Todo es silencio (All Is Silence) (2012) Movie Script

What's that for?
Use your mouth to keep quiet.
Your dad can fish, but I'll show you
how it's really done.
My dad can name every fish
in the world.
Well, almost.
Names? Names don't matter.
Catching them is what counts.
My dad says if you're poor for too long
you'll shit white like a seagull.
How long can you hold your breath?
Don't know, about half an hour.
Half an hour my ass.
You see?
Now that's a miracle!
Brinco, get me out of here!
What a bastard!
I'm fine, damn it!
Brinco! Brinco!
Brinco! Brinco! Brinco!
Damn the day you were born!
What are you doing?
That brings bad luck.
Quit yapping and help me.
Look, there's a disgusting
creature inside.
Come back to life, shithead.
Look who's here.
You dummies.
Never joke about death.
He looked dead, Leda.
You should have seen him.
He fell and turned pale, stiff.
Damn, Fins. You looked dead.
- He has "absences".
- "Absences?"
Yeah, "absences". That's what
they call it. Don't tell anybody.
And those coffins?
- They're spoken for.
- Not your dad, of course.
- He says he saw them first.
- He did.
Keep quiet, you're dead.
They're hippies.
Heard in Ultramar.
They look German to me.
Think it's French.
Who cares what they're saying?
You can tell by what they're doing.
If they're hippies,
they speak hippie, you idiots.
I'm up here!
It's Chelin.
Bet he found something!
No wonder. Running around
with that damn pendulum all day...
Leda thinks it works.
Leda believes
whatever she wants to.
You see?
He does it with his wrist.
You're a fraud, Chelin. Let me.
Come on, let's go.
Damn, Chelin.
This is what call a treasure!
Goddamn it, Carburo!
It's okay, kids.
It's okay.
Some people love artillery.
Always tell him, "Carburo,
first ask questions and shoot after."
Sweetie, where did you come from?
You can ask my mother that.
Does this saintly woman
have a name?
She did. Her name was Adela.
She died when was born.
Damn, they sure grow up quick!
They're unrecognizable.
Okay, an
Nothing happened here,
you didn't hear anything,
you didn't see anything.
That's the thing about Latin,
one thing leads to another.
Everybody go home.
the sky is gonna crash down
on somebody's head.
It's finally dying down,
the son of a bitch.
How long have gone
without fishing, Amparo?
One month and three days.
Seems like three years.
Prison was better than this.
So was the hospital.
Me in prison, you in the hospital...
It wasn't so bad.
We should put a
match to this life
and to hell with it.
You're a wreck, Malpica.
You used to be more patient.
Well, before,
cried with one eye
and laughed with the other.
Father, have you ever seen
an Argonaut?
Once when a Soviet ship
crashed off the coast.
The sailors wore black leather jackets.
Really good ones.
Don't mean people.
Look what it says here.
"These cephalopods
are very ugly animals"
and their bodies contain
grotesque particularities.
If you look into the eyes
"of an Argonaut,
you will find them blank."
Let me see.
This book was at
the School of the Indies.
They emigrated to America, made money
and decided to build a school.
The best school around.
A modern school, they called it.
They brought typewriters,
sewing machines, thermometers,
Even a skeleton so we could learn
the name of every bone.
All of them.
What's the most important bone
in the body?
The spheroid bone.
The teacher used to say...
How did it go?
this is the key.
The spheroid bone.
The bone shaped like a
Turkish bed and bat wings
which quietly opened
through the course of history
"to make room for the enigmatic
workings of the soul."
Damn, still remember, Amparo!
If you were there, don'! go back.
Because say so.
If this weather keeps up, the boy...
I'm sorry, but he'll have
to clean barrels.
He gets dizzy in the barrels.
He gets dizzy everywhere, Amparo.
Trust me, son. Never tell anyone
about your absences.
Don't tell anyone.
If you do, they won't hire you
and they'll say you're crazy.
Don't tell anyone.
Don't even tell the furniture.
You got that?
- What is it?
- You'll see.
Where are we going?
- It's unbelievable!
- Isn't it?
Look, Brinco.
The sea is a goldmine.
It can give you anything.
Who needs fertilizer?
Those oranges are mine.
Saw them first.
You know I'm right.
The booty of a shipwreck
- goes to whoever finds it.
- How much is it worth?
A lot
And don'! know if want to sell.
Here, seeing is hard work.
That's crap, Mr. Rumbo.
Close your eyes.
Now watch.
A woman can feel it in her skin.
- What was it, heads or tails?
- Tails.
You see? It's in her skin.
This one knew it
from day one.
She'll be rich someday.
Sure won't be poor!
Brinco, Brinco.
Brinco, come on.
You dummy.
Hi, boys.
Afternoon, Marshal, sir.
Well done.
If the barrels aren't clean...
What's the word? Immaculate.
The whole harvest gets ruined.
Just a tiny speck of shit...
and it all goes to hell.
How are you, Brinco?
And you?
Fins, sir.
Fins, Fins what?
I'm Malpica's son, sir.
Lucho Malpica.
A great sailor, your dad.
Yes, sir.
The best.
Remember, not even
a speck of shit.
The best sailor, strictu
And the most stubborn.
Damn, what a mule!
Eat them all.
The best, John Wayne.
John Wayne and a horse.
With that you have a movie.
You don'! need girls
or any other crap.
But he did have to change his name.
His name wasn't John?
No, his name wasn't John.
His name was Marion.
No shit.
Where have you been?
Looked for you in the yard.
Your mother made it.
Look, Rumbo.
If the bad guy is good,
the movie is good.
Am right?
You are.
For example...
think I'd make a great bad guy.
What do you think?
Yes, Sergeant.
You'd make an amazing bad guy.
Don't be so sure.
Joan Crawford, Jennifer Jones,
Hedy Lamarr, Ava Gardner...
We're talking cinema, boss.
We're talking about women.
Joan Crawford, Jennifer Jones...
if we're talking about goddesses,
we should be speaking Latin.
Gloriosi corporis misterium.
The mystery of the glorious body.
Saint Thomas.
Three years of seminary school,
Rumbo and talk about it
all the time.
Mutatis mutandis.
The body and soul
belong to John Wayne.
With him and a horse,
you have a movie.
You don'! even need a girl.
What for?
Not even the horse, just a gun.
You need a gun, of course.
Stay away from the school ruins.
It's a diabolical place,
everybody says so.
Pretty, isn't it?
Help me.
Let's take it.
Grab the feet. Gently.
Gently, she says!
...A western with kisses that kill.
On the right.
Tonight at the Paris Theater
in Noitia,
William Morris and Gene Pascua
in an unforgettable film.
What a beauty!
How much do you want for it?
It's not for sale.
It's priceless.
You're wrong!
Everything has a
price, sweetheart.
The roar of revolvers
and passion rising from the ashes...
Not the ruins...
Where are you, Fins?
In Finland. How about you?
I'm in Brazil.
That's a long way away!
Okay. One, two, three.
I'm in Norway. And you?
- In the water.
- That's not a country.
Well, that's where am.
Okay. One, two, three.
I'm in the Belgian Congo.
I'm in Libya.
Meet me in Sudan.
We should go, before it falls.
It's okay. It won't fall.
It's time for the penalty kicks.
Up first, the amazing Brinco,
local icon and feared sharpshooter.
An amazing stop by Chelin.
The damn spider stops everything.
He blocked the kick.
Up next, Leda, stepping up
to the ball with confidence.
What's wrong?
Girls don'! kick penalties.
- Who says?
- Tell the truth, Chelin.
You're scared.
Chelin is shitting in his pants,
ladies and gentlemen.
No way, Belbis. I'm not a homo!
We know all too well
that God needs nobody's help
to impose His will.
He's almighty.
Then why did he create man?
Imagine for us to handle
the little things.
The metric decimal system,
for example.
Replacing broken tiles,
cleaning sewers...
That's why we must recognize
that someone like our generous
parishioner we know as the Marshal
is doing this world
a great service.
Even just by donating the modern
PA system we've just installed.
Thank you, Marshal, sir.
We will use this modern PA system
to spread church doctrine.
And, on occasion,
the mysteries of theology.
not satisfied with creating man,
also created the two people
who with him
constitute the beautiful calling,
the Holy Trinity.
The Son, His son,
and the Holy Ghost.
An incomprehensible figure
represented by the dove.
Nothing is more beautiful.
Because what is the true shape
of the Holy Ghost?
Look, Belbis.
The Holy Ghost
is everywhere.
But no matter how much you insist,
you're not it.
So quit clowning around, damn it!
Tonight's first song is dedicated
to the nicest couple here.
Our beloved policemen, of course.
There's a shipment at the beach.
Get moving.
Slowly, slowly.
Always sticking your nose
where it doesn't belong.
We live here just like you.
You have an answer for everything.
My mom was right.
Look who's talking.
Your mom of all people.
Rumbo says we can start unloading
the tuna.
And these two Martians?
- They work for free.
- Great.
Not for free!
That's it, don'! sell yourself short.
Hey, that girl,
before you know it...
Pure dynamite.
That's the last one.
Nice going, Brinco.
You earned yourself a bill
with kings on it.
Never bring guests along
- without consulting me.
- They tag along.
"They tag along..."
Go on.
Good work!
Come on, the Marshal's going to pay us.
Get in line.
Thank you, Marshal, sir.
Thank you, sir.
Thank you, sir.
Thank you, sir.
Thank you, sir.
Boss, the police are coming.
They always have great timing.
Everybody stay pl...
What's going on here?
Evening, Sergeant.
You dropped two bills.
Estricto sensu, two green ones.
No, Marshal, sir.
Esticto sensu,
think dropped at least ten.
The footage is coming in,
it's still dark.
We can't tell what's happening,
the image is black and white.
But this footage clearly reveals
that Aldrin, the 2nd astronaut
is still inside the lunar capsule...
Where'd you get that?
Mr. Rumbo paid me
for cleaning the barrels.
Nobody's ever paid that much
for cleaning barrels.
It's the truth.
Don't lie to me.
Silence is the worst lie of all.
Where'd you get it?
The Marshal paid me
for unloading tobacco.
That's more than make
in a whole damn week
fighting the sea.
You know how he got rich?
They say in Cuba.
He never set foot in North America
in his whole life.
He had a cistern truck.
A tanker. But not for carrying
wine or oil.
He carried people.
He'd fill it with people.
They'd give him their life savings
to take them to France.
Then he'd drop them off somewhere
in the middle of the night and say,
"You're in France. La France.
Take a hike."
France my ass.
They were still in Spain,
totally lost.
How about that!
The only decent thing he ever did
was enter the school when it was on fire
trying to save all the stuffed animals.
The first one he saved
was the fox.
Antonio knows it's his daughter
who gets them into trouble.
Antonio knows that with Adele dead,
his daughter is all he has
in this world.
Let me do that, Lucho.
You don't know how.
You're a fisherman,
not a sea-blaster.
This isn't rocket science, Antonio.
- Have to start sometime.
- The fuse is too short!
Pray for us.
- Holy Mother of God.
- Pray for us.
- Mother of God.
- Pray for us.
Holy Mother of God.
Pray with me.
Pray for us.
Pray for us.
It's your last night.
Pray with me, son.
- Mother of Good Advice.
- Pray for us.
- Mother of the Creator.
- Pray for us.
- Father of the Savior.
- Pray for us.
- Mother of the Church.
- Pray for us.
You have to get up early tomorrow.
You have to take the first bus
or you'll miss the train.
Go to bed.
Good night, Mother.
Never forget to take your Uminal.
I'll send you the pills every month.
Look, Mr. Malpica.
Her hands are working much better.
Her skin even looks younger
and her hands are lighter.
Good for sewing, right, Amparo?
Who will that be for?
For my son, when he's born.
Can you hear me?
Do you know who am?
I'm Fins.
Nice to meet you.
I'm naming my son Emilio.
My Lucho.
It's a nice name, Mother.
Hope you visit me.
I'll be working in Noitia.
Noitia, remember?
went there once.
To buy thread.
It was very, very hot.
Like before a storm.
What will you do there?
Secret stuff.
There's plenty of that going on.
Where are you, Fins?
At the teacher's desk.
Have you learned that much?
I've learned my share.
"All is silence," remember?
You laughed at me
when read you that poem.
But that's what it said.
"All is silence."
"Deafening silence."
That's what it said.
What about you?
Nothing to tell?
That you're still there.
In the ocean.
In the middle
of the fucking ocean, yeah.
Not a single letter in 20 years.
thought of you
more than you think.
Every day
All day lons?
Well, not me.
Learned to forget.
Every day!
Every hour.
Ripped up plenty of letters.
You ripped up everything.
- I'm back.
- What?
I'm back.
Have a son.
He's Brinco's.
You know why came here,
Fins Malpica?
To tell you never want
to see you again.
Don't call me,
don'! talk to me,
don'! look at me.
You got that?
Will he ever go to bed?
The bastards never sleep.
There might be a snitch.
Just someone busting balls.
The sergeant knows his place.
Tomorrow he'll show up asking for more
and we'll have to give it to him.
That's how the world works, Carburo.
You can'! rely on anyone.
Damn, Brinco. You're wasted.
- You're using your wrist, Chelin.
- Yeah, bullshit.
There you go.
Finally, let's get to it.
Okay, Carburo.
Time to conquer the West.
Let's go, boys.
Is everyone here?
Okay, gentlemen.
There are 25 ships with tobacco
in all of Europe.
Most are in the Mediterranean,
Greece, Italy,
Sicily, around here.
That's right.
Even along the coast
of some Communist countries.
They smoke too, of course.
And at this point...
what's our position?
You called, sir?
It's about time you called me
by my first name.
Yes, sir.
The sea brings only the finest.
Who needs fertilizer?
I've said that before.
Yes, sir.
We traditionalists
often repeat ourselves.
Brinco, you're my best driver.
That's what they say.
The best.
Go ahead!
Inverno, full speed ahead.
I've never given you anything, Brinco.
How's the boat, Inverno?
This isn't a boat, boss.
It's a frigate, a flagship.
We could cross the Atlantic.
The flagship is yours.
Don't worry about the papers,
it's in your mother's name.
Then we'll call her Sira.
Sure, that's very nice of you.
But in that case,
we'll call her Sira.
There will be more.
You're right.
There's an arms cache.
Something weird is going on.
- They're leaving.
- Follow them.
- What are you doing?
- Wait, wait.
Who is that?
It's Fins.
The bastard!
Come back in an hour, Monica.
In the alley, like a blur,
watching the corner...
You sure could sing tangos.
The cannery supervisor
was always shouting,
"Keep singing! Keep singing!"
to keep all of you
from eating the mussels.
"Keep singing!"
How miserable!
Aren't you going to open it?
Go on, open it.
Silver anniversary, diamond ring.
Hard to believe.
Do you need something?
Yes, need you to make
a few calls for me.
I'm expecting an urgent message.
How about dinner later?
A little seafood,
goose barnacles,
leche frita...
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
Is Domingo there?
He's asleep.
He worked all night.
Okay, I'll call back later.
Listen up.
Don't wait for Domingo.
He worked last night
and he's asleep.
You can work the "imos indo"
Have a good day.
The coast is clear, over.
Okay, we won't wait for Domingo,
Is Mr. Lima there?
It's urgent.
No, he isn't.
I'll give him the message.
Tell him it's from Domingo's wife.
Domingo went to work.
Domingo went to work.
It's urgent.
For the Marshal, personally.
Rock, paper, scissors.
One to nothing.
One to three, no cheating.
Rock, paper, scissors.
- Three to two.
- Rock, paper, scissors.
- Three to three.
- Rock, paper, scissors.
What happened?
He's fine.
The eye doctor prescribed it.
Don't tell me you're cross-eyed.
It's called anmiopia.
He's anmiopic.
See? Cross-eyed, he says...
What a brute.
His eye is lazy. We have to cover
the good one to make it work.
- He looks good, huh?
- He looks great.
You look like a pirate.
- Wanna go for a walk with Uncle Chelin?
- Okay.
Let's go, kid.
Let's put that lazy eye to work.
Damn, the things that wash up...
Wait there.
I'll show you the second-most
important thing
a man needs to know.
This washed up too.
Come here.
Like this.
Know what it's called?
It's called Astra Llama.
Cool, isn't it?
It washed up too?
Actually, it came from a dealer.
You know what a dealer is?
Sure you do.
A dealer is someone who works in
a casino dealing cards.
But there's another kind
of dealer too.
- A horse dealer.
- A horse dealer?
Yeah. We'll go see one some time,
you and me.
But don'! tell anyone.
It'll be our secret, okay?
Now aim straight.
Let's kill that fucking cow,
there's millions of them.
Good. That eye is coming along great.
I'm sick of counting boats.
I'm sick of everything.
Especially the sofa.
My whole body feels like
imitation leather.
Don't worry.
You'll be living in
a mansion soon.
Oh, yeah?
What mansion?
I'll take care of it.
You'll see.
How will you do it?
If were Marshal...
I'd pay off the head of customs.
What are you waiting for?
Fins Malpica.
What are you worth?
Don't say you have no price.
What about you?
What are you worth?
Dead, more than you.
What's a dead cop worth?
We're cheap. They give you
a medal...
and a few lines in the paper.
You want medals? We'll buy you some.
You want lines in the paper? Fine.
We'll buy reporters, anything you want.
But you're not being honest.
Why not?
Because everything has a price.
Be nice.
- Still have your absences?
- No, no.
Almost never.
With all the money you'd make
you could spend your time
taking photos,
since you like it so much.
We have people everywhere.
You took this one of me at the airport
in Oporto, with Mendoza.
It was an interesting trip.
But you already know that.
Sure, do.
You didn't take this one.
Not this one.
With my friend Pablo Escobar
in Medellin.
Look at his face.
He was happy because somebody
just gave him Bonnie and Clyde's oar.
It's historic.
This is my favorite.
This one you did take of me.
Gave my wife quite a ride
that day.
Yes, sir. You can keep it.
- Don'! want it.
- Keep it.
When you decide on your price,
any price,
write it on the back.
We're destined to befriends,
Heard you wrote a report
that's like a novel.
A very good one, by the way.
They even gave you an alias:
A good review ruins any good book.
They'll bury it, you'll see.
Well, loved it.
Especially when you say,
"Your Honor,"
in Noita,
"true power is exercised
in darkness and silence."
- Damn.
- Bravo, seriously.
You sound like an anarchist.
There's a storm
coming in tomorrow, Sira.
We should go
somewhere together some time.
There are some wonderful places, Sira.
You always wanted to go to Lisbon,
We've been singing fados
all our lives
and we've never been to Lisbon.
What a disaster!
We've never even gone to Madrid.
Could take you to a nice hotel.
The Palace, the cinema,
the opera...
To the Prado Museum, Sira.
It never occurred to me
to enter the Prado Museum,
but that's where the Italians
always want to meet.
Thought, "What a marvel, Sira."
Museums are the most wonderful places
in the world.
Better than natural landscapes,
better than Niagara Falls.
I'm telling you,
always the same temperature.
The ideal climate.
Because of the paintings.
They must be kept
at a constant temperature.
Paintings are very delicate,
more so than people.
tell me what you're thinking.
Please, give me all the nasty stuff.
Insult me, darling.
Go on, call me arrogant.
Cocky bastard, son of a bitch,
captain of industry, entrepreneur,
Beelzebub, beast,
piece of shit!
Say it!
For God's sake, Sira!
You went silent.
What are you thinking?
Have an opinion,
but it hasn't reached my head yet.
The legend of the fastest driver
in the Atlantic is over.
You're the boss now.
You'll have to watch your back.
That's why they hired you.
Exactly, to watch your back.
Among other things.
We have a long trip ahead of us.
You should see the old man.
See him every day.
He's my favorite ghost.
You're like a son to him, Brinco.
A son?
if I'm going to be your boss,
spare me the soap opera.
You got it?
If your speech doesn't please the boss,
give him another.
I'll prepare another one for you.
Where are you from, Detective?
Was born here, sir.
In Noitia.
Your parents live here?
My father died a long time ago.
- He died at sea.
- I'm sorry.
A stick of dynamite blew up
in his hand.
- Wow.
- Yeah.
My mother's alive,
but has memory problems.
Alzheimer's is awful.
My mother had it too.
She confused me with the weather man.
She'd kiss him whenever he came on.
This is embarrassing.
Want to speak to your superior
right away.
- Right away.
- Yes.
Who are you, the Generalissimo?
No, Lieutenant Colonel Party Peeper.
Yes, sir, Lieutenant Colonel, sir!
Holy shit!
The lark!
Where the hell is the lark?
It came straight from customs, boss.
It was sealed.
I'll seal your balls
if don'! get my lark.
Who has it?
Take it easy, Brinco.
People are watching.
Can get you
a Rolls emblem.
The spirit of ecstasy.
Stick your spirit of ecstasy
up your ass. want my lark, okay?
You know what a lark is?
- Yes.
- Do you?
Yes, do.
Didn't until the Cuban bastard
who sold me the car showed me.
And want it. want it.
Want it.
This car isn't the same
without the bird.
What's this?
Damn, Brinco.
- You can'! move it with your wrist.
- What? It's energy.
Yeah, right.
Have you seen Leda?
Give them a bottle of champagne.
Have you seen Leda?
No, haven't.
Where were you?
Sorry, got tied up at home.
Such a beautiful woman
needn't apologize.
Want you here with me, damn it.
I'll be right back.
Yes, Miss, but tell me.
What was it
that sunk the Titanic?
No, not the fucking block of ice.
Man wants to be God, but...
he's just a worm. That's right.
An inebriated worm
who thinks he owns
the fishing hook.
Marshal, sir, rumor has it...
Did you write down the thing
about the worm, God and the hook?
Yes, Marshal, sir.
Your name comes up often
as future mayor or even senator.
I'd like to say a few words
before speaking.
Miss, won't beat around the bush.
Politicians are assholes.
Plenty of campaign promises...
Excuse me.
Did you write that?
No, don'! write that.
Write this. I'm apolitical.
Absolutely apolitical.
But write this too.
As Marshal
to sacrifice myself for Noitia.
That's right, sacrifice myself.
And to fight for freedom. The freedom
to create wealth, not destroy it.
To work and make a living
with our own hands.
Like we've always done.
All right.
How did your fortune begin?
Estrictu sensu, with culture.
Yes, with culture.
Cinema, dancing,
Nobody here had ever eaten one.
Look, Miss.
Nobody's ever given me anything.
I'll tell you the truth.
Believed in Noitia all along.
All along.
And I'm going to rebuild it.
Work is love, that's my program.
Conserving the landscape
is the latest fad. Great.
What will we eat?
The landscape?
Write that down, please.
The part about eating the landscape.
It's a good metaphor.
It's not a metaphor.
told you, I'm apolitical.
Say what think. Look,
there are two kinds of politicians.
They're either crazy
or they can'! see
what's right in front of them.
I'm not here to sing
Christmas carols.
What office will you run for?
Whichever one win, obviously.
Miss, my party is Noitia.
like our way of life.
Religion, family, festivals...
If that bothers people,
to hell with them.
But strange things
are happening in Noitia.
Do you approve of smuggling, sir?
They say the drug trade
is casting its nets here.
Its nets?
Did you know
that you catch more fish
if you take a woman hunchback
on your boat
and she pees on the nets?
That's reality.
The rest is fantasy.
Write that down, please.
This is information.
Is that clear?
Look, Miss...
Okay, Lucia.
I'll tell you what really think.
Smugglers are people with honor.
They earn their money...
At least in Noitia,
they earn it by working.
Who do they hurt, the tax office?
Fine, I'm willing to admit it.
But the tax office doesn't have kids
and grandparents to feed.
You didn't mention the drug trade.
For God's sake, what can say
about the drug trade
that anybody in Noitia
can'! tell you?
What will say
is that if I'm mayor,
I'll put away the drug addicts.
It's funny. People are talking
a lot about organized crime.
Your paper does it.
Well, if crime is so organized,
the government has to be
even more organized.
Because there are some
very bad people out there.
That we know.
So let's all contribute
to organizing the government
- What about...?
- Ipso facto, Miss.
Hello, son.
This is the first interview
I've granted.
Hope it's not your last.
Add a little criticism.
Saying nice things about people
is the best way to sink them.
- Aren't you...?
- I'm nobody.
Can take a photo?
Of course, of course you can.
Never sell a gentleman short.
One question.
With or without the hat?
- With the hat.
- With the hat.
Even better.
If it's good,
the paper will sell out.
What if it's bad?
It'll sell out anyway.
"Smugglers are people with honor."
That's balls for you.
There you have it.
A masterpiece to include
in your secret report.
A secret report
which right now have to say
is vex populi.
Take no offense, look.
Noitia's football team is touring
America with Brinco as president.
A modest team leading the league
with its captain, in this case,
Chelin, the new head coach,
an expert consumer of narcotics.
Okay, won't bother you
any more.
You can get back to work,
but one thing.
Feathers are going to fly
tomorrow at dawn.
See you later.
Go suck an egg, Grimaldo!
Tell them what you know,
why don'! you?
He's rotten to the bone.
He should be the one
writing this report.
That's all of them.
Every single one.
- They sold out.
- told you.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
Lieutenant Colonel,
this is Mara Doval.
She's our language expert.
And she has an amazing memory.
She remembers everything.
Okay, let's hear it.
Is Mr. Lima there?
It's urgent.
No, he isn't.
I'll give him the message.
Tell him it's from Domingo's wife.
Domingo went to work.
Domingo went to work.
It's urgent.
Explain, Fins.
- Who are we listening to?
- Yeah.
The woman calling is Leda.
Leda Ortas.
She has a son with Brinco,
a legendary speed boat driver
who's gaining power
in the organization.
Leda's role is to spy on
the customs boats.
She calls the hair salon
run by Guadalupe,
Mr. Lima's wife,
And Mr. Lima is the Marshal.
Right. And who's this Domingo?
Domingo is captain
of the customs patrol.
Damn! These things still happen?
They don't need a look-out. They
hired the head of customs directly.
But we're getting lucky.
This is unprecedented.
Some notes in the Marshal's
An unexpected collaboration.
The bitch waited quietly
for 25 years,
like a dead cat,
to stick it to me!
Hi, Brenda.
You know what?
Guadalupe isn't coming.
What do you mean?
Until when?
How should know?
She's not coming, period.
Don'! understand.
It's easy to understand.
She's not here.
She's gone.
She's never coming back.
Now do you understand?
A message for you.
A valuable one.
Listen, Monica.
Since you got here,
you haven'! seen anything,
you haven'! heard anything,
you don'! remember anything,
do you?
No. No.
I'm very sorry, Marshal, sir.
She's been dead for six hours.
What condition is the body in?
Nothing visible, sir.
Not a scratch.
It's surprising given the waves,
the rocks...
No signs of violence either.
It's clear she drowned.
She must have fallen in the water.
The sea is treacherous, Guadalupe.
told you that.
Always told her that.
Sir, we have fresh news.
Operation Noitia begins tonight.
Carburo, you win at pool
by scaring the balls.
Whoever it is, I'm not here.
Yes, sir. He's right here.
Viriato wants to say hi.
Thank you.
Thanks for the invitation.
Carburo, we're going to Portugal.
We need to cross the border
before nightfall.
Your shipwreck lady
looks beautiful tonight.
Don'! recognize the other two.
The prodigious memory reporting:
He's manager of a bank branch
with a sudden
and unusual interest
in Noitia's transactions with Panama
and the Cayman Islands.
She just opened a jewelry store
and one month ago she was broke.
You really think people will buy
Multiply by three.
Multiply what by three?
- Everything.
- Everything?
What are you taking?
- Garlic pills.
- Give me one.
They're not garlic pills.
Don'! care, give me one.
Have a little problem,
since was a kid.
It's a variation of epilepsy.
It had stopped, but...
it's back.
They used to call it "absences".
Okay, well...
even more reason.
Want to try being absent
with you.
Look how lucky.
It's on the house.
Excuse me,
I'm going to the bathroom.
We would have paid for it.
You can pay for the drinks.
I'm going to the man's room.
What are you doing?
Let you live since you got here,
but swear you're a dead man.
Who do you think you are?
Never touch me again, bastard!
You're still cleaning barrels!
You smell like crap!
Coffins won't do it this time!
- You smell like crap!
- Son of a bitch! Not any more!
Let him go, Fins!
That's why you came back!
What are you going to do,
shoot me?
Will she?
Get in the car!
A total of 36 people
were arrested last night
charged with belonging to a ring
of smugglers and drug traffickers
as part of "Operation Noitia."
Searches performed by police
have resulted in the seizure
of large quantities of drugs,
cash and some weapons.
We've hit the tobacco smugglers hard
as they move onto drug trafficking.
This is much more than a warning.
should be at ease. The criminals
are the ones who should be uneasy.
Told you, Spanish TV
comes in great here.
We got screwed.
Big time.
What happened, Detective?
You'll hear about it shortly.
- They're letting them go.
- What?
On bail for peanuts.
can'! believe it.
You know who was there
to help them?
- Who?
- Rh negative.
- Rh...?
- From the Supreme Court.
They let him go!
- Can'! believe it.
- There's no way.
Gentlemen, this is good news
for Noitia.
My client, our friend Brinco,
has been released.
How do you feel
after this experience?
Fine, fine.
Better than the people
who arrested me, think.
Slept great,
but tonight I'll sleep even better.
That kid is history.
Are you sure?
He's being taken care of.
Milton's two thirds.
Who's the messenger?
Okay, okay.
How's Leda? Is she okay?
She's fine.
Lost track of them, that's all.
I'm on it.
Set up another drop off.
have the coordinates.
It's all taken care of.
Don't worry, Brinco. Trust me.
The payment will be delivered
to your door step. For your trouble.
You're not using again...
- What?
- Are you?
- No, no.
- Come on, Chelin.
I'm not using again!
Trust me, okay? Trust me.
- You sure?
- I'm sure.
- Fix it and call me.
- Okay.
They've got you by the balls.
You already know
this is Leda's new house.
I'll settle for the bed.
But tonight we have a surprise
for Santi.
Follow me.
You wanted a friend, didn't you?
Did you or didn't you?
You sure?
There's a friend for you.
Okay, Brinco.
Just to show you that your friends
do things for you too.
Know I'm outside,
but the day die,
know you'll have to cry.
Cry and cry.
Cry and cry.
You'll say you didn't love me,
but you'll be very sad,
and that's how you'll stay.
With money or without,
always do as please
and my word is the law.
Have no throne or queen...
Leda! Where are you going?
To dress up as a hooker.
Don't be silly, listen to me.
I'll bring you luck again.
Remember when we looked
for treasure?
Discovered something.
that they only exist in the ocean.
That's where shipwrecks
and the dead are kept.
You have to look in the ocean.
Come on, say it with me.
I'll show you my second-favorite
thing to do in the world.
Nobody's given me anything
this special in a while.
What's wrong, baby?
Everyone's asking for you
You disappeared.
Wish could.
You should have said
you were bringing a harem
- of hookers to my house.
- No, no.
They're employees of our club.
Our club?
You disgust me talking like that.
Disgust you?
You mark them like cattle.
How much did that one cost you?
Which one, Leda?
Which one, damn it?
Don'! know who she is.
They all cost the same.
One Bible.
- Have to go to Greece. Help me.
- Greece?
What for?
I've always wanted to go.
Okay, fine.
Give me the money
and have a nice trip.
There's no money.
They tricked me.
They were another gang
impersonating ours.
What bullshit is this?
Need your help!
They're coming after me!
You can go to hell!
Where the fuck are you?
Where are you, damn it?
Is something wrong?
No, nothing.
My routine.
You can'! go up there.
What are you doing?
I'm buying her freedom!
If your pussy can work miracles,
raise the price, you got it?
That's how the fucking world works!
Go to the football field if you have
the balls! Don't touch me!
For God's sake...
Chumbo, no distractions!
Everyone's worried about
the shipwreck lady.
Mom, should swim?
Swim, swim!
Mom, should dive?
How long did hold my breath?
How long can hold my breath?
Hurry, Leda!
Santi, come quick!
Chumbo! Chumbo!
Every year, Inverno and Chumbo
gave their donations to Our Lady
of the Sea, the Virgin of Carmen.
And it was Inverno who paid for
the new bell.
It's fitting to ring it now
in this requiem.
God is light.
He sees everything.
What to be thankful for
and what to punish.
Remember this.
Let it guide your course.
In summary,
God isn't as dumb as we think.
May Inverno and Chumbo
rest in peace.
And pray also for Chelin,
who lived the life of a dead man.
The religious ceremony is over,
Marshal, sir.
Now you can carry out His will.
Don't like the party
you're planning.
This is sacred ground.
Just a little tribute, Marcelo.
The music they liked.
In Noitia, a funeral used to be
a funeral
and a party was a party.
I'm leaving, my work here is done.
Your work, thank God,
is never done.
You have to protect us.
We're your flock.
Marcelo, let's meet some time
and talk about Unamuno!
Know I'm outside,
but the day die
you'll have to cry.
Cry and cry.
Cry and cry.
You'll say you didn't love me...
Do you trust me, Fins?
Your silence worries me.
Go ahead, Grimaldo.
This is the Mino River,
the Tui Bridge...
Here, in northern Portugal,
this Sunday,
there's a meeting.
A very important one.
Very few people,
but very select.
You should take a look.
Why are you telling me this?
Got two pieces of news
from the doctor today.
The first was very bad.
have cancer.
But the other was wonderful.
The disease...
will kill me very quickly.
How was the funeral?
I've seen better.
The priest and the mariachis...
weren't bad.
Lieutenant Colonel Alisal
has been arrested.
Our people are dropping like flies.
I'll have to disappear
for a while.
Go somewhere far away, son.
Hell, for example.
If you can, even further.
They always brought you luck.
Why didn't you go with him?
You should take your son
away from here.
Something bad might happen.
He didn't ask me.
Can find out where he is
if you want.
Is it true you can'! type
without looking at the keys?
What does that matter?
I'd like you to write
a letter for me.
To make up for all the letters
you never sent me.
There are people
who have never gotten a letter.
Come on.
Close your eyes and I'll dictate.
Have no paper, Leda.
Like the sound of the keys.
My dear friend,
now all is "silence".
- Did you spell it with an?
- Yes.
How did it go?
"Now all is solitude,"
pain... II
No. Don't write that.
Wasn't going to.
Leda, run!
It's burning, see?
Yeah, can see.
Can see it's burning.
Should we put out the fire?
Why are you asking me?
Have to decide
if the fire gets put out?
Who am?
Is anyone still inside?
What's in the suitcase?
Nothing, my things.