Todos tenemos un plan (Everyone Has a Plan) (2012) Movie Script

When the hive doesn't work,
they say you have to change the queen.
But what about us?
What are we supposed to change?
There she is. There she is.
There's the queen. Grab her.
- Should I kill her?
- Yeah, kill her.
Poor thing.
If the hive doesn't get stronger,
others will come take the honey again.
Will the new queen
breed more worker bees?
She should.
Let's hope she's a good one.
Give her to me.
Here, let me do it.
- What do you need?
- Rope.
Mooring line?
That one will do.
Give me five meters.
Your kids left for the day?
Business doing well, right?
I can't complain.
A new boat...
What else do you need?
Packing tape.
These are for the East Canal, right?
I'll take them.
Not going to the El Dorado today?
No, it's Monday. My day off. Why?
No reason.
I'll give you the rest later.
Rosa, I didn't clean the other crate.
Could you do it?
Lock up after.
And in the middle
of all that darkness, faith.
He who wants to save his life...
...will lose it...
...but he who is willing
to lose it for me...
...will be saved.
When? When will it happen?
That's for the Lord to decide.
We can't perceive that.
The only thing I perceive
is you shorted me 30 pesos.
Can't you wait for payday
like everyone else?
I already did my part of the job.
On payday I'll be somewhere else.
- What, are you going shopping?
- Something like that.
Taking Baby for a walk?
Don't call her that.
Now that you're her boss...
Did she talk about me?
What did she say?
What did she say?
Nothing, she didn't say a word.
As if she were a saint...
That moron probably got lost.
Bet you a grand
he's here in 10 minutes.
Why'd you let your godson
bring the guy by himself?
I can't be seen dragging the old man
from the El Dorado.
I know the kid's just starting, but...
...if he wants to learn
he's gotta work.
Of course, you're the boss...
I'm his godfather, that's all.
- There he is.
- Told you so.
Rubn, you stupid motherfucker!
You owe me a grand.
How can you be such an idiot?
What happened?
What happened is I'm gonna beat
the shit out of you!
You can't even put
a blindfold on right!
You're pathetic! You don't even
deserve a beating. Asshole!
Should I pull him out?
Adrian, nobody saw me, I swear.
Strong heartbeat!
You can sit up now.
You're a good girl.
If the temperature goes back up,
call me.
I didn't think you'd make it.
- Sorry I'm late.
- Here, use this.
- Have you seen him?
- No, not yet.
- What are you doing after?
- I have to go back to the clinic.
There he is.
- Hello.
- Hi.
Here, hold this for me.
There you go.
Hi there!
- Is all the paperwork done?
- Yes.
No, we're missing the lab results.
- That's what we're missing.
- Yeah.
I'm going to Mendoza this week...
...for a book signing.
- I'll bring them when I get back.
- Okay.
I know we still have to wait,
but we're almost there.
We're almost there!
I have to take him back now.
Listen, don't tell anyone
I let you see him, they'll kill me.
Sure, don't worry.
Okay, let's go.
Careful with his head. There.
- I'll call you.
- Thanks a lot.
- Thank you.
- Bye, bye.
What are you doing up?
- I couldn't sleep.
- No?
The party was nice.
Too bad you didn't come.
Did you see
how tiny his fingers were?
I'll be right there.
So then they blindfolded us... it was a game...
...and asked us to rank the wines...
...from the most expensive
to the cheapest.
Then they took off the blindfolds
and told us the prices. It was silly.
We got back to the hotel
at 3 in the morning...
...and I couldn't sleep on the plane,
don't know why.
I'm exhausted.
I was thinking...
...when the baby comes
we'll need to hire someone to help.
Don't forget to leave me
the lab results.
I'm going to the hospital
early tomorrow.
No, no...
...I didn't pick them up.
Why, you didn't have time?
Why didn't you go?
Because I don't want us
to adopt the baby.
I thought about it and I don't want
to adopt that baby.
Or any baby, for that matter.
I have nothing to offer him.
I'm not cut out to be a father.
Besides, I quit my teaching job so...
What does that have
to do with anything?
Is there something wrong with you?
Something you haven't told me about?
Look, if you don't want to adopt
the baby, I'll do it alone.
You know?
Yes, I think that would be
for the best.
How can you do this to me?
How can you?
You know what that baby
means to me!
If you didn't want to adopt him,
why'd you make me take all those tests?
Speak! Say something!
I didn't make you do anything, Claudia.
No, no, where are you going?
Where are you going?
You're a selfish son of a bitch!
You sick fuck!
You're gonna lock yourself
in there again?
Open up!
Open up, don't be a coward!
Your office called.
I told them you still had the flu.
They want to know
what to do with your shift.
Come out. We have to talk.
Please, this is absurd.
Are you going to stay in there
the rest of your life?
Hi, I'm looking for Austin Souto.
This is his brother Pedro.
They gave me this number
at the clinic.
Anyway, I don't know...
I'll call again later.
I'm going to Rosario.
When I get back,
I'll stay at my sister's.
I've been thinking, and I'm going
to put the apartment up for sale.
Austin, you know you're not well.
You need to get help.
Another Kidnapping in Tigre
What's up, asshole?
What's with the beard?
Guess I'll have to shave mine, then.
What the hell happened?
Maid didn't show up?
Nice place. Yours?
My wife's.
Been together long?
Eight years.
She's away.
I brought you a present.
It's from my hive.
I make it. You'll like it.
- You're living on the island?
- Yeah, for a while now.
I had no idea.
I stayed with Adrian for a while...
...until I bought back
Grandpa's house.
- Still hanging out with Adrian?
- Yeah.
You should see him.
He's changed a lot.
He went religious on us.
What are you looking for?
- What are you looking for?
- Wanna make spaghetti?
Leave it, I'll do it.
So that son of a bitch
is still on the island.
Adrian? Where else would he go?
And he keeps gambling
and losing like an asshole.
He owes me a grand.
When Mom got sick
I looked for you everywhere.
- I left you several messages at...
- Yeah, I got them.
So why didn't you come?
I guess I couldn't make it.
I don't get it.
You came to Dad's funeral.
What about Mom?
We had her here, bedridden,
for a year and a half.
She couldn't recognize anyone
at the end. She'd get violent.
And you know what?
All she did was ask about you.
What does your wife do?
Why are you here?
I have cancer.
I've had it for a while.
Have you seen a doctor?
I'm having a rough time, you know?
I need your help.
Or you could get me a prescription.
I don't know.
I can't do it alone.
Been a long time
since I asked you for anything.
Maybe it would be better
to do it on the island.
Nobody asks questions there,
they're very discreet.
Aside from the moral compensation,
there's money. 70,000 pesos.
They'll leave it in the beehive...
...behind my house.
You'll find a package
stuck under one of the hive lids.
That's if they pay me, of course.
What do you say?
I didn't know beekeeping
was so profitable.
This book is mine, isn't it?
- No?
- No.
It's a shitty novel anyway.
Guess whose boat I bought.
Old man Rapaport's?
The very same.
No kidding!
That was a nice boat.
Remember when we stole it
to go to Carmelo?
- When we got back, he wanted to kill us.
- Yeah.
He was a legend.
Amazing he's still alive.
No, he died a year and a half ago.
Cancer too.
I put a Mercury on it.
A 25-horse. Basic.
Pass me a towel, would you?
What are you doing, asshole?
I'll call for help.
No. No!
Look, Dad.
Excuse me.
The Refuge
How's it going?
Tea and...
- And yerba mate?
- Yerba? Sure.
This one, right?
And a box of matches, please.
If you hear anything let us know.
That'll do it. What do I owe you?
What's up, Pedro?
How are you?
Fine, I guess.
- Can you change this?
- Yes.
Tell me, have you by any chance seen...
...your friend Adrian Ortiz?
The thing is... can't trust anybody anymore.
Everyone knows each other
around here.
If you hang out with that guy
you must be a piece of shit too.
So you haven't heard
from that bastard?
If you do hear from him,
we'd like to know.
And if you don't want to cooperate,
out of respect...
...until my father's case is solved...
...don't show your face around here.
You got it?
Okay, fine.
Don't bring your honey anymore.
We don't want it.
- You're letting him go?
- What do you want me to do?
You've got nothing to say?
You're full of shit!
- Stop it!
- Why'd you kill my father?
Let me go!
Leave him alone!
What are you doing?
Are you crazy?
Get out! Get out of here!
Get out, you hear me?
Get back. Wait a minute!
Tell your friend we know it was him...
...and even if we can't prove it
we'll be waiting for him.
Get out, you piece of shit.
That's enough!
Anybody home?
I came to see how you're doing.
I brought your things.
Did you put ice on it?
No, it's fine.
Why did you go to the El Dorado?
I don't know.
- Did they sting you?
- A little.
Don't. I can do it.
We need to buy more beeswax.
We're running low.
I can go get it if you want.
Sure you'll be okay?
Yeah, yeah, go ahead.
Is that the window facing the street?
Here, this tree will do.
Stop. What are you doing?
You sit here, we'll take this rope
and tie you up.
- Let's go, Pedro. Leave him here.
- We'll be back later, Austin.
- You're gonna leave me here?
- Don't be a baby.
Come back, Adrian!
- Don't leave me here alone!
- Bye, Austin.
See you, chicken.
Did you find what I left for you?
That's all they gave us.
My godfather didn't want
to ask for more...
...and he went into hiding.
I don't know when he'll be back.
Wanna do it?
Look how dark it is.
Must be the knotweed
that's still blooming.
Ever since you went by the store
the Mendizabal brothers are acting strange.
The police came by the other day.
They called them.
They wanted to know where you were
the day the ransom was paid.
I told them you went fishing
since it wasn't windy that day...
...but then I remembered
you had told me... were going to visit your brother.
Did you?
Did you go see him?
No. I didn't go.
But what did you say?
To the police.
Nothing, only that.
- What?
- That you went fishing.
How weird.
Nothing, really...
You're acting weird...
...and I thought it was because
you'd gone to see your brother.
What an asshole.
Why are you so late?
I don't know.
Let's go, this way.
Hi, Dad.
Sit down.
Give Daddy a kiss good night.
May I?
Get inside, it's cold.
I don't think Adrians coming back.
We need to talk about that.
Did you hear anything?
Baby didn't tell you anything?
Looks like we're on our own
this time, huh?
You still have his gun, right?
Look, I respect my godfather...
...but I need the money.
What do you say?
What did she say?
She said they're looking for you.
And that you're a liar.
Leave that, come here.
Come here, sit down.
It's nice and warm over here.
It doesn't look like it's gonna rain.
What happened to your hand?
I cut myself pulling out nails.
Let me see.
Show me.
May I?
Does it hurt when I touch it?
Does it hurt?
When you get home,
wash it well with white soap, okay?
Then put a clean bandage on it
so it won't get dirty.
If it gets any redder or feels hot,
let me know.
This seems wrong to me.
You're right.
I'm sorry, I shouldn't have.
You're a baby and I'm... old man.
"Baby" my ass.
Why do you call me that
when you know I hate it?
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to offend you.
Can you pay me what you owe me?
That's all I have.
Good morning, Souto. How are you?
We're looking for your friend,
Adrian Ortiz.
Do you know where we might find him?
I think he's on a trip.
When is he coming back?
I don't know.
You can't come into my
house like this.
Don't get excited.
Search warrant and arrest warrant.
Everything is in order.
I assume you know your rights.
Can you tell me
what you're looking for?
What should we be looking for?
Haven't seen you in a while.
Give me your other hand.
He's all set. Pass me the keys.
Here, take him.
Wipe your hands.
Sit down.
I got it, leave me the keys.
This is from Ortiz.
He says to hang in there.
If you don't talk,
they'll let you out sooner.
- I don't know which river.
- Tough guy, huh?
Think about it, Souto.
Tell me who you were with
the night the ransom was paid.
Give us a name
and we'll leave you alone.
I already told you. I was alone.
Ask him again.
Ask him again!
Wait here.
Souto. You have a visitor.
You've got half an hour.
I'm Austins wife.
I came because...
...your brother passed away.
A month ago.
Yeah, I know.
I saw the obituary in the paper.
Did you know he was sick?
He did mention something.
Did you hold a wake for him?
Yes, of course.
And we- We cremated him.
We'd never discussed it,
but I thought it was best.
I still can't believe he's gone.
I feel so guilty...
Guilty of what?
I left him when he was suffering.
I can't forgive myself for that.
- Here.
- Thanks.
None of this is your fault, Claudia.
I found this at home.
Is it yours?
Maybe you went to visit
your brother and don't remember.
I'd rather keep it.
I don't...
Don't say anything, Austin.
What are you going to explain?
This is all so... horrible.
I'm not Austin. I'm Pedro.
Shut up!
Shut up, for God's sake.
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
What are you going to do?
- Sir!
- What are you going to do?
What do you care?
What do you care?
Why should I tell you
what I'm going to do?
They're giving me the baby soon.
- Is there a problem?
- Open the door.
- Open the door, please!
- Something wrong, ma'am?
What's the problem?
Let's go.
- You all set?
- Yeah.
Come on, let's go.
This one's for my father.
Burn in hell, Ortiz!
What are you drinking?
- Beer.
- Two.
Hi, Rosa. Everything okay?
To you getting out.
Happy birthday.
How old are you now?
I look older, don't I?
When do you start work
at the supermarket?
I started Monday as a stock girl.
You don't work
at the El Dorado anymore?
- They fired me.
- What?
They fired me!
They say it brings good luck.
- Can you help me?
- Sure.
Do you think it's possible to live
without hurting others?
I know it's hard,
but I think we should try.
There's evil in all of us,
that's just how it is.
But if we hurt others,
make them suffer...
...the evil grows, it gets stronger.
On the other hand,
if we're good to others...
...the evil inside us shrinks...
...and the evil in others too.
That's my plan.
To be good to others,
no matter who they are.
That's good.
So, what's your plan?
I don't have a plan.
Pedro, Austin and their friend
Adrian - Summer 1973
Leaving already?
You talked in your sleep.
What did I say?
It sounded like you were crying.
I don't want you to leave.
Why don't you stay here with me?
What if he comes back?
The boogeyman.
- How's it going?
- What's up?
You look good.
Rubn told me you're reformed.
They're looking for you.
Did he tell you that?
Yeah, he did.
Aren't you gonna offer me a drink?
I'll be right back.
Well, look who's here.
I sure missed you!
Who wouldn't miss Baby?
Have you been a good girl?
Rosa, take those things
to the beehive, please.
Let me go.
Leave her alone!
Go on.
You have something that belongs to me.
Or did you throw it in the river
like a chickenshit?
Come on.
I have some unfinished business
with the fairies from the El Dorado.
Coming with me?
What about the grand you owe me?
"Not one stone shall be left standing.
And when you see
the desolate abomination...
...those who can
may flee to the mountains.
And what I say unto you
I say unto all:
Look, watch and pray."
Word of the Lord.
The family leaves
with the boat at 1630.
They drop off the girl
at tennis class and go to play golf.
The security guards pass at 1650.
More or less.
That's when...
...goes in with the jars of honey.
Wait for the maid to shut off
the security cameras...
...go in the kitchen
and close the curtains.
That's the sign Rubn
will be waiting for...
...hiding in the boat.
Then he'll signal me
on the other side of the pier.
I'll go inside and cut the power.
The maid won't notice anything
because the lights will be off.
Any questions?
How can I signal you...
...if I'm crouching
so the guards won't see me?
That's right.
It's too complicated.
You stand up and then crouch again!
That's how!
I think we should grab
the daughter.
She goes home alone
from her tennis class.
There's less risk and more money.
I don't know.
I'm just saying.
This kid is an airhead...
...but I can't abandon him
because he's my godson.
Remember... much fun we had here?
I always remember those years.
I missed you two a lot
when you left.
We weren't bad kids,
just a little wild.
But Austin was very spoiled...
...with that holier-than-thou attitude.
He made you want to spit on him,
beat him up...
He always was a chickenshit.
You're drunk.
- You're getting sentimental.
- No, not us!
We weren't squeamish.
Nothing scared us.
Not pain, getting beat up.
Maybe it was jealousy.
Because deep down
he was always a loser.
What are you after?
And you?
What are you after?
Why don't we get out of here?
And go where?
I don't know...
What do we do once inside?
Stay close to me
and don't do anything stupid.
Tell me, Pedro.
How much money
did you say there might be?
The girl's tasty.
She must be around
the same age as Baby.
Baby gets me hotter, though.
You don't like me
calling her that either?
I don't care what you call her,
just stop bothering her.
Leave her alone.
Why are you defending her?
You have no idea.
Tell me, what do you know
about Baby?
What's that rat been telling you
about me?
I put on the boots Adrian gave me
and started dancing.
Adrian, you're a drone.
Drones don't have stingers
or odor.
That's why they can enter any hive,
bringing diseases.
Do I always end up alone?
Do you love me?
Will you always love me?
Even if I get old and wrinkled?
Were you with him for the money?
Or did you like it?
A little bit of both.
What do you mean no?
No means no.
Count me out.
I'm not going to do it.
Why? Is it Adrian?
It's a long story, Rubn.
I just don't think it's a good idea.
But it was your idea to begin with.
It seemed good at the time,
but not anymore.
- Finish up here, I'll be right back.
- Okay.
How much is the spaghetti, miss?
What brand would you recommend?
What do you want, Adrian? I'm working.
It's just a joke.
Wanna go for a drink tonight?
No, I don't think I can.
Put on something nice.
I'll meet you at the pier
and we'll go for a ride.
SOUTO, Austin
Pediatrician, died 5-5-2011
What's going on?
Get out!
I won't hurt you.
It's okay, it's okay.
Son of a bitch.
It took you long enough.
We thought you were dead.
Well, actually, you are dead, right?
Come in.
Come in!
You missed the party.
You didn't have to involve her in all this.
It was her idea.
Tell him.
They're asking for the ransom all at once.
When it's paid, I'll pick it up.
If everything goes well, he'll let me go.
And you'll stay with me.
Did you bring her?
Yeah, she's in my boat.
Make yourself comfortable.
Sit down.
Fix him a drink.
Do it!
The little whore told me
she didn't love me.
You were right.
Did she tell you she loves you?
You already have me.
Why not let her go?
You'll never be like Pedro.
Even though you both grew up here.
You were never from here
and you never will be.
You know why?
Because you were always a chickenshit.
And that doesn't...
Doesn't change with time.
Baby will always be trash... godson an idiot.
I'll always be a pain in the ass,
There's no room for big changes.
Pedro always said
that we should learn from the bees...
...because they each have their role
in the hive...
...from birth to death.
He always did whatever he wanted.
He was a special guy.
I'll miss him.
Me too.
He always came to me.
He respected me.
Pedro could see...
...and he saw something important in me
that no one else did.
Nobody's that important, Adrian.
Neither are you.
Say goodbye quickly.
Come on.
Come on, come on!
Let's go, let's go!
Move it.
What are you doing?
Keep an eye on him.
It was his idea to bring Rosa.
- I told him not to, but you know him.
- Rubn!
Put down the firewood
and watch him!
Stop! Stop!
I'm here.
Do you love me?
I love you very much.
You know?
I love you too.
Will you always love me?