Tinnitus (2022) Movie Script

Turn it off.
Tomorrow's a big day.
Is he about to dive?
A reverse dive with really stiff arms.
He'll sprain his wrists
if he doesn't wrap them.
Well, you know how he finishes, right?
Look who's in the paper.
At least I'm in the picture
this time.
It's fine, I like it.
Big responsibility for us.
Marina Lenk and Lusa Nascimento
representing Brazil.
One-and-a-half somersault inward pike.
Score, 9, 8.5, 9.0, 9.5, 8.
There are still two more rounds to go.
Our score in the qualifiers
would get us bronze.
We're doing well.
This is no time to lose focus.
Scores: 9.5, 9.0, 9.5, 9.0, 9.0.
-What do you mean?
-I hear nothing.
It's like there's a cricket
inside my ear.
Jiminy Cricket?
I don't know what my body's telling me.
It's probably psychological.
This is all in your head, Marina.
Representing Brazil, one-and-a-half
somersault inward pike.
Marina Lenk and Lusa Nascimento
representing Brazil.
One-and-a-half somersault inward pike.
Which one is better?
I like both.
But you need gloves
to use that one.
Yeah, I don't use gloves.
Well, you have to.
I'll get you a pair of gloves.
Smells good.
I see.
Well, welcome everyone.
Let's get our meeting started.
Marina, since you're late,
will you do the honors?
Good afternoon.
Today is the anniversary
of my breakdown.
-Four years ago.
-You can't deny he's here.
How can you?
Who's here, Incio?
-He is, Santos.
-"He", Incio?
It's not "he". It's called tinnitus.
It's the same noise from the museum.
I wake up in the middle of the night,
touch the side of the bed
where my wife used to sleep.
And there's no one there.
It's over.
I can't sleep anymore.
And that's when the ringing starts.
This week, I grabbed a pen
and I almost...
We should take a break.
All I wanted
was one minute of silence.
Keep calm, Incio.
You can be at peace here.
5'12''. A new record.
Your lungs are impressive,
they should be studied.
It's not easy being a mermaid.
They changed the packaging?
The revised dose should work better.
It doesn't affect fertility?
Or my sex drive?
It's fine.
Just be careful
as it might affect your mood,
which hasn't been great
to begin with.
You got a call from a reporter.
Apparently, your former partner
has won something.
-He wants to interview you.
-Not interested in the slightest.
It's out of the question.
Smells good.
Reminds me of the clinic's floor.
We only sold four tickets.
-Two for each mermaid.
They're gonna call the show off.
There's always next year.
It's always crowded in the summer.
And what am I supposed to do
in the meantime? Pawn my tail?
Good idea.
Let's go?
Get a move on, late girl.
-Five minutes, Marina.
-I'm coming.
Let's go.
When it's lost,
you can see it on the platform.
Hiding your emotions from a diving
partner is practically a betrayal.
We share such a strong bond
that we can sometimes
sense each other's feelings.
Diving is also known
for its share of accidents.
Four years ago, your former partner
was injured, but not you.
Were you two out of sync?
Well, it is a dangerous sport.
That's why our recent win
at the South American championship
is so important to bringing our sport
back to the limelight.
We're always scared...
-The show's about to start.
-Alright, I'm coming.
But you can't let fear become your enemy
and paralyze you.
We have so much catching up to do.
It's been strange for the athletes
to compete in an empty stadium.
While the girls were out, I had an idea
to make practice more motivating:
putting crowd cheers on the PA system.
I thought you were
on the road with them.
Lusa is enjoying the company
of her new best friend, Teresa.
Golden girl.
She's a fan of yours.
Did you grab your stuff?
I tried to, but my locker was empty.
But there was nothing
that important anyway.
I've missed you, Snia.
You are really missed around here.
Come cheer for me in the Masters.
I doubt any old woman
can dive better than me.
I'll try to come.
It's intimidating, huh?
After all, it's 10 meters.
It really is intimidating.
Babe, there's a whale
swimming in our kitchen.
Oh, right.
What? Didn't you hear anything?
The washing machine
must've overflowed again.
I didn't hear it beep.
That's crazy.
That's strange.
Well, whatever.
We can call customer
service tomorrow.
Don't worry about it.
Hey, are you OK?
Was it the ringing?
Come on.
I don't hear a thing with this horse
tranquilizer you give me.
Don't worry.
The monster is still slumbering.
Infections are common
in water sports,
but it's not your case.
Your hearing is perfect.
I'm competing in Japan,
and I don't want any nuisance.
I gotta be in perfect shape.
Long-haul flights may cause discomfort
if you have sensitive ears,
but I really don't think
it's your case.
At any rate, I can teach you
some pain-relief exercises.
You should be good.
I'm so anxious,
that I've been dreaming upside down.
I know.
I know what it's like.
My wife used to be an athlete.
Does she still compete?
No. Now she works at an aquarium.
She couldn't stay out of the water.
It's funny that you should mention
you like Japanese music.
I do.
The hospital is sponsoring a music event
for people who are hearing impaired.
It's going to be interesting.
You're invited.
Are you OK?
You hadn't been sick like that
in a while. What happened?
Could I be pregnant?
Well, pregnancy could make
your ear buzz a little bit.
If that's the case, you'll need
some time off of the aquarium.
I love the aquarium.
Do you like working here?
I enjoy the silence of the aquarium.
So Paulo is too noisy.
Think about what I'm asking.
Thanks for the photo.
I've had this hypersensitivity
since I was a teenager.
Now, as for the ringing itself...
-It progressed over time, I think.
-Three years.
More serious
for a period of six months.
Which ear, the right or the left?
At first, it was a vibration
in the right ear.
Then it spread to the left one.
I used to swim back then,
and diving made the sound
more continuous and louder.
It really bothered me.
We could use more information
about your experience with medication.
Have you had headaches, nausea,
palpitation, queasiness?
Marina's made
some remarkable progress.
She's our model patient.
I'd like to ask
about physiological impacts, Doctor.
Yes. Middle ear myoclonus
requires anxiolytics.
Anxiolytics and anticonvulsants
for muscular control.
The patient may experience
some uneasiness, some anxiety.
the new dose takes care of it.
Good point. Facial spasms
and myokymia affect the eardrums.
Excuse me, Doctor.
The doctor told us
about your plans as a couple,
but I'd like
to ask you something, Marina.
Have you felt any impact on your mood
or on your libido?
Maybe on the mood. As for the rest,
the patient's been doing great.
Just kidding.
To have this kind of impact,
it would take a very high dose.
The tensor tympani
and the stapedius are very tiny.
We've been prescribing
one 4mg-capsule a day max.
I'm glad you came.
It's been a while
since I last came up here.
No need to be afraid.
Forgot your umbrella, Marina?
The girls kept babbling on about this
idea they had for the aquarium.
It couldn't wait?
You had to run away like that
from the NTSG?
I didn't run away.
I had an important meeting.
You embarrassed me
in front of my peers.
Oh, I did?
You know that the NTSG budget
depends on those people.
I was there like a guinea pig.
Like a patient who knows
we do serious work.
-Exposed like an animal.
-Isn't that your job, Marina?
You taste funny.
-That's odd. You taste like chlorine.
I don't know.
The aquarium water tastes different.
It smells like fish, as usual.
Did you dive in a swimming pool?
Does my taste bother you now?
Is that it?
Snia Jobim, our golden girl,
prepares for the last dive in her series.
-All good?
Let me show you something,
you'll like it.
She takes position
at the platform's edge.
She raises her arms
in an upright position,
breathes in...
I remember this day.
We were so much alike.
Where did you find this video?
A reverse dive.
-Flawlessly executed.
-We missed it.
-Don't tell anyone.
We gotta prove ourselves all the time.
To our own selves and to others.
Didn't I tell you
I was gonna win this thing?
I knew it.
You can feel it
when you're going to be the champion.
Help me with this tight swimsuit.
My wrist is useless.
It doesn't rotate anymore.
Sorry, I'd never noticed.
Was it an accident?
Unfortunately, not.
A woman has to know
how to keep her secrets.
The worst way you can abandon
someone is in silence.
Still fighting the catfish
for the kids' attention, Marina?
You showing up here on the eve
of the qualifiers is so moving.
Snia invited me.
-I didn't plan to.
-You ran away.
I get why you'd want to come back.
But your issue is...
psychiatric, right?
Do you still hear voices?
I'm in treatment.
Will you excuse me?
There's an exit right there.
If you keep hiding this, you'll fuck
with everyone's lives, Marina.
Open it.
Open this door!
-I don't hear voices.
-Yes, you do.
You do.
Don't show up here anymore, Marina.
No doctor will let you dive
in this condition.
Girls. No show.
It's been canceled.
Zero tickets sold.
Is that your swimsuit
she's wearing, Snia?
Excellent dive, Marina.
It's just like riding a bike, I guess.
Do you still need an assistant, Snia?
It was a good decision.
Taking some time off
from the aquarium will do you good.
You could really use a break.
What's that good for? Fertility?
It improves blood circulation
in the whole body.
I read on a website
that it helps you get pregnant.
They may have mixed up gravidity
with gravity.
Keep taking your pills regularly.
Every eight hours.
I am taking them regularly.
Ms. Tet's apartment
has been vacant for a year now.
-A year?
Geez, it's flooded.
She was a bit of a hoarder, huh?
I'm relieved that the noise
was coming from next door.
-Now that my tinnitus is stable...
-Where did you get that idea?
How long has it been
since you went back to diving?
What are you talking about?
That's why you left the aquarium,
isn't it?
I did stop by at the pool
to help Snia, that's all.
-But I don't owe you an explanation.
-You don't.
It'll be a Russian roulette
when the symptoms come back stronger
and you're standing atop that tower.
You think you know my body
better than I do?
So, you stopped taking your medication.
What else are you keeping from me?
I really want to have
this kid with you.
I think I do too.
But I don't think
it's the right moment.
Worse than lying to me
is seeing you lie to yourself.
Did you find your way alright?
Yeah, totally.
Thanks for having me.
I'm happy you thought of me.
If I'd reached out to any of my friends,
they'd have sent me back home.
I won't let you leave, you hear?
At least it's not the plumbing.
This is ridiculous. Where's Teresa?
Snia asked me to come.
She must be senile.
We can't change the routine
on the eve of a tournament.
You either change your strategy,
or you'll be a mere spectator.
Is this what you want?
-You're outright trying to take my place.
-Stop it, Lusa.
You and your persecutory delusions.
You know how hard it was
for me to find a new partner?
Teresa has already figured out
she's not going far with you.
Shall we?
Still soft, huh?
What a bitch.
You've got to bump up
the difficulty of the series
if you want to make the cut score
in the qualifiers.
What's the point of doing fancy stunts
and risk getting injured?
There's no point in doing
a perfect basic dive either.
We can do without the sarcasm.
What we need
is to revise our strategy.
It's just that I believe less is more.
I learned that from you -
always elegant and minimalist.
Wasn't that how you won your medal?
That was a different world.
It was 1964.
I dove without a coach at age 16.
All I remember from Japan
is doing origami and crying.
Those aren't even the dives we do.
How is this gonna help?
Look, we only have a real shot
at winning a medal if we dare more.
I don't want you to feel threatened.
Marina has come to join forces.
I've heard this one before.
I know how it ends.
Love me some mermaid food.
Why not spice things up
to attract more visitors to the aquarium?
The Paris mermaid, for instance,
also works at Moulin Rouge.
An adult show, you know? Cabaret-like.
With twirling and everything.
With this performance,
we could re-adapt
the fish reproduction.
Great. And turn the aquarium
into a brothel.
They could even throw us
some bait in the end.
Living with Dr. Hard-Faced
has made you uptight.
No, seriously. I mean it.
It's my dream to do burlesque
inside a handheld water game.
Well, my dream is to be a mermaid.
I brought you a red strip of paper.
A red strip of paper?
Make a wish.
"Money to pay off
my credit card installments."
Right... Not under this administration.
Hey, do you always come here
to read people's wishes?
Where's your wish?
Mine already came true.
Plus, everyone needs a hobby.
This one could use
some handwriting classes.
Impossible to read.
I'm not sure it's good
to read other people's wishes.
It must render them useless.
If they really were that secret,
they wouldn't have been written.
Good point.
Not too shabby for a former athlete.
It's the free-divers apnea
I've been practicing.
-Is it useful for synchro diving?
-Very much so.
For consistency and confidence.
How long would it take me to nail it?
-To beat me, you mean?
It's easy. You'll learn it quickly.
I'll start diving, then.
I'll tell you when I'm good at it.
If I don't drown first.
-Come, Teresa.
-To the infirmary?
Shut up and come.
-She did OK.
-Didn't she?
Are you happy?
Are you happy now?
I sprained my wrists.
Hatred is a powerful fuel.
Now you have a real chance.
I always wanted
to perform this dive with you.
Well done.
There's yet to be born
Something bigger
Than anything
You've seen
Read, felt
Or known
Don't be afraid or feel self-conscious
About being happy
And letting go
Where did you get that jacket?
Does it matter?
Of course it does.
Why are you wearing my jacket?
Does it bother you?
It does. I don't want you
going through my stuff.
It was in your locker.
It was going into the trash...
like your career.
What do you say?
Same thing the doctor said.
She won't accept
she needs time off to recover.
She's not 20 anymore.
You hear that, Lusa?
I've dived with a broken wrist.
This isn't gonna stop me.
Ever heard of hubris?
Hurts more than a sprained wrist.
Going back to diving after an injury
boosts self-confidence,
but in her case,
she may lose function of the wrist.
Will I be back
in time for the Games?
If you take enough time to recover...
Will she be able to compete
after the qualifiers?
Sure. If her body responds well.
This isn't gonna stop me.
I want you to turn me around
and shove my face into a pillow.
Don't let me go,
don't let me look at you.
Fuck me while you suck my earlobes
and blow your load inside me.
It's morning time in Japan.
What did Snia want?
I'll travel with you as a sub
until Lusa recovers.
If she recovers, right?
We have a lot to practice.
We've never competed together.
I don't want to embarrass myself again.
Let's fucking get it, bitch.
What are you doing here?
Go get some rest.
You're very fortunate.
One person's fortune
is another person's misery.
I thought it was Marina
who was going to fuck me over.
She would never.
You're going to like Tokyo.
I have sweet memories of it.
That's where I met Naomi
and fell in love for her and Japan.
We saw the 1964 Summer Olympics.
She got fascinated by the Brazilians.
Her parents had never seen
a Black man.
They were against our marriage.
I never saw myself going to Japan.
-I thought I'd be pregnant by now.
You know, Santos doesn't seem
to be doing very well.
Have you been talking to him?
Maybe one day.
This sight makes up for the fatigue.
They look so peaceful.
Would you be able to live like that?
In silence?
It'd be a sacrifice.
Or a relief.
To find your quiet, in the end,
is to listen to yourself.
Tokyo grows nonstop.
The hum of progress whirrs on.
It is a true metropolitan symphony
that opens the doors to the future.
Yet, the noisy capital fell silent
to applaud the unique talent
and elegance
of the Brazilian diver.
Young Snia Jobim
enchanted all of Japan
by winning the gold medal
in her first international
When she returned to Brazil,
she embarrassed the military,
now in charge of the government,
who awaited her at the airport.
Snia had competed
without her government's support
and refused the flowers
they had brought to honor her.
Thank you for coming.
What was it like to compete in Japan?
In So Paulo,
we live in a Japanese neighborhood.
That was our strategy.
It's still a foreigner's view,
of course.
Like a Japan
as perceived by Brazilians.
I heard it's the first time
you two compete as a duo.
You got a great score.
Were you surprised?
We were hoping to go through
with the lowest qualifying score.
It was no surprise.
We have a supernatural synchrony.
We're excited to see you
competing in Japan again.
Well, I actually came as a substitute.
We're excited to come back and...
win a medal together.
Marina, you've been away
from the sport.
Comebacks like yours
are rather uncommon.
Did you feel like you had something
to prove to yourself or to the sport?
Well, perhaps a little of both.
But Teresa helped me so much
through this process of...
rekindling my love for the sport.
for your determination.
Was it hard
to put the accident behind you?
Accidents and injuries
are part of the sport.
Can you please not show this video?
Does it still bother you?
I never had the guts
to watch this footage.
And I never thought
I was going to watch it here.
Marina Lenk and Teresa Klotz,
Brazilian duo,
divid together from the 10-meter platform
for the first time in competition.
It's the first time that a debuting duo
is awarded...
They obtained an excellent result
upon the return of the athlete
from Maranho...
The duo is formed by Teresa Klotz,
a French-Brazilian athlete who comes
from an excellent carrer in gymnastics,
and Marina Lenk,
an athlete from Maranho.
The athletes,
who will return today to Brazil,
are expected back in Tokyo
in the following weeks.
The duo is formed by Teresa Klotz...
the French-Brazilian athlete who came
from a successful career in gymnastics...
and Marina Lenk, the experienced
athlete from the state of Maranho,
returning from her recent retirement.
Pull it.
As much as you can, Lusa.
Good job, Lusa.
Let's stretch a little bit.
Look who's alive!
Congratulations, Marina.
We're so proud of you.
-Thank you.
-Amazing comeback.
-Look at your recovering friend.
-We're not friends.
Don't break anything, please.
What are you doing here?
A broken mug.
Actually, the cracks
make the piece more valuable.
The more pieces,
the harder it is to mend it with gold.
It's a Japanese tradition.
-It goes for life in general.
-Spare me.
It'd take a lot of gold
to put all our pieces together.
So, it's a jewel?
It's a replica.
I bought it at the airport.
Tell your replica I learned your dive
and I'm back to compete.
What's up, deserter?
Hey there. What's going on?
Two for the price of one?
Look, our tank mate regrets
quitting the show.
I missed you, girl.
My ass. You're jealous.
But our cabaret doors
will always be open to you.
How about we send
this freshwater fish elsewhere?
-I don't want her here.
-I agree.
Right about now.
Stop it, you silly girls.
In the end, we're all the same.
Doing somersaults in the air
for applause. All for the show.
Tell that partner of yours
that she's gonna pay
for stealing you from us.
And thank her for hooking us up
with the girls.
Teresa's been here?
I heard it...
as if the AC was full of bugs.
Not one, not a dozen.
There were hundreds of them.
It was like they were crawling
inside the air vents.
-"They", Incio?
-They want to attack my collection!
This morning...
I had the guys shut down
the air conditioning.
The insurance company
will probably fine the museum.
So embarrassing!
Thanks, Incio.
You're also a psychologist?
Sorry, but you can't come in
Is this Marina's condition?
There's a bug in here.
There isn't.
Don't worry, alright?
I've been through this.
Calm down.
-I'll tell Santos to help you.
-Tell Santos what?
Listen, don't worry.
You'll feel better tomorrow, OK?
Calm down.
I know...
I know...
I know what you've been hiding.
I caught this thing from you.
We feed everyone
who comes back to visit us.
to nourish the benevolent gods.
But also...
to sate the demons' hunger.
Enough of demons in our lives.
You really don't think
I could've passed it to her?
This flight from Japan was long,
wasn't it?
Almost a whole day.
The pressure in the plane
may be an issue.
When are you going back to Japan?
I might not go back.
Around here, all the love,
all the good vibes.
Darling, make yourself at home.
I'll wait for you
at the museum for lunch.
-You're late.
-First time ever.
Wild night?
-Tell me.
-Stop talking.
You two are getting more and more alike.
What's your plan?
To fall off the platform?
It's the Jiminy Cricket, isn't it?
-What do you know about it?
-I know I've been here before.
And I'm gonna tell Snia everything.
It's over. I've had enough.
-I'm not doing this again.
-Calm down, Lusa.
-Not again.
-Calm down!
A cricket...
What did I to do deserve this?
I won't let it happen.
This won't happen to me again.
I won't let it happen.
Take it easy! If you tell Snia now,
we'll lose our spot!
Come here, listen to me!
Let's dive together, we...
Stop thinking about Marina!
Come back, please... Lusa!
Oh, the noise!
My head's going to explode!
My head...
This has gone too far.
I know.
Headache, diplopia, ophthalmoplegia,
nausea, vomiting,
and a pulsatile tinnitus.
Are you a relative?
No, Doctor. This is Marina.
Oh. Were you able to get pregnant?
Incio had idiopathic
intracranial hypertension.
-He was fine this morning.
-He will be fine.
Doctor, please.
I felt you next to me a few times.
It wouldn't hurt to have called me.
This distance does me no good.
Meeting you here sets things straight.
I wish I could reconcile both worlds.
You'd better rethink
your choices, then, Marina.
In the meantime,
it's best you go pick up your stuff.
Your fate lies elsewhere.
I hate you.
A pleasant evening at the Kon Ichikawa
Aquatic Center here in Tokyo.
Athletes from all over the world
are taking warmup dives.
They are preparing
for the long-awaited diving final.
A pen.
How long do we have?
Thirty minutes.
If you do this,
you won't hear the applause.
I never did it for the applause.
I'll meet you on the platform.