To Hell with a Bullet (2013) Movie Script

Hey, Whiskey, man!
Did a great show.
Yeah, I know, pops.
This is for your kids.
Fuckin' ass-hole.
Well. Still got hair.
Yeah, someone's in here.
Hold on!
Ah, fuck!
Yeah man, chill!
Someone's in here.
Dude, I'm coming!
What's your problem, dude?
The issue is, what's
your problem, dude?
Yeah, I thought so.
I gotta take a shit...
Unless you want it dumped on your face,
you might wanna get out the way.
I told you it would work.
So, where's my fucking
record contract, bro?
That wasn't the deal.
Let's go!
- Hold on, Whiskey!
- I wanna go back in...
Let's get outta here!
Should you read the fine print, kid!
Fuck you!
Fuck you!
He's a little pissy today.
Yeah. Y'think?
He'll be alright.
I'm his doctor.
You might wanna give him
something for that... attitude!
Oh, I will.
So what, are you his voice doctor?
You ever need anything...
give me a call.
Doctor Nick Devyril, M.D.
Hey, Doc?!
Too much...
Keep shakin' that ass, Dallas.
Hey, babe!
I didn't hear you
come in last night.
Yeah! What's up?
What you doing up so early?
Thought I'd go in early to
the club and work the day shift!
There's a day shift at your club?
No, douche-bag,
I got a doctor's appointment!
You alright?
What's the matter?
The fucking tramp stamp, Billy.
I've gotta go get lasered, okay?
Yeah, alright!
That's all you gotta say, y'know.
Laser tattoo removal.
I forgot.
Kind a liked that tattoo!
Yeah, well it's kind a too late
after six sessions. Don't you think?
Why'd you always gotta bitch me out
about everything lately, huh?
Dude, seriously? Again?
You're going to ask me that?
I thought we went over
this already, Billy?!
Baby, would you just chill out?!
Please. For once.
Chill out?
You know when you tell
a girl to chill out?
That's when we really
go fucking crazy, okay?
So don't tell me to chill out.
Alright, K. Let's...
Dude, you don't seem to understand.
I'm done chilling out.
Bullshit's over!
The gravy train is grinding to
a screeching fucking halt, dude!
Remember, I'm the one paying
all the bills around here.
Helping you achieve your dreams.
While I go out and
waggle my chassie...
An' you sit at home
playing Nintendo!
Yeah. Okay.
I work like a fucking dog, Billy.
Every single night.
I'm here to pay you back...
Would you just... stop?!
I'm sick to hearing it, Billy!
How you gonna pay me back, huh?
It's like all you do...
Is rehearse with your buddies,
suck each others fucking dick's...
And reminisce about how good
you all used to be.
How are you going to
pay me back, dude?!
Why don't you just go borrow
the money off your rock star brother?
Yeah, Dal, you know that ain't
gonna happen. So, I'm sorry...
You're sorry?
Hello, motherfucker!
I found this in yourjacket last night.
And you said you were
done with this shit?!
And you're sorry?
Hey, Rock!
Rocco? Rocco?!
Would you shut the fuck up
for a second. Dude, please!
Alright, alright, take it easy bro.
Don't get your panties in a bunch!
I'm trying to be serious here.
We need to talk about this
predicament, man.
I mean, we're pretty much spinning
our fricken wheels here.
We need to make a decision.
The point is, he's lost it, man!
S'up, man? I thought you guys
were gonna meet me last night?
Ah, it's a little beat last night, bro.
I was hanging out with Dee Dee.
Remember the dancer?
Oh, yeah, the tranny!
No, no, no.
She's a total woman, bro.
How was the show, anyhow?
What, Thieves Holiday?
It was good, I mean.
They got a new song.
So Whiskey of course gave me a CD.
Yeah, he used to have
some pipes on him.
Used to? No, man,
he's better than ever right now.
Wish we could say
the same about you.
What was that?!
Billy, look...
We need to talk, dude.
About what?
Well, first, the new demo...
Fuck, I know, I know.
Look, I don't have my share man.
I need more time guys, I got...
I need to make some money...
Um... you know Dallas
she's been a fuckin' bitch lately...
Look, look, look Billy...
We're not going to
do the demo, dude?
Dude, I, can...
We've discussed this.
We're all pretty much
on the same page here...
I mean, we're all
in agreement here.
This situation just
ain't working out, man.
What are you trying to say?
I mean it's just not working out.
I mean, it seems like you're not into it.
Not into it?
Are you...
You're firing me?
Wait is, is that
what this is about?
You're firing me from
my own fucking band?
Pretty much, if you
wanna say it like that?
Seriously, dude...?
Yeah. /
All this time and effort.
What about the money we've...?
You firing me.
You know I turned down singing in my
brother's band to be here with you guys.
Hey, Rocco, c'mon, man?!
You think for a New York second...
Your brother Johnny...
Would let you sing in his band?
Dude, please.
You don't know what
my brother will do! Okay?
Your brother didn't get to
where he is today...
Playing with jerk-offs like you.
Fuck you, alright!
Fuck you, Kenny!
It's not personal.
It's business.
Business, really?
Just fucking business.
Dude, I put ten years
of my life in this thing.
In the trenches of this
fucked up, soulless business.
It's your voice, man.
You can't sing anymore.
And everybody knows it.
It's painful to listen
to you, man...
Would you stop fucking saying that?!
Alright, look,
I'm just going through, like...
Like a rough patch, or
somethin' right now. Alright?
Well this "rough patch"...
Doesn't seem like
it's going to end...
Anytime this century, okay?
You know. What about
no loyalty, man?
It is what it is, dude.
Get over it!
What about our gig next week?
What are we going to do
about that?
Probably should cancel it...
Now what?
We need to talk.
Fuck sake, Dallas.
Can we talk about this later?
I've had a really shitty day, okay?
I don't give a rat's ass
what kind a day you've had.
What about my day, huh?!
Oh, okay!
How was your day, sweetie pie?
Fuck you, dude!
I don't deserve that. I'm the one
paying rent around here.
Not to mention your drug habit!
Come on. Please, babe, not now!
You're a user, Billy!
And you want me dry for far too long.
And I've got nothing left to give you!
- Nothing!
- Fuck!
Get out!!
You broke my fucking nose!
Get out!
Thanks for bustin'
my nose, Dallas!
Great. She busts my nose and
I get the silent treatment?!
You asked for that, Dallas.
Stop fucking around! C'mon.
What the fuck?
Oh, fuck! What the fuck is this?
Oh, my God! Hey!
No, baby.
Oh, shit!
Say something. Dallas!
No, no, no, no, no!
Oh, my God.
I'm so fucked!
Can I speak with
Billy Quantreaux, please?!
Who? Who is this?
Chuck Leeson.
Chuck Leeson.
Etternity Records.
Oh, yeah, yeah. Hey.
Billy, loved the demo man!
Oh, yeah, yeah.
Thanks, Chuck. Thanks.
You really got something, kid.
Something real special.
I think your song has major potential.
Yeah. It's got hit written all over it.
Did you write it?
Yeah, yeah. I wrote it.
Good. So, when's your next show?
Ah, well, we had a gig...
Have a gig next Friday night
at The Central.
In Santa Monica?
You got a date, kid.
What time?
Ah, eleven. Around eleven.
See you then.
Dude, what the fuck?
Hey man,
just hear me out, alright?
Dude, seriously!
You gotta leave.
Listen, Kenny,
just hear me out, man!
Dude, this is pathetic.
Kenny, guys...
I got Chuck Leeson
from Etternity Records...
He wants to come see us
play next week, alright?
I'm sorry bro, hold on a second.
Dude, you gotta leave right now!
Kenny, bro, I shit you not...
This is real, man.
Chuck Leeson called me.
He's coming to the show bro,
next week...
Butch, Butch... wait...!
Na, Na, it's cool bro...
Looks like you fags need
to kiss n' make up.
Dude, hold on!
I'm done!
Fuckin' sweet.
You've fucked things up
all over again, Billy.
Butch, really?
Just hear him out!
Hear him out!
Yeah, yeah, let's hear
what he has to say.
Fine. What?
Well, look man, y'know, it's a long
story but I gave him our demo...
Which demo?
The, ah, the old one.
Anyway, he loved it. He called me up and
said he wants to come see us play, alright?
So, you know?
I shit you not, dude.
This is real.
He's coming to our gig next week!
This is our chance, man. Y'know?
To prove ourselves.
That's why I'm here,
here to plead with you.
Just give me a another chance.
So even if you did have this
Chuck Leeson guy coming down...
How you gonna sing?
You thought about that, Billy?
Yeah. I got it.
It's under control.
I'm glad you called.
Ah, yeah, sorry it's so late.
That's quite alright.
I'm somewhat of a night owl.
So, Mr. Quantreaux...
Or do you prefer Billy?
Billy. Billy's fine.
So, how can I help?
My voice...
Yeah, I've been having this problem
for a long time now, and...
I got a really important
gig coming up... so I...
I understand.
I might be able to
help you with that, Billy.
Yeah, problem is, I...
I don't know how
I'm gonna to pay you.
Payment is of little
consequence right now Billy.
We'll work something
out later of course.
Main thing is, we need to get
you in tip top condition...
For your show next Friday.
How did you know that
I was playing Friday?
I keep my eye on
the local scene.
You could say I have a...
Voracious appetite...
For music.
Always have done.
In fact, I've worked with...
Many musicians over the years.
Everyone from...
Robert Johnson...
Jimmy Page...
Keith Richards.
That's cool, Doc. Um...
But, those are guitar players. I thought
you worked exclusively with singers.
You could say I've changed
my focus a little over the years.
Look, the main thing is...
We need to return your voice...
To it's prime.
This, Billy...
Is a contract.
I need you to sign it before
we start the regeneration process.
Re, regeneration process?
That sounds fancy.
What is that, stem-cell...?
It's a procedure that
only I can achieve.
Well, is it safe?
It depends on what
you deem as safe.
It's not FDA approved if
that's what you mean.
But then, nothing
that's really good is.
Right. I guess I mean...
I don't really have a choice.
Wait a minute, tiger!
You always have a choice.
No, no, I know.
I just mean it's cool.
I'll sign it.
You might want to read it first.
Na, I don't need to read it.
I mean, you're going
to cure me, right?
Cure you?
Wrong word.
You'll sing like a virtuoso
when I'm finished with you, though.
What do you get out of this, exactly?
Everything you own, Billy...
Will belong to me.
The whole kit and caboodle.
So, what...
You want me to suck your dick or somethin'?
Is that what this is about?
No, Billy...
I do not want you to do that.
Good, cause it's not
gonna fucking happen.
This is all kind'a weird.
Oh, yeah, it's weird.
You fucking with me, Doc?
Do I look like I'm fucking
with you, Billy?
No. I guess not.
Everything, huh?
Considering I don't have
anything, it's a hell of a deal.
That's a matter of opinion, Billy.
So, does this, rejuvenation thing...
You might feel a small twinge.
But that's normal.
Is everything alright in there?
Ha, ha, ha, ha.
Hey, man, you still open?
Hey. What's up killer?
Yeah, killer.
What do you mean by that?
It's an expression of endearment used by
my countrymen for someone who's near and dear.
Well, are you comin' in or not,
you fuckin' cunt?
What are you drinking lad?
Shot of tequila and a beer.
So, how's the sex-bomb?
Who, Dallas?
No. One of the other many consorts in your
fully stocked harem of delectable beauties.
Who else, you fuckin' bastard?
She's gone, man.
Thought you two were peas in a pod.
Five fuckin' years, right?
That's too bad, mate.
Where are you staying?
Fuck, man, I'm still at the pad.
Does she move out?
Kind'a, I mean um...
She's still there.
Well, bottoms up!
So, what the fuck happened, man?
I don't know, man.
I guess she just got
sick of my shit. Y'know...
Supporting me,
doing all the band stuff.
That's too bad, Billy.
Yeah. I really loved her.
Yeah, fuck it, maybe you guys'll
work things out? You know?
I don't think that's gonna happen.
So, what's up with the band anyway?
You guys are still playing on Friday, right?
Uh, why? What did you hear?
That fuckin' Kenny says
it might not happen.
Well, it's gonna fucking happen!
Almost didn't, though.
Y'know. They practically
kicked me out after ten years.
You believe that shit?
I've been having trouble
with my voice, man. Y'know?
I'm sure Kenny probably told you...
Yeah, he said somethin', man.
Look, man, I got it back though.
Seriously, Durmot.
Yeah man, my voice, it's like
it was ten years ago, dude.
I got the vocal range, the power...
The control, man.
Ah, I got it all.
You cut out the white stuff or somethin'?
I mean, I guess, yeah.
Because, dude, seriously. If you want my
opinion, that's been your problem all along.
Na, dude I got that
under control, man.
That's what they all say, Billy.
Seriously, man.
You'd be on the top of the fuckin' world
if it wasn't for the fucking coke...
The speed, the meth or whatever the fuck
else you were jammin' up your nose.
Come on man,
I was never that bad.
I'm your friend, brother. And I'm
telling you right now, you were bad.
Really fucking bad.
You blew the fuckin' chance
of a lifetime, ten years ago...
When you told, what's
his fuck, Eisner...?
Lee Eisner.
Lee Eisner, to go fuck himself...
'Cause the deal that he was giving
you was a fucking joke.
When in actuality,
it was a good deal if I recall.
Not the best deal, but a good deal.
That was the fucking
drugs talking, man.
That's why Kenny fired you.
That's why Dallas left you.
It's like your own little slice of hell
you keep reliving, over and over again.
Until hopefully one day,
you get it fuckin' right!
That was some real Zen
type shit right there. Y'know?
No, seriously, man, some fuckin'
real Groundhogs Day shit.
It's the God's honest truth, man.
Take it from me.
So, what now?
The gig...
I guess. It's all riding on that.
We got...
Chuck Leeson from
Etternity Records comin' down.
Remember what I told you, Billy.
Don't fuckin' blow it!
Listen man...
I'm singing like a fucking banshee.
There's no way in hell
I'm going to let...
Anything happen this time, man.
Here's to you, Billy Quantreaux!
Have you ever heard of Robert Johnson?
The old blues player?
Yeah, I guess.
Why, who is he?
Why? You want me to put him
on your guest list or something?
Na, Na. That's okay.
It's probably just as well.
Because he's fuckin dead.
What happened?
I don't fuckin know.
He died in the late 1920's.
Sold his soul to the devil, so he could play
the blues better than anybody on earth.
Or so the story goes.
The 20's?
Why'd you ask?
It's nothing, man.
Just something my doctor said.
Wake up, you drunken fuck.
Hey. Hey, man...
What time is it?
It's almost noon. We tied one on
somethin' shocking last night, lad.
I got rehearsal.
Fuckin', hey!
Dude, you're a fucking monster!
Fuck, alright take it easy, man.
I'm Just a little worse for wears today, alright?
I got like tequila poisoning, or something.
You couldn't fooled me, dude.
When you said I got it covered...
I thought you were gonna manage
a few croaks. I had no idea you'd be...
Howlin' like a Rabid Wolf.
Great, man.
What can I say?
Hey, don't fricken
say anything, dude!
Save that fucking voice of yours.
We don't need any mishaps
between now and Friday.
Hey man,
don't even sweat it, bro.
I got this.
You know somethin', bro.
When you say that now...
I actually believe you.
Hair of the Dog, dude?
Ah, yup!
Oh, shit, hey, almost forgot. I got
this song I wanna show you guys!
Alright so... medium four four tempo.
Goes somethin' like this.
Did you get that?
Yeah I got that... alright.
Let's see what you
can do with that?
This is what I wanna play
for Chuck Leeson, guys!
You must be Billy?
I'm your neighbor.
Oh, yeah?
Boomer Cobb.
Alright, what can I do
for you Mr.Cobb.
Well, it appears we might
have a little bit of a problem.
Well look ah...
What, what kind of problem, man?
I ain't much to complain just...
Seems to be one hell of a ruckus
comin' from your apartment at night.
You know, yeah, I don't think so, man.
Nobody's home.
Well, shit, somebody's home
cause I'm hearin' somebody in there.
I think you're mistaken.
Well okay then.
Maybe it's that pretty little
piece of ass girlfriend of yours.
What was that you just said?
I said maybe it's your girlfriend,
puttin' up pictures?
I imagine she's real good
with a hammer.
Look man, she's staying with
her mom a couple of days, alright?
Y'alright buddy?
You look a little queezy.
I'm a little hung over.
Your girlfriend leave you?
Domestic issues?
Your lady friend?
What's her name?
Look, man...
Why don't you mind your own business?
Listen man, I'm just tryin' to help out.
Do the neighborly thing.
Yeah, well, this is LA,
not Alabama, alright?
See, around here we keep our noses
out of our neighbors business.
Yeah, well, I'm from Kentucky...
And where I come from we look
after for our neighbors back.
And that is a stone cold fact.
The one and only.
Do me a favor?
What's that?
Mind your own fucking business.
Okay, then.
That's her name.
Ha, ha.
Sorry, baby.
What the fuck was that?
10:30, again?
Yeah, 10:30 again, ass-hole...
I must be losing
my fuckin' mind.
Billy, Chuck here.
Well, hey. Hey, man!
How's everything going over there?
Ah... yeah, yeah,
everything's good, man.
Still on for Friday night
at The Central, right?
Yeah, eleven o'clock.
Should be a good show!
Good, well, knock 'em dead, kid.
Yeah, yeah, I'll do that.
Yeah, I bet you will.
Excuse me, what was that?
What you just said?
Nothing. Just make sure
you have a great show.
Hey, thanks. Okay!
Okay, we'll see you
Friday, Billy.
Ahh, ohh!
Dude, hitting the bottle again?
So, bro, what do you think?
I think, sounds pretty good, man.
Sounds good.
Maybe straighten out that bass line
a little bit. You know, keep it simple.
Yeah, okay.
Other than that man, it works.
Oh, yeah, Chuck Leeson called to confirm, so
one more rehearsal and we're on for Friday, baby!
Son of a bitch.
What, man?!
What now?
we got a situation, Billy.
I thought I told you to keep
your fucking nose out?
Yeah, well that god-awful
ruckus won't stop, Billy.
God-damn it!
Neighbors are complaining, son.
I tried to keep my nose out but
I reckon I ain't got a choice.
Elizabeth has already
called the landlord.
She's in apartment 3. She called him,
he's comin here directly.
Wait, wait. Who is?
The landlord, dipshit!
Who else?
Fucking Mr. Lumely? He's coming here?
Right now?
Why didn't you call me?
Well, firstly, you told me to keep
my nose out of your business.
And Secondly,
I ain't got your cell phone, son.
But I did however call Dallas.
Figured she'd call you.
You called, Dallas?!
I did.
She told me she was
gonna call you up.
What else did she say?
I don't know.
It sounded rather delayed.
What does that even mean?
Is that like hillbilly code for something?
I ain't no hill-billy,
I'm a city boy...
Alright, Dallas...
Say something.
Fuck me!
What are you doing creeping
around here, man?!
Fuckin' hell...
Hey, hey! Hold on, hold on. Look,
Mr. Lumley, I can explain this, okay?!
Hold on!
Hold fucking on!
There's a dead body in my fucking apartment
building and you tell me to fucking hold on?!
Yeah, dude, calm down, okay?
Look, I can tell you...
You fuckin' Muppet!
I'm going to the fucking Police!
Come on, Mr. Lumley, stop.
Herman... stop...
Don't fucking touch me!
I'm fuckin' warning you!
I'm calling the fucking Police!!!
Herman! Shut your mouth!
Nobody's going to the Police.
She's alive?
I mean, yeah!
Yeah, I mean, err, yeah!
Technically, I am dead.
Okay, err, baby, um, I got this okay?
You're kind a freaking him out!
Freaking me out?!
That's the understatement
of the fuckin' week, mate!
Ha? Ha? Ha?
Would you shut the fuck up.
I'm trying to think here!
Look what you did!
You still want me to stay
out of your business?
Ice tea?
I don't drink tea.
Let me tell you somethin'...
When I was a kid back in Louisville...
My grand-momma...
Used to bring me a nice glass of sweet ice tea,
whenever anything bad would happen.
Hence the phrase,
tea and sympathy.
Do I look like I give a fuck right now?
I wouldn't know what the fuck
you're thinking, Billy.
But I can tell you what I think.
What do you think, Cobb?
I think you're knee deep in horse shit.
That's what I think.
What are you doing here?
What was that?
Here. In LA.
Well, shit, man. I'm here for pussy.
Like every other peckerwood.
That's a true
LA story right there.
Well, thank you. I think it is, y'know.
Of course, it's all part of the plan, y'know?
Le reve de la cinematique!
That's French for...
Yeah, I know what it means.
You're a fuckin' actor.
I like to think of myself
as a thespian, really.
I always liked that word.
Mostly cause it sounds like lesbian.
How old are you?
Me? Shit, I'm...
October, November...
I'm twenty-seven.
You know you look like
the beat-up side of forty. Right?
Well, shit, no need for
personal attacks, buddy.
I mean, maybe I...
Don't have the best genes in the world.
But you ain't exactly straight
outta the egg either...
Now are you mister rock star?
Of course you're not a rock star, are you?
That'd be your brother.
Whatever, man.
You might want to start bein'
a little more polite to your neighbors.
Being as that situation
I was tellin' you about...
Has now graduated into a full scale
FEMA fuckin' catastrophe.
Things are no longer
gonna happen...
On your terms.
You understand me?
Cause what you have to understand is,
killin' two people...
Puts you knee-deep in shit.
And for that you're gonna pay.
One way or another.
Alright, first off, Cobb.
I didn't kill anyone, okay?!
That was an accident.
I don't give a good hogs fart
who you killed, or didn't kill!
That's not the point.
Cause that's not how it looks.
Yeah, well, I don't give a shit
how it looks to you, or anyone.
I mean, that there is the truth.
Well, shit then.
You're on your own.
Please, sit down Cobb.
What you have to understand...
Is, I'm not your enemy.
Fact of the matter is,
I can help you.
Oh, yeah.
Neither one of those two people you killed
meant shit to me. Least of all, Lumley.
Now, Dallas, she was
a real peach... sure.
Every now and again when I'd come in
the club, she'd give me the cold shoulder.
You went to her club?
I did.
You knew, she was a stripper?
Son, everyone in our fucking building
knew she was a stripper!
That's not the point!
Point is I can help you!
And you can help me.
I can dispose of those bodies...
If you'll only give me a chance.
Now, why would you go
and do that for me?
If this shit remains unreported
to the cops, then I can...
Then we can live rent free
for the foreseeable future.
Na, I don't get that.
I owe three months rent, okay?
Lumley was about to evict me.
Now, Lumley is dead.
You understand me?
We keep this shit secret...
We don't pay rent.
What about his family? Y'know.
What about his friends?
They're gonna miss him. I mean, they're gonna
ask questions and everybody's going to fucking...
What the fuck is that?
He ain't got no family, son. He got no friends.
I've known this Lumley fuck a long time...
And I'm tellin you...
he don't know a soul.
All we have to do is tell everybody
that I'm the new manager.
I'm gonna run this property
and I am going to collect rent checks.
No one will ever know.
What do you say?
Not a bad idea.
C'mon now, come on!
Let's shake on it. Just like
them cowboys used to do!
Oh! Fuck.
That'a boy!
I'm proud of you, buddy!
Stuff we're gonna have to do here.
Got two bodies.
There's a couple things we gotta
talk about now. These bodies...
Brother you with me?
I want you to look after
'em for a little bit.
You understand? Until I can find out exactly
what I'm gonna do with them. / Yeah.
Your keys...
We're gonna need your keys.
I'm gonna get in here
while you're gone.
Fuck, dude.
Get off me!
Take the key!
I'm going to take this key
and get out...
Bve, now!
Don't even think for one second you're putting
that smelly fuckwad in here with me!
Where do you want me to put him?
Put him in the closet.
Can I ask you a question without
getting some smart-ass remark?
Is all this real?
I mean, or, is it the drugs
just eating my fucking brain?
What is it?
I don't know.
What do you know?
I mean you gotta know something.
All I know is this sucks.
Having a hole in your head.
I mean...
Can't be that bad.
I mean, you're already dead, right?
So, what can you really feel?
Maybe one day when you
have a hole in your head...
You'll know how I feel.
You know I didn't mean it like that.
It's painful in a different kind a way.
More like a pain of a complete loss.
Knowing you'll never feel
anything ever again.
I even miss being with you, Billy.
It just got to be too much for me.
Felt like you were taking me for granted.
Like I was some workhorse,
there to support you.
Year after year, I was
getting a little bit older.
Hearing you say I love you
a little bit less.
Seeing you get high a little bit more.
I screwed up.
I'm sorry.
But, I do love you.
I hope you know that. Right?
It's too late, Billy.
What's happened has happened.
Things like this never end well.
You know, I don't know, babe.
I think things might be turning
around for the better. Y'know. I...
I got my voice back.
I'm singing great again!
When you're used to getting
everything for free...
Sometimes in the end...
You forget that everything
has a price, Billy.
Billy, Dr. Devyril here.
I need you to come in.
Yeah. Yeah, yeah,
I can do that.
It's just routine.
Hey, Doc?
I need to talk to you
about something too, okay?
We'll talk about it
when you get here?
Who was that?
It's just the guy who
gave me my voice back.
Have a seat.
How's the voice?
It's working like a dream, Doc.
So, you're happy with everything?
Yeah... in regards to my voice, yeah.
Well, today is just routine.
I like to check up on my subjects
a few days after the procedure.
Just to see how things are going.
You mean patients, right?
I mean subjects.
Okay, your majesty!
I'll be back for you
later, tater-tot.
Well, I guess we're done here.
Anything else I can help you with?
Yeah, actually...
Okay, um...
Do you know anything about...?
How do I put this? Um...
Well, you see my girlfriend recently...
Well, she's dead.
Well. Strike that. She's not exactly dead.
Uh... You know what I mean?
Why don't you elaborate?
Okay. Look, Doc, I can't deny the fact that
recently I've been on a lot of fucking drugs.
I can't decipher what's real,
and what's not now...
You know my girlfriend
recently died, so now, I'm...
What kind of drugs?
Well... Meth.
Mostly meth.
You got me harder
than a fuckin' rock!
And coke. Some coke.
Methamphetamine, cocaine?
That'll do it!
Let me put it like this Billy...
Those drugs...
Tune you into the dark side...
And before you know it...
There's a thousand pound monkey
clinging to your back.
Or the proverbial devil
whispering in your ear.
Your life's not your own any more.
Part of you is gone, forever.
Hurts to hear you say it, Doc.
Look, I'm not here to tell you
what you should do, Billy?
As we've discussed...
You have a choice.
Or should I say...
A choice.
I know.
What's going on here, man?!
My pecker!
Fuck! Dude, you're bleeding
all over the fucking place, dude!
No, shit!
Well, what the fuck happened?!
My fucking penis, man!
What's wrong with your penis, man?
It's gone...
Where the fuck did it go, Cobb?!
She bit it off!
Fuck! Alright, let's find it! Shit!
God, I mean don't worry, man. Y'know,
they can fucking sew 'em back on these clays.
Shit, we'll put it on ice, okay?
And get you to the hospital.
She chewed it off!
Wait, wait.
Look back up, man!
It just hit me.
Are you saying that my girlfriend
chewed your fucking penis off?
Is that what you're saying?
VVell, what the fuck was your dick
doing in my girlfriend's mouth, man?!
I thought she was dead.
You thought she was dead?
Well, that doesn't change the fact that,
that corpse over there is my fucking girlfriend!
I've done bad things...
What is that?
Rape of a fucking corpse?
That's gotta be illegal.
Not in California, Billy.
I Googled it.
It don't make it right, you sick fuck!
Come on Billy, can we
please do somethin', man?
I'm fuckin' bleeding to death, Billy!
God, you always were fucking
mean in the sack, Dallas!
Mean in the sack? She's a little
more than mean in the sack son.
She's like a Rabid Dog!
That being fucking said...
We gotta wrap this up before
it spirals out of fucking control!
Hey, are you awake in there?!
I'm am now.
Did you bite his dick off?
Yeah, in self defense.
Would you swallow it?
Hell no!
He's not my type.
Well, where is it?!
That's his penis?
Sick, huh?
Alright, Cobb.
Don't freak out, man.
I don't think they're gonna be sewing
your dick back on anytime soon, man.
Wait, hey, I got an idea.
Bro, you're not gonna like this.
What is it?!
Don't leave me, Billy.
Don't leave me!
Here, bite on this, man.
It's gonna hurt like
fuckin' hell, man, but...
It's gonna stop the bleeding.
Dude! What a rush, man!
You still doubt that I can do this?
Alright, alright!
You win.
Well, you know what?
I just want to thank you guys...
For giving me another chance, man.
Aw, it's cool man.
Yeah, no, I know bro, but...
I just haven't been a hundred percent
lately, y'know and...
I'm not just talking about my voice, man.
I'm talking about...
Me getting high. And...
I mean you guys knew
about that, right?
Oh, yeah.
Look, I'm done with
that shit for good.
Dude, whatever you've done
to turn your life around...
We've all talked about this...
Right, guys? / Yep!
I mean it's made us all remember why
we got in this band in the first place.
I mean, to actually look forward
to coming to rehearsal...
And hanging out with your best bros,
doing what we do best.
And to see there's potentially
a future in all this.
I mean, dude, it's the best thing
in the world.
And we have you to thank for it, bro.
Right, fellas?
Guys, that means a lot, man.
Here's to Quantreaux!
And the last gig we play
as an unsigned band!
Quantreaux. /
Cheers brothers!
Hi, there.
Are you William?
I am.
Why, who's asking?
Oh, I'm sorry.
I'm Elizabeth Treadwell.
Am I supposed to know who...?
I'm sorry, I'm your neighbor.
Apartment 3.
Oh, yeah, hey. Nice to
finally meet you, Elizabeth.
I'm, sorry. Um...
Can I help you with something,
Um, well, um...
Actually, I...
Well, yes.
Did you hear what happened
today, here, William?
Call me Billy.
Well, you've heard about
the horrendous banging coming from...
Somewhere in the building?
I'm sorry, I mean, Mr. Cobb
must have said something.
Well, originally we thought it was
coming from your apartment.
Yeah, he had said
something about that.
But is wasn't.
It was coming from
Mr. Cobb's apartment.
Why do you say that?
The Police.
Police? What, er, what do the Police
have to do with anything?
They found him this afternoon.
He'd hung himself.
The stench coming from his apartment
was unbearable, so I called the Police.
Right. Uh...
Good. Uh, good.
They think that it was
a lover's quarrel.
Definitely wasn't a lovers quarrel, um...
Cobb, did not have a girlfriend.
I know this for a fact.
No, no.
They think it was his boyfriend.
They found Mr. Lumley
dead as well.
And where?
In the trunk of Cobb's car.
And that's not the worst of it!
Oh, yeah?
Well not only did Mr. Cobb
hang himself, but...
We think that Mr. Lumley...
Severed his...
Penis, in some sort of heated exchange.
Okay, well, sounds like the Cops
got it all pretty well figured out! Right?
Well I came to that conclusion
myself, but...
However, I will tell them of
my theory when they come back.
Wait, crap, when are
they coming back?
Yes. I gave them your name.
They wanted to talk to you.
My name? Wha...
Talk to me, why?
Why'd you give them my name?
Well, they wanted everybody's name.
Everyone in the building. With Mr. Lumley
being one of the victim's there's...
There's no one else they could
get the information from.
Sorry, I...
Mr. Cobb, either killed the Vic.
Oh, I'm sorry, Vic means victim...
Yeah, I know what Vic means.
I watch TV.
In self defense, or because
of the severing of his, um...
Um... Only then did he
take his own life. Um...
He was probably heart-broken
about losing his lover.
Trust me, Elizabeth,
when I tell you this.
He was not upset about
losing his lover. Alright?
He's probably pretty well fuckin' pissed...
That he's no longer the proud
owner of his own genitalia.
Just a thought.
That is one scenario that
could possibly hold water.
God, you watch a lot of TV,
don't you?
Well, I'm quite partial
to Law & Order.
Oh, yeah!
Which one?
Don't tell me!
All of 'em. Right?
Oh, my Lord!
Oh, shit... yeah, we have cats. Um, yeah,
I gotta clean the cat box, sorry.
You have a cat?
Gotta get some sleep tonight, baby...
Get up early and find a place to hide
your ass, before the Cops get here!
Oh, shit!
Time to go for a ride, baby.
Fuck! Oh, shit!
Gotta get you to the desert...
Put you in...
A nice...
Big hole.
What am I supposed to do, huh?
You okay, brother?
Been a long day.
Let me tell ya,
last night's rehearsal was killer!
You're a Rock Star, man.
And thanks for saying what you said.
It really does mean a lot to me.
No problem, Roc.
Hey, as I recall, wasn't it last week
about this time that you, uh...
Auditioning some guy
named Butch?
C'mon, man, the whole band was
having problems... not just you!
Hey dude,
I'm just fucking with you.
There's a shit load of people out there.
It's the best crowd we've had in years!
This is it guys!
Hey guys, I just met the dude!
The dude. You know, the guy.
Etternity Records?
What? Leeson?
Yeah! Leeson, man. The A&R guy, man he's like super
hyped to hear you sing, man it's going to be great!
Yeah, yeah, that's cool, man.
Look, guys, before the show,
I gotta let you on a little secret.
What's that? You wear women's
underwear? You're gay?
I gave Chuck Leeson
the Thieves Holiday demo.
You did what?!
I gave him their demo.
Why exactly did you do that?
Man, I was desperate, okay?!
You know, Dallas told me that I was never
gonna amount to anything. And I...
Oh, Dallas, huh?
Look, man, I know you guys are getting
sick of all my vocal problems.
Why would you do that? I mean...
It's gotta be the stupidest fucking
thing I have ever heard, Billy!
Look, man!
I thought it might get us
some interest, okay?!
I never thought they'd actually
like it and wanna hear us play!
Y'know, It's shit like this that's gonna
bite us all in the fucking ass, man. Really!
Kenny, who cares, man?!
I care!
Look, we're gonna get through this shit.
He's singin' like a madman, we gotta
a killer crowd out there...
Top record exec out there. What
more do you want, man?! Come on?
He sent in a demo of a song
that we didn't even write!
And we're supposed to go out there and
play this song that some other band wrote?!
I mean what if Whiskey's out there
tonight, watching the show?
Answer that, Rocco?!
Yeah, that's right, bro... you can't answer
that? Because he fucked shit up again!
Look, man. I know you're pissed off,
but he's right. We can do this.
How, Billy?
How exactly?
Look, if Whiskey and
the guys aren't there...
Then we'll just play the song.
But if they are here then
we'll just tell Chuck Leeson...
That we don't want to play the song
and we'll do something else.
Yeah, right.
He's gonna love that!
Dude, who cares, man?
'Cause at the end of the day if I hadn't
done what I did, he wouldn't even be here...
And we wouldn't be
having this conversation.
He's right, man.
Yeah, well we better make
sure they're not out there.
Look, bro, we can do this.
Once we get our record deal...
Then we'll show 'em all
our other songs, okay?
Show 'em that we're way
better than Thieves Holiday!
Yeah, well, I guess we got
no choice now. Huh?
Look, man...
With a couple of your songs and a few of mine,
dude, there's no way we're not going to be...
You know at the top of the charts...
number one with a bullet, you know?!
Well... I'll give it a shot. But,
I'm not happy about this, Billy.
I know, man... I know.
Look, I'm going to check to see if
Whiskey and the guys are here. Alright?
Hey, Billy...
It's close to show time, mate.
Yeah... yeah, I know.
You want a beer or somethin', man?
I, ah, no, no thanks, man.
Hey, look is Whiskey, or any of
the Thieves Holiday guys here?
No, no, they're, they're playing
at The Mint over on Pico tonight.
Cool, man, thank you!
Butch, right?
Go fuck yourself!
Hey, good news guys. Thieves Holiday's
playing at The Mint tonight.
See, I told you it'd work out, bro!
Time to get your asses on stage.
Hey, let's get up there.
Did you see that, motherfucker?
What are you talkin' about?
The guy that made out with Dallas!
What, are you high?
No! I'm not fucking high!
C'mon you gotta get backstage and talk to
Leeson, man! The guys are back there already.
Don't fuck this up!
Tigg, man, come on, I, I...
Do that other stuff later!
Yes, that was in Miami...
At Ronnie Wood's club.
Keith jammed that night.
Yeah, yeah. Yeah, man...
sounds like it was awesome.
Billy, this is Chuck Leeson.
No, Bullshit it is, man! What the fuck
were you doing with my girlfriend?
Dude, chill?!
No! This guy is not
Chuck Leeson, Kenny!
Are you going fucking crazy, man?
No, bro!
This is my Doctor, man!
Devyril. Dr. Devyril, alright?
He's the one who's been treating me!
Dude, please...?!
You gota fucking nerve
coming back here, fuckhead!
Y'know. That was my fucking girlfriend!
What the fuck! Why don't you
tell them who you are, huh?!
Fucking tell 'em?!
Like I told you, Billy!
The deal was for everything.
Not my fucking girlfriend, man!
Where's that written in the contract? Huh?
Oh, it's in there.
You'd know that if you'd read the contract.
I'm sorry, what contract
are we talking about here?
Yeah, dude, what contract?
What do you get out of this, exactly?
Everything you own, Billy...
Will belong to me.
The whole kit and caboodle.
What's going on here, man?!
Who are you?
I think you already know
the answer to that, kid.
I'll be seeing you, Billy.
Real soon.
Is that a record contract?
It's not a record contract.
What happened to us going to
number one with a bullet? Asshole?!
The only place he'll
be going with a bullet...
Is straight to hell.
Good night, gentlemen.
So, does this rejuvenation thing...
You might feel a small twinge.
But, that's normal.
It's just your soul...
Leaving your body.
Sometimes you forget
that in the end...
Everything has a price, Billy.
Thanks so much to SadPANDA
Pull the trigger, Billy.
Pull it.
Get it over with.
Hell's not what you think it is.
Wait, wait...
Let me ask you something.
What does a drug dealer do
when he gets busted?
He rolls over on a bigger fish.
That's right.
And he'll do anything.
And I mean anything...
To not go to jail. Right?
A plea deal?
I've never even considered that before.
Well, just because you're
the prince of the Dark Realm...
Doesn't mean you can get a scholarship
to Oxford, now, does it, pal?!
So we're talking about
your brother here?
What do you think?
You'd sell out your own brother?
This is show biz!
Survival of the most ruthless.
I might have underestimated you, Billy.
And I wanna keep my voice.
They way it is right now.
And I wanna live along,
long, long time.
Time means nothing to me.
And I want a record deal.
None of that indie bullshit
either like Etternity.
I want Sony or Warner Brothers.
Wait a minute, I can't...
And Dallas.
I want Dallas back.
But she's one of my concubines.
I've become attached to her...
Hey, man...
I'm giving you my brother,
Johnny Quantreaux?
One of the best Rock 'n' Roll guitarists
in the world.
What's it gonna be?!
I've been trying to get him for a while.