Tikkun (2015) Movie Script

Blessed are You our Lord,
King of the universe,
Who has commanded us
regarding kosher slaughter."
You asleep?
Who's there?
Haim-Aaron? What happened?
What happened?
You're bleeding?
It's nothing.
Don't, I'm fasting.
Why are you fasting?
Look what it's doing to you.
I dropped my tefillin (prayer boxes).
what's the time?
It's late.
Were you at yeshiva
(Orthodox Jewish college)?
Good night.
Wait, you're soaked through.
It was raining.
Take a shower.
I'll change clothes.
Tomorrow I'll go the mikveh (ritual bath).
Out of the question.
Dad, Hasidic students
don't wash at home.
We don't want you to get sick,
God forbid.
Don't waste time.
Come on, take off your coat.
Danger is worse than transgression.
Come on, go to the shower!
A day has passed.
Promise me you'll eat something?
- Dad, there is someone downstairs.
- What's that?
Why aren't you sleeping?
My teeth hurt
and my head hurts all the time.
Go to sleep.
You'll feel better by the morning.
Come on.
Come on.
Good night.
Go to sleep.
Good night.
Call an ambulance!
Stop for a second.
- He's in VF, we need to shock him.
- Let's move him to a dry place.
Stand clear! Shock!
Keep going.
Another shock?
- Ready?
- Yes.
Loading. Stand clear. Shock.
Stand clear, shock!
Should we keep going?
How long have we been in CPR?
Forty minutes.
Nothing's happening.
He's dead.
You going to tell them?
Yes, I'll talk to them.
Sir! What are you doing?
You're disturbing us.
That won't help!
Sir, you have to stop!
Maybe she can help?
Sir, do you hear me?
Madam, can you help us?
- But why did you stop?
- We know what we're doing.
Fine, press here.
I'm calling the police.
Arms straight.
Get away from here!
Go to your rooms!
Yes, Jerusalem MICU.
We need an officer to declare a death.
We've a situation here.
Sir, you really have to stop.
We did everything we could, really-
Leave him. Let him do it.
Hang on!
- What is it?
- He has a pulse.
He has a pulse?
Help me move him.
- Do you have the monitor?
- Yes.
Ready? Lift him slowly.
Two, three, and-
What's this? You're crying?
You should be happy.
- Look who's here.
- Welcome home!
Blessed is He who cures the sick."
Haim-Aaron, I missed you.
I drew this for you.
Thank you. It's beautiful.
Okay, who wants cake?
- Me!
- Come.
- You drew all of these?
- Yes.
They're beautiful.
Give it to Haim-Aaron.
It's a tooth.
It's the most beautiful present
I've ever received.
Let me help you.
You can carry on alone, right?
I'm not eating meat anymore.
You have to respect the dead.
He's so cute.
It's for you.
- Does your head still hurt?
- It's exploding.
Come with me, I have an idea.
Yanke, sit.
- Can you see?
- Yes.
- What letter is this?
- T.
- Here?
- That's A.
- Here?
- G.
- What's this?
- H.
- What letter is this?
- R.
Try harder.
What letter is this?
Try harder.
I've had enough.
Your turn.
No wonder.
Take off your glasses.
Why do you need
to wear glasses then?
Great fury is upon you.
You shouldn't have obstructed God's will.
Are you asleep?
Why not?
My head hurts.
There's this pressure in my head.
So stop thinking.
What do you mean?
Sorry, I didn't mean don't think-
I don't know-
I don't know, I'm going to sleep.
Blessed is He who revives the dead."
Blessed is He who cures the sick."
It's weird.
God gave us our bodies.
You have to worship God
through your body.
Yeah and?
I hate my body.
So you hate God.
I do love God.
Seven shekels.
Where are you going?
To yeshiva.
Go tomorrow
I can't fall asleep.
Are you really going to yeshiva?
He said he was going
to yeshiva, right?
- Right?
- Enough, let's go to sleep.
Why did you let him go out?
He's sick.
Enough, let's go to sleep.
You go to sleep.
I'm going to look for him.
If he comes back, call me.
Get me your mobile phone.
He's at yeshiva.
He's a big boy, he's studying.
What nerve.
Two souls in one lifetime.
The nerve.
- Where's your phone?
- In my bag.
I can't find it, come show me.
Can I have a sip of your coffee?
I think about you a lot.
I have faith in you and your way.
You're a good person.
I really trust you.
What are you doing? It's immodest.
I'm enjoying the sun.
Join me.
Sit with me.
Can you look straight at the sun?
It's impossible.
Of course it's possible.
It hurts.
I don't want to.
Just try, go on, look.
I don't want to.
You're not even trying.
Yanke, come here.
Take off your tefillin.
Take off your tefillin!
Haim-Aaron is here.
Come, let's sit.
Let's go.
There are elevated souls
that can stray to places
that appear to be unholy.
But in that place a soul
can reach such heights
that cannot be reached
from even the holiest places.
As the Lord doesn't differentiate
between worship from holy places
and worship from elsewhere.
On the contrary,
when a sinner finds himself
in this lowly place, God forbid,
he swiftly rekindles his faith,
and believes that everything
is in His grace and glory.
Then his worship will bring
him great fulfillment,
such that even the righteous
cannot achieve.
However a great abyss lies below,
threatening to drag him down,
should he forget his faith, God forbid,
and then all hope for him is lost.
What are you doing?
I have too many thoughts.
This is how you let go
of your thoughts.
Join me, it's fun.
He climbed over me
when I was sleeping,
I killed him with Dad's shoe.
Come here for a second.
Come here.
You will be a Hasid (righteous man).
A real Hasid.
You know why?
You're alive.
I envy you.
Where should I drop you off?
Wherever is good for you
is good for me.
Are you sure?
You coming or what?
Come on.
How are we?
Can we see someone else?
Yes, of course.
You're so white.
Go to the beach, get a tan.
You pay 100 now
and 100 to the man in the corridor.
You have 10 minutes.
Anything but anal.
You have to pay me 100 and
100 to the guy in the corridor.
Well then?
What's your name?
I'm not in the mood.
Move it!
I want to see more.
I'm going back to sleep.
Go to the mikveh (ritual bath)
and start your day.
I have to sleep.
Go to the mikveh and start your day!
Blessed are You, our Lord,
King of the universe,
Who has commanded us
regarding kosher slaughter."
Leave it, it's not kosher.
Let's get rid of it.
- Are you sure?
- Yes.
I'll tell them to take it out.
Tell them whatever you want.
I'd like to talk to you for a second.
Do you want to tell me
what's going through your head?
- No.
- I see.
Don't come to yeshiva anymore.
I don't care what's taken hold of you.
I just won't stand for this.
Do you have anything to add?
You can leave now.
Did you hear me?
Please leave!
Get out!
Don't you want to sleep?
Are you thinking about the bed?
I'm always amazed
by the gentleness of a bed.
To fall asleep,
to dream, wake up,
to think for a second,
and allow yourself to be weak,
to gain your strength.
Don't you think?
Why don't you go to sleep?
It will help you.
Get up, you wet the bed.
- But I don't need to go.
- Come on, do it.
You're moving to Haim-Aaron's room,
you mustn't wet the bed.
- But I don't need to go.
- Come on.
Look, it's even raining.
Come on, do it.
I'm here, I'm here.
So, are you on your way out?
Excuse me?
Are you leaving religion?
Heaven forbid.
Sorry, it's just when I saw you standing
there in the rain, I remembered-
My boyfriend was a yeshiva boy.
He told me sad stories about
crossing from your world to ours.
When I saw you hitching a ride, I-
I remembered his stories
and I had to stop.
Thank you.
Don't smoke here.
Where should I drop you?
Is here okay?
I'm stopping here.
Are you okay?
Do you need anything?
It's just that I'm in a hurry,
I'm sorry.
You're a really good woman.
I really envy your boyfriend.
Did you just see
something on the road?
I can't see anything.
Do me a favor and slow down.
- What was that?
- Stop!
What? Where is he?
- I told you to slow down!
- Calm down!
Calm down!
- I told you to slow down.
- I can't see anything in this fog.
- I'm going to look over there.
- Let's look over here.
I'm calling an ambulance.
Wait, let's see what it was.
I wet your bed.
Don't worry.
Are you sick?
But I wet the bed there.
Don't worry.
Let me lie down for a while.
What are you doing?
Why are you bleeding?
It's nothing, Mom.
It doesn't hurt.
I'm calling an ambulance!
Leave me! Let go of me!
Thank you.