Tintin et les oranges bleues (Tintin and the Blue Oranges) (1964) Movie Script

and PROCUSA (MADRID) co-production
with the famous characters of Herg's
cartoons (Editions Casterman)
Story and dialogue by Andr Barret
Directed by Philippe Condroyer
Captain Haddock: Jean Bouise
Tintin: Jean-Pierre Talbot
Tintin: Jean-Pierre Talbot
Professor Calculus: Flix Fernandez
Director of photography: Jean Badal
Director of photography: Jean Badal
Cameraman: Jean Charvein
Adaptation: Andr Barret, with the
collaboration of Philippe Condroyer,
Remo Forlani, Ren Goscinny and the
scientific advice of Jacques Bergier
Remo Forlani, Ren Goscinny and the
scientific advice of Jacques Bergier
Music by Antoine Duhamel
Castafiore: Jenny Orlans
Professor Zalamea: Angel Alvarez
Nestor: Max Elloy
Nestor: Max Elloy
The Thom(p)son Twins:
Franky Francois, Andr Marie
Pablito: Pedro-Maria Sanchez
Francesito: Salvador Begueria
Special thanks to: Pierre Desgraupes
Special thanks to: Pierre Desgraupes
Director of production:
Rafael Carillo
Director of production:
Rafael Carillo
Sets: Pierre-Louis Thvenet
Editing: Madeleine Bibollet
First Assistant Director:
Enrico Isacco
Script Supervisor: Lucie Lichtig
General Assistant Director:
Jean-Pierre Spiri-Mercanton
Production Administrator:
Jacques Brua
Production Secretary:
Jacqueline Choquet
Head of Wardrobe: Tanine Autre
Location Manager: Louis Seuret
Head of Makeup: Charly Koubesserian
Dog Handler: Daniel Fernandez
Costumes by: La Belle Jardinire
Shoes by: Raoul
GTC Laboratory, Joinville
Paris-Studio Cinema, Billancourt
GTC Laboratory, Joinville
Paris-Studio Cinema, Billancourt
Eastmancolor Film
certification no. 2901 1
There are four books
in today's overview:
by Nicolas Chaumartin -
'A Life of Saint Apostrophe';
Sybille de Bois-Vouvray will present
her latest novel, 'Domestic Loves';
Sybille de Bois-Vouvray will present
her latest novel, 'Domestic Loves';
Jean-Luc Tapon will talk to you about
'The Underwater Trumpet',
and finally we will begin with a book
by Professor Cuthbert Calculus,
by Professor Cuthbert Calculus,
'The Hungry World'.
We should say straight away
that this is no ordinary book.
Firstly because of the well-known
nature of Professor Calculus. . .
Firstly because of the well-known
nature of Professor Calculus. . .
Has it started?
Yes, Professor, it's started. . .
er. . .on the other hand, because of the
very problem addressed by the book,
and which concerns all of us -
the problem of hunger.
Professor Calculus' book is, on
the contrary, a passionate book,
Professor Calculus' book is, on
the contrary, a passionate book,
a sort of generous appeal
to the world's conscience,
so that it helps to find a solution
to this dramatic situation
where every day in the world
thousands of men and women
are dying of hunger.
That's right, isn't it, Professor?
Not at all!
Not at all!
Absolutely not, young man!
It's not a novel.
The book is an appeal.
The development of the deserts
and the cultivation of arid soils
is the only solution.
The future of humanity
will be guaranteed the day we are
able to grow oranges in the Sahara
will be guaranteed the day we are
able to grow oranges in the Sahara
and potatoes at the North Pole.
I am launching an appeal
to scientists the world over
I am launching an appeal
to scientists the world over
to unite and focus - as a matter
of priority, don't you think? -
on this problem on which the future
of humanity depends. . .
on this problem on which the future
of humanity depends. . .
I hope that Professor Calculus's
noble appeal will be heard.
Nestor! My whisky!
Nestor! My whisky!
. . .and the result
of their experiments. . .
. . .and the result
of their experiments. . .
But it's the Professor!
. . .and the solidarity
of all men of science. . .
A few days later at Marlinspike. . .
Tintin, file this one as well under
''of some interest''. There we are. . .
Tintin, file this one as well under
''of some interest''. There we are. . .
Professor, your appeal has roused
all of the world's madmen -
What, Snowy? This parcel?
What do we have here?
''Professor Za-la-me-a. . .''
What? What?
''. . . Hacienda. . .''
''. . . Hacienda. . .''
Give it to me, give it to me!
''Professor Zalamea, Hacienda
Bello Horizonte, Valencia. . .''.
Professor Zalamea, one of the
greatest names in modern science!
Zalamea, rival of the great
Vladimir Rataputchin,
who for many years
who for many years
has been working on the selection
of new plant species. . .
Come on. . . Come on. . .
Really, my dear Cuthbert!
Come on. . . Come on. . .
Really, my dear Cuthbert!
You know very well
how clumsy you are!
Cursed string!
A blue ball. . . Look, they're sending
toys now. Madmen, I tell you!
It looks like an orange!
A blue orange!
It looks like an orange!
A blue orange!
No, no!
It's an orange, a blue orange!
No, no!
It's an orange, a blue orange!
It's no doubt the outcome
It's no doubt the outcome
of Zalamea's work on the adaptation
of citrus plants to desert soils.
Oh, a blue orange!
Oh, a blue orange!
Very curious, certainly,
but scientifically speaking,
not incredible.
but scientifically speaking,
not incredible.
No doubt the adaptation to desert
soil produces a mutation in colour.
What I find surprising though,
is that there wasn't any letter
with the parcel. . .
The blue orange. . .
We're going to eat this blue orange.
It will be a change
from Nestor's eternal stewed pears.
The blue orange!
The blue orange!
You want to eat the blue orange,
No, I'm joking, Tintin. . . I don't want
to eat that orange, bleugh!
It's just to tease our dear Cuthbert
a little bit. . .
Nestor, bring us the blue orange!
Nestor, bring us the blue orange!
But Captain, the Professor himself
placed the orange
in the refrigerator.
And he forbade me from touching it.
Sir! Sir!
Sir! The orange!
Bah, what's the matter?!
Put it down there.
Bah, what's the matter?!
Put it down there.
But sir, the orange lights up!
Really my old friend,
you must be mad.
Really my old friend,
you must be mad.
But in the corridor -
sir knows how dark it is -
the orange lit up.
Maybe it's phosphorescent?
Maybe it's phosphorescent?
What!? My orange?!
I forbade you from touching
my orange! I forbade you!
Quick Nestor, turn out the light!
Quick Nestor, turn out the light!
Really, Captain. . .
A thousand thundering typhoons!
As sir says.
As sir says.
A fluorescent orange!
It's disturbing, certainly,
but scientifically speaking,
not incredible.
It's no doubt the Cerenkov Effect.
It's no doubt the Cerenkov Effect.
Oh, oh, sir, sir, listen to this
noise. What's going on?
Oh, blistering barnacles,
I can't see a thing!
It's an assassination,
I can't see a thing!
Captain! Over here! Help!
Up lads and at 'em!
Sir, oooooh!
Too late!
Centipedes! Bashi-bazouks!
Nestor! Quick! Reset the fuses!
But. . . What happened here?
Oh, the vandals!
The iconoclasts!
The drunkards!
They stole the blue orange!
Ah, well. . .
Ah, well. . .
Good morning, Tintin.
Good morning, Captain.
Slept well I hope?
Slept well I hope?
Accursed ectoplasm. . .
Professor, we may as well tell you
straight away. . .
The blue orange -
the blue orange has been taken.
No, no, no, no, not cake.
No, no, toast please, as usual.
No, no, no, no, not cake.
No, no, toast please, as usual.
Professor. . . Last night. . .
While you were sleeping. . .
Now, don't shout like that.
I am not deaf!
Now, don't shout like that.
I am not deaf!
But you, Captain,
are very talkative, you know.
You do nothing but talk, and talk
all the time about the blue orange -
it's a secret, you know!
Thundering typhoons!
Thundering typhoons!
I am telling you that
Huh? Pardon?
You were saying. . .?
Now then, am I to understand that the
blue orange was stolen last night?
Now then, am I to understand that the
blue orange was stolen last night?
If that's what
you're trying to say, Captain,
tell me frankly,
and don't beat about the bush. . .
tell me frankly,
and don't beat about the bush. . .
Oooooooh nooo!
The blue orange stolen?
No, no, it's not possible.
No, it's another one
of the Captain's jokes, isn't it?
No, Professor, it's not a joke.
No, Professor, it's not a joke.
I have already tried to call
Professor Zalamea.
A highly rare mutant specimen!
A scientific deposit
of capital importance!
You must warn Professor Zalamea, mm?
My reputation is ruined, ruined!
It's a catastrophe, a catastrophe!
Now really, my dear Cuthbert,
surely you exaggerate the importance
of this piece of fruit. . .
It's inexplicable, inexplicable!
It's inexplicable, inexplicable!
What a vexation!
What an affront! What a curse!
But Cuthbert, you are. . .
But where is the little elf going?
But Cuthbert, you are. . .
But where is the little elf going?
I'm going straight away to find
the famous Professor Zalamea.
Come now, Cuthbert.
I must warn him without delay.
A billion blistering barnacles!
Stop moving around like that.
You're making me dizzy.
You're making me dizzy.
Let's go!
Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!
Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!
There's not a minute to lose!
Quick! Quick!
Stealing an orange. . .
It's a bit surprising all the same. . .
Yes, but this orange was blue,
and sent by a very great scientist
whose research is known
by all the specialists.
It can only be a case
of scientific theft. . .
What I don't understand
is that the parcel arrived
without a word of explanation.
is that the parcel arrived
without a word of explanation.
I must leave immediately
for Professor Zalamea's laboratory
to tell him that the blue orange
has been stolen!
Captain, the three of us
are going to Valencia.
Captain, the three of us
are going to Valencia.
I mean, the four of us.
What? To Valencia!?
Alone! I will go alone.
Alone! I will go alone.
That is my decision, since there
is no respect for science here!
Captain, quick, catch him!
Oh! Hey! Professor! Professor. . .
And why not?
The beautiful Andalusian women,
the manzanilla sherry,
and then the flamenco. . .
the manzanilla sherry,
and then the flamenco. . .
Hey, Professor, wait for me!
Wait for me, Cuthbert!
Well, let's go.
There you are, Professor, we're here.
What can I do for you?
This is, er. . . Professor Calculus,
Captain Haddock and Tintin.
- Very good
- And Snowy!
- Very good
- And Snowy!
- Quick, let's go in. . .
- No, no. . . Professor.
- Quick, let's go in. . .
- No, no. . . Professor.
But I want to see Professor Zalamea!
A little patience, Cuthbert,
we've been announced!
A little patience, Cuthbert,
we've been announced!
And in fact I think I see Professor
Zalamea now coming to welcome us.
- Yes, yes.
- Come on, let's go.
Welcome, gentlemen, welcome to the
Hacienda Bello Horizonte, welcome.
Please be so kind as to come in.
Pray, be seated, gentlemen,
be seated.
Your arrival is both an honour
and a surprise.
A surprise?
You didn't receive our telegram?
A surprise?
You didn't receive our telegram?
No, nothing was given to me.
I don't understand it.
We sent it before we left,
yesterday morning,
and yet we must have had the
right address, Professor Zalamea,
and yet we must have had the
right address, Professor Zalamea,
since here we are.
Professor, me?
Oh, no, Mr Tintin, no.
Let me introduce myself -
Oh, no, Mr Tintin, no.
Let me introduce myself -
I am simply Don Lopez de Zalamea
de Rodriguez Zaropa Losa Rabia
y Peredon.
de Rodriguez Zaropa Losa Rabia
y Peredon.
I am the cousin of the illustrious
Professor Zalamea.
And since it is he you have come to
see, I will call for him. Estensoro!
Estensoro, go and get my cousin
in the laboratory.
Yes, and I'm surprised my cousin
didn't let me know you were coming.
But he must have received
our telegram!
It is true, sir, that our decision
to come was very sudden.
Ah, yes. . .
Sir, the Professor
is not in his laboratory.
Oh, I'm surprised.
My cousin is not in his laboratory.
Let's go and see. This way,
if you please. Come, sir.
Are you coming, Captain?
Are you coming, Captain?
Er, yes. I'm coming! I'm coming!
How does it go? Right, there, there. . .
Antenor Zalamea is a great scientist,
and like many great scientists,
and like many great scientists,
he is a little -
how would you put it? - eccentric.
He virtually never leaves
his laboratory.
He virtually never leaves
his laboratory.
I have his meals brought here -
if I didn't he would forget to eat,
and he won't sleep anywhere else.
if I didn't he would forget to eat,
and he won't sleep anywhere else.
Yes, of course, Professor Calculus
also has his little habits. . .
The blue oranges!
I have a cousin. . .
He goes for long walks. . .
I have a cousin. . .
He goes for long walks. . .
It's marvellous, marvellous. . .
He goes for long walks.
He says he has to
let his ideas breathe.
He says he has to
let his ideas breathe.
In any case,
it's good for his health.
He will be back for dinner.
He will be back for dinner.
May I ask you to wait for him?
Oh, yes indeed.
Of course I would be happy
to offer you gentleman
our hospitality for the night.
our hospitality for the night.
Thank you very much, Don Lopez.
We don't want to take advantage. . .
But it would be a great pleasure
for me.
Well, then. . .
Eh, are you coming Professor?
Yes, yes, yes!
Of course. It's marvellous.
And that evening,
at the Hacienda Bello Horizonte. . .
It seems that Professor Calculus
has disappeared.
It seems that Professor Calculus
has disappeared.
He doesn't drink coffee?
As soon as we got up from the table,
he ran off to Professor Zalamea's
He seems enthralled
by your cousin's work.
He seems enthralled
by your cousin's work.
- A cigar?
- No, thank you.
The blue oranges. . .
Oh, what marvels!
Phosphorescent gammatrophism,
isn't it?
I am worried -
and sorry for your sake -
that my cousin hasn't yet returned.
Listen! . . . But that's Snowy!
Snowy, Snowy!
Snowy has been chloroformed!
What, oh no, oh no -
a kidnapping in my own house! But. . .
Maybe they also kidnapped
Professor Zalamea. . .
Maybe they also kidnapped
Professor Zalamea. . .
Oh, I am overwhelmed with horror. . .
But yes, that must be it, there's no
other explanation for his lateness.
Quickly, we must warn all of my men.
Estensoro, call everybody.
We are organising a search.
We must tell the police.
We must tell the police.
If these spider monkeys
touch even one of the hairs that
are usually under this little hat. . .
I'll disembowel them!
I'll disembowel them!
I'll skin them alive!
And I'll hang them
from the highest cross-mast!
And I'll hang them
from the highest cross-mast!
Snowy! Snowy!
in an old abandoned church. . .
Will you stop this car?!
Where are you going?
Where are we? Hey!
Where are you going?
Where are we? Hey!
What does that mean!
Will you stop?! Stop, I say!
You ill bred men! Completely.
Will you let me go?!
I am Professor Calculus!
Will you let me go?!
I am Professor Calculus!
Let me go, let me go!
I am Professor Calculus.
Let me go, let me go!
I am Professor Calculus.
I'm telling you to let me go,
you bandits! Nasty bandits!
Now you're hurting me. Let me go now.
Quiet, quiet, old goat.
Quiet, quiet, old goat.
Get your paws off me!
Sir, here is the new prisoner.
Professor, we were obliged
to kidnap you.
You were too curious.
No harm will come to you
on the condition that you help
Professor Zalamea with his work.
His research must be concluded
as soon as possible.
His research must be concluded
as soon as possible.
As soon as it is finished,
As soon as it is finished,
we will set you free
and compensate you generously.
Be careful, though.
Be careful, though.
If you do not wish to cooperate,
we can also be extremely nasty.
No no. . . but I'm telling you. . .
I am Professor Calculus!
I am Professor Cuthbert Calculus!
Ah, don't push me, don't push me,
do you understand?!
Go, down there, go.
Go, down there, go.
Professor Zalamea,
you have a visitor.
Oh! Professor Calculus, I believe.
I am Professor Zalamea.
I am Professor Zalamea.
You are. . .you are Professor Zalamea?
You are. . .you are Professor Zalamea?
Oh! I am Professor Calculus!
Oh, it's a great pleasure for me,
sir. . .
Oh, it's a great pleasure for me,
sir. . .
Oh, it's a great honour for me,
Professor. . .
What is it?
What is it?
Let me introduce the Big Boss.
The Big Boss?
The Big Boss. . .
The Big Boss. . .
He's the representative
of a powerful group
that wants exclusive rights
to my discoveries.
Between us, my dear,
I'm leading them a merry dance,
and to buy time. . .
I'm doing a bit of tinkering. . .
But that has nothing to do
with the blue oranges.
Oh, the blue oranges!
Oh, the blue oranges!
I sent you the first one,
and they stole it from you.
The five others have grown
since I was kidnapped.
Because this new species of orange,
treated with my special process,
Because this new species of orange,
treated with my special process,
reaches full maturity in five days.
- Five days!
- Five days!
- But that's marvellous!
- Yes.
- But that's marvellous!
- Yes.
The important thing
is to submit the seeds to the
appropriate neutron bombardment.
is to submit the seeds to the
appropriate neutron bombardment.
And it's very simple.
I'll explain it to you. . .
But it's just as I thought,
The neutron bombardment leads
then to a mutation of the species. . .
The neutron bombardment leads
then to a mutation of the species. . .
. . .and the orange becomes blue,
and what's more, phosphorescent,
. . .and the orange becomes blue,
and what's more, phosphorescent,
with a prodigious growth rate!
An annoying detail, however,
which I didn't mention, Professor,
is that the blue orange in its
current state is not yet edible -
it has a bitter taste
and is horribly salty. . .
Here, would you like to. . .?
Oh, thank you. . .
Oh, thank you. . .
Ah, yes, clearly, very bitter. . .
Professor Zalamea,
you are engaged in sabotage!
You are interfering with the
audibility of your conversations -
it's unacceptable!
it's unacceptable!
If, in 48 hours time, I do not have
proof that your work is progressing,
I will make you cry like babies!
Oh, I have an idea. . .
Oh, I have an idea. . .
Don't worry, Professor.
To regain our freedom,
we still have this.
To regain our freedom,
we still have this.
No, no. I have no comments
for the press. No, no.
Do you have any clues?
Any leads you can give us?
Say something, sir! Anything!
Oh, no. . . No. . . That's enough!
We're done!
Oh, no. . . No. . . That's enough!
We're done!
Captain, not a word
about the blue orange. . .
Captain, not a word
about the blue orange. . .
Come now, my dear Tintin,
who do you take me for?!
- I know how to hold my tongue. . .
- Yes.
There's manners for you!
There's manners for you!
I'm going to cut your ears
into points!
As long as my investigation
continues, gentlemen,
As long as my investigation
continues, gentlemen,
I have to ask you
not to leave the hacienda.
But we are guests here, and we
were only supposed to stay for a day.
I beg you, this house is yours.
Stay as long as you please.
I beg you, this house is yours.
Stay as long as you please.
Thank you very much, Don Lopez.
Yes, yes, it won't be long anyway.
With me and Tintin here,
the mystery of the blue oranges
will soon be cleared up. . . Ooooh!
the mystery of the blue oranges
will soon be cleared up. . . Ooooh!
The mystery of the blue oranges?
The captain means the oranges that
grow beneath the blue Valencian sky.
- Yes. . .
- The captain is a poet.
A poet?
A poet?
Yes, a poet. . .
The blue sky, the blue oranges,
the Andalusian sun. . .
the Andalusian sun. . .
Huh? What? Species of vermicelli!
Confounded cataplasm!
Confounded cataplasm!
Right now, I must leave.
I will return tomorrow.
You can leave now.
You can leave now.
Put the crate here, and go and play.
Put the crate here, and go.
Put the crate here, and go.
Go and play, now.
Aha, Tintin and Snowy!
Is this your marble?
I am a great friend
of Professor Zalamea.
My name is Pablito.
Delighted, Pablito.
What did you say?
You're a friend of Professor Zalamea?
Yes, yes.
I know who captured Professor Zalamea
and your friend Professor Calculus.
You know who kidnapped
the two Professors?
You know who kidnapped
the two Professors?
Aha, Captain Haddock!
Quick, Captain, I think we're
onto a good lead, don't you?
We must leave here!
Come on. Come on.
Be quiet, Snowy. Quiet, quiet!
Be quiet, Snowy.
Be quiet, ducks,
or I'll twist your necks.
You should see yourself,
you're both covered in dust!
Quick, quick!
Quick, quick!
Come in, come in.
Wait here a moment.
Really, your blasted Pablito.
Quiet, Captain.
Quiet, Captain.
It looks like
he's completely forgotten us!
Someone's coming.
Someone's coming?
Well, I'm taking
my own precautions, hm?
I don't know
if it's the dust or the emotion.
I'm telling you no!
I'm telling you yes!
I'm telling you yes!
Calm down, calm down.
What is your name?
What is your name?
My name is Francesito.
Ah, hello, Francesito.
And thanks to all of you.
Ah, hello, Francesito.
And thanks to all of you.
But this little
ship boy speaks French!
Give me a hug! Give me a hug!
Give me a hug! Give me a hug!
My mother is French.
Pablito knows things.
Professor Zalamea is his friend.
Every week he goes to the Hacienda
for deliveries with his father.
Professor Zalamea
is very fond of playing marbles.
Professor Zalamea
is very fond of playing marbles.
He always has a game with Pablito.
But last week, Professor Zalamea
gave Pablito a letter and a parcel.
He was supposed to take them
to the post office,
He was supposed to take them
to the post office,
and above all
not to say anything to anyone!
A letter! So there was a letter.
A letter! So there was a letter.
Yes, but that's the thing,
when Pablito
was going towards the post office
when Pablito
was going towards the post office
with the letter and parcel,
in a deserted street,
he was suddenly attacked by a man,
a man who beat him half to death
and took the letter and parcel.
But Pablito
didn't take it lying down.
But Pablito
didn't take it lying down.
He held on to him
and punched and kicked him.
He cried out
and people came out of their houses
He cried out
and people came out of their houses
and the man had to run away quickly.
But the parcel
had rolled into the gutter.
Pablito picked it up
and went quickly to the post office.
Pablito picked it up
and went quickly to the post office.
But the letter had disappeared.
Thanks to this letter, Zalamea's
enemies found out our address
and were able to take the blue orange
that was in the parcel.
and were able to take the blue orange
that was in the parcel.
Pablito, we absolutely must find
the man who attacked you.
Pablito, we absolutely must find
the man who attacked you.
Describe him as exactly as possible.
Black hair, black eyes,
black moustache.
And his height - er, big?
Ah, medium,
that doesn't solve anything, mm?
You don't remember
any more precise details?
You don't remember
any more precise details?
Something we could identify him with,
Something we could identify him with,
Pablito says that when the man was
half strangling him with his arm,
he saw a dragon tattoo
next to his watch.
Yes, a blue dragon
biting its own tail.
Francesito, you and your friends
must absolutely find this man again.
Francesito, you and your friends
must absolutely find this man again.
Yes, but how?.
First of all, does Pablito's father
have a telephone?
Yes, he has a telephone
at the grocery store.
Here's what you're going to do.
You're going to
split into teams of two.
You're going to
split into teams of two.
You're going to walk around
the village
and ask the time from all the men
who fit the description Pablito gave.
That way you can look at their wrist.
If you ever find the man
with the tattooed dragon,
If you ever find the man
with the tattooed dragon,
one of you can follow him discreetly,
and the other
can quickly telephone Pablito,
and the other
can quickly telephone Pablito,
who will run here and let us know.
Me stay here?
Oh, no. I want to come with you.
Me stay here?
Oh, no. I want to come with you.
No, Pablito must stay
at the grocery store.
Firstly because we need him
as a liaising officer.
And then because if the man meets him
in the street,
And then because if the man meets him
in the street,
he would certainly run away.
My word!
You'd think you were
at a Marlinspike council meeting!
Gentlemen! Gentlemen!
Gentlemen! Gentlemen!
Madame. . .
What's up?
To telephone, you need five pesetas,
and we don't have any pesetas.
We don't have anything.
We don't have anything.
Blistering barnacles!
What big thinkers
these little heads are!
Come here. . .
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
Thank you very much.
There. . . And there. . .
Goodbye, Maria. Good morning, Teresa.
Goodbye, Maria. Good morning, Teresa.
Please come in.
Please come in.
You have help, I see.
Yes, I have a little boy.
He's a very good boy.
He takes orders over the telephone.
A kilo of capsicum.
What would you like?
What nice potatoes!
Here's some tourists coming.
Here's some tourists coming.
I can sense that we're onto a lead. . .
What's all this noise?
Mr Thomson. . . Mr Thompson?
No, he's Thompson
and I'm Thomson. Interpol.
We are here to investigate the
disappearance of Professor Calculus.
I would say, even,
that we're here to investigate
the disappearance
of Professus Calculor. . .
Of Prossefor Caclusul. . .
of Professor Calculus.
Of Prossefor Caclusul. . .
of Professor Calculus.
I should inform you, gentlemen,
that Tintin, Captain Haddock
and Snowy have also disappeared.
Don't worry. With us,
things will not get out of hand.
Don't worry. With us,
things will not get out of hand.
Yes, yes, yes.
What's happening?
They found him. Come on!
Quick, Captain,
it's our turn to play.
Quick, Captain,
it's our turn to play.
Wait for me!
Come quickly, Captain, quickly!
Come quickly, Captain, quickly!
Look, he's going.
Run, run. . .
Look, he's taking the bus.
Where is this man?
He took the bus!
He took the bus!
Listen. See this key?
You are going to put it
near the shoe-shiner
and pretend that he lost it
and you need his address.
That way you'll find out.
That way you'll find out.
The gentleman who just left
dropped his key.
Where does he live?
I can give it back to him.
That's kind of you.
His name is Fernando
and he lives at the Red Donkey hotel.
His name is Fernando
and he lives at the Red Donkey hotel.
Ah, yes.
El Senor Fernando. . .
He's not here.
Room seven.
Estensoro. . . Estensoro. . . Estensoro. . .
Don Lopez's steward.
Don Lopez's steward.
That explains a great deal. . .
Fernando here, Fernando to the chief,
I'm listening.
Chief to Fernando, chief to Fernando,
there are new developments.
Chief to Fernando, chief to Fernando,
there are new developments.
Report immediately to Wharf 5.
The boss is waiting for you there.
Fernando to the chief,
Fernando to the chief,
message received, executed.
Ah, that rhythm, it sears the blood.
Quick, Captain!
What do you mean quick?
Blistering barnacles, what do you
mean quick, when I was starting to. . .
Blistering barnacles, what do you
mean quick, when I was starting to. . .
I'll explain later. Later. . .
I'll explain later. Later. . .
Hey, your manzanilla.
Shh, Captain, you see that man there,
it's Fernando.
Let's follow silently. . .
Let's follow silently. . .
Be careful, gentlemen,
the staircase is slippery.
What's he saying?
Yes, yes, yes.
Come in.
Come in.
Mission accomplished,
and tomorrow at dawn. . .
. . .we will take them
to the old church. . .
Ouch. . . Oooh, my head!
Ouch. . . Captain!
Oh, dear. . .
Blistering barnacles,
and me with my fragile head!
The torturers, ouch!
The cannibals!
If I ever find them,
I'll bleed them - ouch! Oh, dear -
like little lambs, you hear?
like little lambs, you hear?
Where are we?
It's a wheat silo.
The only way to get out
would be with a rope ladder.
Ah, don't ever say that word
in front of a sailor, Tintin!
Ah, don't ever say that word
in front of a sailor, Tintin!
It brings bad luck!
I'm sorry, but. . .
I'm sorry, but. . .
Obviously, if we had a bit of rope on
hand, it would be a different matter,
but we may as well wish
for an elevator.
The freebooters who imprisoned us in
this hell knew what they were doing.
The freebooters who imprisoned us in
this hell knew what they were doing.
We are doomed to die of thirst.
Bravo, Snowy!
If you have any good ideas
to get us out of here,
If you have any good ideas
to get us out of here,
I promise you a mammoth's bone.
Thank you, Snowy!
That'll hold, go ahead.
After you, Captain.
No, my boy, go ahead.
I shall be the last, yes,
the last one to leave the building,
I shall be the last, yes,
the last one to leave the building,
an old sailor's habit.
Your turn, Captain!
I'm not a rigger, you know! Oh. . .
Just take your time, now.
Yes. . . Oooh.
Yes. . . Oooh.
Don't move around so much!
It's making you swing!
I can't stand this! I can't!
Calm down, Captain!
Calm down, Captain!
I can't do this any more,
I can't do it!
I'm too old for this kind of game,
you know. Too old!
I'm too old for this kind of game,
you know. Too old!
I'll try to imagine
that this is a greasy pole,
I'll try to imagine
that this is a greasy pole,
and that at the top
there is a barrel of whisky.
Just a bit more!
You're almost there, Captain!
Thundering typhoons!
How do you expect me
to get through that pinhole?!
How do you expect me
to get through that pinhole?!
You're almost there, Captain!
Pull in your stomach, that's it.
Just a bit more!
Just a bit more!
That's it!
Dear, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.
Our best plan
is to get back to the hideout.
Yes. From there I'll organise
an expedition to the Hacienda.
Because as well as Fernando,
I now know another
of our enemies - Estensoro!
I now know another
of our enemies - Estensoro!
Come on, we can't stay here!
Come on, quick!
Estensoro. . .
Estensoro. . .
Huh? Estensoro?
Come on, quick, Captain, quick!
Wait a minute! Ohhh!
Did I hear you correctly?
Did you really say, ''Estensoro''?
Tintin! Tintin. . .
Watch out, Captain.
We have to be careful.
We're very conspicuous.
But what do you expect,
my dear Tintin?
That's the risk that comes
with having a strong personality.
Come on!
Come on!
Wait for me!
Quick, Captain,
let's take this carriage!
Lots rapido, OK?
If lots rapido, lots pesetas!
Argh, my cap.
Hey, wait for me!
Look, my friend,
see what you've done.
Don't get upset!
I have to intervene, it'll end
in tears. I'm going in, I'm going in.
- Steady, Captain, calm down!
- We'll sort this all out in no time.
- Steady, Captain, calm down!
- We'll sort this all out in no time.
Calm down! Calm down! Just let them
work it out for themselves!
Now, calm down.
Listen, gentlemen, come on now.
Listen to me -
now, my friends, you're not going
to fight over two oranges, are you?!
Really, gentlemen,
over two orange oranges! Hey!
Really, gentlemen,
over two orange oranges! Hey!
They can't say that to me!
Why, let go of me,
species of ectoplasm!
Why, let go of me,
species of ectoplasm!
Talk to this anacoluthon!
Talk to this anacoluthon!
Go on, you carpet-sellers!
Oh, the police!
Captain, Captain, the police!
. . . unplug your ears. . .
Sort it out yourself!
- Come on, Captain, quick!
- Goodbye!
So much for going unnoticed, Captain.
My compliments, nice work!
So now we have not only those
brigands on our backs,
So now we have not only those
brigands on our backs,
but the police as well.
Oh, look Captain,
your old friend Bianca Castafiore!
Oh, that settles it.
This is a day of catastrophes!
It might be our only chance.
Come on, quick!
It might be our only chance.
Come on, quick!
Come in!
I've never been able to stand
this vocal disaster area
I've never been able to stand
this vocal disaster area
and her passion for mangling my name.
Oh, Tintin, what a surprise!
And that great rogue Captain Tudock!
And that great rogue Captain Tudock!
''Marguerite. . . Marguerite. . .''
Really. . .
Thank you very much, Madame.
You have done us a great service.
Thank you very much, Madame.
You have done us a great service.
It was the least I could do,
my dear Tintin -
it's so kind of you to have come
all this way to hear me sing!
Oh no! Not that! Never!
Now, now, now, don't say a word,
you big bleater.
I can sense these things,
my dear Captain Craddock.
I can sense these things,
my dear Captain Craddock.
Come in.
Madame, our Master
the Emir Sadek el Benzine
has asked us to convey to you
his most worshipful regards
and respectful tributes.
Ah, Tintin, what a surprise!
Ah, Tintin, what a surprise!
But you know what a beautiful town. . .
I met him in San Raymond in nineteen. . .
erm nineteen. . . erm. . . last year!
I met him in San Raymond in nineteen. . .
erm nineteen. . . erm. . . last year!
His Highness humbly requests
your presence
at a supper he will be giving
in your honour after the performance.
at a supper he will be giving
in your honour after the performance.
He arrived this afternoon,
on his yacht,
and will only be making
a short stopover.
and will only be making
a short stopover.
What a big-hearted man!
I would be delighted
to see the Emir again.
And you will tell the Emir that I
have received many roses in my life,
And you will tell the Emir that I
have received many roses in my life,
but that his evoke the sumptuous
wealth of a thousand and one nights. . .
and the perfumed breezes
of the Arabian deserts. . .
and the perfumed breezes
of the Arabian deserts. . .
And the perfumed breezes. . . Oh!
Pardon. . .
Ah, aren't they marvellous,
my dear Captain Mulock?
Zalamea, bravo, the transmitter
is now completely perfected.
Zalamea, bravo, the transmitter
is now completely perfected.
I am pleased to hear your enthusiasm.
I like my collaborators
to be enthusiastic.
But what is this transmitter
you speak of?
Er, yes,
it's the cathode ray transmitter. . .
Er, yes,
it's the cathode ray transmitter. . .
to be used for weakening molecules
and altering chromosomes, naturally. . .
What's going on?!
Er, as I was just saying,
it's the cathode ray transmitter.
It's very simple.
We have set up a particle accelerator
We have set up a particle accelerator
in order to explode
the nuclei of the molecule.
We have also been working on
the cooling system using a frigaton.
We have also been working on
the cooling system using a frigaton.
Would you be so kind, Professor,
as to place a blue orange
in the centre of the accelerator,
as to place a blue orange
in the centre of the accelerator,
so that the Director
can hear the atomiser hiss?
What do you think -
have they been working well?
Oh, yes, it's a magnificent machine.
Good, good.
Our head engineer arrives
the day after tomorrow
from the United States.
the day after tomorrow
from the United States.
He will inspect your work.
He will inspect your work.
It's 24 hours now
since they disappeared.
I think we should go to the police.
I think we should go to the police.
Go to the police? You're crazy. . .
Go to the police? You're crazy. . .
I'm sure they're on a lead and
we'll have news from them very soon.
Hello, my friends!
Ah, finally
I'll be able to get some rest.
Come on, Snowy, here. . .
Captain, this is not the time
to rest! We're leaving again!
Oh, a billion blistering barnacles,
what do you mean ''leaving again''?
Listen, I have a plan,
and I need all of you.
We absolutely must go back to the
Hacienda Bel Horizonte, incognito.
Francesito, tell them to go and fetch
all the old pots they can find.
Francesito, tell them to go and fetch
all the old pots they can find.
Old pots?
I'll explain later.
We'll meet back here in ten minutes.
Go, quickly!
Go, quickly!
Go, Snowy!
Just as I thought.
The same radio transmitter
as Fernando.
Here we are. . . Here we are!
Have you found something, Captain?
No, no, no, no, no,
nothing interesting.
The telegram. . .
The letter from Professor Zalamea. . .
You see, the stamp
hasn't been cancelled.
It's the letter that was supposed
to reach Marlinspike
at the same time as the blue orange.
at the same time as the blue orange.
''My dear friend,
''the accompanying parcel
contains the fruit of my labours.
''This blue orange, the first
positive result of my research,
''This blue orange, the first
positive result of my research,
''has become the object
of too much interest.
''I have been pressured,
offered money, then threatened.
''I have been pressured,
offered money, then threatened.
''I address myself to you,
knowing that, like myself,
''your only ideal
is the happiness of humanity,
''as this discovery
will perhaps mean. . .''
''as this discovery
will perhaps mean. . .''
I'm listening. . .
I'm listening. . .
''. . . perhaps mean that one day all
people will be free of hunger.
''If something happens to me,
I'm letting you know
''that I have placed precious
information in my laboratory,
''under the sign of the great
French scientist Charles Tellier.''
Ah, er, Charles Tellier, ah ha!
But. . .what does that mean?
Quick, to the laboratory!
Under the sign of the great
French scientist Charles Tellier.
What does that mean?
Only Professor Calculus
could shed light on this riddle.
Only Professor Calculus
could shed light on this riddle.
Oh, I don't really like being told
what I can see. . .
Oh, I don't really like being told
what I can see. . .
Er, a toast to. . .what did you say
his name was again? Charles Tpier?
Tellier. Tellier, yes.
In fact I think he was the one
In fact I think he was the one
who demonstrated
the preservative properties of cold.
Well, putting fish on ice
might be Charles Tellier,
but putting ice in whisky
is Captain Haddock!
There we are.
You've found it!
Bravo, Captain, you've found it!
You've found it!
Bravo, Captain, you've found it!
Found what, some ice?
Found what, some ice?
''In his laboratory
under the sign of Charles Tellier'' -
''In his laboratory
under the sign of Charles Tellier'' -
why, it's obvious,
it's the refrigerator!
The documents
are hidden in the refrigerator!
The documents
are hidden in the refrigerator!
Let's not lose our heads -
drink cold, don't grow old!
This extraordinary phenomenon is
a recording of my voice on the ice.
This extraordinary phenomenon is
a recording of my voice on the ice.
It's a little invention of mine.
It seemed the safest way of telling
you about some serious events.
For two weeks now I have sensed
I am being spied on.
For two weeks now I have sensed
I am being spied on.
A powerful foreign group,
Oranges Inc.,
wrote to me offering
fabulous sums of money.
I did not reply.
I did not reply.
I have just received
a threatening letter. . .
A powerful figure,
the Emir of Sakali,
also knows about my work.
the Emir of Sakali,
also knows about my work.
He wants to be the only one
to possess the secret
of the blue oranges.
He is also offering me
millions of dollars -
he seems quite set on getting hold
of my work and myself.
he seems quite set on getting hold
of my work and myself.
If something bad happens to me,
it will be Oranges Inc.,
or the Emir of Sakali,
that is responsible. . .
A double lead!
That doesn't make our investigation
any easier.
Thundering typhoons!
That voice coming out of my glass
has robbed me of my thirst!
Right. Now, Captain,
we must get out of here! And fast!
My dear Tintin,
running and me are through!
Ah, no!
Oh, right then.
Come on, come quickly!
Oh, I'm coming, I'm coming.
- I'll start.
- Go ahead.
Three, two, one. . .
Three, two, one. . .
All good.
This is Professor Zalamea. . .
This is Professor Zalamea. . .
This is Professor Zalamea. . .
Hello, hello,
this is Professor Calculus.
Professor Zalamea and myself
Professor Zalamea and myself
are prisoners in an abandoned church
on the road to Valencia.
are prisoners in an abandoned church
on the road to Valencia.
The church is 100 metres
from a river.
If someone can hear this message,
If someone can hear this message,
please alert
the Spanish police immediately,
as well as my friend,
the reporter Tintin.
as well as my friend,
the reporter Tintin.
Ah, Tintin!
Wait for me!
Bravo, Mr Tintin.
Professor Calculus and Professor
Zalamea have disappeared.
They must have been taken
by a rival gang.
What are
those two water-lilies doing here?
In any case,
we've inherited a few prisoners.
We'll make them talk.
In any event, the new abductors
are better quality than the first ones.
They didn't bother themselves
with these two great lumps.
Inspector, Estensoro will no doubt
give us further information.
In any case,
here is some material evidence.
A letter and a telegram
were intercepted.
In his room, you will find
the radio transmitter
he used to communicate
with his accomplices.
he used to communicate
with his accomplices.
Thank you for your help, Mr Tintin,
and I'll see you tomorrow
in my office.
If you don't mind,
we'll take a statement from you.
What do you have there, Snowy?
Why, it's the cord from the head scarf
of the emissary
of Emir Sadek el Benzine.
of the emissary
of Emir Sadek el Benzine.
The Emir of Sakali and the Emir
Sadek el Benzine are the same person!
He's the kidnapper!
But where are we going now?.
Really, my dear Tintin, can't we work
a few rest breaks into our schedule?
Really, my dear Tintin, can't we work
a few rest breaks into our schedule?
Quickly, Captain,
there's not a moment to lose!
My word, it's a fine-looking boat.
A hundred and fifty tons.
English design.
Finally, there they are!
My word, they seem in good health,
and in good spirits!
Shhh. . . Professor! Professor!
Hey, Professor!
Oh, Tintin!
Oooh, Tintin!
But what a nice surprise!
How are you, Tintin?
And dear Captain Haddock!
And Snowy!
Well, I'm very happy
to see you all again, you know,
very happy - but I'm not alone.
Let me introduce you, gentlemen,
to Professor Antenor Zalamea.
Ah, gentlemen, I am very pleased
to make your acquaintance.
Do you know
when the boat raises anchor?
Do you know
when the boat raises anchor?
All the time, and we're here
very much against our will.
Tintin! We're going to Arabia!
Tintin! We're going to Arabia!
Yes, Arabia!
Hands up! We have to capture them.
A billion blistering barnacles!
Pure pirate stock!
Climb, climb quickly!
Faster! Faster.
Against the bulkhead.
Thundering typhoons!
You too, climb up!
Snowy, go quickly and tell Pablito!
Calm down, Captain. Calm down!
You're twisting my arm,
you brand of mouthwash!
O ineffable magnificence. . .
Here are two lowly insects
that were prowling around the ship.
Your Grace can rest assured
that we will be leaving in an hour.
Your Grace can rest assured
that we will be leaving in an hour.
We must leave these territorial
waters as soon as possible. . .
We must leave these territorial
waters as soon as possible. . .
I do not want any delays, or else. . .
To what do I owe the
pleasure of this visit?
Why, you Arab savage!
Release Cuthbert and Zalamea
and let us leave here straight away,
otherwise, we'll. . . Arrgh!
and let us leave here straight away,
otherwise, we'll. . . Arrgh!
The police have been alerted, Emir,
and I think it is very much
in your interest to let us go.
Well, I am quite devastated,
as you can see.
But setting you free
is not an option.
That is the danger of curiosity.
And now you know too much!
As for the police, I do not think
that you had the time to alert them,
As for the police, I do not think
that you had the time to alert them,
nor that they have
the audacity to arrest me.
Meanwhile, if your friend would be
so good as to calm down a little,
we will try to make your life here
as pleasant as possible.
Life is so short. . .
Iconoclast! Slave-owner!
Let us go immediately or I will. . .
Let us go immediately or I will. . .
Keep in mind that I do not like
headstrong individuals!
And yet, the strong heads
are the most amusing ones to cut off. . .
are the most amusing ones to cut off. . .
Meanwhile, sit down,
and taste the charms of the music.
Captain, this way, quick, quick!
At ease. . .
Bravo, children!
Right. . .
Go, Captain, bravo!
Ah, bravo, Senor Tintin,
I must confess you are
a little quicker than I.
Captain, allow me to say
that your feats are worthy -
yes, truly worthy of El Cid.
Yes, I congratulate you.
Yes, I congratulate you.
But it's thanks to them
that we won the battle!
Hooray for the kids!
- Hip hip. . .
- Hooray!
Hip hip. . .
Hip hip. . .
- Hip hip. . .
- Hooray!
And a few weeks later
at Marlinspike Hall. . .
And a few weeks later
at Marlinspike Hall. . .
. . .work which will, in the near future,
ensure that men have
a dignified level of subsistence,
all men, all over the world.
And it is for this reason, Professor
Zalamea, Professor Calculus,
And it is for this reason, Professor
Zalamea, Professor Calculus,
that on behalf of humanity,
I say to you ''thank you!''
Thank you, thank you!
I thank you
from the bottom of my heart
for these warm gestures of goodwill.
It is precious encouragement
for the long and patient
supplementary research
for the long and patient
supplementary research
that from now on
I will be carrying out
alongside my eminent colleague
and very dear friend,
Professor Cuthbert Calculus. . .
Professor Cuthbert Calculus. . .
Thank you.
Gentlemen, I do not think it
over ambitious
to say that in about ten years,
or perhaps less,
not only will we be able to grow many
blue oranges in the desert sands,
not only will we be able to grow many
blue oranges in the desert sands,
but all of the major crops
that are essential to human life -
wheat, potatoes
wheat, potatoes
and eggplants. . .
For I have a confession
to make to you, gentlemen -
For I have a confession
to make to you, gentlemen -
I myself adore eggplant.
My thanks, my dear friend, my thanks. . .
Now, gentlemen, if you please,
take your places for a photograph.
Arrange yourselves on the steps,
if you please.
Positions, gentlemen, positions -
a little more to the right, please,
that's it. . .
a little more to the right, please,
that's it. . .
This is your fault!