Till the End of the Night (2023) Movie Script

TILL THE END OF THE NIGHOkay, they're coming.
Turn on the light, Robert.
I'm glad you're here.
- Hand me your bag.
- Welcome, sweetie.
- You look well.
- So do you.
Leni, I can't believe it!
- Give me your jacket.
- Yeah, sure.
- Here I am.
- Here you are.
Did you miss me?
A little bit, at least?
You could've said no.
It's better than jail.
Yeah, we'll see.
Anyway it's great that you're back!
- Leni, to you.
- To you.
To you lot.
What's the deal?
Who needs a drink?
Do you have plans for the apartment?
Why? Don't you like it?
Leni has her own style.
- A bit of color.
- A bit of color?
You could come by and paint.
- Nice to finally meet you.
- Yes, I think so too.
Your call really surprised me.
Somehow we always missed each other
during visiting hours.
Yes, I just had a lot to do, you know?
Nadja. I'm Robert's neighbor.
You brought the mini bottles
of bubbly?
- That's right.
- They're so good.
I don't want to know
what rock she found him under.
Oh come on, he's nice.
That type of species
still thinks with its spinal cord.
Give him a chance.
Robert and I?
- She's going to mess up.
- She'll be fine.
It's a complicated story.
Well, it's not that complicated.
- You can tell the truth!
- She's blushing now.
- Go on, tell us.
- Yeah...
"Ilse Bantser - no one wants her."
"Came the cook, it's she he took."
- Hey...
- He was really a cook back then.
I complained about the food.
- "Waiter, there's a hair in my soup."
- Where was this? Maybe I know it.
It was in Hanover...
- No, Hamburg.
- Hamburg.
"Le Ptit" or something it was called.
It was called "Carnetti".
- Who wants some tiramisu?
- Yes, please.
Yes, well, anyway...
His boss found his attitude
towards the customers rather rude,
and fired him.
I felt bad, and invited him for a drink.
So without alcohol we would
never have come together.
True. A toast to alcohol.
It's good.
Tiramisu also contains...
- amaretto.
- It's good.
- Tasty.
- It's good.
Hang on, you have something there.
And something else.
That's also tasty.
- See you next week.
- Yes.
- Kisses.
- Ciao.
It went well today, didn't it?
Do you see an audience anywhere?
Not over there.
Oh, please...
It looks so real.
- As if it were a picture from the future.
- Yeah, the future.
We could really go on holiday.
- Once this is all over.
- Yeah, sure.
Merian square, ice arena...
Okay, this is your radius, alright?
What radius?
Your radius.
Lift up your leg.
How does it feel?
You're not out of jail.
Your cell is just a little bigger now.
- I expected you to be more compassionate.
- Because I'm gay.
You know what I mean.
I can't work with someone
who I don't trust.
- You're not giving her a chance.
- Bullshit.
- Hi.
- Hello.
He'll blow anyone
who promises him something.
- You don't know that.
- That is my experience.
Oh, come on.
He hadn't tucked his penis away
when we knew each other.
So what's going on?
- I believed it.
- And the guests?
They found Robert a bit primitive, but...
I think that made it more authentic.
And will Malinowski
be able to handle it?
She survived men's jail.
That's true.
- Keep an eye on Malinowski...
- She can't remember simple things.
Yes, she didn't have a few details
at the ready, but she was nervous.
She had two weeks
to learn it all by heart.
Robert, she didn't make
any major mistakes.
She's a ticking timebomb.
Cover your ears for a moment.
Or leave the room.
I suggest you look for someone else...
You know Malinowski
will only do this with you.
I can't do it...
- I can't do this with her.
- Yes, you can. You'll manage.
Just be nice for once.
Get out.
- We need to leave.
- I need a bit more time.
- We need to leave now.
- Get out.
Especially with your street shoes!
Go, go, go!
- Close the door!
- Oh, please.
Did you choose this?
Stop it.
Stop it.
Stop it!
How should I put this on
with this thing on my ankle?
Online drug dealing was a thing
for insiders only for a long time.
Silk Road, Shiny Flakes.
Chemical Love, too.
But when Slowdive appeared,
if not earlier,
it totally changed everything.
That website redefined the market
completely within a month.
Extremely quick delivery for wholesale
prices. As easy as ordering a pizza.
We estimate the turnover
is three to five million euros
a month.
The drugs are shipped together
with normal, everyday items.
A teddy bear, for example.
Who would suspect such a thing?
For nine months now,
we've been monitoring crucial points,
supply chains, storage areas and carriers
with police and customs officers.
We believe we can only crack
this system from the inside.
We need to get close
to this guy to do this.
Victor Arth. A former DJ and
music producer.
He was big in the 90s. Under his
surname Arth.
The target is moving.
Or "DJ Arth."
Then his career went downhill. Now he
owns the Midnite club in Frankfurt.
About time!
He paid for the club's selling price
of three million euros in cash.
Apparently he has a lot of cash
that bypasses the tax authorities.
Our key to Arth
is Lenard Malinowski.
He just did 12 months
in Schwalmstadt jail for dealing speed.
But that's a woman.
Malinowski now lives as a woman.
We hired him to make contact.
Arth and Malinowski
know each other from when
Malinowski worked as a sound engineer
at his techno label.
And what did you promise him in return?
An early release.
But you don't have the authority to decide
over someone's reduced jail sentence.
No. But I can promise it, can't I?
The second part consists of a side step.
So side step, close, side step.
The same thing in the opposite direction.
Side step, close, side step. Yes.
Always three steps,
closing it in the middle.
Again, please.
Side step, close, side step.
Side step, close, side step.
I recommend keeping your steps small,
as the cha cha cha is a dance
that covers a small space.
So the idea is not
to move forward in the space.
So small steps, otherwise
you'll feel rushed with the music.
Okay, together again now.
One, two, three,
side step, close, side step.
Two, three, side step, close, side step.
Great! That's it.
It's going like clockwork.
Yes, now lift your head...
You see?
I'm here.
- That's it. Now up the tempo.
- Well...
- He looked over.
- Okay.
- Good.
- What do we do now?
Cha cha cha...
Hey, I was thinking.
I've been sitting and waiting here for
longer than my entire time at school.
You were only waiting
for the bell there too.
Waiting, always waiting.
Sometimes something happens too.
Should we pick him up?
No, let's wait.
Waiting, waiting...
- I should have spoken to him.
- No.
You have to wait for him to approach you.
- What if he doesn't?
- I thought you were close.
We had a little tiff when we last met.
Don't tell me you argued.
No, I just criticized his set.
He never called me again after that.
But he's not one to bare grudges.
The key's in my right pocket.
- Only if you stop being so mean.
- I'm not being mean. Please, I...
You can't do this without me.
Just take out the key.
Take out... You know what?
Fuck you and...
Sorry, I was just talking
to my girlfriend.
From that distance?
I'm practicing.
For what?
World championships.
Okay, listen up.
The next one who gets
it in is the winner.
The one who doesn't
brings down the trash. Okay?
- Okay.
- Yeah?
- I'll start.
- Go ahead.
Your hand is practically in there.
I mean... Do you want to get closer?
You know what?
You can bring the trash down.
- Why didn't you visit me?
- Do we have to do this now?
Yes, I need to know, Robert.
I wanted to spare us
the disgraceful ending.
Us or you?
No idea. You decide.
Because you felt guilty?
I don't know what you're talking about.
Your colleagues must have found out
I was selling drugs somehow.
Why would I rat on you?
It hurt me the most!
Were you the one in jail?
No, I wasn't in jail.
But I put my ass on the line for you.
The whole operation
was hanging in the balance.
And my boss said I'd be
jeopardizing my cover by paying...
jail visits.
Well, you could've
just told me that, right?
- Or written me.
- Two years... for fake tits.
I hope it was worth it.
It was worth every second of it.
It'll take as long as it takes.
They won't put you back in jail
if you fail.
You could've said no. You could've.
I suggest we try something new.
Before one of us goes home alone.
So I suggest a dance roulette. All the
ladies can say farewell to the gentlemen.
They can keep going till I say stop.
Off you go!
- Bye.
- Go on!
And... stop.
New lady, new chances.
Let's start.
One, two, three.
And one, two, step, step, one, two...
I know you.
- Right?
- I didn't want to say anything.
Some people can't deal
with that kind of thing.
- Sorry, excuse me.
- It was my mistake.
Very good.
Now let's try out another partner.
The gentlemen can continue walking again.
But where do I know you from?
Who knows?
And... stop.
You can start!
We have one single man here.
Okay, here's the single gentleman.
He's coming. Don't mess this up.
Lenard, right?
- Leni.
- You've changed.
- I'll take that as a compliment.
- Absolutely.
- You know each other?
- Hi.
- Hello.
- Victor.
- Hello.
- Nic.
- Hi, nice to meet you.
- And you.
Leni. I told you about him.
He was our sound engineer.
- Oh right.
- "She".
- Oh, sorry.
- It's okay.
It's so funny to meet you here.
I think so too.
- And you are?
- I'm Robert.
- Hi, Robert.
- Hi.
What are you up to now?
I was away for a while.
And now we're learning to dance.
- Shall we go for a drink?
- I still have a lot of work to do.
- Some other time then?
- Yes.
See you next week.
- Take care.
- Bye.
- Ciao.
- Ciao.
I don't get it.
- Why?
- They're not ready yet.
- I want to go in here.
- Really?
- Hello.
- Hello.
Good afternoon.
- Can we look around?
- Of course, please do.
You can't afford that anyway.
I know.
I just want to know
what money smells like.
- No.
- Bye, thank you!
Did you steal it?
There's the car...
- Get in!
- Hey. No...
- Get in!
- Hey, listen, what's this shit?!
I didn't do anything!
- Get in the car!
- What are you doing?
I'll call you!
What the hell is your problem?
I showed you your radius!
Dana was going to drop me off. Would I
go shopping if I wanted to run off?
And then you go exactly
where there's no signal?
Why would I run off
when it's so nice with you?
Look, don't provoke me,
or I'll show you, alright?
"music" is a bit loud.
I can hear it from the hallway.
Okay, Nadja... I have to report this
as an escape attempt.
- It wasn't though.
- Yeah, go on acting all naive.
- Keep going!
- What's the problem?
- She is.
- The problem is...
Your colleague treats me like shit.
Yeah, boo-hoo. You know what?
You can take these fucking toys
with you once and for all!
- These fucking things!
- Robert.
Can we agree on a minimum level...
- Nadja...
- ...of professionalism?
Is it good?
I have to eat something.
Can I try some?
Just one.
You like that?
What the fuck?
No, seriously.
I'm hungry, you dick.
That's no reason to eat junk.
Slice the onions, please.
Leave the skin here...
So the skin
doesn't end up on the floor and... yeah.
Have you never cooked before?
Or do you only eat Asian fast food?
- We didn't have good food in jail.
- Where?
- We didn't have good food in jail.
- No?
- No.
- Jail grub, right.
Don't cut your fingers
with that sharp knife.
I know how to slice onions, Robert.
Yeah, okay.
Sorry, okay? I overreacted earlier.
But you can't just do whatever you want.
You can't.
I'm going to watch you a bit, for fun.
Go on. You're doing well.
- I mean...
- I explained it to you.
I didn't want to escape.
A little trust wouldn't be a bad thing.
Nothing happened.
You know, today...
when you suddenly turned up
with your colleague...
it totally took me back.
To when I was 14.
Why? What happened?
I was caught stealing back then.
- Stealing?
- Yeah.
What did you steal?
- Makeup.
- Makeup?
It was insane.
I was too uncomfortable at the time...
to take it to the cashier.
You're doing it again.
Here. Turn your hand into a claw.
That's it.
What kind of makeup?
What kind of makeup?
Really simple stuff. Red lipstick.
The wrong mascara for my lashes...
- Do you think I was too pushy?
- Nonsense.
He'll come to you.
What if he doesn't?
Will you put in a good word for me?
Okay, great!
Folks, it's already looking really good.
Well done.
May I borrow you for a moment?
- As an exception.
- Thank you.
Okay, we want to place our palms flatly
on the ladies' hands.
Don't hold their hands.
Otherwise it's awkward
and uncomfortable for the lady.
Hey, are you leaving already?
- You're here!
- Of course.
- Cigarette?
- Yes, please.
- I like your nail varnish.
- Thanks.
- Yours is nice too.
- Thanks.
Why are you doing this course anyway?
It's a kind of couples therapy.
How's it going?
I knew it was a bad idea from the start.
- Men.
- Yeah...
- You know what I've realized since I...
- I'm all ears.
always expect you
to think they're great...
Even when they say something
totally stupid.
And if you don't smile,
you're not a woman.
"The things you know..."
- You're good at it.
- I've practiced for a long time.
- But you're a natural talent.
- Thank you.
Right, folks.
I suggest we get started again,
if you feel fresh again. Let's go.
Have you seen Nic?
- I think she's in the toilet with Leni.
- Not anymore.
Or they went for a smoke.
I took her cigarettes so she'd smoke less.
Are you a control freak?
It was her idea.
But then just call her.
- I have her cellphone.
- Okay...
Those two are really
made for each other, right?
- You have a car, right?
- Yes.
I know where they might be.
Hi, what's up?
Can you do me a favor? Can you go
to my place and check if Leni's there?
No, I forgot something at home.
No, we didn't have a fight.
Can you just do me this favor
and go over there?
I'll call back later.
Maybe they're inside
and won't open the door.
No one's home.
If anyone asks,
we only rang Nic's doorbell, okay?
So let me summarize.
You have her cellphone, her smokes,
and the keys to her apartment,
but you don't know where she is.
I have her cellphone
'cause she's wearing a dress
that doesn't match any of her bags.
This is my place.
Where were you?
I'm so pissed!
Did you miss us?
Where have you guys been for so long?
I think they are having an affair!
Not funny.
Not funny.
- Admit it.
- What?
I was good today.
Yes, you were good.
You don't have to tell me. I know.
- Good night.
- What do you mean, good night?
- I'm going to sleep.
- I don't think so. I'm not tired.
You can't play that card.
- Of course I do.
- You need a jack.
Why would I need a jack
when I have a queen?
Don't look at me like that.
Like what?
Like that.
- Do you know what you look like?
- No.
Like this.
Close your eyes.
- Tell me you missed me.
- I missed you.
I missed you too.
Come here.
Yes, touch it.
- If you do, I want to touch yours too.
- No!
I don't want to be touched there.
- Let me...
- I don't want to be touched there!
What's your problem?
While it's still there!
Don't I have any rights?
Yes, go on, cry. Cry.
That's what you do best.
And these fucking toy animals
are driving me crazy.
- Fucking asshole!
- Take this with you too.
Can I help you?
- Surprise.
- What are you doing here?
I'm looking for something special.
We have some great stuff.
This, for example.
- Nice.
- It would suit you.
It would.
And maybe something like this?
Oh, totally. Definitely.
- Let me take these for you.
- Thank you.
- My boss is an asshole.
- Sorry!
You said I could come by anytime.
- This?
- No.
This one. Right?
I don't know.
I need your help.
Venus de Milo.
What do you think?
It looks like a dream.
- But do you think my...
- Yes?
My life is not like that.
You can dress according to how you feel
or how you want to feel.
- You are a natural saleswoman.
- But honestly, how could this get better?
Are the same people
working at the label, Victor?
- Most of them, yes.
- Yeah?
- Yes, I like working with familiar faces.
- Yes.
But why so many people?
I have a big heart.
Compared to a mouse.
Relationship problems?
- Thanks.
- Thank you.
You're not drinking.
Losing control is not my thing.
You never tried it?
- He can't imagine that.
- Yes, alright.
I have nothing against intoxication.
I earn my money with it, in a way.
And you?
- Me?
- Yeah, tell me.
Where have you been these last...
two, three years?
Two years.
I was in Bali.
Really? What's it like over there?
- Leave her be, will you.
- Lovely.
I can ask her what she's been doing
in the meantime.
You disappeared so suddenly.
I needed a change of scenery.
Bali... Two years?
- Victor...
- During the monsoon season too?
- October to April...
- Listen.
- To be precise...
- I was in jail.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
- I know I'm not a good liar.
- True.
I just felt uncomfortable telling you.
What were you in jail for?
For how long?
She's been out for six weeks now,
and I...
would say we're making a new start.
What's it like, being out of jail again?
- It's still a bit...
- Yeah...
- Strange.
- Yes, it's a bit strange.
- To freedom.
- Yes.
To freedom.
The fondant au chocolat.
Here you go.
I hope we got it right this time.
- Robert doesn't find that funny.
- Why not?
It reminds him of how we met.
How was that?
- You tell the story.
- No, you. You do a better job.
- No, you tell it.
- Please.
Okay, okay...
Where to start...
She was still Lenard back then.
100 percent twink.
What is "twink"?
It's like virginal, hairless.
How do you know that?
I fell in love with her voice.
That's the first thing I noticed.
She complained.
I was a trained cook.
So that wasn't so nice of course.
It wasn't chocolate cake though?
- Yes...
- What was it?
Well? What was it?
Tell them.
- Boff Bourgignon.
- Exactly.
- Boff Bourgignon.
- Again?
- "Boeuf".
- Boeuf Bourgignon.
Boeuf Bourgignon, but...
who cares anyway?
"It is far too dark...
and the roast flavours
are far too strong."
I tried to explain she'd fallen in love
with a mistake.
And that I could understand that.
I told her one's palate
is just as sentimental
as any other memory, and she
was welcome to refresh her memory
at some run-of-the-mill restaurant,
but that I would not adapt
my boeuf bourgignon
to her bad upbringing.
That was it.
And the end of the story was...
it got a little loud.
- A bit.
- A bit.
It got a bit loud and I got kicked out.
Where was this?
Carnetti, in Hamburg.
That place was a pile of shit anyway.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
- Yes. May I?
- Of course.
- I didn't know that.
- What didn't you know?
That you fell in love with my voice.
- You didn't know that?
- You never told me.
You have something there.
- Come here.
- Shall we go to the club together?
Oh, yes.
- Hey.
- Sorry.
- So we're going to Midnite?
- Yes!
But slowly, or someone
might puke in the car.
Hey! We want music.
Yes. Just let me finish. Anyhow...
He came down the stairs...
- Do you...
- Just let me finish, will you?
He comes down the stairs...
Can I request a song?
- A song request?
- Yes!
Every DJ's nightmare.
- But please, no cha cha cha.
- No...
Something by Victor Arth, perhaps.
We'd love to hear something, right?
He makes some hot beats...
Good thing you came with us.
Could you please step out?
What... What's the problem?
Please get out of the car.
My colleague explained?
We'll do a drug test.
Excuse me.
This is not about you, but about him.
- Get back in the car...
- Don't tell me what to do.
- I want to smoke a cigarette.
- No smoking during checks.
- I wasn't the driver!
- Put it out, then we'll talk.
- That's my choice.
- Don't you understand German?
Are you a racist?
- This is bullying!
- Stop it.
Stop it, Robert!
At least he's doing something!
- That was a weird coincidence yesterday.
- Yes, crazy.
Or was it not a coincidence?
How naive are you?
- Why didn't you tell me?
- How would I?
- I need to know these things, Robert.
- Like hell you do.
You can't lie. No one believes you.
- Can I have one?
- No, you don't want these.
- Who cares? As long as it helps.
- You don't want to take these.
These are hormones, you dummy.
- Then where are...
- There's Ibuprofen in the bathroom.
Don't get on my nerves.
Hey, could you imagine me...
with tits?
But not like those.
What do you mean?
Real udders. Real tits.
Fat, milky tits that are about to burst.
Like apples, pointing forward.
Really awesome things.
So I can walk down the street...
You're such an idiot.
I know what I said.
Yes, but it's not payday yet.
Nonsense, how long do you think
it took us to get approval...?
Oh, all of a sudden now?
It would be absolutely negligent
to jeopardize that now.
No, I don't want a gang war either.
So as for corpses
piling up on the street...
Yes, I get it.
You keep me posted about new
developments. Thanks.
I hope you have some good news for me.
Alright, so you don't like my face?
- He's with me.
- I don't like yours either. So what?
Don't mess with me!
They didn't let him in.
That's why I'm here.
I hope you would've come to me anyway.
You don't need a cook
by any chance, do you?
For the club?
Why do you ask?
Robert is unbearable
when he has nothing to do.
I need a driver.
He could do that.
Are things that bad?
I'll think about it.
Thank you.
Don't get any scratches on it.
The guy's really fussy.
Be careful.
I'll make an effort to talk clearly,
- Very funny.
- Test, test, test.
Wait here.
As you're here, you can come with me.
I hate Saturdays.
Which one is your daughter?
Number 39.
I never wanted kids.
Feli was pregnant
when we'd already broken up.
She'll be a grown-up soon.
I won't have to act like I'm her father.
If I even get that old.
You're too old to die young now.
- Oh... Foul!
- Foul!
- But business is going well, right?
- Yes. I could stop at any time.
Paradise, huh?
Paradise is a heap of shit.
They'll get me at some point anyway.
That's a bit paranoid, isn't it?
- Nirvana.
- Joseph Heller, actually.
- It's over.
- Besides, who won?
Did you see us cheer you on?
She gives me the middle finger?
- Can you believe that?
- You deserved it.
- How's the new job?
- I like it.
- Everything okay?
- Yeah...
He stood her up.
He told me to give you this.
I wonder what that is.
What an asshole.
God, I don't believe it!
"I will always have
sweet memories of you."
That's what it says?
You must know
what sort of guy Victor is, huh?
Me? Why do you say that?
Come on. I can see it from a mile away.
Okay, Victor. A short character report.
At the first date:
That one is good.
What else?
It's only getting better.
Then... the middle of the relationship.
And this?
Too much brittle.
I hate the ones with brittle.
The program repeats itself.
Nougat, strawberry, brittle.
It's an insult to my intelligence.
The funny thing is...
he really thinks
he's too smart for this world!
I gave her the chocolates.
She definitely got the message.
What are we doing here?
I'll be back in a moment.
Wait here.
- Don't smoke in the car.
- It's empty anyway.
Man, Micha.
I'm too old
for this paper chase bullshit.
We said only in emergencies.
So what's so urgent?
What's up?
I'm supposed to introduce you to someone.
What did you do?
They said
they only wanted to talk to you.
Sorry about the dramatic entrance.
We tried to call, but...
Who are you?
You have no idea, right?
Have a good think about it.
What do you want from me?
We'll explain that to you on the way.
Don't touch me.
Or what?
You don't know who you're dealing with.
Good one.
My gun is pointed at him, boss.
- Want me to eliminate him?
- Target laser.
You idiots.
Tell your boss
that if he wants something from me,
he should come to me himself.
I decide when and where...
I thought you were a cook.
Sounds like an accusation.
- It was just a question.
- These bastards!
Thank you.
Give me... Give me the gun.
Give me the gun.
They threatened me, Victor.
They gave you money for it.
- Admit it.
- No...
- Huh?
- I don't know what...
Cut it out, cut it out.
Think about this.
If they hear the shot,
they'll know where we are. Fuck him.
If they hear the shot,
they'll know where we are. Fuck him.
- He betrayed me...
- Fuck him!
Don't stand there like an idiot.
Drive me to the airport!
You have a car, don't you?
We can't use mine now.
I need to go into hiding
for a while, okay?
I don't need that shit anymore!
Calm down, will you?
Leave me alone!
I thought...
you wanted to negotiate.
I only...
I only said that
so they wouldn't shoot me!
Don't get on my nerves
with your paranoia.
You can stay here if you want.
No problem.
If they wanted to kill you,
they'd have done it.
If they wanted to kill me,
they'd have done it.
Yeah, sure. What?
Their job wasn't to take you out.
They need you for something else.
Their job wasn't to take you out.
They need you for something else.
You might be right.
He's in a weird mood.
- What happened to you?
- Hey, darling.
Where's Nic?
She went for a walk.
Drink, darling.
Let's dance. Please.
You went through the whole shebang.
What are you talking about?
Dance classes and everything.
That must be love, right?
Oh shit...
I'm coming with you.
Take a look around.
The music went off.
Why are you already out of jail?
Why are you already out of jail?
Already? I was in there for a year.
- You still have 12 months to go.
- Yeah, but...
- She's on probation.
- Oh right, of course.
But I thought you need to sit out
two thirds of the sentence.
What are you trying to say?
What are you trying to say?
It's a bit odd, isn't it?
You get out of jail and the first thing
you do are dance classes?
- We'd been wanting to do that for long.
- For how long?
This is a bit childish, isn't it?
How often did he visit you?
How often did he visit you?
- Not very often.
- I didn't ask you.
Just once.
Because we had an argument.
How long...
had you been a couple?
- Half a year.
- Not you!
Half a year!
you haven't seen each other for a year,
and then
the first thing you do together
are dance classes?
- That sounds a bit...
- It sounds romantic.
You're putting on an act with me!
- What do you want...
- What do you want to know?
What do you want to know?
I stopped visiting her because...
I felt ashamed.
I stopped visiting her because...
I felt ashamed.
- Why?
- Because I got her in there!
She went to jail because of me!
- How?
- We hadn't known each other for long.
Lenard and I.
He was already going on about it
back then...
"I want to be a woman,
I feel like a woman..."
I laughed about it. I ridiculed it.
I didn't take it seriously.
Until he started selling drugs.
To pay for the hormones, the operation.
I thought it was a phase
and it would stop.
Something you might briefly feel, but...
the phase didn't stop.
It didn't stop. I thought she'd go to
jail for half a year, get out and we'd...
It didn't stop. I thought she'd go to
jail for half a year, get out and we'd...
start all over again.
That everything would be
like it used to be.
I didn't know
she had a criminal record already.
So? How about a little hook-up?
You think that's funny?
Come on, calm down.
Get in, I'll drive you.
Get in, I'll drive you.
Is it true?
I asked you if it's true, Robert.
I trusted you.
I'm such a stupid idiot...
- Fuck off!
- Calm down.
Get lost!
- Well?
- Oh no, here we go.
Is there any evidence that those men
were from the cartel?
Is there any evidence that those men
were from the cartel?
What? No.
It was as I described in the report.
If only you'd given the signal
we agreed on.
- We could've followed you.
- Yes.
- Yeah.
- It might've been some random gang.
No way. If he has competition,
it's bigger than just a drug gang.
No way. If he has competition,
it's bigger than just a drug gang.
- Yeah?
- Yes, definitely.
- Bigger?
- Of course bigger.
Not just three bozos
on the street corner.
It's all speculation.
Okay, then it's speculation.
We can't afford more delays.
That's true. I heard that.
I also heard you have
a lot of pressure from the top.
Oh, did you now?
- Yes, I was told.
- Do you know what I heard?
- What?
- That you physically abused Malinowski.
- Excuse me?
- Yes.
She described it very convincingly.
I believed her.
I moved her to a different place.
Until this little misunderstanding
is cleared up.
I'm next door.
You're keeping an eye on everything.
Is this necessary?
It's for your own safety.
I can help with the straps though.
Not now!
You have no business being here.
I just wanted to quickly apologize.
I just wanted to quickly apologize.
Look. There's a bar downstairs.
I'm sorry, okay?
Best apology ever.
Then tell me what I should say.
It's okay.
Just tell me what I should say, please.
Apology accepted. Now leave.
Apology accepted. Now leave.
Can we just start from zero again?
Give me a chance.
- From zero?
- Yes.
We're at minus 1000.
We're at minus 1000.
True, I "hit" you.
Yes, you have to translate
psychological abuse to some people.
Are you really this stupid
or is it just an act?
I did it out of love.
I did it out of love.
Get... out.
Get out.
Just get out, Robert!
Just get out, Robert!
Just get out! Get out!
Just get out!
- What are you doing here?
- Hello, sunshine.
Am I disturbing?
Nice and cosy here.
I thought you were in Dubai
or something.
Secret fan?
No, it belongs to Leni.
Where is she?
I heard you can make
fruit bowls out of vinyl records
or something.
- Flower pots...
- Where is Leni?
Where she is? She's not here.
She's at a hotel.
I'm sorry.
I let my paranoia run wild.
- Oh, really.
- I have some problems.
Yeah, you're not the only one.
Yeah, you're not the only one.
Okay. You stink.
Are you able to drive?
I really messed up.
Yes, that's true.
What am I supposed to do now?
She won't believe another word I say.
You could pay for the operation
she's been saving up for for so long.
- Or the medication...
- With what money?
I can't solve every one of your problems.
I always thought love was bigger than...
- Damn, what the hell do I know.
- I love...
I feel so much love.
So much love.
But I love the guy.
The man...
Just live it.
It doesn't have to have a name.
What doesn't have to have a name?
I mean...
All this shit is just because people
need to name things.
They need labels. "I'm 100% this,
I'm 100% that".
- That's the fucking problem.
- Yes.
I don't know if I can do it.
- Yes?
- Room service.
I didn't order anything.
I have a flower bouquet for you.
For my biggest fan.
From Victor Arth.
- Thank you!
- You're welcome.
Did you see it was a vinyl record?
- Oh, this is one of your records.
- Yes.
"DJ Arth."
Thank you.
Do you like it here?
I won't be here for long.
If you're looking for a job,
I always need someone for the sound.
Have you found something?
I thought...
I could sing.
Or is my voice too deep?
I know people
who are in love with your voice.
I'm sorry, I...
I feel a bit guilty.
- About the whole...
- No.
Don't feel bad.
You know, somehow...
Somehow I'm happy
I understand it now.
That he'll never accept me the way I am.
How would he
when he can't even accept himself?
And the chance that he will...
is this big.
But you love him.
I hate him.
Because I act like some shitty machine
when he presses the right buttons.
But this machine is broken now.
- Do we have to do this now?
- Yes.
- Now?
- Yes, you know the drill.
Should I turn on the tap?
Can't you just give me a chance
to bend the rules a little?
As a colleague.
Do you enjoy trying to sabotage me?
I can deliver Arth to you.
He trusts me.
I swear.
So, please, is a little help
really too much to ask?
- I hear it's happening, Ms Sterz.
- Yes, it is.
By the way, what are your plans
with Leni once this is all over?
Easing of detention conditions.
- That's all?
- That's all we could do.
It never worked.
No more mistakes.
I have a proposal for you. Here.
You want to travel around
on a tourist boat with me?
I want you to solve my business issue.
I'm just a cook.
- Not a...
- You need money.
I have money.
What do I need to do?
I have another business on the side.
A website that's growing rapidly.
What is it about?
Like I said, I have nothing
against other people's intoxication.
You know how it is. If you have
a good idea, people envy you.
Those two from the sports field?
If they want to bring their stupid
stone age business into this century,
they need me.
You will explain that to them.
- I need their goods.
- You want me because I'm a stone age man?
You said that.
What makes your website so special?
I mean...
- Selling drugs online is...
- I'm not selling anything.
- You're in charge of the logistics.
- No.
Then what do you do?
Here's a dark street corner, yeah?
These are the drugs.
This is the money.
Money for drugs, drugs for money.
- What happens?
- No idea.
Police, handcuffs.
Now pay attention.
This is the buyer.
This is the seller.
My website is the middleman.
You order
from an entirely normal online shop.
A cartel, I told you.
What does he order? I don't get it.
What's not to get?
He organizes the drug trade online,
and earns commission.
Customers, sellers...
logistics and procurement, the platform,
they're all end-to-end encrypted.
That's shit.
He doesn't know who his customers are,
what they're ordering,
or who delivers to where.
What could possibly go wrong?
Any information we can glean
is totally worthless.
If it really is the cartel,
it makes it more complicated.
Or it's the solution.
As soon as he deals in real life,
we can get him.
Where's your boss?
Where is yours?
The footmen talk to each other.
Go back to your owner and tell him
we're interested in his business.
And what do you offer in return?
It's a unique offer. You have two days.
This is not an offer. It's an insult.
We're not interested.
- Know what you are?
- What?
Tedious, that's all.
Do you have kids?
Do you think I'd talk to you about that?
I have two daughters.
My youngest one is 16.
Her mother always says she doesn't go
out enough with her friends.
I don't feel that way.
I always say, every generation
has its own set of rules.
Yes, you're moving me to tears.
- Know what I found in her room recently?
- No, but you're going to tell me, right?
A plastic dinosaur.
Its belly was cut open. You get three
guesses as to what was inside.
A baby dinosaur.
If it was up to me,
I would whack you right away.
In my eyes, you're a couple of weaklings
hiding behind laptops.
- You'll be gone in a flash.
- Or you will.
Even your daughter buys from us.
We'll always be around.
It's a realistic business.
Everyone earns their cut of the deal.
It's a give and take.
It's not that one party comes
and takes it all. That's not how it goes.
For what?
Mouse clicks?
If you don't want to get involved,
we'll find another partner.
You're wasting my precious time.
- Let me tell you something.
- Go on.
Your boss knows very well
that he'd be ruined
within two weeks without us.
That's what I mean.
You talk about your dirty backyard.
There are other interests.
Bigger interests.
- Who are you talking about?
- You know who I'm talking about.
- Who?
- You know.
- Man...
- Know what you are?
- What?
- You're a fraud.
Give this to him.
If they stick to the agreement,
you take the payment and leave.
How much do you get?
50 percent.
What is this?
The key to Slowdive.
If they behave,
I'll give them the password.
Otherwise it's just a chess piece.
Okay, so I bring the guy this,
take the money and...
You'll do the right thing for once.
How do I know she wants to do that?
How should I know if Leni...
Your chances are this big. This big.
It's important.
Before you freak out again...
Where is she?
No idea. I...
She somehow managed
to take off her ankle monitor.
Beautiful girl
Is oh so sad
Beautiful girl
She cries so much
Beautiful girl
Is oh so sad
Beautiful girl
Has a heavy heart
Silver, gold
And precious stones
And also
An expensive mink coat
Beautiful girl
Doesn't want all that
Beautiful girl
Wants a heart
What good do gold
And precious stones do
When your heart
Cannot be my own
What good does all the money
In the world do
When money
Doesn't hold us together
Keep playing. It's nice.
How did you get in here?
Victor doesn't need these anymore.
- Thanks, Victor.
- I want to stay here.
We have to go now.
- You heard her.
- Stay out of this.
- She wants to stay here!
- I said stay out of this!
- Understood?
- Okay.
I can call the polite too.
How did you find me so soon?
That was your escape plan?
I... I would've made it without you.
What is this?
What is this?
This is your last stop. Get the fuck out.
Get lost. I said, get lost.
I said, get lost!
Make me!
No problem.
And now get out of my life.
- Ciao, take care.
- I can get out myself.
- You don't get it.
- What don't I get?
- What?
- I can help you!
I can... I can give you money
for the operation!
- I don't...
- For your medication!
I can get you new papers!
I don't want your help, don't you see?
- I don't want it!
- Just give me one chance.
- Is that too much to ask? One chance?
- One chance...
You've lost your mind.
I'm just a bit wild, that's all.
Yes, maybe.
How can I still trust you?
- How?
- I'll make it up to you. I will.
I'll make it up to you. Believe me.
Come on, trust me.
I'll make it up to you.
- Come on...
- Oh, stop crying!
Leni, please. Open the door.
I have no one.
No one.
I only have you.
And because I only have you...
It scares me.
It scares me so fucking much.
And then I act like it doesn't...
But that's how it is.
That's exactly how it is.
I love you so much.
I swear...
Where are we going?
Wait and see.
It will be gone soon.
Shall I make the rain go away?
I will, I promise.
Don't make promises you can't keep.
How do you do it?
Who lives here?
The furniture belonged to my father.
My father...
would have liked to have had taste,
but unfortunately he only had enough
for pseudo-Chippendales.
Thousands of glasses.
Who needs thousands of glasses?
Take a seat.
I want to show you something.
What should I do with this?
I don't know. Maybe open it up?
Is it real?
Real enough, yes.
Just say thanks...
That's enough.
- Yes, no, perhaps?
- Yes!
- I'm starving.
- Yes.
I'll make us a little something.
We'll take the first flight and then...
You're crazy.
There are 3000 euros on the table.
That's enough for the tickets.
Then we'll see after that.
- How are we going to live?
- No idea.
I'll get money somewhere.
From where?
- Victor?
- Oh, stop it, please.
I have everything under control.
- You don't have to do this.
- Yeah.
Do you want to go back to jail?
Feel like going back to jail?
- No, exactly.
- I want you.
This is our last chance to be happy.
We can do that here too.
Let me do this for us, okay?
So I'll see you at the airport, as agreed.
You better show up.
Oh, come on.
There's something for Victor on the table.
Do me a favor and throw
it in the mailbox, okay?
Open up. I know you're there.
Yes, one moment.
I said one moment!
- Why didn't you get back to me?
- You found me, didn't you?
Do you want some coffee?
She's not here.
I didn't know you lived
in Goethe's birthplace.
Very funny.
- We need to leave.
- Okay, I'll just get changed.
I can tell the boss I couldn't find you.
Why? I'm here, am I not?
I thought we were in a rush.
They found Victor's former driver's body.
- Boss didn't want me to...
- So why are you telling me?
Sending you over there
is a death sentence.
Nonsense. I'm on a roll.
What could happen to me?
I hope you know what you're doing.
Looks like someone's lost.
No, they're expecting me.
- Oh, it's you.
- Yes.
Empty your pockets.
- Sure.
- Ben?
- Ben!
- Jesus.
- What's up?
- Here.
Oh, him.
- Should I take my trousers off?
- He's clean.
This is a cool song.
Can I turn it up? Thanks.
It's good.
Dirk, can the sound be any better?
All I hear is music.
Let me try something.
Yes, you better.
What's this supposed to be?
Not so quickly.
This is your access.
We offer an exclusive platform.
Totally safe.
You sure have a big mouth, you know that?
Give him the bag.
Looks good.
So how does this work, genius?
Explain it to us.
- It must be the police.
- Are you sure?
Ask him.
What's up?
Something's wrong.
Hang on, something's going on.
- Where's your car?
- In the back.
What are you doing?
Get in, stop talking.
Let's go.
What's with him?
Is he insane?
Get out of the way, you idiot!
I don't know what you mean.
You talked him into it.
- With the operation, and...
- Talked him into it? As if...
I told him he should make you happy.
And to do the dirty work
for you on the side, right?
It's just a small delivery service.
He's a big boy. Nothing will happen.
Don't worry.
- They'll kill him!
- Leni, stop it.
If they find out...
- Leni...
- Don't you get it?
You were right.
I was right?
Open it.
Very funny.
He wants to protect you.
That's why there's the card.
What did you do?
Don't you understand?
They hired me
so I'd bring the two of you together!
I still don't understand.
Where is Victor now?
He wants to get him out of there,
he said.
So he knows where they are?
I think he has a GPS hidden somewhere.
I didn't really get it.
Okay, and he's doing this because
he has such a big heart, or what?
He called your boss.
They made some sort of deal.
Hit him.
What did you say?
You look like a pile of shit.
Just look at you.
Like a roughed up street dog.
Well, well.
You like playing games?
- Fuck you.
- Yeah?
"Chief Inspector Robert Demant."
"Department C."
"Personnel number: 741712."
- Etcetera. That's you, isn't it?
- Let me see.
- No, that's not me.
- Hey!
What are you doing here?
Is this your way of negotiating?
This is the second man of mine
you're roughing up.
- We can't be partners like this.
- Armin.
- Who is this bozo?
- I am Slowdive.
- And this guy?
- He's my man.
Your friend is an undercover cop.
- We have his file.
- Yeah...
That file is fake. I did it myself.
Do you have the stick?
This gives you direct access. You can
decide the sales conditions yourselves.
And why should I pay you 50 percent?
- For the password.
- And where is that?
No one gets on the website without me.
We just saved a lot of money.
You prick!
Where are you, you little cunt?
What are you doing?
Did you see?
I'm so sorry, man.
I was long overdue.
- I'm so sorry.
- Hey.
There is still air between the fingers.
Shit, I was looking for you everywhere.
- Do you know how scared I was?
- Yeah...
I'm here, aren't I?
- You're bleeding.
- It's not so bad.
Let's get going,
or we'll miss the flight.
Remember that picture from the future?
What are you talking about?
Promise me that we'll go on that holiday.
I don't get it, what...?
- Put your hands where I can see them.
- Hello, Robert.
Well, this is where it ends.
It looks like it, yeah.
Anything's better than jail, huh?
What did she promise you?
I'm free.
I believed in it.
I'm so stupid. I'm so stupid.
Well, anyway...
Now we're basically even, right?
Yes, we are.
I'm not the kind for a happy ending.
But I am.