Titina (2022) Movie Script

More or less based on true events
ROME, 1978
- What?
- Out of coffee, grandpa?
I can go and get some.
Do you need anything else?
- No no.
- Ciao.
No no, Titina.
Oh, do you remember this one?
Look, it still fits.
Oh yes. It's been a long
time since we have watched this.
Look, Titina.
Can you see who that is?
53 years earlier
Madam ordered an Amaretto?
Shoo, shoo. Go away.
Look! There's the airship.
That's a very good doggie.
Here you go.
Yes, there, there.
Was it all scary, waiting out here?
Huh? Oh no.
Mussolini! ll Duce!
Citizens of Italy.
Defenders of Umbria, Lazio and Abruzzo.
A joyous day, a victory! Why?
Because our enemies don't believe
that Italians can achieve anything. Ha!
But I! I believe in Italians.
I believe In Italy.
And I will hunt down my enemies
like an eagle hunts down rats.
What can rats do? Nothing!
And what can eagles do? They can fly!
And behold. Do you see this?
This is the future. I give you the future.
- Hi. Just in time for the speech.
- And that... That deserves a medal.
Thank you. Speaking of medals. I can
reveal that we, starting next Thursday,
will introduce a new medal.
And what a medal!
It will only be granted to those who have
made an extra big effort for Italy.
I will not reveal who receives it.
But to put it this way:
I have been asked to clear my calendar.
Yes, now you can play.
I can fly...
May I take a look at that one?
No, not that one. The one next to that.
Oh, right. That one.
Just look.
Can't you see where I am pointing?
- Tell me, do you need glasses?
- I'm not blind, you know! I can see fine!
- That's the one. How much does it cost?
- Sixty thousand lira.
- What?
- Yes.
- Hi, madam.
- Just drop it there. Thanks.
- It's made of olives.
- Olives, you say?
- Yes.
- Well, I'll tell my husband.
- Mum?
- That he should invest in olives.
- Apparently, they're worth more than gold.
- That was rude.
Hey! Stop there.
You little mongrel! Sausage thief.
- Ouch!
- Hey you! Mind your dog!
- Next time you'll have to pay.
- But this isn't my dog.
Oh, you're hungry?
Do you like celery?
I've never seen a dog
who eats celery before.
OK, you can run off home now.
So you want more, now? Here you go.
OK, that's enough.
Oh, pardon. Pardon me.
Oh! No, no. It's time you went home now.
They must be wondering where you've gone.
Are you all alone?
- Mum, dad has bought a dog!
- Well... Wouldn't exactly say bought.
- What's your name?
- I have no idea. Ask her.
- What's your name?
- I think she said Titina.
Yes! Titina. Hey, little cutie beauty.
Give me that. No...
No, Titina. Come here.
Titina? Are you hungry?
Come here then.
Dinner is ready!
I know what you're thinking.
I can see it.
But just forget about it.
You're just an old fart now.
You're in good shape. But that doesn't
change anything. You're just as old.
You've been to one pole.
Surely that's enough?
Didn't you tell me about
that Swede who tried to use a balloon
and just disappeared?
Honestly, a balloon? To the North Pole?
And what about that count?
Didn't he lose three fingers?
- And Cook and the other guy. Perrier?
- Peary.
And you already tried with an airplane,
but that didn't work out too well, did it?
Oh, ouch. Here you go.
That's what I thought. Now you'll get ill
too. No, no, just forget the whole thing.
Everybody loves you.
And you've got me. That should be enough.
And to be honest, I don't understand
why someone wants to go to the North Pole.
- It must be frightfully cold.
- Cold.
Could you connect me with
one Umberto Nobile, Rome, Italy?
Rome, Italy? Are you sure?
That's really very expensive you know.
- Yes, I am always completely sure.
- Fine. Just don't say I didn't warn you.
- Pronto. Roma, Italia.
- Good morning, this is Oslo, Norway.
My, that's going to be really expensive.
That's just what I said,
but did he listen?
- Nobile speaking.
- Is this Umberto Nobile?
- Yes?
- World famous airship engineer?
- Yes.
- Buongiorno.
My name is Roald Amundsen.
The polar explorer.
I want to travel to the North Pole,
and I intend to use an airship.
- Yes?
- And I want you to construct it.
- Yes?
- It has to be really big.
And it must be able to endure
extreme conditions.
- Yes, yes.
- Extreme cold.
- Extreme winds.
- Pardon me, Amundsen.
- Yes?
- Snow.
- Yes.
- And you must come along.
- Yes, yes... W-What did you say?
- To the North Pole.
- What?! To the North Pole?
- Yes. To the North Pole.
You want me to build an airship
that can fly to the North Pole?
- Yes.
- And you want me to come along?
- Yes.
- And it will have to be really huge?
- Oh, yes, yes.
- Holy cannoli!
Absolutely. Cannoli to you too.
Oh, come on. There we go.
- What do we have here then?
- Good morning.
Good morgen. Didn't figure you
for a dog person, Nobile?
- You won't believe what has happened.
- What's her name?
- She is called Titina.
- Oh, like the song?
Yes, like the song.
- But you won't believe what has happened.
- In addition to you getting a dog?
- Roald Amundsen called me yesterday.
- Telephone from Norway? Must be expensive.
He wants us to build an airship and fly it
to the North Pole! He wants a huge ship!
- OK, we'll just have to get started then.
- Titina, come here.
Okay, we'll lift it.
- So, what do you think, Ellsworth?
- Yes, great. I think this can work.
- A present.
- How kind. I don't have anything for you.
It's a penguin. It can withstand cold.
A good swimmer. It brings luck.
Thank you very much.
Excuse me a moment. Titina!
There. Behave now.
Oops. Careful with the penguin.
Ladies and gentlemen.
Ever since I was a little boy
I have dreamt
of travelling to the North Pole.
When I was standing on the South Pole
as the first man in history,
I said to my fellow companions:
"Never have I been
further away from my original goal."
Therefore I have ordered
an airship from Mr Nobile.
The plan is to conquer the North Pole.
Nobile brings the airship to Svalbard,
where I will prepare the expedition.
And in Svalbard I will embark.
The dangerous expedition will cross the
Arctic Ocean and travel to the North Pole.
A place on top of the globe
where no man has set foot.
And that's not all.
After the North Pole, we fly to Alaska
to explore even more unexplored land.
And this historical journey is over.
Take it away, Nobile.
Thank you and thank you! And even
the Gladiator Medal with oak branch.
What an honour. I did not deserve this.
Or, well I did.
Because I'm on my guard.
Every day and every night,
someone tries to bring me down.
Someone who doesn't want this expedition
to succeed. Doesn't want Italy to succeed.
Who does not want me to succeed!
I say: I am an eagle! A huge eagle!
So just beware, small pitiful rats!
Congratulations, by the way. Great job,
good luck. Looks very good. Keep it up.
And congratulations once again. To me!
- Amundsen.
- Nobile.
It is big.
That is good.
- Can I call you Roald?
- No.
Amundsen, do you like jazz?
- Come on in, Amundsen.
- Thank you.
- No, just go right on in.
- I was waiting for you.
Thank you.
- Biagi, say hello to Amundsen.
- Welcome to Italy.
A pleasure. What a fantastic night.
You have to say hello to Amundsen.
The polar hero.
- Biagi. Amundsen. Cheers. Cin cin.
- Shi shi, shi shi.
I can really picture it.
- What a lovely evening. Buona notte.
- Buona notte. Goodbye.
- One always has a favourite dog.
- But Titina, what are you doing?
And you save those for last.
You only eat those if you really... Oh.
- This is a photo booth.
- What?
Totally modern. You just go in here.
Sit here. Put money in here. Wait and see.
Oh my.
I can't see anything.
Can you see where you are going?
Sure. I've been here before.
I could do it with my eyes closed.
- OK, Roald. See you in Svalbard then.
- Yes. Oh.
- Thank you for bringing me along.
- Yes... And thank you for the bike.
- Arrivederci.
- Arr... ci.
He'll find his way.
Come here, Titina. This is your spot.
1230 km from The North Pole
Don't get gas on the North Pole-o-Meter.
It will show us exactly where
the North Pole is. How are we doing?
According to the North Pole-o-Meter,
we're still some way off.
Sir ordered the pasta?
That's mine!
Yes! Goal!
Good to see
that so many have shown up here.
It's not every day we get to unveil
a monument here in Svalbard.
Oh this is terribly exciting.
Still, again and again,
almost all the time,
we Norwegians manage to be first.
I hereby declare
this sculpture to be opened.
- The Italians are coming!
- The airship is here.
There is plenty of clearing!
Heave away. Pull her in!
- They are too close.
- Yes.
- Don't stop! Pull her in!
- What are they doing?
And pull.
- No, no, no. Let go of the ropes.
- Give it all you got.
Pull the ropes...
Come on... This way. A little further.
- Stop! Stop. Perfect.
- Oops. I think that went well.
Perfect. Just as planned.
Yes, the airship really is big.
- Roald!
- Mr Nobile. Welcome to Svalbard.
- You brought your dog.
- Yes, of course.
- Who will look after it?
- She's coming with us to the North Pole.
Why? Can it do anything useful? Pull
a sled? I believe we have enough food?
Caratti always brings enough food.
How about it boys, shall we have a drink?
Cristal is never amiss.
- I'll stick to tea.
- Come. Heel.
- It's not that cold. It's summer here now.
- Is this summer? With all this snow.
There, there, Titina.
Nothing to be afraid of. It's just snow.
Come on, Nobile.
It's not wise to linger in this weather.
- Here are the boss's skis and poles.
- Did he want ski wax?
- Ask him.
- I'll bring some.
Perfect. We're done packing too.
Come here.
Signor Amundsen? Brazilian espresso
with a touch of ginger and aniseed.
OK, everything is ready. Quite sure you
haven't forgotten anything, Amundsen?
Everything is going according to schedule.
Good planning is essential. The map.
- There's the North Pole.
- So, that's where it is.
- How does it look?
- Fine.
As long as the food holds out,
we'll be OK.
Yes, and this orchestra...
He always brings that orchestra.
Maybe he compensates for something.
- Compensates? For what?
- Well, you tell me.
Well, still nothing but ice.
- What does the North Pole-o-Meter say?
- 34, boss.
- Already?
- Yes.
- Umberto Nobile?
- What's the reading now?
- 32.
- Oh. We are really making headway.
Not to bother you, but we have to turn
a bit towards east. About 2 degrees.
- No, my instruments say we are on course.
- OK, but...
But what? Don't you trust my instruments?
Oh yes. But maybe they don't work
under these extreme conditions.
They haven't been tested here before. Easy
to be confused by all the snow and wind.
It's wise to listen to people
who are familiar with such conditions.
- Natale, the North Pole-o-Meter?
- 31.
Good, not far to go, then.
North Pole
It was horrible. Really horrible.
If I had gone through
the ice then, too... Lesson learned.
- Are we nearly there yet?
- It's the North Pole!
- That's what I said. 2 degrees east.
- But the North Pole-o-Meter...
Come on then, Horgen.
Hey, Titina.
We are at the North Pole. No, wait.
Hey! Mind the dog.
Oh my, oh my, oh my!
Hi. It's all right! We're fine.
- Here... No, a little further east.
- Bring my sabre.
- Nothing but ice.
- Here. No...
- I think it's here.
- What?
- I think I landed right on the North Pole.
- What?
- Nobile has found the North Pole!
- He fell smack on the pole.
- Yay!
- Was it Nobile who found the North Pole?
Yes, I think he is correct.
It is here. Guys, it is here.
- Go and get the flags.
- And the champagne.
Got it!
For Norway. For the king and queen.
- And Italy.
- Bravo!
All right, boys.
Cin cin.
- All right, It's ready. Say "cheese".
- Cheese!
- But Titina. Where have you been hiding?
- Come on. Hurry up.
Here, catch!
Throw. I've got her. Watch out.
Come on. There you go.
- Did you get any good photographs?
- Yes, lots.
- Anyone of me?
- Yes. Most of them are of you.
- This went well, boss.
- The flag is secured. Send the message.
We made it, Umberto. Congratulations.
Now it's straight to Alaska.
I was the one who had to pull them aboard.
- Thank God for that.
- Yes, they were wet. Soaking wet.
- Luckily, we had brought dry clothes.
- Extra clothes is nice.
Land ho! We can see Alaska.
Roald, we're here... Amundsen?
No, never! Not the medical studies!
Where are my skis?
Calm down. We haven't landed yet.
- No. No. Where are my skis?
- You have to wait.
You can go skiing later.
- Guys, get my skis.
- Yes, boss.
- No, nobody gets any skis now.
- And the poles.
- Ski wax?
- I must test the conditions first.
We have to land first.
Put those skis back.
- It's not far down. We'll jump.
- Yes, we'll jump.
Hey, take it easy.
Sit down. Let me land first.
Roald! The skis.
Oh no! Get them out of the elevator.
We're losing altitude!
- Break them!
- I can't budge them.
Of course not. They are Norwegian.
Made from Valdres fir.
- Skis in an airship!
- But a dog makes perfect sense?
- No, no, no!
- The skis!
We've landed. And our skis are unharmed.
We must find a telegraph and head home.
- Shouldn't we explore the unexplored?
- True. We'll find something on the way.
- Have you seen her?
- Careful with the camera.
- Yes. I've got it.
- Titina!
- And here are the skis.
- Titina!
Try your skis, lads!
Perfect conditions!
We need to dry our socks.
Horgen will document. I'll cook.
- Document what?
- Document. Is that so hard to understand?
No, no.
I'll keep an eye on the socks then.
Oh, look here. Just what we needed.
Those are leeks.
Nice to get inside, wasn't it?
Come here. No, no. Grab her.
- Stop. Come here, doggy.
- Titina, come. There you are.
Got you. Now we'll make some fox terrine.
Get the parsley.
- Nobile?
- Have you found her?
Are you completely out of your minds?
Savages. That's it!
"2 degrees east." As if.
"I know everything about snow."
"Raised eating ski wax on my sandwiches."
Thanks for the trip. We're leaving.
Hopefully back to a place ruled by reason
and logic, not this snow-loving,
back-to-nature mania of yours!
Oh, well. Vegetable soup then.
Let's go... this way.
Guys, we are in Teller.
- And there's the hotel.
- Fantastic.
- I can smell good espresso.
- I want a bath.
- I'm getting a great big lovely dinner.
- Titina, come on.
Come, Titina. Hey there.
Ancient kingdom
Sing to the chime og the joyous harp
Come on boys, sing along!
- Good evening.
- Good evening. Hello there.
- I want to send a telegram.
- You've come to the right place.
- "On this day, the airship Norge ..."
- Wait. I need to get ready.
I'm not sitting in constant readiness.
All right, I'm ready now. Shoot.
"Today, the airship Norge arrived at the
coast of Alaska. Roald Amundsen and ..."
Was that all?
- Start over?
- Yes.
"Umberto Nobile,
the Italian airship engineer
"and polar explorer, and his crew have
as the first people in the world"
"crossed the North Pole." Stop.
Now we're talking.
"After a hazardous journey, Nobile's
expedition has arrived in Teller, Alaska."
- Stop.
- That's here, actually.
"A few hours earlier, the airship,
built by Nobile himself, crossed"
- "the Geographic North Pole." Stop.
- Oh, what a cute dog.
- "Umberto Nobile ..." Yes, very cute.
- Does he have a name?
- Her name is Titina.
- Of course your name is Titina.
Yes, Titina.
- Amundsen?
- Nobile.
"Finally, Roald Amundsen has
reached his original goal.
"Amundsen is the first person to see
the mythical North Pole." What?
"Roald Amundsen's ..." "Roald
Amundsen's airship has arrived in Alaska.
"After a hazardous journey through the
cold, far north Roald Amundsen has ..."
"He has vigilantly protected
lovely Titina, Princess of the Ice,
"who undoubtedly now yearns
for the balmy climes of Italy."
"The polar hero
Roald Amundsen has done it again."
"South Pole, North Pole,
no pole is beyond him."
"Surely, he is the greatest of all times."
Wait! Don't go!
It's time to tidy up!
Everybody must help tidying up!
Rome, signor Nobile. We have arrived.
- Daddy!
- Hello everybody. We are back.
- Look, it's Titina!
- Titina!
- What was Amundsen like?
- Did Amundsen shoot any polar bears?
Such a privilege for you, to have this
experience. You have been very fortunate.
The Norwegians have, in many ways,
had success in the polar regions,
but this expedition has been, in every
way, an altogether Italian expedition.
I concede that Nobile constructed
the ship I ordered.
And he came along on the journey,
but let's be honest.
I initiated the journey,
I ordered the ship, I led the expedition.
The airship was
built by Italians and flown by Italians.
And to be honest,
the Norwegians were primarily passengers.
Come, daddy.
Nobile is a mechanic.
Nobody would
follow him into the eternal ice.
Italians have achieved
great things in their time.
But the subtropical race is too delicate
to tackle arctic conditions.
Amundsen is
not as fond of skiing as he claims.
My airship brought him to the North Pole.
He used dogs to the South Pole.
- And who knows how many he ate on the way.
- What?
I'm happy that Nobile gets to experience
what it's like to be famous.
But we all know
how easy it is to like small, cute dogs.
Small dogs are
more elegant than clumsy polar bears.
- Garlic breath. Birdbrain.
- You smell of fish. Whale.
- Pizza eater.
- Cross country skis.
Good morning.
Good aft... Hey, you are not allowed
to bring dogs in here.
Dogs are not allowed here! It's forbidden!
Think about those who are allergic.
You are dead!
- Mussolini?
- Nobile. Oh no, not again.
Mussolini. We must build a new airship
and fly to the North Pole.
And show those Norwegians
what Italians are capable of.
- Balbo? Didn't we go to the North Pole?
- Yes. And airships are yesterday's news.
Have you read what Amundsen says
about Italians in the newspapers?
I don't really read newspapers.
He says we don't belong in the Arctic.
That we can't endure extreme conditions.
- He says that?
- He says it was a Norwegian expedition.
And we Italians were
just there as servants.
He says I am vain. A braggart.
A foolish dreamer. And mad about uniforms!
- Is there something wrong with uniforms?
- He says I'm a nervous, useless navigator.
Just a glorified cab driver!
- He mocks us.
- Seriously? Mad about uniforms?
That is the reason
why we must build a new airship.
- We shall call it Italia.
- Ltalia?
Planes are eight times faster
than airships. Just saying.
And I thought we could paint it jet black.
Black! I like the ideal!
I like it very much!
Black! ltalia.
- I read you loud and clear.
- Everything okay?
Yes, it's looking good so far.
No big problems. Just minor stuff.
- Titina. Topino.
- Running out of Parmesan.
We only eat dried fish and whale
here anyway. Pungent smell.
Now world news. All eyes are
again turned towards the north.
Umberto Nobile and his companion dog
Titina is on a new expedition.
Nobile wants to repeat his feat
without Roald Amundsen on board.
- Remove the ice from the propellers!
- I can't hear you!
Hello? Over. We are following our original
course. Wind increasing to 30 m/s. Over.
Let me take it from here.
Nobile, shouldn't we consider turning
back? This is starting to look bad.
Watch out. Careful.
Take her higher.
No, Titina!
There, there, Titina.
It's all right. Just lie down.
Everything will be all right.
We must get the propellers started again!
I'll take the right one.
Sorry, pope Pius. You're dead.
Balbo here.
No, we don't have time to join the search.
Don't call us, we'll call you.
Hello? SOS.
Do you read me? Position unknown.
SOS. This is the airship Italia.
Good girl. Everything will be all right.
They will come and get us.
- We have crash landed. Hello!
- We're not that far from land.
We are adrift to the south-east
without coordinates.
- Are you changing the window display?
- Yes.
- What's the new display?
- Airship ham? Half price.
Still no sign of the airship ltalia that
disappeared the Arctic Ocean 23 days ago.
Despite Norwegian
and international rescue operations
no one has seen or heard
from Umberto Nobile and his crew.
The world is holding it's breath.
The question on everyone's lips is:
Is Titina, Princess of the Ice, OK"?
We can but pray for a miracle.
Oh no.
Not again.
Thank you.
Umberto Nobile?
Airship ltalia? Do you read us?
- Hello, Umberto Nobile.
- Tell them we are here on the ice.
- Tell them we are here on the ice
- Hello! We are here on the ice!
- Are they receiving us?
- Hello!
Hello! We are here on the ice!
- The wind is too strong.
- What about the Italians?
- We'll just have to hope they survive.
- Roald, are you sure about this?
Umberto Nobile?
Yes! Yes! Hello! Hello!
- Hello, Umberto Nobile.
- They can hear us!
- Any news of Amundsen?
- I'm afraid not.
Nobody has seen him
since he set out searching for you.
- Oh, Filippo. At last.
- See you.
- Hi, Titina!
- Hello, Titina.
Here's your stuff, Nobile.
Well, they haven't found Amundsen.
What a pity. He was a good man.
I'll take your key.
Good luck then, Nobile.
I guess that was the end of it.
Well, well, that was that, Titina.
Grandpa? What happened?
Here you go. I'll call for help.
Don't be afraid, Titina.
The very first dog on the North Pole.
That was you, Titina. That was you.
Hi, Umberto. You sure took your time.
The ice at the North Pole is melting.
It will affect us all.
Say no to oil activity in the Arctic.