Time That Remains, The (2009) Movie Script

Three calling One, do you hear?
One, do you hear?
I hear you.
Elie, it's Menashe.
Leaving airport.
Long trip ahead.
Disappearing until further notice.
Don't try to find me.
Got it.
What's that?
Oh, no!
I really don't need a storm.
Enough, enough...
That's all we needed!
Oh, stop it!
What's going on here?
I think we took a wrong turn.
I haven't taken this road in ages.
They built roads, interchanges...
They've driven me crazy!
What's this?
Never seen this before.
Do you know where we are?
I don't any more.
You're not allowed to smoke,
but you can if you want.
Where are the kibbutzes,
the collective farms?
They were everywhere.
Did the earth swallow them up?
Not even a gas station.
We're running on empty.
That's one plague
the Torah doesn't mention!
I can't see a thing.
Elie, do you hear me?
Menashe here. Do you hear me?
What's going on here?
What is this place?
Elie, talk to me. We lost our way.
What am I going to do now?
Where do I go now?
How do I get home?
Elie, Elie, where are you?
Elie, where are you?
Where am I?
Where am I?
Chronicle of a Present Absentee
Where are you heading?
Arab Liberation Army.
Going to liberate Tiberias.
Tiberias is that way.
Hey, Mister!
- Where are you going?
- Tiberias!
Don't bother. It's been liberated.
What's in that direction?
Hey, brother!
Where to?
- Where you from, brother?
- I'm from Iraq.
Welcome. Have a seat.
People of Galilee,
the hour of liberation has come.
The Israeli Defence Army
is here
to halt the advance
of criminal gangs
falsely calling themselves
a "liberation army".
Residents of Galilee,
lay down your arms
and raise the white flag.
The hour
of your liberation has come.
Rid yourselves of the armed gangs
who are oppressing you,
and help the Israeli Army
to bring peace
to this part of Palestine.
Your Honour, Mr Mayor,
you are required to sign
the official surrender, which states:
"Nazareth unconditionally surrenders
to the Israeli Army.
"All combatants from all Arab states
will surrender to the Army.
"All arms and ammunition will be
surrendered to the Israeli Army.
"The military commander
is authorised
"to sentence any transgressor to death,
at his sole discretion.
"The Mayor will stay in charge
of civil affairs.
"the army is the only jurisdiction
to determine what is civil or military.
"Israel recognises the civil
and equal rights of Nazarenes,
"regardless of race,
language or religion."
Mr Mayor, sign here, please.
What's the date?
July 16th...
Thank you very much, Your Honour.
And now you are kindly requested
to join us for a photo
of this historic moment.
Grand Mufti Husseini, crush them!
With thy sword transfix them!
Victory is ours!
They've been brought to their knees!
An honourable man has two aims:
To die fighting or achieve victory
I want no life
if we're not respected in our land
If our words are not heard
echoing in the world
I shall carry my soul in my palm
tossing it into the cavern of death!
Either a life to gladden
the hearts of friends
Or a death to torture
the hearts of foes.
An announcement
for the residents of Nazareth.
A curfew has been imposed,
as of now
and until further notice.
All transgressions
will be punished.
Attention, attention!
Nazareth has surrendered
to the Israeli Army.
A curfew has been decreed.
A car will take us to the border.
I couldn't find a truck.
Just take essentials.
What about Olga?
Your sister's stuck in Jerusalem.
She'll manage by herself.
Fuad, hear me.
We're leaving for a couple of days,
until things become clearer.
My mother's too old to stay here
the way things are.
Don't worry.
Everything will turn out OK.
"A couple of days"?
I'm not a young man any more.
My chances of marrying
are getting slimmer.
My family needs me.
The country's lost.
There's nothing left to fight for.
One has to accept one's destiny, Fuad.
Your gun.
Read it to me.
"Fuad, my love.
"Anis has decided we'll leave for Amman
until things calm down.
"You know how hard this is for me.
"You are distraught at what
is happening to our homeland.
"Forgive me for taking this step
at this difficult time.
"I have never wanted
to add to your burden,
"but my only consolation,
as I disappear from your life,
"would be if you considered
laying down your arms.
"By doing so, you would calm
your mother's worries and mine.
"Take care of yourself
and of your health,
"watch over your dear sister Nadia,
"and lastly, stay faithful
to our love and our homeland.
"Eternally yours, Thuraya."
There's a wounded man out there.
Where you going?
Someone's been shot.
Do we leave him out there?
We'll help him.
But your gun stays here.
Watch out. They're around.
Where are you going?
Which neighbourhood are you from?
Not from here. I'm from Bisan.
What brought you all the way here?
They dumped everyone from Bisan
by truck at the border.
So I ran away
and hid
in a neighbouring village.
Each time I got to a town,
they were already there.
But I never imagined
I'd find them already here.
Now I don't know where to go.
I'll come back for you
when things calm down.
Go. I'll manage on my own.
Halt! Face the wall!
Count to three, then run.
One, two,
Where does your pal live?
Where does he live?
Open up!
Don't move! Hands up!
Are you Fuad Suleiman?
Come with me.
Nobody move!
He's the gun maker.
Get out of here, go home!
Get lost!
I'll wait for my cousin.
We'll go together.
Why don't you go, bring a casket,
then you can go "together"!
Go home!
Get lost or I'll shoot!
Count to ten.
While you decide to tell us
where the guns are hidden.
If you get to ten
I'll blow your head off.
My Dear Nadia,
Everyone sends you their regards.
Fuad is a lot better.
His chest is hurting less.
The doctor
told him to stop smoking
and not to go fishing
on cold nights.
Elia is fine.
His grades at school are excellent,
although the teachers say
he's always in the clouds.
Olga sends her regards too.
She claims she saw you on TV,
shaking King Hussein's hand.
So I've asked Fuad
to take her to the eye doctor.
There are rumours the government
is issuing permits to go to Jordan,
for people
with immediate family there.
But they only consider
those who serve them.
The economy here
is getting worse and worse.
Electricity and kerosene prices
keep going up.
The dollar is at an all-time high.
Talking of kerosene,
now that the neighbour works
in gas stations,
he drinks, flips out
and douses himself with kerosene.
Neighbour, quick!
He's doused himself again.
Since he's been working
in petrol stations,
he drinks, flips out
and douses himself with kerosene.
Come on, move!
Put your cigarette out first.
I can't take any more!
Let me end it all.
Don't come close.
Anyone comes close,
I'll fuck his mother!
Leave me alone!
Let me end it all.
I've got nothing left.
You'd better not come close.
You've got your whole life
before you.
I've got nothing.
What kind of life is this?
Live or die, it's all the same.
Fuck this life!
Shit on this life!
we may sail
From the beaches of Eilat
to the Ivory Coast
The old warships
will be used to transport oranges
This is not a metaphor
nor a dream
It is as true
as the sunshine at noon
If it's not for today,
then it's for tomorrow
And if not for tomorrow,
then it's for the day after
we will build with our hands
what we dream of today
This is not a metaphor
nor a dream
It is as true
as the sunshine at noon
If it's not for today,
then it's for tomorrow
And if not for tomorrow...
if not for tomorrow
Then it's for the day after!
Thank you very much.
I am proud and happy
to award this marvellous choir
first prize
in the Hebrew singing competition.
Awarding this prize
to a school of the Arab minority
is another proof
of our willingness
to pass on the values of democracy
and equality to all our pupils.
Mrs Principal, please.
On the day of independence
the bird sang
Joy spread from the towns
unto the plains and valleys
On my national holiday,
on my national holiday...
All the people sing
in happiness and joy
How more joyful the song
on the national day of Israel
How more joyful the song
on the national day of Israel
Long live my country!
Long live my country!
Who told you
America is colonialist?
You don't say such things in class.
From Aunt Olga?
Didn't we say less smoking
and less fishing at night?
Everything OK?
Where are you guys from?
All the way from Nazareth?
Aren't you cold, fishing at night?
Any fish, at least?
ID cards?
Yes, yes.
OK, have fun!
How are you, neighbour?
Hello, neighbour.
I have a theory, neighbour.
If the Arabs were drinkers like me,
we'd have won the war long ago.
Ask me why.
When you sip
a glass or two of arak,
you get tipsy,
you see the plane two metres away,
you can grab it and bring it down!
What do you think?
I hadn't thought of that.
Neighbour, it's a question of logic.
All you need is a clear head
and some thinking.
Isn't it so, neighbour?
You won't believe
who I saw on TV.
I saw Nadia.
She was at a charity event
in aid of Palestinian refugees.
She made such a lovely speech
that King Hussein stood up,
walked over
and greeted her in person.
he is like her brother.
OK, girls?
He is like her brother.
He's like her brother.
President Nasser of Egypt
has declared
that the Arabs support
the international peace initiatives,
but that there is no genuine will
from the Israelis...
Their leaders' recent declarations
show their refusal
to withdraw from all occupied
Arab lands. Radio Cairo...
No crossing, there's been an accident.
I have to buy parts in Tel Aviv
for my lathe shop.
Sir, I cannot help you.
You're risking your life.
Turn round and get out of here.
Help is on its way. Be patient.
Come on, evacuate the area!
Come in, Bronfman.
I'm telling you to drive off.
What are you doing?
Where are you going?
That truck
is loaded with explosives!
the vehicle could explode.
Sir, don't go closer!
It could blow up any second!
confirm that you're reading me.
Watch out
or you'll both die together!
Did you hear me, Bronfman?
Was it you who saved me?
Are you OK?
Is everything OK?
Everything OK?
Everything OK.
Where are you guys from?
Are you the guys from Nazareth
who fish here all the time?
Do you have your ID cards and all?
Any fish?
Yes, yes.
OK. Have fun!
Say, guys...
Don't you have a sea in Nazareth?
Why come here?
There's no fish there?
How are you, neighbour?
Hello, neighbour.
I have a theory about how
to get rid of these sons of bitches.
France and Lebanon
are up each other's ass, right?
We make Lebanon attack Israel.
Israel retaliates
and fucks the sister of Lebanon.
France comes to Lebanon's aid,
and fucks the cunt of the mother
of the sister of Israel!
What do you think?
I hadn't thought of that.
Neighbour, it's a question of logic.
All you need is a clear head
and some thinking.
Isn't it so, neighbour?
Who told you
America is imperialist?
You don't say such things in class.
Dear citizens,
Mr Anwar El Sadat,
Vice-President of the Republic,
is addressing you.
The Arab Republic of Egypt,
the Arab nation,
and humanity as a whole
have just lost
a man of very rare qualities,
one of the most courageous
and most sincere of men.
President Gamal Abdel Nasser
left us this evening,
at 6:15pm,
Rajab 27th 1390,
which corresponds
to September 28th 1970.
Go back to bed.
Fuad Suleiman?
Go back to bed.
Fuad Suleiman, we have information that
you smuggle arms from Lebanon by sea.
- Here's our warrant.
- Try to find something.
You aren't even ashamed of yourself!
Not at all, huh?
What can I do, neighbour?
It's my job, Mr Fuad.
Hidden under the kid's bed.
- That's bulgur.
- "Bulgur"?
Bulgur for kebbe,
bulgur for tabouleh, lentils...
You're coming to the station.
One way or another you'll confess.
My Dear Nadia,
Everyone here sends their regards.
Fuad's open-heart surgery
was 100% successful.
He's now stopped smoking for good.
But he never stays put.
Especially since he got
his hunting licence.
When he's not off hunting,
he plays backgammon
with his friend Abu Elias.
Olga sends her regards too.
Her eyesight
is deteriorating daily,
because of all those hours
she spends watching TV.
I'm fine,
apart from this damn diabetes.
How are you?
Send me your latest news.
I hear that Amman
is a beautiful city,
with clean, well-kept streets.
Here, the bin men
are always going on strike.
There's so much trash piled up,
people hold their noses.
It will soon be
the Day of the Land.
Last time, Elia was accused
of tearing the Israeli flag.
He had to leave the country.
Who knows
what might happen this time?
Olga, we're here.
I wondered where you were.
That young man
looks just like Elia.
He could be his double.
It is him!
I didn't recognise you.
How are you?
I saw on TV today
a young man who looks just like you.
He could be your double.
Do you know Abu Adel?
All his life he's fantasised about
fucking an Israeli soldier girl.
You know, those who hitchhike
in front of the military base.
He was always ogling them.
He ended up
dressing his wife as a soldier,
and she pretends to hitchhike,
so he can drive by
and pick her up.
Now she's into it
more than him.
Watch what happens now.
Move it!
The Nation for one shekel!
All The Arabs for free!
Papers! Papers!
The Nation for one shekel!
All The Arabs for free!
Young man.
The Nation.
The Nation...
No more Nation.
What's left is All The Arabs.
All The Arabs for free!
All The Arabs for free!
This fourth anniversary of March 30th
has been commemorated
by the Palestinians of 1948.
Thousands of Palestinians
took to the streets
to protest against Israel's
continued land annexation policy.
In Nazareth and Galilee,
banners proclaimed:
"We are staying!"
A number of demonstrators were injured
in clashes with the police.
Dozens of them
were arrested and imprisoned.
How are you, neighbour?
Hello, neighbour.
Neighbour, you see my son here?
My son's fucked
all the mothers in town.
And me,
I fucked his mother.
You understand me, neighbour?
Of course, neighbour.
They threaten us with prison.
You don't threaten a whore
with a dick!
Isn't it so, neighbour?
Hello, neighbour.
Come in, neighbour.
Do you have an atlas?
Close your eyes,
pick somewhere and go!
He's been denounced.
He has 24 hours to leave the country.
Our soul! Our blood!
For you, Palestine!
Our soul! Our blood!
For you, Palestine!
One, this is 6-9. Over.
have been spotted
the northbound gas station.
The commander wants to know
what's going on. Over.
dispersing a burning-tyre incident.
One, this is 6-9.
for questioning. Over.
One, this is 6-9. Five is heading
to the petrol station...
Elia Suleiman?
Tabouleh. I made it light on the bulgur,
the way you like it.
Let me know what you think.
I'll see you later.
Have a good night.
And welcome home.
Did you hear the shooting
last night?
A drug war
between two families.
The town
has become unrecognisable.
You catch someone's eye
and he draws a gun!
Recently, a circus made the mistake
of coming to town.
Abu Borkan, the dog thief,
usually steals dogs,
went and stole their elephant!
He painted it lilac
so no one'd know it was an elephant.
To attract tourists the municipality
built a tourist village.
Like Nazareth 2000 years ago.
With Joseph, Mary,
a few sheep and a donkey.
The next day,
the sheep had all gone.
On the Feast
of the Virgin Mary,
during the fireworks
they cut the padlocks.
The barbecues
were going non-stop!
The lamb kebabs
were flying that night!
Do you want green beans?
No, we don't.
- 10 shekels.
- I don't want any.
Please take them.
I don't want any. Go away.
I don't have the bus fare home.
Didn't you hear? Get lost!
- Where are you from?
- Jenin.
Do you have an entry permit for Israel?
Where's your ID?
If you don't have a permit,
I'll take you to the police.
Just go.
Then give me a cigarette.
I see you're not whistling today.
Ramallah, please.
Go home!
Me go home?
You go home!
Hi. It's been a while.
Where you been?
We miss you.
Why don't you call?
Come round for a drink.
I got a bunch of
totally awesome new songs!
You've got to hear them.
Look, there's a party
at The Stones tonight.
There's this mind-blowing DJ!
Everyone'll be there.
You should come.
Great, great...
See you, man.
To the residents of Ramallah.
Curfew, curfew!
To the residents of Ramallah.
Curfew, curfew!
To the residents of Ramallah.
Curfew, curfew!
To the residents of Ramallah.
Curfew, curfew!
Welcome back.
Hope she's better soon.
They've given him sedatives
and a vitamin drip.
You'd better come.
His condition isn't good.
What happened?
A feud between two families.
We mediated.
They hugged and kissed,
then they set on us!
Get better soon.
Doctor, I got this recurring problem.
You've got to help me.
I'm listening.
I'm at a red light,
I take out a cigarette
and push the cigarette lighter.
It pops out, I drive!
- I've had four accidents so far.
- You got a serious problem.
ER, quick!
I'll be dead for ten minutes.
I'll call you back later, OK?
No, it's nothing.
I came to see my cousin
in hospital.
Some mates called from a bar
so I went to meet them.
On the way out, a glass in my hand,
I step on this guy's foot.
"Open your eyes," he says,
so I offer him my beer.
The motherfucker refuses it,
I chuck it in his face
and punch him.
His mates pitch in
so I slice them up with my knife.
When I get back to the hospital,
the guys I slashed are all here.
They see me and run.
Then I felt my hand hurting
so they took me to x-ray.
In fact, when I was punching him,
I'd hit him once,
he'd dodge
and I'd hit the asphalt.
One to the face, one to the asphalt:
I broke my hand!
Thanks. See you later.
To the memory of my mother and father
Laser subtitling: LVT - Paris