Time for Him to Come Home for Christmas (2022) Movie Script

If I could catch
a snowflake
I'd save it just for you
Wrap it up in pretty paper
Let Mr. Mailman take it to
Your doorstep in the morning
So you could know
my love is true...
...'Cause, darling...
There you are.
I wanted to introduce
Tom Burress, our new COO.
Oh, uh... hello.
Your mother tells me
you're at USC.
Uh, yes,
I graduate in the Spring.
With honors.
Will you be joining
your mother's team at Etonnante?
Elizabeth is in the graduate
journalism program.
She just published a story
about predatory loans
that is making quite the waves.
You've chosen a field
with very little
financial security.
Well, and the ability
to effect real,
meaningful change,
and give a voice
to the voiceless.
Nothing would make me happier
than having Elizabeth
by my side,
but she has her own path.
I am really grateful
that my mom is just so support...
Excuse me, Ms. Athens?
You have a message
at the front desk.
It was nice meeting you.
You too.
Oh, here's the Clarks.
Lovely to see you.
Hi, uh, I'm Elizabeth Athens.
Hi, Ms. Athens?
What can I do for you today?
Oh, sorry, I was told
I have a message.
I don't have a message for you.
I've come to rescue you.
From a Christmas party?
That is not a Christmas party.
That is a bunch of old men
in suits
their investment portfolios.
- That's not true.
- No?
They're also
comparing their golf games.
Come on, if we leave now,
we can make the Swapping Santa.
My mother has been
asking about you.
She made gingerbread cookies.
The ones with
the little frosting bowties?
You'd have to come to find out.
Don't worry,
I'll get you back
before you turn into a pumpkin.
Let's go, come on, come on.
Deck the halls
with boughs of holly
'Tis the season
to be jolly
Oh, I feel
slightly over-dressed.
Let's see?
Troll the ancient
yuletide carol...
- Fa-la-la-la-la...
- Beautiful.
I am so glad you made it!
I promised her cookies, Ma.
They're in the dining room,
and I put a few extra
aside for you, so...
Oh, thank you.
- Josh told us the good news.
- Oh...
We are just so proud of you two.
Is that your famous
figgy pudding I see?
Hold it,
I got a surprise for you.
I think it's in the kitchen.
In addition to the cookies?
Yes, you're gonna get
so many cookies.
Just hold on.
You're home? Come here!
Oh, my gosh!
I thought you were in Atlanta
for the holidays.
Change of plans.
You did not tell me.
That wouldn't make it
a very good surprise, would it?
- Here you go.
- Thank you.
- What?
- Yes.
Wait for it.
Well, that's the best surprise.
I'm so glad you're home.
Come here.
All right, come here.
- Come on,
- Group hug, group hug.
There's room
for all three of us here.
So Lizzie's camped out
in front of the Dean's office
for hours...
Well, it's the worst story.
- No, it's not.
- Yes, it is.
Trying desperately
to wait him out
to get a quote for our story.
Okay, in a battle of wills,
I'm taking Lizzie every time.
Yes, except for this time,
because the Dean
had already gone home,
and she was in a standoff
with an empty chair.
Not the whole truth.
No, no, no, no,
someone had tipped him off!
So, did you get your quote?
No. He's still dodging us.
Well, who wouldn't,
with Woodward and Bernstein
on your tail?
Wait, did you tell him?
Tell me what?
We got an offer
to work for the New York Times.
- What?
- Yeah.
Yeah, we start after graduation.
Yeah, I can't believe it.
It's everything I...
Well, we have ever wanted.
We have an actual chance
to make a difference now.
Oh, hey, there's a good one.
- Yes.
- Oh...
we are a little old
for Christmas wishes.
It's tradition.
It's tradition.
Come on, let's go,
- everybody up.
- Yup.
Close your eyes.
What did you wish for?
Another Christmas
with my two best friends.
Selfie time!
- Selfie time.
- Merry Christmas, guys.
- Cheers.
- Cheers!
I know, sorry.
It's just holiday traffic.
Yup, no,
I'm heading in right now.
I have a very important
question for you.
- For the Christmas gala.
- Oh, um...
I like the black.
Or the green.
That's what I thought, too.
Monica called
and asked if we should
include a plus one
on your invitation.
Uh, no, not this year.
You know, I think
Rosalie's son's in town.
You two really hit it off
at the Spring mixer.
when is the last time
you had a date?
Uh... I date.
Honey, you don't date.
You have networking lunches
and business meetings.
I should really get this.
You know, it'd be good for you.
Meet new people,
put yourself out there.
You don't need
to worry about me.
Honey, there's
a whole world outside.
Things that
you're gonna miss out on
hiding in here.
It's 10:00 a.m. on a Monday,
I'm not hiding.
I should really get this.
Hey, Madelyn.
It's me.
It's been a minute, huh?
I got your new number,
and I wanted to call you,
I hope that's okay.
I'm sure you're surprised
to hear from me,
but I've been
thinking about you...
about us
a lot.
I got in this morning,
and I even stopped at Sweeteats.
They still have
those caramel turtles
you like so much.
I miss you, Maddy.
I know I've made
a lot of mistakes,
but I'm trying
to make things right.
I know you're probably busy
with the holidays,
but if there is any chance
that you feel the same,
I'll be at our spot,
Christmas Eve, 9:00.
I hope to see you there,
but if I don't,
I understand.
Hello, Guildcrest Hotel.
Hi, um... I received
a call at this number.
Uh, my name is Elizabeth Athens.
No, the name of the person
you're trying to reach.
Oh, I don't know.
He didn't leave his name, actually.
I just, I was hoping
you could tell me.
It could be any of the guests
making an outgoing call
from their room.
They all route
through the front desk.
Well, thank you.
Have a very merry Christmas.
You, too.
Just a moment.
He probably realized his mistake
the moment he hung up the phone.
But what if he didn't?
Oh, well, I wouldn't
worry about it.
A couple days of no response,
and, you know,
he'll put it together.
It just doesn't feel right
to erase the message.
He poured his heart out.
To someone else.
You were never meant
to hear that message.
I just keep picturing him
sitting there on Christmas Eve,
and he's waiting for her
to walk through the door,
and he's thinking
she just stood him up.
Well, there's nothing
you can do about it now.
You don't know
anything about him.
He is one of your guests.
We have 1,500 rooms.
Fully booked for the holidays.
That's over 3,000 guests.
There's got be some way
to find out
which one of them
made the phone call.
As I explained before,
- if you don't have a name...
- I understand.
I would not be here
if this was not very,
very important
that I get this message to him.
Look, I even wrote it down,
word for word.
That's everything
on my voicemail.
Ma'am, I can't...
But can you just put it
in the hotel lobby,
or go door to door.
Please do something,
it's Christmas.
I am asking you just to try.
Have you never had a regret
that was just so big,
that you would do anything
for a second chance
to make it right?
I wish I could help, I do...
but my hands are tied.
Welcome to the Guildcrest Hotel.
Checking in?
You're back.
Josh Hart.
Please review here and sign,
and we'll get you checked in.
Excuse me
Yeah, right...
I'll go this way.
Here, just, um, please...
do the right thing.
All right, here's your key.
Room 314.
Just right to the right.
Welcome to the Guildcrest hotel.
Checking in?
The clerk tossed it
as soon as you left.
So much for
Goodwill Towards Men.
Who's Madelyn?
I don't know.
It was a wrong number,
and I was just
delivering the message.
It's in their hands now.
Actually, it's in mine.
Christmas Eve is in three days.
I know.
So, what are you going to do?
It's not my problem.
I did my part.
The hotel isn't going to help.
What am I supposed to do?
There's thousands of guests.
I don't have a single lead.
That's never stopped you before.
Yeah, well, things change.
People change.
You'd know that
if you stuck around.
Hi, Ma.
There's my boy.
All right, all right.
Where are your bags?
I got a room
- at the Guildcrest.
- What?
You got a full house here,
Charlotte, Keith, the baby...
Nonsense, we can make space.
I had your father
bring down the rollout.
Well, as luxurious
as that sounds,
I think for the sake of my back,
- I'm gonna stick to the hotel.
- No, I...
It's all right,
come on, what do you need?
You got a lot of bags here.
Yeah. I stopped at
Halliday's Christmas market,
I picked up a few things.
Wow, thank you.
You got it?
- Got it.
- Okay, good.
No peeking.
Yeah, no, I can't see
anything here, Ma.
It might be nice to reconnect
with some old friends
while you're back...
Does she know
you're here for Christmas?
Trying to get rid of me already?
I am so happy to have you home.
It's been too long.
I know.
If there is any chance
that you feel the same,
I'll be at our spot Christmas Eve.
I hope to see you there,
but if I don't,
I understand.
I'm in the city for a few days.
I got in this morning,
and I thought of you.
I even stopped at Sweeteats.
Peace, peace, peace
And joy, joy, joy
And love, love, love
Let's fill the world with
Peace, peace, peace
And joy, joy, joy
And love, love, love
Let's fill the world with
Wait, so what are your plans
after graduation?
Are you still
thinking about traveling?
Actually, I think
I might come home, for good.
I've got my whole life to travel
I miss this place.
The people...
I'm really glad
you came tonight.
I was hoping, um...
I could talk to you
about something
A good something, or...
Well, hopefully.
It's just about the future,
about the things I want
in my life.
About us.
All right, everyone!
It's time for Swapping Santa!
Grab your gifts
and join the circle!
Peace, peace, peace
- And joy, joy, joy
- Later.
And joy, joy, joy
And love, love, love
Let's fill the world with
Peace, peace, peace
And joy, joy, joy
And love, love, love
Let's fill the world with
Peace, peace, peace
And joy, joy, joy
And love, love, love
Let's fill the world with...
Yes, you are too cute.
Life is gonna be easy
on you, though.
Yeah, it is.
He's got your eyes.
And Keith's appetite.
I swear I haven't slept more
than three hours straight
since he was born.
How is Michigan?
Uh, it's good.
Yeah, I put an offer on a house.
You wanna see it?
It's a Craftsman.
Probably do
all the renovations myself.
Everything except for plumbing,
electrical, masonry...
So you're gonna
pick out the paint?
I'm thinking taupe.
It's very nice.
Although, I had hoped
that when you were ready
to plant your roots,
it would have been here,
back home.
Yeah, I know.
That's enough swiping.
I got a job there, Ma,
and I got friends.
Yeah, it's home.
Okay, hungry?
I know.
Looking this cute
is such hard work.
I got him.
His bottles are in the kitchen.
Thank you kindly.
Are you all right?
You've been a bit quiet.
I ran into Elizabeth.
How is she?
I don't know,
only talked for a minute,
maybe not even that.
Are you going to get together
while you're in town?
Nah, she kind of
gave me the brush-off.
Fair warning, everyone,
Charlotte is ruthless.
Okay, what's the point
of playing
if you don't play to win?
You coming?
I don't have a gift.
I got you one.
You save me every time.
Come on.
Wanna trade?
No, game's over.
Ugh, please?
I really wanted a gift basket.
What am I going to do
with two tickets to a ballet?
Well, you could always
take, uh, Elizabeth.
Not a bad first date.
A date?
I know you like her.
Yeah, of course, I like her.
She's my best friend.
And you wish she was more.
It's obvious.
It's obvious...
Is it obvious?
Think it's obvious to her?
Well, you could always take her
to a matinee of "The Nutcracker"
and find out.
Can you take a chance?
I'll take these.
Thank you.
All of them.
- Hi.
- Hi!
Can I help you with something?
- I am looking for a man.
- Aren't we all?
He's a customer of yours.
He was here yesterday,
sometime before noon.
We get a lot of customers
over the holidays.
What did he look like?
I don't know.
Um... yeah.
He bought a box of your turtles.
Well, that's
our most popular item.
We sell dozens a day.
Would you like to try one?
Oh, no, thank you.
Best of Seattle
six years running.
Six years running, huh? Mm!
- Very good.
- Right?
Would you happen to have
sales receipts I could look at?
Just the ones
of the credit card
customers yesterday.
I'm sorry,
I can't disclose
customer information.
Oh, I understand.
- Thank you for your help.
- Merry Christmas.
One entry with every purchase.
Winner gets six boxes of
our famous chocolate truffles.
The sign-in sheet
is just right there.
On second thought,
I actually will take
a box of those turtles.
Thank you so much.
Here we go again.
You went to Sweeteats.
You asked about
your mystery caller, didn't you?
I just wanted chocolates.
Did you?
The owner didn't remember him.
Did you ask for...
- Receipts?
- Yeah.
They're under lock and key.
Oh, sorry.
Hi! Ah, thank you
for returning my call.
I'm looking for someone
who left a voicemail yesterday.
He was trying to reach
a Madelyn?
No? All right, well,
thank you for your time.
Merry Christmas.
There was a sign-up sheet
for the holiday raffle,
and customers can leave
their name and number
to win a prize.
They just let you have it?
I took photos of the sheets
while they were
gift-wrapping my purchase.
There you go.
Looks like a lot of numbers...
There's six down.
63 to go.
People aren't really thrilled
about unsolicited calls
three days before Christmas.
I should... get back to it.
Yeah, of course, I'm sorry.
- I'll leave you to it.
- Mm-hmm.
You need, uh, help?
You want to help?
63 numbers to go.
Faster with two of us.
Come on in.
Here you go.
Sorry, I should have
called ahead.
I'm meeting Nancy and the boys
at her parents' in Asheville.
Nice. How are they doing?
They're really good.
I wish you would have
told me you were coming.
It was a last-minute decision.
It's really good to see you.
You too.
Been worried about you.
We all have.
I'm sorry, I...
I should have
reached out sooner.
So how have you been?
Where are you living now?
I'm working out of Tucson,
building furniture.
Is that so?
I like it.
I get to work with my hands.
It's been really good for me.
How long are you in Seattle?
Just through Christmas.
I'm hoping to see Madelyn.
You're back in touch?
No, not yet...
but she's in the city,
and I'm here for her.
I made a lot of mistakes,
I know that, Pete,
but one of
the biggest ones was...
letting her go.
It's been a long time.
Are you sure she feels the same?
That's what I'm here
to find out.
In the flesh.
I missed you, brother.
Well, you have
a merry Christmas.
Thank you very much.
Okay, that is a no
on, "Keith Porter".
You can cross off "David Kline".
His mother's pretty sure
he didn't make the call.
David is 12.
You know, a wrong number
is the reason why
we have the Santa tracker?
- Hmm?
- Newspaper printed a typo,
and all the kids
trying to reach Santa that year
called NORAD.
Well, too bad
our mystery guy didn't.
They'd have better luck
tracking him down.
Okay, 15 left.
It's gotta be in there.
Who can resist a raffle?
So you just, uh,
home for Christmas?
Yeah. Yeah,
Charlotte had her baby,
so I couldn't miss this one.
Aw, tell her congratulations.
I will.
Are you still in Michigan?
Yeah, I got a job
with a publishing company.
I was surprised to hear
that you went to work
with your mother.
I can't believe
the New York Times
would rescind their offer.
They didn't.
Why didn't you take it?
After Andrew's death,
I just, um...
Well, everything got
really confusing, so...
It just helps
to be around family.
The Times
was your dream, though.
Well, sometimes,
things just don't work out
the way you planned.
Have you seen Elizabeth?
I know it's a lot to take in.
Well, say something.
How long have you felt this way?
It's been a while.
It just snuck up on me.
I haven't said anything
because I know it's going
to change things between us,
but I don't know how much longer
I can just go on being friends
when I do want more.
Excuse me.
I tried calling you.
I know.
I shouldn't have ignored you.
So why did you?
I thought it would be easier,
to get away from the city.
Away from me?
Andy would have never been
on that road that night
if it weren't for me.
It wasn't your fault.
The other driver
hit a patch of ice.
You had nothing to do with it.
I was the reason he left.
If I would have just
stayed at the party
like Andy had asked me to,
it would have...
Hello? Hi.
Uh, no, thank you
for returning my call.
Yeah, I was looking for someone
that left a voicemail...
He was trying to reach
a Madelyn?
Where are you going?
I'm going to go out
for some air.
That's it.
That's the last name.
I'm sorry.
It was a good idea.
It was my only idea.
I should just delete it.
I just can't
bring myself to do it.
It wasn't even
the sadness in his voice,
it was the hope.
Can I hear the message?
Yeah, you read it.
You know what it says.
Indulge me?
Hey, Madelyn.
It's me.
I got your new number,
and I wanted to call you.
I hope that's okay.
I'm sure you're surprised
to hear from me,
but I've been thinking
about you, about us,
a lot.
I got in this morning,
and I even stopped at Sweeteats.
They still have
those caramel turtles
you like so much.
I miss you, Maddy.
I know I've made
a lot of mistakes...
but I'm trying to make
things right.
I can see why it made
an impression.
I know you're probably busy
with the holidays,
but if there is any chance
that you feel the same...
Wait, stop it.
What was that?
- What?
- In the background.
Play it again?
If there is any chance...
that you feel the same-
There's a song playing.
I'll be at our spot...
Probably the television...
No, it's too close
to the receiver.
It starts mid-message.
Christmas Eve, 9:00...
You think it's important?
I don't know.
Recognize the song?
Yeah, I know,
it's not much of a lead, but...
Hey, this is better
than anything we've got.
I think I know somebody
who can help us.
It hasn't changed.
No, it hasn't...
Oh, it is you.
Aren't you
a sight for sore eyes!
Hi, Sharon!
Oh, Merry Christmas.
Oh, we've missed you
around these parts.
Josh, you didn't tell me
he was bringing you by.
We bumped into each other, Mom.
Well, what luck.
Is Charlotte here?
Yeah, she's in the kitchen,
she's helping me
with the gingerbread men!
The ones with
the frosted bow ties?
The ones with the frosted
bow ties.
I'll be at our spot...
Christmas Eve, 9:00.
I don't recognize the song,
but it sounds like
it's coming from a music box.
How can you tell?
The tone is very distinctive.
It comes from plucking
a steel comb.
- Hmm.
- You said the guy
made the phone call
from a hotel room, right?
Who travels with a music box?
Maybe he bought it as a gift?
We know he stopped
at the candy shop, right?
Maybe he made another purchase?
Which means we might have
another place
that someone can ID him.
What if
we looked up all the stores
that have music boxes
available for sale?
Then we could narrow the search
to the local vendors.
Just one small problem.
That mechanism isn't unique
to music boxes.
So it could be a toy,
a musical ornament.
- Right.
- Great.
Then we find the song.
If we find the song,
then we can narrow the search
that way?
You need to talk
to Slide Cunningham.
- Who?
- Who?
He owns the record store
off of Fifth.
Plays poker with your father
on Friday nights.
He knows every song
under the sun.
Of course, he does.
They're done.
Josh, go get a couple of aprons.
You two are just in time
to help decorate.
No, no, no, Mom,
we're in a hurry.
We have... some time, yeah?
For every five we decorate,
we do get to eat one.
- Okay.
- Uh-huh.
Don't judge.
Keep comments
to yourselves, please.
- Here's some more googly eyes.
- Oh, thank you.
Sharon, this is
my fourth cookie.
Looking good.
One more!
So have you finished
your Christmas shopping?
Nah. I was gonna get tickets
to that big Christmas concert,
but they sold out in minutes.
- Oh!
- So... mm-hmm.
What about you?
Oh, wait, sorry.
Were you done in...
- No.
- Mm.
No, September.
Oh! September.
The sales start in November.
You like to pay full price, huh?
I like to get it done early.
It's how I roll.
Thank you, by the way,
for indulging my mom.
I appreciate that.
Oh, no, your family is always
so warm and big and...
just lively
at Christmas.
Yeah, they're all right.
Yeah, it was just me
and my mom for so long...
You know that.
I always looked forward
to spending time here.
What is that?
Oh, my goodness!
What is that?
It doesn't have pants.
I'm getting there.
Well, I quite like your... gingerbread...
That is not a frog.
That is no frog, that is an elf.
It maybe looks like a frog.
Wonder what happened
with our mystery man
and Madelyn.
Have you thought about it?
I like to think that
she's the one who got away,
because he sounds like
he really loves her.
Think she'll give him
a second chance?
I hope so.
I like to think,
when you're truly meant
for someone,
it's never too late
to get it right.
You know what I think happened?
I think she insulted
his gingerbread elf.
Or she could've complimented
his gingerbread frog.
That's true.
I appreciate that.
I don't know if you can
claim that, but it's close.
They're on sale.
In November.
Great. I'll pick 'em up.
- Hey!
- Hi.
Oh! Those look delicious.
Caramel turtles.
Want to go in?
No. Just looking.
Shall we?
Hello. Sorry.
Hey! What can I do for you?
We're actually just
looking for a song.
My mother said you might be
able to help us identify it.
Do you know a Sharon Hart?
Oh! You're Gary's boy?
- Yeah.
- Yeah, we were...
told you're the expert
with these kinds of things.
You know how many people walk
through the door every day,
humming some bridge off-tune,
asking me to name it?
A lot.
And you know how many times
I can name it?
Every time.
Let's hear it.
If there is any chance...
that you feel the same...
I'll be at our spot...
Christmas Eve, 9:00.
I got nothing.
Well, that took a turn.
It must be Christmas again
I look around and see
Those old signs the same
But lights and laughter
They fill the air
So, there's
the Festival of Trees,
ice skating
at Seattle Center Winterfest,
and Holiday High at the Fairmont.
I heard that's very popular.
I did some research
on the plane.
You know, this is
my first time in Seattle.
What's your favorite place
to visit in the city?
Oh, it's been a while.
there's something
I want to talk to you about.
The last few months,
they've been really wonderful.
- I hope you feel the same.
- I do.
My brother is hosting
a New Year's party.
My family will all be there.
I'd love for you
to come and meet them.
Meet your family?
Yeah, they've heard
so much about you.
It's the next step.
"The next step."
Just think about it?
Why don't we check out
that tea party?
I really think
you're going to enjoy it.
- They serve tiny sandwiches.
- Okay.
Well, I think it's safe to say
that our song
is not
"Baby, It's Cold Outside".
WZRX has played it four times
in the last two hours.
Well, they've played it
five times on OKQ.
So how's it going?
Any luck on your end?
I was able to clip the portion
of the voicemail
and post it to a few Christmas-
enthusiast message boards.
I like that.
How many are there?
More than you would think!
The consensus is
it's some old, obscure
British song
named "Holly and the Ivy".
And what do you think?
I am sending you the file now.
Great. Well done.
All set.
It's too...
- Not quite.
- Nope.
I'm glad we're on the same page.
what are you doing tonight?
Uh... this.
Yeah? Yeah,
I think I've hit a brick wall.
I've gone through
a pot of coffee.
Uh, hey, Josh?
Um, someone's here,
so I got to go.
Oh, yeah? Okay.
I'll see you tomorrow?
I gotta get back.
I've been here too long.
I gotta go.
Hey, where's Josh?
He left.
- He left?
- Yeah.
He said he needed some air.
When was that?
Five, ten minutes ago?
Hey, Josh left.
Can you give you a ride?
- Yeah, sure.
- Okay.
Don't you think you should
talk to Josh first?
Ah, it'll have to wait.
Oh! It's locked.
I think you should tell him. Tonight.
He's not here.
I know you're nervous,
but if you don't
say something now,
I think you'll regret it.
I'll tell him.
I promise.
It's open, Mom.
Oh, I'm so glad you are here.
- Oh!
- I want you
to listen to something for me.
What's all this?
Music boxes?
Oh, I didn't ruin
my Christmas gift, did I?
There's a song
in the background
of the voicemail,
and I can't identify it.
Can you just tell me
if you recognize it?
If there is any chance...
that you feel the same...
I know it's not much to go on.
You're still trying
to find that caller?
Well, the hotel clearly
isn't going to help me.
We're his last hope!
Ah, you've always
been so tenacious.
Running around this city,
just tracking every lead
for your paper...
Wait. You said "We're".
"We're his last hope."
Josh is been helping me.
Josh Hart?
Oh, I haven't heard that name
in a while.
Yeah, he's back
for Christmas, so.
Do you think that's a good idea?
He left.
He moved halfway
around the country,
couldn't pick up the phone.
Honey, I just don't want
to see you get hurt again.
I'm fine!
I promise.
I spoke to Tom Burress today.
He's accepted an offer
with another firm.
He gave his notice.
He's gonna be tough to replace.
Do you have anyone else in mind?
You're ready.
And I would like to make
the official announcement
at the party.
I don't know what to say.
Think about it.
This is Slide Cunningham.
I think we might have your song.
See you soon.
That's great!
Magic is falling
straight from the sky
Covering everything
glistening white
Jack Frost has finally
come out to say "hi"
With his snow
- Come on in.
- On Christmas morning
I couldn't get the darn thing
out of my head all night.
Oh, thanks for opening early.
Oh, a friend of mine dropped by
for an impromptu jam session,
so it's no trouble.
I had it here a moment ago.
I'll be right back.
Oh. Okay.
Three golden rings
Two turtle doves
And a partri-i-idge
In a pear tree
On the ninth day
of Christmas
My true love gave to me-e-e
Oh, hi.
I did not mean to interrupt.
I'm just...
No, that's all right,
I forgot the next line anyways.
Is it "Lords a-leapin'"?
"Pipers pipin'"?
"Ladies dancing."
Yeah! "Ladies dancing."
All right.
Aren't you...
aren't you Tenille Townes?
Slide told me a bit
about your dilemma.
You must think I'm crazy...
Running around the city
looking for a stranger.
No! I mean, there's
no such thing as a stranger
at Christmas.
I think what you're doing
is very kind.
We need more of that
in this world.
Here it is.
Blue Notes' Christmas album. 1986.
First pressing!
"The Blue Notes"?
Jazz trio.
Now, the Christmas album
is mostly holiday standards,
the last song is an original.
"Time for Me to Come Home."
There's music in the city
And the lights
All on display
There's a big ol' tree
For all to see
Where the children
run and play...
This is it!
This is it! Yes!
This is it!
- Yeah?
- It is!
I'm hurrying on my way...
It's a snow globe!
I just got a call from Slide.
- He found the song.
- Huh!
So I did some research,
and McCammon's department store
puts out a signature snow globe
every Christmas.
Oh, yes.
My mother got one last year.
It had a little dog
on a sled,
and every time
you turned the key,
it played Jimmy Wakely's
"Christmas Polka".
Well, this year's globe
plays "Time for Me to Come Home"
by the Blue Notes.
Wow. I can be at McCammon's
in 15 minutes.
Yeah, I'll just meet you there.
All right.
Okay, so I'm a snow globe.
Where would I live?
No, no. Toys. Toys.
Something tells me
it's behind...
these two handsome gentlemen.
Well, to summarize,
we're looking
for a man who purchased
your amazing snow globe
on Monday.
Sometime before 11 a.m.
And he might've had
from "Sweeteats Candy" bag
and might have been shopping
for a woman named Madelyn.
I'm sorry,
I know this is a long shot.
Did you say "Madelyn"?
There was one customer.
He was about your height.
Had a beard.
Mentioned shopping
for a Madelyn.
I suggested a snow globe.
Very popular.
And wouldn't you know, he said
they had their first date
in that gazebo?
Did he tell you anything else?
Just that she was
in the city for work
and he was hoping to connect.
He didn't want to show up
Okay, did he happen
to say his name?
Did he pay by credit card?
How did you say
you knew him again?
He left something with us.
- Mm-hmm.
- Uh, we're trying to return it.
Well, if you leave your number,
I can let you know
if he comes back in.
Thank you.
Have a good one. Bye.
All right, you ready?
Moment of truth.
One shake for good luck.
I think this is it.
I knew it.
Yeah, I think that's it.
I think that's it.
Honey, you found your song!
Ms. Athens.
It's so good to see you.
I'm so sorry it's been so long.
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas.
We got a lucky break.
Oh, I don't think
it would be a lucky break.
Um, a music shop owner
recognized the song
from an old out-of-print LP,
and Elizabeth managed
to trace it
to this particular snow globe
in this particular store.
So now what's next?
Well, we know
he was here Monday morning.
Uh, we have to see
if anyone remembers him.
Oh, you know what,
if they left a paper trail?
Okay. Well, best of luck.
Don't need luck.
Got Lizzie.
He might go back.
We shouldn't rule it out.
I know, I can't just wait
and do nothing, though.
It is odd.
What is?
In his message...
He said that Madelyn was gonna
be busy at the holidays,
and that's usually
friends and family.
But he never mentioned work.
I just... I think there's
some angle we're missing.
Tell me.
It just feels
a little like old times.
You and me,
on some wild-goose chase.
I always thought
you blamed me...
for the accident.
I talked the both of you into
going to that party that night.
I wasn't there
when I promised
that I'd get you home.
Where did you go that night?
Did something happen or...?
The voicemail said,
"I know you're probably busy
with the holidays."
What if he didn't say
He meant the Christmas Market?
Yeah, maybe she worked
at one of the booths?
How long is it open?
Till tomorrow night...
Christmas Eve.
Come on.
Or Santa's photo booth.
Well, photo booth...
West or east?
'Cause there's one at each exit.
- Really?
- Yeah.
How big is this market?
Step right up!
Test your skill!
You, with the blue coat.
- That's you.
- Oh, uh...
N-No, thank you.
Three rings to win.
Come on!
Win a prize for your girlfriend.
- Oh, no...
- Oh! Please, no! No.
I would be more likely
to win one for him.
Say that a little bit louder.
Don't think
they heard you in the back.
Come on. You're not
the most coordinated person.
Tell me how you really feel.
That a challenge?
No, a challenge would be
if I spotted you two rings.
You're on.
We're on!
I like your spirit.
There you go.
- Thank you.
- Please...
Ladies first.
Yes! One.
Looked pretty easy.
Here we go.
Not bad.
One - one.
It's a, uh, wrist-elbow action.
Don't injure yourself.
Thank you.
No pressure.
Looks like we're all tied up.
Should we bet?
What's the bet?
I win, you have to buy me
a hot chocolate.
What if I win?
Name your prize.
You got to come
to my parents' Christmas party.
You're on.
Please, allow me.
Thank you. Thank you.
What time?
There you go.
Thank you.
Oh! No, sir.
That is your prize.
I was hoping you'd say that.
Thank you.
- Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas.
Hi. Do you know a Madelyn?
No, I'm afraid not.
Oh. Or a, like, Maddy, even?
Sorry, I don't know her.
Sure. She works here.
She's off today,
but if you come back tomorrow,
she'll be around.
Okay. Thank you. We will.
- Did we find her?
- Maybe. We don't know for sure.
No, no, no, we got
a good feeling about this.
I do, too!
Oh, thank you.
For everything.
Seriously, I would not be here
without you.
What are you two doing here?
Oh, we're just catching up.
Did he tell you
about his new house?
You bought a house?
But... in Michigan?
I'm about to, yeah.
We're taking the little guy
for his first photo with Santa.
You guys should come.
We're going to sneak in a few.
Just like you did
when you were little, remember?
No, no, Ma.
I think we're... we're okay.
Oh, come on.
It'll be fun.
We're bringing the bear.
Let's go.
- Let's go! Santa.
- It's a celebration.
Family photo time!
Josh! Josh.
Any word yet?
No, not yet.
But, uh, I didn't tell her
to call me or text me.
I said "Let's meet
at our usual spot,
Christmas Eve."
Madelyn came to see me.
After you left?
Said you'd stopped
answering her phone calls.
Hoped you might've
picked up mine.
I... I'm sorry.
I couldn't let anyone...
see me.
I felt so ashamed.
Nothing wrong with asking
for a little help.
I know that now.
And I'm, um, seeing someone...
a counselor.
Been doing the work.
And I gotta tell you, Pete,
for the first time
in a long time,
it feels like my head
is above water.
This is great to hear.
you should prepare yourself
for the possibility
that she's moved on.
I've tried to leave her
in the past.
But no matter how much time
goes by...
my thoughts
always go back to her.
She's the love of my life, Pete.
And I gotta try
to make this right.
It's been three years.
You can't expect her to wait.
I know.
Come to Asheville with me.
Spend Christmas with family.
I've already talked to Nancy.
There's plenty of room.
We'd all love to have you.
That's very kind, but...
I know you're hoping
things work out.
What if it doesn't?
Don't stick around this city
just to get your heart broken.
I'm okay.
I've been to all our old spots.
I got her this snow globe
with a gazebo
and a cupola in it.
The gazebo?
Like, the gazebo.
I just... just gotta see her.
Gotta talk to her.
Is that everything?
It should be.
Where's Troy?
He's meeting us at the site.
Think we have time for lunch?
Oh, we can get something there.
Do you believe in fate?
That certain things
are meant to be?
Wh... Where is this coming from?
I feel like I've been getting
these signs from the universe.
It got me thinking.
If some things that happen
were always meant to happen...
then the things
that don't work out
were never meant to.
I don't believe in signs.
I think we notice things
because they're important to us,
because they're on our mind.
So, what's been on your mind?
Okay, so she works
at Halliday's?
- Yeah, possibly.
- Yeah, we're going back
tomorrow to play her the message
at the Christmas Market.
I wonder what happened
to drive them apart?
Maybe he chose the wrong woman
and always regretted it?
I wouldn't take him back.
We don't know
what happened for sure.
I think it's romantic...
One last grand gesture
to the one who got away.
And the voicemail
ended up with you?
Like a message in a bottle.
But why your number?
I guess Madelyn's and I's
must be similar,
and he probably got a digit off.
Well, they got
the right wrong number.
Most people would have
simply deleted it.
I just can't believe
you found her,
with so little to go on
in a 20-second voicemail.
- I can.
- I can, too.
These two were quite the team
back in the day.
Thank you, Mom.
There you are.
You all right?
I was just thinking about
the last time we were out here.
Andy made us
make that Christmas wish.
I think about
that Christmas a lot.
there's a lot of things
I wish I would've
really done differently.
Things I wish I'd told him.
He would've loved
our voicemail mystery.
Yeah, he would've guessed
that song on the first listen.
And he would've rubbed it
in our faces, too.
Oh, we would've never
heard the end of it.
I miss him.
I miss him, too.
Sometimes, I think that, um...
I just had
this whole other life,
just waiting for me,
and just that one night just...
just pushed it off-course.
This is for you.
I thought you might like a copy.
- Oh.
- All right.
I'm gonna take Elizabeth home.
I'll be back in a bit.
- You bet.
- Okay. You ready to go?
Oh, no. It's all right.
No. I called a cab.
Are you sure?
Thank you. Goodnight.
I had a really wonderful time.
you and Elizabeth
have been spending
a lot of time together.
Yeah, she needed my help.
Oh. Okay.
That's all this was?
A favor.
I feel like you're gonna tell me
what you think this is.
You miss her.
Tell her, Josh.
This could be
your second chance.
So... you think
she'll give him a second chance?
Yeah, why wouldn't she?
People move on.
Don't want to reopen old wounds.
Even if it means
losing the love of your life?
No, I hope
she at least hears him out.
I would want to know exactly
where I stand with someone.
Even if it changed
the way you felt about them?
You can't have
a relationship without honesty,
even if it's hard to hear.
I haven't been honest with you.
What do you mean?
I heard you and Andy
that night...
at the party.
Heard us...?
Talking. In the den.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean
to, uh... eavesdrop...
I was looking for you.
How much did you hear?
All of it.
Is that why you left?
I just didn't know
what to say to you.
I just needed time to think.
Oh, no!
I thought the market
ran until five.
Oh, uh, I think there's
maybe a storm coming.
they're shutting down early.
- Is everyone gone?
- I don't know.
Come on. Let's go.
- Yeah. Let's go, let's go.
- Hey. Hey!
Oh, I'm sorry, we've put
all our merchandise away.
No, no! We're just looking
for Madelyn. I-Is she here?
She just left.
Well, how long ago?
Just a minute.
Let me see if I can catch her.
- Please. Thank you.
- Thank you.
Madelyn? Madelyn!
Someone's here to see you!
I'll be at our spot...
on Christmas Eve, 9:00.
I hope to see you there,
but if...
if I don't,
I understand.
I don't think I'm the person
you're looking for.
But... really?
Are you sure?
That message isn't for me.
I'm sorry.
It's Christmas Eve!
That was our best shot.
Maybe there's
something we missed.
Josh, it's too late!
There's nothing...
I'm sorry about earlier.
I shouldn't have said anything.
I just didn't want you
to find out that way.
Do you still feel the same?
I do.
These past few days
made me realize it,
so, yeah.
- You can't help who you love.
- No, you can't!
I want to tell you, that, uh...
the last few days...
have been great for me.
I'm very happy
to have my friend back.
When I go back to Michigan,
I hope we stay in touch,
Right... Yeah, okay... Oh.
You are going back, so... yeah.
It's finally starting
to feel like home.
I'm happy for you.
Okay, better, uh...
I guess I should get going.
I'm supposed to
meet Charlotte soon, so...
If I don't see you...
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas.
Dashing through the snow
In a one-horse open sleigh
O'er the fields we go
Laughing all the way
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to...
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh
Thank you very much.
We're Madelyn Hawn
and the Holidays.
We'll be opening for
the Christmas concert tonight.
Be sure to get your tickets,
and have a very Merry Christmas.
Hey, you were wonderful.
I'm sorry, I need to, um...
Are you okay?
I thought I saw someone I knew.
Um, I was going
to get you flowers,
but I remembered
how you looked at these
in the window.
Caramel turtles?
Oh! I thought it was
the peppermint truffles.
Thank you.
Seems like your head's
been somewhere else
the last couple days.
It's not going to work, is it?
I'm sorry.
Is there someone else?
A memory.
Those can be real hard
to let go of.
They are.
It's silly, really.
It's been years.
He probably doesn't even
think of me...
You deserve to be happy, Madelyn,
you really do.
Hey, Pete.
Listen, I've been
looking into flights.
I think I'm gonna
take you up on that offer
and join you and the family
for Christmas.
What happened?
I saw her.
I'm sorry, Carter.
I'm not.
She looked...
really happy.
I'll see you soon, brother.
Yeah, you bet.
Christmas Eve
Driver's seat
Praying the lights
will lead me home
The city sleeps
The empty streets
Hoping my welcome
is still warm...
you're just going to let her
walk out of your life,
What am I supposed to do?
Say something.
I did.
Or I tried to.
For a moment there,
I really thought that maybe
she felt the same,
but I gotta stop.
I gotta stop and just...
be her friend,
like I should have
a long time ago.
I think it's time
I let this dream die.
I'm sorry, Josh.
Me too.
I'm going to get
another beverage.
You good?
I will have a, uh...
a water.
You were right.
The green's a better choice.
So, I've been meaning
to ask you.
What happened
with your mystery caller?
Just turned out to be
a fool's errand.
Ah, I see.
Look, I know you were
expecting a decision
from me tonight.
I just need a little more time.
I'm just...
You know,
when you came to me
to tell me that you had decided
to join me at the company,
I knew that it was
what you needed at the time,
just a soft place to land,
for a little while.
It was so nice to have you here,
beside me,
and I guess
I was a little selfish
just... just wanting
to hold onto that.
These last few days,
I've seen a side of you
I haven't seen in years.
Why are you telling me this?
you have a message
at the front desk.
What are you doing here?
You look beautiful.
I found her.
She's in a band.
Madelyn Hawn and the Holidays.
Are you sure it's her?
It all adds up.
In the city for work.
The Holidays.
She's the opening act
for the big Christmas concert.
That's tonight.
I know.
I got a cab waiting.
Come on.
Yeah, they won't let us in
without a ticket.
Well, there's got to be
another way.
- We sneaking in?
- Yup.
But how are we
going to find her?
I don't know.
Act more natural.
Excuse me,
we're looking for Madelyn.
Okay. Thank you.
Appreciate that.
Very natural.
I'm trying...
Hey, she could be
in one of these rooms.
Yeah, I think you're right...
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Where are your passes?
Oh, we had...
So, they were here a minute ago
That's so weird.
Where did they go?
You know what,
I bet they're back here.
Let's go, let's go grab 'em.
I need you both to come with me.
We need to talk
to, um, Madelyn Hawn.
We have something
that belongs to her.
Please, it's very important
we deliver this.
She's down the hall.
Last door.
They don't have passes.
Well then
you better show 'em the way.
Merry Christmas.
Thank you.
What she said.
Thank you.
- Ms. Hawn?
- Come in!
You have visitors.
Hi, um...
My name is Elizabeth.
I'm Josh.
You don't know us,
but we have spent
the last three days
running around this city
trying to find you.
We have a message for you.
Hey, Madelyn, it's me.
Been a minute, huh?
I-I got your new number,
and I wanted to call you,
I hope that's okay.
I'm sure you're surprised
to hear from me,
but I've been thinking
about you.
About us, a lot.
I got in this morning,
and I even stopped at Sweeteats.
They still have
those caramel turtles
you like so much.
I miss you, Maddy.
I know I've made
a lot of mistakes...
but I'm trying
to make things right.
I know you're probably busy
with the Holidays, but...
if there is any chance
that you feel the same...
I'll be at our spot,
Christmas Eve, 9:00.
I hope to see you there,
but if I don't, I understand.
Is this for you?
Do you know the place
he's referencing?
It's the Starlight Diner,
where we first met.
He'll be waiting for you there.
He tried to reach me...
I don't know what happened
between you two, I just...
I just think you should really
hear him out.
Because otherwise,
you're just always gonna wonder.
You said your name
was Elizabeth?
I think I have
something of yours.
Hi, Elizabeth, this is Carter.
Carter Bishop.
I was hoping for a chance
to speak with you.
I'd be very grateful
for the time.
I'm staying
at the Guildcrest Hotel.
You can reach me here.
Merry Christmas.
Carter Bishop?
How do you know Carter?
Three years ago, uh...
I was in a car accident, um...
and we lost our best friend.
...'cause it's Christmas
in the city, baby...
Look out!
That was you?
That accident changed our lives.
Carter never got over the guilt.
He pushed me away.
He pushed everyone away.
I tried so hard
to be there for him, but...
He wouldn't listen.
He wanted to be alone,
so I deleted his number,
tried my best to move on.
This whole time
I was looking for him...
he was looking for me.
Are you going to go see him?
No, I can't do that.
No, seeing him would take me
right back to that night.
Lizzie, I don't think
we ever left that night.
After Andy died, I...
I ran away.
Maybe in some way, you did, too.
I can't do this.
You don't have to do it alone.
Mr. Bishop?
I'm, um...
Miss Athens.
You didn't return my call.
I, uh, didn't get it until now.
I don't understand.
You didn't leave your message
on my voicemail.
I didn't?
You left it on Madelyn's.
She got my message,
and... I got hers.
Is-is she here?
No, sorry.
Please sit.
I'll be right here.
why did you call me?
I think about that night
all the time.
What I could have
done differently.
If only I had
turned into the skid, or...
left my house a minute later...
I punished myself
for a long time.
I mean, what right did I have
to be happy
when I stole someone else's?
In the past year,
I've started putting
the pieces of my life
back together...
And I knew there were
two calls I had to make.
I wanted a chance
to see you face to face...
and ask for your forgiveness.
I didn't blame you.
I blamed myself.
It seems we've been carrying
this guilt around too long.
Is it okay if we set it down?
Think she'll give him
a second chance?
I hope so.
I'm sorry.
I should have
been there for you,
even if you didn't
feel the same.
What do you mean feel the same?
When you told Andy
you had feelings for him,
I was hurt, I was confused.
I don't know.
Told Andy
I had feelings for him?
I was talking about you.
I was so nervous
to say anything to you that...
I was just asking Andy
for advice.
So you were...
In love with you?
I never stopped.
Ladies and gentlemen,
please welcome to the stage,
Tenille Townes!
How you doing tonight?
Merry Christmas!
I got a special one for you,
by request.
There's music in the city
And the lights
are on display
There's a big ole tree
for all to see
Where the children
run and play
I look out through my window
just don't seem right
Till I said hello
And heard her voice
On the other end of the line
Now it's Christmas
I'm hurryin' on my way
Christmas, Christmas
Like I'm riding
in a one-horse sleigh
Well, I don't have to hear
no jingle bells
Just the ringing
of the phone
'Cause Mama just called
and said it's time
For me to come home
Well, the pies
are in the oven
You can almost taste the air
And it warms my heart
to feel her love
And know how much she cares
It's funny how going back
Can get you back
where you belong
It's the difference
in just a melody
And my favorite
Christmas song
Now it's Christmas
I'm hurryin' on my way
Christmas, Christmas
Like I'm riding
in a one-horse sleigh
Well, I don't have to hear
no Jingle Bells
Just the ringing
of the phone
'Cause Mama just called
and said it's time
For me to come home
Yeah, Mama just called
and said it's time
For me to come home
Yeah, yeah
Merry Christmas, everybody!