Tinker Bell and the Legend of the NeverBeast (2014) Movie Script

Look high in the sky
On this Never Land night
For a glowing, green star
The fourth from the right
As it falls from the heavens
And streaks through the air
You'll know it's a comet
A sight strange and rare
A harmless display?
A treat for the eye?
But be careful
For appearances lie
This comet, you see
Has been here before
The ancients described it
In old fairy lore
"Beware the green tail
As it trails alongside
"And spills into corners
Where shadows abide
"Take heed, and you'll know
That before the dawn breaks
"Deep down in the darkness
Something awakes"
I'm gonna fall
Headfirst and fast like an avalanche
Maybe I'll land
Maybe I'll crash
I will take that chance
'Cause there's nothing but air
in between me and everything
Nothing to keep me
from flying aimlessly
Shamelessly laughing at destiny
And no one knows how high I go
Or what makes the atmosphere glow
I could follow the narrow road
But maybe I'll let it all go
And just float
I'll float
Oh, Tink, it's perfect!
Just like you ordered, Fawn.
One extra-large wagon.
But what's it for?
I mean, why all the mystery?
I just love how your mind's
always working.
I can take it from here.
Baby ducklings!
Or baby bunnies?
It's a movable nursery, right?
Can't get a thing past you, Tink.
Well, anyway, catch you later.
You're up to something.
Who, me? Never.
Yep, you definitely are.
I know that look.
I invented that look.
What's the wagon for?
Okay, okay.
Just try not to scream.
No deal. No deal. No deal!
It's okay, Hannah.
Tink's with me.
You have a...
Deep breath in.
Uh, yep.
Fawn, hawks eat fairies!
Oh, adult hawks, yes.
Hannah's still technically a baby.
That whole "must-eat-fairy" urge
hasn't quite kicked in yet.
She doesn't look so babyish to me.
Well, she was when I brought her here.
She had a bad wing,
but I fixed her up and now... Whoa!
Wing's all better.
You can't have a hawk
in Pixie Hollow.
What if the Scouts find out?
That's where the blueberry wagon
comes in!
We just have to get Hannah
out to where she belongs
without causing, you know...
...widespread panic.
Good job!
Here you go.
You're doing great, Hannah.
Hang tight until we're in the clear.
Are you sure about this, Fawn?
Remember, we're just taking berries
to the forest.
Nothing to it.
But don't berries usually come
from the forest?
Everything will be fine.
Just fly casual.
Exactly how often
do you do this kind of thing?
Come on.
Oh! Oh.
Whoa! Oh!
Just keep smiling.
See, Tink? I told you this would work.
All you need is a little
faith, trust, and...
Pixie dust?
There you are!
We've been looking for you all morning!
Hey, did you guys see
that comet last night?
No, but did you see that big, green ball
of light that flew by?
What's with the berries?
Just bringing them to the forest.
For the animals.
Don't berries come from the forest?
Not this particular variety
which is, um,
extra berry-full-licious-tastic!
Yum! Can we help?
No, no, no! We're fine.
Why would we need help?
Oh, for goodness' sake.
There's an easier way to do this.
Wait! No, no!
You don't know what you're doing!
It's called "helping."
A simple "thank you" would suffice.
What are you all staring at?
That comet is an astronomical puzzle,
to be sure,
but careful observation
and application...
Hannah, stop! Come back!
Everyone, get inside!
Oh, no!
Hannah? Hannah!
Go! Get inside! Hurry!
Come on!
Wait! Everybody calm down!
I promise, she doesn't even like
the taste of Scout Fairy.
Babies are such picky eaters.
It's okay, Hannah.
Everything's going to be all right.
Get away from the hawk, Fawn.
Let us handle this.
There's nothing to handle, Nyx.
I said stand down, Fawn.
Is everyone all right?
Yes, Queen Clarion, this time.
But how am I supposed to keep us safe
if Fawn keeps bringing dangerous
animals into Pixie Hollow?
Last time it was rats, and a snake!
Actually, last time, it was a vampire bat.
Fawn's just got a big heart, that's all.
Hannah needed her help.
Does this look like the face
of a dangerous predator to you?
Come on, back me up, guys!
- Fawn...
- I know, I know.
Nyx is right.
I've done this once or twice,
or several times before.
However, perhaps my latest endeavor
was crossing the line.
- Indeed.
- I hear what you're saying.
Maybe harboring a baby hawk
wasn't the best idea.
Fawn, I know you.
You've always let your heart guide you.
Which is admirable, but...
But I also need to listen with my head.
Next time, I promise, I will.
Well, Hannah-Banana,
I'd say come back and visit,
but it's probably best to keep this
a long-distance thing.
Now, let's give that wing a try.
Good morning, students!
Beautiful day for a fresh start,
don't you think?
All right, then, let's see that hopping.
Nice work, Nico.
Perfection, Paige!
Oh, Calista, remember it's hopping,
not walking.
What, haven't you heard?
I'm strictly by-the-book now.
Yep, we're talking model citizen
all the way.
Looking for the definition
of responsibility?
Look no further than this girl!
Well, that was interesting.
Now, that's hopping.
Come on, Fawn, listen to your head.
Heart gets you in trouble,
head is your friend.
And yet, head is making me
talk to myself,
out loud,
in the forest.
No, no, no. Model citizen.
Starting first thing tomorrow.
What are you?
Okay, think.
Territorial, possibly carnivorous.
Unspeakably big!
What to do? What to do?
Play dead!
No, no. Freeze.
No, the opposite! Make myself look big!
What was that?
Did you hear it?
Hear what?
The roar!
Did you hear the roar?
Sorry, did you say something?
You bet I heard it.
Little faster.
Visualize the acorn right in front of you.
Excellent. What was it?
No idea.
But let me know as soon as you find out.
Gently, now. To the left.
No, the other left!
That roar...
- This morning?
- What was it?
Oh, I don't know.
I don't specialize in roars.
Now, grunts and growls,
on the other hand...
Who would know?
Well, if it came from anything big...
- Loud...
- Scary...
And dangerous, try...
Come on, big guy.
Over here.
Wait! I was only trying to help!
So, I guess I'll just be on my way, then.
Those thick forelimbs
are ideal for digging.
Nope. No, no, no.
You're all fixed up, so off I go!
And that massive jaw is perfect
for supporting those heavy rocks.
Oh, okay. Sorry, sorry.
Just leaving.
But, you know,
it's like you're a cross between
Didelphis marsupialis
and Bison occidentalis...
That spits.
Well, I don't know what that's about.
And I don't know what that's about.
I really don't know what that's about.
What are you building?
You know, it is my job
as an Animal Fairy
to understand and study animals.
And the Queen did say
I should listen to my head.
Huh. You've convinced me.
I'll do it, for the Queen.
Now stay here, okay?
I'll be right back.
I just need to get my stuff.
Don't go anywhere.
Just stay.
I've been looking everywhere for you.
So, where have you been?
Off hiding a hippo?
Yep, he's bunking with the bobcat.
Did you hear that roar this morning?
Can you describe the roar in question?
What kind of roar was it?
The loud, hair-raising, monstrous kind.
Animals make all kinds of roars.
I mean, you've got your growls, howls,
whoops, hollers, shrieks, rumbles.
Was it like this?
No. A roar.
Oh. Uh, sort of like...
Yeah. If you hear that one, run.
Would you hand me that?
Look, this thing
might be a threat to Pixie Hollow.
If you find out what made that roar,
I need to know.
Are we clear?
What will you do if you find it?
My job.
And I'll do mine.
Strange sight
You stand in the light
You're wrong but you're right
My heart's beating wildly
Strange how I'm scared
but delighted
Afraid, but excited, too
You have a cold heart
You're reckless and distant,
but I'll be persistent
- I will understand you
- Hello?
- How I'm drawn to the danger
- Ha!
I reach out my hands to you
Do you long to be left all alone?
Set apart with a heart
made of stone
Let me help, let's begin
- Let me learn
- Ow!
Won't you let me in?
All the light
Let it show
You are a strange sight
Some new kind of wonder
With good hidden under
I'm sure that it's true
Strange how your dark
doesn't faze me
No, I won't give up on you
Do you long to be left all alone?
Set apart with a heart
made of stone
Let me help, let's begin
Let me learn
Won't you let me in?
All the light, let it show
If you're caught in the shadows
and turned all around
Lost in the darkness
you will be found
- If you hear my voice
- Oh!
Follow the sound
'Cause I'm here to guide you home
Do you long to be left all alone?
Set apart with a heart
made of stone
Let me help, let's begin
Let me learn
Won't you let me in?
All the light, let it show
Do you long to be left all alone?
Set apart with a heart
made of stone
There's a light that you shine
There's a love
I see it in your eyes
All the dark
Let it go
You're not alone
Oh, I cleaned out
the skunk pen yesterday.
Oh! Good morning!
Looks like somebody's a night owl.
What is this?
Oh, okay.
So, where to?
Anywhere but Scout Headquarters.
Look, if I'm gonna cover for you,
I need to know, what's the tower for?
This one beaver I know, Bob...
Great guy!
He makes dams big enough
to store food for three winters.
And, of course,
marmots build these terrific burrows
out of rock piles for hibernation.
Then you've got your northern orioles
and those hanging nests of theirs.
I mean, talk about brilliant!
But I'm thinking you're not storing food.
Or preparing for hibernation.
Or nesting.
what's the tower for?
You don't have to be so gruff about it.
That's it. "Gruff!"
Yep, "Gruff" suits you to a...
Whoa! Ow!
Guess we're building another one.
But before we start, I was just thinking,
why not enjoy yourself a bit
while you work?
Just hear me out.
No reason I should have all the fun
with the pixie dust.
Come on!
Now we're talking.
Fairies and Sparrowmen,
presenting the three-time
defending champion
of the Pixie Hollow Games
Tower-Building event,
the amazing, incomparable, Gruff.
Will he hold off this year's pint-sized,
yet feisty challenger?
And he nails it!
But it's too much! The fairy wins!
The fairy...
Oh, no.
And done.
This may be our best spring yet.
Oh, no.
The boulders came from that direction?
If Fawn hadn't shouted that warning,
we'd be flatter than a pumpkin seed.
Two pumpkin seeds!
Hey, Gruff, I think it's time
we make like a tree and lea...
Come on, Gruff, where are you?
Gruff! No time for rock collecting!
You've got to get out of here!
Snodgrass. Hmm.
No, Gruff! Wrong way!
We have to go!
Okay. New game, Gruff.
It's called Chase the Fairy!
Now, follow me!
Knock it out with
the Nightshade powder!
That's my big, furry monster.
Maybe it's time to make
proper introductions.
Hmm. Interesting.
35.25 miles to the right.
Get me every animal volume
you have in here, immediately.
Bup-bup! Please.
I'm in the middle of
a high-level, special, royal project.
Oh, did I say "royal"? Oops.
Top secret... Oh!
How may I help you?
And this is just the "A's."
You know, books are a workout
for the brains
and the biceps.
And so I said...
"Listen QC, Clar'...
"...most Sparrowmen couldn't stomach
this kind of pressure,
"but then again,
I'm not most Sparrowmen.
"And besides, that mysterious green
comet isn't going to analyze itself."
Tell me everything you know about this.
Over dinner?
Oh, okay, I see.
I've misread the situation entirely,
haven't I?
We'll always have the "A's."
First, thank you guys so much
for meeting me here.
I'm sure you're wondering
what this is about.
Whatever it is, it better be good.
I was mid-exfoliation.
So, as you know,
I really learned my lesson
about being smarter
when it comes to dangerous animals.
- We know.
- Oh, honey, you are doing great!
Yeah, you're doing really good.
And here we go.
Ladies, say hello to Gruff!
Oh, no.
Hi, Gruff.
What is that?
I actually don't know.
I've never seen
any animal like him before.
What does he eat?
Not fairies.
Well, that's a relief.
So, I'm gonna take him to the Queen
and show her he's harmless.
Then I'll tell her how he destroyed
Sunflower Meadow.
Uh, well, how I destroyed...
You know what?
Maybe it was both of us.
You guys destroyed
Sunflower Meadow?
He did it.
It was an accident, okay?
And what do you call that?
Again, I don't exactly know.
But I'm working on it.
I'm hearing a lot of "I don't knows"
in this conversation.
Uh, uncertainty
makes me uncomfortable.
Come on!
Have I ever put you guys in danger?
- Yes.
- Sure.
- Frequently.
- Yeah.
I still can't sit up straight.
Oh, yeah.
The point is, I want to do
the responsible thing this time.
Just like I promised.
I'm guessing you already have
a plan in mind?
"Operation Gruff-a-Go-Go!"
Open up, big guy.
Ew! My skin is gonna break out.
Okay, so I'll go in and set the stage.
Then, on my signal, get him in position,
and I'll bring her out.
Don't worry.
She's gonna love you.
Here I go!
Model citizen, all the way!
- Good luck!
- Be brave!
You can do it, sugar!
She's doomed.
Queen Clarion, I've been thinking
about what you said.
Which is why I'm here to tell you that...
I, uh...
You know what?
It can wait. I'll come back.
Fawn, I'm glad you're here.
So am I.
Nyx has discovered
a dangerous animal in Pixie Hollow.
We could really use your expertise.
I am on the verge
of perspiring over here.
Do you see the signal?
I had my first direct sighting
earlier today.
This is no ordinary predator
we're talking about.
It's bigger and faster
than anything we've ever seen.
I combed through every animal text
in the library and came up empty.
But it turns out,
I was looking in the wrong pl...
Back to the forest!
Mission abort! Mission abort!
That comet that went by the other night,
it was here before.
972 years ago.
And each time it passes
it wakes the creature.
What is this?
This is the NeverBeast.
Once the comet brings it
out of hibernation, it starts building.
Four rock towers.
One in each season of Pixie Hollow.
Green clouds fill the sky.
The creature transforms.
And then,
a lightning storm so powerful,
it consumes all of Pixie Hollow.
- Back home.
- Come on, Gruff.
If we don't act fast,
this storm will destroy us all.
How do we really know this is true
and not just some crazy legend
or misunderstanding?
On three!
One, two, three!
Wooh! I should get that checked out.
Hmm. That's odd.
Ew! My mouth was open!
It's always open.
Guys! Guys, now is our chance! Quick!
Look, animals do not control
the weather.
Ordinary animals don't.
Furthermore, this creature,
with the horns and the bat wings.
An animal that big couldn't possibly fly
under his own power.
Bottom line,
either we capture the NeverBeast
or life as we know it is over.
Nyx, let's not do anything rash
until we know more.
See if you can locate the creature first.
Yes, Queen Clarion.
I just don't want innocent animals
to get hurt.
And I don't want innocent fairies
to get hurt.
I'm not the enemy here.
Both of you are conscientious
and talented fairies.
And I trust you,
both of you,
to do what's right for Pixie Hollow.
What's the word?
She trusts me to do the right thing.
Which is?
We go after it at dawn.
What happened?
You were supposed
to get him out of here.
Oh, we tried, sug.
Giant thing wouldn't budge.
I think he didn't want to leave you.
I missed you too, Gruff.
Sorry to break whatever this is up.
But what happened
to doing the right thing?
Nyx got there first.
Nyx found this harebrained legend
about a creature called
the "NeverBeast"
who builds rock towers and shoots
lightning to destroy Pixie Hollow.
So now she thinks
he's some kind of monster.
I know. Crazy, right?
- Well, early day tomorrow.
- Oh.
Am I tired!
Really? I'm wide awake.
Bye-bye, now.
Come on, guys.
You don't really think
any of that stuff is true.
It's just, I know he's not
what they say he is.
Even if you're right,
it's not safe for him here.
Hey, big guy. Done for the day?
Rest up,
because first thing tomorrow,
we're gonna find
someplace great for you.
Just until things settle down.
Gruff, you see those stars over there?
If you connect them,
they make a monkey.
See his tail?
But if you turn it upside down,
it's a swan.
That one's a squirrel.
Oh, and over there, with the spikes?
Hedgehog! See it?
I knew you'd get it.
You just have to know how to look.
Imagine. You, a monster.
Of all the ridiculous ideas.
I know they're wrong about you.
They don't see what I see.
It's starting.
What is that?
It's so green.
I've never seen anything like that.
Gruff? Come on, Gruff.
It's "chase" the fairy,
not "run away" from her.
The Scouts, they were geared up
and moving fast.
Please tell me
you took him away already.
About that.
I sort of, temporarily, misplaced him.
You lost him?
I got this.
I just have to find him
before the Scouts do.
Wait! He's going to build
two more towers.
One in Autumn, one in Winter.
I thought you said
the legend wasn't real.
I said he's not what they think.
But everything Nyx warned us about,
it's happening.
The clouds are green!
Look, it doesn't matter
what Nyx's legend says.
All I know is, Gruff would never hurt us.
Please, Tink, trust me.
I'll take Winter.
Hey, Tink!
Gruff? Gruff?
Just like the other two.
Just like the drawing.
Over here!
It's headed towards Summer.
Gruff! There you are.
We've been looking everywhere for you.
Gruff, it's me, Tink! Fawn's friend!
The Scouts are coming for you.
You have to hide!
What did you do?
Is she gonna be okay?
She needs to rest,
stay off her wings for a few days.
She'll be all right.
- Oh, thank goodness.
- That's a relief.
See, Fawn, she's gonna be...
Come down.
I need to see you.
Stand firm!
Nightshade powder!
Steady! Hold your ground!
Let's move it out!
You did the right thing.
- Everyone get inside. Hurry!
- This way! Hurry!
Come on, Calista.
- Get inside!
- Scribble, get inside!
- Fly away!
- Get out of here!
At least I loved once.
Whatever this is,
it should have stopped by now.
Just stick to the plan.
Immobilize the NeverBeast,
and the storm disappears.
Does the storm know the plan?
Get everyone to cover
until this blows over.
Help us!
Get to the shelter!
And secure the doors!
Stop this! I order you, stop this now!
Do you need anything else?
Bring some extra bandages.
Tink. We need to get to the shelter.
It's not safe here.
I have to find Fawn.
It's over. He can't hurt you anymore.
He's exactly what Nyx said he was,
a monster.
No, Fawn.
He's my hero.
When I found him in Winter,
he was acting really strange.
Gruff, it's me, Tink!
Fawn's friend!
The Scouts are coming for you.
You have to hide!
If he hadn't pushed me away,
I would've been crushed by the tree.
I could have been killed.
Or worse.
He was protecting you.
He saved my life.
And I betrayed him.
Where are you going?
To do the right thing.
Hang tight, Gruff!
We're getting you out of here!
We need help.
Pull harder!
Oh, for goodness' sake,
there is an easier way to do this.
Thank you.
Go! Take cover!
Come on, Gruff!
Gruff, let's go!
- Come on, Fawn!
- Get out of there!
Life or death moment, here!
Listen to me.
You're having a reaction
to the Nightshade.
You can see my glow!
Don't worry, Gruff.
I'm gonna get you out of here.
Well, I did not see that coming.
Nyx got it backwards.
He's not here to destroy us.
The towers,
they draw in the lightning,
so he can collect it!
It's what he's been preparing for
the whole time!
I understand.
We're going to the towers.
- No!
- It's too dangerous.
For once, my head and heart,
they're actually telling me
to do the same thing.
Fawn, you can't!
It's okay.
That said, if things don't go well,
Sil, you can have my rock collection.
All right, big guy.
Just follow my glow.
Okay, Gruff! That's it!
Pull up!
I'm up here! Higher!
Gruff, fly higher!
You okay?
Is that Fawn?
Two down, two to go!
One more, Gruff!
What are you doing?
Saving Pixie Hollow!
No, he was saving Pixie Hollow.
Nyx, we don't have much time.
The fire is spreading fast.
Listen to me.
Get out of here. Get everyone to safety.
Gruff, it's too late.
How can we catch it all?
Follow me.
Can you see them?
Help them!
- Oh, no!
- Fawn.
- Fawn, wake up!
- Is she okay?
This can't be.
That's my big, furry monster.
Every fairy should know
the true story about the NeverBeast.
He is the brave guardian
of Pixie Hollow.
He is our hero.
And his name is Gruff.
Easy, easy. A little more.
Good job!
Yay, Gruff!
Thanks, Gruff!
Well, how about that?
They finally see what I see.
Took them long enough, huh?
- Hey, Gruff.
- Hi, Gruffy.
What do y'all think we should do now?
Actually, I made a list.
Of course you did.
Oh! We should go truffle snuffling!
With that sense of smell...
Speaking of smells,
how about a bath?
I've got a lilac shampoo
that could do wonders for that fur.
I know a hot spring
that's just his size.
With a waterfall!
Looks like he needs a nap.
A little rest will perk him right up.
Won't it, Fawn?
His work is done.
It's time for him
to go back into hibernation.
How long are we talking about?
A month? A season?
A year?
More like 1,000 years.
But that means...
We'll never see him again.
It's time.
Do you long to be left all alone
Set apart with a heart made of stone
There's a light that you shine
There's a love
I see it in your eyes
Every day, every night
I know time may divide
But fate is something we refuse to hide
And it's real and it's right
Something strange out of sight
We say good night
Anyone who sleeps for 1,000 years
deserves a decent bed.
And a fluffy pillow.
Make that a "Gruffy" pillow.
A spring-filled water bowl
that never runs dry.
A night light,
so you never have to be scared.
A little fresh air to keep you cool.
And the enduring respect
of a grateful Scout.
Hey, big guy.
I won't see you again.
But I know you'll always be there
when we need you.
I'm really gonna miss you.
I love you, Gruff.
So many years
Such a long, long time
Even for a star up in the sky
I could count the tears
And the long, long nights
But I'd rather just remember
how you smiled
In a thousand years
I know that our love will still be here
So close your eyes, my dear
Knowing that our love is going to last
One thousand years
The time flies by
In a blinking eye
No matter how we try to make it last
But if souls are strong
They'll go on and on
And we will hardly know
the time has passed
In a thousand years
I know that our love will still be here
So close your eyes, my dear
Knowing that our love is going to last
One thousand years
We'll disappear
if we can keep each other here
inside our hearts
We will never be apart
So don't you fear
Dry your tears
In a thousand years
I know that our love will still be here
In a thousand years
So close your eyes, my dear
Knowing that our love is going to last
One thousand years