Time's Up (2022) Movie Script

[electric humming]
[lightbulb breaks]
- This is my nightmare!
[birds calling]
[wind howling]
[footsteps approaching]
[eerie music]
[wind howling]
[eerie music continues]
[gun shot]
[dramatic music]

[music ends]
- Pine Falls has always had
a dark underbelly.
- Everyone there is an outsider.
The jocks run the show.
- Horton's an asshole.
- The smartest thing
my parents ever did
was take me out of that school.
- These kids gotta
learn to fight back.
No one's gonna do that for them.
- Violence begets violence.
- I'm tired of folks
blaming the teachers.
- People always
ignore the problem.
- She is blowing it
out of proportion, okay?
Politically correct or not,
that's the truth.
[eerie music]
- Fucking school board
outsourcing to a third-party.
Yeah, I should have joined
the union when I had a chance.
But who knew that they
would hire a custodial service?
Let me tell you something.
We're both
gonna be out of a job.
- No, just you, man.
- [babbles mockingly]
We don't all have rich
in-laws to fall back on, Roy.
But you know what?
I ain't worried about it.
Between you and me, Roy boy,
I got an ace up my sleeve.
Something real nice.
[distant thud]
The fuck was that?
[ominous music]
Come on, stupid.
- [Heidi giggles]
- Come on.
- Way to go, slick.
- Whoa! You laughing at me?
- You shouldn't
have to worry about
getting killed in the halls.
And I've seen kids get
slapped right across the face.
And teachers, they just
turn the other cheek.
And why?
Well, I'll tell you why.
It's because there's this
class system at Pine Falls.
And they won't let you
know that, but there is.
People like me or Alex,
we don't fit into
their hierarchy.
And as a result,
no one looks out for us.
- What are you watching?
- [scoffs]
Our local SJW.
- The kid couldn't hack it.
It's nothing to cry about.
- Tell that to
the Twitter-verse.
She's making our school to
be some sort of hell hole.
- Isn't it, though?
Hey! Don't start
something you can't finish.
- Prince Charles over here.
- [sighs]
Does that make you my Kate?
- Wrong prince, doofus.
My mother loves Diana.
I know my shit.
- Who the fuck's Diana?
- Pop quiz.
Where is the Eiffel Tower?
- London.
- [scoffs] You have
a great future in wrestling.
[distant thud]
There is someone in here.
- Let's give 'em a show.
[ominous music]
- [screams]
- [Brendan laughs]
- Yeah, we so had you!
- You had nothing!
And you're getting
nothing by the way.
- Come on.
That was a good one.
Who is this
supposed to be again?
- Father Time.
- Who?
- The old dude.
Passes a new year
after the baby.
- Yeah. Never heard of him.
- What time you got?
- Uh, quarter till nine.
- Shit! It's that late?
I got places to be.
You have fun, you crazy kids.
Man, you scared
the shit out of me!
- What the fuck
are you doing here?
- No need to get testy.
It was just a prank.
That's all.
- A prank?
Hey, Roy!
Where the fuck are you?
- I'm sure we can work this out.
[ominous music builds]
- Shawn, stop.
[ominous music]
I said, "Stop!"
[ominous music continues]
[breathes heavily]
[music ends]
- ... We're on our third hour
here on 106.7, The Pine.
More surprises ahead
as our New Year's Eve
[engine stops]
- [sighs]
This was a mistake.
I shouldn't have come tonight.
- Don't be ridiculous.
Jean loves you.
- Even after what I wrote?
- [sighs softly]
Come on.
We can't sit here all night.
[door thuds]
[door thuds]
[wind howling]
- Should auld acquaintance
Be forgot
And never brought to mind?
I am so glad
you guys could come!
Come on in.
- Thank you.
- Let's ring in the New Year.
[both laughs]
- Thank you for having us.
- Of course!
- Hey, guys!
We're gonna head out.
- Oh, you're leaving.
- We are. But happy New Year.
Thanks for having us.
- Good to see you.
- I miss you, buddy.
But I'll see you next year.
- Good to see you, man.
- It's always so good
to see you.
- Happy New Year.
- Always a pleasure, Rachel.
Thank you.
- I'm so mad you're leaving.
- Goodnight!
- Are you leaving?
- I know. I'm sorry.
- Okay.
- Gotta get home.
- I'll see you.
- Hey, Tony!
Try the eggnog, man.
It's great.
So, I'm sorry to run, man.
But I got grandkids
at home I gotta tuck in.
They've probably torn
half my place apart by now.
So, I gotta get back.
- It was good to see you.
- You have happy New Year, okay?
- All right. You, too.
- Nice to meet you finally.
- Oh, my gosh.
- Thank you.
- You're the best.
Thanks for coming!
- Thank you.
- Bye!
[door thuds]
- Is everybody gonna be
this well-behaved?
- Oh, my gosh.
It's fine. Let's go.
- [chuckles]
- [festive music begins]
- [remote clicks]
- [TV turns off]
- Well, look what
the cat dragged in!
- Did we kill the party?
- I don't know.
More booze for us.
- You guys remember Jacqui.
- Oh, yeah.
How's the, uh,
newspaper business?
- Scandalous.
- Can we discuss
the asking price?
- Now?
- Gene, if the house
is going on the market
and I'm going to be the realtor,
I have work to do.
You should lay off of those.
- [gulps]
- Hey!
How about the boss
gets you a goddamn libation?
- Sure.
- Comin' up.
- So, uh, Cliff, how's the
team looking this year?
Oh, thank you, sir.
- You're welcome.
- Yeah. Uh, the team.
Well, we've never had
a good wrestling team.
But that Ryan kid's tough.
- So long as he keeps
his hands off my daughter.
- Your daughter
I would make captain
with her feisty ass.
- We taught her well.
- Uh, we or you?
- [chuckles]
I can't take credit.
But I will.
[chuckles softly]
- Excuse us, gentlemen.
Girl chat.
- Maybe you'll find
a stunning expos on the porch.
- [chuckles]
- Oh, come on! It was a joke.
It was a fucking joke!
[door creaks]
- [sighs deeply]
- I am so glad you could come.
- A decision I'm already
starting to regret.
- [Rachel chuckles]
Oh, come on.
Faculty parties are rife
with passive-aggressiveness.
- [Jacqui chuckles]
So, this year was your turn?
- Yeah. I offered to host.
Might as well
get it out of the way.
Now, if Gene
only knew his grief
was sitting
right next to him inside.
- Am I missing something?
- Oh, yes. Okay.
- [Jacqui giggles]
- So, Gene is the only man
in school oblivious...
oblivious to the fact
that Coach Horton
is bundling his wife
six nights a week.
- [gasps, coughs]
- Shh, shh!
- [gasps, shrieks]
Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
Are you serious?
- Shh. Yes, yes.
- [gasps]
Bless her heart.
- I managed to
dodge that bullet.
- Aw.
I wish I could say the same.
[clicks tongue]
But we all make mistakes.
- Hmm, yeah.
- [clicks tongue] But...
- Oh, my God.
- [Jacqui giggles]
- Oh, my God! Congratulations!
- Thank you!
Thank you so much!
- Oh, wow.
- Yeah. I don't know
how Tony afforded it.
- I-- No. Me either.
[chuckles] Wow. Well...
maybe now,
you can get him to wise up.
Who spends years
getting their masters
only to slum it
in public education system?
- Yeah. Well...
he thinks he's
making a difference.
- Hmm.
We all do.
[Jacqui chuckles]
[coughs, inhales sharply]
- Oh, my God.
- [Rachel coughs]
- Oh, my God. I am so sorry.
I totally forgot.
- No. It's fine. It's fine.
[breathes deeply]
- Are you okay?
- Yeah. It's just the weather.
It's okay.
- Yeah, right.
- Let's go face the hordes,
shall we?
- Oh, I don't want to.
- Oh, come on.
You're a big girl. Let's go.
- [Jacqui chuckles]
- I just don't see
the point in it.
Like for instance, last year,
I resolved to make more money.
- That obviously didn't happen.
- And I wanted her
to quit smoking.
- Another thing
that's not gonna happen.
But we could all resolve
to be a bit nicer.
- Ugh! Mother Teresa over here.
- Am I, Cliff? Am I really?
- You sure seem to be.
Oh, I read your article
by the way.
- Oh.
And took none of it to heart.
- What can I say?
You interviewed a girl
hopping a bandwagon?
Makes her feel good
to point out
everything wrong
with the school.
- I gave her a voice.
- Aren't you a saint?
- I just don't think this
is the place to discuss--
- Look.
Take you and me
for example, right?
I gave you a hell
in high school, but...
but you're still.
And you're better off for it.
- You have to take yourself
out of the equation, Cliff,
if that's possible.
- [scoffs softly]
- There's social media now.
A platform that didn't
exist when we were kids.
- Okay.
So, what you're saying is,
if this happened today,
Tony would have
jumped off a bridge, right?
- I'm saying you have
to be sympathetic.
- We always listen.
- And yet look what happened.
- [sighs deeply]
Which is very sad.
But you don't take into account
what's going on at home
with his parents.
I mean, to lay the blame
completely at our feet?
That's not fair.
- I interviewed his parents.
- As did I.
- Then you know
where they lay the blame.
- What I know
is that they're grieving.
If I lost Heidi,
I'd wanna blame someone, too.
It doesn't make it right.
- I'm obviously fighting
a losing battle here.
- I don't know what to say.
- I think what it boils down to
is that we all care.
It's just hard to
figure out the source
of this sort of thing.
- [sighs]
Excuse me.
- What?
[footsteps approaching]
- I'm not mad at you.
I just shouldn't
have come tonight.
- We shouldn't have
brought it up.
- Well, you can thank
your buddy for that.
- [chuckles softly]
He's not my buddy.
[ominous music]
- [chuckles softly]
- Do you like it?
- I love it.
- [chuckles]
[distant muffled conversations]
What's wrong?
- Nothing.
I... I gotta go.
I told Heidi I'd pick her up
at Shawn's house.
- [sighs] Okay.
- Okay.
- [exhales]
[ominous music]
- Who was that?
- Mystery guest?
- What does that mean?
- It means somebody's
fuckin' with us.
Not really in "fuck with me"
kind of mood, though.
- Ugh!
- It's kids.
New Year's Eve.
I did the same shit.
- You broke into someone's house
a hid a cigarette
in their cherries?
- Hey, bub.
How do I know that wasn't you?
You guys were in here for,
what, five, ten minutes?
- I'm allergic to cherries.
- [Cliff scoffs] Bullshit.
- Yeah. I don't...
I don't get it.
- It's a game.
Like a... a scavenger hunt.
You go... you go there.
Whatever. Find shit.
- So, we're supposed to
go to the Marlboro factory.
- I think I know what it means.
[wind howling]
[can rattles]
- What are we looking for?
- Come here.
[wind howling]
[distant fireworks exploding]
- [Cliff scoffs]
What do you think?
- What do I think?
I think that somebody just
defiled our co-worker's yard.
And I wanna know find out
who the little bastards are.
- All right. All right.
let's go have a look-see.
- You okay?
- [sniffles] Yeah.
I think I had enough
for one night.
- Yeah. You want me to
ease us out of here?
- Yeah. Would you
make up an excuse?
- Mm-hmm.
- You guys staying behind?
- Yeah. I think
we're gonna head out.
It's been real.
- Poker night next Thursday.
- I'll be there.
[wind howling]
[distant fireworks exploding]
Okay. Where are my keys?
[footsteps depart]
[ominous music]
- [video] Now, read.
- "My name is Shawn Ryan.
I'll soon be dead."
If you wanna save me...
you have until midnight to
follow the clues and find me.
- [sinister chuckle]
- You involve the police,
and I'll be dead.
- Ticktock. Ticktock.
- Jacqui, are you ready to go?
[bell dings]
[footsteps clomping]
- This is turning out
to be one hell of a party,
isn't it?
- Yeah.
- Hey.
Thanks for having my back there.
- [Rachel coughing]
- Yeah, man.
That's what friends are for.
Besides, Jacqui was
no angel in school.
Don't give me
that woke bullshit.
- [coughs]
- Not much further now, though.
- How do you know?
- [Rachel coughing]
[ominous music]
You guys go ahead without me.
I just need to catch my breath.
[footsteps departing]
[coughs, inhales sharply]
[footsteps crush snow]
- What the hell is that?
[low tense music]
We should go back.
- Don't be ridiculous.
I'm not scared of
a high school kid.
[ominous music]
- Cliff!
[eerie music]
- Shawn?
- Cliff!
He was with my daughter!
- Shut up.
- Where is Heidi?!
- Shut up!
We're not alone.
[ominous music]
Where are you?
- Right here.
- I can't see you.
- Can you hear me?
- Hey.
Do you mind telling me
what's going on here?
[Rachel screaming]
Who is that?
- Rachel.
[hurried footsteps]
- What do you want?
- Where is my child?
- Everything you'll
need to find the girl
is laid out for you in blood.
Now, dispose off your phones.
- Cliff.
- Let me think.
- Cliff!
- Just let me think first.
- Just get rid of your phone!
- Dammit! It's our only
way of calling for help.
If I throw my phone
in that goddamn hole,
that's it!
[tense music]
- If it were your daughter,
this wouldn't
even be a question.
[tense music continues]
[music ends]
- That was a mistake.
- Fine.
Now, we just gotta find them.
But where?
- [sighs] I know where.
- Karma's a funny thing.
[eerie music]
Good people die all the time,
while bad thrive.
It seems pretty pointless to me.
But they say I'm a kid.
What do I know?
Well, I know one thing.
If we speak up, eventually,
they'll have to listen.
I mean,
at the very least, though.
[music ends]
[door creaks open]
[dramatic music]
[music ends]
[hurried footsteps]
- [gasps]
[ominous music]
Is she... dead?
- Yeah.
- [gasps]
Who would do this?
No! No!
- What are you doing, Jacqui?
We gotta call the cops.
- They have Gene's daughter.
We need to find him and Cliff
and if they're all right...
we'll figure out
what to do then.
- This is insane.
[eerie music]
- "Bibliothek" means library.
If we keep going up
in this direction--
- I can't believe this.
Rachel is dead.
This... this is not
going to end well.
- What choice do we have?
- Whoever's doing this
can't be watching them
and us at the same time.
They're bluffing.
- Is that a chance
you're willing to take?
- Yes.
- Not me. I can't.
- It's 10:57.
Time marching on
as our revelers revel outside.
Let's go to the phone,
shall we?
Kevin, you're on the air.
- Hey, yeah, thanks.
Happy New Year.
Uh, with this town
the way it is right now,
I don't see how anyone,
including you,
could be celebrating.
- [scoffs] How do you mean?
- Well, let's see.
Um, we got kids
killing themselves,
parents protesting,
a school board totally clueless.
Not to mention, the--
[call disconnects]
- Oops!
Hit the wrong button there.
Sorry you're having such
a rough night, caller.
But this is the opposite
of a no-fun zone.
Pour yourself a Mai Tai
and chillax.
The world hasn't ended yet.
[eerie music]
[music fades out]
- It's 11 o'clock at night, hon.
the place is not open.
[door creaks]
Think about what you're doing,
If we go in there,
we're playing
right into his hands.
[eerie music]
- [sighs]
Look, I'm sorry about today.
I tried my best.
- Another day in paradise.
- Heidi's a bitch.
We know that.
Have your tried talking
to Mr. Gottlieb yet?
- [scoffs softly]
He's useless.
They all are.
- Well, what comes around,
goes around.
- I wish I could believe that.
- [sighs]
Why don't you
come over tonight?
We could hang out.
- [sighs]
Do you believe in justice?
Not some kind
of cosmic something,
but real justice.
- Not really.
[music ends]
[door thuds]
- What's up?!
Ooh, what's up, baby?
How are you doin'?
- Are you from Tennessee?
You're the only ten I see.
- Come on, fellas.
Didn't we have to
kick you out of the bar?
- Hey, gentlemen.
- [horn toots]
- You're done. Out.
- That's assault.
- Excuse me, sir.
- Happy New Year!
- Move it. Move it.
- [laughs]
- You okay?
- I'm okay.
- Hey, Powell.
What time you got?
- I don't know.
It's a little too late
to be checking out books.
- Yeah.
- All right, listen.
Don't linger.
It's cold as hell out.
Go home.
- Get inside.
You'll catch death.
[footsteps depart]
[door rattles]
Look, it's locked.
- Difficult?
[door closes]
[tense music]
- Someone's in here.
I want you to stay right here.
Don't move.
[wind howling]
[tense music builds]
[Elisha screams]
[music fades]
- Mr. Gottlieb,
what the hell is going on?
- That's a long story.
I don't think
we're in here alone.
- Yeah, I know.
There's policemen.
- What?
There are cops
around when I need them?
Where are they?
- They're around here somewhere.
- We gotta find them.
- Brendan's dead.
What the hell is going on?
- It's some sort of a lunatic,
playing a game,
like leaving clues...
- Clues?
- Yeah, like some
sort of a hunt.
[eerie music]
[eerie music]
What are you doing?
- The day Alex killed himself,
he was returning this book.
[paper rustling]
You spoke with him
the day he died.
What did he say?
- You okay?
Listen, I know how you feel.
You may think I don't,
but I do.
I just wish someone had told me
what I'm about to tell you.
High school is not
the end-all, be-all.
And see, these people
who torment you,
years from now,
they'll be fry cooks.
Fellas like us,
we always get the last laugh.
And you wanna know why?
It's because we're
smarter than them.
- But what about--
- Has anyone threatened you?
- No.
- Has there been
a physical altercation?
- Not really.
- Then trust me,
things will get better.
[music ends]
I'm just a guidance counselor.
I couldn't change
the way the school operated
even if I wanted to.
Now, come on.
We gotta find Jacqui.
[eerie music]
- Don't move.
- Who's that?
- Police. Put your hands up.
- [grunts]
- Hmm?
What are you doing out here?
- We need your help. Please.
We're not doing anything.
- Who's "we"? Who's "we"?
- Just me and Jacqui.
- You listen to me.
You're gonna listen to me,
and you're gonna comply.
You understand?
- Tom,
you have a daughter. Fae.
Parent-teacher conference,
last October.
I was there.
- Tony?
What are you doing down here?
- That is
an extremely long story.
[ominous music]
- [groans]
- You okay?
- Yeah.
- You don't look so good.
- Just a little out of shape.
- It's Kathy's place, right?
- She was raised here.
Uh, her parents
winter in Florida.
How did you know?
- Stand back. Watch my six.
- I don't get it.
- I do.
[ominous music]
[whistle blows]
- [groans]
I can't wrestle.
- Bullshit.
"Can't" is what your mind
is telling you. Get up.
- Fuck.
- Listen,
you're not gonna
understand this now,
but I'm trying to help you,
All right?
You lack confidence,
no killer instinct.
Don't worry.
We're gonna fix it.
- [groans]
- Come on, man. Again!
- [groans]
- Stop wasting my time, man!
Get mad, do something!
Oh, boy.
- [clicks tongue]
Some guys never learn.
You will, though.
You're mine, Gilbert.
Every day, every class,
until you get it in your head
that there is one rule in life,
and that is to
destroy your enemy.
Now, get the fuck off my mat.
- [coughs, pants]
- It's that kid. Alex.
This whole thing's about him.
Just stay here.
[music ends]
[door squeaks]
I thought I told you
to stay outside.
- It's fucking cold out there.
[door slams]
- Not long now,
the New Year approaches.
Which one of you will
be here when the ball drops?
- Where are you?
- What you should be asking
yourselves is who am I with?
Only one of you is
going to walk away from this.
But who will it be?
The husband or the boyfriend?
- Cliff?
What is he talking about?
[tense music]
- Hello, Coach.
This match isn't over yet.
We still have one more round.
- [whimpers]
- Kat!
- [sobs]
- He's trying to... [sniffs]
...turn us against one another.
- What are you talking about?
- Look. There's both of us here.
Let's just get in there
and rush this motherfucker.
- Why would he say that?
- Would you please
for Christ's sakes--
- Are you fucking my wife?
- Look...
this is not the time for this,
Let's not do this now,
all right?
[tense music]
- Think, Gene.
You know the truth.
- The hell you doing?
[tense music continues]
Would you think
about your daughter
for Christ's sakes?
- [clang]
- Fuck.
Are you out
of your fucking mind?
- Aren't we all?
- How do I know
you're not behind all this?
- Because I'm standing here.
- I had you over my house.
I thought you were my friend.
- Fuck!
we all are friends, okay?
We are.
We're all gonna be dead at once
if we don't get together
on this, okay?
[groans] Fuck!
- [thud]
- [grunts] Ah, fuck!
- Why don't you
come out of there, okay?
Why don't you
come out of there,
and... and we'll
take care of this together,
just you and me, all right?
I'm the one you want, right?
Enough. Enough!
[bat clangs]
Can we please deal with this?
- [groans]
I think you may
have to go alone.
- Why?
- 'Cause I can't feel my arm.
- Time's up.
[tense music]
[somber music]
- [sobs]
- [whimpers, breathes shakily]
- [sniffles]
[clears throat]
Where's your medicine?
- [groans]
Right jacket pocket.
- [chuckles softly]
- Cliff.
St... [whimpers]
- [sniffles, breathes deeply]
[bat clangs]
[pensive music]
- The library's closed.
- This is going to
be difficult to explain,
but I'll give it a shot.
- I'm all ears.
- [gasps]
- [grunts]
[ominous music]
[hurried footsteps]
- Tony!
Check her.
- Oh, God.
- [sighs]
Call for help.
Tell them there's
an officer down.
- What are you gonna do--
- Call for help, Tony!
[radio beeps]
- Hello.
[radio beeps] Hello!
[static buzzing]
[breathes shakily]
[ominous music]
- Hey, Jacqui.
All the world's a stage.
[eerie music builds]
- [Jacqui screams, grunts]
[tense music]
- [screams]
- It's okay. It's me. It's me.
- [panting]
- Hey. Are you all right?
- What are you doing here?
- That's a hell of
a good question.
- All right, listen.
We can catch up
when we're away
from this fucking place.
Are there any objections
now to calling the police?
- [pants]
I think I know where to go.
[eerie music]
[footsteps clomping]
[door rattles]
- Well, that's that.
- Well, this has to be it.
It's what he said.
- [sighs]
- You can try this.
[lock clicks]
[door thuds]
[tense music]
- What now?
- But our love,
it was stronger by far
than the love of those
who are older than we.
Of many far wiser than we.
And neither the angels
in heaven above,
nor the demons
down under the sea
could ever dissever my soul
from the soul
of the beautiful Annabel Lee.
- Okay. Thoughts? Comments?
- I mean, I thought it was cool.
- Explain.
- Well, it was sad,
but not stupid.
- Yes.
- I didn't get it.
- What didn't you get?
- So, there's a girl
and you're depressed.
I understood that part.
But the way you were talking
and rhyming,
was that a poem?
- It's called Annabel Lee.
- I don't know who that is.
- [scoffs] You've never
heard of Edgar Allan Poe?
- I don't like him.
- Why not?
- Didn't he kill himself?
It's no wonder
if he wrote shit like that.
- [scoffs]
She prefers the monosyllabic.
- I've never had mono.
- [laughs mockingly]
- Hey, let's keep this civil.
Let's focus on pros
and cons, please.
- Suck-ass.
- Skank.
- Loser.
- Syphilitic hose-beast.
- Enough!
Alex, I thought it was great.
It was creative and unusual.
It's what I've come to
expect from you.
[music ends]
- This was our
last class together.
But I came to see you,
and then he...
- Who would do this?
- Someone obviously blames us.
Why else would they
go through all the trouble?
- Well, Elisha
didn't do anything.
Neither did I.
Neither did you for that matter.
- Well, maybe
we're not the targets.
- I sure feel like a target.
- Trying to rationalize
the motives of a madman
is about as pointless
as trying to make sense
of some kid's death.
- Alex wasn't just some kid.
- You know what I mean.
[distant thud]
[eerie music builds]
Stay here.
I'll be right back.
[distant fireworks cracking]
[indistinct chatter]
[eerie music]
[distant fireworks cracking]
[distant fireworks exploding]
[eerie music]
- [pants]
- [distant fireworks exploding]
- What are you doing here?
- I thought you went home.
- I thought you were dead.
- [chuckles]
- Where's Gene.
[music ends]
- He didn't make it.
- There's someone
in here with us.
- Yeah, who is us?
- It's me, Jacqui, and Elisha.
- The winder?
- All right, devil's advocate.
Who do we absolutely know
is not the killer?
- Tony, you, and me, right?
- It's gonna be hard
convincing Cliff of that.
- I don't care what he thinks.
- What about the Gilberts?
- They moved away.
And do you really see Jim
or Patty murdering anyone?
- Not really.
- Yeah.
- What's the one thing
we're leaving
out of this equation?
- You tell me.
- Alex himself.
- No. Can't be.
I saw him in his coffin.
- Right.
Well, something doesn't fit.
- I think he had a girlfriend.
- Who?
- I don't know.
He wouldn't tell me.
He said it was a secret.
[distant thud]
[tense music builds]
- There's no one there.
- [thud]
- [grunts]
- Give me your hand.
[dramatic music]
[Elisha screaming]
- [groans]
Where's Tony?
- Son-of-a-bitch clocked him.
Where did he go.
- Not wise.
Especially if you
wanna see Elisha again.
- What did you do to her?!
- Shoot the motherfucker!
- Kill me,
and you'll never know.
- Think about what you're
doing here, please. Okay?
This is your crazy friend's
way of punishing us
or whatever the fuck
she thinks we did to Alex.
And personally,
I don't intend to die tonight.
Jesus Christ,
give me the gun I'll--
- Stay back.
- Hey, look.
For all I know,
you're one of them.
- If I were working with them,
you'd be dead by now.
- Yeah. Well, I'm not the one
threatening to shoot
an innocent man.
- Just let me think!
[bat clangs]
- Think about this.
I could have bashed
your brains in
three times by now,
but I didn't.
For all I know,
you snapped after you wrote
that article, all right?
You orchestrated
this whole thing.
And Tony's in on it with you.
Maybe you all ganged up on me.
I'm the asshole, right?
I'm the bad guy, right?
The bully?
I mean,
if that's what we're doing here,
then just fucking shoot me
and finish it!
- This is entertaining.
Perhaps I should--
[gun shot]
[music fades]
- [sighs]
I'm sick of playing games.
Can we call the cops now?
[tense music]
- Elisha.
[tape rips]
- Tony!
- [groans]
- [hurried footsteps]
- Oh, my God. Tony.
Oh, my God, baby.
Oh, my God.
- [hurried footsteps]
- [grunts]
[ominous music]
[knife clicks]
[tense music builds]
- [chokes]
- Give me one reason
why I shouldn't
strangle your ass.
- You're the one
who wanted to shoot me.
- That's because
I thought you were in on it.
How do I know you're not?
- Destroy your enemy, right?
[door thuds]
Thank God.
You gotta get me out of here.
[distant door thuds]
[ominous music builds]
[eerie music]
[brakes squeak]
- [pants]
[ominous music]
[door thuds]
- [gun shot]
- [grunts]
[wrench clangs]
[light piano music]
- Surprised?
- I saw you die.
- What you saw was
a woman with no pulse.
I like you, Jacqui.
You stood up for what was right.
You never ignored the problem
or contributed to it.
Cliff will be here soon.
Just in time for
a New Year's slash.
This is gonna be a great
article for your paper.
A survivor's first-hand account
of the New Year's Eve
of destruction.
Oh, I'm so sorry.
I'll leave the titles to you.
What about an exclusive?
A round table
with the four survivors.
You, me, Elisha--
- Elisha? She was in on this?
- No.
Actually, I didn't expect
for her to be there,
but good thing
Tony's a lousy shot.
- [sniffles, sobs]
You killed my fianc.
- Sorry, Jacqui.
- Which should we choose?
And don't pretend the prospect
of axing Cliff is not tempting.
- You said four survivors?
What about Heidi?
- Would she have gotten away
with half the shit
that she pulled
if her daddy
wasn't the principal?
- [sniffles, pants]
- You have no idea
how disappointed I am.
- [sobs]
Same here.
[gun clicks]
[gun clicking]
- I should have known.
You were too good.
And goodness gets you
nowhere in this world.
- [Jacqui groans]
[ominous music]
[music ends]
[tense music builds]
[fireworks exploding]
[fireworks whistling]
[fireworks exploding]
[eerie music]
- Is this your place?
- Yeah, it sure is. Come on.
[door thuds]
- We need to call the police.
- We can't do that here.
No landline.
But if you hold down the fort,
I'll go get 'em.
- [footsteps depart]
- [floor creaks]
- Miss Harper?
- Rachel.
- Be careful.
[door thuds]
[ominous music]
[ominous music]
- Oh. Alex, um, I am flattered,
but I'm your teacher
and you're my student.
- But I thought you loved me.
- I never said that.
This is just
a fantasy you've created.
It's... it's because
I'm a loser, right?
- No!
No, you're not a loser at all,
Alex. But I--
- I thought you were different.
I'm sorry.
[sobs] Just leave me alone.
- Alex--
- Please, just leave me alone.
"To Mom and Dad,
"I'm sorry
I couldn't be a better son.
"The kind that you wanted.
"I'm just sick of being sad.
"Being weak.
"Being lost.
"Coach Horton said
to destroy my enemy.
I think that's what I'm doing."
[tense music builds]
[distant thud]
[ominous music]
- I never meant for you
to find out like this.
I wanted to ease you into it.
But now, you know.
[spike clinks]
I do not blame you
for being scared.
That said,
we have an opportunity
to get the world's attention.
They'd never listen
to you alone.
Words are empty.
Actions count.
And when the dust settles,
everyone will pay
attention to us.
They tried to
suppress the truth.
I was there! I saw it.
[ominous music builds]
- [TV] Do you think
the school's at fault?
- I wouldn't blame them
entirely for it,
but they probably
could have done more.
- I mean, absolutely.
My... my son goes there.
It's a [bleeped] show!
- Yeah. I've heard a lot
of things about Pine Falls,
but, uh,
not many of them are good.
[TV clicks off]
- We've just
experienced a tragedy
unlike anything
we've ever dealt with before.
We gotta suture this wound.
I can't tell you guys
what to do.
But as a staff,
as a faculty...
as a family...
I strongly suggest
you keep this to yourselves.
- [scoffs]
Yeah, whatever.
It's fine by me.
Tony's the one who's
gotta keep his woman in check.
- That's easier said than done.
[clock ticking]
- Rachel?
- Whatever you think is best.
[dramatic music]
You of all people
should understand
what tonight represents.
We are fighting back
on behalf of the marginalized.
- I never wanted this.
- [tuts]
- Sometimes, you gotta do
what you gotta do.
When was the last time
anyone listen to a victim?
[ominous music]
Killers become famous.
And with that fame,
the world lends an ear.
- What do you want from me?
- Your companionship.
I need a partner.
A real partner.
Cliff would have killed you.
Not me.
I wanna save you.
But I also need your trust.
And to trust you,
your hands
have to be as bloody as mine.
- [ominous music]
- [pants]
You little fucking shit.
- Don't ask me about motives.
Rachel, she has her little trip.
Me, I don't give
a fuck about Alex.
It's you I want.
- [sniffs]
- [grunts]
- What do you want me to do?
- Cliff will be here soon.
Just be yourself.
[ominous music]
[Elisha gasps]
- Et three, Judas?
- I know what you're thinking.
You're thinking you're right.
The girl with the big mouth.
The one who couldn't
just shut up and take it
somehow orchestrated
all of this.
- Well, now,
that did cross my mind.
- My mistake with thinking
that I could change
people's minds.
An asshole will never
admit they're wrong.
But, hey, I'm young.
You can't fault me
from being naive.
- Yeah. Where is this going?
- I couldn't have done this,
Or do you prefer Coach Horton?
- [scoffs]
Uh, at this point,
I don't give a fuck
what you call me
as long as you--
- This is it. End of the road.
[knife schwings]
[hurried footsteps]
What are you waiting for?
Guys like him are
why things like this happen.
He's always gonna think
he's better than us.
Remember what you said?
"Assholes never admit
they're wrong."
- I can admit it.
In fact, I know it.
- Sure. Now that your
ass is on the line,
he's gonna say
what you wanna hear.
You give him half a chance,
he'll go right back to
they way that he was.
- You can't solve
violence with violence.
- You tell him that.
- [scoffs]
I never killed anyone
that didn't deserve it.
- No.
You just made them
kill themselves.
[knife clicks]
- Tell that to Jacqui.
[knife slices]
- Wrong choice.
- But right idea.
Are you all right?
- Where...
[clears throat]
Where are the keys...
to the car?
[tense music builds]
[keys jingle]
You're gonna have to drive
'cause my leg is fucked.
- You sure you can trust me?
- [chuckles]
Yeah, yeah.
I'm pretty sure now.
Listen, you know
I wasn't lying, right?
- About what?
- [groans]
[dramatic music]
[tense music builds]
- [pants]
- [breathes heavily]
- [pants]
- [gasping]
[dramatic music]
- [pants]
[light piano music]
[engine starting]
- [radio] This just in.
Two bodies have been
found at the library.
Foul play is suspected.
Just another day in the Falls,
and yet it serves as
a reminder that life goes on,
until it doesn't.
In the meantime,
take a listen to this.
- [group] Ten, nine,
eight, seven, six,
five, four, three, two, one.
Happy New Year!
[tense music builds]
[tense music]
[ominous piano music]