Time Pirates (2022) Movie Script

Land ahoy, Captain!
Got you!
Bugger you, Blackbeard.
So close.
Bali nuts!
Where is he? Find Captain Cooper!
Give us the map, Coop.
Afraid to face old Blackbeard, are ye?
Check down below.
Ye be Captain Cooper.
Do you know why I'm here?
The map.
And I aim to have it.
Step forward,
and I may let you walk the plank.
It's better than a poke in the eye
with a rusty nail.
I'm all out of rusty nails.
Come on. Come and get this. Come and get it!
Hoo-hoo-hoo! Too slow.
I still be faster than ye.
You won't be so lucky next time.
Come on, old man.
Hey, watch your tongue! I ain't that old.
Give it up, Blackbeard.
Your ambitions for Mystic Island
outweigh your expertise.
It's only but half a map. Useless to you.
Take back your ship, we'll call it even.
I might take both.
Almost, huh?
Never cross Blackbeard again, my friend.
All right, all right.
I'll give you what you want.
See? Was that so hard?
Come on, make those little bones work.
What is this writing on your arm?
It's nothing. Pay it no regard.
-Ex lovers?
-Maybe a poem.
Maybe a nice recipe.
No, and whatever you do,
don't read them out loud.
-I will say these words.
-No, don't.
You do not tell me what to do.
-Etlov ettes edicuu...
Assor... amad al.
Oh, no!
Oh! What have you done?
I told you not to read the lines out loud.
When did you say that?
Who knows the consequences of where the map
-and Elrod's treasure are now?
-You didn't tell me
something like this would happen.
I told you not to read them!
You bilge rat!
I want Elrod's map
and the treasure where it leads.
-So do I, yeah.
-I will put you in irons
in my prison tower until you tell me
what happened to The
Red Queen, mark my words.
That treasure will be mine, all mine!
Well, you could be waiting a very long time.
How long?
Welcome to Hollywood Now!
-We're your hosts Rene...
-And Alicia Herbert.
And today we're spotlighting
hot new rock band SM6.
The six siblings that
form a unique family band
are TikTok sensations
and have recently taken the world by storm.
Whether it's their hilarious
high jinks or must-hear music,
the internet cannot get enough of SM6.
Let's meet the band.
SM6 is beginning their
very first headlining tour
here in Hollywood tomorrow night.
And if that isn't exciting enough,
the band is filming their new music video
onboard a real historic pirate ship
rumored to be owned by infamous
high seas pirate Blackbeard.
So join us as Hollywood Now!
Has a very first exclusive look
into the filming of SM6's
new single Overboard.
This might seem a little forward
I don't wanna come off too strong
I just wanna let you know
Gotta let you know
But I don't wanna go overboard
I've known you since we were kids
It never felt like this
Hits me with no warnin'
I didn't see it comin'
I know where this is going
Hey, yeah
Hey, yeah
I know you feel it, too
So hold me closer than before
Hits you with no warnin'
You didn't see it comin'
But I don't wanna make
a mess of what we had
Hey, yeah
Hey, yeah
I don't, I don't, I don't wanna go
I don't, I don't, I don't wanna go
-Go, go, go, go
-What's going on?
Cut! Cut! Stop the music!
This is a hot mess!
Dancers, take ten.
Performers, thank you so much.
SM6, the whole family. Let's go!
Okay, where do I begin?
No, no, no, no, no,
and definitely no.
I have six wonderful performers
shooting six different music videos.
I need pirates,
and you all are giving me pi-don'ts.
But if we're pirates in the 1700s,
why are we playing modern instruments?
Shouldn't I have, like, a lute or something?
-That's a point.
-It's a music video.
Nobody cares.
Loot like we plundered a ship?
No, no! Not loot! A lute!
L-U-T-E, lute, you loon!
Pirates in the 1700s didn't have
distortion pedals on their lutes.
I just got that pedal last week.
-It doesn't sound like it.
Okay, wait. What if we've been captured
by Blackbeard, but he's tied us up,
and he's making us walk the plank?
I could escape from my binds to save the day
and free the rest of you.
The end. You're welcome.
Over here, troops! Listen to me, me, me.
-Listen to me.
-Sailing the high seas
-looking for adventure.
-And buried loot!
And we could do this all by lunch!
One hour.
And not a minute longer.
We still have magic to create.
That's right. Yes, we do!
Hey, let's go downstairs,
see what kind of trouble we can get into.
Maybe there's a dead parrot down there.
"Polly wants your soul."
Huh! This is so unsafe.
I bet whoever's ship this
was carried a lot of gold
and treasure down here.
Twenty bucks says I'm right.
Argh, matey! Give me back me gold!
Do not do that again!
You got it, matey!
You broke it. You're paying for that, not me.
I broke it? You're the
one that slammed into it
-with your big bum.
-I do not--
I do not have a big bum.
What is it?
"The Big Book o' Buccaneers."
It's all about pirates.
Hey, did you know Anne Bonny
was more fearless than
all the men on her ship?
"When her crew was
captured, she refused to give up
even though the men on her
command were hiding below deck."
She said to them, "If there's a man among ye,
you will come up and fight
like the man you ought to be!"
What was that noise?
What did you break this time?
Um, not much, but you
gotta see what we found!
We got a treasure map!
We found it inside an old
barrel on the lower deck.
-After Adam broke it.
-You actually broke something?
Thanks a lot.
We said we weren't gonna
tell them about that part.
It's a treasure map!
-I found a book!
-Yeah, that's great.
-That's great, Emily.
So, wait. You found this inside of a barrel?
Yeah, that and a whole lot of sand.
This is really old parchment.
What's written on the back here?
Et... Etlov.
Here, Jack! Hold this!
Okay, so I've been writing
a new song for the album,
but I can't quite get the lyrics right yet.
This just gave me an idea.
Here. What do you think of this?
And if you wanna know the score
There's a place you never been before
We're down for a battle royale
Just tell me
Etlov ettes ediccu assor amad al
-Catchy, right?
What's happening?
Your song is so bad, it
put a hole in the ceiling!
Is that a shark? Everybody hold on!
Where are we?
What just happened?
Okay, let's not freak out.
Uh, guys?
Where did all this water come from?
There is so much water out there!
-It's gonna be okay!
-No, wait!
It's not gonna be okay!
You don't know what it's
like having aquaphobia!
The crashing waves ready to pull you under.
Where there's sharks and sea creatures
and you're afraid they're gonna get you!
And mermaids! I'm so terrified
of Ariel and her whozits, whatzits,
-thingamabobs galore!
-You hear that?
He's terrified! He's so terrified!
It's gonna be okay!
Challenges make us stronger
-as long as we work together!
-He's right!
I'm sure there's a logical
explanation for this!
We'll figure it out, okay?
Guys, guys!
You guys, those are rocks.
Guys, we need to do something!
We need to do something right now!
We're gonna crash into the
rocks! We're gonna crash!
-Where's the wheel?
Hurry! Get the sails up!
Somewhere far away in my mind
I needed someone
There you are tonight
It's all too dangerous to me
Don't come my way
Oh, I'm not the type to go fallin'
Fallin' into, don't ask me why
I can't stop staring at you
I must be losin' my head
I'm all out of breath
But, oh, when I look at you
I feel so new
Feel so
Feel so
Feel so new
Oh, yeah
The night led us to our first dance
Hand in hand no longer looking back
This was never, ever in my plan
You should know, oh, I'm not the type
To go fallin', fallin' into
Don't ask me why
I can't stop-stop staring at you
I must be losin' my head
I'm all out of breath
But, oh, when I look at you
I feel so new
Feel so
Feel so
Feel so new
Hey, we missed them! We missed them!
We're okay!
Oh... I did it.
I did it! I saved everybody!
You? It was more--
I did it! I did it! I did it!
I did it! Jack, take the helm while I dance!
Now you want me to touch the helm?
I did it! I did it! I did it!
Hey, I think
I see a town over there.
Now we just have to figure out
how to stop the ship when we arrive.
Oh, this must be another
one of those challenges
-you told us about!
-Yeah. I never said
those challenges would be easy!
It says here we need to
go down to the Hawser Hole
and tie another rope to the anchor.
- And then we drop it down--
- Got it!
-Are you okay?
-I guess
that's one way to do it.
The Red Queen.
Hey, Emily, see if it's in the book.
All the dates in these pages
refer to the early 1700s.
The 1700s? That was like a decade ago!
Disco sucks!
"Welcome to Port Royal,
turn away now..."
"Turn away now if you value your lives?"
Here it is. Port Royal, Jamaica.
What? Like, "the" Jamaica?
That's impossible, guys!
Jamaica is not in California.
It's in Florida!
"Jamaica. An infamous pirate stronghold,
"the Port Royal township
of Jamaica is populated
"with the fiercest brigands,
knaves, and scoundrels
to ever disgrace these seven seas."
We have a concert tomorrow night,
opening date to our first headlining tour!
And what about Mom and Dad?
They're probably looking for us right now!
They're gonna be so mad at us!
We are so grounded.
Guess what, guys? We don't even have
our passports to be in another state!
We are all going to jail!
Let's backtrack. We were filming,
and then we broke for lunch,
and then we were running around the ship,
and that's when you guys found--
The map!
Wait a second. Wait a second.
Are you saying that we've
traveled back in time?
I guess that would make us Time Pirates!
Okay, these words must
be some kind of incantation.
We must have ended up
here after we sang them and--
We must have ended up here after I sang them.
And we or I should be able
to do it again to get us back home.
-Do you have to sing it?
-And if you wanna
Know the score, there's a place
You never been before
We're down for a battle royale
He's doing the dance choreography, too.
Just tell me etlov ettes
ediccu assor amad al
Huh. Maybe I should try it again and--
-Maybe not the whole thing.
Just try the strange incantation, no singing.
Etlov ettes
ediccu assor amad al!
You suck.
Well, that didn't work.
Maybe this has something to do with it.
Okay, that's not normal.
I found it. Check this out.
"The Red Queen was a frigate ship
"that sailed Port Royal in 1717
under the command of Captain Miles Cooper."
All we have to do is find Captain Cooper
so we can get home again.
Well, I think it's safe to say
we've time traveled somehow.
- Which would make
us-- - Time Pirates, I know.
We're starting a new settlement,
looking for volunteers,
a place for peace and harmony.
Why, sure, honey.
We'd be glad to join ye.
Um, excuse me. Hello?
Do you know where we can find
-someone in charge?
-Buy some fish?
Excuse me, hi, pardon me, we're looking...
never mind.
Excuse me, hi, pardon.
I'm looking for someone.
We're stuck on a pirate
ship, we need help and--
Hey, let's check out the tavern.
"The Hanging Cheat?"
-Sounds charming.
What could go wrong?
Come on.
This is not a good idea.
Oh! Jeez.
What is wrong with you? Oh!
Don't you know how to eat and drink
without throwing things?
Come on.
Who was it-- you--
Who do you think you are coming up in here,
insulting me regular clientele?
You bunch of pipsqueak scalawags!
I'll cut you up and make a stew!
No, ma'am. You see, we're the band.
You're the band?
Well, you're late!
And don't be thinking
I'm paying you full price
for half a show!
Where ye been? What kept ya?
Oh, um...
-it's kind of a long story.
-Make it short!
Okay, yeah, well, we were
on this pirate ship filming
a music video. You don't know what that this.
We were on a pirate ship. I found this map,
it had a strange incantation on it.
My brother George turned it into a song,
and I pretended to like it.
But it sucked. I am so sorry.
And this water spout then,
it came out of the ceiling, sucked us up,
and we were in the middle of the ocean.
I had no idea where we were.
I hate water! And then
I had to drive this thing?
I don't even have my
license! I had to take the helm,
the wheel, whatever the
H-E-double hockey sticks
you call it. And I dodged death.
I took a rowboat all the way here.
I think I saw a shark which was in the sky.
So either I'm going crazy out of my mind,
or this, this, this, this is not the 1700s
and everybody here is dead!
You're dead! You're dead!
You're dead! Not you.
You are all dead!
Go play with mermaids!
And, uh...
Long story short, we don't
really have our equipment,
but we're really excited to be here.
"Oh, we be the band,
but we don't be havin' no
instruments to be playin'."
Well, don't think I'm
gonna be helpin' ye either!
What about those?
Those are my tavern dcor.
You expectin' to be leavin' my walls bare?
We'll put them right back
after we're done, I promise.
Please don't stab me.
Fine. Go play.
Don't play his song, but go!
Go! Play!
Yes, grab it, grab it.
Hand me the lute.
What's up, Port Royal!
All right, let's do it.
Whoa-oh, whoa-oh
-Stop it!
-Go home!
You suck!
I knew this wouldn't end okay
My heart's not up for the break
You never really loved me
So don't try that, try that again
You thought you could help me
Thought you could love me
You only broke my heart
I'm not your fallback
You were just a setback
So movin' on
Never gonna want you back
You've been tryin' to hit me up
But, boy, you're out of luck
I'm feelin' rock steady
And you can't take
that, take that from me
You thought you could help me
Thought you could love me
You only broke my heart
I'm not your fallback
You were just a setback
-So movin' on
-Never gonna never
Never gonna want you back
Never gonna want you back
Never, ever, never ever gonna want you
Never ever, never ever
gonna want you back
You made me think that I was wrong
Kept holding on to you
You're going down, I'm rising up now
You thought you could help me
Thought you could love me
You only broke my heart
I'm not your fallback
You were just a setback
-So moving on
-Never gonna never
Oh, you thought you could help me
Thought you could love me
You only broke my heart
I'm not your fallback
You were just a setback
-So moving on
-Never gonna never
Never gonna want you back
Never gonna want you back
Never ever, never ever gonna want you
Never ever, never ever
Never gonna want you
I didn't think much of you
when you come in here,
that was the best music we done had here
at The Hanging Cheat for near all my life!
Well done!
But now it is my honor to introduce you
to my most important clientele.
Come, let's meet!
It's her!
Her who?
It is my extreme honor to introduce you to--
-Anne Bonny!
-Aye, 'tis.
And this here's Beckett.
She may not look like
much and smell even worse,
but Beckett here be one of the most loyal
and honorable lasses
you're ever bound to meet.
Charmed and whatnot.
Oy, Duke of Limbs over there.
Duke of Limbs?
She called you Duke of Limbs.
Wait until I post about
that on my Instagram page.
Wait! I got it! We gotta do
a TikTok challenge: Nicknames for George.
Oh, I got the first one!
Grumdy McScuttlebutt!
Don't even think about it or
I'll post pages from your diary
on YouTube about the time
you couldn't make Jell-O!
You know, it's really hard to make Jell-O!
And, second, it's not
a diary. It is a journal.
What's Oo-toob?
Oh, yeah. We're from the future.
We're Time Pirates.
Ah, Lonnie! Thank ye, Lonnie!
-All right.
That's the salmagundi over there.
It's a mixture of cabbage, tomatoes,
different olives and things like that.
And some rabbit and chicken and turtle,
random fish and pigeon.
You can really taste the pigeon.
Her name was Fluffy, God rest her soul.
Here in this bowl is the callaloo.
No meat in that at all.
It's just leafy greens,
garlic, tomato, onion.
-No meat.
Dig in, gang.
There's nary a soul in all of Port Royal
turnin' down Lonnie's cooking.
So what brings ye to this corner
of the world, music makers?
Well, we're actually looking for someone.
Captain Miles Cooper?
Do you know where we can find him?
I think ye be out of luck...
-just like ol' Coop.
Rumor has it Blackbeard himself's
taken the man and locked him away.
Keeping him in irons until Cooper can provide
the location of his ship.
Serves the man right.
He never be takin' risks
like that without his crew.
Aye, Blackbeard wants
the map that's on his ship.
His entire armada is
scrounging the seven seas
for The Red Queen.
Sizable price on that vessel.
Funny story about that.
Who are ye and why did
you steal The Red Queen?
We didn't steal anything!
Aye. Well, it used to be Blackbeard's ship.
Made two of them identical,
called 'em his pair of queens.
He sees this on the seven
seas, he's gonna want it back,
and he ain't gonna go easy on ye.
Nah. They have to be
members of Cooper's crew.
That's the only explanation.
Cooper's crew? He hasn't
become that desperate.
Oi, what's this?
Just what on Earth is this?
Gimme it. It's my guitar.
Take it! Take it! It's screaming
as if Scratch himself
jumped up from the depths!
Okay, these are our instruments,
and we need to keep 'em covered!
Water and gear don't mix!
All six of ye are spawns of the devil!
Look, all we wanna do is get home.
We have a concert we can't miss!
Aw, this lot ain't a part of
the crew. Use your eyes.
Six landlubbers before ye
plain as the nose on your face.
How do you account for them
havin' Cooper's ship then, eh?
They didn't pop out of
thin air with his vessel.
Actually, that's why we need to find him.
It's his ship that brought us here.
We're just hoping he knows
how it can bring us back home.
This boy's a loon.
Okay, you said Captain Cooper
is locked up by Blackbeard.
Blackbeard took up inside
an old abandoned monastery
to hide out while he ain't on the seas.
He's got some kind of prison tower there.
Breakin' in means certain
death, ye askin' us to suffer?
Well, if there's a man among ye,
you'll come up and fight
like the man you ought to be!
Now where did you hear that? That's my line.
You're mad, girlie.
Ye expect us to merrily waltz
into Blackbeard's confinement
and escort the gentleman
out of his imprisonment
pretty as you please?
She speaks naught but the truth
of these light-timbered cowards.
Now ye hold yer tongue, Bonny!
If ye wish to get yerself
killed, be me guest,
but ye won't have me keel-hauled
beneath Queen Anne's Revenge!
Ye'd rather I gut you like a fish?
Aye, I hear the sea water's
very nice this time of year.
Very... very warm.
Glad to have you back onboard, lass.
Remind me to never get on her bad side.
I think the child's sick, Beckett.
Seems there's somethin' in his eye.
So how do we get into the monastery?
Through Death's Head Cave.
I don't like the sound of that at all.
Aw, nothin' to be a-feared of.
It just be the nickname of the place.
And, besides, always do what ye be afraid of.
That's Death's Head Cave?
I thought you said it was just a nickname!
'Tis. The name on all the maps says it
as Annihilation Island...
after 'twas renamed.
Before, it used to be called
Extermination Enclave.
And before that?
Ye Olde Fantastic Fun Cave.
It didn't stick.
Ah, there she is, dead ahead!
Can you not say that, please?
Which part, the dead or the head?
There she is!
Land ho!
What's happening to us?
Someone stole my finger.
You look like a cartoon!
-We are cartoons!
-And I'm a princess!
Watch out for the bear!
I told you we should've played
wizards in our music video.
-This wasn't such a good idea.
-Gee, ya think?
Now shake it off and listen up.
We survived.
But now where we're
headed is fraught with danger,
and if they catch us,
the punishment's severe.
We take the rowboats from here.
Blackbeard's compound
not a far trip from here.
We sneak in under
moonlight, never see us comin'.
Beckett, you watch The Red Queen.
And then we save Captain Cooper
and bring him back to his ship!
And then we'll be back
in time for our concert!
How are we gonna get past him?
I'll take care of him--
Hey, whoa-whoa-whoa.
-Can we do that?
No, we got this!
Come on.
No visitors unless you're
on Blackbeard's list!
We came to see you.
-To see me?
Hey, the crickets here are insane.
-The crickets?
-Yeah. They're so loud.
The crickets here are insane,
very small.
Where'd you get this from, mate?
Relatives of Blackbeard.
So, how do you know Blackbeard?
Blackbeard was a friend of our dad's.
-Oh, yeah?
So do you like cheese?
-Yeah, cheese.
- It's like--
- I suppose so.
- Do you like--
- I like swords.
Mmm, swords.
-Are you all right, man?
Anything can happen, we're crazy
LA, yeah
LA, yeah
-Guards! Come here! Let's go!
Go, go, go! I got this.
Oh, no!
-Come on, get up!
-That ain't right!
Adam's kicking butt, guys.
Yeah, he is.
My stunt double is awesome.
-Go, me.
-I think this is a good time
to go get Captain Cooper
while the guards are occupied.
Good idea.
The Wifi down here must be just awful.
Hey, look! Hey, look, it's--
Add musician name here!
Yes, I am Social Media Sensation
Pipe Raquel. SM6, are you here
to be in my music video?
You know this gal?
Yeah! It's...
Add musician name here.
Oh, please. Social Media Sensation
is just fine. Did you guys get sucked up
into the time portal, too?
-Yeah, pretty much.
Do you need any help
getting out of here or...
Help? I love this place.
I'm gonna shoot so many
videos while I'm here.
Um, we're looking for a Captain Miles Cooper.
Coop! Great guy.
Horrible breath.
And terrible dancer, like terrible.
Literally, like,
he was-- I don't even know what he was doing.
Don't tell him,
but I'm gonna cut him out
of, like, my whole video.
He's over there.
Oh, no.
Oh, my God.
We're too late.
I think he's dead.
You think so?
Who are you?
Oh, my God, what have they done to you?
You came to rescue me.
-Turn your head.
-What? No! I--
-Turn it.
-No, no, I can't--
Oh! You said turn your--
I gotta block-- you should
have said block your ears!
-Aye, yer lucky I missed.
You're lucky I'm a good shot. Let's go!
Where's me hat?
Sorry, mate.
Aye... Cooper.
Move it, Cooper!
I still can't hear you.
-Wait, guys.
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Squad walk.
Oh, no.
They're just asking to get killed.
Now pirate style.
Who are these people?
I'll explain later.
-You can do this.
-Keep going. Keep going.
Keep going. Keep going.
Okay, now. Okay, now.
That's good. That's really good!
-Yeah, you like that?
-Yeah, that is really good!
-Sound pretty good, yeah?
-Great job!
-We gotta go! Bye!
-No, no, hey!
Hey, mate.
I really like those kids, man.
The Red Queen!
Those meddlin' kids!
Aah, no!
Tell me you have it!
Tell me you have it!
You mean the map?
He's got pockets inside his pockets!
The sand is running out.
Time is once again not upon my side.
You did a very noble thing,
protecting this map with your life!
Because mine rests upon its fate.
Did you speak the incantation?
Yes! Now we need to get home.
Please tell us how we can do that.
You can't! See, it's a time spell!
Speak the words and it takes you away.
Speak 'em again, it brings you back.
Once you've departed
and returned, it's expired.
I get it. Like a roundtrip airline ticket.
The first trip was already used.
There was only one trip left,
the one that brought us here.
Time Spell?
What Time Spell?
What have you gotten
yourself into now, Cooper?
The map.
It comes with a curse.
Who put their curse upon ye?
It was on account of the Crone.
So it's her work. For what purpose?
Well, you must understand.
I didn't know the map had a curse.
Where did you find this map anyways?
Mystic Island.
Where Jonas Elrod's treasure be buried?
No, where Jonas be buried!
He lay there clutching the map tightly
like the dirty scoundrel he was.
And now I'm bound to do one good deed,
return the map to Mystic
Island and claim the treasure
before the hourglass runs out,
or else I end up like Jonas Elrod,
lying in a shallow grave.
Sprung by a gang of men, you say.
The most ruthless and
violent I've come across.
Oh, I be sure of nothin' else
judging by the state of your appearance.
Did you make out a face among the blaggards?
Anne Bonny, she was among them.
You just said Cooper was sprung by men.
-No mention of a woman.
-She's no woman.
-It's Anne Bonny.
-Shut your bone trap!
If she be with Cooper,
that means she's privy to
the treasure and the island.
Prepare Queen Anne's Revenge for battle.
Aye, Captain.
So this kind of stuff
happens all the time here?
Curses? Huge occupational hazard.
-Happens all the time.
-Why didn't you have
the Crone lift her curse from ye before?
What did she want from ye in return?
And you don't think I
tried to do that exactly?
My dark Curse remains unbroken
upon whomever holds this map
lest proven worthy of
the treasures that await
or time...
renders its ugly fate.
Okay, but that doesn't explain
how the Time Spell brought us here.
I journeyed to the Crone!
She wouldn't release me from the curse,
and I asked if she'd
assist me in another way.
She obliged.
She gave me a spell,
one that would reset the
hourglass, but only once,
so I could have some more
time to complete the task.
But now I'm convinced
that I wrote it down wrong,
that's how the six of you are here.
How can you mess that up?
Well, it's like really hard to
hear, in the Crone's keep.
And she was mumblin',
and I misunderstood her, so...
The worst part is that
you got it tattooed right there on your arm.
-The boy's right.
-Before you know it,
he's gonna have "No Regerts."
Okay, look, it was one simple mistake.
It could have been a letter or a word.
It changed the spell from a spell that
went back in time to a spell that
went through time, evidently the future.
And when I saw The Red Queen
vanish in front of me very eyes,
well, I knew I'd stuffed up.
There be no more of ye, right?
It's only the six? There's
not any small little ones
laying around the ship or anything like that?
- This is it, this--
- Yeah.
It's a lot. It's, you know, tight spaces.
It's just... it's hot.
A lot of siblings all together.
You were just complaining about not having
enough crew members.
Right. Well, yeah, that's a valid point.
This side of the map's blank?
I surmise that it will reveal itself
once we get to Mystic Island,
but only after I complete a good deed
for somebody.
Well, what about your rescuers?
Yeah. Coop, you need to help solve a problem!
We have a problem that needs help solving.
Ye got this lot back home,
that'd be a good enough deed, I'd say.
The Crone be able to
make 'em their own spell.
It all depends on the whims of the Crone.
See, she's a witch, old, ugly,
scary-lookin', never smiles.
In fact, I doubt she's ever smiled
in her entire life.
Don't be talking about me behind my back
or I will come through this map
and show you what a real curse is!
Stop, Crone! Stop!
Shut up, Crone!
Aye, she could cook up your spell for ye,
but she's have to be
pleased with your offering first.
And the Crone's keep lies far further
than where the bravest men venture.
We're ready.
We'll do whatever it takes to make it,
and I promise you we won't give up.
All right.
Well, then to the Crone's keep we go!
Make haste we will!
Yes, all of this because of a song.
Yeah, and it wasn't even finished either.
It was gonna be a top-40 hit.
We'd be on every talk
show, every radio station.
We'd break all chart records.
Oh, you wish.
A ship on the portside bow!
That's Queen Anne's Revenge!
Blackbeard's found us!
-Hoist the Jolly Roger!
-Hoist the Jolly Roger!
All right, listen up!
Ye both run gun crew. Fire only on me say-so.
And ye two lasses are
gonna be me quarter gunners,
handing out the charges to the gun crew.
Very important.
And ye two lads are gonna
be me powder monkeys,
bringing the cartridges and
the projectiles to the gun crews.
What? Let me fire a
cannon! Come on, I can do it!
-Pipe down, powder monkey.
-Aye, I'm sure of it.
But I need big strong males
to carry the heavy shot,
or else we ain't gonna make it.
Oh, you got the right strong male, m'lady.
-Man the positions!
You heard the Captain! Move it!
Load the cannon!
Steady now, steady!
No surrender, sir.
The choice has been made.
A shot across the starboard
bow will make 'em reconsider.
That be one warning shot!
Blackbeard ain't known for giving ye two.
That's right! The next one won't miss!
Let's make 'em flinch first. Fire!
Fire broadside at higher intervals!
We need cover fire to hold 'em!
We're hit!
No one goes after my family!
Lock and load, powder monkeys!
We're taking heavy fire!
We're not strong enough! The end is nigh!
I'm sorry, kids.
This was a very bad
moment to come back in time.
We can't just surrender!
Blackbeard won't relent!
He's got the upper hand!
No way! We have the confidence!
We're strong enough to survive!
She's right! Let's give him
a taste of sound and fury
the likes of which he
ain't never seen before!
Sound and fury.
Hey, Adam, what are you doing?
This one's for you, Blackbeard!
Son of a biscuit eater,
what is that infernal sound?
It's called rock and roll.
I am deeply concerned for you kids!
The ship has been hexed!
Stop that! You're scaring me!
Please stop! Are you possessed?
Your heads! You're injuring your heads!
It can't be good for you.
Throw them overboard!
What are you doing? You're
scaring the crap out of me!
Bloody hell, stop!
I'm going mad! Am I going mad?
Why'd I start doing it? I'm not sure!
Retreat, men, retreat!
Cooper is in league with dark forces!
By God, it's working!
Blackbeard's retreating!
Turn this tub around, full speed ahead!
Thank you and good night.
Nine of us bested
Blackbeard's most ruthless
and strong men today!
We must journey fast to the Crone,
get her to concoct your spell
and you'll be on your way.
But Blackbeard will be back!
We're not scared of Blackbeard.
Ah, Blackbeard be
the most notorious pirate that's ever lived.
Ne'er a man to underestimate.
We could take him.
Aye, aye.
In positions! Let's go!
-Haul the flags!
-Aye-aye, captain!
You know, I never did offer you my gratitude
for helping those kids save
me from Blackbeard's tower.
Thank you.
Don't take it as a change o' me mind
on your proposal for wedlock.
My answer still be a resoundin'...
not on yer life.
Aye. I heard you the first time.
Always knew marriage to be a curse,
and here ye are, with
misfortune 'round your neck
cause o' Ol' Elrod's treasure.
And you can't devote
yourself to a cursed man.
I can do anything I set me mind to,
but that'd be a waste of me brains.
Is it Blackbeard that takes your fancy then?
Oh, don't make me retch.
So is it true then, you're
eager to join a crew?
Is this what ye got to offer?
Not seeing much of one around.
Besides, now I want me own crew.
We'll make it to Mystic
Island, lift the curse.
And Elrod's treasure will
help me start a new settlement,
a haven where my sister and her boys
can live in peace, far from Port Royal.
That's your reason for going
to Mystic in the first place.
Half of Port Royal is underwater.
What's left is overrun with criminals,
cutthroats, and scoundrels.
Hey, I resemble that remark.
Not in the least.
But you're all too happy
to have the world believe it.
Come with me, Anne.
Start over.
You're never wont for the
charm, my dear Cooper.
But it's not gonna work on me again.
Unfurl the sails! Tie the lines!
And put your eyes on again!
Put your left leg out, shake it all about!
Now do the hokey-pokey!
Turn yourselves around!
That's what it's all about!
You taught him that, didn't you?
-We did.
Ahoy, Time Pirates.
Yes! Thank you! Yes!
Time Pirates! See, she gets it!
What you guys playing?
Little bit of poker to pass the time.
Hey, I got a great game
I could show you guys.
All right.
Go Fish!
It's too late to go fishing.
Mm-hmm. Hey, guys, check this out.
Slit his throat.
Got any fives?
Go fish?
I drew a five! I win!
Ah, this stupid game!
All right, take me fish.
Take me for all I got.
Who likes fishing anyway?
Are we almost there yet?
Aye, not much longer.
So the Captain says it's dangerous.
Aye, but life is to be lived
for as long as you're able.
I get the feeling no one around here
has much of a long-term plan for the future.
Pirates-- Pirates have a plan for the future.
It's, um...
it's to find treasure and
eat, drink, and be merry.
-You see?
Pirates face danger every day,
so you enjoy the little
luxuries while you can, right?
I like the way this guy thinks.
Mate, you really need to
get that thing checked out.
What was that?
Was that her, the Crone screaming?
No. Mermaids.
Oh, jeez, we better get
back to Jack and Ellie
before Jack finds out that there are--
Mermaids! Oh, no!
It's Ariel! And her scary friends!
We've made it to the runnel of the keep...
and mermaids.
They protect the Crone against intruders.
The mermaids will allow none to pass.
Why not? What are they gonna do?
Threaten us by singing a song?
They destroy vessels with their screams!
They'll tear the ship apart!
What are you talking about?
They're angry because they're oddities!
-No one likes them!
-They're aiming to sink us!
What if we show them we're different, too?
I got an idea!
Come on, come on in to the freak show
We've got everything
to turn your blood cold
We're the basket cases
in abandoned places
The lost and forgotten,
now we're filled with hatred
Everyone's scared of
what they don't understand
You can knock us away
But we're not pawns to your plan
You never could, never will control us
La da dee da
Are you strange like
me, are you an oddity?
Come on
Are you weird like us?
Do you just fear us? Come on
We're creepy
No one really gets me
We're freaky
A little O-D-D
Oddity, oddity
Oh, whoa-oh
They're letting us pass!
Oddity, oddity
Oh, whoa-oh
A little O-D-D
We're the rejected, the infected
They call us a disease
Underestimates you
You and me
One by one we take a stand
Manipulate the system
that scarred our hands
Twisting fate, a revolution
Singing la da dee da
All it takes to change an attitude
is knowing there's someone out there
that understands the same struggle.
We just walked into Mordor
from Lord of the Rings.
But we don't look like hobbits, George.
Emily does. She's short like a hobbit.
I do feel like Bilbo on
an adventure right now.
This doesn't feel right.
Do we still have time
to turn back to the ship?
You'll do nothin' of the sort,
ye white-livered cringeling.
Stand watch outside, Beckett,
and keep an eye out for Blackbeard.
you have come back!
I sense a great weight upon you.
The curse. It remains.
Well, it's...
it's not me who comes
before you today, but...
Come closer, hobbits.
You have journeyed a long way.
None of you belong here!
You spoke the wrong spell!
You said Etlov, not Atlov!
Yeah. No, you know, uh...
Yeah, no, I--
What is it you seek?
We-- We are seeking...
we need to get home,
back home to our time period,
to home, our time,
home time.
The future, back to the fu--
-Don't do that.
We need a Time Spell.
I also...
seek something...
that has eluded me.
Despair, anger, pain,
misery, distrust,
vanquisher of them all.
Can you give us a second?
Despair, anger, pain?
Vanquisher of them all?
Vanquisher? What does that even mean?
Vanquish. It means to conquer.
What's the one thing that conquers despair,
misery, and pain?
Wait. I know what it is.
Dudes, we got this.
I fall short every time
The damn bar is so high
Constantly comparing
Why do I even try?
I can't compete this time
Always second guessing
Try so hard to fit in
Makeup hides the feelings
Worrying if I'm good enough
Am I really good enough?
Feel the need to fix myself
Fake a smile so they can't tell
I'm hiding
Hiding the truth
Standing on the outside
Wipe the tears behind those eyes
You're perfect
Worth it you are
Does it really matter
That I'm not like the others?
Can't live this way forever
Mirror me and you will see
all the beauty underneath
Time to make amends
With the voice in my head
Flawed girl, perfect world
But perfect isn't what you see
It's the heart inside of me
Feel the need to fix myself
Fake a smile so they can't tell
I'm hiding
Hiding the truth
Standing on the outside
Wipe the tears behind those eyes
You're perfect
Worth it
You are
They do know she's blind, right?
Yeah. I mean, I thought--
Didn't we-- we told them earlier, I think.
Hey, she's smiling!
She's smiling. She's smiling.
I never seen her do that.
No one's ever seen that.
She's smiling.
We did it!
That was-- That was good.
That's good.
We wanted to put a rainbow in your cloud
and offer the thing you're seeking, a smile.
I am pleased with your offering.
You shall have what you seek.
Speak these words and you shall return home.
Right. Yeah.
Just-Just grab them?
-Take it!
-All right.
-Speak those words
on The Red Queen,
and you shall return home.
Thank you! Thank you so much!
We should go, we should go.
Oh, yeah, okay.
-Thank you.
-Run, run.
And remember, Cooper,
it's a dog that barks, not a dog that bites.
That is one tiny scroll.
Don't lose it.
Don't worry. I'm not gonna lose it.
We made it.
So it looks like ye be leavin' us then.
We could use the extra hands on deck.
This has been an adventure
that I'm sure none of us will ever forget,
but we must go.
Well, I guess this is where we part ways.
Thank you for helping us get back home.
Hopefully it'll break the
curse and find your treasure.
We'll miss you.
And I shall miss the lot of ye,
especially you two younglings.
-Where are they?
-Where'd they go?
-Jack! Ellie!
Hey! What is it?
"The treasure in exchange for their lives.
"Direct yer ship to Mystic Island
"to make the trade.
"Flip over to the other side.
"I couldn't stab the knife into the rock
"to show you how serious I
am, so I drew one instead.
Still, heed my warning! BB"
Blackbeard has them.
He took Jack and Ellie!
He's not gonna get away with this.
No one breaks up the band!
Squirm all ye want, but
you're not going nowhere
till Cooper give me the treasure.
You let us go right now!
Who do you think you are?
Why, I'm Blackbeard, your worst nightmare.
And this is my associate Two Pegs.
Well, I aim to have two pegs someday.
Take 'em down to the hole!
I can't believe we lost them.
My entire life I looked after them.
The one time I turn my back, they're gone.
It'll be all right.
We find the treasure
and we have them back in no time.
And I promise ye, I will find Blackbeard,
and I will make him regret
the day he ever messed with ye.
Beckett, take the helm!
Cooper? Cooper?
Talk to me.
The hourglass...
It's nearing its end.
The treasure.
And if we don't find it in time...
it'll be gone forever.
Stay with me.
It'll be all right.
Stay with me.
Man the ship!
We're going to Mystic Island!
It barely moved.
Good work, Ellie! Untie me!
What do we do now?
It's time to get metal.
Oh, it's definitely time to get metal.
Blackbeard's gonna pay.
Let's mess with stuff!
Wait, dude! They're gonna hear us!
Nah. I got the mute button.
The other way, sir.
There you go.
Cooper, don't die on me
before you give me my treasure.
Don't you even think about dying.
I really don't think he's gonna make it.
Jonas Elrod.
You'll never find the treasure, Coop.
You're a dog with a bark, but no bite.
You're doomed just the same as me.
You cannot make it right.
That's what happened to you, Jonas?
Don't you know better than
to tangle with the old Crone?
Whoa, whoa, Isabel, come here, come here.
I think the map is filling out!
I think it's showing us the treasure!
Guys! Guys, something's happening!
Guys, come on! I think
it's showing us the way!
Come on, let's go this way! This way!
The quicker we find that treasure,
the sooner we'll get Ellie and Jack back.
No, no.
It has to be here somewhere!
We've walked everywhere!
All right, everyone start looking!
It has to be here!
I'm running out of time.
What'd she say? The Crone?
Elrod said it, too.
A dog with a bark, not a bite.
It's not a dog with a bite.
Bark... tree bark.
Knotted tree. It's a knotted tree.
It's the knotted tree.
Guys, look!
It's a hole in the tree.
It's like a keyhole!
Emily, what are you doing?
Just watch.
-We did it!
-We did it!
Jonas Elrod's treasure.
We did it!
All right...
-back to the ship!
-We have the treasure.
Now let's trade it for Jack and Ellie!
Cooper! Speak to me.
I couldn't do it.
I couldn't do one good deed.
I've run out of time.
you ain't gonna die on me.
You were always the best for me.
I wish that I could have
been the best for you.
But you were.
It just wasn't our time.
You're good kids.
You make sure you get home safe, all right?
Is there anything we can do?
It's okay, it's okay.
I got the treasure.
It's only fair we share it... in death.
Cooper, because you
acted in the service of others,
the curse is lifted.
Oh! The treasure! Back to the ship!
We need to save those two young'uns!
Blackbeard, he's... going to Mystic Island.
Drop the treasure!
Drop it!
I see ye brought me me prize, Cooper.
Where are Ellie and Jack?
That was the deal!
Their lives for the treasure.
I changed the deal.
Pray I don't change it any further.
Anna, don't.
Protect the kids.
Live to fight another day.
Drop your weapons!
Looks like you had a
string of bad luck, Cooper.
I always had the belief...
that having younglings onboard
-was nothing but trouble.
-Then you'd be best
to return the ones on your ship to us.
You'd be wise to watch your own necks.
Besides, I'll be throwing
them overboard anyways.
You're gonna pay for this.
I think I have enough to spare.
Tie 'em up!
You won't get away with this!
It'll be all right.
Okay, what's the plan, guys?
Is there a plan? Any plan?
We're stuck on this island!
George Jones, don't you say that!
Don't you even think it!
We need to rescue those
younglings before it's too late.
We're not going anywhere!
We're not even moving!
Okay, wait, wait! Everyone hold up!
We're struggling against each other,
and it's not doing us any good.
We're bound together, right?
So if we work together, we can get loose.
Guys, guys, push in against one another!
Closer! As close as you can get!
Cooper! Anne! Twist in place!
Now twist and shout!
We're almost there!
You're strangling me!
Tighter! As tight as you can go!
Any tighter, and I'll be a pancake!
Come on! Good, you're almost there!
You're almost there! Good!
Go! Good, good, good!
Good! You're good!
You're free!
Yeah, we did it! Yay, teamwork!
Yay, teamwork?
No, no, hey!
High-five. Good job, you know?
High-five, right.
-Good job.
-Yeah, yeah.
High-five. High-five. Okay. Okay.
Yes, smack-five. Oh, okay.
Yeah, Captain.
Marco, Polo, fill 'em up!
Wait! Look out over there on the water.
Cooper, they're changing course.
Jack and Ellie have to
be on Blackbeard's boat.
Everyone in the boat! Go! Go! In the boat!
Do you think it's the same treasure
Captain Cooper was looking for?
That might mean
Blackbeard stole it from them.
Maybe he took everyone prisoner
and they're on the ship here with us.
Come on, Jack. They might need our help.
Come on, Jack.
It's the irons until ye all rot! Grr!
Faster! Come on, guys! Row! Row!
Just in time to bid your friends
and family farewell.
Load cannons and fire upon the lifeboat.
What happened in here? Where's all the ammo?
-Come on.
-Call off the attack!
You are such a loser!
Loser. That be a good thing?
-Send 'em overboard!
You can run, but you can't hide.
Blackbeard will always find you.
I hope you don't take it personally
I don't mean to freak you out
But I'm not really good right now
We're being boarded.
Secure the treasure in the hold,
and keep an eye out for
those meddlesome brats!
Can't breathe
Stay close.
Coming for me
Go find Jack and Ellie.
I'll deal with the crew.
Ye shoulda stayed put on Mystic Island
where I left you.
-Look! It's the treasure.
-They were trying to hide it.
I'm spinnin' out right now
Quick, down here!
I can take all of ye
with an arm behind me back.
Oh, yeah.
I see the fear in your eyes now.
What's this? Can't breathe
Where'd you go?
Let's go find Jack and Ellie!
Coming for me
I'm trying to scream
But I just start to panic
Come back for some more, have we?
Go on. Get your sword.
Let's do this.
Oh, I don't have time for this.
What's this? Can't breathe
Coming for me
I'm trying to scream
Aha! I knew I smelled vermin on this ship.
I see Jack and Ellie!
Ye can handle this one, Beckett.
There's nowhere to run, you mangy dogs.
Oh, no, you don't!
Why don't you try fighting
me out for size, huh?
You ain't much for size.
Ye scared?
Ye have a gun.
Why don't you just shoot me?
All right.
I play fair.
You be a feisty one.
Jack, you almost walked the plank!
Ye getting slower with
your old age, ye fossil.
At least I'll live to an old age.
You're done.
Don't mess with Blackbeard, my lady.
Oh, no!
The Kraken? Again?
Anna, help me! Hey!
Good luck with your new friend.
You all right?
Bloody hell.
What do you need to spare me?
I mean, what's a pirate without his...
formidable foe, right?
Need help!
Come on, guys!
Come on!
Don't you go over! Don't you go over!
This isn't working!
Find something else to eat!
Come on.
We're the only ones that can stop that thing.
Water and gear don't mix!
-Come on!
-Quick! Hurry!
You can do it!
Turn it up to 11!
Rock and roll!
Ye saved little ol' me.
Why are you all looking at me?
Go away!
Leave me alone!
He's not all that scary anymore.
Yes, I am. I'm Blackbeard!
I'm... Blackbeard.
It's okay, it's okay.
You're just scared, just like the rest of us.
Thank you.
Blackbeard's heart grew three sizes today.
I have no heart!
Well, maybe... maybe a little.
It's okay to be scared.
It's okay to ask for help when you need it.
And it's okay not to be okay.
I thank thee.
Please accept...
my gratitude.
I owe you a lot.
I haven't seen much kindness in my past.
Please forgive me.
All right.
Oh, all right.
If she can forgive, I guess I can, too.
'Tis a deal.
Guys! Look! We got the treasure!
-All right!
-Nice going!
Open it up. Come on, baby.
Well, what do we have?
-Oh, yeah.
-That's a lot.
-Aw, man.
-That's a lot.
May I take a peek?
- Just maybe--
- No!
Oh, come on.
Very well.
You scared me half to death out there.
Is that so?
Don't ye be leaving me like that again.
Do you hear me, Miles Cooper?
I mean it.
You know, we have enough wealth now
to start a new settlement.
For me, my sisters,
her sons.
What do you say?
My answer still be a resoundin'...
Are you guys crying?
-Absolutely not.
Yeah, right. You two always cry
at the end of romantic comedies.
And horror movies.
And The Little Mermaid.
Don't talk about that, George.
What are you looking at?
Look, he's crying.
Why ya cryin', mate?
You have something in your eye?
We were not crying.
Oh, I think you were crying.
Okay, we're crying.
That's better.
Couldn't have done any of this
without those crazy kids.
And, of course, me.
Once you finish your settlement,
what do ye say we go...
make the seven seas a safer place?
I'm in.
I second that.
But it's co-Captain.
And co-co-Captain.
Two co-co-co-Captains!
It's time to read the scroll.
The scroll's gone!
It was so tiny!
Well, why would she write it that small?
Because she's blind! She can't see!
-What are we gonna do now?
does anybody remember what it said?
I know the first word was...
-Come on.
-Let's rewind.
It's happening!
We're going home, everybody!
-We made it!
-We're here!
-Look, we're at the show.
All right, let's go!
There you guys are! Where have you guys been?
I've been looking all over for you.
Quick, we gotta hurry. You have two minutes
to get out of those costumes
and hurry up onstage.
SM6! SM6! SM6!
SM6! SM6!
All right, guys, breathe in.
One, two, three! Oh, yeah!
What's up, Los Angeles?
I've known you since we were kids
Yet it never felt like this
Hits me with no warning
I didn't see it coming
I know where this is going
Hey, yeah
Hey, yeah
I know you feel it, too
So hold me closer than before
Hits you with no warning
You didn't see it coming
But I don't wanna make
a mess of what we have
Hey, yeah
Hey, yeah
I don't, I don't, I don't wanna go
I don't, I don't, I don't wanna go
Oh, oh, oh-oh-oh
I'm bored, bored
This might seem a little forward
I don't wanna come off too strong
-Hey, yeah
Hey, yeah
I don't, I don't, I don't wanna go
I don't, I don't, I don't wanna go
Oh, oh, oh-oh-oh
I'm bored, bored
I don't, I don't, I don't wanna go
I don't, I don't, I don't wanna go
Oh, oh, oh-oh-oh
I'm bored, bored
I fall short every time
The damn bar is so high
Constantly comparing
Why do I even try?
I can't compete this time
Always second guessing
Try so hard to fit in
Makeup hides the feelings
Worrying if I'm good enough
Am I really good enough?
Feel the need to fix myself
Fake a smile so they can't tell
I'm hiding
Hiding the truth
Standing on the outside
Wipe the tears behind those eyes
You're perfect
Worth it you are
Does it really matter
That I'm not like the others?
Can't live this way forever
Mirror me and you will see
all the beauty underneath
Time to make amends
With the voice in my head
Flawed girl, perfect world
But perfect isn't what you see
It's the heart inside of me
Feel the need to fix myself
Fake a smile so they can't tell
I'm hiding
Hiding the truth
Standing on the outside
Wipe the tears behind those eyes
You're perfect
Worth it, you are
Whoa, oh
Why do I even try
'Cause I
Can't compete this time
No, perfect
Isn't what-- what you see
Worrying if I'm good enough
Am I really good enough?
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey, hey
I feel the need to fix myself
Fake a smile so they can't tell
I'm hiding
Hiding the truth
Whoa-oh, standing on the outside
What is this?
They must be here.
What a strange place.
They've got to be here somewhere.
Okay. Kids?
-Oh, that was awesome!
-So good!
-That was awesome.
-Oh, my God.
The Crone sent us. Time's all messed up!
We gotta go back to the past to save...
-The future!
-The future!