Tiramisu (2008) Movie Script

Anne, you were brilliant.
-Thank you, good to see you here.
Thank you.
Fedor. I still don't have the new script.
How about resting for a few days first?
-I'll just ask Joost for a copy.
Sweetie. You're my idol.
I'll never be as gifted as you are, never.
You're gifted too prettier than me.
And younger.
The younger the better.
Did you notice I left out
an entire piece of text?
I'd get dressed if I was you,
the press roaming about.
Exactly why I'm taking my time.
Was that Lex in the audience?
-I don't know, didn't see him.
With that girlfriend of his?
What's her name again?
I can't recall her name either.
Vanessa? No, Veronica.
Isn't llse here yet?
-That must be them.
Here she is.
Mrs Slot, great to be able
to shoot here. Fine atmosphere.
How did the premiere go?
-What's your impression?
I certainly want to watch
your show sometime.
Splendid. Drop by afterwards
and we'll discuss it at length.
I want to know how much you've been
influenced by your years of working...
...with Lex Kessels? We're doing
a special about young actresses.
We interviewed Vanessa de Jong,
his girlfriend.
And now... you.
Well, where to begin...
Yes, Lex had a tremendous influence
on me. As well as my parents, friends...
...my nursery school teacher, I was
simply crazy about her, my sister...
...and the local baker also
had a huge influence.
You don't mind if I take a shower, right?
One more question:
what's your next role?
I'll be doing the lead
in the new Houellebecq.
Oh, cool.
Did you get it?
Nick, darling, I haven't had a joint
in years, but now I could use a hit...
...or two.
Take care, will you?
I don't feel a thing.
Was the same in the old days.
Watch the drinking with it.
-Is there still champagne?
The mess people manage to make.
You can't even begin to imagine.
The woman I'm busy with now,
she spent 545 euros on a pair of shoes.
For a few scraps of leather.
Oh yes...
-No, don't say it.
-What you were going to say.
What was I going to say?
Never mind.
Take me to your house?
Take me to your house?
Take me to your house?
I don't have a house, it's a boat.
You've got to have sturdy sea legs, which
you don't. You'll probably just puke...
...and I'll have to clean and I really
don't feel like cleaning it up.
Take me to your house?
-All good things come to an end...
...so better not to delay, now we still like
each other, let's part as friends. Agreed?
Take me to your...
Toodle-loo, cameraman.
Mrs Slot?
Mrs Slot?
You have any idea what time it is?
I just fell asleep.
Sorry to disturb you.
I'm Jacob Meijer.
Your new bookkeeper.
We have an appointment.
The morning after the premiere?
I don't think so.
-Mrs Slot...
We had an appointment on the 8th...
...but that would have been
the day after your first show...
...so then we rescheduled for today.
What happened to my old bookkeeper?
The one with those ears?
Roelof? He retired.
I took over his company
a year ago.
These were lying on the steps.
My Pradas.
You have no idea what these cost.
Shall we get started?
Did you find it?
Under the stairs
at the end of the hallway...
...left, in the bathroom.
Do you only work
in the theatre, or also film?
Only the theatre.
-You once made a film, right?
Really? Which one?
I love going to the movies,
but just don't get around to it.
It was never released here.
-And not in America either, right?
Do you live in Amsterdam too?
-In Diemen.
I would like to start working.
I thought I'd first address...
...the administrative backlog
of the last few years...
...and then see how the two of us
could develop a better system.
A better system...
Sounds like a superb plan, Jacob.
In the meantime
I'm going back to bed.
Have you worked here long?
-A very long time.
Since she played Nina
in The Seagull.
Right after she met Lex.
My doctor wants me to take it
a bit easier, but I do it for her.
She seems like
a special woman, huh?
I was planning to stop
at a certain moment. But, well...
...sometimes things happen
in a person's life...
...then you just can't
run out on someone.
Hey Nettie.
Five good reviews and one bad.
Anne's being praised to the stars.
I came to take a quick shower.
Where's she hiding?
Hi, I'm Luna.
-Jacob Meijer.
I thought you were finally
living with someone.
I was. But I ended it yesterday.
So I'm back to being showerless.
Hey Nettie. I thought
you went to Lourdes?
Lourdes? How wonderful.
No. Santiago de Compostela.
The reviews are stunning.
Where is she?
-Come over to Anne's.
We're making sushi.
Okay. 'Til later.
Oh, sorry. Didn't see you.
Hi, Joeri.
Jacob Meijer.
-Nettie, got a sharp knife I can use?
At that actress's place, yes.
Shouldn't take too much longer.
I'll be home as soon as I can.
She's awake and wants
a glass of wine. I'm off.
Isn't this fun? A bit like
the old days, when I was sick.
I can't make much of this one.
The Pasteuning company.
A deduction for 369 euro.
You must admit it's delightful.
I always assumed it fell
under... what's it called?
PR? No, I hardly think so,
Mrs Slot. Here's another one.
The Naughty Company, 426 euro.
Or do you think I'm more
the off-the-rack type?
Are you married?
-No, not yet.
But I do want them. I mean "we".
I would think twice if I was you.
Great shower.
Taco wants to know if you'll eat sushi.
The others are there already.
Have you read it yet?
Good piece. Though pretty intense
you have to do the entire play nude.
I've gotta run. Can I borrow some money?
-You know where to find it.
You're a gem. See ya.
Well, you live way beyond your
means. You regularly eat out...
I'm not going to scrimp on food,
then I might as well do myself in.
And the mortgage,
its simply too expensive.
Yes, but what am I supposed to do?
-Can't your ex-husband help?
Out of the question.
-Have you even tried...
We haven't exchanged a word
in more than two years.
I'm staying here. No matter
how many threatening letters I get.
Threatening letters?
-I'd say so, yes.
I can show them if you want me to.
Oh my God.
Why didn't you forward these? These are
distress warrants. From eight days ago.
I thought, I was eligible
for a postponement, right?
My tax payments are always postponed.
-How can you be so offhand about this?
I'll have to go talk to them
first thing tomorrow.
I hope I can still do something, but
I'm afraid you're facing foreclosure.
Or even worse.
I really don't know if I can undo this.
I don't want to lose the boat.
I want to stay here.
My daughter was born here.
We thought you forgot.
Of course not.
I'd never forget Friday.
Same time, same station?
No. Same Nico, same Eef.
Just have to put
my briefcase away.
Where does an actress like her live?
Or are you sworn to secrecy?
Not at all. She lives on a boat.
-Living on a boat, how dreadful.
The view is quite pleasant.
So now I can finally bring you home?
-As if you haven't before.
Sure. But not once
Lex came into the picture.
You're married, Bert.
Something wrong?
Can you borrow me 62.000 euros?
Sorry, how much?
I'm in debt.
Haven't paid my taxes in years.
Where was I supposed to get it?
-Jesus, Anne.
Hey, we'll think of something.
It'll be okay.
It won't be okay. I'll pay you back.
You know that, right?
We just bought a trailer home.
I don't think llse...
Forget it.
Anne, did you get a chance
to read it yet? I would like...
Sorry, but I have something
more important on my mind.
Okay, I'll call you tomorrow.
You're pregnant.
-Four and a half months.
Bert, this is Emma.
She used to take care of Masja.
Yes, we've met. Hi, Emma.
-It was good, you were all wonderful.
I mean the piece. It's been a long time
since I've been to the theatre.
How is Masja?
How old is she now?
Twelve already.
I wanted to call sooner, but...
It doesn't matter.
It's healed really well.
You should come to dinner.
Masja would love it.
I will.
-Make sure you do.
Can I help you?
No, just looking.
Do you know her size?
I'm a 36 B,
which is rather common.
I see.
Don't answer. It's Fedor.
I don't understand why he
wants me to play Isabelle.
Because you turned down the other part?
-Which other part?
That supporting role?
-See what I mean?
Forget it. I'll call him later.
Let's go.
And how do they feel?
But they're much too expensive...
-You need good shoes.
You have to walk miles in them.
Yes, but to spend so much money...
-Stop it, will you?
I've been calling you
the whole morning.
I had them put tickets aside at the
box-office. For tomorrow evening.
There's no postponement.
I spent an hour trying to persuade the
tax inspector. He was not convinced.
So what's going to happen now?
There'll be a public auction.
And if I manage to get the money?
-Well yes, perhaps then...
Shall we return the shoes?
-I have to get the money together.
Lex has money.
-How am I going to tell Masja?
This is simply not possible.
I'll get the money somehow.
Nice that you called us.
Here's the text. Of course,
you haven't had time to prepare...
...but it's only two lines.
Must be possible, right?
Are those the only clothes
you have with you?
The text says a sweater
with a plunging neckline.
Oh, I had no idea.
I could pretend to wear a sweater.
Isn't that what actors are for?
I'll see if I having something
lying around. Just a minute.
And so she says: I'm on
the VIP guest list, just ask Rick.
Exactly, yes.
Do you know split up?
Michiel and Rose.
Yes, really.
Hello, Veronica.
I believe we've never been
formally introduced. Anne.
-Yes, naturally. Sorry.
You can't have too many principles,
at least that's what my agent says.
I didn't know you
also did commercials.
Yes. You have to keep up
with the times.
I'll see you tonight then?
We thought Scenes was quite good.
You and...
-Lex. Yes.
A comic piece actually, also if you
think more about it. All that fuss...
I think it's a bit old-fashioned.
And you're still acting in...
But this is my last season. I'm in need
of a challenge. Lex agrees too.
He's developing a new series,
so who knows...
This is taking forever, as usual.
Which role are you here for?
I thought there was only one role.
Young woman behind counter, right?
-Well, success then.
Yes, you too, success.
I have a fever.
I'm so thirsty.
I thought you were...
It's already the 17th day,
so we're too late anyway.
That's true.
Although, it also shouldn't be
that we only...
...you know...
Do you have anymore garbage?
I think you should go
alone tonight.
No, then I won't go.
Go ahead.
-It isn't so important.
Isn't it nice to do new things
now and then?
I don't understand myself how it could
have happened, but it happened:
I've fallen in love.
I'm terribly sorry.
Well, actually I'm not sorry at all.
I haven't felt this fantastic in years.
I feel alive again.
Naturally, I think it's awful
for you and the children.
In fact, our life together wasn't all
that bad. Perhaps even above average.
In any case, not bad, right?
Why aren't you saying anything?
I don't know what to say.
Hey, Freek. Maria here.
Do you have a minute?
I really need to talk
to someone, you know?
Paul's fallen in love.
With someone else.
Her name is Laura and he's off
to Rome with her today.
Could you just ring him?
And ask him not to go just yet.
Ask him to think about
what he is doing before...
You already have?
You've known for a while?
And Iris too?
How long then? What?
We've spoken each other the entire
time, and neither of you said a word.
How could you?
I thought we were friends?
Wonderful that you came.
What did you think?
Impressive. Very realistic.
I hope you laughed a bit as well?
How did you know it's my birthday?
Anne must have told you.
Sweet of you. They're beautiful.
Come upstairs.
How gorgeous.
You always spend too much.
Here's to Luna.
Why should I adapt my concept
just because the actress is too old?
Did she say she wouldn't do it nude?
-No, but I'm not an idiot?
She's been avoiding me,
doesn't call back...
I was extremely moved.
And as I watched you I thought...
...you can't play a role like that without
having experienced it yourself.
You see. I knew it.
Sorry, but I think it is awful what he did.
What's his name... Your ex?
-Lex. What he did to you...
You just don't do that.
-People fall in love.
Not if you don't want to.
I haven't experienced it myself.
Maybe we're just not that sort of
people, or the way our lives are.
My wife and I for instance.
We have a very clear understanding.
Then again...
Perhaps you have more
of a feeling that you're...
I have to head home. The boys
have a tournament tomorrow.
Don't forget to shower? Before
you get into bed with your wife?
I'm sleeping in Amsterdam.
How are things?
Wonderful. What could be better?
I'm going home and my bookkeeper
is going to escort me.
Well, it's certainly been a while.
I'm totally wasted.
Totally wasted.
But it's a good wasted,
if you know what I mean.
Look, those two have been
together for fifty years.
He's a director, she's an actress.
They've never spent a day apart.
My car's still parked by the theatre.
Forget it. Pick it up tomorrow.
You're in no shape to drive.
You're right. It's a perfect night
for serious stroll.
Though I should head home.
Marieke has a fever.
Not just a bit of a fever, that
would be good. No, a real fever.
Marieke's your wife?
-Ten years already.
Careful. One foot after the other.
Watch you're step. Careful...
Careful, careful.
We made it.
What an amazing amount
of roles you've played.
Yes, a lot. I don't think I've ever been out
of work for more than two months.
And this is your daughter?
What's her name again?
-She lives here?
Of course, but this week
she's with her dad.
How come in every photo
she's wearing...
She was burnt there.
So you want to have children too?
All fairytales are about children
being abandoned by their parents.
Hansel and Gretel: their parents have
a small financial setback and boom.
The kids are sent into the woods.
Little Red Riding Hood too...
...though her mother knows
there's a big bad wolf living there.
Snow White is poisoned
by her stepmother.
Cinderella, treated terribly
by her wicked stepsisters...
...only because her father
had to go and marry again.
Children always pay the price.
But don't mind me.
Go make babies with your wife,
when the time of the month is right.
I think it's time I was heading home
I'm no expert... and I don't have
all the details about what happened...
...but at a certain moment you've
got to clean up your old debts.
If you haven't closed out the old fiscal
year, you can't begin on the new.
Metaphorically speaking, of course.
-Oh, really?
Let me remind you that we're expected
at the tax office tomorrow at 11 AM.
I'd advise you to be on time.
Is this the cameraman?
-Who's this?
Anne. I thought I might drop by...
Oh, I don't think I have enough then.
I wasn't planning on taking a taxi.
-Isn't anyone home?
My wife, but she's sick in bed.
And we never keep cash in house.
I have 10...
And it is...
Isn't that great.
Just give me your watch.
What time is it?
I have to go to the tax office.
Get out of here.
This is private property.
I live here. You don't see me
peering through your window.
Have you told Masja yet?
-I'll tell here, when she gets home.
Why don't you borrow
the money from Lex?
After all, his daughter lives here.
He is loaded from working in television?
Lex has a new life. With Veronica.
And apparently he's very happy.
Lex is hoping that you'll finally
come to talk to him.
And I have a new life, I'm very happy.
So we have nothing to talk about.
Sorry, my car was towed.
Can I use your cell phone
for a minute? I have to reach my wife.
It's already ten past eleven.
Don't you think we should go in?
Did you hear anything about the
commercial yet? It would look good if we...
I called it of. It wasn't for me.
Anne Slot.
-Inspector Van de Velde.
Wilco de Vries. Lex Kessels'
accountant. Good morning.
My client has no objections to
Mrs Slot's plan to sell the houseboat.
He has no emotional ties to the premises.
And given that Mrs Slot...
...has no financial resources at her
disposal to buy out Mr Kessels...
...it seems only reasonable that
his share, 50% of the market value...
...be paid to him preceding
the settlement of the tax arrears.
A quick settlement of this matter
is desirable...
...given that Mr Kessels
and his partner...
...are presently purchasing
real estate abroad.
I completely agree.
The quicker the auction, the better.
Let's just get rid of the place.
He's buying that house in Tuscany...
...that we were going to buy,
for the three of us.
I despise him.
I despise the man.
I despise him.
If he has so much money,
why didn't you go to him?
He had an affair with someone else,
so the least he could do...
I had an affair with someone else.
And I was off with that "someone"
when Masja was doused in hot coffee.
Why don't you get it, man?
I know what you're thinking.
I know exactly
what you're thinking now.
But it isn't that simple, you know.
It isn't that simple.
Get lost, man.
Get lost.
Do you have a pay-phone?
We used to have one but everyone
has cell phones nowadays.
They removed it last month.
Mom, I don't want to move.
We'll find a new house,
a better house.
One that's cosy and warm
in the winter.
Mom, I don't want a house.
I want the boat.
I'm sorry, sweetheart.
I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.
What good does that do me?
You're always sorry.
And always when it's too late.
Sweetheart, please open up.
I have to go to the theatre and I don't
want to leave you this way. Masja?
I wish you would have just gone off
with that stupid American.
Your mother is at the theatre?
-Where else?
-Anne isn't here.
Are you mom's new boyfriend?
-Thank goodness.
-I was only asking.
How is she doing?
It would be nice if someone
asked me how I was doing.
Would she rent it? She could make
three rooms here downstairs.
Let's say each brought in 450 per month,
then any bank would lend her money.
She doesn't want strangers in her house.
-Soon she won't have a house anymore.
That's Anne. She wants
everything to stay the way it was.
But it isn't the way it was.
You were simply splendid. I was
at your premiere. I still see everything.
Jaap stayed home.
He wasn't feeling well.
Come in for a moment.
He'd love it, if you just said hello.
I'm late for the theatre.
Are you doing okay?
How is your daughter?
Yes, she's fine...
-I spoke to Lex briefly at the premiere.
He's not doing theatre anymore?
What a shame.
Are the two of you still talking?
How long have you been divorced?
Something like two and a half year...
Keep talking, it's important.
Especially for your daughter.
I have to run.
I'll see you at the next premiere.
What play will it be?
"Island" by Houellebecq.
Not a cheerful piece I guess?
Do you have a good part?
Yes. But I'm too old
and it's in the nude.
Why do it then?
It was so amazing. Working with him
was such an eye-opener.
He has such a resrful presence.
The auction is tomorrow.
You must rent the downstairs.
Then we can try the bank tomorrow...
-Hey Jacob.
Are you in love with the bookkeeper,
or is he in love with you?
I'm not renting.
-You're being unreasonable.
Isn't that...
I understand in the theatre you have
to rehearse a lot. That seems like fun.
So I'm interested in giving it a go.
-Inez, can you help me out here?
I've learned a lot from him so far.
When I played Ophelia, directed
by Lex, it was unbelievably intense.
He gave me the strength and self-
confidence to pursue an acting career.
How's your wife?
-Can you help me with my zipper?
I still didn't reach her.
-Not since yesterday?
I didn't know you had
an open relationship.
I don't believe in open relationships.
I don't believe in relationships at all.
I believe in very short ones.
The shorter the better.
I'm trying to come up with a solution
for you. How can someone be so...
-... unreasonable.
But I said that already.
You're sweet.
Different actresses who
have worked with Lex Kessels...
...told us about the influence
that he has had on their careers.
Including Anne Slot, his ex-wife.
Where to begin... Yes, Lex had
a tremendous influence on me.
As well as my parents, my friends,
my sister, the local baker.
What do you think of her?
As an actress?
A huge talent...
A huge talent.
A wonderful actress.
And for years my muse, so...
I know her very well,
so it's hard for me to be objective...
...the mother of our child.
Everybody, five minutes.
Tomorrow evening dinner at my place,
on the boat.
I'll do the Caipirinhas.
-Do we have something to celebrate?
-Anne, I really have to talk to you...
It would be nice if you came.
With your wife.
Or without your wife.
I would really like you to come.
Can you remember that summer
by the sea, with the children?
We slept outdoors under the stars and
spent the entire night staring at the sky.
It was so cold that night
but we were warm...
...huddled against each other.
We were one
and nothing could hurt us.
So much time has passed since then.
Children grow up,
relationships end... Love dies.
It's what it is.
It is how it always goes.
We had it all.
But we were careless.
Like two spoiled children.
And suddenly,
we're here with empty hands...
...and we're sad and angry...
...and bitter...
...and we don't understand.
We don't understand what went wrong.
And nobody can tell us.
Private Banking Department please.
I'd like to make an appointment
with Mr Veen for this morning.
It's extremely urgent...
Yes, I'll wait.
Wonderful, thank you.
I'll see you in a little while.
Finally. There you are.
You're one to talk...
Her acting is great.
You mean...
-Yes, who else?
I didn't realize she was so old.
I have an appointment, so I have to...
Oh yes, we're invited to a party on
the boat tonight. At Anne's, that is.
When I first found that shopping bag,
I couldn't stop crying.
Then I put on that lingerie.
And then I opened a bottle of wine
and waited for you in bed.
But you didn't come home.
So then I drank the entire bottle myself,
took a taxi to the theatre...
I wanted to see her in the flesh.
Have you ever looked
at our bookkeeping lately?
By the way, I think it'll be fun
to go with you tonight.
And at that party I have to act
as if everything is fine?
Of course not.
You can do whatever you like.
How can you have a party
when the boat is being sold?
I've lived here my whole life.
I'm sad and you're throwing a party.
I'm also sad.
I would love you to be there,
but you don't have to.
You can also go to Lex's.
I'll only come if you invite Daddy.
With Vanessa.
And if I can make tiramisu.
-Fine as well.
You said it was 10 euros.
-Thank you.
One of those...
...and that one there, the big one.
Nettie, 23 euro 50...
Transaction denied.
How strange...
Can you bring some wine
with you tonight?
As much as you have.
If it's okay with llse, of course.
Hey Nick, I didn't get a chance to buy
the casacha for the Caipirinhas.
Oh, really? Wonderful. Thanks.
Hola. I came to help.
Sweetie, I haven't seen you
in such a long time.
Cool hat.
-You like it?
Then it's yours.
I dreamed about Jacob. And in the dream
it was plainly clear that...
Luna, please.
The man is happily married.
I feel as if there's a special
connection between us.
You should wait a few weeks before
throwing yourself into a new love affair.
Do you think?
-Oh yes, Lex called. They're coming.
Did he call here?
-No. On my phone.
Do you speak to each other often?
Yes, of course. I have to arrange
things with him for Masja.
Can you fasten the clasp
on my necklace?
Red or white?
Can you open a bottle of white?
You brought wine along?
Wasn't necessary.
Say Anne, tonight we're finally
going to sort things out?
I'll just set these down.
-I'm not leaving before we talk.
I only had these.
A Christmas treat from my in-laws.
Let's hope llse doesn't go
into the wine cellar anytime soon.
Emma. How lovely to see you.
I brought you wine.
You have a child.
-Yes. Well, not yet...
Sweetie, you look beautiful.
Sweetheart, you look so good.
Hey Pilgrim.
One more for old times?
Look, there it is.
Isn't it a unique spot?
Jacob Meijer speaking.
That's terrific news.
Yes, thank you, fine.
Something about you
is different, but what?
-Hello, Marieke Meijer.
Jacob, old boy.
Have another drink?
So this is your fiancee? Nick.
-Marieke Meijer.
Extremely nice to meet you.
-I have to...
May I?
I have to talk to you.
I just got a call from...
I don't want to know. Not now.
You can understand that?
Sweetie. You look great.
Did you cut your hair?
I was so afraid that you
wouldn't come tonight.
Luna, this is my wife Marieke.
I didn't expect you
to have such a pretty wife.
You know what the word
"tiramisu" literally means?
"Pick me up".
-No, "pull me out", right?
No, "cheer me up".
-Like "cheer me up".
Very fitting, Anne.
It's delicious, Masj.
I would like to say something.
Now I see it.
You're wearing lenses.
Don't you?
Looks good.
Good you could make it.
Yes, Masja rang and invited us.
So here we are.
I got it.
"Young woman behind the counter".
Congratulations. Good.
Lex. Caipirinha?
-Thank you.
Cheers, Nick.
You've never seen my room.
You're right. Show it to me?
Oh Nettie. Speech. Speech.
Dear, dear boat...
...we've been together
for such a long time.
And what hasn't passed
before of our eyes?
When Lex first came to live here...
...you were a bit smaller,
yet very comfy.
Below deck, in the hold,
there were rehearsals.
New plays, young actors,
fresh from the theatre school...
When Anne came here
for the first time...
...she was hardly impressed
with you, boat.
She only had eyes...
...for Lex.
And Lex for Anne.
They were radiant.
People said: Lex has fallen
for his actress again.
That was true.
But this time, it was for good.
First they got married,
and then they remodelled...
...and after that Masja was born.
A blonde angel.
She was hopping around the deck
in a little life jacket.
We taught her to ride a bicycle
downstairs in the hold.
She thought that Lex was still holding
onto her, but off she went, all by herself.
And then she shouted:
"Look, all by myself. "
And now beloved boat,
you're on the auction block...
...and that's how it should be.
-Nettie, stop it now.
-Yes, auctioned.
Is it true, Anne?
-You've had enough cocktails.
We can pretend that it isn't so,
but we've done that long enough.
Boat. I salute you.
I've had a wonderful time
with you, but it's over.
All good things come to an end.
So that's that.
Nick, mix me up another?
Could I possibly say something?
Taco, put on some music.
Not now.
I think I'm in love with you.
They still have that awful beast?
What's his name again?
-Oh yes, Wodan.
Why didn't you ever come by?
I drove miles out of my way
just to avoid coming by.
I didn't know you were
so keen on selling.
I didn't really want to.
So, why didn't you call me?
I can lend you the money
Weren't you buying
the house in Tuscany?
Who said that?
-It's true, right?
Who told you that?
-It's true, isn't it?
Who says so?
Nick... What does Nick know
about anything? He's just bloating.
Everybody's just bloating.
It's not the same house.
It's in Umbria, something small.
I'm not prepared
to take all the blame myself.
But nobody said you had to.
We dropped the ball.
There is one thing
I do hold you responsible for.
That you left me for a worthless horrorfilm
in which you only had one scene...
...and not a single line of dialogue.
-I said "help", twice.
Let me lend you the money.
Believe me, I won't miss it.
It's about time.
That I'm leaving here.
You guys aren't fighting?
No, of course we're not fighting.
We're talking.
It just took some time.
Daddy bought a new shirt
especially for tonight.
Looks good on you.
For you, Anne.
there were pretty babies too
but not as lovely as you
from all the bright white light
you closed your eyes in fright
for a moment, I was speechless
you were so flawless
I blushed and was so happy
you had to smile
Anne, the world isn't beautiful
but you make it a lot more colorful
Anne, there's so much more ahead
it's too soon to worry
much too soon
He wanted to wait
with having children...
...until we were more financially stable.
And now that we're that,
we're not the other anymore...
...if you know what I mean.
-I understand completely what you mean.
I think I'm in love with you.
Somebody has removed the sign,
how strange.
They've removed the auction sign.
I'm prepared to adjust my concept.
-So you'll go naked too.
Fedor, that role is just not for me.
But you already knew that.
I bought the boat today
at the auction.
Which boat?
-I made an offer and now its mine.
That's what I've been trying
to say the entire evening.
My own house is free and clear, so I
borrowed against it to buy the boat.
Anne can stay here as long as
she wants because I own the boat.
Not because of that wine?
It looks worse than it is.
You're such an asshole. I want you
to get rid of the pied--terre.
I bought it for her.
You must be running a fever, too?
-For Anne.
Anne doesn't want the boat anymore.
She doesn't want it anymore?
Cheer up man. Otherwise, in 30 years
you'd still be living in Diemen.
It's very nice,
Bert's pied--terre...
It's overlooking a park.
As long as we're together, Mom.
Yes, I have an invoice here
which I can't make out.
A company called Harderman
for 274 euro 80.
A new wine merchant?
Yes, well, no.
You know how I feel about it...
...but I'll see if I can
deduct a part of it, as PR.
Next week.
Two tickets. Yes, fine.
See you then. Bye.
Hey, did you sleep well?
I've got you, baby girl.
Come to daddy.