Till My Heartaches End (2010) Movie Script

Do you want to order anything?
No, I'm okay.
He'll be here soon. Don't worry.
Sir, good evening.
Hi. Sorry, I got stuck in traffic.
That's okay.
You're wet. You might get sick.
I'm okay.
Have you eaten?
I'll just order something.
I haven't had dinner.
He's a good person.
That's why when Agnes
introduced him to me...
I told her he seems nice.
At first, he comes off too strong
but you'll get used to him.
So what happened to your cousin?
That's what I don't know.
Based on what Agnes
tells me about the guy...
he seems to be a fighter.
He became independent
after graduating from high school.
He didn't join his mom when she migrated
to Australia with her new husband.
Powie, your phone is ringing.
Aunt Mia, how are you?
So what's wrong with you going there?
What am I going to do there?
I thought you and your stepmom
have no more issues?
We're okay.
What about your siblings?
We're okay.
Wait, so what really is your problem?
Did I tell you there's a problem?
It's just so tiring
to socialize with them.
When was that ever a problem?
You're hiding again
from a girl you got over with.
She's pestering me.
My son is graduating valedictorian!
- What. Summa cum laude?
- No, it might just be magna.
Just magna? That's an honor!
That's why his dad
bought him a new car.
What are you taking up. Jocco?
Biology, sir.
- He's going to take up medicine, Rodel.
- You're lucky to have him as your son.
- Thank you.
- That's what he wants.
I'm very lucky to have such a good son.
What about you Paolo?
Are you still studying?
I've graduated.
- Are you working?
- Yes.
Where do you work?
- In-
- Rodel...
how many of your children
are still studying?
Just one more.
After that, I'm good.
I know what you mean.
Schooling is expensive.
Excuse me.
Don't tell me you're leaving?
I got the night shift.
I just asked my boss if I could
come in at 9:30 so I can come here.
Until what time is your work?
Until five.
- In the morning?
- Yes.
Your work is a big joke.
You'd end up getting sick.
You're not even going
somewhere with that job.
Why don't you get a nine-to-five job
so you can manage your time well?
Dad, I'll go ahead.
Happy birthday.
Wait Pao, you're going?
Yes, I still got work.
Jocco, your brother is leaving.
Come up to my room for a while.
I have something to give you.
Come on.
I've only used these once or twice.
They don't fit in my closet anymore.
I think we got the same size.
- Thanks.
- This one's nice...
so you can dress well for your girls.
- You'll look good with these.
- Thank you.
Wait, let me check if I got some more.
I'll go ahead.
The thing with Paolo is
he keeps all his problems to himself.
He might seem okay but
all the pain is buried deep inside.
When guys feel bad,
we just keep it to ourselves.
But you women, you broadcast
all your dilemmas to the whole world.
Of course not!
You're so exaggerated!
Yes, we women,
we talk among ourselves, and then-
Among yourselves?
Everytime we fight...
you instantly post a shoutout
in Facebook that we're not okay.
Excuse me, I'm close
with all my Facebook friends.
- Really?
- Yes! As in.
You got 1,600 friends.
Don't tell me you're close
with all of them?
Are you campaigning for senator?
- Cousin!
- How are you?
Save the stories for later.
- You're tired from our trip.
- Mom, I cooked. Come on, let's eat.
Agnes, why don't you stay in my room?
There's air conditioning there.
It's hot in here.
I don't want to disturb you.
In what way will you
be able to disturb me?
- I might be up until morning studying.
- What's this?
You might not sleep well.
Don't you have classes today
in culinary school?
It's your choice.
Are you okay here, Agnes?
Yes, aunt. I'm alright here.
Agnes, I'll bring down
an electric fan if you need one.
I'm okay, aunt. I don't want
to cause you any more hassle.
Excuse me, there's somebody here
who cannot speak your dialect.
You might want to include me
in your conversation.
If you need anything Agnes,
don't hesitate to tell me, okay?
How did your cousin and that guy meet?
Where in the world did Agnes find him?
Actually, it's Edwin's fault.
It was Edwin
who introduced him to Agnes?
No. Edwin pissed me off and
that's how Agnes and Paolo met.
You told me you're arriving at 9:30.
- What time is it?
- It's quarter to 10.
Don't you see it's raining hard outside?
It's so difficult to commute.
Didn't you tell me you're supposed
to be here before 9:30?
I'm sorry, sir.
Hurry up. We got a lot of customers.
We're understaffed.
What's that?
It's none of your business.
I'll just get dressed.
I love you.
Good evening, ma'am.
Is he here yet?
No. Let's order first.
Good evening. Your order please?
One americano, medium,
two artificial sweeteners, no cream.
And how about you, ma'am?
I'm okay.
- Okay.
- You're not ordering coffee?
Maybe next time.
I might get palpitations.
Come on Agnes. You're a nurse right?
You're supposed to know
the symptoms of heart disease.
Why don't you try this strawberry...
or vanilla bean, or...
So what's your order?
Whatever, I'm okay.
Fine. One regular brew, short.
Okay. Ma'am.
What has he done
that you're so mad at him?
He corrected my English
in front of his friends.
He's just concerned about you.
He feels like he knows everything!
This is what happened.
I told him...
"Babes, I have lots of
homeworks in culinary school."
Then he said...
"Babe, you don't say homeworks...
there's no plural for homework
even if they're many."
You find it funny?
It's a very petty reason to fight.
You don't know these things Agnes
because you're NBSB.
What's NBSB?
No boyfriend since birth.
So you wouldn't know
why this becomes an issue.
You know them guys...
once they start treating you badly.
It goes on and on.
I'm telling you he'll treat you
like a floor rug, or a toilet paper.
Hi babe, good evening!
Sit down.
I'll be outside. Excuse me.
Where are you going?
It's raining hard.
Just outside.
Where is your cousin going?
Don't mind her. She's old enough.
She's been here in Manila for a month.
She won't get lost. We have to talk.
- Homeworks!
- Just because of that?
You find that petty? You embarrassed me
in front of many people...
Ouch! Stop it!
- Don't touch me!
- There are a lot of people here.
There were a lot of people there too!
Don't touch me!
Hey you handsome,
where are you going again?
Just for a while.
I need to get some air.
- But you just got here!
- I won't take long.
Hey, you might get wet.
I'm okay.
You want to sit down first?
I'm just waiting for my cousin.
We might be going home in a while.
Is it your first time here in the cafe?
The carbonara here is good!
I'll try that next time.
Agnes, let's go home.
Edwin is on his way to work.
You guys are okay?
Bring your cousin home Agnes...
- and you guys take a rest.
- Come on.
What about my kiss, babe?
- No, it's okay. You're running late.
- Bye.
Take care.
I thought you're breaking up with him?
No, we're okay.
I was just playing with him.
I really pity Agnes.
She was just a little girl when
her parents left to work abroad.
Is her mom in the Middle East too?
No. She's in the US.
A medical technician.
Her father is an engineer in Riyadh.
She was left with her grandmother.
She has no siblings.
After college. They decided to send her
to Manila to review for the board exam.
Too good that she's close with her aunt
and cousin where she's staying now.
That's why she took nursing even if
she really wants to be a teacher.
Because she wants to go abroad
to be with her mom.
- You know her?
- No.
Help her.
Hello to you!
You can't see your name in the list?
No. But I was able to register.
I've been noticing that you were
checking the papers one by one.
That might not be updated yet.
The other reviewers
aren't included there yet.
But you may verify that
in the administration office.
You know where it is?
Join us then.
We're on our way there.
Come on.
I'm Jane, by the way.
I'm Susan. And you?
I thought you're going to meet me there?
I've been waiting for you for a
while now and you guys are still here.
Agnes, my boyfriend, Miggy.
Why do you all look dumbfounded
when I introduce him as my boyfriend?
You're like unresponsive computers.
Don't you believe
that he's my boyfriend?
Come on!
How are your review classes?
They're okay.
When's the board exam?
On November, aunt.
That's good that you know
what you want to be already.
Unlike your cousin
who finished liberal arts.
Her schooling was paid for
by her siblings working abroad...
who worked hard to earn their diplomas.
Then she suddenly thinks of
shifting to culinary arts.
Don't worry about Gemma.
She's a very good daughter.
She just wants to explore
a lot of things.
Do you have plans of following
your mom in Chicago?
We've already talked about it.
When I'm there,
we'll petition my father.
The last time we got together
as a family, it was Christmas.
I was nine years old then.
After that, all my life, there are some
holidays that only mom is here.
Sometimes, it's just dad.
But usually, they can't come home.
How much is a photocopy?
One peso and sixty cents.
- Is it clear?
- Yes.
I know you, right?
I think we've met.
At the house of Wally's cousin?
No, we met at the cafe where you work.
Oh yeah.
You were the one
waiting outside while...
your cousin is fighting
with her boyfriend.
Yes, that was me.
That was her.
Here, thank you.
You see, this is just great.
What is great?
This is called destiny.
Do you believe in destiny?
For me, I believe that
everyone has a destiny.
Like for instance...
no matter how big the world is
and even Manila...
we still chanced upon each other
at the right place and time.
There you are.
Whatever happens and
whatever each person wants...
her fate will come to pass.
And that's defined as destiny.
Like the two of us, right?
Why? What do you call us?
Manila is a huge place
and there are a lot of people...
but all it took was the
right place and the right time.
And there you are.
Do you know what you're saying?
Why? You don't get it?
I get it but you sound so funny
the way you said it.
You got something else to do?
Why are you asking?
You might be hungry.
I'm not.
I'm feeling hungry.
Then go and eat.
I want to invite you
but there's a problem.
I'm on a limited budget.
You're on a limited budget
but you have the guts to invite me?
So we pay for our own food?
Are you picky when it comes to food?
Why do you look so afraid?
I thought you're not picky.
No, I just wonder why
this egg is covered in orange.
That's food coloring.
That's atsuete powder.
See, it means
it's healthy and even organic.
You're a nurse right?
Eat it. It's good.
I promise you that one day,
I'm going to take you out on a date.
And it's not in the
middle of the road...
eating orange eggs and fish balls.
I promise you that.
I'll remember it.
- You want more?
- Tastes good.
Where do you live?
With my aunt.
Where is that?
Roxas district.
Why are you asking all these things?
I saw you a while ago texting someone.
That's my cousin,
asking me where I am.
Do you have a boyfriend?
I might be making a fool
out of myself here...
trying to look cute to you...
and then you might have a boyfriend.
Are you really that crude?
That's not crude.
That's just being honest.
So do you have a boyfriend or not?
I don't have one.
Good. What's your number?
Wait, how come you're so sure
that I'm giving you my number?
Because you ate ten orange eggs today.
So I know you won't forget me.
So what's your number?
Give me your phone.
Just give me your phone.
There, I saved my number.
You know what, we've been together
the whole afternoon and yet...
I still don't know your name.
Wait, aren't you going to ask my name?
I'm worried about Agnes
at first because she's so innocent.
Even if she's intelligent. In Cebu.
She is guarded by our grandma.
How old is Agnes?
She never had a boyfriend.
That's why she doesn't know
anything about your tricks.
I don't understand you.
I thought your cousin is intelligent...
but you talk as if Agnes doesn't know
what she's getting herself into.
You know, love chooses no one.
Everybody is stupid in love.
And I'm the first victim!
See, I even fell for you.
Would you believe it?
I also looked stupid, huh?
Having you
as my girlfriend up to now.
I've been losing my hair
with all my problems with you...
but I'm still your boyfriend.
I don't understand you!
- Hello.
- Good morning.
Why are you up so early?
It's noisy here.
There's a construction next door.
They've been pounding
on the roof so early.
Then just go back to sleep.
Once I wake up, it's hard for me
to go back to sleep.
Then just take some rest.
Where are you now?
I'm on my way to the review center.
Are you just going to be home?
Most likely.
I might do the laundry later.
Take care.
You too.
If I won't be able
to reply with your text...
that means I ran out of load.
Don't get too sensitive.
That's okay. Take some rest.
Don't miss me too much, okay?
I'm going. Bye!
Powie, when are you introducing us
to your latest girl?
The nurse?
So it's a nurse this time!
Powie, you're such a playboy.
You change your girlfriends
more often than your underwear!
No, this is different.
This is like destiny.
- Destiny?
- Destiny?
How's work?
Were you able to sell today?
I'm kinda tired
because of our new project.
As long as you do
your best in your work...
you'll reach your dream
of having your own condo soon.
But then,
you're stressing yourself too much.
You might get sick.
I don't want to regret
the opportunities.
Why is it so urgent
that we meet tonight?
We have to talk.
You're right. We need to talk.
When I was a kid and my mom
and I used to live in Kamias...
there's a bakery near our apartment
that sells the best kinds of bread.
And then?
They're closed now.
The owner passed away.
He was the one who bakes.
But now, I found this bread
that's as good as that.
Yes, there in Kamuning. Here it is.
Let's taste it.
I've been looking for this for so long.
This is exactly the same taste
as the one I used to eat.
- Let me taste it.
- Come on...
- take a bite.
- Wait.
- You're right.
- I told you.
- Where did you get this?
- In Kamuning!
That's exactly the same taste
of the bread I used to eat.
You know what this is? Destiny!
Imagine, I found it.
Agnes, they wanted to ask-
Good evening!
Gemma, this is Powie, my friend.
Powie, this is Gemma, my cousin.
You're the one
who's studying to be a chef.
- Yes. That's her.
- Hello.
So that's you!
Yes, that's me.
Powie. Wake up!
Hey. Get up!
Someone's waiting for you downstairs.
She's been pestering me.
You're early.
How are you?
Tell me the truth,
are you hiding from me?
Where did that come from?
I've been texting you
and you don't reply!
I've been calling you
and still no reply.
Come here.
You know that when
I'm in the coffee shop...
I can't use my phone.
Are you in the coffee shop 24/7?
From what I know,
your shift is at nine in the evening.
- You don't even call or text!
- It's my fault.
You jerk, you're hiding from me!
Haven't we talked?
More than anything, we're friends.
No expectations whatever happens, right?
Alright, just to end this,
go on and slap me.
I don't know if I should be amused
or get pissed with what you're saying.
Where are you going?
Next time that you play with a girl,
make sure that you got a good alibi.
If you just don't look good,
I accepted the call to punch you.
But it's okay. Thanks, but no thanks.
And one more thing, Pao.
If you're bragging about your looks...
remember that there are a lot of guys
more handsome than you.
And those guys
don't have to take the train...
or ride like a monkey at the back
of jeepneys and buses.
Pao, may I ask you something?
Go ahead.
I'll tell you if I can't answer.
Where are your parents?
They're here.
Both of them?
Yes, but they have
their own families already.
My mom was pregnant with me
when she was still sixteen.
But my grandparents do not want her
to marry my dad...
because my dad's parents
do not want her.
Until now, my grandma
still dislikes her.
My dad has a new wife,
my Aunt Mia.
They have their children already.
My mom met an Australian guy
and went with him to Melbourne.
And you chose to stay here?
What am I going to do there?
Make friends with kangaroos?
So that's why you're a working student,
and you live in a boarding house.
I don't want to be
a burden to other people.
How can you be a burden
when they're your parents?
Agnes, they have their own families now
and I'm not part of them.
You got more questions?
I want to look for another job.
Nothing's gonna happen with me
in that coffee shop.
What job do you want?
I still don't know.
I just feel like I'm wasting my time
in the coffee shop.
What do you mean okay?
It's okay that you're
thinking about those things.
I myself cannot imagine you
making coffee forever.
You're smart.
You're educated.
And you're not happy
with what you're doing anymore.
That's what I'm saying.
This is destiny.
You don't need me to know those things.
Agnes, I need you. You complete me.
Fine, I'll be your cheerleader then.
- Go, Powie, go!
- You'll be my cheerleader!
I'm so happy that you're there.
What are you doing here?
What's your plan?
I'm applying for a new job.
What job?
Anything that will fit my character.
I don't know a job
that looks for jerks.
I might try sales.
Of what?
There are lot of things you can sell.
Fertilizer, feeds, cars,
insurance, medicine...
- coffins...
- I'll try real estate.
Real estate?
Do you know anything about it?
Your training is only on making coffee.
Do you think I'm stupid?
Where did you have lunch?
In a restaurant near
the office I'm applying to.
What did you eat?
What kind of question is that?
You're like my mom.
Is it wrong to ask that?
I don't memorize all the food
I ate the entire day.
Cheer up, you can do it.
I've been walking around all day.
Going up and down for interviews.
I did everything
but I still can't get a job.
Don't be like that Pao.
Just like my dad told me...
if you don't believe in yourself,
who else would believe in you?
Agnes, is it wrong for a person
to have too many dreams in life?
Of course not.
It's worse for a person
to be hopeless and stop dreaming.
Don't give up.
I'm here, your cheerleader.
You can do it.
Hello good morning.
Is this Mr. Paolo Barredo?
Yes, speaking. Who's this?
Yes Mr. Barredo. This is the
human resources department of...
Platinum Land
Development Corporation.
See, your hardwork paid off.
When are you going to start?
There are still
a lot of papers to process.
Two to three percent,
is that big enough?
It depends on the condominium
or townhouse that you will sell.
Say you sold 1.5 million,
how much is your commission?
Around 30 to 45 thousand.
That's just for one condo,
if you'll be able to sell.
It's hard being a sales agent.
I have a cousin
who graduated with honors...
but until now,
he still hasn't sold any condo.
It's not like that.
There are a lot there
who are great in school...
but are failures in the real world.
That's why I don't believe
in those honors.
It's useless in the real world.
What's important in this job
is your self-confidence.
You have to be confident.
Are you early or am I late?
We're supposed to meet at 5:15 right?
Agnes, anything wrong?
I'm not used to what you're wearing.
Does it suit me?
I need to look good for my new job.
I know but why is it that
everyone is looking at you?
You're still surprised?
I'm good-Iooking.
You're so full of yourself.
Agnes, what's wrong?
- Are you okay?
- Aunt...
mom and dad won't be able
to come home for Christmas.
How did you find out?
He e-mailed me.
He told me his job assignment
came late in Riyadh...
so he won't be granted
a three-week leave.
So he won't be able to come home.
I really pity my father.
He's been working there
for so many years.
Even during Christmas, he has to work.
He's doing it for me and my mom.
At least you understand him.
Yes I understand him,
but I'm just afraid to be alone.
It's sad when you're alone
during Christmas.
Well, Aunt Baby is there,
Gemma too...
- and...
- I'm not counted?
So I'm not counted?
That's not what I meant.
Of course you're counted.
I promise that you won't be alone
on your birthday...
or during Christmas, New Year...
until Holy Week, Valentine's Day,
National Heroes' Day...
Or whatever, I promise you that.
You're crazy!
That's okay.
At least I make you happy.
- Come here.
- Ouch!
My legs are aching.
How are we going to sell here?
How many people here can actually
buy a condo worth 2 million pesos?
Dude, don't worry.
There's someone out there.
Didn't they tell us that
even if the other project is...
to be turned over in 2012,
almost all the units are already sold?
- You're right.
- It's a matter of timing.
I'll just grab some coffee.
Hurry up.
Good afternoon,
you might want to invest.
How much is a unit in your project?
Our studio type is around 2.1 million.
Because our units are very spacious.
What's the biggest unit?
And how many bedrooms does it have?
Our 3-bedroom unit is
around 95 to 103 square meters.
How much is the 3-bedroom unit?
The regular 3-bedroom unit is
around 95 to 103 square meters...
which is ranging from 7.1
to 8 million depending on the floor.
What do you think?
When is the turnover?
Tower One is slated for turnover
on the third quarter of 2012.
Tower Two is around
the second quarter of 2013.
How much is the downpayment?
- Come again?
- The downpayment?
Reservation fee is 20 thousand pesos.
Not the reservation, the downpayment.
For the 3-bedroom unit, regular.
You're buying one?
That's why my wife is
asking for the downpayment.
Calculate the total cost
including the financing plan...
five years monthly amortization.
That sounds good.
- Great!
- Okay.
- What happened there?
- I don't know.
Yes! Yes!
Agnes, your phone is ringing.
- Hello. Agnes?
- Hello, I can't talk, I'm in class.
Agnes. I need to talk to you.
Hurry up!
What happened to you?
Agnes, you might get caught.
- That's not allowed.
- Wait.
- Ma'am?
- Yes. Ms. Garcia?
I just have an emergency.
- What emergency?
- Okay. Just make it quick.
It's okay.
Pao, what happened to you?
Agnes. I finally made a sale!
I'm going to sell a 7.7 million condo!
Do you know how much
my commission will be?
How much?
in one afternoon!
Really? Wow!
You're so good Paolo!
You're already rich!
Agnes... Agnes...
I know you're already good.
Not just that, the buyer is
an overseas Filipino worker...
and they just sold their house,
because all of them siblings live there.
And then?
Which means, they're looking for condos
that are next to each other.
So that when they're here in Manila,
they're still near each other.
Really? So they're buying more?
They might buy four more condo units!
Wow you're really good!
But here, before I forget,
What's this?
Open it.
I passed by Kamuning just for that.
I looked for the bakery that sells that.
You didn't tell me that there
were three bakeries in Kamuning!
That was a very long road.
I almost reached the
main highway looking for it.
Why did you do it?
You didn't like it?
It's not that, I was just asking.
Because that was the right thing to do.
Maybe you're right.
At first. I wasn't minding it but
there were already some changes.
And those are inevitable.
Powie already has the money.
He finally took
advantage of his charm.
His bosses are impressed
with him because...
he can sell around
three to four condos every month.
Hi, good afternoon, this is Powie
of Platinum Development Land.
I just wanted to ask if you are
interested to attend our open house?
We have new model units
that you might want to see.
How much does Powie earn every month?
He earns a lot.
Just for the regular studio size condo,
he already earns 65 thousand.
Sometimes, he even sells three
to four 1-bedroom or 2-bedroom units.
He's hardworking and very competitive.
Among all the agents in that company.
He's one of the best.
How is that girl he's
madly in love with?
In fairness to Paolo...
ever since he went out with Agnes.
He never dated anyone else.
So that's how attached
the girl is to Powie?
She's very kind and she's just quiet.
Agnes, speak up or we might
forget that you're with us.
No, I'm okay.
I'm just listening to you guys.
Are you okay?
Agnes. I want you to dress up nicely.
I'm going to pick you up
at quarter to seven.
Powie, I can't be late
for my 9 AM class tomorrow.
Where are we going?
Just dress up.
I want you to look good.
Why do I have to dress up nicely?
You'll know later.
I'll go ahead. My buyers are here.
Powie, hello?
Are we having dinner here?
Yes, why?
It looks expensive.
Agnes, do you remember
the first time we went out?
When we were in Recto
and I invited you to eat?
Yes, you even made me eat
those orange eggs.
You remember my promise to you then?
Of course.
Come on. This is our destiny.
Good evening sir,
good evening ma'am.
Good evening.
Reservation for two for Paolo Barredo.
This way, sir.
The reason I brought you here is
because I wanted to ask you something.
We're okay, right?
We're just busy-
you with your review...
and me with my new job.
But I believe we're okay.
So what's your question?
Do you love me?
Why are you asking me that?
Because I love you.
Why are you crying?
Agnes, please don't get mad at me.
I was just asking...
I'm not mad.
Pao, can you ask me that again?
Do you love me?
So much... I love you so much.
What do we need to talk about?
Have you talked to your mom?
Is everything alright?
I don't think it will ever be okay.
Maybe it's really like that.
There's nothing I can do.
Pao, if this is about us...
I want you to know that
it's okay with me.
You already came clean right?
So I'm forgiving you.
I don't want to talk about it.
Let's just move on.
Let's just forget that it happened.
We can't leave it like that.
This is John's parents' townhouse.
But they decided to live in Oakland
so they left the house to John.
He invited me to live here
and share the expenses.
It's big and he's just alone.
There's a spare room above
so I also invited Wally to join us.
I don't know but
this seems better for me.
It's closer to my work...
and there's a garage
in case I decide to buy the car.
You're still buying the car?
Can you still afford it?
The company has financing plans.
I give a lot of income
to Platinum Lands...
so they should take care of me, right?
Do you know that the
other real estate companies...
have been wanting to pirate me?
Come on,
I'll show you something upstairs.
Of course. It's his first time
to earn that big...
so his tendency was to splurge.
His clothes are so expensive.
Who else could afford
what he's selling but the rich?
I'm just not used to socializing.
Get used to it...
because that's where
your boyfriend earns.
Why should I get used to it when
I'm not the one who needs to sell?
Agnes, are you going out
with your aunt on Sunday?
I'll pick you up at eleven.
We'll go to my dad's house.
To your dad's house?
I want to introduce you to them?
I feel shy to meet them.
Why are you feeling shy?
I wanted to bring you
so I can brag you to them...
so why feel shy?
I'll show them on Sunday
how happy I am now.
Paolo, you shouldn't
have brought all these.
Your favorite chocolate cake.
Thank you.
Did you get this in Valle Verde?
Dad, Aunt Mia, this is Agnes.
Good morning.
- Good morning. Hello.
- Hi.
Pao, why did you make her carry that?
- Come in.
- Where can I put these?
Give them to me.
Help me out here.
Dad, last month,
I was able to sell four units.
One 2-bedroom,
one 3-bedroom and one studio type.
How did you do it?
There's a style there,
a strategy, a technique.
- Wow!
- How much do you earn in selling condos?
That's not important.
What's important is that
you should be able to save up.
Of course dad,
I plan to buy my own unit by next year.
Or even a townhouse.
- See. He just answered your question.
- Okay.
I feel like I'm just part of the
package that he showed to his family...
with the cake and the gifts.
Why do you think like that?
I'm sure that he really wanted
to introduce you to his dad.
Me, I only met Edwin's mother once.
I was in a cab and she's on
the second floor of their house.
We just waved at each other.
Shouldn't you be happy?
Be happy because things
are going well between you two.
That you reached the point...
that he introduced you to his family.
Do you know what that means?
That feels so good.
Go and take some rest.
Just stay here.
I love you.
Pao, I guess you know that
there was a replacement in our team...
because Edward left the company.
This is our new agent,
Ms. Lea Benedicto.
- Lea, this is John and Paolo.
- Hi. Hello.
Call me Powie.
The boy wonder.
Boy wonder?
Didn't you know?
That's what they call you,
Paolo Barredo.
The boy wonder.
You may want to
convert it into a studio...
or 2-bedroom space, I mean,
depending on the needs.
Pao. Is there anything you want
to add to what I've just said?
You might have some questions.
Our model units are at the
back if you want to see them.
We're turning it over to you
bare so you can arrange-
You can arrange it
depending on your needs.
Approximately how much
will it cost to arrange the unit?
It really depends on
what you want and need.
Aren't you supposed to be reviewing?
Your exam is next week.
That's why I'm not disturbing you
and besides, I have lots of work to do.
I just wanted you to text
to make sure you're okay.
How will I not be okay?
I'm just in the showroom.
Agnes. I don't
think it's right for you...
to text every 30 minutes,
asking me where I am.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry if I'm disturbing you.
Look at you, I'm just explaining
and you easily get offended.
I'm running late. Bye!
See, he already told you he's busy.
Is anybody really that busy?
He couldn't even text.
If I may ask, how many times
have you texted him?
I don't know.
Around ten times?
And you wonder why he got pissed.
I'm just being concerned.
What if something happened to him?
Agnes, if something
happened to him...
then he should have
texted you or called.
What you're doing isn't normal anymore.
- Any guy will lose his cool if-
- You guys are all the same.
You don't appreciate
what we do for you.
Well, not everyone.
Why don't you talk to her?
You have to give it to her straight.
She cannot bother you
when you're busy with work.
I can't possibly reply
to all of her text messages.
At first, it was still sweet.
That's why you should talk to her.
Dude, you don't know Agnes.
She's sensitive.
Look at Lea, she seems as if
she doesn't have any problems at all.
Your boyfriend must be very lucky.
Yes, he's very lucky because even if we
haven't seen each other for two years...
we're still together.
Where is your boyfriend?
It's none of your business.
We're here to earn money
and not to discuss my personal life.
That woman is such a teaser!
If she doesn't stop,
I'm gonna give her a piece of me.
Why are you in tears?
What if by next week,
he still doesn't text or call me?
Don't think about it!
You should make him feel
that you're okay even without him.
How am I going to concentrate
on the board when my mind is a mess?
Agnes, come on, that's just a guy!
There are a lot of guys
in the Philippines!
Aren't you in Facebook?
- Hello.
- Hello. Pao.
Are you still mad at me?
Let's patch things up.
I can't concentrate on my review...
because I know you're mad.
I'm not mad.
You didn't call or text me all day
and you tell me you're not mad?
We're just busy because our
company is launching a new project.
Agnes. Please stop crying.
I'm sorry if I wasn't able
to text or call you.
No, that's fine.
I love you.
I love you too.
Everybody changes. Right?
It's unavoidable.
Especially when you get exposed
to different kinds of people.
Your world expands.
But Agnes remains the same...
because he's the only thing
that makes her happy.
She has no sense of adventure.
Do you know that since
she moved into our house...
she eats the same breakfast everyday?
A cup of coffee with
two teaspoons of sugar.
No cream.
And two slices of bread with cheese.
That's it!
What are you trying to say?
You really can't blame the guy
for everything that happened.
Her world revolved around him.
Are you okay?
Paolo, why don't you introduce Agnes
to them so she won't be so quiet?
No, I'm okay.
I was already introduced to them.
Okay, just order
any kind you like, okay?
Pao, it's 12:30.
Yes. 12:30.
Aren't we going home yet?
Agnes, our other friends
are just arriving. Relax.
Text me when you get home.
Are we pushing through tomorrow?
You told me last week...
that you'll accompany me
to buy a gift for Aunt Baby.
We'll see. I'll just text you.
Pao, why are you treating me like this?
We went to the party to have fun,
so we can mingle with other people.
But what did you do?
You sulked yourself in a corner.
You don't talk to anyone even
if my friends are approaching you.
Agnes... Agnes!
- Agnes...
- Good night! Leave!
You go to your friends now.
What drama is this again?
Pao, I told you
I didn't want to go to that party.
But you forced me to.
I went there because you wanted to.
- Wow!
- And now you're treating me like this?
You're the victim again.
And it's all my fault again!
You brought me to your socialite friends
and then you kept ignoring me.
Agnes, we are not
the only people in this world!
We can't always be together.
Go ahead, cry again.
When you have nothing else to say,
all you do is cry.
Good night.
- Thank you!
- Glad you're back.
Hey, you're back! What happened?
Your party is so much fun
so I came back.
Where's Agnes?
I brought him home.
I'm not in the mood for her drama.
You fought?
She fought me.
Look, Paolo.
It's my birthday...
and I don't want my friends
to feel bad on my birthday.
So you better make me happy. Come on.
Excuse me.
How long has your boyfriend
been in the States?
Two years this coming February.
And you haven't seen
each other since then?
I went there for a vacation once.
But we didn't spend
much time together...
because he was working
and I was with my family.
I have a question,
but it's a bit personal. It's about her.
What's that?
Do you really talk
with your girlfriend?
All we ever do is talk.
Two people can speak but
it doesn't mean they're talking.
You may hear what
the other is saying...
but it doesn't necessarily mean
that you're listening.
I admit that I'm wrong.
I'm selfish,
and all I think of is myself.
I just think of my own needs.
I just really don't know what to do.
You're my first, so I don't know
what to do when you have a boyfriend.
I'm sorry.
Yes, this is yours.
Who else in this house will be
given expensive flowers but you?
Thank you for the flowers.
We're okay now.
I'm sorry.
Don't get mad at me anymore.
I said we're okay now.
And then everything
went back to normal.
Like nothing happened.
It's like her world
revolved around Powie.
Maybe it's because
you don't take her out.
Introduce her to your other friends.
Edwin and I have been inviting her
for bowling and she doesn't want to.
We invited her to Tagaytay,
she said no again.
If it's not with Powie, she'll pass up.
Sometimes, I'm concerned about Agnes.
She might lose her mind
if the guy leaves him.
That's very likely to happen, mom.
Take some rest.
You've been working
non-stop since yesterday.
Are you okay?
See you later. Take care.
Who's that?
Why did she call you this early?
We're closing a deal with a client.
The investment on
our new project is quite big.
At least you have a sales partner.
Lea is part of my team
so we're always together.
Is it really like that?
Does she have a boyfriend?
Yes. He's in the States.
Has he been there for quite sometime?
Why are you suddenly
interested with my workmates?
Of course, I don't want you saying that
I'm not interested with your friends.
And you know what, she seems okay.
Who? Lea?
Yes. Your best friend at work.
She seems smart and nice.
Actually, I've already saved
enough for my downpayment.
I just need a guarantor for the loan.
Wait Paolo, this car that you want to
buy is worth more than 2 million pesos.
I thought you've already
been given a company car.
Dad, that's different.
What's important is representation.
I understand.
But Paolo, representation
is different from bragging.
Now if you plan to invest 2 million pesos
on a land, a house or a condominium...
is understandable.
But not on a car.
Paolo, set your priorities!
Not in my lifetime will
I ever tolerate your luxuries.
I just need a guarantor.
I have my own money.
I'm not borrowing money from you.
Then that's it Paolo.
Why do I need to sign this?
As we speak, 90 percent of the units
in Tower A has already been sold.
Let me do it.
Hello sir, well, our studio type
which is 27 square meters...
was sold in 2008 for 1.3 million.
What time is it?
It's 9:15. I am so freaking hungry.
See, that's 2 percent for the team.
- That's right.
- And if we close the deal...
we'd get a bigger commission.
Agnes, sorry, our meeting just finished.
I'm on my way to pick you up.
Never mind, Pao.
Agnes, please...
It's out of my control.
Our client arrived late.
You didn't even try to call me?
Because I thought
the meeting would get cancelled.
Just get ready.
I'm on my way.
I'll just explain it
to you later. Okay?
Never mind, Pao.
I'm already having dinner.
It's almost 10 o'clock.
I've been calling you
and you didn't even pick up.
I said I was in a meeting!
My phone is on silent mode.
But I've been waiting for you
for hours now!
I said I'm sorry!
You have no right to get mad.
You made me wait for you and then-
Agnes, I told you I was working.
I know you want to be rich.
Nothing is more important to you
than money.
What did you just say?
Sometimes, I wonder how much
more money do you need to be happy.
What do you need
to prove to your family...
that you're losing yourself
in that job?
Wait, why are you suddenly
involving my family in this?
All I'm saying is
you only think about yourself.
You're so selfish! Good bye.
Look, take it easy. It's okay.
I'm dead tired.
And I'm dead hungry. And now what?
Enough. Okay? Enough.
Bullshit! Shit!
I can't take her anymore!
She's too possessive!
It's okay.
Can you still handle this?
Pao, go home.
I don't wanna go home yet.
I haven't had dinner.
She's a kind-hearted woman.
Simple. Caring.
But why does it seem like
everything I do is not enough for her?
She always makes me feel guilty.
Pao, I know what she's going through.
I got hurt when Jerry left...
when he chose to live in
the States than stay here with me.
It hurts when the one you love makes
plans but you're not included in them.
So you've accepted it
almost after two years?
Maybe... after two years
of being far from each other...
and his life has already changed.
Do you actually think
that he still loves me as much?
Why not?
I miss him...
but I don't know if I still love him.
Good morning.
Good morning.
I already got in touch with Legal.
I had them prepare the
documents for Mr. Chua's group.
It should be ready
by tomorrow afternoon, okay?
Favor, let's not talk about it.
There's nothing to discuss.
Lea, I'm sorry if-
Stop that!
There's no reason for you to be sorry,
because I'm not, okay?
Good. Let's go. Let's get rich!
What's with the look?
Hello. Agnes?
Can you come home now?
Your mom needs to talk to you
on the phone.
Why, Aunt Baby?
So who's the other woman?
How long has this been going?
She knew about this for quite sometime.
But she didn't want to believe it...
until she learned that
Conrado got her pregnant.
She's also from Riyadh.
A workmate.
A secretary in the office
where Conrad works.
And she's already married
to a man in the Philippines.
I've already talked to my mom.
She told me everything.
Aunt, my dad promised me...
that after I graduate...
and find a job abroad,
we'd be together again as one family.
That's why I'm giving it my all.
Because he promised me.
And now I learned that
he has another woman.
What kind of a father is he?
Stop crying.
That's enough.
What do you want me to do?
I don't know.
I'm just telling you
what Agnes is going through now.
I didn't come here
to tell you to get back with her...
or to marry her.
You know how important it is
for Agnes to reunite with her parents.
How do you think she feels now...
that she knows that her father
is just playing with her?
What can I do?
At this point,
if you can't be her lover...
can you at least be her friend?
Pao, are we ordering lunch
or are we eating out?
Sorry, I didn't know you have clients.
Who's that?
Don't touch me.
Nobody is stopping you to face Agnes.
Isn't it awkward?
Do you love her?
Of course I do.
Do you still need her?
Is there a difference?
Of course.
Just because you need someone
doesn't mean you love her.
And just because you love someone
doesn't mean you need her.
Agnes, you have a visitor.
Who is it, Aunt?
What are you doing here?
I just passed by the area.
I was thinking maybe...
Maybe what?
Maybe you haven't had fish balls
and orange eggs for quite sometime.
That's okay.
It really hurts.
It's okay.
I'm here.
Wally, how are you?
I should be the one
to ask you that question.
You just got home from work?
Wally, you're here.
Let's have breakfast.
No, I'm okay. I'm so tired and sleepy.
Pao, I've already talked to my mom.
She told me that
when I pass the board exam...
I'll follow her in the States.
What do you think?
Will I follow her there?
Why are you asking me?
You should be the one deciding.
Why should it be just me?
Okay, let's think about it.
Thank you Pao.
For what?
Thank you for always
being there for me.
I'd rather die than lose you in my life.
You're the only one
who makes me happy.
Is there a right answer
to her question?
I can't decide for her life.
No Paolo Barredo.
It's not that you can't.
It's that you don't want
to take responsibility on her.
You don't understand.
Of course you understand.
You and Agnes are just the same.
You're both out of your mind.
That's why you can't get enough of me.
- Agnes, isn't that Paolo?
- Tastes good.
You want more?
Who is he with?
That's Lea, his workmate. Let's go.
- Shouldn't we approach them?
- No, they're busy.
- Let's just go.
- Busy?
- Let's approach them.
- Thank you.
Why are you so quiet?
Are you not feeling well?
Maybe I'm just tired from...
walking all day with Susan and Jane.
You know how tireless those two are.
Pao, I'm going home early tonight.
I need to stay home with Aunt Baby...
because she's alone.
Agnes, is there a problem again?
I'm just getting annoyed
at some people.
Some people are just so malicious.
They say a lot of things about you.
About me?
Like what?
They even say something about Lea...
that you two have an involvement.
I mean, Lea knows
that you're taken right?
I'm just pissed
at how malicious they are.
Who's spreading those nasty rumors?
It doesn't matter.
- I don't believe them anyway.
- I want to know.
Who told you about me and Lea?
- I told you it doesn't matter right?
- Who told you?!
You really want to know?
I saw you two in a restaurant.
I was with my friends.
And we saw just
the two of you together.
Why didn't you approach me?
- I don't want to disturb you.
- No, because you think we're dating.
Of course not!
Because you're the one
who's malicious Agnes!
What you're thinking is right.
What else Agnes?
Do you want to know if something
happened between me and Lea?
- I'm going to tell you everything.
- No, stop it.
No, before you hear it
from other people...
I'm gonna tell it straight to you.
I am not the man you think you love.
I am not that man, Agnes!
I'm going home.
I'm going home!
He already betrayed you so stop it.
I just don't know
what I'm going to do without him.
Stop it.
You're crying again.
Agnes, I'm warning you,
I'm gonna hit you if you start crying.
You know what, that's how I felt
when my first boyfriend left me.
But after two years, we met again.
Guess what, he's balding now
with a huge tummy.
I could only say one thing.
You know what?
God is good!
You were just crying
and now you're laughing.
You're crazy,
so you end up with crazy people too.
You have to decide up to what point
are you gonna hurt each other.
I don't know what's happening to me.
Are you still happy?
If I leave her,
what's gonna happen to her?
My conscience is
definitely gonna bug me.
Wait, what are we talking about here?
If you love her or
if you're just guilty?
I still want to
accomplish a lot in life.
There's still a lot to do.
I can't give up everything.
I can't give her up too.
Paolo, be a man!
You can't avoid the problem
if you don't want to hurt her more.
You have to make a choice.
Agnes. Can we meet?
We have to talk about a lot of things.
I know.
I don't want to talk about it anymore.
But after thinking about what happened,
I finally understand.
That's why I forgive you.
Maybe it's my fault why you had
to look for another woman.
Agnes, it's not like that.
Pao, I already forgave you right?
Let's just forget that it happened.
Let's just move on.
What were you supposed to tell me?
You're right.
We have to move on.
Agnes, I know how much you love me...
and I thank you for that.
No one has loved me the way you did.
Agnes, I can't...
I can't be your only world.
Agnes. I'm not enough for you.
I still want to accomplish
a lot in my life.
Weren't you the one who pushed me...
to reach my dreams?
But we're not fighting
about that, right?
My point is, until when
is it gonna be like this?
Why did you give up
everything for your ambition?
Agnes, this is who I am.
And I don't blame you for who you are.
I've been thinking...
and I feel that we're already
hurting each other...
and it came to the point that...
we might end up hating each other.
That's not going to happen, right?
What I said the last time is right.
I'm not the man you think you love.
So I think it would be better
if we go our separate ways.
Don't you like me anymore?
Don't you love me anymore?
Agnes, I really love you.
If you love me,
why do you have to leave me?
Because I'm no longer sure.
I'm not sure if
my love for you is enough...
for us to still be together.
Do you understand me?
It's okay, Paolo.
I understand.
Are you okay?
I'm okay.
- Agnes...
- Paolo, stop it.
Where are you going?
We're done here, right?
I'm going home.
Agnes, it's still raining.
Let me bring you home.
I said I'm okay, right?
I was able to come here alone...
I'd be able to go home without you.
By the way, I forgot to tell you...
I passed the board exam.
I hope you're happy.
Where did you come from?
Agnes, what happened?
He left me.
He doesn't love me anymore.
It hurts so bad.
It really hurts.
You know, we all go through that phase.
Maybe your only mistake is
you loved him too much.
You made him your whole world.
So when he left, it feels as if...
you've lost everything.
Don't worry, one day,
you're going to remember all this...
and you're just gonna laugh.
You're going to laugh about
all these things you went through.
It's late.
What's the matter?
What happened?
I hurt someone.
An accident?
You got into an accident?
No, it's not an accident.
It's worse than that.
I hurt a woman.
I feel like I'm the
worst person in the world.
No, of course not.
Sometimes, we hurt other people...
maybe because some things
must just come to an end.
But that doesn't mean
you're a bad person.
It just means, move on.
Just move on.
I'm sorry if I disturbed you.
Why are you apologizing?
You're my son.
There are just things in life
that sometimes...
they just don't work out
the way we expect it to be.
But you are my son.
Thank you, dad.
That's what I've been waiting
for you to say.
- What?
- That I am your son.
You've always been my son, Paolo.
You've just never given me
the chance to be your father.
The Platinum Development
plan includes...
intensive expansion
of projects in the south.
Reaching farther than the
original boundaries of Dasmarinas...
and Ternate in Cavite,
all the way to Tagaytay.
Pao, can you please
get a hold of yourself?
Do you think we're all stupid here...
that we don't notice that you haven't
been yourself for the past few days?
I've just been thinking
about a lot of things.
Did you change your mind again?
No, I didn't.
It's just that,
I want to call her.
Okay, why?
I just want to know if she's okay.
You honestly think that she's okay
after you broke up with her?
And you think that if you call her,
she's gonna feel so much better?
I just want to ask her how she is.
Is that wrong?
Do you want to call her...
to make her feel good or
to make you feel less guilty?
If all plans push through...
maybe in two years time,
I'm also going abroad.
But I'm going to look
for a job in England.
You're lucky, Agnes.
Your mother's there already.
You already have a place
to live in and...
she can help you find a job
in the hospital she's working in.
You're right.
You don't sound excited.
Just a week away
and you're already in the US...
with your mom.
I just feel bad because
I'm going to leave some people here.
I feel touched.
Are you sure that
she's talking about us?
Hey Agnes, this is your chance
for a new beginning.
Leave everything behind
here in the Philippines.
Don't bring those
bad memories in the US.
What are you trying to say?
Stop waiting for him.
Stop hoping.
It's over. Agnes.
Don't waste your time.
- Let's eat.
- Come on.
Eat some more, it's really good.
My mom told me
something about your mom.
- Yes, she has a boyfriend.
- I can't believe it!
An American?
Nope. Filipino.
He's a widower and he's really nice.
What about you?
I used to have one,
but we already broke up.
We were together
for six to seven months.
So it's true?
It's true that you had a boyfriend?
Why do you sound so surprised?
Is it forbidden?
Of course not.
That's not what I meant.
You're still so young.
Looks like you're having a good time.
- Yes but we have to leave now.
- Yeah. Mom is waiting for us so let's go.
Excuse me, ma'am.
Here's your change and your receipt.
So where?
Where are you guys going?
I'll go with you.
Your call.
- Hi.
- Hi.
How are you, bro?
Still the same.
Are you still working for Platinum?
No, I already transferred to Goldvest.
Oh, I see.
- Let's go.
- We're still talking!
We haven't seen each other for so long.
So when did you get back
from the States?
Just last Friday.
Until when are you staying here?
Around ten days more.
You're looking good.
You too, as always.
Are you with someone now?
No, I'm not married.
Me too, in case you wanted to know.
Alright, we have to go.
Aunt Baby is waiting for us.
I'll go ahead.
I'm happy that we've met again.
Me too. Destiny, right?
I have to go.