Ting che (Parking) (2008) Movie Script

Cream Production
The second Sunday in May
Last night I worked until dawn
I originally wanted
to drive straight home
I was too tired and slept a while
by the side of the road
What time is it?
Today? Yes, didn't we
make an appointment for dinner today?
If I head back now, I should be in time
The store in that alley?
You bought the chocolate one?
Ok, should I buy the 6-inch cake
Or should I buy 2 small ones?
I'll decide for you
And buy some chocolate for you too
Okay? See you soon
Bye bye
Is this for Mother's Day
or for a birthday?
No, this is for my own dessert
This Italian Boston
and Italian chocolate,
What's the difference between the two?
The filling is different
Inside this one is sponge cake,
with fresh whipped cream
In this one is mousse
the texture is lighter
How many people is this for?
then would you consider this small one?
The lady who came with you last time,
she bought the chocolate mousse
Yes, that's my wife
She doesn't like chocolate mousse
I'll have a six-inch tiramisu
There's no six-inch,
this is the only one left
Then an Italian chocolate
How do you make your
chocolate like that?
It looks like it's got no energy
My chocolate is sold for its taste,
not for its energy
If you think my chocolate got no energy
I suggest you go to
the convenience store, or the supermarket
The chocolate there is very energetic
Lady, I just want to buy a cake
Sorry, we're closed today
Mister, I want to ask
Whose is that double-parked car outside?
Wait a moment, let me fix this first
Sorry to keep you waiting,
let's go out and take a look
This car?
This car belongs to the third floor
They often park this way at night
You see where the window was broken?
Looks like it was a bullet
No doubt, it's the third floor's
Well then, you could try honking
The third floor on this side?
They should come down soon
Wait for a moment
Thank you
Little girl
Little girl, are your parents home?
Grandpa, someone's here
Sir, I would like to ask about...
Little Ma!
Ah-Yun, Little Ma came back
Little Ma?
Little Ma came back?
Little Ma
Little Ma
Little Ma
Little Ma
You came back?
You've gotten thinner
You came back,
why didn't you tell us first?
No matter, come, let's have dinner
It's dinner time
Sir, I made a mistake
Little girl, bye bye
Bye bye
Hey, did you find them?
I saw the car leave just now
Yeah, I just went to the third floor
That car doesn't belong
to the third floor
It's not? Sorry, I misremembered
Then it should be the fourth floor's
Only the third and fourth floors
are occupied here
I can't tell who's who
You saw Nini, didn't you?
The little girl? I did
Just now the old man
and woman thought I was Little Ma
Little Ma is their son?
Little Ma is the old man
and old woman's only son
Nini is Little Ma's daughter
And Little Ma?
Was convicted and shot to death
That was all six, seven years ago
It was big news
A bodyguard kidnapped
his client's child
Do you remember the news?
Little Ma's wife was about
to give birth at the time
And after she gave birth, she became
sick and had to stay at the hospital
Little Ma didn't have enough money
That's why he kidnapped
his client's child
He put the child in a car trunk
and suffocated him by accident
Before Little Ma was arrested
His wife died
Thank you, sir, I'll be going
Can you wait one more hour for me?
There are some things tying me up here
I can't explain it clearly
over the phone right now
I'll tell you when I get back
Are you hungry?
I bought the cake already
I bought a six-inch cake
Bye bye
Little girl, what's your name?
My name is Nini
How old are you?
I just turned six years old
So you're six years old
You are doing it wrong
It's not right?
No, it's not
It's not?
Then how do you do it?
Turn it around
Like this?
It's my turn
Little Ma, come help for a moment
You try it
I've forgotten,
how old are you this year?
I'm 31 years old
Not long from now,
we're going to be moving out
Most of the neighborhood has moved out
There are only a few households left
They're in a similar situation
Don't know where to move to
A few years ago
You wrote a letter back to us
After your father read it
He only told me you were busy overseas
I asked him and said
Did you say anything else?
He only said you wanted us
to take care of ourselves
I wouldn't believe that
We've been apart all these years
You must have a lot of things to say to me
This letter
I've always kept it beside me
I keep on telling your father
Before I leave this world
I want to hear your voice again
Read it for me
To Mr. Ma
Dear Dad and Mom: I will be gone.
I am sorry to you, Nini,
and the victim's family.
Hsiao-Yu was ill... Everything
happened so suddenly.
I am in jail,
unable to take care of you.
Dad, Mom
Is everything going well?
Xiao Yu and I are in Boston right now
Last week
The company suddenly
transferred me to America
Xiao Yu came along with me
Things happened very suddenly
I didn't have time to contact you
I am really sorry
It's already spring here right now
It's cold here
I am very unused to the lifestyle here
But don't worry
Even though Xiao Yu and I are overseas
We are always thinking of you
And Nini
When my life here is settled down
I will return and bring Nini over here
Best wishes
Keep it safe
Thank you
I still have some things to take care of
Take your time eating
I have to go now
Nini, be good and listen to your
grandpa and grandma
I'm going then
When are you coming back?
I'll be back in a while
Let's make it a pinky promise
Good girl
Take your time
See you soon
Do it harder
Like this?
Can I see you piss?
Widen your legs
A little more
Don't touch me
Should I give you eight thousand
or ten thousand?
Ten thousand
You know why I never fuck women
in the pussy?
Because it stinks there
Miss, you dropped your money
Fushun China November 2006
Are you Lee Wei?
You've worked in our factory
for 10 years
Do you have family?
My mother
Does she have work?
Do you have a boyfriend?
It's nothing really
Take your time
Lee Wei
You know the situation
in our factory now, don't you?
Production isn't good
There are going to be big layoffs
This is the severance pay the factory
is giving you
"The robbery who
kidnapped the boy was arrested"
You can leave now
Lee Wei
If this ever happens again
You gotta tell me at once
I'll take care of it on the spot
That customer may be a regular
But even regulars can't mess with you
Am I right?
Oh, alright
We're in the service business
What the customer wants to do
We let him do
Just endure it
What about my money?
What money?
Your mother already took the money,
didn't I tell you?
When am I going to pay off the debt?
Two, three months
Three months ago, you said I'd pay
it off in two or three months
Why does it take another two
or three months?
On top of that, you're making
my schedule tighter and tighter
Sister, get this straight
Right now what you spend,
use, eat, wear every day
Who the fuck you think is paying for it?
Who paid for that tattoo on your back?
You want to talk about money?
Take a look in the mirror
What you're like now
Compared to you a few months ago
in your boondock home in the Northeast
They're two completely different people
Whose money was it?
You still want to talk money with me?
Don't said that to me
Alright, I won't
You hungry?
We'll eat something
and then I'll send you over
What are you doing?
Lee Wei
Lee Wei
Lee Wei...
Fuck, you try to run again
Are you fucking with me?
Why are you hitting her?
Don't get in the way!
Fuck, what are you trying to do?
Lee Wei
What do you think you're doing?
She is a woman
This is my wife
Fuck you
This is family business
What do you want to do?
You want to hit a woman?
Are you a man?
How does this look?
Fuck you
Call the police
This is none of your business
Fuck off
Let go
Let's go
I'm calling the police
Go ahead
You like to shop at the night market,
don't you?
Go shop
You try to run again
Hey, Chairman Chen
This is Little Dai
We had a slight situation on the road
Sorry, sorry
We'll be late about 15 minutes
I'm very sorry
We'll be there soon
Then drink some tea, relax
We'll be there soon
Thank you
I'm going to head back now
I just met an old couple and a child
It's not convenient for me
to talk about it here
I'll tell you when I get back
Ok, I'm heading back now
I sat on the cake
I'll call you later
Let me fix it first
Bye bye
Sir, sir
Can you give this to me to eat?
That's no longer edible
It's alright
Ok. Thank you
Thank you
Mister, can I use your restroom?
Why haven't you left yet?
I sat on my cake
My pants are covered
in cream and chocolate
Don't you eat cake with your mouth?
How did it get to your butt?
Walk to the end, on your left
Thank you, goodbye
Take care, Mr. Zhu
Goodbye, goodbye
A true gentleman
Mister, thank you
You're welcome
Weren't you closed today?
I can't help it, he's an old customer
How long have you had this shop?
This building's already very old
Do you still have time now?
What is it?
Would you like to play
a game ofWorld Cup?
World Cup?
Not bad
Excuse me
I won
Last ball
Whoever gets it in first,
it's game over
Your luck is not bad
It's at the goal
Excuse me
You are so dedicated
Goalie, nice work!
Ok, thanks
I'm leaving
We'll play again next time
if we have the chance
Take care
May I ask if the Benz
outside belongs to you?
What Benz?
The one that's double-parked
The one parked there?
Has it been parked there for long?
I don't know
It's blocking my car
Is it yours?
The Benz?
Could I have the number
of the Da Tong Towing Lot?
My car is parked on
a legal parking space
There's an illegally
double-parked car blocking my car
Could you send someone
over to take care of it?
Ok. Where is your car?
This is Chengde Road,
Section 2, No. 190
Chengde Road, Section 2
Sir, I'm sorry
Our drivers have all gone out right now
There are no trucks available
We can tow it for you later
I'm sorry, you'll have to wait longer
It's almost 9 o'clock right now
How could your drivers
have all gone out?
Today is Mother's Day and Sunday
The trucks are all outside,
it's been busier today
We will tow it for you later
But I have an urgent matter right now
What should I do?
If you have an urgent matter,
then you can take a taxi
Because there are really no trucks right now
Why should I ride a taxi?
Just send a truck over
and take care of this
Boss, I'm only an employee here
All the trucks are out right now
If there's a truck
I'll send it over to you
If there's no truck,
I can't do anything
Leave your phone number
A truck comes
I'll call you right away
How's that?
Ok, ok
If a truck is available,
I'll call you right away
I'm going to take a taxi back now
Are you still waiting for me to eat?
My car keeps getting blocked
by other people, I can't get out
How can I explain to you?
Wait, I'm getting in a taxi
To Taishan, near Mingzhi
Institute of Technology
Excuse me, sir. That's not on my route
I'm in a hurry to get to dinner
How about I pay you a little more?
If it was on my route I'd take you,
I'd even do it for free
It's really not on my route,
I'm sorry,
Excuse me
The taxi won't take me
I'm really unlucky
Just listen to me
My car keeps getting blocked
by other people, over and over
So I can't get out
I didn't know anyone was in the car
Wait a moment. What do you want?
Fuck! Don't run! Stop running!
Stop running, stop running
Drag him here, drag him here
Take it off
Get away
Shit! Motherfucker!
You owe money and still try to run
Mad Dog
how dare you say his name?
Did I let you speak?
Isn't this going too over?
Let them go first
Let him go in and wash first
Let them go
Have the others leave first
Wait a moment for me over there
Long time no see
Mister, that car...
Young man, come over here and help
Take his clothes inside
It's been over ten years
How've you been?
I opened a shop
And you?
That broken down car
Still hasn't been replaced
How do you think?
That's because you're nostalgic
Real fucking nostalgic
What's wrong?
You're not in the business anymore?
Hand me a cigarette
Back when I had two hands
Life was already so hard
Now with only one hand left
How could I survive?
It's very inconvenient?
It is very inconvenient
I even have to ask your help
to smoke a cigarette
Does it hurt?
It hurts
I'm used to it by now
It hurt for half a year
After that it hurt even more
After it was severed
The place where my palm
used to be still hurt
I don't know why
Even when the hand's gone,
it still hurts?
Blackie's gang did it
That time I didn't know you were joking
So I really went and did it
Later one time
One of Blackie's sidekicks, Little Four
Do you remember him?
That crazy Four
I was ambushed by him
You know what he did to me?
Every joint in my fingers
He crushed with a hammer
Then he hammered my wrist
That fucker Little Four bit
the dust recently
He did?
Got sick
Tell that fatty
He can't stay here
Today it was because of you
But we'll come for him again
Next time it won't be like this
You oughta know
Is the master in?
That's me
I mean the one who's older than you
You're probably talking
about my old man
He passed away a year ago
How can that be?
I visited him two years ago
before I went to the mainland
That time, I even told him the 'Boston'
over the doorway was spelled wrong
It's not P, it's B
He said it was P, not B
Are you from around here?
I'm from Hong Kong
Actually my old man was too
He just came here first
When did you come here?
I've never seen you before
I've seen you before
I still remember you
Ok, then...
I have a piece of cloth
I originally wanted to ask your father
to make a shirt for me
But he's not here
So I can only ask you instead
No problem
Ok. Then let's take a look at the cloth
I had never before seen such fine cloth
After the customer left
I pondered a long time in the shop
About what, I don't know
Not long after
I began cutting the cloth
That day
Was the happiest day
I ever spent as a tailor
That night I had a dream
I dreamt of my father
Wearing the clothes I had made
Afterwards, I realized
It was as if I had made this suit
of clothing for my father
He tailored clothing
for people all his life
But he himself was never able
to wear a good pair
After he left
Holding on to this store
Was like holding on to a coffin
Except the one buried in the coffin
Was myself
What happened?
I told my customer
I don't want to make clothes
for other people anymore
Because I know in 20 years
I'd still be wearing this same suit of clothing,
tailoring clothes for other people
I asked him, could I go into
business with him?
How did you know I opened
a clothing factory in Guang Zhou?
I still remember you talked to
my old man about it
You really intend to give up this shop
and come help me in the clothing factory?
Then let me ask
What are you going to do with the shop?
I'll close it down first
Once I settle down over there
Then I'll take care of matters over here
You're completely different
from your father
He was cautious and conventional
When I first arrived in Guang Zhou
Everything was quite smooth
Who would have thought
in less than a year?
A problem arose in company turnover
After the company was finished
I returned to Hong Kong
And couldn't find a job,
Only some temporary work
One day I remembered
this suit of clothing
And wanted to come back and take it with me
Thought I might as well come back
to take a look at the shop
As a result, they caught me
as soon as I returned
Back when the company had problems
I put the house up as collateral
And borrowed five million
Then the underground loan sharks couldn't find him
So they came for me
How did things turn out this way?
When I saw you before, you were
even quite happy to leave here
How the hell could I know?
Back when I was living with my mother
in Hong Kong,
I always wanted to leave
After she passed away,
I came to Taipei
The following years I saw my father's
business getting harder and harder
After I came to Guang Zhou,
Everything was new
I wanted to stay and become prosperous
In the end, it's still the same
Just now Mad Dog told me
You can't stay here anymore
They'll come for you again.
You know there's no one
the mafia can't find
You were lucky this time
They only splashed you with paint
Next time it'll be different
Young man
You aren't hurt, are you?
I'm alright
My arm was hit
I think you should head back
Or else the later it is the more
problems will come up
Where do you want to go?
I can take you there
Is your car white?
Then never mind
It's blocked again
Did you see who it was?
Looks like it was someone
from over by the clinic
Should be the fourth floor's
Only their car comes and goes like that
Who are you here for?
I want to ask if the double-parked
car downstairs is yours?
Ah Bao
Is your car blocking someone?
Which car?
Which car?
A grayish blue car
The grayish blue one
Sorry, not our car
Are you here to fuck around, dipshit?
I want to speak to Ah Bao
I told you it's not our car
I want to speak to him
about something else
Ah Bao, someone here for you
Alright, be right there
Did a friend introduce you here?
He's the shit who just said someone
was blocking his car
Are you that bored, letting anyone
come here to fuck around?
I just said it's not my car
You blocked my car during the evening
Damn, that was three, four hours ago
What the fuck
do you want coming to me now?
Your car's blocked again?
It's not my fucking car
Go find the owner
What do you want me for?
If you hadn't blocked my car
in the first place
I wouldn't be here right now
Let me tell you frankly
I also hate assholes who double-park
But what can you do?
Everyone's out there making a living
Am I right?
Cars come and go
And sometimes they double park
for a while
So what?
Am I right?
Your car's been parked there
longer than 10 minutes
You Motherfucker!
What day is it today?
What time is it?
Past 9 o'clock
Who am I hurting if I park there?
I'm hurting you?
Then what the fuck you wanna do?
Then how's this?
Your car's stuck there now anyway,
am I right?
How's this?
You can call a girl and have a good time
Here, I'll give it to you cheap
No need
It's my apology to you
Come on, I'm serious
This one's not bad
No thanks
See, she used to be in fashion magazines
Come on
Just give it a try
No need
You don't like this type, huh?
No problem
How's this one?
No, I just wanted to tell you...
It's because your car was blocking
my car that I'm here now
Lee Wei
Lee Wei
This is a mainland girl
We just brought her here
Alright, isn't she?
No need
She's really good
It's all real
Take a try
No need
Come on, have a good time
It's assholes like you
What the hell?
Fuck you, jackass
Fuck your mom in the ass
You can't see I'm sleeping?
"A man wants a transsexual operation,
a woman is donating the penis"
What's Taiwan like?
Taiwan's a small island
Ocean on four sides
There's a mountain in the middle
Dividing Taiwan into east and west
Summers are very hot
Winter's not too cold
Then where are we staying in Taiwan?
Is it big?
Taipei's not small,
But compared to Shanghai or Beijing
Of course it's a bit smaller
But it's very modern
I've heard there are lots of
delicious things in Taipei
Night markets, eateries
When we go there I'll take you to eat there
You'll take me to these places?
Does Taipei have places
for body piercing?
Body piercing?
Does Taipei have places
for body piercing?
You're talking about tattoos
There are
The same one?
The same one again
I got it
Ok. Bye bye
I'm going out to deliver the goods
Look after things here
Motherfucker, look after your own tooth
My dad once struck his nose
in a motorcycle accident
His whole nose swelled up
Said it was no big deal
Didn't have to see the doctor
Later he got it examined
It was nasopharyngeal carcinoma
I don't want you to be too late
Peanut, how old are you?
How long have we known each other?
About 15 years or so
Every day for the last 15 years
I've listened to you bullshitting
What's with you?
Are you asking for
someone to fuck you up?
You obviously see I'm in pain
You don't say a thing to comfort me
You even keep talking about
your dad's cancer
A swollen nose and nasopharyngeal
carcinoma are two different things
You mix them together, what's with you?
You think I'll cheer up hearing that?
I took you and that vegetarian
under my care
One bullshits all day
One sleeps in a chair all day
I tell him to look after the place
And he gets all pissed with me
Even makes fun of me
Vegetarian and still wanna be gangster
Sometimes argues
with me he can't take lives
Why doesn't he get out
and fuck with someone else?
Speaking of you two
Laurel and Hardy
Ah Bao, don't talk like that
We've known you so long
We haven't been fucking with you
You say that vegetarian
Looks like a lazy shit
But when something happens,
he's always first to fight for you
Today, if it wasn't for him
Giving a kick like that
That nutjob might still
be here fucking around
If the police came
We'd have no business at all
Do you know how bad
nasopharyngeal carcinoma gets?
Back when my dad's nose
was so fucking huge
The doctor said they'd have to cut
the whole nose off with a knife
Motherfucker, fucking terrifying
Just two nose-holes left on your face
Look like Michael Jackson
Do I have to insult your dad
to make you shut up?
If you've got time
to fuck around, then think
Where can we toss this guy?
We could throw him in a park somewhere
But the shit'll hit the fan if he dies
Fuck, so unlucky
Ah Bao, then how's this
Once you take care of the guy in the back
Send Lee Wei back
Then I'll take you
to the hospital, alright?
It breaks my heart to see you like this
I haven't been this tired
since the relay race I ran as a kid
Motherfucker. Brat
You dare hit me?
Come, straighten both sides
of your clothing, right
How was the shooting?
I still have another outfit to shoot
It'll take about another half hour
Then how do you want to meet up?
Come pick me up
Where is it?
That photo studio on Renai Road
It's that photographer
who loves to chat with you?
Did we make the doctor's appointment at 4?
This time you can't be late, ok?
Ok. I won't
Then call me when you get here
I've gotta go
OK. Bye bye
Your situation is very unusual
That is to say, it is probably impossible
for you to have a child with each other
How should I put it?
Because your wife's eggs
and your sperm are incompatible
She cannot become pregnant
by natural means
Why did this happen?
There is no why
This is a problem
your bodies were born with
If you want to have your own child
You will have to try
in-vitro fertilization
This is the only way
Using your husband's sperm
with another person's eggs
Or using your eggs
with another person's sperm
You can become pregnant this way
Doctor, you must be kidding us
When I came eight months ago,
you said there was hope
You had me do all these examinations
I did everything
You told me to do ovulation
and do antisperm
What did I not do?
You told me there was still hope
Now what are you telling me?
Now you're telling me egg and sperm
are incompatible, how can I accept that?
I've been with my husband so long
His sperm are just yawning
around beside my egg?
Is this a joke?
Now what?
How many more tests
will you tell me to take?
Are you going to tell me to give up?
It's been eight months! Doctor
It's been eight months
Say something, doctor
Fuck you
You understand shit
Do you know what it's like
to have your legs spread apart?
To have pliers digging around inside you?
Do you understand?
You just have to jack off with
a porn magazine in the fucking bathroom
You understand shit
Enough already
Are you at work?
Can I come over to see you?
I'm still working right now
I'm already outside the office
Can you let me inside?
Wait a moment
You eat a little first
I'm not hungry yet
I shouldn't have been like that
to you at the hospital yesterday. I'm sorry
Can you look at me while
I'm speaking to you?
Can you respect me while I'm working?
We've been together for four years?
What are you trying to say?
I know things are bad with us right now
But when we first wanted to have a baby,
it definitely wasn't to save our marriage
I would never have
such a despicable idea
Don't you remember at all?
When we were first married
How much we loved each other?
Together, there was no end to
the things we did and talked about
We wanted to have a baby
to share in our happiness
You've probably forgotten, haven't you?
I haven't forgotten
In order to have a baby
I tried so hard and so much,
and for what?
It was because I never forgot
the promises we made at the start
I never forgot how I first loved you
Yesterday I went to the hospital
After I got back
I had a dream
I dreamt I had a baby
Then when I walked into the nursery
No one was there
"Delivery Room"
I was very afraid then
and I became exhausted
I couldn't move
Then I kept yelling,
Is anyone there?
Is anyone there?
After I woke up, you weren't beside me
I guess you were at work,
so I went to look for you
Because I couldn't bear to be home alone
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I shouldn't have been like that
to you at the hospital
Why don't we try one more time?
The noodle is getting cold
You eat first
Shall we eat together tomorrow?
I don't know
I don't know where I am
Who is this?
There's no need
Have you eaten yet?
It's ok, it's ok
I'll be home soon
Don't worry
I haven't
You don't have to wait for me
You eat first
I'm fine
Excuse me I forgot to ask
where you're going
Take me to Mingzhi
Institute of Technology
You still have school this late?
My house is near there
Oh yeah, what were you doing back there?
I don't know either
I was there when I woke up
You don't know?
Normally nobody goes there at night
You were lucky
I was just heading back
Otherwise, catching a cab around here
You wouldn't catch one
if you stood there till you died
It looks like you're hurt pretty bad
Do you want to go to the hospital?
It's alright
Just head to Mingzhi
Institute of Technology
Oh, ok
You drive pretty fast
Pretty fast?
This isn't fast at all
I used to piloting airplanes
I am Chinese Air Force
Academy Star Fighter
Fighter aircraft pilot
I've had a dream since I was little
A dream to become just like a bird
Soaring above the blue skies
and white clouds
It's an awesome feeling
Look at me coming out, look at me disbanding
I rise up, I descend
Loosen the handle, glide
Slow down, make contact,
see the runway
Lock my four wheels completely
Glide down
Turn twice, land
Did you see that?
The ultimate speed
You're lucky today
Catching a car driven by a fighter pilot
How did you get to driving taxis?
My flight instructor told me that
All it takes to fly
is to have the brains of a pig
That's enough to let you take off
Then why wasn't I able to take off?
That's because our flight
instructor said
I have the brains of a pig
with a concussion
Today's Mother's Day
You're hurt so badly
If your Mother sees this,
won't she be upset?
Driver, could we change route
to Chengde Road?
Chengde Road?
Mingzhi Institute of Technology
and Chengde Road are pretty far apart
Where on earth do you want to go?
To Chengde Road
Chengde Road
Please hurry
Ok, no problem
What's wrong?
Lady, I want to buy another cake
No, what happened to you?
I'd like to buy a cake, lady
My cakes are sold out
Here, sit down first
How about a drink of water?
Didn't you buy a cake this afternoon?
That one got ruined
You haven't been home yet?
Not yet
It's ok, lady
I'll buy one somewhere else
Wait a moment
I have three cakes here
They were flawed
I was planning to save them for myself
They don't look as good
Not as much energy
But they taste just as good
The cake is fine
It's ok, I'll buy it from you
No need, no need
These cakes aren't for sale
Just take them home to eat
Do you want to rest a little longer?
It's ok, I'm heading back now
Thank you, lady
I thought you went back already
I don't know,
It seems like I was beaten up
Was it the fourth floors' doing?
Should've been
After I woke up
I was already at the riverbank
Go to the bathroom first,
wash your bruises
I'll come help you in a while
How could they have done this?
Hello, Boss
Was it you who reported a blocked car?
That's right
Do you still need a tow truck?
Yeah, of course I do
Ok, you can take a break
Drink a cup of hot water
We're heading there at top speed now
It'll be there in 10 minutes
Ok then
You're a real good guy
You're hurt so badly
And still bring us snacks
You ate all the cakes?
There's one left
For you
It tasted quite good
Have you eaten anything yet?
Not yet
Sit down
I'll make a bowl of soup for you
Are you alright?
Much better
What kind of soup is this?
Fish head soup with shredded ginger
I see you hurt the corner of your eye
So eat the part with the fish eyes first
I'll give you a bowl
with more fish meat in it later
Are these from the fish head
in the bathroom before?
That's right
The kitchen's too cramped
No place to put it
But don't worry about hygiene
In the sink
I already had this fish
cleaned out thoroughly
It's sweet
I drank three bowls
It's ok
I should be going soon
I'm not eating
Your car is still blocked anyway
You should drink the fish soup first
I just got a call from the towing lot
They're sending a tow truck soon
I'll wait outside
You're hurt so badly
Let me send you home
I'll send him back first
It's so late
Will the tow truck still come?
They called and said
they'd be here soon
They wouldn't be lying
to me, would they?
Then we'll be waiting for nothing
I don't think
we have to be waiting right now
You're hurt so badly
Can you drive alright?
I'm fine
Leg still hurts a little
You're ok, right?
Not as bad as you
Don't drive too fast
Where are you going later?
First I'll make sure
you get home safely
Then I'll go find a place
to live somewhere
What do you intend to do afterwards?
Go to the mainland
Do you know anyone on the mainland?
The people I knew back
when I was doing business there
Go back and see what chances there are
Are you in a hurry?
I must have more free time
than anyone in the world right now
You know him?
Then why'd you hit him?
I don't know
What about you?
He beat me up like this
Wait for me
Hurry, hurry
I didn't know you
came back to hit people
Get out, get out
Lift him across
What the hell are you doing?
Lift him across
Wait, wait
Look at my car. Wait for me
Where are you going?
Who is it?
Sir, it's me
When I left tonight
I told Nini I would come back to see her
They're all asleep by now
Can you let me in for a moment?
What happened to your face?
I bumped into something by accident
I just want to see Nini for a moment
Who is it?
It's me
How come it's so late?
Last time I promised Nini
I'd come back to see her
Were you a good girl?
Why did you come back so late?
I had something to do just now
Are you going to stay here tonight?
Nini, I'm going to leave in a while
You have to be good
and listen to grandpa and grandma from now on
No, you can't go
If you're going, I'm going with you
Nini, you can't talk like that
Little Ma
What's your name?
Chen Mo
Chen Mo?
C- H-E-N, M-O
As soon as I touched your face
I knew you weren't Little Ma
Before you left
You came back to eat with us
You are a good man
About the same age as Little Ma too
Even though you lied to make me happy
Even if my eyes cannot see
My hands are not blind
At dinner, I kept feeling that
You were sent by Heaven to watch over us
Come, Mr. Chen
Help me keep this envelope
In it is the letter
Little Ma left for Nini
Take Nini and go
I believe you can provide
the right path for Nini
Ever since Mommy gave birth to you
She's never left the hospital again
At first
I thought she just
needed time to recover
But only when it got worse
and worse every day
Did I realize that things
were going to be different
During those few days when you were just born
I suddenly remembered
I'd known your mother for twelve years
I felt like those twelve years
should've been only
a part of our entire lives
But, in fact they were all of it
We have to go
it's not because we don't love you
That we are abandoning you
There are many turning points
in peoples' lives
We cannot anticipate them
In an instant
Everything disappears
I remember the time
when Mommy passed away
She told Daddy to catch a bug
that was on the ceiling
I could never find that bug
But your Mommy kept insisting it was there
I asked a policeman
What that bug looked like?
He drew it for me
It was a long, long
Insect with many, many legs
I don't know why an insect
would need that many legs to walk
Just like I don't know
why we left you like we did
In the future
you will encounter many setbacks
Perhaps you will cry
But remember in the end
You must still go forward
without stopping