Time to Shine (2020) Movie Script

Where are the others?
I don't know.
I think it's just us.
On the count three, we book
it to the base, all right?
What if we get shot?
Then it's game
over for the both of us.
But in my eyes we're still winners.
We've proved ourselves.
We're the ones standing after all.
One, two, three, go!
Okay, come on. Coast is clear.
This way. Come on.
We're being ambushed!
Do you think?
Take out the guy on the left.
Shawn, the flag!
Oh, man!
I'm hit!
I'm hit! I'm hit!
I'm hit! Ah!
I'm hit, I'm hit, I'm hit!
Whoa, hey, guys, wait, wait, wait!
He's hit, he's hit. Hold your fire.
He's good.
Guys, guys, there's someone over here!
Leave cleaning guns to
the losing team. Come on.
I know, right?
It's the price you pay for
getting shot in the last seconds?
No, I needed that.
I wouldn't have won without
it. You were my distraction.
Bailey, I...
I gotta say goodbye.
Now without helping me
clean these guns first.
No, I...
I mean, not today.
I've got a couple days at home
before I gotta regroup
and go to university.
Dude, I'm like your best friend,
and you haven't mentioned
anything about university.
That's a big deal, man.
Not necessarily
looking forward to going.
Why are you going?
Are you at least studying
an area of interest?
I guess. I don't...
My parents, they think that university
is the ticket to making
something of myself.
I don't know. It's...
I don't really know what I want anyways.
When I was a kid, I used
to want to be a missionary.
I used to think it would
be an exciting life.
But to my parents, as you can imagine,
it didn't bring in enough of an income.
Nah, it's whatever. Okay, sorry.
I don't know what I went with my life,
and obviously they got an idea, so.
Well, I'm guessing that
lifestyle wasn't exactly a...
High-paying job for your parents.
Okay, that's my ride.
Gotta go.
Don't forget to video chat, man.
I won't.
Hey, knock 'em dead.
Yeah. Thank you.
Hey guys!
You know we gotta get a picture
of the last two men standing.
All right, on three say "victory".
One, two, three.
Hey Shadrach?
- Dad?
- You got everything ready?
The car's all loaded and ready to go in...
when you are.
This is the last of it.
Okay. All right.
You've got a lot of
tracks ahead of your, son,
and you know we'd like to
see you get there before...
- I'll be fine!
- Dark.
We just wanna see, make sure you get there
and you're all protected.
I'm gonna be fine.
Shawn, there's just one
thing I wanted to give you.
I stopped by the store the other day,
and I seen this very unique
watch, and I thought of you.
And I want to give it to you.
That's a cool watch.
Son, listen, you need to know
it's gonna be a different life over there.
It's totally different.
You've been in my house
and been protected.
You're becoming the man over there,
and I need for you to remain strong.
Don't fall for everything
everybody's doing.
There's people that'll lead
you down the wrong path.
And don't forget, Pastor Harold Warren.
I contacted him.
He's expecting you.
The church is just about a
block from the university.
One more thing, son. One more thing.
Son, I want you to enjoy every moment
of this university experience.
I want you to do the very best you can do,
'cause, you know, in the future,
you're gonna look back
and be proud of yourself
because you've done the
very best you could do.
Is the time right?
Well, it is if you want it to be.
Shawn, you understand why we can't come
to San Francisco with you.
I mean, we're busy.
I've got a meeting this afternoon,
and it's just as easy to say
our goodbyes here as it'll be-
- I get it.
Shawn, I'm proud of you.
Hey, you that new transfer student?
I am. I'm Shawn.
Where are you from?
Minnesota. I took a semester at Walden.
Sweet. What ya majoring in?
Financial accounting and advertising.
Dude, is that "Dawn of Refuge"?
It's like my favorite book!
Sweet. Do you have all of his books?
I do. All Ted's books.
Man, I could not believe when he gets out
of that climax scene with
the army surrounding him.
Crazy. Good read, man.
It's good stuff.
Anyways, I'll see you around.
Okay, Shawn, buck up. Come on.
You're in university.
This is great. This is a good thing.
People love university.
Doesn't matter that your
parents aren't here.
Doesn't matter if they
care about you or not.
You're gonna make new friends.
You're gonna learn a lot.
You're gonna get a good job.
Just be you.
Just try.
Try to enjoy it.
Hit breaks
Peace of mind
Gimme a piece of your time
Upside down throwing out a line
I don't have a piece of my time
How do I stay strong
When I'm crushed all day long
Wrong's right
Right's wrong
Take the hammer or the world's gone
Oh, I'm so sorry!
I'm so sorry.
No, no. It's fine.
I'm used to getting
doors slammed in my face.
I used to be a pizza delivery guy.
So, you know, when I asked for the tip or-
- You must have been a bad
pizza delivery guy, then.
- This is my boyfriend, Dex.
- Dex.
Pleased to meet you.
I'm Shawn. You as well.
I'm Alicia.
Nice to meet you.
You must be new here at IBU.
I'm new to San Francisco actually, so.
Yeah, I'm a Minnesota boy.
Well, I hope that
everybody else welcomes you
a lot better than I did.
But I have a class go to,
so I'll see around.
Yeah. Okay.
But sorry about your face.
I mean, I'm not sorry about your face.
When I opened the door
'cause I opened it.
Oh, yeah, no.
I totally get it.
Okay. I'm gonna go.
Oh, okay. Wait, this-
- Oh, yeah.
Oh, sorry. I'm a klutz.
No, no, that was me. I'm sorry.
I totally fumbled with that.
'Kay, well, we're gonna run.
Nice to meet you, Shawn.
Maybe we'll see you around.
Yeah, I hope so.
I look forward to it.
Give me a piece of your time
Ryan, right?
Jay, this is Shawn.
He's a transfer student
from Minnesota, right?
Oh, cool.
How are you adjusting to
our California weather?
Good. Yeah.
Oh, good.
Hey, we were just talking
about that Lonnie Hughes concert
that's gonna be going on.
You're gonna be there, right?
Yeah, yeah, Lonnie Hill.
I love her stuff.
Music is fire.
Dude, it's a guy.
Yeah, I know.
'Kay, I don't go to her concerts.
I don't go to his concerts.
It just...
I listened to her music before, but her...
his music is on point.
Love that.
Lonnie actually just
came out with a new album.
Saw that, man. I just
haven't listened to it yet.
You haven't listened to it yet.
Not yet.
My professor's been hardcore.
Dude, tell this
guy he needs to get a life.
University is about living.
Not just the work load.
Yo, check it up.
We're actually gonna go
work out at the gym in like
30 minutes where all
the guys are meeting up
doing leg day for today.
Okay. I'm so in.
Yeah dude. Let's do it.
Half hour?
Yeah, see you there.
Is somebody here?
This is stupid.
Okay, um.
Shadrach Davis, God has
given me a message for you.
He wants you to know he has
great confidence in you.
The task that lies before you
will be testing and you will
experience wonderous and horrific
things, but have no fear.
God will be with you.
He will surely guide-
What on earth are you doing?
Oh, okay.
You're not an angel.
Honey, that there is my
husband and I can assure you.
He is no angel.
A pastor maybe, but an angel?
So I'm not an angel obviously,
but I really did hear from the Lord.
I just didn't think coming from me,
a pastor from who knows where,
sends you a text out of the
blue that you believe me.
Believe me at this point,
I could believe just about anything.
God says, he's gonna
take you on an adventure.
No, wait, wait, wait.
Okay. An adventure, an
adventure can mean anything.
What does that, a mission?
I'm sorry. That's all God
told me to tell you, so.
No, no, no, wait, wait.
You can't leave me with that.
You're a pastor. Tell me what,
what did God tell you to tell me?
Last night God woke me
up and stirred heavily
in my spirit to tell you that
he has something really
great very soon for you
and that he's gonna take
you on an adventure.
That's why I wanted you to meet me here.
And that's another thing.
How did you get my number?
Ah. Your dad and I were
good friends in college.
Yeah. He called me the other day.
Let me know that you were coming to
the university down the street.
You're pastor Willard?
Harold Warren.
You just loaded me up with like a
multitude of unanswered questions.
Are you sure that's all that you know,
like God said to you?
Yeah. That's it, but I'll
be praying for you, Shadrach.
Please call me Shawn.
But I'll be needing
those prayers apparently.
Okay. I'll keep you updated.
Please do. I'll be
expecting your arrival.
Here he
is from Erie, Pennsylvania.
Please welcome Brian.
Now Brian, you have five options.
Which card will you choose?
Number four.
You know
there's six of them, actually.
That's six times 120, that's 720 points.
Now for our first question.
June 5th, 1989,
the Chinese military forcibly suppressed
the Tiananmen square protest.
One man stepped in front of
a tank to obstruct its path.
What was the nickname
given to the unknown protestor?
Tank man!
Correct! You
didn't even hesitate on that.
Hey, let go of me!
I don't, I don't know.
Do you deny crime?
Yes, yes, yes.
Okay, okay, yes.
Do you deny crime?
Yes, yes, yes. Okay.
I deny, I deny. Yes.
- You deny? You deny crime?
- Yes, okay.
Wrong answer.
Let's try that again.
What year did Benedict Arnold
enter into secret negotiations
with the British army before
he fled in September, 1780?
This has gotta be a dream.
Where's, where's...
Hey man. What's up? You okay?
Yeah. I'm fine.
Dude, you need to
get a grip on yourself.
I don't know what you're
on, but this is university.
Where are we?
At the library?
Are you sure you're okay?
What happened to your arm?
Oh, it's nothing. It's a cat scratch.
Some wicked cat.
You gotta get that looked after, dude.
Okay, I have to go study.
Just make sure you get that checked up.
It wasn't a dream.
So about that adventure.
I don't get it.
So at one moment I am
in this Roman Coliseum.
I'm screaming under a lion
and then the next thing
I'm screaming under a stupid lion statue.
And these people are looking
at me and they're gawking and
I'm sorry.
Wow. That's, that's a lot to take in.
I keep thinking these experiences,
adventures, as you call them,
it's like just some sort of a
bad dream, but look at my arm!
Am I losing it?
Well, you got the marks to prove it.
And God did say he was gonna
take you on an adventure, so.
But this is crazy.
This isn't adventure.
This is, this is suicide.
What's even the point?
Shawn, everyone talks about how
the Lord works in mysterious ways.
And here, I'm sure you
could agree with me on that.
But, but that is to say, God works in ways
that often leave people
totally bewildered.
Why would God tell Joshua
and the people of Israel
to March around the city
of Jericho for a week?
What good could possibly
come from Paul and Silas
being beaten and arrested without a cause?
You see the processes God uses are
far beyond what the limited
mind can understand.
The Bible and the
testimonies of Christians
down through the ages are brimming with
true stories of how God turned
situation after situation
completely upside down.
And he often does that in
the most unexpected ways.
So I know this may seem crazy but
just maybe God's preparing
you for something.
Don't say he's preparing
me for something big.
'Cause I couldn't handle
anything bigger than this.
Just know that God declares
the end from the beginning.
And we could be sure that every event in
the life of a believer
serves God's ultimate plan.
However, the Bible tells us
God won't give us what we cannot handle.
I don't know whether to be
flattered that God's
got so much faith in me
or afraid of what He's gonna
be bringing me through.
But you could be sure
it's all behind you, right?
Remember this experience.
Hey Shawn, how's that arm treating you
where that beast of a
cat? Or should I even ask?
It's fine. Like it's not even there.
Oh, does that mean I can touch it?
No. French vanilla, please.
Shawn, you seem a little tense.
I think you need to get out, you know,
have a little bit of fun.
I'm having a bit of a
get-together tonight at my place.
You wanna join with some of the guys?
Like what kind of get together?
Ugh. A few guys, a
few girls, a few drinks,
nothing too extreme though,
exams are coming up.
I wouldn't be that stupid.
So like, like a party?
No. Mm. Maybe like a small one.
I, I don't know, Dex.
Oh come on, it'll loosen
you up on those exam.
I should be studying. Okay?
Hey, is it the girls
you're worried about?
No, but it depends on the girl.
What does that mean?
- Nothing. No, I, I didn't-
- Is it the drinking?
I mean, it won't be much, just-
- Look, okay Dex. I just can't, okay?
I got things to do. I gotta study.
Okay. Whatever.
Hey, I'm sorry about
Dex. He can be immature.
I'd like it if you came,
I think you should.
I mean, if you have studying
it's no problem. I just...
Yeah, well it's, it's
not like I can't go.
I just, I don't know if I really-
- It's fine, really. Don't
worry about it. How's your eye?
Oh, it's good. It's like, okay.
You might think it was
you. It totally wasn't.
It was like a gladiator shield,
like hit me in the eye. So I'm just like.
Yeah. Okay.
Do you tell that to everybody
that you want to impress?
Because I'm flattered.
Come on
Alicia, we're gonna be late.
I, I should actually go.
Okay. That's no problem.
I'll see you later.
Oh snap.
What in the?
No. Where am I?
I want
every trace of it burned!
Destroyed! Dispatch of those that have
any of these manuscripts-
beginning with William Tindall.
Charge him with the heresy he
has spread throughout my land!
William Tyndale.
He has already smuggled the manuscripts
into England and now Scotland!
We must stop this imposter from
permeating the entire world.
Henry Phillips, therefore has
given explicit instructions
of his whereabouts.
And I want his death to
be made a public mockery.
Now go.
Come now, Sutton.
We've been given the order
of capturing Tyndale.
The Lord is my shepherd.
I shall not be in want.
I know why I'm here. I know why I'm here.
I can fix history.
Just be vacant hither,
let us set off abound.
I, I can't let you kill this man.
You may not know it yet,
but what he's doing is
actually really good.
Sutton, have you gone mad?
Clear from my path and
return to your position.
But you're killing an innocent man.
You've taken a knight's
oath, lest you've forgotten.
So be it, Sutton.
Therefore no man come
between me and my orders.
Sorry. Oh, I'm sorry.
Are you William Tyndale?
Get back.
I've been sent here to save your life.
Who art thou? For thine
appearance is not of my ally.
The king wants you dead,
along with all your followers.
Your books, burned.
I think God has sent me
here to save your life.
We gotta get outta here. We have time.
I'm not one of them. This is a disguise.
I shall comply, but I must
not leave without all my work.
It is imperative that I return for it.
Wait, no, you can't go
back. You gonna be captured.
They're watching that place like a hawk.
They already know it's your study.
You need, we need to go now.
I've glimpsed the bitter face of death
in sacrifice to those manuscripts.
Many of which are ready for print.
I simply cannot abandon my labor
for it is the precious word of God.
Alright. Hurry.
Oh, no, no. No, no, no, no.
Gotta catch that carriage.
Halt, you there! By order of the King.
We must make this fire!
Come on!
Lord, I ask that the
king of England's eyes
be opened unto you!
Get out of the way! Go!
Stop that man. He's
a traitor to the crown.
Did you see that?
That kid's gonna die.
I come in peace?
Shouldn't mess with him, kid. Mm-hm.
What the heck do you think he's doing?
Ain't he cute?
I can put this right back
where I found it. Yeah...
What's the meaning of this?
Now, Reverend, we're just trying to show
this fella how to have a good time!
And by the looks of it he
hasn't danced in a coon's age.
This young fella was just in the saloon,
trying to rough up Jeb.
And if you don't step out of the way,
we're gonna have to teach you
some too. Or are you afeard?
If you think that
I'm a man to be afraid,
then Jeb, you don't know me yet.
Are you so weak that you need
to stoop to his level now?
Yeah. Pastor, you just
think you'd come in here
and make everything better, don't you?
You'll see, we don't need
your kind around here.
So I thought.
How you doing son? You hurt?
Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine.
What's your name, son?
My name?
Yeah. What's your name?
You seem a little unsure of yourself.
'Round here, you need to know who you are
and be strong for what you stand for.
Pleased to meet your acquaintance though.
My name's Billy Sunday,
Reverend Billy Sunday.
You're not from around here. Are you?
Well, have you got any place to stay?
Well, I'd be pleased if
you'd stay with me. Come on.
Come on in, son.
This is where you'll be sleeping.
Make yourself at home.
Thank you.
You know, son, when
you enter into a house,
people take kindly when
you take off your hat.
How could you stand to
live in a town like this?
This is worse than the cities I'm used to.
Not Minnesota at least.
Oh, that's probably Jeb and his gang.
Yeah, it's a rough town, alright.
Lord knows, it's a modern day Coliseum.
The gold rush made it rough.
It just, stayed rough.
Isn't there laws against
shooting in the streets though?
There's not been a sheriff
in these parts for years.
Therefore there are no laws.
There was a church once,
but it went up in smoke about
the time the sheriff did.
So why do you stay here?
You know, there are sometimes that
I ask myself that very question.
Then I'm reminded of the
words of Jesus that says,
"it's not the healthy that need a doctor,
but it's the sick that need amending."
And I do believe that God
has called me to take a stand
and tell these folks about Jesus.
That takes a lot of guts. I
don't know if I could do that.
Neither can I. Not on my own anyway.
Well, I've gotta get some sleep.
I've gotta make my rounds in the morning
and gotta go see Ms. May May.
Were you in baseball?
Loved baseball.
- Huh.
- But I love Jesus more.
Red socks.
Well boy, you're burning daylight.
What time is it?
Well, it's almost seven o'clock.
I've already done all my rounds.
You want some coffee?
At this hour? Probably be a good idea.
What time did you get up this morning?
Well, I got up with the chickens.
I'm just gonna go
look around a little bit
if that's all right with you.
Here, you might need this.
Now I might not be here when you get back.
'Cause I have an
appointment with the devil.
Oh howdy.
Who was that?
His name is Shawn.
Odd name. I've never seen
him before. Where's he from?
I do not know.
Andy, you
ought to try this out.
We just got it in.
I haven't had a chance
to try it out myself yet
but they say it's a real sharp shooter.
I haven't had a chance to sight it in yet.
Yeah, she's a beaut.
What you got in handguns?
Handguns. Got one around
here somewhere, I know.
Good grieve, Andy.
You've gotten plumb loco?
What's going on over there?
Ah, it's
probably that old preacher
trying to get things
stirred up over there again.
Preacher? What's he doing in the saloon?
Well, you know,
he gets apreachin' if people
get a might stir up under the
account of their convictions.
You don't
know what tomorrow brings.
You don't have the promise
it's even gonna happen,
but give your life to Jesus today.
Today is the time to shine for Jesus.
Today is the day to have
your name written in
the lands book of life.
Man, if you accept Jesus as
your Lord and savior, then you don't have
to be condemned to hell!
Preacher, I don't need
to be saved from anybody.
It's not a somebody that
we need to be saved from.
It is ourselves and our own
sinful nature in the route
that God has against sin. God
sent his son, his only son,
Jesus Christ, into this
world to save us from Hell
and to spend eternity with him in Heaven.
That's the gift of God.
This ain't your church.
We burned your church down for a reason.
And thank you for
burning down that church,
for the church lives in me so that I can
bring the church to you and
let me tell you one thing, sir,
that church is still on fire.
Men, don't be deceived by
the lures of this world
for they only promise the death of Hell.
Hey, take it easy, Mr. Sunday,
you can get yourself shot.
Hebrews tells us we will never go
before our appointed time.
It took a blood sacrifice to cover sin,
but it took the blood of God.
Jesus Christ, God's own
son to come to this earth
to take away the sins of the world,
for God so loved the world
that he gave his only
begotten son that whosoever
believe within him
should not perish but
have everlasting life.
Is there anyone here who would be ready
to give your life over
to the giver of life?
He accepted a sinner like me.
He'll accept a sinner like you.
Are you willing to lay aside
your pride in front of all of
these witnesses to give your
life over to the giver of life?
I see that hand. I see that hand.
Are you gonna follow this
lily-liver? Bible-thumpers?
Come one, come all who
raised your hand for salvation.
I wanna pray with you. Come on.
Jesus will accept you. Come on.
That's it. I wanna pray with you.
My beautiful day.
I've got an errand to go and
see a good friend of mine
who's been ailing some.
Would you care to go with me?
Yeah, I got time.
Good. Come on.
All right, you on?
So how far away is this place, exactly?
Oh, just a little jog
over here to the west.
Let me tell you something about Annie.
This is well worth the trip.
She's a powerful woman of God.
I said "Well Annie, tell you what?"
When I grow up I wanna
have faith, just like you."
Hello, Annie.
Billy Sunday here.
Well, Billy.
Brother, Billy.
How you feeling today?
Oh, this whole body's done
me good, I don't mind saying.
But it's showing its age
and it's plumb worn out.
I brought a friend to see
you. This here is Shawn Davis.
Oh, Davis.
Davis, I don't reckon I recall any Davis.
Are you from 'round these parts boy?
No, uh, I mean I'm,
I'm from Minne-, uh, Canada.
Oh, you're a long ways from home.
You know? I reckon I'm closer than
I've ever been before to my real home.
I've just been passing through
this whole world till now.
I look forward to seeing Jesus.
I'm mighty thirsty.
Would you mind getting me a cup of water?
Some water, boy.
Where do I get the water?
From the well boy. Outside!
Right? Yeah.
No. Not that bucket. Use this
one over here on the table.
He's a rather odd boy, ain't he?
I've seen this in
Westerns. How hard can it be?
Yeah. There we go.
And Father, I thank
you for Annie's life.
For she has been an example
of the believers and Lord,
I pray that you would cause
her to live the remaining days
of her life with purpose. And now Lord,
would you shine your divine
favor upon her so that
that will suffer her no pain.
We ask all of this in the precious and
holy name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Thank you,
Jesus. Thank you, Billy.
Your visits always bless
and encourage me so much.
God, go with you.
He will. And be with you. Miss Annie.
Now I'm gonna come back and
check on you in a week or so.
Right here, boy.
It was nice meeting you, Miss Annie.
And you. Go with God.
All right, Shawn.
If you're ready, we need
to be getting along.
It's gonna be dark soon.
That Miss Annie, she's
so old and yet, so spunky.
Annie's lived a long life.
Served the Lord since she was young.
Her strength comes from Jesus.
Look I've gotta go somewhere anyways.
I can't go with you and I don't think
I'll ever see you again.
I just, I wanted you
to know how much you've
put things into perspective for me,
show me where my place was
and just what I needed to do.
Thank you.
Just remember one thing, Shawn,
if you don't take a stand for something,
stand for something. You're
liable to fall for anything.
Goodbye, Mr. Sunday.
Dude, your grade.
You're lucky you even
made it on the board.
Oh dude. Shadrach Davis, man.
He's been doing so
good, weird name though.
Know anybody with that name?
I'm back. I'm back. I'm back.
I don't have a time on me but
business class is next, right? Cool.
Listen up.
I'm handing out your papers.
Hey Shawn. I am the lead in this play.
- No way!
- It opens in one month
and it's kind of a big deal for me
because I want to be an actress.
You should come. I think
it'd be really cool
if it was packed for my debut.
Yeah, no, totally. I
think that's awesome.
I'm happy for you. I'll
be there. It's awesome.
All right.
- Sam.
- 'Sup.
And Dexter.
Dexter, what'd you
get? Let me see. Let me see.
Alicia. Shadrach.
Thank you.
Economics is
the study of how the production
and statistics.
There are two branches of economics:
macroeconomics and microeconomics.
Oh wow. You'll find your
assignments on gateway.
Class dismissed.
So Shadrach, you don't talk
about your family a whole lot.
But with a name like Shadrach
I could only imagine.
Are you a Jew?
Dex, What are you talking about?
Oh no? Or are you denying it?
I mean, they always do, but
I'll bet you're religious.
The kind where your daddy
has to stand on a pulpit
to embarrass himself. Am I right?
How could someone like
you ever fit in here with
a background like that?
I mean, we are our own,
but you're trapped in a little box
trying to get into our world. Hmm.
Well, let me straighten
things out for you.
Religion is the worst form of
terrorism and because of that,
I'm gonna be watching out for you
and you better be
watching your back for me.
Ooh. One more thing.
Stay away from Alicia.
Okay, I'll see you in class tomorrow.
No, no, no, no, no.
You're not trying something
funny, are you Harv?
This is only half the money.
Hey. I kept on my half of the deal.
Half for you, half for me.
That's not how it works. The
deadline was three weeks ago.
The other half is interest.
Hey, I thought you was a sensible guy.
Be reasonable. Why don't you?
Oh, I can be reasonable.
Bino, pay the man what he's worth.
Give him what he's got coming to him.
Hey, Hey now.
Oh, we can talk. Let's-
- Big boy wants to see ya.
I hope my boys didn't
rough you up too much out there.
Word out you witnessed our little charade
there back in the alley.
Look, I'm really sorry.
I really didn't see anything
and that which I did see,
which was nothing I
won't tell anybody about
because there's nothing to tell, right?
you won't. And in fact,
That's why you're here.
You see the paper comes out in three days.
And the people are gonna
want to know what happened.
And in fact, they have a right to know
and to think that their
little town is safe
and that poor Mr. Harvey,
the local barber was hit
and run over by a reckless
drunk driving a Pontiac sedan,
God rest his soul,
at precisely 11:27 PM, tonight.
You see, I personally saw the skid marks
stretching out across the road,
leaving behind a wife
and two children. Tragic.
Oh, I get it. This is like a offer
I can't refuse kind of deal.
No, this is an offer
you shouldn't refuse.
Get my boy a cigar.
No thank you, I don't smoke.
And just so you know,
I'm gonna be reading that column
of yours, like I always do.
Oh, well isn't the job of a
reporter to report the truth?
I have no problem with an
honest reporter on the beat.
Ones you can't buy, you
just gotta relocate them
somewhere where they won't
cause you any trouble.
I think he needs a bit of convincing.
No. Hey wait.
Hey, no. Hey stop.
Stop, no.
Let go of me.
Better take your shirt off too, Bino.
Don't want to get any blood
on this one.
Hey, Hey!
You check
in here. I'll keep going.
Over here!
Come on. There's gotta be a passageway
around here somewhere. There's
a passage way everywhere.
No, no. Damn it.
God, why? Why is it gotta happen?
Why you bring me through all this?
Stop! I'm telling you!
I never knew this Jesus.
Shawn, don't be afraid, Shawn.
I am the great I am.
The alpha and the omega,
the beginning and the end.
The word made flesh. The son of God.
And I will never leave
you nor forsake you.
And lo I have been with you
and will be with you always.
Yes, I have been with you
all throughout your journey.
I have a plan and a purpose for your life
and I am to be trusted for I cannot fail.
You asked me why I brought
you through these trials,
but through testing molds
character, my character in you.
You have been marked for greatness and
have been called for such a time as this.
Will you trust me?
Arise, Shawn. For I want
to in you a mighty warrior.
Hear the word of the Lord.
Are you my prophesy? Let
the dry bones come together
bone to bone and let
the sinews and the flesh
be formed and cover the from above.
By the power of the almighty!
My subtle bones, I will
make you a mighty army.
Save the Lord utmost.
I prophesy to the wind, breathe
the breath of Jehovah God,
into your lungs and come alive!
This is what the sovereign Lord says.
Oh my people, I will
open your graves of exile
and cause you to rise again.
Then I will bring you back
to the land of Israel.
When this happens, oh my people,
you will know that I am the Lord.
I will put my Spirit in
you and you will live again
and return to your home, your own land.
Then you will know that I am the Lord
who has spoken and I
have done what I said.
Yes. The Lord has spoken.
Hey, you alright?
Whoa. You look like
you've been through a war.
It's been a long day.
Lemonade please.
Yeah. College can
do that to a person, I know.
So you must be in drama.
I must say, the makeup artist has
really improved since last year.
You do know that the play
started 20 minutes ago, right?
You're in the play? The play?
The play, yes! I'm
just waiting for my cue.
- Just making sure.
- Thanks.
Break a leg.
Don't say that.
Check out this
new tape recording device
I found in the attic. It was
mine when I was a kid your age.
Dad, that's so old school.
As is cleaning out the attic,
that's pretty retro too.
No, this thing was
the smartphone of its day.
Now it looks
like something ancient Egypt.
I even have a recording app on my phone.
Well, this inspired
it. Here, just for kicks,
why don't we give it a try?
Let's just have a normal
father-son conversation.
Hello son. I see you are
doing your schoolwork.
Uh, yeah, Dad, just
doing my trig homework.
You know dad, this is kinda-
- Honey, the
electrician is here!
Oh, gotta go.
He's here.
Who? The electrician?
No, Adrian.
In fact he invited me to
his apartment tonight.
Like overnight.
Well you didn't turn him down too hard.
Like you didn't hurt his feelings, right?
No. I told him yes.
Would you excuse me for one moment?
Oh, well, nothing's that bad deary.
Even if I'm sleeping with
him? You're religious, right?
Well, I'm not a demon.
Well, Adrian is very religious.
Every Christmas it's
off to church with him.
You know, honey, going
to church won't save you,
but it will get you in good
standing with a big man up top,
if you know what I'm saying.
Thank you, Mrs. Maple Tree.
Anytime, deary. You know what they say?
I think I do. Jesus, Right?
Did someone call me?
Come here, baby. I'll take you in.
You can spend the night
with me any time you want.
After all, I am the God
of love as they say.
Amen. Hallelujah.
Some of you have asked when you're
all alone with your thoughts,
"How do I get into this
grand palace called heaven?"
Well, it's easy. You just gotta love me.
What's not to love?
Love my creation. Love
one another, right, babe?
Where is he going with this?
I don't know where he's
at. He's speaking off script!
You bring the water
and I'll bring the wine
and we'll have a grand old party.
Line, Dex! Line!
When you make a fool of
yourself and defend me,
you're just playing yourself.
That's right, get up. Walk away.
Nobody cares. It doesn't even matter!
God, why?
This ain't your church.
Stand for something.
My God will not be treated like that.
My God will not be mocked.
I will not stand by while
you choose to mock the one
who gave you, who gave me life and breath.
I've seen hate.
I've witnessed what hate does
when innocent people die.
I have seen the fear of
those when other people
cheering for your death because of hate.
Breath of angry lions bearing down at you
in the Coliseum of this world.
But I've seen men, real
men stand up for Jesus
when they knew death was in store.
I've seen victory in the midst of chaos
when the world laughed and
scoffed, called it failure.
I've seen a mighty army
rise up against the odds
when the Lord God was on their side.
But when you stand here and
choose to mock shamelessly
with the breath of angry
lions bearing down on you
in Coliseum of this world,
it's time to take a stand.
It's time to stand up
for what is righteous.
Hey kid!
That Jesus that you're talking about.
I mean, I heard about him as a kid,
but how do you know that he's real?
I was a
drug addict, broken and lost.
I was sentenced to a Christian
rehab facility and found God.
Jesus healed me. He delivered
me from that bondage.
I am a living testimony that
what you're saying is true.
I was broken and abandoned.
My family was falling apart
and I was unwanted as a child.
When someone told me about this God,
he had shown me a piece
like I'd never known.
My family
was also falling apart.
My marriage was failing and
I was desperate for a change.
And I found Jesus.
Dex, wait.
I don't know what you believe,
but I know what I believe.
I am a Christian and it's
not because I just believe it
but I've seen it to be true.
What do you believe, Dex?
When I first came to university,
I felt suffocated by an ungodly world.
I wanted to be a Christian, but I just,
I didn't feel like I could.
But through these experiences I saw how
there's always been a form of persecution,
no matter when you've lived.
And I can be a light, it is possible.
And whether it's your
work environment or school
or whether the world is just a mess,
the more difficult the
environment you are in
the greater your call as a Christian is.
The question is, will we listen?
I could have easily walked
out of that theater,
but I just couldn't, not
after what I'd been through.
I saw men die for Christ under
the worst of circumstances.
And I thought "They stood
the test of time then."
Why can't I today? Why not today?"
Whoa. Shawn, this is big.
This is, this is really huge.
Shawn, I remember you once said
you wanted to be a missionary.
But I think through this experience,
you see where your mission truly lies.
Shawn, would you mind sharing this
testimony on church on Sunday?
I think there's a lot of people
who really need to hear it.
Don't worry if they believe you or not.
It's not your job to make them believe.
God is giving you these experiences
to share and shop in others.
Yeah, I would love to share.
Really? Awesome.
- Go ahead.
- Alright.
Uh, hey, we were just getting
ready to pray over this.
Do you have any prayer requests?
Actually I do.
Hit bricks
Peace of mind
Give me a piece of your time
Upside down throwing out that line
I don't have piece of my time
How do I stay strong
When I'm crushed all day long
Wrong's right
Right's wrong
Take the hammer or the world's gone
Why should I leave this life
All comfy in my own disguise
Oh Lord I need to see
How you want to work through me
God you're telling me
I swear it feels too late
I'm not the world's next godly great
I need the strength to take the climb
Give me a piece of your time
Give a glimpse to see the signs
Show me a piece of that time
Time is short in the world of crimes
I give them peace in their time
Called out to leave this life
Comfy in the Lord's design
Oh Lord I need to see
How you want to work through me
God you're telling me
So it's not too late
I'm the world's next godly great
I need the strength to take the climb
Give me a piece of your time
History is never new
Time is a forgotten view
If the pastors won by men through you
Help me win the future too
Oh oh
Yeah yeah
Oh Lord I need to see
How you want to work through me
God you're telling me
So it's not too late
I'm the world's next godly great
I need the strength to take the climb
Oh Lord I need to see
How you want to work through me
God you're telling me
so it's not too late
I'm the world's next godly great
I need the strength to take the climb
So give me a piece of your time
Give me a piece of your time