Tim (1979) Movie Script

Oh! Dang!
Something the matter?
Oh my God! Ned hasn't been here for a
month, now he can't come for another week.
Aren't they all the same.
Oh look! I'm sorry about all
the dust all over your bushes.
But the builder has just finished
my new driveway today.
Thank heavens.
I never saw such a mess.
Oh, we're off now Mrs Parker.
Hope you're happy with the job.
Let young Tim to tidy up. So if
you want anything, just tell him.
Bye now.
Same thing everyday. The poor little
bugger always gets all the dirty work.
Hi Tim!
Throw the hose over Ms Horton's
bushes before you go, will you dear?
- That's a good boy. Right?
- Right on Mrs Parker.
Good looking isn't he?
Not over bright, mind you.
But a nice kid.
You must have seen
him working around here.
No, I haven't.
Ah, of course.
You'd always left for the office before
the builders got here in the morning.
Oh anyway, sorry about the dust on your
bushes. But Tim will take care of it.
Well, things to do.
See you.
Thanks so much for doing that.
I appreciate it.
Oh, that's alright.
Would you like to do some
work around the place for me?
What kind of work?
Well, the garden's a mess.
The man who usually does it
for me hurt his back or something.
If you could just, tidy up and cut the
grass. I have a mower in the back.
- Have you?
- Would you like to do the work or not?
Pay me to do or what?
When you want me to start?
- Tomorrow morning.
- Alright. Bye.
- What's your name?
- Tim.
- Ooh! Tim Melville. Bye!
- Goodbye.
- Hi boys. Everything all right?
- Yeah, thanks.
- Yeah.
- Yeah. Your box too.
- Hi.
- Hi kid.
Another mini for Tim, love.
Oh, make it all around.
You like where you've been?
Oh, finished that job today and
Harry left us behind to tidy up.
It was the overtime.
- Got another job too.
- Yeah.
- Can I have another one, dad?
- Well, take it easy.
You drink fast like
that, you'll get pissed.
Well, sorry.
I was thirsty. Can I?
Oh, in a minute.
Where's the other job?
Lady next door wants
me to cut the grass.
- Next door to where?
- Next door to where we were today.
Now where does she
want the grass cut, Tim?
Front, back or otherwise, heh?
Shut your big trap, Billy. Tim don't
understand that kind of talk.
- Sorry, well I was only kidding.
- Well, done!
Did you say you'll do the job?
Shut up, or I'll flatten you!
- Did you?
- Tomorrow morning.
Extra money would come in handy.
- What sort of a lady is she?
- Aw, you know, sort of an older lady.
- Lives in a big place.
- I know that is.
- Rich old biddy?
- I don't know. Drives a big car back.
She's a real nice lady.
Well, they're all nice
as long as I'll be in it.
Can't you get your
mind on something else?
Want another beer?
Good a choice you have.
- Gather around, please boys.
- Okay.
Sit here.
Hi mom!
- Hello, mother.
- Don't mother me.
- You didn't ruin.
- Oh, you're saving him.
- What's to eat?
- As if you'd learn when you pull a beer.
- Yum, you have the usual.
- And that's usually one too many.
It's Friday.
What do you always get on a Friday?
Fish and chips.
As usual.
Now get that in here.
I like fish and chips.
Didn't matter what I
gave you, Tim, would it?
You'd always say
it was your favourite.
Catch up with you later.
There's a good movie on the
telly. Don't want to miss it.
Yes love.
Get your father a glass.
I'm having a drink.
Good boy.
- Who is it?
- Me.
Who? Who is it?
Who is that?
Me. Tim.
Tim Melville.
- Hello.
- Hello.
- You know what time it is?
- Hmm. 7 o'clock.
- You always start work this early?
- Every time. Monday to Friday.
- This is Saturday.
- Hmm.
Oh well. I'll show you
where the mower is.
- You think you can manage that?
- No worries. I'm good with machineries.
Well, is there anything
else you need, Mr Melville?
You keep on calling me Mr Melville.
I'm not Mr Melville.
I'm Tim Melville.
My dad is Mr Melville.
- Well, I'll leave it to you, Tim.
- Right on, Mrs...
Please. I'm not Mrs,
I'm Miss Horton.
Right on, Miss Horton.
Anything you say.
Cup of tea.
Sit down.
- How do you like your tea?
- No milk. Lots of sugar.
Do help yourself.
I just put it in
till it's sweet enough.
- Cake.
- I like chocolate cake.
Especially when it's got
a lot of cream inside.
- Good book?
- Yes. It's very interesting.
- I don't like books much.
- What do you read?
- Don't.
- You don't read anything?
- Can't.
- You can't read?
Or write.
- You went to school?
- Mmm.
But I couldn't learn, so mom and
dad didn't make me keep on going.
I'm not a fool quitting,
anyone will tell you that.
- How old were you when you left school?
- Well, about fifteen.
- How old are you now?
- Twenty four.
And a... man.
- This is good, Miss Horton.
- Please call me Mary.
I don't know.
You sure?
Well, dad says I should never call older
people anything but Mr or Mrs or Miss.
- I'm not that old.
- Huh.
Got to get back to work.
If you don't finish up you can come back
another day. Maybe next Saturday.
Oh, yes, I'd like that.
As long as dad says I can.
Oh, I like you.
I really do.
Or better than anyone except mom
and dad and Dawnie. She's my sister.
Oh, thank you. That's
very nice of you to say that.
Think nothing of it.
That was my special
imitation of a kangaroo.
Oh, that was very good, Tim.
I can tell right away.
Oh, I've finished out here, if you
want to come and take a look.
And then I'll start on the back.
Oh, please don't worry
about finishing today.
You can come back next Saturday.
If your father says it's alright.
Alright, alright.
Whatever you say.
Well, come inside and wash up.
Bathroom's right over there.
Gee, nice house.
Come take a look at the rest of it.
Lots of books.
This is a nice house.
Isn't it beautiful.
It's my favourite colour, blue.
It's very old. It belonged to my mother.
That was her favourite colour too.
The bathroom's right through there.
I left out the towel and soap for you.
Well then, thanks.
My name and address are
written on a piece of paper inside.
Would you give this to your father so
that he and mother will know who I am?
Got that. Thanks.
- Don't forget to give it to him.
- I never forget anything when I'm told.
- I didn't think you would.
- Goodbye Miss Horton.
- Mary.
- Goodbye Mary.
- Oh hi!
- Oh hi, son.
- Want a beer?
- Wouldn't mind.
Get another bottle.
- So how did it go today?
- Real good.
- Mary's nice.
- Mary?
Miss Horton.
She told me to call her that.
I did not at first, you know,
after all you said about what did
she call all the people in there.
She said it was all right.
All right isn't it?
Well, it's about how she said, son.
Did she pay you like she promised?
Twenty dollars.
- I'll look after it for you, right?
- Right.
She wants me to come
again next Saturday, too.
- Didn't you finish?
- No.
Well son, if she's willing to pay,
you can front up next Saturday.
Whatever you say, quite a bargain.
That looks nice.
Not bad, eh?
- Come up to the patio and have some tea.
- Sure.
- Get the phone, will you Tim?
- Mm.
Hello. Who?
Oh, Mary. Hello.
Oh, yeah, he's here.
Dad, it's for you.
- Who?
- Miss Horton.
Yes, Miss Horton.
That would be...
How are you?
I'm fine, thank you.
A favour?
Well, I don't see why not.
You'd like Tim to help you down
at the beach. That will be alright.
I'm sure Tim won't mind.
He enjoys working for you.
Good. Do you want to talk to him?
Just a minute.
Miss Horton wants
to talk to you again.
Yeah, that will be nice, Mary.
I'd like that.
Next weekend.
Goodbye Mary.
Did you hear that?
I'm going to the beach with Mary.
- You ever been up here before?
- No. Don't get out much. None of us do.
All, except Dawnie,
that's my sister.
She even went
overseas once for a holiday.
Have you ever been on the seas?
- I was born in America.
- Oh.
Take your bag. We're
gonna leave the car here.
- I got it.
- Good.
I have to pick up some things.
- Mr Thompson, hello.
- Hello, Ms Horton. Got your order ready.
That will be S12.10.
Make it $12 even.
This is Tim, Mr Thompson.
- Hello son.
- Hi.
We're gonna take the jeep.
Heh heh.
I've never been for a
ride on the beach before.
It's fun.
Sit down or you'll fall off.
Heh heh heh.
Oh, this is nice.
- Let me help you.
- I got it.
Well, I think that's
enough work for today.
- Would you like to go surfing?
- Oh yes!
Look, I brought my
swimming trunks like you said.
Oh good. You go change
and I'll get you some towels.
All right.
What's the matter?
You said we were going swimming.
Oh! Not me, you.
I haven't been near the water in years.
Well, you have to come
swimming with me, Mary.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I burn so easily.
But it won't be the same.
Look, I can't go swimming all by myself.
Please come swimming with me, Mary.
I don't even know if I have
a bathing suit down here.
Well, go and take a look, please.
Please go and take a look.
Alright, I'll take a look.
- You found one?
- Yes.
- Now we can go swimming.
- Yes.
How come if you live down here,
you never go to the beach?
If I live here, I'll go to
the beach everyday.
- It is beautiful, isn't it?
- Yeah.
- Where do you want me to put the chair?
- This is fine.
Are you coming?
- Ah, I'll check the water.
- Come on. Let's go in.
Let me give it a try. Wait a
minute, I forgot the shoes.
Come on.
Go on.
Come on!
- Where are you going?
- Oh, it's too cold.
- Come on back!
- Oh!
Oh! It's so cold.
- Are you coming in?
- No, I'll stay right here.
Alright, I'll go for a dip.
- Are you sure you won't come in?
- Oh, I can't. It's too cold.
Alright, let's go for
a run on the beach.
Hey, turn your lights out.
Goodbye Mary.
Thanks for taking me to the beach.
- Goodnight Tim.
- Goodbye.
So that's Mary Horton.
- Tim works for her weekends.
- Aah.
I think, that's about
enough of it for one night.
- Are you happy?
- What do you think?
Have a cup of tea, son?
No, thanks, mom. I'm sleepy.
I think I'll go to bed.
- Alright then, son.
- Goodnight mom, goodnight dad.
Goodnight son.
- Goodnight.
- Goodnight.
- Hello Dawnie.
- Oh, good day Tim.
- Been out tonight, eh?
- Yeah, with Mick.
- How did the weekend go?
- Oh, great.
I want you to see
what Mary gave me.
- How about that?
- Oh yeah.
The Wind in the Willows.
I read it at school.
It's all about animals
that talk like people.
Mary's been teaching me to read.
She says I'm doing real good.
- You want to hear me read out.
- Oh, not now, Tim. I'm a bit tired.
- Tomorrow maybe, heh?
- Alright.
- Alright Dawnie.
- Goodnight Tim. Sleep tight.
- Hello mom, hello dad.
- Oh, so late, Dawnie.
- Just saw the elusive Ms Horton.
- Ohh.
- Dropping Tim off.
- What's she like?
I didn't get much
of a look at her really.
Tim seems pretty
wrapped up with her.
Why he's so amazed as to Mary this,
Mary that, drive me up the wall.
- Do you know she's teaching him to read.
- Mm hmm.
One of my book. Should have
been a school teacher.
The Wind in the Willows.
Told us about it when he came home.
You want a cup of tea?
- Yeah, I wont mind.
- Well?
Sounds as though you're
a bit jealous of Ms Horton.
Hmm. Jealous? Me?
Well, the way you're talking.
You think she was stealing your little
brother away from you or something.
Well, who is she anyway?
We haven't met her.
Sounds nice enough on the phone.
What does she see in Tim, any how?
What do you mean,
what does she see in him?
Well, you know.
She's good to him,
that's all I know.
- Here you are.
- Oh, thanks mom.
Any way, do what
you have with tonight.
Well, the chairman of the board.
He's 92, but really sexy.
Hmm. Very funny.
What I want to know is, what
do all these blokes see in you.
Things you never do.
None of that talk in this
house, thanks very much.
Smart ass.
Come on. Who's this bloke you've
been knocking about with lately?
- Which one?
- You know the one.
The tall one.
He called you tonight.
At least he didn't stood outside.
He came to the front door.
Ah him.
Mick. Mick Harrington.
Well, as a matter of fact.
We're engaged to be married.
- Engaged.
- Christ sake!
- When did this happen?
- Tonight.
- Oh, Dawnie, I'm so happy for you.
- Jesus Christ!
He is the one, whose familys
got nothing else but money.
I don't know how we're
going to pay for the wedding.
Oh come on. That's what
I saved my money for.
Is it?
Yeah, I'm going to have a beautiful
wedding, lots of bridesmaid, the works.
- Oh, we don't want you to be ashamed of us.
- No.
No way. You've brought me up in the
best and nicest and happiest of homes.
That's why I love you both so much.
And Micks okay.
He's a bit of a sloth but I'll
soon knock that out of him.
- Oh, goodnight Dawnie.
- Goodnight Dawnie.
- Well, what do you think of that?
- I figure it's marvelous.
Well, time to clear up this all.
Oh, hard to believe.
I never thought of her husband.
She was always too
much for me, that girl.
- Mick... Mick Harrington.
- Mrs Harrington.
It came as a bit of a
shock to me. I can tell you.
- I'll give you a hand.
- Halt. No.
Don't you strain yourself.
You get off to bed.
I hope Dawnie isn't
making a mistake.
Oh, she'll be alright.
- This Mick... what's his name?
- Harrington.
- Seems a bit of a pope to me.
- Alright. You don't even know him.
I saw him when he came to the door.
Bet you never see him drinking
down at the pub with me and Tim.
Oh Jesus.
I forgot all about Tim.
He's always doted on Dawnie.
He's the one that's gonna
miss her around the place.
You're very quiet today.
Where do you want these planted?
Ah, what do you say we put
the Marigolds right over there?
Whatever you say.
- Well, what do you think?
- I don't know. What ever you say.
- Tim, is anything the matter?
- No.
You've been so quiet today.
Anything that I've done?
- You've been doing any reading, lately?
- Mmm.
Would you read for me now?
It was a warm day... and
out of the hills ran
ripply creeks... of water
ran on the rocks
in pools where fish
leapt on by
and a little boy
was sitting on a rock
by the road
which in... in his hand...
What is it?
What's the matter?
Oh Tim.
What's making you so unhappy?
- She's going away.
- Who's going away?
Dawnie, she's getting married.
I don't want her to get married
and go away and live somewhere else.
But that's part of getting married.
That doesn't mean that she's not going
to love you as much as she always has.
You wouldn't have to go
away and leave me, will you?
Not unless I die or something.
What's die, Mary?
No one will ever tell me.
Not mom or dad or even Dawnie.
What's die? What's dead?
- Do they mean the same thing?
- In a way.
You see, every moment
of the day and night,
your heart is beating
inside your chest,
like it is now.
- You can almost feel it, can't you?
- Hmm.
Well, when that
does that, you're alive.
Now you've seen things grow old and
wear out, things that you've used.
Well, people wear out
and their heart stops.
Like a clock that you
can't wind up anymore.
It happens to everybody.
It just happens one day,
and then you're dead.
It's nothing to be afraid of.
Can't hurt you.
- Is it going to happen to us?
- Yes.
I don't want you
to die before I do.
Tim, dying is like saying
goodbye and going away.
It happens to
every single one of us.
- Dawnie's going away.
- That's different.
She's getting married and
you'll be able to see her.
Don't be unhappy
about it, please. Promise.
- I promise.
- Good.
- Anyway.
- What?
Just, I don't want you to hug me.
Well, when I was a little kid, when
I cried, mommy used to hug me.
Then when I got bigger, she
didn't hug me again. But you did.
Well, I just mad at
how people are, that's it.
I like you.
I like you the same as
I like my mom and dad.
- I don't like Dawnie as much as I like you.
- Oh now, Tim.
No, I like you
better than I like Dawnie.
I like you too, Tim.
Very much.
As much you like
your own mom and dad?
I don't have a mom and dad.
They died a long time ago.
Plush looking place isn't it?
We're only gonna have a
drink with the Harringtons.
We're not going to buy the place.
Well, here we are.
Here you are.
Emily, Ron.
I'd like you to meet my
mother and my father.
Dick and Vivian.
- How do you do?
- How are you?
- This, of course, is Dawnie.
- Ah, yes.
Well, let's drink a toast to
the bride and groom, heh?
Long life and happy days.
- Cheers.
- Make a doney.
- Thanks.
- To us.
- Well, shall we sit down?
- Yes.
Naturally adorable, American white.
With at least one attendant?
- One. Well, she's gonna have four.
- Ooh.
- And the man in morning suit, Mr Melville?
- Ron.
- What do you think, Mr Ron?
- Well, whatever you say.
I'll give you a full list of all those the
groom would want invited Mrs Melville.
- Oh, call me Em, Emily.
- Oh yes, well. Emily.
Sure, whatever you think.
- I believe that Dawn has a brother.
- Yeah.
That's Tim. But he won't
be coming to the wedding.
Dad, I want Tim to
see me get married.
But Dawnie, you know
Tim don't like crowds.
Dawnie, your dad's right.
You know what Tim is with a lot
of people. He gets over excited.
I didn't realise that Tim
was a mere youngster.
Oh, he's not. He's only a year
younger than me, but he's simple.
Yeah, well you see.
Tim is not the full quid.
Well, you know that, Mick?
Yeah, well I didn't really
give it much thought.
Well, we've never
tried to hide it, have we?
Well, no.
Anyway, Tim's my
brother and I love him
and he's coming to my
wedding, and that's that.
More champagne?
Hey, hello Ms Morton,
it's me Ron Melville.
Oh, how are you, Mr Melville?
I'm fine thank you.
Sorry to be ringing you at home. But
Em and I need your advise on something.
Our daughter
Dawnie is getting married.
Oh, yes I know.
Yes, oh thank you.
It's about the wedding.
I'm giving her a big one.
Four bridesmaid sort, you know.
And, well, Em and I would
like Tim at the wedding.
But then there's a reception
afterwards you see, with all those people,
and Em and I, well, we
don't think he should go.
We don't think he could handle it.
Listen, why don't you
let him go to the church,
and then I'll pick him up
outside right afterwards
and he can go to my beach place
and stay for the weekend.
Well, thanks Ms Horton.
Thanks very much.
- Goodnight.
- Goodbye.
- Alright?
- Umm.
They kneel before Thee now
with the love pure and whole
to ask Thy blessing
on their lives together.
May the light of Thy
wisdom be above them
and Thy love be
their strength and stay
and the spirit of
Christ be their spirit.
- Amen.
- Amen.
Now may God may hold
grace to abandon you
that ye may abound
onto every good work
and that through
the proving of your faith
men may glorify God.
- Amen.
- Amen.
Dawnie looks like a fairy
princess, doesn't she?
You be sure and wait outside
for Ms Horton, like I told you, huh?
- See you back home tomorrow, my son.
- Right on, dad.
But how was the wedding?
- Were you happy for Dawnie?
- Yeah.
Mom cried a bit, so did dad.
I don't know. I don't see why
you should cry if you're happy.
Someday, I hope you're
so happy that you'll cry.
How is it going?
It's good.
Fine night, Mary.
Goodnight, Tim.
- You have a copy of this telex?
- Yes.
Problem not this far from solved.
I haven't seen you today.
You had a good weekend?
- Went down to the beach.
- You and Tim?
- Yes.
- Yeah. Had been quite a twosome.
- Yes.
- They need a decision right away.
I went out the last time.
I think both of us are
gonna have to go this time.
Tomorrow morning. I'll pick you
up in a cab. Plane leaves at 7.
Hi mom!
Hah! Have some
fresh cards for you.
- Ms Horton?
- Mmm.
- What she say?
- I... I'm...
Be back Saturday.
You miss her, don't you?
- I got it, maam.
- Oh, thanks son.
- I have to make a phone call.
- I'll get the bags.
Tim, I'm back.
Fental cantinorirum tepatolin anticulate
degeneration were just so many words to me.
I was a primary school teacher.
I decided to go to England on
a sabbatical about 8 years ago.
And while there, quite
accidentally, somehow
I got drafted into a school for
mentally retarded youngsters.
It fascinated me from the very beginning.
When I returned, I decided that,
that was the work I wanted to do.
So I went back to school myself
to learn how to teach the children.
Youngsters are taught
many things of course,
more than just
how to read and write.
What's happening out there is a part of
the work of the creative leisure movement.
They have been rehearsing
a play for a week now.
A very special kind of play.
They've written it themselves.
They've directed it.
They're playing all the parts.
They've made everything for it.
All the costumes
and the bits and pieces.
But the main thing,
is that it's their play.
They're the ones
who've made it happen.
You say you taught Tim to read?
Yes, a little.
And he was pleased about that?
Oh yes. He felt that he had
achieved something very important.
He's aware of his limits.
But you see, I'm not
sure of what his limits are.
I want to so know
what he's really thinking,
what he's feeling,
how he dreams.
The children will be going
back into school now.
Would you like to see
the rest of the school?
Oh, I'd like very much to.
- What does Tim do for a living?
- He's a labourer. A builder's labourer.
What are his
mother and father like?
I've never actually met them. I've
only spoken to them on the phone.
I'm sure they're not well educated.
They love him a lot.
They didn't know what to do
with him when he was a child.
When he couldn't manage at
school, they sent him off to work.
I'd pretty like to
meet Tim some time.
I'd think he'd like to meet you.
What's he like? Any speech
abnormality, any physical deformity?
He's quite handsome, actually.
- Well, where mommy?
- Em, we're home. Em?
She must have go lie down.
Dad! In here dad!
Oh Jesus!
Oh Jesus Christ.
She's as cold as ice. Get a
cardigan, a blanket or something.
Hello, Dr Perkins,
it's Ron Melville here.
Doctor Tim, I think it's her heart.
But she's just lying here.
Alright, we'll wait for him.
Em, it's me, Ron.
Can you hear me?
Em! Em it's Ron.
Can you hear me?
Oh Ron, I'm so pleased to see you.
Thanks to yer.
- Where's Tim?
- He's here, love.
Mom, I'm here, mom.
Don't worry. The ambulance is
coming to take you to the hospital.
How do you feel?
Like something that can't...
Oh Ron, I wet the...
chair or something.
Back of a purpose chair.
Oh Em, don't let anything
happen to you love.
Hold on till we get
you to the hospital.
- Ron.
- I'm here, love.
We're at the hospital.
Soon have you fixed up.
- Ron.
- Yes, love.
Take good care of Tim.
Best thing for Tim.
Dad... dad!
- Is she alright?
- We got her here in time.
She's gonna be alright.
Come on Dawnie, sit down.
Take it easy.
You, okay?
Sorry, pop.
Why did I go to the pub?
Could have come straight home. I
could have come straight home for once.
- Don't blame yourself, dad.
- But I do.
Tim, don't worry about mom.
She's going to be alright.
But what if mom dies, Dawnie?
Mary told me about dying.
What if mom dies?
Talk to you a moment, Ron.
She's gone, mate.
We did all we could.
How am I going
to tell Dawnie and Tim?
Do you want me to?
Could I see her?
- She's gone.
- Oh, Mick!
- Mick, you let Dawnie help me.
- Yeah, yeah.
Come on, son.
- We go for a walk, huh?
- Uh mm.
Well, she's gone Tim. We got to
learn to get along without her.
But it's gonna be awful hard.
Is she really and truly dead?
Yes, son.
Really and truly.
Mary told me about dying.
I know what dead is.
It's just like saying goodbye
and going away, isn't it?
That's about the size of it, son...
except we never got to say goodbye.
- Mary Horton.
- Ms Horton. It's Ron Melville here.
Sorry to ring you here at your office.
But my wife Em died last night.
Well, the early hours of this morning.
Really it was very sudden.
- I'm so sorry.
- Thank you.
Ms Horton, I know
you're real fond of Tim.
But I was wondering,
Emma's being buried tomorrow but
I don't think he ought to be there.
I'll come over as soon as I can.
I'll take him down to the beach.
Thanks, Ms Horton,
I appreciate that.
- Bye.
- Goodbye.
I'll get it.
- Yes.
- I'm Mary Horton.
Could you please tell
Mr Melville that I'm here?
Oh, yes, sure.
- Someone for you, Ron.
- Oh.
- Oh, Ms Horton?
- Yes, how's Tim?
Oh, he's taking it
all right, I suppose.
Sorry, I rang you at your office
but I didn't know what else to do.
I'll take him down to the beach.
Perhaps on Sunday you could
come down, stay for a while.
I just might take you up on that.
Come on inside.
- And this is Ms Horton, Tim's friend.
- Hello, Mary.
We're going down to my beach place.
- Hello Dawnie.
- Hell are you doing here?
- I've come for Tim.
- I can see that.
I wouldn't be surprised if you've
been having rough with him too.
- For Christ's sake Dawnie...
- Dad, would you shut up.
It's between me and her.
Why couldn't you find yourself
a man instead of my brother?
What in God's name has got into you?
You keep out of it, Dad.
Like him doing your garden,
you'd be doing his...
Well, you must have realised
what people are thinking,
I mean, a middle aged woman
with a young man, well.
You bloody creep, you
miserable puffed up bastard.
- I ought to knock your teeth in.
- Just hang on Ron.
You just watch it, Mick.
You take it easy, dad.
You don't let him get to you.
I don't know what's going on here.
Can I go and pack my bag now?
You do that, son.
- Hey, you're a beaut boy.
- You're alright too dad.
You're very, very wrong, my dear.
I'll show you out.
Don't you take no
notice of them, Ms Horton.
The only one who
matters now is Tim.
The last thing Em said was
do the best thing for Tim,
and I've got to do that because
she ain't here anymore.
Em and me had some
bloody good years together
and I'm going to
remember every one of them.
Maybe Dawnie and Mick
wouldn't understand but uh...
mom would be real disappointed
if I didn't raise a glass or
two every night at the pub.
You know what I mean?
I'm ready.
Yes, Tim.
Well, off you go.
- Bye, dad.
- Bye.
What's the matter with you, Mary?
Are you laughing or crying?
Well, I don't know.
Eternal God
It has come to think and keeping
there is shelter from the storm.
And in whose mercy and pity
there is shadow from the heat of life.
Hear now our prayer we pray Thee
for those who are mourning their dead.
Send Thy pity to
lighten their darkness.
In the sense of Thy presence and
sympathy to fill their loneliness.
Touch their wounds
with Thy hands of healing,
and help them to be still.
Oh, hello, Mary.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
You're up mighty early?
Oh, I'm a working lady.
I have to get back to town.
- Tim knows where everything is.
- We'll be fine.
- Good morning.
- Where are you going, Mary?
- The office.
- When will you be back? Tonight?
- No. The weekend.
- Oh.
- I'll see you both, Friday.
- Goodbye.
- Take good care of your dad.
- Oh, I will.
- I'll call you tonight.
- Promise.
Thank God, it's
the end of this week.
Would you like another drink?
I wouldn't mind.
You didn't really tell me what happened
after you picked Tim up last week.
Oh, nothing really.
- Oh, come on. Something went on.
- No, really.
You haven't been
your usual self for a week.
- Sorry about that.
- Thank you.
We have known each other,
well, pretty long time, isn't it.
Do you realise it's been almost 20
years since I came from America?
And I've never tried to
tell you how to run your life.
No, you haven't.
- Do you know what you're about now?
- Haven't I always?
- That's not what I'm asking you.
- I know.
It's late Tom.
Good luck.
It will work out.
Thanks for the drink and the advice.
What's up?
- Oh Mary, I'm glad to see you.
- I thought you'd be in bed by now.
- Oh, I wouldn't go until you got here.
- He's been waiting up for you.
I'll go to bed now.
Will you come and say goodnight?
Of course I will.
In a minute.
Tea's just made.
- How has it been?
- Good and bad.
He cried a lot for his mom.
I'll go say goodnight to him.
Oh Mary. I wish you
had been here all this week.
So do I.
It's sad to remember that
mom isn't here anymore.
It was awful not having you here
to talk to. I'm glad you're back.
So am I.
- Goodnight Mary.
- Goodnight.
It ain't the same
without the old girl.
If anything should happen to
me, would you look after Tim?
Of course, I will.
He's enough to break a man's heart.
I don't know what's
happening with him and me.
I don't seem to be able
to talk to him anymore.
- I don't want to interrupt your reading.
- It's alright.
But I thought you
might look at this.
It's all the stuff I
was telling you about,
the will, bank books,
insurance policies.
All the things Em and me put a few bob
into over the years to make Tim secure.
I thought you might
look after them for me.
You see, Mary, I'm dying.
Or put it this way,
I don't want to live.
I just can't make myself
want to live anymore.
I'm not undead like
a clockwork monkey.
Running down and there's
nothing I can do about it.
And I'm glad.
I'm glad.
If I'd been a young man, I might not
have felt the going as bad as this.
But age makes the difference.
She's left a great big hole
I can't fill with anything,
not even Tim.
All I want now, is to lie
with her under the ground.
That's right. Hug him.
You're always doing that.
What the hell is wrong with him?
Let me talk to him.
- What have I done?
- Nothing. Go away.
Don't touch me!
Please tell me. What have
I done, Tim? You must tell me.
Tell me what's the matter, please.
- I can't.
- You can.
You've always been
able to tell me everything.
I can't. I can't.
I don't know.
I only know you don't
like me anymore, that's all.
You like dad better
than you like me now.
Ever since you met him,
you haven't liked me and I knew it.
Oh Tim, how can I
ever stop liking you?
You did when you met dad.
Oh, that's not true Tim.
Oh, please, believe me that's not true.
I like your dad, but I could
never like him as much as I like you.
You don't like me anymore.
It's him you like now.
I've seen you hugging him all the
time and I want you to hug me,
but you don't.
But you do it to him.
Tim, I know that you
miss your mom a lot,
but it's not in the same
way that your dad does.
You know, you're
young and he's old.
I know how dad feels.
He wants to die, so
he can lie next to mom.
He just wants to be with her.
He misses her terribly.
He misses her like
I'll miss you if you died.
Dear God!
What's wrong?
Let's go back.
Johnny, help me please.
I don't know what to do.
I feel so guilty.
When we're together,
I see him looking at me...
with such confusion.
He trusts me and I'm hurting him.
- And I promised his father...
- Have you come up with a solution?
Only not seeing him again.
But I can't do that.
- There is another way, you know?
- What?
Why don't you marry him?
- It's crazy.
- Is it? Is it really?
- John, that really is crazy.
- Why not marry him?
It's frightening.
For some reason, out of
all the people he's known,
Tim has fixed his affection on you.
And with you it will stay.
Stopped thinking of myself
as being married for so long.
Mary, what do you really want?
Do you want Tim to live the
rest of his life on his own
while you sit there is your house
wishing you had the guts
to do something about him?
You can't walk away from
him now, Mary. You know that.
Tim loves you. With every
part of his being, he loves you.
- Will you come to my wedding?
- I'll even dance at yours.
I may speak in tongues
of men or of angels.
If I am without love, I have a
sounding gong or a clanging cymbal.
I may have faith, strong
enough to move mountains.
If I have no love, I have nothing.
Love is patient.
Love is kind and envies no one.
Love is never boastful
nor conceited nor rude.
Never selfish,
not quick to take offense.
Love keeps no score of wrongs
but delights in the truth.
There is nothing love cannot face.
There is no limit to its faith,
its hope and its endurance.
Love will never come to an end.
In a word, there are
3 things that last forever.
Faith, hope and love.
But the greatest of them is love.
Do you, Tim Melville, take Mary Horton
as your lawful wedded wife?
I do.
Do you, Mary Horton, take Tim Melville
as your lawful wedded husband?
I do.
I now pronounce you,
man and wife.
What is it?
You told me that one day
I'd be so happy that I'd cry.
Oh, I so love you.
- Hello.
- Hello.
This is Fred Kelman speaking.
Is Mr Melville in? I mean is Tim in?
Ah. This is Mrs Melville.
I'm sorry to disturb you
Mrs Melville, to ring you like this.
But my wife and I are
neighbours of Ron Melville.
We hadn't seen him about his
place for the past few days so
this morning I went
across to knock at his door...
Could you come up right away and
make the necessary arrangements?
We'll be there.
Oh Lord, support us all the
day long of this troublest life
until the shadows lengthen
and the evening comes.
And the fever of life is
over and Thy work is done.
Then in Thy great mercy
grant us a safe lodging
and a holy rest
and peace at the last.
- Amen.
- Amen.
Lord, bless us and keep us.
The Lord make his face to shine
upon us and be gracious unto us.
The Lord lift up the lives of
his countenance upon us
and give us peace.
- Amen.
- Amen.
My condolences on your loss.
Dawnie, I'm so sorry.
Don't talk to me. You've got
what you wanted. You've got Tim.
Tim, my condolences to you.
Dawnie, look what you've done.
Dawnie, you're done.
I never want to
see that woman again.
Don't say that, Dawnie.
Look, I feel sorry for you.
I really do, Tim, but...
- What is different?
- What's different?
I'm different.
I'm married. Mary is my wife.
Just like you're Mick's wife.
All I know is mom and dad's in
their graves and you're with her.
I just want things to be
the way they used to.
I want you to love Mary.
I love you Dawnie, please.
Oh, Tim.
Everything's gonna be alright?
Yeah, of course it is.
Come on love.
See you later, Tim, Mary. Bye.