To Save a Life (2009) Movie Script

Today we come together to remember
the life of Roger Andrew Dawson.
Although we know
he had so much life left in him,
we thank God for the 17 years we did have.
- So, what do you want to do today?
- I figured it out this time.
Man, I hit the gold mine.
We're gonna be rich!
- Am I gonna get grounded again?
- Jake, that's a risk I'm willing to take.
- Trick or treat.
- Trick or treat.
Boys, it's the middle of July.
I love what you did with your hair.
You're crazy, man.
And God, we don't always understand why,
and we choose to trust You,
even in our pain.
In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
Jake, I'm so sorry.
Oh, Jake.
It means a lot that you came. You two...
Had you two spoken lately?
Did he say anything?
Freshman year, Mrs. Dawson.
Starting at guard, averaging 15 points
and 11 assists,
the 6' freshman phenom, Jake Taylor!
Three-pointer by Jake Taylor!
Twenty-two points, 11 assists.
You make us freshmen look good.
So, why is there a birdie on your bag?
It's the mascot for the University of
Louisville. I wanna play there someday.
Okay. You going to the party?
Yeah. Wait, what party?
You're so funny.
We could go together.
Here, give me your phone.
- Hey, Jake!
- Hey, Rog.
Hey, my friend, Roger,
we were gonna hang out tonight.
Is it cool if he comes, too?
Our car only has room for one more,
if you know what I mean.
Just hold on.
Am I seeing things
or were you just talking to Amy Briggs?
Well, let's get out of here, man.
Mom already ordered the pizza, so...
Rog, I can't go.
Wait, what?
I just talked to you before the game.
Amy invited me to a party.
Okay. Well, cold pizza's still good.
So, where's the party?
You can't go.
I get it.
Things are gonna be different now.
Freshman year.
Last time I spoke to him was freshman year.
- Here you go.
- Thank you.
Where... Where's mine?
Why don't you get your girlfriend
to get one for you?
- Okay, you know I don't have a girlfriend.
- Hence you have no latte, either.
She got you on that one, dude.
Yeah. You know, your mom got me, okay?
She's an attractive woman.
Your mom and I, we get along.
I'll talk to you about that later.
The Big Ugly has jokes.
Say something funny...
All right. Okay, you call me "The Big Ugly"
one more time, I'm gonna kick your ass.
Sorry. I'm sorry. Sorry, dude.
Okay, no hard feelings.
You want to get out of here?
You know I don't need much
to skip calculus.
- Hey, check out that gimp.
- Hey, go by, go by.
What's up?
Come on.
Hey, that's good.
Cheers. To us.
To us.
- To you.
- To me.
To me.
Eighty school days left before you leave
for Louisville.
- It's gonna feel like 800 with my folks.
- Stop it. Your mom is not that bad.
- Yeah, but my dad won't stop riding me.
- Jake.
I mean, you know him.
He won't stop trying to live out
his failed dreams through me.
Well, I will go beat him up for you.
Look at these guns. You are really strong.
I think you could take him for sure.
I am pretty strong.
You know what?
I think we should be cool parents.
- Who says I want kids?
- I did.
That's a good point.
Really, really good point.
Stop! You're making me spill.
Here, I'll take that for you.
- You know what? I wrote you a love letter.
- A love letter.
Like a love...
Like, you're in love with me letter.
- Like, just read it.
- Okay.
Let's check it out.
- You got into Louisville?
- Yeah.
Early admission.
Well, your big secret's out.
Everyone's gonna know
how brilliant you are.
Yeah, well,
I have tried very hard to hide it, so...
And we get to be together,
just like we always planned.
Amy Briggs, you are incredible.
I love you.
My girl is amazing!
Louisville's down by two
with 10 seconds to play.
Inbound to Taylor.
He brings the ball up court.
He's double-teamed as usual.
He drives.
One, two, three. He shoots! Two, one...
Taylor and the University of Louisville
are national champions!
Get down! Get down!
You don't want to do this, man.
It's too late, Jake. Like you ever cared.
We're live here at Pacific High School
as students are arriving for the first time
in two and a half weeks,
after senior Roger Dawson
opened fire in the school,
taking his own life.
Security has been heightened here
at the school with a police presence,
metal detector searches and ID checks.
Grief counselors are also here on campus.
We, of course, will keep you updated
on any late-breaking developments
as the story continues to unfold.
I was so scared. I mean, did you see him?
He looked so evil.
Like, I thought I was gonna die.
- Have you ever seen him before?
- No.
- What up, Jake?
- Hi, Mr. Will.
I saw you at the funeral.
I didn't know you were a friend of Roger's.
- From a while back.
- You doing okay with this?
- Yeah, yeah. It's cool.
- You see a counselor yet?
- No.
- You should.
- I'm good.
- Think about it.
That kid's just lucky I wasn't there, man.
I was. It wasn't like that.
Right. Why are we still talking
about this kid?
Okay, that little freak
made us forfeit three games.
Will you shut up, man? It was intense.
No. What's intense is
the El Capitan full-court press.
That's intense.
This last game of the season with our
city rival couldn't be more exciting!
Sixteen seconds left.
Jake Taylor brings up the ball.
Pacific is down by one, 67-68.
Basket by Jake Taylor!
Final score, Pacific, 69, El Capitan, 68.
Hey, Jake. Nice shot.
Thank you.
- Do I know you?
- Roger's funeral.
- You're that pastor.
- Yeah. My friends call me Chris.
Anyway, I just wanted to introduce myself.
- Cool. I'm not really religious, though.
- Neither am I.
I've been looking everywhere for you.
I saw three recruiters tonight
and they were so impressed.
So, has Doug thanked you
for bailing him out yet?
Nope. Hey, Amy, this is Chris.
- Hi. Good to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.
- Everybody's waiting for us.
- Okay.
Hey. I know what you're going through,
so if you ever want to talk...
All right, kiddo. Let's go see Mama.
Who was that?
- Party time?
- Yep.
- Bro, reporters finally done with you?
- You know it.
You guys have a good time tonight.
I'm getting stupid.
Yes! The party has arrived!
Everybody, Jake Taylor's here.
Jake Taylor's totally here.
- This is for you, young lady.
- Thank you.
Everybody, to Jake.
The man who's always had my back.
- Jake!
- Jake!
Dude, check that out, man.
Wizard Wars?
The best part is, there's this
nerd at school who plays this game.
I gave him this flyer
and he swore he'd come.
He's gonna show up in Wizard Wars gear.
You're crazy, bro. You are. Let's go party!
I'm not, like, clinically insane.
You are a lucky man.
Get one of your own.
She's the one everyone wants.
What? Are you serious?
Everybody, look. Check out this...
Check out this fruitcake.
Look, there he is in costume.
Man, what level are you?
What's wrong with you?
You gonna cast a spell on me, man?
It's funny. Come on, dance with me.
It's the po-po, y'all.
Get out! Get out!
- Everybody!
- Let's go!
Do you hear the police?
Come on, get dressed.
- Let's do it again.
- I'm not kidding. Let's go.
- You know you want to.
- Jake.
You know what? Screw it.
You want to lose your scholarship?
Go ahead, be my guest.
- What's your name?
- Tyler.
You live here?
- That's what she said, man. At least to me.
- Yeah, it was.
Where's my truck?
Doug, it's Jake. Where are you?
Where am I? Me?
Yeah, I'm here. I'm at the party.
I'm not even talking to you.
Amy took my truck. Come get me.
Call me back.
Matthew, answer the phone.
Your grandma calls you "Matthew."
Hey, it's Jake, and I need a ride.
'Cause you guys left.
And I'm still here, outside, walking around.
Sober up and pick me up.
So, text me or call me. Help me.
What the hell?
I hate chick flicks.
Are you...?
Your secret's safe with me,
girly boy.
- What? Something flew in my eye.
- Right.
- Who's calling at 11:30?
- Hello?
All right, yeah, I'll be right there.
- Where are you going?
- Another drunk kid.
Why do I ever get the car detailed?
You know what? I'm proud of you.
Hey. Awesome.
- Thanks.
- A few too many, huh?
So, Jake, I'm curious.
What did you call me for?
Well, my friends ditched me
and my parents would freak out.
What about your girlfriend?
Speak of the devil.
She took my truck.
- Man, it's not your best night, is it?
- I'll drink to that.
I mean, yeah.
This isn't my house.
Yeah, I know.
I don't know,
I just can't stop thinking about him.
He must've been going through hell
and we let him down.
Roger came to my youth group once,
the Sunday before.
Must've been a last-ditch effort,
but it didn't work.
Hold on one second.
I'll be right back, okay?
- Hey, I'm Chris. How you doing?
- Roger.
Good to have you here.
What school do you go to?
Hey, one second. Be right back.
I missed him.
There was this kid at the party tonight,
and they wouldn't let him in
because he wasn't... He wasn't cool enough.
I mean, how messed up is that?
He wasn't cool enough?
The other guys didn't want Roger around,
so I just ditched him.
They would mess with him, make fun of him,
and I never said a word.
Yeah, I know what you mean, Jake.
But somehow we gotta own
how we treated him, you know?
You know, I was his only friend.
And I would see him every day,
walking to school, in the halls,
and I never even said hi.
So, we're both living with regrets, huh?
Anyway, you live around the corner,
don't you?
So, what did you mean when you said
that you weren't religious?
Well, I'm not religious
'cause that's not what it's about.
But aren't you, like, a priest or something?
You know, you should come tomorrow.
Just come find out.
I don't know about that.
Not your thing, huh?
Well, neither is leaving my family on a
Saturday night to come pick up a drunk kid.
Good morning, sunshine.
- How was your trip?
- Sorry we missed your game.
I tried to get us back last night,
but Dad had so much work.
Where is he?
- I see you were the last-second hero again.
- Yeah, Dad. It was crazy.
When Doug shot that ball,
I knew exactly where it was going to go.
One second left, I tipped the ball in,
hit the ground...
You know,
you've got a lot going for you, Jake.
Just don't get stupid
with this kamikaze ball, okay?
- Dad...
- Look, I'm just saying...
Do you know how easy it would be for you
to get hurt and lose your scholarship?
It's not like you're going to get in
any other way, huh? Not with your grades.
Just use your head, Son. All right?
- If I'm late, I'll call.
- You working on Sunday?
- You just got home.
- Somebody's got to pay the bills, kid.
What your father means is,
we're proud of you.
Yeah, I really felt that
from the one game that he went to.
- He's really busy at the office.
- Mom, just stop defending him.
- He's just...
- Doesn't get it! It's my life, not his.
- Where you going?
- I'm going to church.
Had he been there? No.
And notice how he prays to God.
My favorite part is verse eight.
He starts off his prayer
with the word "remember."
- Why would he use that word, "remember"?
- Jake Taylor?
What are you...
- What are you doing here?
- What do you mean?
You don't really seem
like the Christian type.
I'm just... I'm looking for Chris.
He's back here. It's almost over.
- So...
- Yeah.
Danny. It's so good to see you.
Tell your father his sermons just get better
and better every Sunday.
You're gonna be just like him.
- Your dad's a priest?
- Yeah, something like that.
- Jake, right?
- Yeah.
I'm Andrea. Welcome to Souled Out,
and here's a nametag.
- What is it, Rainbow Day?
- You didn't get my message?
Don't worry, you can borrow this.
- Thanks.
- So, here's the deal, guys.
We can know all this stuff,
and we can go through this book
until mullets come back in style.
- That girl freaks me out.
- Until we allow this to go through us
and change how we live,
it's a waste of time.
So we always gotta ask ourselves,
- "What are we gonna do about it?"
- Jake Taylor.
So I'm gonna wrap this up,
I know you're dying,
but I gotta ask you something first.
What would you do for $20?
Would you French kiss a dog?
How about this?
Would you take your mom to the prom?
I'd take your mom. She's hot.
Good, we know what Billy would do.
You know, we'd do all kinds of crazy things
for 20 bucks.
But what would you do for a penny?
Would you take your mom to the prom now?
French kiss that dog?
See, the crazy thing is,
is we treat people the very same way.
Some are worth our time and some we just
pass right by like they're worthless.
Last week,
I conducted Roger Dawson's funeral.
You know, some of you may not know this,
but Roger came into our youth group
the Sunday before he...
You know, it's easy to blame.
But last week, Roger took a look at his life
and he said, "I'm not worth it."
So whatever he was hoping to find here,
he obviously didn't find it.
Do we get this?
Because if we don't,
the consequences are huge.
You don't want to do this, man.
Like you ever cared.
Hey, Jake! Hey, man, you made it.
- You okay after last night?
- Yeah. Sorry I was late.
- No, I'm just stoked you're here.
- Liked your speech.
Okay. Thanks, man. I appreciate it.
So, girlfriend still got your truck?
If you got 10 minutes,
I can give you a ride home. Is that cool?
- Sure.
- All right. Come on.
Joey! Hey, Michael. Hey, Sarah.
- Can I ask you something?
- Yeah, of course.
- Why do you think he did it?
- Roger?
I've been thinking about that myself.
I mean,
if Roger can just kill himself like that,
- what does that say about life?
- I don't know.
Things like that,
they make you kind of think, don't they?
It's just, like, I've...
I've spent my whole life
trying to be some basketball star,
and, like, what's the point of that?
My dad is successful, but he and my mom,
they're not happy. They hate each other.
You know,
at least Roger's not hurting anymore.
Yeah. Well, maybe life's a little more
than that.
Like what? God?
No, I was gonna say...
You know, I'd love to finish this
conversation, but I think you got company.
Think she saw me?
- We'll talk later.
- All right.
Good luck out there.
Jake, you want to borrow these?
- What is it?
- Just check it out.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Where have you been?
I've called you, like, a bazillion times,
and you don't have the decency
to call me back?
I'm sorry, did I miss the part
where you apologized for stealing my truck?
You've got to be kidding me.
Do you even know
what you put me through?
Say something!
I went to church today.
Yeah, my dad did the whole church thing,
and then he left us.
Amy, I'm not your dad.
Then what is going on?
Okay, you don't go to church.
And who is this guy
that I keep seeing you with?
What do you want me to do?
You want me to apologize
for you stealing my truck?
- Okay, I'm sorry!
- That's all you've got, is an "I'm sorry"?
Amy, it's just not a good time right now.
I've got a lot on my mind.
What? About us?
Is that it?
You make love to me on Saturdays,
and then you confess on Sundays?
- Is that what the new plan's gonna be?
- You don't know what you're talking about.
Well, at least I talk.
- You know the kid that killed himself?
- Yeah.
I knew him.
- It's sad, but seriously, it's not like he...
- Mattered?
No. I was gonna say,
it's not like he was your friend.
We were best friends.
Jake, we've been dating for three years.
I've never even met him.
We grew up together.
Okay. So, a former friend of yours
tries to shoot up the place and kill people
and you feel bad about it?
You've got to let it go, okay?
It's not your fault.
Then whose fault is it?
His. His parents. I don't know. Okay?
But it's not your job to watch over him.
But you can watch over me.
Just... It's a lot to think about.
I know what you're thinking about.
You think there's a God?
Excuse me?
You're acting so weird!
Come on, I'll take you home.
- Can I have my keys?
- No.
Hey there!
Thanks for checking out Devo 2 Go.
This is day one of our
Life Questions series.
You know, God gets blamed
for a lot of things these days.
There's all this stuff going on
around the world.
We wonder, "Why doesn't He do something?
Why doesn't He stop it?"
You know, I really don't know.
But I wonder if God ever wants
to ask us the same question.
That's the good stuff, right there.
It's good.
This week is gonna be hell.
So much crap to do.
It's like everything sucks right now.
- Long time no see.
- Season's over.
- No more drug tests.
- Mr. Bee is such an a-hole.
It's like he doesn't want us to have a life.
What does the big preacher man
think about this?
He has no clue.
Nothing about smoking weed in the Bible.
- What about God?
- You believe that crap?
- You don't?
- I believe what I believe.
- Where have you been?
- I got this for you.
- Hello? I already have one.
- I just thought...
You know.
Lukewarm coffee. My favorite.
Is that pot?
It's not mine.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- Andrea, right?
- Yeah.
- How's it going?
- It's all good.
Jake, does anyone ever ask you
how you're really doing?
I'm cool. Today didn't really go
how I had planned, so...
It was cool to see you at Souled Out.
- You coming tomorrow night?
- Tomorrow?
Chris didn't tell you?
Tuesdays are Youth Group.
7:00 pm at the church.
- You have church two days a week?
- Oh, my gosh, I'm scaring you, huh?
I'm sorry. Natalie, Carla, this is Jake.
How's it going?
Jake, what's... What's going on, man?
- Doug, Andrea, Natalie and...
- Hi.
- Carla.
- Carla.
Am I missing something?
Actually, Jake and I
were just talking about...
All right, whatever, man.
Let's get out of here.
What are you doing with those girls?
How long you been out here?
The whole time.
Why didn't you come inside?
I don't know.
Not sure.
About what?
I believe that you believe,
but why are there so many fakers in there?
I know there's fakers in the group, Jake,
but so does God.
I don't know,
I guess there's always gonna be people
who are afraid and willing to settle.
But, you know, that's not what it's about.
- It's about you. What are you gonna do?
- Let's say that I don't want to settle.
Is it worth it?
Yeah, I mean, I was asking
a lot of the same questions you are.
You know, but at some point,
you got to ask yourself,
"What do you want your life to be about?"
I spent a lot of years trying to figure
this out, acting like everything was cool.
At a certain point, I just had to answer
that question in my heart.
"Is there something more?"
I'm happy enough.
Well, it wasn't enough for me, Jake.
If you're really willing to look,
and I don't mean just try it out,
then I'm telling you, Jake, you're
gonna find that He's more than worth it.
I'm not just gonna become some Christian.
Good. I wouldn't want you to.
What up?
- I forgive you.
- That's a nice way to be forgiven.
I called you yesterday.
- Yeah. My cell phone's broken.
- Oh, yes.
You see, now that's what I'm talking about.
- I agree.
- That... I want that one.
Jake, dude,
biggest party of the year Friday night.
- Yes, beer pong championships, man.
- And you are the man. You got the belt.
Yeah, I don't think I can make it.
Right, whatever. Jake Taylor never misses
a party. We'll see you there.
Yeah, he'll be there.
Can we just pretend
the last couple of days never happened?
Taylor! Yes! Garage, now.
You make it happen. Okay?
Garage, you guys?
What are you doing right now?
Correct answer? Beer pong!
That's the only answer.
All right, everybody,
I want to introduce to you
the man with the undefeated record.
The reigning champion, Jake Taylor!
The best. Jake!
- Jake! Jake! Jake! Jake!
- Jake! Jake! Jake! Jake!
All right, all right, you guys, listen up!
Yes, the moment we've all been waiting for
has now arrived.
It is time for the clash of the Titans.
It's gonna be a fair fight.
You both know the rules.
All right? Let's play beer pong!
Show him what you got.
In your face!
- Drink it! Drink it! Drink it! Drink it!
- Drink it! Drink it! Drink it! Drink it!
You stink, dude.
He's still going!
- Jake! Jake! Jake! Jake!
- Jake! Jake! Jake! Jake!
What are you doing?
Pick that up, we're going to go.
- Jake.
- I'm going.
Jake! Hey, what gives, man?
You were killing that guy.
I'm sorry, man. I just...
I can't do this anymore.
What do you mean you can't do it?
What's wrong with you?
- I'm done with this.
- You're done with this?
What the hell, Jake?
- You're a Christian?
- No! I'm just checking things out.
- Don't you think you're rushing into this?
- No.
I don't know. Maybe.
I just... I just know
that I need to do this.
Can't you check it out
and still be the same Jake?
The same Jake that can throw
a ping pong ball into a keg cup?
What is that? I don't know if
I even like that Jake anyway.
I like that Jake. That's the Jake
that I fell in love with freshman year.
Who I got into Louisville for.
Who I've been planning my life around.
Is this still about that friend of yours
that killed himself?
Maybe. I don't know.
I told you, it's not your fault, okay?
You didn't pull the trigger.
Why does everyone keep saying that?
You don't listen to me.
I know I didn't kill him. I know I didn't
tell him to shoot up the school.
- I know that I didn't do anything.
- Yeah. None of us did.
That's the point, Amy.
Why didn't I?
Jake, you're the captain
of the basketball team.
You're getting ready to graduate.
You have a girlfriend!
You're busy.
- He saved my life.
- He what?
In sixth grade,
he pushed me out of the way of a car,
and he took the hit himself.
So that's what this is about.
- What?
- He saved your life,
so now you think you owe him
or something?
If I didn't ignore him,
do you think that I could've saved him?
I don't know. Okay?
But you have to get over this, okay?
There is nothing you can do
to bring him back.
I can't believe this is the first time
I'm even hearing this.
I feel like I don't even know you anymore.
I feel so alone,
like I'm the only person in the world
that feels this way,
and it doesn't even matter.
It's not important. It's not important,
maybe because I'm not important.
Screaming out,
doing everything in my power to be heard,
yet even silence is louder than my screams.
What else can I do to be heard
but to tear down my world,
break apart my life?
I just want somebody to listen
and to not be angry that I'm not content,
because I'm not.
You know, I'm not happy.
I feel like I'm stuck in a world
where no one wants me,
in a world where I'm
so completely different.
I can never fit in or be understood.
I can scream as loud as I want to,
but the screams will always fade
because no one really knows how to listen.
Well, maybe this will show them.
All right, guys,
I'm gonna need four volunteers.
I got a game
that's gonna test your manhood,
your determination, and just sheer insanity!
All right, I need Mudge, CJ, Matt, Arona,
come on!
All right.
We're playing to see
who can chug a can of soda, that is,
the fastest. Are you ready?
On your marks, get set...
Wait a minute. I forgot one of the rules.
I need each of you guys to take off
one of your socks and place it over the can.
- That's disgusting.
- Come on, like you mean it, guys.
This is gonna taste great.
Come on, don't be shy.
Come on, guys, get it on there.
Yeah! All right. Are you ready?
On your marks, get set...
Wait a minute. I almost
forgot the last rule.
I need each one of you guys
to pass your can to the guy next to you.
Okay, that's...
That's what I mean! Here we go. Go!
Oh, no.
Yeah! CJ! We got a winner right here!
Good job, guys.
All right, guys, take your seat
and take your chair with you.
Let's get the band up here!
- Hey. You made it.
- Andrea, this is Amy.
I'm really glad you could join us.
Yeah, well, I told my boyfriend
I would check it out, so...
That's cool.
I really gotta go. I'm
really glad you're here.
The girl on the right is a pot head.
This is weird. Let's get out of here.
- Why?
- Are you going to drive me home?
Not yet.
Amy, wait. Amy, wait.
Can't you just take me home?
- No.
- No?
Come on, we just got here.
What's really going on with you?
- I'm not gonna let them judge me.
- Who?
Okay, it's either me or them, Jake.
Would you please just hang around
for 10 more minutes?
I want you to meet Chris.
There's something I gotta talk to you about.
- What is it?
- I don't want to talk about it here.
Amy, I'm not gonna fall for that.
You know what? Never mind.
You know, they did a survey to find out
the places that people least like to be,
and some on the top of the list
were the DMV,
the dentist, the principal's office.
But you know
what the number one place was?
Boring, judgmental, hypocritical.
Why is it that so often we can be
the exact opposite of what this teaches?
That's not how it's supposed to be, guys.
This is supposed to be a place
where you don't have to pretend
like you've got it all together
or that you don't have any problems.
A place where you can come and be who
you really are and not feel judged.
I want to take 30 seconds right now,
30 seconds of silence,
and I want you to ask yourself the question,
"Who have I judged?"
Hey, did you see the game
last Sunday? Man...
And, like, she would not stop texting me.
- Do you see that guy there?
- I saw him yesterday...
Yeah, I think they're friends...
Damn it.
Damn it!
Didn't any of you hear what he just said?
My girlfriend came here today,
and she left because she felt judged.
And no one even noticed.
Roger walked into school
and started shooting.
I knew him. He wasn't crazy.
And did anyone ever stop and ask why?
I mean, how did it get to the point
where his only option was to shoot himself?
There are people killing themselves
and you're chugging soda through a sock.
I mean,
what's the point of all of this
if you're not going to let this change you?
What do you think we should do, Jake?
I don't know.
We could all hang out together at school.
That's a good idea.
Hey, why don't we all have lunch together
in the quad?
Hey, Jake.
- Hey, Dad.
- Hey.
Mom said you went to church again.
That's twice this week, isn't it?
Yeah, the other time was Youth Group.
Yeah, I got nothing against a little
religion, but you sure you have time for this?
- Time?
- Yeah, it's your senior year, you know.
Louisville could still take your scholarship
away if your grades are bad.
- You been hitting the books?
- Yeah.
You better. You don't want to be a slacker.
You want to be successful,
you gotta work hard.
It's what separates the good from the great.
You got your whole life ahead of you now.
Don't screw it up.
Relax, Dad. I won't disappoint you.
Good talk.
- Think anybody's gonna show?
- Yeah. Maybe.
Guys, sorry I'm late.
- Hey, guys.
- Hi.
- Hi, I'm here.
- So glad it's finally lunch.
- What are you eating today?
- Hey, man.
Me and some friends
are having lunch over there,
just seeing if you want to join us.
Yeah, I gotta study for a test, so... Sorry.
Okay. Just wanted to
say hi. I'm Jake Taylor.
Jonny Garcia.
Hey, you're friends with Roger, right?
- Hi. I'm Andrea.
- This is my new friend, Jonny.
Hey. So, are you gonna join us?
- He's got homework.
- Yeah, I got a test I have to study for, so...
Well, we'll be here every day.
See you later, Jonny.
Come on!
- What the hell?
- Are you allowed to say "hell," Jake?
What's your deal, man?
I'm just trying to work out.
Sure you got time to work out?
You don't have to get to some secret
Christian club meeting or something?
- What do you care, Doug?
- Ever since you've gotten religious,
you don't have any time
for your friends, man.
- I've invited you to lunch with us every day.
- "Us." You see what you're doing? "Us"?
Jake, you and I have been best friends
since sixth-grade soccer, okay?
And it's always been about you, all right?
Jake, the MVP. Jake, the prom king.
You know it's true.
Hey, guess who's banging Amy
tonight, buddy?
She's using you, man.
She would never do that.
- She's too good for you.
- Think so?
- Keep walking, Taylor!
- Chill! Chill!
Jonny. Hey, man, need a lift?
You don't have to do this, man.
Come on.
Get in.
I was on Roger's page
and I saw you on there.
Were you guys friends?
Yeah. We played video games a lot.
Not in person. Just, you know, online.
Did you know that he was gonna...
You know?
Look, I didn't think he was serious.
You knew?
Yeah, I just saw some stuff he wrote online.
That's it.
- And you didn't tell anyone?
- No, I didn't... I don't know.
I swear, I didn't think he was serious.
Look, I'm sorry.
I'm not mad at you.
I just want to know what happened.
You ever think like Roger did?
What, that I'm gonna shoot up a school? No.
- I didn't mean that.
- I'm not Roger, okay?
Right here on the right.
Said you like video games?
Got any good ones?
Hey, man. Did you hear Chris got in trouble?
For what?
For that time you were cussing at church.
That was awesome, man.
- Are you serious?
- Yeah, I'm serious.
- He never said anything to me about it.
- Well, of course not.
Star athlete like you coming to our church?
He doesn't wanna mess that up.
What are you talking about?
I've seen it before.
I mean, that's how these guys work.
Whatever, man.
No homework today?
Come on.
Okay, so you can forget everybody's name,
except for this guy.
- Chris, Jonny.
- Nice to meet you, Jonny.
Hey, Jonny. Come with me.
I want you to meet some people.
Go have fun.
I don't know how you did it, man.
This place is different because of you.
Hey, you know earlier
when I cussed in front of everybody?
- Did I get you in trouble?
- Jake, I've been doing this a long time,
and that was the coolest thing
I've ever seen.
Don't worry about me.
Do you think cartoon characters
go to heaven?
Bro, what's it like in there?
Okay, speaking of that,
did you have fun today?
Yeah, I did.
I just normally don't like
big groups of people. That's all.
I was just wondering.
How often do girls shave their legs?
- What?
- Just always wondering.
It just kind of depends on the girl.
That's what I figured.
You're so cute.
- We are not done talking.
- Why are you always bringing this stuff up
when I'm getting ready to go to a meeting?
- Another meeting? At 9:00 p. m?
- Don't you dare accuse me of that
while I'm out there
working every day for you!
I don't have time to talk about this!
You've made me late already!
Don't you dare walk out that door!
Been home long?
- So you heard all that?
- I've been hearing all that.
It's nothing.
Your mother is just overreacting.
It's okay, Jake.
It's just a little misunderstanding.
So, don't worry about us,
just worry about yourself.
It's not worth it, Dad.
- Hi, Mrs. Dawson.
- Jacob. You don't have to do that.
I don't mind.
Okay, well,
at least come in and have some cookies.
- Still got that sweet tooth?
- Sure do.
That cast. That was his badge of honor.
Why don't you take that one?
I know Roger would like that.
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
Thanks for the pictures.
Jake, thank you.
I've missed having you around.
Mrs. Dawson, I'm really sorry
that I wasn't a better friend to Roger.
- I didn't know.
- None of us did.
And I was his mother.
He was my son.
That's really funny.
Have you ever asked a girl out before?
- Like on a date?
- Yeah.
- You think Andrea would go out with me?
- Andrea?
You have a game plan?
- A game plan?
- It's the best part.
If you can make a girl feel
like a million bucks,
she will be like putty in your hands.
- Are you gonna be there when I ask her?
- Absolutely not.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Now that we've broken the "ice,"
I was wondering
if you would like to go out with me tonight.
How sweet. Of course.
I've never heard of anyone bringing
their own toppings to an ice cream shop.
I really like bacon bits.
- You want to try some?
- Thanks.
- You sure?
- No.
They're really good.
I used to be a cutter.
My parents got divorced in eighth grade
and I thought it was my fault.
It was before I met God.
Scars are supposed to heal, you know.
Jonny, I...
I'm sorry. Let me just...
I'm sorry.
No, it's okay.
- You okay?
- I missed you at the party.
- I haven't been to one in over a month.
- I know.
Where's Doug?
He's probably at the party
passed out somewhere.
I stole his Jeep.
Jake, I gotta tell you something.
I'm pregnant.
I don't know what to... Are you sure?
Yeah. I missed my period,
I took four home tests.
I'm sure.
It's yours.
- What about Doug?
- We never...
Wow. Does your mom know?
She would kill me.
She was my age when she had me
and I can't even tell you how many times
she warned me to be careful.
- Wow.
- Yes, you said that already. Okay?
You know, look,
I know this is too much for us to handle.
I've decided not to keep the baby.
- I just wanted you to know.
- That's it?
Jake, I grew up without a dad.
I'm not gonna allow...
- Isn't this a decision that we should make?
- "We"?
Jake, you leave for
Louisville in five months!
- But I thought that...
- No, Jake, I am not having the baby.
- But this is my...
- No, it's not your choice!
I just think that we should talk about this.
- Jake, it's my body. My future.
- I know.
I just don't want you to rush into this.
You know what would happen to me
if I kept it?
Have you seen somebody pregnant?
It's kind of hard to hide.
- What about the baby?
- Great. Make me feel worse than I already do.
You know, I thought this whole religious
thing would make you more sympathetic.
I was wrong.
- Wait!
- Just stay away from me, Jake!
Amy, come on. Can we talk?
Mom, what's wrong?
What happened? Where are you going?
I'll be at Aunt Judy's.
Dad, what did you do to Mom?
- She's pretty mad, huh?
- No, what did you do?
Jake, your mother caught me
with another woman.
- She what?
- She wants me to leave.
What is wrong with you?
It's a two-way street, you know?
It's not just me.
But it's over.
We decided to end it a long time ago.
- I tried to tell her, but...
- You are unbelievable, you know that?
I'm done with you.
I got huge problems, man. It's Andrea.
I totally screwed up last night.
I kind of tried to kiss her.
I mean, she grabbed my hand
and I thought...
I don't know, man. I'm an idiot.
What should I do?
- Whatever.
- "Whatever"?
"Whatever"? Jake, this is huge.
I just blew my one chance!
Help me out, man.
What's up with you today?
You want to know what's wrong?
Doesn't matter if you screwed up,
doesn't matter if she likes you, doesn't
matter if she ever talks to you again.
- What are you saying?
- Dude, I guess she doesn't like you.
It wouldn't have worked anyways.
- You suck as a friend, man.
- Yeah, I suck!
That's why I picked you up,
that's why I'm always defending you,
that's why I never told anyone
about your little problem.
I don't need you, man. I never needed you.
I was fine before you ever bothered me.
Well, at least you're finding out now.
Chris just told him to be nice to you.
You were kind of like his project.
Guess he failed that one.
Didn't know you were an artist.
- I'm in trouble.
- What's going on?
Well, my parents are getting a divorce.
Jake, I'm so sorry.
And Amy
is pregnant.
- How's she doing?
- She wants to get rid of it.
- Has she made up her mind?
- I don't know.
I honestly don't know what to do.
She won't even talk to me.
She needs to know that she won't be alone,
that you'll be there for her.
I've dreamt my entire life
of going to Louisville.
She knows that.
You think she dreamed of
getting pregnant at 18?
Have you prayed about this, Jake?
God? I don't want to talk about Him.
- Well, God didn't do this to you.
- Well, He didn't stop it!
I mean, here I am. I'm going to church,
reading my Bible, all of that crap,
and this is what I get?
- He's not punishing you, Jake.
- Well, it sure feels like it.
My whole life is falling apart.
This is not working. It's not worth it.
Listen, God is not some little genie,
or a vending machine.
And it's not just worth it
because He makes your life all better.
But He's with you.
Then why is my life falling apart?
Well, maybe it always was
and you're just now starting to care.
- My life was fine.
- Jake,
God wants so much more for your life
than fine.
- Like what?
- I don't know, I'm not God.
But you just gotta trust Him through this.
I don't know, man.
Look, I'm here for you, no matter what.
But you and I both know
where those other roads lead.
You gotta decide for yourself.
God, I don't know if I'm allowed
to be mad at You, but I am.
All this has happened to me, and I'm
trying my best to do the right thing,
and everything around me
just keeps getting worse.
Chris told me that I could ask You for help.
I don't even know what that is,
but I know that I need it.
I don't have anywhere else to turn.
All I know is that I
can't do this by myself.
God, please,
just give me the strength
to do what's right.
- What do you want?
- Amy, I gotta see you.
- I can't do this right now. What is it?
- I gotta tell you in person.
- I've already decided.
- What?
- What's wrong with you?
- I'm fine. Jake, just...
Amy, where are you?
- I'm at some coffee shop at the Plaza.
- The Plaza?
Amy! What's wrong?
What do you want from me?
I woke up this morning and I had
this feeling I needed to talk to you.
I'm so sorry about the way I reacted
the other day.
And I don't know what it's like to be you.
- And there I was, making it worse.
- Stop, okay?
- I can't do it.
- I know.
- We can.
- You're leaving!
Don't move.
I can't let you do that, Jake,
that's your dream.
- It's my choice.
- You don't even know what you're doing.
Amy, I do.
I can't be pregnant.
You've spent your whole life
trying to get people to like you.
I would lose everything, though.
You wouldn't lose me.
I'm so scared.
- I'm not ready to be a mom.
- Neither am I.
- What?
- I mean a dad. I'm not ready to be a dad.
I'm here for you no matter what,
whatever it is you decide.
Okay. I'll think about it.
No promises, though.
- What are you doing with him?
- I was cleaning your room and I found...
What's the meaning of this?
- I'm not going.
- Excuse me?
- I've changed my mind.
- Really? Well, when did this happen?
- It's complicated.
- Jake, this is not the way to get back at me.
It has nothing to do with you!
Do you have any idea how many guys
would kill for an opportunity like this?
Like you?
Son, just think for a second.
This scholarship is all you've got.
- Not anymore.
- Honey, I thought this was your dream.
What's going on?
- I can't go.
- Why can't you?
- Amy.
- What about Amy, honey?
- What?
- Amy's pregnant.
Tell me you're joking.
- Jake, she can't force you to stay here.
- It was not like that, all right? It's my choice.
- So, you're choosing to ruin your life!
- I guess you would know.
It's your future.
I heard your date with
Jonny was interesting.
Yeah, it was a little awkward.
Have you seen him lately?
No, I've called him,
but he hasn't called back.
I'll just... I'm gonna call him again.
Jonny, hey, it's Jake.
I'm here with Andrea
and we're just wondering where you've been.
I want to talk to you about something,
so give me a call.
- Okay, I just need to grab one thing.
- But we're always the last to leave.
Hang in there, tiger.
So, the sock game with the sodas,
that was probably the most disgusting thing
I've ever seen.
I know. I read that in a book about
how to get fired as a youth pastor.
- So, how you holding up?
- I'm never having sex again.
You can't say that.
You're gonna make your wife miserable.
- Have you guys talked?
- Yeah.
- I think Amy's keeping the baby.
- Good.
- Do your parents know?
- My mom cried.
As if she needed anything else.
- What about your dad?
- I don't really care what he thinks anymore.
Listen, I wanna run something by
you and Amy.
Maybe we can get together again
sometime soon.
Is it true?
You are such a slut!
What's going on? You okay?
- Where'd you get that?
- You tell me, Jake.
- It's not like that.
- I always knew she was a slut.
Don't you call her a slut!
Or what?
Or what?
Don't call her what, Jake?
That's what she is, man. She's a slut.
And you've got your little Jesus lunch group
doing everything you want them to.
And you're the biggest faker of them all,
man. And nobody, nobody is fooled.
You're not worth it.
Circle's over here, Taylor.
We're a little smaller today.
- Don't tell me you don't know.
- We know.
Well, I'll see you later.
Jake, it really doesn't matter.
Besides, like, who am I to judge?
- Well, for one, you're, like, perfect.
- No.
I'm not perfect. If you only knew the dirt.
- Whatever.
- There's different kinds of dirt.
- How could you let this happen?
- Amy.
- I'm so sorry.
- I told you, everybody hates me.
They don't.
It'll be okay.
- Thank you.
- Got a whole pack if you want them.
Why are you being so nice to me?
I don't know.
I guess I just know what it feels like
to be alone. Sucks, huh?
So, are you guys gonna join us for lunch,
or what?
I was deeply disturbed to hear from my son
that one of your students
got his girlfriend pregnant.
Where did Danny hear this?
He overheard you two
outside your office last night.
- Mark, your son has no right...
- You're right, but he did and now I know.
I'm just not comfortable
having this kid being around here.
You're not comfortable?
Look, Mark, I'm telling you,
half the time I don't know
if these kids listen to a thing I say.
But this kid, he's getting it.
I can see it happening.
But it's a fragile time for him, you know?
You judge this kid, but you haven't even
bothered to get to know him.
You don't even know
what's going on in his life.
Jake Taylor should be teaching us
what it means to follow God.
I wanna give you guys
a chance to respond tonight.
And I know that some of you guys
came here tonight feeling totally alone.
Maybe some of you are here
and you're hurting for someone else.
You know what your response is?
Show them God's unconditional love.
And let me tell you,
it's not always gonna be easy,
but don't give up.
"Everything around me is falling apart.
"Maybe if I were gone
everything could be fixed.
"Why would anyone even care
if I were gone?
"Maybe this is just how life is.
Maybe it'll only get worse.
"I don't think life
really wants me, either."
- Those teachers are freaking out.
- I know, this is weird. I think it's serious.
I need the quad locked down.
Nobody leaves
until we know what's going on.
What's going on here?
All right, everybody, listen up.
This is not a drill. This is real.
We've got a bomb threat here today. The
police are inside searching the building.
You're staying here until I say otherwise.
Anyone who tries to leave will be expelled.
This is no joke. Especially at this school.
Now, if anyone has information
that might be helpful, you need to tell me.
- Do you know anything?
- Has anybody seen anything?
I bumped into this kid earlier,
and I don't know where he is, but...
- Go with him.
- Okay.
- All right?
- Okay.
- Thank you.
- All right, okay.
Does the name match his cell phone?
10-4, I think we have our suspect.
- Do you know a Jonny Garcia?
- Jonny Garcia?
Can you tell me where he is?
You've got to be kidding me.
Hey, Jonny's here.
Jonny Garcia. Stand up, please.
Okay, take your backpack off,
hand it to my partner.
I have to take a look at your cell phone.
- I don't have it.
- No? You have to come with us.
You don't want to do this, man.
It's too late, Jake. Like you ever cared.
That doesn't surprise me. It's always
the quiet freaks who pull this stuff.
I told you.
- He didn't do it. We gotta help him.
- Jake, you'll get expelled.
I've got an idea.
- Ladies, what's going on?
- I'm really not feeling too well.
My friend, she needs help. She's pregnant.
Jake? Jake!
- Let me go, Clyde!
- This is not cool, Jake!
I gotta make things right!
- Stop! Put your hands up!
- He didn't do it, but I know who did.
Things are different now.
- Why'd you bring him?
- Why am I here and not your dad?
Chris, just get me out of here, okay?
I didn't do anything wrong.
Where are you going?
Well, it doesn't sound like
you did anything wrong.
Look, it wasn't my fault, okay?
Somebody set me up. I don't deserve this.
They found you with his phone, Danny!
You're not fooling anybody.
You can't leave me here.
I'm not gonna leave you here.
They're gonna take you downtown
until your dad can find some time to
come pick you up.
It's up to you, Jake.
You can't do this. I'll get you fired!
Well, what do you want me to say?
What, that I screwed up?
You know what? Screw you! Okay?
Who needs you? I don't!
Okay, okay. It was an accident, okay?
I panicked!
I didn't know! But I'm
sorry! I'm sorry, okay?
I'll stay.
Why are you doing this?
I'm not sure.
Frank and Jan are really amazing people.
They're long-time friends of ours,
and they've been dying to meet you guys
ever since I told them.
They're also really excited
about an open adoption.
- You sure you wanna do this?
- Yeah.
Come on in.
- This is Jan and her husband, Frank.
- Hi.
- This is for you.
- What?
It's just a little something to
show our gratitude for...
For your amazing gift.
We want to keep you a part of the family.
It's good to meet you both.
- It's so nice to finally meet you.
- Thanks for doing this.
Life is a journey.
Not so much to a destination,
but a transformation.
You know, looking back, doesn't it
sometimes feel like our richest times
come right in the midst of our hardest?
But God made us to live in community,
to laugh and cry,
to hurt and celebrate with each other
no matter what we're going through.
And transformation is tough.
We don't always end up
where we think we will.
But we have to remember that
even when we struggle to believe in Him,
He always believes in us.
He fills our life with purpose and passion,
if we just let Him.
And, you know, the best part of the journey
is that the God of the universe
sometimes allows us
to play a part in changing the world.
Isn't that a trip?
It took an extra semester, but you made it.
I'm so proud of you, Jake.
- Love you, Mom.
- Good.
- Then don't be mad at me.
- For what?
Jake, no matter what, he's your dad.
I'll pay for the gas
if you got an open seat.
Tell your mom I'll miss her.
Hey, I got...
It's for you, bro.
Thank you so much for staying with me.
I wish you were coming.
Yeah, I just gotta make sure
it's my dream, too, you know?
We'll figure it out.
Call me tonight.
- I'll call you.
- Okay.
"Dear Jake, I wanted to say this in person,
but it's weird.
"Remember that time that you asked me
if I had ever felt the way Roger did?
"I said I didn't, but I lied.
"I thought about taking
my life all the time.
"I even wrote the letter
explaining why to my mom.
"Then out of nowhere you came up
and invited me to eat with you guys.
"I don't know where I'd be
if you hadn't done that.
"I just wanted to say thank you."