TNT Jackson (1974) Movie Script

Hey, brother.
How you doin'?
Okay, man.
Except I think you got
somethin' that belong to me.
I sure would like to have it back.
Look what jumped out your pocket, brother.
Looks like pure shit to me.
Hold it.
Don't you ever touch me, man.
You speak English?
Yes, ma'am.
Take me to Joe's Haven.
Uh-uh, no taxis go to yellow section.
It's Hong Kong's no-man's-land.
Only criminals and gangsters live there.
Even police afraid to go there.
Well, I'm going there.
Can you take me?
Well, I'll take you up to
where it's safe, all right?
Okay, let's go.
I stop here.
It's not safe to go any more.
Which way do I go from here?
The address you seek is over there.
Thank you.
Help, help!
No, no!
You speak English?
Do you know this address?
Come on, fellas, I ain't
lookin' for no trouble.
Stop here.
Back up.
Hey, sister?
You got problems?
Thanks, but it's nothin'
that I couldn't handle.
What are you doing in this part of town?
I'm lookin' for a
place called Joe's Haven.
Do you know where it is?
Yeah I know where it is.
Come on, I'll drop you.
I'm Elaine.
Are you new around here?
Business with Joe?
I don't even know him.
You planning on staying
around for a long time?
Look, lady, or whoever you
are, I accepted a ride from you
to Joe's Haven, and that's
all you need to know about me.
Let me give you a little
piece of friendly advice.
Take care of your business,
and then get out of here.
You know, this isn't exactly
a safe place for gringos.
You seem to get around pretty good.
Yeah, well, I know the right people.
Yeah, I can imagine.
Can I help you?
I'm lookin' for Joe.
A lady wants to see you.
What can I do for you?
You can take me to see Joe.
That's what you can do for me.
Well, I'm Joe.
Are you putting me on?
Whoever heard of a Chinaman named Joe?
Well I'm only Chinese in
body, but my mind is Western.
That's why everybody calls me Joe.
They call me TNT.
I'm lookin' for a friend
I think you might be able
to help me find.
I know everybody around.
Do you know him?
Come on, Joe, his name is Stag Jackson.
He sent me your address askin'
me to send him some money.
Instead, I sent up a piece of my mind.
I just want to know if he got it.
He never came for it.
What do you think happened to him?
A lot of guys come and
go in this neighborhood.
Excuse me.
I'm impressed.
It's not bad.
Think you could do better?
Yeah, I know I can do better.
So look, I think you're a fantastic lady.
What's your line?
You name it, I do it.
What brings
you to this neighborhood?
Got you guessing, don't I?
Not for long.
I got a way of getting
in the middle of things,
sooner or later.
Sounds interesting, but I
can save you the hard labor.
I'm here lookin' for...
A job.
She's working for me.
You don't expect me to buy that, do you?
You got a better offer?
Yeah, maybe.
It all depends on what you're after.
I heard that anybody with
guts and talent could pick up
some easy bread around here.
I don't care what I
have to do, just so long
as it pays well.
If you're on the real side,
I'll keep an eye open for you.
I may be able to do you
some good after all.
Don't do me no favors.
Baby, I don't do favors.
And when I give, I get.
Who is he?
He's a real bad cat, nothing but trouble.
They're inside waiting.
Did you find her?
Yeah, she's an incredible lady.
No problem, though.
She's a loner.
Not likely she's working
for anybody but herself.
Are you sure?
Baby, I'm always sure.
Yeah, I guess that's the problem.
All right, what are you trying to say?
I'm just wondering if Sid and Ming
really appreciate your talents.
Don't kid yourself.
Sid knows exactly what I'm worth.
And who gives a fuck
what that Chink thinks?
Your friend, Stag, you
really want to find him, huh?
That's why I'm here.
Better watch your step.
You do not know what he was into.
That's cool.
I just sit on my ass and
expect Stag to come to me.
I look around and see
what I can find out.
Do you think you can get
me an answer by next week?
It is possible.
But they will insist on
cash for every delivery.
Hell, that's no problem.
I'll pay you hard cash
for raw heroin any day
at those prices.
Do you want to hear
what Charlie has to say?
Yeah, what is it?
I checked out the lady, and I can't see
where she'd cause any trouble.
That's fine.
Ming, you'd better get moving.
I want an answer as soon as possible.
We have had no trouble
for the past six months.
Let us not take any more
risks at this point.
I said I can't see it.
Are you the manager?
Yes, I am.
I need some information.
If I could be of any help.
I'm investigating
about the disappearance
of a black American by
the name of Stag Jackson.
I don't know the name.
I was told that he was last seen here.
Hey, wait.
Yeah, there was a black man
that was murdered here right
on the stairs some weeks ago.
How are you doing?
Fine, thank you.
You are now looking at the biggest men
in the whole yellow district.
They control all the rackets around.
You working under their protection?
We have an understanding.
I don't meddle in their
operation, they don't touch me.
This could turn into
an interesting evening.
Hey, baby.
Come on, get off your ass.
I got some people want to
take a look at you, okay?
I don't operate that way.
If they want to see me, they come to me.
I don't go to anybody.
Yeah, that sounds good,
but they ain't gonna dig it.
I don't care if they don't dig it.
I'm just telling you like it is.
- You know something?
- What?
I love your style.
Okay, let's forget about that.
Do it for me.
Sid, this is TNT.
Elaine you've met, and that's Ming.
Looks like you're giving
me some competition.
Oh, no, baby, not me.
Listen, honey, and you get it straight,
I'm not in your league.
I work standing up, not on my back.
How amusing.
I've never really tried it that way.
You can relax, honey.
I'm not after your slot.
I wasn't worried.
You don't have what it takes.
Oh, I don't know about that, as long as
it doesn't rub off.
Fuck you.
Lady, you shouldn't have done that.
What do you expect?
Congratulations for
bumping heads with the man?
Who is it?
It's me, Joe.
The door is open.
I blew it, didn't I?
That's what you call an understatement.
How bad?
I suggest you finish
your bath and forget
about your friend.
Split before you end up like...
He's dead, isn't he?
What are you going to do now?
I'm going to get him, Joe.
Whoever is responsible.
I'm going to find him,
and I'm going to bust
the motherfuckers to pieces.
He was more than just a friend.
My brother.
Um, what's going to happen with her?
Well, Ming wants to run her out of town,
but Charlie thinks she
could be useful to us.
You know, I just can't
figure out what she's after.
Do you think she knows that
you're in the heroin business?
I'm not sure yet, but I'll find out.
There's too much
competition around here.
Can't you get rid of her?
And Ming and Charlie, too.
In theory, yes, but
I need Ming's contacts
to get the heroin out of China,
I need Charlie to keep and eye on Ming,
and the black chick might come in handy.
What's gonna happen to her?
Well, stalemate for the time being.
Charlie's gonna keep an eye
on her, and Ming's going ahead
with the next shipment.
This is the big one.
All of my men murdered and
not a trace of who did it.
Yeah, well, I'm out a million bucks
unless we recover that lost shipment.
Got any ideas?
I believe the black woman might have
some knowledge of this.
Well, it's possible.
Anything's worth a try at this point.
I'll have Charlie check it out.
Perhaps I would be better
qualified than Charlie.
Better qualified to do what, Ming?
It seems that your tolerance
of the black woman was
a costly mistake.
What kind of shit is that?
- The shipment was hijacked.
- Yeah, I'm hip.
What I want to know is, why
is Ming so quick to accuse T?
As you, too, are very quick
to proclaim her innocent.
Perhaps you place too
much emphasis on color.
Or could it be that
you know something more
than you're willing to tell?
No, mm-mm, but I got
some pretty good ideas.
Perhaps you would be kind
enough to enlighten us?
I think it had to be an inside job,
or how else would the hijackers have known
where to set up an ambush?
And why would they kill every witness?
I choose not to defend
my honor at this point.
You have no choice but
to trust me if you are
to continue purchasing from my contact.
Surely you're not planning
on risking another shipment
until you find out what happened?
I got a quota to meet.
I'm open to suggestion.
Now, that's good, 'cause I got one.
I want in on the next delivery.
Well, of course.
Then you can share the blame
if anything goes wrong.
I'll do you one better.
I'll take full responsibility.
But I want to pick my own men.
I want to form a squad of the
finest fighters in this city.
This is agreeable to me.
Good, then it's settled.
There have been some new developments.
You'd better alert your people.
Any idea when?
No, I think we can
hit the next shipment.
I'll let you know.
Where is everybody?
They went to see Charlie about the job.
A job?
What kind of a job?
It seems that the last
shipment of drugs was hijacked.
That's why Charlie is organizing
some sort of a war party.
Just to make sure it won't happen again.
Sounds interesting.
What do you think?
Maybe I can join up?
Huh, are you crazy?
What do you want to do that for?
Come on, Joe.
I'm no nearer to finding
out what happened to Stag
then the day I arrived here.
Maybe if I get in on the action
I might be able to find out
a thing or two.
Forget it, doll, it means trouble.
You gonna take me or not?
Uh-uh, count me out.
I'm sorry, excuse me.
Well, I'm just gonna
have to find my own way.
- You got the men ready?
- Yes.
How many?
10 men, 12 counting you and me.
That should do it.
Lady, you're full of surprises.
How'd you get in here?
Ask them.
What do you want here?
Got the word you were hiring.
I assumed it was an equal
opportunity employment.
You want to try that again?
I want a spot in the
new group you're forming.
- Where did you hear that?
- That's not important.
- I want to know.
- I'm not telling you.
- It was Joe, wasn't it?
- He's not involved.
I came here for action and not talk.
I don't dig it.
Why do you want to get involved?
A chick's got to start from somewhere,
and fighting's the thing I do best.
It's way out of your league.
Try me, that's all I'm asking.
Now, how am I supposed to do that?
Let me fight your top man.
No way.
I'm not leaving until
you give me a chance
to show my stuff.
Okay, you show me your
stuff, then you split.
All right?
This what you wanted, huh?
I said your best fighter.
You got him.
What do you say we call it a tie?
Do I get the slot?
Let's have a drink and talk it over.
You didn't say the drink's
were gonna be in your pad.
Why don't you tell me what
you're really after, huh?
Just looking to pay
my own way, that's all.
You're too fine for all that fighting.
Where'd you learn to fight like that?
When I was a kid, one of
my mother's boyfriends was
a black belt.
He taught me how to take care of myself.
Don't you think it's about
time you changed your methods?
A lady don't need to know how to fight.
I haven't found a
dude yet that can afford
to pay the price.
I don't mind paying for
something if it's worth it.
A slot on your squad, is that the price?
I wouldn't waste your
time with shit like that.
I'm talking about something big.
I'm listenin'.
How do I know you can handle it?
You don't, until you try me.
If you're serious, it'll keep.
I'll drink to that.
She fights as good as
any man I've ever seen.
So what are you suggesting?
She should be eliminated.
Now, wait a minute.
You get rid of her, they're
gonna send in someone else
to take her place.
Then where are you?
Yeah, I think you're right.
Give her a rope 'til she hangs herself
along with whoever she's working for.
Joe, I really need your help.
When Charlie's men move
out, I want to be around.
Uh-uh, that's something you
have to work out with Charlie.
Not necessarily.
Did you ever hear of
a thing called spying?
Hear of it?
I invented it.
All you've got to do is
find out when they move,
and I'll just tag along
and see what happens.
T, you got a head like a rock.
You'll never get away with it.
The answer is no, N-O, no.
I promise, I wouldn't
do anything foolish.
Well, in that case, it's your funeral.
Charlie's meeting that
shipment in the cemetery.
Let's do it.
This is trouble, bad trouble.
All right, what happened?
They got us right after the exchange.
I don't know.
I never saw them before.
Great, just great.
You wanted to handle the delivery,
assume full responsibility,
and now you've blown it.
Have you got any more ideas, bright boy?
Perhaps after this unfortunate incident
you would be kind enough
to allow us a confrontation
with your friend TNT?
If it makes you happy.
I'll say she had nothing to do with it.
I once knew a magician that
could make people disappear.
It's gonna take more than magic.
Oh no, you're not thinking of...
Gettin' rid of her?
Do we have a choice?
Look, kidnapping is
one thing, but murder.
It wouldn't be murder,
more like self-defense.
It's our necks if she gives us away.
Baby, I've done a lot of foolish things,
but this is too much.
Listen, I've got to talk...
Back on with the muzzle.
No, listen!
Save your breath, you're gonna need it.
I've got to tell
you something that's important.
Okay, but it better be damn good.
It's got to be alone.
Joe, do you mind?
Well, let's hear it.
First of all, I'm not
what you think I am.
I know, you're a girl
scout working on your badge
for the equality of niggers.
- I'm a government agent.
- Oh yeah?
Well, I'm snow white
suffering from a sunburn.
You're Diana Jackson,
age 24, born in Harlem,
alias TNT Jackson.
When you were 13 years old you were put
in a New York state prison
for knifing a sailor.
You are a lousy, stinking pig!
You're even lower than I thought.
I don't care what you think of me.
What is important is
that I need your help.
Me, TNT, working for the pigs?
No chance.
What if I were able to help you find out
what happened to Stag?
What do you know about him?
Trouble outside.
Charlie and Ming got the place surrounded.
What about her?
If you say anything to
give me away, so help me god,
I'll yell "pig" loud enough
for all of China to hear.
You got no proof.
Right now, I got no choice, either.
What are you doing here, Elaine?
I might ask you the
same question, Charlie.
The shipment got ripped off.
Today's shipment?
Yeah, right outside the cemetery.
We fear she has something to do with it.
I'm sorry, baby, but
the man wants to see you.
You don't really believe
that one woman could be behind
a million-dollar drug heist.
I had nothing to do with it.
Ming feels that she was involved.
So Sid wants to ask you a few questions.
Well, you go on back
to Sid, and you tell him
that TNT spent the afternoon with me.
I love that.
Wait a minute, I'll go
with you and tell him myself.
Hi, darling.
I called the boys off TNT.
She and I were together all afternoon.
What's the matter?
I just talked to Max in LA.
He's going to get his quota elsewhere
unless we come through
with something in time.
Ming, I want you to set up
another shipment immediately.
This time on credit.
That would be impossible.
The arrangement has always been on cash.
Well, change the arrangement.
Just get the shipment
through, and get TNT.
I'll do my best.
What the hell's going on?
It's about the shipment.
I suggest you tell me what happened to it.
I know nothing.
Perhaps you can be persuaded.
Such a waste.
Perhaps this will not be necessary.
I've never made it with a Chink before.
Okay, baby.
You want it black, you got it black.
You got a long way to go
before you catch up with me.
'Cause, baby, I was born beautiful.
I don't know, Charlie, it
might be worth the effort.
You care to expand on that for me?
All right, the heist yesterday,
it was pretty slick.
You wouldn't be thinking of taking
over Sid's spot would you?
Oh, baby, you overestimate me.
Oh, no, I don't think I do.
Why don't you be cool, huh?
You putting all kinds of ideas in my head.
Oh, I'm not saying
anything that you haven't
already thought of, Charlie.
What happened to you, man?
A slight miscalculation on my part.
She will live to regret this day.
Ming, I'm gonna tell
you for the last time.
Lay off T.
I hope I make myself clear.
I take my orders from Sid, not from you.
It would be a waste.
Look, both of you, forget
about the black chick.
We've got more important
things to take care of.
Ming, what about your contacts?
They refuse.
They will not deliver on
consignment without some
sort of guarantee.
It is for you to make a proposal.
Something that will
meet their satisfaction.
Well, tell them anything
is acceptable to me.
Sid, why don't you meet
personally with the supplier?
This is impossible.
Why, Ming?
If you're able to meet
with them, why can't Sid?
You do not understand.
There are many complications.
Ming, we don't have time.
I will see what I can do.
She up and left.
Can you imagine?
Didn't even say goodbye.
Don't even hand me that bullshit, man.
Now, where is she?
I'm telling you, man, I don't know.
And I'm trying to tell
you that if Ming gets to her
before I do, she's dead.
Do you understand that?
Charlie, you know me.
If I knew, I'd tell you.
Okay, let me put it to you this way.
Why, you!
Now, motherfucker, talk to me.
And if I don't like what I hear, baby,
I'm gonna hang my foot up your ass.
You let her go, or I'll kill you.
If you won't talk to me,
maybe your woman will, huh?
T, it's Charlie.
Come on, baby, I know you're in there.
What do you want?
I just want to make sure you're safe.
Ming's out to kill ya.
I know.
Yeah, I guess this'll
do for the time being.
Maybe, but I can't stay here forever.
I'm already going crazy.
You ain't got to worry about it.
I'll have you out of here in no time.
Come here, and let me tell you something.
Everything's working out beautiful.
I'm gonna be a big man in this world.
I'm about to make that move.
And I want you right there beside me.
- Oh, yeah?
- Oh, yeah.
And I'm gonna take care of
you, just like I always told
you I would.
Just what make you so
sure that I'm agreeable?
You know damn well you agreeable.
You'll love it.
You're Diana
Jackson, age 24, born in Harlem,
alias TNT Jackson.
"With love, Diana."
A gift from an old girlfriend?
More like an old enemy.
A very old enemy.
I never met the lady.
Why, are you the jealous type?
Don't tell me you're backing out on me.
I always stick to my commitments.
Sid wants to see you, we are moving out.
Isla Del Sol.
It's a little island just
off China's coastal waters.
It's Portuguese colony.
They have a festival going on there.
If you leave early in the morning,
you should arrive late afternoon.
I'll have to go there to
make final arrangements.
Angel, this is it.
It's the opportunity
I've been waiting for.
A chance to meet with the suppliers.
The whole organization together at once.
He's got the lighter I gave my brother.
He's the one.
He murdered Stag.
Joe, I'm gonna kill his ass.
You can count me in.
He went to a festival on some island.
Isla Del Sol.
I have arranged for the
entire conference room.
There will be nothing to disturb us.
The festivities will be
in full swing by then.
Sid, I'm going out for a while.
What time should I be back?
The meeting is set for 8:00.
Oh okay, I'll be back, then.
Sure, angel.
Tonight, the hotel
conference room, 8:00.
Everyone's gonna be there from
the pushers to the suppliers.
So you finally did it.
Yeah, I finally did it.
What's the matter?
You don't seem too happy about it.
Oh, yeah, I'm happy.
Come on, this is what you always wanted.
It's what I thought I wanted.
I don't know, Gary, sometimes I wonder
if I'm not as bad as they are.
Oh, shit!
Diana, what are you doing here?
Get lost, pig.
You can't butt in now.
What I gotta do can't wait.
We're gonna bust everybody tonight.
If you interfere, you're
gonna blow the whole thing.
You can forget about Charlie.
He's all mine.
Yeah, the black chick, get rid of her.
She's gonna screw up the whole thing.
- Why?
- Just do it.
What can I do for you?
I came to find out about the black girl.
She was arrested a while ago.
- The black girl?
- Yes, sir.
I just want to know what I
can do about getting her out.
I'm sorry, but I
think that's impossible.
I have orders to keep her in
jail until further notice.
Could I at least talk with her?
Thank you.
I knew you'd be here to get me out.
It's not that easy, honey.
Joe, you've got to get me outta here.
Let's see what I can do.
I have to find a...
Find a way.
I'll see you tonight, baby.
What do you think of this one?
Forget it, angel.
You're not going anywhere.
What are you talking about?
Does this answer your question?
What about her?
We'll take care of
her after the meeting.
Get rid of him.
Am I glad to see you.
I found Charlie.
He's at the.
They're all here now.
We can begin.
Their minds are made up.
They do not wish to risk another
shipment without payment.
They say there are many others
that are willing to pay cash
for their merchandise.
That's a damn good point.
Sit down, Charlie, you're
not helping matters any.
I'm not trying to.
I'll buy from you.
I got the money.
To start off with, I want two deliveries.
I'll pay you in cash.
You ripped off those shipments.
That's right.
You dirty black bastard.
From this day on, you
deal directly with me.
I might have something
to say about that.
My friend, who gives a fuck?
Baby, I'm glad to see ya.
Everything back there got all screwed up.
But now that you here...
T, what the hell did you do that for?
The name is Diana Jackson.
TNT to you.