To the Moon (2021) Movie Script

The key's under the rock.
How are you doing?
I'm gonna call my agent and let
him know I'm here.
I'm at my family's house
- And how's that?
It's musty and dusty.
It's completely off the map.
- Dennis, the studio is very
angry with you.
What are they saying, how bad is
- It's bad.
And the other movie?
- It's gone.
Hey, buddy.
You really can't hear a damn
thing out here.
You know, I don't have to drink
if you don't want me to.
I'm fine.
You enjoy. Please.
Thanks for sticking it out with
I love you.
To the moon.
Can't sleep?
Another nightmare?
It's my own fault.
Is it strange being back here?
All my life ...
I feel like I've been forcing
to be someone I wasn't.
You were the first person who
made me
not hate who I was.
I didn't have to pretend
How did we get here?
Come here.
I'm not leaving you.
I would kill for you. You know
that, right?
I wanna try again.
Mia ... are you sure?
The doctor said we can start
in three months, and it's been
What the ...
Is that your ...
- Brother?
- Brother.
I thought he was somewhere out
So did I.
Should I be nervous?
I hope not.
Well, he must have gotten in
when we were asleep,
did you hear anything?
Not a thing.
What are you doing here?
It's nice to see you, too.
Wasn't expecting anyone.
- He was scratching at the door,
I didn't want to wake you.
You look like hell, brother.
Trust me, I've been there.
Yeah, well ...
This is my wife.
Pleasure to meet you.
Heard about the wedding. It
sounded ...
really nice.
We wanted you to be there, but
we didn't have
a number or an address.
You fell off the side of the
It's probably for the best.
I wasn't, uh ...
... an optimal version of myself
I just made some breakfast if
you want
to come in and join us.
I don't want to intrude.
No intrusion at all.
All right, well ...
... I'll finish up here and I'll
come right in.
I'll bring the dog back in.
Beautiful family, brother.
Beautiful morning, huh?
Peach moonstone!
The woman's stone!
What do you know about crystals?
I know a lot about ...
... a lot.
Peach moonstone is the woman's
combats depression, promotes
Yeah. Well, I just like to have
it close by.
It helps me feel balanced.
What was that you were doing
before? Some type of yoga?
Oh. That's just my little
morning routine.
Helps me get enlightened.
And the chanting - was that
Dennis and I were abroad in New
for a few months while he shot a
Oh! Which one?
You haven't seen it, it was a
Tell me, which one?
"Shallow Lies The Bone."
"Looks like this meat's gone
Holy shit!
Oh, so you're the one who saw
Well, we had a few film reels at
the hospital.
Yours was the only one with
nudity so
we watched that til it melted!
Are you an actress too?
Uh, no.
She's actually a very talented
figure skater.
She competes and everything,
she's very well known.
Not anymore.
Why not?
What other movies did you have
out there?
Uh, a lot of black and white ...
pig slop.
Nothing comparing to this guy
right here!
Must be nice to be able to watch
your little brother onscreen.
There's no greater pleasure in
the world.
I'm proud of you, Dennis.
I really am.
Thank you.
So Roger, that was Haka?
Oh right, sorry. It's uh ...
a combination of ...
sounds ...
that I ...
made up.
Mostly coming from Aramaic.
Jesus's native tongue.
That's right!
You familiar with the big man?
I've seen some of his work.
You never told me he was
How would I know? We haven't
talked in years.
I, uh ...
tramped around for a bit.
which gave me an opportunity to
reflect and ...
rearrange my life.
Religion gave me a path to stay
Our grandmother was quite
And it gives me a ...
way to reconnect with her every
Clear my head ...
get back to earth.
I think that's really sweet.
It's nice to believe in
I miss her.
I'm sorry.
I shouldn't be ruining your good
time with my tears.
It's okay to cry.
Why don't you ...
teach me what you were doing out
I could use some enlightenment.
Yeah, I think that's a great
idea. I'll join too.
You would?
Let me put something warmer on.
You're going to enjoy this.
It's very cleansing.
- Let's bring our hips back.
To remind ourselves that
we exist as much behind our
as we do before our bodies.
Reach our hands up to heaven ...
and bring them back down to our
heart centers ...
and then explore the space
around you to remind yourself
that your life is a sphere.
It exists all around you, not
just on one line.
So let's go up to heaven ...
back to our hearts ...
through the sphere.
Arms up to heaven ...
back to our hearts ...
around in a sphere.
You want to breathe
from your gut.
[rhythmic exhaling]
You got it.
You can do this.
Now, to really ground ourselves
into the earth
we're going to push down into
the earth with both hands
and with our knees.
These grounds are sacred.
Spiritual even.
That might explain the guy in
the robe at the lake.
What guy in a robe? You didn't
tell me about that.
The monks.
There's a monastery just on the
other side of the lake.
Sometimes they wander onto our
trails over here.
They're totally harmless.
Those little monks.
They really give you the creeps
the first time you see them.
Can I ...
can I show you guys something
really, really cool?
Close your eyes and open your
Excuse me?
Just trust me, please.
This is gonna help you with your
How did you know?
I can smell it.
I'm very intuative.
This is nature's aid, just trust
me, please.
Close your eyes, stick our your
It's totally harmless.
Mmm. What is that?
I call these "Benedictine
I don't remember these being
I know, they must have started
growing here the past few years.
I'll make you a tea later, binds
the stomach
really helpful for what you're
going through.
Appreciate it.
Okay. Can I show you our
favorite spot?
You hear that?
Hear what?
Close your eyes. Just ...
Feels like you're in outer
Do the monks ever come to the
Not sure. It's good to have them
around, though.
This area's so desolate.
Mostly summer homes people
for ten months out of the year.
It's not uncommon to find
squatters living in your house.
It's happened here.
You'd hope the monks act a bit
like scarecrows in that sense.
Is that why you don't skate
I thought I was alone.
That's the piece of you that's
Excuse me?
I sensed that ...
You're not ... full.
Dennis is obvious.
You are ...
tougher to crack.
What happened?
It happened last year.
I ... had a partner and ...
We were practcing one day, doing
an overhead lift
And he just ...
dropped me.
He said it was an accident, but...
Anyway, I haven't been able to
stand on one foot ever since.
I can't even imagine how hard it
to trust anyone after something
like that.
We have to be at peace ...
in ourselves ...
if we want to ...
be able to help somebody else to
The road to recovery, it's not
... it's not a solo journey.
Can we try something?
Relax your neck.
And close your eyes.
You're in charge here.
Mia, I can see a ...
tiny, little ...
soul. A spirit.
Floating around you.
Trying to reconnect with your
Put your hands on my shoulders.
Now repeat after me.
"Abatur, Abathur."
"Abatur, Abathur."
"Bukra, Ahrima, Buzrana."
"Bukra, Ahrima, Buzrana."
"Shiruna, Niaka."
"Shiruna, Niaka."
Okay, come here.
It's all a process.
We can't hold onto this.
You can't keep all this inside
of you.
Give me your arms.
Lean back.
Lie down.
your emotions.
Why'd you do that?
You looked comfortable.
And that bothered you?
Wanted to catch you away from
the lady.
How long have you been off the
About a week.
Seems like it doesn't want to
let me go this time.
Shakes and shivers?
Never lasted this long before.
Well, no two times could be
You know, sometimes, cold turkey
isn't the way to go.
Your body is weak
and so is your spirit.
This little retreat?
Isn't gonna bring you back
together, the damage is done.
What the fuck are you talking
You wanna hit me?
Do you want to kill me?
Take these.
Mia doesn't have to know.
You can keep on ruining her
Thank you Lord for this
bounteous meal, for your
everlasting grace,
for reuniting our family.
To you we give our greatest
May our great grandchildren tell
stories of our love.
May they know us, may you know
us, amen.
When did your grandfather build
this place?
You haven't told her much of the
family history, have you?
Only the greatest hits.
Well, this place used to be a
hunting lodge
all alone on the land.
Our grandfather was doing some
legal work
for the monastery back in the
He wanted a little place that
the whole family could be
together in.
But you know how life goes,
people grow up, get better lives
and ...
forget about those they love.
Dennis! Boy oh boy would he be
proud of the life you're living.
Mia, do you think you'll make it
back out on the ice?
Not anytime soon.
Well, I bet you're an angel out
She is.
And she will be. Again.
Excuse me.
Did I say something?
Stop bringing it up, all right?
You okay?
Sure. Just needed a refill.
So Dennis - anything on the
horizon? Any movies coming up?
Who knows, man.
Well, geez.
Y'all sure don't wanna talk
about too much.
Can I just sit here and enjoy a
meal with my family
and not talk about my career for
Are you hiding something?
Shut up, Roger.
Don't tell him to shut up, it's
not nice.
We're trying to relax, he keeps
making us uncomfortable.
If something I'm saying is
making you uncomfortable
I invite you to look inside
and see why that might be.
Why don't we just start over?
Everyone play nice.
You know, I find fear of
inadequacy is a common--
You think I feel inadequate?
All right.
From my perspective, what you
do, your job ...
You've gotta convince yourself
you're special enough
that people are gonna want to
pay money
to sit and look at your face for
two or more hours at a time.
Constantly hoping that people
like you?
It's enough to make anybody feel
I'm not trying to be offensive!
I'm just trying to help you
understand why you might feel
the way that you do.
I can see you struggling with
Thanks for the help, Roger.
You wanna slice them as thin as
No, not like that. You have to
be gentle.
Nice and slow.
And don't lose any of the seeds
cause that's where magic comes
What are you looking for,
Thought I saw something.
The properties change when you
boil 'em.
But the effects are more
Coats the stomach lining.
I need a cigarette.
It must be tough for you to see
him like this.
He'll get through it.
Well, he's certainly lucky to
have a woman like you by his
Are you all right?
Yeah, I just burned myself.
Come here.
You really didn't have to make
this for us.
It's my pleasure.
I had a buddy who was trying to
get off dope
I made this for him three times
a day.
It's the best.
I'd try anything at this point.
Ooh! I love this song!
Don't stop on my account.
Please. Continue dancing with my
It's fine. Come here.
Sorry. I'm sorry.
We were just having some fun.
What'd I do?
What do you want?
I just want to apologize.
You should be apologizing to
your brother.
Because he's been so kind and
you embarassed him.
I was just sitting there.
Yeah. With that look on your
He was dancing with you without
my permission.
Don't you think he's the one who
should be apologizing?
And you. I've never seen you act
that way with a stranger before.
Well, he's not a stranger. He's
your brother.
Can I just have a little fun for
once? For one night?
If I go apologize to him, will
that make you feel better?
Might make him feel better.
He's going to ruin this whole
Hey, man.
Give me one second!
It's fine.
I was actually coming to
apologize to you if I was rude
You're not mad at me?
I'm not feeling well. You know?
Can I have a hug? I need a good
Reconnection has to happen
physically as well as
That's good.
That's good, that's good.
Did he accept your apology?
That he did.
I'm getting hot flashes.
Yeah, you look pale. You want
some water?
Let's just lay and be together.
Sorry if I made you
uncomfortable earlier.
Sorry if I ever make you
I love you.
I know you do.
It's just weird being in the
house with him.
It's been a long time.
He has this new persona.
It's different. You wouldn't
He used to be such a malevolent
person when we were younger.
Well, maybe he's changed.
You should give him the benefit
of the doubt.
Tigers don't change their
Is that what you want people to
think about you?
What's going to happen when we
go back to the city?
What do you mean?
I just want to know where your
head's at.
I really can't be thinking of
that right now.
But I want to have a plan before
we leave.
Okay, I'm just not going to be
of any use right now.
[muttering from the hallway]
[muttering and chanting]
- Dennis hates animals.
- Dennis with his fake life and
his fake hair and his fake
- Dennis with his fake career.
What are you doing?
Did you not just hear that?
I didn't hear anything.
Shh! Listen!
I don't hear anything.
I just heard my brother and some
other people
talking about me in his room.
What other people? It's just us
- You need to come back to bed.
- No. No I don't.
Come here.
[heavy snoring]
It sounds like a deviated
septum. He's snoring.
You were talking in your sleep.
I was?
I could hear you. I wanted to
make sure you're all right.
Oh yeah. Just tired I guess.
I'm sure you were.
After everything you've been
Where are you? I can't see you.
We've been waiting for someone
like you.
You're so warm.
I can smell the heat from your
I swear.
Take this.
I'm really tripping bad, here.
You're the reason we lost the
It's all your fault.
I'm so sorry, baby.
Saying that isn't enough.
[distorted cackling]
[Roger and Mia laughing]
Baby, are you all right?
I don't understand. What?
You were just having a
nightmare. It's okay.
- I'm gonna run you a shower,
okay? You need to wake up.
- Okay.
That's some booby trap you
It's my house too, you know. It
was a 50/50 split.
No, I just ...
I thought I heard something. I
got spooked.
You know, it's normal to enter a
state of psycosis when going
through withdrawals.
Hope it doesn't become
Come outside when you're ready.
Could use your help with
What are you hiding from me?
What do you mean?
What do I mean?
What's this?
It's just a book.
It's a pregnancy book I found.
Maybe I should have a look at
You seem a lot better.
The whole point of this weekend
is for us to reconnect.
Can we please do something just
the two of us?
Let me put on a sweater.
Where are you lovebirds headed?
Just going to get some fresh air
on our own for a bit.
Don't let the dog out. Okay?
What are you thinking about?
Just how we were before
How so?
Before the success.
How we used to spend all day at
the movies
without a care in the world.
Eating oatmeal for every single
The oatmeal days.
That was something then.
Well ... had to grow up at some
Tell me about the film. I wanna
hear about it.
I don't know. Something about...
rangers in Colorado or ...
I don't know. I don't know.
Your agent says it's good?
Yeah. Yeah.
All right.
I want to focus on us right now.
You know, be in the moment?
Well right now, we're sitting on
this bench
and I'm thinking about how
peaceful it is here.
Maybe it's time we moved out of
the city.
Laid some roots somewhere.
Like where?
What about when I have work?
There's commuter towns. You can
hop on a train.
I'm not going to be one of those
women lugging
three children onto a crowded
subway in 100 degree weather.
It's stressful enough as it is
living in the city.
I want our kids to wake up in
the morning and breathe fresh
and I want them to be able to
look up at the stars when they
go to sleep.
There's just too many dangers in
the city.
What do you mean?
You know what I mean.
You don't want them to end up
like me?
That's not what I said.
Well then what are you saying?
I'm saying there's a lot of
temptation in the city.
You're exposed to a lot, it's
not normal.
Why are you being this way?
We've always talked about moving
out to the country.
I just don't think we're exactly
there yet.
How so?
In case you forgot, I just got
fired from my TV show
so that money's not coming in
Okay, well you have this new
I told you, I don't want to talk
about that!
Why are you being like this?
Look at me.
Look at me!
It's me.
I'm your best friend.
If there's something bothering
you, you need to tell me.
That way, I can help you.
I can't help you if you dont let
me in.
I love you.
To the moon.
[dog barking in distance]
Damnit, I told him not to let
him out!
[dog barking in distance]
Looks like that fresh air did
you some good!
What is he barking at?
I don't know. He's been going at
it for a while, though.
Panny, boy, whatcha got there,
What is this?
- What do you mean?
- Is this yours?
What is that thing?
Are you messing with me?
I'm not fucking around here!
Mia, what is he talking about?
He had a nightmare.
You were wearing this last
I was in my room all night last
You set up those traps,
You would have heard something!
Lemme look at it.
Nothing has ever been solved
with violence!
Where did this come from?
Let me show you something.
See, look at this.
There's a college nearby.
These college kids are out here
every weekend.
Having beer parties ...
Look at this!
Is that ...
That's the same hair from that
Am I going crazy?
No, baby.
I need to take a walk. Clear my
I'll see you back at the house.
He'll be fine.
No, thank you.
Are you trying to ...
get pregnant?
Sorry, what?
I noticed a book missing.
That's ... it's fine. You keep
You're young.
Seeds get pollinated
when they're ready.
When the time is right ...
it'll be right.
You think the timing wasn't
You're walking around with
an anvil on your back.
You need to ...
let go ...
and put your faith in order.
Stop weighing yourself down.
Keep the book.
[shower running]
How are you feeling?
Much better.
Could we talk?
Sure. What's up?
I just want to apologize.
For my behavior ... and
From here on out ...
fresh start.
I'm all about fresh starts.
You got yourself a deal,
Why are you digging?
We've got a bad case of Castor
canadensis out here.
- Castor cana-dance?
- North American beaver.
Man, you've really forgotten
your roots.
Hollywood's changed you. You
city people ...
you've got no idea how
troublesome a beaver could be.
- Uh huh.
- I trap 'em, and I poison 'em.
You can sell their tails.
They're using them for ...
food flavoring? Something like
Hey, how about we switch spots
for a little bit?
Not so sure you want to be me
right now.
You could use a little time in
the earth.
All right.
You think you can dig as deep as
I did?
I think I can handle a foot.
You look pretty weak.
I'm not as weak as I look.
You wanna bet?
How much?
I don't like to bet with money.
Well, that's all I got, beaver
Is it?
Fifty bucks?
Think you can handle that?
Fifty bucks'll last you a long
time out here.
You won't have to ...
sell any beaver tail.
All right.
What's the matter, Mr.
Need your stunt double?
Knock it off!
Whoa, dude! What are you,
fucking nuts?
That's poison!
Drop it!
Go wash your hands!
I was just playing.
Anything interesting?
Weird book.
Come lay down with me for a
All right.
[Dennis growling]
How are you feeling?
Do you want to continue our
I don't want to think about real
life right now.
All right.
You mad at me?
You sure you're not mad at me?
I'm sure.
I just had to get away from the
house to think.
I acted like a real jerk
earlier. And I'm sorry.
[Roger from kitchen]
Dinner's ready! Come get it
while it's hot!
He made us dinner?
What a sweetheart.
What's all this for?
I feel terrible that I wasn't
able to be at your wedding.
So I thought we could have our
own little celebration here and
I don't know what to say.
I wish I had nicer clothes.
You look perfect.
Is that Grandma's handkerchief?
Looks good on you, Rog.
Thank you, Roger.
Is something wrong with the
It's strange, I just don't have
much of an appetite.
Can I ask you something?
We're not eating beaver, are we?
No. Of course not.
What are you guys talking about?
Apparently, Roger's been hunting
and selling beavers in town.
Really living off the land.
Does that make you happy?
I don't mind it.
Well, if that makes you happy
then I think that's great.
Speaking of happiness, there's
an ice rink not far from here.
I bet you could teach lessons.
Heck -
With your expertise, you could
be running the joint.
We're actually going back to the
You should think about coming
with us, I mean, I could
probably set you up with
something, make some real money.
You know, not be living off of
dead animals.
Does that make you happy?
Does what?
Making lots of money.
Oh, I don't think it's
everything but I think it
certainly helps.
I'm not like you, Dennis.
I've got everything I need right
Shelter, food ...
- ... comfort.
- Yeah, I agree with Roger.
I'm just saying I could help
I didn't ask for your help,
I don't want to be ...
... in debt. To my little
You wouldn't be indebted to me,
Am I being out of line?
I know who my savior is.
And it ain't you.
Here we go with the religious
Look Dennis, I have my own
I've worked really hard to
become this person
and I'm happy with myself.
You think you've got me fooled
with this new, reformed
hippie-dippy woo-woo act you've
got going on?
Cause I know the real you,
Roger. Don't forget that.
He was the complete opposite
when we were kids.
Tell her about when I was six
and you threw me off the
I broke my arm in three places.
Or what about
after Grandpa passed and you
pawned off
all the jewelry Grandma managed
to save from Hungary?
What about that? Tell her about
You're clearly making your wife
uncomfortable. It's all right,
Don't tell her "it's all right!"
What are you really doing here?
You magically reappear after
years and years of silence?
What do you want?
I don't know if you've looked
around but there's nothing else
for you to sell here.
I'll sell you.
- What?
- Look, I came here
because I was answering a call
to a higher existence.
What are you doing here, Dennis?
You are an infantile know-it-all
who can't see two feet in front
of his face.
You try to do something nice.
See where it gets you. What a
wonderful wedding.
It's all right. Don't--
- Mia, what are you doing?
- Looking for a flashlight.
Don't be silly.
- Why do you have to do that?
- Do what?
Push everyone away when they're
just trying to help.
You're not going out there!
Why not?
Because it's dark and I don't
want you getting hurt.
Get out of my way, please.
Dennis, please move. I'm scared.
Of what?
That he's going to do something
He's hurt, Dennis. He's very
He's probably just clearing his
[Mia scoffs]
You don't even know who you're
trying to protect!
He has been absolutely kind to
me from the start and that's all
I need to know.
I don't care about his past.
You're not going out there.
Where is he?
What are you talking about?
I just saw him!
Why are you crying?
What did he do to you?
Why do you have this?
I, uh ...
I watched you get rid of
everything in the apartment.
When did you get this?
Baby ...
I can explain.
I just found that in my--
Stop lying!
How are we supposed to have a
family when you're like this?
I think we should take some time
apart while you shoot the movie.
There's no movie, Mia.
There's nothing.
All you do is lie.
Don't follow me.
Mia, open the door.
Mia, open the door!
Open the door!
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
I wanted to feel it.
Hey, hey, hey.
You need to wake up.
I don't feel good.
I don't like it.
I know.
You're gonna be okay.
All right. I'm gonna ...
call for a car in the morning....
and get us back to the city.
Put your arms around me. Come
It's okay.
Drink this.
I'm a good person.
Yes, you are.
You're a liar.
I know.
[Pancake moans]
[Pancake moans]
[Pancake moans]
[Pancake moans]
How you feelin--
What are you doing?
Where are you going?
I'm going to "clear my head."
Call me when the car's here.
Roger, you scared me.
[line ringing]
Can I talk to you about
Dennis isn't the right one for
He doesn't appreciate you.
You can't trust somebody like
Yeah. It's Dennis Lotz, is he
Okay, thanks.
I know how you feel about it.
I can see it in your eyes.
He's in a meeting? Really?
Don't play possum with me.
Oh you can give him a message?
Okay, give him this message:
You're fucking fired!
It's about that time someone ...
lived for you.
[distant chanting]
The properties change when you
boil 'em.
It's normal to enter a state of
psychosis when going through
Beautiful family, brother.
[distant chanting]
[Mia giggling]
[Mia giggling]
[Mia giggling]
[silent screaming]
[Pancake barking]
He's back!
Look who's back!
Hmm. Okay.
Oh, I love this song!
This could be our song!
You had a nervous break,
I hear it happens to lots of
It's all right.
It's gonna be ...
Would you look at that girl.
[Dennis moaning]
Look at that beautiful girl.
You had it all.
But you just kept ...
shoving junk ...
up your arm ...
up your nose ...
[Dennis moaning]
up any ...
hole you could find.
You think anybody's gonna ...
wonder what happened when they
find you?
Pancake, run!
[Pancake barking]
I doubt it too.
What's the matter, need a hand?
[Dennis moaning]
[Dennis, distant]
I love you.
I ...
love you.
She doesn't know who you are
right now.
She ate a lot of berries.
It was great seeing you,
To ...
the ...
[Dennis, distant]
To the moon.
Where is he?
My brother.
Your brother?
- What are you talking about?
- He tried to kill me.
And you.
Baby, you're just having a
It's okay. Me and Pan are right
It's okay.
You're going through
We've been through this before,
you're gonna be fine.
I'm so hot.
I'm right here. I'm gonna take
care of you.
This is the last time, Mia.
I swear.
I know.
I love you.
To the moon.
Let me get you something to
drink, okay?