Todo sobre mi madre (All About My Mother) (1999) Movie Script

I'm going to call.
National Transplant
- Manuela, Ramn y Cajal Hospital.
- Yes.
We've got a possible donor.
We've done the first EEG,
and the family has agreed.
Give me the details.
Male, 35 years old.
Blood group?
''O'' positive.
Weight, about 1 50 pounds.
Not a single drop!
- With Dodoti Diapers...
- Dodotis!
you won't feel a drop!
- Mom!
- What?
The movie's starting.
I'm coming.
Eve Unveiled
They always change the title!
''All About Eve'' should be
''Todo Sobre Eva.''
But that sounds odd.
What are you writing?
Future Pulitzer winners.
Eat up. You have to put on
a few pounds.
Some day you may have
to work the street to keep me.
You don't need pounds for that.
You need a big dick.
Where did you learn
to talk like that?
- You asked.
- I was joking.
- And you?
- What about me?
Would you prostitute yourself
for me?
I've already done
just about everything for you.
Eat up!
Autograph fiends!
They're not people.
They're little beasts
that run in packs like coyotes.
They're your fans.
They're nobody's fans.
They're juvenile delinquents,
mental defectives.
Fans, indeed!
They never see a play or a movie.
They're never in doors long enough.
Well, there's one indoors
right now.
I brought her back to see you.
Come in, Eve.
I thought you'd forgotten
about me.
Not at all.
this is Eve Harrington.
- How do you do, my dear?
- Hello.
Would you like to be
an actress?
It was hard enough
becoming a nurse.
If you were an actress,
I'd write parts foryou.
I was in an amateur group
when I was young.
I wasn't bad.
I must have a picture
I'd love to see it.
I'll look for it later.
Look, Esteban.
I found a picture.
We were doing a show
based on texts by Boris Vian.
Cabaret for intellectuals.
Happy birthday!
- Already?
- It's midnight, sweetheart.
'' Music for Chameleons.''
How did you know I wanted it?
I know you like Capote.
Read me something,
like when I was little.
I started writing
when I was eight.''
See? I'm not the only one.
''I didn't know
that I had chained myself for life...
to a noble
but merciless master.
When God hands you a gift,
he also hands you a whip...
and the whip is intended
only for self-flagellation.''
That's enough
to put you off writing
Don't be so lame.
It's a wonderful preface.
How do you want
to celebrate your birthday?
I'd like to see
one of your seminars.
I'm writing a story about you
for a competition.
And I'd like to see you act
in those organ donation courses.
Well, I'd have to check
with Mamen.
She's the psychologist
in charge of the seminar.
Fine. Do it.
I don't think I likeyou writing
about me.
Your husband is dead, ma'am.
That's impossible.
We just saw him in the ICU.
He seemed to be breathing.
We've explained that, ma'am.
A machine is breathing for him.
Would you like us
to contact your family?
Idon't have any family.
Just my son.
My God!
How am I going to tell him?
When he was alive,
did your husband say anything...
regarding organ donation?
Did he care about such matters?
When he was alive,
he cared only about living.
But I presume he was concerned
with the lives ofothers.
I don't understand.
What my colleague means
is that your husband's organs...
could save other patients' lives.
But we need
your authorization for that.
You could give him
a transplant?
Not exactly.
The other wayaround, actually.
Now we'll discuss
what happened in the simulation.
Look when you cross the street!
- What were you thinking?
- I had an idea.
An idea!
Give him the tickets.
Why are you looking at me like that?
Do I look awful?
No, you look better than ever.
Look, that must be
the gentleman you were expecting.
You aren't Mr. Huntleigh!
Neither are you!
These finger nails will have
to be trimmed.
The jacket, Doctor.
Ask her to let go ofme!
Let her go.
Get up.
Lean on my arm...
Miss DuBois.
Thank you.
Who ever you are...
I have always depended
on the kindness of strangers.
Come on, baby.
The worst is over.
Don't touch me.
Don't ever touch me again, bastard!
Watch your language!
Stella, come here.
I'm never coming back
to this house.
I'd like to get
Huma Rojo's autograph.
- In this weather?
- What's that got to do with it?
What if nobody comes out?
Let's wait a while.
It's my birthday.
Look, autumn's here already.
- So long.
- See you tomorrow.
Nina Cruz really moved you,
didn't she?
No, not her. Stella.
Twenty years ago, we did Streetcar
with the drama group in my town.
I played Stella.
Your father was Kowalski.
Some day you'll have to tell me
all about my father.
All I know is
he died before I was born.
- It isn't an easy story to tell.
- I guess not.
Or you'd have told me by now.
I nearly asked for that
as a birthday present.
I'm not sure
it would be a nice present.
You're wrong.
It would be the best one.
Then I'll tell you everything
when we get home.
Working in theater
is worse than being a nun!
You think not being able to get stoned
all day is being a nun!
Yeah, I do!
Alfonso XII Street, number 30.
Come on, forget about it!
My son!
TomorrowI turn 17,
but I look older.
Boys who live alone with their mothers
have a special look...
more serious than normal,
like an intellectual or a writer.
In my case that's normal,
because I'm also a writer.
''Intensive Care Unit''
This is Lola, at Ramn y Cajal.
We've got a possible donor.
He's in the ICU.
They've done the first EEG...
but the mother hasn't given
her consentyet.
Can I have the details?
I don't have them.
It's Manuela's son.
The Manuela that I know?
The coordinator?
Yes. He's dead.
It's awful.
the result of the EEG
is what we'd feared.
We have to make a decision
It's from the hospital!
We have to go.
We have to call.
- I'll do it. You calm down.
- I am calm-- but call them.
We're outside now,
We're out at last.
He looks great.
Who'd have believed it?
He certainly didn't.
I feel I can breathe
like before.
- Even better.
- With an 1 8-year-old's heart!
- I'll fix you some apple fritters.
- No, he has to be careful.
Last night, Mom showed me
a picture of when she was young.
Half of it was missing.
Ididn't want to tell her,
but my life is missing that same half.
I was worried.
I thought you'd never call.
I called
as soon as I got to Madrid.
I mean in Argentina.
I called you loads of times...
but I must have got
your aunt's numbe rwrong.
I wasn't in Argentina, Mamen.
I went to Corua.
Why did you go there?
I went after my son's heart.
Who told you?
How did you know?
I looked in the files...
until I found the name and address
of the transplant recipient.
You shouldn't have.
It was wrong,
and the best way to go crazy.
- Look at me, damn it!
- I know that.
The best thing for me
is to quit the NTO and leave Madrid.
- I didn't say that.
- But you think it-- and you're right.
I think I won't even unpack.
You're in no shape to travel alone.
You're ill.
You have to rest up
and get better.
I'll stay here tonight.
- Then come home with me.
- I want to be alone, Mamen.
- Try to be reasonable.
- How?
Seventeen years ago,
I made this same journey...
but in the opposite direction,
from Barcelona to Madrid.
I was running away then too...
butI wasn't alone.
I was carrying Esteban
inside me.
I was running away
from his father then...
and now I'm going
in search of him.
- Shall I keep going?
- Yes, go on.
Son of a bitch!
You're crazy, you faggot!
Son of a bitch!
- What did you do?
- I hit him with a stone.
- Help me get him up.
- Get up. Come on.
Come on,Juan. Get up.
Are you all right?
Stand up.
Let's get moving.
Come on, quickly.
What a fucking useless psychopath!
See that bonfire
where the ''tops'' are?
Ask for Ursula.
Tell her Agrado sent you.
She'll fix you up.
It's you!
You're hurt.
No, no, it's your blood.
It isn't because you saved my life,
but how I've missed you!
Eighteen years-- not a word,
not a letter, not a fucking call.
I thought you were dead, bitch!
You can tell me everything
at home.
We'll stop by a drugstore first.
Can we get a taxi here?
Over there.
With any luck,
we won't get mugged on the way.
- You got the knife?
- Yes, and a rock in my purse.
Hey, there, bonanit.
Look, I'm sorry I woke you.
- Hey, come over here.
- No. What do you want?
- We're not going to eat you.
- What do you want?
Let me do the talking.
approximation sutures...
sterilized gauze and--
- You got any alcohol?
- No, I drank it all last night.
I mean for disinfecting.
No. I've got Vaseline, condoms
and lots of bandages.
- Anything else?
- Alcohol, please.
Oh, Manolita!
The Barceloneta!
Those were the days!
You remember?
Please, don't move your head.
You know anything
about her?
About who? Lola?
- Unfortunately.
- What happened?
I took her in.
She was in a bad way.
As usual,
with all the shit she takes.
I came back from working
the Field all night...
and she'd cleaned the place out.
Watches,jewelry, '70s magazines
that were my inspiration.
What hurt most was...
she took a statue ofthe Virgin
that my mother gave me.
What for?
She doesn't believe in anything!
Unless she's in a satanic sect
and wanted it for some ritual.
I see she hasn't changed.
To do that to me,
with all she owes me!
Since we met in Paris 20 years ago,
I've been like a sister to her.
We got our tits together.
You know better than anyone.
- You never saw her again?
- No, and I don't want to.
Are you looking for her?
We've got unsettled business.
Why did you go off like that?
Won'tyou tell me anything?
I can't.
Some other day.
All right.
Just don't disappear again.
I like to say good-bye
to the people I love...
even ifit's only
to cry my eyes out, bitch.
I can't believe it.
I look like the Elephant Man!
Don't exaggerate.
It's just a bit swollen.
A bit swollen?
Where can I go with a mug like this?
Come and eat something.
Why did you go
to all this trouble?
Salad-- how wonderful!
It really hurts to chew!
I won't be able to suck.
You shouldn't work today.
What can I do?
Lola cleaned me out.
I have to work.
Look, caramel spread!
And meat pie!
And my provoleta .
I have to work too.
Ifyou want,
we can look together.
Oh, yes!
Since you left,
I haven't had a decent meal.
Well, also, as a model,
I have to watch my figure.
The worst thing about this work
is you've got to look cute...
and keep up with the latest advances
in surgery and cosmetics.
You look terrific!
Nothing like a Chanel
to make you feel respectable.
You look it.
Don't I look a bit ofa slut
in this suit?
All the better.
These nuns only help
whores and transvestites.
Is that a real Chanel?
No! How could I buy a real Chanel
with all the hunger in the world!
All I have that's real
are my feelings...
and these pints of silicone
that weigh a ton.
I feel so old, Manolita,
and it isn't my age.
It's because of the beating.
The beating I've taken
for the last 40 years!
- Hello.
- Come in.
Are you looking for someone,
or can I help?
We want to see the girl
who goes to the Field.
The cute one.
Sister Rosa. She's inside.
Go on in.
Rosa, look. Visitors.
What happened to your face?
Nothing. A beating.
Occupational hazard.
- Can we talk?
- Of course.
Let's go next door.
It's quieter.
My friend and I want
to quit the street...
but we need to work.
Cleaning stairs, whatever.
We don't care.
There isn't much else.
Well, garbage collector,
or learning handicrafts here.
Embroidered tablecloths,
dried flowers.
I think I prefer
garbage collector.
What can you do,
apart from the street?
I've worked as a cook.
She's practically a surgeon.
Look at this face.
She did it.
Better than Pitanguy.
She's a compatriot of Lola's.
Really? Have you heard
anything about her?
I haven't seen her in 1 8 years.
She cleaned out my place.
She was here.
It must have been
about four months ago.
We helped her through detox.
I cared for her
through withdrawal...
but then she just disappeared.
I'd like to see her
before I go to El Salvador.
El Salvador?
Maybe I'll sign on.
I always thought I could
make it big in the Third World.
Then come with me.
I won't be so alone.
The street's getting worse here
every day.
The whores were bad enough,
but the drag queens are wiping us out.
I can't stand the drag queens.
They're sleazebags.
They confuse transvestism
with a circus.
Worse, with mime!
A woman is her hair,
her nails...
lips for sucking or for bitching.
I mean, have you ever seen
a bald woman?
I can't stand them.
They're all sleazebags!
I doubt there are
many drag queens in El Salvador...
but they're
in the middle of a war.
Yeah? I didn't know that.
I'm replacing some nuns
who were murdered.
I'm not sure
what I need right now is a war.
You're terrible, Agrado.
Soyou were a cook.
Who? This one?
The best!
What a surprise!
Hi, Mom.
Are we interrupting?
It doesn't matter.
We see you so rarely.
- This is Manuela.
- Pleased to meet you.
Come inside.
Don't just stand there.
Mom, Manuela is a cook...
and as Florinda's gone,
I thought--
Thank you, darling.
Vicenta and I can manage.
But how?
Dad alone needs two people.
- Where is he?
- Out with the dog.
- On their own?
- Of course.
What if they get lost?
The dog knows the way home.
Don't worry.
What a shame!
I really wanted to see them.
We'll go look for them,
but first we have to talk.
Come into the studio.
I'm sorry you came for nothing.
- It's all right.
- Try her for a few days.
Think of Dad.
Manuela's a nurse.
- As well as a cook?
- Yes.
I prefer to look
after your father myself.
I understand.
Thank you anyway. I'll go.
- Manuela.
- Yes?
Wait here.
I won't be long.
How dare you bring
a whore here!
It isn't easy to find help
who'll put up with you.
But a whore!
That's no reason
to be so rude.
I don't like strangers
to see me forging Chagalls.
Can't you understand?
Manuela isn't a whore anymore.
She's given it up.
How long have you known her?
Since this morning.
This morning?
You're incredible.
My work is to help people...
even if I've just met them.
Well, mine isn't.
Don't look at me like that.
It doesn't mean I'm intolerant.
- I'll make you a deal.
- A deal?
I'll give that woman a chance
if you don't go to El Salvador.
Mom, don't give me any more doubts.
I've got enough.
And so you should.
That trip is suicide!
No, it's parricide!
Well, I have to go.
Manuela's waiting.
Sure! Any whore, any Salvadoran,
is more important than your parents!
- Don't start, Mom.
- You should go see a psychiatrist.
It wouldn't do
either of us any harm.
Didn't you want to see
your father and the dog?
Another day.
Are you all right?
Good-bye, Mom.
- Hello, Vicenta.
- Rosa, love.
- You're so thin. Aren't you eating?
- Yes, I am.
- Did you see a blonde girl downstairs?
- No.
- So long.
- Take care-- and eat!
I'm sorry about my mother.
I'm sorry.
Shall we go?
I can't deal with my mother.
She drives me crazy.
- Have you got parents?
- They're dead.
So you're alone.
I guess so.
You look awful.
I don't feel verywell.
I want to throw up.
I've got--
Have you seen the doctor?
You should.
It may just be gastritis.
Can we go to your place
until this passes?
Do you have a place?
I've just rented one,
but it's barely furnished.
It's quite a mess.
I moved in four days ago.
You want to lie down
for a while?
No, I'll just sit here on the sofa...
until it passes.
I'm going to take this off.
Who's this handsome boy?
My son.
I thoughtyou were alone.
He died in an accident.
Oh, I'm sorry!
Don't touch the notebook,
Come on, baby.
The worst is over.
Don't touch me!
Don't ever touch me again, bastard!
Watch your language!
Stella, come here.
I'm never coming back
to this house.
Come in, Nina.
I'm not Nina.
I'm Manuela.
You shouldn't be here.
Nina's gone.
Where's Nina?
I don't know.
I just saw her run out.
She said she'd wait for me
in her dressing room!
I can't believe it.
It's only been two weeks.
She can't do this to me.
Have you got a car?
No. Where do you want to go?
I don't know.
Can you drive?
Don't tell anyone,
but Nina's got problems with junk.
Doyou know where she'd go
to score at this time?
No, but it's easy to find out.
Thank you.
Whoever you are...
I have always depended
on the kindness of strangers.
I can't drive.
Nina does the driving.
- Want one?
- No, thank you.
I started smoking
because of Bette Davis.
To imitate her.
At 1 8, I was smoking
like a chimney.
That's why
I called myself Huma.
Huma's a very pretty name.
Smoke is all there's been
in my life.
You've had success too.
Success has got no taste
or smell.
And when you get used to it,
it's as if it didn't exist.
God, where has that girl gone?
I think that's her!
You stay here. I'll go.
He's a son of a bitch.
He rips everybody off.
Yeah, and since I'm not
from here--
Don't touch me.
Listen, Nina.
Huma's waiting foryou.
Who the fuck areyou?
She's in the car.
I got everything.
- Fuck, my purse!
- Yeah, I got a purse.
Ecstasy, toot.
- Who is it?
- It's Rosa.
- Hello.
- How are you?
- Are you alone?
- I just got up.
This late?
I was out late last night.
- Some breakfast?
- No, thanks.
- Aren't you hungry?
- So you're back on the street.
Just when I'd found
another way for you to earn money.
Tell me.
I'm not a whore.
I've been fucked around a lot,
but I'm not a whore.
Why did you lie to me?
It was Agrado's idea.
The dress was hers too.
So tell me: What's this other way
for me to earn money?
I'm dying of curiosity.
How much would you charge
to rent me a room?
To rent you a room?
I'm going to leave the center
for a few months.
What about El Salvador?
I don't feel well.
I can't travel like this.
Why do you want to move in here
if you're ill?
I'm pregnant.
What are you going to do?
Have it, ofcourse.
What do you expect?
I thought it'd be
less of a scandal here.
Can't the father
help you out?
The father!
God knows where he is.
Butyou know who he is,
don't you?
Of course.
Who do you take me for?
I'm sorry.
It was your compatriot Lola.
That lousy, fucking bitch!
What's come overyou?
What's come over me?
How far along areyou?
Three months, I think.
But I'm very worried.
I'm not surprised!
I had bleeding this morning.
Have you seen a doctor?
I'm going
to the Hospital del Mar tomorrow.
I wanted to know
if you'd come with me.
Yes, of course.
Thank you.
What about the room?
I'm sorry.
You can't stay here.
Good evening.
May I come in?
I was expecting you.
I didn't know
where to send your purse.
Here it is.
Thank you.
Is everything there?
Yes, everything.
- Thank you for last night.
- Not at all.
I'd love to talk more,
but I'm short on time.
- Can I help you?
- Could you button this?
Of course.
What was your name?
Would you like
to work for me?
- Doing what?
- Every thing.
Everything except sleep with me.
I've got enough with Nina.
Well, the truth is
I was looking for ajob.
I need a personal assistant.
Someone I can trust.
- You don't know me.
- What I saw last night was enough.
But Nina hates me.
Nina hates everyone,
including herself and me.
when do I start?
- Right now, if you can.
- All right.
Ask Nina what she wants
for dinner.
- I'll just have an esqueixada.
- Anything else?
Could you get a tranquilizer for Nina?
She's real edgy today.
- I've got Lexatin.
- Terrific!
Don't mention the father.
Why do you dislike Lola so much?
Lola's got the worst of a man...
and the worst of a woman.
I'll tell you a story.
I had a friend
who got married very young.
After a year, her husband
went to work in Paris...
and he was to call her
when he got settled.
Two years passed.
The husband saved some money
and came to Barcelona to open a bar.
She came here tojoin him.
Two years isn't a long time...
but the husband had changed.
He didn't love her anymore.
The change was more physical.
He'd gotten a pair oftits
that were bigger than hers.
Oh, I see.
My friend was very young.
She was in a foreign land.
She had no one.
Apart from the tits,
the husband hadn't changed that much...
so she ended up accepting him.
Women will do anything
to avoid being alone.
Women are more tolerant,
but that's good.
We're assholes...
and a bit lesbo.
Listen to the end
of the story.
My friend
and her husband with the tits...
set up a bar here,
on the Barceloneta.
He spent the day in a tiny bikini,
screwing everything he could...
and giving her a hard time
if she wore a bikini...
or even a miniskirt.
The bastard!
How could someone act so macho
with a pair of tits like that?
Sit down.
- Who is the patient?
- She is.
My sister is pregnant.
We reckon she's about
three months along.
This is her first checkup.
Yesterday and today
I bled a little.
Lie down on the couch,
and strip from the waist down.
Don't worry.
- Put this on.
- Thankyou.
According to the ultrasound,
the fetus seems to be fine.
Do you live together?
- No.
- Yes.
Which is it?
She lives with our mother,
but she hasn't told her anything yet.
Is your blood pressure
usually high?
Yes, I have hypertension.
There's a risk of miscarriage.
You must move
as little as possible.
But I've got to do my job.
Your only job now is to rest
and not do anything stupid.
Tell your mother
to watch her blood pressure.
She has to follow a salt-free diet
and rest.
I'll tell her.
Listen, Doctor, I work
with people who are high-risk...
so I'd like to have
an AI DS test as well.
What's your job?
She's a social worker.
When can we pick up
the results?
In two weeks' time.
You have to tell your mother.
You need to be looked after.
I found a job yesterday,
and I'm going to be busy all day.
You've no right
to ask me to beyour mother.
You've already got one,
even if you don't like her.
We can't choose our parents.
They are who they are.
Oh, God!
Please, don't blackmail me!
Idon't know if I was right
to call the clinic.
What else could you do?
Ican't believe her
and go on living with Stanley.
Then don't believe her.
What matters is you and your baby.
What if she told me
the truth?
Blanche is in no shape
to tell the truth...
even if she wanted to,
poor thing.
Where is my heart?
She means her jewel box.
It's heart-shaped.
I think it's here somewhere.
Look, here it is.
- I need a necklace.
- We'll look for it.
What's the gentleman's name?
Did he call
while I was in the bathroom?
- No.
- How strange!
Why are you looking at me like that?
Do I look awful?
No, you look better than ever.
- I'll look better with this necklace.
- Shall I help you?
Soy ou're going on a trip.
You're so lucky.
I'm green with envy.
There he is.
That must be the gentleman
who's come for you.
- Second call. Fifteen minutes.
- Come in.
- Aren't they here yet?
- I don't kno where they are.
I was at the TV studio all day.
- Where's Nina?
- Wasn't she with you?
I just left her at home, in bed.
- In bed?
- What's wrong?
I think it's food poisoning.
She was so ill this morning.
Why didn't you tell me
when I called?
We didn't want to upset you.
- Has a doctor seen her?
- Yes.
She's got gastroenteritis,
but she'll be fine tomorrow.
So we cancel the show?
I'd like to speak to Huma,
Yes, wait outside.
Five minutes.
All right!
- Tell me the truth.
- She's bombed. She can't even speak.
She went out after you did.
She didn't know I'd drop by.
She thought I'd be with you.
What do we do now?
If it won't give you a heart attack,
I could do her part.
I know it by heart
from hearing it over the loudspeakers.
But can you act?
I can lie very well,
and I'm used to improvising.
I've seen that.
My son said
I was a very good actress.
I didn't even know
you had a son!
Third call. Five minutes.
Huma, what'll we do?
We can't wait any longer.
Happy birthday, Blanche.
This is your present.
Thank you, Stanley.
Why did you bother?
I hope you like it.
Why, it's--
A bus ticket.
A return ticket forTuesday.
Are you insinuating
I should leave?
What do you think?
- Why did you do that to her?
- I'm sick of her insults.
I'm tired of you two whispering
behind my back all the time!
Please, don't go!
- Let go. You've torn my shirt!
- Brute!
I was a brute when we met.
But I'd remind you
that it was never a problem foryou.
One day you showed me
a picture of your house...
a mansion with lots of columns.
I pulled you down off those columns
and taught you to be happy.
We laughed
and were happy together...
until your sister Blanche
What's wrong?
Take me to the hospital, please!
Congratulations on last night.
I heard you were great.
You can't imagine.
What a pity you weren't there.
I felt awful.
Agrado called to tell me about it.
She must have called
half of Barcelona!
Are you doing everything
the doctor told you?
- I just saw him.
- And?
- I went for my results.
- I forgot it was today.
I'm HIV positive.
We'll have the tests redone.
Why the hell
did you screw Lola?
Don't you know
she's been shooting up for 1 5 years?
What world do you think
you're living in?
I don't know.
Have you spoken
to your mother?
Your colleagues?
We'll go for your things now,
and you'll move in here.
Thank you.
- Hello.
- Hello, Alex.
You were terrific last night.
Thank you.
- Good evening.
- Here's Miss GoodyTwo-shoes.
- What's up?
- What's up?
You planned it all, you bitch!
Nina, don't be so rude.
Just like Eve Harrington.
You learned the part on purpose.
It's fucking impossible to learn it
over the loudspeakers.
You think I'm stupid?
The loudspeakers helped me
remember it.
I've known the part ofStella
for years.
- Really? What a coincidence!
- If you only knew.
What did I tell you?
Why were you here
that first night?
Or was that
a coincidence too?
No, it wasn't a coincidence.
I won't bother you anymore.
I'll get my things and go.
Manuela, I think you owe us
an explanation.
A Streetcar Named Desire
has marked my life.
Twenty years ago, I played Stella
with an amateur group.
That's where I met
my husband.
He was playing Kowalski.
Two months ago,
I saw your version in Madrid.
I went with my son.
It was the night
of his birthday.
It was pouring rain,
but we waited outside...
because he wanted
your autograph, Huma.
It was crazy
to wait in the rain...
but it was his birthday,
so I couldn't say no.
You two got in a taxi,
and he ran afteryou.
A car coming along the street
ran him down.
He was killed.
That's the explanation.
That's the explanation, Huma.
Move, Rosa.
I can't get past.
What are you doing here?
Hello. I came to pay you.
You left yesterday
without your money.
This is my sister Rosa.
- Hello.
- How are you?
Let me help you.
Let's get the elevator.
- Where's Nina?
- I left her with Mario. She says hi.
Leave the bags here.
You go and rest for a while,
- I'm not tired.
- Don't argue.
Sit down.
- Anything to drink?
- No, thank you.
She's like a little girl.
I couldn't sleep all night
thinking about your son.
I can remember his face
in the rain perfectly...
and the notebook
in his hand.
I can see him now.
I don't want to talk
about my son.
I can't.
Apart from apologizing,
Nina and and I want you to come back.
Rosa's sick.
She needs someone
to look after her all day.
I can't leave her.
I'm sorry.
I don't know what I should do.
Why don't you check Nina
into a clinic?
If we don't fulfill the contract,
the company will sue me.
Find a replacement...
and finish your run
with the company.
I can't do the play
without Nina.
She's hooked on junk,
but I'm hooked on her.
- Who was it?
- Agrado.
And you let her in?
You should have said
we were busy.
I'm thinking ofyou.
Come on, lie down here
and stop moving around.
What exactly
is wrong with you?
An accident.
What kind?
Why didn't I think ofit before?
Agrado could take my place.
Of course!
The one you didn't want
to let in?
That's something between us,
but she's perfect foryou.
How old is Agrado?
Pretty old.
Between thirty and fifty.
Is Agrado her real name?
No, it's a stage name.
Like Huma.
You know why
I took the name Huma?
Manuela told me.
What else did she tell you?
She told me everything.
About you and Nina...
the junk...
and that it'll end badly.
And what else did she say?
I'm very curious.
That as an actress,
you're wonderful...
but that as a person,
you're very mixed up.
And what else?
That I shouldn't say anything.
What have you got
in the bag?
- Cava and ice cream.
- What for?
To celebrate your success
last night, bitch.
Thank you. Come in.
Oh, what a surprise!
Three single girls
in an empty house...
always reminds me of
How To Marry A Millionaire.
- How are you, Sister Rosa?
- Huma, this is Agrado.
My pleasure. I'm ''fans.''
How are you?
Huma, you're a goddess,
a living legend.
Like I said, I'm ''fans,''
in the plural...
but my Manuela was too much
the other night.
How I bawled
at the evening show!
Shouldn'tyou be
in El Salvador?
Yes, but I'm not going now.
I'm staying here.
Agrado, I don't work
for Huma anymore.
Before you came, we were saying
that you could take my place.
Me play Stella?
I see myself more as Blanche.
Replacing me, not Nina,
and much less Huma.
Thank you, Manuela,
but I don't--
Try her for a few days.
She isn't as clueless as she seems.
I am, Huma, and worse.
Right now, I don't get this at all.
So I'll give you the bottle
to cheer us up a bit.
I brought ice cream.
Come on, let's have a drink
and relax a bit.
I'll get the glasses.
I'll just have some ice cream.
I can't drink alcohol.
Well, I'll have a drink.
Hey, what's up with Manuela?
She seems very odd.
Success hasn't gone
to her head already, has it?
She wants to dump you
on Huma.
I think Prada
is ideal for a nun.
My problem is everything suits me,
so I'm very eclectic.
I've had chilblains
since I came to Barcelona.
Oh, really?
It's finished.
Should I get more?
I'd love some, but no.
- Where's the bathroom?
- Straight ahead.
Excuse me.
Fill me in on what's happening here.
I'm no stranger.
- I'll tell you tomorrow.
- No, don't!
She can't keep her mouth shut.
I know very well
how to keep it shut.
I played along like an English lady
so she wouldn't catch on.
I'm a model of discretion,
even when I'm sucking someone's cock.
I've sucked a lot of cocks
in public places...
and no one's noticed,
except the person involved.
It's been ages
since I sucked a cock!
I love the word ''cock.''
And ''prick''!
I have to go.
- Are you all right?
- What?
- Are you all right?
- Better than ever.
Can you help her
find a taxi?
I nearly forgot.
This is for you.
Thank you.
- Well, good-bye, girls.
- So long.
You have to teach me
how to bark.
I think I was a bit rude to Huma.
I said all sorts of things.
It doesn't matter.
They're very different for sisters,
aren't they?
- Are they sisters?
- That's what Manuela said.
Well, if she says so.
- I think you're all bullshitters.
- You have to get to know us.
Can you drive?
- I used to be a truck driver.
- Really?
In Paris, before I got my tits.
Then I gave up the truck
and became a whore.
- How interesting.
- Very.
A check.
-1 50,000.
- How generous!
What is it?
Huma's autograph,
for Esteban.
Dear Esteban: This is
the autograph I never gave you...
and not because
you didn't try.
I have been foolish,
casting my pearls before swine.
- You mean me?
- You and your friend, Mr. Mitchell.
He came to see me
and repeated the slander you'd told him.
-So I threw him out.
- You threw Mitch out?
He returned with a box ofroses
to beg my forgiveness.
'' Forgive me,'' he said,
but some things are not forgivable.
Cruelty is not forgivable.
It is the one unforgivable thing.
- Are you learning the part too?
- Of course not.
- You should, just in case.
- You think so?
May I have some privacy?
So you can get your fix?
Can't wait till the end?
If you know, why ask?
If you don't want me to tell Huma,
do it in the bathroom.
I don't need to see these things.
All right.
Keep an eye on the door.
I know that when you're young
well, you're no child
you don't value these things.
But you're cute,
nicely proportioned
kind ofsmall, but cute.
You've lost weight
well, it's all the drugs--
but the important thing is
you've lost weight.
You've got talent--
limited talent,
but you've got it.
And, above all,
a woman who loves you.
And you trade it all for junk.
You think it's worth it?
Well, it isn't.
It isn't worth it.
I trade it for a bit of peace.
Come on, help me.
You're getting flat
as a board.
Compared to you.
What a dirty habit!
Haven't you ever thought
of cutting it off?
I'd get no work.
The clients like us pneumatic
and well-hung.
Guys are so odd.
Not rheumatic. Pneumatic.
A pair of tits as hard
as newly inflated tires...
and a big dick as well.
Show me your cock.
That fix didn't agree with you.
Maybe I'll like it too.
You've got enough problems
as it is.
Go, you're on now.
And don't throw up on anybody.
The audience loves it.
They think it's because I'm pregnant.
You're not pregnant in this scene.
You've had a doll.
That's right.
Will you show me
your cock later?
I'll show it toyou
and you can lick it.
Young people will try anything!
I'm going to call him Esteban.
Your son?
After yours.
This baby will belong
to both of us.
If only he did.
If only we were alone
in the world...
without any commitments.
You and your son,
just for me.
But you have a family.
I'm going to fix your hair
and make you up a bit.
- Why?
- I like to see you look nice.
And I called your mother.
She's coming
to see you today.
My mother?
You have a mother.
Don't you remember?
What will I tell her?
That you love her--
I don't know.
Come in, Huma.
No, it isn't Huma.
May I come in?
Of course, Mario.
Come in.
- You're very early today.
- Yes.
- What are you doing?
- Just a bit of ironing.
Is anything wrong?
I didn't sleep very well
last night.
I've been on edge all day.
Would you give me
a blowjob?
Can'tyou all get it into your heads
that I'm retired?
I don't want you to think that...
but since I've been
on edge all day...
I think a blowjob
would relax me.
You give me one.
I'm on edge too.
Well, it would be the first time
I've sucked a woman's cock...
but if that's what it takes--
The whole company
is obsessed with my cock!
It isn't the only one around.
Don't you have a cock?
Do people ask you to suck their cocks
because you've got one?
- Do they?
- No.
Well, then?
Look, I'll suck you off
to show you how open-minded...
and how sensitive
I am about these things.
Where's the fucking phone?
All right, don't worry.
I'll see to everything.
Shall we go to my room?
In case Huma comes--
Huma can't come.
She's in the hospital, along with Nina.
- What's happened?
- They nearly killed each other.
We'll have to cancel
the performance.
- Don't say anything.
- We have to say something.
Yes, but it doesn't have
to be the truth.
- I'll make something up.
- Right.
- Hello, how are you?
- Hello.
Come in.
- Where is she?
- There, in the bedroom.
And here I was so worried,
thinking you were in El Salvador.
I see you've learned to lie.
I didn't know
how to tell you.
What are you going to do now?
Leave the order?
Get married?
Mom, the things you ask!
One never knows with you.
At least, I don't.
Even this I had to learn about
through your friend.
What would I have done
without her?
How's Dad?
Same as ever.
I don't know.
If you don't mind,
I'd rather not tell him anything.
He wouldn't get it anyway.
- And Sapic?
- Fine.
Rosa, I don't know
what to do.
What do you expect me
to do?
Nothing, Mom.
You don't expect
anything from me?
It isn't that.
What I mean is
don't make it harder for me.
Would you like anything?
I'm making tea.
No, thank you.
What exactly is wrong?
I didn't understand over the phone.
According to the ultrasound,
she's got placenta previa.
When the time comes,
she'll need a caesarian.
In the meantime,
she must have complete rest.
Doy ou think
I should take her home?
I have to look after her father
as if he were a child.
You're her mother...
but I think
Rosa's better-off here.
That's the impression
she gave me.
If you need money,
just ask me.
- And, please, keep me informed.
- Yes. Don't worry.
Thank you very much.
- I'll see you out.
- No, really.
I don't know
what I did wrong with Rosa.
Ever since she was born,
she's been like an alien.
Doyou have children?
Yes, one.
Doy ou get along well
with him?
He died.
I'm sorry.
Due to reasons
beyond their control...
two of the actresses
who triumph daily on this stage...
cannot be here tonight--
the poor things.
So the show
has been cancelled.
Those who wish
can get their money back...
but for those who have
nothing better to do...
it's a shame to waste the rare occasion
that you make it to the theater.
If you stay...
I promise to entertain you
with my life story.
Good-bye. I'm very sorry.
If I bore you, you can pretend
to snore-- like this.
I'll get the idea, and you certainly
won't hurt my feelings.
They call me '' La Agrado''...
because I've always tried
to make people's lives agreeable.
As well as being agreeable,
I'm very authentic!
Look at this body!
All made to measure.
Almond-shaped eyes-- 80,000.
Nose-- 200,000.
A waste of money. Another beating
the following year left it like this.
It gives me character,
but if I'd known...
I wouldn't have touched it.
I'll continue.
Tits-- two,
because I'm no monster.
but I've more than earned that back.
Silicone in--
Lips, forehead, cheeks...
hips and ass.
A pint costs about 1 00,000...
so you work it out,
because I've lost count.
Jaw reduction-- 75,000.
Complete laser depilation...
because women, like men,
also come from apes.
It depends how hairy you are.
Usually, two to four sessions.
But if you're a flamenco diva,
you'll need more.
Well, as I was saying...
it costs a lot
to be authentic, ma'am.
And one can't be stingy
with these things...
becauseyou are more authentic...
the more you resemble
what you've dreamed of being.
I'll turn you around.
- Please, be careful.
- Don't worry.
We'll lift up a bit.
That's it.
- Are you all right?
- Yes.
If you can push it over here--
- I'll put this away.
- Thank you.
- Can you manage?
- Yes.
To the Hospital del Mar,
Can we go
through Medinaceli Square?
Aren't we meeting your mother
at the hospital?
- I just want to see the square.
- All right.
Stop here!
I played here as a child.
Come here, boy!
Hello, Sapic.
That dog would go
with anybody.
Doy ou have a dog?
No, but I really like them.
- How old are you?
- Twenty-six.
- And how tall are you?
- Not very. Five six.
Come on.
Go on.
Go back to Dad.
Come on.
Good-bye, Dad.
- You aren't in any pain?
- No.
That's great.
Painless childbirth.
When is she going
into surgery?
In an hour and a half.
I've got time to go check
on your father and come back.
You don't have
to come back, Mom.
I want to be here
with you.
Give Dad a kiss for me.
I'm keeping this one.
So long.
I hope the third Esteban
is the definitive one for you.
The third Esteban?
Lola was the first...
and your son, the second.
Soyou knew Lola
was the father of my son too.
Of course.
It didn't take a genius.
Lola doesn't know
we had a son.
I never told him.
Did your son know?
No, he didn't.
Let's not talk about sad things.
This is a great day.
They've put Videla injail,
and your son's going to be born.
- Promise me one thing.
- What?
- If anything happens--
- What could happen?
Promise you won't hide anything
from the child.
I don't have to. You can tell him
whatever you want yourself.
Promise me.
If it makes you happier.
All right.
I promise.
We are here today
to say good-bye to our sister Rosa.
Manuela, I'm so happy
to see you.
What a pity
it has to be here.
It couldn't be
anywhere else.
You aren't a human being, Lola.
You're an epidemic!
I was always excessive.
And I'm very tired.
Manuela, I'm dying.
I'm saying good-bye
to everything.
I robbed Agrado
to pay my ticket to Argentina.
I wanted to take a last look
at the town...
the river...
our street.
And I'm happy
I can say good-bye toyou too.
Now I just have to see
Sister Rosa's child.
My son.
I always dreamed of having a son.
You know that.
When I left Barcelona,
I was carrying your child.
You mean you too-
Did you have it?
A beautiful boy.
I want to see him.
Did you bring him with you?
He's in Madrid,
but you can't see him.
Even from a distance.
I promise he won't see me.
It's the last thing
I ask of you.
You can't see him.
Six months ago,
he was run over by a car.
He's dead.
I only came to Barcelona
to tell you.
I'm sorry.
The baby!
Where have you been?
Haven't you taken
Sapic out yet?
- You weren't here.
- I'm here now.
He's hungry.
- The bottle's heating.
- Will you get it, please?
Come here.
Vicenta, don't let my husband
come in here, please.
He's convinced
the baby's yours.
Yes, I know.
He's very jealous.
I told him
the baby was yours.
I don't dare
tell him the truth.
He wouldn't understand
If only he were mine.
What is it?
Who's that woman?
It's Manuela,
the new cook.
She's been with us
four days.
We've fixed up this room
so she can be here with her child.
I told you.
- How old are you?
- Thirty-eight.
- How tall areyou?
- Five seven.
All right.
Now you can go
for a walk.
Go on.
There you are.
- The bottle, ma'am.
- Thank you.
Thank you.
No, no.
We're going to eat now.
Don't tell anyone
about the antibodies.
Do the nuns know?
All right.
Hello, Lola.
Take him.
What did the doctor say?
He's fine.
You can see-- he's normal.
You're with Dad.
- Can I give him a kiss?
- Of course.
My son, I'm sorry to leave you
such an awful inheritance.
Don't say that.
There's no reason why
he should develop the disease.
This is our Esteban.
You called him Esteban too?
Thank you.
He wanted to be a writer.
This is his notebook.
He took it with him everywhere.
He wrote this
the morning of the day he died.
Read it.
''Last night
Mom showed me a picture.
Half of it was missing.
I didn't want to tell her,
but my life is missing that same half.''
Keep reading.
''This morning
I looked through her drawers...
and found
a bundle of pictures.
They were all missing
a half.
My father, I suppose.
I want to meet him.
I have to make Mom understand
that I don't care who he is...
or what he's like...
or how he behaved towards her.
She can't deny me
that right.''
Keep the picture.
Thank you.
I don't like just anyone
kissing the baby.
Who was that woman
in the bar with you?
That woman is his father.
What did you say?
That was his father,
and he's very ill.
That monster is the one
who killed my daughter?
Don't think about that,
There are people who think
children are made in a day.
But it takes a long time--
a very long time.
That's why it's so awful to see
your child's blood on the ground.
A stream that flows for a minute
and yet costs us years.
When I found my son...
he was lying
in the middle of the street.
I soaked my hands in his blood
and licked them.
Because it was mine.
Animals lick their young,
don't they?
I'm not disgusted
by my son.
You don't know
what it's like.
In a monstrance
of glass and topaz...
I would put
the earth soaked by his blood.
Keep kneading.
The sadness should go
into your hands.
Work. You have to work.
- You don't notice my cold?
- No, it's fine.
Come on.
You shouldn't be in here.
I've got a bouquet
for Agrado and Huma Rojo.
- Really?
- Yes. Sign here, please.
- You sure it's forAgrado?
- Yes, it says so.
Know why they call me
I've always tried
to make life agreeable for others.
''Dear Agrado and Huma:
Running away once again
with no good-byes...
though I know how much
you like them, Agrado.''
The situation with Rosa's parents
is unbearable.
The grandmother is afraid
a scratch will infect her.
I'm taking Esteban where he won'tbe
surrounded by hostility.
Agrado, you know
how much I love you.
Take good care
of yourself and of Huma.
I'm sorry to miss
the opening...
but I'm sure the homage to Lorca
will be a great success.
I'll write toyou...
but it's better
you don't know anymore.
Oh, and tear up the letter.
Your Manuela. ''
I'm coming back to Barcelona
after two years...
but this time
I'm not running away.
I'm going to an AIDS conference
organized by Can Ruti.
My Esteban has neutralized
the virus in record time...
and they want to study
his case.
I'm so happy.
May I?
Hey, she's mine too!
You look beautiful!
Your hair's gotten so long.
- And so has yours.
- No, this is a wig for the play.
Wait, your earring's loose.
I'll fix it.
Learn, you animal!
An animal, but who
takes care of you like I do?
It's great about your son!
So he's neutralized the virus
practically overnight.
Yes. Esteban's case
proves the virus can disappear.
They're still trying to find out why,
but it's a miracle.
I knew it.
How I prayed for that child.
Why not stay with us
while you're in Barcelona?
Of course.
We're staying
with his grandparents.
Rosa's mother
is looking forward to it.
She's changed so much.
- Third call, five minutes.
- I have to go.
You've got Esteban's picture.
Lola gave it to me
before she died.
I was keeping it
until you came back.
Keep it.
Thank you.
And Nina?
I have to go.
Nina got married.
She's back in her home town.
She's got a baby too.
It's fat and horrible.
Really, really ugly.
I'll see you later.
''To Bette Davis,
Gena Rowlands, Romy Schneider...
To all actresses
who have played actresses...
to all women who act...
to men who act
and become women...
to all the people
who want to be mothers.
To my mother.''