Tilam Perca (2022) Movie Script

Life is like a
piece of shredded cloth.
Oh no! Not another one.
Nek Ton!
I've warned you before, right?
Stop stealing my chicken.
What are you saying, Sudin?
Last night he stole another one,
Nek Eton. My chicken is expensive.
Who knows where he peddled it,
how much he peddle it for.
Don't simply make an accusation.
He didn't do all that.
As long as you keep defending
him, he'd continue on stealing.
I guess you like it
when people are repulsed...
...and disgusted by
your family. Do you really?
Do you really want people
to look down on your family?
If you don't, tell him, don't
be a thief, don't be an addict.
No, you got the
wrong guy. He's my grandson.
He would never do those things.
Sudin, I'm trying to do business
here. Please don't make a scene.
I'm making a scene?
How long are yo
going to keep defending...
...that living carcass, Nek Ton?
Listen, if he
does it one more time,...
...I'll throw his
body in front of you.
Then only you'd believe me, right?
Don't try my patience.
My blood is boiling now.
I'd do it. I would
-If you want to, then do it!
Hey! What's the time?
It's still night time.
It's not night, you idiot.
It's already bright outside.
It's the moonlight.
Go back to sleep.
Moonlight? It's the sun, idiot.
I'm going home then.
Don't forget to
bring it again tonight.
What? I've to bring it again?
What are you guys? The kings?
Why should it be me all the time?
Pak Atan!
How many tonnes did you get?
About 15 tonnes, Pak Tan. Here.
Minus the fee for clearing,
there's RM15,000.
The receipts there, you can check.
Give me a bit more next time.
You wish.
-Okay, Pak Tan. Peace be upon you.
Peace be upon you too.
You've got a big smile.
That's quite thick. Give me some.
I know the palm fruit
price is on the increase.
Part of this belongs to Man too.
Come on, honey. Man doesn't
know and won't know how to count.
He never went to school.
You see here, it's this thick.
Do you think he'd count?
He won't notice it. I know.
Look at this. He's stupid, dear.
I'll take it, okay.
Helo, Man. You look very
young and handsome from afar.
I am young.
So how could I pretend to be old?
Come and sit with me.
That's more like it.
Kiah, what about the
question I asked you before?
Which question was that?
Kiah, do you have so many suitors?
Or am I not your chosen one?
I see, that question.
Could you give me more time?
I have to think about it.
-Don't take too long.
But I have four small kids.
I've to take care of them.
I'm worried if later.....
Kiah. I can take care of you.
All that is small matter.
If you marry me,
your kids are my kids.
Maybe we can have our own child?
The fifth child.
Peace be upon you.
-Peace be upon you too.
Peace be upon you too.
Let's welcome our village's
new candidate for Headman,...
...Encik Atan bin Ismail
to present his proposal...
...and ideas to
improve our village.
Thank you, Tok Ketua.
Peace be upon you.
Peace be upon you too.
If I were to be appointed
as the Village Headman,...
... I will make sure
that the residents...
...get some
assistance from the government.
This is not just an
empty promise. I'll make sure...
...it'll be a reality.
Then I'll boost our
Small Medium Enterprises....
...and we'll sell
the products out in cities.
This will improve the
villagers' standards of living.
So, give me a chance to work
for the benefits of the people.
I hope all of you committee
members, can give me your vote...
...so that I can
prove that mine...
...is not just talk.
That's all. Thank you.
The sun is high
above the head now,...
...and yet you
just reach home, Akob?
Are you going to wait until I
die before you change your life?
Do you like it when the
villagers strip me off my dignity?
I don't take drugs anymore,
grandma. I'm done. No more.
I've never step
on your dignity, Akob.
No matter what people said, that
you are a thief, an addict,...
...I still defended you.
I can take their insults as
long as your name remains clean.
How could you do this to me?
Grandma, look,...
...I really have stopped
doing all those things.
The villagers, when
anything goes missing...
...they always accuse me of theft.
Since your dad asked you to
take care of me two years ago,...
...you have never try to change.
Do you think I don't
know what you've been doing?
What's the point
of you being a son...
...if it's just to bring
shame to the family, Akob?
This time,
I have truly stopped, grandma.
Look at me now. I'm okay.
Yeah, right!
If the wind blows any
stronger, you'd fall down, Akob.
Enough! I'm tired of talking.
If you feel that you
want to stop, then stop.
If you feel that you want to
continue getting high, go ahead.
I've lost any hope for you.
Just do what you want to do
Look, grandma, I.....
Your share is there. Hold on.
Tok Ketua.
Tok Ketua please don't
misunderstand my words.
I'm not here to bring you down.
I'm competing honestly.
Anyway, I'm richer than you are.
So if any of the villager
is in a pinch, I can help out.
I'm not trying to show off
that I'm wealthier than you.
God willing. If you
have good intention,...
...Allah will definitely help you.
I'm going out for a while.
Just a short while,
to meet my friends.
You don't have
to wait for me, okay?
Your dad asked you to live with me
so that you can take care of me.
Not the other way round.
I'm bored, grandma.
I'll just b
out for a short while.
Your short while means I'll only
be seeing you at dusk tomorrow.
Oh God.
-Okay, Grandma, listen.
I'll just be out
for a short while. I promise.
Are you going to sleep at
Sudin's wild chicken coop?
Why would I sleep
at Sudin's chicken coop?
It stinks of chicken poop.
Sudin already said that
if he were to see you again,...
...he'll smash your face.
Are you willing to risk it?
The villagers are
just waiting for an excuse.
Don't you have
any sympathy for me?
Don't worry, grandma.
Just trust me.
Am I old or young?
You're old, grandma.
-Do I live alone...
...or with other people?
Quite a number of people it seems.
Just kidding. You live alone.
Then is it night time
or day time now?
It's night, grandma.
Do you love me or not?
Of course I love you.
If you do, now if something
were to happen to me,...
...like a fall, your mom
and dad would be mad at you.
Come on. Don't go out.
Oh Allah, please take
care of my grandson, Akob.
Please open up his
heart to change himself...
...and be a better person.
Don't let him be
the target of hate.
Oh Allah, have mercy on him.
Please don't
take my life just yet.
Give me the chance
to help him, oh Allah.
You're home late.
The meeting
finished early evening,...
...but then I invited the
committee members out to eat.
Just to chit chat. It's
not easy to buy their vote.
Yes, that's true, darling.
We have to take care
of those committees...
...so that they'll
be loyal to you.
You need to give them something
as a token of appreciation.
Without them,
you'll have a hard time...
... winning the trust of the
villagers during election.
After that it will be smooth
sailing. But darling,...
...I think you should get some
presents for the wives, too.
There's no need, Sal. If all
the committees vote for me,...
...automatically I'd be appointed.
The villagers have no need
to vote because the decision,...
...would be made by
the village committee members.
Darling, you need to
keep an eye on Akob.
We don't want the
committee to know about him.
That would ruin
their vote for you.
What else did he do?
He keeps making troubl
for us. I don't care anymore.
Look at that, he just
went straight to bed.
Am I just a couch here?
Where have you been?
I've been waiting for so long
I went to my kids' school.
We had a PTA meeting.
Have you eaten?
I was just waiting for you.
I'm sorry. I've been busy.
The kids are about to have
exams. It's a bit chaotic now.
What are you looking at?
Don't tell me that you have no
answer in regards to my proposal.
About that, I've thought about it.
I have a few conditions, though.
If you agree to my conditions, it
means that I accept your proposal.
Conditions? What conditions?
But please don't make
fun of my conditions.
For the sake
of my love for you,...
...I'll accept your conditions.
If you can accept them,...
...then I agree to marry you.
But if you disagree with them,...
...just think that
we're not destined
Okay, what are the conditions?
Why do you want to see me, Man?
I want to marry Kiah.
She asked for a RM20,000 dowry.
Then the land title...
...should be transferred
to her and her kids' name.
I love her, Sal.
I've agreed.
You want to
marry the widow, Kiah,...
...but you don't have money.
You have though.
I just want RM10,000.
I do have my savings.
You just have to add a bit more.
I don't have money now.
Why do you insist
on marrying that widow?
Are there no other beautiful
woman in this village?
And find a widow with no
children. It's much easier.
I don't have money,
I can't help you.
If you can't help me,...
...I'll tell our secret.
Do you want me to do so?
Do you want me to tell him?
You wouldn't dare.
But do tell, if you are
willing to risk your neck
Just try it.
-I don't care.
You'll get the worst of it.
Your life would be miserable.
Peace be upon you, mom.
-Peace be upon you.
What are you cooking, mom?
Just some vegetables.
Are you well, mom?
That's delicious.
If I'm still alive,
that means I'm well.
Mom, every time I visit you,
you always have an issue to pick.
Like the last time I came,
you were upset too.
When was that? Three months ago?
And you came just to
borrow some money from me.
I guess, this time around,
it's for the same reason.
It's just a small amount.
Can't you just lend me some?
Just RM5,000, mom.
Man, look at me. I don't
even have one gold piece.
I have given everything
to the two of you.
I've given you two all the lands.
I only have this
house and this piece of land.
Do you expect me
to sell these too?
What nonsense
are you talking about?
Just tell me,
can you give me the money?
Everytime I want to borrow from
you, there's always an excuse.
If Atan wants it, you
simply give it to him.
You play favourite.
I can't eve
borrow a small amount.
It's better if
I don't have a mother.
There's no use having a mother.
She wouldn't even
lend me her money.
Kiah, Kiah.
Don't go out, Akob.
Just this once, grandma.
Okay, just this once
If you go now, it means,
you have no hope at all.
I'm doing all this for
you, Akob. Not for me.
Peace be upon you.
Peace be upon you.
Your coffee, mom.
-Thank you, Sal.
How long are you going to be here?
Just for a day or two,
as I told you.
Just a day or two? Not a month?
Well, it's just that,
I've to tell you...
...that we are busy actually.
Atan in particular.
He's competing for the
Village Headman position.
He has to go out a lot, meeting
and helping people all over.
Then we have visitors. I have
to entertain so many parties.
You know, I'm the wife of
the soon-to-be Village Headman.
I've to entertain these guests.
Or we might lose their votes.
I'm just afraid I don't
have time to entertain you.
I understand.
I wouldn't have com
if it's not for this matter.
It must be about Akob then.
He's still making trouble, mom?
Mom, you have to let us
know about the things he did.
I'll tell Atan about this and he
would know to teach Akob a lesson.
Drink your coffee, mom. I
didn't have time to cook anything.
It's bitter. Did you
forget to add some sugar?
What did you say?
Mom, I want to tell you something.
Here in this house, you're
not only losing sweetness,...
...but the longer you stay here,
the bitter it'll be for you.
Just stay one day,
don't take too long.
Mom, why are you still awake?
Do you feel itchy
or uncomfortable?
I'm yet to fall asleep, Sal.
I'm just not sleepy yet.
I thought I'd just lie down now.
You don't look
comfortable with that pillow.
Why? Is it causing you itchiness?
Come, let me check it.
You know how it is,
no one sleeps in this room.
Oh dear, mom, there's fungus.
No wonder it made you itch...
...sleeping on the
bed and the pillow.
Okay, you need to move now.
We have to take them
out or you'll get sick.
We have to take them out or the
fungus will cause more infections.
How's that?
I've to take care of you.
You need to sleep comfortably.
Get up and go there, mom.
Here's what I think.
I don't think you should
sleep on the sheet too.
I haven't clean it for so long.
It's been a while,
so it's not fit for you.
There, now I think you
can sleep comfortably here.
Go on and sleep, mom.
Do you have other blanket?
-Blanket? Yes we do,...
...but it's bigger than the
bed. So it's not suitable.
Only the rich can use it.
It's comfortable here now.
I'm hungry, Sal. I haven't
eaten anything since earlier.
Hey, what do you
take me for? Your maid?
Do I have to serve you,
cook for you, feed you?
I am the wife of the
soon-to-be Village Headman.
People respect me. I'd be
disgusted if I have to serve you.
You came and demand
for so many things.
Hey, I never cook at night.
I don't cook. I'm on diet.
Just bear it.
You keep on demanding.
Just go to sleep.
No matter what
you do to me, Sal,...
...I won't hold a grudge.
I forgive all of you.
I forgive you, Atan, Man.
May Allah forgive each one of you.
...this fried rice
is so delicious, Sal.
It's been a while
since you made this.
You made this
because mom is here, right?
In that case mom has to make
more frequent visits then.
Otherwise, we keep having
the store bought nasi lemak.
How could you say that, dear?
My mother-in-law is visiting,
of course I have to cook.
Where's mom?
There she is.
I'm here.
You came back so late.
Where did you go?
I had some work, mom.
Even if you have work,
don't make it a habit...
...to come home late
and leave Sal here...
...alone at night. It's not good.
Sal is brave, mom.
Yes, she may be brave
but she's also a woman.
I'm different since I'm old.
No one wants to bother me.
If they want to rob
me, I have no money.
See, even my childre
don't come and visit me.
Here we go.
Didn't I send Akob
to take care of you?
That's because you don't want
to bother with him anymore.
Mom, listen, I just
want to tell you this.
It's not like we
don't want to visit you.
Atan has you in mind everyday.
But we're so busy, mom. That's why
we don't have time to visit you.
If both of you don't
like me, just tell me.
You don't have to make an excuse.
You don't even like me, right?
Mom, why would I dislike
you? I really like you.
I really like it
if you visit us here.
I can cook so many things for you.
You can eat my fried rice.
Oh dear,
I accidentally spilled it.
It's okay, it was an accident.
Never mind, there's
plenty of food here.
Mom, you have to eat Sal's
cooking. She's a good cook.
Yes, Malik. What is it?
Your motorcycle broke down?
How are you going to send
the children to school?
What are you looking at?
Eat the fried rice.
Listen here.
I can mak
things worse than this.
What, do you want to tell hi
that you cook this fried rice...
...and not his wife?
Don't you dare to
make trouble in my house.
Here, you like to eat egg, right?
So eat this. Eat this egg. Eat it!
Mom! What are you doing?
What kind of
daughter-in-law are you?
Shut up! Don't interfere here.
-Grandma, let's go home now.
I saw all your stall
stuff in the house,...
...so I knew that you must be
here because you're upset with me.
I'm sorry, grandma.
Let's go home, okay?
I promise I'll listen to you.
Let's go, grandma.
Come, let's go home.
When did you arrive?
I'm here to pick grandma up.
Even if you two don't like her,
don't treat her like this.
Don't you have conscience?
What kind of children are you
guys? You're being insolent.
You're an addict,
okay. Watch your mouth.
Don't try to
teach me! I'll kill you.
Enough, dear! Don't entertain this
crazy person. He has no brain.
We would go crazy too.
If you want to die
alone, I don't care.
But don't drag my good reputation
down with you. Don't embarrass me!
Why would you be embarrass? You
don't even consider me your son.
Enough. Grandma, let's go home.
Take this bag. Get out!
Get out of my house.
Don't come back again. I don't
want to see either of your face.
This is the son...
...whom I gave birth
to, whom I breastfed.
I never ask for anything,
not a single cent,...
But this is how you treat me.
Oh Allah, my Lord,...
...please don't give any harsh
punishment towards my children.
Enough, grandma. Let's go.
Grandma, how much longer do I
have to drink that bitter drink?
My stomach feels much better now.
Come on, bear with
it a little longer.
It's not easy to get
drugs out of your system.
They are well
embedded in your body,...
...embedded in your lungs,...
...in your heart.
It's already becoming part of you.
Just carry on for now. Then only
you can rid of your addiction.
Grandma, I've brought
you so much trouble.
I feel like I'm a burden to you.
I'm sorry, grandma.
Don't say that.
Now, I'm very
satisfied seeing you...
...stop taking drugs.
If I were to die, I know
all my wishes are fulfilled.
This is why
I don't want to talk you.
You keep bringing death up.
Please don't talk about death.
Hey, life is the antonym of death,
Akob. There's no where to run.
But hopefully before we die...
...we make all
our loved ones happy.
Make them happy. Then
your life becomes meaningful.
Akob, come on.
I'm not going.
Akob, I know you want it.
Come on, I have the merchandise.
I said I don't want it, okay.
My grandma is here, guys.
Come on.
What did you have?
-Rice, asam pedas and coffee.
Hang on a second.
Hey, I've something to tell you.
What is it, Sal?
Man told me that
you want to marry him.
Are you aware you're a widow? How
could you ask for a huge dowry...
...and for your
children's names to be added in?
Don't you have any shame?
He told you?
-You tell Man...
...that you want to break up.
If the villagers
know that a widow...
...wants to marry a man
like that, what would they say?
They would insult you, defame
you. Where's your dignity?
Is it down the drain, Ms. Widow
Sal, I think this matter
is between Man and I.
It's up to him. If he wants
me, he accept the terms.
If he doesn't want, I'm okay.
I have nothing to lose.
Well, well, well, this
widow is playing hard to get.
Hey, people, this widow
is playing hard to get.
Mind your place, okay. You are
only working at this restaurant...
...with daily payment
You have no shame, widow.
How could you aim to get Man?
You better break it up
with him. Do you understand?
Sal, I think you are the one who
should take care of your family.
Akob in particular.
The whole village knows...
...that he is an addict, a thief.
If I were you, I'd be
more embarrass, okay.
It's disgusting.
One more thing,...
...you don't have
to mind my business.
Don't interfere
in my family matters.
Don't let me tear off your mouth.
You better watch out, widow.
What are you looking at? Eat!
Busy bodies!
Why are you looking at me? Eat!
Hey! Oh my God.
Gosh, I lose another one.
These kids are terrible.
Hey! Where do you hide my chicken?
You stole my chicken, right?
-When did I steal it?
You stole it last night.
You are a thief.
No, I didn't!
Sudin, he didn't
go out last night.
He hasn't bee
out for many days now.
He's changed now, Sudin.
No, he wouldn't change. There's no
way a man like this could change.
Here, this is you shirt.
I found it at my chicken coop.
Grandma, once he gets hooked
on that evil thing,...
... he'll be forever hooked on it.
I swear I didn't steal it, Sudin.
-Like I can trust your oath.
People like him just
like to swear, grandma.
I pity you, grandma.
I really pity you.
Just because you love him, you are
willing to destroy his future.
Why is that?
And you, Akob.
You're supposed
to treat your grandma...
...as your path to heaven.
Not your path to hell.
Hey, enough of that.
He has changed, Sudin.
He doesn't takes drugs anymore.
I doubt a person
like him can change.
Do you believe him?
Fine, coddle him,
spoil him, kiss him, grandma.
Hey, Akob! Remember this.
The villagers are watching you.
If you miss a step,
be ready to be hurt.
Remember that. Grandma, don't
say that I didn't warn you.
I do pity you but if your
grandson son is like that.....
Perhaps you share
the substance too, grandma.
Come, let's go.
-I'll break you neck
What are you looking at?
Do you think it's a free show.
Akob, I knew you'd come. Here,
Akob. I have some for you here.
You two are real trash.
I told you, I don't want
to take all these anymore!
When did you steal my shirt?
Why are you trying to frame me?
Now all the villagers
thought I'm the thief.
I don't understand.
Now I don't want to have...
...anything to do with both
of you. Do you understand?
Akob, you are our friend.
You can't leave us.
-Some friends!
I've said it, a person
like you can't be trusted.
Once you're an addict,
it's in your system,...
...your life would be destroyed.
Even if people say the call for
prayer beside you, it won't help.
Here's a lesson for you.
Beat them.
Enough, let's go.
Peace be upon you, mom.
-Peace be upon you too.
Mom, what are you doing out here?
Waiting for
your grandson to come home?
Shouldn't the grandson be
taking care of the grandmother?
But it seems
she's all alone out here.
He'll be home shortly.
But what makes you all come
out here out of the blue?
I need to use some money, mom.
I thought of borrowing some money
from you, just to add to my fund.
You want to borrow money?
Where can I get the money?
Do you think I make them?
Mom, listen first. It's not
like we don't have money.
We just want to add to our fund.
Atan needs it to help
his committee members.
Next week, once I get the money
from the palm plantation,...
...I'll return it back to you.
It's not a lot, just RM50,000.
Where should I find that amount?
I'm a costermonger,
not a gold dealer.
What about all that gold?
Why don't you pawn them.
Then you can have more than that.
Mom, you just don't want to
help your own children, right?
Look, once I become
the Village Headman,...
...there's a lot
I can do for you, okay
You can't even lend
me that small amount.
We are only borrowing, mom.
Once we get our sales payment,
we'll return you the money.
Look, why don't you
mortgage your land?
I'll find someone
who can give you the money.
That's right, mom.
Just mortgage the land.
Don't tell me you can't do that.
I might as well don't have a mom.
How could you say that to me?
How much money do you
give me on monthly basis?
None, right?
Whether I have food to
eat or not, you never care.
This old lady,...
...we're not here for your sermon.
If you want to give a sermon, do
that in a prayer hall or a mosque.
Not in front of us. Now just
tell us if you have the money.
No, I don't.
-You don't have that much money?
You're just stingy, I guess.
You see that, dear.
Didn't I tell you?
But when I said it,
you don't believe me.
You still trust your mother.
With her, even
if she has money,...
...she won't give
it to her children.
Just look at her face.
Listen, you can't expect
a single cent from her now.
You take my
jewellery and pawn them.
I'm willing to sacrifice
everything for you, dear.
You don't need to ask help
from this old lady anymore.
Mom, just keep your money.
When you die, I hope
you will be buried under it.
How can you be stingy
with your own children?
Don't expect me to come and
visit you after this, okay.
You can't even lend me your money.
How could you talk to me like
that? Haven't I helped you enough?
Mom, I just hope your grave
won't be hollow and burnt.
Grandma? Grandma, what's wrong?
Grandma? Oh my God! Grandma?
Grandma, what's wrong?
Grandma, what's wrong with you?
What happened to you, Akob?
-It's nothing, grandma.
I'm okay. What's
wrong with you, grandma?
I love you, Akob.
-Yes, grandma.
I want you to be
a good human being.
Yes, grandma.
Don't talk like this.
Forgive me, Akob.
I couldn't continue anymore.
Yes, grandma.
You have to take
care of yourself now.
Grandma, don't do this.
-Mind our family's dignity.
Make the change, Akob.
-Yes, grandma. I will change.
Grandma? Grandma?
Grandma? Wake up, grandma.
Don't leave me, grandma!
Forgive me, grandma!
Man, let's talk about mom's
property where the house sits.
What are we going
to do with the property?
If it were up to me,
I'd just sell it.
I need the money.
-I need money too.
Your idea to sell
it is quite good.
Darling, that's good.
I was just talking to
myself as the thought of...
...that land crossed my mind.
And here you and Man...
...are talking about it.
If there's a buyer,
sell it off. Don't delay.
We can add to our savings, right?
cerita tentang nak jual tanah ini?
Grandma has just passed away.
Why are you already talkin
about selling the property?
Those who died, won't come back.
We, the living, must continue on.
How can you be so cruel, Uncle Man?
Your Uncle Man is right.
Even if you shed blood, yo
won't get back your grandmother.
You can cry all you want,...
...nobody's going
to stop you. Go on and cry.
Don't interfere in our business.
How could you guys do this?
When have you become so greedy?
This is not about greed, Akob.
You have to understand.
We who are left behind need t
manage the things she left behind.
Be it today, tomorrow, or next
year, it's the same thing.
Peace be upon you.
-Peace be upon you too.
I'm sorry I'm late.
I had something...
...to take care of,
so I couldn't come.
It's okay. It's all done.
Everything was handled smoothly.
Yes, you don't even have to come.
Akob. Calm down, don't be too sad.
Grandma passed
away so suddenly, sir.
That's how
it is with death. Allah...
...may take what belongs
to Him at His will.
That's why we have
to be mindful in life.
I've told you thousands of time.
But you still hurt your
grandmother's feeling.
But now, even if you
shed blood, it's of no use.
Enough, Sudin.
We, who still live, must take...
...death as a lesson.
No matter how
rich we are, when we die,...
...not a single cent of our
wealth can come with us. Right?
Yes, that's true. We only
wear the shroud, Madam Sal.
Atan, Man, only the shroud.
Remember that
-I take my leave now, Akob.
Be patience, Akob.
Don't be too sad.
All that necklaces. Remember.
-What is your problem, Sudin?
Why do you bother
to come to the cemetery?
Like he knows everything.
-Go away!
Just wait for your fate, Sudin.
He came without giving a helping
hand and yet he's being sarcastic.
So I need money now, Atan.
I hope we can find a buyer for
the property as soon as possible.
It's okay. I'll
contact some of my friends.
I'll ask them
Who knows if they want to buy it.
How much can we sell it for?
Mom's property is about three
acres. We may get about RM100,000.
That's a lot.
-That's a lot, Atan.
Yes. We should
go to mom's house...
...and we'll see what we can do.
I need to go to the
Community Hall. It's voting day.
Okay, go on.
I hope you'll win, dear.
But I believe you can win.
Just look at the way you
take care of your committee.
You helped them a lot.
Akob, if you want to
stay here, it's up to you.
If you want to put up
a hut beside this grave,...
...do it. Maybe your grandma
can come out and see you.
It's too late to regret now.
Come on, it's late.
Let's go home.
I have a lot of work.
There's no point waiting for him.
It's raining, Akob.
You'll catch a fever.
Don't let your grandmother worry.
Enough, Man.
Grandma, why did you leave me?
I was just starting to
change for the better, grandma.
Please forgive me.
Please forgive me, grandma.
Gentlemen, with
this I announce that...
...Tuan Haji Latif still holds...
... the position of
Village Headman of Shah Putra...
...for the third term.
Congratulations, Tuan Haji Latif.
They still voted for you.
I thought that
they would vote for me.
I did invest a lot of money
We have to be honest, Atan.
This village needs a leader who
is trustworthy and responsible.
Are you accusing me
of being dishonest?
Do you think you
are so trustworthy?
Then why do I still see a lot
of poor people in our village?
There are many ways to take
care of this village, Atan.
It's not only about material
gains but inner gains too.
Just look at our prayer hall,
the number has increased.
That's one sign
that we are successful.
That's a different
type of success.
I want to give
them the success that...
...they can get in life.
Living in luxury.
I can give them all that
But what to do?
They don't want to chose me.
Allah knows what is
within our heart, Atan.
If it's meant for you, you
will be given the chance later.
But for now, it's meant for me.
I am appointed to bear
a huge responsibility...
...to care for and
to develop this village.
Could it be that you
paid them for their votes?
That's not true, Mr. Atan.
We voted for a responsible
and trustworthy leader.
He should also be able to lead us
in this life and the hereafter.
That's right!
That's right.
That's Haji Latif.
Hence, he is our choice.
Am I right?
-Yes, that's right.
Forget it. I just wanted to give
you all a chance of a better life.
...a wealthier life. But sinc
you refused, then it's up to you.
You can carry
on living in poverty.
That's onl
for the worldly, En. Atan.
Long live, Haji Latif!
-Long live, Haji Latif!
She's no longer with us.
There's no point in regretting.
You know nothing.
At the very least,
I get to take care of her.
I get to eat her cooking.
I get to massage her legs.
Most importantly,
I get to feel her love.
Hey, remember this.
Now, there's no
one to defend you.
Now, you have to bear
all responsibility...
...for everything that you do.
Stop being an addict.
You're bringing shame to yourself.
Hey! Stop! Stop!
Don't burn that! Don't burn that!
I want grandma's mattress.
Don't burn it!
Just burn that mattress, Akob.
I want to clean this house.
If anyone viewing the house,
it won't look so messy.
Please, don't burn this.
This is the only thing
of grandma's that I can have.
Why are you acting
so spoilt? Just burn it.
No, don't!
Hey, Akob!
Don't let me burn you with it.
Enough. He wants the mattress,
let him have it. Let him.
Leave him be
Fine. Go get that.
Burn it straight away.
Hey, someone like
you would never change.
Now, you have to bear
all responsibility...
...for everything that you do.
Whatever happens,
I don't care anymore.
Don't beg me for sympathy. No way.
How could you, Uncle Man?
Dad? Mom?
I know I'm only an adopted son.
But don't you have a little
bit of love in your heart?
I'd be lying if I say I have none.
I do have a small amount of it
but that's only out of sympathy.
Anyway, I don't care anymore
what you're going to do...
...after this.
That's your business.
I'm not even your mom.
I didn't give birth to you.
It's up to you
where you want to go.
The villagers know that you
are not our biological son.
If you still take
the illegal substance,...
... people can't say
you're related to us.
Enough, darling. Let's go home.
It's getting hotter it seems.
My face will get burnt.
Come, let's go.
-Let's go. I'm getting hot too.
Before my temper boils,
let's go home. Go home.
Everything's settled now
-Your mom...
...had four miscarriage. Later, it
was hard for her to get pregnant.
Nothing sticks.
So we decided to adopt.
We raised you like our own.
But maybe because
we spoiled you too much....
...you ended up being an addict.
You only bring shame to us.
Is it true, grandma?
Is it true, grandma?
Your grandma knows. She
was the one who picked you up.
But I don't think,
you came from good family,...
...so that's why
you turned up this way.
Akob, if I die,...
...who would take care of you?
No one would take care of you.
So before I die,
I want you to change.
Yes, I'll stop.
Grandson, if
we simply want to live,...
...a wild boar
in the jungle lives too.
If we work, the monkey
in the jungle works too.
If we live, we should be
beneficial to other people.
Therefore, we will
be missed when we are gone.
Remember my words.
I won't take drugs again, grandma.
I don't want other
people to insult me.
I don't want to burden
other people, grandma.
I will definitely change, grandma.
I will be a man who
is beneficial to others.
That is my promise, grandma.
Grandma, I want to apologise.
I couldn't stop them
from burning your stuff.
I know you loved your old stuff.
This patched mattress...
...was the only one I could
save from burning, grandma.
I love you, grandma.
I miss you, grandma.
Have you found it?
What would I find, grandma?
Whatever that you're looking for.
I was looking for a sarong.
Couldn't find it. Not there.
A sarong?
I wondered
what you were looking for.
You won't find it.
I didn't keep it there.
I'm keeping it
somewhere close to me.
What do you keep, grandma?
I think I want to go for umrah.
If I'm still alive. Do the haj too.
Let's go together, okay.
You want to do
your haj, right, grandma?
Peace be upon you.
Peace be upon you.
-Peace be upon you too.
Come on in.
Have a seat.
How may I help you?
This is unexpected.
Well, sir.
I have something to ask you.
If we want to hire someone to do
haj, how much would it cost, sir?
Who do you want to perform it for?
For my late grandma.
Grandma told me before,
should she live,...
...she wanted to
perform the umrah or haj.
So I want to hire people to
perform the haj for her, sir.
Praise be to Allah,
I'm grateful. That's very good.
Someone did the same recently.
I think RM2,000 is enough.
RM2,000, sir?
What do you think, Usof?
About RM80,000.
We can sell it
for much higher, Atan.
That's right, but, only
if we have a ready buyer.
Otherwise we might lose.
Alright. Okay, Usop
-Okay, I'll go now.
-Don't take too long, okay?
If possible, wrap
it under two weeks.
Peace be upon you.
-Peace be upon you too.
Isn't that Mr. Usop,
the property broker?
Yes, the property broker. We
are going to sell the property.
Uncle Man, please
don't sell the property.
Hey, it's up to me.
It's my mom's property.
Whose motorcycle did you steal?
It's not a stolen
motorcycle. I bought it.
What? You bought it?
Hey, addict, where did
you get the money to buy it?
Akob, where did
you get the motorcycle?
This is a new motorcycle, Atan.
It's not a new one, Uncle Man.
I bought a second hand.
Hey, listen. You don't have
any money. You are an addict.
Where did you get
the money? He stole it, dear.
Did you steal grandma's money?
Your grandmother's money is our
money, you know.
You're not permitted to take it.
Tell us, Akob!
Where did you get the money
Peace be upon you.
Peace be upon you.
Latif, give me back my money.
Give us back our money.
What money?
-Stop the act, okay.
He definitely took
the money Akob gave to him.
Give us back.
Give us the money back.
The money that Akob gave was for
the fee for his grandmother's haj.
I know he has good intention...
...but now, we
are in need of money.
Once we have settled our problems,
we will do that for her.
I will only return
the money to Akob...
...if he asks it from me.
What's the problem. This is his
father, mother and I'm his uncle.
We're his flesh and
blood. Just return it.
It's easy to return it.
I don't like holding on
other people's money too
But in this matter
we need to bear the trust.
This old man is
making such a fuss.
He refused us.
We just want our money.
Now, give us the money.
Akob will be here soon.
Hang on, I'll call
him to see where he is.
There he is.
Akob, I was about
to call you. Come here.
Ask for the money. Take it back.
Sir, I'm sorry.
I want my money back.
Why do you want
the money back, Akob?
Didn't you want to use that
for your late grandma's haj?
Hey, he has asked for it, right?
Just give him. Don't make a fuss.
Is this true, Akob?
Oh God.
Akob, where's the money?
Here, RM2,400.
-Hey, RM2,400?
You said RM3,000.
It was 3,000,
but when I sold it back,...
...it became RM2,400 because th
price dropped, the seller said.
Fine, RM2,400 is fine.
That's a lot, Atan. It's RM600.
-What can we do?
Give that to me.
Akob, here's your money, RM2,000.
Atan, Man, I hope
the two of you, no, three,...
...won't misused
your late mom's money.
Use it for a tahlil at
the mosque or something.
Be cautious.
A misfortune might befall you.
Darling, nothing in the
mattress, it must be in here.
You have to check it out.
We look for anything in here.
Anything, dear? No?
-Hang on.
Nothing here, dear.
Nothing here, Atan.
Mom didn't keep it here.
Man, in the kitchen.
-Where? There's no way.
Let's search the kitchen. Come.
We've torn out all the
cushions and we found nothing
Where could that stingy
old woman keep her money?
But it's okay. Today we cleared
everything in this house.
I'm sure mom kept the
money somewhere here.
Let's search everything here.
Mat, put the ladder
over there. Up on that loft.
She must have
kept her money there.
Put it there.
-You put it here.
Up here.
That bag there, the box there.
Akob watch us, okay. We're getting
the money. Nothing was upstairs.
But who knows
about up here. Come on.
Hold on. That box.
The money I find, I'll
use it for my wedding.
With the sales of the property,
I'm going to hold a grand wedding.
Hey, move it. You go and
search at the back there.
Don't bother with this place.
-Go there.
I want to get a big TV too.
Then I want to go on vacation.
Sal. Let's go to Hawaii.
-Yes, darling.
Of course I want to go, dear.
Darling, don't forget about
my jewellery in there,...
...there are three more tiers
that you haven't reclaimed.
But promise me that we're
going to Hawaii, okay, dear?
-Let's go home early, dear.
I can't wait to go to Hawaii.
It hurts, dear.
I can't move my hand.
I promise I will take care
of you, dad, mom, Uncle Man.
Even though I know I'm
not your biological son,...
...I accept the fact.
But no matter what, I will
still take care of you forever.
Forgive me, Akob.
Peace be upon you.
-Peace be upon you
Peace be upon you.
I pity all three of you
here and your condition.
But then, this is
the test from Allah...
...so you can
correct your mistakes..
I'm sorry to have said this,...
...but I think this
has got something to do...
...with your treatment
towards your mother before.
Allah is Great,...
...so repent,okay.
Gosh, I'm already hurt.
Yet he can give his sermon here.
I fell because Sal didn't
hold my ladder properly.
So my legs slipped
a little. Hence, my fall.
It's nothing to
do with my late mom.
You know nothing.
Ali, how's my legs?
I can't move now.
-Some nerves are affected.
It was quite a long way to fall.
I just want to know if I
can walk or not. That's all.
God willing, you can. But
it'll be years to recover, Atan.
Hey, do you have the
expertise to massage me or not?
If not, than go home.
I can find other experts.
-Alright, Atan.
Darling, what's wrong with you?
You only think about your legs.
What about my hand.
You know, the doctor said...
...it'll take months to recover.
Now I can't fill up
my hand with jewellery.
He keeps thinking about
his legs. What about my hand?
Peace be upon you.
-Peace be upon you too.
Peace be upon you.
That's my wife.
You know that your husband
to-be is sick, and you came.
I'm sorry.
Here, I want to return your money.
I can't accept you.
Kiah, do you have another guy?
I'm sorry.
Good bye, Tok. Peace be upon you.
-Peace be upon you too.
I'm holding an small event.
-What event, sir?
Correctional Event.
Next week, Usop will send over
the money for the property, Atan.
Then we can enjoy ourselves, Atan.
Man, even if
you want to have fun,...
...you shouldn't mess
with someone else's wife.
She's a widow, Atan. I don't
mess with someone's wife.
Man, you think I don't know.
I was the one who took
out the nails on your ladder.
You? How could you, Atan.
You tried to harm me?
Serves you right.
I know, Sal. I treated you wrong.
I was so busy out
there, I neglected you.
But I didn't expect...
....that you could do that
sinful act with my brother.
Darling, I can explain.
Darling, don't say that.
My late mother
did tell me about you.
But I didn't believe her.
Now Allah has shown me,...
...and Alah has punished me,
punished all three of us.
I'd be a coward
if I still keep you.
So now I repudiate
you with triple talaq.
Go and marry Man.
You take care of him.
Do you want to know
what grandma said to me?
She said,...
...we shouldn't create
trouble for people,...
...or humiliate people.
We should be of benefit
to others and make them happy.
I will take care of you...
...because I love grandma.
Have a drink, dad.
I've been sick a week, and
you only come to visit me now.
I've been busy, mom,...
...so much work.
Yes. You're an
important man in this village.
Who am I?
Just trash to you.
If it's so bad, I'll take
you to the clinic, okay.
It's okay. I can bear it.
I guess, if I die,
my body would rot first...
...before any of you
would come and find me.
You see that.
Don't try to go against me.
I can easily make
your son hates you.
Don't you try to
threaten me old woman.
Remember that.
I forgive everything
that you did to me.
I won't hold any grudge.
But if I have wronged you,...
...please forgive me.
You don't have to give me
that pathetic look, old woman.
My parents are rich people.
Whenever I needed money,
it was easy to get.
That's why it was easy
for me to buy drugs.
Now, I've become human.
I managed to turn my life around.
Like all of you, you
can rise again and be human.
Thank you.
Peace be upon you.
-Peace be upon you too.
Thank you, Mr. Mahat.
I hope we can all
accept and learn...
...from the things
Mr. Mahat have told us.
May all of us can become
human again, God willing.
Now, I want to ask Akob...
...to share his
experience with us...
...so we may learn from it.
Go on, Akob.
Thank you, sir.
Plant this deep in
our hearts, guard it well.
Don't let people insult us.
Don't let us
bring shame to our parents...
...to the point people can
trample all over their dignities.
My grandma, my late grandma.....
My late grandma
was the only one...
...who defended and protected me.
Because of her,
I became human again.
Yes, I know. It's
not easy to change...
...once we entered
that dark world.
It's as if we are trapped
and we couldn't get out anymore.
Drug is not a
good thing, gentlemen.
It destroys us...
...and it destroys our family.
So, together,
let us throw as far away...
...this dreadful
drug from our lives.
There's one thing that my grandma
said that I will hold to my death.
She said,...
...don't be people who
creates trouble for others.
We should make
other people happy...
...and bring benefits to others.
That's all. Thank you.
Oh Allah, my Lord.
Grant my grandmother
Your forgiveness.
She was a good person, oh Allah.
Lift her soul to an
honourable place at Your side.
Place her in the highest paradise.
Grandma, I miss you.
I love you, grandma.
Grandma, I'm a better man now.
I want to be someone who
brings benefits to others.
I want to be like you, grandma.
Your absence are missed.
People cried over your death.
You know what, grandma,...
...I sleep on your
patched mattress.
Grandma, wait for me there, okay?
We'll meet
again tomorrow, grandma.
Live to Bring Benefits to Others.
Our lives are
like patched mattress.
Patched up from
leftover cloths,...
...sewn piece by piece,
before it becomes a mattress.
It has beautiful patterns,
just like our lives.
We designed our lives.
If we miss one patch,
our life may be distorted.
Take good care of our lives.
So that we can enter paradise.
I have forgiven all my children.