To Catch a Spy (2021) Movie Script

It's Normand.
I am almost there.
He's in view. We've got him!
He's gone.
No, I'm sorry, he...
He didn't make it.
We will keep the documents safe
until you decide what to do.
The documents are in a lockbox.
We are going to Malta!
We are going to Malta!
Good morning, Sara.
How are you even awake
right now?
You literally just got back
from Iceland.
And did you even have time
to pack a bag?
My poor body doesn't know what
time zone it is.
I think I have travel
writer's whiplash.
You travel to amazing places
and get paid for it.
No one feels bad for you.
You're right.
Plus I'm really excited to see
my friend Elias.
I haven't seen him since
He's going to love you
and Patrick.
And... Tom.
And Tom.
Are you sure you're okay
that Tom's coming with us.
Of course!
This is his first issue as
editor, he has to come.
We're fine.
We're... professionals.
I'm sorry, Patrick,
but you're gonna have to explain
that to me again.
Which part?
The part about how a new app is
gonna help the magazine.
Tom, that's the whole part.
Sara, can you...
No, no, no.
I am the photographer.
If it can't be explained with
a pretty picture, I'm out.
We're going to be on planes,
trains and automobiles
for the next 19 hours,
so we'll have plenty of time
to talk about it then.
I need everyone on their A game.
We've got tours,
restaurants, museums.
The hotel spa.
Elias did put did put in a spa
when he built the hotel, right?
Okay, his dad renovated
the hotel,
and they already pulled
a lot of strings
to get us on the press junket,
so we're not hitting
him up for spa passes, too.
We work for one of the best
travel magazines in the world.
Why do we even need
strings pulled?
Because, Sara, everyone reads
about travel
on their phones now.
Hence the need for a better app!
18 hours of this?
Great. See you at
the elevators in five.
I never understood why you read
those mysteries.
You always figure out who did it
before you get to the end.
That's why I like to read them,
I like being right.
Chloe... are we okay?
We're fine.
Strictly professional.
Did I mention we're going
to Malta?
Shut down as much of the area
as possible!
Go! Go!
It's so good to see you!
Chloe, you look exactly the same
as you did
at our last class reunion.
- Stop.
You're looking great too.
Congratulations on the hotel,
it's beautiful.
It's getting there.
This is just a soft opening with
the press
so there are still a few things
left to do.
But if you see anything that
doesn't work,
it's off the record.
Come on, you know me,
my lips are sealed.
Elias, this is Tom McBride,
our editor.
Sara Webb, our photographer.
- Hi.
And Patrick Schaeffer who does
our digital content.
this is Elias Lentini.
- Hi.
It's nice to meet all of you.
Seeing the hotel
in Destination Traveler is a big
deal for my folks.
They love your magazine.
You must be exhausted,
so why don't you go get checked
in get some rest.
I'll show you around tomorrow,
and if you need anything
I'm in 608.
Wait, you're at the hotel too?
Just until the grand opening
next week.
Well, we should get
breakfast tomorrow.
Thank you for everything, Elias.
Welcome to...
Thank you.
- Thank you.
Hello, welcome
to the Hotel Optima.
Thank you.
We're with Destination
Traveler Magazine.
I'm Bree Hammond,
the manager. Welcome!
Please let me know if there's
anything I can do
to make your stay
more enjoyable.
Thank you.
- Thank you. I appreciate it.
Mr. McBride.
- That's me.
You're in room 409.
- Perfect.
Ms. Day?
You're in 510.
- Thank you.
Mr. Schaeffer, you're in 301.
- Thank you.
And Ms. Webb, 418.
- Thank you.
The elevator
is right over there.
Enjoy your stay.
Thank you so much.
- Thank you.
Ooh, well first and foremost,
I've heard that the local wine
is really great here.
Is anyone up for a little sample
with me right now?
Am I more thirsty or jet lagged?
Jet lagged. Bed for me.
Yeah, me too.
I could be down for
a glass of wine.
Well, let us now when Elias
wants to do the tour.
We should stop by
the American embassy,
get some local recommendations,
it's right down the street.
Why the embassy?
Diplomats always know the best
hole-in-the-wall restaurants.
Pro tip.
What can I say,
I'm good at my job.
See you in the morning.
- Goodnight, guys.
Aaron, it's good to see
you again.
I'm sorry it's under such
unpleasant circumstances.
Well, you know I keep asking
the FBI
to assign us cases with
happy endings,
but you know how bureaucracy is.
How long has it been?
Few years at least.
I think it was the...
the incident
with the American tourist
that took a joyride
on the Emir's yacht.
- Yes.
Well, that took some finesse
to handle.
Ambassador Soto,
this is Luke Vasquez.
He is new to our team.
Pleasure to meet you, ma'am.
Have you been on this post long?
Long enough.
I started as a liaison for
the Army Corp of Engineers.
If you need to get anything done
in Malta,
Ambassador Soto is who you
talk to.
I do know how things
work here, yes.
Which is why you will be dealing
with me directly
instead of the Diplomatic
Security Services.
This matter will require a great
deal of discretion.
Of course, Ambassador.
Who knew what was in there?
t's a long list.
Several people here on
our staff, embassy security,
and a dozen different agencies
from around the globe.
So much for top secret.
The documents contained the
identities of undercover agents
from a dozen different countries
including the United States.
They were stolen last month from
a diplomatic courier
on their way to an international
security summit,
but retrieved here in Malta by
Normand Duclasse,
who was with French
The agent who died bringing
the documents to the embassy?
Yes, now, because of
the incident,
the summit was postponed
and instead of risking another
courier, it was decided
to keep the documents here
for safekeeping,
which worked well,
until last night.
If fallen into the wrong hands,
people will die.
Did Duclasse know who took the
documents in the first place?
Based on the poison used
to kill him,
the CIA believe it is Cypher.
Code name for a mercenary the
CIA's been tracking for years.
The guy's resume reads like
a spy novel,
I mean, murder, blackmail,
trading state secrets,
the whole nine yards,
and the worst part is
the guy's a complete ghost.
Nobody knows what he
really looks like.
Nobody that's still alive,
that is.
If Cypher stole it
the first time,
it's a fair bet to assume
he's involved now.
Those documents are worth a
fortune on the black market.
And you don't know how
the thieves made it in
or out of the compound?
- No.
The exits are covered by
security cameras
but nobody saw them coming
or going.
The only reason we knew they
were there at all
was because they tripped
an alarm on the way out.
You locked down the building?
The entire block.
The box they took has an
encrypted lock
which is programmed remotely
by the State Department.
Nobody here could have gotten
into it, not even me.
And it was made
from reinforced steel.
It weighed over
a hundred pounds,
so it isn't easy to move.
And who is our
local police contact?
Inspector Orsel Deguara.
She's been made aware of
what's happened.
But I want to be kept apprised
every step of the way.
Gentlemen, I'm happy to continue
this conversation,
but you should get checked
into your hotel
before it gets too much later.
Sounds good.
Where are we staying?
The Hotel Optima.
It was in the way.
I didn't...
No, no, no. I... I should look
where I'm going. Sorry.
Are you American?
Yes, yes.
My name is Rianne, by the way.
- Yes.
That's a beautiful name.
Thank you.
- I'm Chloe.
If you need anything, just...
Just let me know.
Okay, thank you.
Have a good day! Bye.
Are you okay?
Yeah. I'm just having a
little trouble with the...
You know, whatever happened to
just a good, old-fashioned key?
Want me to help?
Now, you're just showing off.
Sometimes I find that swiping
works better than tapping.
I mean, I loosened it for you.
- Yeah.
I'm Aaron, by the way.
- Nice to meet you.
Thank you, Chloe.
I owe you one.
I'll see you around.
Bonus points for comfy mattress.
Come in.
Good evening, Ms. Day.
My name is Isaac.
I'm the room service waster.
Where would you like your
burger and French fries?
Just right there, please.
And how is your stay with us?
So far, wonderful,
except I was
hearing some voices.
I think it was
coming from the vent.
Could it be from another room?
Possibly. There are many quirks
in a building such as this.
Thick walls, but the vents
do sometimes prevent that.
Please, if it's too loud,
just call the front desk.
Okay. I will.
Thank you.
Enjoy your stay with us.
I love jetlag.
That's not helping.
"Glass breaking."
Man Thank you for
calling the Hotel Optima Malta.
All of our representatives are
Anybody there?!
Are you okay?!
I lost my key.
I need to use your phone.
- Is everything all right?
I need to call the police.
I think someone
just got murdered.
Excuse me.
- Excuse me, sir.
We need to access the
service area behind the hotel.
Somebody fell or was pushed
from the room above mine.
What? When?
About 20 minutes ago.
We should call the police.
No. We did. We need to see if
the person survived the fall.
From the sixth floor?
Look, I know that this doesn't
have any weight around here,
but I'm with the FBI.
You're FBI?
Wait, wait. What?!
I don't understand.
No, he fell right here.
Ms. Day? Bongu.
I am inspector Deguara from
the Malta Police Force.
Can you please tell me
what happened?
I heard an argument
through the air vent
coming from another room.
I heard a scream, then a crash,
and I looked over
and I saw a body in the
service area behind the hotel.
What time did all this happen?
24 a.m.
I wrote it down.
Have you checked
the room above mine?
Room 610.
There is no 610.
Directly above you
is a two-room suite, 608.
That's Elias Lentini's room.
He's my friend from college.
He oversaw the
renovation of the hotel.
He was staying in that room,
but he checked out.
No, he said he was staying here
through the grand opening.
He was going to show us
around tomorrow.
When did he check out?
45 a/m.
We've just looked it up.
He used the automated system
through the TV in the room.
No. That's before
I heard the argument.
There must be a mistake.
We checked the room moments ago.
None of his personal
effects are there
and there is
no sign of a disturbance.
Someone fell from that room.
I saw the body!
There must have been blood.
they checked the area outside.
They didn't find anything.
What about security cameras?
Our video surveillance system
is not operational yet.
But it will be by the time
we open for the public.
Somebody moved that body!
My officers checked
the entire alley
and inside the hotel,
this floor and the basement.
Staff members go in and out of
that doorway all the time.
And we checked with the guests
in the rooms near 608.
Nobody else heard anything.
It's the middle of the night!
Obviously, they were sleeping.
Ms. Day, what were you doing
before you heard the argument?
I was trying to sleep, but
the jetlag was keeping me up.
Are you sure you
hadn't dozed off?
Maybe you dreamed it.
I was standing on the bed,
listening at the vent.
I wrote things
down in my notebook!
How could I have done
that if I was asleep?
Did you have anything
to drink tonight?
I had one glass of wine.
I didn't dream this!
Ms. Day, I will have my officers
canvas the area in the morning.
We'll talk to the other guests.
We will follow up on this,
but, for tonight,
there is nothing much
more I can do. I am sorry.
I think we all need
some rest now.
Can't you do something?
You're FBI.
It's outside my jurisdiction.
Look, I'm working
on something else
with Inspector Deguara.
I promise you,
I will not let her drop it.
Meantime, is there anybody
you want me to call
or somebody
that you're traveling with?
No. I'm...
I'm fine.
Thank you, Aaron.
Elias, it's Chloe.
I need you to call me
as soon as you get this.
They're saying that you
checked out of the hotel.
I really hope that's true.
Something isn't right.
Call me.
This food is delicious.
I think I taste saffron.
Okay, how are you talking
about saffron
when you think your friend
got murdered last night?
Nobody else seems to think so.
You haven't heard from him?
I called his family's
construction company;
he wasn't there.
Maybe it wasn't him.
It was his room.
I know, but they said
that he checked out
before I heard the argument.
All I know is that
someone either fell
or was pushed from that balcony.
Then what?
The killer rushed downstairs
and moved the body,
and then came back upstairs
and got rid of all of his stuff?
I know didn't dream this.
But I can't prove it,
so, until then, saffron.
Forensics found dirt
on the floor of the vault
and also by the door.
And the suspects tracked it in?
Well, if not, the ambassador
needs to have a stern talking to
with the housekeeping crew.
I've been going through
the security footage.
Some of the internal
hallways aren't covered,
but every exit is,
and I still don't understand
how they got out of the building
without being seen by
any of the cameras.
Same way they got
in the building
without being seen by the
cameras, I'm guessing.
Maybe it was the infamous
Cypher living up to his name?
Even he can't walk
through walls.
I want you to keep on forensics,
make sure that we get those
results as soon as possible.
Hey, thank you so much.
Thank you.
Thank you.
- Hey, Chloe.
How you feeling today?
Still a little freaked out.
That's totally understandable.
Chloe Day, this is
Luke Vasquez, my partner.
Chloe, the one who thinks...
Yes, that would be me.
I'm gonna speak with
Inspector Deguara after lunch.
I'm gonna make sure that's
she's taking you seriously.
Thank you. I thought
the FBI was a U.S. thing.
Embassies are U.S. territory,
so it is our jurisdiction.
So is any crime
against an American
or an American interest.
So, if something has happened
to Elias, you'd get involved
because he's
an American citizen.
We would work with
local police, yes,
but since we don't know that
anything actually happened,
we have to stay out of it.
Remember when you said
you owed me one?
Am I going to regret that?
Regret's a strong word.
I just want to pick
your FBI brain for a bit.
You mean the brilliant one
that couldn't figure out
how to open a door?
Think of this as
your chance for redemption.
I'll meet you at
the police station.
Should we take a walk?
Travel writing
must be interesting.
Sure it's not as interesting
as being an FBI agent.
Come on.
You get to travel the world.
I mean...
you've got... this place.
- Right.
See? Interesting.
I mean, yes,
but most of my job is really
just taking a lot of notes.
Then, we've got a lot in common.
Really? Is that a big part
of investigating a crime?
It depends on the crime.
Say, hypothetically... murder.
That would be
a big hypothetical,
that the police
would be interested,
not a travel writer.
I know. I'm just...
I'm guessing that what
you do is a little different
to what I read
in my mystery novels.
Well, unfortunately,
there are very
few "a-ha" moments,
but I do think I would
rock a pipe and a monocle.
So, humor me.
How do you catch the bad guy?
How do you do it?
It's a bit like putting
together a jigsaw puzzle.
I mean,
you got your smaller pieces,
but you have to keep your eye
on the bigger picture time
or else you don't know where
everything's going to fit.
And then, you've got
your usual stuff...
Collect evidence,
put together a
list of suspects...
What if you're not even sure
that a crime was even committed?
Trust your instinct.
I mean, if your gut is telling
you that something's wrong,
it usually is.
So, what about the crime scene?
What do you look for?
Hypothetically, of course?
Of course.
That is a really beautiful song.
Really beautiful.
Is it, um, Maltese?
Yes, yes.
Is it... is it an old
song or a new song?
Um... It's...
It's quite old.
Speaking of old, I would
love to hear the history
of your beautiful country...
just all of it.
All of it?
From the very beginning.
Okay, Patrick,
I'm gonna put you on mute.
Let me know if
you hear any sound
coming through the vent, okay?
Got it.
Chloe Hello? Testing.
One, two, three.
I can hear something.
It's muffled,
but I can definitely
hear your voice.
You do?
That's what I heard last night.
Thank you.
No problem.
Be careful.
Um, we've been colonized.
Many times.
- Wow.
I just feel like I've
just learned the whole history
of the country.
So, thank you so much for
telling me all about Malta
and the, um,
historical significance.
Um... I'm going to go...
look at Malta.
Thank you.
So, now what?
Well, we have an hour,
so maybe we can
find some cute shops
that we can include
in the magazine.
No, Chloe. I mean,
what are you going to do
with all the evidence
that you found?
Well, I mean,
it's just a piece of broken
glass and a cufflink.
It's not gonna convince anyone.
I need to prove that
somebody was in that room
when I heard the argument.
But Elias had
checked out already.
Well, that's what they told us,
but he was going to show us
around today, remember?
Why would he check out
and not send me a text?
Maybe he had an emergency.
He wouldn't leave
before the grand opening.
I bet his hotel bill
would tell us a lot.
If we could just find out who
was on duty that night...
You think someone from
the hotel is involved?
The area where the body fell
is only accessible by staff.
Patrick, do you know anything
about hotel
reservations systems?
Not really. I mean, I could
probably figure it out, but...
Chloe, I'm sorry. No.
Hacking into a hotel system
is way beyond my skill set.
I understand.
But what if you could access
one of their computers,
do you think we could
find what we're looking for?
I might, but we don't have
that type of access.
Do we?
What about the security cameras?
They're not hooked up yet.
How are we going to get him
away from the front desk?
Sara is going to...
Front desk.
Hi. I really need your help.
I'm locked out of my room.
I'm in 418.
If you come down to the lobby,
I'll be happy to...
Well, no. I really
need you to come up here.
It's an emergency.
- I'll be there in a minute.
Thank you.
- Okay.
Okay, okay...
He didn't lock it.
And it's in English.
So far, so good.
Can you access
the employee records?
I'm guessing it's the link
marked employee records.
I really owe you one for this.
Employee reviews are coming up,
put in a good word with Tom.
Maybe just don't
mention this part.
Okay. I have the
room folio for suite 608.
I need a USB port to
export it to the flash drive.
Blue paint?
All right...
What about the employees who
were on duty that night?
Already on it.
Can we make it go any faster?
It's not a horse;
I can't just yell "giddy up".
Good evening.
Hope you're enjoying your stay.
Good evening, sir.
It's Peter, right?
- Yeah.
I just had a question
about the building
down the street.
You know what? It might just be
easier if I show you. You mind?
Of course.
- Great. Thank you.
Look at this
whole landscape here,
the whole architectural line,
I mean, it's absolutely
Yeah. No, it is. That is...
- Fascinating.
That is fascinating.
- Yes.
It is absolutely fascinating.
- Thank you.
Thank you so much, Peter.
I appreciate it.
No problem at all.
- Yeah.
remind me how
FBI's jurisdiction works
on foreign soil again?
Well, I have none,
unless it was a crime
committed against an American
or an American interest.
Well, the hotel is
owned by a Swiss company,
so, I don't know,
something like trespassing...
Would be none of my business.
But if I were to see
someone committing a crime,
like, say,
I don't know, trespassing,
then I should report it
to local police.
What if that person was
doing it for a good reason?
Like, what if they were really
worried about their friend?
Well, then,
I would probably drop it,
but I would also tell them that,
if something did happen
to their friend,
then sneaking around in places
where they don't belong
is very dangerous.
I'm sure they understand.
Good. But in case
you weren't keeping count,
now, I think you owe me one.
Totally fair. Thank you.
Sir, I've taken the liberty
of booking you
on a walking tour
in the morning,
since you're so fascinated
with the architecture.
Yeah. No. You know,
I think I'm...
I have to check,
but I think my schedule
is really just kind of slammed.
It's a fairly...
It's a fairly quick tour.
I mean, you only
take in about 15 churches.
I hope that's okay.
Can't wait. Thank you.
Should we be doing this?
Not even a little.
Okay. Just checking.
Carry on.
Okay. We didn't
get the detailed folio,
but here's a summary
of Elias' stay.
It says he checked in
at32 p.m. on the 14th
and checked out at
45 a.m. on the 18th.
That's forty minutes before
I heard the argument.
That doesn't make any sense.
What about the room charges?
There's not much here.
It says he ordered a movie,
a murder mystery.
Ironic. Sorry.
Then, there's mini bar
and room service,
but it doesn't say
when it was delivered or by who.
What about employee records?
Who was on duty that night?
Right. Okay. Here's a schedule
of who should have been here.
So, there's Peter Gilroy,
who was not at the front desk
when I came
downstairs that night.
Maybe moving a body?
Could he have faked
a checkout time?
If he couldn't,
then she could have -
Bree Hammond, the manager.
She arrived in,
like, five minutes
after Peter called her at home.
Which means she could have
been here the whole time.
That's what I'm thinking.
That's Rianne Bonello.
She was the only housekeeper
on duty that night.
She probably really good at
cleaning up messes very quickly.
Yeah, but why?
I just don't see her
and Elias getting
into a fight that ends up
with her pushing
him over the balcony.
Well, we took that self-defense
class and got really excited
about that
elbow to the stomach move.
Remind me never
to cross you two.
That's Isaac Abela.
He delivered my food that night.
Isaac was the only waiter
on the schedule,
so he definitely delivered
Elias' food that night.
And think about those
carts that they use,
he could easily have used that
to get rid of Elias' things
without anyone noticing.
Come on.
Do you think a waiter have
access to a fake checkout time?
I mean, probably not,
but those are the only people
who had access to the rooms.
The rest are kitchen or
admin staff who wouldn't.
Okay, so, now,
you have a list of suspects.
Now what are you gonna do?
Now, I guess I go talk to them.
Chloe, you heard
what the FBI guy said,
this could be really dangerous.
I'll be careful.
But it's been two days since
anyone's heard anything
from Elias; I'm worried.
Hey, Tom.
Yeah, we'll be right there.
He's waiting for us.
Did you guys see
that there was a robbery
at the embassy?
Wait. Did it happen
the same night
that you heard the argument?
No, the night before.
What did they steal?
"The embassy issued a statement
saying 'no comment'."
Do you think it's connected?
One mystery at a time.
Well, that was fun.
Yeah. Explaining
that newspaper article
to the ambassador
and the prime minister
was exactly how I
wanted to spend my day.
Forensic reports.
They found traces
of laundry detergent
mixed in with the dirt
they found on the floor.
Found phosphates in it, so
probably commercial grade.
I'll make a list
of all the laundromats
and cleaners in the area
that would use this
kind of detergent.
Yeah, sounds good.
What are you thinking?
Not sure yet.
I'm gonna head
back to the hotel.
See you tomorrow.
- See ya.
Are you sure you wanna do this?
But the only way to
rule out suspects
is to talk to them, so...
Come on! Come on, come on!
- Okay.
This is how cheerleaders get
killed in horror movies.
Shh! Don't say that.
I was a cheerleader.
It'll be fine.
What was that?
- Okay, I've changed my mind.
I'm thinking we should be
interviewing the suspects
in a brightly lit lobby
with lots of people around.
I agree. Let's just go right
back where we came from.
Chloe, hey, it's me.
- Yeah.
You scared us to death!
What are you guys
doing down here?
Owing you two favors?
This is Sara;
she works with me.
I would say "nice to meet you,"
but I have to restart my heart.
What are you doing here?
Looking for that.
You feel that?
Yeah. Where's that
breeze coming from?
Okay, that just happened.
Stay here.
Come on.
You want me to go in there?
That's Elias!
Do you think Elias was connected
to the embassy robbery?
I know the papers didn't say
what was stolen,
but he can't be...
Chloe, we can't
talk about any of that.
But you know whoever killed him
probably worked at the hotel.
Otherwise, how could
they have had access
to the restricted area
where I saw his body
or faked a checkout time?
And how do you know they
manipulated the checkout time?
I don't, really.
It's just...
Just people I spoke to...
I see. Well, that's it for now.
But if we have
any further questions,
we'll be in touch.
Chloe, I'm gonna
need your passport.
What? Why?
Because you are
a material witness
to a murder investigation.
Fine. It's at the hotel.
I'll go get it.
Why don't you two
go on ahead? I'll see Chloe out.
Listen, we do think that
the two events are related,
we just don't know how yet.
And until we do, our focus
has to be on the robbery.
But you're going to
investigate the murder, right?
Yes, of course.
In fact, we went to
go see his father.
His father
didn't want to see us.
Why not?
I don't know.
But he's a Maltese citizen,
so how hard we push him
is entirely up to the inspector.
We are working out jurisdiction.
It's going to take
a little bit of time.
I will keep you in the loop
as much as I can.
You would do that?
As long as you promise to leave
the investigating to us,
hypothetical or otherwise.
I understand.
Thank you.
I just don't understand
why you didn't tell me
about any of this earlier.
Because you're my boss, Tom,
and my ex;
it's complicated.
Well, it shouldn't be.
We're still friends, aren't we?
Of course.
Well, then, you should trust me.
I'll always have your back.
Aww, thank you.
That means a lot.
Do you think you'll
need a lawyer?
It might not be a bad idea
to have one on speed dial.
You're not going to keep
poking around, are you?
Well, we still don't know
how Elias is connected
to the robbery,
or, if he was, why would he stay
another night at the hotel,
or what was stolen.
Wait, Chloe, those are questions
for the police and the FBI.
Yeah, but they're
not asking them!
Elias was my friend;
I need to do something.
He was murdered!
- Relax, Tom.
I'm not going to do anything
that could put me in danger.
You found a body while skulking
around a hotel basement!
I'm not going
to do anything else
that could put me in danger.
Chloe, you need
to let go of this
and let the
authorities do their job.
All right.
Hey, thanks for
getting back to me. Great.
Hello, Mr. Lentini.
I'm sorry to leave
a message like this.
This is Chloe Day.
I met you a few times while
Elias was in college.
Look, are you sure you want
to be down here for this,
Madame Ambassador?
We can cover
all of this with DSS.
I don't want to
hear things secondhand.
Just get on with it.
So, there are
passageways like this
under a lot of the city.
They date back
to the 16th century.
Now, the tunnels from the hotel
and the embassy only probably
go back to the 1950s.
the hotel cameras aren't
operational yet
and the embassy doesn't have
cameras in the basement,
so we don't have
coverage of any of the exits.
Why connect the embassy to this?
They used to sneak people
in and out all the time,
especially during the Cold War.
It was legit spycraft.
And nobody knew it was here?
I suspect it was
sealed off in the 1990s.
There's only a few at the
embassy from that era.
Including yourself, right?
Well, yes,
but I-I
was a low level specialist.
I certainly didn't
have clearance for things
like secret spy tunnels.
Do we think Lentini
found the tunnel
while doing construction
on the hotel?
Makes sense.
The only question is
how did he know
what was in the embassy vault
and how did he know
how to get to it?
Gentlemen, I need to get back.
Keep me posted.
- Of course, ma'am.
Maybe our amateur sleuth
can help figure this out.
I'm don't think we've
seen the last of Chloe Day.
Ms. Day.
Your food is just in there.
I don't understand.
I didn't order room service.
Yes. A cheeseburger
and French fries.
Sorry, but when you
didn't answer the door,
I thought I would just
leave it in there...
I didn't ask for that.
That's odd.
Perhaps I made a mistake
and went somewhere
I should not have been.
That happens, no?
I guess.
Anyway, it's on the house.
Mr. Lentini.
I'm so sorry...
Yes. OK.
Yes, I can meet you there.
I'm on my way.
Mr. Lentini.
- Chloe.
I'm so sorry about Elias.
Thank you. He was fond of you.
He was a good friend.
Please, sit. Let's talk.
I know this is
a difficult time for you
and I'm sorry to ask you this,
but did the police...
The police!
Do not talk to me
about the police.
They think that he was
involved with the robbery
of the U.S. embassy.
Why would he want
top secret documents?
Is that what was stolen?
How do you know that?
I have lived here
my entire life.
There is very little
that happens in Malta
that I do not know.
Was there any connection
between Elias and the embassy?
Mr. Lentini.
We cannot let whoever did this
to Elias get away with it just
because we don't want
to believe that he may have
done something bad.
Let's... Let's walk.
Elias loved this place.
He wanted one of
those big houses on the hill
and a yacht in the harbor.
That sounds like him.
He always had big dreams.
I am a proud man, Chloe.
Too proud, I suspect,
and I may have
given that to Elias,
but pride can make
a person reckless.
I would never say
anything against my son,
but perhaps...
perhaps with every
act of recklessness,
there is one of reckoning.
This should tell you more.
We keep running into each other.
This is Mr. Lentini.
Elias' father.
I'm so sorry for your loss,
Mr. Lentini.
Everyone at the hotel loved
working for Elias very much.
Thank you.
Chloe, it's good to see you.
You, too.
Be well.
Take care.
So, no work today?
No, no. Tonight.
I'm just... I'm out running
errands before my shift begins.
And you?
I've got to go put some
pieces of a puzzle together.
Ciao, ciao, ciao.
See you later.
- Hi.
Do you remember the part
where you told me to
leave the investigating
to the investigators?
I'm starting not
to like that word.
What if I were to,
you know, keep poking around?
Well, then you would be
interfering in an active
FBI investigation and I could,
you know, arrest you.
Have you ever heard the phrase
"it's easier to ask forgiveness
than it is to get permission?"
Go ahead.
I know how Elias Lentini is
connected to
the embassy robbery.
So, Mr. Lentini just
gave you all of this?
Yes. He wants to find
out who murdered his son
but he doesn't want to
implicate him in the robbery.
So, he's having
you do it for him.
I guess so.
These documents show that
Lentini Construction remodeled
the embassy ten years ago.
When the vault was installed.
We saw that in the records,
but a different
company did the vault.
They went out of
business years ago
so we're still
tracking them down.
Valletta Securities,
owned by Condor Enterprises,
which is owned by...
Elias Lentini.
He always had these
little side businesses.
So, his company
puts in the vault,
which means he definitely
knows how to open it.
Now we just need to figure out
who he was working with
and what he would want
with top secret documents.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
How do you know about...
I don't want to know. No.
What did the autopsy say?
And did you check
the hotel records?
Yeah, I'm not telling
you any of that.
I just gave you a huge clue!
I fell like we're back
to you owing me one.
I feel like you need
to check your math.
The only odd thing about
the autopsy was that it showed
a small puncture wound in
his shoulder that couldn't have
come from the fall.
As for the hotel records,
we're still waiting
on a subpoena.
The hotel manager
won't give them to you?
She's on my list of suspects.
I don't want to know
about your list of suspects.
Besides, it's not her decision.
The hotel is owned by a company
that's based in Switzerland,
they are very
serious about privacy.
So, the State Department
is negotiating for us.
You might want to subpoena
the room service records
while you're at it.
And why would I want to do that?
Just a hunch.
So, what do you think?
Am I ready to join the FBI?
I mean, who needs Quantico?
I'll get you a badge tomorrow.
I was supposed to
meet Tom an hour ago
to review a nightclub.
My FBI job's getting
in the way of my real job.
I take it your boss
doesn't want you playing
Sherlock Holmes either?
It's complicated.
You and Tom are..
Were. Past tense. Very.
What happened?
I am so sorry,
it's the whole FBI thing.
Every time I try to
express genuine interest
in a person's life, it ends up
sounding like an interrogation.
It's okay.
Well, I liked Tom because
he's a travel writer like me,
and traveling's
very important to me.
My parents used to take me
on trips when I was growing up,
but they passed away
when I was young.
I'm sorry.
Thank you.
So, I went to live
with my grandmother,
who she never went anywhere.
So, I made a career
out of travel writing.
That's why it felt like
Tom was such a perfect fit.
Those are rare.
We never saw each other.
I'd be coming back from Brazil
and he would be off to Japan,
or he'd get back from some place
and I'd be off to the next.
The irony is now
that he's editor,
I see him all the time.
Like I said. It's complicated.
Yeah, no, I get it.
I mean,
I'm on the road all the time.
Whenever I head
home to DC I have to
look up my own address.
So, there's no Mrs. FBI Agent?
There was.
Also past tense.
At least she's not your boss.
No, no. That would be my dad.
What's that like?
Especially when I don't
follow to the rulebook.
Are you one of
those rogue FBI agents?
Well, I am talking to you.
I better go.
Let me know about that badge.
I will.
Good night, Chloe.
- Rianne, hi.
- Hi.
Did you clean my room tonight?
That was done by the day
shift at00 o'clock.
Before I went to
see Mr. Lentini.
So, I know that the hotel
isn't fully open yet,
but do you always
work the night shift?
No. no. Not always,
It's not so bad.
There are fewer rooms to clean.
And were you working
the night Elias was murdered?
Yes, but I was
not on that floor.
Are you involved
with the investigation?
Me? No.
Just curious.
So, did you see anybody
go into my room tonight?
The only other person I saw up
here tonight was the manager.
Ms. Bree Hammond.
Is something wrong in your room?
Do you need me to...
No, no. Everything's fine.
Thank you.
Have a good night.
You, too.
I didn't see any
spyware or viruses.
And we encrypt all of our files,
so I think you're good.
I know I closed
that laptop before
I went to see Mr. Lentini.
Who could've been in your room?
Isaac, Rianne, Bree.
Ms. Day,
your scooter rental is ready.
The gentleman over there will
show you how to operate it.
Thank you, Peter.
Does that towel look familiar?
Don't you remember there was
a towel with blue paint on it
under the front desk?
Chloe, Chloe!
You can't mention the towel
because then he'll know
that we were back there.
Yeah, but we still don't
know where he was when I came
downstairs that night.
And where's Bree?
I mean,
she's near my room yesterday,
today she's not at work?
Come on, that's suspicious.
Patrick do those employee
records you downloaded yesterday
have home addresses on them?
I'm going to pay Bree a visit.
Are you actually
trying to get me fired?
Are you following me?
I'm calling the police.
Okay, fine. I'll tell them
about how you broke into my room
and went through my laptop.
How did you know about that?
I didn't, but I do now.
What were you looking for?
I wanted to know what you
were writing about the hotel.
I can't afford
a negative review,
and considering the incident.
I know Elias Lentini
was your friend
and you've been
talking to the FBI.
Okay, but why all
the sneaking around?
Why the scarf
and the sunglasses?
I copied some files from your
computer but they were locked,
so I was taking them to
a friend who said he could help.
For the record,
the review was a good one.
Thank you.
I hope I can count on you
to keep this little
indiscretion between us?
On one condition.
The hotel has been stalling
on handing over the records
for the night
Elias Lentini was murdered.
Perhaps you could
expedite the process.
You know, generally speaking if
you're trying to be incognito,
Wearing a hat the size of
a bus is not the way to do it.
Trying to lighten the mood.
It's too soon.
Definitely too soon.
Chloe, somebody thinks that
you're getting too close
to actually knowing something.
And they're trying
to scare you off.
Well, it's working.
I think that you should
go back to the U.S.
I'll get your passport,
we'll send you on your way.
No, but you said that I was
getting close to something.
I can't leave until I find
out who did this to Elias.
Okay, so,
here's what's going to happen.
You're going to tell me
everything you know.
We're going to go
through all of it
and maybe I can
fill in some gaps.
Could you get
in trouble for that?
I live on the edge, remember?
I mean, I guess your
boss is your dad.
So, what's the worst
that can happen?
Tell my mom.
Alright, hit me with it.
Alright, so, according to
the newspaper article,
on the night of the 16th,
two people broke into
the embassy and stole
top secret documents
We know that one of
them was Elias Lentini.
We don't know that for sure.
He knew about the tunnels
and he had access the vault.
Okay. Alright, let's assume
that you're right about that.
Keep going.
So, then they escaped
through the tunnels,
but I'm thinking that for
whatever reason they couldn't
take the documents out
of the hotel that night.
Embassy security had
locked down the entire area.
And the documents
were in a steel box.
It's big, it's heavy,
it's hard to move,
it's got an encrypted lock.
Probably couldn't get it open.
So, they left it behind.
Either in the tunnels or perhaps
hidden in the basement.
They wait for the next night
after things have cooled down
a little bit.
Right, and then the partner
goes to Elias' room
and they get into a fight.
Which you hear through the vent.
And the partner pushes
Elias off the balcony.
But then, how does
the killer go downstairs,
wrap the body in plastic,
move it to the tunnel,
and then get back upstairs
to clean out
everything from Elias' room?
They couldn't have.
Unless there was a third person.
So, suspects?
Alright, so,
Bree Hammond, the manager.
She says she was at home,
but there's no way she
could've gotten from
where she lives to the hotel
as quickly as she did.
Plus, she could
change the records.
Okay. Who else?
Rianne, the housekeeper.
I mean, she said she was
cleaning another floor
that night, but who knows?
She could've cleaned out
Elias's stuff from his room.
Anybody else?
Isaac, the room service waiter.
We know he delivered
food that night.
And Peter, the front desk guy,
who could have
changed the hotel records
and was not down there when
I came down that night.
Why is that suspicious?
Because I found
a towel with paint on it
underneath the front desk,
the same paint that I saw
in the alley
where the body fell.
But what I still don't
understand is why people
who work in a hotel would want
to steal top secret documents?
Because one of those people
is not who they say they are.
Has the name Cypher
come up in anything
that you've seen or heard?
No. What's that?
It's not a what, it's a who.
A spy and a bad one.
Nobody knows who he is
or what he looks like,
but this is exactly the kind
of thing that he would do,
and he wouldn't be shy
about getting rid of anybody
who was in his way.
Alright, I'm officially
freaked out.
Chloe, here's what
I want you to do.
You forget about all this,
you go back to travel writing.
And you be careful.
If you see anything,
anything at all that's
out of the ordinary,
call me, okay?
But just FYI,
I don't want the badge anymore.
Let's get you back.
You sure you're
going to be okay?
I think I'll make it.
Alright, well, if there's
anything that you need...
Are you okay?
Yes, I'm okay. Thank you.
I should be
getting to get back to...
Right. Thank you, Aaron.
Yes, thank you, Agent Maxwell.
Very welcome.
See you.
I'm going to call the lawyers,
see if there's a way you can
get your passport back.
You're going home.
But I'm not ready to leave.
what about the magazine?
I don't care about the magazine.
Yes, you do.
Okay, I do,
but I care about you more.
I'm worried. Is that okay?
Yes, that's okay.
Ms. Hammond.
Here's that hotel
press kit you requested.
Right. Thank you.
Well, at least that will
keep you distracted from
all this murder business.
I hope so.
Okay, what we had
before was just a summary,
but this is way more detailed.
It says that Elias
rented the movie at04pm,
then took items from
the minibar at30pm
and again15pm.
Then there's nothing until
the room service delivery
at 55am.
But he supposedly
checked out at45am.
How could get room service ten
minutes after he checked out
and then get
murdered after that?
Whoever killed him obviously
faked the check-out time
to make it look as if
he wasn't in the hotel
at the time of murder.
Chloe, who would want to
put a fake check-out time?
Someone who delivered the order,
and didn't want anyone to know
he was there?
Are you able to look up
the room service orders
for the entire hotel?
Sure, up until this afternoon.
Okay, were there any orders
from my room yesterday?
No. Nothing from your room.
Would it show up
even if it was cancelled?
Well, it should.
There's an order here for
room 206 that was cancelled,
but it still
shows up as an order.
So, Isaac lied. He wasn't in my
room to deliver food yesterday,
and he was on duty
the night Elias was murdered.
Chloe, you need to show
this to Aaron or the police.
I will, I just need to be sure.
How did you get that?
I may have implied that
I'd tell the hotel company
she broke into my
computer if she didn't.
You wouldn't really do that.
She doesn't need to know that.
Okay, so I need you guys
to distract Tom, while I...
Chloe, someone tried to
kill you, like, two hours ago!
And I'm not going to stop
until I find out who it was.
All I want is a quick
look in his locker
to make sure that
there's nothing suspicious.
Five minutes.
Patrick can distract Tom.
I'm going with you.
Bree said that this would
get us past any lock.
Isaac, Isaac, Isaac, Isaac.
Well, I'd say that
qualifies as suspicious.
I really wish you
hadn't found that.
Nous avons un problme.
Je dois leur dire qui je suis.
We need to talk
to your FBI friend.
She should not be here.
Ms. Day, we owe you
a debt of gratitude,
so I'm going to let you stay,
but under penalty of law.
I understand. I won't say word.
I'll take full responsibility.
Please, continue.
My name is Jeffrey Boucher.
I work for
the direction gnrale
de la scurit extrieure.
It's the French
equivalent of the CIA.
Normand Duclasse, the agent who
brought these documents here,
he was my partner.
We were trying to keep them
safe from an enemy operative.
We know he wanted to sell these
documents to the highest bidder,
but before we could
get them out of Malta,
Cypher attacked
and Normand was killed.
I'm sorry.
The documents were safe here,
but I knew it was only a matter
of time before
Cypher struck again.
So, I took a job at
the hotel as Isaac,
the room service waiter.
Were you there when
the embassy was being robbed?
No, and by the time I got here,
it was too late.
I spent the next two days
conducting my own investigation,
but I found nothing, so I was
going to return to France.
Elias Lentini was going
to be my last delivery.
What happened in that room?
I was delivering food when
I overheard him on the phone
in the next room.
He may have thought I had left.
He mentioned the tunnel.
I was intrigued,
so I went to look.
Lentini was alive when you left?
Very much so.
I discovered the tunnel
and the box and I managed to
drag it to my locker
moments before Lentini
came looking for it.
I suspect when Cypher
discovered the box was gone,
he killed Lentini.
Why didn't you return it?
Because I knew that as long as
you were still looking for it,
Cypher would still
be looking for it.
It was my only
chance to catch him.
And you have no idea who
he is or what he looks like?
No. He is very good at his job.
What were you doing
in my room yesterday?
I had seen you
snooping around in room 608
and talking to the FBI.
I wanted to know who you were.
Agent Boucher,
before you continue,
let's secure the documents, yes?
I believe this is yours.
I can go now?
You can and you should.
Cypher's going to figure out
that we have the documents.
Who knows what he'll
do to get them back?
But we still don't
know who Cypher is
and we don't know who he's
working with at the hotel.
We still don't know
who killed Elias.
Chloe, I promise you,
I'm going to find out.
You gotta trust me.
I do.
We'll be keeping that vault
under 24-hour guard until
the documents become
someone else's problem.
It's a very good idea.
Agent Boucher,
I do have a question.
You said that you heard Elias
Lentini mention the tunnel.
What made you think that that
was connected to the robbery?
Gentlemen, perhaps we can
continue this later.
The intelligence we had said
the tunnel was filled in
years ago, but if it hadn't,
it would make sense.
Wait, you knew
the tunnel into the embassy
existed at some point?
I suspect the CIA
knows the layout of
our embassies as well.
So, you saw intelligence
that said that the tunnel
was partially filled in?
Yes, a report from your...
What do you call it?
Army Corp of Engineers?
Agent Maxwell,
perhaps we should take a walk?
Excuse me.
So, wait. That's it?
We're just going to go home?
Yup, my days as a junior
detective are over.
Thank goodness.
But we still don't
know who killed Elias.
Or what was in
that box we found.
Or why Isaac
was speaking French.
Or do we know those things?
You know things! Tell us!
I can't. It's classified.
Classified? A couple of days
ago you were a travel writer
and now you have some
sort of top secret clearance?
Look, all I know is that it's
being taken care of, okay?
Aaron is going to find
out who killed Elias,
and he can't do that
if he's worried about us.
I don't think we're
the ones he's worried about.
I think you should
go pack your bags.
We have a plane to catch.
This is one of my favorite
places in all of Malta.
Madame Ambassador,
let's have a seat.
They wanted to keep their
options open. The tunnel.
They were going to demolish it,
but the Cold War was still
fresh in everyone's minds
and they thought it might be
needed again someday.
You worked with the engineers,
you filed a report saying
the tunnel had been filled in.
You made a few
incorrect assumptions
in your investigation.
Elias Lentini did not find
out about the tunnels through
the hotel construction.
He only found out
about it a couple weeks ago.
When I told him.
I also told him
how to get into the vault
and where to find
the lockbox with the documents.
Why would you do that?
As you said, I know how to
get things done here in Malta.
And sometimes that requires
things like bribes, kickbacks,
playing favorites with
independent contractors.
I believe everything I did
was for the right reasons.
We helped a lot of people.
Even saved a few lives,
but if anyone ever found out...
So, you were
blackmailed by Cypher?
I was contacted
a couple of weeks after
Normand Duclasse was killed.
I was told to provide
Elias Lentini with
all the information that
he needed to do the job,
except for what
was in the lockbox.
He thought it was money.
He thought he was
going to be rich.
You never actually met Cypher?
No, it was all
distorted phone calls
and encrypted emails,
but Cypher said something
that led me to believe there's
something else you
presumed incorrectly.
What's that?
I don't know if
it was on purpose
or a slip up
or maybe the plan was to kill me
before I had a chance
to tell anyone,
but when I said that
the lockbox was heavy,
Cypher said,
"Men are good for some things."
It's open.
I heard you were leaving.
We are. I'm just cleaning up.
Housekeeping will get that.
I know, it's just
it's a lot of stuff.
You'd be amazed how much
they can fit on those carts.
Eager for me to be gone?
Something like that.
The FBI still hasn't
told me who Isaac really is
and what was in that
lockbox I saw them carry out.
I don't know.
I think you know plenty.
The question is how much
did you tell the authorities?
You mean about how fast
you got to the hotel
the night of the murder?
What do you mean?
I know where you live.
There's no way you could have
gotten here that fast.
I had already left
the house when I got the call,
but all this snooping
around makes things...
Well, my friends are
waiting for me downstairs,
so I really gotta go.
They can wait.
I really gotta...
Sorry, but I need to
tie up a few loose ends.
Um, sorry.
I thought you had checked out.
No, that's okay.
I'm on my way out.
Thank you for staying
at the Hotel Optima.
We'll see you soon.
Alright, let's do this.
Thank you.
I'll take that.
Thank you.
Have a safe flight.
Alright. Let's go.
What is that?
Elias' cufflink.
I found it in his room.
The killer must have missed
it when they cleaned up.
I wonder how they did that?
Did what?
Well, when Isaac
was the main suspect,
we thought he used
the room service cart
to clean up Elias' belongings.
Yeah, but Isaac
wasn't the killer.
Right. When Isaac left,
Elias was still alive.
So, the killer came later.
So after what happened
in your room today,
you think it might be Bree?
I think this falls squarely into
the "not your problem
anymore" category.
Excuse me.
Hello. Aaron?
Chloe, hi.
I just wanted to
make sure that you guys
got through security okay.
Yeah, we did, thank you.
We're in the lounge
waiting to board.
Good, um...
Hey, listen. Off the record.
Thank you.
I wish I could have done more.
Don't worry, okay?
We're going to get her.
Have a good flight.
I gotta go!
I'm sorry.
- What?
I'm sorry. I gotta go.
Chloe, go where?
Aaron, it's Chloe.
Listen, don't be mad.
I'm back at the Hotel Optima.
I'm on to something. Call me.
I thought you left?
No, change of plans.
I need to find Agent Maxwell.
s he with the FBI?
- Well, they're here.
- Right now, in the basement.
Could you please
take me to them?
Bree isn't Cypher.
You are.
Thank God.
Ooh, door's locked.
Bad timing, sweetheart.
You really should've
gotten on the plane.
I was willing to
give you a free pass.
I appreciate that.
Especially seeing as
no one else got one.
Yes, poor Peter.
He was useful.
Until he wasn't.
Actually, I had just
finished taking care of that
and was leaving when
I saw you come back in.
Why did you let me go?
Well, you didn't really
know who I was, did you?
Although if this
is any indication,
you did get closer
than anyone ever has.
Remarkable, really.
Thank you.
Although I still can't figure
out how you convinced Elias
and Peter to help you
steal top documents?
I didn't.
I convinced them to steal money.
They thought the lockbox
was going to be full of
cash and jewels.
Yes, greed is
a powerful motivator.
No, no, no, no. Chloe.
This isn't quite right.
No, Elias didn't
know about the tunnel
and he didn't know how
to get into the vault. No.
I blackmailed the ambassador
into telling him all of that.
Credit where credit is due.
Well, what else did I get wrong?
Well, that's it.
My letter of resignation.
I'll have this
delivered to the President
in Washington tomorrow.
I'm very sorry,
Madame Ambassador.
Don't be. I should have told you
everything right from the start.
Some secrets are not
meant to be kept.
Well, well, your first case
and you've already taken down
the U.S. ambassador.
I always did the extra
credit in school.
Yeah, I bet you cleaned
the whiteboards, too.
Aaron, it's Chloe.
Don't be mad.
I'm back at the Hotel Optima.
I'm on to something. Call me.
Hypothetically. Come on.
This part is correct.
Yes, they set off
the alarm when they
were robbing the embassy.
You see, we couldn't
get the box out
and we couldn't get it open,
but when Elias went
back to retrieve it,
it was gone.
Isaac had removed it, right?
Yes, in my defense,
I didn't know that at the time.
Naturally, you thought Elias
had double crossed you,
so you killed him.
And then you had
Peter move the body.
But what I can't figure out is,
why didn't you
move the body sooner?
Sneaking a body out of
a hotel is a lot difficult
than you might think.
It's not like we could just
wheel a cart out the front door.
So, you had Peter
fake the check-out time
while you cleaned the room.
Yes, but not very well,
I was in a bit of a hurry.
And Bree?
Well, we thought we might
need her access to override
the system in
case of an emergency,
and turns out we were right.
She knew nothing about it.
And so, when did you
realize that I was on to you?
Well, you see,
I had Peter set up a little
a booby trap
on the hotel system.
It told me if anyone tried
to access Elias' room records.
I watched through the webcam
while you and your ginger friend
broke into the computer
at the front desk.
So, it was you that
followed me that day.
Yes, I chased you
to scare you off.
And when I saw you that day
outside the cathedral?
Yes, I was following you,
of course.
Of course.
Any other questions
before I wrap up the last
of my loose ends?
Just one.
How did you push
Elias off the balcony?
I injected him with this.
He never saw it coming.
Well, I did.
Help! Help!
Chloe, Chloe, Chloe.
Why didn't you just let it go?
Because Elias was my friend.
How noble.
I wonder if any of your friends
will be as tenacious when
trying to figure out
who killed you.
Alright, you, you. This way.
The rest of you follow me.
This way.
Okay, wait!
No, no, no. Don't worry.
The poison works pretty fast.
You'll be dead
before you hit the ground.
Wait! wait.
I bet you regret playing
detective now though, don't you?
You know what?
Not even a little bit.
Hands where wee can see them!
Now, now!
Now. Go, go!
Go, go, go, go!
Hands behind your back!
You okay? Did she hurt you?
No, I'm okay.
You are now a prisoner
under U.S. jurisdiction.
Anything you say can
and will be used against you
in a court of law.
I'm guessing you got my message.
I did.
I think I'm going to call you
Special Agent Day now.
Come on.
Bye, Chloe!
How are you doing?
As well as expected.
Well, I'm guessing this is
why you came into
my room yesterday.
I didn't want you
to leave with it.
If anyone found out
I gave this to you,
it would cost me my job.
After everything
that's happened,
you still want your job?
This hotel is my life.
Well, I truly wish you the best.
I wish the same to you, Chloe.
Making sure I'm really
leaving this time?
I was considering an armed guard
escort to the plane for you.
What about you?
Are you headed back to DC?
In a few days. I've got
some things to clear up here
and then I'm going to head home.
What did your dad think
of you cracking the case
and catching Cypher?
Thing is I didn't. You did.
I'll call that a team effort.
You know we could
still talk about
getting that badge for you.
I think I'll stick with
travel writing. Thank you.
It's a lot safer.
I should get going.
Thank you for believing in me.
It's easy.
I'll see you at the next
international crime scene.
- Hypothetically.