going to die?
You can't die.
I promised Nak
that I would bring you back to her.
They They are approaching.
Tid Noi, listen to me.
Go back to take care of Nak for me.
If we both die,
she wouldn't know what happened.
No. I promised her
that I would bring you back, Mak.
I beg you.
- Mak, you must come with me.
- I beg you.
Go. Go.
- Mak.
- Go.
It's frightening enough
to die from a violent death,
but she died while giving birth.
In no time,
she'll really give us a hard time.
In two months, Nak,
I will bring Mak back to you.
No matter what, I will take you back.
Tid Noi.
Mak, keep your mouth shut. Be still.
Tid Noi.
I know.
I'm here.
Who the hell is this? Damn.
Let's go.
Get up.
\N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N
Take a break, Mak.
Tid Noi.
Thank you for taking care of me.
Are you applying more medicine?
- No.
- What?
I'm chewing a Kratom leaf.
Isn't it for sun resistance?
Two leaves for sun protection,
one leaf for nighttime resistance.
Let's go.
How many fish did you catch?
I got a lot of perch.
I'll stir-fry it with curry sauce for you.
What was that?
There are no men in the jungle.
What are you looking for?
I'm not looking for men, dammit.
I heard a baby cry.
A baby in the jungle? Why are you scared?
- Why the hell did you scream? Run, wench.
- Go on. Go.
Duang. Duang. Duang, wait for me.
Keep on walking.
My beautiful bird
Why don't you become mine?
My beautiful bird
If you don't love me, I'll curse you
To have dry poop in your butthole
Wait, wait, wait.
There are women ahead.
Let's see how drunk we are.
Look at them.
If the two women become four,
that means you are drunk.
- I can only see one woman.
- What?
Damn, I'm drunk.
You are drunk, Ang.
- Who's Ang? I'm Eung.
- Oh.
Just stand still.
Let me take a look.
Hold this.
Once I get to her, I'll lift her up.
You fatty.
Her natural smell is nice.
Come here. Talk to me.
Let's have a chat. Come on.
He's abducting her.
Hey, Ang.
What hand? You're talking nonsense.
- Ang.
- What is wrong with him?
Fine. You can go.
I'll keep her for myself.
Let's talk.
Whoa! How come a ghost is so beautiful?
My dear Mak
My dear Mak
Nuan. Nuan.
Open the door for me.
Pee Mak
Oh, there.
Pee Mak.
- Nak.
- Pee Mak.
Pee Mak.
I'm not mentioned once.
- Tid Noi, paddle closer.
- Yeah.
- Do you know how to paddle?
- Hurry up.
I'm back.
I missed you so much.
- Mak.
- Nak.
- Be careful.
- I'm back.
I missed you so much, Nak.
I missed you too.
I missed you every day.
How about our baby?
The baby is sleeping in the house.
I see.
Is it a girl or a boy?
- A boy.
- What's his nickname?
I'm waiting for you to name him.
You are Nak, I'm Mak.
Let's call him Daeng.
- Daeng?
- Daeng.
That's nice.
How about his name?
His name
Mak. Mak. Mak. Mak.
His name Somkid.
- Somkid.
- Somkid.
That's nice.
Somkid, my son, dad is back.
Get inside.
Dad's name is Mak.
Mom's name is Nak.
His nickname is Daeng.
His name is Somkid.
How the hell is it all related?
I missed you so much.
- No.
- Damn!
You are breaking the promise you gave me.
\N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N
I told you. \N \N \N
\N \N \N \N \N \N \N
If she doesn't want something, never force
it on her. \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N
Tid Noi, you know nothing.
What do I not know?
I told you.
If she doesn't want something, never
force her. \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N
It's kind of late. \N \N
\N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N
Go to bed. \N \N \N
\N \N \N \N \N \N \N
Daeng will wake up?
Tid Noi will hear us.
What are you talking about, Duang?
I just spoke to Nak last night.
You spoke to a ghost!
Didn't you notice, Tid Noi?
The villagers around here moved away.
Nonsense. Keep on shaving.
You are annoying.
What's wrong with you?
Where are you going?
I'll go buy an axe to fix the stairs.
Ouch, Nak. My wound.
I was shot.
You can ask Tid Noi to buy it for you.
It's alright.
I owe him my life.
It's nothing. I can do it myself.
I won't be long.
Come on. I'll be back soon.
Can I have an axe?
What is it, old man?
This axe can't kill a ghost.
Why did you say that?
Mak, I'll tell you the truth.
You are living with a ghost.
Why do you say my wife is a ghost?
Your wife,
she looks like a ghost,
but I never say a word.
I'm telling the truth.
I'm also telling the truth.
Look. She looks like a ghost.
Your wife
Your wife is dead!
Hey, Leua, Lae.
- Oh.
- Hi, Tid Noi.
Will you come to drink at my house?
That sounds good. I feel like drinking.
I'd rather not.
I'm afraid of Nak's ghost.
Why are you afraid of her?
Stop talking to him.
Let's go. Come on.
These guys are so strange.
They say the same thing as Duang.
Jeez, Nak. She haunts even during the day.
- Lua, Hurry up!
- Hurry. Hurry. Hurry.
Paddle. Come on.
Hurry up. Keep paddling.
- Hey. What's going on?
- Hurry!
You don't believe that Nak is a ghost.
See for yourself.
What the hell?
Go and take a look over there. Hurry.
Swim to the shore.
Let's go.
- Tid Noi!
- Nak.
You hold your breath for so long.
Now I see why the villagers say that.
What do they say?
They say you are a ghost.
It's too long, that's why.
How did she dry off so quickly?
Hey, Nak.
You can go prepare a meal for Mak.
Let me put Daeng to sleep.
And make some for me.
You want to eat my food?
I want to eat with you.
Come on, Daeng.
Try to get some sleep now.
The grand
With great determination
Hey, Tid Noi.
Are you singing a lullaby or a war song?
Mak, why do you look like that?
- You look frustrated.
- What's wrong with the villagers?
They say Nak is a ghost.
- Yeah, I heard it, too.
- Right?
From now on,
if anyone says Nak is a ghost,
I'll chop off their heads with an axe.
Before that,
let me kick their asses first.
Go on. I'll put him to sleep.
Luang Por.
Let's go back.
Why are you scared?
You are coming with a monk.
Besides, today,
I have to tell Mak the truth.
Jingle bells
Mak, you are no different than me.
Who is at the dock?
Luang Por is here, Mak.
What are you scared of, Meng?
What's wrong?
Is Mak here?
Tid Noi is here.
Mak is here too.
- Greetings, Luang Por.
- Bless you.
- Greetings, Luang Por.
- Oh
I think you should put the axe down, Mak.
Hey, there you go again.
Don't tell me that you are here about Nak.
Who'd want to do that?
But Mak, you have to be mindful
and think of the Buddha's teaching.
Bow down and look through your legs.
You will see what reality is.
What is the reality, Luang Por?
The reality is always true.
Meng, let's go. Whoa! He is too fast.
Wait for me.
- Go.
- Hurry.
He didn't even untie the rope.
Look through my legs?
Yet he has the audacity
to tell us to be mindful,
but he isn't.
He also talks nonsense.
Mak, you have to be mindful
and think of the Buddha's teaching.
Bow down and look through your legs.
You will see what reality is.
Hey, Mak.
Damn, snake.
Hey, Mak.
Oh, damn.
Duang. Duang.
Duang, Nak is
I know.
- Go to the temple now.
- I have to go.
Hey, wait. Where is Tid Noi?
He's still at home.
I have to go.
Tid Noi. That moron knows nothing.
Nak, did you see a snake?
Tid Noi.
Mak is gone.
He is only scared of a snake.
Where is she?
Is she here?
- Is it her?
- It's here.
Is that you, Nak?
Call her out, Uncle.
- There she is.
- Nak is here.
Nak, do you know
that you cause trouble for the villagers?
I live with my husband
and mind my own business,
but you are asking for trouble.
You will die again tonight.
- Is that right, folks?
- Yes.
Nak, do you know that since your death,
we never get to sleep?
The dogs howl every night.
It's about time I slap a ghost.
- Go.
- Take her. Take her. Take her.
You want to try me?
What a harsh wind.
Nak, let's go inside.
It's going to rain.
What should we do?
She is getting serious.
Nak, you said you'd destroy us.
If you won't, we'll burn your house down.
Burn it. Burn it.
If you burn my house,
I'll burn your village.
There she goes again.
Nak, I think
Scare them with the dive trick!
Dive for fucking what?
You said "fuck" to my face.
You said "fuck" to my face.
- Uncle, go ahead.
- Burn it.
My dear Mak.
Let's go back home.
Come on, everyone.
Stay focused.
Let's Let's keep on chanting.
Come back to your wife and baby.
- Mak.
- Listen!
Ghosts should not live with humans.
Monks should mind their own business.
Come back to your wife and baby.
She said "fuck" to my face.
- Where are you off to, Tid Noi?
- Oh, hey.
I'll take my sweetheart to the market.
Dive for fucking what?
You said "fuck" to me.
Are you hurt?
Not at all.
Dive for fucking
You said "fuck" to me, Nak.
You said "fuck" to me.
- Tid Noi.
- Duang.
When you visit someone's home,
have some courtesy.
- Should I knock?
- Yeah.
Who's there?
Damn! He's still asking.
It's me, Duang.
Come in.
Tid Noi.
Don't be upset.
She's dead.
What the hell is wrong with you?
Even Mak knows that his wife is dead.
you eventually believe other people
rather than your wife.
Where is he?
- At the temple.
- And Nak?
She must have followed him there.
I'm not going.
I'm definitely not going.
Go get the supreme monk.
Mak. You!
I don't know what you ran away from,
but I want to know what this is all about.
You believe other people
rather than your wife, don't you?
If Nak finds out about this,
how upset will she be?
And the person who is
a thousand times more upset
is me.
Because I love her.
I don't want to see
someone I love unhappy.
My love is not about possessions.
It would make me happy
just to take care of her.
That's what my love is.
I'm different from you, Mak.
Your love is small.
You are small-minded,
but I'm open-minded.
You have true love,
but I have true-true-true-true love
True times four.
Even the rain witnesses my love.
Just your smile makes me so happy.
Can he really not see us?
Morning sickness.
Just want to see the coconut.
Just want to see?
I just want to see it.
Where is Nak anyway?
Nak. Nak.
Tid Noi.
You said you are open-minded.
Yeah. Why?
Why don't you look up?
No. There's nothing there.
If there is a next life,
I hope we can be husband and wife again.
Take care of yourself.
The baby and I have to go.
Thank Tid Noi for me.
- Nak.
- Mak.
- Nak.
- Mak.
What kind of storm was this?
The house appears to be old overnight.
This way, please.
I mean, Luang Pee Mak.
Is it what I said last night
that inspired you to become a monk?
- Ayu vanno sukham balam.
- And Where is Nak?
She's gone.
Where to?
To the north?
The south?
Take a shit.
Is Nak a southerner?
She's gone back to the south.
Won't you tell him the truth?
He won't believe me anyway.
Sometimes, ignorance
makes you happier.
When will she be back?
My dear Nak.
Whoa, Noi.
Have you taken care of yourself?
Don't you want to shave it?
- Ayu vanno sukham balam.
- Well
She hasn't come back yet, Tid Noi.
My dear Nak.
Why does he love Nak so much?
Tid Noi's love
is not true love
but true-true love.
Tid Noi.
Are you still waiting for Nak?
Yes, I am.
If you wait, I'll wait.
For Nak?
For you.
Tid Noi.
Oh, I think I'm really scared.
Oh, I'm scared.
It's really high up here.
My legs are shaking.
Let me close my eyes.
My hands are shaking.
Why is it shaking?
I can't open my eyes. I'm scared.
Just sit down on the beam.
Wait, wait, wait.
Just wait.
Okay? Okay now?
Just a moment.
Nothing to hold onto. I'm scared.
I feel light-headed.
Tid Noi.
I miss Mak.
- Can I go again?
- Yes.
Hello. My name is Na
I said Nak
And the person who is
a thousand times more upset
is me.
Because I love her.
Again. Again. Again.
My dear Mak
- Okay.
- My voice dropped.
Oh, wait.
Easy, easy.
Meng, where are you going?
- Hand
- Here you go again.
Hand me the paddle.
Haven't you noticed, Tid Noi,
that the villagers around here
Damn, I was babbling.
The mango went the wrong way.
I'm choking on the mango.
Give me some water.
Nak must be busy.
Because she will send me off.
Why don't you know anything?
I want to sing too.
Lie down.
I'm so scared of you.
Gotta tuck the flower in.
Cut eight, take one. Camera after slate.
Wait. What is that?
- It's been cut.
- Cut, my butt.
I haven't said a damn word, Meng.
I came here at dawn just for this?
I am not blaming you,
I blame the director.
Who is the director?
- Teng.
- Did you say Teng?
What is this?
A movie, Tid Noi.
I'm asking about my character.
Why am I needed here?
Do you dare to do this to Ananda?
Do what?
Do what? Just in one scene
and shot to death.
I spend more time dressing up
than featuring.
Just wait for Tid Noi 2.
You think there'll be a Tid Noi 2?
Trilogy, even.
Trilogy, my butt, Teng.
What are you laughing at, Tor?
- What are you laughing at?
- I'll take you on the boat.
No. I can swim, prick.
What are you looking at?
Subtitle translation by: