Till Death Do Us Part (2023) Movie Script

["It Was June" by Aimee Saras playing]
[white noise]
Women who constantly fuss about equality
are sinful women
who do not understand religion
or their own nature as women!
God created Adam from clay
and God created Eve from the rib of Adam.
In other words,
women are less than men
because they were created
from the ribs of men.
"Dad, Mom, I'm home."
"Yeah. I had a lot of fun."
"I'm so happy." [giggles]
[man] I can't stand
being with you anymore.
[woman] But I don't want us to split up!
[man] Let go of me!
[woman] We can still patch things up!
[woman] Everything will be okay...
[man] Let me go!
- [thunder roaring]
- [slapping]
[man] I'm sick of you!
[man] I can find a better woman than you!
- [slapping]
- [woman yelps]
[music turns somber]
[man] Useless dumb woman!
[woman softly whimpering]
[thunder roaring]
[preacher] Therefore, it's obvious!
Men and women can never be equal!
Men have control over women,
and women's nature is to submit to men!
Remember my words.
What God has united
cannot be separated.
Let's pray.
[thunder continues rumbling]
["Can't Help Falling in Love"
by Elvis Presley playing]
I, Edwin Darma,
take you, Renata Putri, to be my wife,
and I promise
to love and cherish you,
for better, for worse,
for richer, for poorer,
in sickness and in health,
till death do us part.
I, Renata Putri,
take you, Edwin Darma, to be my husband,
for better, for worse,
for richer, for poorer,
in sickness and in health,
till death do us part.
Would it be a sin
If I can't help
Falling in love with you?
Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be
Take my hand...
- Take my whole...
- [static noise]
- [music playing through static noise]
- Life too
For I can't help
Falling in love with you
Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
[static noise stops]
Wake up, dear, or you'll be late.
[door clicks open]
[somber music]
[unsettling music]
[distant sirens, roadway noise]
[woman] We're moving out of here.
- Dad is waiting. Let's hurry.
- Okay.
Over there, dear.
[kettle whistling]
[preacher] The key to a perfect
and happy marriage
is a wife who submits to her husband.
A devoted wife will bring harmony
in this world and the afterlife.
It is a great sin for a wife
to disobey her husband.
God will be furious
with wives who disobey their husbands.
They will receive punishment in hell.
Obey your husband
as you would God.
[shower running]
Dear, breakfast is ready.
You don't like it?
[phone dings]
Should I make something else?
I'm heading out.
[footsteps leaving]
[door shuts]
[lock clicks]
Stay at home.
Keep the door locked.
Don't let anyone in.
Should I clean your office?
Stay out of my office.
[somber music]
[lock clicks]
[woman moaning next door]
[man on TV] It's for both of our sakes.
I think this is where our marriage ends.
- You know how painful it is...
- [Renata] You know how painful it is...
- ...to love someone...
- ...to love someone...
- ...but that person never notices?
- ...but that person never notices?
- Not even your existence is acknowledged.
- Not even your existence is acknowledged.
- [Renata and actress] You mean nothing...
- [man] Silence!
I hope
you will understand.
[door creaks]
[woman on TV breathing heavily]
[soft footsteps]
[door knob rattling]
[Maya] Miss Renata.
There's a cake package for you.
The attendant downstairs would have
told me if there was a package.
[hesitates] All the attendants left.
I'll bring it inside.
I can do it.
Thank you.
[eerie, unsettling music]
Is your husband around?
Excuse me.
[unsettling music intensifies]
Did you see?
Did you see her?
What do you mean?
[lady] Mrs. Maya.
What's wrong?
It's nothing.
Let's stay out of people's lives.
Renata, do you still want to live here?
This place is not fit
for habitation anymore.
Excuse me.
[door shuts]
[lock clicks]
[ominous music continues]
[music fading]
[telephone ringing]
[telephone rings]
[woman's voice] Renata.
It's me, Mom.
Sorry I'm calling so late.
I've been busy taking care
of your father all day.
He's relapsed a lot.
[softly sniffling]
Happy birthday, dear.
Are you all right?
[Renata, voice shaking] I'm all right.
Thank you for the birthday wishes.
[Renata's mom] Stay strong, dear.
["Can't Help Falling in Love"
by Elvis Presley playing]
Wise men say
Only fools rush in
But I can't help
Falling in love with you...
[music turns eerie]
Shall I say
[distorted music]
[gasping, panting]
[door creaks]
You're back.
Want anything to drink?
Would you like some cake?
I'm tired. I'm going to bed.
[preacher] The head of a woman is a man.
Therefore, he has power over you.
A wife who submits to her husband
- is a wife who respects her husband...
- [Edwin] I'm heading out.
- ...as the head of the family.
- [door opens]
[door shuts]
[mystifying music]
[unsettling music]
Morning, Mrs. Renata.
[ominous music]
How could you
break a fellow woman's heart?
You snatched someone's husband
and ruined their marriage!
You're a cheap woman!
How shameless.
Do you know why men like whores?
Because they like women
who aren't pretentious
or presumptuous.
So, before you insult me,
you should realize that your husband
is a hypocrite.
[woman moaning next door]
You should learn
that whoever dominates in bed
dominates in life.
- Stupid bitch!
- [moaning continues]
You should learn
that whoever dominates in bed
dominates in life.
[door clicks]
["Dick & Dave (Noir Version)"
by Aimee Saras playing]
Oh, merciful booze
How can I choose?
He who takes me for a cruise
Or makes me his muse?
Two men and me
My double D
Dick and Dave
Who would've thought
The answer's so easy
I haven't seen you much
since I moved here.
I thought you were shackled in your house.
I'm Asmara.
You must be Renata.
You're quite a legend here.
People call you The Devout Wife.
The Devout Wife.
If being a devoted wife means having
to put up with your husband beating you,
I'd rather be a disloyal wife.
You think you can hide
the bruises on your face?
Even a loyal dog will attack its owner
if they are mistreated.
[man's voice] Hi, Babe.
[Asmara moaning]
Let's go, Baby.
[both giggle]
[eerie music]
Can you hurry it up?
I'm closing up.
[slow, tense music]
[woman's singing voice]
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
[eerie ringing]
[woman's singing stops]
[light switches turning off]
[telephone ringing]
[door opens]
[door shuts]
[telephone ringing]
[woman's voice] Hello.
May I speak with Mr. Edwin?
He's not home yet.
Who am I speaking with?
His wife.
Sorry for calling so late.
I'm from Mr. Edwin's company,
I've been trying to reach his cell phone,
but no luck.
I've tried calling his home,
but he never answered.
If I may ask, is Mr. Edwin sick?
Mr. Edwin has been absent from work
without notice for the past few days.
- [door creaks]
- Hello?
[Edwin] Who is it?
My mom.
You've been working overtime lately.
Are you doing well...
at work?
Why would you ask that?
Do I look like I'm not doing well?
It's nothing. I was just asking.
Your only responsibility is
to look after the house.
Don't stick your nose into my work.
[phone dings]
I have some work to do.
You can go to bed.
[pensive music]
[woman sniffling]
[sobbing softly]
[church bell dings]
[preacher] In the history of life,
Adam was the first to be created,
while Eve came later.
Men are not supposed to be
tempted by women,
but rather, women appear
as a temptation to men.
- Women came into being is...
- Why are women always the scapegoats
for men's poor morals?
They were born
as an accomplice of the devil!
Their lips are akin to venomous snakes.
- Only weak men fear women.
- That's why men are destined to lead them.
- [preacher] To make them submit and obey.
- Listen closely.
- All of his preaching degrades women.
- To always keep their heads down.
- A wife submitting means this.
- Do you know why?
- Because he is impotent.
- She respects her husband's authority.
It will be husbands who lead their wives
to the gate of Heaven.
Therefore, wives.
Wives must always be obedient,
Tell your husband that
if he wants to ogle other women,
he shouldn't do it in a place of worship
or in front of his own wife.
[tense music]
[storm rumbling]
[Maya] Did you see her?
Did you see her?
[Maya] Did you see her?
[Maya] Did you see her?
Did you see her?
[ominous music]
[horror music]
- [heavy breathing]
- [thunder continues]
[woman laughing]
[ominous music]
[woman laughs again]
[woman's laughter continues]
[storm continues]
[Edwin] What are you doing?
[whimpers softly]
How many times have I told you?
Stay out of my office.
You should know
that I hate it when people disobey me.
I heard a woman's voice.
There's no one here.
You don't believe me?
[woman's musical voice humming]
You don't believe your husband?
Maybe it was a dream.
I'm sorry.
[sobbing softly]
[door opens]
[softly sobbing]
[lock clicks]
Sorry to bother you.
Come in.
Are you here to watch me
or do you need something?
I want to ask you something.
Have you ever experienced
a haunting while residing here?
Something like hearing strange voices
or seeing strange things.
You mean like ghosts?
Is that why everyone left this place?
Don't be ridiculous.
People left this place
because this apartment is so rundown.
The owner has also deliberately
abandoned the apartment
so that we all leave.
Rumor has it that it will be turned
into a mall.
If there really is a ghost like you said,
just befriend it.
It's a good way to keep you company
when you're lonely.
But wait, do you need
your husband's permission?
If you make friends with a ghost,
he might beat you again.
[unsettling music]
My husband is not like that.
Excuse me.
Don't go.
[unsettling music continues]
No one in this world
deserves to be treated like that.
Relax yourself.
Just a little.
You know how painful it is
to love someone
but that person never notices?
Not even your existence is acknowledged.
[Asmara chuckling]
You mean nothing to them.
Even though you've been doing your best
to serve them.
To make them happy.
[Asmara chuckles]
All men are assholes.
Come on, say it.
All men are assholes.
All men are assholes.
All men are assholes!
All men are assholes!
All men are assholes!
[laughing] All men are assholes!
- All men are assholes!
- All men are assholes!
- All men are assholes! [laughs]
- All men are assholes!
Doesn't your husband get angry
seeing you look like that?
Like what?
You mean like a whore?
That's not what I mean.
Besides, who said I'm married?
Sorry. I thought...
You are beautiful
but too naive.
You're easy to fool.
You're the type that men love
to have as a wife.
But women like you
make men get bored fast.
Tell me.
When was the last time
your husband fucked you?
And the last time he fucked you,
did he look you in the eye?
He really is an asshole!
Tell him to fuck the wall!
Ask him who he was thinking of
when he was fucking you.
It's getting late. I have to go home.
Don't let my husband know I was here.
[ominous music]
[glass clinking]
[unsettling music]
You can go to bed.
Don't wait for me.
[unsettling music intensifies]
[music stops]
You are the most miserable person
I've ever met.
What are you seeking in this world?
You only live once.
Don't waste it being miserable.
A happy drug.
["Mellow Madness" by Aimee Saras playing]
You came to my attention
I need some affection
Your love is a distraction
Mellow madness, mellow madness
You've ruined my ambition
So dangerous
I've gotten written all over your face
All over your face
Whisper in my ear
Maybe I'll hear it clear
Say the things that you wanna say
Honey, please, please make me stay
When love comes out
From a sorrow heart
Madness turns into romance act
Tell me, what would make you happy?
I want to have kids.
My mother told me
children could improve
my relationship with Edwin.
- Keep going.
- [panting]
- [grunting]
- Keep pushing.
We can see the head!
[grunting, screaming]
Thank God, Renata.
Our child is born.
You're beautiful.
It looks just like you.
[door clicks open]
[door shuts]
[unsettling music]
[unsettling music]
[breathing shakily]
[heavy breathing]
[breathing shakily]
[heavy breathing]
[water running]
[woman's muffled giggling]
[heavy breathing]
[woman's musical voice humming]
- [door creaks]
- [gasps]
[panting softly]
[horror music]
[music fading]
[unsettling music]
[soft footsteps]
[door shuts]
[lock clicks]
[woman's singing voice]
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
[gasps, whimpering]
[heavy breathing]
[woman's voice, louder]
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
[ominous ritualistic music]
God, please save my marriage.
[beat getting faster]
[sobbing, sniffling]
Keep Edwin safe from any temptations.
- [Edwin] Renata. Open the door.
- Please save my marriage.
- [Edwin] Renata.
- I saw her with a man.
Something terrible happened.
[thunder roaring]
Take them.
You're afraid of your own imagination.
I didn't imagine it.
I have proof.
[unsettling music]
I've had enough of your crazy stories.
Take them.
I'm fine.
They will only paralyze me.
I'm scared they'll make it harder
for me to conceive.
Listen to me.
Don't bring that up.
The doctor said you can't get pregnant.
Perhaps God knows
that you are not fit to be a mother.
Open your mouth.
Open it!
[door slams]
[sobbing uncontrollably]
The murderer of a housewife
whose body was discovered in the attic
was none other than her own husband.
Many cases of violence or murder of women
often involve family members
or those closest to them.
[muffled man's voice]
We have arrested the culprit.
The suspect is her own husband.
Could you please explain the timeline?
The incident began when the wife
demanded school fees for their child
and her unemployed husband, who was drunk,
felt offended
and strangled the victim to death.
We have secured the perpetrator.
[door creaks, shuts]
[woman] Why don't you just kick her out?
We'll stay here.
We don't have to look for another house.
[ominous music]
[heavy breathing]
[ominous music intensifies]
[Renata sobbing softly]
[Maya] Did you see her?
[Maya] Did you see her?
[Maya] Did you see her?
[woman moaning]
[water dripping slowly]
I'm heading out.
[door shuts]
[Renata] Do you know the missing girl?
That slut?
Why do you call her a slut?
Women that are called sluts
are those who steal what belongs to us.
they have what we want.
Do you know why she's missing?
Who said she's missing?
She must've run off
with someone's husband.
How did you come to that conclusion?
Why do you want to know about her?
You're young.
You can still find others.
I don't want to ruin my marriage.
[mysterious music]
I can't afford to lose my husband.
Even after everything he did to you?
One way or another,
I have to protect my marriage.
[door opens]
[door shuts]
[unsettling music]
[music stops]
He wouldn't like seeing me this way.
But he likes seeing other women
looking this way.
Don't be a fool.
Men want their wives
to cover themselves up,
but like to ogle at sexy sluts
and bang them.
Do you know what they say?
They are sick of their dull, boring wives
who are bad at servicing them.
Bunch of hypocrites.
[door opens]
[door shuts]
You can do whatever you want.
I just want to please you.
[ominous music]
[sensual music]
[heavy breathing]
[distressed panting]
Who taught you this?
Who was it
who taught you this?
[groans, yelps]
Look at yourself.
[breathing shakily]
You look like a cheap whore.
You think I would approve of this?
What did you say?
You're a hypocrite.
[draw opens, pills rattle]
[sobs softly]
Open your mouth.
[pills clatter]
- [yelps]
- [grunts]
[tense music]
- [whipping sound]
- [Renata shrieking]
[whipping and shrieking continue]
[man] No husband would ever
beat his wife without cause.
If a husband beats his wife,
she must've been disobedient
and broken the rules.
And either way,
it's the wife's responsibility
to protect the marriage.
God detests divorces.
Our family has no record of divorce.
Learn to be a better wife.
Reflect on your behavior.
Heaven rewards a wife for her patience.
[bell ringing]
I'll go take care of Dad.
He's getting worse.
Wait for me.
I can't stay for long.
Edwin would be furious
if he knew I was gone.
You came here
without your husband's permission?
Don't ever do that again, Renata.
That's how women are nowadays.
Victims of emancipation.
Thinking themselves equal to men.
That would be regretting their fate
as women.
[ominous music]
[Ana's singing voice]
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
[door creaks]
[tense music]
[breathing shakily]
With Your grace, she will return.
With Your grace, she will return.
With Your grace, she will return.
[unsettling music intensifies,
slowly fading]
[Maya] Renata?
[horror sting]
Have a seat.
I'll make you something to drink.
Are you okay, Renata?
I'm fine.
How is he doing?
He's fine.
[spoon clattering]
[Maya's heavy breathing]
[ominous music]
[ominous music]
[heavy breathing]
[heavy breathing]
[ragged sob]
What's wrong?
Where is she?
- Renata, what's wrong?
- Where is she?
Where is she?!
[Edwin] The doctor said
you can't get pregnant.
Perhaps God knows
that you are not fit to be a mother.
[screams, gasps]
You are not fit to be a mother.
[echoing] You are not fit to be a mother.
[Renata sobbing]
Why do you choose to be treated this way?
Why don't you just leave him?
Perhaps you like getting beaten.
Is that the only time
he pays attention to you?
Aren't I right? Answer me!
I don't need your advice.
I don't need advice from anyone!
You're sick!
You like to hurt yourself!
No matter how much you hold on,
he doesn't love you!
Listen to me and don't be a fool, Renata!
I, Edwin Darma,
take you, Renata Putri, to be my wife,
and I promise
to love and cherish you,
for better, for worse,
for richer, for poorer,
in sickness and in health,
till death do us part.
I, Renata Putri,
take you, Edwin Darma, to be my husband,
for better, for worse,
for richer, for poorer,
in sickness and in health,
till death do us part.
Why are you crying?
I'm here.
We promised.
Through both hard times
and good times,
we'll be together.
Do you promise you won't leave me?
I promise.
[romantic music fading]
[Ana's singing voice, faintly]
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
[door creaks]
[tense music]
[Ana humming Ana's tune]
[tense music intensifies]
[music stops]
[door opens]
[door shuts]
[Renata] The girl is in my house.
What girl?
The slut?
What's she doing in your house?
My husband is having an affair with her.
Are you sure?
Yes! I saw it myself. She's in my house.
Why don't you kick her out?
You're his lawful wife.
You have the right to kick her out.
You couldn't?
- If you're scared, I'll do it.
- Don't!
[ominous music]
[Asmara] Get out!
[Asmara] I know you're here!
[Asmara] Get out, you slut!
[Ana] Who are you?
What are you doing here?
[Asmara] What are you doing here?
- [Ana] What are you doing?
- [Asmara] Shut up.
- [Ana] What are you doing here?
- [Asmara] Shut up!
[Ana] Leave!
[Ana] Get out of here!
[Asmara] What are you doing
with a married man?
- [Ana] Don't hurt me!
- [Asmara] You slut!
[Ana] Don't hurt me!
[Asmara] Die, you bitch!
[breathing shakily]
[ominous music intensifies]
What happened?
Shit. Now my hands are dirty.
Fucking slut.
Asmara, she's not breathing.
Isn't that what you wanted?
I didn't ask you to kill her.
If Edwin finds out, he will kill me.
I'm not a part of this.
I'm not.
You can't just walk away.
Your husband's mistress
was killed in your house.
Who else would be the suspect
if not his jealous first wife?
[tense music]
[laughing softly]
[unsettling music]
[unsettling music slowly fading]
[water splashes]
[Renata breathing shakily]
[sighs, laughs]
[panting shakily]
- [door clicks]
- [gasps]
[door closes]
Dinner is ready.
[door opens]
[door shuts]
[ominous music]
[ominous music stops]
What's wrong?
It's nothing.
[TV playing indistinctly]
[phone buzzing]
[ominous music]
[heavy breathing]
She couldn't be the only Ana
around here, could she?
Perhaps Edwin is having another affair
with another Ana.
Or all his mistresses are called Ana.
- I'm being serious.
- [Asmara laughs]
What if she's not dead?
[music turns dark]
You're too paranoid.
You'd better take your medication
before it gets worse.
How do you know I take medication?
There, there.
You should calm down.
And you should never bring up Ana again.
Don't make people suspect you.
As for Edwin,
I'll take care of it.
What do you mean?
[ominous music]
[breathing shakily]
[door knob rattling]
What are you doing over there?
What are you doing?
You'd better get out of here,
or my husband will be furious.
I know everything.
I know everything!
I know everything!
[Asmara] What do you know, ma'am?
Tell me what you know.
You're old, ma'am.
You won't be around much longer either.
You should just relax
and enjoy your old age.
Why go looking for trouble?
Are you tired of living?
[Maya whimpers]
Now, leave everything to me.
[heart beating rapidly]
[ominous music]
[thunder roaring]
[gasps, panting]
[indistinct police radio chatter]
What happened?
[Asmara] Mrs. Maya died.
Someone killed her last night.
Poor woman.
[unsettling music]
[breathing shakily]
[woman laughing]
[indistinct chatter]
[Edwin] We have to be careful.
She can't know our plans.
[woman] Don't worry.
[soft gasp]
[ominous music]
[whispers] What are you doing here?
Don't panic, or he'll get suspicious.
He'll be even more suspicious
if you're here.
Please don't do anything crazy.
Is this your proposal picture?
How nice.
This lake seems familiar.
[Asmara] Edwin.
So, you two are already acquainted?
Of course. We're neighbors, after all.
What's wrong?
You seem anxious.
[Edwin] You've been fidgeting all day.
[whispers] What are you doing?
[Asmara laughs]
[Edwin] Take them.
Take them. Relax.
Take them.
[unsettling music]
[unsettling music continues, muffled]
[indistinct chatter]
[echoing breathing]
[distorted, unsettling music]
[Asmara speaks indistinctly, teasingly]
[Edwin laughs]
[heavy breathing]
[Renata's heavy breathing echoing]
[breathing shakily]
[inhales deeply]
[eerie music]
[eerie music intensifies]
[shrieks, coughing]
[shrieks, heavy breathing]
- [heavy breathing]
- [thunder rumbling]
She's still alive.
She's here.
Shut up.
Please believe me.
You have to be careful.
[glass thuds]
Don't bring up that name again.
Stupid bitch.
What's wrong with you?
I'm worried about our safety.
Or yours?
You have to believe me.
You have to believe me!
She's still alive. [sobs]
[thunder roaring]
Why are you doing this to me?
God, please save my marriage.
Keep Edwin safe from any temptations.
Please, God.
[door creaks]
Stop joking.
It's not funny.
[sobbing] I beg You.
[Asmara shrieks]
[tense music]
- [ominous music]
- [breathing shakily]
[Renata screaming]
[unsettling music builds]
[Edwin] What are you looking for?
What did you do?
I told you.
You should've stayed at home.
But you went out
without my permission and lied to me.
What's so hard about following my orders?
You should know.
I hate it when people disobey me.
[tense music]
[music stops]
[Asmara] Babe.
Babe, breakfast is ready.
You're going to be late.
[Edwin hums]
Babe, I have an urgent meeting.
I'm heading out.
[unsettling music]
[Asmara] Don't come home late.
[Edwin] All right, babe.
[door shuts]
Oh. You're up.
Asmara, you're okay?
What is happening?
Don't play dumb.
What are you saying?
[mockingly] "What are you saying?"
I've tried to save you from Edwin.
Save you from your failing marriage.
You've been letting him get away
with everything the entire time.
You let yourself be deluded into thinking
that your marriage is perfect.
[Asmara laughing]
I'll bet
you're actually dreaming
of being me.
Of being a desired woman.
Cared for
and caressed by her partner.
Stop it.
You should face reality!
Edwin doesn't love you anymore.
Face it, Renata.
Face it, you stupid bitch!
- [ceiling rattling]
- [heavy breathing]
You know she's pregnant
with Edwin's child,
something you can never give him.
It's only a matter of time
until he completely abandons you.
- [Edwin] Renata. Listen.
- [heavy breathing]
- [sobbing]
- Listen to me.
You can cry and beg all you want.
My plan won't change.
I don't love you anymore.
I don't want to split up.
[sobbing] Please.
Are you listening?
- Please! I'll do whatever you want.
- [scoffs]
Let go!
I have to go.
We'll arrange the divorce later.
I don't want a divorce!
[sobbing] We promised to stay together.
Let go!
Let go of me!
[pained whimper]
Let go of me!
I said let go!
[door closes]
[Renata keeps sobbing uncontrollably]
["Can't Help Falling in Love"
by Elvis Presley playing]
Wise men say
I, Renata Putri,
take you, Edwin Darma, to be my husband,
for better, for worse,
for richer, for poorer,
in sickness and in health,
till death do us part.
Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin?
If I can't...
[music abruptly mutes]
[high-pitched ringing]
- [slicing]
- [gags]
- [sobbing]
- [suppressed groan]
[Renata screams]
[screams hysterically]
Take my hand
Take my whole life too
For I can't help
Falling in love
- [sobbing uncontrollably]
- With you
- [screams]
- For I
Can't help
Falling in love
With you
[phone dings]
[tense music]
[ominous music]
[glass shatters]
Where are you?
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
[ominous music]
Why don't you just kick her out?
We'll stay here.
We don't have to look for another house.
[ominous music intensifies]
[music stops]
Win! Edwin!
What are you doing?
Don't hurt me.
- [glass crumbles]
- [groans, whimpers]
Edwin and I have nothing going on.
[heavy breathing]
I swear to God.
I'm just his friend.
- [knife slicing]
- [groaning]
[Asmara] You're a murderer.
You're a murderer, bitch!
Renata, The Devout Wife, is a murderer!
[Asmara laughing]
[sniffling, heavy breathing]
All this time,
everyone assumed I was a fool.
A weak woman who was easily manipulated.
You all entered my life.
Satisfying my husband's carnal desire.
Crushing my feelings and dignity.
But you are all too greedy.
Wanting Edwin all to yourselves
and separating him from me.
Do you still think I'm a fool?
You slut!
[laughing maniacally]
[laughing maniacally]
Remember my words.
What God has united
cannot be separated.
[thunder rumbling]
[unsettling music]
[preacher] Therefore, it's obvious!
Men and women can never be equal!
Men have control over women,
and women's nature is to submit to men!
[ominous music]
[dad choking]
[shrieks shrilly, wailing]
[woman on TV]
How could you
break a fellow woman's heart?
You snatched someone's husband
and ruined their marriage!
You're a cheap woman!
How shameless.
[Renata and actress] Do you know why
men like whores?
Because they like women
who aren't pretentious
or presumptuous.
So, before you insult me,
you should realize that your husband
is a hypocrite.
You should learn
that whoever dominates in bed
dominates in life.
Stupid bitch!
[Asmara] Babe, why are you taking so long?
- I'll kill you, you slut!
- What the hell is this?!
- [violent splashing, stabbing]
- [Asmara screams]
[white noise]
["It Was June" by Aimee Saras playing]
It was June
- Day 22
- Wake up, dear, or you'll be late.
You said I love you
- [singing Ana's tune]
- Sounds too good to be true
You were fine
I didn't decline
Since that day...
[preacher] The key to a perfect
and happy marriage
is a wife who submits to her husband.
A devoted wife will bring harmony
in this world and the afterlife.
And when we walk through
I've prepared your favorite meal.
The wind breezes too cool
We'll be a fool
Do you like it?
- [chuckles]
- [thunder roaring]
I love you.
["Lenggang Temaram"
by Aimee Saras playing]
I was touched
I was captured
By your passion
My dear
Always waiting
For one moment
I will keep on dancing
On top of all the pain
My smile is your pain
I'm letting myself be pampered
Lights all around
Decorate the dim night
I watch as your blood wells up
Oh, let go of vengeance
You rise up
To haunt my loneliness
I miss
The pain of being teased
By time
I will keep on dancing
On top of all the pain
My smile is your pain
I'm letting myself be pampered
Lights all around
Decorate the dim night
I watch as your blood wells up
Oh, let go of vengeance
Oh, let go of vengeance
Let go of vengeance
Let go of vengeance
[song ends]