Time Boys (2023) Movie Script

(gentle music)
(thunder rumbling)
(gentle music)
(hands clapping)
(upbeat music)
(pigs grunting)
(upbeat music)
(horse hooves clopping)
(upbeat music)
(birds chirping)
(upbeat music)
(hands clapping)
(upbeat music)
- [Crowd] More, more.
- Ladies and gentlemen,
the Orbitron.
(upbeat music)
(hands clapping)
(upbeat music)
(crowd applauding)
- They're good, but
I need more cowbell.
(birds chirping)
(gentle music)
- Hey boys.
- Hello Mr. Robert.
- [Robert] You
sounded wonderful.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
- Hello everybody.
- [All] Hello ma'am.
- You just keep getting
better and better.
You're gonna win a
competition someday.
- Thank you Miss Violet.
- Thank you ma'am.
- Your mother would be
so proud of you boys.
God rest her soul.
(gentle music)
Now where is that
father of yours?
- He's right here ma'am.
(gentle music)
Pa, you see us play?
- Hey, I heard you
coming down the hill.
It sounded great, what I heard.
I'm sorry boys, I was
working on my machine
and I lost track at
the time, I'm so sorry.
- Well you should've seen it,
when they were dancing and
clapping, it was so fun.
- You must be so proud of
you boys and what you doing,
raising them without
their mother.
- Miss. Violet, it's
good to see you ma'am.
It's a wee bit hard, five
bachelors living under one roof.
But all right boys, one
competition each this year.
That's it, nothing more.
Do you understand?
- [Boys] Yes, Pa.
- And Father McKenzie said
he would visit with me.
It's very important.
- Pa, don't go, you'll miss us.
- I'll do my best to get
back here before you start.
In the meantime you have fun.
Don't get in trouble.
But if you do get in
trouble, stick together.
Do you hear me?
- [Boys] Yes, Pa.
- Boys.
(speaks in foreign language)
All right, go and have fun then.
Robert, keep an eye on
them for me, would you?
- I will.
(birds chirping)
- What was that you
were saying at the end?
- Oh, that was Latin.
Angela insisted
that they learn it.
I said, guardian angel.
And they said, "Watch over us."
- Oh.
- It's something that
she used to say to them.
I've just kept it up.
(birds chirping)
- [Violet] I don't like the man.
It's just something
not right there.
- Ah, Jethro Hawkins,
he's been very sick.
Makes him a wee bit taller hey.
- O'Neal, I can't
believe a man such as you
is wasting time on
something like this.
- Yes, Sir.
My sons aren't a waste of time.
They're playing and
they're gonna be
in a competition
in a little bit,
so it's important to
me to be with them.
- Miss Violet, would you care
for a ride in my carriage?
(dramatic music)
- No, thank you.
(birds chirping)
- Well that'll
teach the old buzzer
to ask someone of your character
to ride with him and
carriage, won't it?
- Thank you Mr. O'Neal.
(car engine revving)
- [Josiah] Look it
over, look at the date.
- You're playing with fire.
I've told you before.
It's against nature.
This is not how God
made the world to work.
- Father, you believe
in miracles, right?
- Of course.
- Why can't I have a miracle?
Why can't I have a
bundle of miracles?
- If God wanted Angela here,
he could have kept her from
dying, but he didn't son.
Pain, heartache,
suffering, loss,
they're all a part
of our redemption.
Even when we don't understand,
even when we think
we can't bear it.
(gentle music)
You've got to understand
and accept this, Josiah.
- No Father, I won't.
I've already been there
in about seven times.
I've just gotta figure
out how to get from there
back to her sick bed with the
medicine, then I can save her.
I want my Angela back.
(gentle music)
- I don't want to be
uncharitable, Josiah,
but Jet Hawkins has
a bad reputation.
- He's got good credit
and he's helped me to
purchase all the items
and the materials that I
need to make this machine.
- You need more wisdom
than credit son.
I don't have a good
feeling about this.
The sooner you
accept Angela's death
and stop risking your life,
the safer you and
your boys will be.
And what if you go
and never return?
What would happened
to those boys?
- I don't know, Father.
(gentle music)
(birds chirping)
- Congratulations, young men,
y'all have the finalist
and the four competitions
that we will have today.
Competition with the long
gun, the pistol, the hatchet.
And when it's time for the bow,
you will bring your bow forward.
(upbeat music)
What you got, take
your best shot
(gun firing)
You have been doing fine
(audience applauding)
(upbeat music)
Come on son, let's
have some fun
You're gonna have
a real good time
(audience applauding)
Hold, yeah I hold,
hold the fire in line
(audience applauding)
(upbeat music)
- Winner.
(upbeat music)
Back of line, the
master of mine
To over play his hand
I think you'll find
that we're are our kind
So mass weigh out your plans
Holding on, on
the firing line
(upbeat music)
(audience applauding)
That's you, that was
all that come out
(upbeat music)
(gun firing)
Fire in the hole
(audience applauding)
Bring a new lot bills has to
Delivered to your door
Brothers, see it together
on the firing line
(gun firing)
(audience applauding)
(upbeat music)
Forget to talk,
you a king of hill
Pulling all those strings
It's gonna be
all real thrill
That you can now
play it again
Down the road and
one on the bullseye
Because brothers sit
together on the firing line
(upbeat music)
- Congratulations.
Lemme see that bow.
This is nice.
I think I'll keep it.
- Give it back.
(birds chirping)
- Gentleman, gentlemen.
It appears you have foolishly
commenced in a violent
quarrel with our sibling.
The bonds of filial
loyalty require
that we assist said sibling
with greater force
until we prevail,
and you are driven
from the field.
Veni, vidi, vici.
(birds chirping)
- What does all that mean?
- Roughly translated,
you're a moron.
You started a fight
with our brother
and now we are going
to whip your tail.
- Oh really?
'Cause it seems that there's
more of us than there is you.
- That's what makes it fair.
(birds chirping)
- All right, everyone stop now.
That's it.
Not another punch.
Get up.
Get up.
(birds chirping)
Go to your parents,
right now, go.
(birds chirping)
- You better check on
those nephews of mine,
they were just in a fight.
- Oh, grief, for
the love of Pete.
I'm sorry, thank you,
I'll deal with them.
Boys, what did the name of
creation is going on here?
- There was a big boy,
picking on Josiah,
he was trying to take his bow.
We did what you told us.
- All right then,
I'm proud of you.
Each of you, get
your instruments
and get to the top of the hill,
I'll be with you in a minute.
Go now, go.
- Yes, Pa.
- Yes, Pa.
(birds chirping)
- I need to tell you,
when I was there last,
I met someone who's very
interested in our work
and wants to help us out.
- What?
No one there is supposed
to know anything
about what we're doing.
- I know, I know.
He saw me get out and he
started asking questions,
I had to explain.
- No, you didn't have
to tell him anything.
You know the kind of
trouble that cause us.
- Don't fuss so much.
Well be all right.
(birds chirping)
- Oh, I hope so.
- If this goes well, you
can make a lot of money.
- I'm not doing
this for the money.
I'm doing this to
get me wife back
and to help your father
get well, you understand?
- Yeah.
- All right, I'll see
you in a couple days.
(birds chirping)
(dramatic music)
Well, I'm proud of you boys.
You didn't start the fight
but you stuck together.
You did the right thing.
And hopefully you taught
those boys a lesson.
And I'm proud of you how
you did with your music
and with your competitions.
- But you didn't see us.
- You missed me
winning at archery.
- And you missed us
playing our music.
- You're just missing too much,
Pa, you're not there for us.
Not like when Ma was here.
- I'm working on this machine
so that I can change
our situation.
If you just understand
what I'm trying to do.
(gentle music)
You've got a quarter
hour, each of you,
to write in your
journals, now go.
(gentle music)
(insects chirping)
(gentle music)
- How did he react?
(gentle music)
- He was angry.
He's going back tomorrow, so,
hopefully he'll meet our
man and see it our way.
(insects chirping)
- What if he don't
see things our way?
(gentle music)
What if he don't come back?
- Let's hope that
doesn't happen, Pa.
- Are you sure you can operate
that machine without him?
- Yes, Sir.
I've used it twice now,
completely on my own.
- What about the boys?
If O'Neal don't come back,
they'll start digging through
things, asking questions.
They might find something.
- So what?
They're just boys.
- Boys that are trouble.
(dramatic music)
Big trouble.
We're not going to let Josiah
O'Neal or those four boys
stop us from getting a proper
return on our investment.
(dramatic music)
Do you understand me?
(dramatic music)
- Yes, Sir.
(insects chirping)
- [Josiah] Josiah, it's
time for the bed, son.
- Coming.
(birds chirping)
- Boys, please
everyone settle down.
All right, before we pray,
tomorrow morning, I have
to take one more trip.
- Ah.
- Please, Pa.
- Stay here.
- I understand.
Please, I promise you this,
it'll be me last trip.
I'm working hard on machine boys
and if and if things
work out the way I hope,
our lives are going
to be very different.
Do you understand me?
- Yes, Pa.
- Yes, Pa.
- All right, let's
say our prayers.
- [All] In the name of
the Father and the Son
and the Holy Spirit, amen.
(birds chirping)
(dramatic music)
- Mr. O'Neal.
(birds chirping)
- Who the devil are you?
How'd you know me name?
- Surely Robert
told you about me.
I'm your new business partner.
- We won't need any business
partners, thank you very much.
- I'm just saying we can
do an awful lot of good
with the money we can make
from that machine of yours.
- No.
It wouldn't be right.
Be like cheating.
- Like you're trying to cheat
death to get your wife back.
- It'd be better if you didn't
bring me wife into this.
- Robert was afraid you
were going to say that.
- I'd rather give
up this machine
and give up all hopes
of seeing me wife again
than to see this in the hands
of men, the likes of you, Sir.
(dramatic music)
- And I was afraid you
were gonna say that.
(dramatic music)
You can take me back with
you or join your wife.
(dramatic music)
(gun firing)
- Go.
(dramatic music)
Help me, sweet Jesus.
I've got to warn me sons.
(birds chirping)
- Come on Allan.
- What's the place?
- Come on.
Come on, you got this Allan.
- [William] Get on him, come on.
- I'm good.
- Boys, I've been shot.
- Pa.
You're a shot,
are you gonna die?
- We need to get
you to the hospital.
- Josiah, go get the buggy.
- No, no, no, no,
no, listen to me.
I've got one way
to save my life.
You boys stay here.
If Robert comes by, do not
tell him that you saw me.
Do you understand?
- [All] Yes, Pa.
- Don't tell him I was bleeding.
Don't tell him anything.
Do you hear me?
- Okay.
- Yes, Pa.
- All right.
And stay out me shed.
I know a place
that I can go now.
I love you, pray for me.
(dramatic music)
- Buddy. you okay?
- I've been shot.
- Call 911.
(dramatic music)
- Pa came home shot.
We don't know where he is.
We don't even know
if he's alive.
- Yeah, I'm with
Allan, we have to go.
- Robert's here.
- What?
We can't let him see us.
- Out back.
(dramatic music)
- No.
Pa told us we
cannot go in there.
- We gotta hide from
Robert somewhere.
(dramatic music)
- Wow.
This must be what
Pa was working on.
- [Theodore] What is it?
(dramatic music)
- Hey, what are you doing?
Don't touch that.
(dramatic music)
(all screaming)
- Boys, boys, I know
you're back here.
Come on.
(birds chirping)
(dramatic music)
(birds chirping)
(dramatic music)
(birds chirping)
- We just did an
x-ray to make sure
there were no bullet fragments.
He should be fine
in a couple of days.
He had no ID, but he
did have these coins.
(dramatic music)
And he had an old suitcase
with a lot of weird stuff.
- Whoa, my dad collected coins.
These are with a lot of money.
Give me a call when he wakes up.
We need to find out who
he is and who shot him.
- Will do.
(birds chirping)
(gentle music)
(all screaming)
- Where are we?
- Pa.
- What happened?
- What are we?
- Pa, Pa.
- What's all this
junk, where are we?
- Are we in hell?
- We are not in hell.
(birds chirping)
Look at this wheel.
Look at this iron.
They're some sort
of automobiles.
- I don't know about you guys,
but I'm going to look for Pa.
(upbeat music)
How did I get
so far from home
The wolves are coming
And you can't know
They're jabbing me
to the danger zone
(jet engine roaring)
Throwing me on the ground
- What was that?
Everybody see that?
(jet engine roaring)
To hunt us down
(upbeat music)
- Maybe it's an angel.
(upbeat music)
We're a creation,
I guess that be
Impulsive my day
He's calling me
my sweet momma
- Let's get outta this place.
If she can't see the
burns that run her down
- Boys.
Get over here.
(upbeat music)
The Holsteins, they may
need to hunt her down
- [Crane] What are you
doing on my property?
- Well, we're
looking for our Pa.
- We're the O'Neal boys.
- Your Pa's not here.
Now get off my property.
And I don't ever wanna
see you here again.
- Can you please tell us
which way town is, Sir?
- Town's that way, now go.
(dramatic music)
- Pa, Pa.
- What's wrong, son?
- We've got a problem.
- So you think that
O'Neal and the boys
are at the other location.
- That's the best
as I can figure.
Josiah hasn't come back
and the boys are gone.
- I'll tell you what
you're going to do.
You're going to go
back to the future.
If you find O'Neal,
I don't want him or the
boys coming back here.
You understand?
- O'Neal's my friend,
and they're just boys.
- None of that matters.
I don't think you understand
the significance of this.
Find them all, make sure
they never come back here.
Am I clear?
(dramatic music)
- Yes, Sir.
- So in summary, to
travel forward in time,
we would need a black hole.
This would create
a time dilation
were minutes would become
hours or vice versa.
To go back in time, we
would need two black holes,
that would create a wormhole.
(class laughing)
- Keep it down.
- However, the gravity of this
wormhole would be so severe
that it would collapse
and crush a human.
That's why we would need
what scientists call,
an exotic matter.
- Bill and Ted's
stupid adventures.
- Quiet.
(class laughing)
- Would you two idiots be
quiet, this is interesting.
- As I was saying,
we don't know what the exotic
matter would be comprised of,
but the person who discovers it
will change the
course of history
and take the first ride on
the Einstein-Rosen bridge.
(upbeat music)
(Michael sighing)
- Thank you Michael.
That showed a lot
of imagination.
You may be seated.
Well, that was very
interesting, wasn't it, class?
- Don't forget my
drink after school,
live, die, repeat.
You might stop me
every night and day
Might try to rob me but
you're still gonna pay
Your days are
numbered in this town
Horse thieves and
bandits hunting me down
(upbeat music)
- That's good.
Your days are
numbered in this town
- Let me see some of that.
Horse thieves and
bandits hunting me down
- See you tomorrow
Even though we're
lost in space
We'll find our own way
- Excuse me.
Can you help us, we're lost.
- Why are you guys
wearing those costumes,
you gonna play or something?
- No, these are our clothes.
- [Gwen] Hi Michael.
- Hi Gwen.
- Who are your friends?
- These are.
- I'm Allan.
These are my brothers.
- Nice to meet you.
- I'm Theodore, pleased to
make your acquaintance, Miss.
- I'm Josiah.
Have we met?
- No, I don't think so.
- I'm William.
I am delighted to
be in the presence
of so refined young lady.
(both laughing)
- You guys are funny.
My name is Lady Guinevere
and I am honored to
be in the company
of such gallant knights.
- I'm a knight.
- Can you take us to
South Main Street?
- Sure that that's
the street, I live on.
All right, well it's
about four or five blocks
up and around.
Let's go.
- I'll go.
- Did you see anything in
the sky, earlier today?
- Yeah, the Blue Angels.
- Oh.
- What?
- Blue Angels?
- Or demons.
- I'll have to call you back.
What the heck is going on?
- What?
- There were four boys
here, the O'Neal boys.
- Dang it.
- [Crane] What's the plan?
- Pa said we can't let any
of 'em get back to 1908
and we need to get that machine.
- Your Pa's a wise man and
a good business partner.
If you need to make
something disappear,
I've got plenty of
trunk space out back.
(dramatic music)
Now you go find those boys
and get that time machine.
(birds chirping)
- This is our house.
- [Gwen] No it's not your house.
- Yes, it's.
- No it isn't.
- What did you do to our house?
- I didn't do anything.
- The shingles are falling off.
- Hey, hey, hey, slow down.
- What you do?
- No, no, no.
You're not allowed to
come inside my house.
- Who are you say that
can't go in our own house.
- What?
Where are you going?
- What is going on?
- Your pa is not here.
This isn't your house.
- This is our home and
we are not leaving.
- Then I'm calling the police.
- Well, go ahead, the
sheriff's our uncle,
he's been sheriff since R2.
- Since when?
- [All] R2, 1902.
- What year do you think it is?
- [All] 1908.
- No, no, no, no, no, it's 2016.
- What, that's crazy.
It's 1908, and we got a
picture of President William
up on my wall, in our room.
- Hold on.
There might be an
explanation for this.
Our Pa's an inventor, he's
been working on a machine.
We went into the
shed, we turned it on
and there was a flash.
We come out into a junkyard
and if these two are right,
we're in our town, in our home,
more than 100 years
in the future.
(gentle music)
- That is so cool.
I knew it, I knew it,
I knew it, I knew it.
See, I've been studying about
the Theory of Relativity
and Einstein and
wormholes, black holes.
- Michael, shut up.
This is not time travel.
- Oh yes it is.
And they're living proof.
- No, they're not.
They're just four boys
playing some sort of
prank or practical joke,
probably set up by you
or one of those idiot
boys you hang out with.
- I do not hang out with idiots.
- Michael, allow me.
Lady Guinevere, we
apologize in advance
for any inconvenience or
disruption that may occur
from our extended
stay in your domicile.
- I don't think so.
You guys aren't staying here.
- No.
This is our house and we
are not going anywhere.
- Oh, I say otherwise
because I actually
legally own this house.
- What?
Don't talk to my
brother like that.
- I will talk to your
brother like that.
You guys are trespassers.
- [Theodore] I was born in.
Been here many times before
I know what waits for
me behind the door
Every twist and turn,
everything I've learned
In love and war
(gentle music)
Memories keep
drifting back to me
Like the the calm that
comes before the storm
Every page I've turned,
every bridge I've burned
In love and war
- Guys, stop.
I found my journal.
- What, where'd
you get that from?
Well, this doesn't prove
that this is your house,
a hundred years ago.
And you said it's your diary.
- He says it's his and
you know it's not yours.
- If it's his diary,
he'd know what he wrote
a hundred years ago.
- You know what, give it to her.
I've got nothing to hide
- Go to 1906, New Year.
- "January 1st, 1906.
"New Year is here, but
mama is mighty sick.
"Our daddy is worried.
"He says the right
medicine would save her.
"January 5th, 1906.
"Father gave momma
her last rights today.
"Momma could barely speak
and she told us she loved us.
"January 8th, 1906.
"We buried our sweet mom today."
To hear this wounded
heart of mine
- I don't know how we got
here, but we've gotta get home.
I once burned
- We gotta find Pa first.
He's gotta be here somewhere.
He's been shot.
Scars I wore
- [Josiah] Yes, it's
my last entry, here.
In love and war
- "Gun shot."
(car horn honking)
Oh no, that's my grandpa.
What are we gonna tell him?
- We'll tell him the
truth, he'll believe us.
(gentle music)
- Hi Grandpa.
- Who are you and why
are you in my home?
- We're the O'Neal boys.
- Josiah O'Neal is our Pa.
- This is our house.
- Boys, look, my bow.
How'd you get my bow?
- That is my bow.
- No it's not, I had my
initials carved in right here.
- You know what?
Give me the bow.
Give me the bow.
My grandfather gave me this bow.
- What was his name?
- His name was Josiah
Joseph Patrick O'Neal II.
- That's my name.
- Mr. O'Neal, these
boys are from the past.
They were all born
in the late 1800s.
- Is this candid camera?
Is there a camera
here somewhere?
Are you, I know what's going
on, you're in some class
and you wanna see what
happens to old people
when you push them too far.
- Sir, we're not playing a game.
- Or a prank.
- And we're not trying
to get anything from you.
This is our house.
- This is not your house.
My grandfather left me this
house, like he left me the bow.
Why am I having this
discussion with a child?
- He left you my house.
- Michael, it's time
for you to go home
and do me and yourself a favor,
do not say you met
anybody from the past.
Is that clear, son?
- Yes, Sir.
- Very good.
Nobody from the past, buddy.
- Yes, Sir.
- See you soon.
Come by for pizza.
All right boys, really and truly
this has gone on long
enough, all right.
It's time that you went home.
- We don't have any other home.
- You don't understand
their father's been shot.
- What?
So you believe that these boys
have a father here somewhere
who's been shot?
- Yes.
- Got shot.
- Okay.
Got a friend who's
a cop, he'll know.
Sam, Sam, it's me, Josiah.
I've got four young
men here that insist
that their father has been shot.
Got any report of a male
who's been shot, gun shot.
Excuse me?
Boys, how old is your father?
- 45.
- 45, Sir.
- Sam, I'll bring
the boys right over.
I'll meet you there.
All right boys, let's
get you to the hospital,
find your dad and we
will get you home.
- [All] This is our home.
(dramatic music)
(car engine revving)
(people speaking indistinctly)
- Whoa, now who's your Pa?
- Pa, Pa.
- Pa, he's gone.
- Grandpa, Grandpa.
- What's going on?
- He's gone.
- I don't know.
- He's not there.
- Just take us to the
junkyard outside of town.
It's the only way we're
gonna able to get home.
- Excuse me, now you
live in a junkyard?
- Just take us.
- All right, all
right, let's go.
- Thank you.
(dramatic music)
- Pa.
- Pa.
- Pa.
- Pa.
- What the heck?
(birds chirping)
(gentle music)
(birds chirping)
(gentle music)
So this is where you
guys live, in a junkyard?
It's time to walk
out that door
(gentle music)
My heart can't
take this anymore
(gentle music)
Every page I've turned
Every bridge I've
burned in love and war
(gentle music)
(fire crackling)
- O'Neal, O'Neal.
What have you done?
- Hawkins, I'll
pay you your money.
I am done with this time
machine and so are you.
- You have just burnt the bridge
to bring our boys
back from the future.
- What you talking about?
Me boys aren't here.
- Your sons slipped
into the shed.
I sent Robert after them.
- I didn't know that
they were there, Hawkins,
I didn't know.
- If you don't get
my son back here,
you gonna pay with a
lot more than money.
- Jesus, Mary and
Joseph, what have I done?
What have I done?
(fire crackling)
- It's an impressive story.
I don't know who's
up to what here,
but it has nothing to
do with time travel.
- The time box.
Back where from, the priest
got all the community
to put note flutters
prayers into a small box
and they said they'd unbury
it in a hundred years.
Did you recover the box?
What's hidden from
me will be shown
Every secret we may know
- That's it.
- That's it.
What we spoke at night
- Father, can I please
have a pen and paper?
Look for the letter
labeled, From Allan O'Neal.
But we whispered
out of sight
Couldn't shout it
from the heights
Will they look,
will they see
What you you meant to me
When they find my secret
(gentle music)
Will they know it was me
- How did you know what
this letter would say?
- I wrote it.
Will they know it was me
- Boys, you may be
here for a while.
But one thing for sure,
you cannot tell anyone
that you're from 1908.
- Father McKenzie, Father
McKenzie, help me please.
Father, help me, please.
It's about the boys,
they're in the future.
They got the machine and
they're in the future.
It will take me
at least two years
to build a machine like that.
The materials come from Europe
and now that Jethro Hawkins
is threatening to kill me.
- Josiah.
- And there's one other thing,
if I was gone for three
days in the future,
when I came back, three
days were gone here.
If those boys are in the
future for two years,
we don't even know what
they're going to miss.
It could affect the
course of their lives.
Help me.
(car engines revving)
- I know, I know.
It's a rough day.
We will get this figured out.
All right, you guys
can sleep anywhere.
- They can have my room.
I'll take the room
down the hall.
But you guys are not
allowed in there,
under any circumstance,
for any reason.
- All right, boys, get
yourself washed up.
We'll have some dinner,
get a good night's sleep
and we'll pick up
tomorrow morning.
- Yes, Sir.
- Yes, Sir.
- They look weird.
- They need new clothes.
- We gotta deal with
that in the morning.
- Sounds like a plan.
(upbeat music)
If you're gonna survive
in this jungle of fools
Say I gotta to have a hunt
What's really cool
To be your self
is a cardinal sin
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
I just gotta fit in
I just got to fit in
From the top of my head
to the tip of my toes
How I wear my hair and
where I buy my clothes
Keeping it real
with a phony grin
(upbeat music)
If I'm gonna fit in
If I'm gonna fit in
Too many toys on
this crazy ride
Too much thought, I'm
about to lose my mind
My guard is up, well
it's what I need yeah
If I'm gonna fit in
If I'm gonna fit in
Facebook into Instagram yeah
Netflix broke the
want demand ooh
Google Chrome gonna
show me the way
Xbox gonna help me play
I'm tweeting with the stars
At the break of dawn
'Cause the sun comes
up and my tale lives on
If I should die
before I wake
Remember me
inside this space
Remember me
- It was your idea.
- It was not.
- I was just being supportive.
- What are they
doing in the woods?
- [Actor] Help.
- Why are they in there?
- They're trapped.
- [Actor] Mom.
- Can you hear me?
- They can't hear me.
- We hear you.
- [Both] Help us please.
- Give me something.
(actors screaming)
- No.
(upbeat music)
- Are they okay?
(upbeat music)
Because I wanna fit in
(upbeat music)
I got to fit in
(upbeat music)
I got, I got, I
got, I gotta fit in
I wanna, wanna,
wanna, wanna fit in
I'm not so sure
I'm starting to
feel a little weird
(birds chirping)
- I'm so glad that
you guys are here.
Now, before you meet my cousins,
I just wanted to let you know
that they're a
little bit different.
- Okay.
- It's just, they
talk a little weird.
- What, are they special?
- No, no, no, no, no, no,
they're fine, it's just.
Okay look, they lived
on an oil refinery,
sometimes on an oil
rig with their father,
in the middle of nowhere.
So they don't have
a TV or or radio.
They were
(gentle upbeat music)
They're really, really
sweet and polite.
And that's why I need your help.
All right guys, this
is a crash course
in how not to be a nerd.
Yes, Allan?
- What's a crash course?
Some boys are cute
- Next question.
- What's a nerd?
Some are smart
- We're doomed.
- Okay boys, what word would
you use to describe sad?
- Downcast.
- There's a big word.
Some boys are cool
- Grieved.
- As I will sure be.
Some are for fools
- I got it, forlorn.
- Excuse me?
- Forlorn.
Boys don't have a clue
- Forlorn.
- [Phone Voice] Forlorn
is defined as sad,
downcast or grieved.
- Disappointed.
- I know what you mean.
Bummed, you're bummed.
- We're not bums.
- I need pizza,
(upbeat music)
- What's pizza?
(upbeat music)
- All right boys,
this is going to be officially
your first open book test.
LOL equals.
- [All] Laugh out loud.
- FYI.
- [All] For Your information.
- IDK.
- [All] I don't know.
- This is disappointingly base.
- Good, you've been
paying attention.
(door bell ringing)
- Pizza.
- Ah, saved by the bell.
(dog barking)
- Well, what do you know?
- It's crazy.
They're staying with
a relative in town,
in the same house
they grew up in.
- You just stay with those boys.
- I mean, they're
not going anywhere,
there's no time machine.
- Well, you know
Pa wants 'em back.
He'll build another
time machine.
- All right, I'll be in touch.
(upbeat music)
Lost in a jungle
So much to explain
You're just a monkey's uncle
- Nice to meet you.
Climbing from the tree
It's the survival
- What's your name again?
- It does, just unfriend her.
- Excuse me?
Lost in a jungle
These eyes ain't open
- Slow down.
Slow down.
(upbeat music)
- Listen, this is good stuff,
just give me the money.
- Fine.
(upbeat music)
Lost in a jungle
On the pogo tree
- Wow, breaks over
Beat it.
The Damien starts a rumble
Keep your eyes
on brother Kane
'Cause this
school, these rules
- You guys are pigs.
They got you being sagging
Lost in a jungle
Me Tarzan, you Jane
(upbeat music)
- Hi Gwen.
(upbeat music)
Who are your friends?
- No, no, they're not
available, I'm sorry.
Where circus bears trained
- I know how to
braid hair, call me.
Just learn to
embrace the pain
Jump back, don't cry
- Hey.
If he calls her, I'll kill him.
- That's cool.
Lost in a jungle
Me Tarzan, you Jane
- I'm so sorry.
I didn't see him.
It was my fault, I'm sorry.
- Hi, these are our cousins.
(upbeat music)
Come on guys, I gotta
get you to homeroom.
- We have two new
students here today.
I hope you make
them feel welcome.
Boys, introduce yourselves.
- Thank you ma'am.
I'm Allan, this is
my brother, Theodore.
We're staying with family
while my dad's away
on a big project.
- What kind of project?
- I'm not allowed
to say you ma'am.
- [Teacher] Because?
- I'm sorry, that's
all I'm allowed to say.
- All right, have a seat.
- Definitely CIA, probably
a sniper or something.
- Yeah, whatever.
- Alrighty class, today
we have two new students.
Boys, would you like to
introduce yourselves?
How about you first, Josiah?
- Hello, my name's
Josiah O'Neal.
We're staying with
Gwen, she's family.
- Oh, where are your parents?
- My mom passed away.
My dad's, he's on a mission.
- Is he military?
- No ma'am.
- What kind of mission?
- It's the family
business ma'am.
- Drug dealers.
- How about you Theodore?
What's your favorite
football team?
- I don't know what
that is, ma'am.
- Well, what about
your favorite TV show?
- I don't know what
that is either, ma'am.
- All right.
How about your favorite book?
- "Twenty Thousand Leagues
Under the Sea" ma'am,
by Jules Verne.
- And your brother, William?
- [William] Ma'am.
- What kind of books
do you like to read?
- I love G. A.
Henty, as an author.
He's just great.
And, "Famous Men of Rome"
by Petard, that was great.
And the, "Iliad &
Odyssey" by Homer.
But that Medusa, the
snake haired girl,
she really gave me a fright.
- What about like,
"Harry Potter?"
- Who?
(class laughing)
- You know the,
"Harry Potter" series?
- I've never heard it, ma'am.
- You speak Latin?
- Yes ma'am.
(upbeat music)
- Tell us something in Latin.
(speaks in foreign language)
(gentle upbeat music)
I agree, it is a nice day.
Welcome to Trousdale.
- I hear your
dad's a CIA sniper.
- What?
- I'm the guy you need
to worry about, okay.
Just remember in this
school, kids fear me.
I'm like the plague.
- Oh, okay, I hope
you feel better.
- [Josiah] Boys, come on up.
- Whoa, how'd you get our beds?
- Well, they were
up in the attic.
They recovered with
bat poop and dust and.
No, no, no, I spent half
the day cleaning them,
the other half
putting 'em together.
I know that this isn't home.
I'm just doing everything I can
to make this feel
more like your room.
Even though it is your
room, which is really weird.
Let's put some boy
stuff on the walls
and make this into
the guy room, okay.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
- Your education is
built on three concepts,
tolerance, diversity,
and say with it me kids.
- [All] Multiculturalism.
- We will not tolerate
intolerance in this classroom.
- Just like Jesus said,
"Do unto others as you
would have them do to you."
- We're not gonna deal with
religion in this classroom.
- What?
- We don't bring
religion into this class.
- Surely you don't mean
I can't quote Jesus when
using reason and logic.
- We don't discuss
religion in this class.
- Can we quote
Lincoln or Washington?
- Of course.
- When they quote the Bible?
(class laughing)
- Don't get smart
with me, young man.
- I didn't mean any
disrespects ma'am.
But Ms. Hamilton said
that without the Bible,
without Christianity,
there would be no America.
It's the foundation.
- Who's Mrs. Hamilton?
- She's our history teacher
from back in 190, home.
- Well I'm not Mrs. Hamilton
and this is not back home.
Do you understand?
(gentle music)
- May I read this?
It's from George Washington.
- Fine, make it quick.
- "Reason and experience
will forbid us
"to expect that
national morality."
Like what we've
been talking about.
"Can prevail in exclusion
of religious principle."
- You're treading on
thin ice, young man.
- You don't show much tolerance
for the commands
of Christ, do you?
- That's it.
Go to the principal's office.
(gentle music)
- Is that Josiah's journal?
- It is.
He told me I could read it.
Tell me about your dad.
(gentle music)
- He's late for things.
He misses things.
He's always preoccupied with
something that he's making.
He's just not the
same as he once was.
Before our momma died,
he would always be there.
- Sounds like a man
who lost his queen bee.
- What?
- A man who lost his queen bee.
(gentle music)
I wanna show you something.
(gentle music)
You're about to see what
thousands of bees look like
when there's a queen around.
- Are we gonna get stung?
- Maybe you are.
(Josiah laughing)
Don't worry, you'll
be fine, come on.
(birds chirping)
Now the honey actually seals it.
Ooh, look at that, wow.
This is what a healthy
hive looks like.
Feel how heavy that is
with all that honey?
This hive has, you
guessed it, the queen.
(gentle music)
Come over here.
This one is gonna be
kind of sad, okay.
- [Allan] What's
wrong with this hive.
- [Josiah] You can see here,
they've got a little
bit of movement,
they've got no order,
they've got no queen.
I've heard time
heals all wounds
- [Josiah] She's
dead, she ran off.
I'm not sure that's true
- [Josiah] And
the hive is dying.
'Cause I've done everything
I know what to do.
- I feel that, I feel like
that might be what
happened to your dad.
I've cried a thousand tears
- When your wife died.
Look at all my fears
- Is that what happened to you?
But it still hurts
- What a question.
It's possible,
I've been wondering
the same thing myself.
Let's go.
I'm moving on
Somehow heartbreak
makes me strong
There's a place
down in my soul
There's a place
I can't control
Close my eyes
when you are here
And it hurts right here
So I shed all my tear
'Cause it hurts
- Mary.
Right here
- I miss you, honey.
- I don't know if my
sons are dead or alive,
but if they're alive and
there's anything I can do
to help get them back here,
please show me, please show me.
(gentle music)
Yes, that's it.
(gentle music)
Angel of mercy, please, please,
let this find its way there.
(gentle music)
- I don't know what to do.
I sold all the coins
I brought with me.
I'm about outta money.
- Son, you're confusing
me with someone who cares.
- Mr. Crane.
- Look, we have a deal.
You follow those four boys
and bring me that time machine.
If you can't hold up
your part of the deal,
you and I may have a problem.
The next time you and I talk,
it better be because you've
got what we agreed to.
- Yes, Sir.
- Hey there.
- Is that your dad?
Where is he?
- He's in Japan.
He's stationed as a pilot.
- Why are you with G Pa?
- Well, my mom and dad thought
that it would be better
for me to stay here
to finish up the school year.
And since grandma died,
grandpa was really lonely.
- [Josiah] Don't listen to
her, she's making up stories.
- Grandpa.
- The reason that she's here
is 'cause she was failing
every single class.
- That is not true.
- And her mom and
dad were terrified
that she was gonna
be in school forever.
They begged me, "Please
take our daughter, please."
- That is not true.
- I trust her.
(all laughing)
- Hey, I've got a
surprise for you.
Check this out.
This is totally old
world, forget that thing.
Check this out.
Do you recognize that fella?
- [Josiah] That's me.
- Sure is.
- Who's the girl?
- That young lass is Elizabeth.
She's the lady that
you ended up marrying.
- I don't know an Elizabeth.
- [Josiah] Well, you met her
when you were 12-years-old.
- I am 12.
That means, I meet
her this year.
- Yes it does.
(dramatic music)
- Guys.
(dramatic music)
- Wow.
This is amazing.
- Look, Michael,
we just wanna know,
can you build this or not?
- I think I can.
- Yes.
- Yes.
- Yes.
(dramatic music)
(people speaking indistinctly)
- Where is my money?
- I hate this place.
- I wanna go home.
- Guys, just think positively.
- I'm positive we need to
finish that time machine.
- Before we leave,
there's some things we
need to take care of.
(people speaking indistinctly)
(both laughing)
- [Student] Give it back.
- If you can reach it.
(dramatic music)
- Thanks, Theodore,
that was awesome.
- I wish I was big
enough to do that.
- Big enough, you don't
have to be big enough.
- Just be ready to
fight, win or lose.
- "You can hang together
or you'll hang separately."
Ben Franklin said that.
What are they teaching you here?
- That George
Washington owned slaves.
- That Thomas Jefferson
was a hypocrite.
- That most of the
world's problems
are caused by rich white men.
(all laughing)
- It's all more
complicated than that.
But I'm talking about
the Revolutionary War,
how the picked-on Americans
beat the British bullies
and how you, we, can beat
the Trousdale bullies.
- So you think we
could beat them?
- Eventually, yes.
But you have to be willing
to fight and get beat
and fight again until
they stop fighting.
- What if I don't wanna fight?
- Then you are in
a heap of trouble.
They're going to keep picking
on you and taking your stuff
until you defend yourself.
- If you wanna end this crap
or at least cut it back,
you have to stick together.
Our Pa said that if one
of us is in a fight,
then we all better
jump in that fight
and teach that bully a lesson.
- George Washington
lost more battles
in the Revolutionary
War, than he won.
He was constantly on the run.
You heard of him crossing
the Delaware River, right?
But he wasn't sneaking away
so could avoid fighting,
he was sneaking away so we
could fight on his own terms.
- What are you guys doing?
(dramatic music)
- Oh, hey guys.
I was just telling him
about George Washington,
how he beat the British,
even though they were
bigger and stronger,
like you guys.
- Whatever.
Maybe we can have a
little play time outside.
You can pretend to be George
Washington and run away
and I'll pretend
to kick your butt.
- That sounds like fun.
I love play acting.
- Ooh, we could be in costumes.
We could dress up
like Paul Revere.
You can be the Red Coats.
- Yeah.
- Shut up, you little twerp.
- Hey jerk, you and I can
go outside, right now,
just the two of us.
Or you can leave us to
our little history lesson.
(dramatic music)
- You guys go back to
your little happy time
with these weirdos,
we'll see you around.
(people speaking indistinctly)
- That was awesome.
- What do they teach you
guys where you're from?
(all laughing)
- So let's talk a
little strategy.
(people speaking indistinctly)
(upbeat music)
You've been keeping
people under your thumb
(upbeat music)
For long enough
Just needed someone to come
(upbeat music)
And call your bluff
(upbeat music)
Stupid big, there
come refugees
- What is wrong with you?
(upbeat music)
I'm gonna turn and run
They'll learn to fight
and then they'll be free
(upbeat music)
The jig is up
(upbeat music)
The jig is up
(upbeat music)
If I knew at
the local saloon
It's gonna get rough
You can dump your cats,
you can howl at the moon
But the jig is up
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
The jig us up
You ain't half as bad
as you want us to thing
Ain't half as tough
(upbeat music)
You've got the style
but that's all you bring
The jig is up
(upbeat music)
The jig is up
(upbeat music)
The jig is up
(upbeat music)
The jig is up, yeah
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
(birds chirping)
- [Michael] Let me show
you guys what I got so far.
- Whoa.
- Wow.
- Awesome.
- Yeah.
- Where did you get all this?
- I got it from a
television station
that went out of business.
- What's this for?
- [Michael] Oh, it's
just a reminder.
- Reminder of what?
- Well, if I build it wrong,
that's what's gonna
happen to you.
But I don't have all the parts
and it would at
least take me $800.
(birds chirping)
- Hey guys, where's Josiah?
- He's at Michael's house.
- Okay, listen, G Pa, look,
look what we're
having at school.
- Whoa.
- Can we do it?
- Battle of the Bands.
My band and I did
this a few years ago.
Won some good money?
We could do it.
We could do, do you wanna do it?
- Yes.
- Yes.
- What in the world
would you possibly do
with a thousand dollars?
(birds chirping)
- Buy you more chocolate.
- I'm in baby, let's do this.
(birds chirping)
Mary, I'm gonna help
these kids learn to play.
(upbeat music)
I feel crazy
(upbeat music)
I feel crazy
(upbeat music)
I feel crazy
(upbeat music)
Ooh, ow
I feel crazy
I feel crazy
(upbeat music)
Ooh, I feel crazy
(upbeat music)
I feel crazy, crazy
Crazy, crazy, crazy
Ooh, I feel crazy
Ooh, oh
(upbeat music)
Ooh, I feel crazy
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
Ow, ow, ow, ow
I feel crazy
(upbeat music)
Ooh, ooh
I feel crazy
Crazy, crazy
I, I, I, I, I feel crazy
(upbeat music)
Ooh, I feel crazy
- Grandpa, are you okay?
- I feel good.
(Josiah coughing)
This is how we do.
Jo back, kiss myself.
- Oh my gosh.
What are you doing?
- It's rock and roll.
If you wanna win the Battle
of the Bands, gentlemen,
this is your musical bootcamp.
Pick your instrument.
You might wanna
wipe this one down.
Sergeant Pep there.
This amp goes to oblivion.
(upbeat music)
They say that the apple
don't far from the tree, no
They say that the apple
don't far from the tree
No, no, no
I swear when
Ima get that boy
I looked straight at me
So crazy
He's a chip off
the old block
He gonna rock and roll
(upbeat music)
Now he's a chip
off the old block
That's why we rock and roll
Have mercy
Well, yes I know, he did
it to get off the stone
I need a breakdown
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
Yeah, like father like son
Monkey see, monkey do
(upbeat music)
Well, like father like son
Monkey see, monkey do
Hey, yeah, yeah
And I'll be
swinging on the vine
Swinging right up to you
- Awesome.
And to you, yes,
you, you, you
(upbeat music)
- Let's go win this thing.
I'm swinging baby
(crowd cheering)
(gentle upbeat music)
Ain't nobody steal my joy
(gentle upbeat music)
Ain't nobody steal my parade
(gentle upbeat music)
'Cause as long as
I've got this voice
(gentle upbeat music)
I've been walking
down this lonely road
(gentle upbeat music)
Just trying to get back home
(crowd cheering)
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
In momma's side of the
country I rock those shorts
But way down deep in the
middle Mississippi rose
(gentle upbeat music)
Mississippi River blues
(gentle upbeat music)
(gentle upbeat music)
I've walked in the forest
(gentle upbeat music)
Stood in the stream
(foot tapping)
- Will you please stop pacing.
- Will you stop
tapping your foot?
- No.
Just like the
- Guys, we will never win this.
Those bands are
way better than us.
- Don't say that.
We've got to get the money
so we can build the time
machine and get home.
- Guys, come on, get dressed,
you're on in 15 minutes.
Where's grandpa?
- Talking with Mr. Doolittle.
- Where's William?
- He's in the bathroom.
- Puking.
(toilet flushing)
- Let's face it, we're all
gonna die in this place.
As old men.
- You're being over dramatic.
Everything is gonna be okay.
You're gonna go out there.
You're gonna have so much fun.
It's not the end of the world.
- Gwen, if we don't get
that thousand dollars,
it could be the
end of our world.
- Yeah, or yours.
- If you lose, everything
is gonna be okay, I promise.
Grandpa can make up the money.
- No, no Gwen, he's
not going to help us.
He would think
it's too dangerous.
(gentle upbeat music)
- Would be a pretty
cool tombstone.
William O'Neal, born
1894, died 2074.
(gentle upbeat music)
I don't wanna live another
the day without you
Without you
(gentle upbeat music)
I don't wanna live
another day without you
Without you
- All right,
gentlemen, this is it.
Are you ready?
- Yes.
- Yes, Sir.
- Yes.
- You wanna win, don't you?
- Yes.
- And I know why.
'Cause you're trying
to get the money
to build your time machine.
Now listen, don't
get all downcast,
we've gotta go out there.
All we gotta do is
go out there and win.
Right, can you do
that, can you do that?
We'll talk about the
time machine later.
Put your glasses on.
Look like you're bad.
(crowd cheering)
(gentle upbeat music)
(gentle upbeat music)
One less mountain to climb
One more turn of the wheel
Don't know what
I'm gonna find
Like I'm not sure how I feel
Broke through
the hazel affairs
'Cause I come
up from the man
We're taking off in
the dead of night
Will my guardian
angel teach me to fly
(upbeat music)
Will he teach me to fly
(upbeat music)
Keep my cool, hold on tight
Don't be a fool
just do it right
Until I learn to
take this turn
If I that wall, I'm
going to crash and burn
Got to find my holy grail
Need some help on
my stop three mill
Silent witness testify
Will my guardian
angel teach me to fly
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
I guess if you really care
I'm must confess
I'm a little scared
If I sleep, if I fall
If I can't get up
If I can barely crawl
There's so much
outta my control
I just don't
wanna lose my soul
I don't know if
I'll live or die
Will my guardian
angel teach me to fly
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
(crowd cheering)
- All right everybody,
do you want a winner?
(crowd cheering)
It's Time Boys.
(crowd cheering)
(crowd cheering)
- [Josiah] I can't believe
you told grandpa about
the time machine.
- I can't believe
that you would keep a
secret like this from him.
- I'm older than him.
I don't have to
tell him everything.
- No, you're not
older than him yet.
- Exactly.
Let me see this
legendary schematic.
(gentle music)
He actually wants you
to try and build this.
A above Middle C.
Now that's just weird.
Michael, what could go wrong?
- Oh, well, the
portal would close
and crush them like a bug.
Like they're guts and
blood and everything.
- Whoa, I got the
crushing part, thank you.
- Oh.
- Why can't you guys
just make this your home?
- You're very nice G
Pa but we wanna go back
to our real home with our Pa.
- Mr. O'Neal, if they don't get
back, you might not be here.
She might not be here.
Have you ever seen, "Looper"
or "Back to the Future?"
They might be erased
from existence.
The whole universe.
- Michael, this isn't a movie.
- I am not going to
let him build a machine
and test it on you.
But what I propose
is we go ahead,
buy the gear that you need
and then we run some tests.
And we somehow send
a message to your Pa,
that he can communicate back
to us that the test worked.
What do you think?
(gentle upbeat music)
- [Allan] Yes.
- I mean, it's better than
having to send you guys.
(gentle upbeat music)
- All right, let's do it.
We set on our quest to
move a mighty mountain
- [Theodore] What is that?
- It's beryllium.
- [All] Whoa.
Our faith put to
the test to finally
- And silver.
See the mountain
- You write your Pa a letter.
And reach for
heaven in a sky tree
- Michael, you built
this, you fire it off.
(gentle upbeat music)
Holding the hand of time
- Wow.
All right, I'm thinking
that if he does get this,
he'll stick a letter back
to us up in that cubby hole
where Josiah found his diary.
(gentle music)
- Grandpa, are you all right?
(gentle music)
- I think I know what's
wrong with the time machine.
- Really?
- When my grandpa died, he
looked at me and he said,
"I'll see you again."
And I thought, okay,
I'll see you in heaven.
And then he grabbed
me and he said,
"Remember it's 432, 432."
I'm thinking, what
is he talking about?
And I just thought,
oh he's dying
and his mind is
starting to slip.
I didn't think about it.
And between asleep and
awake this morning,
I remembered and I
thought, that's it.
See, it says A above Middle C,
but A above middle C
today is 440 cycles.
- Okay.
- That's not what it was in
1908 when their Pa wrote it.
It was this.
- What's that?
- 432 cycles.
Get out your Godless device,
I'll show you what
I'm talking about.
(gentle music)
Play A above Middle C.
Ask for it to play a tone.
- Okay.
- Turn it up.
(gentle music)
When their dad wrote this in
1908, A above Middle C was 432.
- You figured it out.
To hold my hands
- I guess so.
- Don't worry though.
It'll be okay.
(gentle upbeat music)
We tossed until the dawn
- I know you want
to get home, right.
But as I told you, one
of his tests has to work.
Play A above middle C,
Play it smooth.
Lead the victory
For the legends
- I hope this works.
For your sake boys.
Holding on with
all our might
(gentle upbeat music)
Holding the hand of time
- Merciful God.
Holding the hand of time
- Yes.
(gentle upbeat music)
We swore our final vows
Set our books ablaze
Through on mighty
work and steam
- "Leave from same place.
"I love you, Pa.
"Pray for one more miracle."
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
(gentle upbeat music)
- G Pa, we're all down
here, waiting for you.
Holding the hand of time
- Your best guitar, Sir?
- Why not?
All right, we don't
want Crane to see us.
(birds chirping)
Hurry, come on,
come on, come on.
All right, turn on your amps.
Play the note.
Get ready to throw the switch.
- Boys.
- Oh crap.
- I wouldn't
start that time machine.
Unless you plan on seeing this
old man and this young girl
in the trunk of
one of these cars.
Just gimme the time machine
and y'all are free to go.
(birds chirping)
- I wanna ask you
a question, son.
Do you really believe
that if we give this
man the time machine
that we're all
gonna be free to go?
- Mr. Crane's word is good.
For nothing.
(dramatic music)
(birds chirping)
- Don't move.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Don't move.
I won't hesitate to kill you.
- Boys, boys, please
take me with you.
Please, come on.
I'm sorry, I didn't want
any of this to happen.
- [Allan] We can't
just leave him here.
We've known him our whole lives.
- [Josiah] It's up to you, boys.
- I guess there's
room for one more.
(birds chirping)
- Boys, play the note.
Throw the switches now.
(gentle music)
(birds chirping)
(gentle upbeat music)
(all coughing)
- Pa.
- Pa.
- Pa.
(gentle music)
- Pa.
- Pa.
- I'm here boys.
I'm here boys.
Boys I'm here.
I can't believe it's you.
Oh my goodness.
Thank you, God.
Thank you, God.
Oh thank you, God.
Thank you guardian angels.
What's all this?
- A guitar and the
old time machine.
- What?
- And this is a Fender.
- Where did it come from?
- G Pa gave it to us.
The time machine.
- Who's G Pa?
- My grandson.
- What?
- Those were at the junk yard.
The guy was were gonna
kill us with a gun.
- Where's Robert?
- In the shed.
He saved us.
- No, they saved me.
(birds chirping)
(gentle music)
We need to talk about my father.
- Yes, we do.
(gentle music)
All right.
It's good to see you.
(gentle music)
- Son, don't you see
what's happening here?
You've destroyed me.
- Come on.
- You've destroyed our fortune.
(car engine revving)
(car horn honking)
- Why don't I just
wander up that way
and see if I can do something.
- That would be wonderful.
(birds chirping)
- Well, howdy boys.
I ain't seen you in
a month of Sundays.
- Hello, Mr. Johnny.
- Hello, Mr. Johnny.
- Hello, Mr. Johnny.
- Hello, Mr. Johnny.
- The truth told Johnny,
they've been out to town
visiting some distant relatives.
- Oh, is that so.
- Quite.
- Keep an eye on 'em,
I got a couple things
I need in the store.
Don't make trouble, boys.
- Right.
- Yes, Pa.
- [William] Yes, Pa.
- Why don't y'all
introduce yourselves.
- Hello ladies, I'm Theodore.
- Hi, I'm Josiah.
- I'm Allan.
- And I'm William.
We're the O'Neals.
- Well, I'm Emma Kelly.
And this is my sister Ava
and my baby sister Elizabeth.
- That's Elizabeth.
(birds chirping)
She's just a little girl.
- She won't be for long,
then she'll be
bossing you around.
(gentle music)
(birds chirping)
(gentle music)
(gentle music)
- Well if you have a
request, go on with it.
- Are me eyes deceiving me
or am I standing here looking
at a lady playing at a harp
who's from the Emerald Isle?
- Indeed, Sir.
From County Cork, to be exact.
- Unbelievable.
And what brings you
all the way here
to Trousdale, Tennessee.
- I'll be the new
school teacher, Sir.
- Will you be teaching
music as well?
- Some, I assume.
(gentle music)
- Me name is Josiah O'Neal.
- My name's Michaela O'Sullivan.
- What a beautiful name.
Well, may I help
you with your harp?
- Ai, Mr. O'Neal,
I'll be much obliged.
(gentle music)
- [Josiah] It's
absolutely beautiful.
- It's made from the finest
timber of Ireland, I assure you.
- I believe it is.
And you had the courage to have
it shipped all the way here.
- It it took a
lot, but yes I did.
(gentle upbeat music)
(gentle upbeat music)
Yeah, you might mark
every word I say
You might stop me
every night and day
Might try to rob me
But you are still gonna pay
(upbeat music)
The days of number
in this town
Horse thieves and
bandits hunting me down
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
The days are
numbered in this town
Horse thieves and
bandits hunting me down
Even though we're
lost in space
We'll find our way
(upbeat music)
Through all the
struggles, all the pain
Still I hope
and still I pray
- All right, you
made your point.
Have a seat.
- Are you saying that this,
this, this, this and this
evolved from that.
(class laughing)
(all cheering)
- Come on.
Come on.
(all cheering)
Come on.
- Come on, you got it.
(teacher screaming)
- Jebediah Crane,
you're under arrest.
You have the right
to remain silent.
But I doubt it that
won't do you much good,
based on the evidence
we found in trunks.
- Mr. Crane good to
see you again, Sir.
Holding me down
(upbeat music)
Yeah, yeah
- Hey, you here
for pizza, Michael?
- Grandpa.
Grandpa look.
- Whoa.
- I found this upstairs
in, where Josiah
found his diary.
It's from Josiah.
- "Dear Grandpa and Gwen,
"we got home safely."
- Oh thank heavens.
- Yes, yes, yes, yes.
"Pa says this should
be our last letter.
"We shouldn't test
the Lord's patience.
"It was wonderful
to meet all of you.
"Tell Michael and the
other kids we miss them.
"Guardian angel, thank
you for helping us to fly.
"JMJ, Allan, Theodore,
William, Josiah, Grandpa."
Little nerd.
(all laughing)
Oh, I'm so glad
they got home safe.
- [Gwen] I miss them.
- [Josiah] I miss them too.
- You never know what
the future holds.
(upbeat music)
Still I pray we
We can find our
way back home
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
How did I get
so far from home
The wolves are coming
let's shoot and go
(upbeat music)
Ah, ah, ah
(gentle upbeat music)
Hunting me down
(gentle upbeat music)
Oh, they're hunting me down
(upbeat music)
Even though we're
lost in space
We'll find our way
(upbeat music)
Through all the
struggles, all the pain
Still I hope
and still I pray
We can our way back home
(upbeat music)
Our way back home
(gentle upbeat music)
(gentle upbeat music)
We drove into the dawn
All against all odds
Praying that we
would see the light
Passed beneath
the victory odds
Saw the legends of the gods
Holding on with
all our might
Holding the hand of time
(gentle upbeat music)