Titanic II (2010) Movie Script

Coast Guard, 2nd Commander
How I can take your call?
- Mr.
- Do not have a new
baby to be home?
I'll stay as you have
a 456 line 4
- Captain Maine.
- What?
How big?
I'm coming
- Problems sir? - Bring me to Snives
- Mr immediately
- "He called me sir?
- No, Snives
- But since no one else.
- Sorry sir, good morning
I think this morning there
is nothing good
Watch where you walk
I'd rather see someone die rather than
give mouth to mouth resuscitation
- Still not sure
- I am sure is coming
You're a hopeless case
Your boyfriend is here
- It's so great.
- The planes are great girl
This is monumental
Are we?
I changed my mind, your
dad has to come now
Really, why?
Well, I think you have
to know someone
I thought you had
it in your hands
Besides does not like your dad?
No, I would hate if I
met him, believe me
Good is the boat owner
Well to address
How are you?
How are you, having a good time?
Enjoy, How are you? Hello, hello
- Look at this, hi.
- Can I have your
autograph please
- Sure, what's your name honey? - Tamy.
- I like that name
- Tamy Here.
- I also could have your
autograph please?
- Sure, what's your name?
- Bruneo
- I like that name.
- Now make safer than old
Only bad children for safety
are not permitted
- Hi, Dad. - Amy
- Let me guess, work
There is a glacier that
want to investigate
Dad the boat is amazing there
is nothing to worry about
Not that I worry about
the outside
We talked about this, how
much is in that boat?
We agreed that it
was good for me
Yes, but that was before
I realized ...
the rush to put him on
the anniversary was
- Dad, the boat passed inspection?
- With the just
- We M.
- Baby I have to hang
up, then talk
- Bye.
- Te Quie ...
- What's wrong sir?
- No, that's fine
- Hi Glen. - Amy Maine, Good to see you.
- Ditto
- Welcome aboard the Titanic II.
- Thank you, you have good day
You also
Amy, that good that could come
Yes, everything looks nice
you did a great job
- How is your dad?
- OK
- See ya.
- Bye
Ladies and gentlemen I thank
you all for coming
On this day come with me to
the history of this country
And that he sees a good future
and establish a new path
A day in which the loss of the lives
of the predecessor of this boat
Will be replaced with the memory of the
larger boat, fast, and sophisticated
ever built, the Titanic II
I want to introduce the man
who will guide this ship
Will ship's Captain Howard
I hope you all enjoy as we all
And we enter the history book
- Will not you come to lunch?
- I had lunch 5 minutes ago
- How dull.
- Do not let them bite you
- All passengers are on board sir.
- Well
- Let's make history.
- Yes sir
Control tower this is the
How will 6565 Copy Captain?
We will land in a couple
of minutes, during
- The Coast Guard will be on hold.
- Do you have another bad
presentimiendo Captain?
You could say
- There is the camp.
- Yes sir I see
- The Coast Guard is here.
- Really?
They should give a smaller
- It is very far
- I'll leave it on just in case
- Dr Kim Patterson.
- Nice
Insurance will wonder why you asked to
come but his reputation precedes him
And I need someone serious when I
say that we are on a time bomb
I'm listening
The wave of collapse yesterday
went to northern Canada
The piece of ice that fell from collapse,
is the size of Manhattan
I figured it would make a
piece of ice that size
I guess we push to mid-Atlantic
Across the Atlantic
These measures are mass balance
That when the temperature increases
the balance shifts
The ice show
These tests tell us that the
ice in which we are now
Thickness has decreased
- It's awesome.
- Exactly
I think there is anything you
would like to see follow me
Of course there is global
warming true
- Can you tell me what the hell am I watching?
- The collapse of yesterday
Have you ever thought of
Captain Armageddon?
If yesterday's collapse was only a trifle
the following will be colossal
Now imagine the Atlantic Ocean
Do you admire your masterpiece?
Yes, I did Do not be
late for your party?
It's my boat, I think I will wait also
would like to enter with a girl
- You know, I called you.
- Yes
If only be delayed six months
Your dad gave me a punch
in the nose you expect
I found driving his boat at
- I think he was right.
- You're still the Daddy's girl
Look Who's Talking
I did not speak, I feel what happened to
your dad, I know how much he wanted
Do not mention it
Looks like you left in charge
COA industries
I always thought you'd
end as coastguard
Yeah, well ...
when you give the keys of an
empire is hard to refuse
You still have the earrings
that I gave you
Yes, I have so many earrings
Well, those like me
You could have answered the call
And then what ...
pretend that all was as before?
Accept that you care more about your boat
and your money than you care about me
Yeah well, your father did not need
controlling all my life paranoid
Not talking about my
father, talked to us
You chose a different life
is fine, I understand
And it seems that you are happy
with the decision you made
You better back in does not
want to miss your party
Good lord the Titanic
time goes well
Wait, hold it steady
We are stable, naval readings
to 31 degrees
- Is it true?.
- How so?
The same reading
as 100 years ago
Well, only this time we
have enough lifeboats
I also believe that this time
also avoid the icebergs
Yes sir
Lord, I have to remind
We have not yet deployed
the propellers
- Yes ... we need to accelerate
- Relax
May resemble its predecessor
but inside is much better
Yes sir
- How long before we collapse?
- Hard to say
But when you do the North Atlantic
will be devastated by the wave
What was that?
Go back
Now Mr
is tracking the satellite
But we do not have much
time to report
- A tsunami alert.
- James I already did
The warning is being
given at this time
We will need the navy, coast
guard, national guard
and all we can when
this thing hit
- How long do we have
- I can see
No time
Hand me the alert center readers
are going to need SNA
We have to find out how
fast this thing moves
And send me all the information
we need to move fast
Sir and vessels are at sea?
The boats are well, the Tsunami is dangerous
only when it reaches the coast
Ships at sea should
not be affected
That's not entirely true captain
of the surface ships maybe yes
But everything below will be affected particularly
throughout the north Atlantic
- Ice?
- Exactly
There may be a layer of ice beneath the
surface in several feet produndidad
So if the wave strikes, can push
Abo, listen
We need to send a warning
All the ships of the Atlantic tell them
not to come to any signs of ice
Again tell them to stay away
from the ice blocks
- Consider it done James
- And one more thing
- Do you also have a view on the Titanic?.
- We are monitoring all James
- What you need
- check what is the
marina in the area
- Check your position
- Copying
- Sir, we have redirected.
- Where?
North Latitude 40 45
West Longitude 50 14
We'll confirm it's okay
Let's move
Speak the Coast Guard is a Tsunami
alert in the North Atlantic
Again there is a warning ...
Did you know that the Titanic was warned
six times on icebergs and did nothing?
Ignoring his position was true
On hate
- Nursing.
- Ladies I need one
of you in the port
- We are in the midst of an important conversation.
- No matter
I need one of you
to get passengers
We are on track
Why are escorting passengers
to the lower chambers?
Yes sir
Good evening ladies and gentlemen can
provide me your attention please
All passengers of the
Titanic please
Come by my front door and
go to the elevators
And go to the ground floor
this is a precaution
No need to worry thanks
- How long?.
- Just M.
- The Coast Guard gave the alert.
- Coast Guard
- What the hell caused it?
- An iceberg collapsed
- On the coast of Greenland
- We are ready for icebergs
Not the lord but the Tsunami
iceberg coming fast sir
How long?
- We are waiting for the Coast Guard.
- Captain, that we
will pass under
- Do not even feel.
- Coast Guard Captain
- Here the Captain Howard.
- Captain James Howard here on
Maine Coast Guard Captain
We listened
- Do you see any iceberg in your area?
- Mr Negative
Lord I need to reverse the
direction of your boat
This wave is moving with
incredible strength
Any ice on the way
the wave moves
I need you to contact the
West as soon as possible
It is the only chance
to avoid ice
For God's sake James I know
this looks dangerous
But I remind you that this
is the Titanic II
Equipped with radar ice that are activated
within a radius of 5 yards
Hayden this wave travels
at 842 miles per hour
Now 5 yards will not
make a difference
If any ice will reach
you flip the boat
Do what it says.
How long do we have?
- How long for the impact?
- 15 minutes maximum
They have 15 minutes maximum
- What is our distance?
- 40 degrees and heading
northeast at 30 miles
- How long?.
- Mr Anytime
- Shoot. - Lord if you do ...
- Do
Mr. 2000 ... 5000 meters
Lord strike us
Prepare for impact
- Captain at 50 knots.
- We're in 40
- It's not fast enough.
- Mr Walsh, I can remember ...
The engines are not
well tested yet
- If the press ...
- They have been built
to withstand speed
- Put them in 50.
- Yes sir
- Put in 50 knots
- Yes sir
All to please the ground floor
there is no need to panic
- Madeleine.
- People are going crazy
- What?
- You think climate caution
- Is all this fuss about the weather?.
- That's all they told me
If something is wrong
We answer Amy
Hello, just call Amy Maine leave
a message after the tone
Amy talks to you about
your dad, listen
Something is happening, there is a tsunami
that will go through the North Atlantic
Your boat will reach in a few minutes
I want you to pay attention
Away from the ground floor
There are chunks of ice
in your direction
Take as many people as possible
to higher levels
Stay in the center of the boat
And if something happens, permance
calm and get on a lifeboat
- Be careful honey.
- Is your daughter?
- Yes, a nurse.
- Lord
We have very little fuel M.
- Where you can stock up?
- In the Canadian coast
- In the San Juan hub.
- Take us there faster
Yes sir
- We are at 50 knots Captain.
- Very well
- Lord lost the first mover.
- Turn it off
- We can not.
- We can not lose the other
We can not stop this ship
- This boat has three engines.
- Do you want to
fly the other 3?
We both know that the engines have not been
properly installed, have to be cooled
- Turbines.
- The turbine will
consume more fuel
We can not let go slow
We are adrift
We turn on the alarm
being dragged
Keep calm happens all the time
Happens all the time make
it right and climb
the pattern is well
Attention, Captain speaking
All passengers please
All passengers please
This is not a drill I
repeat, not a drill
Attention, attention
Your captain speaking
All passengers please
All passengers please
This is not a drill,
I repeat not a drill
This is not a drill,
I repeat not a drill
I know the same thing I'm sorry
you'll find information
Talk to them and let you know
No, no panic stop
Everybody Moving
- A starboard now
- We hit
Maidem, maidem this is the Titanic II calling the U.S.
Coast Guard
Maidem, maidem this is the Titanic II calling the U.S.
Coast Guard
Titanic II, Captain James Maine speaks of the U.S.
Coast Guard
- What is your situation?
- Mr collided with an iceberg
- We need immediate assistance.
- Captain I think we
have another problem
We filled it with water
All the bow water is
filling up fast
That will cut the power
to lower the lifeboats
- How many?
- Of all
- We have a dinghy.
- And the boats tied?
They are small or even float
- The little pot.
- They were not designed
to withstand a collision
- Not anticipate being beaten by his side.
- What is he saying?
We must continue
- If we keep filling our water we will sink.
- How long?
- 2 hours, maybe three.
- What else?
We sink
- Prepare all is well and evacuate
all the boats that we have
Women and children first
It seems that history
repeats itself
Mr Walsh have to remove it.
Come on, we need him to safety
- Between sir.
- And the passengers?
We have to upload the fix
Listen to me, goes to most people
as possible in the helicopter
- Mr Walsh is the procedure
- the procedure I do not care
- It's my boat, do it
- Yes sir
Okay, you catch me out of here
I have received under
the glacier activity
Near the area of collapse
If successful will mean
that unstable ice
What are you saying?
If collapses
A greater mass of ice fall
into the Atlantic
Creating a mega tsunami toward
the Atlantic Coast
How big?
Everything in its path
will be devastated
We have to get people
out of the Titanic II
James we have a rescue squad
The marina is 40 miles
west of them
They will find the
Titanic in an hour
That boat does not have an hour
We need planes and helicopters
in the area immediately
Captain of the Titanic
have enough boats
We may not have seen the
end of this collapse
if there is another wave, these
boats will not change anything
And my daughter is in that boat
I understand
Everyone calm
No, please sir
Let me let go
- Lord have to go back.
- Please Lord ago
Come women we
Sorry we have to go
Madeline helps
- Amy.
- Come
Let me help you
Ladies first
No, I'm staying here I'll stay
One more go
Only women
- How far?
- 30 minutes Mr
We will supply us
There's a boat on the way
if we do not reach
It is good that we refuel
and go back to the boat
Yes sir
I want to put them all aircraft
that we fly now
- Mr.
- What?
I think this has to do
- This is a pre-existing right.
- No, sir
Is twice
I need another group of
women going around here
We girls have to take them out
Put on lifejackets
- I have to go ...
- Sign in
- Come on ladies.
- Madeline
- Where is Kelli?
- I have not seen, is in nursing
I'll see
- Get off me.
- Amy
- Are you okay? - Yes I'm okay
- You have to go on a boat
No I have to go to the nurse
I think Kelly is there
It's in the basement will
not get last time
I will not go without it
- Okay I'll go with you.
- It's all your fault
What is it, Get off me
There are more important things like
wear a life jacket and board a boat
- Are you okay?
- Yes, we
I know another way
- Kelly.
- God
- It hurts.
- Okay we will remove you
Hence we will remove
you'll be fine
- Only resists
- Put pressure
- Press the wound.
- Whatever it quick
- You'll be fine
I need a card
- Cover the wound. - Yes
- Do
Let's hurry
Where is the tape?
"Where's the tape?
You have to relax Kelly, resists
I have it
Okay, I have
- You'll be fine.
- You have to hurry
- Kelly are you okay?.
- Stay here
We need you out of here
Put your arm around
me You'll be fine
We shall produce from here
- Are there any boats?
- We have to let go
Help, please
Chief Engineer Speaks Daniels if anyone
here I can hear the turbine hall
Let's hurry up, we
all come, come
Sign in
- If someone else has to go with you
- Yes sir
- Are you okay?
- Yes
Let's all please follow me
- Please.
- Are all inside?
Hold on strong
What was that? Carefully
- Is there another way?
- Yes, we can use the elevators
- Elevators?
- We have no choice
U.S. Coast Guard to Titanic II
Coast Guard to the
Titanic II, change
Again the U.S.
Coast Guard to Titanic II
- Captain Maine.
- Captain, talk
We are sinking
Captain has to get his people
from the lifeboats
Half of the boats have
been evacuated
The lifeboats are traps
I understand Captain
comes another wave
God does not
Are you there?
Lord's time to resupply
We must do this fast friends
- 6565's copy.
- Roger
My God
- We must go up.
- Climb, climb repeat
- Baby you okay?
- If
- Kelly are you okay?.
- If
Take my shirt
What happened?
I do not know, I think
they flew turbines
Everything will collapse
- You're bleeding. - I'm fine.
- I have to get points
I'll tell you if we
leave it alive
I'll let me put all the points
you want, we have to go
Put your foot in my hands, let
- On the count of three list.
- One. two ... three
- Push it going, keep pushing.
- You are stuck
It should have collapsed
this is wrong
My cell phone
My dad, answer
- Amy
- Are you in a lifeboat?
- No, we are caught
The ship is sinking
How do you catch?
Kelly Hayden and I are
stuck in an elevator
Hear, hear help is on the way
I also
I want them to stay away
from the lifeboats
- Do not get any.
- What do you mean?
Cario another wave is on its
way bigger than the last
- This really is the worst.
- What?
When it wipe out everything
including lifeboats
Not survive
Your best bet is to
stay in the boat
You can flip but it is strong
and the wave drag is not
James "how long do we have?
As 30 minutes "Hayden is another
diving equipment?
- Can you get there
- I think so
Okay, we will resist
until we get there
Once I did think you were
an honorable man
Let me think again my
daughter is there
- Dad I'm so scared
- I know darling, it's okay
Do as I say and you will be well
- If we do not?
- Not even mention it
Okay we'll get there
baby on the way
Goodbye Dad
James, if you do what
you say has a chance
- Get out of here.
- We will remove you
Give me your hands
- Kelly.
- Kelly let
Take my hand Ready?
Come and
Now you
Take my hand
I have you
Follow up
You have to hurry up
Follow up
Come up
Follow me
- The door is locked.
- I thought he left open the
- Supposedly.
- Is to protect the boats
Fast Pass
I can not spend too narrow
Amy, we
We will be closed
I believe I can go, push
- Pasa. - Amy ax
- I know
- Kelly.
- No
Kelly, no, no
I'm sorry Kelly
Amy, you did everything
you could
We must go, please
If we have died for nothing
Come on, get out of here
The ship is falling apart
We fry them, we must think
in a way we can not return
- We will have to go up
- What would you change that?
Until we touch the wires
or the ground
We do not electrocute a
- Do not know.
- You are a nurse
I am not technical I do
not know electricity
There is only one
way to find out
Let's your turn
I do not know if I can not
know if I can jump as high
Amy can do it we have to hurry
I can not and if I fall
Let your dad come soon Amy
- Salta.
- Vale
You can do jumps
We'll come to me
Come on, well done
Still, almost
We already have it
You're almost there remains
I slip, I fall
- I fall.
- I'll come for you
Hold on, I'll go for
you hurry I slip
I will not let you fall expected
Hurry please
Give me your hand
Are you okay?
Follow me
I have you, you did
- Are you okay? - Yes
- We're almost there
Wait listen do you hear?
- People trapped.
- We need to help
I'll leave you where did your
father and come to aydudarles
- No, we do not have time for that.
- Vale
Come with me
- Where next?
- Over there
We are close
- Let's open the door.
- Help
Is stuck
Help me, I'm here
- Help.
- Hell's door is jammed
- Damn, I can not.
- It is stifling
Hear the door is stuck Can
you find another way out?
Are you there?
We will respond, are you there
- I killed him
- Hayden's not your fault
- It's my fault
- Listen Hayden
I made a promise to my father
Now come on, move
Well I think I will have
to go without me
- What now?
- We came here for you
- Quick put this on. - And you?
- Do not worry about me
- The water is frozen
- Put it Amy
Let's hurry
We have to go
- How much is missing?
- We are close to Mr
Within 30 miles of the east side
- Think I'll make it
- We are near
Amy you ok?
Yes What happened?
We headed the ship
is upside down
- Can you move?
- Yes
We have to go, stop
- Give me your hand.
- Is frozen
We have to go give me your hand
Are you okay?
- Yes
- Something is blocking the door.
- What can we do?
- The water will rise faster
- Everything will be under
water in 5 minutes
You have to get it
Amy Turn around
You have to leave
- Those are the planes?
- Yes if you came
to the room dive
They will be there
No good
Each unit has a diving
emergency tracker
- How it works
- have a tracking signal
A low frequency we have
Hayden is frozen water
I'll keep you warm
Do you?
I think the temperature is
the least of my concerns
Lord I have a low
frequency signal
- Seems to come from the Titanic II
- Mira
How to get there?
Listen, I take off the suit
Why? I use it not Forget
Freeze to death
First I'll drown
We will share the oxygen
tank to keep breathing
- No. - Why?
- Freeze to death anyway
So what's your plan?
Listen, this boat has air bags
Stop the sinking air
that will give me
Breathe deep and try to get
- Wait ...
- Insurance and picked
up your signal
- Wait.
- You can find
- What about you?
- I'll drown
If they can survive rapid
- No. - It is the only way
- No, Hayden
Listen, be wise
If we share the tank
will die anyway
And half of the air will
I swear can relive
You have more chance of survival
But I do not like you
- This is my fault.
- No
Come on, give me your arm
- What is your plan?
- I have to find
- How will you know where?
- No need to know
- James if the ship sinks, the pressure will increase.
- I know
- Everything that is below ...
- Yes, you have to take care
- Here, take the end of it, and let me go
- What's this?
To find the way back there
you have 1000 feet
Just let it go I'll be fine
- What if the string ends?
- I'll be dead
- Then cut the rope.
- M. Ready
- Hayden
- Sorry
- No holding out.
- No, no, no
Amy, I did what did you
do what you gotta do
- Yes
- Then I wake up
Put it
Put the controller
You'll have to jump
There is a lifesaving equipment
you have to hurry back
- What about you?
- I will do my
You have to hurry, jump
Post it
Hayden Resist
We breathe
We Hayden
Hayden breathes
We Hayden
We Hayden
Hayden Breathe, breathe,
we breathe
Hayden, no
We Hayden