Tinker Bell And The Lost Treasure (2009) Movie Script

NARRATOR: "The changing
of the seasons
"brings wonder to the world
"For ages has the magic
of the fairies been unfurled
"But nature's greatest changes
come beneath the autumn sky
"and mysteries reveal themselves
as harvest time draws nigh
"This year, a shimmering blue moon
will rise before the frost
"Perhaps its rays can light the way
to find what has been lost"
(SINGING) Time to turn the maple
brilliant crimson
Time to turn the Aspen
sparkling gold
Time to tumble apples
from their branches
Time to tell
the breezes crisp and cold
A chilling
Folds the countryside
Kiss of morning mist
upon the meadow
Scent of wood smoke
swirling in the air
Signals that it's high time
for the harvest
Every pumpkin, peach
and prickly pear
With ripened fruit to bear
If you believe
In who you are
Who you were
always meant to be
If you open up your heart
Then you set your spirit free
In this time of the season
Every leaf on every tree
Will start to shine
Come and see
Take my hand
Come with me
And fly
Oh! Oh!
Yeah, okay. There you go!
No, no, no!
Good job.
In this time of the season
Every leaf on every tree
Will start to shine
Come and see
Take my hand
Come with me
And fly
- Morning, Stone.
- Hey, Terence.
Come on, let's go. Flap your wings!
Those fairies on the mainland
won't be able to fly without pixie dust!
Terence, have you delivered
the pixie-dust rations to the scouts yet?
Yep. Finished today's
and half of tomorrow's.
Remember, one cup each.
No more, no less.
I know, Fairy Gary.
Well, that's my cue.
I'll catch you guys later.
And where are you off to?
Just doing some errands and stuff.
- Errands!
- And stuff!
Why are you guys talking like that?
BOTH: No reason.
- All right.
- Say hi to Tinker Bell, would you?
Very funny.
All right, you got me.
I'm gonna help Tink again.
- Is it okay if I take this?
Thanks. See you tomorrow.
Thanks. Okay, try it now, Cheese.
Yeah, that's it!
Keep going. Keep going!
Hey, Cheese.
Special delivery for Tinker Bell.
Hi, Terence.
Who's your best friend
that always delivers?
- Iridessa?
- Nope. Try again.
- Fawn?
- Me!
(CHUCKLES) Just kidding.
So, what do you think
of the Pixie Dust Express?
Wow. The guys are gonna love this
back at the depot,
and it sure is going to help out
on the river-outpost deliveries.
Hey, is that a stretchy thingy?
Yeah, I thought you could use it
for your motor.
I think it's gonna be perfect.
All right, Cheese, ready to launch.
It floats!
Okay. Are you ready
for the official test run?
Don't worry. I'll be right next to you.
- All set?
- Check.
Let her rip.
And now for hydro-drive.
Oh, no!
- Are you okay?
- Yeah. Thanks.
I can't believe the boat broke.
I guess your guys
are gonna have to wait a little longer.
I'm impressed.
Usually when one of your inventions
doesn't work out, you overreact,
but I must say,
you're handling this one pretty well.
- I drove it into a tree?
- Never mind.
I made it to help you, Terence.
It should've worked.
Come on.
Look, it just needs a little tinkering.
Let's see.
Who do I know who's a good tinker?
Bobble. Bobble's a good tinker.
Or Fairy Mary,
she's got a lot of experience.
Or... Hey, what about Clank?
- Someone's in trouble.
- Hey, I haven't done anything, lately.
The stinkbug incident?
Oh, no.
Tinker Bell, Queen Clarion awaits.
a big misunderstanding.
I'm sure the queen wants to see me
about something completely unrelated.
One moment.
Tinker Bell is here.
She's waiting outside, my lady.
QUEEN CLARION: Thank you, Viola.
- Fairy Mary, are you certain?
- Whatever do you mean?
Only that Tinker Bell,
while undoubtedly talented, also...
- Is a hothead? Flies off the handle?
- Well, yes.
I believe she deserves a chance,
After all, tinker fairies
learn from their mistakes.
Very well.
Agreed. Tinker Bell!
Fairy Mary tells me she knows...
It's not my fault, Your Highness!
Those stinkbugs were asking for it.
- This isn't about the stinkbugs, is it?
- No.
But we can certainly
come back to that later.
You do know the Minister of Autumn.
- My dear.
- Hi.
Are you familiar
with the great autumn revelry?
Well, everyone's talking about it.
They're so excited.
Since time immemorial,
fairies have celebrated
the end of autumn with a revelry,
and this particular autumn
coincides with a blue harvest moon.
A new scepter must be created
to celebrate the occasion.
Behold, the Hall of Scepters.
- They're beautiful.
- Every scepter is unique.
Some are the work of animal fairies,
some of light fairies, or water fairies,
or garden fairies.
This year,
it is the turn of the tinker fairies.
And Fairy Mary has recommended you.
- Me? But I'm... I'm...
- A very talented tinker.
The scepter must be built
to precise dimensions.
At the top, you will place a moonstone.
When the blue moon is at its peak,
its rays will pass through the gem,
creating blue pixie dust.
QUEEN CLARION: The blue pixie dust
restores the pixie dust tree.
Like autumn itself,
it signals rebirth and rejuvenation.
We are relying on you.
This way, dear.
Here is the moonstone.
It has been handed down
from generation to generation.
Be careful. It is ridiculously fragile.
Fairy Mary, I... I don't know what to say.
- Thank you!
- Careful, Tinker Bell! Fragile!
One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
- Why are you counting?
- It helps to calm me down.
Got it. Don't worry, Fairy Mary.
I'll make you proud, all of you.
Terence, you're never
gonna believe this.
Guess what happened! Go on, guess!
Well, I...
I have been picked
to make the new fall scepter!
Me! Me!
Hey, that means they...
They gave you the moonstone?
Yeah! Want to see?
Not so close. Don't breathe on it.
It's fragile.
Yeah, I know. I know all about it.
The blue moon only rises
in Pixie Hollow every eight years.
The trajectory of the light beam's gotta
match the curvature of the moonstone
at a 90-degree angle
so the light can transmute
into pixie dust.
Wow, Terence!
Now, how'd you know all that?
Well, you know, every dust-keeper's
gotta study dustology.
Hey! You know what this calls for?
- Two cups of...
- Chamomile tea.
- With extra honey and...
- And some milkweed whip.
Hey, by the way, that new
bucket-and-pulley system you made?
Fairy Gary loves it.
- He's so cute.
- If you say so.
You know what? Maybe I can help you.
You know, I'm kind of an expert on this.
I can collect the supplies
and give you advice.
- You will? That's... That's so sweet.
- Hey, what are friends for?
So, what do you say?
Can I be your wingman?
That would be great.
- The best dust-keeper fairy.
- And the best tinker!
This is gonna be
a revelry to remember.
TERENCE: Knock-knock.
- Morning.
- Hi.
All right, we have one full moon
until the autumn revelry. Here we go.
Hey, Tink!
I brought you some stuff from work.
Wow, Terence, how did you...
I love this thing!
I can tell you're gonna be a big help.
TERENCE: Looks good.
Now, remember,
you get the most blue pixie dust
if you maximize the moonstone's
exposed surface area.
Right. Got it.
TERENCE: Knock-knickity-knock!
Out of bed, sleepyhead.
You gotta keep the fire nice and hot.
Excuse me, Tink.
Yeah, you know, you should
really keep that workspace clean.
Okay, let me just...
Let me get that one right there.
Just one more. Thank you.
- Whoa!
- One, two, three...
- Why are you counting?
... four...
TERENCE: Knickity-knickity-knock!
Watch your angle there.
TERENCE: (SOFTLY) Knock-knock!
Who's there?
Knock. Knock who?
You gotta be easy.
This is the tricky part.
I know.
All right, now we gotta match
the trajectory of the light beam
- with the...
- Got it. Thanks.
- With the...
- Okay. Yeah, I know.
- With the...
- Shh!
- The curvature of the moonstone.
- Will you please...
Tink, it looks like you need
some sort of, you know, sharp thingy.
That's exactly what I need.
Could you go out
and find me something sharp?
You got it. I'll be right back.
Take your time.
Clank, what is that?
This is a fireworks launcher.
Allow me to demonstrate.
Iridessa and Rosetta will mix
light crystals with flower pigment.
The mixture will go into the launcher,
like so.
Then I tighten the spring, like so.
- Oh, dear. Clank...
- Then you throw the trigger...
- Yes, Clank...
... and the fireworks shoot into the air!
- Clank!
- Like so!
Clanky, that's brilliant!
Hey, Bobble. Listen, do you know
where I can find a sharp thingy?
- A sharp thingy?
- How about a stick?
- No, a sharp thingy-majigy.
- A stick can be pretty sharp!
No, I need something sharper
to help Tink.
CLANK: For Tink!
- Clank, don't sneak up on me like that.
- Did you try the cove?
Of course! That's where
all the lost things wash up.
- Thanks, Bobble. Thanks, Clank.
- Our pleasure. So long, Terence!
I'm getting a little dizzy.
And now for the finishing touch,
a spattering of silver shavings.
Steady. I can't wait till she sees this.
There. Perfect.
- Finally.
- TERENCE: Hey, Tink! I'm back!
- What is this?
- It's your sharp thingy.
My... That's not...
One, two, three, four...
Terence, this is not sharp.
This is round.
It is, in fact, the exact opposite of sharp.
- Really, look, if you look inside, it's...
- I need to work, okay?
Now, would you please
get this thing out of here?
My scepter!
Tink, I'm so sorry. I...
- Out, Terence! Just go!
- What?
You brought this stupid thing here.
You broke the scepter.
- This is your fault!
- Tink, I...
- I was just trying to be a good friend.
- Go away! Just leave me alone!
Fine! Last time I try to help you.
Ow! Ow! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!
Kept her workspace clean,
brought her food, stoked the fire!
"Find a sharp thingy. "
Searched high and low,
and she didn't even say thank you!
I know some rock fairies
that are gonna be pretty upset.
What? There are no rock fairies.
You never know. There might be.
Are you okay?
Yeah, I'm great! Why do you ask?
I'm... No. I'm sorry.
I... I had a fight with Tink.
What happened?
There was just an accident,
and she just... She just exploded. I...
She exploded?
No, no, I don't mean like that.
I mean, she just yelled at me,
you know? And...
Did she turn red?
Well, of course she turned red!
It's Tink!
Just give her a chance to cool off.
Yeah, you're probably right.
- CLANK: Hello, Tink!
- Clank! Bobble!
Came to see if you wanted to join us
for fairytale theater.
BOBBLE: We figure you could use
a real break.
Break? Nothing's broken!
What do you mean?
What do you know?
Sorry, fellas. Busy.
You know, the revelry,
fall scepter, whatnot.
I can't wait to see that scepter!
- Try.
- Is it as beautiful as I imagine?
- No.
- Terence told us it's amazing.
We're so proud of you.
- Look, guys, I really don't have time.
- Well, not to worry, Tink.
We'll tell Fairy Mary
you couldn't make it.
- Fairy Mary?
- Well, sure!
You know her.
She never misses fairytale theater.
Clank! Bobble! Wait for me!
Fairy Mary, I...
Tinker Bell!
I wasn't expecting to see you tonight.
Have you finished the scepter?
Well, not exactly.
I... I was wondering...
I mean, I have to ask you...
It's about the moonstone.
What happened to it? You didn't lose it.
Tell me you didn't lose it!
- I didn't lose it.
- Good.
But I was thinking, if using one
moonstone creates blue pixie dust,
using two would create even more.
Do you have another moonstone?
That moonstone is the only one found
in the last 100 years.
And thank goodness we found it.
Without the blue dust,
the pixie dust tree would grow weak,
and things would be pretty tough
around here, believe you me.
Are you okay? You look sort of pale.
- Wait. I know what's going on.
- You do?
You've been working too hard.
What you need is a little theater.
Knowing you, you'd probably redo
the whole scepter if you could.
- Is that an option?
- (CHUCKLING) Tinker Bell!
How exciting!
- (SINGING) Hush, fairies! Hush, fairies!
- (SINGING) Hush, fairies! Hush, fairies!
- 'Tis the moment for ancient fairy lore
- 'Tis the moment for ancient fairy lore
Tinker Bell, do you mind?
Sorry. Skunk training.
- Hush, fairies! Hush!
- Hush, fairies! Hush!
- For a fairytale of yore!
- For a fairytale of yore!
'Twas a distant fall
when a pirate ship
arrived in Neverland.
The dreaded pirates swarmed ashore,
seeking the greatest
and most elusive prize of all.
A fairy.
Pirates give me the willies!
Far and wide, the pirates searched
until they found a fairy.
They chased her, captured her
and forced her to lead them
to the most magical treasure,
the enchanted Mirror of Incanta.
Forged by fairy magic in ages past,
the mirror had the power
to grant three wishes,
anything precious to your heart.
- Fairy Mary, is this true?
- Every word.
The pirates used two wishes,
but before they could use
the third wish,
the ship was wrecked
on an island north of Neverland.
The Mirror of Incanta,
with its last remaining wish,
was lost forever.
Yet it is said that the clues to find it
are hidden in this ancient chant.
"Journey due north past Neverland
"Till a faraway island is close at hand
(SINGING) "When you're alone
But not alone
"You will find help
And an arch of stone"
Arch of stone.
"There's one way across
the isle's north ridge
"But a price must be paid
at the old troll bridge"
What did she say?
I think she said something
about a toll bridge.
- Toll bridge?
- Yeah.
- But I don't know how much it costs.
- Oh?
"At journey's end
You shall walk the plank
"Of the ship that sunk
But never sank"
(SINGING) "And in the hold
Amidst gems and gold
"A wish come true
Awaits, we're told
"But beware and be warned
There's a trick to this clue
"Wish only goodwill
Or no good will come you
"For the treasure you seek
"You may yet come to rue!"
AUDIENCE: Bravo! Bravo!
Bravo! Bravo!
"Faraway island is close at hand
"Due north past Neverland"
Let's see. Mouse cheese.
Pan. Chart.
Extra clothes.
This one's not for traveling.
How am I gonna carry all this?
Not enough.
- There you go. One cup, dear.
- Thank you.
Fairy Gary. Hi.
Hello, Tink. What brings you here?
I see that bucket-and-pulley system
I rigged for you is working out.
You know, Fairy Gary,
you really run a tight ship.
I know it sounds like I'm just saying it,
but you really do. Really.
That's very sweet, dear.
Anyway, I was wondering,
can I have some extra pixie dust?
Come on, Fairy Gary. Please?
Just a smidge?
Now, Tinker Bell, you know the rules,
and it says here
you already got your ration.
Iridessa! Rosetta!
- What do you think?
- Lend you some of our dust?
Tinker Bell,
we need every bit of it on the mainland.
Sweetie, it takes a lot of flying
to bring in autumn.
Sorry, Tink.
Say, you know who can help.
Raffaela, Renato, Redina, Rina...
- Hi, Cheese!
- Hey, Terence!
Morning, Fawn!
- Rina, Rhoda, Rosetta...
- Terence.
- Tink?
- Hi.
Surprised to see you.
How's the scepter?
I'm working on it.
Look, Terence, things happened,
mistakes were made,
and now there's something
I need to talk to you about.
I need some extra pixie dust.
You need more pixie dust?
That's why you're here?
It's not exactly what I was expecting.
Why do you need more dust?
I... I can't tell you.
You can't tell me?
You need more pixie dust,
and you can't tell me why?
A true friend
wouldn't need to know why.
A true friend wouldn't ask me
to break the rules!
Well, then,
I guess we're not true friends!
No, I...
I guess we're not.
I'm on my own, then.
So long, Pixie Hollow. I'll be back soon.
I just need to angle the moon
with the horizon.
I'm starving.
My boysenberry rolls!
My mouse cheese!
My pumpernickel muffin!
Out. Out. Shoo. Go find your friends.
Stop following me.
I'm on a very important mission.
I have two days to find the magic mirror
and wish the moonstone back.
No, I don't need any help.
Yes, I am sure. Okay. Now, let's see.
Hey, look! Look, little guy. Fetch!
Will you please get out of here?
That does it. Out!
All right. You can stay.
For now. Just do me a favor,
if you could stay right here.
If my bearings are accurate,
we should see land soon.
I'm Tinker Bell. What's your name?
Okay. Blinky?
Flicker? Flash? Beam? Flare?
Well, how in the blazing bellows
am I supposed to guess your name
if you keep...
Your name's Bellows?
Oh, Blaze.
Kind of a tough-guy name.
You a tough guy?
Okay. Don't hurt yourself.
IRIDESSA: That's it, Cheese.
Keep them coming.
Okay. Next.
how are those lanterns coming?
Almost done, Fairy Mary. Whoa!
Good shot, Cheese.
Next, I'll get Rosetta some light crystals
for the fireworks.
I can't wait to mix them up
with my begonias, gardenias and...
- Forget-me-nots.
- Forget-me-nots.
I keep forgetting those.
Fawn, show me how that
All right, fellas, when I blow the whistle,
you guys go.
On your mark, get set...
One down and 20 to go.
Keep at it, sweetie.
Silvermist, what are you working on?
Pollywog bubbles. Okay, guys.
- There you go.
- Nicely done, dear.
Fireworks. Is it ready yet?
- Yes!
- Let her rip!
- Right, Bobble.
- Dear.
BOBBLE: I'm okay.
BOBBLE: Still okay.
One, two.
I don't understand, Blaze.
We should've seen land by now.
You go ahead and get some rest.
I'll take first watch.
Whoa! I'm awake, I'm awake, I'm...
In a tree?
This must be the lost island.
There it is.
The stone arch from the story!
You stay here and guard the balloon.
I'll be right back.
Oh, no.
This is supposed to be a rock arch,
not a twisty, branchy, tree arch.
Not now.
What has gotten into you?
Blaze, where's the balloon?
It's gone?
My compass, my supplies,
my pixie dust.
I left you in charge.
Why didn't you warn me?
Well, I... You...
Okay, okay. We'll get back to that later.
We gotta find that balloon.
- I'm so sorry...
- Terence. Terence. How did you...
You brought this stupid thing here.
You broke the scepter.
- This is your fault!
- Tink, I...
I was just trying to be a good friend. I...
Just leave me alone!
Fine! Last time I try to help you.
No. Terence, come back. Terence.
Blaze, where are you?
I lost my balloon. I lost my pixie dust.
I'm starving.
What have I done?
Wow, that hit the spot.
Thank you so much.
Hey, we're lost.
By any chance, have you seen
a stone arch around here?
I'm out of dust.
Looks like I'll be walking from here.
My compass!
That is a sharp thingy.
The stone arch. Blaze, hey, we made it!
We're here!
Thank you so much.
Thank you all so much. Bye, now. Bye!
Great to have friends
that will help you out, huh?
I know Tink is my best friend.
We should just forgive each other.
Someone just needs
to take the first step.
Yeah, well, I think it should be Tink.
- Who?
- Tink.
She blamed me
for breaking the scepter.
- Who?
- Tink!
I know she's under a lot of pressure,
but she shouldn't
have treated me that way.
She should apologize.
Thank you so much, Mr. Owl.
You know what? You are truly
the wisest of all the creatures.
The fellows are making fun
of my kilt again.
- Who?
- The guys at the depot!
They keep calling it a skirt.
Hey, Tink, it's me.
Look, I know you're mad at me, okay,
but there's something I need to tell you.
Anyone home?
The moonstone.
It's our last day, Blaze.
We gotta find that shipwreck soon.
BOTH: None shall pass
the secret troll bridge.
Troll bridge?
I thought it was "toll bridge. "
- Look, fellas, I don't want any trouble.
- We are guardians of the secret...
- Hey, hey, hey! Hey!
- What?
It's my turn to give
the ominous warning, blockhead.
- Is not.
- Is too.
- Is not! Not! Not! Not! Not! Not!
- Is too! Is too! Too! Too! Too! Too! Too!
You did it last time.
That was over 300 years ago!
Go ahead.
We are guardians of the secret bridge.
Beat it before we grind your bones
to make our bed.
- Bread.
- What?
The expression is, "Grind your bones
to make our bread," not "bed. "
Oh? Really?
Who would want
to make bread out of bones?
Might break a tooth.
Well, who would want to sleep in a bed
made of bones?
It's hard on the back. It'll put a crick
in your neck, you knucklehead.
Ix-nay in front of the ictim-vay.
Gravel for brains.
TALL TROLL: Fuzz face.
SMALL TROLL: Thimble head.
- TALL TROLL: Stinky breath.
- Googly eyes.
- Waxy ears!
- Unibrow!
Excuse me. I need to get through.
BOTH: None shall pass!
Do you have any idea
what I've been through to get here?
I almost got attacked by bugs and bats
and got blown all over the place
by the wind,
and almost starved to death to find
a mirror that grants one last wish,
which I wouldn't have even needed
if Terence had taken his time
finding me a sharp thingy
instead of making me
break the moonstone.
And then he didn't even share
his pixie dust because he cares more
about the stupid rules
than he does about me...
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Hang on, hang on, hang on.
- Who's Terence?
- Is he a friend of yours?
Well, yeah.
He was my best friend.
- You're not very nice.
- Hey, don't you judge me!
You've been yelling at each other
since I got here.
But he knows I don't mean it, don't you?
You old softie.
- Like when I call you "wart face. "
- Yes. Or when I call you "big nose. "
- Booger breath.
- Stinky feet.
TALL TROLL: Weasel toes!
SMALL TROLL: Badger brain!
- Garden gnome!
- Garden gnome?
Oh, dear,
I don't know where that came from.
- I crossed the line.
- (CRYING) Say the magic words. Go on.
I'm sorry.
- Do you mean it?
- Absolutely.
- Do you feel it?
- Deeply.
Well, then, I forgive you.
- Friends?
- Friends.
- Come here, buddy.
- Pal!
- Amigo.
- Compadre.
SMALL TROLL: You're the best.
TALL TROLL: No, you.
- SMALL TROLL: No, you.
- No, you're right, I am the best.
- So now you think you're the best?
- I know I'm the best!
Now, don't you argue with me!
SMALL TROLL: Well, you're ugly
and stinky.
Blaze, listen, it's the ocean.
The ship that sunk but never sank.
Okay, Blaze, this is it.
We gotta find that mirror
and fix the moonstone. Let's go.
Why couldn't the mirror
be in a bunny-filled meadow?
Who's that? Who's there?
(SOFTLY) Look, Blaze.
What do you think? Too big?
It's gotta be in here somewhere, Blaze.
Come on. Help me look.
It's real.
Okay. Deep breath.
Clear your mind.
Only get one shot at this. Here it goes.
I wish... I wish...
I wish...
Blaze, I wish you'd be quiet
for one minute!
No, no, no, no! No!
That one didn't count!
I take it back.
Please, please. I take it back!
That wasn't my wish. Please!
Blaze, look what you've done!
This mirror was my last chance.
This is all your fault!
I'm sorry, Blaze. It's not your fault.
It's mine.
It's all mine.
I wish Terence were here.
I wish we were still friends.
We are friends, Tink.
- I am so sorry.
- TERENCE: I forgive you.
I miss you so much.
I miss you, too. But, Tink, why...
Why didn't you tell me
about the moonstone?
I didn't want anyone to know.
I didn't think
I needed any help, Terence.
I was wrong. I wish you were here.
- I am here.
- I know you are.
But, I mean, really here, with me.
I am with you.
No. I mean here, Terence,
right next to me.
I'm standing behind you.
I'm so sorry, Terence.
I know, I was so wrong...
Hey, hey. I'm sorry, too.
You know, you were under
a lot of pressure... Whoa! Hey.
- Who's this?
- This is Blaze.
He's been a big help
in some tough spots.
- Well, it's a pleasure to meet you.
- How did you...
I flew all night and all day over the sea,
and just when I was gonna
run out of dust,
I stumbled
into that flying machine of yours.
That thing is awesome!
I only had a pinch of dust left.
It got me all the way here.
You found my balloon?
But where did you even get the dust
to make it this far?
I, you know, borrowed a little extra.
- You broke the rules for me?
- Hey, I knew you needed my help.
TERENCE: Hold on!
- That was kind of fun.
- What?
There's our way out.
Terence, buy me some time.
Come on, Blaze.
Back, you dirty rats!
- Are they gone?
- They're gone.
Let's go.
Come here, you vicious monster.
TERENCE: Now, how are we
gonna fly this thing?
I used the last of my dust
getting it here.
TINKER BELL: Well, with any luck,
my pixie-dust bag
should be around here somewhere.
Is it enough?
- Yeah, it's enough. Anchors up.
- Aye-aye, Captain.
Just a little bit of pixie dust up front
will get this baby going.
That should do the trick.
I guess it pays
to have a dust-keeper fairy around.
I'm telling you, we just might make it.
Hey, are you okay?
What's gonna happen
when we get back?
Would you happen to have
an extra moonstone?
I don't know if it's gonna help,
but I brought this.
My scepter.
Hey, I've got an idea.
- Terence?
- Right. Right.
No, I know. You need your space.
No. I can't do this without you.
Would you help me?
If I turn this, then this can go in here.
Wait a second.
You think this would work?
- Yeah. Yeah!
- Okay, okay.
Set it at a 30-degree angle
so that the reflective qualities
of the moonstone...
TINKER BELL: Are magnified in relation
to the moonbeam rays.
Yes! You're a genius.
- I almost got it. I just need...
- Like a sharp thingy?
Excuse me, Blaze.
That's a bit heavier than I remember.
No, no, no.
It's all right.
Tink will be here any second now.
The blue harvest moon is high.
The moonbeams
are almost at their mark.
This is a disaster.
Fairy Mary, where is Tinker Bell?
- I don't know!
- You...
Minister, Fairy Mary?
BOTH: Yes, Your Highness?
Is anything the matter?
- Yes...
- No, Your Highness.
- Where is Tinker Bell?
- Well, we've been...
SPARROWMAN: Whoa! Look up there!
WOMAN: Tinker Bell!
Hi, everybody!
- Wow!
- Wow!
Hi! Queen Clarion, Fairy Mary,
I made it!
- There she is.
- Now that's an entrance.
Right in the nick of time.
Your Highness.
Tinker Bell,
at the beginning of the season,
you were entrusted
with a great responsibility.
Where is the fall scepter?
There were complications,
but it's ready now, Your Highness.
This way, dear.
Fairies of Pixie Hollow,
I present the autumn scepter.
The moonstone! One, two...
No, no, no. Don't worry, Fairy Mary.
Just... Just wait.
Wait, wait.
Come on, come on.
Please work. Please work. Please work.
Your Majesty, I've never seen
this much blue pixie dust before.
It's at least a million smidges.
Maybe more.
- It's more.
- Yeah. Much more.
This is amazing!
- Only Tinker Bell.
- Pretty good, huh?
Come on, girls. It's show time.
of Pixie Hollow,
we have celebrated this revelry
without interruption for centuries.
Tonight, I believe,
is our finest revelry ever,
thanks to one very special fairy,
Tinker Bell.
And her friend, Terence.
- And her new friend.
- Blaze.
Yes, of course. Blaze.
We owe them all our thanks.
- I'm so proud of you.
- Thank you, Fairy Mary.
What made you think
of breaking the moonstone
into all those tiny little pieces?
On your lead, my dear.
All right, everyone.
To the pixie-dust tree!
That's our cue!
There are the bubbles. Hit it, Clank.
It worked, Bobble! It worked!
Aye, it certainly did.
(SINGING) To believe in who you are
Who you were always meant to be
To you open up your heart
Then you set your spirit free
In this time of the season
Every leaf on every tree
Start to shine
Come and see
Take my hand
Come with me
And fly
NARRA TOR: "The greatest treasures
are not gold
"Nor jewels, nor works of art
"They cannot be held in your hands
They're held within your heart
"For worldly things will fade away
as seasons come and go
"But the treasure of true friendship
will never lose its glow"
(SINGING) Sometimes you think
you'll be fine by yourself
'Cause a dream
is a wish that you make all alone
It's easy to feel like you don't need help
But it's harder to walk on your own
You'll change inside
When you realize
The world comes to life
And everything's all right
From beginning to end
When you have a friend
by your side
That helps you to find
The beauty you are
when you open your heart
And believe in
The gift of a friend
The gift of a friend
Someone who knows
when your lost and you're scared
There through
the highs and the lows
Someone to count on
Someone who cares
Beside you wherever you'll go
You'll change inside
When you realize
The world comes to life
And everything's all right
From beginning to end
When you have a friend
by your side
That helps you to find
The beauty you are
when you open your heart
And believe in
The gift of a friend
And when your hope crashes down
Shattering to the ground
You'll feel all alone
When you don't know which way to go
And there's no signs leading you on
You're not alone
The world comes to life
And everything's all right
From beginning to end
When you have a friend
By your side
That helps you to find
The beauty you are
when you open your heart
You believe in
When you believe in
When you believe in
The gift of a friend
Where the sunbeams play
in the highland glade
Where the leaves are gently falling
Where we used to dance
in the autumn shade
My foolish pride drove you away
Where the storm clouds rose
and the cold winds blew
Oh, I could not hear you calling
Till you took my hand
and you pulled me through
To where the sunbeams play
To ride with you
upon the wind
To fly above the sea
To be far and wide
of Neverland
I would dare to go
If you would go with me
Now the wind blows our love
against our day
And the dark of night is falling
But if you're with me
We will find our way
To where the sunbeams
To where the sunbeams
To where the sunbeams dance
And play