Tinker Bell (2008) Movie Script

NARRATOR: Have you ever wondered
how nature gets its glow?
Who gives it light and color
as the seasons come and go?
Who helps all creatures,
great and small,
to walk, to swim, to fly?
Who crafts such tiny details?
You might see them if you try.
For it's all the work of fairies,
but they stay well out of sight.
And the first time that a baby laughs,
a fairy's life takes flight.
When the moon comes out
To shine her face
The birds are fast asleep
And the lanterns hang from every post
The fairies leave their keep
They join their hands
and sing their songs
That nary a soul can hear
In the springtime
when the earth is new
To the fairies they draw near
To the fairies they draw near
FAIRY 1: Hello.
FAIRY 2: Hello.
- Hello.
- Hi.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Queen Clarion.
Born of laughter, clothed in cheer,
happiness has brought you here.
Welcome to Pixie Hollow.
I trust you found your way all right.
I think so.
Now, let's see about those wings.
What are these things?
They will help you
find your talent, little one.
But how will I know which one is...
You'll know.
Never seen one glow that much before,
even for Vidia.
ROSETTA: You know,
I do believe you're right.
Little daisy top
might be a very rare talent indeed.
Come forward, tinker fairies,
and welcome the newest member
of your talent guild, Tinker Bell.
Glad we had a bath today, eh, Clank?
CLANK: Excuse us!
BOBBLE: Coming through!
CLANK: Sorry! Make way for tinkers!
Hady-hi, hady-ho, Miss Bell. I'm Clank.
Splinters, Clank. Say it, don't spray it.
Phineas T. Kettletree, Esquire,
at your service.
Pleased to make your acquaintance.
Oh, foo! He's Bobble, I'm Clank.
Clank, Bobble.
We're pleased as a pile of
perfectly polished pots you're here.
Me, too.
Come on, Miss Bell.
There's so much to show you.
You've arrived
at a most wondrous and glorious time.
Really? Why?
BOBBLE: Why, it's almost time
for the changing of the seasons.
You see, here in Pixie Hollow, there are
different realms for every time of year.
Well, there's one up ahead.
Winter Woods. It's always cold here.
Look there! Snowflake and frost fairies
returning home for...
For some well-deserved rest.
BOBBLE: Aye. They've just finished
bringing winter to the world.
It's the off-season
for the autumn fairies, too.
CLANK: Always practicing
that perfect shade of amber, eh?
And the fairies of Summer Glade
still have plenty of time to get ready.
CLANK: But not as much
as the autumn fairies,
of course, because, well...
BOBBLE: Yes, Clanky. Because
right now, fairies of every talent
are preparing for my favorite season,
ROSETTA: Get along.
Get along, little sproutlings, and dig.
Hello, there!
Come on, Miss Bell.
You've got to see where we live.
Welcome to Tinker's Nook.
Oh, wow!
Come on.
There's so much to show you.
Just taking some supplies down...
They're taking supplies
down to the workshop.
TINKER FAIRY: Let her go.
BOBBLE: Watch out for falling...
Watch out for falling maple seeds!
And over here is where most of us live.
There's your house...
There's your house, Tinker Bell.
- It's mine?
- CLANK: Sure is.
We were hoping the new arrival
would be one of us,
so we got the place all ready.
We rounded up some work clothes...
- We didn't know your size.
- Yes, our apologies, but...
- But they might be too big.
- Yeah, well, that's only...
'Cause you're so tiny.
That'll do, Clank.
Please come on down to the workshop
when you're ready.
Fairy Mary will want to meet you.
CLANK: Goodbye.
Stop! What?
A five-gauge twig for an axle?
Clank, I told you it took a seven.
Oh, you said five.
I said seven! Oh, Clank, I tell you,
sometimes you can be pretty,
So pretty.
- Who's that, then?
- It's Tinker Bell, you snail brain.
Wow, everyone seems so busy.
CLANK: Well, spring won't spring itself.
Indeed, my bellowing buddy.
And we tinkers are a big part of it.
Allow us to elucidate, Miss Bell.
- We fiddle and fix.
- We craft and create.
- We carve acorn buckets.
- To hold flower paint.
- Weave saddles and satchels.
- For birdies, you see.
- Make baskets and bushels.
- To carry the seeds!
- BOBBLE: When preparing for spring.
- We do all this and more!
- Yes, being a tinker is never a bore!
- Yes, being a tinker is never a bore!
That was great.
So you see, Miss Bell, we help fairies
of every talent with our creations.
Unfortunately, all those fairies
are out of luck this year.
Unless we can actually
deliver these things to them.
The wagon repairs are finished, I trust?
Yes, Fairy Mary.
- Tip-top shape.
- No wheels missing whatsoever!
Then let's see it.
- Ah, you see... Well...
- See,
- with your eyes?
- Define "see," actually...
- You have to meet Tinker Bell!
- What? Who?
- She's new, Fairy Mary.
- Nice to meet you.
Rapture! A new charge on whom
we can lavish
all our tinkering wisdom and expertise!
Let me see those hands.
Teetering teapots, so dainty.
Don't worry, dear. We'll build up those
tinker muscles in no time.
- Now, boys, the deliveries?
- Aye, we're on it.
As a matter of fact,
we're heading out right this second.
- But we've only got one wheel.
- What was that?
(STAMMERING) Nothing really,
Clank was just asking...
If I can go as well!
- Yeah! Good one. Very nice.
- Yes! I wondered that,
- if you could go with us. Yes.
- That's exactly what he was saying.
Very well. Get on with it, then.
Slow down, Cheese, I can't keep up!
The mouse's name is Cheese?
BOBBLE: Must be.
He always comes when we yell it.
CLANK: Sprinting thistles!
Bobble! Bobble!
Easy. Easy, boy. It's all right.
Fawn's got you.
Easy. Easy, girl. It's all right.
Silvermist's got you.
Oh, you all right, sugar cane?
Be careful, Rosetta, she may faint!
Elevate her legs. No, wait.
I mean her head.
Wait, wait, wait. Okay.
If she's red, raise the head.
If she's pale, raise the tail.
Does she look pale or red?
She looks squished.
Here, let me, raindrop.
So, what happened to you, anyway?
- Well, I...
- It was sprinting thistles!
Those weeds are an absolute menace.
Always trampling things,
poking people in the petunia.
BOBBLE: Gather round, ladies.
We've brought some selections
from the new spring line
of tinker specialties!
- All right!
- Show us, show us!
- What'd you bring?
- Your rainbow tubes, Iridessa.
(GASPS) Finally! Silvermist,
could you help me?
What're you gonna do with that?
I'm gonna take it to the mainland.
What's the mainland?
It's where we're gonna go
change winter to spring.
The seasons change all the time there.
I'll get to apply my artistic sensibilities.
Yeah. And I'll have breakfast ready
for all the wittle fuzzies
coming out of hibernation.
We just follow the second star...
Ride the breeze, follow the waves...
All the way across the sea...
And then, there it is.
Wow! The mainland sounds flitterific!
(CHUCKLES) Yes. The glamorous lives
of the nature-talent fairies, eh?
We'd love to stay and chat, but...
But we tinkers
have real work to do. Right?
FAWN: Don't get your wings in a bunch.
ROSETTA: Don't be like that.
Nice to meet you all!
FAWN: You, too! Fly with you later!
ROSETTA: Fly with you later!
BOBBLE: Right! Here we are.
A pretty large order of pollen pots
for the...
Last thing is berry bushels
to deliver to the glen...
Is it okay
if I just catch up with you later?
Oh, I suppose.
Can you find your way back?
- Yeah, yeah. Sure I can.
- BOBBLE: Well, I...
- All right, then.
- Just be careful!
Hi, there!
Vidia, right?
We didn't officially meet.
I'm Tinker Bell.
Oh, yes.
The new girl.
That's right! So, what's your talent?
What do you think it is?
You're a pollen-izer? Pollen-ator?
Pollen-picker? Pollen-plucker?
I am a fast-flying fairy,
a true rare talent.
And this is but a small part of what I do.
I make breezes in the summer,
blow down leaves in the fall.
My winds even brought you here, dear.
Fairies of every talent depend on me.
Hey, that's just like what I do.
Excuse me?
I mean, tinkers help fairies
of every talent, too.
So we're kind of the same, you know?
Sweetie, I make forces of nature.
You make pots and kettles.
I work up in the sky,
and you work down in a ditch.
Don't get me wrong, sunshine.
Being a tinker is really swell and all,
but I wouldn't go around
bragging about your talent.
It's not like spring depends on you.
Of course it does!
And when I go to the mainland,
I'll prove just how important we are.
When who goes to the mainland?
Me, of course! For spring!
Oh, of course. You'll prove it, huh?
Yes, I will.
Well, I, for one,
am looking forward to that. Excuse me.
No. Excuse me.
"Mine is a rare talent."
Try and tell me tinkers don't matter.
I'll show her what a rare talent really is,
when I...
- Hey, Tink, what you got there?
- Oh, hi.
I don't know. I just found them.
Lost things.
- Lost things.
- BOBBLE: Aye.
Stuff gets lost and washes up
on Neverland from time to time.
You know, from the mainland.
These come from the mainland?
That place sounds
more fascinating all the time.
Berry bushels, check.
Pollen pots, check. Lost things, check.
Lost things?
Why are you fiddling with that junk?
Oh, um...
Well, they were just so unusual.
You mustn't be wasting your time
with that rubbish.
And I won't have it
cluttering up my workshop.
And as for you two,
no more dilly-dallying around.
And don't forget about
the Queen's review tonight.
Goodness, there's still
so much to be done!
Thank you.
Sorry about your trinkets, Miss Bell.
Well, we'd best be getting ready
for the review, anyway.
What is the Queen's review?
You see, the Queen is going to
review all the preparations for spring!
Yeah, it's a good time for us tinkers
to show what we can do, eh?
- Oh, indeed.
- Really?
CLANK: Like me. I can be a wheel.
Perfect. That's my chance.
Okay, everybody, turn!
Ready for the base coat over here!
Splendid, splendid. Stack those neatly,
plenty of time before the Queen arrives.
FLOWER FAIRY 1: It's the Queen!
What? She's here? Now?
Play, music fairies.
Yes, play!
Queen Clarion, Your Illustriousness!
As Minister of Spring,
I welcome you to Springtime Square.
What? No fireworks, Minister?
Oh, well, yeah, that could be arranged.
Light fairies! Light fairies!
I'm teasing.
You always make such a fuss,
and everything always
turns out wonderfully.
Well, I think you'll find
that we have things well in hand.
When the Everblossom blooms,
we'll be ready to bring
spring to the mainland!
Music to my ears.
I know you've all put in months
of practice and preparation,
but keep up the good work
these last few days,
- because just as fairies...
- TINKER BELL: Queen Clarion!
Queen Clarion!
- Did I miss anything?
- No, no, no.
Phew! Good.
It's all right.
I came up with some fantastic things
for tinkers to use
when we go to the mainland.
What's she talking about?
TINKER BELL: Let me show you!
First, baby chipmunks
can't eat the whole nut, right?
Their little teeth can't chew big bites.
So you just crank back this lever,
and it's...
- It's kind of a work in progress.
- Yes, yes, yes. Very clever.
And I made this, too.
It's a flower-sprayer.
- QUEEN CLARION: Tinker Bell, I...
- Here, allow me to demonstrate.
- But wait till you see this last one.
- Tinker Bell, sweetheart,
has no one explained?
Explained what?
Tinker fairies
don't go to the mainland, dear.
All of those things
are done by the nature-talent fairies.
Your work is here in Pixie Hollow.
- But I thought that...
- I'm sorry, Tinker Bell.
Oh, okay. No. No, that's good.
I mean,
I really couldn't make it anyway.
So, good. Yeah.
This actually works out good.
I mean, well...
So, I'm just gonna... Yeah.
Back so soon?
You didn't go?
Goodness, no.
Far too much work to do down here.
Vidia was right. Being a tinker stinks.
Excuse me?
It's just, why don't we get to go
to the mainland?
The mainland? Who gives
a pile of pebbles about the mainland?
But, Fairy Mary,
the other fairies get to go.
Now, Tinker Bell,
are you a garden fairy?
Well, no.
- Are you a light fairy?
- No.
Animal fairy? Water fairy, perhaps?
No and no.
No. You're not. You are a tinker.
It's who you are.
Be proud of it.
The day you can
magically make the flowers grow,
or capture the rays of the sun
and whatnot, then you can go.
Until then, your work is here.
Good idea, Fairy Mary.
Get your pixie dust yet?
SPARROWMAN 1: Just did.
- Nice day for flying.
- FLOWER FAIRY 1: Sure is.
Here you go, Silvermist.
Thank you, Terence.
I hope Tinker Bell is okay.
I know. That poor little sapling.
She looked pretty wilted yesterday.
Well, I wouldn't blame her
if she stayed in bed all day.
Morning, girls!
ROSETTA: Tinker Bell?
FAWN: Tinker Bell?
Guess what? I've decided I'm not
gonna be a tinker fairy anymore.
- What?
- What?
Well, I was thinking.
Why do I have to be a tinker?
Just 'cause
some silly hammer glowed?
I mean, who's to say
it wasn't some big mistake?
Maybe I can just switch my talent.
Switch your talent?
I don't know, Tinker Bell...
If you could teach me your talents,
any of them,
maybe I could show the Queen
I can work with nature, too.
And then she'd let me go
to the mainland for spring.
Oh, Tinker Bell.
That's just not how it works.
- Well, maybe she could.
- She's right. She could.
Well, I've never heard of someone
switching talents before.
She's right. Me, neither.
Look. You all do things that are
beautiful and magical and important.
But me, well,
there's gotta be more to my life
than just pots and kettles.
All I'm asking
is that you give me a chance.
I'll help you, Tinker Bell.
Thank you, Sil.
Me, too. Could be fun.
Well, first time for everything, I guess.
What harm can come from trying?
Well, I still think this is a bad idea.
SILVERMIST: So, for your first day
of water fairy training,
I could show you
how to make ripples in the pond.
Or teach you how to talk
to the babbling brook.
Oh, that sounds fun, too.
Or wait, wait, wait.
I got it, I got it, I got it!
Dewdrops on spider webs!
Come on. I'll show you how to do it.
- Good luck, Tink!
- You can do it!
Oh, um...
Go get 'em.
Just cup your hands like this,
reach into the water, and...
Okay, you've heard of a dewdrop?
This is a don't drop.
That's water fairy humor.
It's good.
Come on.
Okay, Tink, now,
this next part can be a little tricky.
It takes a very steady,
delicate hand to...
Where's your dewdrop?
Forgot my dewdrop.
Hey! I did
Shake that one off. Shake it off.
You can do this!
That's it. That's it, Tink.
You're doing it! You're...
Now, Tink, try to...
No, no, sweetie, you need to...
Well, maybe if you...
Well, you have to admire
her persistence.
SILVERMIST: Tinker Bell!
Although, sometimes hammers glow
for a reason.
You know, you always struck me
as a light fairy kind of gal.
Here we go in the treasure...
- Have you seen Tink?
- No, thank you. Not thirsty!
No, no. Not "drink," Tink!
Pink? I like purple meself!
Tink! Have you seen Tink?
I do not stink! Maybe it's you, eh?
Hey, have you seen Tink?
- Fairy Mary's gonna be cross.
- Aye, Clank.
We'd better take some of this
off Miss Bell's plate, so...
- CLANK: All right, then.
- No, no, no! Wait, wait, Clank!
What are...
Will you two stop mucking about?
- What Clank did was, he took it off...
- Bobble told me that I should...
I see Tinker Bell has
got her work done, mysteriously.
Where is she, anyway?
Well, you see, she's...
She went with Cheese to...
No, no. Clank means
she went to get cheese, you see,
- the food, for Cheese the mouse...
- Yes, the food, for Cheese the mouse.
...because he was whining.
Yeah. Like a baby.
BOBBLE: Like a wittle, wee baby, there.
Okay, what can I teach you that's
gonna do the least amount of damage?
Oh, I know. Follow me, Tinker Bell.
The last light of day,
it's the richest kind of all!
Wait for it. Wait for it.
Okay, and now!
Oh, wow.
It's incredible.
Now for the fun part.
- Do you think it's heavy?
- No. It's light.
Okay, okay.
- Here, Tink. Let me...
- No! I almost got it.
If I just get you started...
This is impossible!
Look out!
Oh, no.
I wonder how it's going.
Fly, Tink, fly!
FAWN: We'll save you, Tink!
SILVERMIST: Bob and weave!
Bob and weave!
ROSETTA: Cover your tushy!
- We fiddle and fix.
- Craft and create.
- Carve acorn buckets.
- To hold flower paint.
- Preparing for spring.
- CLANK: We do all this and more.
- Yes, being a tinker is never a bore!
- Yes, being a tinker is never a bore!
FAIRY MARY: Tinker Bell,
I'd like a word with you.
Fairy Mary!
See, I was on my deliveries,
and it's actually kind of...
Save it.
I know what you've been up to, missy.
And I had such high hopes for you.
- You'd do well to listen to her...
- Why?
So I can do this my whole life?
I don't wanna be just a stupid tinker!
No, no, not that you guys are...
I didn't mean that... Guys, I wasn't...
I have to go.
Now, flap them. Flap them.
That's it! Have fun!
Hey, Tink! You ready?
A little nervous, actually.
Oh, don't be silly.
Come on, you'll be fine.
FAWN: We're teaching baby birds
how to fly.
First, you have to get their attention.
Smile and establish trust.
See? Okay, open your wings, honey,
and flap them up and down.
Up and down. That's the way.
Faster, faster.
That's right. Yes! You're doing it! Okay.
Come out this way a little bit.
You're okay. You're okay. You got it.
Keep flapping, keep flapping!
Hey, why don't you help
that last little guy?
Okay, okay.
Just smile and establish trust.
Hi, there!
Hey, little fella,
you wanna do some flap-flap today?
Oh, sure you do!
All you do is,
you just flap your wings, like this.
No, no, no. None of that.
Come on. All we got to do is...
Look. I'm going to level with you, okay?
I kind of bombed out on
the whole water and light fairy things,
and I'm starting to
run out of options here.
If you could see fit
to flap your little wings
and take flight
for a few measly seconds,
I might be able to go to the mainland
and bring happiness to the world!
What do you say?
Wrong answer.
If I end up making acorn kettles
for the rest of my life,
I am holding you
personally responsible.
(LAUGHING) Hey, hey. Look at this!
Okay, just stop squirming.
Would you just... Hey!
Okay, okay, okay.
I'm letting go. I am letting go.
This is not working.
Hey, maybe that guy can help.
He's a really good flyer.
Hey, up there!
- FAIRY 1: What's happening?
- Quick, hide!
FAIRY 2: Look out!
A hawk! Tinker Bell's in trouble!
- Hey!
- Vidia?
This is my hiding spot!
But it's all yours, now.
- Get him!
- ALL: Get him!
FAIRY 1: What?
FAIRY 2: You all right?
FAIRY 1: So scary.
Are you okay, Vidia?
- Let me help you.
- Don't touch me! I'm fine!
- But I was only trying to help.
- Well, stop trying.
Tinker Bell...
I can't hold water. I can't hold light.
Birds hate me. I'm just so useless!
I failed for the third time in a row.
At this rate, I should get to
the mainland right about... Oh... Never!
FAWN: You fixed it!
IRIDESSA: Beautiful!
ROSETTA: Amazing!
What are you guys doing here?
IRIDESSA: It might be
the sparkliest thing I've ever seen,
and I've seen a lot of sparkly things!
It's a really pretty thingy. What is it?
I don't know. I just found it.
Tinker Bell, don't you even realize
what you're doing? You're tinkering!
What? No, no, this isn't... I was just...
Creating those gadgets,
figuring things out, fixing stuff like this,
that's what tinkering is, sweetie!
Don't you like doing this?
Isn't it what you really love?
Yeah! Who cares about
going to the mainland, anyway?
Well, I do, remember?
I want to see
where these things come from.
Why are you saying this?
Are you just giving up on me?
I mean, aren't you going to teach me
to be a garden fairy anymore?
Sweet pea, I think this is your talent.
Tink, we just want you to be happy.
If you really want me to be happy,
you'll help me get to the mainland
like you promised.
Please, Tinker Bell, just think about it.
Will you teach me how to be
a fast-flying fairy?
Please? I know I could do it!
With your help, I could be flying
as fast as you in no time.
Vidia, you're my last hope.
All my friends have given up on me.
Rosetta won't even try to teach me
to be a garden fairy now.
I bet I could at least paint some flowers
or plant some sproutlings.
I mean,
there must be something I could do.
Or if you really want to be
a garden fairy...
Capture the sprinting thistles.
Well, okay. I can do this. Yeah!
Okay. Ready, Cheese?
Come on. They're just weeds.
Besides, there were only
seven or eight at the most, right?
We can do this. I know we can do this.
What do you say?
This ought to be good.
TINKER BELL: Come on, you!
Oh, come on!
Just a bit this way!
It's working! It's working!
Come on!
Wait, wait, wait.
Come back! Come back!
These things just won't listen!
Come on, Cheese. Go, go, go!
Okay, definitely more than eight.
Please file into the corral
in an orderly manner!
Oh, no! Come on!
Come on, now.
TINKER BELL: Sorry. Sorry.
Excuse me. So sorry.
This is the last batch.
Sorry. Sorry!
Oh, no.
Tink. What happened?
- I...
- Tinker Bell,
what did you think you were doing?
I was just... I was just trying to...
I thought if I could capture
the thistles, then...
There isn't a garden fairy alive
who can control those weeds!
- What were you trying to prove?
- I...
She's right, Tink.
This has all gone too far.
By the second star!
All the preparations for spring...
How did this...
Queen Clarion, it was me.
I did it. It was all my fault.
Tinker Bell.
I'm sorry.
SPRING: I don't think we can
fix this in time.
We're going to have to cancel spring,
or postpone it at the very least.
WINTER: What, and put my
snowflake fairies back to work? Oh, no.
But we can't! We can't do that!
If the snow isn't melted,
the seedlings won't grow,
the fruit won't ripen in the summer...
And in the autumn,
there will be nothing to harvest.
Spring must happen on time,
or the balance of nature
will be undone!
There must be something we can do!
Certainly this has happened before!
It has!
Did you ever hear of the Ice Age?
Settle down, all of you.
Fairy Mary, is it even possible to redo
everything in such a short time?
- No.
- SPRING: Oh, no.
We were so close,
and now it's all gone.
SUMMER: Who's going to paint
our leaves now?
AUTUMN: The apples and pumpkins
will never grow.
SUMMER: No rolling hills
covered in daffodils?
SPRING: And it took months to harvest
all those seeds!
AUTUMN: Animals waking
from hibernation
will have nothing to eat!
You okay, Tink?
Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine.
I just came hoping to get a quick refill.
I'm going away for a while.
- Well, how long you going to be gone?
- Well, actually, forever.
Forever? Well,
(CHUCKLES) in that case,
a double scoop.
Forever's a pretty long time, so I hear.
Thanks, Terence.
You know my name?
Well, sure. Why wouldn't I?
I don't know.
I'm just a dust-keeper guy.
I'm not exactly seen as the most
important fairy in Pixie Hollow.
Terence, what are you talking about?
You're probably the most important one
there is!
Without you,
no one would have any magic!
Why, your talent makes you
who you are!
- You should be proud of it! I mean...
- I am.
(STAMMERING) I'd better get going.
Hey, Cheese.
"Be proud of your talent." What talent?
I couldn't even get
these silly things to work.
Lost things.
That's it!
Attention, everyone!
I'm afraid I have distressing news.
There is no way spring
can come on time.
Months of work was lost,
and it will take us months
to restore it all.
So when the Everblossom
opens tomorrow,
I'm afraid we will not be going
to the mainland for spring.
Wait! I know how we can fix everything!
Tinker Bell?
Tinker Bell, I don't think this is...
Just hear me out. Please.
How long does it take you
to paint a ladybug?
I don't know. 10, 15 minutes, I guess.
See? We can build more.
I can show you how.
Making paint, gathering seeds,
we can do it all in no time.
We have to at least try!
Wait a...
Are we really gonna listen to her?
She's the reason we're in this mess
in the first place!
But I can fix it.
Yippee! Tinker Bell's going to save us
with her dopey little doohickeys.
- VIDIA: Hide the squirrels!
- What is your problem, Vidia?
Why do you think
you're so much better than me?
I am better than you, sweetie.
I didn't ruin spring.
At least now I'm trying to help.
Have you ever helped anyone
besides yourself?
Well, I tried to help you!
Maybe I should have told you
to capture the hawk
instead of the thistles!
Perhaps Tinker Bell was not
the only one responsible.
It seems to me that
your fast-flying talent is well-suited
to chasing down each and every one
of the thistles.
Yes. And I expect them all
to be returned to Needlepoint Meadow
as soon as possible.
But that could take forever!
Then I suggest you get started.
Now, Tinker Bell,
are you sure you can do this?
Because I'm a tinker. It's who I am.
And tinkers fix things.
But I can't do it alone.
BOTH: Command us, Miss Bell.
- I'll help.
- Show us how, Tink!
- I'll help you.
- Me, too!
Okay, gather up all the twigs you can,
all different sizes, and tree sap.
We need lots of that.
But most importantly,
we need to find lost things.
Okay, what have you got?
- How about this?
- Will this do?
Can you use this fuzzy thing,
Miss Bell?
- Oh, yeah!
- BOBBLE: It's not fuzzy.
- CLANK: Yes, it is.
- No, it isn't.
Magnification, please. Thank you.
And that's how you do it!
Now, what do you suppose the...
You smell funny.
- I saw it first.
- I bumped into it.
TINKER BELL: Just tie this off here.
So, you just squeeze this,
then let it go, and...
See? Simple!
Now, just put the berries in,
and we'll have plenty of paint
in no time!
Six, seven and eight.
You did it, Tinker Bell.
You saved spring.
We all did it.
Queen Clarion? Can't Tink
come with us to the mainland?
Yeah, she's done so much
for everyone.
No, no, you guys, really.
I don't need to go.
Buttercup, it's what you wanted.
It's okay. My work is here.
And I still have so much to do. I gotta...
FAIRY MARY: Not here, you don't!
Well... But I don't...
Surprise, Miss Bell.
We found your tiny dancer!
Actually, I ran across this myself
many seasons ago.
I didn't have a clue what it was
or how to fix it.
But you did, Tinker Bell.
You are quite a rare talent indeed.
And I'd imagine there's a little girl
out there who's missing this.
What do you mean? How...
I think that perhaps
a certain tinker fairy
might have a job to do after all,
on the mainland.
You mean, I...
IRIDESSA: I knew you'd get to go!
FAWN: Oh, Tink!
- We can help, Miss Bell.
- We can help. I'm strong.
I'm so happy for you.
Come on. We gotta go line up.
Thank you, Your Highness.
But how will I find who it belongs to?
You'll know. Now go!
Good heavens.
Thank you.
Tink. Hey,
something to help you on the mainland.
Terence, that's so sweet.
Good luck, Tink.
To the air, fairies! To the air!
The mainland awaits!
with me now to the sky
Up o'er the hills and the sea
Far beyond where our memories lie
To a place where I'm free to be me
Oh gather ye now one and all
No matter what all ye may do
Let the stars fill your soul
when the moon cradles all
So to yourself be true
The blanket of snow is all gone
Each flower waits for the sun
And the whispering tears of the rain
Holds promise for everyone
Then come away with me friends
No matter where you call your home
With a light in our hearts
We will never part
Fairies to the north!
Fairies to the south!
To the east and west!
Deep in the forest we go
The creatures are all fast asleep
Wake up, sleepyheads!
Come on! There you go. Good squirrel.
With a kiss and a wink
we will waken our souls
While always their safety we'll keep
And then, then we'll dance
through the night
Till the sunbeams sparkle at dawn
And away we will go
Like last winter's snow
Soon our work will be done
Oh gather ye now one and all
No matter what all ye may do
Let the stars fill your soul
when the moon cradles all
So to yourself be true
Oh gather ye now one and all
No matter what all ye may do
Let the stars fill your soul
when the moon cradles all
So to yourself be true
So to yourself be true
Mummy! Guess what, guess what!
MRS. DARLING: Yes, Wendy.
What is it, darling?
NARRATOR: A fairy's work is
much more than,
at first, it might appear.
You did it!
Suppose your broken clock ticks,
though it hasn't in a year.
Perchance you find a toy you lost,
or jingling bells you hear.
It all means that
one very special fairy might be near.
(SINGING) Watch all the flowers
dance with the wind
Listen to snowflakes
whisper your name
Feel all the wonder lifting your dreams
You can fly
Fly to who you are
Climb upon your star
You believe you'll find your wings
Fly to your heart
Touch every rainbow painting the sky
Look at the magic glide
through your life
A sprinkle of pixie dust circles the night
You can fly
Fly to who you are
Climb upon your star
When you believe
you'll find your wings
You can fly
To your heart
Rise to the heights of all you can be
Soar on the hope of marvelous things
Fly to who you are
Climb upon your star
When you believe
you'll find your wings
Everywhere you go
Your soul will find a home
You'll be free
to spread your wings
You can fly
To your heart
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