Tin & Tina (2023) Movie Script

[pipe organ music playing]
[wedding music playing]
[priest] Lord, you that look at us
from your throne in Heaven
and heed our prayers with benevolence.
Adolfo, do you take Mara de los Dolores
as your lawfully wedded wife
and promise to be faithful to her
for better or for worse,
for richer or for poorer,
in sickness and in health,
to love and to cherish her,
until death do you part?
I do.
[priest] Mara de los Dolores, do you take
Adolfo as your lawfully wedded husband
and promise to be faithful to him
for better or for worse,
for richer or for poorer,
in sickness and in health,
to love and to cherish him,
until death do you part?
I do.
[priest] May the Lord in his kindness
strengthen the consent
you have declared before the Church
and bring to fulfillment
his blessings within you.
What God has joined,
let no one put asunder.
[everyone] Amen.
[priest] You may kiss the bride.
[music continues]
[music plays louder]
SPAIN 1981
[music continues]
[organ music fades out]
- [church bells ringing]
- [metallic clicking]
Are you ready?
Well, are the three of you ready?
We are.
- Here.
- Thank you.
I think I've got it.
Luis and Marta.
Um, that's too common.
Common? Okay. [inhales deeply]
Eustaquio and Candelaria.
- [both chuckle]
- That's horrible.
I like names that symbolize something.
That symbolize something? Hmm.
What about Adam and Eve then?
[both chuckle]
Don't be silly.
You're gonna be the best mom in the world.
[man] Long live the newlyweds!
Careful! Careful!
Oh! Watch out! Be careful!
[church bells continue ringing]
- [people become silent]
- [bells stop ringing]
What's wrong?
[tense music playing]
[man, in Spanish] Don't move!
[rapid gunfire]
[gunfire continues on TV]
[man on TV] Silence!
[reporter on TV] Yesterday,
at 6:26 in the evening,
took place the most dramatic episode
in the history of our country,
since the beginning of democracy.
[door opens]
Adolfo, what happened?
There were some complications.
I'm really sorry.
[in wavering voice] No. No.
[doctor] I must inform you
that you suffered internal damage.
Quite severe.
[sobbing faintly] What?
I'm afraid you'll never be able
to bear children.
Oh, no! No! No!
- [doctor] I'm really sorry.
- [sobs]
[sobbing] Why me?
- Hey.
- Why me?
[Mara sobbing]
[tense music fades out]
[haunting, sorrowful music playing]
[children whispering]Through my fault.
Through my fault.
Through my most grievous fault.
- [gasps]
- [children] Amen.
- [pulsing]
- [breathing deeply]
[faint metallic clicking]
[ominous music playing]
[hard tap]
[Adolfo] Lola, you look like a ghost.
Look at you.
It's been six months already.
I need you to be well.
I'm willing to do anything for you.
[Lola breathes deeply]
- Why don't we go back to our town?
- No, that's out of the question.
- But this house...
- The house isn't the problem here.
I had a wonderful childhood in this house.
And our children will be happy here too.
[Adolfo] There's a convent nearby.
It's an orphanage.
There are children there.
- Maybe we could go...
- Mm-mm.
We'll love them
as if they were our very own.
- No. No.
- Listen, honey.
One nail drivesout another.
[groans faintly] Please go.
- [Adolfo sighs]
- [exhales sharply]
[Adolfo sighs]
I can't go on like this.
I just can't.
[door opens]
[door slams]
[upbeat children's song playing on TV]
[in Spanish]If you're feeling
Sad and alone
Don't worry, it'll soon be over...
[dog panting]
[suspenseful music playing]
[abbess] This country is out of control.
Young people these days
lack essential values.
They're completely lost.
- Reverend Mother.
- [baby crying]
[distant church bell rings]
Are you all right?
[Lola] Mm.
My wife grew up in a convent.
[Reverend Mother] Mm?
This sacred place was built
in the 15th century
after the birth of Christ.
You could say that our lifestyle
and doctrine are definitely old-school.
[Adolfo chuckles]
Here we provide shelter
and education to abandoned children.
Children from unwed mothers
[ominous music playing]
children with physical disabilities,
with mental impairments.
- [thunder rumbling]
- Yeah.
[ghostly singing]
[Adolfo] We were looking
to adopt preferably two babies, but...
[Reverend Mother]
Without impairments, of course.
In that case, I'd ask for your donation
to the convent to be quite generous.
[thunder continues rumbling]
[solemn organ music playing]
[Adolfo] How long
for the paperwork to be processed?
[Reverend Mother] Mmm.
That'll be sorted out
as soon as we receive your donation.
I have it here.
[Reverend Mother] Hmm.
Where is your wife?
[organ music plays loudly]
[Reverend Mother] Heavenly music,
don't you think?
They play like angels.
And they're only seven years old.
- This is being played by children?
- Honey, everything's been taken care of.
I'd like to meet them.
Tin, Tina!
[music stops]
Come here, please!
They were abandoned
at the gates of the convent.
They were just a few weeks old.
They are
unique, special children.
[chuckling] Sure. But Tin and Tina,
these aren't Spanish names, are they?
They were named after Saint Augustine,
patron saint of our order.
[distant thunder rumbling]
[melancholic music playing]
[Reverend Mother] Children.
This is Mr.Adolfo and, uh his wife.
- Hello.
- Hello.
You play the organ beautifully.
We practice every day.
[loud thunderclap]
[Tin and Tina] The wrath of God!
It's the wrath of God!
[Tin and Tina gasping]
It's just a storm, don't worry.
[Adolfo] Lola.
We need to focus, okay?
Children, you can go back to playing.
[distant thunder rumbling]
Don't go away, please. Stay.
Yes, please, don't go. Stay here with us.
We can play
lots of other things, you know.
I would love to.
But I can't.
[Tina] Tin, come on, don't be sad.
- I told you that nobody loves us.
- [thunderclap]
[Tin and Tina sniffling]
Just a second.
[whispering] Lola,
no, no, no, please listen.
I know what you're thinking,
and they're just too old.
And a bit strange.
These children need to be loved, Adolfo.
Same as us, we need love.
[exhales deeply]
So let's give each other love.
Let us be a family.
Are you sure about them?
[circus-like Spanish pop music playing]
[music continues over radio]
Terror in the supermarket
Horror in the grocery store
Don't you like the music?
That music is satanic.
[music continues playing]
[chuckling] Oh, well then
[music stops]
Why don't you sing us a song then?
Yes, let's sing a song!
Okay, what song shall we sing?
Come on, I'm sure you know many songs.
[Tina] Mm-hmm.
[both] All of us together
Let's sing out to Heaven
Glory and praises to our Lord
[Adolfo chuckles]
Glory to the Father
Glory to the Son
Glory to the Spirit of Love
I praise joyfully
- I praise
- That's very, very nice, you two.
- And sing the Glory of God!
- That's a very nice song.
[circus-like Spanish pop music
resumes playing]
[music ends with explosion]
- How is my boy?
- [dog pants and whimpers]
This is Kuki.
You want to say hello?
- [barking angrily]
- [gasping]
- [Adolfo] Whoa! [chuckles]
- [Tin] Tina! Tina!
- Kuki.
- What's wrong? You afraid?
Kuki, stop!
Come on. He's a very good dog.
His name is Kuki,
and you'll have to help us
take care of him.
- [barking continues]
- [Lola] That's enough. It's all right.
Look! Daddy pilots one of those.
[Tina] Really?
- [Adolfo] Yeah.
- [Tina] So cool!
Up in the sky, have you seen God?
Haven't had the pleasure
of meeting him yet.
[Tin and Tina sigh sadly]
The drive didn't take long.
Not at all. The convent is very close.
How close is it?
About 15 kilometers away.
And on foot?
Uh, on foot?
Through the woods,
it would be, uh six kilometers.
But it would take a long time.
Why do you want to know?
[both] Mm.
Come on.
[distant animal squawks]
[both, gasping] Wow!
- So cool!
- [clock chimes]
It's so cool.
- Let's explore the house.
- Okay!
[Adolfo inhales and exhales deeply]
[footfalls on stairs]
You'd think there was a dead body in here.
[chuckling] Honey.
[Tin's and Tina's footfalls continue]
It's been so long
since I've seen you smile.
[kissing loudly]
[Tin and Tina giggling]
[Lola] Children.
[ominous music playing]
- Children!
- [music fades out]
What's wrong, Mommy?
Mommy, did we do something wrong?
It's just that this room isn't yours.
It's the one down the hall.
Come on, Tina! Let's go see it!
[Tin and Tina giggling]
[body thud]
[Tina] And those ones?
Are they from another planetrip?
[Adolfo] Those are from China,
a country far away.
- If you want, I can show you pictures.
- [Tin] And that? Is it from another trip?
No, this is a, uh, a TV.
You've never seen one?
[both] Mm-mm.
Dinner's ready.
All right. Where are you going?
- [Lola] Let's see how it turned out.
- I'm sure it'll be great.
Let's see.
[footfalls on stairs]
Tin and I wanted to thank you
for adopting us as your children.
[Adolfo chuckles quietly]
Close your eyes, please.
[gentle music playing]
- [giggling]
- [Tin] Open them.
This is the crown of Christ,
so that you may free us
from the curse of sin.
Thank you. It's nice.
Now you, Mommy.
I want you to close your eyes.
[clears throat] All right.
Let me put this on.
This is the Holy Rosary,
so that you, like Mary, can meditate
about the mysteries of our faith.
If you wear it,
it'll protect you from evil.
- Come on, the king is hungry.
- [music stops]
Honey, I've seriously missed your omelets.
Come on, it'll get cold.
What's wrong?
Why aren't you eating?
Well, you didn't say grace.
[Adolfo] How could I forget?
Come on. Let's all say grace, all right?
[exhales deeply]
Oh Lord, we give you thanks for this day
and for this food we are about to eat.
May it serve to fulfill your will.
In the name
of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
- Amen.
- Amen.
All right. Let's dig in.
Mmm. This is delicious.
[Adolfo chuckles]
[Tin] Mommy?
Why did you adopt us?
[Lola] Because we wanted to.
[Tin] Yes, but
why don't you have children of your own?
Because it's impossible.
Everything's possible, Mommy.
Miracles happen every day.
[ominous music playing]
Why did you bring all this?
So that the, uh, the exterminating angel
can't come into this house.
Exterminating angel?
[Adolfo snores quietly]
[music fades out]
[single tap]
[single tap]
[single tap]
[single tap]
[single tap]
[melancholic music playing]
- [kettle gurgling]
- [music playing over speaker]
Good morning, Mommy.
Good morning, Mommy.
- Good morning. You can sit down.
- [man chattering over speaker]
[classical music playing over speaker]
Shouldn't we wait for Daddy?
[Lola] No, Dad woke up
very early to get to work.
Come on, let's have breakfast.
You don't say grace before breakfast?
No, I'm not going to say grace.
You don't believe in God, right?
Sometimes it's hard to believe.
"The fool says in his heart,
'Liar, there is no God.'"
[Tin] I know that one.
Psalm, uh
- It's Psalm 14, silly. [giggling]
- Aw, nuts.
[Tina] You know,
we have a way of seeing God.
You want to know how?
But you have to promise
that no matter what happens,
you won't get up from your chair.
Do you promise?
Yes, I promise.
[faint chuckling]
I really want to see God.
I'd like to ask him something.
Please, pretty please.
[inhales and exhales deeply] Okay.
- [Tin gasps]
- [ominous music playing]
[Lola] Tina, what are you doing?
Psst. You promised.
[choking gasps]
[Tina giggles]
[breathing heavily]
Are you okay?
- I asked for a miracle for you.
- [classical music resumes playing]
I'm sure He will grant it.
[Tin and Tina giggle]
"Let us all seek God.
Have faith and no doubt."
"If you believe, you will receive
whatever you ask for in prayer."
I know that one.
Matthew ten
[lively classical music playing]
- [Tin] Food fight!
- Guys, you can't do that!
Take that!
[Tin and Tina giggle]
Who did that?
[classical music ends
with dramatic finish]
[teacher] As you can see,
inside the rib cage
we can find the two lungs
which contract and expand
every time we breathe.
And if we remove them,
we discover the most important organ
in the human body
The schlong!
[children laugh]
Kids. Hey, kids, kids, please!
Hey, listen to me.
One more stupid joke, you're out.
Got it, Mr. Julin.
No more jokes, I promise.
[knocking on door]
[man] Good morning, Mr. Julin.
Good morning. Good morning. Come on in.
Hey, everybody, that's enough.
Please be quiet.
We have two new students joining us today.
Now, this is Tin and this here is Tina.
Hey, I know those two.
[paper rustling]
You're the children of Count Dracula!
[children laugh]
[Mr. Julin] Pedro! Hey! Everybody, quiet!
[Pedro laughs alone]
[whispering] "Ezekiel,
Prophecy against Philistia 25:16."
You're very good at this, Mommy.
Here, you try. But be careful.
[Tin continues speaking indistinctly]
"I will carry out great vengeance
and punish them in my wrath."
"Then they will know that I am the Lord,
when I take vengeance on them."
You're really good at this.
[Tina giggles]
Mommy, are we the children of Dracula?
You know who Dracula is?
Why aren't we like everyone else?
Why did God make us so strange?
[melancholic music playing]
You want me to show you a secret?
[Tina] Okay.
Part of your leg is fake?
[chuckles faintly]
See, I'm strange too.
What happened to you?
When I was your age
my parents used to go from town to town,
and they would show movies.
We lived in a camper van.
One night,
I woke up,and my leg was on fire.
There was fire everywhere.
I was able to escape, save myself.
But my parents didn't.
[Tina] It was God, Mommy. God saved you.
- [Adolfo] Is anyone home?
- [Tin and Tina] Daddy!
[receding footfalls]
[liquid bubbling]
[ominous music playing]
[music fades out]
[exhales deeply]
[Lola] Did you nail
all those crucifixes over the doors?
I thought that was you.
- It was the children.
- So what? Who cares?
If it matters to them, just leave them be.
They're totally obsessed with religion.
- They spend all day talking about God.
- That's normal.
They were raised by nuns.
It'd be weird if they were into football.
[both chuckle]
Do you believe God exists?
[inhales and exhales deeply]
I think that there are two options.
Either we believe there's
a an omnipotent and mysterious God
and that you and I will be reunited
in our next life, or...
Or God doesn't exist.
And we made all that up
so we wouldn't feel so alone.
And nothing makes sense.
And that's why I think
we shouldn't leave to the next life
what we can enjoy in this one.
[both chuckle]
Hey, stop! The kids might see us!
You're starting to sound
a lot like a mother.
- [chuckles]
- You're an idiot.
[cigarette hisses]
[Tin, whispering] I said
it was going to happen, didn't I?
[Lola] Hey, what's going on?
Why aren't you asleep?
[Tina] We don't feel sleepy.
[gasps] Can we play battle of the angels?
[Tin] Yes, let's play battle of the angels
and then we'll go to sleep.
[Lola sighs]
[Tin] Please. Pretty please.
[Lola] Fine. How do you play it?
It's very easy.
You close your eyes,
and then we recite a verse from the Bible.
- [Lola] Mm-hmm.
- When we're finished, you count to three.
You open your eyes and look for us.
That's it?
[Tin and Tina giggling]
What do I have to do?
Get up on your feet.
[slow, contemplative music playing]
Revelation, chapter 12,
verses seven and nine.
"And there was a war in Heaven."
"Michael and his angels
fought against the great dragon."
"The great dragon,
that serpent most ancient,
also known as the Devil and Lucifer,
the one who leads the whole world astray."
[music volume builds]
[Tin and Tina] And three!
Be gone, Satan! This is our Heaven!
Get out!
[slow, dramatic music playing]
[all laughing]
- [Lola gasps and giggles]
- [music stops]
- [light switch clicks]
- Children, is this another game?
Where are you?
Hey, where did you go?
- [Lola gasps frantically]
- [ominous music playing]
[Tin and Tina groan]
Come on,Tin, hold on tight!
[Tin] Mom, ask him something!
[Lola groans]
[Tina giggles]
[Lola squeals]
[Lola] Let go!
I told you to hold tight!
[light switch clicks]
Mommy, you can almost see him!
[Tina] There he is!
There he is!
- [Lola takes gasping breaths]
- [ominous music fades out]
[slow, haunting music playing]
- [music stops]
- [Kuki panting]
[knocking on door]
Feel better?
Lola, a proper punishment will put a stop
to this nonsense once and for all.
They're just kids.
They like to play, like all kids do.
They just need
some time to adjust, that's all.
Tin and Tina!
[Kuki growling]
[barking angrily]
Shhh. It's okay.
[Kuki growling quietly]
[Tin and Tina] We're really sorry, Mom.
[Kuki whimpers]
If we've done something bad to you,
we deserve to be punished.
[Kuki growls and barks angrily]
Kuki! Enough!
[Kuki whimpers]
In the convent,
they used to beat us with sticks.
And one time, we committed a very big sin,
and they cut off our hair.
Without punishment, there's no salvation.
We're not going to punish you, all right?
- [snarling]
- [screams]
- [gasping]
- [Kuki whimpers]
[slow, dramatic music playing]
Are you okay, Mommy?
[Tina] You take a few steps back,
and when you let go,
you have to put your feet up.
Like this. See?
Come on, it's super easy.
Don't be such a chicken.
I'm not a chicken.
Well, do it, then.
[Pedro] Well, well!
If it isn't the little Draculas!
[children laugh]
Wow! Nice hats you've got there.
I bet they match the coffins
you sleep in very well.
[children chuckle]
We don't sleep in coffins. That's a lie.
Are you sure?
Mm. Mm.
[Tin] What are you doing?
- Wait, no!
- [Pedro chuckles]
What... What are you doing? No! No!
- No, please! No!
- Hey, don't do that!
- No!
- Let go of me!
- Fly, Dracula!
- [Tin] Stop!
- Higher!
- No, stop it!
- [Pedro] Fly!
- Stop! Stop!
- [dramatic music playing on TV]
- [Tin screams]
[thunderclaps on TV]
- [Adolfo] Shh.
- [Lola giggles]
[man on TV] he used to drink
the blood of his victims. That's why
people started calling him "Draculis,"
which means dragon or devil,
or more specifically, son of the Devil.
- Daddy.
- Yes, that's me.
[Lola clears her throat]
- Can we watch the movie, please?
- No.
We can't, it's a scary movie.
What do you mean, you can't?
- Of course you can. Right, hon?
- Really?
- It's just that we're both very tired.
- You sure?
- So we're going to bed now.
- Yes, very.
Have fun, you two. Good night.
Good night.
Good night.
Good night. [giggling]
[man on TV] From that,
Bram Stoker created Dracula
- Cool, isn't it?
- Mm.
still popular today.
[dramatic music playing on TV]
[dramatic music continues]
[Tin] Turn down the volume, please.
[Tina sighs]
- [faint thumping]
- [glass clinking]
- [both, whispering] Rock, paper, scissors.
- [bedsprings creaking]
All right, your turn.
[Lola moans faintly]
[Tina gasps faintly]
[Lola and Adolfo moan ecstatically]
[creaking continues]
[whispering] Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.
[crickets chirping]
[growling quietly]
[continues growling]
[barking angrily]
[Kuki growls quietly]
[Kuki panting]
- [Tina] Should I give him more?
- Yes. That'll make him sleep better.
[loud drip]
[Tina] Your turn.
- [Kuki barks]
- [both gasp]
[barking and growling angrily]
[Tina gasps]
[Tina] Hurry up,Tin! They'll see us!
[Tin gasps]
[Tina, sighing] Scaredy-cat.
Here you go, boy.
Here's some yummy food.
- [both grunting]
- [wind howling faintly]
[Tin] I can't.
[Tina] A little bit more.
[Tina] Right here.
- [both grunt]
- [thud]
[both breathing fast]
[drawer opens]
[metallic clinking]
Come on, Tin.
We don't have very much time.
[Tin] Mmm
This one.
That's too small.
Let's take
this one.
But I like this one more.
[Tina sighs]
You take this one.
And and take this thing also.
[Tin sighs]
[metallic clinking]
[water pouring]
[pouring stops]
[Tina, whispering] Did you do it yet?
[Tin, whispering] No, I'm scared.
[Tina] Look.
You have to do it right here.
[Tin] But I can't.
[Tina] Do it hard, Tin, hard.
[Tin shudders]
- [wet stab]
- [Tin grunts]
[Tin and Tina giggle]
[Tina] You've got blood
all over your face.
[giggling] You look like a vampire.
[Tin] And you
you look like a circus clown.
- [both giggle]
- [thudding and patting]
[Tina] Take that.
[Tin] You'll see.
[both continue giggling]
[Tina] Come on, Tin. Stop it.
Here, I'll help you.
It's like cutting up a steak.
- Like this.
- [slicing]
Now stick your hand in and pull it out.
[Tin grunts]
[Tina] What's it like?
[Tin] It's squishy.
[Tina] Like a sponge?
[Tin] No.
Squishy like a snail.
[Tina, chuckling] Like a snail?
You're such a ninny.
[water sloshing]
[Tina clears her throat]
Psalm 51, verses one and two.
- "Have mercy on me, O God
- [solemn music playing]
according to your unfailing love,
according to your great compassion
blot out my transgressions."
"Wash away all my iniquity
and cleanse me from my sin."
[music stops]
Put it back in.
[wet rustling]
[Tina humming]
- [Tin] You're good at sewing.
- Thank you.
[Tina continues humming]
You'll see. Mommy will be so happy
when she wakes up.
All done. Now we just have to wait.
Waiting is so boring.
What will we do until she wakes up?
We can do like everybody else, watch TV.
People don't believe
in anything these days.
They don't even believe in illusionists.
Well, I'll give you some time
to think about that statement.
And we'll be back shortly.
[upbeat talk show music playing]
[birds chirping]
[rooster crows]
[slow, ominous music playing]
[moans faintly]
[inhales sharply]
- [Adolfo] What's wrong, honey?
- Oh, nothing.
Nothing. It's just the kids.
They've been playing with the jam again.
[inhales and exhales deeply]
Honey, that's not jam.
Kuki's not waking up.
- [Adolfo] Mm.
- [gasps]
[Lola gasps]
What have you done?
[Tin] Kuki behaved very badly with Mommy.
And so we washed him.
[Adolfo] What do you mean, you washed him?
[Tin] We cleansed his soul.
We washed away his sins.
- [Lola gasps]
- [Tina] We wanted to honor you, Mommy.
We wanted you to be proud of us.
[Lola whimpers]
[Tin] Why isn't he waking up?
Because he's dead.
[Tin] Dead?
[Tina] Is it our fault? Did we kill him?
[Tin and Tina, sobbing] No!
No! No! No! No! No! No!
[Lola sobs]
It's all right. It's all right. It's okay.
It was an accident.
[haunting, sorrowful music playing]
[flies buzzing]
God, it stinks.
[music fades out]
You feeling any better?
What if they decide to cut you
or me open to cleanse our souls?
[sighing] Lola.
It was a misunderstanding.
A tragic one, but one nonetheless.
These children see life
in a more innocent way.
And you know what they need?
A mother who can teach them the difference
between what's right and what's wrong.
[Tin and Tina] In the name of the Father,
the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
[distant moaning]
- [breathing fast]
- [moaning continues]
[door creaks]
[moaning continues]
[faint, ominous music playing]
[moaning continues]
Tin, what's wrong?
Are you all right?
What's going on?
[Tin] The fire
The eternal fire.
[Lola] What is this?
[Lola gasps]
[Lola] I don't want
any more penance in this house.
[Tina groans]
Is that clear?
Mommy, if we pray a lot,
will Kuki be resurrected?
No, he won't be resurrected.
- But the Bible says...
- Enough!
Listen to me.
This is very important.
You can't just do
whatever the Bible says you should.
[quiet, melancholic music playing]
Why not? It's the word of God.
Yes, but it can't
be taken literally, word for word.
You've read some stories
at school, haven't you?
Tales about witches and wizards,
stories of fairy godmothers,
tales of talking wolves and pigs.
But animals don't speak.
Of course they don't speak.
Because it's fantasy.
It's an imaginary world
that doesn't exist.
The Bible is fantasy.
There are no such things as angels
and demons or Heaven and Hell.
I think they do exist.
I think so as well.
And you, you will believe too someday.
["Jingle Bells" playing]
[both giggle]
What are you laughing about?
[Tin and Tina, gasping] Daddy!
[chuckling] Come here.
[inhales deeply]
Do you know who I saw
from the plane on Christmas Eve?
Uh, God?
- No. It was Santa Claus.
- [both gasp]
With his sleigh and reindeers.
You know what he said to me?
[mimicking Santa Claus] "Ho, ho, ho!
Merry Christmas, Adolfo!"
"I have here in my sleigh
something for your children."
- Huh?
- [Tin and Tina gasp]
[Adolfo chuckles]
[Tin and Tina] Wow! This is so cool!
[Adolfo] He also gave me this.
[Tin and Tina] "Super spinning disks."
[food bubbling loudly]
Almost didn't make it because of the snow.
I have a lot to do.
- [Adolfo] Hmm?
- Mm.
You okay?
- I'm going to go get changed.
- All right.
This song is one of the top hits of 1981.
I'm sure you all know
what song I'm talking about, right?
Are you ready? Let's dance.
["Chicken Dance" playing]
[singing in Spanish]
[music continues faintly]
Oh, you're tired.
How much longer till midnight?
It won't be long now. Look.
When both hands on the clock
are here, it's midnight.
[Tin] Hmm.
- [Tina] Seven, eight, nine
- [water bubbling]
Mommy, the coffee's ready.
[music continues on TV]
Ten, eleven, and twelve.
All done. What do I do now?
You can, uh,
sprinkle sugar on the cake if you want.
It's in the cupboard.
[Tina humming]
- [Lola] No, not that!
- [Tina gasps] What's wrong, Mommy?
That's for killing bugs.
What is that doing here?
This is the sugar.
[man on TV] Our cameras
are bringing you these
[Tina] I've got the grapes!
[Adolfo] That's great, sweetie.
Thank you.
[Tina] You're welcome.
You remember what I said?
[Tina] No.
What do you mean, no? What about you?
- No.
- You don't either?
[ominous music playing]
The coffee's ready.
[muted] Great. Make some room for Mom.
Let's go over it.
First, the ball goes down.
- [Tin] I remember that.
- [Tina] It goes down.
[Adolfo] That's when it starts.
That's our cue. And you take a grape.
[Tin] Yes, I know.
- And every time the bell rings
- [both] One grape!
- You got it. Very good.
- [Tina] Whoo!
- [Lola thuds on floor]
- [Tina and Adolfo gasp]
[Tin] Mommy?
- [Adolfo] Lola!
- [Tina] Mommy?
[slow, dramatic music playing]
Lola! Lola!
[doctor] Mara de los Dolores?
I just received the results of your tests.
[music stops]
You've had your New Year's Eve interrupted
for a good reason.
I don't understand.
You're going to have a baby.
But that's impossible.
Consider it a miracle.
[all chuckle faintly]
Happy New Year.
["Chinese Spinning Plate" playing]
[mimics Spanish recording]
A great magician from the East,
Kin Khan Kun the soothsayer,
showed me his secret,
the super Chinese spinning plate.
[in Spanish] What is that shiny thing
At the top of the stick?
Is it a bird, a plane
A satellite, or a flying saucer?
What is that thing
That spins like a windmill blade?
It's a plate, that's great
It's the Chinesespinning plate
Chinese, Chinese, plate, plate
Great, what a game
Chinese, Chinese, Chinese, Chinese
Plate, plate, plate, plate
Great, great, great
What a game
[song ends]
- [Tin and Tina giggle]
- Very good. You did that very well.
Did you like it, Mommy?
Yes, very much.
And our little brother?
Hang on a second.
He absolutely loved it.
- [Tin and Tina giggle]
- [melancholic music playing]
Go on, off to bed.
You need to rest up for tomorrow.
You believe in God now, right?
What makes you say that?
[Tina] Well, because our baby brother
is going to be born, thanks to a miracle.
It's true. I asked Him for it,
and He made it happen.
There are no such things as miracles.
Everything in life can be explained.
- You have eyes, but you don't see.
- What don't I see?
When Jesus was born, his mother,
the Virgin Mary, suffered a lot
because she already knew that her son
would have to die to save us all.
A sacrifice.
And what if God wants to sacrifice
our baby brother to save us?
[sighs] That'd be a shame.
I don't want him to die. Right, Mommy?
[Lola gasps]
[folksy Spanish music
playing faintly over speaker]
[music continues]
[Pedro snickering]
Hello, Draculas.
Are you guys nervous?
Today, you'll be receiving
the body of Christ.
Although I'm pretty sure
you two would much prefer to receive
the blessing of the Holy Ghost!
- [gasps] It's blasphemy, Tina!
- [Pedro chuckles]
He said the unforgivable!
Don't worry, Tin. Don't you worry.
God will deliver justice.
[somber choir organ music playing]
[choir singing in Spanish]
I don't see the children.
[singing continues]
[singing continues]
[music stops]
[priest] Many thanks
to the children in the choir.
And also, to our young friends,
Tin and Tina,
who have accompanied us on the organ.
[haunting, sorrowful music playing]
- [Adolfo chuckles]
- [Lola sighs]
[priest] Take this and eat it.
This is the body of Christ,
which will grant you eternal life.
[priest] Take this and eat it.
This is the body of Christ,
which will grant you eternal life.
[priest] Take this and eat it.
This is the body of Christ,
which will grant you eternal life.
[priest] Take this and eat it.
This is the body of Christ,
which will grant you eternal life.
[echoing thud]
[Pedro groaning]
[crowd murmuring]
[slow, ominous music playing]
[Tina, whispering] Let's go, come on.
We have to do this.
Let's go together.
Come on.
[Tin] Good night, Mommy.
[Tina] Good night.
Was that the boy
that bullies you at school?
[Tin] He calls us Draculas.
Do you have anything to do
with what happened to him?
You mustn't lie to me.
Lying is a sin.
You don't have to worry, Mommy.
We'll pray really hard for him.
You two go to bed now.
[Tina, whispering] Pedro. Pedro
[telephone ringing]
[ringing continues]
[inhales and exhales deeply]
[ringing continues]
[woman] Hello. The school gave me
your number. I'm sorry to bother you.
- You're not bothering me.
- [somber music playing]
You were there for the First Communions
the other day, weren't you?
I'm Pedro's mother.
The boy who had the accident.
- How is he doing?
- [shuddering]
[in wavering voice] He's in a coma.
My God, I'm so sorry.
Some of the children have said
that during the procession,
they saw my Pedro
lagging behind with your children, and...
- But the police said that...
- Yeah.
Yeah, the police said he slipped
and and fell down the rocks.
But I don't know. I have a feeling
that that's not what happened.
I know my son is not a saint
and that he picked on your kids.
And I can understand
that they would want to
[woman sobs quietly]
I'm sorry, I shouldn't have called you.
You can't imagine how hard it is
to think that at any moment
your son could die.
[Tina] Mommy.
[Lola gasps]
[disconnect tone on phone]
Who's on the phone?
No one.
[chuckles quietly]
[loud thunderclap]
[rain tapping on window]
[haunting, sorrowful music playing]
[music fades out]
[ominous music playing]
[Reverend Mother] Lola.
This may sound strange to you.
But I really need to know
if Tin and Tina ever got involved
in any kind of trouble
with other children.
No, never.
Have they done something wrong?
I'm not sure.
But they may have made a mistake
with terrible consequences.
Do you have any evidence
to make you suspect them?
Are you quite sure
that they never did anything violent?
Perhaps some misinterpretation
of the Bible?
John 10:14.
"I am the good shepherd."
"I care for my sheep."
"And without any hesitation,
I lay down my life for every one of them."
Perhaps your way of leading the flock
is not the most appropriate way.
"Spare the rod and spoil the child."
Suffering is necessary.
Nobody can seek Christ without suffering
the pain of carrying his cross.
I'm just saying that Tin and Tina...
Tin and Tina are two beings of the light.
Mischievous, like all children,
but they are pure, righteous, and kind.
[chuckles faintly]
It is not they who are the problem.
- It is you.
- [scoffs]
You judge them without knowing.
And that is a sin.
You really shouldn't imagine things.
- I shouldn't have come here.
- Wrong.
God has brought you here today
for a good reason.
[fist echoes loudly on table]
Where is God
when babies are allowed to die
without having the chance to live?
Where is He?
[cane tap echoes loudly]
[cane tapping]
God is right here.
Absence is presence.
That is the great mystery.
[Lola shudders]
I'm sorry.
[Reverend Mother]
The dark night of the soul.
[melancholic music playing]
You are absorbed by the darkness.
You must seek.
Never cease to seek.
Only then will you find the light.
[crickets chirping]
[groaning faintly]
[suspenseful music playing]
[whimpering faintly]
[Tina, whispering] The wrath.
[haunting music playing]
[Lola shudders]
[Lola whimpers]
- [Tina, whispering] The wrath of God.
- [Tin coughs]
[shuddering faintly]
[slow, tense music playing]
[floor creaks]
[door latch clicks]
[car approaching]
- [door shuts]
- [Adolfo exhales deeply]
[music fades out]
How was the flight?
The flight? Fine, as usual.
Wha... What are you doing still up?
You smell of alcohol.
Yeah, I had a few drinks with the guys.
I'm going to bed now, hon. I'm very tired.
Can you come here a second?
Lola, it's four in the morning.
What do you want?
Could you please
come down here for a moment?
Yes, of course.
What's wrong?
The boy from the Communion is in a coma.
I think Tin and Tina are responsible
and that they're playing
this horrendous game.
I found these.
And I think we should go to the police.
It's evidence.
Let me see.
[Adolfo sighs]
For God's sake, Lola,
they're just drawings.
That boy was bullying them.
It's normal that they'd do things
like this or even worse.
And what if they're not
simply innocent children
who misinterpret the Bible?
[Adolfo sighs]
What if they're just the opposite?
What if they use the Bible
to justify their evil actions?
This is all because of the dog, right?
Won't you ever forgive them?
A mother should trust her children
and protect them.
That's what I'm doing.
Protecting the child I'm carrying.
This is totalnonsense.
[rips papers]
When that boy comes out of the coma,
he'll explain what happened.
- And now, I'm going to bed.
- [paper hits floor]
[haunting music playing]
[Lola breathing deeply]
[music fades out]
[wind blowing]
[Tin, breathing fast] Tina! Tina!
Tina, wake up!
What is it, Tin?
[Tin] The Bible!
[Tin breathes fast]
It's gone!
[suspenseful music playing]
[both breathing fast]
Tin! The crucifixes!
[Tina] Mommy! Mommy!
The exterminating angel
has taken away all the crucifixes!
And he's stolen our! [gasps]
[music fades out]
When you both are older,
you may open this box.
But until then, there will be
no more religion in this house.
And if for any reason
you ever break this rule,
you willgo back
to the convent immediately.
[Tina gasps]
Have I made myself absolutely clear?
[Tina] Mm-hmm.
Very good.
- [electronic tone plays on TV]
- [ominous music playing]
[moaning faintly]
- [music dramatically ends]
- [gasping]
[Tin and Tina laughing]
[Adolfo] Attention! Attention!
We're going through
an area of great turbulence!
Buckle your seatbelts
and brace yourselves!
- [Tin and Tina continue laughing]
- [Adolfo flutters lips loudly]
[chuckling] Hey, honey.
Something wrong?
[ominous music playing]
[scissors clipping]
This happens to some pregnant women.
Hormones, stress
It was the kids, I know it.
[Adolfo sighs]
They're punishing me
for what I did to them.
You see perversion where there is none.
- Children are incapable of doing...
- Why do you always take their side?
Why can't you even remotely consider
the possibility that I might be right?
[Tina, in distance] Daddy!
[Lola] Hmm?
- [Tin] Daddy!
- [gasps]
[Tin] Come play with us, please?
[Lola whimpering]
I'm coming!
- [scissors clatter in sink]
- [sobbing]
[festive music playing]
[muffled scream]
[in Spanish] One, two, three
Here we are with you again today
Welcome to the most unique of game shows
And get ready to test your knowledge
Please, time to leave
Your grouchiness behind
And join us
For the best half hour on television
One, two, three
Everybody, please, pay attention
Sit back and relax
And we'll soon start the show
[applause on TV]
[woman 1 on TV] Good evening,
and thank you all
for being here with us again.
- I say "you all" in a more colloquial way.
- [ringing tone]
[woman 1] Because on today's show,
we'll be addressing kids exclusively.
- [line picks up]
- [Pedro's mom] Hello?
- Hello.
- [faint gasp on phone]
- This is Lola, Tin and Tina's mother.
- [children cheer on TV]
- I don't know if you remember me.
- [Pedro's mom breathes deeply]
[Pedro's mom] Of course I remember you.
I just wanted to know
how your son was doing.
Is he better?
[Pedro's mom exhales deeply]
My son died three days ago.
[disconnect tone]
[ominous music playing]
[children cheering on TV]
[approaching footfalls]
[faint sobbing]
[woman 1 talking indistinctly on TV]
- [Adolfo] Lola?
- [woman 1 on TV] the ladies of Tightfist.
[children cheering on TV]
Hey, what's going on?
[woman 2 talking indistinctly on TV]
The boy is dead.
[Adolfo sighs]
Don't go. Please stay with me.
Just for today,
call in sick. Say you can't go.
You know I can't do that.
Please, I beg you.
- Don't leave me alone with them.
- Lola, you need to get some rest.
For the baby's sake and your own.
What you're going to do now
is go to bed and get some sleep.
And tomorrow, when you wake up,
I'll be right here, okay?
Promise me?
I promise you.
Go on.
[Tin] Daddy.
Why doesn't Mommy love us anymore?
- [woman 3 on TV] the year that dies?
- [children on TV] No!
Why do you say that?
She gives us mean looks
and won't talk to us.
Mommy loves you both very much.
The thing is, uh,
women who are pregnant get very tired.
And they need a lot of love.
Why don't you show her tomorrow
how much you love her, huh?
- You and your little brother.
- [giggling]
Come on, give me a kiss. I gotta go.
[woman 2 on TV] Kids,
we heard you like laughing.
[children cheering on TV]
They like to laugh. That's horrid.
Torquemada and his men
must be spinning round in their graves.
[fly buzzing]
[lid clicks]
- [ominous music playing]
- [gasping faintly]
Tin, untie me. What are you doing?
Tin, untie me right now.
Good morning, Super Mommy.
You need to rest up and eat well.
Or our baby brother won't be born.
- I put some magic powder in it.
- Huh?
And now, for your entertainment,
please welcome Rupertn!
One, two, three!
Here we are with you again today!
- No! No!
- [Tina] It's delicious.
unique of game shows
and get [shouting] ready
- [whimpering]
- [Tin] to test your knowledge.
Please, time to leave
your grouchiness behind.
And join us
for the best half hour on television!
- [whimpering]
- Come on! Drink!
It's not working.
[Lola moaning]
I guess we'll have to try and find
another way to feed our baby brother.
I have an idea!
Where are you going?
Tina, untie me!
- Look.
- [Tina chuckles]
Tin, you never cease to amaze me.
What you're doing is a mortal sin.
What do you think God would say?
Religion is forbidden
in this house, remember?
One, two, three!
- Everybody, please, pay attention!
- [gasping]
Sit back and relax
and we'll soon start the show!
[Lola gasping]
Poison! Poison! Poison! Poison!
- Poison!
- [Tina] Mommy.
Stay away from me!
[both gasp]
It's just milk with some sugar.
[Lola sobs]
[liquid trickling]
[gasping faintly]
[Adolfo] Lola, for God's sake,
it was just a kids' game,
and you were pointing a knife at them.
- They tried to poison me.
- They were making you breakfast.
That's all. It was my fault.
I'd asked them to show you some love.
I understand you were afraid
that you wouldlose the baby again,
but you didn't.
Everything went well,
and the baby is doing great.
Let's start over, all right?
Here's your mom and dad.
- Hi.
- [nurse] There you go.
[chuckling] He looks just like me.
[Lola] Hi, little prince.
He's adorable.
[Lola sighs]
[Adolfo] Come here, kids.
This is your little brother.
He looks just like a peanut.
Can I give him a kiss?
[Adolfo] Come on.
Be gentle with him.
Hi, little brother.
When is he going to be baptized?
He's not going to be baptized.
But children that aren't baptized
go to Limbo.
And that's a horrible place.
Lola, come on, most babies get baptized.
Well, this baby will get to choose
his religion when he comes of age.
- Times have changed, all right?
- [Adolfo] Maybe.
But we do live in a democracy,
and you know what that means, right?
The will of the majority prevails.
Who wants him to be baptized, hmm?
[Lola chuckles]
[chuckling] No. No.
The people have spoken.
[baby passes gas]
[both chuckle]
[Tin, Tina, and Adolfo chuckle]
[Adolfo] Anything yet?
- No!
- [static crackling]
- [Adolfo] And now?
- [lively music on TV]
- Yes! Now it's on!
- [Adolfo] All right!
[baby coos]
[man on TV] Good evening,
ladies and gentlemen,
from theSantiago Bernabu Stadium
in Madrid
[Tin] Mommy!
Mommy, look!
[Tina] Mommy, come see what we're doing!
[Tin] Mommy!
It's a miracle!
We're walking on water!
Ah, come on, get out.
Don't stay in the sun too long,
and put on some sunscreen.
- Lola.
- What?
Get me another one.
[man on TV] and many, many photographers
[Tin and Tina giggling]
[man on TV] And we're getting ready.
We're just waiting now.
[music playing on TV]
Is the omelet ready yet?
The game is about to start.
Look, I'm doing my best.
[Adolfo] Hey.
Aren't you forgetting something?
[Adolfo moans happily]
[Adolfo inhales deeply then sighs faintly]
[TV gets louder]
[cheering on TV]
[suspenseful music playing]
[man on TV] Throw-in
for the Spanish national team.
And Dremmler
moves it to Frster.
- Frster with a slick pass to Kaltz.
- Tin, I think she's gone.
Daddy, we're going to bapt...
You two, I wanna watch
the game in peace, all right?
- [man on TV] They've got it back.
- [both] Hmm.
[man on TV] Oh, we have a...
We have a dead play.
We're going to have to go
for the corner kick.
[chickens chirping]
[chickens squawk]
Hey, calm down, you.
Come on, you little chickies.
[Tina humming]
Hello, little brother.
[baby coos]
- [Lola] Shh.
- [squawking]
[man talking indistinctly on TV]
Quick pass. Kaltz.
Kaltz making his move. Dremmler.
Dremmler open to Frster. Frster.
Frster sending it back to Breitner.
There we have Camacho,
who is chasing, as you can see.
[chicken squawking]
Hey, relax.
[man on TV] Again,
Dremmler for Bernd Frster.
There we have Zamora next to him.
No need to be afraid, okay?
You just have to stay relaxed, all right?
[man on TV] the right back
of the Spanish team.
There we have Camacho.
- [solemn music playing]
- Now, hold him by his feet.
- [Tin, groaning] He's really heavy.
- [baby coos]
- [Tina] "Genesis 1:2."
- [man on TV] Breitner gets the ball.
[baby coos]
[Tina] "Now the Earth
was formless and empty."
"Darkness was over
the surface of the deep,
and the Spirit of God
was hovering over the waters."
- Now?
- Mm-mm.
[man on TV] Breitner's with him.
"I will sprinkle clean water on you,
and you will be clean."
"I will cleanse you
from all your impurities
and from all your idols."
"I will remove from you
your heart of stone
and give you a heart of flesh."
Okay, now.
[man on TV] Dremmler. Dremmler to Kaltz.
The German team is dominating the field.
Five, six, seven, eight, nine.
Go on, go away.
[Tin] Can I take him out now?
[Tina] No. We need to purify him well.
[Tin groans]
- [man] Dremmler shoots.
- [Adolfo] No. No, no, no, no! What?
[man] Dremmler foots it in!
[sighs] The Germans have scored.
We're going to get wiped out.
[heartbeat pounding]
[man on TV] He passes to Camacho.
[man on TV continues talking indistinctly]
[Lola gasps]
- [Lola whimpers]
- [Tina] Mommy?
What are you doing?!
What's going on?
[sobbing faintly] My baby! My baby!
What have they done to you?
[baby cries]
[Lola gasps]
[baby bawls]
We were bapti... [gasps]
But Daddy said we could... [gasps]
[shouting] What kind of father are you?
They're drowning your son
and you don't see it!
[Lola and baby sob]
- Give me that!
- No!
[Tin and Tina] No, Daddy!
No, Daddy, no! No, Daddy!
- [Tina] No, please don't!
- [Tin] No, no, no!
- No, Daddy, no!
- No!
[Tin and Tina breathe fast]
[Tin] No! Please!
You are not my children.
[gasps] No!
[both] No!
[Adolfo] I'm sorry.
[church bells ring]
Are you sure about this?
[Adolfo grunts]
[sorrowful music playing]
[music stops]
[Adolfo] Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday, you're a month old
[both] Happy one-month birthday to you
Handsome boy.
[lounge music playing]
- [Lola] There you go, sleep now.
- [cooing]
Are you okay?
[Lola sighs]
The children.
[Adolfo sighs]
They no longer have
a family to celebrate with.
Listen, we agreed
not to talk about this anymore.
I wonder if I was a bad mother.
- I'm sure they must hate me.
- Don't torture yourself.
It wasn't a good idea to adopt them.
I told you right from the start,
I thought they were strange.
[baby coos]
Honey, if we want to be happy,
we have to look to the future.
And the future is this little guy here.
He is how we're going to move forward.
[Reverend Mother] Jesus of my life.
- You are a child like me.
- [thunder rumbling]
[speaking with children] That is why
I love you so much
and I offer you my heart.
Take it. It is yours, not mine.
Jesus of my life, you are a child like me.
That is why I love you so much
and offer you my heart.
[thunder rumbling]
Do you hear that?
That is the wrath of God.
That is the wrath of God.
The day of wrath is drawing near.
And on this day, justice will prevail.
[thunder rumbling]
Galatians 6:7.
"Do not be fooled, God cannot be mocked."
"For whatever a man soweth,
that shall he also reap."
[children] "Do not be fooled,
God cannot be mocked."
"For whatever a man soweth,
that shall he also reap."
Good night, children.
[children] Good night, Mother Asuncin.
[light switch clicks]
[distant thunder rumbling]
[snoring faintly]
[lounge music playing]
I'm going to look for a job.
- As a seamstress.
- [baby cooing]
Honey, you're talking nonsense.
Who's gonna look after the baby?
Are you not hearing him cry, or?
[baby continues crying]
Can you pick up the baby, please?
Can't you see he's crying?
Why can't you do it?
You know I'm not good at this.
I'm asking you. Please, pick up your son.
Lola, what do I have to do
to get you to pick up your son?
[slams fists]
I'm begging you, please!
[baby continues crying]
Come here. There, there, now.
Come here.
[car engine revving]
Don't drive so fast.
I'm not driving fast.
[Lola] Watch out!
[tires screech]
[both gasp]
[slow, dramatic music playing]
[both panting]
You both okay?
What was that?
No idea.
Probably a deer or something.
A lot of them around.
[humming melancholic music playing]
Good night, sweet boy.
[chatter on TV]
[distant metallic thud]
[breathing heavily]
[chatter on TV continues]
[suspenseful music playing]
You left the door open.
Funny. Could've sworn I closed it.
Sit down with me.
I'm tired. I'm going to bed.
- Please.
- [woman on TV] So we can start playing.
[laughter and applause on TV]
[Lola sighs]
[laughter and applause on TV]
- Come.
- [woman on TV] easy to win a million.
Let's ask the audience.
- [Adolfo exhales deeply]
- [woman on TV] Who would play with that?
- And who would keep the oyster?
- [audience cheering]
[woman on TV] What will there be
behind the wall?
Please, open the door.
This amazing pumpkin!
- [lively, dramatic music plays on TV]
- [woman] Woo-hoo!
- [man] Oh my! Wow!
- [woman] Look at that!
- [woman] Oh my! [laughs]
- [audience applauding]
I think we'd be very good at this.
Should we try out for it?
[man and woman continue
talking indistinctly on TV]
Lola, what's the matter?
[distant thunder rumbling]
Why did you take your ring off?
This is a joke, right?
Is this a joke, Lola?
[static crackling on TV]
Oh, fuck.
[breathing heavily]
[muffled talking on TV]
Honey, uh
I've devoted my whole life to you.
[muffled talking
and static crackling on TV]
I gave you a nice house,
nice clothes, good food, even a son.
And this is how you repay me?
I love you very much.
I love you both so much.
[Adolfo sighs]
Is this because you think
I haven't been a good father?
I don't know. Maybe you're right.
But I can change, Lola.
[Lola] Mm.
I'm able to change, and I will change.
Where are you going?
To fix the TV.
[receding footfalls]
[shudders faintly]
[sorrowful music playing]
[breathing heavily]
[distant thunder rumbling]
[exhales deeply]
- [baby cries]
- [Lola gasps faintly]
[patting continues]
[distorted chatter on TV]
- [lively music playing on TV]
- [audience laughing]
[woman on TV] What a wonderful prize!
I'm so excited to tell you
Adolfo, it's working!
[woman] Just in case the light goes off,
you'll be able to enjoy the sun
in a terrace in Malaga...
- [music and delighted screaming on TV]
- [static hissing]
[music on TV slows down and shuts off]
["Chinese Spinning Plate" playing
through the walls]
[electrical static buzzing]
[breathing heavily]
[in Spanish] like a windmill blade?
It's a plate, that's great
It's the Chinese spinning plate
Chinese, Chinese, plate, plate
Great, what a game
Chinese, Chinese, Chinese, Chinese
Plate, plate, plate, plate
Great, great, great
What a game
[music continues]
[distant thunder rumbling]
If you don't like your homework
If your neighbors aren't great
Don't get bored, don't be silly
Play with the Chinese spinning plate
What is that cool thing?
It flies and makes no noise
[louder] It's a plate from China
It's the Chinese spinning plate
Where are you?
- I'll borrow yours
- You can borrow mine
What aracket, what a racket
Everybody is spinning plates
Chinese, Chinese, plate, plate
Great, what a game
Chinese, Chinese, Chinese, Chinese
Plate, plate, plate, plate
Great, great, great
What a game
[music stops]
[electrical static buzzing continues]
- [electrical pop]
- [gasps]
[loud thunderclap]
Don't hide!
[rain tapping on window]
This is not a game!
Which one was it?
[switches click]
Adolfo, the power is out!
Come on. Come on!
Damn flashlight.
[loud thunderclap]
[faint scream]
[Adolfo, in distant voice] Lola! Lola!
[distant thunderclap]
[suspenseful music playing]
[distant scream]
[distant groaning]
- [thunderclap]
- [Adolfo screaming]
[rain stops]
- [gasps]
- [Adolfo shouting]
[Adolfo screaming]
[Lola] Adolfo!
Adolfo, I'm coming!
- I'm coming,Adolfo! Adolfo!
- [screaming continues]
[loud thud]
- [Adolfo stops screaming]
- [gasping]
[distant thunderclap]
[Adolfo gasping]
A blanket! Blanket!
I need a blanket!
A blanket! A blanket! Come on!
- [Adolfo groans painfully]
- Where's a blanket?
No! Don't come in! Don't come in!
Don't come in! Don't come in!
[both scream]
- [Adolfo stops screaming]
- [Lola] No!
[haunting, ominous music playing]
[Lola continues gasping]
My baby! My baby!
My baby!
Please, help!
[music fades out]
[distant thunderclap]
[breathing fast]
[melancholic music playing]
[distant thunderclap]
[agonized groaning]
[gasping weakly]
[sound becomes distorted]
[distant baby crying]
[haunting, ominous music playing]
[breathing fast]
[baby continues crying]
[groaning faintly]
[baby continues crying]
[baby continues crying]
[melancholic music playing]
- [baby crying]
- [sound stops being distorted]
[faint thunder rumbling]
Shh. Quiet.
[baby cries]
[baby continues crying]
We have great people.
The Spanish people,
who deserve all of our sacrifice.
[woman] After years
of fear and uncertainty,
the transition period is over.
General elections are a turning point
in the history of our country.
[deep breathing through ventilator]
Lola. Can you hear me?
The police told me what happened.
I'm very sorry about your husband.
[weakly] What happened?
They say that he was struck by lightning.
[voice wavering] Lightning?
Apparently, there was a lot
of lightning in the area last night.
A real tragedy.
I prayed for his soul.
And I prayed for you, too.
My baby?
He is safe and sound.
When God shuts a door, He opens a window.
[sighs deeply]
And the children?
Were they at the house?
In the house?
Of course not.
Tin and Tina slept all night
in the convent.
I know. I'm the one
who woke them up this morning.
- But...
- No. They weren't there.
It's impossible.
[labored breathing]
The children
are innocent?
[Lola sighs faintly]
They've always been innocent.
[ominous music playing]
They are innocent.
[priest] Reading of the Gospel
according to Saint Matthew.
18:1-5, 10.
"At that time,
the disciples came to Jesus and asked,
'Who then is the greatest
in the kingdom of Heaven?'"
- "He called a little child to him
- [bell rings]
and placed the child among them."
"And he said, 'I tell you the truth'"
[Tin] Mommy, do you like them?
[priest] "'and become
like little children'"
They are beautiful, son.
[priest] "'you will never enter
the kingdom of Heaven.'"
"'Therefore, whoever humbles himself
like this child
is the greatest in the kingdom'"
Come, daughter.
[priest] "'And whoever welcomes
a little child like this'"
Can you put it on me?
[priest] "'welcomes me.'"
"'But if anyone causes
one of these little ones
who believe in me to sin,
it would be better for him to have
a large millstone hung around his neck
and to be drowned
in the depths of the sea.'Amen."
- [church bell rings]
- [Tin and Tina] Amen.
[inhaling] Amen.
[lilting melancholic music playing]
[woman vocalizing]
[music fades out]