To All a Goodnight (1980) Movie Script

Sorority, sorority!
Come on. Let's
cut her head off!
On behalf of
the staff and myself,
I would sincerely like to
wish all those students
leaving for Christmas vacation,
a pleasant journey, and
the happiest of holidays.
I would also like to
take this opportunity
to thank those parents
who have contributed
so generously to the school
recreation and chapel fund.
You have to stop being
this way! You have to!
Vivian, the game!
Vivian! The game!
All right, Harry!
Will you hurry up, already?
Come on, Leia.
I spend a fortune
to send this kid here,
you wanted to get
her, okay, we got her,
now let's put her in a
bag and get out of here.
Hey, a fortune I spent
on the 50-yard line.
A fortune I spent on 50 yards,
and you're gonna
wrap it all the way.
Wrap, wrap, wrap, wrap,
wrap, wrap. You and that kid.
The two of you, you're
gonna drive me nuts.
Oh, take good care of him.
Oh, I will.
If somebody
left their underwear
hanging on the south line
they better remove them--
See you in two weeks.
Okay. Bye.
Buy some milk, okay?
I will.
I think it would be
proper, at this time,
on behalf of my staff and
the rest of the student body,
to thank Mrs. Cowper's
retirement attention
to this educational facility,
and to wish her the
happiest of holidays
and a quick, safe return.
You suck up!
Get away from that!
Have a good time.
If you have the chance,
bring me back a couple presents.
Okay, have a good time.
of delay in the day,
Mrs. Jensen says that dinner
will be delayed 30 minutes.
And we'll be eating in
the peer dining room,
instead of the main dining room,
which will be closed
during the holidays.
Stop that!
Good bye!
In the main
room in 20 minutes.
All right,
hi, people this is Fashiak
the Rocker-cranker, cranking
out your old time high roads,
and here's our newest prize hit,
by a young up coming group.
Do you know where I wish
I was spending Christmas?
In a funny hutch.
I'd rather spend
Christmas in a cave
than with my mother and
her freaky artist friends.
A cave?
That's going a bit
far, don't you think?
Not if you knew her mother.
I wish I was going home.
You would.
Come on now, girls,
dinner's ready.
All right! Hey, Mrs.
Jensen, what did you fix?
Stew and for
dessert, cherry pie.
My favorite.
Anything you can
get your hands on
is your favorite.
Shove it.
Any particular
place, sweetheart?
Sex freak.
Oh, I thought I had
that title wrapped up.
You shouldn't let
the others get to you.
They don't. Not really.
Come on, let's
eat, I'm starved.
Now you can start.
Smells great, Mrs. Jensen.
Oh, thank you, Nancy.
Mrs. Calvin called.
She won't be back until
after the weekend.
Her mother's ill.
Poor woman.
She says to be good,
and not to get into any trouble.
In the meantime, I'll be
looking out after you.
Great! I couldn't have
planned this better if I tried.
Planned what?
Shh, keep your voice down,
or Jensen will hear you.
Well, is somebody going
to tell us something?
Or are we just going to sit
here until we start laying eggs?
Something's going to get laid.
What time are they coming?
Go ahead, Leia, tell them.
T.J. is coming up with a
few of his friends tonight.
Oh, how nice.
Pass the stew.
He's flying.
You're telling me.
And his father's plane stupid.
He called me this morning.
And with Mrs. Calvin
gone for the weekend,
you're going to have
one hell of a time!
In that case, then, I suppose
I'll tidy up a little bit.
Who's he bringing with him?
I don't know, he didn't say.
Now, the pie.
It's for dessert.
Where's Cynthia?
Oh, she wasn't feeling well,
so she went up to bed early.
Oh. Maybe I should
take something up to her.
She said she wasn't hungry.
Paul, is that you?
Hurry up, come on.
Come on, let's go!
No, no!
God! Help!
Have you no pride at all?
How would you like this
in a very delicate place?
Come on, you two, shut down.
What time are they coming?
Oh God. Bless whoever
built that airstrip.
God bless airplanes.
I think I'm going crazy.
What's the matter?
Not enough pie.
Now why
didn't I think of that?
I just thought I
saw something outside.
Keep watching, any minute now,
eight tiny reindeer are
going to be coming along,
and one of them is going
to have a shiny red nose.
You better lay off
the junk food, kid,
you're beginning to have
sugar hallucinations.
I know I saw it.
I think.
I think I'll go get a Kleenex.
Bring me some perfume,
will you? The Chanel.
I saw it.
Where are you? Aha!
Oh, Jesus, you scared
the hell out of me!
Miss Samantha has me
looking on the plants.
It's our duty to take
care of the plants.
God put them here
to give us pleasure.
Yeah, yeah.
Excuse me.
Oh, by the way, Mrs.
Jensen cooked up
some cherry pie and stew.
Better hurry on down
before it's all gone.
I like cherry pie.
You and Nancy both.
I like Nancy too.
Oh dear, so much
stew left over.
Oh, it's Fast Ralph.
What's happening, sibling?
Hello, girls.
I think he used
to be a gargoyle
on the south side of Notre Dame.
I got the stuff!
Hello, Ruth.
Oh, hello, Tina.
You look wonderful.
Oh yeah, real
great, real great.
By the time those butchers
get through with me,
I'm gonna be nothing
but leftovers.
I brought some cannoli.
What's cannoli?
Here, Ralph, put
it in the fridge.
So, what did the doctors say?
They have to
perform the bypass.
20 years I'm riding my bicycle.
Best exercise in the
world, they tell me.
They have to perform a bypass.
Don't you go worrying now,
everything's gonna be all right.
All right, my
foot. I'm gonna die!
We all gotta die. I
know I'm gonna die.
Death is no stranger to me.
I buried three husbands.
So you think that's so bad?
After the third one, it's
just a piece of cake.
Mrs. Jensen, have we
got a surprise for you!
Oh hello, Mrs. Ranzini...
A surprise, for me?
Yes, the girls
and I have decided
that we're gonna do all the
dishes and the cleaning up.
We insist that you
go to bed early,
and leave everything to us.
Now, you just go
on, and I'll fix you
some nice hot milk and
I'll bring it to you.
Oh, Leia, I don't know.
Well, I do, now
you just go on.
It's about time you get
a good night's sleep.
Good night.
Good night,
Ralph. Sleep tight.
I don't know how you stand
that big gazock around here.
He gives me the creeps.
Oh, Ralph's a good boy.
He means well, and
he's very handy.
I'm putting milk on, now.
You shouldn't
working here, Ruth,
with all those rich,
little pompous bitches,
living out here in
the middle of nowhere.
If something goes wrong,
you think they're gonna
tell the house mother?
Now, Tina. They're good girls!
I'll be back in a
moment, you go on to bed!
I will.
Good night, Mrs. Ranzoni.
So, did you pull it off?
Of course! She's on her
way to bed and sweet dreams.
Are you sure that
stuff is gonna work?
Oh yeah, yeah,
she'll sleep for
10 or 12 hours, guaranteed.
She may even sleep forever.
I wonder what she dreams of.
Oh, who cares, as long
as she doesn't bother us.
You are going to
give her the milk.
Well, you're the only
one she won't suspect
of being underhanded!
Why do I always have
to do all the dirty work?
I have to go, now, Ruth.
You really should think about
doing something
more with your life.
Now you take care
of yourself, Tina.
Let me know if there's
anything you need.
Not unless you've got any
spare bodies laying around.
Listen, I'll stop in on my
way back from Mrs. Willaby's.
That is, if the grim reaper
doesn't come calling.
I appreciate the
cannoli. Thank you.
Yeah, thanks!
Mrs. Jensen?
Oh, hi Nancy.
Hi, I brought you your milk.
Oh, that's awfully
sweet of you girls.
Well, it's the least
we can do for you.
You've been so nice to us.
You go to bed
early, and be good.
We will. Good night!
Good night! Pleasant dreams!
You too!
I think I can hear the plane.
Yeah, come on,
we better hurry,
maybe we can hit them
with our flashlights!
Hey, I thought they weren't
supposed to be here
until midnight.
So they're early,
more time for fun.
Oh, Ralph.
You shouldn't be out
here at night like this.
It's dangerous.
Oh, it's all right, Ralph.
Some of Leia's
friends are coming up.
Well, you can
take my flashlight.
Thank you.
I want you to be safe.
Hurry it up, hurry it
up, we've been waiting!
Hey guys, ransacking
time, let's go!
Stop it!
Varying things, of course.
Of course? You're late!
This isn't scheduled airlines!
No lie!
I'm ready!
What do you want, what do
you want? You silly twit!
Well worth the flight.
Hey, here I am.
Probably a hell of a
lot better than you did,
dickhead, should
have used reindeer!
Didn't you hear?
About what?
They're on strike this year.
Something about wanting
their own union.
Oh, you're crazy!
You're cute.
Thanks, master T.J.!
Stay with the plane, okay?
We've got room for him.
I don't.
Stay with the plane.
Yes, sir!
Nancy, what are
you doing here?
Looking for you.
Well you found
us, now come on!
Someone remember to come
back later and get the luggage.
Yeah, kid.
Tell them what
it is to run away
Running only makes you see
Your answer is
another lonely day
I don't sing so good.
That was beautiful.
You know, I've often thought
of taking up the guitar.
It beats carrying
around a piano.
You know, there was
a time when doctor's
couldn't take an X-ray
picture of the brain,
because the cranium
was so thick,
the only way they
could get the X-ray
to take a picture
of an abnormality
was to inject with colored
dyes or air bubbles.
I hope I never get sick.
By the time you're 30,
we should have most things
licked, except accidents.
I'll go get us
a couple of beers.
Don't get impatient!
It's gonna be a long night.
And now we have
this new computerized
head scanner that can
automatically show us--
You're going to bore this
sweet young thing to death.
Am I boring you to death?
No. I'm enjoying it, really.
Lady, you have a hell
of a high pain threshold.
Excuse me.
Will you stop messing around,
and seduce me like a man?
Oh Tom, take that
bloody mask off.
Take me to bed.
You should be in bed.
we're just having a
little party, Ralph.
It's late, and you
should be in bed.
I will.
And lock your door, too.
I want you to be safe, Nancy.
There's evil here.
I can feel it, the devil's here.
Don't worry, Ralph,
I will. Good night.
That was a wonderful
song. Who's it about?
I wrote it for my little
brother when he was born.
Where the hell is
Trisha with the beer?
Maybe she left you.
With my charm?
No chance.
Tom sure is funny,
and not his shirt.
Oh, Trisha?
Come on, miss high society.
Get your act together!
I'm in no mood to
play hide and seek!
You were supposed
to wait for me!
I was gonna put on
something even sexier
and drive you crazy!
You're already
driving me crazy.
Hey, where is everybody?
Gone to bed, or wherever.
It doesn't sound
like a bad idea to me.
Not a bad idea at all.
Come on, genius.
Time to put your measurable
knowledge to work.
Well, I think you
better show me to my room.
Exactly what I had in mind.
I think I had
too much to drink.
Half a beer?
You wouldn't be chickening
out on me, would you?
Oh, well...
Come on, Einstein.
It's time for your advanced
course in relativity.
All right!
You're gonna have
to catch me first
I'm the fastest
girl in school
Yeah, I'll bet.
That wasn't what I meant.
It'll do, won't it?
Let's find out!
You're out of breath!
You're gonna wear me
down, then I'll be useless.
Come on, a big,
strong boy like you?
Big, yes, but strong?
Not if we keep this up!
Oh, my back!
Help me!
You're faking it!
That's what my high school
coach used to tell me.
This better be worth the chase.
It will be.
Oh, sit still a
can't do this here.
Why not?
Other people might come in.
Are you kidding?
They're all out for the night.
Girl, have you seen
that wall over there?
You're gonna drive
me straight up it.
Oh, we've never done
it on the wall before!
No, we haven't. Well, we've
done it everywhere else.
Hey, come on, tiger.
Hey, wait a minute.
Time out, time out, coach.
Oh, time out?
You have drunk all the wine.
How about you grab
us a couple of beers?
Oh, energy for the troops, eh?
It's me, the troops!
Oh! All right!
You just lie there and
be comfortable, fly boy.
Let me take care of everything.
Come here,
you. I'm gonna get you!
You know, you've
been hanging around
in high altitude for too long.
Are you sure you
still want that beer?
You know what I want?
Yes, sir!
Jesus, you scared me!
What are you doing,
haunting the halls?
I was just on my
way to get some milk.
Come on. I need to get
some beer for the troops.
Come on.
Man, this is the best
vacation I've ever had.
I'm gonna marry
this one.
That's kind of
a sudden decision.
Honey, his fortune
is too much to count.
And besides, he's not so
bad in the sack, either.
Not the best, mind
you, but not the worst.
Are you doing okay?
Sort of.
Don't worry, your
time will come.
In the meantime, here's
your milk.
Fast Ralph probably cut
himself with the shears.
Well, see you later cat, I
gotta reel this sucker in.
It's you.
I just came to get a drink.
I have some milk.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Good night.
Good night.
What are you doing here?
Something is wrong.
Something is happening here.
What do you mean, Ralph?
Miss Nancy, I'm
a man of the land.
And I know y'all don't
think I know much,
but I know when
something is wrong.
You've gotta watch yourself.
Don't come any closer, Ralph.
You're the only one,
out of all of them,
you're the only one.
I like you, Nancy, and I
want you to be all right.
You must pray.
Pray so the devil won't
claim you for one of his own.
I'll be with you.
I'll take care of
you, I promise.
Good night, Ralph.
Good night, miss
Nancy, and pray, please!
Do you like it?
It's very nice.
That's the best you can do?
Well, what I mean
is it's very nice.
Do you know how
much this cost?
A fortune.
And you don't like it.
No, I mean, I like it, really.
You've never done
it before, have you?
Done what?
You know.
Oh, of course I have.
Of course you haven't.
Well, I almost did, once--
Imagine, I get to do a
first timer. Come here, you.
I'm all right here.
You'll be better over here.
I really have to
be going to bed.
Exactly where I'm
trying to put you.
Well, what I mean is...
I know what you
mean. Now come here.
Come on.
Who buys your shorts?
I do.
They're awful.
Oh, I'm sorry!
Oh, God.
I'll be changing
that to "Oh, Melody."
Oh, Melody.
Oh what?
Oh, nothing.
Oh my.
Oh my God.
Oh dear.
I think the Rams are definitely
going to win the pennant.
What's gotten into you?
That's the first time
I heard you talk about
anything besides
X-rays and molecules.
I'm not so sure you boys
should be staying here.
It's not allowed, you know.
Oh, we didn't mean
to stay so long.
As soon as we repair the plane,
we're out of here!
You look so young to
be flying an airplane.
I mean, heck, my father
taught me to fly when I was 18.
Besides, he brought a pilot.
Well, I hope you get it fixed.
Because it's not
allowed by school rules
for you guys to stay
overnight, you know?
The superintendent's
gonna be back tomorrow
and she's gonna be very angry.
Oh, don't worry, we'll be out
of here as soon as possible.
Mrs. Jensen, did
you sleep well?
Yes, thank you.
Hey, where are the others?
Oh, who
cares? Who needs them?
I'm having a good enough
time without them.
still crashed out.
Listen, I've got
a dynamite idea.
I thought
you were tired.
Wise guy, huh?
It's a dynamite day,
let's have a picnic.
I like it! We can play
some football or something.
Or something? Everybody has
this something on their mind.
Don't get carried away,
Tarzan. Not yet, anyway.
Oh, don't tell me
the whizz kid finally scored.
What did she say her name was?
That's one interesting tune.
I can go get the others.
Yeah, tell them to hurry up.
Is anybody home?
Oh, brother, have you changed.
It's Your fault.
Fault? I thought it
was a beautiful gesture.
Oh it was, and I'll
never be the same.
Hey, come back here!
Come and get me!
Oh, you asked for it.
I wonder what the hell
happened to Tom and Trisha.
Oh, I don't
know, they're probably
lost in the woods.
I promised them a good time.
Well, I'm sure they're
having a good time.
I think I'm gonna
go for a walk.
Now, don't get
into any trouble.
Fat chance.
Hey, Nance?
Don't sweat it.
You'll get lucky
sooner or later.
You sure have
a way with words.
Did I say something wrong?
Well, you could have
kept your mouth shut.
Hey, can I help it if
she's so damn sensitive?
T.J. sometimes you can
be such a horse's ass.
That's not what
you said last night.
Oh, I change when
the sun comes up.
Dracula's daughter?
I'm gonna get you!
Oh, hey, don't get mad.
I was just having fun.
It's okay.
What you doing?
You're cute.
No I'm not.
Yes you are!
No, I'm not.
Yes, you are.
No I'm not!
Alex, don't. Alex!
You're crazy!
Thanks for your help.
But from the way
Kramer was found,
it's obvious what happened.
Who would ever want
to kill Ralph Kramer?
That's what I'm
gonna find out.
Now, I'm gonna have to get
in touch with the other kids,
and, probably contact
their parents.
Hey, do you have to do that?
It's gonna be a bit
awkward, you see,
they think we're somewhere else.
Are you serious?
Christ's sake.
Hey man, look, whoa, hold on!
Can't you keep us out of it?
We're gonna wind up
in a lot of trouble
if our parents find
out about this!
Anyway, we didn't
kill the old nut!
I appreciate
your dilemma, son,
but a man's been murdered,
do you understand me?
Now, does anyone else know
where the others might be?
Please, if anyone knows
anything, tell the officer.
This is very serious.
Look, I know you might feel
you need to protect the
others, but think of this,
there's been one murder
already, there might be others.
For Christ's sake, your
friends might be in trouble!
Come on.
Mister Polansky, if we
knew anything, we'd tell you,
but we don't.
You don't think they
could've killed Ralph?
Everybody's a suspect, miss,
I just wanna know
where they are.
My men have searched this place
with a fine-toothed comb
and haven't come
up with anything.
What do you think could
have happened to them?
I don't know.
But am sure as hell
gonna find out.
I've been a cop for all my life.
Been chief of police
here for almost a year
never had a case
I couldn't figure.
I don't intend this
to be the first.
We'll do anything we
can to help you, officer.
And the superintendent
will be back tomorrow.
I know she can help you.
I'm gonna leave two of my
men here around the clock.
I want you to stay indoors,
so I can locate you
at a moment's notice.
Mister Polansky?
I'm really scared.
I may be crazy, but
I'm really scared.
Ralph came into my
room last night,
and he told me that...
I don't know, he was just
like preaching religion to me.
Oh, he was always
running about--
No Leia!
He told me that something
evil was happening.
And I should have told somebody.
You can't hold
yourself responsible.
Can you foresee the future?
That doesn't make
me feel any better.
I know.
I know.
I did some checking on Kramer.
He spent time in
a mental hospital.
Two accounts of armed robbery,
assault with a deadly weapon.
He didn't exactly hang
around with a gentle crowd.
I'll check on some
of his old friends,
maybe they had
something against him.
I promise.
I'll check on him.
If anything comes up,
or you find anything
important, give me a call!
Bye, Ruth.
Sorry to inconvenience you.
Remember, stay indoors tonight,
and make sure this place
is locked up tight.
What we all need is
a good hearty meal.
I'll start dinner.
Something's happened
to the others, I know it!
Oh, come off it!
Just because weird Ralph
has got himself murdered
doesn't mean something
happened to the others.
Look, Leia's right, don't
go getting crazy for nothing.
Leia's wrong.
What do you mean?
Just what I
said, Leia's wrong.
They wouldn't split
without telling someone.
Maybe not me, but certainly T.J.
Man, don't start
getting weird on me.
It's not weird!
It's just a fact.
Who do you think you
are, Sherlock Holmes?
I wish I was,
then I wouldn't be so
preoccupied for my life.
I knew we were in trouble.
Maybe Mrs. Jensen
has some ideas.
Are you kidding? She's
lost outside the kitchen.
Well, we've
gotta do something.
I don't know.
Oh, we're all
worried about nothing.
They'll be back any minute!
At least, that's what I think.
And if you're smart,
you'll think the same.
I don't know what to think.
Man, this whole thing sucks.
Alex? Do you really
believe we're in danger?
I already told you.
Just because the
others didn't come back?
They're never coming back.
I don't believe this!
You're all crazy!
I believe you.
I wish I was wrong.
Oh, me too.
I'm sorry I scared
you this afternoon.
It's okay.
You must have
been really scared.
I was.
I won't let anything
happen to you, I promise.
I'm scared.
Me too.
you two, come here.
I want this place patrolled
around the clock, all right?
You figure out
your own schedule.
If anything goes wrong,
I want you to know
that I'm gonna have
you transferred
to the middle of the desert.
Don't worry about it,
chief, we'll take care of it.
Okay, okay, one
other thing, wrap.
You know, the people that send
their kids to this school,
they have a lot of
political power.
So you put your hands on
any of those little fillies,
and I'll personally
change your vocal pitch.
You got me?
I got a definite feeling
we got no opportunity
for advancement.
I think we'd do better
being the bad guys.
There's a lot of material
around here to be bad with.
Mrs. Jensen?
Can we talk with
you for a minute?
Oh, sure.
Mrs. Jensen, I think we're
in quite a bit of danger.
Danger? Why should
we be in any danger?
Ralph was murdered.
The man who murdered him
could still be around.
Oh dear.
That must be why the chief
left the policemen here.
Well, I think we
should be safe enough.
With the policemen around
here to protect us.
Oh, I guess so. We
just wanted you to know.
We wouldn't want
anything to happen to you.
I keep this. No one
will get smart with me.
sure they won't.
Well, I guess I
better get out of here.
I'm gonna get some shut eye,
and I'll relieve you at 12:00.
Do you really believe
we're in that much danger?
Hey, if I were you, I
wouldn't worry about a thing.
Whoever killed Ralph Kramer
is probably miles away by now,
at least, he should be.
Anyway, we're gonna be
here until he's caught.
Anyone like anymore coffee?
No, thanks.
How about some more of my
special cranberry
jello surprise?
thank you, ma'am.
I've had so much already,
I can hardly move,
and I've got to get some sleep.
Well, I'm sure we can put
you up in a room here.
Come on. I'll
show you your room.
Look, I think we're getting
all worked up over nothing!
For once, I wish
you were right.
Where have you been?
Well, at least I
feel a whole lot better
with the police being here.
Well, here you are.
Hope you like it.
So far, so good.
Who lives here?
If you need anything,
just holler.
Maybe later.
I'm through now, so
good night, everyone.
Good night!
I checked all the doors
and made sure they're locked.
Don't stay up too late.
Okay. Bye.
She doesn't seem
to be too worried.
A staunch
upbringing, no doubt.
I wish I were home.
I thought you'd rather
be anywhere but home.
And here.
Well, why don't we open
up our Christmas presents?
That might cheer us up.
It isn't Christmas yet.
So what?
We should wait
and do it properly!
If we're around that long.
Oh, would you get off it?
Hey, where are you going?
I'm gonna take a shower.
Sounds great.
Suit yourself.
I usually do.
One of these days.
You should ask your pilot
in, it'd be one more hand--
No, look, no way!
I hate the guy.
Besides, he's probably too
stoned to walk anyways.
He did something for my
father, a few years back,
saved his life,
something like that.
Melody's right.
No way!
We need all the
help we can get!
Look, nothing is
going to happen.
What about the person
who murdered Ralph?
Like the cop
said, he's probably
a thousand miles away by now.
What about the others?
Hey, you know Tom
and Blake.
Do you think we're
going to be all right--
Of course!
Look, everybody's running around
like they have the
heebie-jeebies or something.
I hope you're right.
Ease up, huh?
Just listen to T.J.
I'm gonna grab a beer,
does anybody want one?
I'll take one.
I need it.
Stay right there.
Anyone there?
You are terrible!
That's what
the chief thinks too.
But fun to be with.
You know the one about
the Louisiana swamp?
Thought you guys might
have run out on me.
No chance. We just felt
more comfortable in here.
I think I'm gonna
check this place out.
I'll go with you.
Okay. Do you guys wanna go?
No, I think we'll wait here.
Seems okay.
The hell are you doing up
here in that dumb outfit?
I feel like a
trapped rat in here.
Yeah, me too. I feel
like I can't breathe.
Well, let's go
get some fresh air.
I don't think that's
such a good idea.
You're not buying
all this crap, are you?
And besides, we have
Starsky and Hutch
right outside to protect us.
Are you sure?
What about going outside
or about Starsky and Hutch?
I'm sure.
Maybe we shouldn't.
Marilyn... I mean
Melody, Melody!
Five years of karate. Ha!
I'm a black belt!
Nobody gonna mess
around with this boy!
Come on.
I think we're
beginning to hear things.
Let's go check upstairs.
I don't like this.
What's up there?
I don't know, I've
never been up there.
Let's find out.
Does anybody live in there?
I don't know,
I don't think so.
Seems all right.
What was that?
I think it was a draft.
Do you wanna stay
up here all night?
Just wait.
You can't start worrying
about these things.
You'll take the
whole flow out of
the beautiful things in life,
then where does that leave you?
I'll tell you where
that leaves us, lady.
Up the old crick
without a paddle.
Yeah, really.
Yeah, whatever that means.
It was just a draft.
Can we go now?
Can anyone get in?
Anyone can get in anywhere
if they want to bad enough.
I guess that was kind
of a dumb question, huh?
Not really.
Let's go down with the others.
Where's T.J. and Melody?
Well, knowing T.J. they're
somewhere, like under a rock.
You don't like him
very much, do you?
Not much.
Then why did you
come here with him?
No place else to go.
Except my aunt, she
doesn't like me very much.
What about your parents?
Having a good time
in Europe.
They're always having
a good time somewhere.
What are you staring at?
That picture.
It sure doesn't feel
much like Christmas.
I'll take care of that.
Oh, a gentleman.
are you off to?
I am
going to take a shower.
Well, have fun!
I already did.
Somehow, it's not so
scary once we're out here.
No. There's really
nothing to be afraid of.
I thought you were
interested in Leia.
Yeah, I was.
She doesn't...
She doesn't have
half as much as you.
I didn't think
you even noticed me.
I noticed you
from the first day.
Where is that cop, anyway?
He's liable to
catch us.
You know, I don't know,
I don't even care.
You wanna dance?
I'd like that.
Gives me a chance
to hold you closer.
You are cute.
I'd rather be beautiful.
You are beautiful.
Help, help!
Somebody open the
That's Melody!
What is she doing out there?
Someone open up!
What happened?
He's dead!
Who's dead?
Oh my God, he's dead!
What happened?
T.J.! Oh my God,
we're gonna die!
We're all going to die!
Pull yourself together!
Pull yourself
Alex, we've got to
go get the others!
Come on, Melody, come on.
No, no.
Come on.
Where is she?
Where's Leia?
In the shower, come on!
Oh my God!
I gotta get help!
It's Leia.
Leia, it's me, Nancy!
Come on.
It's gonna be okay.
I wish.
Nancy, we've got to
make it to the plane,
it's our only chance!
Where's Alex?
Look out!
You killed my baby.
Mrs. Jensen?
You killed my baby.
You gave her drugs!
You were her friend.
You were there, Nancy.
She was so young, so beautiful.
I didn't even know her!
Don't you lie to me!
You were her friend.
You pushed her off the
balcony. You were there!
This is my first year
here, I don't even know her!
You were there!
Wake up, please!
What's the matter?
They're dead, they're
all dead! Everyone!
What are you raving about?
Move, you drunken slug,
move, or we're gonna die!
All right, all
right! What happened?
They're dead,
they're all dead!
And the killer's
gonna come after us!
What about T.J.?
He's dead!
Are you sure?
Yes, will you hurry,
T.J.'s dead?
Come on.
What's wrong?
Can you fix it?
I'm working on it.
Will you hurry, please?
Will you please
hold your horses?
Jesus Christ.
You bitch!
It's the only room left, Nancy.
It's the only room left.
She was so young.
So beautiful.
You killed my wife.
You killed our daughter.
I should have killed you first.
Nancy, it's all right,
everything's gonna be all right.
I had to hide.
I didn't know what was
going on.
I panicked.
Could you hold me.
Take me away from here.
It's all over!
We've got to go back for Leia!
We'll send somebody
back for her!
It's all over.
Okay, come on, you ready?
Come on. Come on, come on baby.