Tillsammans (Together) (2000) Movie Script

Franco is dead.
It was announced this morning
by the officiaI news agency.
The generaI died at 4:40 P.M.
from a cardiac arrest.
-Franco is dead! Franco is dead!
They just said it on the radio.
Yes, Franco is dead.
Franco is dead! Franco is dead!
Franco is dead,
Franco is dead...
But I onIy Iove you.
Yes, but what about Anna?
Anna? No, no, no...
We've agreed
we can if we want to.
But I want to be with you.
But you can.
Yes, but I want to be with you.
-What about Maria?
-Which Maria?
The one from the party.
No. God, no.
Who's caIIing now?
But teII me. You can be
with whoever you want to.
Who do you want to be with?
I don't want to be with anyone.
-Why doesn't anyone answer?
-Forget it.
It couId be important.
I'II get it.
-Can't someone eIse get it?
-No one here wiII.
I'm freezing.
The coIIective ''Together.''
-It was EIisabeth.
-Your sister?
They've had an argument.
She wants to come here tomorrow.
Can't you Ieave?
Go away.
Get out, then.
I don't give a damn what you do.
I don't give a damn what you do.
Do what you Iike.
I don't give a damn!
-Do you want to pIay?
Do you want to pIay?
I can't. We're Ieaving soon.
Did you beIieve me?
I was onIy kidding.
You can't pIay with us.
Get out, then!
Hey, pIease, pIease...
Let's go.
As the washing up
isn't working out--
-I washed up yesterday.
-For the first time in months.
-It was 3 or 4 days' worth!
-Or months...
I washed up the day before.
No, you didn't.
-I did.
-No, you didn't.
-Sure I did.
-Anna, you didn't. I know.
Are you Ieaving now?
I'm not discussing
whose turn it is.
It's important, Erik.
Washing up is bourgeois!
-That's so typicaI.
-We can't be...
We can't have
a serious discussion...
if you are going
to stand around Iike that.
-What do you think?
I don't know about the others,
but I can't have a discussion...
if I'm forced to Iook at you
showing off your apparatus.
What do you mean, ''apparatus''?
What shouId I say?
Is it necessary?
I've got a fungaI infection.
-I don't give a damn.
I can't wear tight cIothes.
I don't need
medicaI expIanations.
I have to have air!
No one's forcing you to Iook.
But it's quite hard not to.
This isn't ugIy.
Or do you think it is?
Put on some pants!
Something to be hidden?
We're in a kitchen!
-Don't start again.
-This is my body!
What wouId you say
if I did the same thing?
No, Lasse. No!
No need to take
your jackets off.
We'II go in and say heIIo.
Everyone seems to be here.
Lasse, that's unnecessary.
You shouId go around Iike that.
KIas thinks it's great.
Lasse. Lasse. Lasse!
HeIIo, everyone.
It seems fairIy IiveIy here.
WeII, this is
my sister EIisabeth.
My big sister.
And EIisabeth's chiIdren.
This is Eva and Stefan.
Yes, the joker here is Lasse.
-Funny. And Anna.
And KIas.
And Signe and Sigvard.
WeII, this is us.
-Hi, hi.
There's Tet and Moon over there.
You can pIay with them Iater.
WeII, weIcome to
the big famiIy Together.
It's aIready crowded as it is.
The room was to be
for reIaxation and meditation.
Your sister is weIcome,
and her chiIdren...
but right now...
It's just temporary.
But if there are
more and more--
I know it's crazy.
But we must obIige.
SoIidarity is a word we have
to strive for in some way.
Hey, Stefan, it's onIy a whiIe.
How Iong?
A whiIe.
TiII we find something eIse.
How Iong wiII that be?
I don't know.
I don't want to Iive here.
-Aren't I going to go to schooI?
-Of course.
How wiII I get there?
Goran wiII give you a Iift.
I don't want to go
in his ugIy bus!
WeII, this is how it is now.
What are you doing, Fredrik?
Looking at some birds
in the garden.
Come and Iook, Ragnar.
There's more.
It's crazy.
Can one reaIIy house so many
in the same pIace?
WeII, what do you think?
Are we aII going to stay here?
Yes. It'II be good.
AII three of us? I don't want
to be in the same room as her.
Maybe it's cramped--
I toId you not to fight!
Oh, God,
everything is too much.
No, take it easy. This is fine.
I'II taIk to Lena.
I'II sort it out.
Goran, is there
a brain up there?
But there are three of them.
Maybe we don't need
such a big room.
No way I'm changing.
Not after painting it
with the coIors I want.
This is our room. That's it.
You're right.
Goran, you're the worId's
nicest, sweetest, kindest...
but you must think as weII.
I've come up with something.
I've fixed a room for you.
Your own room. ShaII we Iook?
It's a IittIe smaII.
But it couId be reaIIy cozy
if you had a nice Iamp...
put up some posters
and fix it up.
It couId be cozy,
don't you think?
We couId put some coIor
on the waIIs.
It couId be reaIIy cozy.
Why do you have girIs' shoes?
-They're not.
-They are.
-Not at aII.
-They are.
I know better.
They're gym shoes.
They're girIs' gym shoes.
They're not.
Don't you see weII?
They're girIs' shoes.
BIoody fascist!
-It's good.
-It's very good.
-You Iike it?
-What's this?
Some kind of pea.
-More, Stefan?
-No, thanks.
Must we have beans
in everything aII the time?
What have you done
to your hand?
Have you been
weIding badIy again?
No, I haven't.
Erik works as a weIder.
He wanted to be a Iibrarian...
but his party thought he shouId
be amongst the workers.
You can just shut up.
It's just so stupid,
as Erik's no weIder.
He's the cIumsiest person
I've ever met.
-He just hits and burns himseIf.
-You know nothing.
Can I taIk to EIisabeth?
Are you so handy
yourseIf, Lasse?
HeIIo, RoIf.
CouId I taIk to EIisabeth,
I said.
Perhaps it's best
to wait a few days.
You got it your way?
You happy now?
I'm fighting.
I'm where the common man is.
I'm trying to do something.
Don't Iook at them.
Don't Iisten to them.
I'm with the common peopIe.
I'm not rotting at a university.
Isn't it wrong
to rot at a university?
I'm not rotting!
Don't Iisten to this.
Are you happy now?
I don't understand.
You've spIit up the famiIy?
You want that,
you and your commie friends?!
I don't understand.
Laugh, go ahead.
But this is serious, get it?
I promise you, you'II see.
You'II reaIIy see.
-Let's go.
-What a bad scene.
When the revoIution starts.
Then you'II see who's Iaughing.
Yes, Moon, we'II eat Iater.
Was he angry?
Yes, you couId say so.
There's no pIace for the upper
cIass after the revoIution.
I'm not upper cIass.
Put you up
against the waII and...
Didn't you hear me?
Your dad is
a bank director, Erik.
He's not my dad anymore.
Oh, shit, sorry. I forgot.
Erik stopped aII contact
with his famiIy.
Even changed his name.
He had a nobIe name before.
And now?
You can sit and Iaugh,
but this is serious.
You understand? Then you'II be
standing against the waII.
-Fucking traitors!
-Erik, take it easy.
You don't get it,
damn phiIistines!
God, you're mean. Erik!
Don't be so hard on him.
He means weII.
Don't be so negative
about everyone.
You shouIdn't be so positive.
Forget them. Don't worry.
They don't have
the same fire as you.
No, they don't.
They don't understand you.
That you burn.
No, no...
SIeep weII.
See you Iater.
I'm just going to go and taIk
to Goran and the others.
Then I'II come back again.
Don't turn it down.
There are chiIdren sIeeping.
-They're not bothered by it.
-Yes, they are.
In the beginning,
he hit me once.
It was just a sIap.
Then I said, ''You do it
once more and I'II Ieave you.''
So he didn't do it again.
So, yesterday...
-weII, I Ieft him.
-I don't know.
-AbsoIuteIy. It was brave.
I don't know. It's not easy.
I Iove him...I think.
Do you want to kiss me?
Yes, but...
I shouIdn't do it.
Why not?
But you're sad.
But...we can't do it anyway.
Are you thinking of Goran?
It makes no difference to him.
We have an open reIationship.
But it's...
Do you want to?
He's a IittIe sad as weII.
Yes, but...
Yeah, OK.
Thanks. I Iove you.
No, it was nothing.
What is it?
No, it was--
It's nothing.
Hey, we can do what we Iike.
-Can't we just taIk instead?
-What shaII we taIk about?
This is pre-sociaIism.
It's a course book.
EIementary Course.
Sounds reaIIy interesting.
Can't we do it Iater?
I'd Iike to discuss it.
Like, what differentiates...
the terms ''surpIus vaIue''
and ''profit''?
We can discuss it Iater.
Let's cuddIe a IittIe now.
-You promise?
-I promise.
ReaIIy? Do you?
I have to say, I Iike you...
what you've done.
You're a strong woman.
-I don't know.
-You are.
Don't Iisten to her.
Anna is dangerous!
She got it in her head
she's a Iesbian.
Don't Iisten to her, because she
actuaIIy just wants to fuck you!
What the heII are you saying?
She thinks she's a Iesbian.
Stop saying that!
I am a Iesbian!
You're Iesbian
for poIiticaI reasons.
Thoughts about
the patriarchy...
and aII men are pigs.
-And aII that crap.
Keep your daughter away
before she--
What are you fucking doing?!
-Jesus! Damn.
Did you hurt yourseIf?
Oh, dear.
How you doing?
-You stiII Iove her, huh?
They just got divorced.
They fight aII the time.
It's aIways Iike this.
But she was a Iesbian.
Yes, but she's become one
quite recentIy.
WeII, Tet is
their chiId, but...
Anna was in therapy
and reaIized she was a Iesbian.
Come on, Iet's dance.
No, no.
-Yes, come on.
It's nice. Come on.
Yeah, come on!
It's great music. Come on!
What the heII. OK.
No, no.
Have some wine!
-Come and sit down.
No, I'II go to the basement
and do some woodwork.
-I think I'm going to bed.
-Good night.
-Good night, Goran. SIeep weII.
Oh, God!
Have you ever tried meditating?
Meditation? No.
You must try it.
You mean, you and I?
Yes, in my room.
No. Oh, no.
It's wonderfuI. It's the best.
I'II show you. It's the best.
AII right.
You want to? Let's go.
Hi. Are you sIeeping?
-You want some wine?
I usuaIIy take it.
They don't notice.
Your name's Stefan, huh?
Mine is Tet.
It's from Vietnam.
There was a war there...
and something caIIed
the ''Tet Offensive.''
Are you from Vietnam?
Don't you want some wine?
Are you drunk?
I don't get so drunk
'cause I usuaIIy drink...
and then you don't get drunk.
-Don't you want a cigarette?
Is your mom a Iesbian?
My mom is, and is probabIy
in Iove with yours.
This isn't working.
Hey, this isn't working.
I feeI reaIIy stupid.
There's so many thoughts
in my head.
Maybe we don't need
to cIose our eyes and sit stiII.
We couId just sit
and taIk a IittIe.
You couId read my paIm!
I don't know how to.
But I can't!
Here's the Iife Iine, and--
I don't know how to.
-It's not the same.
Eva? Eva?
I'm sIeeping. Go away.
You know where Mom is?
No. Go away, I said.
Mom, where are you?!
Are you awake? I've just been--
I've just been in there.
It's aII right.
You're staying
with me now, huh?
You're not Ieaving now?
No, I'm not going anywhere.
I'm staying here.
I've thought about something.
The bank wieIds huge
bIoody frightening power.
But if aII the workers
got together...
and took out every cent,
the whoIe system wouId coIIapse.
Not so?
I don't know. Maybe.
I shouId probabIy Ieave now.
-We were going to taIk now.
Not now,
in the middIe of the night.
We were going to taIk.
You promised.
I must go in to Goran.
You promised we'd taIk.
I promise we'II do it tomorrow.
-We were going to taIk!
-I'm sorry, but--
You promised
we'd taIk afterwards.
-But, Erik!
I didn't mean anything bad.
You broke a promise.
You're just Iike
everyone eIse here.
You Iie. You know nothing.
I didn't mean it Iike that.
It was so nice.
I had an orgasm.
I had the first orgasm
of my Iife.
I know I said it that time,
but it was--
I don't think
that was a reaI orgasm.
This was something different.
It just gushed.
It was incredibIe.
Sorry. Are you upset?
No, no. A IittIe, maybe.
But mostIy I'm happy.
ReaIIy happy for you.
-Is that true?
-Yes, of course.
I know you've been
worried you can't...
I couId just totaIIy reIax.
There wasn't that much emotion.
I don't Iove him...
so I think it was easier
not to be tense.
That sounds pIausibIe.
That's probabIy how it is.
God, it was so nice.
It's reaIIy great for you.
Don't worry.
He doesn't mean anything.
AbsoIuteIy nothing.
It's just physicaI.
It's you that I Iove.
I Iove you.
Hey, how are you?
I don't know.
I feeI a IittIe...
I don't know.
We're sIeeping in here!
Shit, I just feII asIeep!
Tet needs to sIeep.
CIose the door!
It's OK.
I must have eaten something.
Shut the door.
No, sociaIism for me is...
aIways thinking about
who is strong and who is weak.
Like America dropping
napaIm bombs on Vietnam...
or sharehoIders and bankers
sitting on their arses...
earning miIIions...
whiIst the workers bareIy have
enough for food and rent.
But right now
the weak are rising up.
The poor rising up
against the rich...
women against men.
AII of us here are revoIting...
against the bourgeois way
of Iiving.
I don't judge about it
I just don't want
to be Iike my mom.
I mean, I instinctiveIy feeI
I want Ioads more out of Iife...
than just being
someone's housewife.
I'd Iove to be a housewife.
I must find a man first.
You'II find someone,
you'II see.
I'm starting to doubt it.
He's here somewhere,
I promise.
Yes, teII your ex
that I'm avaiIabIe.
That'II be quite difficuIt.
Yes. No one wants me.
Of course they do.
Yeah, but where is he?
Some peopIe say...
that you get a sort of
desperate Iook or something...
after a whiIe.
Maybe that's what's happened.
Just pretend it won't happen,
then it wiII.
When you don't think about it.
When you have someone--
At the post office with Goran,
Ioads of guys Iook.
Then severaI want you.
It's more compIicated with me.
It's not Iike everyone
at the post office...
-It suits you.
-You think so?
-It's reaIIy nice.
How many ministers in the
Swedish government are women?
ProbabIy not that many.
NiI. Not a singIe one.
No, I knew it, I knew it.
They're aII guys.
You know what I think?
I think you and I...
we'II go to that bIoody
OIof PaIme, and I'II say...
''It's over. You can go,
because we ruIe now.''
It's an important symboI.
That we women
take back our power...
and decide ourseIves
how we Iook.
RoIf wouId think I was crazy.
No, there you have it.
What the heII.
I'II stop shaving.
Fucking RoIf.
I'm going to show you.
I just thought
I'd say...heIIo...
because I Iive here.
I'm Fredrik.
I'm Eva.
I'm Eva.
I have 4.5.
My gIasses.
Have you?
VisuaI defect, that is.
PIus 4.5.
PIus 4.5?
I've got that, too.
Have you?
In both eyes?
I never met anyone
with exactIy the same.
No, me neither.
It's exactIy the same!
Yes, there's no difference.
Imagine if we reaIIy changed
and went around Iike this.
How ugIy.
Who's that?
My mom. Here, change.
HeIIo. What are you doing?
We're just taIking a bit.
I thought you were
in your room.
We're going.
I don't think they're...
We don't think they're nice.
We don't think so.
No, no.
I'm not aIIowed to be here.
But I thought...
if you want to,
we can go somewhere eIse.
Maybe we can...
Maybe we can go to my house.
You know
''The ChiIdren Of Noisy ViIIage''?
I thought that--
In that book,
it's just Iike in this house.
Because they say they'II think
the opposite of everything.
Like, who decided it's nice
when the sun shines...
and awfuI when it rains?
They decide it shouId be
the opposite.
So they say, ''AwfuI''
when it's sunny...
and ''How wonderfuI''
when it rains.
It's just Iike that
in this house.
We have ugIy cIothes
and we Iisten to bad music.
And there's one of them--
Anna--who's a homosexuaI.
She won't Iike guys
'cause everyone eIse does.
Are you going to meditate?
No, I'm just going
to teII you something.
I'm just going
to whisper something.
-How are things?
I care for you.
I'm worried about you.
We'd make such a nice coupIe--
Lasse and KIasse.
Sorry, I'm not interested.
Don't say that.
Maybe you have
some unknown side.
Have you got any dark sides?
I'm sorry, I'm not interested.
How's it feeI? Is it rough?
You have to Iet it out.
You must be aIIowed to be sad.
That's enough. Go to bed.
I shouId reaIIy hate you
because you're so...
Yes...but I don't.
I think you're wonderfuI.
You're aIso reaIIy wonderfuI.
I'm going to bed anyway.
I think so, as weII.
Dad, it's me.
You couId say
that we are Iike porridge.
First we're Iike
smaII oat fIakes--
smaII, dry, fragiIe, aIone.
But then we're cooked
with the other oat fIakes...
and become soft.
We join so that one fIake can't
be toId apart from another.
We're aImost dissoIved.
Together we become
a big porridge...
that's warm,
tasty, and nutritious...
and yes, quite beautifuI, too.
So we are no Ionger smaII
and isoIated...
but we have become warm, soft,
and joined together.
Part of something
bigger than ourseIves.
Sometimes Iife feeIs Iike
an enormous porridge...
don't you think?
I'm standing around dreaming.
-You want a doIIop?
You can stop here somewhere.
Of course I'II drive you
aII the way.
You don't have to go
aII the way.
Of course I'II drive you
aII the way.
HeIIo. Who drove?
Was it your new dad?
Answer. Are you deaf as weII?
Give the gIasses back.
Give the gIasses back.
Give the gIasses back!
Stefan, what have you done?
You bIoody idiot!
I was at my friend's house,
my best friend Sussie...
and some friends and I
were dancing and we feII over.
The gIasses feII on the fIoor
and she sat on them.
-Yes, she's quite cIumsy.
Then I had to tape them
because they snapped here.
I'm surprised
you couId come so quickIy.
When I came in,
water was pouring out.
The washer's gone.
You want a beer
when you're done?
Yes, thanks.
Oh, Christ.
It's aII just shit.
It's just shit.
But just after the divorce...
then I thought I was--
Life starts now,
the worId is open...
there's freedom now,
and aII of that.
Women to the right and Ieft...
no arguments or nagging.
I couId do what I Iiked.
But it just turned out shit.
There were not
that many women, either.
There's strength
in being aIone--
That's just buIIshit.
OnIy thing worth anything
is being together.
And then Kerstin
met some bIoody--
some bIoody accountant.
So what use is my fucking
freedom when it's just shit?
The kids...
Jesus Christ.
What about the kids?
Do you get to see them?
But you must.
They're your kids as weII,
not so?
Yes, I know that.
You do that.
Go right now and caII
and say you want to see them.
I don't know.
You can't give up so easiIy.
Yeah. But I don't know.
Look at me.
Do you want to be Iike me?
My Iife is just shit,
you know what I mean?
Maybe I shouId, then.
You see anything?
I don't know.
Three dishes.
Three different ones.
That'II be good, I think.
Just going to the toiIet.
How are things there...
with Goran?
They're stupid.
What? They're stupid?
-They don't have a TV.
-They don't?
You can't eat meat...
and you can't have
Christmas presents.
No, no.
They say it's wrong
to ceIebrate it.
Instead they have some party
with aIcohoIics and poor peopIe.
Christmas is--
Of course you shouId ceIebrate!
So we don't get
any Christmas presents.
Of course you shouId.
Not us, the others.
No arsehoIe wiII decide...
if my kids shouId have
presents or not.
We'II go there and I'II
teII them a thing or two.
Of course you'II have
Christmas presents!
I feeI Iike teIIing them
a thing or two.
My kids wiII have presents!
Sorry, sorry.
Let's not taIk about it.
I just get angry.
When we've eaten,
we'II buy some.
If anyone dares take them
from you, they'II get heII.
So, Iet's taIk about
something eIse.
Is it good?
-What do you want?
-It's not Christmas now.
You want the car...
that Ronnie Pettersson drives,
don't you?
What's the make of the car?
-You'II get a Lotus.
Eva, do you want a doII?
No, just kidding.
You're a big Iady now.
Damn. Shit, I Iost my waIIet.
I must have Ieft it
at the restaurant.
I'II run back. Wait here.
I'm coming. Wait there.
I sat here, and I think...
I forgot my waIIet here.
-Have you seen a waIIet?
It couId have faIIen down.
You haven't seen a waIIet?
No, I assure you.
Damn it.
I Iost my waIIet. You seen it?
Do you understand?
I sat there and Iost my waIIet!
Who's the manager? You?
Someone has taken my waIIet...
and I want it now.
I want my waIIet now!
You'II have to wait a IittIe.
What? I want my waIIet!
Don't you get it?
Hey, you get it?
I want my waIIet! My waIIet!
One, two, three,
and it'II aII go off!
Stay there! Stay!
You must Ieave now.
You standing there grinning,
you fuck! You grinning at me?
Fuck! OK! It's OK!
-Lie down on the fIoor.
-Yes, it's OK.
-Anything sharp on you?
-No! They've taken my waIIet.
Come on, Iet's go.
Go? We're waiting for Dad.
He's not coming.
How Iong have we been here?
You think something's happened?
My chiIdren are standing
on the street...
so can you open up now?
You must Iisten!
You understand?
Can you Iisten to me?
My chiIdren are standing
out on the street...
and I must be aIIowed
to fetch them.
Stefan, Dad is dumb.
He's probabIy gone
for a beer or something.
-He doesn't give a damn.
-That's not true.
Come on. We can't stay here.
Go if you want to.
Go on, then! BIoody idiot!
BIame yourseIf for getting
no Christmas present.
Did you just Ieave him
in the middIe of town?
Are you crazy?!
-Good night, sweetheart.
-Good night.
SIeep weII.
-Good night.
-Good night.
I Iove you both.
-Good night, Stefan.
-Good night.
Do you think
you'II be abIe to sIeep?
Wait a bit. Why's it Iike this?
Eva, you have a pink cover
and piIIow...
Stefan has a bIue piIIow
and cover.
Why do boys have bIue
and girIs pink?
It's aIways Iike that.
-Can't I change your piIIows?
-I want mine.
This is important.
You have to think about this
when you're an aduIt.
There we go.
That's reaIIy nice.
-SIeep weII.
-SIeep weII.
I thought there was a IittIe
chance it wouId work out.
So totaIIy
bIoody irresponsibIe!
Yes. Forty crowns?
Can you wait a moment?
ShouId we?
Yes, we'II take it. TeII them.
-ShouId we?
HeIIo? Yes,
we'II come straight over.
Anna bought something here
for 3.50...
without writing down
what it was.
They're going to be
reaIIy happy.
We'd decided
we wouIdn't have a TV.
Don't make a fuss.
It's for the chiIdren.
-We weren't going to--
-Yes, but the chiIdren want it.
It's just a secondhand
but a TV anyway.
It's reaIIy nice.
Great, huh, Stefan?
See if it works.
What do you think?
Have you just bought it?
-I think I know!
-You do?
I think the perch shouId go.
Yes, the perch.
-I think the squirreI shouId go.
Because he cIimbs trees.
I think the grouse.
-Because it can fIy?
-But so can the ostrich.
No, they can't.
Maybe the fish. It can swim
and the squirreI can't.
Is that your decision? Is it?
It's wrong! It's wrong!
We had big expectations
of this coIIective.
But we can't go on.
We've decided to move
to Mother Earth.
Just because of
an oId, shitty TV?
Of course it's not just the TV.
Yes, is it
Pippi Longstocking again?
Pippi Longstocking?
They thought we shouId
throw it away...
because Pippi is a capitaIist.
She's a materiaIist as weII.
-She is!
-It's a chiIdren's book!
There's nothing to discuss.
Just read the book.
The eternaI search after things.
Things, things, things.
Then this big bag
of goId coins.
You're crazy.
Pippi is fucking great!
-CaIm down.
-You're speaking aggressiveIy.
We couId cite severaI exampIes
in a caIm manner.
Like when Lasse
started growing cannabis...
on haIf the potato patch.
It was one pIant.
It upsets me.
On the one hand...
I understand when you say
we shouId distance ourseIves...
but on the other hand,
you shouId--
Don't you hear how you sound?
''On the one hand,
on the other hand...''
You want to pIease everyone.
It wiII end with you
breaking in two.
You can't go on Iike that.
Drive carefuIIy.
It's better you arrive Iater
than not at aII.
-Goodbye, Lasse.
Goodbye. We won't miss you.
Can't we pIay footbaII?
Yes, footbaII!
Come on! FootbaII!
What teams?
GirIs against the guys!
Aren't you pIaying? Stefan?
No, I can't.
Of course you can. Come on.
I'm so bad.
We aII are. It doesn't matter.
Come on, Eva!
Stefan, you're on that team.
-Pass, Mom!
-WeII done, Tet!
-Come on, Goran!
-Why shout? They scored.
-But it was great.
-BriIIiant, Stefan!
-You're not on my team.
That doesn't matter.
What a shot!
HeIIo, is that Eva?
Hi, it's Dad.
I...I don't know.
I'm reaIIy sorry
it turned out Iike that.
Is that reaI Lego?
Yes, of course.
I haven't got any Lego.
Haven't you?
No. Dad was to make Lego
out of wood for me...
but he onIy made two pieces.
Can I try?
Yeah, you can.
Have you got a pistoI?
I'm not aIIowed
to have war toys.
I shot him.
No, he can't die so easiIy.
Try again.
It was a grenade.
Now he died, anyway.
Say you Iike Pinochet!
Shut up!
I want to switch.
I want to be Pinochet.
Here come the shocks!
Say you Iike Pinochet!
Say it!
Never! You can put needIes
under my naiIs, too.
You know what I thought?
We never eat meat.
I thought we couId do something.
We want meat!
We want meat!
Yes! I agree with them.
It's not that
the food is horribIe...
but we couId have
a IittIe meat.
Living in a coIIective...
doesn't mean you have
to reject everything.
Anna, say something.
We want meat! We want meat!
OK, chiIdren, you win.
Take money from the housekeeping
and go and buy a hot dog each.
LittIe deviIs.
Buy one for me, too, Stefan.
With ketchup.
Goran, reIax.
It just a IittIe meat.
You Iiked meat before.
Of course you did!
Pork cutIets at Mom's
every Sunday!
-Of course you did!
-Exposed, Goran!
We wouId Iike
eight hot dogs, thanks.
-Eight hot dogs?
-Eight it is.
This is reaIIy good.
Is her name Turid?
Is she Swedish?
I Iike her voice.
It's good, isn't it?
I'II get my favorite.
Want to hear it?
I'II go and fetch it.
It's good, isn't it?
No. You reaIIy Iike this?
It's so romantic.
Tet is sIeeping.
How are you?
You shouIdn't be
so scared of me.
-I'm not.
-You know what you're scared of?
What aII you heterosexuaI men
are scared of.
That it wiII be as nice
with a man.
Yes, that's it, that's it!
You think that--
Yes, you--
Shh. Tet's sIeeping.
You cIose your eyes, and there's
someone bIowing you...
and it's so...
unbeIievabIy wonderfuI.
And when you open your eyes,
you see...
it's not a woman,
it's a man.
-You understand?
Of course you do.
It's the same thing.
It's not. I don't understand
why we're discussing this.
I think your wife
has understood something...
which you have not.
Which is?
That there is no difference.
We're aII peopIe.
We can't be dividing ourseIves.
We're the same.
We can't have barriers
Iike that. Why shouId we?
It's nice that you and my wife
are peopIe without barriers.
I have my barriers,
and I'm very happy with them.
-Have you tried it?
How can you know?
Shit, KIasson.
AII right, we'II do it
Iike this. Stop it.
Just to show you how free
and wonderfuI I am...
we'II do Iike this.
Go on, heIp yourseIf.
You can do what you Iike.
Do what you want.
If you get it erect, you've won.
Otherwise, I'm a normaI man.
You've got one minute.
If you say it, I'II do it.
Do it for reaI? For reaI?
Go ahead and we'II see.
Do you read this--
''The ProIetarian''?
It's from the Communist-Marxist-
Leninist RevoIutionary League.
We pubIish it. Do you know us?
We have a meeting
tomorrow night. Want to come?
No, I don't think so.
No? Forget it, then.
WeII, it's nice here.
Are you interested in poIitics?
Aren't you interested
in poIitics?
You mean that, on the whoIe,
you don't care about poIitics?
Do you know the C.M.L.R.L.?
RevoIutionary League?
You shouId actuaIIy come
to a meeting sometime.
Do you want to?
It's not for me.
I think it is.
Don't you think it wouId be
better if we made fIats here?
There are 400 rooms. There are
peopIe with nowhere to Iive.
Go home.
I don't feeI Iike taIking.
Be with the peopIe.
We have a head of state
that inherits his titIe.
Is that right? No.
This stupid bIack Iine--
Can I pass it?
Look, I'm doing it.
Go back one step.
And if I have one foot over
and don't touch the ground?
The air is free.
I can stand Iike this.
Don't take this personaIIy...
but you're so fucking stupid,
so duped.
Arise, you workers
from your sIumbers
Arise, ye prisoners of want
For reason in revoIt
now thunders
You not working today?
What are you doing?
WeII, you can see.
CIeaning up.
-ShaII we cuddIe a IittIe?
-Yes, pIease. Come.
-Yes. PIease, come on.
-No, we won't.
-Come on, we'II cuddIe. Come.
-No, no!
Sorry. You're so boring.
ReaIIy? Fine, then.
What is it?
He's moved.
Erik. He's moved.
-Read it yourseIf.
He couId have
stayed here with us!
Hey, honey...
I miss him so much aIready.
God, I miss him.
Hey, IittIe darIing.
It'II be aII right. Huh?
Maybe he'II come back.
You can taIk
as much as you Iike...
about having
an open reIationship...
but it doesn't work.
You can't be together
with a girI...
who Iies crying
over another guy.
-No, I don't know.
-You can't.
-You don't think so?
-No, you can't.
I know.
One day you must say stop!
Maybe so.
You must say stop,
you understand?
Here's some food.
What the heII
are you doing?!
Are you crazy?! What's this?!
You're mad, Goran!
I didn't mean to. I'm sorry.
-You must cIean this up!
-Yes, sorry. God.
Wipe this up! It's disgusting!
Fetch some paper right now!
-BIoody madman.
-Oh, dear.
-Hi, can I come in?
My goodness.
How cozy it is in here!
I'd aIso Iike to be
as oId as you.
How oId are you?
-Thirteen, right?
God, how wonderfuI. And you?
I'm fourteen.
If I was your age,
I couId be your friend...
and we couId sit here
Iike paIs.
Can you heIp Goran
set the tabIe?
Yes, I'm coming.
Is she hard work?
Moms can be such bIoody
hard work, huh?
How oId do you think I am?
I don't know.
Do you think
I'm just an oId Iady?
No, not an oId Iady.
Do you think I'm pretty?
Have you ever seen
a pair of these?
Do you think they're ugIy?
Maybe they've started
sagging a bit.
Hey...I think
you're reaIIy sweet.
ReaIIy. You seem so nice.
If I was fourteen...
I'd probabIy be reaIIy,
reaIIy, reaIIy in Iove with you.
I taIk such rubbish.
I won't disturb you any more.
I'II Ieave.
I'm going home to eat now.
-Are you in Iove with him?
I think he's in Iove with you.
There's something that...
-I think...
I think...
I think I'm in Iove.
-Are you?
I don't think she...
you know...
-Maybe you know who it is?
AIthough I don't think
she Iikes me.
It's Lena.
What? Lena?
I know it's reaIIy stupid.
She's so oId and I'm so IittIe.
-It probabIy won't work.
-I don't know.
No, it's stupid.
It's so siIIy, reaIIy.
Hi, there.
It's so nice and cozy here.
What's up with her?
Is she angry?
I don't know.
Did I come and disturb you?
I'm so bIoody drunk.
You're so cute.
Such smooth cheeks.
I'II just take off
your gIasses.
So now you can't see
how oId I am.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to--
I have to go.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!
I'm going to bed.
I'm not in Iove
with Lena anymore.
She's disgusting.
WeII, good night.
-Where the heII have you been?
-At Eva's.
What are you doing?
Are you crazy?
Fredrik, how are you?
Oh, Iook. Your gIasses.
Go to bed
and we'II sort it out tomorrow.
What are you up to?
Are you crazy?
I haven't seen them before.
It must be Fredrik that--
He probabIy got them
from that Eva.
Ragnar, I know very weII
what you are up to...
when you do ''woodwork,''
as you put it.
I accept that.
You don't find me
very attractive anymore.
But I don't accept that
you put the bIame on Fredrik.
-That's the Iowest.
-Margit, Iisten--
But Margit--
Can I sIeep here?
My dad hit me.
Now we have the same tape
on our gIasses as weII.
I have to confess something.
I made that up...
about my gIasses breaking
when I was dancing.
I know.
I understood that.
But it doesn't matter...
because I have
no friends, either.
Apart from you, that is.
We're just going to sIeep
next to each other, aren't we?
-Nothing eIse?
Good night.
Good night.
I don't understand.
It's damn strange.
I tightened this,
and now it's just...
You haven't been
messing with it?
-No? No one eIse?
Anyway, it's repaired now.
So it shouId hoId a whiIe.
It was nice taIking Iast time.
It's not so often
someone comes to visit.
So I have to confess...
I actuaIIy unscrewed that.
I unscrewed it
so you'd come here to fix it...
and we couId taIk some more.
Maybe it was siIIy.
Are you angry?
Unscrewing it...
Are you nuts?
Do you want a beer?
No, a cup of coffee
wouId be good.
I'II put it on.
BIoody fooI.
Mom and Dad were farmhands,
so it was tough.
Pure heII, you couId say.
Sometimes we onIy had porridge
morning, noon, and night.
And cramped. Eighteen peopIe
Iived in two smaII rooms.
Yes, we were eighteen at most.
Two famiIies sharing
two smaII rooms.
The toiIet was in the yard.
A Iot has improved,
that's true.
I don't have to eat porridge
every day.
If I want to spIash out...
I just have to go down
and buy a pork cutIet.
I wonder if it wasn't
more fun then.
We had each other.
I think that...
IoneIiness is the most
awfuI thing in this worId.
Yes, probabIy.
Rather eat porridge together
than a pork cutIet aIone.
AIthough I don't know
if RockefeIIer wouId agree.
He'd probabIy eat
the pork cutIet.
Beef fiIIet.
Of course. He probabIy
doesn't eat pork cutIets.
Sausages and mash!
I honestIy didn't think
we'd experience this here.
-Fredrik, you can sit here.
-Great, Tet!
-It Iooks reaIIy good.
-Do we dare eat it?
We want Coca-CoIa as weII.
No, we draw the Iine there.
We don't support
muItinationaI pigs.
We have to have Iimits.
WouId you Iike some?
Yes, pIease.
I miss them so bIoody much.
Don't know what to do.
No, RoIf.
We can't have it Iike this.
Let's go to EIisabeth
and taIk to her.
Yes, it's not up
for discussion.
She'II get mad.
She doesn't want me there.
Then we'II stop on the way
and buy some fIowers for her.
Look at your mom, Tet!
Look at me, Iook at me.
Aren't I nice?
-You Iook mad.
-Good, Tet.
Look, I've got Iipstick on.
You shouId aIways have makeup.
It's great.
I don't know.
Go on.
Out you go.
Take the fIowers.
I'II come with you. Out you go.
-I'm coming, too.
-OK, OK.
EIisabeth, you have a visitor.
It's RoIf.
-Is Dad here?
-Is he outside?
HeIIo. What are you doing here?
I thought I'd--
No, I don't want to.
I'II be a better man now.
I've stopped drinking.
I'II never, never,
never hit you again.
Don't give up now.
Why's Dad here?
I don't know.
I can't Iive without you.
God, aII aduIts are idiots.
Yes, I know.
Can't we Iook at TV?
No, I don't want to.
But it's ''Baretta'' soon,
I think.
But I don't want to.
Can't we pIay war, then?
Can't we pIay torture?
It's been ages.
No, I don't want to.
What do you want me to do,
cut my hands off?!
Go away!
I don't want to see you!
What shaII I do?
What shaII I do?
Go away! It's over!
EIisabeth! What shaII I do?!
I don't want to see you!
It's over!
You got it? It's over!
It's over!
What are you doing?!
Goran, Iet me go!
Take your stuff
and get out of here!
You can't step aII over peopIe!
You're tearing up my souI!
Goran, caIm down.
-Take it.
I never want to see you again!
Got it?
No, Goran!
Fucking Iet me in!
You can't do this to me!
Open up!
Take your things!
Get the heII away!
I'm sick of you and your stuff!
I never want to see you again!
Got that?!
What have I done?
What shouId I do? Sorry!
ShaII I Iet her in?
What happened?
ShaII I Iet her in?
can I come to your pIace?
Can I?
I want to come right now.
I want to come home.
ShaII we go?
Yes, we may as weII.
-Hi. HeIIo.
I can Iet you in if you want.
Mom doesn't want that,
you see.
I'II sit here
untiI she changes her mind.
I'm waiting here.
I can wait a Iong time.
TeII her that.
Jump in if you want.
-This is Birger. He's my friend.
-I'II take a waIk.
-It's freezing.
No probIem.
I'II take a IittIe waIk.
I've got something for you.
A IittIe something.
What can it be?
-A Lotus.
My pIeasure.
I've got something
for Eva as weII.
A Ted Gardestad record.
She Iikes him, huh?
You can give it to her.
And then I've got
this bouquet for Mom.
Can you give it to her?
Put it in water.
-So they don't wiIt.
Hey, Stefan...
I've behaved
Iike a bIoody idiot.
I know. It's as if
I haven't had a brain.
But I Iove you.
You know that, don't you?
I Iove you.
I Iove Mom and I Iove Eva.
-Is he sIeeping?
Can I get in?
Yes, sure.
Lasse, we must speak.
Some other time.
-No, I want to taIk now.
-Leave now!
-Is someone Iying here?
Quite a Iot has happened
since I moved.
Just so you know.
I've stopped shaving
under my arms.
-Because I have.
And I'm a sociaIist.
So am I.
You're SociaI Democrat.
Big difference.
I'm not moving.
I Iike it here.
I'm going to start working.
I'II never again be
some bIoody housewife...
who washes dishes,
Iooks after the kids...
and waits on some spoiIed man.
Do you think there's
any chance that we...
I don't know.
Did you wash up?
-It was messy.
I just want to say thanks
for the record.
Don't mention it.
It's reaIIy good.
Don't mention it.
This song is reaIIy great.
Fredrik, your mom is here.
I just wanted to know
how you were.
I'm fine.
I'm not coming back,
if that's what you think.
How are you?
I don't know.
Can I ask you something?
Have you ever tried meditating?
Meditating? No.
You reaIIy shouId try it.
It wouId be good for you.
Are your mom and dad
together again?
I don't know.
Are you going to move now?
I don't know. I hope not.
You know what?
Your dad couId Iive here, too.
You couId aII Iive here.
Yes, I hope so.
-Are you pIaying footbaII?
-Can I join in?
You can't pIay
when it's snowing.
OK, pass. Pass!
Can I aIso join in?
Go on, pass!
Good, Stefan. No!
-Good, KIas.
-Me, too!
-He's in!
Goran, you're with us.
In the snow?
-ShaII we join in?
-No, I can't pIay footbaII.
Yes, everyone can.
I'm in goaI,
I'm in goaI!
Good, Stefan!
I don't understand.
They scored.
Doesn't matter.
It was a super goaI!
OK, Goran. I Iike you.
I Iike you, too.
Sorry, I forgot. I'm sorry.
No probIem.
I was just Ieaving.
Just thought I'd say bye.
-You're not going to pIay?
-No, no.
PIay some footbaII?
Yes, come on.
You're on our team.
There's me and Stefan,
and our goaI is...