Timescape (2022) Movie Script

(instrumental music)
(woman's voice)
The Universe.
Luminous with billions
of galaxies.
Within each galaxy,
millions of civilizations.
Most are long gone,
wiped out by supernova,
volcanic eruption,
and, as is all too common,
self-inflicted extinction.
There is, however,
one civilization
that has endured,
It is nested on a modest,
blue world,
orbiting a modest, yellow star.
Yet, this world's future
is now in danger.
All because one young citizen is
about to unravel
the very fabric of the universe.
(dramatic music)
(electronic whirring)
(suspenseful music)
(instrumental music)
- I'm telling you, Dan,
a steelhead this big!
(plane motor whirring)
I named her Helga.
(Dan - radio)
You do know you're talking
on the radio, right?
- Yes?
Hold on, Dan.
(woman - radio)
Attention, aircraft heading
2, 5, 9, mark 8.
Evacuate airspace immediately.
You have traffic at 9 o'clock.
- 9 o'clock?
Huh, 12, 11, 10, 9...
(suspenseful music)
(Dan - radio)
So, if you're holding your arms
out to show me
how big the fish is,
I can't actually see it.
- I'm going to have to call you
back, Dan.
(woman - radio)
Sir, I urge to evacuate!
Traffic at 12 o'clock,
less than 6,000 feet.
What the?
(suspenseful music)
That's one fast son of a gun.
(woman - radio)
Sir, evacuate now!
I repeat, evacuate now!
- Hang on to your fins, Helga!
(suspenseful music)
(woman - radio)
Sir, what is your situation?
- I'm upset!
(woman - radio)
What is your vehicle situation?
- Oh, I'm, I'm stalled!
What the heck was that?
Don't panic, Helga!
Don't panic, Helga!
Panic Helga!
(suspenseful music)
(plane motor roaring)
(suspenseful music)
(electronic whirring)
(dog barking)
(instrumental music)
(imitating a woman)
- Lovely morning, Tom.
Perhaps we should picnic here.
(imitating a man)
We can't stop here,
it's pterodactyl country.
(pterodactyl screeches)
Are we dead?
I don't feel dead.
(imitating a woman)
We made it!
(imitating a man)
But we're lost!
(imitating a woman)
And my phone is ruined!
(normal voice)
Mom, dad!
(imitating a woman)
(normal voice)
Mom, stop calling me pumpkin!
My name is...
(Man's voice)
(Mother's voice)
- Jason?
- Coming!
(instrumental music)
Where's the giant meatball?
- Shape and size don't have
- You don't have taste.
- Hey, you be nice!
(announcer - TV)
First, the latest on a downed
A small, one-engine airplane
that allegedly...
- Don't forget to take out
the trash.
- Yes, Brett.
- Uncle Brett.
(announcer - TV)
But, so far, there's no evidence
of fire.
(incomprehensible comment
on TV)
- Eat, eat.
I can't afford
to have you get sick.
- This is going to make me sick.
I think I saw it moving earlier.
(announcer - TV)
Are now expanding their search.
- Mmm.
(announcer - TV)
Just before 7pm eastern
standard time.
I didn't want this either.
Last thing I wanted was
my nephew to become my son.
- Last thing I wanted was
my uncle to become my dad.
- So then, what?
The orphanage?
- I'm not an orphan!
- What happened, happened.
Your parents, they're...
- They're not gone!
They just haven't been found.
- Their car was.
The search team...
- The search teams gave up.
(announcer - TV)
Unusual aerial activity.
The light, just another
- Wasn't that your mom's?
- Yes.
She was supposed to wear it
that night.
- You think it would have
saved her?
- Of course not.
That would be superstitious.
(announcer - TV)
The pilot identified...
- Woah!
(announcer - TV)
Glenn Howard Smith is now
to have ejected safely.
- So fake.
- How do you know?
- Considering modern humans
have lived
for only for a cosmological
blink of an eye,
the statistical likelihood
of an advanced alien species
living at the same time,
then travelling hundreds,
if not thousands of light years,
to get here is about
- Well, it's a good thing
that nerds are cool, now.
(announcer - TV)
Was headed towards Wells Forest.
- Hey, that's where camp is.
- Oh, about that.
- What?
- I cancelled camp.
- What?
- Look, I don't have
the same research grants
that your parents did.
- Parents do.
- It's not sustainable.
Camp, the house,
giant meatballs.
- House?
- We're moving to my condo
- You can't do this.
- I already did.
I'm sorry.
(dramatic music)
- I'm going to find you.
(dramatic music)
- Think you have enough supplies
to make it to the curb and back?
Where are you going?
- To take out the garbage?
- Jason.
- I'm going to find mom and dad.
- State Emergency Service
checked for weeks.
- I don't trust
the State Emergency Services.
- Then who do you trust?
If it means that much,
I'll take you.
You don't trust me either.
Take out the trash.
Come back.
And we'll talk, OK?
If you're not back
in two minutes,
I'm cooking again tomorrow.
(suspenseful music)
- Mom?
(suspenseful music)
(clicking metal)
(suspenseful music)
(screeching metal)
(suspenseful music)
The pilot!
Can't be.
(electronic blast)
(dramatic music)
(electronic blasts)
(screaming in fear)
(electronic blasts)
(electronic beeping)
How do I close that door?
Closing the door.
- Careful!
(electronic beeping)
- I think you just...
- Are you the pilot?
- What?
- How did you...
- I snuck in too.
- It's going to find a way in.
Don't you have like mace
or something?
- Mace?
- Or garlic?
No, that's vampires.
- Who are you?
Confirmed time travel.
- Confirmed time travel?
- Wait!
Time travel confirmed.
- Stop program!
Not possible.
Timescape preset 275 initiated.
Please be seated.
(dramatic music)
(electronic whirring)
- We're in a time machine?
- What have you done?
- We're in a time machine.
Nice chairs.
- I already don't like you.
- I have that effect on people.
Prepare for temporal
(dramatic music)
(ship motor rumbling)
(dramatic music)
I'm going to retch for a
A natural reaction.
- Please don't have
a natural reaction.
Allow me to provide
visual context
to help restore
your ocular equilibrium.
Oh, no way!
(dramatic music)
This is...
Lara, run!
Now will you...
We don't have the power
to return to our time.
The most significant time
in history is the end
of the cretaceous period.
The impact of a 40 mile-wide
MIA, watch out!
What in the universe...
(dramatic music)
It's more like finding...
Where are they running to?
Not running to, running from!
Leave me alone.
You can't do this by yourself!
(dramatic music)
- The Gulf of Mexico?
(dramatic music)
(resounding alarm)
- Big Mountain.
Getting bigger!
- How do you control
this thing?
- With that!
(dramatic music)
Pull up.
- That's what I'm doing!
- Well, do it better!
(dramatic music)
- I've got this!
- Whatever you got,
it's not this!
- Ow, you're squishing my hand!
- Let go!
- That hurts!
(dramatic music)
- Despite your best efforts,
we are still alive.
- I loosened it up for you.
- You're welcome.
- No buildings.
(instrumental music)
Caution, navigation power loss
in five,
- Engage autopilot.
(electronic beeps)
Autopilot engaged.
- How did you know?
- Lucky guess?
(instrumental music)
- So, what's your name, anyways?
- Lara.
- Hi, Lara.
I'm Jason, thanks for asking.
- Not good.
Stop it!
Why did you have to activate
the time program?
- I did not.
You did.
- Who's side are you on?
The side of objective fact.
- I didn't do it.
- Then who did?
- Technically, my butt.
- What is wrong with you?
- Quite a few things,
to be honest.
I have observed
13 behavioural issues, so far.
- Who are you?
Oh, of course,
where are my manners?
(instrumental music)
- I'm your mobile intelligence
MIA, for short.
- So, aliens are real,
and they're time travellers.
Is that alien in the forest
the captain of the ship?
Why did he use
that blue beam on me?
How do you know English?
What planet are you from?
How do you speak...
- I asked all that already!
It only answers basic questions,
like, "What's happening?"
Isn't that right, MIA?
- Correct.
I can only reveal
general information
and observations
on what is presently happening.
- MIA.
- Yes?
- What's happening?
- You are in a time machine,
designed to observe
but not interfere with
significant historical events.
- But you can't tell us
who you are.
- I told you, it can't.
I cannot.
I'm sure I must have
very good reasons.
- What?
- I think it's trying
to make a joke.
Aren't you, MIA?
- Joke, a short anecdote
to provoke laughter
and amusement.
Yes, I can recollect
over 1,000 jokes
from my human observations.
Would you like to hear
one now?
- Yes!
- No!
- Which direction?
- We have travelled backward
through the timescape.
- Timescape?
- How far back?
- About 65 million years.
Give or take a few hundred
(instrumental music)
- Mom is going to kill me.
And then she's going
to bring me back
just so she can kill me again.
- That's the age
of the dinosaurs.
The cretaceous.
- Impressive paleontological
- This is amazing.
- This is the opposite
of amazing.
- This is an opportunity
of a lifetime.
I'm going to meet
a dinosaur.
Feed a dinosaur.
Ride a dinosaur.
Let's go.
(victorious music)
What's with everyone
blocking doors?
- It's too dangerous.
- Fine, I won't ride one.
- No, it's too dangerous
to go outside at all.
- It'll be fine.
I know everything
about dinosaurs.
MIA, open the...
(muffled comment)
- Promise you won't ask
to open the you-know-what.
(muffled comment)
- Why?
- Because.
You'll change history.
Isn't that right, MIA?
- You cannot change history.
- See, you'll change...
Hey, whose side are you on?
- The side of objective fact.
- So, it's safe to go out?
It is not.
- But you just said...
- History is unalterable, yes,
but the future,
your future is alterable,
- Multiple?
Is time like an object?
- Time is an object
with mass and shape.
History is the solid part
of the object.
It is unchangeable.
The future, however, is fluid.
Like a cake
that hasn't finished baking yet.
So I can change the future?
- Only the future you have not
yet experienced.
- That's deep.
- Depth is the third dimension.
We're discussing the fourth.
- Nobody likes a smart-aleck
know-it-all and...
Oh, wait, I just describe
- Jason, take a breath.
(electronic beeping)
- We have to return the ship
so that we don't change
the future.
My future.
- You're not making any sense.
- Will you trust me?
- I just met you!
And, honestly,
you're kind of mean.
- Trust me!
MIA, return the ship.
- I'm afraid that is not
The recent back-to-back tours
through the timescape
have drained the ship's power.
We must first solar charge.
- Great.
How long?
- Approximately two hours.
- Enough time to go outside
and look for a dinosaur.
Just a small one.
A non-bitey one?
Just how do you time travel
- By creating a temporal
distortion field,
while simultaneously
compensating for spatial offset.
- Makes sense.
- You understood that?
- Time travel obviously has
to take into account
solar orbit, galactic spiral
rotation, universal expansion,
- Precisely.
- Or else you can end up
materializing inside
a volcano or in outer space
or worse, a DMV.
- You may be the smartest idiot
I've ever met.
- Thank you?
(instrumental music)
What are you looking for?
A pack of brontosaurus?
- Of course not.
Brontosaurus aren't common
in the Cretaceous era.
- Well, just don't press
any more buttons.
You or your butt.
- It was an accident, you know.
Going back in time.
- Really?
- The door, it scared me.
- The door?
- It made a loud noise and...
Are you...
(heavy footsteps approaching)
(dramatic music)
- Wow!
(dramatic music)
- MIA?
Yes, Lara?
- When can you get us airborne?
Airborne acceleration is
We must first solar charge.
And then we must work
on your listening skills,
because I just explained this.
- Brachiosaurus.
I was right!
(Brachiosaurus growling)
- MIA, fly!
- Make it possible.
Unfortunately my program cannot
convert the impossible
to the possible.
- Sarcasm.
- Humour to lighten
a grave situation.
- This isn't a grave situation.
Brachiosaurus are harmless.
They're just walking.
(dramatic music)
- Looks more like running to me.
(dramatic music)
(Brachiosaurus growling)
What are they running to?
- Running to or running from?
(dramatic music)
(resounding alarm)
(groans of pain)
- MIA, stabilize!
Gyroscopic stabilization
- Gyro?
How did you...
(dramatic music)
(heavy breathing)
- Don't move.
- Does trembling in fear count
as moving?
(suspenseful music)
(heavy footsteps approaching)
- MIA, activate rear camera.
(dramatic music)
- T...
- Rex.
- Cool!
(T-Rex growling)
- No, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no.
Don't come any closer.
Your vocal emissions
will not transmit
through the ship's reinforced
carbon nanotube superstructure
to be audible outside.
However I can activate
external speakers.
(together, loudly)
- No!
(heavy approaching footsteps)
(T-Rex growling)
(suspenseful music)
(T-Rex roaring)
(heavy footsteps moving away)
- Thank goodness.
(screeching metal)
(dramatic music)
(screaming in fear)
(dramatic music)
(screaming in fear)
(screaming in fear)
(screaming in fear)
(dramatic music)
(screaming in fear)
(dramatic music)
(screaming in fear)
(dramatic music)
(screaming in fear)
(electronic beeping)
(birds singing)
- Please remain seated
until the vehicle has come
to a complete stop.
- Next time, we do things
my way.
- Why is your way
any better?
- It literally can't be worse.
- Why should I trust you?
You know nothing
about dinosaurs.
Nothing about this ship!
- I do know some things
about dinosaurs
like, "Don't time travel
to see them."
And I know a lot
about this ship.
- How can you know more
than me?
- I was here first.
- When did you...
- You saw your dinosaurs
and now we return to our time.
- We don't have the power
to return to our time.
- So we wait here
and without touching anything
until the ship is fully charged
and we return to our time.
You have a better idea?
- Well, I was thinking...
- What?
- That we wait for the ship
to fully charge
and we get back to our time.
- Brilliant plan.
- Thank you.
(electronic beeping)
(suspenseful music)
- We're getting
way less sun down here.
MIA, how much longer
will it take to charge?
Approximately one more day.
- Things could be worse.
- Things are worse.
- MIA.
- The craft has suffered
a hull breach.
We must survey the damage.
- Outside?
What about disrupting history?
- We will cause much greater
temporal disruption
if we do not repair the vessel.
- Looks like you got your wish.
(instrumental music)
(air released from a seal)
(sparks flying)
(instrumental music)
- MIA, tell me this is
- It's repairable.
I can fuse the rupture
- Good.
- No.
No "excepts."
No "howevers."
- Here it comes.
- Nonetheless, we need 10 lbs
of refined silver ore
to make the seal.
- Can we use the silver
that broke off?
- Twice what was lost is
required to bond the rupture.
- You'd think this
thing would have come
with a patch kit.
Or a AAA membership.
- What?
- You don't know what a patch...
- MIA, why did you tell me
you could repair it?
- Because I can.
Once we find 10 lbs
of silver ore.
- Any other bits of relevant
information that we should know
about the repairs?
About the repair?
- I thought you said
you knew everything.
Not without a wireless network
to essential information
Well, what do you know?
I know everything regarding
the function of this ship.
(instrumental music)
- You know something.
Something important.
- 'Fess up?
- What?
- Silver rush.
- Silver rush happened
in the 1800s.
- You know your history.
- More than you know.
- Used to vacation in the Gulf.
Prospectors travelled here
by the thousands.
Mined every last ounce
of silver.
- You mean, "will mine."
- Bingo.
- Bin, what?
- The 1800s won't happen
for another 65 million years.
- So, there should be
plenty of silver around.
- My vision can calibrate to
detect imbedded silver ore
within rock.
(victorious music)
- Been awhile since I used
a pickaxe and dynamite.
- You are not normal.
- I am not.
(electronic beeping)
- Eureka.
I've located enough silver
at the peak bearing 325.
- On that mountain?
- Like a giant meatball
on top of spaghetti.
- I thought you had to mine
for silver, underground.
- Service mine,
no digging needed.
- I knew that.
- I am doubtful you knew that.
How far?
- Half day, by human foot.
- That's a long time
to carry 10 lbs of silver.
- I carry twice that
in textbooks.
- With those arms?
- No.
With this.
- Right.
- I recommend we begin
this dangerous endeavour
with little chance of success
Follow me.
(instrumental music)
So where are you from?
- Explains the outfit.
- I'll take that
as a compliment.
- I was actually asking MIA.
- I am not authorized to
disclose such information.
- What did the captain
of the ship do
to that pilot in the forest?
- I am not authorized to
disclose such information.
- Is the captain an alien?
- I am not authorized to
disclose such information.
- Are you an alien?
- I am not authorized...
Guys, please.
I am not a "guy."
I am genderless.
- You are a glorified
navigational system
with serious mental problems.
If I possessed emotions,
that would've hurt.
(dramatic music)
- Hey!
- Shush.
Did you hear that?
(suspenseful music)
- MIA, survey immediate area
for anything else alive.
- Narrow perimeters, please.
- Huh, bipedal, non-human,
Right away.
(suspenseful music)
(electronic whirring)
(electronic beeping)
Two prehistoric bipedal
life forms identified.
1.5 metres tall.
- Buitreraptor.
- Please tell me
they're vegetarian.
- Carnivores.
- Can we outrun them?
- Buitreraptor can run
up to 40 miles per hour.
- What's that in metric?
- I don't know!
Scary fast?
- 65 kilometres per hour.
- So, if we run,
they get us,
If we stay, they get us.
- I have identified a lake
350 metres due North East.
- Can we make it to the lake
before those things do?
- Calculating.
(dramatic music)
We have a 50% chance
of success.
- I don't like those odds.
(buitreraptors growling)
(screaming in fear)
(chase music)
(buitreraptors screaming)
- Where's the other one?
(buitreraptors screaming)
12 o'clock!
- What's 12 o'clock?
- Three, two, one.
12 o'clock!
(dramatic music)
On my mark, we run to 3 o'clock.
- What's your mark?
(buitreraptors squealing)
(buitreraptors growling)
(screaming in fear)
(buitreraptors growling)
(dramatic music)
(screaming in fear)
(thunder rolling)
- Why are they slowing down?
- Because they 100% can't swim.
- MIA, tell me you have
something up your sleeve.
- I have no sleeve but,
if you'd like,
I can convert it to a
submersible vehicle.
- What?
Convert, convert!
(buitreraptor growling)
(suspenseful music)
(instrumental music)
- Woah.
- Woah.
(instrumental music)
- This is tight.
- On the contrary.
The vacuum sealed plasma shield
is intentionally loose
to accommodate
up to four passengers.
(instrumental music)
(Tylosaurus growling)
- Why didn't you make
this bubble thing
when they first started
chasing us?
- The plasma shield can only
sustain structural integrity
under water.
(dramatic music)
- MIA, do something!
- Right away.
(tylosaurus growling)
(screaming in fear)
- MIA, watch out!
(dramatic music)
- Side fact to this: armless.
(instrumental music)
(fish screeching)
- Prepare for resurfacing.
- How do you prepare for that?
- It's more mental preparation.
(instrumental music)
(water splashing)
- Wow.
(thunder rolling)
(electronic beeping)
That was epic.
Let's do it again!
- We have to keep moving.
Also, you're insane.
Come on!
- When were you going
to tell me?
- Tell you what?
- That you're not
who you say you are.
- I don't know
what you're talking about.
- Spill the beans.
- I'm not carrying beans.
- Ah ha!
Third time you don't know
basic 21st-century slang.
(instrumental music)
You can tell me.
- Why?
So you can trust me even less?
(electronic whirring)
- I snuck on to that ship.
- I know.
- No, you don't know.
I snuck on to that ship
at a different time.
- Yes, right before me.
- After you.
- Huh, say again?
- That ship, it came
from the future.
My future.
2520 A.D.
- So that makes it...
- 500 years after your time.
That's when I snuck in.
I stowed away.
And then the ship went
back in time to you.
(electronic whirring)
- Wow.
OK, so just drop me off
into my time
and then you continue
to yours.
Easy peasy.
- What's a peasy?
- Nevermind.
- It's not that simple.
Once we get back to your time,
we have to return the ship
to the pilot.
- Oh, the alien.
Big head, almond eyes.
Definitely an alien.
(electronic whirring)
We've messed
with the Timescape enough.
We return the ship
to the pilot in your time.
- What happens to you?
- I don't know.
Pretty sure there will be
a lot of yelling.
(instrumental music)
- You have family
in the year 2520?
- My mom.
(electronic whirring)
- I had two parents.
- Had?
- Car accident.
- Oh, I'm, I'm sorry.
- Enough spilled beans.
- Careful!
- Woah.
- What is it?
- Probably some avian?
- How do you not know?
- Only a fraction of all
dinosaurs have been discovered.
- So, this is...
- Something new.
Pardon me, but we are
on a tight schedule.
(dramatic music)
So what's the future like?
Are there flying cars?
Did you colonize Mars?
Did you invent unlimited energy?
Did you cure all diseases?
- I shouldn't say anything else
about my future.
- Why not?
- Because if I do,
my future could be destroyed.
- Oh, I keep forgetting that.
- We have to get to the top
of that?
- I anticipate that we will need
to scout for shelter
as it will take longer
to ascend to destination
than previously estimated.
- Define longer.
Factoring estimated distance,
angle of grade,
the diminishing frequency of
your walking rhythms,
and the fact that you are
about to be chewed on...
- Jason!
- What is wrong with you?
(dramatic music)
- Not wrong!
Very right!
- MIA, do something!
- Please discontinue your effort
to consume this human child.
(dramatic music)
- Plants don't understand
- I'm not a child!
(growling plant)
(dramatic music)
- Lara, run!
(groan of effort)
(plant growling)
(dramatic music)
Pizza, he smells pizza!
I grab a slice on the way home
every day,
Brett's cooking sucks.
You're telling me you don't know
what pizza is?
- No!
- That's the saddest thing
I've ever heard.
- Let's discuss this
somewhere else.
(instrumental music)
This will provide
adequate shelter
to assist in entering a state
of extended unconsciousness
while your biological mechanisms
repair themselves.
- Sleep.
- I know what sleep is.
- You don't know what pizza is.
- Pizza isn't essential
to survival.
- I beg to differ.
(electronic whirring)
Huh, hey.
Thanks for saving my life
back there.
- That's what friends do.
- Friends?
(instrumental music)
- It's going to get cold.
- I'll take care of that.
- Really?
(heavy breathing)
- What are you doing?
- You'll see.
I was a boy scout
for nearly an hour.
Some problems don't need
high-tech solutions.
- You don't say.
- Just another second.
(electronic whirring)
(electronic blast)
I warmed it up for you.
(electronic whirring)
(electronic whirring)
(soft music)
- What is that, anyway?
- Oh.
It's my mom's good luck charm.
- You believe in luck.
- I believe in her.
- You miss them.
- My parents?
Of course.
(electronic whirring)
- What were they like?
- Well, they were nice,
really smart.
Both scientists, actually.
They do everything together.
Renovations, laundry, cooking.
- Cooking?
Like pizza?
- Even better than pizza.
Spaghetti and a meatball.
It's like
this perfect al dente pasta
with a giant meatball on top.
The size of a soft ball.
- That actually sounds
pretty good.
- They were always there for me.
No matter what.
- You trusted them.
- Of course.
- But no one else.
- They never let me down.
- Present tense.
- What?
- Well, you speak
of your parents
in the present tense,
as though they're still alive.
But weren't they
in a car accident?
- They found the car,
not them.
- Looks like you still haven't
accepted what happened,
accepted history.
- We're going to find them.
Save them!
I mean, I was looking for them
in the forest
when I ran into you.
What about your mom?
- Well, she travels a lot,
so I'm alone a lot.
- That sucks.
- I know she loves me.
And I love her.
But her job, it really keeps
us apart.
- You need to get back to her.
- I will.
- How are you so sure?
- Because I have trust.
- In what?
- People, fate,
the universe.
- The universe.
(electronic whirring)
Hate to break it to you,
but the universe doesn't care
about life on Earth.
I mean, it caused the dinosaurs
to go extinct.
- I know.
Still I trust it will be OK.
- The only thing I trust
is myself.
- Sounds so lonely.
(soft music)
- Here.
Sit up.
For luck.
- I can't accept this.
- You need it more than me.
- Thank you.
- Meteorites are out tonight?
(dramatic music)
(soft music)
(brachiosaurus growling)
(loud buzzing)
- No!
- What in the universe's name...
- You're up early!
- Why didn't you tell us
- The swarm of carnivorous avian
- Yes!
I surmised it was more important
to allow you to get a full
night's sleep.
- You surmised wrong!
Well, you both look much
more refreshed.
(loud buzzing)
- What do we do?
(dramatic music)
Have you lost your mind?
He's lost his mind.
- I was unaware humans can
misplace one's mind.
- I can't always run
from my problems.
- You can run
from this one though.
I won't tell.
(loud buzzing)
- It worked?
- It worked!
That was genius.
Not bad what you did back there.
- It's what friends do.
(dramatic music)
(electronic whirring)
What's the date?
- 65 million
274,000 BC.
- Oh, no.
- What is it?
- The ship, it was programmed
to witness significant times
in history, right?
- Yes, and?
- Well, the significant time
in history is the end
of the cretaceous period.
- The cretaceous ended with...
- The impact of a 40 mile-wide
- MIA!
- Yes, Lara?
Why didn't you tell us
we were about to get flattened
by a giant rock?
- Because you ordered me
not to reveal information
regarding our mission.
- What mission?
(dramatic music)
- I don't know what MIA is
talking about.
So crazy.
Do you not remember,
when Jason was moments
from boarding the Odyssey,
you ordered me to protect
the identity of the mission.
- MIA!
- The Odyssey?
(electronic whirring)
Is that the name of the ship?
You two knew each other before?
You lied!
- Jason, I can explain.
- Then explain.
- I can't.
- I'm getting
some pretty mixed messages here.
- Jason, you don't understand.
- I understand very well.
I understand not to trust you.
(dramatic music)
MIA, how much time
do we have?
- Impact will occur in
approximately 52 minutes.
Would you like me to set
a reminder 10 minutes before?
- You do realize we have no time
to mine the silver
and get it back to the ship,
- I can summon the craft,
the battery has accumulated
enough solar charge
and is now operational.
- Why didn't you tell us
this before?
- It wasn't relevant before.
- MIA, summon the ship
to the top of the mountain.
- Done.
- Goodbye.
- Jason, please.
- Leave me alone.
- You can't do this
by yourself!
- The direction he is taking
will add 12 minutes
to the destination.
- This isn't happening.
- And he is about to trip
on a root.
I meant to do that.
- Lara, we must hurry.
This way.
(instrumental music)
(whirring motor)
(instrumental music)
(suspenseful music)
(heavy breathing)
- Where is it?
- There.
- There's 10 lbs of silver
in that rock?
- Triple that.
- Well, how do we extract
the silver
and graft it on to the ship?
- Leave that to me.
(suspenseful music)
- Really, he's just going
to wait there?
- That's right.
- So we just wait here
for the ship?
- Unnecessary.
- Why?
- Because it is here.
(whirring motor approaching)
(victorious music)
- Oh!
- The asteroid.
- MIA, let's fix the ship
and get the heck out of here.
- Excellent idea.
(electronic beeping)
- How much time to repair?
- Two minutes.
- How much time
until asteroid impact?
- Three minutes.
- Cutting it a bit close,
aren't we?
- As long as nothing unexpected
- Jason!
- What are you doing?
- Saving your life,
- Oh.
- MIA, open door.
- What?
- Trust me.
- For the last time,
I do not trust you.
- Now!
(dramatic music)
- Repair complete.
MIA, close door!
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
Power on!
- Programming the time travel...
- Sit!
Mia, execute time program
- Yes, Lara.
- How did you know?
(dramatic music)
- Wrong way!
Optimal trajectory determined
by time travel program.
- That does not look optimal
to me!
- We need to get out
of the way.
- You think?
- Tell me what's going on.
- Kind of busy right now.
- That's it, I'm taking control.
- No!
Will you trust me?
(resounding alarm)
Trust me!
(dramatic music)
Grab the controller
- But you just said...
- With me!
(dramatic music)
- But we need to pull!
- Push!
(dramatic music)
Now pull!
(whirring motor)
(screaming in fear)
(dramatic music)
(screaming in fear)
(dramatic music)
(screaming in fear)
(dramatic music)
(victorious music)
- Now that was epic.
Prepare for temporal
(resounding alarm)
(dramatic music)
(electronic whirring)
(dramatic music)
(electronic whirring)
Are we back?
- We're back.
(whirring motor)
- You didn't sneak on
to this ship.
This is your ship.
You're the time traveller.
Why didn't you tell me?
- It's complicated.
(resounding alarm)
(dramatic music)
- I just punched a dragonfly
the size of a horse
and I'll punch you too.
- It's OK.
(suspenseful music)
- Lara?
- Wait.
- What in the world
are you doing on my ship?
- She's your...
- Hi mom.
- Who's this?
- I'm Jason.
- Well, that clears it up.
MIA, restore English glyphs.
Right away, captain.
- Security feature.
- None of this is alien.
- Cloaking device is still down.
Still offline, yes,
my apologies.
I was distracted by...
- Time travel, hull fracture...
A daughter who is about
to be grounded.
You're both time travellers.
- Lara!
You know full well
it's forbidden to reveal
your identity.
- I didn't!
- She didn't say anything!
I figured it out,
all on my own.
I'm the smartest idiot
you'll ever meet.
The boy child is correct.
He is unusually intelligent
when not being foolish,
stubborn and irrational.
- Thanks.
- I'm sorry I didn't tell you.
- It was me who sent us back
in time.
- You?
- Yes, well.
Actually though, it was my butt.
- I will make sure to disinfect
the control panel.
- It was an accident,
she did nothing wrong.
- You snuck on board.
That is a Class J timescape
For both of you.
- She snuck on board
because you're never around.
- Excuse me?
- Jason, please don't.
- I had a mother, father,
You're all Lara has.
And you're never around.
- I have important historical
surveying to do.
- More important
than your own daughter?
- Time travel is no place
for a child.
- I'm not a child!
- It's dangerous!
- What's dangerous
is not being there
for your kid.
And then before you know,
one of you is gone.
You're a time traveller
who has no time
for her daughter.
- Good one.
- Is that why you snuck
on board?
- Mom, I never see you.
I just wanted to,
I don't know,
miss you, us.
And then things got
all complicated,
because of him.
- What happened to...
- My parents?
Car slid off a mountain.
- Oh.
- Their car was found.
But not them.
- How long?
- Two weeks ago.
Two weeks.
They're gone now
and I have to move on.
- I'm sorry, Jason.
(electronic beep)
- It's not too late for you.
Be there for Lara.
- Well, it looks like we have
some time to make up.
(electronic beep)
You're a good kid, Jason.
I'm sorry
you won't remember this.
- Wait.
- I'm going to have to erase
your memory.
- You're kidding!
- No, not that thing again.
- Don't worry.
It's harmless.
Just a short term memory wipe.
All interactions from this ship.
MIA, Lara, myself.
They'll be erased.
- Why?
- We can't have you
knowing the future.
- I'll forget you?
(soft music)
- I'll remember.
For the both of us.
(electronic beeping)
- You make a beautiful family.
Since I won't remember
any of this...
- What?
- Tell me
what the future is like.
- Jason!
- I'm serious!
- The future.
Well, we have unlimited energy,
no diseases, no money.
But, most important of all,
every person is free
to pursue
their most basic human rights.
To realize their full potential.
- So, everything turns out OK?
- Everything turns out OK.
- That's why we can't have
you knowing the future.
We don't want it changed.
(soft music)
You're ready?
If you don't trust me,
we can have MIA
perform the wipe.
- No, that's OK.
Trust you.
- Hold still.
(soft music)
- How did I get here?
- How did I get here?
(police sirens in the distance)
(soft music)
Did you see Helga?
She's about this big.
(incomprehensible murmurs)
- Brett?
What's going on?
- Pumpkin!
- Mom!
- Oh, we missed you so much.
- How, I thought...
- Easy now, little man,
they've been stranded
in the wilderness
for two weeks.
- It's OK.
We were thrown from the car.
We hiked to find shelter.
Before the cold set in.
- We were stranded.
We didn't know if we'd make it
- I know the feeling.
- Two weeks,
thinking we were gone.
Oh, that must have been awful.
- We are so sorry.
- I'll forgive you
on one condition.
Stop calling me pumpkin!
- Great, guess I'm off the hook.
You think I could hitch a ride
with you downtown?
- Yes sure, but we might have
to arrest you along the way.
- For what?
- I think assault.
(soft music)
- Delicious.
What the what?
I was supposed to have that.
She forgot it.
- I know.
- Vivian?
- You're right.
I didn't have it.
I can't explain it.
But it was given back to me
when we drove off the mountain.
- Are you OK, honey?
- It was like a dream.
Someone appeared as we fell,
a girl, her name was
- Lara?
- Yes!
Lara, how did you know?
- I don't know.
Did she say anything else?
- Just, "Trust me."
- Well.
The important thing is
that we're together.
- A family.
- You realized you changed
history by saving his parents.
- Well, according to timescape
we were destined to save them.
- So what's the next stop, Lara?
I mean,
lieutenant-commander Lara?
- Triassic Era.
- Oh, dinosaurs.
- A good friend got me
into them.
- Well, you're the expert.
MIA, confirm time travel.
- Time travel confirmed.
(victorious music)
(energetic music)
(instrumental music)
- Good thing we didn't panic
and drive off the cliff.
- Jason!
We need your help.
- Woah.
You must not allow anyone
to see me
as it would disrupt
the timescape.
- Who, what are you?
- Oh, my manners!
The memory wipe.
Hold still.
- What are you going to do
to me?
Please don't say,
"Precious fluids."
- Do not worry, it is just
a simple memory restore.
Perfectly harmless.
- So, this isn't the end?
- Quite the contrary.
This is just the beginning.
(soft music)
(instrumental music)
(hoarse snoring)
(footsteps approaching)
Where is it?
(hoarse snoring)
Studio Sonogram